.-A."’ nmfrig&d --license was issued in line of Bloy Street with the Northerly line of Locust Avenue; thence ­ V. •- VntV.^Sftttirday^to Miss Bertha ning (1) North twenty-six degrees and ELIZABETH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘iu'lrii: Clark street, and twenty-four minutes West, along the said Westerly line of Bloy Street, thir­ E lin lx tk A t., at Wilbur A rthur Northwood, Pastor f A. JveUVr, twenty-five, of 36 ty feet and eighteen hundredths of » otkI ’.stinet, Irvington, N. J. foot; thence. --- (i) ----- South--- sixtyt T j __ -de* grees and fifty-one minutes W est, nine­ 10S46 iii. “ T h e Tower r* Religion," This ends all argu m ent , mtosioners appointee? /i/>’ i* Ipi't . 'the Bureau to be ty feet and flffty-four ' " hundredths of a benefits conferred fcu-..- i-h'e- v ,; 8 :0 0 p. m. No Service. th e 'U^tpel of the Munici root; tnence iaV Southerly parallel with of Improvements "Jiexoiwjtltj V Bloy Street, thirty feet and eighteen as to theflat wall pewit to use and to assess the benejU^'roeUlv- iUi >I (,j-i pjj • ;by Deputy City Clerk hundredths of a foot; thence (4) Eas­ the construction of .ami\p'vy-a Hl.i Jv tAl^Co^mick. terly parallel with the second course, in th e Tow nship of'"H iW sicie, • in.. ; fir- ninety feet and fifty-four hundredths County o f Union, xirij5} && , of a foot of the said Westerly line of V’ at a meeting of the Bloy Street and the point and place of m lttee to be held on tlie'-.eixd-h .c]u,y of ■1.* scute•■<*£'-A at he ride Scott, Deceaaed BEGINNING. On hospital walls duly, 1927 at eight o’'m. .fcho- Being known and designated as lots evening (Daylight S a v in g .yTimeT.’at' .. 1 L lu the order G eo rg e H. numbered twenty-flye (2o) and twen­ the Central Grammar School 'on-: on Coe. ty-six (26) in block "C” as laid down for 5 years avenue, Hillside Township, N. J. •..hjjhiston, Surrogate of th% County of HILLSIDE THEATRE Union, made_on the twenty-seventh day a certain map entitled “Map of West The local improvements above re­ Lyons Farms Extension, Hillside, , HOLLYWOOD AT LONG AVENUE ferred to are as follows: ; oi June, A. D., 1927, upon the applica | tion of the undersigned, as Executor, Tow nship, N. J . ” A. T.* G ray , ow ner. Construction of sidewalks on Cornell Decree amounting approximately $1,- Velour F in ish Place from a point 104.44 feet more or | of the estate of said deceased, notice i is hereby given to the creditors of said 850. Saturday—July 2 less on the west side and 80.81 feet SAMUEL H. TOOL Sheriff. on the east side south of Harvard jdeceased to exhibit to the subscriber has been washed and . under oath or affirmation their claims FAST & FAST, Sol'rs. CONSTANCE TALMADGE in “VENUS OF VENICE” Wen tie to a point 313 feel inure or loss Feet; *2 L 9 4...... BDJ-AHT j yT>e l7-4t >n the west side north of Harvard and demands against the estate of said Comedy ...... ;------News------Fables— washetfand washed deceased within six months from the Avenue, and to Albert street on the 1 date of said order, or they will be for- .last side, construction of sidewalks ! ever barred from prosecuting or recov- Sunday—July 3 ONE DAY ONLY n both sides of John street from a bint on thAwesterly side 258.26 feet ! d ing same against the subscriber. ELOUR Finished walls in or less south o f E h r h a rd t street, EDWARD J. BOOTT, E x e cu to r. MADGE BELLAMY in the New York Hospital, nd on the easterly side 78.99 feet more i W elcom e "vy. Bender, Proctor, V -if less south of Harvard Avenue to a 272 N. B ro ad St., E lizab eth , N. J. , after five yean Qifit on the w esterly side 99.US fee t F e e s $13.80 Ju ly l — 9t. of constant cleaning are stifl m iiofe" or less north of Ehrhardt street, “ANKLES PREFERRED” nd. on the easterly side to a point beautiful as ever. 283.02 feet north of Harvard Avenue SHERIFF'S SALE—In Chancery of COMEDY TOPICS CURIOSITIES trid the grading of Apat part of John New Jersey. Between Sun Finance This test certainly proves the Street above mentioned; and also the ; Corporation, a N. J. corporation, com- Monday—July 4 SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOW obstruction of sidewalks on both i plainant, and Rudolph Penkrer and washability and durability of 'ides of Harvard Avenue from Cornell ; Anna“Penkrer, his wife, also known as » Velour Finish. Made in 2 2 Place to John street ahd the grading Rudolph Peuker and Anna P-euker, his lOUGLAS MacLEAN in LET IT RAIN lovely colors, it is easy to f Harvard Avenue from Cornell Place wife, and Joseph Wallack and Mary ® ‘ / I m apply *o Jo h n Street. | Wallack, his wife, defendants. Fi. fa. COMEDY CARTOON and economical to use. Construction of block gutters on both : for sale of mortgaged premises. -ides of Cornell Place from a point By virtue of the above-stated writ We sell it because we < 104.44 feet more or less on the westerly ; of fieri facias to me directed I shall ex­ Tuesday—July 5 FEATURE BILL! ide and 80.81 feet m ore or less on the pose for sale by public vendue, at the guarantee it to satisfy you. asterly side, south of Harvard Ave- j Sheriff’s Office in the Court House in Anna Q. Nillson in “THE MASKED WOMAN” lue to Chapman Street, and the grad- i thejCity of Elizabeth, N. J., on Also— Viola Dana in "SALVATION JANE” ng of Cornell Place from a point ! WEDNESDAY, THE 13TH DAY OF :29.14 feet more or lees south of Leo JU L Y , A. D., 1927, COMEDY street on the* westerly side and from • at two o'clock in the afternoon of said Albert Street on the easterly side to j day (daylight Saving Time). Wednesday—July 6 Tillman Street, and the construction of All those lots, tracts or parcels of sidewalks on both sides of Cornell. lands and premises situate, lying and George Walsh in "HIS RISE TO FAME” Place from a point 329.14 feet south b e in g in the T ow nship of H illsid e, in if Leo Street on the westerly side and the County of Union and State of New ST EPISODE OF SERIAL COMEDY J e rs e y ' ■ from Albert Street on tbe easterly SOME DIRECTORS OFTEN M. BLEIWEIS side to Tillman Street. BEGINNING in the Westerly line of .Thursday and Friday—July 7 and 8 Grading of Cornell Place from a point Bloy. street at a point distant Norther­ NEED A LITTLEIE 01OIRE— RECTI NS 252 HOLLYWOOD AVENUE 104.44 feet more or less on the west ly sixty feet and thirty-six hundredths THEMSELVES! BIG DOUBLE FEATURE BILL e ' -■ , side and 80.81 feet on the east side, of a foot from the corner formed by Hillside, N. J . Trinity 2232 south of Harvard Avenue to a point the intersection fof the said Westerly John Gilbert A Rena Adoree in “ T lfE SHOW” A WISE HOMEOWNER BUILDERS1 HARDWARE 513 feet more or less on the west Also— B e rt Lytell and D orothy Devore in "T H E FIR ST N IGH T” north r th e fer in appearance, but lasting satis­ purpose of constructing said storm The New Hoover cleaner with its and can be depended upon to re­ sew er. SUNDAYS exclusive cleaning feature, “Positive faction is built into each of them. frigerate day after day. The object of said meeting is to con­ Electric refrigeration is an im­ Public Service payment terms sider separately the seven reports and Agitation,” removes deep-set dirt the maps accompanying each of them, that no other cleaning method provement over older methods of are convenient. A small sum i------•- *■- - ’ nda - - • • * Eyes Examined showing the lands and real estate bene reaches, as well the food preservation, and the Kelvi- down and 17 months to pay the Gas Water Heater fitted by the improvements in each as surface lint ase, which benefits have been assess? Glasses Fitted & Repaired ALL DAY and dust, and gives a new meaning nator is in the front rank of elec­ balance. ed, and among other thlngB to consider to the word “thorough” as applied Prices Reduced $15 any objection or objections that the owners of the property named in to cleaning. -* <9 HE growing popularity of the said reports may present against Hoover dusting tools are dt' the confirmation of such assessments DR. NOAH GEIGER automatic type of gas water and to take such further and other signed to reach every nook and T heater is shown by the increase in action as may be deemed appropriate Optometrist corner easily, and to dust quickly and proper and as right and Justice may We solicit your since re co­ the number of such heaters in­ require. _ and—welL—___ ... ______Eyesight Specialist stalled by Public Service each year. The reports above referred to are operation Public Service stores will ap­ »» file in the office of the Township 267 CLINTON AVENUE. near And at this season, when fur- Clerk for examination by parties in­ praise their customers' old electric terested . ELIZABETH AVENUE cleaners and give a generous allow­ iaces are out and the services of a HOWARD J. BLOY, Newark, N. J. gas automatic water heater is most Township Clerk. ance lor thok traded in for New Tune 24-2t. Terrace 8292 Hoovers. necessary, Public Service has re­ $5 down, $5 a month constitute duced the prices on all Kompak OFFICE HOURS the payment terms for New Hoover. copper automatic storage heaters by fifteen dollars. 9 to 12 a. m. 2 to 8 p. m. Kompak water heaters have cop­ Sundays and holidays by per boilers and brass pipes. They appointment. will wear for years and the water Presto-Vac Is oJ that comes from them is never rusty. Convenient Size The Kompak safety pilot keeps TOC MAN WHO’S ALWAYS all gas shut off should regular pilot ONTRE SQUARE LMOST everyone at one time go out. or another has need for just MANYTHING DOES. CHAPMAN BROS. A Oven Heat Regulator Simplifies The Kompak is economical in its such an electric cleaner as the use of gas— its burners lighting W ill NClER THE FROWN * NOW LOCATED A T 1390 MUNN A V E., HILLSIDE N . J. PrestO'Vac. It is hardly larger than Canning and Improves Its Results only when necessary and not when­ OF F A ILU R E W EAR* „ a whisk broom and weighs less HE canning season need not ever a hot water faucet is turned OR BE A USTCR WUZ. DEALERS IN than the average electric iron. An oven heat regulator on your mean long hot days in the range measures and automatically It goes into difficult corners and T kitchen. Fruits and tomatoes may In addition to the price reduc­ cleans thoroughly many places and holds the temperature needed for Pure Milk, Cream and Strictly Fresh Eggs be canned right in the jars when cooking fruit. tion on these heaters Public Service materials. the qven canning method is used. offers an easy payment plan of A woman finds it successful in The process is simple. Place the Try our milk from a Tuberculin Teited Herd. Cooled to a down, 18 months to pay, on all quickly and easily cleaning tufted fruit in sterilized jars, add boiling temperature of 40* through our modern refrigeration lystem , and Kompak copper water heaters, gas furniture, window draperies, quilts, water or syrup, place rubber rings bottled the night before delivered. fired, automatic storage type. heavy costs in position and adjust covers loose­ or other gar­ ly. Then place the jars in the PURITY CLEANLINESS SERVICE ments. oven, light the gas, and set the Established 1912 Waverly 6287 A m a n regulator according to the canning finds th e chart. When the time as given on the Gas House heating chart is up, remove jars from the oven, tighten their covers, and the Does Away With canning is finished. The color, form and flavor of the fresh fruit is Furnace Worry retained when fruits are preserved AS. can be used with any by this oven canning method. G heating system — steam, THATCHER Presto - Vac hot water, vapor, or warm air. ideal for Gas ranges with oven heKregu- No need to change pipes m BOILERS-FURNACES-RANGES cleaning the lators can be purchr W ’dic radiators it these are adev upholstery of Service stores from £59.50 upward. quatc. and in good condition. his car— in fact', were this cleaner's 241 It ta les only a sh rt time to only mission the cleaning of car Bill Ding has won thou­ remove the old boiler and fur­ F o r those interiors its popularity would be sands of friends by his “al­ Personal Appearance nace and set t c- gas equ-.p assured. Recipe for Cherry Pie in its place. ways on the square’’ poli­ cold Winter Nights During V acation Days By Ada Bessie Swan The ges heiler or Htruncc is cy. He Inspires confidence guaranteed for Ung life—, a h e n the sand-man comes ’round n P H E woman on vacation need 1 ptiitpiTtcdcIreri'ics -ircar-as-wrrg- -s-prjTes-an-d-Tu-r- not only by his straightfor­ 1 1 /.I cvp su(jar there is a cheery, warm bedroom A not do without those electric ap­ thsp.lTom Mlainr.i._ ward honesty but by his inW which to undress Billy or Mary, pliances which add so much to her give you tree inspection sen■- knowledge of building ma­ comfort and personal appearance. Mix flour with sugar and mix ire as b.ny as a nas bail: >■ is made possible by the scientific Public Service sells: with cherries. used. Tie sucecsslul oper- terials and building prob­ heating principle of the Thatcher —an electric vibrator for facial Line a.deep pie pan with pastry, «r'i02» of y sm i-ZQ iii.. ./;rathig: lems. He will count it a Pipeless Furnace. massage. Five dollars and up. 'fill with cherries. ~~~ * p---- —an electric curling iron to Cover with an upper crust which 1 im m t. _ is.. au n m t. privilege to add your Your dealer will tell you bring wayward tresses into subjec­ should be rolled as thin as possible. V-"i Nswssfc, Nsw Jssssr rnmPmnttottmdtdm n THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY,. jjuJULY i 1, 1927

