Hey guys and gals lets have a trip down memory lane and share your circus memories with us. ⛺ Our @Elsa wants to create an amazing story and will add some of your real life experiences. You went to the circus  and upon leaving you were asked to give an interview about your circus experience. What did you say 

We will run this untill Friday 7th August. Then we can all wait for Elsas exciting story to appear. Remember to give us real life experiences. This project sounds great. But I've never been to a circus so I can't contribute much 

I'm looking forward to reading other people's experiences and Elsa's final story  As a child, I went to the circus with my great-grandparents. I was usually a real shy girl. But I was in the circus Hoppe in the GDR. Children were asked to play. I got in touch and my great-grandmother kept pulling my arm down. She didn't want it. But I did not give up and kept coming back and was brought into the ring by the clown. I had to puzzle a picture with large cubes together. I still fondly remembered that today. Nice idea to go back in memory lanes.

My father used to take me many times with him to the circus or circus type festivals (called Mela in our language).

I was having special interest in animals (special animals). Lion feature was my best and so thrilling. One wheel cycle was also my demand to my father which never passed.

Music used to be very nice and motor cycle show in the cage used to be so thrilling and heart stopping. And eating a lot of things with my father and mother.

Lot of memories are there and special thanks to my dad for giving these memories to me. Such a nice topic it is @KimElston . Thank you once again to remind me of my childhood. Oh dear... Hmmm... let's see... think think and think...  I like circus but I can't recall much but hey thanks to Google and I managed to search for the name of the circus that I've been to! It's The Royal London Circus from my home country. Among all the circus acts, I enjoyed the performance by the troupe because of the crazy stunts that they managed to pull off, which was fun and thrilling at the same time as well as the ring of ! I hope to bring my son to a circus one day after the pandemic ends  Thank you guys! You are going to make this one neat circus story! I don't think there was a circus while I was growing up. But after I had my children there used to be a circus that would travel every summer so I took my kids when they were young. Well my son has cat allergies so bad that he started coughing when the lions came out and we weren't even close to the ground level. That was not a positive experience but at least he saw some of the circus. Me 3 When I was a young child I actually got to see Ringling Brothers 3 ring circus. I don’t remember a lot but all the people and the smells of the dirt and the animals. And the laughter and excitement of the crowd. I loved the parade of all the acts as they entered the rings.

Much later when I was living in Naples a small circus came to entertain during the 4th of July. My daughters liked the acrobats and trapeze artists. They even had some horses and a few other animals. They also had and even though they were Italian, their antics were enjoyed by everyone regardless of their nationality. A circus can entertain everyone no matter the language barrier. It is a visual spectacle. @KimElston Thank you for still thinking about and telling good stories.

@bearwithme you just triggered some kind of memory from me. I remember seeing a 3 ring circus and then the pole was in the way and I had to keep moving from side to side to see what was going on. The only negative about the 3 ring circus is that you don't know where to look first. Wow 朗 this is exciting 💃🏽 circus  story buh hmmm 樂 missed attending severally só truly I haven’t seen any live aside on tv but hey , it’s loads of fun because it seems am there live . i Will say Circus  is an adventure , filled with suspense, excitement and love 

Thanks a lot @KimElston for the tag and best of luck to computing the full story @Elsa 壟

Thank you for the tag friend @KimElston it's been a long time but I do remember some. We went to circus as a family treat I remember seeing Lions doing tricks, high wire acts so scared the rope was going to rip the clowns doing funny things but most of all the parade of elephants we got close enough to touch them.

Thank you friend I needed good memories today. Many blessings and good luck with the story @Elsa . Wow..the Circus, haven't given them a thought for quite awhile. Elsa, yes I remember a few years back that they were talking about doing away with them, and Barnum and Bailey is the one that I remember too..there were others but B&B were the King. I only remember going one time, we were lucky that in my hometown we had an Amusement Park and used to go to that many times in the Summer. The time I went was a 3 ring and also didn't know what to watch first. For me besides the clowns was the Lions and Tigers, the flying Trapeze and the Elephants with ladies riding them and them standing on and balancing on blocks regardless of their size. But probably the most enjoyable was the beautiful Horses with their headdress and riders doing stunts. Of course you can't forget the and finally besides the sights, you will always remember the smells, from peanuts, animals to the cotton candy. Oh I loved the cotton Good times, thank you. Hi @KimElston I must have been about 8 years old when my dad took me to Barnum & Bailey’s Circus while we were living in New York. It was dazzling and entertaining!

The big tent, the energized atmosphere, the high wire act, the trapeze artists flying through the air, the twenty clowns getting out of a little VW Slugbug, the lion and tigers, the elephant, the cotton candy and the souvenir magazine for me to keep thanks to Dad ~ all this stands out in my mind.

But what I remember most is that I had to watch it all with one eye! I had to wear a black eye patch due to some mishap. True story! When I was a young kid I used to go all the time with my friends

I love to watch acrobatic actions, I love the clown, but I always hate circus with animals, it just cruel. When I was eight years old my Dad took me to Barnum & Bailey’s Circus. It was dazzling and entertaining.

The big tent, the energized atmosphere, the trapeze artists flying through the air, the , the high wire walkers, the twenty clowns coming out of one little Volkswagen Bug, the cotton candy, and the souvenir take home magazine all stand out in my mind.

The thing I remember most however is watching the entire circus with one eye! I had to wear a black patch due to an injury to my eye. True story. I didn't really like how the clown purposefully let his assistant fail the knife regurgitation act #killerclown 嵐 Stay tuned for part 2!