PopeJohn appealsfor peace, unity in two Eastermessages

\IA1|'ICAN CI'l'Y*Popc Jolttt XXIII extcntletl ltis Eastet' "all $essings hcle to tttett u'ithortt excelltion." regat'tlless of rclilious bellcf, atttl thert made a fen'cttt appcal to thc rvorld for pcace. Breakirtg tt,ith cttstoru, the portti{f dclivct'cd tn'o llastcr n.tessa{es. Orre rva.s broadcast over t}re Vatican lludio on the eve"of lhtr lrolS'tlnv, rvltilc the other talk praccdetl tlte trarlitional blcssittg from the nraiu lltrlcony of St. Peter's Basilica.

One of lhe largcst and ntost cosnropolitan ctolds evcr ltt gather in St. Peter's Square heat'd the Pope plentl for petce. Thort' sands in the sqtrarc droPped to their knees to t'ccoive his blcss' ing.

WFARING the trircgnunt, or triple crorvri of tlra pnpncy, Irope .Iolrn tltlivcre

THIS WAS THE tilsl tinrc that a papaI F]astol nrc.ssagc hatl bt'cn (l(lll\,er0(l Asks that 0n eve l"y teachers the 0f thc f0flst --tlte tnosI inrpor'lunt dnte of thc (lltlistiarr calcntlnr'. In plr'r'iorrs AH. SpRING-Father A. J. Kcrys, S.J., priesi.phologrrphcr al Werl Baden Collcgc, hrr caplurcd lho .r'cals i[ has bct'n t:orrlaincrl in I f:tling of rpring in this pholo of lwo youngsteri gelting raady for romr balfing preclicc. The piclurr tnlk u'lrich is part of {he 1r'ntli. wrr laken on lhc playground of lhe Werl Brden grrmmrr rchool. "tlllli tional hlcssinl{ el Olbi" (to be treated as lltc city of llontc anrl lhe partners l'or'ld) rvhiclr thc lcigning ponliff irrrpirlts lronr the orrtel balcorry By JOHN J. DALY, JR. il rvas necessary to stalf erpanrl. tgtott lo host Polish ltccls of St. I)etcr"s. ing schools tluring tltat. periorl. Bloorrtil 'l'he "t)leurentaly 80-l'rlar'-oltl pontiff r:ntplta' 1)tl'l'n0l'l' A layruan sclrool enrollnrcnt siz.ed his hopes fot'(lltt'istl;tn ttttity llromirrcnl in tlatlrolic adu- Itas gton'n by 90 pcl r:ent. anrl "all in stating {hat nren beat' catioll pai(l l.r'ibutc ho'c to sec{rn(llt'y by 8lt pr:l'cent," he cvoker'r,rat,h tupon thenr thc seal of tlttt imirge the acccplance of lal' tciich- s a i<1. and liktncss ol Crrd lhttit' Cteatot' Bttt he rvrlrrt,ri as:rin.l llre cls in (latholic schools, bul. "false ' a,nttLt,u !,\eCW itnllrt'ssir)n lllat ln o\ {,t antl all nte rerloetttttd lly Cht'ist," } sili(l ntol'e tttust be rlotre to !)url,ev situatlon llte, (llrlltulir: Ia\, lea(,hcr' tt'raktl thcrn e(luill tll.(X)IIl\ti'l\|\. lrrtl. -' llot'e of Carclinal l')aftnefs. Itas an idcal slalrrs rn {'alhrrlrc llliill llX) \!{trtloll itt'(' ('\l)oelo(l lo schools. lVrlllarl l[. (lonlc]' r:allerl for ;t attcnd tht' ?{llt ilrtrttr:rl ('trllvt\lltlotl "po,sitivc 1n llt:rt lalk, lhe Popt appeakrl e{[olt" b.v lroth Itch- HE 5AlD SOME lurrrrlir's :trll of llttr .\t't-lttliot'c.san (\rtrrrcil of to brrlh sirles in tlre [,]ast-\1'est grorrs atrtl Iav leacltet's to ltt'ing look trpott tlrr' lar, tttirr'hcl' ar ;r ('atholrc \\'otncit ht't't- on Sttntlitv "lluth, "pa.ving stluggl{r to sr-.r'r'e .iustirc, alxrul nrutrral untlt'r'strntlinn o{ boatdrr'",-ncclssar'! lrl and )lonria1 . .'\Pl'll l$ an(l :i(1. sirrccle lor c artrl e gcncl'oits l.lt\'- lheil intclcsts. lhe rrcltat'c ol lhe lrorrxr.lrolrl.lrul ,\lso tn altcttrlitnt'c ttll ltt' lrastot"s tng of ottescll to his bleithels" as ner,ot'acccplctl ns a lrrll tt'tcrnlrlt anrj C('\\' nrorlclalols ftrrirr tltc "ln ('ottlev llte oputtittl.; lhis solcmn nromenl ol thc only roatl to pear,e. sltoke al of lhc fanrrlr'. erght deunclit's o{ lltc r\t'tlttlio- session of thc 5$lh anttual conlen- deep cmolion, which ir fclt in "Only c ('se. lhr pcrcr of Chrisl crn tion of llte Nllionrtl (la-tltolic \'et. hc sattl. llrc lat' tr,lr,llr'r' r:, .vcry .ornar of lhr world, wt "'lirrlal' greet. rrfrgurrd and rrvc lhc world," Ii

THE CONVENTION scssions lrll be heltl in tltt \\'tttcnbct'ger Marian Award ;\uditoriunr of llrt-' .\[e nrolial tln- ion llttilrling. lntltltttn t ntlct'sity. 'l'he ()thcl' "coililltandnrents" opening session al l0::10 a.nr. irtcltrtlctl :ttltit.c l,r lr)alir' (.rltl{.(.tll l{rt' "pel'stinal s ill bc delotorl to \\'t'lfat'c. trlsgt', good got crttnlenl. a tnatter"; lo lirlrrt r)ttanrzitltr)Il) li, "irr:l ,\. ll. I,'usst'nt'ggel ot Inrlianap- Iut'thcr civitl bcltelrnent projects; anrl to arortl lrt,rrrg atrutlrcr' ]rirs. SPilitua[ [)tlectol of the Irt l!).lti. he strtl. lhc|c Nct'c pfessufe group." ,\(l('W and ..\relrrlrrrcesan I)ilcctoI 7.4:13 la]' lt aclrcts itr gt'atlc rnd git of Cathohc tlhalitirs. rtill e Iriglr sr'ltools. ln ll)(i{}. that llttlll- thc inr'ocation. I'r'csiding chait'- beI lrarl |isen lo:if).873. iin ltI- nran on 1\'clIat't. lliss eht'istinc crease {}l nrolr: thatt l'ile tintcs. rrt \'. Iitall. u ill tttllotlucr,' llsgt'. R. iril7 pcl ccnt. I)tn int' tlre sattte (iallaghcl ('lt'r'clantl. ,l . o1 Scct't- peliod. tirc nuurl'cl ol priests attd lar.v of lhc Niltloilal Confc|cncc lleliAious \\'cut lll) onlv li? pet' uf ('allrolic (llralitics. rvlro rvill at l::i0 p.rll. irr r\lututti llall. Nuv "\ c{\lrt. rli.scuss olur)tcef \\'clfarc :\c- A('(l\V ollitcls and rlclegrtcs'at. " t iv it ies. lalgc u'il[ be intloduccd at the ;lililiiiiiiilllllillilllilllillillilllllliilllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllliililiiiiilllilliitiliiiiiiltiiiiii Irrnchcorr- T'IIE GREAT' C0 [trT'RADICl'10lV Religionand the CommunistUtopia

.,\t this session. thc Sistcls of ililililililililillilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllla lielrng pnlcttls. ll ts pt'et'tscl.r' Illovirlcnce of St. lllr'1'-of-tlre^ By VLADIMIR HAWRYLUK of ilttl stltools to rttitlit: \\'ootls rvill p:'csorlt a slrolt W'l'llt- y't tt nrccting ol tIc (-'orrurrrorist 1'orrlh Orgurri:-ution, Iiotirsotttol, held t'e<:etrtlg irr lloscotu, a E thc.iol) "'t'lrc irl 1'\' lilntc([ stof] of tlrc No\ itiate Oollcgc [o lronor' Ittrrf Iotrl.lr lcntlcr, Sulgi /,. I'rr2loi', ln.trt rtrtt:til. tlrut. .[recdortt ol couscience u:ritten into ttttr 7 rt1; l'ot' tltcsc insttllicicttt'tcs at St. tlaf]"s anrl il Sistcr-pauel L'orrslitrrtiorr. rloes rrol- ap1>lg tp t:lti,ldrett." tlt. the.sontt' lirac, tt Nt'tt; \'ot'l,: ?'itrrc.s repor'l uoted a / fantill' erlttcittiott' tliscussirtg thc lcligious lilc ol a "rrcrrr icle by a notetl I'rcrrcft 'l'he rr;r.srurirrg" o.[ Cottgtt urri.sl cirf i-r'cligiorrs prrrprttg unda itr, Iirrssio. ?'lis nrf i 'l'ltc Sistel Plovidrncc. satttc ptolllcrtt llil(J l)('('tl o{ Sistcr' }lar.v r\r:r:hbish op Sch rrlIe Cardinal's Apr.il slateuents o{ thcse jo4r'rrolisl. rr. .slrcci4list. orr. r'eligiol.s of.frrir'.s irr Uristcrrr. ICtrropc. higllLligltts rlte si{lnilicatcc Z lr] Glegory,

'.r'i!l SOVTET tt't itct's also ltt: CONVERTS ()n Drcsscd into st'rvict'. th() 'l'hiltl (;('n(lr:ll occasi,rtt 11J {lr1' Asserttbll' ol tltt' \\trilt't's' Assi)('lil- tion of tlrt' [.:lit'ainr: hcltl itt Ktct cat'lt' tlris loal'. Assrrcialirrtt Plciitlcrrt ]t. o. llontcltal tlc' "'l'ltc of to' clat'ctl : tt'lt'] ca t"olti; 'l'lre ex- l's altttl'of Pt'oPagantla rlay rlill bc ba lcll' tltlrti' .vcit perts chalgetl tvith spleatling tlte (Cotttinuct[ ort pirgt: 0) ileeisions of the Trventy-Sccond PAGE TWO t":*_illltl-1-*. APR|L 27,1e62

