ISSUE 7 Linda Thompson Que Sera, North Street, Flixton YO11 3UA Tele/Fax 01723 892162 [email protected]

Please see notice board at top of North Street. Parish Council Meetings are held every first Monday in the month unless otherwise stated in the minutes displayed in the 4 Vil- lage Notice boards :- FOLKTON AND FLIXTON Y.C.A.

 Outside the Village Hall, Folkton and Flixton Y.C.A. meet in  Top of North Street the Village Hall Flixton every 1st.Tuesday in the month at 2:00  By post box on A 1039 P.M. for outings, slide shows, craft  Main Street Folkton demonstrations and presentations The first 15 minutes is an OPEN MEETING on many topics. which anyone can come to then the Council Our October Meeting is a floral set about the business on the Agenda. Parish- demonstration by Mrs. Barraclough ioners are welcome to stay but can play no she will be using dried flowers in further part in the proceedings. her demonstration. Your Parish Councillors are:- November’s meeting is a talk about Chairman Mr.M Brown 01723890516 Royal Jewellery and is presented by Vice Chairman Mr.B.Found 01723890256 Freda Camish. Mr. D.Perkins 01723890263 In December we will be visiting the Mr. T.Cresswell 01723890752 Theatre. Mr.A. Bower 01723890101 ALL ARE WELCOMETO COME AND Mr.J.F.Meakin 01723891673 JOIN US. Mr.K.Robinson 01723890731 Mrs. J.Carroll 01723891548 Dec.12th. At 7:00p.m. Mrs L.Thompson 01723892162 Supper and Entertain- Parish Clerk Mr.M.Boden. 01723892763 ment with Frank The N.Y.C.C. Councillor is Mr. J. Blackburn The S.B.C. Councillors are :-Mr.G.Allanson James tickets from Mr. D.Chambers. any member £6.

Borough Councillor David Chambers “The Parish Cluster”

You might think this is some form of new oat meal bar which is good for your health. Although the cluster isn’t edible it is good for the health of the local communities of Folkton and Flixton, Hunmanby, Reighton and Speeton, Muston, Osgodby, and Lebberston, and Filey because these are the Parish Councils which have joined together to form a “cluster” to ensure that the Parishes have a bigger say in what happens locally. We have decided to both sharpen our pencils and say a few words about how the cluster can start to influence what happens in your community by influencing the Borough, County and other authorities.

You will be aware that local decisions are made largely by North County Council or Scarborough Borough Council but, and this is particularly the case with the Borough, they regularly consult with the Parish Councils including your own of Folkton and Flixton.

The Parishes, together with the Borough Council, are looking at ways of having a more effective voice and, as part of achieving this; the Parish Councils named above have formed a “cluster” to try to share what each has to offer and to be able to shout louder on issues which affect us all. For example if one Parish Council has facilities for grass cutting can other members of the cluster get better value for money by doing a “local deal” or can your Clerk liaise with other Parishes to see if there are economies to be made by sharing other services and expertise? Since this is one of the first clusters in the country to be formed all the councils are working together to identify the best way to jointly tackle problems and they are making good progress.

Our reason for writing about this now is first to let you know that the cluster is working on your behalf and second that its reputation goes before it in the sense that the Policy Authority, the County Council and the Borough Council have identified the cluster as the best way of working together to get views about policing, in particular what’s right / what’s wrong and what can be done to meet local needs. In a number of meetings with the Police Authority, the County Council and Borough Council we have both emphasised that to really understand what local communities expect and want in terms of policing, is difficult across an area as big as the County or even Scarborough Borough for that matter. This is one aspect of our lives where one size definitely does not fit all! Conversely the area of a single Parish is too small but, by bringing the Parishes together gives a size that’s big enough to put under the spotlight and to identify common problems. In the villages we know we have different needs to the bigger town centres because people bring them to our atten- tion. We believe the cluster is the way to make ourselves heard and bring pressure to bear to ensure we have responsive policing that reflects what we need. Of course the work of the cluster is not limited to police issues. Over time it is hoped that the Parishes will explore other local issues and develop new ways of working together to our joint benefit..

