No. 123 March, 1905



United States Public Documents

Issued Monthly



Washington Government Printing Office 1905 Table of Contents

Page Page .. 260 General Information...... 233 ' Navy Department...... 235 Post-Office Department... .. 262 Congress of ...... State, Department of...... 263 Laws...... 236 240 Treasury Department...... 265 Senate...... 242 I War Department...... 267 House...... Courts of United States ... .. 270 Sheep-bound Reserve...... 241 ; .. 270 President of United States...... 244 District of Columbia ...... 245 Smithsonian Institution .. .. 270 Agriculture, Department of...... - • - - - Various Bureaus...... 271 Commerce and Labor, Department of. 249 .. 275 Interior, Department of the...... 255 ; Shipments to Depositories Justice, Department of...... 260 Index......

Abbreviations Used in this Catalogue

Academy...... -£cad. I Mile,1 miles...... Miscellaneous...... misc. Agricultural...... agIA‘ Nautical5 ...... naut. Amendments...... amdts. ( . no., nos. American...... Amer. .Number, numbers...... Octavo...... 8« Appendix...... -^PP- Page, pages...... P- Association...... i Part, parts...... pt., pts. Board...... Plate, plates...... pl- College...... •-co”- ...... por. Commission...... cornu. Portrait, portraits...... Public...... pub. Committee...... -c0“- j Quarto...... 4° Congress...... I Railway...... ry. Consular...... I Report...... IP- Department ...... dept, j ...... res. । Resolution...... Document...... ao£- Secretary ...... secy. Executive...... sec. Exposition...... expos. Section, sections...... Senate bill...... S. Facsimile, facsimiles...... lacsnm Senate concurrent resolution .. ...S.C.R. Folio...... - --J° Senate document...... S.doc. General...... geJI- ...S.J.R. Geologic...... -g Senate joint resolution...... eo}- Senate report...... Government...... k • f Senate resolution (simple)...... Historical...... ni5J- Session...... sess. House bill...... - -, -...... £r ’A r ....16» House concurrent resolution...... h . c. k . । I Sixteenmo...... I Society...... soc. House document...... doc. | ..supt. House joint resolution...... H.J. k . Superintendent...... | Table, tables...... tab. House report...... - - - -...... U; rP- ,...32« House resolution (simple)...... n. k . i Thirtytwo-mo...... Illustrated,illustration,illustrations ...H. ;, Treasury...... Treas. j Twelvemo...... ,...12» Inch, inches...... | ,...24» Institute, institution...... inst. I Twentyfour-mo...... University...... univ. Latitude...... - | Versus...... vs., f. Leaf, leaves ! Volume, volumes...... Library .... yr. Longitude. ..long. I Year......

Explanation Words and figures inclosed in brackets [ ] are given for information, but do not appear on the title-pages of the publications catalogued. When size is not given, octavo is to be understood. Size of maps is measured from outer edge of border, excluding margin. The dates, including day, month, and year given with Senate and House documents and reports, are the dates on which They were ordered to be printed. Usually the printing promptly follows the ordering, but various causes sometimes make delays. When Congress and session are not given with the numbers of Senate and House documents and reports, 58th Congress, 3d session, is to be understood.

232 General Information With Reference to the Distribution of Documents

NOTE TO LIBRARIANS Librarians receiving the monthly catalogue will please notify the Superintendent of Documents of any change in name or address.


The monthly catalogue is now sent to each Senator, Representative, Delegate, and officer in Congress, to each State and Territorial library and designated depository, to substantially all Government authors, and to as many school, college, and public libraries as the limited edition will supply. Individuals may obtain it by subscription at $1.10 a year, subscription to begin with the number following receipt of remittance. Back numbers can not be supplied.