rron lrus {itl

WHEN THESE two pr.uclical principles nre scl. forth, llrc rvor.k nnrl the cornpctclev of lhe rnolal tlreologiirir r:onie to an cntl. lt is lhen rrp to lhe irrtlivirlual physi- t'i:rtt to invcstigate the lrrrrprtse tor s'hich lrc is plrscribing the [i oRDDEAT ERS rlt'ugs, lf he is tloirrg so rncr.cly 'l'ltt' I 0f r'ottltirct'ltlttc lttll l\ ttt{tl- lo suppress ovrrlation irr orrler lrr IndianapolisGRAINDTATTRS rulll' objectiottitltlc Irrcciscl] lrt'- lrrevcnt coneclttion, his aclion is I I C. T. FoxworthyCo., Int, r.ilus(. in strPltt't'ssitttl tltr' ftttlc rntnrotal, lf lre is rloing so lo I I Ed Mrrtin irtuTuAtAcff{(Y,lilc. liott of 0r'ttlitlirtn- ll rt('('illtrrlls lcruetly pnllrologieal sonre eonrli. I I Jerrf AldermenFord slelrlinrlrrrtt, \\'ltt'ttt'tol l lrrtr' lion prcserrl in lhe lrorly wlriclr clrr I I Hrrry A, Shrrp Co. Fire,Aufr, .\(rl)'s tt'Itrrrltrt'lrr t' ftrtrt'lloil rs be t'elievcrl b1' tlte nrlrninistr.alirur nartielaMotorr, Inc, &t,ra& sttpptcs:t'rl t'itltt't ttt \tltrrk' ot ttl of these | | rh'u;{s, lris acl ion is R"V MeXry Ford,lnc. lTaO N. ilcrldlon |trrrr pall, he is said lo lle slclrltrt'tl. nrolal, I I 'l'lrr' ."l"l.t""rr werr sido Fo;d, urot'itl lltcrrlrtuirtn finrls tlre llt,rlteitl nr0rr rvho ltavr, rr'riIlcn WAlnuf l.talt I I nst' of t'ortlLut'clllitc ltills ntolrrlll or spokcrr on tlrt,effccls of or.al ob.ioctirrttabk' lrtr'rtttsr' lltr'l \lrl) cottlt'acclttir t,s at'c [:rt flrrtlr urr l|('fllr:rll('lllltl('iilniiltlill,,l lltt'Srttr .ltf rtrll rtol ltittt' ;rtn luolP t.ltil- ('\s lllr' l'r\lr'{r(lilelr\ r' lilll('l r.rlr iltrintr)rrs rrr llrerr llt of (irrtl." ll.r'rlrrrrrt. r'r':lrt tlrlli' ritr,tr. lrt, rs rlilt't'llr' slr:rilizing applaisals of tlrc linon'tt nr olttl:ttton uttil lltus t'r'tt situatiorr. Sornt'fr'r'l tlr;rt.llrcr.r is l(rtc. iill{l illitrnilr(lr :rs slrc rs llrr' lrt't: lr0rt.r,r0r, tf lr0 fr.tuovr.s ltCt rlt't'. at Itlrl letttPotut'i11. s{ct'ilt' SINCE MAN ('ann()l c()nlr, ro i'r Ito licit rrro irt all lor'llrcso chr.trr r'()illitllrillirlrl ill { lrr rrl llrr, lrrll rrItrtir,s lrr rclrctc citttet't of tltt tltr' rtrrttr;rrt \\.lx) litlics iltr'ltt. lrtlrelical ;rrtrl I'calis{ic I(r}o\rl('(lg(l (iorl's icnl olhcfs fc0l tltat 'l'ltt,t tlcri lf r'r'r't'l;r|torr tlrr. bt.clsl. ltc rs rtrrlireetll stcliliz. ltrr'pnratrons: +. is ,lr t r,ul ltrttlrk'rrr lrer,, ol hitrrst,lt artrl tltc lttlr,s rvlriclr ('ltttt't'lt 'l'ltt' tltel* can llrr tr.scrl nillt sotrrrt strt.- Continental lttts llte lrottIl tD tt'itt'll tttl lrt,r'. lirlrrter'p|or.t'rhrtc is Monlerey :ttrrl it is r)tlc N ltir'lr rttt rtlr t's rqrrrcrn lris ai'lions. ltt' lrirs nccrl ('on'c('tilli.l (lis. oflrci;rlll t'rrtilt crrss rn nrcnstru{tl -l'ltis trint urrrl irrlullihll lhc rrrrrrroltrl, l'lrr. l:rttcr ll1)('(!{lt!r'e slt'ttlttaltr}lt l{ ()llC \\ t\li('s tr} of ltt'lP ltcllt t'otttcs 1o olrlt Ls: lrrrl slill trtlrlrs ('()ltl('nl (lf lltf tltill':ll l;rrv rr'lrtt'lr ls nlot:rl focl tltirt tlctt'r'rnirtt' {lrt' urofillilJ of llrt floru !lrr' \ulhr|f ()f Nntrrrc llinr. tlre5 rtriglrt lre rrf is l(| fl(l\'aflt lil;ilI's ;t('llflns -rHt5 srrrnc holD in e()tttm('(-l)tiYc l)ill, onr nluil ln rclf. attrl rt tilkr's tltr'foltn of DtFFtC lltc prnrlrrr.tion of gle:rter feltilitv. (-)omplete: 'l'lrt'l Sprrict lcslig:tlt' lltr' ('ltut'clt's lt'itr'lrittri rr llirl r\'t' i'ull t'r't r,llrliott. r' lrr view of thr':,c rleep lheo. Sorne phl sicians hlrvr rrr'{t'rl ()l) lho til()fitltti ol stcItltz;ttirrrt lr:rr r' lrr'r'lt rrt;tttI rlr'fittili{)l)s o{ loqical lacts, wc (arr br:gin fo fxlt outc carrliort irr lhc usc of Il ls t'oltttltuttll olrlt.clt'rl th:rt rlrr int' tt'r('lirtirlll lrttl lltis ts Itolr- ree wlry lhe Clrur ch ir corr. llrt.sc rlnrt{s llt'carrsc rrf llrt. rlirrr .,lll fr'0ltD '('url Producls llrc trsl trf r'otrtnrt't'lrlivt' lrills is alrll lltt' rttust sttlisfttt'lrrtr.' cerned wilh trarral issur's arrtl utll)u\ rtsrrlls ryhiclt rtriqlrt follrrrv paltrcul:rt l1' ;r nrctlrritl plubirrrr {'()nlt}rrt!lloiltil}{ tlrc ililtufe oI feels eonrprtlled lo speak uut lrorrr lhp lrollrronlrl inrhallnct' itrttl ltettcc ()f llr) c()llt('l'lt ftrt'tlrr' IIint:r'lf lttrl lltinr:s io nliltr." r#herlever *lre fear lhal lhe rvhiclt lhcl' ot't'nsion. All plrvsi ('hrtt'clt nhich slruultl ruttlittt lrt.r' Itt tlrc irtsttrr',r' of lirt' ltutrr:rn .lrortl l.rv ir lreirrg violalcel in st'lf lo problt'uts shiclt illc nrt.l{t- titct.. {irirl lurs sprt}icrt lr) ntirt) itl *tly field whn]tioevL-r'. lv spirilual. lrr onlcr lo.itrslrfr' ntiull lirrtls ;trttl ltas t cr cirlr.tl lul iorr of llrt' 'l'lte ( fUlcGEEIII0TORS, .\s llr(il(';tlc{l itl)0\ \1il( lNC. ('ltut'r'lt's c. llt{: llrr' ttllltt to speak orrt lrtrrtsclf itt trlrtl' rrlrs. Irrll. ntl tltclcfotc rrnlrrv- ('{}ntrlccl)ti\'(: ;trll pt t't lrtls 1itt,q rn lltcsc nraltels it rs rrt.crssirlv rrcss o{ llrrs It'reltrtiorr t'lrrrc in the . l)rlcl)rlcr.I sterilrzation. ltr fol tts lo hat't' .sonlc insillrt into p('l'soll i)f .lcstts ('ltrt.rt rrlrrr is Iutttcl' sultpli!\\inr {11ulill i{ttl, , 'l'r'tttrt.ntatlt''flt'slt. r'lttillrelll of l(.rtll)0t.itr), B;0 il{, ;\lcridian rts |ll()firlit]' is l() lro Hr]\r,t'tl{,(llr\ hor llorvt'r'lo tcnch lll:1il ilh()ul llto \Yot'rl ot n orr o[ol lhclhe rvotnan rvornrn is (irrrl tltr: pt'ittcilllr,s $lrrclr rliclrlr llrl Itinrsclf ntttl nbout tll.' nrtul'r' ol t'orttplt'tt'l.r ruanifcstctl. llrt: tlris by viltue of the Itis funt'lions. I'l)ltonr(' of rcvt'lltirln. lrt llt* n),)r'llit)' oI slclrlvaf rou illE, ,1,-;ji]6;l i\lln is r cl'r'lture: arul ts srrr'h, ly{rr(ls iln(l $('tions of (llrrist, uc power 'l'heoreticnlll' THE CHURCH lt;r'; rlr"i,''n st'lf ltas no to he is litttitt'tl. speak. {rrrrl lhe plcnlttr(le of (iorl's conr- 'l ttfltttl litnt's {rll tii{t ill()titltlt, r,l . his lrrr'trept. ls rs ing. by using his intelliecrrrt' lrc ntrrntcaliort lr) lllnll: in llinr tlc str.l'iltznliott lrrrl ltcr. tt';lllllnl: , rts rt $ns ycstcrtlal- I cnn Rrtilo &t cilDlplctc knor!lt'rl!lt, fittrl thc fullrttss of rnolal ttrrth. tttnl'be sultnrlrirr.rl "t 111i'lol llr: thc surrtc totrtotlorv of hunsr.lf antl of tlte t'ules rvlrich In (iorl's plru frrr srlr,rtliorr, ilrc USEDCARS krrt'itt1l pt'tnciplc: !lrr: rltrr.r't rlr't.. s. lrccatrst' it tloes nof govern lrinr. In prnctice, trorv sork anrl lt aclrirrg of (llrlist--llis tlizitti0tt oI itrt! tuitil ot r\'1rrniilr, tt t't:t'lil ll Itttrtatt litrv rvcr. llris rs seklonr nclrielcrl lic levr'lnlion-.-rras lo he enlrierl on ' ('\5i()rt tlltolher 1t-ttrpolal rll llt,t-llrilrlr,rll. r.\llt Of r larV t'nuse, lt1' rc:rsnn of lris falk'n in thr'('hurch n'lttch is lho con- rs frtt'lritlrlt'rtlrt tlre l;ru of rrllrtt,r', rratrrlalratrrlal grrtl ilirrnt."" pt'r'srtatlt' ('ltt'ist, statr', rnan cltr easill' llnurli()n o[ antl Nhich lrar tttt'tlt lrtttk'tntts "llrc Irr orrlr.r tn trntlltslarri llls It.rrr tlircct Mereury lriurst'lf that those lulcs rvhich htr lloon r'oI'l'cctlt nt rrtt, filst 1ktlt't'tltcd ri[)lr. {)n(' Drrrst lrc f;rurrlrat trrrlr lf nll lrr'cattse tltc l)ft\tr('u rlir'(,ct (,lrlx)si!lon to lhs tlistittt'tion rli|r'r.t irrrrl Att A(([55oiltt ttovtDt0 ttttlit'r't't sl cIrlizir I iorr- rf lltc ltrrrrrtrr rclrrrtdrtc" Comet Meleor nr. llan hus bcrn givcn Lloyd's Formal Attire Stt'riliztrtiorr is rlirt,r.t \\lt{'!l('\('f I ltrttcfiotts ilt or'(lLii lhst tltc rt'prorlut.trve fllnl:tr('n lt {lr. 2159N. Meridian WA 3-8333 r'('t)l1r(lllr'(j lrts orvn kind. libcrltlll srrIplcssetl, slt't.iliz;r 'r'ct rtt't'ilrzatiun i-s (le ' lroll rs ill{lit|t't rVtlt'rrr:rt'1.tltc l.r'. Illl ltrotlttt'ttr(. lnll(.1trln r: sul)l)1.('s5('(l iolr I as < Uninlr'llll{}t}ltl l)\' {}l l)frt(llt('l ot' :l sollle lltofirl)crtlit, yrIUccrlrrrt'. lrt he Olll{'f 1\,ol{ls. rr'ltIrrt.r{'r nn Actil}tr Bestfiutotinilcinil r rr'l is pctfolrrrt'tl lr'ltrch llr:i ns rrs L 0llit'ct tllo \trl)l)r'(\ssi()rl ol tlrr' lr rr'plorlrrctive frtrtr'lrorr, l,t ltir\r, ir rrrcrlicallll r'tlricillts call citsr' of rlircr,l slcIilirirll{)ll: lrut '[hir rplcte oft)t totiilit]'"tt)titut] tnr]lt lr'ltcltt'r't'l illl it('tl'rtl l: l)(.tli)t.nt('(l harrrl ol! tltc llit.olr tr'lticltlttr. as tls prttpo:,'lll(t lr'ilt. etlir';tl f Ualueintown td) ing of sotntt pltih)lrgicirl t'un- t. lturll txist for lhl tlition but rl,hirlr olrll ls a ln. rt'lroh' bort-t ; anrl slre pf('(ltlct 0fi('('ts srrl'l)r'('srt'rll{}l lllc irrrposcs n tu'o-fokl o Low monthly payment rcpt'orlttclivr' lun{.ll(}n, *,tt ltirrc n c\ elv lrrrrran beiltc t'irsr, of irtrlilr'r.l \l('l ilt?irliun, a Life insurance-no added cost nr to ntlopt all rca ll a rhrt:tor'. lirr lrlr rrrpic, r't, uf(!s lvlllfll at'€ tltr)\'(.s a 1t'{}nliln's o Disabilityinsurance-no added cost t}\,ill'i('s s0 lltir{ hc Dlcscltlliort of Note: Insuranceapplicable il loan rrtnturoslicloro yorraro 65 Compare ffiese monthty paymenfs before you haf ,"1id to pupils l,r legul,