C h a m p i o n SparJCPlugs TOLEDO, OHIO Green’s August Flower

For IndigcV.lon, Dyspepsia, etc. Relieves Distress alter Hurried Meals or Overeating. Being a gentle laxative, It keeps the dl* gestive tract working normally. 30c & 90c. At all Druggists. C. C. GREEN, Inc. WOODBURV, N. j.

Quick, safe, sure relief from painful callouses on the fast. Ac oil drug and the* stores

JXCScholTs Pvt on* on—tk* Z in o -p ad s ' pain 1$ fond f

Brpreffentativee to Sell Etduslve Line Lin­ gerie and sportswear direct to consumer. We The nave splendid opportunity. Wyant Way of New York. Inc.. Jersey City, N, J. P U M P E D FREE b° ok Clancy Kids l l A l l U k l f SENT ON REQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. W rite for it Chippy Thought They’d today, mentioning this paper. Address Sell Like Peanuts (adlaaipofli Csscsr Hospital, IndUoa pais, tot

Keep Stomack sad Bowel* Rigkt By sirlnt baby tb« barmlaaa ptrslf tagatabla, Infanta’ end children’s ragolator. MI&WMSUOtfS SYRUP brings aatoej thing, gratifying racolts Is m aking bahjr’a atomach digest *mmm. food and bowola mora aa thay should at t a k i n g tim e. Guarantaad fraa from nareotksa, opt- at«a.aloobolandall By harm fal Ingradt ants. Safa and p e r c y TT c r o s b y g> by th t M cC lw "Nswipsysf Syndicate THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927

M-H-H-H-H-H I I I H-H-H-H-H-I York Structure Dorothy Arzner City Under One Roof THIS WOMAN rr t-H-H-H-H-fr-H I IM -H-H-H-H-I-I- A city within a building may be the boast of N ew Y ork 'i f plaas new V the building department are approved. FOUND REUEE These call for wlxsA Is known as the After Long Suffering©ring by Taking ANSWERED: < s y - Larkin building for West Forty-second Lydia E. Pinkham » Vi’ego- street, which is to be 110 stories high table Compound S t o r y M artha M artin and have aceonivnodatlons for more In a little town of the middle "WMt, three vital questions you have asked than 30,000 Individuals in the various was' a discouraged woman. For four ing and were so beautifully, made. suites and offices. Thus the structure montheshe had been AT THE MUSEUM in such poor health ‘■ When I say that lie had ills chil­ would takd care of more persons than about used car allowances reside in squie of the cities of this that she could not dren copied into toys I mean mat in­ stoop to put on her “0 NE story has reminded me of country \findXurope. another,” commenced the Sand­ stead of having their pictures taken own shoes. Unable Opposition to the height lias caused to do her work, man. “The other day in a big mu­ as people wottkl do these days he had little toys nia

