Background on Matthew Guggisberg

Matthew Guggisberg has worked in the music business since 1990. His greatest successes have been as an artist manager. He has also worked as a booking agent, promoter, publicists and consultant. He was the owner and proprietor of the sound and lighting production company Desert Sounds Hire and two music shops, Desert Sounds and the Alice Springs Music Academy. He currently manages top Alice Springs based artist NoKTuRNL ( He has also managed Frank Yamma, Amunda, and Leon Spurling.

As an artist manager Matthew has overseen the production of a number of commercially released recordings. These include the double ARIA nominated single ‘Neva Mend’, by NoKTuRNL; and the Deadly Sounds 1999 album of the year, ‘Playing with Fire’, by Frank Yamma. As part of this process he has brokered completed deals with Festival Mushroom Records (FMR), Sony/ATV Publishing, Shock Records, Larrikin Records, Massive Records, CAAMA music and Stuntpram.

Discography – cd’s released nationally (doesn’t include tracks on compilations)

Neva Mend (single) – NoKTuRNL [Festival Mushroom Records - FMR] Unveiled (ep) – NoKTuRNL [FMR] Haterz (single) – NoKTuRNL [FMR] Time Flies (album) – NoKTuRNL [FMR/Shock] Unveiled – the album (album) – NoKTuRNL [Shock]

Digital Dreaming (album) – with Frank Yamma [Massive Australia/Kissing Fish Music Internationally] Playing with Fire (album) – Frank Yamma [CAAMA music]

Civilised World (album) – Amunda [Larrikin/CAAMA music] Pedlar Ave (ep) – Amunda [Stuntpram]

A number of these recordings have been licensed for use in film, video and television, both nationally and internationally. Many individual tracks have also been included on compilation cd’s.

He has organized many events and tours, locally, nationally and internationally, both as a manager and as an agent. (see NoKTuRNL bio for examples)

Some examples of events organized in Alice Springs by Matthew include Midnight Oil and NoKTuRNL under the Loud and Live banner at the Todd Tavern (filmed for a half hour Channel V special) and the Come As You Are ‘all ages’ series of shows at Witchetty’s. Perhaps the best event he ever ran was the 1997 Australian Music Day Concert at the Winery. It featured the headline act , and 15 other Northern Territory based acts.

As an agent/consultant/promoter, his clients have included: Midnight Oil, , Kate Ceberano, Gang gajang, Spiderbait, Def FX, Grace Knight, James Morrison, Things of Stone & Wood, Archie Roach & Ruby Hunter, g.i.r.l., Gondwana, Valanga Khoza, The Holmes Brothers, Bu Baca, Ed Kuepper, Warumpi Band, Vimmi K, David Bridie, Chris Finnen, Neil Murray, Gwyn Ashton, G - Men, Russell Morris, Coloured Stone, Kerrie Anne Cox, Rob Fairbairn, Rob Riley, Peter Baxter, Steven Romig, Toni Janke, Scrap Metal, Crimplene, Barb Waters, Doc Rogers, Brian Ward, Leon Spurling, Johnny 'Tatt' Dalzell, Insurge, d.i.g., Bleach, the Fauves, Piping Hot, Kev Carmody, Tiddas, Lajamanu Teenage Band, Black Storm, Pukatja Band, Warren Williams, Bart Willoughby, Feral, Big Heavy Stuff, Djulpa, Shauna Hartig, Penelope Swales, Fiona O'Loughlin, Tumbleweed, , The Cruel Sea, Barry Skipsey, Dave Graney, Troy Casser-Daly, Murray Neck Music World, Araluen Centre for the Arts, Ausmusic NT, Alice Springs Town Council, Alice Plaza Shopping Centre, Ayers Rock Resort, The Winery, the Todd Tavern, Melanka Lodge Nightclub, Legends Nightclub and The Alice Springs Memorial Club.

Desert Sounds Hire specialised in providing sound and lighting solutions to the pubs and clubs of Alice Springs, although clients also included some of the churches and schools. Desert Sounds Hire also provided production for touring acts including Midnight Oil, Spiderbait, Ian Moss, Paul Kelly, and Ed Kuepper.

Matthew Guggisberg is contactable by phone: 0447 726 443, or email: [email protected]