
Community AP Community Ecology . Community  all the that live together in a place . interactions To answer: In what way do the . Community Ecology interact?  study of interactions among all populations in a common environment

AP Biology Things you should know…. . The role of competitive exclusion in interspecific . The symbiotic relationship of , and . . The impact of keystone on community structure. . The difference between primary and secondary succession.

AP Biology Niche . An organism’s niche is its ecological role  All biotic and abiotic the species uses  = address vs. niche = job

Competitive Exclusion High tide If Species 2 is removed, then Species 1 will occupy Species 1 whole tidal zone.Low tide But at lower depths Species 2 out-competes Species 1, Chthamalus sp. excluding it from its potential (fundamental) niche. Species 2

Fundamental Realized AP Biology niches niches Semibalanus sp. Niche & competition . Competitive Exclusion

 Vying for same

 Slight reproductive advantage –1 is eliminated

 No two similar species can occupy the same niche at the same time

AP Biology Resource partitioning Reduce competition through microhabitats

“the ghost of competition past”

AP Biology Interspecific interactions . Symbiotic interactions

 competition (-/-) . compete for limited resource . competitive exclusion!

/ parasitism (-/+)

 mutualism (+/+) . lichens (algae & fungus)

 commensalism (+/0) . barnacles attached to whale

AP Biology Predation drives . Predators  locate & subdue prey . Prey adaptations  elude & defend Predation provides a strong selection horns, speed, coloration pressure on both prey & predator spines, thorns, toxins

AP Biology Anti-predator adaptations . Hide from predators

 avoid detection

 cryptic coloration () . Warn predators

 advertise how undesirable you are as prey

 aposematic coloration . apo = away & sematic = sign/meaning . Batesian - palatable or harmless species mimics a harmful model . Mullerian mimicry - two or more protected species look like each other

AP Biology in Community . Predator-prey relationships . Parasite-host relationships . Flowers & pollinators

APLong Biology term evolutionary adjustments between species Characterizing a community Richness: number of . Community structure different species :  proportion of each . how many different species species . how many of each species

 composition . dominant species  most abundant species or highest (total weight) . . changes over time  succession AP Biology Species diversity greater diversity = greater stability . Greater offers:  more food resources  more  more resilience in face of environmental change

AP Biology Keystone species Pisaster ochraceous . Influential ecological role

 exert important regulating effect on other species in community Sea star  keystone species increases diversity increases diversity diversity decreases in habitat mussels out-compete other species

AP Biology Washington coast Keystone species

Sea otter is a keystone predator in North Pacific

What is the impact of the Orca whale?

AP Biology . Sequence of community changes

 transition in species composition over time . years or decades

 usually after a

Mt.AP St.Biology Helens Primary succession . Begins with virtually lifeless area without , then…

 make bacteria soil  lichens & mosses  grasses  shrubs  trees

AP Biology Secondary succession . Existing community cleared, but base soil is still intact burning releases formerly locked up in the tissues of tree

the disturbance starts the process of succession over again AP Biology Succession of species


Succession often involves a progression from with lower species diversity—which may be less stable—to communities with higher species diversity—which may be more stable AP Biology What causes succession? . Tolerance  early species are weedy r-selected  tolerant of harsh conditions . Facilitation & Inhibition  early species facilitate habitat changes . change soil pH . change soil fertility . change light levels  allows other species to out-compete

AP Biology Climax forest . dominated by trees . Representing final stage of natural succession for specific location

 stable plant community

 remains essentially unchanged in species composition as long as site remains undisturbed . birch, beech, maple, hemlock . oak, hickory, pine

AP Biology Climax forest taiga The species mix of climax forest is dependent on the abiotic factors of the region

. solar levels . temperature . rainfall . fertility & depth of soil

temperate deciduous forest AP Biology birch, beech, maple, hemlock Disturbances as natural cycle . Disturbances are often necessary for community development & survival - release nutrients - increases biodiversity

fire climax forests

- increases habitats - rejuvenates community AP Biology