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American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899

12-4-1866 Letter from the Secretary of War, in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of June 7, 1866, transmitting reports of Quartermaster General, Commissary General, and Paymaster General, as to amount expended in suppressing Indian hostilities during 1864-'65

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Recommended Citation H.R. Exec. Doc. No. 5, 39th Cong., 2nd Sess. (1866)

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A resolution if the House qf Represcn~atices qf June 7, L866, transmzttmg reports rif Quartermaster General, Commissa-ry General, and Paymaster Gcnaal, as to amount expended in suppressing .Indian lwstilities dun'ng 1864-'6f>.

DECEMBER 4, 1866.-Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

\V AR DEPARTMENT, 1Vashington City, December 3, 1866. SIR: In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of June 7,· 1866, directing the Secretary of War to inform the House what amount of money has been expended for the suppression of Indian hostilities, &c., during the years 1864 and 1865, I have the honor to send herewith reports on the subject from the Quartermaster General, the Commissary General of Sub­ sistence, and the Paymaster General, from which it will be seen that- Tho quart('rmastor's department expended in 1864...... $9, 110, :172 00 1865...... 19, 263, 856 00 The subsistence department expended in 1864 ...... - ...... ' ' ...... ' 1:)5,459 74 1865- ...... 3{59,788 46 And the pay department expended in ] 864' ...... ' '- ...... 508, 953 95

1 1865 ..... ' ...... ' ...... ' ...... : •••••• ••• 1,132,512 78

And that the total expenditures in 1864 and 1865 amount to 30, 530, 942 93

Some of the above information having been on1y recently received, this report could not be made in time for the last sc:ssion of Congress, but the earliest op· port1mity is now taken for presenting it. Your obedient servant, EDvVIN U. S'I'ANTON, Secretary if TVa1·. Hon. ScHUYLER CoLFAx, Speaker if tlte House if Represrntativcs. '2 SUPPRESSION OF INDIAY HOSTILITIES.

QcARTER;\IASTEtt GB:x EHA L's OFFICE, 1Vas1t1·ugtun, D. 0., 1Yocembcr 27, 1SG6. & r.. : In rcspon::;c to the resolution of the House of Representati ''CS of thr 7th of J nne last, calling for information as to the amount of money "expended for the suppression of Indian hostilities, and for the various military expediti(JnS against the Indian tribes, during the years 1864 and 1865, stating particu­ larly the amounts expended in each year and each expedition, respectively," I have the honor to submit the following approximate statements of the amounts so expended by the quartermaster's department. It is impossible to state the exact amount which should be charged to these expeditions, first, because the expenditures for those o1jects during the past two years have not been kept separate from the other expenditures of the depart­ ment; seconc1, in many cases the troops forming these expeditious and tueir tran::portation and supplies were taken. from their Eeveral posts and commands, were used against the Indians for certain periods, and again returned to their sta­ tions; and, third, in other cases the troops sent to the frontier were actively employed but a portion of the time agaimt the Indians, ,..-bile the expense of supporting them was going· on during a much longer period. r:rhe following statements are, IJOwever, made up from the best data attaina­ ble, and show as near as possible the amount expended on acconut of the quar­ termaster's department in each of the following expeditions and campaigns in the years 1864 and 1865:

I Amount for Total per Expedition. each. :·ear.

1864. Northwestern Indian expedition . ___ ..... __ ... ___ ._ .... _..... _ $.-i, 2:3G, COO Apaches. _____ . _____ .. _ . ______. _____ . ____ . _. __ . ______. _.. 7:37, UUtl 'Val nut creek ... ___ .. ____ . ______.... _. _... ___ .. ____ .. _.. I 7:J, -1~7

Smoky rlill. ------. - .. ------. -- - . ---- -. I t:li3,:HL Little Blue .. _____ . __ . ______. __ ... ___ ... ____ .. _... ___ . _ 2i~, 7dG North Platte. __ . ____ . __ . ____ . ______.. _ . ______. __ ... __ . _... 21:3,810 1,01t:l,0:3-1 ~f~~~o~~~:l~~~ _~~·~~·~~ ::: ~ ~ ~ ~:: ~:: ·_:: ~::::::: ~ ~::::::: ~::: ~:: t-'0 495 Sand creek _ . ___ .. ___ .. __ . _.. _ ~ __ . ___ .. ____ ... _. ____ .. ... __ . 18!l:524 l(iowas. _____ . ______.. _ _ _ __ . ____ .. ___ ... __ .. _ . ____ . ___ . 1 311,617 Republican river. ___ . _____ . ____ ... ___ .. ___ ... _. ___ . ___ ...... I 47,596 New :1\lexico ... ____ . _.. __ .. _. _.... ___ ... __ . _. ___ . _. _... ____ . ]01,774 ---- $9, i1tl,372 186.). No;thwestern expedition. ___ ... _.... _._ .. _... ___ .. ____ .. _____ 1, 394, 190 1 ____ ------·----·---··------··· ____ ...... -·-· 2()8,849 ~~~~~i(~t~~~:Ji~i~~·-i~~::: ~ ~: :::: : ~:::::::::: ~::: ~::::: ~::: ~::: 1:3, tb~: ~8~ ~~~~~~-~~~~l~~-~~:~~~~::: ~::: :::::: :::: ~ ~:::::::::::::::::::: ]'5~~: ~~~ Northwest territory. __ ... ___ .. _.. ___ ... _.... _..... __ ...... _. 2, 415,168 ------1 19,263,856

'l'he resolution above referred to is herewith re:=;pectfn1ly returned. l ha,·e the honor to be, with great ref'pect, yom obedient servant, l\I. 0. l\IEIGS, Brcret liTajor General U. S. 1l., ~uartcnnastcr General. Hon. ED\YIX M. STAi\'TON, Secretary if TVm·. T SUPPH.ESSIOK OP INDIAN HOSTILITIES. 3

Estzmate if the amuunt if money expended zn tlte payment if tJ oops engaged in tlte suppression if Indian hostilities during tlw yean 1864 and 1865, the amount expended ead year, and the cost if eaclt expedition.

