INTRODUCTION In a fairytale, a girl who runs after a rabbit comes to a parting of the ways and asks the rabbit which way to follow. The rabbit replies: ‘If you don’t know where to go, there is no point in which way you go.’ We, as the architects who will raise ’s youth generation of the future, have to plan about how to educate our students with significant objectives. Strategic planning is considered to be the golden key of advancement for those countries leading the world. It is known that most of the countries have their own strategic plans for the next 50 years and even have plans about managing relations with their neighbors. The Ministry of Education has identified the general principles of curriculum and education activities with regulations. Apart from that, the strategic planning of schools requires that the school be able to work towards achievable goals in order to better educate its students in their own region and within their own specific conditions. The education of our school under the Enka Sports, Education and Social Aid Foundation has made it possible for us to broaden our strategic planning objectives. With this strategic planning, our school which is the first technical school whose students receive full academic scholarships will lead many more developments and will make important contributions to the Turkish industry. I would like to thank all of our school staff members who participated in the preparation of the strategic planning. Hüseyin KAYAN

School Principal







ENKA SPORTS, EDUCATION AND SOCIAL AID FOUNDATION Turkey's world-class company ENKA Construction and Industry Group, through its ENKA FOUNDATION established as a social responsibility project, is carrying out important projects in the fields of Sports, Culture and Education especially for our young people. ENKA Sports Education and Social Aid Foundation founded in 1983 aims to educate and develop Turkish Youth in the level of contemporary civilization and to bring successful young people to the Turkish society. As a foundation, around 2500 students are currently studying at different universities and schools and are awarded scholarships.

INSTITUTIONS SUBJECT TO THE FOUNDATION 1. ENKA SPORTS CLUB ASSOCIATION The club currently has more than 5,000 permanent and 1,500 small members. The club contributes to the achievement of Turkish sports in contemporary sport level by working under the supervision of expert trainers in athletics, , water polo and branches. Thus far, the club has raised hundreds of athletes for the national team, aimed at directing the youth to the sport and spreading the sport to the country .

2. PRIVATE ENKA SCHOOLS ENKA private schools, which were started to be constructed in 1994 and completed in a short time, are continuing their education with 1,300 students in primary, secondary and high schools with modern methods. The school has a mission to develop students' capacities to the end, to inspire freedom of thought and action, to strengthen their mental abilities and moral values, and to make them the leading citizens of Turkey. Approximately 170 teachers, some of whom are of foreign nationality, are committed to achieving this goal with a total of 250 (academic and administrative) employees.

3. ADAPAZARI PRIVATE ENKA SCHOOLS Adapazarı Private ENKA Schools, which experienced earthquake disaster on 17 August, is located on Karasu road in the distance of 6 km to Sakarya. In this school where more than 600 students are educated, all students have scholarship and all the requirements of the school are met in accordance with the decision of the Board of Trustees.

4. ENKA CULTURE AND ART ENKA Culture and Art events that meet art lovers with a respectable and distinguished program that has spread all over the year since 27 years, take place at ENKA Eşref Denizhan Open-Air Theater with a capacity of 1,000 spectators in summer and ENKA İbrahim Betil Auditorium with 600 spectators in winter and spring months. In this practice without regard to commercial purposes, qualified performances and concert arts are held. In addition to concert, theater, opera, ballet and cinema shows, ENKA art gallery has participated in the program with various exhibitions. OUR SCHOOL Private Enka Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School was founded in 2008 by Şarık Tara, who is the founder and president of ENKA and the Enka Sports and Education Foundation. Our school, which started its education in the 2008-2009 academic year, aims to achieve a first in Turkey with the curriculum, technical facilities and competent teaching staff. In the same campus, "Science and Technology High School" came into service in August 2014. Our school building is located within a 30,750 square meter greenery that was donated to us by the Istanbul Machinery Manufacturers Industry Cooperative. There are 15 workshops belonging to the Machinery, Industrial Automation and Chemistry departments, an indoor sports hall, a tennis court, a football field, dining hall, 22 classrooms, 5 laboratories, a science center, a genetic laboratory, and a lego class, all within a closed area of 15.000 square meters. The schools’ sites, equipment and training programs have been developed in cooperation with similar institutions that provide training abroad (especially in Germany). This established mutual relationship will also continue in the educational process. 4 school administrators, 72 teaching staff and 18 other staff have been serving at our school and the capacity of students is 750 of which 560 are currently enrolled. Our 25,000 book-size library has more than 15,000 books. In the "Anatolian Technical High School" section of our school, students are expected to receive an outstanding vocational training as well as to be placed in engineering undergraduate programs in their field.

