A Study in the – Lesson 19

This lesson follows the general outline taught by Dr. Hoyle Bowman, my professor who taught for fifty years at Piedmont! Revelation 19 is the culmination of many Old Testament and promises in that this chapter is the Second Coming of to the earth! Revelation 19 is the Second Coming Chapter!

Revelation 19:1-6 – Heavenly Rejoicing!

Here we have the only occurrences of the word “hallelujah” in the New Testament. It is used four times (19:1, 3, 4, 6). The word means “praise the Lord.” Some translations (KJV, NKJV) have the word as “allelujah.”

In this passage, we first see “a great multitude.” This is the same phrase as we see in :9-17 which refers to the great numbers of believers who apparently are martyrs out of the Great Tribulation. Here they are praising God for His ______.

There is a three-fold (NASB, NIV, ESV) or four-fold (KJV, NKJV) praise here is verse 1. Salvation, glory, and power are attributed to the Lord. The fourth praise in some manuscripts is honor. All of which God is truly worthy.

There are three more groups here that praise God as well. In verse 4, we see the twenty-four elders, which represent the ______. Here we also see the four living creatures which represent the ______. They are in agreement with the Tribulation saints!


In verse 5, there is a voice from heaven, probably an angel, who directs all of the bond-servant of God to praise the Lord! This would include all other saved people from all time.

In all of this, Tribulation saints, Church saints, Old Testament saints, and the good angels praise God for His salvation, honor, glory, and power (19:1); for His judgments (19:2); and for His sovereignty (19:6).

It is interesting to note that John has used the word “Almighty” in reference to the Lord also in 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7, 14; 19:15; 21:22. The book of Revelation, with all of God’s judgments, pronouncements, and works, is a great picture of the power of God.

Revelation 19:7-8 – The Marriage of the Lamb

Here we see the voice of all the saints of God (19:6) proclaim joy and praise for the “marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” Here we have the illustration of a marriage relationship.

Walvoord writes in the Knowledge Commentary:

In Scripture, marriage is often used to describe the relationship of saints to God. In the Old Testament Israel is pictured, as in Hosea, as the unfaithful wife of Yahweh who is destined to be restored in the future kingdom. In the New Testament, marriage is also used to describe the relationship between Christ and the church, but the illustration contrasts with the Old Testament, for


the church is regarded as a virgin bride waiting the coming of her heavenly bridegroom (2 Cor. 11:2).1

The wedding process of that time is played out in the relationship of God to the Church. A formal arrangement is made when agreement was made between the groom and the bride-to-be. Christ offers the relationship through His death, burial, and resurrection. We accept the offer when we put our faith in what He did for us.

Jesus, the Groom, then goes away to prepare a place for us, “the Bride” (John 14). We then wait for the Groom to come and receive us to Himself and take us with Him (the Rapture). The “Bride is made ready” (19:8) through the Bema seat judgment (1 Cor. 3). Then, the marriage ceremony takes place. We as the bride of Christ are then with the Groom physically.

We must make a distinction between the Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

The Marriage of the Lamb (19:7-8) is for the ______. It will happen between the bema seat and the second coming. It will take place in heaven. The “bride’s clothing” is the righteous acts of the saints.

This is the last of the long line of doxologies in the book of Revelation. Compare this chart from the Bible Knowledge Commentary.2

1 John F. Walvoord, “Revelation,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 974.

2 Ibid., 943.


Revelation 19:9-10 – The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

What takes place after a wedding ceremony today? A celebration! The reception where we drink sherbet punch and eat wedding cake and peanuts. The same is true in the relationship we have with Christ.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the celebration that follows. In eschatological terms, the celebration is the beginning of the Millennium. This will be an earthly celebration worthy of the Lord and His blessings.


Revelation 19:11-21 – The Second Coming of Christ

John Walvoord writes of the importance of the Second Coming:

As John saw heaven open, he saw prophetically Christ’s second coming and the events which will follow it. The second coming of Christ is a prominent doctrine in Scripture (Pss. 2:1– 9; 24:7–10; 96:10–13; 110; Isa. 9:6–7; Jer. 23:1–8; Ezek. 37:15–28; Dan. 2:44–45; 7:13–14; Hosea 3:4–5; Amos 9:11– 15; Micah 4:7; Zech. 2:10–12; 12; 14:1–9; Matt. 19:28; 24:27– 31; 25:6, 31–46; Mark 13:24–27; Luke 12:35–40; 17:24–37; 18:8; 21:25–28; Acts 1:10–11; 15:16–18; Rom. 11:25–27; 2 Thes. 2:8; 2 Peter 3:3–4; Jude 14–15; Rev. 1:7–8; 2:25–28; 16:15; 22:20). So this is obviously a major event in the divine program.3

The Second Coming of Christ to the earth is one of the most important prophetic events in God’s teaching throughout all of Scripture.

The Descent of Christ – Revelation 19:11-16

This is the Second Coming paragraph! It is a powerful picture of the Second Coming of Christ to the earth! The imagery here is that of ______! This is seen in the white horses. Conquering kings in antiquity would ride white horses to show that they were the victors! Here Christ and His saints are seen as the victors coming to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

3 John F. Walvoord, “Revelation,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 976.


Here Christ is coming in His ______and in His glory (19:12). On His head are many crowns, specifically diadems. These are the crowns of a ruler! Notice that there are two names associated with Christ here, one that “no one knows except Himself” and “the Word of God.”

That phrase, “the Word” as applied to Jesus Christ is only used by John in his writings (John 1:1, 14; 1 John 1:1, Revelation 19:13).

His robe is described as being “dipped in blood.” The word “dipped” is similar to the word for baptism. The blood here being the blood of His enemies. (See .)

The armies in heaven are the saints of the Tribulation, the Church Age, and the Old Testament who are returning with Christ to establish the Millennial Kingdom.

The descriptions of Revelation 19:15-16 are ______in nature. Christ is certainly a loving and merciful God, but He is also a righteous and just God who will bring swift judgment to those who oppose Him.

Immediate Judgment – Revelation 19:17-21

The description of the level of human carnage is amazing. Here John records in his vision that an angel will gather all the birds which fly in the second heaven to gather and consume the flesh of all who will be destroyed by the word of Christ in what we call the campaign of .


Remember what Luke recorded in Acts 1. The angel spoke to those who were there watching Jesus ascend into heaven. They told them that Jesus would return in the same manner. How did He ascend?

As the return of Christ is a slow and visible return, (antichrist) and the false prophet, and the armies of the kings of the earth (all unsaved) gather together to wage war against Jesus Christ. How do think that will turn out?

Notice that the beast and the false prophet are seized and cast into the ______. They are the first inhabitants of that dreadful place. Don’t worry! There will be more to join them later!

Notice that the ______were killed with the sword that proceeds from the mouth of Christ. In essence, the Lord speaks and they are killed. Their fleshly bodies remain in the earth. Their spirits go to the burning Hades awaiting their judgment at the Great White Throne in .