Date. I Strength. Commander. Amount. From- To-

1864. 1EG4. 1 Jan 6 Jan. 24 Colonel C. Carson .... __ . ___ . ___ _ 1 375 $4,158 60 2 Jan 26 Jan. 27 Lieutenant T. A. Young. ____ . __ _ i I 12 9 60 3 Feb 24 Feb. 29 Captain J. H. Whitlock . _. _. ___ _ 1 21 68 93 4 Feb 27 Mar. 4 Captain F. McCabe .... _...... 1 50 187 65 5 Mar. 3 l\Iar. 23 Major Rinearson . ___ .... __ .. ___ _ 2 70 811 10 6 Mar. 4 Mar. 31 Captain J. Thompson ...... 1 52 734 96 7 Mar. 17 Mar. 28 Captain William E. HulL ___ .. _.. 2 37 276 71 8 Mar. 27 April 6 Lieuter:ant K. Geer ...... ______2 52 292 50 9 April 8 April 23 Captain D. M. Greene _. ____ .. __ _ 2 25 295 00 10 April 20 Oct. 31 Captain J. M. Drake·------7 147 21,406 18 11 April 23 April 25 CaptainD. M. Greene ...... ------1 11 18 13 12 April 1 April 15 Captain William E. HulL_ ... ___ _ 2 37 ::352 21 1:3 April 27 May 2 Lieutenant K. Geer. .. ___ ... _ .. .. 2 15 77 45 14 April 28 Oct. 31 Captain G. B. Curry_ .. __ ...... 7 llG 17,014 18 15 April 1 April 24 Captain J. H. Whitlock .. __ .... __ 2 56 71)2 58 16 May 1 Aug. 3t Col. E. A. Riggs, (Apache exped'n) 21 47~ 42,264 10 17 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 Lieutenant Burkett .... _. ____ .. __ 1 14 284 55 18 April 24 April 29 Captain J. H. Whitlock .. __ .. __ .. 1 21 68 GS 1D May 1 May 31 Major Rinearson _...... __ .... __ 9 113 3,001 00 20 May 12 May 31 Lieutenant Oakes ...... ______2 ::!3 481 60 21 June 27 Dec. 31 Captain H. S. Caldwell, (Calion 4 97 12,974 30 City Road expedition.) 22 June 1 Nov. 20 Brig. Gen. Alfred Sully, (North- l1G 2, 758 352,297 91 western Indian expedition.) 23 Sept. 8 Sept. 24 Brig. Gen. R. B. Mitchell._ .. _. __ 24 492 6,070 85 2-1 Sept. 11 Sept. :30 M3;10r General J. G. Blunt_ ... ___ _ 2 :300 3,378 JO 25 Sept. (j Sept. 30 Major E. \V. Wynkoop .. _... ___ _ 11 263 4,716 40 2G Ott 1 Dec. 31 Colonel C. Carson, (Kiowa Indian 9 270 16,996 50 expedition.) 27 Oct 1 Oct. 31 Captain A. G. White ...... ------3 57 1' 329 00 28 Oct 1 Oct. 31 Captain Kubl. .. __ .... ____ ...... 9 18:1 4,290 00 29 Nov 26 Nov. :·lO Lieutenant J.P. Murphy ... _. _.. 1 18 57 9!:J 30 Nov 26 Dec. 1 Captain L. P. Gillette .... _... _.. 1 45 148 9-1 31 Nov 16 Nov. 30 Lieutenant Frazier . ___ ...... _.. 1 19 205 9! 32 Nov 16 Nov. 17 Captain ,y_ W.hory ...... ______1 40 425 GO 33 Nov 19 Nov. 27 Captain T. J. Majors .... _.. ____ . 1 15 99 55 :H Nov 21 Nov. 30 CaptainS. :M. Curran ...... ------2 15 154 20. 35 Nov 26 Nov. 30 Captain H. ,V. Cremer ...... ___ _ 1 100 24;~ 26 S6 No' 27 Nov. ~30 Captain T. J. Majors ... __ ., . ____ . 1 50 97 95 37 Nov 20 Dec. 15 Colonel J.l\1. Chivington. _____ . _. 2 575 8,357 82 38 Dec. 1 1 Dec. :31 Troops at Plum creek .. __ .... ___ . 8 176 4,040 00

39 Dec 12 1 Drc. 18 Li<.'ulenant J. P.l\Iurphy ... _. _.__ _ 2 60 255 80 40 Dec 23 Dec. 31 Lieutenant Sanchez ... ___ ... _. _. 1 50 228 21 Total am't expended in 186-t _. __ .. __ ... ----. 508, 953 95

1865. 1865. 40 Jan 1 .Tan. 9 Lieutenant Sancl1ez _ ...... _____ . --1-~~ ---293 83 41 Jan 10 Jan. 25 Party from Fort Kearney .. __ .. __ 4 JGl 1, 542 50 2L Jan 1 Dec. 31 Uaptain R S. Caldwell, (Canon 6 156 42,792 (50 City Hoad expedition.) 42 Jan 27 .Tan. 31 Captain 0' R0gan ... ____ . __ ...... 3 38 107 95 43 Jan 10 Jan :31 Lieutruant Prazier .. ___ .... ___ .. 1 39 30:3 lJ 44 Jan 1 Jan. 31 Captain E. B. Murphy ...... _.. 90 1' 770 00 4 SUPPRESSION OF INDIAN HOSTILITIES.

Esti-mate qf tlte amount qf money expended in tlw payment qf troops, ~·c.-Cont'd.

Cl5 ;.a~ Date. Strength. l=l Q) Commander. u1 Amount. p., ..... X 61 Oct. 1 Oct. 31 Colonel L. L. Williams.----. ___ . 4 117 2,629 00 62 Oct. 21 Oct. 28 Lieutenant C. H. Chapman . ----. 1 25 138 27 63. Oct. 1 Dec. 31 Brevet Major General F. ·wheaton, 168 :3,526 260,265 00 (district of Nebraska. ) 64 Nov. 1 Dec. 31 Major H. M. Benson ..•...... 9 207 9,904 50 6!) Dec. 1 Dec. 31 Colonel T. F. Wright ...... ---- __ 18 293 7,861 00 66 Dec. 1 Dec. 31 Troops at Camp Alvord, Oregon ... 4 136 2,952 00 1------Total am't expended in 1865 -- ,I ·------1,132,512 78

(21) Amount expended for Canon City road expedition, 1864 . -- .•... ---. $12,974 30 Do ... -- .. _.. __ . _.. do ... __ .. _. _._do __ ... __ 1865 ...... ______42, 792 60

TotaL ..... ·------·------____ .... ------!)5,766 90

(40) Amount expended for expedition of Lieutenant Sanchez, 1864 .... ----. $228 21 Do.----- . _. _.. ____ do ____ ... ___ .. do ...... ___ . 1865 ____ .... - 293 85

Total .... ______...... ______------... ------522 06

Total amount expended in 1864 . ____ ..... __ . _... ____ ... _. __ ... ___ ... _... $508, 953 95 Total amount expended in 1865 _...... ____ ... _. _.. __ .... _.... _. _... --. J, 132, 512 78

Total ...... ·----· ...... ··---··----·-----· 1,641,466 73


OFFICE CoMMISSARY GEVERAL oF SussrsTENCE, Washington, July 26, 1866. SrR: In compliance with your instructions I have the honor to submit a re­ port of the cost to the subsistence department of the various military expeditions against the Indian tribes during the years 1864 and 1865, stating particularly the amounts expended in each year and each expedition, respectively, as called for by the resolution of the llouse of Representatives of June 7, 1866. V cry respectfully, your obedient serYant, A. B. EATON, Commissary General of Subsistence. Hon. E. M. STANTON, SecTetary of War. Statement showing various expeditions and scoltls acttwlly employed a,gainst the Indians in the yea1'S 1864 and 1865; their strength, field of operations, and the C":> dates during whic!t they were carr'ied on, so far as shown by the returns on file in the Adjutant General's o.tfice.

