PLANNING 1156 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. To be presented to a Meeting of the Council to be held on 7th March, 1963.

PLANNING COMMITTEE: 7th January, 1963. Present: Councillor Mason (in the Chair): Alderman Sheldrake; Councillors Adkins, Atkinson, Cohen, F. S. Davies, Ellement, Freely, Harris and Rees.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS.—NIL. PART II.—MINUTES. 2718. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the signing of the minutes of recent previous meetings be deferred until they are printed. 2719. Suggested Relocation ok Industrial Non-Conforming Users at Nos. 94 to 110, Greenford Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill Ward: Resolu­ tion 2679 (14th December, 1962): The Committee decided to inform Middlesex County Council that the Committee are prepared to recommend the Borough Council to accept responsibility for relocating the non- conforming users at 94 and 110, Greenford Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill. The Housing Committee were asked to consider purchasing all the sites under the Housing Acts, the County Council to contribute towards the cost of acquiring the non-conforming uses behind 96 and 108, Greenford Road, and the Borough Council towards the additional cost (if any) of acquiring those uses at 94 and 110, Greenford Road. The Town Clerk reported that the Housing Committee (20th December, 1962) agree to the suggested acquisition of all the properties under the Housing Acts, on the understanding that any difference between the industrial and residential values of the premises would be borne other than by the Housing Committee. The Borough Architect and Planner reported that enquiries he has been instructed to make in the matter are incomplete. RESOLVED: That the above-mentioned reports be noted. 2720. Multiple Occupation of 48, Hindes Road, Wealds tone South: The Public Health Committee (30th October, 1962) considered the Chief Public Health Inspector's report upon the inspection of this property which is occupied by seven families. That Committee, with a view to possible action pursuant to section 15 of the Housing Act, 1961 (which enables Local Authorities to make Orders regulating the management of properties in multiple occupation), asked the Officers to report further in the matter to the Public Health Committee and, in the meantime, they decided to inform the Planning Committee of the circumstances. The Town Clerk reported the property enjoys existing use rights as four flats. Since the Public Health Committee's meeting on 30th October, 1962, the owner had been interviewed, and has since confirmed, in writing, his intention to submit an application for planning permission to convert the property into two or three self-contained flats as soon as he has completed his present course of studies, expected to be not later than October, 1963. 1157 PLANNING RESOLVED: That, subject to the concurrence of Middlesex County Council, the Town Clerk be authorised to serve an Enforcement Notice, requiring discontinuance of the use of the above-mentioned premises in excess of accommodation in four units, as referred to above, within 56 days of the date that the Notice shall become effective.

2721. Circulars: Pipe-Lines Act, 1962: The Town Clerk submitted (a) Ministry of Housing and Local Government Circular No. 69/62 (18th December, 1962); and (b) Ministry of Transport Circular Roads 23/62 (21st December, 1962), drawing attention to this Aci which received the Royal Assent on 1st August, 1962. By section 5 of the Act, the Minister of Power may, on authorising the construction or diversion of privately-owned industrial pipe-lines over ten miles long (cross-country pipe-lines), direct, at the same same, that planning permission shall be deemed to be granted. Local pipe-lines, i.e., those under ten miles in length, do not require the Minister's authorisation, but will need planning permission in the normal way. The Town Clerk reported that the main objects of the Act are to provide Ministerial control of the development of privately-owned cross-country pipe-lines and to arrange for the hearing of objections: to enable pipe-line promoters to obtain land and rights compulsorily; to empower the Minister to regulate the construction and maintenance of all pipe-lines; and to estab­ lish their rateability. RESOLVED: That the Circulars be noted and referred to the Officers for attention.

2722. Tree at Parish Hall, Christ Church, Northolt Road, South Harrow: The Committee considered correspondence (a) from the Secretary of the Parochial Church Council, Christ Church, stating that the Church Council have under consideration the felling of a tree in the grounds of the Parish Hall in Northolt Road, and enquiring whether the tree would be covered by a Tree Preservation Order and, if not, might it be removed; and (b) from the Middlesex County Planning Officer, stating that the loss of a London plane (some 80 ft. in height, with a crown spread of 70 ft.) would be a loss to the amenities of this part of the Borough, and suggesting the promotion of a Tree Preservation Order for the grounds (which also include three limes) of the Parish Hall as a matter of urgency. RESOLVED: That consideration of this matter be deferred to enable the Officers to consult the Parochial Church Council, with a view to a mutually approved course of action being taken, and to report further in due course.