ilEw cARs lctw p t 0fc.$J'o/' s ltt tes "f Nll)\V \'()IiK..,\ lcatlirrg lorrsrr sill)sr(lJ ....uottltl t'ttrl ttt a antag Irttioilnl latv prrrfcssor ll ('olrrlr I t(' llalli atttzrtt iott of ,\ trtet'ican " bin tJnivr:r'sitJ' helc bclicvcs l,,c,l crlrrr:at irltt, givorr 'l'hc clal nirl coultl be [rirr.or:lri;rl Ncu'.s saitl llcv..lolrn ('. pupil,s. scltool Ilt'rrnctt, tlcan of the faettltl'nt Ilat't'1' 11t, Jrlttcs. Clrrlozo pli,- tirriorr 1'heolollicitl Scntinat'1, [r.ssol jutisllrrrrlt'rrce, ol sairl nitl contnrctttt'tl (rtl Jollcs' tettratks coultl llc cxlcnrlcd lo pupils_ntrt anrl aglt'crl lltat plrtocltial scltrtol nlsl itutions. I Ic also [at.or.crl a slutlt'nl.s sltottlrl bc givett assisl. 1lt'otisiorr in llre lirrv for r.utrrf a t)cc. "pupil $'soo t'ct'it,n' of its cunstiluliollitlill.. I lc sairl lhc lrr.'nefit. ,ltint,s' ff{::,/,,.:,i.,f t'r'tttatks, nul(rc ilt & tlrlor'1'" was atlt'ecalllc in lris postglarluat0 "sltarctl collfoxtncc nt ilrc nrirrrl, l;lrrt lte l'at'otcrl tunir.elsitl', \r't'rt' r.t'llor.tt,rl irr tlrc lirrrc" plrrytoslls in rvhit:lt n sttl. Uolrrnrllin l,lu' Sclrrrol Ncrvs, rlt'rrt's sclurol rlul' u'oulrl bc tlivid- "THE cti bclscen publit: atttl ttltut'clt ULTIMATE corrrplonrirc lclirlcrl sr:lrtluis. ln thc clttcstion of l.'t,tlclll li

ALTERNATIVE solutiorrslo tlrc (0., I,'erkrlll nirl cunllolclsl.,,lorrcs mPNI0tCfTY SUPPLY Inc. cair!. at'r ahsolrrtrt sr.par.llions of palrreltial scltools irntl qovelttrtrcnt Distributors lntl oulli;iht subsidl, 'l'lte 'lll0,\1,\S [ot'ttttrl--soPalalion--*'otrkl ilI. lrt'fz(lllliA{,1], [)t'esidr"'ttl not l)0 srrl)lx)r'tctl b1,p|actir.u oI 'l'lre ntttltolit;', lre sairl, lattcr'--- 214E, 51,Clair 5t, Indianapolir,Ind, {l THE CR|TER|ON,APRTL 27, 1962 PAGE THREE

"boom" FtlM NOV|T|ATE StotY FoR TY{n Aprll 2t . ls.mtuh llh d.plctlns th. llto.t. Drl...l 5i. CA[6R4. AClloN-ft. lilnln! beln In th. toht h.ll .l th. AT RECREATION-One of lhe novlcoc holdc the microphonc rr crmorlmrn Adrms rhoolr M.rv{6h..W6& w.. .tcv..n lt.tlon WTHTTV, T.r.. H.otr. lh. .hov. d.rur.. ,.o t k.n by mvltl.h blldlns. In tr. pl.br. .!.r. .n sirl.r M..y Gr.oty, Sirlcr Mary Gregory inlorviewing r group of novicer in thcir recrealion room ln tho new novilielc sirh.r c.turln. io..Dh.nd &rh.d dodd fr tllhld, Mhh..r ot ilovl... lLh. [.il. Anbr.r., ftr, Ad.hr.d M... Rr.n. S. nlm ,ill h .hvn rr th. .n.u.l building. Poslubnls and novicer in the background enpoy lho fllmlng, The uniqua lelevislon coysrlgo 5.P. l.O .nd n.rr.br 3irk. t.rt cr.s.ry, S.P- dbcur pl.n. b. lh. tllm rlth trr, H.l.n tyrn, ..nv.nll.n d th. At.hdl.c.r.n Coun.il ol C.rholi. Wom.n In grv. I comprohensive piclurc of lifc in lha noviliale al Sl, Mary-of.the'Woodr, The novilirte building WTHI.TV public rffalrr direclor', rnd cameramrn C. Edman Adamr. Bloominglon on April 30 rr parl of a ression on Vocalionr. war dodicafed in 1961.

PRITCHETT, =lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll THE CHURCHAND THE WORLD HUNT & O'GRADY BOWLING LANES i Crotutlt irt religious-School uid 40c _= tor All Or?n Sdwtino (ioveln. The Valican the liAht of thc Slranish Judgnrent on plnys and movics. lll2 E. Washineton FL 6.0113 Incnt lo l)rLlposc can

I HARTFORO, Conn.-ln 1961, for thc lhird conseculivo yorr, | (-'r\lliO- 1'll('r'c nrc tuulots itl morc lhan 62 prr ccnf of thc (l:ttltolic cirt'lcs ltct'r-' thitt lltc born in €onnoclicul lo Valir:att is nrxv tltittkittg sct'irrusly sfale residenlr wcre baplired er of srrpplt'ssirrg ortc of tltc trvo t'c- €alholicr. Olher vilol rlalirlicr [,ltin tlior'r'sr's itt MISS LANE trtitittitrg llitc SPECIALHOLIDAY rhow lhat {8.3 pcr cenl ol lhc Ir)gypt. No onc krxrrvs rvlttlltcr SHORE LEAVE mrrriager performed in Con. the See of Akrnnth'i:r or that of FOR NEW i\Ilriln gratlttalr' ncclicul lrsl ycrr wcrr Crlho- Ileliopolis rvill bc chrlst'n to rc- I Vl})NN,,\ -- r\uslria's llishops ACCOUNTS llave cnllcrl for ncgotittions lic ceromonicr, ntaitt, but ttsttally I'cliahltr s.lrllctts that Names in the news 0n any mDnry rlcrlvad are snlirtg thnt one ol tlre trvo s'ill rvill pu{. lhis nalion's coneortlat by lh. loth of rhc recipitnl of grlnl rnonlh we will ody soon nrect tlrc fatc of tlre foLrucr rvilh thc lloly Sce inlo cffcct. In t) €ounl Michcel de h Bedoyere, dividendr ffom th. Dioccsr of I'ort Said, rvlrir:lt rvas a statnment issuctl al the close o( lsl. Youf money who retircrl last rvintcr flonr thc tldrlt adrning srrpprcsst'tl in l$57. llt'asult: tnits$ tlteit' splittlg r:olrfere'nco lhey BEfORE YOIJ Io lt-at'lt itbroitd "'l'lrc cxo

SPOT-Forming I mpurilies STRAUSSSAYS: Thc crowning resull of 35 years of exlensivo fr'\'.r 1 weler end chemicrl sngineering research. ,,'\ Dobbs ond Covanogh Hofg f,,lr- i:,ij totals TRI MATIC-Complelely Aulonralic, Electri. 'The cally Operaled . . Plug it in, you never i"l{t$ i BESTor your prico- need louch if. i: "i] I no moller whol A*"L,1 Your Pricel" ,r^R.roE o'HAft^ c[rivt: L. STRAUSS & CO. of Cracc A{cn'r Hoir 0'llARA;i'd O O or OWN-YOUR'OWN PROFESSIONAL counsel offered on all Availableon RENTAL SERVICE forms ol INSURANCE proleclion. Com. plete BUSINESS and PERSONAL progrlmr planned. CALL us now . , . lor c FREE ANALYSIS r . . or c NO OBLIGATION BASIS. CallDan Bowron Tcilchers (Office) ME 7-5491 (Rer.) Ll 7.0{63 wHlIioRDt Y{Hllf0l0lNS. StRVtCE-230 a. ohio

o fhe Name ancl Place 1o Rernenrber . . . GOlDE]I ln our Divine Word Seminaries in lndio, Pfiilippine we hoYe o number of studenls preporing TERMING THIS a socioloqical ond Jopon, rfEsrof Hlnilrotr' GUERilSEV problenr that nrust bc soh'erl, Con" for lhe priesthooo. MAi'{Y ARE VERY POOR ond need 2025 East lorh sireli'r ME g-0646 "High ley said a fit'st stcp tou'alrl lcso- the Energy" Or€n7 d.yrr wetl 7 ..n. to 12flidnitr "thc finonciol help lo confinue lheir rtudies. lution is llrlial of lhc dearl past rvith ils infaliority conl- mttK ---lEAn - plcxes of lay terchcrs and rvitli its ott------NoRGEt6 [fli-..:FstB" attitutlc of Rcltgious that t.he laitS' Meons EXTRA PEP rvcre toloratcd hclpcls until a for EXTRA HOURS Deqr FslhaG suitablc Religious coukl be matle Endoaed find $-- for ryor:oring o rrrdent available." every doy! 5 $. ptie$hood br *....,*.-'. vceb t Othcr problcrtrs, he saitl, in- clurlc the possibilit.v o{ advance- XA,|{E (phil THE CLEANEST, MOST MODERN, COLORFUT- place in town ment for lay teachcis, salarics, *rffir* Fidl--"- Ir ingc bcncfits, conditions of serv- AN AIIEIIDANI IO COUNSEIYOU AI AI.! IIMES Conrforldbletounqe Ared FRtE IV ice and involvcnrent of faculty in lhe making oI cdueational policy. O ,"t:T,T';,1;1:re THE RAIN WATER SOFTWATER 'I'hcrc FOR YOUR LAUNDRY alc also ploblcnrs, hc

20 IIORGEAGIIAIOR WASHERS continrrcd, llceause lay tcaclters ?5 lb. Heavy Duty Wash€r GoldenGuernsey do noi aeccpl all tltcir rcsponsi- bilities. IIc said they must study . THE PLANT FOR FINISHEDDRY CLEANING. . . to un

artich on Pegr 2 Relrled A few weeks ago, I had projected r psregraph wcr or two in e m&tter which was being reported from Civil liberty A. Rrconlly I hoard thit fh. Crlhollc Church "blrlh plll" ln Borlon' Rome and which was receiving much wider newe. rxperimenlino on r conlrol last rvcck l{rr medta coverage than anything about Pope John The follorvirlg is the lext oI ir lctter \\'e sellt Oncc fhlr plll wrr proven rrlc and rffrclivr ln' XXIII or the Ecumenieal Council. I reler to thc to Governor Nlattherv Wclsh' Church wrr golng to permll llr urrgr In romr tlrncir. bl mrdr rl lhr Ecumrn' ilT'ffi:*Tiii:l-'ff Wlll thlr rnnoun.emenl ['.fi.; rurmired, (lcci- lcrl Councll bY PoPr John? colrragcous I abandonedmy littl availablc to ttll ffi