rl, ::l Strength. ~ =I ~ 0 Q) 0 Date. ;.sw !3 <:.) ~ "'"" ::l ;.... 2 1'1:1 c<:l ,D."' ...... 0"' m oa ~ Q) bJl c<:l f§ 0 <:.) -+" Q) c BiB "' 0 Q) ~ "'0 8 0 til h -~ "'0 0 ";:1 bJl c<:l "cd ;.... 0 ;::.:::, Q ~ -<11 A ~ p, ~ ------m~ m Cents, H 1864. 0 Jau. 6 ~ 14 375 389 19 7, 125 28.9 $:2,059 12 Jan. 26 0 6 o·~ ~ 1 J2 13 2 24 28.9 o_lt) Feb. 24 zH 1 21 22 G 126 28.9 36 4L tj Feb. 27 H l>z :350 28.9 101 J5 1 50 51 7 ~ March 0 0 w ~ 1 20 21 21 420 24.4 102 4t:l H 24.4 256 20 t-1 1 ' 50 51 21 J' 050 H ~ March 4 H i:"'j 1 52 53 ·--- ...... 28.9 ...... m March 17 2 37 39 12 444 20.3 no 13 March 27 2 52 54 11 572 20.3 116 ] 1 April 8 2 25 27 ---- . .. ---. ---- 26 -----· ...... April 20 p I left Fort Dalles, Oregon, lluriug· the whole of the mouth. Two com- pauies 1st Oreg-on infantry _.-- .. ----. -.... ____ ..... --- .. -- .. ---- ... -- .. 8 145 153 11 l, GD5 24.5 390 77 April :.23 Captain M. D. Green, Gtll . infantry, left Camp Jaqua, California, in '> ,,., command of a scout, returning April 25, l tlG.t. DebLehmeut.------l 12 ,)o) 26 t:l Gtl ...... Jl -~ April J Captain \V. E. Hull, 2ll Califoruia infantry, commamling scout in Memlocino ] !) county, California, till April15, 1864. Company D, 2d Californi~Linfantry .. 2 :37 :~~ :355 2G Ul :30 April ~7 Lieutenant K. Goer, battalion mountaineers, Califoruia volunteers, left Cn.ll'P Jaqua, California, ou n. scout, returning May 2, 18u4. Distance marched 100 miles. Detachment California infantry . . ____ ... _... --- - ... 2 J:) j7 u ! 90 ~u z:~ 40 ...... en April 28 Captain G. B. Curry, commanding expedition against the Snake Indians, left c::: .., "'')'' '' l r: 71 2:3 Fort \Valla-\Valla, \Vashing·ton Territory. Two comp£mies 1st Oregon cavalry. G lOJ J07 vi •> I ,~ ..> '"0 .April - Captain J. II. \Vhitloek, 5th California volunteers, left Camp Mcmbrcs, New "d ~ Mexico, in command of a scout for the foot of the Sierra Bonita mouutains ; M utttc of leaving and returning not stated. Detachment.-----.- ... ---- .. -.. G6 Gtl · ------w en May - I Captain G. B. Curry's expedition continued during the entire month operating --- H -l r -" 0 ou the Umatilla river to Gibbs's creek, about JOO miles up the Owyhee river. "j Two companies Js t Oregou cavalry and detachment 1:>t \Vashington Territory ~ infantry . ______. ______. ____ . ______. __ g , ! ,..~7 •l J r: 'J) ] Hi 4\i ...... 147 JGu :31 ...).) I,.. ..> 0 l\Iay - I Colonel E. A. Higgs's Apache expedition started from various points in New I "'J Mexico, and continued during the month. Companies D and II, 1st Cali- H fornia infantry; E, 1st California cavalry; and A, C, and E, 5Lh California 1 ~

:~, .,t: :) ~b. 9tl ______415 ~·l :~J J'J, t:() tJ 717 tj infantry ------·------· .... ---- .... ---· ...... ---·---- w H l\Iay - M~~jorRin earson, 1st Oregon cavalry, commanding Fort Boi se, Idaho Territory . . ~ Command continually engaged against Indians during tlle month. Com- I ~ :.n :3, so:~ 2·1. G I 8;)8 23 panics D, G, and I, lst Washington Territory infantry . ---- .. -- ...... ----. 9 11:3 122 p:: ~.Jay12 I Lieutenant Oakes left camp at Boynton's prairie, California, in command of n. 0 scout; date of returning not given. Detachment company C, 6th California w 1-3 infantry ..... ·----··----··-----·---····------·--···----·--··--··--·· 2 33 :~5------H May -~ Captain J. 1\1. Drake's expedition continued during the entire month. Com- t-1 ---~:~~~-~:~:: J,(jtl(j 08 H panies D and G, 1st Oregon infantry ___ ... _. ____ .. ----- . -- •... --.-- . ----. 8 143 151 31 1-3 H l\larch 3 Lieutenant Burkett, 5th California infantry, left Camp Memures, New Mexico, t:r:.j in command of a scout for the Florida mountains; elate of returning not ' w 1 14 i5 ...... ------· 12tl.9 ------·

April 24 Ct~~f~·J.ii~t~~~l~~t:~f;tt. C~iif~;,~i~i~fa;;t~·y: i~h·c~~~p'ir~-~b;~; t~l~t~r~~i)t. l a party of Indians at Los Pios Altos, returning April 29, 1864 Detachment. 1 21 2-2 6 126 I 28.9 :JG 41 June Colonel E. A. Riggs's Apache expedition continued during the entire month. Companies D and H, 1st California infantry; A, C, and E, 5th California infantry ; and C and E, 1st California cavalry .. -- -- ... -...... -- .. -- .. I 22 491 513 30 14,7:30 2tl.9 4,23o 97 June 7 I Captain J. M. Drake's expedition continued. Marched Crooked river, Harney valley, and thence to the Owyhee desert. Companies D and G, 1st Oregon 1 infantry_. ___ •.. ___ ._._. ___ ._ ..•... _-- ... --- ..... -.-.--- .. - .. -- ... ----- I s l 167 175 I :w I G, OJO I 2:3, 8 I J ' 102 33 -1 Statement showing va1·ious expeditions and scouts actually employed against the Indians in the yea1·s 1864 and 1865, ~·c.-Continued. 00