2723. Erection of Bungalow and Garage at Richmond Gardens behind 723, Kenton Lane, Harrow Weald: The Committee (15th January, 1958) approved an application (in outline) for the erection of a detached bungalow on this site, subject to a Condition requiring the submission and approval of detailed plans, such plans to include the provision of a footpath to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer and Surveyor, and such footpath to be constructed within three months of commencement of development. (Reason: The application is in outline only.) The Committee (21st May, 1962) granted a detailed planning application in respect of the development. PLANKING 1158 The Borough Architect and Planner reported that building operations started on 18th May, 1962, and although the matter has been brought to the notice of the developer, construction of the footpath, in accordance with the above-mentioned Condition, has not commenced. RHSOLVED: That, subject to the concurrence of Middlesex County Coun­ cil, the Town Clerk be authorised to serve an Enforcement Notice, requiring the construction of the above-mentioned footpath within 28 days of the date the Notice becomes effective.

2724. Continued Use of Ground Floor of 65, Northolt Road, South Harrow, as Office, Store and Canteen: The Borough Architect reported that the Committee (26th November, 1962) granted permission for the continued use of these ground floor premises as an office, store and canteen, subject to the following conditions, viz.: (1) That the permission be for a limited period of 10 months only, expiring on 29th September, 1963, when the permitted use shall be dis­ continued. (Reason: To ensure that the provisions of the County Develop­ ment Plan are not prejudiced.) (2) That this permission shall enure for the benefit of Woolingham & Co. Ltd. only, and not for the benefit of the land, nor any other person, or persons, for the time being having an interest therein. (Reason: To retain control of the site.) Following the grant (5th September, 1961) of the original consent for a change of use of the first floor from residential to office, store and canteen, the applicants appealed to the Minister of Housing and Local Government against the imposition of a Condition (2) " that the permission should enure for the benefit of the occupiers (Woolingham & Co. Ltd.) only, and not for the benefit of the premises or any other person for the time be ins; having an interest therein." As a result the Condition was discharged. RESOLVED: That, having regard to the above-mentioned decision of the Minister of Housing and Local Government, the Committee hereby discharge Condition (2) of the consent of 26th November, 1962, relating to the ground floor of the above-mentioned premises.

2725. Residential Development at "The Paddocks," Elms Road, Harrow Weald: The Borough Architect and Planner reported that Condition (3) of consent HAR/17459 (e) (24th June, 1962), in connection with the residen­ tial development at the above site, states that detailed drawings of the layout, showing which trees are to be retained on the site be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before any work is commenced, and none of the trees shown be felled or lopped without prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The Borough Architect submitted a plan, prepared by the developers, showing trees which it is desired to fell at this site. RtsoLVED: That consideration of this matter be deferred to enable the Borough Architect to consult the developers and to report further.

2726. Section 35 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947: Town and Country Planning (Development by Local Planning Authorities) Regula­ tions, 1951: RhsoLVhD: That Middlesex County Council be informed that no objections are raised to the proposal of Eastern Electricity Board to 1159 PLANNING

reduce to 6 ft. the perimeter fence, to make minor alterations to the layout of the equipment, at the proposed grid and primary sub-station off Lytham Avenue, Pinner North and Hatch End. 2727. Proposal of General Purposes Committee: RESOLVED: That no objections be raised to the proposed construction of roads in connection with the layout of an industrial estate for non-conforming industries in the Borough, at the Gas Board land, off Northolt Road, South Harrow.

2728. Proposed Electricity Sub-Station by " Omard," Uxbridge Road, Harrow Weald: The Borough Architect and Planner submitted letters from the developers, and their solicitors, asking that early agreement be reached upon the Eastern Electricity Board's proposal to locate a sub-station in the area, and the site for which is shown in the outline planning application (condi­ tionally approved on 14th April, 1962) in respect of the erection of 18 flats, and garages; and 6 detached houses, with garages. The Borough Architect suggested alternative sites for siting of the sub­ station. RESOLVED: That consideration of this matter be deferred for a further report by the Borough Architect and Planner.

2729. Outstanding Planning Applications: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Borough Architect and Planner that the number of applications for planning permission, at present awaiting examination and report, is 141.

2730. Borough Architectural Panel: Resolution 2712 (14th December, 1962): RESOLVED: That the Committee note the report of the Borough Architect and Planner that the 14 members of the re-constituted Harrow Panel of Architects have held an inaugural general meeting; and that the first Panel meeting will be held prior to the Planning Committee's next meeting on 21st January, 1963.