CHURCH SERVICES Liberty Avenue to «, point distant about ISO feet southerly therefrom and on the w eeterly elde of Florence Avenue from Hillside Presbyterian Church, Rev. Liberty Avenue to a point distant about 100 feet southerly therefrom. UTOMOBILE INSURANCE SEE Robert I. MacBride, pastor. 9:45 a Construction of sidewarks and curbs and gutters on the westerly side of ra. summer Bible school. 11 a. m- Robert Street from Coe Avenue to d iure your policy givea you adequate protection. morning worship, happy helpful serv- point distant about 234.25 feet north- ices, Evening services discontinued crly thcrefroTn and on the easterly stds COBI of Robert Street from Coe.!qe Avenue to for tha summer. a point distant about 588.44.44 feet: north­ Consult erly therefrom. Construction of sidewalks on both 216 No. Broad Street Elizabeth Avenue Presbyterian sides of Wilder Street from Westmin­ % ster Avenue to Salem Avenue. SMALLEY & RACE, Inc. Church, Rev. Arthur Northwood, pas­ Construction of sidewalks on the Advisors** FOR YOUR at Do You Want to tor. 9:30 a m. graded Sunday westerly side of Maple Avenue from a V—■ '<\y point distant about 25 feet south of School. 10 :45 a. wowhip with ser­ Oakland Street to a point distant about 1326 No. Broad St. Tel. Wav. 4063 Hillsido, N. J. 117 feet southerly therefrom and on Plants and Flowers Do Next Summer? mon, “Independence and God.” the easterly side of Maple Avehue from a point distant about 18 feet north of Oakland Terrace to a point about 211 feet southerly therefrom. LEGAL NOTICES The purpose of said meeting is to In the summertime our imaginations have consider separately the five reports and the maps and schedules accompanying us doing all sorts of things—going on vaca­ TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE the same, and among other things consider any objection or objections tions, to the shore, the mountains, the West, ...... KOT-JOB 4* hereby £'Y-r. that the f !t c that th<» ftwn«r or ownora of proportyv Canada, Europe, the Bahamas, ..-other.. yeparate reports of the Chairman of named in said reports may present the---- » Road----..toe Committee assesstod theIIIB CUSl cost against the confirmation of any of such interesting lands; buying an auto, getting and expenses for the construction of assessments and to take such further sidewalks along the foliowkfe named action as may be deemed appropriate new summer togs, etc-, etc. streetso u t o io in the uiic Township i u tv non ip ofoi n Hillside U IS lu e in11 and proper and as right and Justjce the County of Union, State of New Jer­ may require. sey will be considered at meeting of HOWARD J. BLOY, the Township Committee of the Town­ Township Clerk, ship of Hillside to be held on the sixth June 24- 21 But your income is no larger in June than day of July, 1927 at eight o'clock in REG. U. S. P A T . OFF. in January. One thing can make possible the the evening (daylight saving time) at Estate of John Goeller, Deceased the Central Grammar School, Coe Ave­ satisfaction of one or more of these desires, nue. H illsid e Tow n sh ip . N. J. next y ear: The improvements above referred to Pursuant to me order of George H. * GEARED-TO-TH E-ROAD are as follows: Johnston, Surrogate of the County of Construction of sidewalks on the Union, made on the 26th day of May easterly side of Florence Avenue from A. D., 1927, upon the application of the Liberty Avenue to a point distant about undersigned, as Executors of the es­ The HilUide Trust Company Vacation Club. 98.16 feet northerly therefrom and on tate of said deceased, notice is hereby the westerly side of Florence Avenue given to the creditors of said deceased Start Now! from Liberty Avenue to a point distant to exhibit to the subscribers under oath about 100 feet northerly therefrom or affirmation j their claims and de­ Construction of curbs and gutters on mands against the estate of said de­ the easterly side of Florence Avenue ceased within six months from the date from Liberty Avenue to a point distant of said order, or they will be forever TIRES $ 1.00 weekly will amount to $ 50.00 about 498.16 feet northerly therefrom from p ro se cuitlnbarred tin g o r re co v e rin g TINE and on the westerly"easily sideBiue ofoi Florence the same against the subscribers. $ 2.00 weekly will amount to $100.00 Avenue from Liberty Avenue to a point HARRIET R. GOELLER. distant about* 497.72 feet northerly $ 5.00 weekly will amount to $250.00 theTefrom . MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY of N ew ark , N. J. Construction of sidewalks on the Using Miller Tire* and payingTpr them as you use them makes $10.00 weekly will amount to $500.00 easterly side of Florence Avenue from E xecu tors. May 27-91 Fees $13.80 an ideal combination for motorists. Interest per annum; Your tire woife vanishes and paying for them by our easy credited quarterly on method makes their cost seem negligible. V the first of August, November, Februarv, w 4 May. The Reason Why One-Piece Tread and Sidewall—No Complete Modern Banking Facilities Separation Possible No Join t * MILLER TIRE Savings Accounts Foreign Exchange N o Hinging Trust Department- Checking Accounts Supremacy T h is illustrates how Miller engineers No. 1 have finally perfected the satntifually One-Piece Tread and Sidewall correct balloon tire. Note how the [HILLSIDE husky tread and sidewall ate n o w NOW— the husky M iller tread LOTS in one piece, eliminating joints and reaches all the way round the tire in one piece, from toe to TRUST CO. danger o f cracking. toe. All joints and hinges are Union and Hillside eliminated—no chance what­ 2 5 9 Hollywood Avenue For PRICE and TERMS ever fo r cracking. And the scientific correctness of this yOZ/side, c/ Consult principle has been proved by a A X. to •i tr. . H—H —Saturday*.Saturday*,! * A. It. to :12 Noon M iller in six months of tough­ onday and Saturday Evening, 4.80 to 8.30 P. M. est service on every kind of road— in every kind of weath­ W. A SWEETLAND er throughout the country. 173 HILLSIDE AVENUE Waverly 7937 L. E. WALLRAFF & CO., Inc. Hot Water for the Whole Family! 50c DOWN $1.00 PER W EEK JAMES J. HIGGINS 494 CENTRAL AVE., COR. 7TH ST., NEWARK, N. J. Funeral Director

5414 Telephones J 6338 V Emerson

Residence— 26 De WITT ROAD Elizabeth, New Jeraey

Business Directory


LE T US DO YOUR PAINTING Good Material* Good Work W. F. DANE Painter ami Decorator 1277 Salem A re., Hillside, N. J.

PRINTING PRINTING 1424 North Broad St. (SECOND FLOOR) t HILLSIDE PRESS R esid en c e : 17 M ading T errace

AUTOMOBILE SERVICE ROBERT PIERSON Auto Service Station 1309 NORTH BROAD ST. r"~ Trinity 1980 USL f v ' 1 C*E

It Pay- to A d w tisa in THE HILLSIDE TIMES

a s a a s THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927 y w ~ 7 _ tion at the Presbyterian Hospital, Newark, three weeks ago, left there Tuesday and will stay at her sister’s Published Every Friday at Hillside, New Jersey, by home, that of Mrs. J. Grealey, of THE HILLSIDE TIMES PUBLISHING j COMPANY 192 Park place, Irvington, for two 1326 North Broad Street, HilUide. ^ . J . weeks before returning to her home. Telephones: Emerson i701,\Wave»ly 4063 UNDEFEATED CATHOLIC GET BEHIND IT. County Engineer Jacob L. Bauer was the only person who TEAMS IN CONTEST had'any kind words at Trenton this week for the proposed State Highway from the Vehicular Tunnel in Jersey City through Chris Zusi’s St. Cather­ Weequahie Park in Newark. This is the highway which is ine’s baseball club will face a severe holding up plans on the proposed North Broad street crossing test tomorrow afternoon at their c home grounds, Bristol-M yers Field elimination, and a new difficulty seems to have arisen with the The St- Catherine teariijs represented objection of the members of both the Essex and Union County in the Elizabeth Catholic Baseball Park Commissioners to taking any portion of Weequahie Park 'League and are tied for first place for use as part of the highway. with the crack St. Michael Club of Mr. Bauer pointed out that a t the present time the Lehigh Elizabeth. The oncomiiig contest has Valley Railroad runs through the park and that the State high­ created a great amount of interest way would run almost along the railroad, using park lands due to the fact that these teams face ■I1 which at present are hot beinfe utilized at all. one another in what may be the The position of the County Engineer, we feel, should have crucial contest. Both teams are un­ more support, particularly from Hillside, and we see no rea-, defeated. son why the Park Commissioners of Union County should place any obstacles in the path of the highway, for,it is quite out of SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY their jurisdiction and none of their concern OF HILLSIDE NATIONAL Most park sysems, in New Jersey or elsewhere, usually > ark w ay s or road s thro ug h them , and itinclude provision for parkw>arkways or roads through them, and itinclude .Seven years ago a group of men is probably a mere matter of sentiment not based on anj’- rea camji-ipgether and under inauspicious soning or fact which prompts the park commissioners to oppose ei/cumstances opened quarters for a the route of tftu highway. There should be more organized neftv bank in a small office on North Broi^ street near M rtz avenue. Oar 7th Anniversary assistance to support'the lone stand of Union’County’s engineer. There was not much room for mov­ ing about, and the force was small. m , by the members of the Home and Next Wednesday, this institution, v School League. Atl members are re­ the Hillside National Bank, now PERSONAL quested to attend as-well as members housed in its own attractive build­ On Wednesday, July 6th, The Hillside National Bank >vill celebrate its Seventh of the Men’s Club. ing, and with a large and capable Birthday, having opened for business in 1920. MENTION staff of employees, will celebrate its Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jaggerg, f seventh birthday. It has grown be­ 1500 North Broad street, are spend­ yond the dreams of its organizers, / Mr- and Mrs, Win. A. Bahret, of ing the summer at th eir home at 8 wh$ stuck through fa t and lean years In these seven years the bank has accumulated 240 Hollywood avenue, entertained Neptune avenue, Deal. to their faith that the territory they Mr. Bahret’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. were locating in needed adequatV banking facilities. G. Bahret, of Poughkeepsie, over the Mr and Mrs. Mal.o Brown and With more than 5,000 customers week-end. They left on Wednesday JJalo Brown, Jr., of 118 Pennsylvania and over $2,000,000 in deposH^this with their granddaughter, Betty, avenue,- and Mrs. Charles C Schade, bank now ranks high in the county who will spend the summer with them. of Race street, will leave tomorrow and state. The capital is $1 Oil),000 2 Million Dollars in Deposits on a motor trip to Canada. and the surplus and undivided profits A card party .and cake sale will exceed $130,000. be held in St. Catherine’s Hall on Mrs. Harry Irvin, of 62 Mertz ave­ Thursday evening, July 14 at 8 p. nue, who underwent a m ajor opera- TESTIMONIAL DINNE1 and today it has upon its books the names of TO NORMAN SANlFORD

