THE ABC OF HARMONY – A WORLD TEXTBOOK ON CULTURE OF HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATION BY 76 AUTHORS Prof. Dr. Leo Semashko Petersburg, GHA President Leo Semashko [[email protected]] Abstract: The ABC of Harmony is the first encyclopedia, and holistic scientific knowledge of the fundamental elements of social harmony, the separate clusters of which have been studied and developed since 1976 which is for more than 35 years. Key words: harmony, social harmony, tetranet thinking, harmonious civilization ABC HARMONIJE – SVETOVNI UČBENIK O KULTURI HARMONIČNE CIVILIZACIJE, S 76 AVTORJI Povzetek: ABC harmonije je prva enciklopedija, filozofija in celovita znanstvena vednost o temeljnih prvinah družbene usklajenosti. Posamezne zaokrožene dele lete so proučevali in razvijali od leta 1976, kar pomeni več kot 35 let. Ključne besede: harmonija, družbena harmonija, razmišljanje po tetranet, usklajena civilizacija Making of the book The ABC was created collectively by the GHA coauthors as the first world textbook on the theory of global social harmony and harmonious civilization. It is necessary and accessible for all countries, cultures and people. Therefore it opens the Age of Harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century and is intended for all educational institutions in the world. Its main goal is expressed in the title, "for global peace, harmonious civilization and tetranet thinking." The book consists of five main parts: "The ABC of Harmony", "Applications and Prerequisites", "Harmony Stars", "Harmony Poetry" and "Harmony Painting". Their logic is obvious. Their content tends to the holistic expression of universal harmony not only in theory, but in different cultures: India, China, , America and Africa; in the sciences of sociology, psychology, , synergetics, economics, politics and ecology; in the world religions of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam; in love, family, education and peacemaking; in the arts of poetry, painting and music; and in the lives of its great creators and thinkers: Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Mohamed, Numa Pompilius, , , Nikolai Roerich, Mother Teresa, Dalai Lama and many others. The philosophical basis of the ABC of Harmony is tetrism as a four dimensional pluralism, which provides a full, rather than partial, theoretical approach to social and individual harmony. The new methodological framework defines new, adequate, level of thinking of social harmony, which was called tetradic network harmonious thinking, or tetranet thinking in short. It is presented in varying degrees and models in the book sections. The ABC of Harmony is the core of thinking, worldview, spiritual culture and the Internet of global harmonious civilization, which is inevitable in the 21st century. Therefore, The ABC of Harmony allows every person and all people to not only understand and get prepared for it, but also take a fully conscious practical part in its building. Key words: culture, harmony, tetranet thinking

Instead of Introduction

The world needs the great vision of peace and prosperity. Peace and prosperity for all the nations of the planet Earth. How can we make such a vision a reality? I see a dawn of a beautiful Star, The dawn of a shining vision, The emergence of enlightened citizens. – The ABC of Harmony is the dawn of a shining, harmonious vision of peace and prosperity for all the nations of the planet Earth! Together with it, the enlightened citizens will emerge, capable of building a harmonious civilization of peace and prosperity on the planet Earth! (By: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Poet, President of India, 2002–2007;

The GHA Highest Honorary Title: WORLD HARMONY CREATOR)

The ABC of Harmony and Our New Planetary Paradigm The fundamental revolution in science and paradigm shift in human consciousness emerging from the most advanced thinking of the 20th century is expressed with great insight by Leo Semashko in his together the GHA coauthors ABC of Harmony. Nature and the cosmos have now been understood as an evolutionary upsurge of wholes within evergreater wholes from the micro level to the totality of the cosmos. The ABC of Harmony draws upon this cosmic and ontological context to articulate schemata of human social and personal harmony capable of integrating human civilization into the deeper harmonies of the cosmic reality within which we are immersed. The evolutionary upsurge within our holistic cosmos could and should animate human consciousness and society, but it is up to us to actualize this potentiality. As the ABC of Harmony puts this "All the necessary and sufficient elements of social harmony are completely created by society and depend only from it as only society creates for itself these preconditions." Human civilization, therefore, arising from our universal common humanity irrespective of particular differences, desperately needs this paradigm shift from fragmentation, conflict, and division to the integrated elements articulated in the ABC of Harmony. It is up to us, and a path to harmony and integration is laid out in this document.

One fundamental aspect of the ascent to civilizational harmony is the Constitution for the Federation of Earth . It provides a democratic and legal framework for the truth expressed by the ABC of Harmony that "people include all human beings from conception, irrespective of other qualities: gender, race, age, culture, religion, and so on." The Constitution constitutes a global social contract that guarantees rights and responsibilities for all, simply as human beings, to ecological integrity, peace, social justice, and the fundamental elements of civilizational harmony. In this respect it provides a necessary condition for the actualization of the paradigm of harmonious civilization outlined in the ABC of Harmony. The future of humanity and our precious planet Earth depend on our ability to accomplish this profound transformation of both consciousness and society from fragmentation and division to integration and harmony.

