
RHETORIC Rhetorical Appeals

Rhetorical Appeal Definition Questions to Ask

Ethos appeal to 1. Why should I read what the writer has written? You may want to think of 2. How does the author cite that he or as related to "," she has something valid and important or the principles of the for me to read? writer: ethos is the author's 3. Does the author mention his or her way of establishing with education or professional ? his or her reader.

Pathos appeal to 1. How is the writer trying to make me feel, or what has he or she written that You may want to think of makes me want to do something? as "," which 2. What specific parts of the author's pertains to the experience of make me feel happy, sad, or sensitivity toward emotion. inspired, dejected, and so on?

Logos appeal to 1. What does the writer provide that convinces me that his or You may want to think of her is logical—that it makes as "logic," because sense? something that is logical 2. What is the author offering "makes sense"—it is me? reasonable.

Kairos appeal to timeliness 1. Does the writer make claims that are particularly important given what You may want to think of is happening right now? as the type of 2. How is the author "making the most that pertains to of the moment" or attempting to speak "the right place and the right to the concern of his or her ? time."

Mythos appeal to culture 1. Does the writer rely on any shared values, , or to make You may want to think of his or her argument appealing to the mythos as the stories that readers? people tell each other about 2. What parts of this argument might the way things are. be invisible and “obvious” to me as a member of this culture?