Strength . . rei ~ Q) .s 8 ~ ~ ;.... bJ) ;;; >:i "+-< Q) .s s:l ~ s:l 0 Expeditions, &c. ;.au; a) Q) 0 ...... Date. s 0 ~ s:l;.... ~ a:J ~ Q) '0 .2 a:J "+-< 0 bJ) ~ 0 0 Ei 0 ~ Q) s:l .;!: ;.... a:J 0 Q) m a!§ bJ) h · oa -~ d 0 'a bJ) C\l d 0 ~ 0 ~ ....:1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ t?:l Cents. I rn 1864. I m June - Captain Curry's expedition continued operating near Harney lake, Oreg·on. H 0 Companies A and E, 1st Oregon cavalry, and G, 1st ·washington Territory z 8 137 ! I infantry ...... - .. - 145 30 4, 1 1o 1 23. sl $978 18 June 27 Captain H. S. Caldwell, 1st Oregon cavalry, left Fort Vancouver, ·washington 0 Territory, in command of tho Canon City road expedition, org·anized to 1-J:j

protect the road between Dalles and Canon City, Oregon. Company B, I H 1st Oregon cavalry, and company E, J st Washingti:m Territory infantry ...... :~ 88 91 4 ::l52 I 23.8 83 77 z Northwestern Indian expedition, commanded Brigadier General Alfred Sully, 1, tj June by H started from Sioux City, Iowa, and marched to Swan Lake outlet, Dakota I > Territory: z I II 7 ...... ::1:1 r:f~~t~~~~~_s_t~~-~~~e-r~---·_·_·_·_·_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ~~~~:: ~~:: -.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:~:~: I 58 1,316 ! 1,374 21.1 ...... 0 Cavalry ...... __ .. _. __... _. _____ . _. ____ ... ____ . _. ___ .. _.. _.. 102 2,584 2,686 ...... 2J.l ...... L/2 Artillery ______. 5 131 1:)6 21.1 . 1-:3 ...... H (For synopsis of the troops engaged in this expedition see month of November, : t"" H ] 864.) 1-:3 July Apache expedition continued. Companies D and H, 1st Californb infantry; H t?:l A, C, and E, 5th California infantry; and C and E, ] st California cavalry .... 2~I 491 I 5 13 I ~1lG, 22J 28.9 1 4, 398 86 C/2 July Captain Curry's expedition continued operating during the month on the U ma­ tilla river and on the south fork of John Day's river. Companies A and · E, J st Oregon cavalry, anc~~·1st \Vashington Territory infantry ...... ~ ~ J45 153 1 :n 4, 495 1 31.2 1,402 44 July Captain J. l\1. Drake's e-:::~ed1bonconti~necloperating during the month with Captain Curry's expeihtwn. qompames D and G, 1st Oregon cavalry ...... B 167 175 i 31 5, 177 1 3]. 2 1,615 22 July Cai'i.on City road expedition contmued. Company B, Jst Oregon cavalry, and detachment 1st Nebraska Territory infantry ...... < •••••••••••••••• 6 127 133 I 31 3, 937 31.2 1, 228 34 July Northwestern Ind1an expedition coutinued. Stationed, at the lust day of the I month, near Heart river, Dakota Territory: 3~~--n26 --·ocs·J ~: ---2s;1os·2o:sr·o;91o·;,; ] 02 2, 579 2, 681 31 79, 949 , 20. 8 16, 629 3fl ~~~~~rt·~~f:7~·:':-::--:::::~~~-:~~ _ ~:~ ~ ~ ~::::-: _ ~ ~~:: _: ~: :::~ G 13o 135 31 4,030 2o.s e38 2<1 1 August-~Apache expedition discontinued. August- Captain Curry's expedition continued, operating from Camp Alvord, Oregon, I to Sucker creek, !daho T~rri~ory.. Companies A and E, 1st Oregon caYalry, 1 and G, l st \Vashmgton 'I ern tory mfantry ...... 8 136 144 31 4,216 32.5 ] , 370 20 August- Canon City road expedition continued. Company B, 1st Oregon cavalry, and 1 m company E, 1st \Vashingtou Territory infantry ...... --~...... G 126 1~2 :n 3,906 32.G 1, 26() 45 q August- Captain Dmke's Fm" Dalles expedition continued, opemting in Ocegon. Com-~ "0 panics D and G, 1st Oregon cavalry ... _...... 8, 167 li5 31 5, 1i7 I 32, 5 I, 6Q2 52 "0 August- Northwestern Indian expedition continued. Stationed, at the end of the month, ~ t=J ncar Snake creek, Dakota Territory: v:: l/2 Gener~-tlaud statl:' officers ...... 7 .... ------______·------· ______. _. l Infantry ...... _.. . _.. _...... _.. .. . _ . . .. 39 023 962 ~~---2~~6i3" 28.8 8,240 54 0"""'" Cavalry ___ _.. _... _ ___ .. ____ .. _.. __ .. ______...... 102 2,575 2,677 :n 79,825 28.8 22, 98~)60 z Artillery _ _ !) ]:~5 ...... 130 31 4,030 28.8 1,160 64 0 Sept. -~ Cs ptaiu Cun·y' s expedition continued, o pcmting i a Oregon and Idaho T enitm·y. ~ Companies A anu E, J st Oregon cavalry ...... () lOG , 112 30 3,180 35.G 1,132 OS Sept. - Canon City road expedition, Captain H. C. Small, ::st Oregon cavalry, com- I "'""z manding since September ~6,1tl64, continued. Company G. 1st Oregon cav- t; '"""'! G II~ j 18 30 :{, 390 35.6 1,206 84 > Sept. - Ca~~·rin~~-~i~~·~-e~p~tiitio-~-c~~-ti~~1~~1: -op·e·r~ti~g -i~;c)r~g~-~-.-C;1~1i;~~y -D~-l·s·t· J z

Oregon cavalry ...... ____ .....•.•...... ____ ...... ~)G :2,~d0 5 101 30 35. G i I, 025 28 '"""'! Sept. - Northwestern expedition continued. Stationed, on the last day of the month, I '"""'! 0 at Fort Hice, Dakota Territory : I 'l2 General and staff officers ...... 30 ...... 1-:3 G 1----.... ----.... H Cavalry ...... __. ______. __ .. ___ . ___ ...... r, 76 1,990 2,066 ~30 59,700 ·28: ·I·- -i 7:o i 4-5o t:'1 Sept. 8 I Brigadier General R. B. Mitchell left Chalk Bluffs, on Solomon river, in com- ..... mand of an expedition to the vicinity of Cottonwood Spdngs and Nodh I 1-:3 """'"t'=j I [f) r~~t!e~~;!~~~;.i~~-~~~~:-~~~~c-~~~~·-2_4_'_1_~~~--.-~~~-p-~~i-e~_A,~·-~_'_'~~~-~::~1~- :~83 405 J 17 G,511 28.9 1 1' 881 67 DetacLment of artillery ...... __...... ____ .... ______...... 2 ::15 :37 17 595 2e.9 171 95 74 74 11 I 1, 258 28.H :~()35() Sept. 11 I 1\Iajo}G~i:~~f~:~~~~\~l~t-,·-a~·s:v.; -i~- ~~;~;;~~d ~-i~-~~~~t-,- iei·i "}~~;.t"Iiil~y~ "I"----"I