(By Dr. Glen T. Martin, SecretaryGeneral, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. President, Institute on World Problems; Professor of Philosophy, Radford University, USA.) Availability of the book GHA is happy to announce that ninemonth period to create the ABC of Harmony global textbook ended with its publication in English in New Delhi, India, in IASE University and in Russian in St. Petersburg, Russia. In the electronic format it is published on the GHA website also in two languages: This year the ABC will translate to the other languages: French, Spanish, etc. The ABC was published together the two organizations: Global Harmony Association and IASE Gandhi University, India. We congratulate the GHA members and his friends with our great collective achievement the creation of the world's first in the history of the ABC of harmony that opens the conscious beginning of harmonious civilization and harmonious Enlightenment of humanity in the 21st century!

Now the main thing for GHA is the spread of the ABC for all available channels, above all to all schools. We invite members of the GHA and all our friends to engage actively in this historic process of acquaintance the population with ABC as in the unprecedented conscious harmonious Enlightenment, starting with young people all over the world.

The first, easiest and most accessible way for it is selling the ABC books with a view to reissue it in the year. Buy the ABC in Russian at a price of 400 RUB. + shipping cost you can at Ivan Ivanov, GHA Technical Director, giving him you exact address and the copies number. His Email: [email protected]. Mobil Tel: +7 960 2866180.

Buy the ABC in English at a price of $ 20 + shipping cost you can at Dr. Surendra Pathak, GHAIndia President, informing him your exact address and the number of books. His Mobile: +919414086007, Email: [email protected]

The ABC coauthors (76 GHA members) are eligible to receive two free copies of ABC for themselves and their institutions by paying only the postage costs to the specified addresses.

Another mass, pathway for the ABC spreading is the formation of wholesale orders for ABC from schools, colleges and universities, as well as book sales and advertising firms, which are sent to the specified addresses.

For this purpose, and to inform all, the ABC following characteristics are in the table:

Russian Publication English Publication The GHA authors: 76 of 26 countries, including: The GHA authors: 76 of 26 countries, including: Professors and Doctors – 41; Leaders of international and Professors and Doctors – 41; Leaders of international and national organizations – 36; Poets – 29; national organizations – 36; Poets – 29; Publisher: Polytechnic University, StPetersburg, Russia Publisher: Doosra Mat Prakashan, New Delhi, India ISBN 97857422433398 ISBN – 9788192310862 Pages 336 Pages 332 Paperback Paperback Sections 9 Sections 9 Articles 67 Articles 67 Paragraphs of the ABC of Harmony 26 Paragraphs of the ABC of Harmony 26 Poems 35 Poems 35 Pictures 28 Pictures 28 Reviews 27 Reviews 27 Paintings 8 Paintings 8 Models 88 + 3 Schemes Models 88 + 3 Schemes The GHA Sponsors 44 of 15 countries The GHA Sponsors 44 of 15 countries Copies of the book edition 500 Copies of the book edition – 1.000 Price of one copy – 400 rub + shipping Price of one copy – USD 20 + shipping

Specifics of the book

The ABC unique characteristics and substantial preferences are:

1. Among the ABC authors are such eminent persons as: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam , President of India in 20022007; Dr. Norman Kurland , Principal Architect of President Reagan's Project Economic Justice; Prof. Ernesto Kahan , Vice president of the physicians organization, which received the Nobel Peace Prize 1985; Prof. Francois Houtart , Personal Representative of the UN GA President; Kanak Mal Dugar , Chairman, Gandhi Vidya Mandir; Chancellor, IASE Deemed University; Honorary President, GHAIndia and Dozens of professors, doctors and heads of international and national organizations, which are the pride of our ABC. 2. The ABC is the world's first and world history textbook that provides a holistic scientific knowledge about the social and individual harmony. It reveals its positive spiritual nature, as opposed to the apocalyptic moods and negative aspirations of violence, crime and other social pathologies. It embodies the indissoluble unity of the higher spiritual values, especially moral good and aesthetic beauty.

3. The ABC unfolds a deep understanding of harmony as the ultimate meaning of life for the human and society.

4. The ABC is a revolution of thinking, as a shift from the paradigm of partial and disharmonious to the paradigm of holistic and harmonious tetranet thinking.

5. The ABC various texts as the piano strings are harmonized between its two epistemological poles: the higher intuitive patterns of expression of harmony at such prominent historical persons as Numa Pompilius, Buddha, Confucius, Christ, Mohammed, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gandhi, Dalai Lama (see below the contents of this section), on the one hand, and the higher theoretical generalizations of deep and eternal structure of social and individual harmony in the social and psychological genomes (see below for contents of the first section). These genomes, uniting 20 fundamental elements/spheres of harmony, raise the social and human sciences, especially sociology, psychology, economics, politics and pedagogy from the empirical to the fundamental theoretical level of knowledge of holistic harmony of their subjects. These genomes are arming society and each individual to technology to maximize harmony in all spheres, branches and processes.

