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February 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 3841 Larsen (WA) Myrick Serrano PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES vote is objected to under clause 6 of Larson (CT) Nadler (NY) Sessions rule XX. Latham Napolitano Sestak Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I LaTourette Neal (MA) Shadegg have a parliamentary inquiry. Record votes on postponed questions Latta Neugebauer Shea-Porter The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- will be taken later. Lee (CA) Nunes Sherman tleman will state his parliamentary in- f Lee (NY) Nye Shimkus Levin Oberstar Shuler quiry. Lewis (CA) Obey CONGRATULATING THE Shuster Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, 2 PITTSBURGH STEELERS Lewis (GA) Olson Simpson Linder Olver days ago, the House adopted unani- Sires mously a motion to instruct the con- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to Lipinski Ortiz Skelton LoBiondo Pallone suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Slaughter ferees on H.R. 1 that stipulated that Loebsack Pascrell Smith (NE) the text of the language of the non- lution (H. Res. 110) congratulating the Lofgren, Zoe Pastor (AZ) Smith (NJ) National Football League champion Lowey Paul stimulus bill must be available for 48 Smith (TX) Lucas Paulsen hours prior to the conferees signing off Pittsburgh Steelers for winning Super Smith (WA) Luetkemeyer Payne Bowl XLIII and becoming the most suc- Snyder on the bill. Luja´ n Pence cessful franchise in NFL history with Lummis Perlmutter Souder Can the Speaker apprise the House as Lungren, Daniel Perriello Space to the availability of that text at this their record 6th Super Bowl title. E. Peters Speier point? The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Lynch Peterson Spratt tion. Stearns The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mack Petri The text of the resolution is as fol- Maffei Pingree (ME) Stupak tleman has not stated a parliamentary Maloney Pitts Sullivan inquiry. lows: Manzullo Platts Sutton Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Further in- H. RES. 110 Marchant Poe (TX) Tanner quiry, Mr. Speaker. Markey (CO) Polis (CO) Tauscher Whereas the Pittsburgh Steelers won Markey (MA) Pomeroy Taylor The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Super Bowl XLIII by defeating the Arizona Marshall Posey Teague tleman will state his inquiry. Cardinals 27 to 23 in Tampa, Florida, on Feb- Massa Price (GA) Terry Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, ruary 1, 2009, winning their second Super Matheson Price (NC) Thompson (CA) will the House know the timing for the Bowl championship in 4 years; Matsui Putnam Thompson (MS) vote to be scheduled on H.R. 1 and Whereas with this victory the Pittsburgh McCarthy (CA) Radanovich Thompson (PA) Steelers franchise has set a new National McCarthy (NY) Rahall Thornberry whether or not this text will be avail- Football League standard for most Super McCaul Rangel Tiahrt able for the 48 hours stipulated in the Bowl victories with their record 6th Super McClintock Rehberg Tierney motion to instruct unanimously adopt- McCollum Reichert Titus Bowl championship; McCotter Reyes Tonko ed by the House? Whereas the Pittsburgh Steelers went 15–4 McDermott Richardson Towns The SPEAKER pro tempore. The against the hardest-ranked 2008–2009 sched- McGovern Rodriguez Tsongas Chair does not advise on scheduling de- ule in the NFL and defeated the San Diego McHenry Roe (TN) Turner Chargers, Baltimore Ravens, and Arizona McHugh Rogers (AL) cisions. Upton Cardinals during their record-setting post McIntyre Rogers (KY) Mr. PRICE of Georgia. So the Speak- Van Hollen season run; McKeon Rogers (MI) Vela´ zquez er is not aware of whether or not that Whereas linebacker James Harrison re- McMahon Rohrabacher Visclosky text will be available 48 hours prior to McMorris Rooney Walden turned a goal line interception 100 yards for Rodgers Ros-Lehtinen the vote? Walz the longest play in Super Bowl history; McNerney Ross Wamp The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas quarterback Ben Roethlisberger Meek (FL) Rothman (NJ) Wasserman Chair is not involved in scheduling de- went 21–30 for 256 yards and led the team Meeks (NY) Roybal-Allard Schultz Melancon Royce cisions, and Members should consult down the field for the 19th and most impor- Waters Mica Ruppersberger their leadership. tant 4th quarter comeback of his career; Watson Michaud Rush Whereas wide receiver Santonio Holmes Watt Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, Miller (FL) Ryan (WI) I have a parliamentary inquiry. won the Super Bowl MVP award with a 9- Miller (MI) Salazar Waxman catch, 131-yard performance, including the Weiner Miller (NC) Sa´ nchez, Linda The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- game-winning touchdown in the corner of Miller, Gary T. Welch tleman will state his parliamentary in- Westmoreland the endzone with 35 seconds left in the game; Miller, George Sanchez, Loretta quiry. Minnick Sarbanes Wexler Whereas the Pittsburgh Steelers new Mitchell Scalise Whitfield Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘Steel Curtain’’ defense, including stars Mollohan Schakowsky Wilson (OH) is it the Chair’s responsibility to call James Harrison, Ryan Clark, Troy Moore (KS) Schauer Wilson (SC) the vote? Polamalu, James Farrior, Ike Taylor, Larry Moore (WI) Schiff Wittman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Foote, Casey Hampton, LaMarr Woodley, Moran (KS) Schmidt Wolf Chair is the presiding officer for the Brett Keisel, Deshea Townsend, and Aaron Moran (VA) Schrader Woolsey Smith were ranked first in the NFL in over- Murphy (CT) Schwartz Wu proceedings of the House. all team defense for the 2008–2009 season; Murphy, Patrick Scott (GA) Yarmuth Mr. WESTMORELAND. Further par- Murphy, Tim Scott (VA) Young (AK) Whereas the Pittsburgh Steelers defense Murtha Sensenbrenner Young (FL) liamentary inquiry. during the 2008–2009 season allowed the least The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- points scored, lowest average passing yards NOT VOTING—8 tleman will state his inquiry. per game, and the least overall yards per Blunt Ryan (OH) Stark Mr. WESTMORELAND. So it is not game in the entire NFL; Campbell Schock Tiberi your responsibility to call for a vote, Whereas head coach Mike Tomlin is the Roskam Solis (CA) an electronic vote or a voice vote, but youngest coach to win a Super Bowl cham- you call for the vote of the bill that is pionship and has continued in the legendary ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE tradition of head coaches Chuck Noll and on the calendar; is that correct? The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Bill Cowher by bringing a Super Bowl cham- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Sched- the vote). Members are advised that 2 pionship to Pittsburgh; uling decisions are made by the leader- minutes remain in this vote. Whereas linebacker James Harrison was ship. named the NFL Defensive Player of the Year f for the 2008–2009 season; b 1344 Whereas team owner Dan Rooney and team ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER President Art Rooney II, the son and grand- So (two-thirds being in the affirma- PRO TEMPORE son, respectively, of Pittsburgh Steelers tive) the rules were suspended and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- founder Art Rooney, have remarkable loy- concurrent resolution was agreed to. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair alty to Steelers fans and the City of Pitts- burgh, and have assembled an exceptional The result of the vote was announced will postpone further proceedings as above recorded. team of players, coaches, and staff that made today on motions to suspend the rules achieving a championship possible; A motion to reconsider was laid on on which a recorded vote or the yeas Whereas the Pittsburgh Steelers fan base, the table. and nays are ordered, or on which the known as ‘‘Steeler Nation’’, was ranked in VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:15 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H12FE9.000 H12FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.