came up from the eornposing room, do you know ff*rmW"l\tcnagcrie." Yottr actiotl cillltc aftttr wt' ltatl alrcadl' collll)lctod whal. it had beconre'f ill)lc our editorial pagctirublicl.r' fot' tlte \\'cck, so lltat l'c wt)l'c llot Aftcr that, I gave up. Cannot have this com- than io support I'drr u'itlt nn crlitr,r'ial. llalltel positor fellow joggling my elllow just ar I rm u'ait i6r n u'lrotc \r0cli to gtt lt.t', \\'o \t'illlt ]'oll lo kll()w tnking thnt secontl squecze on the trigger, (Which 'l'hc immediately that tlt'itt't'iott stlppol't )'ott. sarne, ns nrust be sincerely admitted, is as nice r metaphor for the effects o[ typographical error er We hopc' tltnt rtill trccept u'ithotrt-atly hesitancy .r'ott a I have secn in many's the dry.) resign.\tions oi' all thc \\'trr- Nlettrorittl lt'ttslccs $'ho the Besitlcs, I hnd nrisconcclved the target-er I now so"little abottt the Constitrttiolt of thc [Jnitt'd States O. Plcrre repoat in your column lhc rcrronr for knorv think on fulther rcflection. The nctors in the-ho that thu' think the objectivcs of lhe r\ttrcricittt Cit'il Litt- lhc urc ol rhylhm My lriendl rnd | rcmrmbrr r hunr l-drama rvcre not a proper sub jcct tor ItIy or of lhci National 'r\ssociation for the Acl' prevlour column ol yourr whlch ret forfh down'lo' erties finion Uxcellency's frorvning regartl. of Cololcd l)coplc iu'c tlot Attret'ican. crrfh reitonr, ruch rr malcrlrl clrc of chlldrcn' vancemont It has lleen recognizcd for ages, rince the tlmc and even lhe lemperrmental lncrprblllly education ol the oliginal Cleopatla and bt'fore, that mummcrr, of romo women to fake carc of flve or rlx chlldrrn. strolling plnyers, .iugglers, rogues, vagabonds and Also I hrva herrd lhll il is nocrlrary fo hrvr public entcrtnincrs hRve rlwRys harl their llttle priesl'r permi:sion lo practlte rhythm. How crn r a {oibles and woaknosses; that the saitl little loibles prlcrl know one'r circumtlrncer well onough fo elvl "respect- rnd weakncsses ratcd the lndulgcnce of ln rntwcr? ."IN[f*a,*I[ S]'qiS *I il W'r.tL...4;, ahlc" society, sinrply because-well, therc they werc, rnrl entertainmenl ls essential too. A. I have rvlitten scvet'al colttnlns on lhis sub' 'a yu, qrYl "respeetablc" ject llrcir principal points: lff rf HADRn|LLs utc Tfffs ?' knorv very rvell that tlre word It is plcasattt to knott' lhat the diffictrltv ltits siltcc beett anrl rvill tly to srtttrttrRrizo '1'11.. resolved satisfactolily anlollg itll tltose concel'lled, trut{ also 1. pllclice of Ihythrn ittvolves a calcrtlated, condition. that Governor \\relsh has conscttttrcl to confit'nr thc rcstllt pcriodic mnritnl lclntionship often rcgulatcd by the o[ entcrt ment bv being the featrtred speitker \\,hctl thc Indiatta Cil'il Lib- ruinrl antl rvill rnthcr tlran tlle instincts. In itsel[, . oPtNtoNs more irr, ponsilr eilies IJnion nreets at tlie lntlintta \Vat' i\lctltorial. flonr tlte urot'nl poittt of vicrv, it is nclther good nor amusing nd ent tratl. lts use can he vit'tttotts sact'ifice of plensure lVe shall not c'otnpltrin that it has takcrl so dcplolably thc ncccss ftrL tlte glory of (iotl: a rltionnl control of ittstinct (Joogan long to estirblish tlre valid lights of ltvo lcgititttatc gt'ottps Steclworker writes to Fathcr' antl iurptrlstt fol hiAh ntotivcs and good ptlrposc. of Anrtrt'icnlls in lhc llsc ol a public illnetlity. \\'c sltttll ()r it clr-t pt'occed ft'ottr sins of selfislrness antl lcad To the Editor: lo Iloly (lonrnruniotr and sa1: the rvlriclr is rrp to tlrlir ability in all merely obscn'c that progless htrs bct'tt tttatle tltat sottte ; to inrnrorality, Rosary for thr rrert 12 conseell. subjccts of gcrrcral knorvledge, Derfeitlv sound nn(l lbl'a-l r\ntcricntts ilt'e' Ilo\v fl'ce to do tive (ir.st Snturrlays. Pleasc do and at llrc sal)l(' lirne have 2. lihl'tlrnr is licit only wltt'tt ltttsbnntl rntl rvlfe rrc thent ivhat rvas npprretttly irripossible rlttrittg lltc litst ciglrl I'ears: not take this rs e bribe. I hnp- instructcrl iu llrr' lenetr of thcir' in mutunl ngteelncnt nbout it. One party nray not 'l'his that our cotuntunit.v recogttizes the atttomatic crlttatiort of pcn to bclicve rvhat I ray. l,'aith. rlor.s nol charrge tlre ollrer. \\'hat is contr'oversial rvith n'ltitt is ,sttbvcrsivc to bt' it t'tt- irrrpose its ttse olt tlte (iorr lirrn does not apply to thc strictiott o{ fi'ccdo:tt. 3.'l'ht' altstincnce rvltich llrl'thnr ncqttit'er tnttst r.oveYntr. ililH,'J"ll;ii,lli,,';;"lli'i,';,d:l llrcnrsclvts out to pt'ofit lronr Itlarvrn R. Waguel bc possiblc to both ltttsbrttttl nrrtl wife rvitltottt sin. 'rrlar.u. hrrnran t,cakntsses ol enter' A Stcelgorkcr Antl it nrust bc possibie rvithortt sct'iotts tlanger to o ()nmby, Indianr Isn't llre|c n $'trr'lrl of rliffcrnnce tlreir mnritnl hlppiness nntl hlt'ntony' lo say tlrnt orrr st'hools nle insti. 'l'holc (loouan: 4- is e rathcr vngttt' atrd goneral obligatlon Dear l'atltor lor r husbanrl nntl rvife to ltave rome cltil

lies o( todkr ild cl.rp $inc. uon[ D{rsl hc Dradc ilpotr lleD, .a$ h 1lc €nd of ti. u?ln, Wrlktng tto tlese ca.s, \rith th€tr hrd

'['ltct'c st'on in ,\trtcticlt's l)rl(rf INl'lltiug t'otntttuttities. at'e srtpcrhiglt-

,,,,"i'jii,lr,lilili "riiill

sot,ie ty- suflcrt:

wret is cilrioils 10 nd k thrt thc country *hirh uurch.d eeDtion. {.rd th.y b th.nr.tv.r t,nt ior.} if rh.y w.utd .v.r tiv. ro r.. _ th€

laolla howcvor, rvort {ill cnuntnhls. $ef. not cdNinccd lhat cornNDistt iln prerail '1rrnn ',q'. $rr !ilil ntrtroilnc(sb*,ilr rncriril,rr r '- " xi'r.,.1 llLUIl et WIII'|'B SBRVIC0, lNC. 'iarr,iiln r.n.$ louiiDrl i rlrdiilnr nr rFilr | <.nnct bt, bot heti.y. trcn my .xp.ri.n.. in tusri. th.t DI*. I'n'iaI IaI(n.:l ll tro .t..lionr mr. h.ld bmorot, routrv' tr.!bl. dnDl.t. All lh[ l! . t...1 trlbvt. to

. VIIA:I' Ol" TIII,: DAlr ,,;t-iHs#di_ $e+oic, ii[T' 1n Kenne |;tIr. Ii, li'. Slniirrp,Srrll:;: Illt|ATTO GI[|T YOIJR lt,|OTt|TR Wus cty tilj{i'i:lii;ii;,,'. *x;) uoTrr}]R's t),rr' trs MAY lilth-JrtsT'rlvo wEEKs IBottl I ry REV. JOHN DORAN NO$ . . . ARll tOtI Ii'ONDI;RING tvhrt lo lwc tout rro0ref l;',ii;ti:ilr;:";'i" #-Sh, of your I rs r token love? . . . Wc sug- i (irrrrtf i'.' rest rellgious gifk becausc. lo moth- ers esptcialls, religious gilts arc best" ."'.'L,,r,r,,,,,rt,1i,' 'l'hey \$ feed lhc hungtg in lhc lloty i Sir,'fll'iiiL: Sitrlirtp. ,t1' l,and (the Fnlestine Refugces, for in- 'l'hr:l .ja\r sliulce'. comfort llttlc childrel I ^,,:'ll1l,1'1"';il'i1i' tio l'ather Pofgi's orphrnage i|t 'l'hey 'l'he li*spt|. Plcsitlcnt's :rctron rr':rs tro- restore lepers lo health 'l'ht'cats tin our Sisters' lelrcsarie in Indla). lent. mttltiplicd flonr thc Thev hrins lllass and lhc satrrarnrnts nrlnrittistlatiott ;rrttl frorrr lhe t'rrn- gress. to lhe poorest of Chrlst's litr Sttrklcnlv lhe r;tecl t'ortt- Door t10n'rusr: rix tra iy r i ttwtrr{,,*,;r .!c iill, ":f;I "11*li;"1;'illlff*::i l:11lll'1l:'lig_::'l1"t1l' fer tt b;txat An$ . . . ll'hen i.crr mother rereiyes thr UIO'l'ltl:R'S IlAf (ill"l'Cl\Rll yoo tell us to scnd, she'll knor .tlloscoru prelul.e tltal somenhere, in hrr name, human !r not s'hnt il l"rec Porking Li.eePttrkins rnight harc bcrn. She'll knorf, that. thrrnks to Jou, shc has r Htj:if,i:: parl in lhc $ork of L'hrist: that she too is benelitting splritually sofl.ens stctncl. on , , . Rtrligious gitl,\ are sellless tlfts; lhcJ.'rc Dest tor molherr n lllolher'r I ul:it:ttn Council