“MANLEYHASIT” (Continued from Page 1) seph Drew, Charles Westerman, Fre< Hertzig, John A. Pfarr, Edward Groeschel, Bernard Mading, George More Tha 5000 Customers H. Honeywell, Sergeant Julius Stein. Seven Cents a Day holtz, Sergeant Paul Korlesky, Of­ ficers William Huey and Oscar B i­ There is not-a day that passes without its quota of inside and shop, Harry Schnabel, President of The Capital of the institution is $100,000.00 and its Surplus and Undivided Pro­ outside holdups. the Rotary Club, Emil Herrigel, Ed­ fits exceed $130,000.00. Seven cents a day is the approximate cost of a Blanket Fraud ward W Van Wagenen, Jr., George Bond, which gives ideal protection to the storekeeper. D. Wilson, Jack Hughes, Ernest V. The Blanket Fraud (Jond protects you against dishonest minor Rettino, Elmer Petersen, George employes, outside holdups,1' safe burglary, forged checks or money Kleinhans, George Reiboldt, Henry For sev^^years The Hillside National Bank has been an important factor in the orders, counterfeit money and many other frauds. Reiboldt, S, V. Rettino, Edward H. Davidson, Charles E McCraith, Wil­ growth and development of this progressive community. This institution has at all liam Daly, Herbert C- Featherstone, times stood for the'nighest ideals in banking, commanding the confidence of the pub­ Joseph Murphy, Joseph Duffy, D. H- lic and the respect of its. business neighbors. Riley, Gus Oschwald, Otto Oschwald. THEO. MANLEY CO. John Stephens, George W. Dumont, Terrace 6776 1463 North Broad Street John Schmidt, J r , John Lavin, Char­ ? les Whitehouse, James La Corte, Ar­ Its officers and directors welcome this opportunity to express appreciation of the thur Dill, Michael Owens, Herman Douglas, Charles Bauer, William confidence and good will which have brought the bank so steady and substantial a AGAINST THE LAW Brown, Charles Keller, Anton Vit, Jr., growth. To go without Michael Greenbaum, Joseph Keating, (NOGAR) CLOTHES! Allen Hascall, and Patrick Ryan TEAR-PROOF—WATER RESISTING— SPARK PROOF BOYS SUITS $ 9 . 8 5 a n d $ 1 0 . 8 5 CLASSIFIED Men’s Suit* end Top Coat* $13-50 OFFICERS Made with Knickers— Men or Boys ADVERTISEMENTS JU ST THE THING FOR BOYS VACATION Come and See BOUSE u i COW MANURE, b«dded with »traw, well rotted; postal wjll Richard S. Earl President THOS. E. MARTIN receive prompt attention; order a Open Monday— Thursday— Saturday Evening,, 7*9 p. m. team load now ; reasonable. Jaoob Feins, 106 Chestnut Ave., Hillside. H. K. Corbin Vice-President 324 Liberty Avenue T e rra ce 7762. M a-19-tf I GO ON PRACTICAL Nursing. Price, D. H. Doremus Vice-President |35 for 10 d ays. A lso w illing to help around house. Isabella Ketcham, 19 L. R. Wallack ...... Cashier Ave. June 10-4t “ C uf Your Coal Bills ” TWO FLAT§ TO LET—4 and 6 rooms, R. C. Whiting Asst. Cashier Say* "Your Warm Friend,” with a all improvements, fine location, rent reasonable. 217 Virginia Street, H ill­ side. Phone Market 3622. 6-17-41 THATCHER LOST—Girl’s fawn colored cloth coat with fur collar, Tuesday evening be­ • “PIPELESS FURNACE” tween Masonic Hall and Kern's Drug store. Reward. Return to Mrs. Rose, Small Down Payment— Balance 1 Year 66 Mertz avenue. Heat your house thoroughly at minimum coat DIRECTORS of fuel. The Thatcher “Pipeless” is becom­ ing increasingly popular, not only because of the great economy it affords but also for the efficiency, convenience and comfort it insures. Ten Dollars Reward J. N. S. Brewster, Jr. Richard S. Earl Installed for information leading William McL. Bristol David A. Jaggers $ to the George Compton Complete 125.00 D. Leeds Miller, Jr. By THOS. HAND & SON Arrest and Conviction H. K. Corbin of any persons removing plants James H. Swann The Township Plumbers Paul Debevoise 182 VIRGINIA STREET TEL* EMERSON 3320 from Leslie R. Tichenor PREMIER DAHLIA D. H. Doremus GARDENS H. W. Doremus L. R. Wallack Mertz Avenue Hillside George Dorer Edward F. Weston HONEYWELL & HONEYWELL

DIRECTORS OF FUNERALS BU V N oW? “PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE" Telephone Bigelow 0121 THE HILLSIDE 42 Hollywood Avenue Hillside, N. J. 0

