Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant,

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The bulk LPG storage & bottling facility (Indane LPG bottling plant) comprises LPG storage of 1800 MT and LPG throughput of 1,20,000 MTPA through 2 LPG Filling carousels and is located at B37/pt to B43/pt, B50/pt, B51/pt, C30 to C41 in SIPCOT Industrial Growth Centre, Gangaikondan Village, Tirunelveli Taluk & District . IOCL constructed the facility without prior Environmental clearance. It is noted that project involves violation under the provision of E(P), Act, 1986 and EIA Notification, 2006. The project construction has been completed 3 years back (Nov’14) and still awaiting commissioning for want of Environmental clearance. Now, IOCL wants to obtain post facto Environmental Clearance for the bulk LPG storage & bottling facility. Application seeking EC was submitted to MoEFCC on 23.01.2018 as per Ministry’s (Violation) Notification S.O.804 (E) dated 14th March, 2017. The project was considered in EAC meeting held on 19-20, April, 2018. ToR has been issued on 21th May, 2018. The total area of the bottling plant is 42 Acres. The final bottling capacity of the LPG plant will be 1, 20,000 MTPA.

Need for the Project and Its Importance There is an urgent requirement of setting up a new LPG bottling plants in the state of Tamil Nadu to meet the increasing LPG demand. Presently, there is no IOCL bottling plant in down south , i.e. in the districts of Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari and Nagercoil. In order to overcome this problem, a bottling plant is very much necessary to be established in Tirunelveli to cater to the customers in the above districts so that there would not be a shortfall in supplies and customers will not suffers for LPG refills on any account.

The bulk LPG storage & bottling facility will be feeding LPG cylinders not only to , but also other to neighbouring districts namely, Tuticorin, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Virudunagar in Tamil Nadu and Trivandrum & other areas in Kerala. The LPG bottling plant will reduce the gap in demand and supply of LPG.

Project Location The project site is well connected by road and rail network. The project site is located adjacent to NH 7 which connects Varanasi & Kanyakumari. Gangaikondan Railway


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Station is located at the distance of 4 km (E). Tuticorin Airport is located at the distance of 33.55 km (SW). The Environmental Setting of the project is given in Table 1. The location map of Project site is given in Figure – 1.

The environmental settings of the project site are as given below: Table 1 - Environmental Settings S. No. Particulars Details 1 Latitude 8°49'50.10"N 2 Longitude 77°44'41.27"E 3 Site Elevation above MSL 60 m 4 Topography Plain 5 Present land use at the site Industrial 6 Nearest highway National Highway 7 – 850m (SE) 7 Nearest railway station Gangaikondan Railway Station – 4km (E) 8 Nearest airport Tuticorin Airport – 33.55 km (SW) 9 Nearest town / city Tirunelveli city – 13km (S) 10 Water body Thamirabarani river – 5.9km (SSE) Gangaikondan kulam – 3.8km (ENE) Indira kulam – 7km (NE) Mannur pond – 11.3km (W) Nainarkulam lake – 11.2km (SSW) 11 Nearest Port Tuticorin Port – 46km (ESE) 12 Hills / valleys Nil in 15km radius 13 Archaeologically important Nil in 15km radius 14 placesNational parks / Wildlife, Gangaikondan Spotted Deer Sanctuary - Sanctuaries / Eco sensitive 1.2km (E) zones as per Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 15 Reserved / Protected Gangaikondan RF – 91m (E) Forests Talaiyuthu RF – 919m (W) Melpattam RF – 6.6km (S) 16 Seismicity Zone II according to the Indian Standard Seismic Zoning Map 17 Defence Installations Nil in 15km radius


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Figure 1 - Location Map of Project Site


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Land Requirement The total area occupied by the bulk LPG storage & bottling facility is approximately 42 Acres and has been leased to M/s Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. The land use break-up is given in below table. Table 2 - Land Use Breakup S.No. Land use parameter Area (Acres) 1. Plant building area 1.73 2. Non-plant building area 2.26 3. LPG Storage area 0.8 4. Truck Parking Area 6.7 5. Driveway & pathway area 1.48 6. Future expansion area 8 7. Green belt development area 13.86 8. Open area 7.17 Total Area 42

Magnitude of Operation The bulk LPG storage & bottling facility has a consented LPG bottling throughput of 1,20,000 MTPA and bulk LPG storage capacity is total 1800 MT (3 mounded bullets x 600MT capacity). LPG throughput details are given in below table.