T)TIT( |IIOTIIIIII'S DAY GIFT CARDS ll()NN. ti0l'rn:rn]'-,-\ top prtlatc .{tiI: .\ I'f rr.\c'il\u. Aft't'lst lc, tNDtlil)u.\t,IZt)D. Thcy nrake GIFTSUGGESTIOilIS ol' tht-' l'atliat'eltlte uf r\Iost'ltv it e3sy for -fou lo sltD1'. . Sinrpl)'sclcct:r gift fron ilrose rt,e Ir:rs rt'r'iscrl lris stanrl ir{;rinsl h;r'c lirted bcluu' -- an(l s('ll(l lls. \rith tlonltion. I'ortr -your scltrlittg [itrssi;rn (.)r'llrorlos o]r llor First.I lolv Conrtnuniolt nrother's ttaurr.;trrtl tt'kllcs.s. \Ve do:rll thc rest, Wo s+nd your s{l'rcl's to thc cotttirrl-' \ialicarr nurtlrer r (iIIf f (:.\llD pl'rlmptly, esplaining uhilt you hove 'I() (louttcil. il wns lgrortt'rl lu'r'c. dorrc lillltll .\ltlt SL)\II,: {11,.'T'S SELfi(-lT' t'll()\I: SterlingSilver 'l'lrt: (lt,r'nran ('ntlroli(' n(r\r's Medals& Chains il.qonrI' [i\.\ saitl t.\l alclr :2; ) lhirt it nrr:nllrcr tll ils erlitolill staff A u'r-lntlelttrl arltl l:,rstiltg gift "\'('t'.\' (iit'ls. Itittl ltar[ :t opctt :ttttl tlc, fot' Ilo]'s i,nd titiLtrl r:ottr r't'salirut" iil lloscory n'ith i\ r'clrlri-*lrop Nikorlinr. lirlci Rrr aflnils st'clcl ar'1 r-rl' thc Iloscos' pitl t'i:rlcltll c, fl GlVll ,\ ll()\'.\ llallllt:. In C'uiro. D:t1.pt, $'atlt('l.Lcorre lrtrFgl .\ri'lil;i:;lrrr1-' \iliorlittt tr'its (tu(rt- gatlrr:rs alrirntlrrnt'tj rlriklt.crr nntl qites them a horrre.,lo pay lhe trtl as s:rfittg thai il llrc ltrrnrarr cxllcns{rs, tre rtrrrst lrcg for lunrls. lfather troggi estilrtiltcs llrat gl0 ('atholir, (-'hulr:lr \r(!rc 1o st'nd an it. costs cach nlollth to ft't:tl. r:lothe, horrse nrrd e(luc&to onc ,,aclopt" invitati(,rt. llu-ssiirrt Olllrrrrlox olr- bov . . lu lrlul rrrothcr.'s uaure. s,ill rotr an orphtrn s(!l'\'el's corrlrl lic scnl to tlrr, for il lnonth'.'t)ul.(illi'l'C'.\ltD \r-ill telt hcr what 1.ou have done. cotttittt:I (:orul('il at llrc \:lticlrr lll,:t,l> ('t,Llts1'tilil,:l) NU\S \\'.\t-ilt (:LoTItfls. n fllUlR uc* only it rurthitrg happcrrs at {htr ASPHALT eatrse tlrey har'c no traslrrrrg rtrachiuc, our cloisterecl (.larnrelite txltncil rlilcctetl against thc {)r'^ Sistels in llcthlt-'heru tall of thcut nte age(l becattse Of fcq,t'Oca- tltotlox clturchcs ol agairtst Ilus. DRIVEWAYS tions! n[t]il, \'aslr theif clot]rcs by harrd. .l.o eqrrip a llrtntlrl. for slit. tltern will cost. SBiQ. \'orrr tlonation, in any amount. nell hClp os tow ., 20n sq. ft. Chifdren Love irnnreasrrrabll: arrcl rlr:'ll sanrl yotrr nioilrer a GlFif C-.\llD. NOTHINGDOWN Statues n DLTNAT|': ,\N lItTlCLlt t'oft A HlssloN cIlApEL. rror t""'l'or to cornt' ilresc (iod I'elrs ltrtlclcs u'ill scrve nntl sorrls, irr 5,our . Bo$'Dtii irtun Eo For Girls- l ol tittle gills lt lovcl]' Illess' nrothL'r's narrre: \'i,lSTliilN'l.S {S50). r iTIONSTItANCH rS{0}, Church and School Playgrounds Neri' 1lr-rdern lladolln? ,otl \tt-rthci' stilttlc in tlelic:rtc CIrALtC_lFr,S.r0). CrBOrttL \I ig.toi,'l'..\REITNACLE t$25), cltu- 'Ihe rnd Parking Lots llerlal ou stclling chain. nastels. iliiri\ iS2irt. S'l'\'l't{)\,s Oll TIII1 CROSS (S25), CItNS}:n rS20t. Crilt-'riorr SCHAFER S.\\C'l'tr.\ ItI I..\1tIr {Sl.-)), 1\t,'l',.\lt Ll NIi)NS ($tirr, SAh.C,f U- CO. $3'00 Of ficial Ncrcspalter of rftr: CONSTRUCTION 33;'"-","'ll',,"ii#'t'"uiiiulll''il: AIIY L]IiI,I, ISi'. rrl'tlie Sncletl lleart' drchcrliocesrr of htdirttto.T'tolis FL 6.9708 For Boys-* n tlAVl,t 11.\Sslts ()f't'ltnfit) t'()ti youli ttO,fill;R. ()ur Also Concreie DrivawaYs mis- Stcllin{ siller 4',,r'a3',\tetial f.inch. . .. $2.00 siolal'y pricsts nlll be plcnsed to offer pronrptly 12{ W, Georgir, P.O. Box 17{ 'l'he llre Llasser on lteiti.t l8'inclt r:harrl' re(lucst, ofter.ing you rnake Indirnrpolis 6, lnd. .vou is ilreir principal meant rz'inch '. '. $3'50 of suppol-t . , . lfe'll be pleased to .send i GIFT CARD, at your MElroso 5.1531 onfy 79C $2.00 requcst. ilIeutber' .r\udit llgl,l' yOUli fl US--,Nl MO'fltrtt,S NAi{E__TO BUILD A /il\ Bureau of lllSSIOr- ClI.\Pl!lL. CLINIC OR SC}IOOI,. A mission chapel (lll:lt) Circulatious costs allout S1,800: a t:linie. SJ,t-)(10:a school, S2,500. Send trs \fyl llenrber Catlrtrlic J.our doultion, Iarqe or srnall. \\rc'll use it rrlrere it,s neecled USHER Prcss Associntion most-and tell 1orir. ntothef wht're lt's being rrsed. Ert!rud r! S.aondClrls naltlr !t II.\KE Post Otficr, Indianapolis,Ind. Y(}TIITS 11 C.{TIIOT,TC WILI,. RINIUEilIB}:IT TIIN NITSSIONS_.\\D TII}: (:A'UIOLIC N}:,IR, I:AST WELFA}IE EDITOR, Rev. Rayurond T. of ASSOCI.I'l't()r*. Funeral Seruice We Have a Fine Selecfion Bosler; ASSOCIA'II1 IdDITOR, Ilev. Paul J. Courtney: EDI- First Communion Cards TORL\L DIRnC'['OR, Xlichacl "llrc Borvles; IIANAGING nDtTOR, l|irrcsl hxtsible Frecl \V. b-ries; NENS EDITOII, Paul G. Fox: ADVEIiI|ISING lftgr. Jonpl l. lycr. Xd,l lirc,y At Lowesf Ptrssible Cost llAlir\GllR, l3t'arl1'. 3cad Jantes'l'. (nuncn oll connmlscthrr tci nornnn $urnrv €ATHOI.IC f NTAR ifilffii .. TASI WETFARE ASSOCIAIION Pricc i4.00 . yerr. ,ff. 480 lcxington Avc. qt 46th St. ttow io*'iz, tt. V. Publlshed Weekly Excepl USHERfI{ORTUARY Lrsl Week in December. IJ*ii;l# '{.$r' 2313W. WashingtonSt. MElrose?-9352 @,0,,,""",;*y# ^^=,,,,,1i,i*j:i.':''J"iiI PAGE SIX THE CRITERION, APRIL 27, 195' CYO Songfestset for this Sunday

6000-voice o SNNEISLK|N Edited by the Cleric Seminarians of Wesl Eaden Collegc choir again Cirl reuclerdisturbed is fcaturt: 'rlouhle 'l'hc by standard' itttrtttal CYO-l'a lochiitl School Sottgfr:st will bc Pt'c- Dcar iliss {.'llJ,:irl scnto(l fot' thc sixl.h 5'citt' ttt il p,ttt., ,Stttttlit.y. r\plil 2{}, itt tltrl spilciolls llttllct' Ii'ittltl- llorrse,- Irttliitttitpolis. I"o:t' lllr('(l ilgililt rvill llc lt l{iilllt t'hildleri's (lltortrs of 6,000 llan1' of oul firte oun( ur(ttl ) voices. antl u'onrr.n have lhc in{clli(orrr'c. pallit'rpattts rvill lrr' i Ih'itflr', ,lotlas \\'its l'rllllllllg lhc pht'sical fitntss. rntl llte t)llrol (intl (lotl (blttttllrtts awitl' {tottt hlrrl sittglt'tl r,r0ntl cortlngc nc('rtssRl']' in Ieli- contirinctl Knights of sl)t'ciitl tlsk irt up of thc t'otlncil {:17 611l.lott:ts f()t'il !ji()us ()r'plicstly lifc. llut that clroil nrndc l)car i\lalgalct u ls nol a hig (lolunrhirns anrl thc cltttt'al grottps lifc. llrrl ,ltrnas dots nol nreun nll lhese )'ounI (iorl's arttl ()ttt' t'ttottglt lllllll til illls\\'('I'. peoplo nte callcd b1'(lod to be florn I\lonsiAnor l)orvnt'y (bttrtcils; a spe' lrllrt ittst tlttln'l ltitt'ntonirc rvillt loligiorrs.'llrcsc snmc qttnlilies Lnrly of l"atitnir rlt'oltnts fol ltts liftl tlaincrl 4:rtt'r'oicc Ilol's' .)(!nas'o\\'rl nrirl nronrt tlrnl thr' ltt'rsrrtt is eiall)' pat'- anrl lto \\'rls lltnnlll:l it\\'4.\ t() nn' c;rllt'rl to bc a fltlrt'r'ol'nlothcl' tlhoil flonr l.l Irrrlian:rpolis (iil(l's tllmrtts, olhcl' ('ounlf]' lo l|oitl stlnl. of a largr'(latlrolir: fatttill'. ishcs i entl I \1'ottten's l}ol nlons ln{l to lr:rrl n li{c as he But intclliAert<'e, plr: sitral fil" J{)irtufitlg Nlnrinn 11111196'5 ('ilnto ('etrelin Cltoir rlilk:tl ncss, antl tttotal cottt'agc rtla-\' nIXl the St. .,hinrst'lf flortt Sl. Joan of Arc ('ltttt'tllt. inrlicnle lhat fl l'oung nlfln or (XIicials ncilr \\'()nuur slrorrkl civc extrl stt'iotts at't' oxPccting a possibilitl'of t'npacitl' ct'ou'tl at this lcat"s t'tl- ilrouglrl to thc I TERRE HAUTE THESPIANS*These lwo Sgnt'cl it'littt: cvont. oulslrnding Junior CYO lhcspiens from Sl. Margaret Mary. Utrtration. Ilut, iu the final anall'- nt'rval of tlre PoPrtlat' at'e Sl. Benedicl of Terre Haule wcre srrapped with CYO officirls iusl rfter fhey werc nrmed al lhc oul, sis. tlrcle rurrst ht' sonrcthing clsr.: I'roccetls ft'ortt tltc Songft'st sfanding rclor and icfress irr lhe Serious Division of the I962 One.Act Play Coniesf, following the linal hare the nl)'ster!'. rust'rl to stlppol't lhe Alclt

=/1 =Sacramentof the Holy Eucharist

By lEv. LEo J- tREs€ "the ist is .n act ol eitirg; ve swrl rosl with J.str! i! | vcry lFcinl lrrpcs Invr tcctr crtrdrod to. ot ils ovn In rddilon to h. bc- term, ellaying of con. lorv the appenrences of bread antt kintl of rrnion. getht'r in tltc 1rt'css to mnkc thc st

! MAY I.--St. .loscph thc \Vorhcr. 1'lris rla.r' has been I rvice sancti- Bible proiect Iic

By JAMES W. ARNoLD Saint "All and Dc\\tildc, I'ranken- I'all l)ollr" is a st'tiotrs htrinrcr' (rvlro likcs to rvork rn picture about a selious sub.jcct: so closcly lhal- his ctmeras seenr the prcblcnr of grorving up .irr a slrappad to thc actor-s,chests) world in rvhich thclc rl'c v{try capl.ures thc witllll rcality of a fery saints, anrl in rvlriclr soruo touchirrg univolsal--a maturing people don't ra- lloy's filst acrlrraintance rvith a renrblo saints at clrarrning j-oung w0rnan worthy all. .l'lris of his a