OUR MISSION We aim to educate our students with their social and cultural needs, to be aware of their responsibilities, their professional ethics and moral values and to be sensitive to them, to be able to work with relevant sectors and higher education institutions and to grow enough individuals to meet their needs.

OUR VISION Being aware of our responsibility to carry out a training in Turkey in our field with education that we will give to our schools in a way worthy of "ENKA" in our schools, to be a good example to the institutions after us and to have a say in Europe and in the world with the power and support we will receive from them.

STRATEGIC PLANNING REGULATION In law number 5018, the strategic plan is defined as "a plan that includes medium and long-term objectives of public administrations, basic principles and policies, objectives and priorities, performance criteria, methods to be followed and resource allocations". According to the regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 26.5.2006 / 26179 and the communiqué published in the Official Gazette dated 28/07/2011 and numbered 28008, " relevant ministries and related public administrations are responsible for the preparation and implementation of the strategic plans in accordance with their development plans and programs. "

ADVANTAGES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING -Every study will be planned beforehand, -Plans will be budgeted, - Individual requests will not be fulfilled. Institutionalization will be ensured, - Personnel management will be passed on to an understanding that is institutionalized and targeted together.

STRATEGIC PLAN PREPARATION PROCESS IN SCHOOL Before the strategic planning is done, the personnel to be involved in this process must have sufficient command of the subject. For this purpose, a one-week seminar was held on August 9, 2014 to discuss how strategic planning should be done for our school staff. At the end of the seminar, the situation analysis in this booklet was made with the participation of all the personnel, the strategic plan was prepared and the current situation of the school was taken out at the targets. Strategic planning work plan, which was also reviewed by the OGYE, was presented for the schoolmaster's approval. The Strategic Plan booklet for the academic year 2014-2018 was prepared at the end of the seminar period of August 2014 by Maths Department. It was updated in August of 2017. In September 2017, it was updated again within the scope of sustainability studies launched by ENKA.


Head of School, 2 Vice Principals, Head of Department of Guidance Department, 1 Vocational Course Teacher, 1 Culture Course Teacher, Head of Honour Board and School Parent Association.

SERVICE AREAS IN OUR SCHOOL -Formal education • Industrial Automation Field • Machinery Technology Field • Field of Chemical Technology • Foreign language education • Science, Mathematics, Social and Visual Lessons - - Non-formal Education • Vocational Training Courses • Professional Development Courses • Labour Safety Courses -Education • Personal Guidance (Individual Interview) • Vocational Guidance • Parent Guidance • Educational Guidance • Social, Cultural, Sportive Activities -Management • Cleaning •Maintenance • Cafeteria • Service •Security • Infirmary •Personnel expenses • Material Purchases -Research and development • EU Projects • MUN Simulations • Improvement Teams • Science Projects • Project Competition Sharing Meetings • Conferences •Seminars • Conference of Good Examples - Publication • In-School Book, Newsletter, Panels -Sustainability



Our school is involved in three main activities as mentioned in the MEB strategic plan: • Formal and non-formal education services for the qualified workforce required by industry and service sectors. • Opening of vocational courses within the context of lifelong learning to increase the sensitivity and entrepreneurship of the changing and developing economy. • Giving a superior applied academic education in the field of science and technology. The decisions of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) also support vocational education. Economic All students studying at our school are studying as scholars. All of the expenses of teachers, students, assistant staff and building are covered by Enka Sports Education and Social Aid Foundation. Social Educational levels of the students of our school are increasing every year. The positive and negative aspects of this situation should be evaluated by the guidance teachers. The series on the media and the people on the agenda can be a negative example for students from the social side. Technological Internet and computing tools are rapidly becoming popular and access to them is getting easier every day. Students and some parents can easily use the internet and enjoy all the communication features of mobile phones. In addition, e-school applications are an important support given by MEB in this area. It is necessary for parents to be informed about e-school in order to protect students from harmful effects of the internet. Educational technologies have advanced considerably in making training environments more efficient. In all classes in our school, internet, projector or intelligent projector are fixed. In addition, all of our teachers have been given free laptop computers in order to use these facilities more efficiently.

STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS Stakeholder analysis helps us with which stakeholders should take up more space when a strategic plan is being made.

Insert Table Below..