IBAUSCH kLOM Bl No Order too big for us to PUPIL handle. O r Too Small for prompt attention. PUNKTAL The pupil of your eye is con- fl [ stantly changing: In «ise. Like the Good Coal that makes the SiO D M A i. VISION I shutter of a camera, It Is regu­ radiator sizzle with satisfaction. HILLSIDE, N. J. lated to light and darkness. In It an etperienoed optometrist can tell whether your eyes are near sight­ ed or fa r sighted. I f your pupils are abnormally Urge or small, an eye examination D. L. MILLER will determine the cause ef this Irregularity. Coal and Mason’* Supplies NMEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DR. F. H. ROEVER, Jr., Optometrist 1387 North Broad Street *37 CLINTON at ELIZABETH AVE. Phone Emerson 7123 N. J. Phone War. 0748 Waverly 2123 J ■ 'L'v.- - . i ...... Kokomo, Ind.—The old bay mare Is stljk what she used to be, 20 long Kodiak, Alaska.—Do the deep sea- Washington.—The United States’ years ago. (Bv KEY. K h, UTiZWATtCK, LKU., De* worn caves of lonely Kanaga island sixth Great Lake, the Lake of Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Daisy is twenty-three. Ever since ((c). 1927. WeNtern Nt>wopap«*r Union.) conceal strange animal-like men who file Mississippi, larger than Ontario or she was two she has traveled a rural venture out at low tide to prey on Erie, has engulfed the Evangeline mall route out of Kokomo. She has seen natives and white fox-farm attend­ country. Lesson for July 3 her equine kin give way to motorized ants? For the third time In a year a When It broke the Atchafalaya service, and she has tilted an ear sky­ Seattle man’s death adds to the No^th river’s west dikepfthe flood lake rolled SAUL CHOSEN KING ward at the hum of an airmail plane, riddle. Thus far the toll of Kanaga In­ Its shores over tand beyond St. Mar­ roaring from New York to Chicago in cludes T. Shruger, Tom Marrah ami tin an# St. Ltnid-ry parishes. LESSON TEXT—I Samuel 10:17-25: less time than it takes Daisy to make P. II. Munro. ‘‘Ag^n Acadian* have been 11:12-15. her little circuit twice a day. cecsw TEX T=m rardutli Jchovafr- More than a score of Aleuts have driven frmn their homes,” suys • bul­ But Daisy disdains the thought that require of thee, but to do justly, and to fallen victims to some mysterious letin of the National Geographic so­ loye kindness, and to walk -humbly any motor car or airplane could take power at various times In recent ciety from Its Washington headquar­ w.lth th y God? years, yet there has been no witness her place. She could almost deliver PRIMARY TOPIC—Saul Become* • the mall alone. ters. “And the disaster Is greater, b j King. of the terrible deeds committed nor number of sufferers, than that visited JUNIOR TOPIC—Saul, the F irst has a clew to the malefactors been She Is credited by Ben Bougbmnn, King of Israel. her present owner, tfitli having' twice upon Evangeline’s people In her time. found. Fox-pelt poachers do prey “Only 8,000 AcadJans were expelled INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP­ among the fur Islands, but they rarely saved his life, when he failed to see IC—Calls to Life Service. trains at grade crossings. from Nova Scotia in 1765 by Massa­ YOUNG TEOPLE AND ADULT TOP­ molest the islanders, fearing disclos­ chusetts and British bayonets to be IC—Opportunities for Leadership. ure of their crimes. The Aleut na­ Throughout the years Daisy has pulled the same tiny and ancient mall scattered over the earth from Detroit tives are peaceful men, seldom per­ to Corsica and Cayenne. Fifteeen The period of Judges ended with turbed to the fighting point. cart with which she started. She lias Samuel’s udmiuistratiou. Tills lesson lost but 18 days at work, and that, be­ hundred of them found their way to Has Largest B lu e Fox Farm. New Orleans; many pushed on to shows us the transition from the rule cause she hurt a leg in the line of a Kanaga Is the home Just now of the Bayou Teche, 150 miles west. There by the Judges to the monarchy. For duty. comprehensive view of the transition largest blue foe farm In the world. they Increased to some 150,000, occu­ The carrier who trained Daisy Is it will be well to make a survey of The Island lle& near the tip of the pying 15 parishes, or counties, when long since dead, hut the Horse passed chapters eight to eleven. Aleutian group, the relic of terrific the flood spread over their homes, submarine upheaval centuries ago. to succeeding carriers without a break 1. The People Demand a King In her service record. towns, and lands. Besides Aleuts, there nre a few per­ (8:1-9). sons descended from the BarnnolT ex­ Faithfully she plods around her Beautiful Is the land, with Its prairies I t Their reasons for this demand. t & s k and forests of fruit trees; plorers and the Muscovlnn Influence route, and when she gets home she (1) Samuel was incapacitated by i refuses to go another step. When her Under the feet a garden of flowers, and By ELMONSCOTT WATSON Is shown In their mode of living— the bluest of heavens old a g e ; (2) the unfaithfulness of his gether or assuredly we shall all hang in tiie fact that Franklin changed tire owner loiters on the homeward trip, separately.” low-roofed stone houses -with large Bending- above, and resting Its dome sons whom lie had appointed as his A SIC the avehrg&. American what small “u” in “united” to a capital, Daisy goes on home to supper and on the walls of'tha forest. fireplaces where the fires seldom die successors. In this.Samuel committed took place on July 4, 1776, When the committee came to decide making the new nation the United lets her master leg It. They who dwell there name It the down as a rule. Belting of furs Is the o great blunder, Tor the office of judge and he, with a somewhat who was to write the Declaration, it Slates of American, instead of the She hfis, offe complex. Circus day Eden of Louisiana. . . . occupation, besides fishing and hunt­ All year ’round the orange groves are was not hereditary. (3) The desire vague recollection of what was finally agreed that Jefferson united States of America. has scared her ever since the ring­ ing. In .blossom ; and g ra ss g row s to be like other natlbns. The sur­ he once learned In the his­ should do it. It Is said that Jefferson" As to the signing of the Declaration More In a single night than a whole Day after day In autumn and win-, master rode down Main street ahead rounding nations had a king as their tory books at school and a explained to Franklin the reason of Independence, there is where the of the parade shouting “Hold your Canadian summer. ter Kanaga Is veiled with dense fog; leader. They wanted a king who would similar remembrance of what why he. as their senior, was not asked, “popular belief’TsMnost at fault. This horses, the elephants nre coming.” the furious sea beats the rocky shores, Turn to Stock Raising. go but and light their buttles (v. 20). he saw in,the painting “Sign­ to write it was that It was feared he Declaration, adopted on July 4, 1776, wearing deep caves far Into the When the big top Is spread In Koko­ “For a poet, Longfellow’s geography 2. Samuel’s behavior under this ing the Declaration of Inde­ could not resist the temptation to put was signed by just two men, John mo, Daisy Is skittish all day. bowels of the sandstone formation. Is fairly good. Basil, the Acadian trial (vv. 6-9). He took the matter to pendence” by John Trumbull, prob­ a*joke into it, and the Declaration was Hancock, president of congress, and Right now Daisy Is on fier annual Some of the caves are a mile back blacksmith, has become a herdsman the Lord in prayer. Even though Sam- ably will answer you In something of Charles Thomson, secretary. "“Charles serious business! Although stories dif­ with high vaulted ceilings. In these vacation. Each summer she spends In ‘Evangeline.’ Most of the refugees uel's*bI tinders in part, brought on this this fashion: fer on the manner of seleiffjng the Thomson—never heard of 1dm!” the an outing yi a fntalliar posture. But natural tombs Aleuts bore their dead, in 1705 did turn to stock raising, with trouble lie did the wise thing in taking average American would say. Yet for “Why, that was the day that we writer, the fact, remains that Jefferson each body rolled In layer after layer she'll be back at tire old grind in the a few cattle given to them by char­ It to the Lord in prayer. The Lord all that he is neglected by history he fail. declared our freedom from ..England, did write the first draft’ and the desk of long seaweed or kelp. The dead itable French merchants of New Or­ comforted him by assuring him that upon which he wrote It; (shown above) is an, important character. He was when Thomas Jefferson, the author of were mummified and today are In a leans. Descendants of the Acadians this rejection was not merely his re-’ is still preserved. It is interesting to secretary of both the First and Second the Declaration of Independence, wrote good state of. preservation. ‘Pickling” in Paraffin gave up stock raising for sugar cane jection, but the rejection of the king­ Continental congresses. And 11 was he that Immortal document in which he note that this desk was for a long wiien Etienne de Bore, a Louisianian, ship of God. who first read the Declaration to a Wild Beauty In Spring. said that all men are . born free and time in the possession of a man Saves Museum Groups discovered bow to crystallize sugar II. . Samuel Tells of the Manner of group of patriots. According to one In spring Kanaga costs off the drab equal. After he had written it he pre­ named Coolidge. John Coolidge of New York.