2731. Deposited Plans: RESOLVED: (1) (a) That, in the case of each plan specified in schedule A (appearing in appendix I* to this report), the decisions stated in columns (5) and (6) thereof, be made; provided that the passing or rejection of a plan under a byelaw submission shall relate only to the requirements of the Public Health Act, 1936 (sections 25, 37, 43, 53, 55, 59, 64 and 137, as the case may be), the Building Byelaws and the Byelaws with respect to New Streets (as the case may be); (b) that the grant or refusal of planning permission shall be made, pursuant to Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, and the County of Middlesex (Delegation of Planning Functions) Scheme, 1948; and (c) save where otherwise stated, the passing or the grant of permission shall not extend to, or imply approval under, any other Acts, Orders, Byelaws or Regulations. (2) That, in the case of each plan specified in schedule B (appearing in appendix' I* to this report), being excepted applications within the meaning of the County of Middlesex (Delegation of Planning Functions) Scheme, 1948 the decisions stated in column (5) of that schedule be made upon bvelaw submissions (as defined in paragraph (1) above), and the recom­ mendations appearing in column (6) thereof, in respect of the grant of planning permission (as above) be made to the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee. PLANNING 1160

(3) That the Committee receive the list (set out as appendix II* to this report) of decisions of the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee upon excepted applications for the grant of planning permission, and that the same be hereby accepted, and the Borough Architect and Planner instructed to issue decisions accordingly. (*Note: The appendices are printed in the Supplement.) (The meeting ended at 8.43 p.mjT I „ igned) Chairman.

PLANNING COMMITTEE: 21st January, 1963. Present: Councillor Mason (in the Chair); Aldermen Cutler, C.C., and Sheldrake; Councillors Atherton, Atkinson, Buckle, Cohen, F. S. Davies, Ellement, Freely and Harris.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS.—NIL. PART II.—MINUTES. 2732. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of 29th October, 12th and 26th November, and 14th December, 1962, having been circulated, be signed; and that the signing of those of 7th January, 1963, be deferred until they are printed.

2733. Revenue Estimates for 1963/64: RESOLVED: That the Committee approve the Revenue Estimates now submitted by the Borough Treasurer, and forward the same to the Finance Committee.

2734. G.E.C. Research Laboratories at " The Grove," Stanmore Common, Stanmore North: Resolution 2700 (14th December, 1962): The Ministries of Supply and (then) Town and Country Planning intimated in 1950 that the question of retaining industrial buildings at this Estate (which is in the Green Belt, and would normally be restricted against building) would be reviewed, and the whole development made the subject of planning control, in 1964. The Town Clerk submitted a further letter from the Ministry of Aviation stating that, as the work at " The Grove " is under review, they feel that, until the results are known, the recently proposed meeting to consider the future use of the buildings might well be purposeless. The Ministry, hope, therefore, the Local Authorities will appreciate it will be some time before a fruitful discussion may be arranged. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be asked to remind the Ministry of Aviation and Middlesex County Council of the acceptance (re-affirmed in 1959) by the Ministries of Supply and Housing and Local Government of the fact that the above-mentioned use would be brought within formal planning requirements in 1964; and of the Committee's view that the pro­ posed joint discussion between the interested parties should take place without delay. 1161 PLANNING 2735. Determination of Harrow No. 1 Planning Scheme: By resolution 2698 (14th December, 1962), the Town Clerk reported, in connection with the confirmation by the Minister of Housing and Local Government (on 16th November, 1962) of the Council's Comprehensive Tree Preservation Order, that an Order had also been made formally determining Clause 49 of this Planning Scheme, which provided for the preservation of trees by registration under the Scheme. The Town Clerk now reported that the Minister had made a further Order determining the remaining provisions of the Harrow No. 1 Planning Scheme, and that the entire Scheme is now superseded. All reference to the revoked Planning Scheme had been deleted from the Local Land Charges Register. "~ RESOLVED: That the report be noted. 2736. Itinerant Caravanners: Resolution 2684 (26th November, 1962): A Survey of itinerant caravanners, in October, 1962, showed a definite problem in Enfield and a less severe problem in West Middlesex. Harrow submitted a Nil return. The Town Clerk reported upon a second Conference of Local Authorities in Middlesex, held at the Guildhall, Westminster, S.W.I, on 9th January, 1962, when it was agreed that a second survey of itinerant caravanners should be undertaken and that adjoining County Councils should be invited to participate therein. RESOLVED: That the above-mentioned report be noted; and that the Borough Architect and Planner be authorised to carry out, and report upon the results of, the second comprehensive survey of itinerant caravanners in the Borough. 2737. Planning Appeals: RESOLVED: That the Committee note the following decisions of the Minister of Housing and Local Government, viz.: — Appellant/s Proposed Development Minister's Decision P. Woolland Ltd. Erection of a single-storey Appeal allowed, sub­ extension behind 360, ject to the materials Station Road, Harrow-on- and the external the-Hill and Greenhill Ward appearance of the building being as may be agreed with the Local Planning Authority or, in de­ fault of agreement, as shall be determined by the Minister. Salathiel Bros. Ltd. Erection of six flats and Appeal dismissed. garages in two-storey de­ velopment (Scheme A) or three-storey development (Scheme B) on land at 339, Eastcote Lane, Roxeth