Both we and your Parish Councillors will keep you informed of developments as things pro- gress. John Blackburn [County Councillor Hertford Division] and David Chambers {Borough Councillor}

Here is your chance to have a say about your Parish

Since becoming involved in putting this Newsletter together I have to say how amazed I am at the variety of activities going on in our small community and how well they are all organised. We have the Playing Fields and Playground , The Village Hall that is used by several groups. This year I finally made it to the Cricket Club to watch the 20-20 and have to say how well organised the whole event was and how it must have impressed all the people who turned up to see the matches. Unfortunately our home side was not involved in the semis or the final but at least it was won by a near neighbour. We now have a Bloom Group that once again successfully achieved a Silver Award in Yorkshire in Bloom and I must say when I am attending other meetings the number of people who make a point of coming up and telling me how lovely the two villages are looking makes me feel very proud that I live here. If you know of other groups in the Parish that do not get mentioned in this newsletter please let me know and I will do my best to get in touch with them.

[Around the various Committees Scarborough Roads briefly] Liaison Committee. Southern Area Committee Unfortunately this meeting has The next meeting of this Committee been postponed until is on 9th.October. 23rd .October Southern Parish Cluster Joe Ireland from the Community Engagement Many thanks to the children in Year 5 project and Chief Inspector Dave Foster at Hertford Vale School who have Came to speak at the meeting about how written these poems . It is obvious they can improve the way they engage with from the sentiments expressed that the local Communities. They discussed how they have put a great deal of thought useful it is for them to come to a Cluster into them. meeting and meet the representatives from all the Parish Councils in the Southern Area. Clls Newbury and Clls Blackburn had attended a meeting where the possibility of some funding to help the Cluster with its work was Discussed. Mr. Richard Adamson from Yorkshire Coast Homes also attended the meeting to discuss the problem of affordable housing. Mr Adamson assured members that a lengthy process was involved before any new housing would be built. The 3 main factors being:- Identify a need. Find a site. Go for funding. Some members had concerns about how tenants were chosen to occupy YCH house and suggested that long established mem- bers of the community might be invited on to the panel Mr. Adamson said YCH try hard to ensure that families get the area and property that they want. The Cluster is still struggling to find funding for a Community Warden but will continue to explore other possibilities. A small Task group has been set up to look into forming a group of Parishes that would be willing to come together to tender for someone to cut the grass in those parishes Members are to go back to their Councils and discuss how this might work. Then report back to the next meeting. As mentioned in a previous newsletter training is available for members of Parish Councils to be trained in the use of a Speed Gun. It was decided to enquire about how we access this training and for members to find out if anyone in their Parish would be willing to attend a training session.


Folkton & Flixton cricket club held their Floodlit competition together with other matches from Tuesday 26th August to Thursday 4th September 2008.

Our sponsored Twenty 20 competition saw a Scarborough XI beat a select team from the York & District Senior League on Tuesday 26th. This was followed on Thursday 28th with a Bridling- ton XI beating a select team from the Scarborough Beckett League. The final took place on Tuesday 2nd September when Scarborough was victorious against Bridlington. Our thanks go to all our sponsors for enabling us to stage this tournament.

It was back to the old days on the Tuesday. As villagers are aware there was a power cut dur- ing the evening! The floodlights are self sufficient – although we had problems with two of them cutting out that night as well. Scoring in the dark is more of a problem! Luckily we had two torches which were brought into action and the pavilion bar and lounge managed with emer- gency lighting and candles. The electronic scoreboard was more of a problem. We had to quickly fetch the good old fashioned ‘tins’ from our 3rd XI score hut and manually update the score until the electric power returned. Just how did we manage before electricity was com- monplace?

Other matches during the week featured teams from the Joe Lumb League, Scarborough Beckett League and the Under 11 League. Brian Rennard fielded a side against a Flixton se- lect team and Flixton Dads versus Flixton Lads was good entertainment. The Lads won this year.