Kansas, for heauwaters of ·walnut creek, returning September :~0,1864: Cavalry ...... _. ____ . ___ ... ____ . __ .... 1 2GO . 2Gl 120 I 5, 2oo 1 2s. s 1' 48'~00 Artillery ...... 1 40 41 20 800 28. G 228 00

~ Statement showing varions expeditions and scouts actually employed against the Indians in the years 1864 and 186G, "'c.-Continued. ~ 0

00 Strength. ,0 ~ (!) w .s s >=I ~ ;::l ..... CJJ ~ .s '--< Q =I ..... "d ~ '+< 0 ceal an ~ w. 0 '-' 6 0

  • al ~ s~ ;g ~J) h .;:; c: 0 an ~ ~ 0 "C Q ~ ..,q A ~ ~ ~ 1-0 ·------~ r-J Cents. rn 1864 . U2 Sept. G Major E. vV. vVyncoopo, 1st colored cavalry, left Fort Lyon, Colorado Terri­ 0 tory, in command of an expedition to Smoky Hill, Colorado Territory. Ex­ z pedition discontinued latter part of the month. Three companies 1st colored cavalry ... _._ .. ____ .. _...... __ ...... ·11 I 263 274 I 25 I G, 575 I 28. 5 I $1' 873 87 0 Oct. - Kiowa Indian expedition, cornmanded by Colonel C. Carson, was organizing ~ during this month at Fort Bascom, New Mexico. Companies A and K, Jst I ~ z California infantry, D, Jst New Mexico cavalry, and M, Jst California eav- t) a1ry ...... ------______...... ____ ·----· ...... ___ .... ___ ... . 91 288 297 ...... ~ ..... - - .. ---. 28. 9 .. -- -- . -- -- . ~ Oct. Captain Curry's expedition continued. In camp in Oregon on the last day of P> the month. Company E, 1st Oregon cavalry .... - ...... ----. -.---. 3 42 45 31 ] '302 35.6 463 51 z H Oct. Captain Drake's expedition discontinued...... 35. () GG Oct. Ca1ion City road expedition continued. Company G, lst Oregon cavalry ..... 3 I 74 77 ~:H 2,294 81G 0 Oct. - Northwestern Indian expedition continued. Stationed, on the last day of the rn month, at Sioux City, Iowa: "':3 General and ::;taft' officers __ ... _____ . _____ . __ ... _.. _. ____ .. _. __ .. _.... t? Cavalry - _ ____ . _____ . ____ . ____ . _____ . ______H ...... 7~h;s92-l -i;963~l 58,652 30.8 18,064 81 ~ H Oct. - Troops at Little Blue Station, Nebraska Territory, Captain A. G. vVhite com­ (':j manding, were continually engaged scouting against the Indians during the rn

    month. Company C, Nebraska militia .... _.... __ ...... ;~I 57 I GO 31 ] '767 30.8 54·1 2:3 Oct. - Troops at Cottonwood, Nebraska Territory, Captain Kabl, J st Nebraska cavalry, commanding, wore actively engaged scouting in the vicinity of the post during the month. One company 7th Iowa cavalry and two companies Jst Nebraska cavalry _ ---- .. -- __ .. _ __ __ .. __ _ . 192 I 31 1 5, 67!) I 30. 8 I ] '747 28 ...... D l 1s:~I Nov. 26 Lieutenant J. P. Murphy, 1st Nebraska cavalry, left Fort Kearney, Nebraslm I Territory, in command of a scout, marched to Pawnee rancho, on the Little Blue river, returning November 30, 1864. Detachment of cavalry ...... 1 I 1s I 19 51 DO I :31. 3 I ~H 17 Nov. 26 Captain L. P. Gillette, 1st Nebraska cavalry, left Fort Kearney, Nebraska Ter- I ritory, for Republican river, returning December 1, lotH. Detachment of 1 eavalry ...... J 45 4G G ~70 :31. 3 tl-1 51 NoY. ];! Kiowa Indian expediton left Fort Bascom in commaml of Colonel C. Carson; • I :w 2, 2G:3 ():-l "·as_ en~·agec~during -~~lC m?nth o_n the Canadian river. Commaml ...... 9 262 271 7,tlGO 28.8 Nov. 5 Captam Cnrry s expeulLIOn d1scontmued ...... ·...... 3 42 45 5 210 :l5. 6 74 76 Nov. 16 Lieutenant Frazier, in command of a scout, left Camp Grant, Californi,L; date 1 ] of returning not known. Detachment ...... J9 20 · --· ·----·---- 32. 6 ~-----·------Nov. - Caiion City road expedition continued. Lieutenant \V. M. Hand, 1st Oregon caYalry, commanding company G, 1st Oregon cavalry . "v 76 79 30 I 2, 280 35.2 I 802 5G ...... lfl Nov. 20 Date of last return of the Northwestern Indian expedition stationed at Sioux c City, Iowa: I '"'C General and staff officers .... _...... 5 ·------20 1. ····· .... 1-d Cavairy ...... 5:3 ] '373 1, 426 20 27,460 .3i ~ 3' 1"... s:594.08 ~ tT:l Troops eng·agecl in the Northwestern Indian expedition: lfl 8th Minnesota volunteers, 10 companies, dropped in September; 2d :Minne- w sota cavalry, 6 companies, dropped in September; oth Iowa cavalry, 12 I 0 companies; 7th Iowa cavalry, 3 companies; Brackett's battalion, Minne- ~ sota caYalry, 4 companies; Dakota cavalry, 2 companies; Indian scouts, 0 one company, dropped in November; 3d Minnesota battery, dropped in Sep- ~ tcmber; 3d \Visaonsin volunteers, 4 companies, dropped in July...... Nov. 1G I Captain W. \V. Ivory, 1st Nebraska veteran cavalry, in command of a scout, ~ moved from Post Plum creek southwest, up Plum creek, returning Novcm- tj ] 41 'Z l:lO 31.3 25 04 1-< her 17, 1834. Detachment ...... 40 ~ Nov. 10 Captain T. J. Majors, commanuing a detachment, rescued a train ncar Plum ~ 120 :31. 3 :37 5{) creek. Detachment ...... 1 15 16 8 ~ Nov. 21 Captain S.l\L Curran, lst Nebraska veteran calvary, was engaged ncar Plum H 0 creek in pursuit of Indians. Detachment ...... 2 ]5 ]7 1 15 3]. 3 4 G9 lfl Captain H. \V. Cremer, 7th Iowa cavalry, commanding a scout, left Port Cot ~ Nov. 26 H tonwood for Dan Smith's station, moved north to the Hcpublican river, t-'4 crossed aud marched west to Beaver creek, and thence np ihe stream_; turned H direction north to the Platte river, crossing Repuhlican river due south of ~ M Post Plnm creek; thence back to Cottonwood. Detachment ...... 1 lOO 101 ·--- ···--· ---- :n. 3 ---· ------lfl Nov. '27 Captain T. J. Majors, 1st Nebraska cavalry, commanding a scout operating in the vicinity of Post Plum creek, Republican river, and Spring creek, leaving Spring creek for Post Plum creek November 30, 1864. Detachment ...... 1 I so I 51 4 ~uoI 31.3 I 6~ (i0 Nov. 20 I Colonel J. l\L Chivington, 1st colored cavalry, took command of an expeuition at Boonville, fought the Indians at Sand creek, 40 miles northeast from Port Lyon. and proceeded in the direction of Camp \Vyncoop, on Arkansas river. Expedition discontinued about December 15, 186!. 3d colored cavalry and detachment 1st colored cavalry 26 4,Gi!J :35 ...... 21 575 1 5771 H, 950 1 31.:3 I ~ (Thr. namrs of onl;r two officers appear on the report.) I ~ Statement showing various expeditions and scouts actually empioyed against tite Indians in the years 1864 and 1865, S,·c.-Continuec1. l:-.!.1 -- - I I ~ Strength. ";::) 0 Q;l I I s 00 0::: ;:) J..< I 0(; ,:i u:: I ...... Q) Q ~ 0 Date. >=< Expeditions, &c . ;ou.i c) 0 ....., s t ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ J..< ~ a;l Q) '"C ..a I 00 ...... 0 Q) bD d 0 C) I 0 s~ 00. Q) l/2 ~ s 0 Sc ~ d ~ -~ 0 -a bD 0 >-o Q ~ ~ gl ~ p:; ~ '"0