2738. Front Porch at " Buckholt," Middle Road, Harrovv-on-the-Hill and Greenhill: Resolution 2685 (26th November, 1962): The Committee deferred consideration of a request that they reconsider the imposition of a condition PLANNING 1162

upon a grant of planning permission that this porch shall be painted on completion and thereafter maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. The Borough Architect and Planner reported that, following consultations with the applicant, he is satisfied that all necessary work will be carried out and that the condition may be removed. RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby agree to discharge the above- mentioned condition. 2739. Proposed Separation of Doctor's Surgery from Dwelling-House at 7, Welbeck Road, West Harrow: The Committee (12th November, 1962) granted permission for this development subject to a condition that the doctor's surgery shall be used solely as such and not for any other purpose, and upon cessation of this separate use it shall be incorporated within the dwelling-house. The Borough Architect and Planner reported that the applicant's agent had intimated that his client was appealing to the Minister against this condition and, in the meantime, asks the Committee to reconsider the matter as the condition relates to ownership and not use. The Borough Architect and Planner reported that the house and surgery have been separately occupied since 1956, and it would seem that consent is not required for a change of use, but an application was considered advisable in view of the impending sale of the house and the work required to be undertaken physically to disunite the surgery from it. The Borough Architect and Planner therefore suggested that, in view of the occupation since 1956 and the above facts, the objects of the consent would be achieved without the latter part of the above-mentioned condition. RESOLVED: That, having regard to the Borough Architect and Planner's report, the Committee hereby agree to discharge that part of the above- mentioned condition which states: " and upon cessation of this separate use it shall be incorporated within the dwelling-house." 2740. Consultations between Applicants and Borough Architect and Planner: Resolution 2687 (26th November, 1962): The Borough Architect and Planner submitted a draft of a suggested letter, proposed to be addressed to applicants granted outline planning permission, advising them to consult him at an early stage upon the contents, and particularly the architectural quality of detailed planning applications. RESOLVED: That consideration of the above-mentioned draft letter be deferred to the next meeting. 2741. Outstanding Planning Applications: RESOLVED: That the Committee receive the report of the Borough Architect and Planner that the number of applications for planning permission at present awaiting examination and report, is 213. 2742. Establishment of Borough Architect and Planner's Department: RESOLVED: The Committee note the report of the Borough Architect and Planner upon the numbers of candidates for various vacant posts in his Department following recent advertisements in the technical press. 2743. Circular 100 Procedure: Main Line Electrification: Reconstruction of Railway Bridge over Headstone Drive, Weald stone North and South Wards: The Borough Architect and Planner submitted a proposal by the British 1163 PLANNING

Transport Commission to reconstruct the superstructure of this bridge (No. 44). The proposal continues the minimum headroom of 13 ft. Ill- ins. over Headstone Drive. The Borough Engineer reported that he had urged the Middlesex County Engineer to widen to 50 ft. this County Road (to which widening no objec­ tion is raised by the British Transport Commission) concurrently with reconstruction of the bridge, but the County Engineer had indicated that funds are not available. RESOLVED: That the Highways and Cleansing Committee be informed of the importance the Planning Committee attach to the need to carry out bridge reconstruction and road widening works at Headstone Drive in one operation; and that attention be drawn to the need for consultations with the Local Planning Authority upon the materials to be used for the external surfaces of the bridge abutments. 2744. Section 35 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947: Town and Country Planning (Development by Local Planning Authorities) Regulations, 1951: RESOLVED: That the following observations be submitted to Middlesex County Council upon the under-mentioned proposals for development in the Borough, viz.: — (a) Erection of indoor type electricity sub-station (outline) adjoining 23, Holyrood Avenue, Roxeth, for Eastern Electricity Board. (b) Installation of outdoor type electricity sub-station (layout) at Wood End Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill. Observations: No objections in above two cases. (c) Erection of brick-built electricity sub-station adjoining " The Old Music Room," Peterborough Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill. Observations: The Committee adhere to their view that an alternative site fronting on to Football Lane appears to be more suitable. 2745. Electricity Sub-Stations: " Permitted Development": RESOLVED: That the under-mentioned observations be made upon the following proposals of the Eastern Electricity Board for the installation of outdoor type electricity sub-stations, viz.: — (a) In Pinner Village Gardens, behind 563, Rayners Lane, with access from Compton Rise, Pinner South. (b) At Elstree Hill Service Station, Elstree Hill/Watford By-pass, Stan- more North. (c) Within the curtilage of Stanmore Synagogue, London Road and Reenglass Road, Stanmore North. (d) On Middlesex County Council-owned land behind 1, Grasmere Gardens, Kenton Lane, Wealdstone North. Observations: No objections in above-mentioned four cases. (e) Adjoining lock-up garages at Byron Hill Road, behind Byron Hill Laundry, Harrow-on-the-Hill and Greenhill. Observations: That consideration be deferred for a report by the Borough Architect and Planner. 2746. Proposed Electricity Sub-Station by " Omard," Uxbridge Road, Harrow Weald: Resolution 2728 (7th January, 1963): The Borough Architect and Planner submitted a further report, indicating that the alternative sites suggested by him as being more suitable for locating this electricity sub- PLANNING 1164

