44Th Annual Peddie School Invitaonal Tournament
A MESSAGE TO PSIT FANS This tournament compeon is of great value to all the players. The success of the tournament is due to a large extent to the work of the coaches and players involved. The spectators also have a role in the PSIT. If the tournament is going to connue to be successful, spectators must 44th Annual encourage good sportsmanship, courteous treatment of opponents and absolute fairness under all condions. This year we ask fans to remember Peddie School that “Basketball is Fun” and to do your part to keep it fun by following these personal rules: Invitaonal Tournament BE COURTEOUS ~ To the teams, officials and other spectators. BE ENTHUSIASTIC ~ By roong for your team, not by booing or cheering against opponents or officials. BE FAIR ~ Have confidence in the honesty and integrity of the officials. Remember, they are neutral; you are parsan. BE A GOOD SPORT ~ By supporng your team, before, during, and aer the games. ENJOY THE GAME ~ Let the athletes play, the coaches coach, and the officials officiate. Thank you and enjoy the Tournament! Jason Baseden Tournament Host Friday, December 9 Saturday, December 10 Peddie School Personnel Sunday, December 11, 2016 Peter Quinn, Headmaster Director of Athlecs: Jason Baseden Assistant Athlec Director: Will Sodano Head Athlec Trainer: Jose Roca, ATC Peddie School Assistant Athlec Trainer, Robin Gerber, ATC Hightstown, NJ Equipment Manager: Bob Bauer Strength & Condioning Coach: Mike Volkmar Sports Informaon Coordinator: Doug Mariboe ‘69 Administrave Assistant: Ann Gartner 2016 Peddie School Invitaonal Tournament MOST VALUABLE PLAYER We welcome you to the 44th Peddie School Invitaonal Tourna- ment! The PSIT was started in 1973 by former Peddie basketball YEAR PLAYER HT SCHOOL coach and Athlec Director, Alfred Lozier, to showcase some of the top independent school basketball teams and talented players in 2000 Ma Walsh 6’6” Germantown the Mid-Atlanc region.
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