    - ~--- i=O trJ 1864. l/2 Cents. rn Dec. - Kiowa Indian expedition continued during this month until some time in Jan­ H nary, 1865, when the companies composing it were sent to Fort Bascom and 8 Los Pinos, :New Mexico. Command __ ___ . __ . . . . 8 """" ...... 259 267 31 8,029 2s. 8 1 $2, :m~35 Dec. C~nonCity Road expedition, Captain Small, 1st Oregon cavalry, command- I 0 Ing, continued. Company G, 1st Oregon cavalry . ___ ...... ___ ..... 3 76 70 3L 2, :)56 36.5 I 859 94 ""j Dec. - Troops at Plum creek, Nebraska Territory, were constantly engaged during the I H .lllonth scouting after Indians. Four companies 1st Nebraska cavalry ...... tl 176 184 31 5,456 31 I 1, 691 3G z Dec. 12 t:t L1eutenant J. P. Murphy, 1st Nebraska cavalry, left Fort Kearney, Nebraska H Territory, in command of a scouting party, for Plum creek; operated on Spring ;...- creek, Republican river, and Big Beaver creek, returning December 18, 1864. I ~ .Detachment of cavalry...... 2 60 62 7 420 31 130 20 Dec. 23 ;:r:: L1eutenant Sanchez, 1st New Mexico cavalry, in eommand of a scout, started 0 for the country known as El Rito Quenado, returning January 9, 1865. De- rn tachment ...... _ . _.. ______.. _____ . _____ . ______. _. ______. 1 I 50 51 18 900 28. 8 1 25!) 20 1-3 H r H R64 ______Total cost of rations consumed in 1 ... •... _••• _.. _ ...... _••• ___ ... .. • _...... _ 155, 459 7 4 1-3 1865. 1-< trJ Jan . 10 Scouting party left Fort Kearney, Nebraska Territory, penetrated to Republican = 1===-- ~------1 m river, south of O'Fallon's bluffs, returning January 25, 1tl65. Detachment I 1 of cavalry ...... ------...... ______.... ____ ------4 151 155 16 1 2,4Hi 31 748 96

    Jan. 10 Canon City road expedition continued. Company G, 1st Oregon cava!ry . _.. 3 I 75 78 31 2, 325 :37.5 1 871 87 Jan. 27 Captain O'Regan, in command of a scout, left Fort Boise, Idaho Territory, I _toward the Bruno river; date of returning not stated. Detachment. .... _... 3 38 41 .... , .... _. ___. 37. 5 . _...... _.. Jan. 10 Lieu:e_nan_t Frazier, in c~mm_aJ?-dO'of a scout, left Camp Grant, California; 1 " I " cle;,;tmatwn and date of 1etumm"' not stated. Detachment ...... -... --.. l v9 40 ---. I...... -.. , 35. <> 1-...... Jan. Troops at Alkali station, Nebraska Territory, Captain E. B. Murphy, com- [ \ lllancling, continually engaged scouting during the month. 1st company 7th Iowa CELvalry ...... ____ ------...... ____ ------______r 2 DO 92 31 2, 790 31 864 90 Jan. Troops at Gilman's station, Nebraska Territory, Captain C. F. Porter com­ manuing, continually engaged scouting during the month. Company A, 1 'lt I Kebraska cavalry. ___ ...... 3 85 es 3J 2, 635 31 816 85 Feb. Troops in the eastern sub-district of Nebraska, Colonel R. R. Livingston, 1st i Nebraska cavalry, commanding, continually engaged scouting during the month; stationed in the eastern part of Nebraska Territory and at Jules- burg, Colorado Territory. Fifteen companies of cavalry ... --- ...... : .. . 5:~ 1,172 ] '225 128 3·2,8 16 I 30.2 9, 910 43 Feb. Calion City road expedition continued. Company G, l st Oregon cavalry ... .. 3 75 78 28 2,100 1 38.7 812 70 00 c:: March Canon City road expedition continued. Company G, J st Oregon cavalry .... . :~ 7fl 78 31 2, 325 38.7 8!)9 77 1-d March Eastern sub-district of Nebraska. Thirteen companies of cavalry ...... 48 ] '116 1,16-1 31 34,596 29.8 10,309 60 ., March Troops in the western sub-district of Nebraska, Lieutenant Colonel William ~ Baumer, 1st Nebraska cavalry, commanding, engaged scouting during the trj 00 month; stationed in the western part of Nebraska and in Idaho Territory. 00 H Seventeen companies of cavalry . . .. __ ... _. _...... - ...... :38 1,146 1,184 1 31 I 35 5:26 29.8 10 586 74 0 April Canon City road expedition continued. Company G, 1~tOregon cavalry .... . 3 74 77 30 2:2~037.8 ' 839 16 z April - I Troops at Fort Rice, Dakota TPrritory, Colonel C. A. R. Dimon, 1st United I States volunteers, commanding, continually engaged scouting in the vicinity 0 of the post during the month. Six companies 1st United States Yolun- ~ teers .. __.. _____ . ______.. ______. _ I IG 4().1 27.9 I 3, 883 68 I-< ~ ~H left post Alkali, destination date of April Scout at Nebraska Territory; and returning ·:~120-! 13:920. t:J 21. 9 . ____ . ______not stated. Detachment 7th Iowa cavalry ...... - ...... -- ...... :38 H 1 p... April Troops in the eastern sub-district of the plains, Colonel R. R. Livingston com­ 1 manding, occupying eastern portion of Nebraska and Julesburg, Colorado z Territory, continually engaged scouting during the month. Seveuteen com- ~ panies of cavalry .. _...... _...... - ... - ...... - .. GO 1,438 J,.JU8 43,140 27.9 12,036 06 0 130 en May Colonel Christopher Carson, in command of an expedition, left Fort Union, I 1-j New Mexico; field of operations not stated. The expedition continued until H ~ some time in July, 1865. Companies H, 1st New Mexico infantry; F, 1st H 1 GO t-3 California cavalry; aucl L, 1st New Mexico cavalry ...... 9 253 262 JG, 180 28.8 I 4, :171 84 H l\Iay Canon City road expedition continued. Company G, 1st Oregon cava!ry, and M company II, 1st Oregon infantry ____ ...... _. . .. . __ .. . 6 157 163 31 I 4, 867 37.6 I J, 829 9U r;n May Troops at Fort Rice, Dakota Territory, continually engaged against the Indians during the ruon~h.Four companies 1st United States volunteers ...... 10 301 311 I 31 !), 331 I 27.4 2,506 69 1\Iay ~2 Northwestern Indian expedition, Brigadier General A. Sully commanding, organized at ~iouxCity, Iowa. Three compauies 7th Iowa cavalry, four companies Brackett's battalion Minnesota cavalry, and detachments ...... 20 700 7~0I 10 7, 000 27. 4 1,918 00 l\lay Troops of the district of the plains, Drig·adier General P. Connor commanding, occupying the various posts in Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah Territories. Twenty-four companies of infantry and fifty-eight companies of cavalry, con- I 1 1--" tinually engaged against Indians during the month _ 6,973 I 7,201 I 31 lU:3 ~24, 176 OD ...... •...... 2781 2Hi, 6 53, CN Statement showing various expeditions and scouts actually employtd against t!te Indians in the yea1·s 1864 and ] 865, £\·c.--Continued...... r;::..