By D, B, THEALL, O.S.B. chann trrxl-nrore irttportaut-his 'llrt' dtep fuith an(l couvictirln of the SIATEREPRTSENTATIVE nrrrnlrt'r' ol ps]'" t'irtltolic irrrpottance of rcligion, conres clriallists is sht'rling a slorr'lrut BALLOT tlrrough in thcsc plpcrs. NO. 25C slca(l]'incfOlsf, ln(l 0llc tl0fs ilOt tiolr (lhlrilies . Fullrimc . of corumbur Itt'ttt'so nlirll) srrl'lllolls as foItlcr'- .' ll Ilur:eur [l,X,:l?""r [*llli l1', stttrpll r'rlttutittg all of psy- lll o Married, Two Children o Elks Lodge chralrl'lith irr . lr:ilrtrte Crtholic . Veterane-of Foreign llte \\ ()fsl ;ls. rrill lxry :td"llfr*"'r a pt cts trf l,'rcrrtl. Vctor6n, U.S., Army I Indianrpolis C. of C. innisnr. Still Io l'osler AlfbOfne rndARF. cut.rttgh ('lllrtr- l)itrenls lic psl chia- It'ists to 1t tt t o 'lhe lht c il 5 r' for' stoty alxrttl n rlislrrr'lrlrl lltcir rlisciplirre nritldle-ellss, ilitlrvcst flruil]'. is llt'fole llrc Prrb- not entiri'ly frcslr. As lu ittrrrr in lic anrl to cx- the Salurday Review llt't'nll)' olr- "All plnin lucidll' served, boolis lbotrt orrt"s and conlincill.*l)' j u s l, rv lt a t I'antily . . . can lrt' rlir.irlerl irrlo -Frr:ttdirtnisnr nrcurs, tlhtrc ittttl tryo t)'pos: t)rte, tlrel' \r'or'o oxtl'l- rr'lty il. is ulong. anrl, nost inr- onlirtnly, rvittl', rvlrirnsicl[, :rtkrr'. I)ortitnt. tlurt thclc is no llasic able, unlikc'trn1'bot[1'-clsc, :rntl | . 'l'lttr lttcclittg tvill be hrrkl at the conflict bct*ccn Catlrolicisur anrl lovetl-tht-rltat'11'.'l'rvo. tlrt,.r, ivr.r'c psyrhiair'1 right11' placticcd. plain, sqrrnlr, irrsr'nsilivc, r'rrlHar', r\nrcrit.an IIe tcher National uttitnaginltivt'. nnrl tlitl nol lpyrrt'. llitnlr, 2ll?tl N. i\lelirlian Strect, All this is b1' sny of prclude to '1'his ciitte rlctr'-scrrsiblc-rut'." tccornnrtntlirrg tlrc late I)r. {lreg- Iilnt lanrily is of lht-. sccond llpr', or.r' Zillloorg s yrosthrrnrorrsly 1lrb. "Splonrlor'," Iike the fnnrill' 1p lislttd collcctiort of papcrs, "Psy- lhough not quit0 to llral parklctl- rhoaunlysis and llcligion" (Far- cell extronril]'. rar. Straus anrl Llutllh]', 9.1.50)" One son (\Ynrlcn Br:altJ') lrls a already llou'n thc suffotaling O cltttches o{ l\lonrura ( Antjt:la "'fhe The papcr or1 Sense ol Lansbury) fot' a lit'c.of-kiclis irr Guilt'' is especially importanto the I'lorida kej's (rvhich grrolitlc cornitrg as it docs in an age in rvhich so nrany scienlists ald quasi.religious writr-.rs har.e lricd 't',"i'1, i, to reason sin Rrrd guilt orrt o{ ex- (lrii"' istence. - $'u',.,1,'.'' lVlalr:,elylenwyictl' Duy -",,vottr l)rr.)' t)l' Itcrnenr brnnce .,.\\ ti Calendur' !A \i


Our Lrdy ol Groenwood Socirl at 6:30 p.nr. in the school hall, Greenrrood.

Holy Angel'r Soclrl at 6::j(l fr.rn. in the school auditoriunr, tSth and Norths'estet'n Ale.


First Fridcy Noclurnal Adorr. lvl o rr u nr crr tt fion in the lllcssetl Saclanrcnr (llrapel of SS. Peter antl paul Lorgetl Stock of Monunrerrls nnd Markers for Your Selcclion, Cathcdral. tligh school papers Cuslom Desigrred Menrorials Crealed in Our Own Shop.

. EREDIT TERMS given cit:rliorrs O STATEWIDE DELIVERY TUESDAY, MAY T O CEMETERYLETTERING A Card Parfy, spon-solcd b1. tlre l,tdit's ol St. John's C'hurctr. at Call: Leo Friller, ME 6.9044- Bvd €arr, FL 7.1298 1:30 p.lll. irr tlre ,\sscutbly roonr. r\lar'1' Rr,rrnan is chair.tlatt. AshrenMonument (0. Inc The Luncheon-Meeting ol ilre St. Fnrncis Ilospital (iuiltl at tl {707 E. Washington 5t. (lndpls.} FL l-1629 Itoon in the hospital aurlilolirrnr. (ilove. llet,clr Il r.s. Gcolgc Kiss- ling. chairman; llrs. Lalr.y San- rlels, co.chailntlu.

()u::rha L Ton't'E AlltlcA. Sicily, lJcat:lr, St' l'o' llvo Jirtr:t' l'roplries werc arvarrlett to tho l\ \['h"t"ucr {,he bl{-lle rvas blootlicst, rvhet'ever the first placc winners, antl Pylc' honor- fug'to.". tlrearned and died . ' iltcrc rvas ltirnie able nrcntions receivctl certifi- firvoril.tl lvilr corrcsl)orldc'nl' in lVrrrlcl cates of urerit. t\Iore thun 150 I'Ie was Atuerica's irt tlxr Statcs' ltcspcetctl high school slurlcnts and advis- \Var lI. Loverl b.l' nrilliorrs ll:rcli ols fronr Indiana. Illinois and by the infiurlrynx'ln wltose trtist:t'y ltc sltttrctl .Kentuekl' attenrled thc conference 'Iltere rvere other corrcsllotlclcrnls its cour'ts?('us as Aplit ?. rttruc Illrnio. as ltottest attd lcctrrltl'c ilr l.lrcir lcpolting' Bul' IN t|IOl| hacl lris genius lbr tlrirrkirrg arrd ['eclirrg antl lrr'rpirrg lilie NEW PHOHES :tll otr Wootls gracluation an inlhni,rynratr. Ot' his [ale rrt; lbr' lrut{'irrg it' lrapcr witlr poler zrttd undcrslnnrling. SpruuletrnMge@L@RLss (ir your ir tl I lew look- speakers nanle(l When Drrrir: rvits killetl b.\' l srtipcr's l-lullet irr tlre ve I lonr rr uolort arrd tidd convgill{I;ce, Cltc)ose llrB all Americlr tttuttrnt:tl. lJatllc-llzrrcletttrtl [i'l.'s Pacil'ic, tlrry Prrrrcess Plrune ltl your cllotcc gootl geuet'irls borvctl thcit'ht'rrd-*.'l'ltt'y Irrttl lost ii .l, (-Jr SAFECO Boatorvner'.s Policy pulls you out ol rvclrl . , . of f lowcf eslr colilr:;, o llcw tYall troubles like i'Prefe-rred Iiicnd. Antl t,heY kncrv i[, plrone lot yoUr krlcit(!ft. this. . . because Risk" The Rcll Olrrrnr: ;trttoutrccs cdlls 'J.'itylor'

'Ihe terma of this decision are Religion and the Communist now becoming clear. Do they see 'I'ic'I'acker lJtopia where the contradictions in Com- munism's dream of Utopia are (Continued from page 1) from now will still find them bishops, since the Orthotlox old ln 1080 when the program o{ sufficiently nunlerous to upset Chrrrch has recently named a . ,l_u"dine-_!l:T-i $ our Party will be aceomplished. their boasts of Contmunist Utopin, number of 1'oung men to episco- At thnt time they will be thor- pal posts, I\tonsignor u The most vigorous attacks dur- Nicodemus, j,+ oughly formed men an

. VISITINO SCIENTIST-The scicnce deparlment ol Sceclnr l\Ie. nrorial High St'hool, lndianapolis, rvill be visited I'riday, April 26, by }'ather l)onald C. Ballmanu, C.PP.S., Ph.D.. he.td ol the geology de. /6e paftmtnt nt St. Joscph's College, llcnnselaer. A member ol the Ar;" Nslional Science li'oundation's \tisiting Scientist Program, I'ather "(ioologic Ballnrann will sperk on Flvidene c lor Svolution" and "Geology 'l'hc ol lndiana." latter rvill be a slide lecture. I'orty-riEht Latin School studenls nntl othel secontlary science teachers rvill visit Sceoins for the lectures. Itt rc! lr;rl rft

vocATloN PROMOilON.-.'l'he Nsgr. I){)Nney Council, Knights of {'olunrtlrs, n'ill take $9 southside Indianrpolis acolytes to St. Mcinrrd ,ot!'"il} Scmlnery Satuldal'. iplil t8, on an outing. The boys will represent nine Indirnepolis parisher. Corrnron nrelrkcl

{Coutinued fronr Dage 4) conle a lhilrl rvolld forcc, serving t6 recluce the horrible possibility of $'ar bctu,ecn trvo clcarly tlefined sides, the "gootl" "bad" side aurt the side.

Perhaps the urost imporlarrt aspect of all is that ex- ',To presse{l one connlcntatol' \\'ho said: strengthen the 'West,' -lry. it is not light merely to inritate the [_I.S:A. It is essential that each country rlevclop its oln initiative bv TI,IERIIHOft[ES IN HOIilEWOODPARK WEST OFFER . . . putling it.sorvn peculillritics of rlualiiy lo work." (Changin( lhe TERTNS Homewood Park West prerenlly ir terved by rix public and parochial schools. Alt wifhin a few blocks of QUAIIIY, u'hal nccds to be chatrgcd, this thought is a close naraphiasd e rea. This includes lhe new Northwest Sidc High School al 34th and Moller Road, now under conslrucfion, and of that in parngraplrs 166 through l?,t of Mcfer et'Majirtra.) lhe naw Cardinol Ritier High School to be built adiaccnt to 5f. Michael'r School. A new Calholic Church and If Congress tlccides in favor of close associatiorr rviilr rchool will be conslrucled adiacent lo Homewood Park West. tltc l.)ttt'opeall (:ornrnon l\larkct, rve hope none of us $rill feel andtocAIl0N !! l)uzzled and hurt if, at fir,st, the U.S, is not immetliatelv re.ceived.with op.eu.antls. Ilaving to negotiate with peoplm rtho each have their own olliuious is orie of the trials hnd also one of the challcngcs of learlership in the free u'orkl. PAYIIEHTS It is by allowing in futl fol the effect bf ilrese varied atti_ tutles lhat \\'e ulay coufintl our leadership, not otherlise. ASLOW AS \\riratever is decitlerl, rve expect our elected representa_ tives to shorv thcmselves scnsitive to lhese trencls'in Euro_ llcan opiniou. \\:e lropc lhat, in rlcbating the impor.tance of our rclntiouship u'ith lhe Cornmon lllarket, th6v will nol. confine themseh'cs cxclusively to evaluating'the situation in -t'irl3l19-f !a1stt tlci 9-eltl-*-- *69 DAIIYand Polish Reds evoke wrath SUNDAY PERMONTH 'til Incl. First Yeart' Taxe3, | B p.m. Prin., Inl. and Ins. * + TERIilS+ VA DIRECTIONS Just $l .85 Down NO CLOSTNG COSTS Merit Homes are locatod in Homewood Park Wesl, FHA 6200 Wesl 34rh Slreet. 34th Slreel Just $1.85 Down Go wesl on lT INCLUDED tlre follorvins in EOUITY PLAN-Ist t/t mile beyond Moller Rd' its lisi of violations of legal guar.. t'tl,?il,:l'"Y,|"^ Follow lhe- tigns to Merit antccs of frccdorn of lcligious meritmHorme$Homes, Inc. belicf and activitl': O Govcrnnrent offolts to con. llol catccltisru clusses irr cltut'ches, O f)isclinrination against Sis. 6200West 34th Street 1"5556* AX l'7733 ters qualified to sr.rve as nut'scs PAGE TEN THE CRITERION, APRIL 27,1962

AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE BILLY'S THE NAME gllllllllllllltllllllllllltllllllllltlllltl FARME R'S VI EW ullrilunllllnlullunltnutg Colurnbus Inccting sct = Ilon'( Erlov() = Indian boy'looking' By DANA C. JENNINGS lJon'l lll{}!o tlt'pr ar)}:\\.5c1'c trtttil tlroir' Not long ago I chanccd ttpgtt li'ratls ltat tl clcarcd bv North Vcmon CCW llt0lltt' sr,r'n1sc.nc rrfrtf lrran rr.r,irlrrrrtaer:irlcnt so1n1rl.r se<:ortrt:; lr.ontll'oill lltelllc sltot:ltslrot:li sttso lhr,trlhcy r,;rrtcart l:rkotirkr: after it happened. ll'rvo tiny gir.ls, st'r:k an

