Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency Genetic Testing Indications for Ordering Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (ACADM) Sequencing 0051758 Molecular testing to confirm diagnosis or identify carriers of • Molecular test to confirm a diagnosis of MCAD deficiency medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency for for individuals with suggestive clinical and/or biochemical individuals with suggestive clinical and/or biochemical findings who have one or no pathogenic variants detected findings with 2 variants test Test Description • Carrier testing for reproductive partner of an affected individual or carrier of MCAD deficiency Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (ACADM) 2 Disease Overview • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and fluorescence Incidence monitoring using hybridization probe for variants c.985A>G and c.199T>C in the ACADM 1/4,000-17,000 • Most frequently diagnosed beta-oxidation Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (ACADM) disorder Sequencing • Carrier frequency in European White individuals is ~1/50 • PCR followed by bidirectional sequencing of the entire coding region and intron/exon boundaries of the ACADM Symptoms gene • Hypoketotic hypoglycemia • Coma Tests to Consider • Episodic emesis • Lethargy Typical Testing Strategy • Seizures

• Biochemical tests • Hepatomegaly o Acylcarnitine Quantitative Profile, Plasma • Encephalopathy o Carnitine Panel • Reye-like syndrome o Acylglycines, Quantitative, Urine • Sudden death o Organic Acids, Urine • Maternal (if fetus has MCAD deficiency) • Molecular tests o HELLP (hemolysis, elevated , low platelet o Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency count) syndrome (ACADM) 2 Mutations o Acute fatty liver of pregnancy o Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency • Triggers of acute metabolic episodes (ACADM) Sequencing o Prolonged fasting Primary Tests o Infection Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (ACADM) 2 o Surgery Mutations 0051205 • Preferred initial molecular test to confirm a diagnosis or identify carriers of MCAD deficiency for individuals with suggestive clinical and/or biochemical findings o Abnormal newborn screen for MCAD o Infants with Reye-like syndrome • Testing for family members of a proband with the c.985A>G or c.199T>C variants • Carrier testing for reproductive partner of an affected individual or a carrier of MCAD deficiency

ARUP Laboratories is a nonprofit enterprise of the University of Utah and its Department of Pathology. 500 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108 | (800) 522-2787 | (801) 583-2787 | | © 2020 ARUP LABORATORIES | Content Review June 2019 | Last Update January 2020

Pathophysiology Results • MCAD • Two severe ACADM gene variants o involved in mitochondrial fatty acid beta- o Predicts MCAD deficiency oxidation • One severe ACADM gene variant . Fuels ketogenesis during periods of high-energy usage o Individual is at least a carrier for classic MCAD deficiency after hepatic glycogen is depleted • Compound heterozygosity for c.985A>G variant and mild • Deficiency of MCAD results in impaired beta-oxidation c.199T>C variant and accumulation of medium-chain fatty acids o May produce an abnormal acylcarnitine profile • Expected laboratory test results . Clinical consequences of this genotype are unknown o Plasma acylcarnitine • One mild variant . C6-C10 species: abnormalities o Individual is at least a carrier for mild MCAD deficiency o Urine organic acid analysis • Compound heterozygotes for c.985A>G and another . Hexanolylglycine and suberylglycine: elevated ACADM variant, or individuals homozygous for non- . Medium-chain dicarboxylic acids in symptomatic c.985A>G variants individuals: elevated o Predicts MCAD deficiency o Urine acylglycine o Genotype/phenotype correlations are not well . Hexanolylglycine and suberylglycine: elevated established • Lack of gene variant reduces likelihood of MCAD Genetics deficiency or carrier state Gene • Variants of unknown clinical significance may be identified ACADM Limitations • Not detected Inheritance o Regulatory region or deep intronic variants Autosomal recessive o Large deletions/duplications • Diagnostic errors can occur due to rare sequence Variants variations • Most common: c.985A>G (Lys304Glu) o Accounts for 75% of disease-causing alleles o Half of individuals with MCAD deficiency are homozygous for this variant o Most remaining individuals with MCAD deficiency are compound heterozygotes • Mild variant c.199T>C Test Interpretation

Sensitivity/Specificity • Clinical sensitivity (sequencing): 95-99% • Analytical sensitivity/specificity: 99%

© 2020 ARUP LABORATORIES | Content Review June 2019 | Last Update January 2020