Clerk Robert Haynes, 18 Woodgarr Avenue, Keadby, North DN17 3BZ Tel: 01724 782229 email: [email protected] Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to a Meeting of the Owston Ferry Parish Council which will be held in the Parish Room of the Coronation Hall Owston Ferry on Thursday 29thMarch 2018 at 7:30pm. Meetings are open to members of the press and public, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public may not speak when the Council is in session other than as specified.

Signed, Robert Haynes Clerk to the Council

No Item Proposer 1.0 Apologies To receive apologies and reasons for absence

2.0 Declarations of Interest To record any Declaration of Interest made by members in respect of items on this agenda (Members should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.)

3.0 Granting of Dispensations (Code of Conduct, 2012)

4.0 Public Participation Session To give members of the public the opportunity to raise issues with the Council before the meeting starts.

5.0 Churchyard Wall To discuss, with representative of St Martin’s Church Issues in obtaining a faculty from the

6.0 Draft Minutes of 25th January 2018 To resolve Draft Minutes of the previous meeting on 25 January 2018 (Copies of which have been previously circulated)

7.0 Clerk’s Report To receive the Clerks Report (Matters in progress-for information only)

8.0 Financial Report To receive the Financial Report and Accounts for Payment (Local government Act 1972 s151 & Accounts and Audit Regulations 2003 as amended 2006). To review the Annual Accounts

9.0 Planning Applications Application No: PA/2018/400 Proposal: Planning permission to erect a single-story side extension Site Location: Lindum Court Residential Home, 99-101 High Street Owston Ferry DN9 1RL Applicant: Mr Giles Daniels

10.0 Possible use of PSPO To discuss the possible use of Public Spaces Protect Order on the Owston Ferry AP Recreation Field

11.0 Playground Equipment 11.1 To discuss the refurbishment of old playground equipment and purchase of benches AP

11.2 Resident’s comment on new equipment

12.0 Fleethole To discuss land registration of the Fleethole

13.0 Notice board To discuss requirements of notice board to enable purchase order to be raised

14.0 Churchyard and Cemetery grass quotation To discuss alternate quotation received for cutting of grass in Churchyard and IW Cemetery

15.0 Footpath Signs To discuss footpath signs in the Parish GW

16.0 Highways To discuss accident between Ewsters and Kelfield KE

17.0 Remembrance Day To discuss the 2018 Remembrance Day CB

18.0 Date and Time of next meeting Thursday 31st May 2018 at 7:30 in the Coronation Hall

Cheque Recipient Purpose Nett Amount VAT Total 101864 Proludic Replacement Cheque for 30,442.33 6,088.49 36,530.82 101856 101865 Proludic Replacement Cheque for 28,809.90 5761.99 34,571.89 101857 101866 Silica Lodge North Lincs in Bloom Grant 732.51 146.50 879.01 Garden Centre 101867 R Haynes February and March Salary Confidential 101868 R Haynes Repayment of Feb Tax & NI 62.20 62.20 101869 HMRC R Haynes Tax & NI March 62.40 62.40 101870 Cheque Cancelled 101871 Donation 100.00 100.00 100.00 Physically Disabled Society 101872 Zurich Municipal Annual Insurance 1215.21 1215.21 101873 R Haynes Additional hours spent on 250.00 250.00 creating the Parish Council Web Site 101874 The Play Inspection Playground inspection 95.00 19.00 114.00 Company examination fee 101875 Zurich Municipal Cover for new equipment until 66.05 66.05 end of cover 101876 Mr R Ruff Litter picking 400.00 400.00 101877 Proludic Ltd Installation of final play 55.600.55 11,120.11 66,720.66 equipment on Recreation Field 101878 ERNLLCA Annual Fee 574.01 100134 Owston Ferry Coronation Hall 2nd Half 1250.00 1250.00 Coronation Hall Donation 100135 Owston Ferry Christmas Tree lights donation 200.00 200.00 Christmas Tree