DISTRIBUTION TO LIBRARIES AND INDIVIDUALS The Superintendent of Documents is not authorized to supply docu- ments free to individuals, except publications specifically authorized by Congress to be distributed by him to persons designated by Senators, Representatives, or Delegates. In no case will documents be supplied free to a library unless it has a permanent organization and, if not a designated depository, the indorse- ment of the Representative in Congress from the district in which located. Documents authorized by law to be distributed to designated deposi- tory libraries will be forwarded by registered mail as soon as received from the Government Printing Office. A list of documents forwarded this month is given herein. INDEX

The index to the monthly catalogue is cumulative from January to June, and from July to November. The December number will con- tain an index to the twelve numbers for the year. Persons desiring to bind the catalogue at the end of the year should be careful to retain the numbers received monthly, as duplicate numbers can not be supplied.

233 234 Marc h , 1905 SALES The Superintendent of Documents is authorized to sell at cost any public document in his charge the distribution of which is not otherwise provided for. Only one copy is permitted to be sold to the same person, excepting libraries or schools and Members of Congress. Price-lists of documents available for sale by the Superintendent of Documents will be supplied free on application in person or by mail. PRICES Documents entered in this catalogue that are for sale by the Superin- tendent of Documents are indicated by a (*) preceding the price named. The absence of a (*) indicates that application should be made to the Department, bureau, or division issuing the document. HOW TO REMIT Remittances maybe made to the Superintendent of Documents, Wash- ington, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or New York draft. Stamps, foreign money, and personal checks will positively not be accepted. Remittances in coin or bills will be at sender’s risk. Remittances to the Public Printer should be made by postal money order, express money order, or draft on New York. Remittances to the Geological Survey should be made by money order. The Hydrographic Office sells for 50c its “Catalogue of charts, plans, sailing directions, and other publications.” Other Government offices which have books, pamphlets, maps, or charts for sale issue price-lists, which will be sent free to all applicants. The prices charged are never more than cost and 10 per cent added, and frequently much less than that. All public documents, from whatever Department or bureau they may be bought or procured, will be forwarded free of postage to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba. To other countries regular rates of postage are charged, and remittances must be made to include such postage.

WHERE DOCUMENTS MAY BE OBTAINED General directions as to where documents may be procured are given in the body of the catalogue.

LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES By act of Congress the sale of the Revised statutes, Statutes at large, and pamphlet laws has been transferred from the Department of State to the Superintendent of Documents. The following are the prices at which the Revised statutes and the recent pamphlet laws are sold. Priceswill be furnished on application for Statutes at large and pamphlet laws prior to the 58th Congress: Revised statutes, edition of 1878, sheep...... $2. 90 Revised statutes, supplement, vol. 1, edition of 1891, sheep...... 2.00 Revised statutes, supplement, vol. 2, edition of 1901, sheep...... 2.85 Revised statutes, supplement, vol. 2, no. 6,1895-96, paper...... 15 Revised statutes, supplement, vol. 2, no. 7, 1896-97, paper...... 30 Revised statutes, supplement, vol. 2, no. 8, 1897-99, paper...... 75 Revised statutes, supplement, vol. 2, no. 9, 1899-1901, paper...... 85 Laws of 1st and 2d sessions, 58th Congress, 1903-04, paper...... 1.10 Catalogue of Public Documents Printed During the Month of March, 1905