SWOT ANALYSIS This analysis is a source of strategic planning together with PEST analysis. STRENGTHS 1. Adequate financial resources 2. Native teachers are also employed. 3. Providing social opportunities for students 4. Providing opportunities for sports activities to students on weekends 5. Having fully-equipped laboratories 6. The library has an abundance of books and the physical conditions are sufficient 7. Providing university preparation courses for 11th and 12th grades 8. Class sizes are ideal 9. Having a science center 10. Having a lego class 11. Having a genetic lab 12. Providing security and surveillance both on and off campus. 13. The school has fully-equipped workshops 14. Having a strong computer network 15. Composition of the latest technological departments (Mechatronics, Industrial Control, CNC) 16. No shortage of teaching faculty 17. Buildings are in compliance with earthquake regulations and only two stories high 18. The fact that the food court is in the school 19. In addition to the score of the students in the Science and Technology High School, they take a placement exam 20. Teachers are highly qualified 21. Management supports the academic and professional development of teachers 22. Use of quality educational materials 23. Hardworking, devoted and dedicated administrative staff 24. Adopting a disciplinary approach 25. Having students on full-scholarships and hardworking students 26. Provision of internship opportunities for successful students abroad 27. Provision of language training opportunities for successful students abroad 28. Service is good 29. Effective use of technology 30. Provision of free and certified vocational training for adults 31. Received ISO 9001 Quality Certificate 32. School recognition is provided in the surrounding provinces and districts 33. Every year our school is chosen by more successful students

WEAKNESSES 1. Students can only come from the surrounding districts where only the service buses are provided since they are no dormitories. 2. Some office rooms are small or lack ventilation 3. No swimming pool 4. No conference hall available 5. Not all students are on the same academic level 6. Some students can not determine their goals 7. Hospital is remote 8. No school supplies store in the vicinity 9. Insufficient time for social activities due to the intensity of the curriculum 10. Lack of motivation in some students 11. Students come from different socio-economic level families

OPPORTUNITIES 1- No places around the school that could affect the students negatively 2- The closeness of the industry for internship opportunities for the students 3- Proximity to natural life 4- Teaching can be done in a quiet environment 5- European Union projects 6- Student admitted are shortlisted then selected 7- Ability to benefit from the facilities of İstinye and Adapazarı Enka Schools 8- Students have job opportunities after graduation 9- Enka Foundations support 10- Every student at our school is educated under full academic scholarships 11- Possibility of cooperation with industrial establishments 12- The school is the first foundation school to teach vocational technical fields among private schools in Turkey 13- Providing school orientation between the students 14- Eliminating anxiety among students for not getting admitted to the major they want in university, due to the new system

THREATS 1- No social opportunities around the school 2- The school is away from the city center 3- Transportation is difficult 4- Roads are damaged 5- Far from the health center 6. The possibility that the education of a student may be insignificant his/her parent


IDENTIFYING STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES AND INITIATIVES Based on the case analysis, goals were asked to the school staff within the strategic plan. After that, designated goals were separated into 5 main groups. EDUCATION 1. To be a school where foreign language teaching is well done 2. To be a school where practical education can be done 3. To be a school where science and technology education is well done 4. To be a high school with academic success 5. To be where technology can be used in education 6. To be a school preferred by successful students 7. To be a school that enables teachers to keep up with innovations 8. To be a school where students have conscious of target 9. To be a well-known school 10. To be a school where all projects and competitions are attended 11. To be a school where European standards are followed in education 12. To be a school having conscious and concerning parents

VOCATIONAL TRAINING 1. To be a school where vocational training is well done 2. To be a school that can use technology 3. To be a school that provides vocational training in the fields that business world needs 4. To be a school where students have conscious of target 5. To be a school with good cooperation in industry 6. To be a school that can receive parent support in the projects 7. To be school where European standards are followed in vocational training

8. To be a well- introduced school in vocational training 9. To be a school which graduates students who achieve successful work in their fields TRAINING 1. To be a school where social activities are made at an adequate level 2. To be a school with students and teachers who love to read 3. To have a student profile with positive behaviors 4. To be a school where students are active in social life 5. To provide students to develop towards their interests and talents 6. To have parents concerned with students

MANAGEMENT 1. To be a school without financial problems 2. To be a safe school 3. To be a school that can use technology 4. To be a school with adequate first aid services 5. To be a school that can meet the needs of the students 6. To be a school with an appropriate educational environment 7. To be a school where transportation problems of the students are solved 8. To be a school with ISO certificates

INSTITUTION CULTURE AND SUSTAINABILITY 1. To be a school that enables teachers to keep up with innovations 2. To be a school that can implement positive administration skills 3. To be a school whose job descriptions are clear 4. To be a school with high employee loyalty 5. To be a school that knows and applies ecological sustainability 6. To be a school that supports local development 7. To be a school sensitive to human and child rights in the world 8. To be a disability friendly school 9. To be a school sensitive to gender equality 10. To be a school where peer bullying is not experienced

The specified and grouped objective statements are compiled and transformed into general purpose expressions.