    yj Strength. ,0 s:l C,) .S yj s s:l ~ ~ bJl ~ .s '- ~ C,) ~ ~ 0 Date. Expeditions, &c. c5 C,) 0 ;.aoo a <:,) ~ s:l"" ~ d C,) "Cl ~ 1i rn 0 C,) bJl d '-0 <:,) Arizona ~ !)7 Territory. Detachment ...... ___ ...... 2 99 . - . ~ ·------· 36.6 ------0 .June Troops at Fort Rice, Dakota Territory, were continually engaged iu scouting "=j during the month. Six companies 1st United States volunteers ...... 10 328 338 30 9,8-10 24.6 2,420 64 H June Northwestern Indian expedition continued operating near Fort 8ully, Dakota tj~ Territory. Twelve companies of cavalry ...... 31 1,052 1,083 30 3 l, 560 24.6 7.763 76 H June - District of the Plains continued: P> Twenty-four companies of infantry ...... 77 2,072 2, 14!1 :30 62,160 24.G 15,291 36 ~ Fifty-eight companies of cavalry_ ...... 189 4,848 5,037 30 145,440 24.6 35,778 24 ~ July Canon City road exp~d!tioncontinued. Companies G, 1st Oregon cavalry, 0 and H, J st Oregon mfantry ...... ____ .. _... ___ ... _•...... _.. 6 1G5 Hi1 31 4,805 39. 2 1, 8tl3 56 [/)_ 1-j July - Lieutenant Charles Hobard, J st Oregon cavalry, left, Camp Lyon, Idaho 'l'er- H ritory, with a scouting party for Surprise valley, California, returning July 30. t'-1 H __ Companies A, B, and D, 1st Oregon cavalry_._ ...... _. _..... _ ...... 7 213 220 ------.. ~ ~ ~ 39.2 .. ~ --- ~ ..- - -- .. >--:: ·--- H July Northwestern expedition continued operating near Devil's Lake, Dakota Ter- M ritory. Twelve companies of cavalry .. __- -- ...... __ .. 31 1,012 1, 043 31 3J, 372 ~23 7,215 GG [/)_ July - District of the Plains continued: Infantry ... -.- .. ------...... 66 1,550 1,616 31 48,050 23 11,051 GO Cavalry ...... _...... __ . __ . ____ 261 7 321 7,5tl2 31 226,951 2"o.) 52,1G8 73 Aug. Captain Titus reported as being absent on a scout after Indians since May l 5, 1865; left Fort Yuma, California. Company E, 4th California infantry ...... 4 100 }0'1 109 10,YOO 24 2, G16 00 Aug. Troops at Camp Lyon, Idaho Territory, Captain J. vV. S. Powell, l st Oregon infantry commanding, engaged in various scouts during the month. Com- panies A and B, 1st cavalry, and D, 1st Oregon infantry ...... _.. 6 166 112 I 3l 5 146 126.9 J, 89R R7 Attg. Cafwn City road f•xpeLlit~oneonlinnct~.Companies }<' and G, 1st Oregon cavalry, and F, JI, I'-, 1st ~regonmfantry __ __ . :l, ,j:)J 70 and ...... 11 300 1 311 31 o,3oo I 36. o Aug. Camp Heed, Idaho Territory, LICut.enant J. \V. Cutler, 1st Oreg6n infantry, commanding; troops engag-ed agamst Indians dnring tlJC month. Detach­