Table 3 - LPG Throughput

Bulk LPG storage facility LPG bottling throughput 3 x 600 MT (mounded bullets) 1,20,000 MTPA

Prior to commencing construction activities IOCL have obtained Consent to Establish from Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) vide Consent Order No. 6045 & 5985 dated. 18.09.2012.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS The bulk LPG storage & bottling facility at SIPCOT Gangaikondan village will be operated by IOCL. The plant will function primarily as LPG receipt, storage & bottling unit for filling into various size cylinders. The plant operations are categorized as,

1. Receipt of product


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

• Receipt of bulk LPG from M/s Indian Oil Petronas Pvt Ltd (M/s IPPL), a Joint Venture Company of IOC through bullet trucks of 18 MT capacity each. • Bullet Truck unloading through 8 Decanting Bays. • Bulk LPG transfer from 8 bays to LPG storage bullets. • Storage of bulk LPG in 3 x 600 MT (1800 MT) mounded type LPG bullets.

2. Receipt of empty LPG cylinders & segregation • Empty cylinders will be received from Indane distributors • Defective and unfit cylinders will be segregated for rectification/repairs. • Only sound empty cylinders will be taken for filling.

3. Bottling • Pumping of bulk LPG to Carousal type LPG filling machines (2x24 machines) • Bottling of LPG in 5, 14.2, 19 and 47.5 kg capacity LPG cylinders. • On-line Quality Control Checks like weight, leakage, etc. on filled cylinders.

4. Loading into trucks • Sound filled cylinders will be loaded into trucks for distributors • Statistical Quality Control Checks are carried out before despatches to markets

5. Distribution • Loaded packed cylinders trucks will carry the filled cylinders to our authorised Indane Distributors. • Filled cylinders will be stored in Explosive Licensed LPG godowns. • Distributors will carry filled cylinders to our customers, deliver the filled cylinders after pre-delivery quality checks and take back empty cylinders from customers. • Empty cylinders will be stored in LPG godowns and then brought back to bottling plant for refilling.

Project Cost- The cost for setting up the LPG Bottling Plant at SIPCOT, Gangaikondan village is estimated as Rs. 78.58 Crores.

2. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT Primary baseline environmental monitoring studies were conducted during three months from February 2018 to April 2018 and details are as follows:


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Meteorology - The maximum and minimum temperature recorded during the study period is 34°C and 23°C. The relative humidity found varying from 60 to 83%. The predominant winds are mostly from Northwest, Northeast and Southeast directions. Maximum 63mm rainfall was recorded during study period. Air Environment - To establish the baseline status of the ambient air quality in the study area, the air quality was monitored at Seven (7) locations. The maximum and minimum values of Ambient Air Quality monitoring are given in the following table 4:

Figure 2 – Air Quality Sampling Locations

The results of the monitored data indicate that the ambient air quality of the region in general is in conformity with respect to the norms of National Ambient Air Quality standards (NAAQS) of CPCB, with present level of activities. Noise Environment - The noise monitoring has been conducted at six (6) locations in the study area. The noise levels are found to be well within the CPCB standards.