station were unacceptable to the Estate Developers; and that the Eastern Electricity Board had indicated they were considering proceeding with the erection of the electricity sub-station upon the site reserved therefor in the layout attached to the grant of planning permission. RESOLVED: That the report be received.

2747. Electricity Sub-Stations: Resolution 2677 (26th November, 1962): The Borough Architect and Planner reported upon his further consultations With the Managers of the Wembley and Northwood Districts of Eastern Electricity Board; that he had received a plan showing anticipated future sub-station sites requirements; and he suggested that it would be advantageous if the Committee were to interview one, or both, of the Managers generally to discuss the siting of electricity sub-stations. RESOLVED: That the Borough Architect and Planner be authorised to arrange for the Committee to interview the District Managers of Eastern Electricity Board at the Committee's next meeting.

2748. Deposited Plans: RESOLVED: (1) (a) That, in the case of each plan specified in schedule A (appearing in appendix III* to this report), the deci­ sions stated in columns (5) and (6) thereof, be made, provided that the passing or rejection of a plan under a byelaw submission shall relate only to the requirements of the Public Health Act, 1936 (sections 25, 37, 43, 53, 55, 59, 64 and 137, as the case may be), the Building Byelaws and the Byelaws with respect to New Streets (as the case may be); (b) that the grant or refusal of planning permission shall be made, pursuant to Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, and the County of Middlesex (Delegation of Planning Functions) Scheme, 1948; and (c) save where otherwise stated, the passing or the grant of permission shall not extend to, or imply approval under, any other Acts, Orders, Byelaws or Regulations. (2) That, in the case of each plan specified in schedule B (appearing in appendix III* to this report), being excepted applications within the meaning of the County of Middlesex (Delegation of Planning Functions) Scheme, 1948, the decisions stated in column (5) of that schedule be made upon byelaw submissions (as defined in paragraph (1) above), and the recom­ mendations appearing in column (6) thereof, in respect of the grant of planning permission (as above), be made to the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee. (3) That the Committee receive the decision (set out as appendix IV* to this report) of the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee upon an excepted application for the grant of planning permission, and that the same be hereby accepted, and the Borough Architect and Planner instructed to issue a decision accordingly. (*Note: The appendices are printed in the Supplement.)

2749. Retirement of Councillor Capt. F. B. Mason: The Chairman (Coun­ cillor Mason) informed the Committee that, consequent upon his going to live at Falmouth, he would retire from the Borough Council on 25th January, 1963. Members of the Committee expressed to him their great appreciation of his long experience of the Council's work and particularly of his invaluable chairmanship when, in 1961, as Vice-Chairman, he assumed the duties of 1165 PLANNING

Chairman of the Planning Committee at short notice. The Members wished him, and Mrs. Mason, every happiness at Falmouth. Councillor Mason sincerely thanked Members, and Officers, for their appreciative remarks, and for every assistance in carrying out hi^ duties. (The meeting ended at 9.10 p.m.) (Signed)