    ments of companies n, 1 ~t.Oregon .cavalry, and 13, 1st Oregon infantry ... _ .. 1 !39 40 31 1' 209 3{), 9 44G 1~ Aug. Northwestern Indian cxpedJtJ~ncontmued operating near Fort Rice, Dakota 'ferritorv. Twelve compames of cavalry .. __ .... _..... ___ .. _. _... _...... 32 086 ],018 31 30, 5GG 2:3.7 7,244 14 Aug. Troops at ·camp Hanki~,Colo;ado Territor?'• Colonel C. H. Mc~ally,3d U.S. volunteers, commandmg. I f>58 571 31 J7,298 2:3. 7 4,099 G2 ~ Sept. Captain Titus's scout continued. Company E, 4th California cavalry . :~ 93 101 30 2,940 2:3.2 ()82 08 ...... c=l Sept. Capt~:tinF. B. Sprague, 1st Oregon infantry, left Fort Klamath, Oregon, in m m command of a scout; arrived at Camp Alvord, on Horseshoe creek, Oregon, H September 25. Companies C, 1st Oregon cavalry, and I, 1st Oregon infantry. :3 8.~ 85 25 2,0GO 36.9 756 4!) 0 Sept. Cafwn City road expedition continued. Company G, Jst Oregon cavalry, ~ detachment company F, 1st O:·egon cavalry, detachment company F, 1st 0 Oregon infantr.v, and company K, 1st Oregon infantry._ ... __ ... _ ...... R 245 253 , 30 7, 350 i 3G. 0 2, 71~1G "'.J SPpt. Northwestem Indian expedition continued operating near Medi<.:ine creek, Da- H kota Territory. FiYe companies of cavalry ... _...... __ ...... _...... 11 351) 367 30 10, GSO 2:3. 2 2, 477 76 z Oct. Captain Titus's scout contmued operating in Arizona Territory. Company E, t:i 4th Calitomia infantry ...... - ..... - ..... _ .... __ ...... G 94 1 00 :-n 2, 914 23. 4 ()~] 87 ;t.­ Oct. Canon City road expedition continued. Same troops as in September ....•. . 7 198 ~ Oct. 31 Silvie's river expedition, Captain L. I,. 'William:;:, Jst Oregon infantry, com­ ...... manding·. Stationed nem Harney lake, Oregon. Company IL 1st Oregon ~::,_31 , ____6: 138 :::: ___ 2. 104 _,~, ...... infantry, and detachments ... _ .... __ .... _ ...... _ _ .. 0 ...... 4 117 1 m Oct. 21 Lienteuant C. N. Chapman, 1st Oregon infantry, left Camp Alvord, Or<>gon, in ~ command of a scout for \Vhite Horse creek, returning f.'even days after. De- ~ tachment of cavalry ...... _. _. _... _... _. _... __ .. ___ . _. _ .. __ .. . 25 26 7 175 :ln.1 (il 4'2 ...... >-3 Oct. Troops in the district of Nebraska, Brevet Major General Frank Wheat0n com­ H M manding, actively engaged during the month scouting and protecting the m overland route against depredations of Indians:

    Eleven companies of infantry ...... ___ .... __ ...... _ 34 743 777 31 23,033 20.0 4, tll :~:~D Thirty-one <.:ompanies of cavalry ... __ ..... _.... __ ...... __ .. _.. __ .. . )]2 2,667 2,779 31 R2,G77 20.9 17,27D 4!J Nov. Troops at Fort Whipple, Arizona Territory, Major II.l\f. Benson, 4th Californit~. i~timtry,com!11an~i?g~ actively engaged against Indian s during the month. 1G4 HG Nov. Ca:iion City road expedition continued. Company G, 1st Oregon cavalry; de­ 91 tachment of company I<', 1st Oregon cavalry; K, 1st Oreo·on infantry; and ~ detachment of company F, 1st Oregon infan"try _____ ... _~- ______. __ . _... __ 7 197 204 30 5, 910 I :35,1 2,07-! 41 Ot Statement showing various e:rpeditions and scouts artually employed agcinstthe Indians in the years 1864 and 1865, ""c.-Continued...... 0";)

    Strength. ~ ~ Q,; .s 8 rJ5 ~ ~ co ;::l 0 q d 00 '- 214 31 i G, :355 24. u J, 582 :.m Dec. Troops in camp on San Pedro river, Arizona Territory, Colonel F. F. \Vright, 1-o ~ :2~1Calif01:nia infantry, conu.nanding·, CJ?-gar·ed ,in.':'ari?u~scouts against In- I b dmns durmg the month. F1ve compames 2d Cahforma mfantry ...... 18 I 293 I 311 31 9, 083 24.9 2, 2til 66 H Dec. Calion City road expedition continued. Companies G, 1st Oregon cavalry, 1 z~ and K, 1st Oreg-on infantry . _...... -- .. ---. 166 173 31 5, 14.6 36. 2 1, tl62 l:l5 1\ I .... Dec. Troops at Camp Alvord, Oregon, continuously engaged scouting during the ,...., month. Company D, 14th United States infantry; company C, 1st Oregon 00 cavalry; and company I, 1st Oregon infantry . 4 136 140 31 4,216 36.2 1,526 ltl ...., ...... -----·-----· .... 1 I ,_ Dec. - I Troops in district of Nebraska actively engaged in scouting, &c., Juring the r month: ...... "":i Seventeen companies of infantry ...... fiO I tl48 898131 I 26, 288 21. 4 5, 625 ();{ H Thirty-eight companies of cavalry ...... 144 2, 8R3 3, 027 31 H9, 373 21.4 ~125 82 t_:l:j (£.

    Total cost of rations consumed in 1853 ...... ----" I"--..... I .- •• -.- .• - ••. ----. - ••• : .----. 359, 788 46 Total cost of rations consumed in 1864 ...... ____ . ___ ... _ .. _. ____ . . ___ . __ .. ____ . , . ____ . 155, 459 7 4 Total cost of rations consumed in 1864 and 1863 ...... ·--·~t···... :-· ---~~--- --·-...... 515,248 2U 1 1 SUPPHESSION O:F INDIAN HOSTILITIES. 17

    RECAPITULATION. Cost of subsisting each of the following expeditions during the years 1864 ant11865, viz : Captain G. B. Curry's expedition against the Snake Indians.----- . ---.- __ _ _ $6, 611 86 Colonel E. A. Riggs·s Apache expedition __ ..•... __ . _.. ___ ...... _. _.. ___ . 12, 373 81 Captain J. 1\1. Drake's expedition against the Snake Indians . - .. -. __ ...... 6, 992 25 Canyon City road expedition ... _•.....•...... -.. -.--. --- -- .. ----- ...... 27, 399 83 Northwestern Indian expedition. __ --- .. _-- .. _.. _.. _.. -- ,.--... -.--.... --- 126,122 76 Colonel Christopher Carson's expedition ..•.. ------.-----.------.. -... ---- 4, 371 84 Kiowa Indian expedition. __ •.....•. - ...•... __ .... -- ... --- .. ----- . __ .. _. _ 4, 576 03 Troops of the eastern sub-district of Nebraska ____ .. ---- ____ .• ---- __ ._____ 32,256 09 Troops at Fort Rice, Dakota Territory, while employed against Indians.- .. -- 8, 861 OJ Captain Titus's scout from l!'ort Yuma, California .... -- _...... - . _..... __ . 3, 979 95 Troops of the distriet of the Plains ... -.-. __ ... ------...... ____ . _ 167, 495 92 Troops of the district of Nebraska .. ___ . __ . _...... -...... ____ .. _. _. 67, 867 03 Troops at Port "'Whipple, Arizona Territory, while engaged against Indians____ 3, 137 35

    Total.------. ---- . ------.. -- --- . --- --·---. ----... - -:-- . . . . 472, 045. 73.

    For cost of subsisting expeditions employed during one month or less time, see preceding statement. A. B. EATON, Commissary General of Subsistence. OFFICE CO.\Ii\1ISSARY GENERA.L OF SUBSISTENCE, July 26, ] 866.

    H. Ex. Doc. 5--2