6. These and other advantages of the ABC make it a unique consumer product that gives it a massive and growing demand. Such a book in the world does not exist. It is a scientific answer to the universal need of human and society in harmony, making it conscious, because multiple effective in solution of the global problem and freeing humanity from war, famine and other social pathologies. Conscious of the need for universal harmony ensures eternal peace and prosperity for all nations and for humanity the sustainable development of the Earth.

7. The ABC unique qualities and preferences open before it unlimited possibilities of its distribution across all channels. GHA calls his members and friends to be actively involved in this process as a continuation and development of the GHA Mission: pave the conscious way for a harmonious civilization. Distribution of the ABC, particularly through the education system, transforming it into a harmonious education is the way of conscious evolution of a new civilization of humanity through his harmonious enlightenment.

III. Harmony Stars

This section of the ABC contains articles dedicated to the greatest creators of social harmony from antiquity to present day. They either describe personalities, their harmonious doctrines, or their harmonious way of living, in some cases it’s all of the above. Of course, every person has an individual expression of harmony in their deeds but they are all alike in their dedication to harmony and their beautiful and noble characters. The harmony Stars are the greatest predecessors of harmonious civilization and its philosophy of social harmony. They have been the real cornerstones, beacons and the frame of the world history of harmony of humankind in the past nearly 3000 years. They will always remain the eternal examples of spiritual and life harmony for generations of the new civilization. These personalities are the most important objects of the studies held by the International Institute for World History of Social Harmony.

Almost all the Harmony Stars ideas from Numa Pompilius to our days were synthesized in Tetrism as philosophy of harmony and in one form or another integrated in the ABC of social harmony, where they were given further development. These persons served the humanity by creating harmony. This fact is the best proof for the eligibility of the ABC of Harmony and philosophy accepted in it for all nations of the world. Dr. Leo Semashko, the Editor in Chief.


1. Numa Pompilius: The Power Creating Peace and Prosperity from Harmony

2. Lord Buddha: Master of Inner Peace from Harmony

3. Confucius: Great Chinese Teacher of Harmony

4. Jesus of Nazareth: Great Spiritual Power of Peace and Harmony

5. Prophet Muhammad: Faith of Peace and Harmony

6. Francis of Assisi: Ruptures for Harmony

7. Shaftesbury: Aesthetics and Enthusiasm of Holistic Harmony – Harbingers of Harmonious Civilization

8. Fyodor Dostoevsky: Beauty Will Save the World, Creating Harmony…

9. Nikolay Danilevsky: First Idea of Harmonious Civilization

10. Leo Tolstoy: School of Harmony

11. Swami Vivekananda: Life and Teaching in Harmony

12. Mahatma Gandhi: Harmony of NonViolent Civil Disobedience

13. Nicholas Roerich: Concept of Harmony in Culture Doctrine

14. Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Essence of Global Harmony

15. Shri Kanhaiya Lal Dugar, Founder of Gandhi Vidya Mandir and IASE University: Embodiment of Brotherhood through Harmony 16. Dalai Lama: Need for Religious Harmony

17. The Prince of Wales: Revolution of Thinking – from Grammar of Material Harmony to the ABC of Social Harmony

I. The ABC of Harmony contents

1.1. Sociological Foreword

1. Terminology of the ABC of Harmony

2. Conscious Nature of a Harmonious Civilization

3. Birth of Harmonious Civilization/Noosphere in 2009

4. Deep Structure of the Social Harmony Code in the ABC

1.2. Harmony Alphabet: 20 Fundamental Elements/Spheres

1. The ABC of Harmony Definition and Feature

2. Axiom of Social Harmony

3. Five Clusters of Harmony Elements and them Coherence

4. Tetrastructure of Clusters

5. Necessary and Sufficient Nature of Harmony Elements

6. Cluster 1: Resources

7. Cluster 2: Processes

8. Cluster 3: Structures

9. Cluster 4: Classes

10. Cluster 5: Human

11. Socionome of a Society and Psynome of a Man as Integral Image of Society and Man in the ABC of Harmony 12. The ABC of Harmony: Brief History

13. Stages of the ABC of Harmony and Harmonious Culture

1.3. Toolkit for the ABC of Harmony

1. Statistics of Harmony Elements

2. Mathematics of Harmony Elements

3. Key Mathematical Problem of Harmonious Civilization

4. Technologies of Harmony Elements

5. Empirical Studies of Harmony Elements and Their Projects

1.4. Teaching assignments for the ABC of Harmony

Conclusion. The ABC of Harmony: Core of Language, Thinking, Spiritual Culture and Internet of Global Harmonious Civilization Appendix. Philosophical Dimensions of Harmonious Thinking