6*lrlt ilaris' Ci*r:die **Yg*r*' louNiinq Predirciaq A*isti. Oiru.tar fc*nder/Execuiive Artislir Dire*or

$eesen $Por:sors ffarmela n#"WEqn-{dr & hlams Tegeb* Stage: ion theatre proudly presents on the f,ials:e l-ipinsky ffiW bv Kander oY F-red Ebb mus,c John 'Y''t' ooo\ ov Joe Masteroff

ciirected oy Claudio RaYgoza+ by Michael MizeranY' musrcal direction oy Mof$an Cafbefry choreography

CAST:;,"a i J?' Percuss;on Scotty Alie*za Erncee Kazcc. Banjoleie nlH Drey.r tsradfcrci Voca!s fulorgan Carbe;"rY Kost,'Heiga Piafia Fatriek Gaies Ei'nstiHerman Banjc. fulanciclin. Guilar Aiyssa Gr-lttend*rf Texas Ukeleie Ed Hollixgsworth Schultz Guilar LLlke Jacebs VictorlSailor Tru rn pet. Acco rdi o n, tvl elod ica Linda Libhir"' Emcee Piana, 9anio, Accartjion. lvlelodica eashae tr4ony** Sally Wcais Gat:riela Ileison Rosie Percussion Sailas Ferry BobbylRudy Guitar Li-Anne tscwswell Schnelder Dulcimer Steel* $evers*n ndl t5 Saxcphone Kylie Young Lulu Tambaurine, Dulcimer

Setting: Berlin, Germany -1930-31 Running time: r45 mins. There will be one ten-minute intermission. ThisproductionafCabaretcontainsmultipleftashinglight,smokeandfogeffects. *Me*berA.tors'EquitvAssn. PRODUCTTON : : ln alphaLplicel oider

StaQ8 Menagsr Accomsantst Morgan CarberrY Kevir: K*rnbur6err tres!qner Assistani D!reclo!'iASf i Ccst!iie lsaac Fowleri Ke!r* M*G** I iritinfl t-esic;1ef Additrcnal Peicussicn lsaac Fswler' c'{":adoal*ey ISiic Jr;-3ctai Hause 14anacer LeaC,'Sc.ial ly'etia ?icdu;i[-c Afi Flachael Fowler Glen* Pari*' )ilC:rcei Exeru'live Prcajucer Haygoeat Yolanda Franklin- Cla::dio Dtsign Ass,iraii Sa3iric,'Sa:.t nC,'F:stsciioi: Stace ^Jan:ee. e {audis Haygaze' Josie Gerk Assistanl Cosiu:'ne Destg*er Dance Capiarn Luke Jacobs ilIary SummerdaYi Usher CcDrilnalcr Voiiirieer Ccordinatot Trina Kaplan' Julie Ustin

Season and Corporate Par-tners Lon & Denise Bevers * Bill & Judy Garreit The Patio on GoldfinchlGina Champion'Cain, Prcprietor

CABARET {1998 Version}

Book by Joe Masterofi

Based on ihe play by and The Berlin Stories by Christopher lsherwcod

Music by John Kander Lyrics by Fred Ebb

Co-directed anc Choreograohed by Rob Marshall

Directed by Sam Mendes

CASARET 's aracan'"i hv af"aiCef:enl '.'. rth TAMS-V'IT\4A8K ViUS]C LIBRARY. INC. 560 Lexinqtcn Avenue. Nev; Ycrk. Ne';.; York 10022

Special thanksr Pam M. Wagner & Hans Tegebo, lsaac Fo,lier, Alex Barrera, Gina Champion-Cain, The Pario on GciCfinch, Trina Kaplan, Sandy Hotchklss, Bayside Charter iliqir School, Lincia Libby, Encore Piano Movrng, PorvPac - Poiray's ConrnrunityTheater, The Oid Globe, Jaco5 Sampscn, The La loila Playhouse, Lamb's PlayersTheatre, ChristianYoutaTheater, JanetTurner-Pitci:er, CygnetTheatre, Onstage Playhouse, Cindy Caiieros, Steven Lubbers & FedEx/Kinkc's, Lon & Denise Bevers, members ofthe casr rvho are proviCing their ou/n instruments, Heidi &Tony Aiienza, the ion Luminaries: Julie Ustin, Deborah Pantoni, Howard Finnecy & Carol Ann Flanagan!