Education To create a learning environment which successful students prefer and where individuals are educated as target-oriented and conscious, academic achievement is high and practical and technology are in European standards; to be a well-introduced school in which teachers can use new teaching methods and foreign language teaching is well done. Vocational Training To be a school that uses latest technologies and European standards in vocational education, who is in constant cooperation with industry, who can educate the students in line with the needs of the business world and who comes to mind first when it comes to vocational education. Teaching To create an educational environment in which the parents are active in the process of educating and developing students to be socially active, to have environmental awareness, to able to adapt to cultural differences in line with their interests and abilities. Management To have a business management that can use the material resources effectively and does not have financial difficulties and can meet the social-health-nutrition-technology-security- transportation needs of the students.

Institution Culture and Sustainability Having an administrative authority that fulfills the responsibilities necessary to become a sustainable campus, whose job descriptions are clear, formal and timely, that implements ISO standards, sustains personal development of staff, guarantees peace and security at school, and contributes to sustainable development.

Strategic planning is the planning of goals to be established so that the goals of the school can be achieved within a certain period of time, and the works to fulfill these goals.


To create a learning environment where successful students are educated as target-oriented and conscious individuals, academic achievement is high, applied and technological in European standards; to be a well-educated school in which teachers can use new teaching methods and foreign language teaching is well done. 1. Selection of students who pre-registered for our school from successful students a. To make promotional brochures, pen-like gifts and to distribute to second grade students in the surrounding schools b. To organize a Mathematics contest every year c. Keeping our school up to date, making it more useful and streamlined d. Providing news about our school at local level 2. Raising the University entrance base score a. Preparing university preparatory courses for our 11th and 12th grade students b. Organizing activities to increase the motivation of our students c. Weekly supplementary lessons for some 11th and 12th grade students on some evenings 3. To keep the student achievement average of the year 70 points and above a. To take corrective actions according to back information forms after written exams b. To reward successful students with various gifts c. To inform students about "M.E.B. Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions " d. To inform pupils about school rules 4. To keep the student satisfaction survey average over 3,5 points and over 5 a. At the end of each year, by conducting satisfaction surveys, determine the issues that are below 3.5 points b. Preparing preventive action plans for weak issues and implementing them in the next year 5. To keep the average annual science experiment per student high a. Preparation of experimental subjects for Physics, Chemistry and Biology courses b. Detection and provision of laboratory minerals lacking in laboratories 6. Raise the English level of the students towards their talents and working habits a. To make level exams at the beginning of the semester for the students b. To make students read more foreign language books c. To ensure that pupils take an active role in social activities both inside and outside the school in order to improve their linguistic knowledge as well as their speaking skills d. To ensure that our students participate in National / International exams to determine their English language level

TEAM 2: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TEAM LEADER: Vice Principal TEAM MEMBERS: VOCATIONAL COURSES TEACHERS To be a school that uses latest technologies and European standards in vocational education, that is in constant cooperation with industry, that can educate the students in line with the needs of the business world and that comes to mind first when it comes to vocational education. 1. To keep the industry satisfaction survey average at 70 points or more a. Preparing industrial satisfaction surveys and applying these surveys to the factory where our interns complete their internships b. Preparing preventive action plans by identifying weak issues c. Implementation of prepared activity plans within the next academic year 2. To supply experiment sets according to current technological and usage areas a. Determination of the current experimental sets required in vocational education b. Research about the manufacturer and price for the experimental sets to be purchased c. Revision of old experimental sets 3. Adult vocational training and teacher in-service training a. Identifying and announcing vocational courses for adults and teachers b. Making course announcements c. Giving certificates and documentation of courses


