Renewable Energy and Industry Promoting Industry and Job Creation for Lebanon

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Renewable Energy and Industry Promoting Industry and Job Creation for Lebanon RENEWABLE ENERGY AND INDUSTRY PROMOTING INDUSTRY AND JOB CREATION FOR LEBANON A UNDP-CEDRO PUBLICATION OCTOBER 2015 This project is funded Empowered lives. by the European Union Resilient nations. This study is implemented by the UNDP-CEDRO Project; Phase 3 and 4 This project is funded by the European Union CEDRO phase 4 (2014–2016) is funded by the European Union CEDRO phase 3 (2010–2014) was funded by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo (Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development) AECID through the Lebanon Recovery Fund (LRF) 1 Acknowledgement The UNDP-CEDRO Project would like to thank both the Government of Spain and the European Union for the donation of funds that enabled the CEDRO project from its first three phases to its current forth phase. This study has been funded through both these kind contributions. Copyright © UNDP / CEDRO – 2015 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged and provided reproduction is not sold. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the UN’s principle provider of development, advice advocacy and grant support. With 131 country offices, it has long enjoyed the trust and confidence of government and NGOs in many parts of the developing as well as the developed world. It is typically regarded as a partner rather than as an adversary, and its commitment to universal presence proved especially useful in post – conflict situation and with states that have been otherwise isolated from international community. For further information United Nations Development Programme, <> CEDRO, <> Note: The information contained within this document has been developed within a specific scope, and might be updated in the future. Authors Report prepared by Infopro Edited by Science and Ink and the UNDP - CEDRO Project Disclaimer The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of its authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the United Nations Development Programme, who will not accept any liability derived from its use. 2 Table of Contents Table figures ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Table of tables ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................................................................................................13 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................14 2. Lebanon’s RE Landscape ...................................................................................................................................................................................................15 2.1 RE Capacity in Arab Countries ........................................................................................................................................................................15 2.2 RE Potential in Lebanon .................................................................................................................................................................................16 2.3 RE limitations ................................................................................................................................................................................................20 2.4 Value Chains of RES .......................................................................................................................................................................................20 2.5 Key Actors in Lebanon’s Renewable Energy Landscape ..................................................................................................................................22 2.6 National RE Initiatives ...................................................................................................................................................................................22 2.6.1 NEEAP ......................................................................................................................................................................................................22 2.6.2 NEEREA ....................................................................................................................................................................................................22 2.6.3 FITs in the MENA region and NET Metering in Lebanon ............................................................................................................................23 2.7 RE related Standards .....................................................................................................................................................................................23 2.7.1 RE Systems standards ..............................................................................................................................................................................23 2.7.2 Standards applied by Lebanese companies ..............................................................................................................................................24 2.7.3 Construction Standards ............................................................................................................................................................................24 2.8 Training, Higher Education, and Research in RES ...........................................................................................................................................24 2.8.1 Academic Activity in RE ............................................................................................................................................................................25 2.8.2 University programs and courses .............................................................................................................................................................25 2.8.3 Curricula plans .........................................................................................................................................................................................25 2.8.4 Graduates ................................................................................................................................................................................................26 2.8.5 RE research ..............................................................................................................................................................................................26 2.8.6 Collaboration among academia and private and public sectors ...............................................................................................................26 2.8.7 Know-how and Skills ...............................................................................................................................................................................26 2.9 Import and Domestic Production of RE Components and Systems .................................................................................................................27 2.9.1 RES Availability in Lebanon ......................................................................................................................................................................27 2.9.2 Developments in Corporate RES Activities ................................................................................................................................................27 3 2.9.3 Manufacturing Inputs and Machines .......................................................................................................................................................28 2.9.4 RES Importer and Manufacturer Workforce ..............................................................................................................................................28 2.9.5 RES Workforce Training ............................................................................................................................................................................28 2.9.6 Workforce Recruitment ............................................................................................................................................................................29 2.9.7 Cost Structure ..........................................................................................................................................................................................29 2.9.8 Turnover and Factors of Production ..........................................................................................................................................................29 2.9.9 Profitability
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