—“If you think we’re from cane syrup. They have helped the Kings (vv. 10-18). story this took place on July 4 when clothing of winter. Lupines, lilies sented it to the Continental congress Boston, and at his death by bis will waxworks,” he said, “you ought to to make Atchafalaya valley the He sl.iows them that the king will he stepped outside the statebouse, as and wild celery transfer It Into a and John Hancock signed it in that it passed into the custody of congress. pay, you know. Waxworks weren’t Sugar Bowl of Louisiana. be very exacting and arbitrary in his soon as he and Hancock had signed great flower garden. Sea fowl by bold handwriting which the king oTj This first draft of the Declaration, made to be looked at for nothing. “The route over which Longfellow dealing with them. the document, and read it to a handful the million come to eat the wild rice England could read without spectacles. which Is often reproduced, shows also Nobow!” takes Evangeline serves very well for 1. He will take their sons and of citizens who stood around and who and schools of fish. The towering Then the members of congress, Wash­ the handwriting of Franklin and “Contrariwise,” added (lie one n visitor today. Fifteen miles below make them to serve in the army and made no extraordinary demonstration cliffs are covered with spruce and ington and Franklin and John Adams, Adams who ’made a few minor correc­ marked, ‘Dee,’ “if you think we’re alive, Baton Rouge, where, do all kinds of hard work on his farm thereat. According to another account, there is a strange wild beauty all you ought to speak.” and all the others signed it. After that tions in It. Jefferson later gave it to Sweeps with majestic curve the river and iu his house, lie will make slaves this did not'occur until July 8, after around. Wild and semidomesticated they read it to the people outside Richard Henry Lee and in 1825 his ‘ Alice’s dilemma would no doubt away to the eastward, of their daughters also. congress had sent copies of the Dec­ fox(A overrun the land. Independence hall and the patriots grandson presented it to the American have been considerably increased had They, too’ swerved from their course; 2. lie will take their lands, even laration to the various colonies. l’enni> Lured by the natural torpid sur­ and entering the Bayou of Pla­ cheered and rushed away to ring the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, she encountered beings who looked those' inherited from their fathers, sylvania, of course, got her copy first, roundings, the Aleuts have become qu e m ine, Liberty bell until it was cracked.” which later entrusted it to the custody very real and almost alive, and yet Soon w ere lost In n maze of slu g g ish and give them to his favorite officers and at noon on July 8 Thomson stood half-dazed, the white settlers morbid, TJnit, of course, is a rather free of the patent Office In Washington. were indubitably waxworks, in the and devious waters. and servants. Not content with that on a wooden platform in the state- until all move about ns dead living translation of a composite' American After Franklin and Adams had made literal sense of being, completely he will take the tenth part of the house yard—it had been placed there people. In the mummy caves ore “This bayou admits to the Makes of idea about the historic events which their.changes on the first draft, Jeffer­ sculptured In wax. This Is exactly incidentally in 1769 to enable an found grotesque masks, ikons and ori­ the Atchafalaya,’ where ‘water lilies produce that remains and give to them. gave usiour greatest national holiday, son wrote a second copy, incorporat­ what two workers nt the American astronomer, one David Rittenhouse, to ental carvings. The beach receives a In myriads rocked on the slight un­ III. Samuel's Protest Disregarded by the one/hundred fifty-first anniversary ing their amendments, and presented Museum of Natural History have done. observe a transit of Venus—and read backwash from many shores. Drift­ dulations,’ and rocked for years until the People (vv. 19-22). of which is being celebrated all over it to the committee which reported it G. K. Noble and M. E. Jaeekie, con­ the Mississippi broke through, threat­ Having made up their minds they unchanged to congress. the Declaration to a vast crowd of wood from Asia reaches Kanaga In fronted with the troublesome fact the^/eountry on July 4, 1927. Like so citizens. These citizens cheered the the Japan current. This adds to the ening to make the Atchafalaya river deliberately shut their eyes to the ny other composite ideas, usually On July 1, the date set by congress that frogs and toads and spotted sal­ reading, then sped away to pull down terror, and superstitions of the its real mouth instead of an aban­ truth and rushed madly into the ex­ characterized as “popular beliefs,” it for considering a declaration of in­ amanders and all manner of other doned one. periment. I he royal arms in the courtroom and to Islanders. Interesting but nonfur-henring crea­ is also a composite, of fiction and fact. dependence, the original resolutions “How Evangeline got. to Bayou IV. The King Providentially Pointed ring the Liberty bell. As for the fiction Little wonder the stranger landing tures cannot be successfully stuffed Despite all that has been written offered by Richard Henry Lee first Teche. the poem does not clearly re- Out (9:140:16). of “ringing the Liberty bell until it at Kanaga Is held at a distance, and and mounted by the ordinary methods bout the Declaration of Independence came-up for consideration before con­ lute. Many swamp lanes communicate. Saul was sent by his father tc cracked,” that mishap, however, did peering eyes watch from secret places of taxidermists, have solved the prob­ and the signing thereof, few Amer­ gress-acting as a committee of the 'The Bayou Teche parallels the Atehn- search for the asses that had wan­ not occur until 1835, when it was until suspicion Is overcome. lem by literally pickling them in solid ricans, n unless they be professional his­ whole. The formal vote was taken the falaya, but It is a true river out of dered away. This was quite natural. being tolled for the death of Chief On Kanaga Island It Is said Irish paraffin- wax. They first remove all torians, have a clear-cut idea of just next day, July 2, and the resolutions the reach of swamps and bordered by While Saul and his father were acting Justice John Marshall. turn Into Russians, Russians become trace of water from the specimens by w hatdid.f.uke place ontliut day. And were approved by a two-thirds vote'. Druid oaks...The two early centers of freely in this matter, at the same time —Noav. lor the actual signing of the and all finally become queer appropriate chemical means, arrange even among the professional historians ■Delegates From Delaware, Pennsyl­ AoatHiin—soUJonwmt—war-A—QpoJmjSfta. God’s sovereign purpose was being ,I>eclaiatioic(»f Independence. After primitive human beings lacking am­ the little animals in natural positions there is some disagreement caused by vania and South Carolina voted in (lie and St. Martinsville on the banks of carried out. Although difficult to un­ it had bffirwlopted on July 4, an en­ bition and imbued with a curious de­ and soak them for several days or difference In the interpretation of negative and those from New York, the Teche. Now the flood has reached derstand, God carries forth His sov­ grossed copy on parchment for all sire to worship the mWimles weeks ip melted paraffin, until every words and phrases.#Here are a*few having no Instructions from their col­ St. Martinsville for the first time In ereign purpose without interfering the delegates to sign was ordered. The echoing caves of Neptune. tissue Is thoroughly Impregnated and facts and a bit of chronology which onies, did not vote. So under one In­ history and swirls nt the foot of the with in mi's freedom. terpretation, July 2 should he Inde­ man who held the pen aiid formed the you cannot tell where the flesh ends may make the matter clearer: letters on this copy—the one which is ‘Evangeline’ oak where her boatmen V. The King Chosen at Mizpeh pendence day, for it was on that date 20 Families Kin to and the paraffin begins. Richard Henry Lee certainly has landed. An Acadian, descendant pave (10:17-27). preserved today fn the national shrine By this method reptiles and am­ some claim to share the title of that the colonies declared their Inde­ the Evangeline oak. with 150 acres of The -Lord had already pointed out to in the Library of Congress—was Pre-Conquest Saxons phibians can be worked into natural­ “Author of the Declaration of Inde­ pendence and the declaration of Inde­ land, for a state park. -Samuel who should be king and Saul Timothy Mallack, the best penman London.—The controversy as to the istic museum groups and made as pendence” with Ids fellow Virginian, pendence which they adopted through “While to readers of ‘Evangeline’ had been anointed. Let us observe: in the office of Charles Thomson, sec­ tallest family tree in England reached “alive” looking as birds and fur-bear­ Thomas Jefferson, for on June 7, 1770, their representatives was that written the inhabitants of southwest Louisi­ 1. Why Saul was chosen, if they retary of the Continental congress. It‘ a climax when A. C. Fox Davis, gene­ ing animals, Instead of being pallid he presented to the Continental con­ by Richard Henry Lee instead of ana are still Acadians, to Louisianians would have a king the Lord would give was completed by August 2, and on alogist, and Sir Frauds Galton, an­ corpses pickled In jars of alcohol. Thomas Jefferson and was not the they nre ’Cnjans or ’Gajuns, a corrup-- tjii.em the one best suited to fill the gress his reablution which begins: that date was signed by 54 delegates. thropologist and Darwin’s cousin, They keep their natural colors in­ document so revered by Americans at tion of Acadian. Four kinds of place. He was from Benjamin, a small all! Two others signed later. They -were came out recently with authorita­ definitely, except that sometimes their Resolved, That these United Colonies Frenchmen Inhabit tmrstnte: the Cre­ trLbe, which would prevent undue nre, and of right ought to be free and Thomas McKean of Deleware, who tive comment. eyes need to he touched up with * In fact, If the suggestion of John oles, natives of French and Spanish rivalry Ik?tween Ephraim and Judah, Independent States; that they are ab­ was absent with his regiment in the Mr. Davis declared there were 20 little gold paint. solved from all allegiance to the Brit­ Adams had been followed, we would descent; Frenchmen, who were horn the leading tribes of Israel. He was ish Crown and that all political con­ Continental army at the time of the families who h a v e - direct descent from nection between them and the State now be celebrating on July 2 instead signing on August 2. and Matthew Saxon ancestry before the Conquest, 'In France; the Sap*Domingan Creoles, also chosen because of his personal of Great. Britain is and ought to be of July 4. In commenting upon the Play Four-Part Music and finally the Nova Scotian Acadi­ fitness (v. 23). totally dissolved. Thornton of New Hampshire. Thorn- while 35 descended through the male momentous act of adopting Lee’s in­ toll was not elected to congress until line from ancestors who rode In the With Ancient Violin Bow ans, the ’Cnjans. 