On Sunday 31st August 2008 our cricket club hosted a Lee Dinsdale Memorial Fun Day. This was in memory of Lee, who played for Folkton & Flixton and previously for Driffield, who died in tragic circumstances last year. This event commenced at midday with ongoing 6 a side cricket matches with teams composed of players from the Driffield and Hunmanby areas together with our own club players. There was a bouncy castle for the children together with quoits, bean bag and other games. Bowling at a wicket provoked great hilarity as older members and players of the club tried their skills. It was a tight contest between the age groups but in the end Steve Pratt our 3rd XI cap- tain was the winner. Prizes for a raffle were sent from a variety of firms and individuals for which we record our thanks. All proceeds from the day which amounted to £475 were presented to Katherine Dins- dale for Lee's 3 little girls Bethany, Lauren and Keira. The weather was really good to us with the rain coming down just half an hour after the conclusion of events. Thank you to all who attended, gave their time and prizes to the event and in doing so gave a bit of money and a lot of happiness to Bethany, Lauren, Keira and their Mum Katherine. We are hoping to make this into an annual event.

The cricket season finishes completely for our club on Saturday 13th September and at the time of writing the 1st XI are 4th in the 1st Division of the York & District Senior League. Our 2nd XI narrowly avoided relegation from the Premier Division of the Scarborough Beckett League and our 3rd XI finished 3rd in Division A of the Derwent Valley League. Our junior team finished 3rd in the C Division of the Derwent Valley Junior League. The weather once again played havoc with fixtures and robbed all teams of winning chances against poorer teams which could have greatly influenced the final league positions. Our juniors won the Pavilion Cup in the final at Flixton ground which is the cup for Division C of the Junior League. The B team in the Evening League won the Andy Hire Division D Cup at the final at Ebberston. The 1st XI won the Edward Readman Trophy in the York & District Senior League for the third consecutive year, the final being held at Beverley. This has never been done before so we are very proud to have only been in the York League for 4 seasons, gained promotion twice and won the Readman trophy 3 consecutive times. Not bad for a village side.

A lot of our players will be too old for the junior team next season so we are looking to recruit more youngsters under the age of 11. Also some of our young men are going to college next year and others will be starting work which is not always conducive to playing Saturday matches. We are always open to new players and welcome anyone, whatever age group or ability to our club. If you are interested or know of anyone who would be interested in playing cricket or even helping then please contact the secretary, Mrs Pat Baker 01723 862903.

Flixton Playing Fields Association The football season is once again underway and the Playing Fields at Flixton have another busy year. Anyone interested in playing or helping please contact the following:- Tennison Mike Stephenson This team plays on Sat. New Ganton F.C. John Orrah 078163321608 This team plays on Sat. P.M. West Pier Paddy Parks 078866792587 This team plays on Sun A.M. Scholes Park Raiders under 14s Greg Walker This team plays on Sun P.M. If you have any problems contacting these people Mick Walmsley may be able to help his number is below.

FOLKTON AND FLIXTON SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB The Short Mat Bowling Season begins again in October if you would like to take up Short Mat Bowling and become a member of a very successful Club contact Mr. Sherburn on 01723 369767. Meetings are in the Village Hall. Darts and Dominoes Teams in flixton and folkton

Flixton and Folkton two Darts and Dominies teams have started Meeting and playing Andy McClymont’s team meets at the Foxhound Inn Andy came be contacted on 01723890301.

To join the Cricket Club Darts and Dominoes team you will need to contact Mick Walmsley 01723890832 FLIXTON AND FOLKTON BLOOM GROUP