To create an educational environment in which the students are active in the social direction, have positive behaviors, have environmental awareness, are able to adapt to cultural differences and are educated and developed in line with their interests and abilities and the parents are actively involved in this process. 1. The establishment of an award-winning environment in which there are no disciplinary problems in the award-disciplinary system a. Informing all the students about the awards and disciplinary punishments in the Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions b. Strengthening the cooperation of course teacher, class guide teacher, psychological consultant c. Develop healthy communication with the parents d. Preparing student information and teacher manual 2. Having at least one trophy or degree in drawing-music-sport each year a. Identification of the students' interests and the hobbies they have encountered in previous schools b. Categorizing students according to their interests and abilities c. Taking students to work in appropriate categories d. Tracking competitions held in our region 3. Regulation of development seminars for the Parents a. Informing the parents about the seminars during the interim report meetings b. Achievement in participation of the parents in the seminars 4. Having various degrees in sports, art, composition and poetry competitions for our school, celebrating on a certain day and week in a program a. Taking appropriate students into appropriate work b. Tracking competitions held in our region c. Discussing the possible collaborations with Enka Sanat d. Following the art events organized in Istanbul and Kocaeli 5. To organize student and staff development seminar a. Research and identification of seminars that can be organized b. Organizing personal development and character training seminars in our guidance service

TEAM 4: OUR INSTITUTION TEAM LEADER: SCHOOL PRINCIPAL TEAM MEMBERS: INSTITUTION PERSONNEL Having a business management that can use material resources efficiently and has no financial difficulties and can meet the social-health-nutrition-technology-security-transportation needs of the students. 1. Adoption of the annual zero accident principle a. Attaching warning plates in the workshop and the required spaces b. Giving training on student and staff job security 2- Securing 90% of budget plan in the beginning of the year a. Making budget plan with multiple attendance b. Asset insurance transactions c. Giving necessary trainings to saving students and staff 3. Keeping the first aid intervention for 5 minutes or less a. Keeping the necessary first aid materials in the infirmary b. Employment of required first aid personnel in the infirmary c. Giving first aid training to students and staff 4- Keeping the average food and service satisfaction survey over 3.5 points out of 5 a. Making meal and service satisfaction surveys at the end of the semester b. Preparing the necessary measures on the weak issues in the questionnaire evaluations and implementing them in the next period 5- No security problems in and around the school a. Employment of the necessary number of security personnel for day and night b. Regular check of security point and guard book at night TEAM 5: INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE AND SUSTAINABILITY TEAM LEADER: SCHOOL DIRECTOR TEAM MEMBERS: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF AND OGYE Having an administrative authority that fulfills the responsibilities to become a sustainable campus, whose job descriptions are clear, formal and timely, that implements ISO standards, sustains personal development of staff, guarantees peace and security at school, and contributes to sustainable development. 1. Declaration of personnel duties at the beginning of each school year a. Employment of the necessary number of personnel by removing all work and transactions to be done 2- Not to receive any warnings from official documents of national education directorates a. Regular keeping of incoming and outgoing paper books b. Arrangement of decimal file systems c. Archiving of all transferred documents as wafers in duplicate d. Making the necessary arrangements for the archive 3. To have ISO standards and to maintain these standards every year a. Maintaining the necessary structure for ISO standards b. Giving ISO training to all staff c. Positive rating in ISO audits 4- To keep the average of employee satisfaction survey over 3,5 points and over 5 a. Regulation of staff satisfaction surveys at the end of academic year b. Preparing the necessary plan of measures on the issues that are weak in the questionnaire evaluations and implementing them in the next academic year 5- Regular fulfillment of total quality studies by OGYE a. Establishment and regular operation of the OGYE (School Development Management Team) b. Creation and operation of improvement teams in strategic plan c. Application for total quality contests in the categories of teams and institutions 6- Every student has a sapling in the Machine Organized Industrial Zone a. Sapling planting areas and the foundations of the saplings b. Tree care during the forest week c. Periodic maintenance of saplings 7. Ensuring sensitivity to human and child rights in the world a. World human and child rights declaration hanging in appropriate areas within the school b. Placing the subject in lesson curriculum 8- Making school’s physical spaces suitable for disabled individuals a. Ensuring that school entrance and exit ramps are always in place b. Keeping handicapped restrooms working c. Providing students with disability sensitivities through activities like dialogues in the dark 9- Ensuring sensitivity to gender equality a. Equalization of female male numbers in classroom distribution b. Attention to gender equality in the provision of personnel c. In the events attended by the school, equalization of the male and female student numbers in the competitions abroad as much as possible

Address: Özel ENKA Teknik Okulları Demirciler Köyü Yanı, Makine OSB, Dilovası, KOCAELİ Tel: 0 262 722 94 10 Fax: 0 262 722 94 11 E mail: [email protected]