2. How Saul was chosen. The This, as one historian has pointed dependence resolution, Adams said, ship# of William the Conqueror. None “The typical Creole frequents the method was by lot. Samuel called the autumn, but in November he was Berlin.—A new type of violin bow, out, was a “pure declaration of inde­ “The second (Jay of July, 1770, will permitted to sign and thus made the is yet bold enough to say how Caesar’s city; the ’Cajnn remains a country­ them together before the Lord, and or rather rediscovery of a very old man. pendence.” It was promptly seconded be the most memorable epocha in the total of tliV* 50 signers of the Declara­ galleys figured. Sir Francis Gallon, before the lot was cast he again re­ type, which permits the playing of Raise Perique Tobacco. by John Adams of Massachusetts, but history of America. . . . it ought tion of Independence. In writing “The Ancestral Law,” cal­ monstrated with them ugafbst such when considered by a committee of to be commemorated, as a day of de­ four-part music on a single instru­ "The savor of the’Cajnn const conies action. He showed them the base In­ As for the other errors in the state­ culates that ■"inan descended from a ment, has recently been demon­ the whole, no action was taken upon liverance, by solemn acts of devotion Norman baron, assuming a weight of to us even though wo never travel gratitude of their rejection of such a ment average American quoted strated here by a well-known, virtuoso, It because some of the members felt to God Almighty. It ought ' to be there. It rises steaming from chicken God and King who had done so much at the beginning of this article: The 196 pounds, contains onedlftieth of a Herman Rarkowski. that the colonies were not yet ready solemnized with pomp and parade, gumbo soup—real gumbo soup—a for them, and gave them a chance to phrase “All men are born free and grain of blue Norman flood, which The bow Is deeply curved Instead for so radical a step. On June 10 with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, equal” does not'occur in the Declara­ hardly seems enough to fuss about. ’Cajnn creation. It rides on the blue forego their rash demand. of straight, ns In the usual modern smoke wreaths from many pipes, for congress voted to postpone final action bonfires and illuminations, from one tion. That phrase is often confused Going back to 1000, It was ascer­ 3. How the king was received by form, and the strings are left very perique tobacco is also a ’Cajan on the resolution until July 1. On end of this continent to the other/ with the statement “All men are cre­ tained that a person born In the early the people. Saul knew that the Lord loose. It resembles the bows shown product. June 11 a committee composed of from this time forward, forevermore*” ated equal,” which does appear in the part of the Twentieth century has had chosen him, blit through modesty in medieval pictures of performers on “Under the snd banners of Spanish Thomas Jefferson, benjamin Franklin, July 3 and 4 were spent by congress famous document. The “born free and 67,108,876 ancestors, while nearly half and fear he shrank from the respon­ the ancient Celtic chrotta or crewth, moss waving on Evangeline's oak nt John Adams, Roger Sherman and in disclosing the draft of the declara­ equal” wording is in I he constitution of of the actunl ancestors—33,554,432— sibility. When he was brought forth the ancestor of the violin. St, Martinsville, one hears a different Robert R. Livingston was appointed to tion of Independence presented by Je f­ Massachusetts, framed in 1779, and no are accounted for during the Norman Samuel presented him to the people, It is stated that the new how makes ending to the story Longfellow has prepare a formal declaration of inde­ ferson, acting for the committee. doubt inspired by the statement in the conquest, which is greater than the assuring them that Saul was the Lord's possible the rendition of early violin given us in verse. pendence and have It ready in case it There was n lively debate which end­ Declaration. George Washington, of estimated population of western Eu­ scores which have hitherto been "Evangeline's real name was Em was wanted. ed in the striking out of the paragraph course, was not a signer of the rope of the year 1100. VI. The King Confirmed at Gitgai riddles to modern performers because merline Lnbiche, ’Cnjans say. and Ga­ Vt was at the time of the postpone­ accusing King George of “piratical Declaration of Independence. At the (c li. 1 1). they called for the simultaneous briel was Louis Arconenux. They were ment of action on a resolution of in­ warfare” and a few other compara­ time the Continental congress -was in Soon after the election at Mizpeh Flying Boats in Orient reaching of strings impossible to the deported on separate ships, but Em dependence that Franklin uttered one tively unimportant lines. Then onj.Tuly Bhiladelphja declaring independence, the Ammonites made a desperate de­ straight bow. merline landed In Maryland. Emmer of his most famous sayings. When 4 the delegates from 12 colonies who he was in Cambridge, Mass., welding to Serve Meals at Bar mand upon the men of Jabesh-Gilead. line heard that Louis was In Louisi­ the postponement was proposed, in had been authorized to vote for inde­ together that Continental army which London.—rExt,ensive flying tests nre Saul hearing of it hastily summoned ana, so she set out to reach him, and order to give certain delegates time pendence agreed upon the final draft, was to make good the Declaration. He being made by imperial airways pilots R the tribes together for war and won after many hardships came to St to receive instructions from their col­ after the amendment had been incor­ was a signer of the Constitution after In Singapore In a Rolls Royce (lying a remarkable victory. As he thus Civil War in China Martinsville. onies as to what their attitude toward porated, which was to be printed that the Revolution and the fact, no doubt, boat—a large, all-metal alrboat built proved his ability the people wished "Gabriel had gone, according to Independence should be and to make night in the form of a poster by John that his name appears on this im­ for the air ministry tq co-operate with Boosts Chop Suey to punish the sons of Belial, but Saul Longfellow, but Louis was there. Tn sure of the necessary unanimity of Dunlap, a printer, for "public distribu­ mortal document leads to the idea that the fleet at sea—and It Is now an­ London.—The upheaval In forbade them. Samuel took advantage fact, local legend holds Emmerllne action on the m atter, Franklin re­ tion. The significant feature of this lie was also a signer of the earlier im­ nounced that two all-metal flying boats China has brought the Chinese of this auspicious situation and^called rushed to Louis, the firfct person she marked dryly, “Wq must all hang to­ poster, according to one historian, lies portant document. will be built to make experimental "chop suey joints” into great all the people together at Gilgal where saw at the landing. Louis told her. flights over the Calfutta-Uangoon sec­ favor with London’s exclusive they formally crowned him their king. gently, that he had despaired of see tion projected on an empire air route ‘ society set. An after-th/iter judgment we form of them is very lug her again. He had married. When Then try it on the light; the chances connecting London with Australia. tour of Piccadilly Circus or T h e Life different from what we form of our­ she heard this tier arms RlIpped^fKtffi HONESTY are It may do service for several Each of these new passenger Hying the Strain) at night reveals that his neck. Her mind became blank To apprehend the life that Is to ho selves. It is therefore a right maxim, months longer. The line wires of the boats will be driven by three Jupiter the “best people” who formerly Emmerllne day by day grew more we must learn to think more largely For, to concern ourselves In other to do nothing when you are doubtful filament have a habit of becoming dis­ engines, with a total of 1,350 horse­ sought only the most expensive whether It is honest or unjust; for frail. She drooped and died. This Is and sacredly of the life that ts now. .opie's affaire Is a delicate matter, connected., By shaking,it the parts power, ainj w equipped with a and most exclusive hotels to en­ whntever is honest is self-evident, hut the ’Cajan story. We must enlarge the scope and meas­ et Chremes, u character In Terence, come together again, making the bulb refreshment bur for serving hot and joy a quiet meal away from doubt Implies suspicion of injustice.— "They, burled her In the little church­ ure of today, must Identify toilny with links that there Is nothing that can as good as new. cold meals while In flight. “the rabble" are now patron­ Cicero, “De Offlciis.” yard near the tree where she found what we call eternity.—Charles Cuth- .full mankind In which he does not izing Chinese restaurants. It What Shakespedfe Said Louis; the little churchyard where wa bert Hall. ,lTik ‘ he has a concern. Meanwhile, W o m an Is M ayor seems that society’s latest fancy 3(.ause we have the quicker percep- Light Bitlba Men are April when they woo, De­ ter now laps at the ancient graves. Casagrande, Ariz.—Mrs. Earl Carr, Is to absorb a little Far Eastern on and sensation of whatever hap- Before discarding an electric light cember when they wed; m aids a re She has slept there undisturbed bo Moving Forward business woman. Is nc& mayor, having atmosphere and to feee Chinese ms unfavorably or untowardiy to bulb place it on a drop light, turn on May when they are maids, buT the sky side the bright bayou where bloom To move forward In life, yon do not defeated a man by one vote. The at close range. irtetvesr, than to others, which we see the current and shake the bulb, hold­ change^Mjflen they are wives.—As You aqres of sky-blue water-hyacinths In oee.l to he forward jo conduct, but. , It were at a greater distance, the ing it between you and th# light. 4, Scene 1. •lection was by the city council. years when tb«r« la no* flood.” you mast keep your fHC# to tli* front, and see your objective.—The Old * 2 T H E HI E TIMES# FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1927