Plunrbing lrrslollotions lluo Ridgo ld. Ph. tX. 8.a212 TT1ARYW.RAFFERTY ttt ,. ro* EX,1.2616 (MRS.DALE S. RAFFERTY} DUFFY.WARBLE Democralic Candidale for Patronize BabyAccessories INSURANCE,INC. FL 6.6346 SHELBYCOUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Our Complete INSUIIANCjE Scrvice To the Indianc Slale Legislature Phono !X.8.4156 YOUR VOTE AND SUpPORTApPREClAtaooo,,,,,", Adaerti.sers tS Public 5q. 5helbyvillo oou. VOIEin MAY.tl NoVEMBER J^l[^li CHILDREN'S WEAR Itoberl, Il. tlarshrrll Hoyes Phormocy,Inc. Local Bklg. Supply hrI \1 ill lt:ltc lltc norv rnake ccr'taj'r llt;ri tlrr.' t'llilrl )ilrt Gene Hoyer John lhornor tNc. Yotr carr Republican ttitrr .\i,.tttt.ri t-t'llt'gt' |..trtrtl for to go tt,r collc4c' [)tltrilitlrlc.: "Prescription I'rcd I'outs - Larry Albartson nl0n(|.v pclict, bcrrr'lil llt('tl1\ rltiIltt:l lltt' collc(c Specialists" llr.oviri0s fortt arrrtrral Iriti Full Line Bldg. Malerials ol '*ll ,,.r' ('losc lo \'oll'' ).{tllt' l)tt\ l llt'ltttrleltilrl, "Ilen:odelinstOur Spcctalty" ],t!:ti t an) chiltl Proserutor lllllotlnl ('ll"{r5t' \ttrl ll tott of Shelby {rl'ni,Jcc, ,\lttto:l irnl J1)ll Co. ncflr'',, Ph. Dl 2-6634 SI'IiCIAI. pirl (iiltc. lltt' lrIttr lrl ll]('ttl-s tlie llctor.e the Iasl lieni'lit ttir'lll Ia) (NUMBER I5 ON YOUR .Ilrr.. EALLOT} jl hr: dotrIrIcri, ||tr.:t'trstlrlc a1t (|tIc al.tc| 't.ottt'tlt'ath rviIl lrt'l)ittrl lt\ \']lll ,\sstttcrl WILSONMILK proach t0 collegc. financing--a l)()tti0!l lo (rl 1'clll ttlr't'lttt"\tttl Wilhite & Son PhelpsDrug Slore (:ollegc |1'ttnrt. llte tettlainrlet'{}lll ;ttllttlltl lllt' prrlj|r lis lll) llt{' "Y BABYWEEK OFFER if dcath cuts ofi .\ouI lanril.r''s in(,r)lll('. lllr. ool,'urrerilI our Pt escriplionSlore" 'l'hltt !llc lt'ttlittli;lirlt' .[.Iome" ('oopt't'rrlitrttol ll

ll5 N. Pennsylvania 5llcel, Indiatr,rpr:lir 1) SHETBYCO.CTERK lndianaBank & Trusl Patntnize Only 5 Milk Coupons MElrose 8'5-501- Exl. I Your Supporf Will Be Company "Conlplel Our c llarr liirrg Scn'tce The EQUITABLE Life Assurarlcc Socicly of the Sincc l1)U1)" Greatly Appreciated of lhc Anrcricas,New Yolk l9 N. W. Lornr:r ol Srg. AtIt;ertisprs Homc Oflice:1285 Avenue


diplouratic Colombia

BUYING or SELLING * St. Simon * Rral Esfato ffi CALL rrun5t,r.Lov.ty ParishShoppitg List I 'filiP.::-t...lgf 3 hedrm,brirk, I Inclianapolis *"0'' rcaronchrr' JOSEPH R. Yii,? i O O | ,'$1'"",:t I ARGUS Fontanna S. Sanderr Inquirc I I Realry - ME :- rbout our I t.390t I Holy Angek *i* Holy Spirit *l:t Lady of Lourde: *l* Sl. Bernadsttc homc lr',rde. Littfe Flower * Asrumption *'* * in plan. * l- scHoTT * Sl. Lawrence Erown'r Servic. sldtion 8RAUN & | souttt Gilllo H.rdwrt. - I-;ri;'. Supply jir;,6r!li I .- AuDUBON MKT. I m;",,,ir'"- -["' i ,,,,.,,,,,1o**.'_ ,*, ;dlh -..I1.I_T::---- ; li^",11""^"",",1,iJ"1i.,"'^" I * Fine*ont',,,l.. o"'l#'*1lllllii'1"'lll'l'il','" i NK izors. AudubonRcf. rf"iosrst \*x/*'l..-';"$l-I'.ln.''li.''liiiii11lxr.,J.*'.'l-.|'$?"iif-'i,illl't'JlJt"l' ir urly .' *r rkr'ur^rD orilrrr '. pHARMAcy , Russ t Dors 5t. PiusX ^ "" Crors *l I ";;;;*om,teull ,"^*"i." * a,llA.!r:l * I--E-r,r l i- .[:,:s.1p.9Tii.,cHoGcHoo INN r'r67N _---i.^,^,'.,^''."...,.",i*|mmacu|aleHerrt*|,",i]i,""'.."''',"",.x1il]|:l.*',,''1.i"'':'.1*!i]"li'-'-lmmaculate Heart :kl ^' '".. - woitrt.'s Sranda.di* u*r,r*,u,,o,,,ljll;lil;li' r,r,,,il4l,,.r.,,iujl,lol,ru"I i:i i:::l;,'lllll"l--1il:llii::: "-, New 5f. Jude,r Add, .d-iP- ,.""r.u',y1"" (5,rut51;,1.'r lkw.rl co. I I r,td B?5t) qw oevrsGRgcE.Ry ilcw Chrrlrrnd . I rexacoFUEL orL i ltish !ehorl 0rini ,.,l"ilitlril': I i i ,,lrrvltrqth.tmtrldr"trrvlng ,tl:tJntuttn crocttirs,ll.ilr,f.lrllsdvrgrlablct i -,, .,F | lht tmtrldr i t.pt.mbcr, l962 8rk.ry Goodr For Ovri forly Vr;f.rrland rnd i I Ycur', I Ilrornpson Rrl, (5000 Soulh "n''-0"'o: i lrvington lce & Fuol Co. i 3200 E.) Patronize Our . .roos, Rin.r (,tt Atr. rr, r"rlrr vlnt.t, (,ry 1c.fl6tt, I rldt will,t, C0nCftfl """*,;*", .pettdl *.If;ii,i,n :rrrjr:l\, trtr lr : dl1r.tsiilri.i(, ntat ptto. i*r,,,* i i,..--=-*._,1 Holy Name 'r.r,'r d,,o Dr;t,rrc sclr00ti ",,,1 fulura hloh .: -'- viJ I rcrnlirr ,'rt. r'rszi, '' ^,', McKEAND ORUG STORE i li,ll"iii';,.' lll']'ot1'; Aduerli,scr.s :;.,.;lii,iit' ":T;ffi,3;,y;..il:';; r \ltf[{:'Yu"f rr.,litilhlifi;,r:;r-::,:'ili**::"llW i:;il'1;:h' lM ,,.,,T:,:ii,l,;f-:.i"u.oo,,:#"ifl ,,, | l'-. I #'*,'.*:fr,i"i.",e$Bfl v,' ,",,,*,0 ** *irfi:*ili,'". lS\*h i,',,',':.:-Y,*:.i 1r-----'---" I ri"e JELLED-MActcL".r-," i ,.,i1;,_,il'i,i,il;_,,,iM11;*{ - Cornlro,tuot*ll?,u1,1*u,r,i JELLED,MACTc i .r1ii$,tr",h,:,rfff.,il_,rTst rcivs.rnLr.N,rix,i{ros I INK Ti,jrii{lh1yr,".i * J, 't835.^-,1,thr,,,r.sor,lho.sttrn AY., ![ 6t9tl - .l | \v.!l,h:k-rrnnrxl.r)cllv.r I xu rt,"t *,l,lJj,l{,;1,1',-rJoit,,r. I "Have {i-.iolyiriueH|_BerryBros.Pain|Slorer*St.Catherine; 'i|rl-|*LadyofLourdes*,,"'''';.;;;;;;',,.,rl.,.55llj-| "l ,----ryAF\*-'''1You Outgrown your 'rr va'L' ffi' Homel,' ,,",^i'@-,,:::::,:..lffii-..--.-.-;;';iN1h3T::lt\--, r.,vi-F SERVICE KERLIN'S , mY,-,,- your present plop(rrry "'u'oo'*.j_- lj.il'r.. E. i:r:ir:ffi [.0[ us take ilr tr'adc chris,heKins*i"",1 ".**l:illf+j:,1:,,:yf,r.y1,,",.;X;fi''' ?., Hli?r't::. :k *",.,,",111,1"ir".."* ii.::,Ii,;. Ug:ii:iiffi antl build for you r new and lalger home. -*:--:.-- *'--- --'lnxs'w*r'' rr'r'oeisl"l:----'lrrF+Uil"*--':V'n*ri - ':'--::--l R. V. Welch I | *.,,""**-", 1: "r.,il;t;;;E;;oTE-l- \tr'c are ltrca{ctl ttcar tlte ftttttre St. lJnrtltolorirlu, t':rtlrolrc DIRK'SMARKET i-; ^S. RAy Ross i (llrtrlclr, l#,-".,';:.,'.;;...,,|,'']ilill'"]T"T"i;".|ot1r;s11ge'l-iARAYRoss1 Noltlr llaslrvood Sltoplring Ceutet', recteatirrrt ar()r !r.ilh 'ii;ij,;ji"ii uora""rxav"'.us. "i'i1;;li,*1"J",.'t LlttlcFlower*l srvirrrnrin( pool ilr the hearl. ol the boonring Nolth east sirle of I f.tffidll: I | I sr"na",rs.,"i..I lrrrlia nallolrs. "*- -- - '' "* Nolth 14astrvootl has all city conveniences urclutling stolrrr | *l;i-?... , l,ini nr | I :rnrl sanilnrl- scrvrrt's, pnverl streets nnd sidervallis, pt-rlicc arrrl filc protcct{on. trash pick up. i:@i''wfr$ tlall onc of thesc srles representatives for Juttlter trtfolmatron: Iiffi[ ffiq I i*;ffi[.?:'",il:';':1ffi; John Schnitriur Rrx Bollon Bill Grirl Lffij[q].,_ "'"' .::ir"""t1;iiuio:" ,,,,,.,i ,1,o*^',,,",?^,1_u.", =-i 1*,",;m,,,13:ff:11il"'"i1r,'""''i',r#r".:,1r1';rr""-.#i"'ot*Hl'iily,'".t 'o* i -lt49l ffiTi","ly'li$1ii..i*':ll"""l"$?tlfl';iiljjI.il:tiiiidkt||,o.*r,l'.ii*'".fsoH|-v*,RExALLDrUgti.t,.l* HolyAngels *, " "_"1]* i*':;" "-"1.'3l"iH$':'#li"si:;rrr'xr1$'''l .,".,,^lii.ili-ij;*.,,. I ,ilrt:r:ty7 .. . | i ',,,.|'il;t;'Hrrdwe'co.'.i '-p""'lprionr- '.'-]$..i]lli}:.,,,..:"*ii;-'"*l:rl.':':".,$.l{i'1'll,",'i,l,,l**l-*:g;ll*:l"".h;;;*.,,o,*i*ilffilwoRrH'sMARKET woLMANDRUos, 'n.. lttroE.,olli"',""'^.,. r.ssssi 1 It. \r, Weleh Assoc..hlc, Iiii"'i"l'r,',;;l;.',',:lI ".: ;.'l:._:." '""j*$t"ls*rr!i'i- (Davsloperr of Norfh Etrtwoodl - -j:.:'_* _.,.11'-".1il.:*i.,_::;iilj C939 E. 38fh 51. lndianapolir {16l tl Now f ,\ iler:il lA * i Of'nn Dqys I i i "Perfq(l lmr ,s,E I |Ihr*'i':1.'l'i,li;ll Answor" lo Yqur leilt0n fr0bl0tn i lll l;li",l'*' I curzwrLLER?I CHURCH-SftO0t-H0tllE-milNItl{AllCEli W contractorsj"- sgirl"^::: Elr"':1::::'-j:rpenters r' 'herb' sr'+'tr Plumbers-- Pl'.sterers.-'-"Painlcrs- Fencing I I d-Tr\ ::Y:*:PURE otL i,,,,l2ed'2,l'lftni,'1xl'u,*il,'!rrJrrJj:' Ii W$P 'oivo;JJlilE'' ^'',::i:;,;,ll*" @: s!""ry!4'"J An Inexpensive Want Ad | ";*;"'"** ll l.T**"'-*^*lllllt.,.,..-..1*--:l Does a Big Job *';"*:l:'-::P:""' - - :--o-oi"o;,^uoi CALL ME 5.453I ..iiiut',,',]."J',t,,,'"" I ll ^-',1*lf'.ltrTillr-"."'..,...l'::- PArD.LLEN'S .\sk for ittr r\tl-'I'etlit:r' rE rs c.ilrT' ijii,s.srcc ..,r' *'1"" liii'l"r."* I ftt(. WASHII{rnd Dlflt I li :::_.... :u* l- I" I frx.tt il{oP I '.*'. | ;'i'i:f';;; t'*X*"; oror nc,vcv rf. a.?3t9 ;;;';;;';";--;"' | J I u',* &Mirror co. ; l*'- Mt - """",'**{il 0uIt tRtNG* PA ltal lN6 l*[: ^c(r)'drcivlriic'i rf j i';';'Krlll-'$,:l:ra-',t'lt;;:lo'J , ,,;i,,"illlij,,,l",it'll'",iJJil,'il] tl':l',",','f."::":'..." i ,,,rtilrlil'.-t'i"iji:,',,rn'"i+"Hi",ff" ! --i** 5t.)r' Jude x ror TENDERS i,r,li.i^l!-' ....., n. * rv. Lilul * Lolllpdlry i- ;..;r;;,.;:."._^"" I I l?03 lf. $0lll$ cH. {.45s5 : r ,r'lutl 8.by tltittr j.-..:.: | I \1[ ] l/00 o:]0 llctchc, ,rvc rdd r dlcrnily lttlicr :l I Vr(ntioil I Splittly Clcttrcttct': STAN'S I xouR-DAY-lrttx I Floor & Wall Tile SHELL SERVICE I sr 6.0346 | Vt Off J. E. FRAKER& SON tl,l N. tolllgc AYt, Mt, 7.8675 m Louis Southerland Roofing- Siding Co. We Specirlhc in M SPIVEY ALUMINUM SIDING n00FlNG. GUIIEnIIIG and REPAItIS I gt Call Day or Nighl hinllng-tonnie lurnct. MC. . t.5658 I b gT. SoDnu lullt ,rlt. /.613/i. ldrurtd : ltlt6 trtnlrh. o .d. tirrtt€r|, ME 7.65t0 6-{33t Plqnlbi nf, r f|lrllIcer. I G,\r r get, I I Itlonrt trorr Iut I Prymontr u I t'rr."'ilL. rrtl. CAPITOTGLASS of r),1 c0ilPAllv,ilc. St. PiusX T{ Mrdison Slore Fronlc HASSE'SBAKERY ;l rl yrov Furnilure lopr 1il6 [. loth sr. ilt,8.5t61 couPLAND& t a 0rRrhDAf tAKfs o ffi Window Glsss e w[DDlllG CAKES N,itry/ HARRELL JOIUDAN l{0f D0'llUfSBr3t l.Ll. CL0S€0 rtn0il0AY Aluminum Weatherboard Mirrort (ontlela Motot rld Brlre Scrvicr IlRtt a SArItRlt5 a Ac([5s0ff1t5 Speci.r!isls CEGA| MACKET Ct 5'0848 Alsynile Fibre Glorr Funeral]lome VEna'i llrl rnd Kcyilone "llomr 2106E. Iorh sr. '..--"KEYSTONE Alumiwall Corporation Boiley Gloss Sliding of pei5onal Sr)rvicc" (Al ll.nillon) BAKERY A. I.IIJREII'I' 2,{ tlout nilrt)uldncc Servi. " 1924W. Michigan ME 2.24t6 Doors HO FACXAGT MTAI - ATI TNIIN CU' llnIHoAY CAKTS drd Plfs 1428 t. lorh sr. Mt. 6.4304 - "Don'[ Plb9. & Healing Conlraclor + Shot by Phone Fr€e Dsllvtrt * ll0l D0liuls Atl DAY Serrt :1 Sort to Do .,1 l1€len Jor(iin, o!,/ner trit, 6 .1305 715 E. Southern Ave. Mr,2.5t9l Thermopone it r.m. lo',/ p,ut.-Sun.7 t.n' lo ) p.nl. illorr'sJotr'' s'r 6.3083 JOHANTGEN'S ftlt rrd Xtyrlonr Cl 5'9296 Wolfe Shell Service Stalion RURAL PHARMACY LEADED GLASS C0ll or Visit Our tlrand flclv Sdkervl -JIIL- 1845 E. MlCtllGAR - 'tlar'.rt SHOP STAINED GLASS llll lttl txD. Lub. lire ffi ,,ii,::n, TOM'S PASTRY l3f,E|lft se/v. - wrih.Sinronirc /li(zll5\ l30l E. Michiern 5512t. ,ttt lt. fl' 3'0t88 t0r SDeciJl0e(ordtcd llold'Poirtcd Spcciol Dcslqnr Modr Sacred Heart Slilfllt t stRYrcrc.rtts * Ordtr f,loJ rJF7.0055 \W " #f;.,t;?'"1',. ilRr[DAY CAKIS a wt0Dlt{6 cAKtt For Church Wlndowr It - curnaxltro wAiifi ;PAiiint-"-'- M A R IE 5 JACOB MONZEL MOORE JEWELERS E St. Rita * c R A M cI s Forrrerlv Srown Jewalers * 7307 E. Michigan ME 2.4118 COMMUNITYLAUNDRY co. sAND;R; .*orHrnt O GIfIS0F ,iwttlY rnd,tv{tttf 'r't250 TTPAINIilCO f 6lh fnd Mutlnrtlc *a, ME 9-2345 AUTOSUPPLIES Our Drop Off PATRONIZETHE 6016N. Michigan Rd. Sanlar tiv$ tort Morruyand liar 1 fYASH-0R| [0- F0l.0s0 ADVERTISERS 'I cL 3-3489 [fA'l'llOf'{IZli 8t 8at Pound


