At a Glance

© Copyright 2019 Moovit You Ride, Moovit Guides

Moovit simplifies your urban mobility all around the world, making getting around town via mass easier and more convenient. Moovit is a leading (MaaS) provider and the world’s #1 urban mobility app with more than 520 million users, and was named “Best Local App of 2016 and 2018” by Google and “Best of 2017” app by Apple. We know your cities and towns

By combining information from public transit operators and authorities with live information from the user community, Moovit offers travelers a real-time picture, including the best route for their journey.

The Moovit community sends active reports about their travel experience, such as bus congestion levels, cleanliness, and more to help others have a better travel experience.

Moovit generates up to 5 billion anonymous data points daily data points a day that comprise the world's largest repository of transit data. We know your cities and towns

By combining information from public transit operators and authorities with live information from the user community, Moovit offers travelers a real-time picture, including the best route for their journey.

The Moovit community sends active reports about their travel experience, such as bus congestion levels, cleanliness, and more to help others have a better travel experience.

Moovit generates up to 4 billion anonymous data points daily data points a day that comprise the world's largest repository of transit data. World’s #1 Urban Mobility App 650M+ Users

3000+ 94 45 Cities Countries Languages

As of Nov 2019 On-Demand Easy services like Shared Scooters, Free to use to download Shared-Bikes, Shared-Car and & available Budapest Venezia Napoli Trieste Buenos Aires Singapore Santiago Bogota Torino Milano Blumenau 600,000+ Salerno Pisa Juiz de Fora Bolonia Local editors we Porto Alegre Berlin Paris call Mooviters NYC Tel Aviv Los Angeles These transit experts help us map and maintain London Miamidata in cities Munich around the world. Dublin San Francisco Venezia Napoli Trieste Buenos Aires Singapore Santiago Bogota Torino Milano Blumenau Salerno Pisa Juiz de Fora New city added every 15 Hours! Global Ofces

180+ Employees Background

BETA version launched in Israel and Series A financing - $3.5M Ofcial product launch, Founded by Nir Erez, Roy BRM Capital, Gemini Israel with service opened in Launched service in Bick and Yaron Evron Ventures Madrid New York City

FEB APRIL JAN FEB 2012 2012 2013 2013

Launched Moovit in João Pessoa Series B financing - $28M in Brazil, the first city entirely Opened the Sequoia Capital, BRM Capital, mapped by Mooviters Mooviters program Gemini Israel Ventures 1 million users

MAR JAN DEC JUNE 2014 2014 2013 2013 Background

Series C financing - $50M BMW i Ventures, LVMH, Keolis, NGP Capital, 5 million 10 million Vaizra Investments, Sequoia Capital, BRM users San Francisco ofce opened users Capital, Gemini Israel Ventures

MAY OCT OCT JAN 2014 2014 2014 2015

100th Mooviter Community city Moovit for Wearable released and first University Program city 30 million supporting Google Wear and 20 million launched in Puebla, Mexico users Apple Watch users

DEC DEC MAR JUNE 2015 2015 2015 2015 Background

Announced a global partnership and 50,000 40 million Launched Moovit integration with Uber Mooviters users for Web

MARCH APRIL JUNE JUNE 2016 2016 2016 2016

Launched first Launched Moovit 150,000 annual Global Public 50 million for Developers Mooviters Transit Report users

MAR DEC DEC NOV 2017 2016 2016 2016 Background

Series D financing — $50M Intel Capital, Sequoia Capital, BMW iVentures, NGP Capital, Sound Launched Smart Transit Moovit launches its 1,500th city, 100 million Ventures, Gemini, BRM, Suite Dayton, Ohio, USA users Vaizra, Vintage, and Hanaco

JUNE AUG DEC FEB 2017 2017 2017 2018

Partnership agreement with 430 million users, Partnership agreement Partnership agreement Uber to power Uber Transit 90 countries, 550,000 with Uber to power Uber with Microsoft to power offering expands to London Mooviters and 2,700 cities Transit offering Azure Maps Transit

APR FEB NOV MAY 2019 2019 2019 2018 Nir Erez

Co-founder and CEO of Moovit. Prior to Moovit, Nir was founder and CEO of both ActionBase and Eyron Software Solutions. Nir is co-owner and co-founder of Eyron Group. He holds a degree in Physics.

For more information about the Moovit team, click here 2,000+ 7,000+ Ongoing Mooviter Transit Operators Projects In Process

5.6M+ 5B+ Daily Passenger Station & Stops Data Points Mapped Collected Anonymously

Through the Mooviter Community, Moovit is able to provide information to over half a billion people in areas that would otherwise be unserved or underserved. How Moovit improved its app to Moovit releases a special version for help people with disabilities ride Europe’s Eurovision song contest in transit with confidence cooperation with the Tel Aviv Jaffa Municipality Learn more Learn more Moovit and TomTom Align with Inter Milan Collaborates With Uber Taps Moovit For Its Transit Microsoft Tt Introduce World’s First Moovit To Improve Mobility For Data Truly Comprehensive Multi-Modal Football Fans In Milan Trip Planner Learn more Learn more Learn more Moovit named as EuroLeague Moovit named Official Mobility App Moovit unveiled as new AS Roma Basketball Official Mobility Partner For Asian Games Global Mobility App Partner for its 2018/19 season.

Learn more Learn more Learn more Moovit Raises $50 Million Led By Named one of Apple’s Best Apps of Google Play award for Best Local Intel Capital To Expand Its Global 2017 in December 2017 App 2016 in USA, Canada, Middle Urban Mobility Operating System East & North Africa, and Hong Kong Learn more Learn more Learn more Selected by the City Hall of Rio de Collaborated with the UEFA EURO Released Global Cities Public Janeiro as the official transit app of 2016 Fan Guide App to help Transit Usage Report 2016 in the Rio Olympics 2016 football fans get around during the December EURO 2016 football competition Learn more Learn more Learn more How to Find Us Moovit is available for free on iOS, Android & Web

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