before she received her quarterly div­ DETROIT NEVER idend. Has Hands the Size Margaret met Mr. Dean at/the door FINISHED LAST E d d y ’s IKnow Your Sweetheart; and gaily referred him to her mother, who waited^near, flushed with stove- by His Handwriting heat,.but-coo t rolled and- looking—very. Each Othpr Team in Ameri­ ^Evening nice in a pair of sheer ft jack silk can League Been in Cellar. stockings, strapped shoes, white blouse By EDNA PURDY WALSH and dark skirt—all discards of Mar­ Fairy Tale Editor. Character Reading Magazine. garet’s. The stout man with gray hair None of the teams representing De­

- r i Y V

Th« W u th cr P artly cloudy and slightly The North Broad St w arm er‘today; tomorowtf fair j " c f e m s i N G and warmer. MUSTCO ...... ------”1». Next

MERCHANTS FORM Social Lights At WEST HULSIDERS NEW ASSOCIATION Nuptial Rites Of APPOINT MEMBERS PA R I COMMISSIONERS AS BUSINESS AID H.N.Simmons Jr. OF SAFETY GROUP O F'ESSEX AND ONION Hulick Chosen Temporary "Miss Mildred Valentine, daughter Improvement Association Af­ Head of Hollywood And of Mr and Mrs. Frank R. Valentine ter Fire House And War Woodruff Ave. Group o f Woodbridge, and Harriman Neil- OPPOSE ROi on Speeders son Simmons, J r ., son of Mrs. Harri FRICKE EXPLAINS WORK man N. Simmons of 902 Salem ave­ Object To Taking Land In Fire and police protection, trans­ SAY MAN THREATENED OF ^LIZABETH ASS’N nue, were married Tuesday afternoon Weequahic Park For a t the home of the bride’s parents portation. roads, sidewalks, schools WIFE WITH REVOLVER Seventy-five attended the ceremony and lights were discussed by mem­ S ta te Road In an attem pt to a ttra c t more pa­ and the reception afterward. Rev. bers o f theAjIVest Hillside Improve­ Leo Seberowsky, of Union Beach, trons to the present businesses on Walter H. Stowe,of Col., of- ment Association at a meeting in the was confined to the local jail last ENGINEERS WILL MAKE Hollywood and Woodruff avenues and new hall, Bloy street and Harvard night on the complaint of his wife, to have more business institutions «£%'■ A * avenue, Tuesday night. STUDY OF SITUATION Bertha Seberowsky, of 14 Avy street, there, an organization of merchai Tn¥ maid of was Miss Flor- In addition, standing committees that he threatened to shoot her. Se­ of Hollywood and W oodruff avenues, eaeg^Brown, a c< » in of the bride. Although vigorous objection to the to finish out the year were announced berowsky, who only a few weeks ago was form ed at a m eeting last night Tne^Misses Mary N^el .§j*m^>ns and project was vcucedVOlCl by all the other by George E. Smith, president, and a agreed to pay his wife $15 a week in the Hillside Theatre Hall. Helena Lispinard sisters of speakers, ,J. L. Bauer, engineer of the bridegroom, idesmaids special group to be known as the in local police court, was held on George C. Hulick, secretary-treas­ Union County, advocated taking a— Louis Carmer of eth was best “Safety Committee’ was appointed. the order of Judge James A. Dowd. urer of th e Hillside T rilst Company*, section of Weequahic Park, Essex man and William :1 Robert I t will be the function of the sa fe­ At 9:15 o’clock last night, a call was chosen temporary chairman of County, for a roadway to eliminate C arr, both o f Elizal , were ushers. ty committee to inquire into the fire was received from the store of An­ the organization, William A. Bahret, the North Broad street grade crossing The bride entertained the wedding at protection now afforded the west end, ton Vit, of 1520 Long avenue, that at a hearing before the highway com­ temporary secretary; and R. F. Lind- tendants at a buffet supper Monday and to urge Fire Commissioner Johln Seberowsky had threatened to shoot mission Tuesday. sley, temporary treasurer. night. E. Trousdell to have a firehouse his wife with a revolver- Captain Mr. Bauer asserted that there al­ On a committee to select a name John Mason and Officer A lbert Borst Besides the attendants and parents erected somewhere in th e vicinity. A ready is a railway in the park and for the merchants’ association and to responded but found th at Seberow­ o f the couple guests were: Mr. and new fire company, No. 3, should be that the encroachment for the Lehigh draw up a constitution M r. Hulick ap­ sky had left a short time before in Mrs. Charles R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. form ed, in the opinion o f the associa­ \ alley Railroad grade elimination pointed S. T. Greenfield, H. A. Huttle an automobile. Together with Officer Mark McClain, Valentine Brown, Mr. tion. Besides giving better protec­ would afteet only an unused part of and Ja c o b Shulman. A committee on Joseph Mazzeo, Mason and Borst and Mrs. George Valentine, Mr. and tion, this would enable the young men the pam property. He maintained activities was also appointed, con­ searched the neighborhood, and lo­ Mrs. Fred F. Anness, Mr. and Mrs of the section to become volunteers, that the best route could be obtained sisting of Julius Miller, George Lach- cated Sebergarsky at the corner of Warren McKain, Mr. and Mrs. Leon which they must be before being ad­ on the alignment proposed. and M .B1 we i s. C H IEF NORMAN SANFORD Loqg and V ib e rty avenues, and enauer ei Harned and Mr. and Mrs. Howard mitted to the paid department. The discussion on the project was An elaborate testimonial dinner brought him to headquarters. He had Frank R. Fricke, Jr., prominent Valentine, all' of Woodbridge; Br­ police, Chief Rosecrans of Westfield, The safety committee will also continued more than two hours, and it was given in honor of Police Chief no gun in his possession, but on his Elizabeth merchant and a member of and Mrs. Thomas Wright and Miss and Fire Commissioner John E, take up with Police Commissioner then was decided, on the suggestion Norman L. Sanford, at Wittman’s person were found several 22 calibre the Elizabeth Avenue Improvement Maude Brijan Foote of Elizabfth; Mr. Trousdtdl, who also told what a gen­ Thomas E. Martin the subject of of Highway Commissioner Percy H. Hotel, Elizabeth, Monday night, at revolver bullets, according to the po­ Association, of Elizabeth, spoke to and Mrs- Raymond Valentine, Mr. tlemanly fellow Norman is, and said speeding automobilists on Liberty Stew art to have a study made o f the which many of his friends spone m lice. the gathering of merchants last night, and Mrs. Jerom e B. Wiss of Orange; that it was the personality of the avenue. Children are frequently in ­ subject at a m eeting of the highway terms of praise of the chief’s long < r telling them of the plans followed Mrs. Belle Hazelet of Yonkers; Mr- chief that keeps the department to­ jured,. crossing this street, Henry department engineers with the Essex and excellent? record in the depart­ gether. He mentioned the good work, by his association and pointed out and Mrs. Graham Christopher and Clark reported. and Union County Park Commission ment. More than 100 w ere present. too, of Captain John Mason, Lieu­ several things to be avoided in form­ Mrs. Lina Dorsey of Tottenville, Stat­ Ford Meyer is chairman of the engineers. Further consideration of Police Commissioner Thomas E. tenant Paul Korlesky, Sergeants Ju­ WOMAN HANGING ing an organization of that kind. en Island; Mr- and Mrs. H. C. Ellis committee, assisted by Harry Clark the proposed improvement will then Martin, the affable toastmaster, lius Steinholtz, and Chares Manegold- With the co-operation of the mem­ of Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Charles and George Matueka. be taken by the highway board. struck the keynote when he told of The chief briefly and simply ex­ bers, M r. Fricke declared, a way Campbell of Highland Park; Mrs. H. The transportation committee will CLOTHES SHOT BY Gen. Hugh L. Scott, the chairman, knowing “Norman when he was a pressed his thanks to all for the pres­ could alw ays be found to accomplish W . Dtiguid, Mr. and Mrs. Robert endeavor to have the Public Service assured the speakers that no decision boy going to school in the old Lyons ents and for their good wishes. the aims of the organization, pointing Brockway of Syracuse, N. Y .; Mr. provide express service on the Maple has been reached by the highway com. Farms, as a police officer, and as the A rising vote of thanks and three out the successful efforts -of the Eliz­ and Mrs. Frederick Neilson, Miss avenue line. To discuss the ques­ BOYS WITH RIFLE mission to include Park avenue, chief, and always found him a loyal rousing cheers tfere given the Plain- abeth association to have practically Elizabeth Neilson and Frederic Neil­ tion, Police Commissioner Thomas E. Newark, in a State route and that personal friend, and that he always field Elks quartet for its entertain­ all the trolleys and buses which en­ son of Shrewsbury; Mrs. Helena Neil­ M artin will be invited to attend th e Bullet Strikes Mrs. C. F. Ben­ the planning now under way is only told the truth.” m ent and the committee fo r its good ter Elizabeth routed over Elizabeth son, Nicholas Rutgers, Mr. and Mrs. next meeting. tentative. The fine dinner served by the ho­ work. itz In Right Ann; Boys avenue. His organization, Mr. Fricke Nicholas Rutgers, Jr., and Mrs. T he road committee wiH ask Mayor Both Essex and Union County park tel, the obtaining of the Plainfield Expressing the attitude of all to­ A re H eld stated, co-operated with rather than Harry Carpender, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Richard S. 'Earl, road commissioner, officials placed themselves on record Elks Quartet consisting of Harry ward Chief Sanford was the follow­ caused any conflict betw een it and e rt Hude Neilson and Dr. and Mrs. to have oil applied to the sides against taking any portion of the Craig, of Cranford, Percy Watt, of ing “indictment” printed alongside the Cham ber of Commerce. He told Lawrence Runyon of New Brunswick; to Long avenue. They will also Three boys charged with incorrigi­ Weequahic property for a roadway. Garwood, N. B- Snyder„y>f South the menu. of the instance of the effort to get E . Henry Harriman Simmons, Miss find out from the Township Commit­ bility after a bullet from the .22 cal­ Robert Sinclair, president of the Es­ Plainfield, and Charles “Jazz" John­ “ Whereas, Norman L. Sanford, ^ traffic off Broad street, and how two Cornelia Simmons, Theodore Ro- tee why sidewalks have not been laid iber rifle they played with Tuesday sex board, and H. S. Chatfield, pres­ son, of Plainfield, with th eir good solo having been accused of being born maine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee King in Liberty avenue from the Hurden- afternoon entered the right arm of ident of the Union County connis- members of the association, archi work and dose harmony, securing in Hillside, New Jersey, and of hav­ tects, w ere appointed on a commit­ and Charles Bennett of New York; Looker School to Salem Dam, and the Mrs. Charles J. F. Benitz, of 1223 sion, maintained that some other solu­ the services of Peter Keller, nimble ing lived in the same town lo r the Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon T. Coleman of en tire length of Long avenue and Woodruff avenue, were sent to the tion of the problem should be found. tee, prepared plans which were sub­ pianist, of Westfield, and John Lavin, period of his life, winning the^teem mitted to the Board of Works. He Rumson; Mr. and Mrs. William Les­ part of Bloy street. Ordinances call­ Juvenile Court by Judge James A. singer, and the general smooth devel­ and love of his fellow townsrtw Dowd, Wednesday morning. advised th a t something be always kept lie of Ridgewood; Charles Dewar ing fo r such walks have passed on opment of the entire affair were all and, The three boys, Kenneth Burgess, going. Referring to financing, Mr. Simmons and Miss Isobel Grinnell of first reading, but have not since been SEWER WORKERS ARE a tribute to the efforts of the com­ “Whereas, having been elected by 14 years old, of 24 Francis place; Fricke was of the opinion tha,t it Dongan Hills, N. Y .; and Mr. and heard from, it was said. mittee, consisting of George H the people o f Hillside to the position Oliver MacDonald, 12 years old, of would be best to keep th e dues low Mrs. T. Bach Bleeker of Long Island. Josep h Adams for the education Honeywell, chairman, William Ulrich, o f constable, policeman and finally 38 Francis place and Irvin Sehipper, OVERCOME OY GAS and g e t as many m em bers as possi­ com m ittee, reported th a t the Board John Schmidt, Jr., Patrick J. Ryan, Chief of Police, he has performed 12 years old, of 24 Francis place, ad­ ble. He also strongly advised the of Education contemplates the pur­ Two men working on Section No. William Runyon* Bernard Mading, his duties in such manner as to en­ mitted to the shooting. They were merchants to steer clear of politics. chase of two more school sites in th e 2 of the sanitary sewer were over­ CHARMING RECITAL BY Albert Weltner, Hugo W. Bobertz, dear himself not only to his col­ firing at birds and various objects in western part of the township. They come by gas Tuesday afternoon when Mr. Hulick, who is the instigator and August Whitman, Jr. leagues in the Police Department, but Burgess’ back yard, they said will call to the attention of the board they looked fo r a leak in the Clark of the new association declared that TOWNSEND PUPILS HERE A diamond ring was given to the to his friends in general; Mrs. Benitz was at the same time, the fa c t that boys playing at the Gurd street gas mam caused by the trench­ it was his idea to get sufficient funds chief by his many friends, and Of­ Therefore Be It Resolved, That the about 11:30 o'clock in the morning, street addition to the Hurden-Looker ing machine. They were Arthur Rus­ into the organization at the start to A very pleasing spring recital was ficer William Huey., to the tune of said Norman L. Sanford has been hanging out clothes in the back yard I School arc damaging th e building. sel, of 272 Hillside avenue, and Jo ­ last several months. Several sug­ given Tuesday night in the Masonic Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever,” tried for many years by his friends of her residence, 1223 Woodruff ave-' Charles Wagner accepted the posi­ seph Traysonti, of Newark,. Both gestions were discussed, and the one Building by the pupils of Lillian G marched to the table and presented and neighbors, and that he be and is nue, which is about half a block dis­ tion of recording secretary, made va­ were employed by Luce Brothers & which seemed to m eet with general and Wealthy Ann Townsend. The him with a beautiful basket of flow­ hereby found to be guilty of being a tant, across lots from where the boys cant by the resignation of Joseph Tozzi, sewer contractors. approval was an initiation fee of five program of local talent was as fol­ ers, in behalf of the police depart­ man’s man, a good father and a lov­ were shooting. Mazzeo, and since occupied by R o b ­ As the machine proceeded up Clark dollars with dues of a dollar a month, lows: Queen Charming’s Garden Par­ ment of Hillside. er of mankind who radiates love and She hear