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The Honorable Kofi Annan Secretary-General United Nations & 46th Street New York, NY 10017

Dear Mr. Secretary-General:

Various members of the United States Senate, in particular, Senators Coburn and Sessions^ havtTasketf me to tesfify BeToreThe Senate Sub-Committee on the re- building and renovation of the United Nations Headquarters, and the cost of doing so. It is very important to them that the finished product be a magnificent one and that the costs be representative of what is being built.

In watching you respond to my testimony the other day, I was gratified when I heard you say that you "would love to have involved and would love to see him bid on the project." Based on this request, here is my bid — I am willing to give my services for zero dollars in order for the mission of the United Nations to be enhanced through the savings of probably billions of dollars in construction costs. You see, I believe if allowed to continue at its current pace the renovation will cost in excess of $3.5 billion dollars, not the $1.2 to $1.5 billion currently estimated. As an example, the architectural contract that has been given out for $44 million should be substantially less, more in the range of $3 million.

I would like intake over the entire construction management of the development, quickly and effectively remove all asbestos from the buildings, while simultaneously retaining architects and engineers to re-design a magnificent and newly renovated space without the necessity of relocating offices to other buildings around New York at what will be unprecedented costs. I will lead a competitive bidding process of each and every trade with at least four bidders per trade. I will then negotiate down to the lowest point, not only getting the lowest price but the best contractor for the job. The end process will be done quickly and effectively and the UN headquarters will be fully renovated and finished prior to the end of 2007.

Essentiallyjfor me this would be nothing more than a large scale project. As you know, the City spent seyen^years and $21 million in a futile attempt to rebuild the Rink. After they had given up, I took over the job and completed it in a period of three months and just prior to the start of the skating season, for $1.8

?TH AVr.Nni,; , \jf;w YORK, NY 1002° - (21') :i32'-2000 - FAX (?!.?,) 935-n; 4 Page 2 Mr. Secretary-General

million. Likewise, I completed The Trump World Tower, located directly across from the UN, an obviously larger and more complex job, for $320 million.

If done properly by professionals, the renovation work on the UN should cost substantially less than what would be spent on a new building.

Probably no one in New York has done more renovation work than I have. For example, I transformed the old Commodore Hotel on into the Grand Hyatt, the Gulf & Western Building at Columbus Circle was transformed into Trump International Hotel & Tower (now the #1 ranked hotel in North America, per Conde Nast Traveler), the Barbizon Hotel on Central Park South was transformed into Trump Pare and the Delmonico Hotel on Park Avenue and is now . There are other examples too numerous to mention. Each and every one of these jobs has cost substantially less money than if I was to build them new.

I would like to make the United Nations look good especially in light of some of its "very fecent troubles. I also want to give you. all of the credit which, if you make this decision, you will fully deserve. At the end of a short period of time, we will stand together at a fully rebuilt UN Headquarters and fell the world that not only are these buildings more magnificent than before, but that we came in substantially under budget and substantially ahead of schedule. This for me is easy and this for others is very tough, perhaps impossible, to accomplish.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With best wishes,

P.S. I have already spoken with some of the top professionals in New York who are willing to do the work at less than cost and, in one case, for nothing, just for the privilege of working on this very important and prestigious project. cc: Hon. Tom Coburn Hon. Jeff Sessions Hon. Charles Schumer Hon. Hillary Clinton Hon. Anne Patterson Hon.Christopher B. Burnham