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Water Environment - Five (5) groundwater samples and two (2) surface water samples within the study area were considered for assessment. The water samples were collected and analysed during 2018. The sulphate, nitrate and fluoride content in the ground water are found to be within the IS in all the samples. Soil Environment - Five locations within the study area were selected for soil sampling. It has been observed that the soil indicates the low level of organic matter. Ecological Environment - There are no endemic and endangered species of flora within the study region. Gangaikondan Spotted Deer Sanctuary is within 5 km radius of the project site and there is no national park or bird sanctuary within the 15 km radius of the project site. An application for NBWL clearance has been made and it is at final stage under National Board of Wildlife/MoEFCC (WL) (Proposal No. FP/TN/IND/226/2015). Socio-Economic Environment - As per 2011 census the study area consists of 71,148 persons inhabited in the study area of 10km radial distance from the periphery of the plant. The males and females constitute 35,476 and 35,672 of the study area population respectively. The average household size of the study area is 3.72 persons. In the study area, 25.29% of the population belongs to Scheduled Castes (SC) and 0.15% the population belongs to Scheduled Tribes (ST). The study area experiences total literacy rate of 73.10%. As per 2011 census records, altogether the main workers works out to be 43.86% of the total population. The non-workers constitute to 56.13 of the total population respectively.

3. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES Ambient Air Environment - No emissions will be generated during the operations as the entire bottling process will be carried out through close circuit piping from storage area to filling shed. The only point sources of emissions will D.G sets & Fire Engines, which will be operated intermittently. D.G sets & Fire Engines have been fitted with stacks of adequate height to disperse the pollutants.

Impact on Water Environment - Total water requirement for the LPG plant is 4 KLD, which will be sourced through SIPCOT Industrial Growth Centre, Gangaikondan village. There is no requirement for drawl of surface / groundwater or diversion from other sources. From the bottling plant, 2.4 KLD sewage will be generated, which will be disposed through septic tanks & soak pits having dimensions 2 m x 1.5 m x 1.5 m.


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Washing water generated from cylinder washing will be diverted to sedimentation traps and clarified waste water will be reused for cylinder washing. There will be no process / trade effluent generated during operations.

Impact on Ambient Noise Environment - The only source of noise within the Bottling Plant during D.G set operation and handling if cylinders and vehicular traffic. DG sets are placed within acoustic enclosures. 33% of the plot area has been earmarked for greenbelt to contain the spread of noise emissions.

Solid and Hazardous Waste Generation- No industrial solid waste will be generated during the bottling process. Damaged cylinders will be segregated & stored on site prior to disposal as metal scrap. Used oil generated as hazardous waste from D.G set operation will be disposed to TNPCB Authorized Used Oil Recyclers.

Details on Fire Protection System and Safety Measures - The leakage of LPG is monitored through gas monitoring sensors (GMS) that has been installed at strategic points inside the plant premises. At present there are 35 Nos GMS sensors that have been installed, which is connected to a PC in the control room for monitoring the leak levels. The sensors will give initial alarm at 20% lower explosive limit (LEL) and continuous alarm at 60% LEL so that the leakage can be controlled before the concentration of LPG reaches its LEL. Fire water storage tanks (3 x 2500 kld) have been provided at the bottling plant.

Impact on Socio-Economic Environment - Tirunelveli LPG Bottling Plant shall be feeding domestic LPG not only to Tirunelveli District, but also other neighbouring Districts of Tuticorin, Nagercoil, Kanniyakumari, Virudunagar in Tamil Nadu and Trivandrum & other areas of Kerala State. It is have positive impact on the social- economic conditions of the area.

4. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMME Environmental monitoring plan for operation phases of the bulk LPG storage and bottling facilities has been prepared to ensure efficiency of implemented mitigation measures. In order to implement the environmental management program efficiently within the organization, periodical monitoring as per statutory guidelines and mid- course corrections/actions, environmental cell will be established for successful implementation of monitoring plan.


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

To monitor the health of people working in plant a doctor has also appointed who visits the plant three times a week and free check-ups are carried out for all the persons in the plant.

5. BENEFITS OF PROJECT The project shall yield following benefits:

 Presently, there are no IOCL bottling plants in down south of Madurai, i.e. in the districts of Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari and Nagercoil. There is a backlog at times during monsoon season and festival seasons. In order to overcome this problem, a bottling plant is very much necessary to be established in Tirunelveli to cater to the customers in the above districts so that there would not be a shortfall in supplies and customers will not be affected on any account.  Tirunelveli LPG Bottling Plant shall be feeding this essential commodity not only to Tirunelveli District, but also other neighbouring Districts of Tuticorin, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Virudunagar in Tamil Nadu and Trivandrum & other of Kerala State.  Improves the quality of life by overcoming the health implications arising due to the use biomass fuel like wood, dung and crop residues.  The overhead costs incurred during LPG cylinder transport through roads (trucks) from Madurai will be eliminated.  There is an estimated saving of Rs. 14.48 Crores/annum to the nation towards logistic cost.

6. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Air Environment Management Adequate green belt has been developed on 13.86 Acres within the plant to mitigate the pollution arising due to movement of vehicles. Regular monitoring of DG – Stack and ambient air quality monitoring will be carried out.

Water Environment Management Sewage generated will be disposed through septic tanks & soak pits. Washing water generated from cylinder washing will be diverted to sedimentation traps & clarified water will be reused for cylinder washing.


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Noise Environment Management All noise generating equipment’s like LPG compressor, DG-Sets etc., will be provided with acoustic enclosure to help in attenuating the noise levels thereby the ambient noise levels will be maintained below the CPCB limits of 75 dB(A) for industrial areas.

Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Municipal solid waste generated onsite will be disposed through local village body. Damaged cylinders and scraps will be sold to local scrap dealers. Used oil generated will be disposed through TNPCB Authorized recyclers.

Rainwater & Storm Water Drainage Network Sizes of rain water harvesting tanks are 2.5 mtr in diameter with depth of 5 mtrs and have been filled with brick bats to collect the water in case of heavy rain. Size of rain water harvesting tanks: 2.5 mtr in diameter with depth of 5 mtrs.

Figure - 3 Storm Water Drains inside the Plant

Figure 4 - Rain Water Drains inside the Plant


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Greenbelt Development Green belt is being developed at 33% of total plot area. Approximately 2000 trees were planted and proposal to strengthen by planting more trees in the bottling plant. List of plants and the number of samplings planted at the bottling plant .

ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGET – For implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring plan capital cost and recurring cost per annum are as given below:

Table 6 – EMP budget Existing

Environmental/ Cost of mitigation measures Existing measures Social Issue (Rs Lakh) PPEs and Water Sprinklers are deployed 15 during construction phase 20

Air pollution Plantation on 14 acres of Annual Maintenance of 1 mitigation land of about 2000 Trees plantation will increase from 1 to around 2 Lakhs Monitoring of Air and Noise pollution (Acoustic 15 Enclosure) Rain water harvesting tanks of 4x4 sq.m with 14.7 depth of 2 m are provided. Storm water drains are

Water pollution provided all along the 45.05 2 mitigation plant area. Water Management – cylinder washing unit and 14 in line bath Gas Monitoring of System 13.4 Signage’s for EMP 10 3 Safety Fire fighting Measures 480.83 LED Lighting fixtures - instead of CFL 4 Energy savings Solar Panel of 30KW - 5 CSR 48.67 Amount already spent 676.65


Executive Summary for LPG Bottling Plant, Tirunelveli

Cost for Remediation Plan & Natural and Community Resource Augmentation Plan

Total budgetary provision w.r.t. violation as envisaged in Notification dt. 14-03-2017 S.No Amount in Rs 1 Cost proposed on Remediation plan 23,34,000 2 Cost proposed on Natural Resource Augmentation Plan 79,47,000 3 Cost proposed on Community Resource Augmentation Plan 41,08,000 Total 143,89,000

7. CONCLUSION Based on the environmental assessment, all possible environment aspects have been adequately assessed and necessary control measures have been formulated to meet with statutory requirements. The LPG storage and bottling facilities will ensure availability of LPG for domestic and industrial establishments in the region which will help in minimizing of use fossil fuel (petrol, HSD, furnace oil, etc.), coal, wood, etc. Consequently, it will help in maintaining cleaner environment due to reduction in emissions. Use of LPG as a cleaner fuel will also create healthy environmental conditions and help in uplift of socio-economic conditions of people of the region. The LPG storage and bottling facilities shall generate additional direct/indirect employment and indirect service sector enhancement in the region and would help in the socio-economic up- liftment of the state as well as the local area.