Gabaret ,s isr'i theatre's 3.O0'h Produetioil i* $an Die€ol Meke * $1fi* i*xdeductibie ds*at!*:i tG ioE thealre co*1pc!:y afi{i becqrEe a memael sf the ASMIEATien Circle e$d ie$eiye a 5S€*i*l invi:3t1aal i* a priYei* ev**! !* Jax:;ary 2*3.8i You can visit the DONATE page onirne ai iliwl/.icnlfieGffe.c1r,'t and list ADMIRATion or matl a check t+ 3?*8 6th &v€*ue, SE?'i *leg*. 921O3 uith th* n*le: r1*l$l[*&Tirm by Ser**}ber 3:, t*1?. Scorrv Ar*suzs inctude: Sunday in the Park with George Musical . . Em.aa (ion); Eilly EIffof tsan Diego Theatre); James and the Giant Peact*J Feb#f. Scot$ is very ion: (Barn Stage Company); On the Twentieth make his ion excited to Oklahoma!' Big River, this Century {Cygnet); theatre debut in the Forbidden Planef (New perfectly marvelous Return to Village Arts); Hand to God, Everybody's production of ! Talkin' (San Diego Rep); Tribute {Scripps an Associate I Scotty is Festival of Christmas: 'Artist with Lamb's Ranch Thealre]|, Nafthern Lights ( Lamb's Players); Ihe Theatre. Recent credits: Les Players Musicat of Musicals (Oceanslde Theatre Miserabtes, Festivat of Christmas: Northern Company). Morgan trained and lived in the lUerd Players Theatre}; Lights, The {Lamb's U.K. for 10 years, and also works as a (The Old How The Grinch Stole Christmas! professional vocal coach and music Globe); Manifest Destinitis (San Diego director. Flepertory Theatre); Gypsy (Cygnet Theatre). Fe"rn:cx G*:'es *nE',# BqADF*ii' . : ErnstlHerman/et. al. ::l:: $ili:#*jr te fhg i3,:.'r . . Biadshar,,, . . C:rford . ;'., . ,3*:, Fa-*.$'' - ,-rr S*bui Drew is so i.; Pairrck is excited to be excited to be rnaking his returning to ihe stage wrth ior theatre debutl He is a lon Theatre Company graduate of Vanguard after playing the role ot University wtih a degree "Solider/Alex" in the 2016 in Business Marketing. production of Sondheim's Sunday in the Regional credits inciucje Park with George, and "Lieutenant Barri" in On the Twentieth Century Ihe {Cygnet}; the 2014 production of Sondheim's Fantasticks (Scripps Banch Theater\: The Passion- also co-directed ihe show Mermaid, The Addams Family, Peter He Little Geeks the Musical with [on's sister Pan, The Music Man, Att Shook UP, Mary PsyPhi Productions. Patrick is the Poppins Stage Productions); company {Moontight 2012 Globe Honors winner for Best Actor, Damn Yankees, 42nd Sfreet {San Diego Spoken Word category. He has received the Musical Theatre); The Addams Fanily, Big Youth Arts National Youth Fish, Young Frankensfern (Performance National {iormerly Theater) award ior Best Actor in a Musical 4 Riverside). He would like to thank this entire - for "Daddy Warbucks'' team for all iheir hard work. Enjoy the show! times in Annie {Christian Youth Theateri, "The Beast" in Beauty and the Beasf (Christian MOecAN GssarqnY Youth Theater), "Harotd Hill" in The Music ::KostlHelga:: Man {Christian Youth Theater). and {For rnlisic cirector bio see bslcvi) "Captain Hook" in the world premiere of ior.:: S*nday v'n f*e Par& Disney's Peter Pan (Junior Theater). His i,?r:il Gsilrgt*. Morgan other credits include The Sound o{ Carberry is over the Music (Junior Theatre), Snoapy!!! (San moon to be working with Diego Christian College), and this incredibiy talented Oklahoma! (San Diego Christian Collegei. cast of acto#musiciansl www.bodhitreeconcerts.org Regional acting credits #esY &pffiffmL$ffiTBffin\e #€B*=# Al-vssa Gur-r=uoonr McBride {Cygnet)- Regional Acting Credits: Scuttte in The Little Mermaid (Moonlight)' : :Texas, et. ai. : : The Conductar in On the 2ottt Century' Jinx is thrilled to be Alyssa in Plaid Tidings (Welk Resort Theater)' making her ion theatre Carmen Ghia in The Prsducers (San Diego with this incredible debut Musical Theatre), Hot Blades Harry in Local castl credits (Barn Stage), Mr'ss Wesf Coasf in include: Heathe{sthe Urinetown *,!i?Z"ox',:ilHi:

F ; ri-- *:;::lqli':i""PlaYh,o^use)' anlj E1:.i.#il ^^, ioiu","ionury1. Tours - rn the Mood LtvE, Att g o,n", ;?::,1: :ffi [1,?T :, ?H :3ll3i,', i * ::' ffi:' ffi :: il. 5 featured dancer in Fay1' ii *!i:,,;t, in Oliver!, ,, in'"Musical Theatre from CSU, Fullerton. Manv titue babv kisses io ramitv, rriends, ie , ?{;!Z#';'!;"Yi,:,i{ii,;,{,}"7:;:::,"' and KP for the love and support' Ever. Aryssa is a proud #;;';"P;;l State University & ihe nationally-ranked Ltuon ilaevt* Penn State Lionettes DanceTeam' Lgveto r-ffi- P for your unending support! I fre l :;Emcee !nn: Srey S6r#6$s {, cior E,:} H*LLIF*GSiSSRTH ci :*e !6a'i. *ypsy ietag ::Schuitz:: ,\oe'r. Esdy Arvareness" :.:,:. SSe,tSj T.r-rc ffsq#€sf Frogramtne l'tael). Linda LibbY L.f i;sje"a;'. Ed is happy firaig returning to the ion stage is a {ounding company for Cabaret. He was member of ion and also recent,y in Guys and wrote original music for isn's Sea af Souls Dolls at the old Globe that premiered off-Broadway. She was the and has appeared first vyornan to be named Actor of the Year locally with San Diego Opera, Starlight, by the San DieEo Criiics Circle. Recent Moonlight, San Diego Hep, North Coast credils include Guys & Dolls {OId Globe) Bep, San Diego Musical Theatre, Lamb's and An l/led (New Village Arts). Linda is Players, and many others. Ed has a BA in proud to teach at Bayfront Chafier High Drama from UCI and an MFA in Musical where she is developing the theater TheatrelActing from USIU. Major roles: department. For Ryan. Billy's tather in Billy E//,bt (CYC). General hilp_,lll&arib!yi'! :ns.le. go]]4ii:seiiblly Waverly io White Christmas (SDMT), John Gabriel Utierscn in Jekytt and Hyde, Zoser e;+si:;r i,j:Ci{'rA" in Aida (Starlight), and E. F. Simpson in : : S:ii1; 3r1.,,!-.s : : Singing in the Rain (SDMT). . ,ad..t *4rvy **! art +t €l.Eers*rl.s Eer & #ril! I-UKE.JAC*BS lllroet llc,';::,rE ; ;, C h i *a g * : ' '\/i.'^. q:,..r cr : ,4 $pee&"e;;s;t Serriarcf ,,r:i, S*ili-rr Luke H. Cashae is proud to be back Jacobs is making his ion on the ion stage once morel theatre debut! Most Favorite locai ci'edits inclucie: recent work: The Revalutianists, Aur Lady of Kibeho,Trouble in choreographer ol The Mind, Crumbs From the Table of Joy, Legend of Geargia Counterweight: Elevator Love Play and Ihe ffiesY& Drama Btuest Eye (Moxie); Miss You Like Helt a*d at the Guildhalt Schoot of Music and atways been a dream of Memphis {The La Jotla Playhouse); Liffle in Londonl lt has and Shop of Horrors & Our Tawn. (Cygnet); Ihe his to wark on a production of Cabaret, Glary Man ilamb's Players); Spetting Bee he is honored to be working with the (North Coast Hep). Upcoming: The Last incredible team at lon. lnstagram: Wite (Cygnet). Follow me: @Cashae-Monya @_dallasperry* on Instagram i-:-Alc liE A srlg';*;=Lt Gp,en:Em Flri-*ola 'c.i:noL,l:r r:ic:,: e;.a.:: ri:.r Seir;r. She has r::- 3€b;"il Gabriela previously been seen ir Nelson is an 80's icon 'rlho The Man Who Came to perforrned wlth Bob Hope Dinner (Lawrence Welk and the USO and danced Theater, Broadway Vista) in the movie Grease at The 194A's Radia Hour, 16, is beyond thrilled to Pretude fc a Kiss $lew be making her ion theatre Viltage Arts I Vanya and Sonia and Masha debut. Some f avorite appearances and Spike {Scripps Banch Theater) Sons include the San Diego iour and premiere of of the Praphel (Cygnet Theatre) Blithe The Geeze and Me, and Rope (Tenth Avenue Spirits, The Magic Fire, Hay Fever Arts), Evrta (Pasadena Playhouse). Srveef (Moonlight at the Avo Theater) You rnay Charity, Jesus Christ Superstar. (Chrysler also see her around town as professional Center for the Performing Arts). Cinderella. storytelter Aunt Li-Anne. Li-Anne is a proud Company. (Stuttgart Theatre Center). member of the San Diego Actors'Alliance Numerous lilm and television credits include and Storytellers of San Diego, and a Westuvorld (HBO), Longmire. Godless Holistic Healer. (Netflix), and Tin Star (CTV) Gabby is a proud navy wife and dedicates all her pedormances Srbu:iss*i; to her Beloved Warrior currently fonvard Slss.E - rr-^- deployed. Countless gratitude to Claudio and ^- -l Morgan for this amazing opportunityl rili #ej:iil. Steele is ecstatic to be making his DALTAS Frmnv ion theatre debut. As a : : Bobby, Rxdy, et. al. recent graduate from the Per- ia,.: #s*rj: Dallas Perry SDSU Theatre program, is de!ighted io be tormance this making his ion theatre marks his firsi ioray into l debut! Recent credits the professional world, Recent local credits include The Full MonU (Reg\, Jesus Christ 1 include Gypsy (Cygnet), Faustus { Damn Yankees. 42nC Superstar {Ensemble), and Doctor Slreet (San Diego Lights the rrgr,b (MIHA), all at SDSU. He hopes you enjoy show! Musical Theatre), lnto The Woods, and The the Drowsy Chaperone {SDSU). Da{las is currentiy a senior at san Diego state University where he is pursuing a degree in theaier performance, and he is thrilted to have studied musical theatre this summer