PLANNING COMMITTEE: / llth February, 1963. Present: Alderman Sheldrake (in the Chair); Councillors Adkins, Atherton, Atkinson, Buckle, Cohen, F. S. Davies, Ellement, Freely and Harris.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS.—NIL. PART II.—MINUTES. 2750. Appointment of Chairman: The Vice-Chairman (Alderman Sheldrake) in the Chair, RESOLVED: That Alderman Sheldrake be appointed Chairman of the Committee for the remainder of the Municipal Year, vice Capt. Mason resigned. 2751. Appointment of Vice-Chairman: RESOLVED: That consideration of this matter be deferred to the next meeting. 2752. Erection of a Department Store, Showrooms and Offices, or Restaurant over, at 36-42, Clarendon Road, and 41-59, St. Ann's Road, Harrow-on-the Hill and Greenhill: (HAR/105838 (c): C/1524(

2753. Calendar of Council and Committee Meetings: RESOLVED: That the General Purposes Committee be informed that, whilst the Planning Com­ mittee require no change in their current programme of fortnightly meetings, the Officers are requested to keep this matter under review and, if necessary, to report to the Committee. 2754. Electricity Sub-Stations: Resolution 2747 (21st January, 1963): The Committee interviewed Mr. A. T. Durbridge, District Manager, Wembley PLANNING 1166

Sub-District, Eastern Electricity Board, who explained his Board's problems, which include locating additional Sub-Stations in the Borough. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be asked to write to Mr. Durbridge con­ veying the Committee's thanks for, and appreciation of, his explanations, and answers to Members' questions. 2755. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the signing of the minutes of 7th and 21st January, 1963, be deferred until they are printed. 2756. Planning Bulletin No. 2: " Residential Areas—Higher Densities ": The Town Clerk submitted Ministry of Housing and Local Government Circular 46/62 (28th November, 1962) forwarding a copy of this Planning Bulletin, the second in the series devoted to planning subjects, and which explains the need for full use to be made of land available for development, as mentioned in Ministry of Housing and Local Government Circular No. 37/60. A copy of the Planning Bulletin had previously been circulated to Members of the Planning and Housing Committees. The Committee noted that Middlesex County Council, as Local Planning Authority, reviewed their density policy on 15th October, 1962, and, broadly, this permits an increase of 10 persons per acre over the maximum net density proposals of the Greater London Plan. RESOLVED: That the contents of the Planning Bulletin be noted and re­ ferred to the Officers. 2757. Unauthorised Use of 5, Fairholme Road, Harrow, as a Builder's Office and Stores: Resolution 2598 (17th September, 1962): An excepted applica­ tion to use this dwelling-house as an office was, on the recommendation of the Committee, refused by the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee on 22nd November, 1962, for the following reasons, viz.: (1) The proposed development would be contrary to the provisions of the County Development Plan, in which the premises are allocated primarily for residential use; (2) the proposed development would result in an undesirable extension of a non- conforming industrial use of premises capable of continued occupation as a dwelling-house; (3) the proposed development would result in the loss of residential accommodation, contrary to the policy underlying Clause 10 of the Written Statement of the County Development Plan; and (4) the proposed development would lead to an intensification of car parking in an already congested area. The Borough Architect and Planner reported that he had again inspected this property on 24th January, 1963, and that the ground floor front room continues to be used as an office, and the remainder of the building for the storage of builder's materials. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be instructed, subject to the concurrence of Middlesex County Coimcil, to serve an Enforcement Notice, requiring discontinuance of the use of the above-mentioned premises for the foregoing purposes, within 28 days of the date when the Notice shall become effective. 2758. Proposed Photographic Studio at 31, Stanmore Hill, Stanmore North: Resolution 2571 (3rd September, 1962): The Committee decided to adhere to their decision in granting an application for the erection of a studio/resi­ dence at this address, subject to certain conditions, one of which was that the building should be used only as a dwelling-house, and no part of the building used for commercial purposes. 1167 PLANNING