FIRSiI].}IAND RtrPORT N,Y. archdirlcese SURPLUS PROPERTY WASIIINGTON-Rep. John S. arlopts pen$ion l\Ionagan of Connecticut has in- plan troduccd a bill (H.R. tr3?9) to permit govcl.nmant surplus prop- for lay eml]loyees erty to be douated to schools for. the mentally retartled and physi. Ropuhlic NIiW YORK-Cardinal Francis Dominican cally handieapped, to educational Spellman, Alchbishop of New talevision stations and public York, announcetl here that a pen- to sion plan has been adopted for _l1T:li"r __- lay employees of the pnrishes, institutions and agencies of the New York archdioccse, rood buck The plan, which will go into on long effect on .luly l, aims at provid. ing a pension which togelher rvith ago at the bt'ginuing of thc 1'ear' social securitS' antl personal snv. BY MANUEL MIRA because it rvas nlrcady the middle ings will assure a pcrson of re. EYES EXAMINED 'l'ltc raPre' lirement I)olllitticilll lleptrblic, of Januarl' when the last age a hrture lree ol PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ('ltlistiatt scntatives of Trrrjillism left the finnacial concern, llrc l'irst hnd of - Dr. Jane F. Kernel govrl'nnlcnt. lltlt it is I rc' SPEAKER Falhcr Adelbert relislttts Archrlkrcesan lay crnplo5'ces thc Anlr)fi(rits, lodilv Bulcher, O.S,B,, rpirilual Dr Donald R. slraincd frccdom. rveak, fcarful eligible dircc. Hiafr oI for membership in the thc stt't'cl and [rittcl tttste for of fhc Sl, Meinrrd School ol 0PIoMtrt tSrs ol' lhc pl'c.sent and of tonlorrow. plan number in excoss of 20,000, ll0URSr8:30.5 0Attt frt'cdont, lillccl s'itlt datlgcrs Thcology, will conducl thc Lilur. eovering prolession:rl and non. WtDNlS0Al8r30,r2:00 btrt sltittittg Ncvcrlhele sr, il lr lraedom. gical Sludy Day for Indienapolir. anrl eliflictrltics, professional skilled and non- Thc Dominicrns, rl lccrt rll .re. Sisters al Our Lcdy ot irt holtt' itl tlrt' sitttrt' litltc. skilled u'orkers. I{oosier lhosc who ara worlhY of thr Gracc Academy, Beech Grovc, ;\ ll't'lntt)'of olt't:10 )'oal's thilt Calling for entployees to rctirc ne mc, prefer it to lhc dirgrucc. on Salurdey, April 28. Tho ob- lortcltcd itteonc.'ivaltlc t'Nlt'L'lut!s "All at lhe age of 65, the plan-in Optir:al Co. pcsl. of fhir ir rlmost nnd ful fervcnce ir being rponsorod by l('l't thr' cottntrl inrpovct'isht'rl conjunction with social securit5, 26 N. Pennsylvanir e mirrclc," r high.irnking ths Archdioceocn Lilurgicrl Com. ME 5.9629 thc l)onrinicatts bcrlildt't'cd, payments-will provide the rc. churchman told mo. mistion. thouqh still u ith ettottglt stl't'ngth tiring empkrS'ee an annual inconrc stlllftrlllc to lilt llrt'rtrsrllvr:s in a Nltranu'ltilt.'l'r'trjillisnt--ils ex' of between 50 an(l 75 per cent of bcst of llte and Mrs. Edgar H. Sellmeyer, 1008 E. Dud. cffoll to t'cbuiltl the t*'nal rnaniitrstation, lllottcrl out JUBILARIANS-Mr. lris salary at retirenent. 0n thc l)ontittican nilt ionalit)'. fr.o1t tlxlrsan{s of inscriptions, loy Sl., Indianapolis, will colebrrte their 50th Wedding Anniverscry average, it will amonnt to 60 per WEDDING$KES postel'i^ antl nronrrments-rvhips with a Solcmn High Mass of Thanksgiving at ll a,m, Salurday, cont. CusLotrt Ivlurle-'I'o THE PRESENT is a tinrc of 'I'lte Y our Lilting up its hst blorvs in the rlark, 28, in Sl. Mark'r Church. A receplion ir scheduled al Mon- Thc plan is basetl on a J por irt tltc I)otrtinican Rt" April lclolutiort cent pay * HOT CROSSBUNS EVERY DAY DURING 'l'he etrtrtttrttttists, too, lie in nnlbttsh, Downey Knightr ol Columbus Council lrom noon until 3 p.m. of annual base contri" LENT * Dublit'. sittlation is critical. signor bution by the enrployce to the Poli' plot. and arv:rit lheir hours. bcliev' on lhal day. The couple have two sons, Edgar F. and Bernerd it could lrecottttl d1'5pp1xtt'. "Lib. pcnsion ing tlrat it is close a[ httnd- fund and an employer tiell pltt tics ltc 1rtolilot'lrting-' Sellmeyer,-Mrr. and four daughters, Mrs. Helen Roach, Mrs. Dorolhy ?l"Ifr'.I rontribution substantially in cx- $Rtos elals" antl anti-clericals.pl:iI-ll.lo ntalll .rll oI tht'ttt t't'r'olttliotlnt'l' ;i;;k;, Eileen McMahon rnd Mrs. Marsuerire scenron, zr 2701S. Brill Rd. ST 6.237t "l"Lonts" the hunrls oI cotttntttnisnl. (lrt]llnl. cess of this. Employees must in nantrt ittttl itt lact' .,tlemocralic"'hi];i;;;- srendchildren rnd lhree great'srandchildren. "tnot i.g .f i havc beon with the archdiocese arrtl r'lllt'ttts" of nll sot'ts *---*'-': stilp t)]' soruc rich anrl cgolislical for nlore than thrce years to be sllt'tttrq ttll and ilrc sttt