Yorkshire in Bloom Awards 2008 What a great success after only 18 months of participating in Yorkshire in Bloom our villages have achieved a ...... SILVER AWARD Most people are of the opinion that Yorkshire In Bloom is all about floral displays but judging is clearly cut into 5 categories, which are as follows...... SECTION A - FLORAL DISPLAYS SECTION B - PERMANENT LANDSCAPING, INCLUDING SHRUBS SECTION C - CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING SECTION D - LOCAL ENVIROMENTAL QUALITY SECTION E - PUBLIC AWARENESS/PUBLICITY For the second time a large part of our achievement comes under SECTION C, and was gained through ongoing efforts in the Crook Lane Wildlife Project. An area such as this cannot change over night, it takes many years to establish with the right balance in planting, and this in turn attracts various species of wildlife. Our greatest achievement this year was through the nesting boxes made by the Hertford Vale school children with a little helping hand from our group and the sup- plying of materials for them. Most of these boxes were in great demand by the now endangered Tree Sparrows who did not only raise one brood but two! It’s official Flixton is one of the last remaining ‘Hot Spots’ for both Tree and House Sparrows in this area, so until the planting has become established and provides their natural food once again we the group will carry on providing full bird feeders and hopefully more homes for our charming little feathered friends. ‘A Sponsor here would be very welcome’ Floral displays SECTION A were found to be entirely sympathetic to our countryside and also once again a benefit to wildlife with high in nectar planting. The Foxhound Inn gained praise for its floral displays. SECTION B covers the high standard to which the playing fields and cemetery are kept. The lack of litter along with the use of mulching to suppress weeds and conserve moisture came under SECTION D. The judge’s were particularly impressed by the number of Sponsors and Supporters who have become involved with the group this came under SECTION E. and they regard Flixton and Folkton as a committed and enthusiastic bloom group. As you can see many villagers have played their part in this Award and without ‘their commitment and enthusiasm’ a SILVER AWARD would not have been possible. Many Thanks Jen Clout Bloom Group Co-ordinator.

A word from Janice Hunter Bloom Events Organiser The Bloom Group have had some very successful events during what has been a very busy year. The Quiz Night held in the village hall in March was very well attended and we hope to hold another such event next year. The Gardener's Question Time evening, 'Going to Pot', was next with Roger Burnett and his team of experts on hand to answer all our queries and questions. This was our first event of the kind and went down very well. We held a Walking Treasure Hunt around Flixton in June and the weather was just right. Starting at the Foxhounds the walk took us around the village following the given clues, ending back at the pub where a light supper was served. The Awards Announcement Evening was our latest event and again held in the Foxhound Inn. The results of this years Judging were revealed, and as you will all have heard by now we were delighted to receive another Silver. More events will be advertised around both villages and we often put flyers through letterboxes just to keep you all in- formed. Future events will include a Racenight, a Pud n Spud evening, another Halloween night and of course our usual New Year's Eve party. All forthcoming events will be well advertised. Please come along to these events and support your group. All funds raised are used for enhancing the community. For any event enquiries, please contact Janice on 890040.

Important Notice A position on the Parish council has become vacant if you would like to know more about being a Parish Councillor and Contribute to the work that the Parish Council does please contact the Parish Clerk Mr. M. Boden telephone number 01723 892763 or write to him at 18 Filey Road Flixton.

The mobile library timetable is displayed in the noticeboards. St. John the Evangelist

This year The Harvest Festival and Supper will also include the long awaited Celebration for the refurbishment of the organ. The Service will be on October12th. At 6:00p.m. Mr. Terry Ladlow will play the organ and accompany soloist Lesley Machen The Filey Fishermans choir will sing a selection of hymns during the service and also after the Supper in the Village Hall.

THERE WILL BE NO MORNING SERVICE . Remembrance Services. There will be a service on Tuesday 11/11/08 at Wilerby Cenotaph 10:50 a.m. On Sunday 09/11/08 the service for all 3 churches will be at Folkton starting at 10:45a.m.

Christmas Services. Friday 12/12/08 Carol Service with Hertford Vale School Children 6:00 p.m. start. Christmas Eve Crib Service at Willerby 4:00p.m. start. Christmas Eve Midnight Service at Folkton 23:30 start. Christmas Day Please check noticeboards and Church Magazine for times. Sunday 28th. Benefice Service at Ganton


St. John’s Folkton Christmas Fayre Saturday December 06th. At 2:00p.m. in the Village Hall. Stalls, Tombola, Games, Luck Bags, teas raffles and much more. COME ALONG AND JOIN IN THE FUN.

Folkton Flixton Village Hall The village hall is available for functions .Please get in touch with Ken or Mollie Robinson on 01723 890731 if you are interested in making

Many thanks to all who have contributed articles for this newsletter I couldn’t produce it without you. Deadline for next issue end of January