At the previous meeting, the Committee had before them the views of the Middlesex County Planning Officer, with an intimation that, when the development plan was prepared, no assurance was given that the " existing use " rights as a shop would not be disturbed in the event of rebuilding. The Committee considered a further letter, from the applicant's Surveyor, stating that the Middlesex County Planning Officer (on 18th February, 1953) had indicated that, should a planning application be made to rebuild the property, the " existing use " rights would be a factor to be taken into ac­ count in considering the application. The Town Clerk reported that the County Council's Officers had been asked for, and he submitted, and reported upon, their further observations. RESOLVED: That the Committee adhere to their decision of 7th Novem­ ber, 1961. 2759. 47-49, Sheepcote Road, Wealdstone South: Resolution 2703 (14th December, 1962): The Town Clerk reported that, following an intimation of the proposed service of Notices pursuant to section 27 of the Public Health Act, 1961, and section 33 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, in respect of the condition of these sites, which is considered to be injurious to the amenities of the area, the owner had replied that he is arranging to demolish No. 47, and for redevelopment of the sites. The Town Clerk also reported that Middlesex County Council had, subject to certain conditions, concurred in service of the Notices pursuant to section 33 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947. The Borough Architect and Planner reported that, in fact, No. 47 was re­ duced to ground floor level, and work continues. RESOLVED: That the Borough Architect and Planner be instructed to keep this matter under observation and, if necessary, to report further in due course. 2760. Alteration to Existing Building for Use as a Builder's Office and Store behind 15, Parkfield Road, Roxeth: The Committee (5th December, 1961) refused an application in respect of this work for the reasons: (1) the altera­ tions proposed would tend to intensify and extend the life and use of this building, to the detriment of this residential area; and (2) the existing access situate between Nos. 11 and 13, Parkfield Road, is considered inadequate for increased traffic, whether pedestrian or vehicular, and would be detrimental to this residential street. The Borough Engineer had received representations from residents. The applicant appealed against the decision and a Public Inquiry was arranged for 19th February, 1963. The Town Clerk notified adjoining residents of the appeal, and submitted a petition (4th February, 1963), signed by 49 residents of Parkfield Road, protesting against the refusal of the planning application. The petition states that the alterations do not intensify the use of the building, and they improve and enhance the amenities. In a letter (6th February, 1963) forwarding the petition, the immediate neighbours of the builder's yard, and the persons responsible for the original complaint, now withdraw their complaints and offer their apologies for changing their views. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be asked (a) to inform the applicant's Solicitors that the Committee hereby authorise the Chairman to grant a fresh application, and (ft) to arrange cancellation of the Public Inquiry for 19th February, 1963. PLANNING 1168

2761. Publication of Civic Trust: RESOLVED: That the Committee note receipt of a circular letter (21st January, 1963) from the Civic Trust, forward­ ing a copy of a booklet, entitled " Shop Front," which presents, in pictures, some thoughts on the design of shop fronts. 2762. Town Planning Appeals: RESOLVED: That the Committee note the following decisions of the Minister of Housing and Local Government, viz.: — Appellants Subject of Appeals Minister's Decisions Hammant and Erection of warehouse on Appeal granted, subject Morgan Ltd. land behind 39, Masons to a condition that the Avenue (Wealdstone external appearance of North) the building shall be as may be agreed by the Local Planning Author­ ity or, in default of agreement, as shall be determined by the Min­ ister. C. W. Rich and Erection of two-storey office Appeal dismissed, Son Ltd. extension to warehouse at 24/30, Station Road (Wealdstone South) Trustees of 4th Condition (No. 2) limiting Condition (2) discharged, Kenton Group life of Scout hut behind of Boy Scouts Winckley Close (Kenton) to a period of five years 2763. Annual Subscription to National Housing and Town Planning Council: RESOLVED: That the Borough Treasurer be hereby authorised to renew the Council's subscription of £11 11s. to the Planning Council for the financial year ending 31st March, 1964. 2764. Annual Conference of the Town Planning Institute: RESOLVED: That the Chairman, and the Borough Architect and Planner or his representative, be hereby appointed to attend the Annual Conference, to be held at Folkestone, from 21st to 23rd May, 1963. 2765. Consultations between Applicants and Borough Architect and Planner: Resolution 2740 (21st January, 1963): RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby approve a draft letter, as now revised, to be addressed to applicants granted outline planning permission, advising them to consult the Borough Architect and Planner, at an early date, upon the contents of detailed planning applications. 2766. Erection of Two Blocks of Two Maisonnettes, and Four Garages, at 30, The Avenue, Pinner North and Hatch End: The Committee (14th December, 1962) refused an application (in outline) for one block of two maisonnettes to be erected beside the existing house (let in three flats), with access to The Avenue, the other block to be located in the back garden, with access to Royston Grove, for the reason that the proposed erection of maisonnettes on this site would be out of keeping in this locality, and that the appropriate development would be for two detached houses, and garages, as shown in a grant of planning permission of 15th October, 1962. 1169 PLANNING

The Borough Architect and Planner reported that the applicant had ap­ pealed to the Minister of Housing and Local Government against the decision and, in the meantime, his Architect invited the Committee to reconsider the matter as an application to erect a block of two maisonnettes at 17, The Avenue, had been approved. The Borough Architect and Planner also re­ ported that the outline application in respect of maisonnettes at No. 17, The Avenue, was allowed by the Minister of Housing and Local Government, following an appeal against a refusal by the Committee. The appeal had been allowed on the understanding that it would be possible so to design the building as to be in keeping with surounding development and look not materially different from a detached house. The Town Clerk reported that the Minister of Housing and Local Gov­ ernment, in 1961, dismissed an appeal against refusal of an application to erect nine flats and nine garages, at No. 21, The Avenue. The Town Clerk re-submitted representations by residents of The Avenue, and the Member of Parliament for Harrow West, with reference to the above application for the erection of two blocks of two maisonnettes, and four garages, at 30, The Avenue. RESOLVED: That the applicant's Architect be informed that the Committee are prepared to consider a fresh application. (Note: Councillor Atherton, having declared an interest in this matter, left the meeting, took no part in the discussion, and did not vote.)

2767. Temporary Building: RESOLVED: That, pursuant to section 53 (3) of the Public Health Act, 1936, the period within which the under-mentioned building shall be removed be as follows: — Plan No. Description Situation Extended Period HAR/1288(a) Office and Store Waldrons Yard, Northolt 29.2.64 Road, H. & G.

2768. Circular 100 Procedure: Resolution 2638 (15th October, 1962): The Borough Architect and Planner submitted a revised scheme for the erection of a replacement radio mast, and single-storey building, at Harrow Weald Radio Station, Old Redding, Harrow Weald. The Radio Station lies in the Green Belt and the revised proposal is to be submitted to the Open Spaces Committee. RESOLVED: That the Chairman be hereby authorised to make a decision.

2769. Proposals of Highways and Cleansing Committee: RESOLVED: That the Committee raise no objections to (a) the extension of the Car Park at Chapel Lane, including making an additional access thereto from Marsh Road, Pinner North and Hatch End; and (b) the layout and construction of an open air Car Park at 197, Station Road, Wealdstone South.

2770. Demolition of 59, Palmerston Road, Wealdstone North: The Committee were informed that, pursuant to section 29 of the Public Health Act, 1961, the Middlesex County Valuer had notified the Borough Council of this pro­ posed demolition. Under this section, the Borough Council may specify such works as are necessary to make safe adjacent buildings, and to disconnect, and seal, sewers, water pipes, etc. CIVIL DEFENCE 1170 RESOLVED: That the Committee hereby authorise the service of a Notice, pursuant to section 29 of the Public Health Act, 1961, requiring Middlesex County Council to carry out such works upon demolition of the above- mentioned premises as the Chairman may approve; and that he be further authorised, on behalf of the Committee, to give decisions arising generally out of the exercise of the Council's powers under this section of the Public Health Act, 1961. 2771. Deposited Plans: RESOLVED: (1) (a) That, in the case of each plan specified in schedule A (appearing in appendix V* to this report), the decisions stated in columns (5) and (6) thereof, be made; provided that the passing or rejection of a plan under a byelaw submission shall relate only to the requirements of the Public Health Act, 1936 (sections 25, 37, 43, 53, 55, 59, 64 and 137, as the case may be), the Building Byelaws and the Byelaws with respect to New Streets (as the case may be); (b) that the grant or refusal of planning permission shall be made, pursuant to Part III of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1947, and the County of Middlesex (Delegation of Planning Functions) Scheme, 1948; and (c) save where otherwise stated, the passing or the grant of permission shall not extend to, or imply approval under, any other Acts, Orders, Byelaws or Regulations. (2) That, in the case of each plan specified in schedule B (appearing in ap­ pendix V* to this report), being excepted applications within the meaning of the County of Middlesex (Delegation of Planning Functions) Scheme, 1948, the decisions stated in column (5) of that schedule be made upon byelaw submissions (as defined in paragraph (1) above), and the recommendations appearing in column (6) thereof, in respect of the grant of planning per­ mission (as above), be made to the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee. (3) That the Committee receive the list (set out as appendix VI* to this re­ port) of decisions of the Central Middlesex Area Planning Committee upon excepted applications for the grant of planning permission, and that the same be hereby accepted, and the Borough Architect and Planner instructed to issue decisions accordingly. (*Note: The appendices are separately circulate^.) (The meeting ended at 10.55 p.m.) (Signed) Chairman.

CIVIL DEFENCE COMMITTEE: 7th February, 1963. Present: Councillors Glanville (in the Chair), Abbott, Eckert, Galley, C.C., Maun, C.C., Shaw and Tackley.

PART I.—RECOMMENDATIONS.—NIL. PART II.—MINUTES. (Note: The let'ter "P" indicates that the item concerned has, with the Committee's consent, been released to the Press in advance of the Council meeting on 1th March, 1963.) 1491. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Com­ mittee held on 13th December, 1962, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.