Congress of United States

Abridgment, 1904; message from President to Congress at beginning of rin^IOI1,of ^ongress> with reports of heads of Departments [1904J and selections from accompanying documents; edited under direction of Joint Committee on Printing. 1905. v.l,p. 1-916. * Cloth, 65c f.,^OTc''77v m contains the message of the President and the reports of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, the Secretary of War, the Attorney-General, and the Post- master-General. v. 2 will contain the reports of the Secretary of the Navv the mercJ nnd’r Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Com- merce and Labor, with selections from accompanying documents. Congressional record, 58th Congress, 3d session, v. 39, nos. 63-68- Mar 1-20,1905. p. 3863-4314, 2 il. 4° Not e .—The Congressional record, containing the proceedings and debates of Congress, is issued daily when Congress is in session, and indexes thereto are published semimonthly. Congress expired Mar. 4; but 2 numbers of the Record containing speeches, etc., were issued Mar. 8 and 20. ’ „ Record is sold by the Public Printer on the following terms: Single copy w rnnn hD« £nOre th’i"1 ?4 pa?es’ and 1 cent more for eacn additional 8 page's; per month, $1.50; per short session, $4.00; per long session, $8.00. Subscriptions are payable in advance Send remittances for the daily Record by money order or registered letter to H T. Brian, Chief Clerk, Government Printing Office Pr!-,’L‘ xvmnuo of the Record are sold by the Superintendent of Documents. -be .f,llrnlslled on application for the proceedings and debates of the 57th and prior Congresses. The volume containing the proceedings and debates Dlete InVnArt^n 7 d^ d Con^r®SH> als0 special session of the Senate, is com- plete m 1 part, including index, and costs $1.50. The set containing the nroceed- ^ggf)n of the 58th Congress is in 6 parts and index, and costs Documents d remlttances for the bound volumes to the Superintendent of Same, index [including History of bills and joint resolutions] 6 [to] nos. 61-67; Feb. 27-Mar. 4, 1905. 39 + 87 p. 4° L J Same, 59th Congress, special session of Senate, v. 40, nos. 1-12- Mar 4- 18, 1905. 46 p. 4° CONFERENCE COMMITTEES Foss, G. E. Conference report on H. 18467, making appropriations for naval service, 1906. Mar. 1, 1905. 3 p. (H. rp. 4885.) Lacey, J. F Conference report on H. 14622, prohibiting selection of timber [and other] lands in lieu of lands in forest reserves. Mar 2 1905. 2 p. (H. rp. 4904.) Littauer, L. X. .(_ onference report on H. 17094, making appropriations tor fortifications and ordnance [1906]. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. (H. rp.

235 236 March , 1905 Marshall, T. F. Conference report on H. 17994, to ratify and amend agreement with Indians on Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, Wyo. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. (H. rp. 4884.)

USELESS PAPERS IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS, JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE ON DISPOSITION OF Bates, A. L. Report favoring disposition of certain useless papers in Department of the Interior. Mar. 1, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4880. ) [Same as Senate report 4375, for which see Catalogue for leb. 1905, page 113.] LAWS


[58th Congress, 3d session] private [act] 1180-1569; approved Mar. 1-3, 1905. Each 1 p. PUBLIC LAWS [58th Congress, 3d session] public [act] 114-238; approved Mar. 1-3, 1905. Agriculture, Department of. Making appropriations for Department, 1906. No. 138. [Mar. 3.J 26 p. „ , , Alaska. To amend act for construction of roads, establishment of schools, and care of insane in Alaska [as to terms of members of school boards]. No. 224. —— To further prescribe duties of secretary of Alaska. No. 230. Mar. 3. 1 p. American Academy in . To incorporate academy. No. 208. [Mar. 3.] 2p. Apalachicola River. To authorize Apalachicola and Northern Railway to con- struct bridge [bridges] across Apalachicola River and East St. Mary River [in Franklin County, Fla.J. No. 222. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Appraisers. For performance, temporarily, of duties of appraisers and assistant appraisers of merchandise. No. 146. Mar. 3. Ip. Appropriations. Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses, 1906. No. 216. [Mar. 3.] 65 p. . „ -----Making appropriations to supply deficiencies, 1905 and prior years. No. 217. [Mar.3.1 50 p. r„ Army. Making appropriation for Army, 1906. No. 127. [Mar. 2.] 16 p. Arsenal, Kennebec. To convey arsenal property, Augusta, Me., to Maine. No. 23o. Mar. 3. 1 p. . . , , 4th Regiment, Battery E. To amend act to cause to be erected monu- ments and markers on battlefield of Gettysburg, Pa., to commemorate deeds of certain regiments and batteries of Army [so as to include Battery E,4th Artil lery]. No. 144. Mar. 3. Ip. Ashley River. Authorizing construction of 2 bridges across river in counties of Charleston and Dorchester, S. C. [by Charleston and Summerville Railway Com- pany], No. 204. [Mar. 3.1 2 p. Bartlett Lake, Minn. Setting aside island in lake as park and forest reserve. No. 166. Mar.3. Ip. „ Boeuf River. Relating to [construction of bridges over river and Bayou Macon, La., by] Monroe and Lake Providence Railroad Company. No. 129. [Mar. 2.] 2 p. Brooklyn, steamer. To provide American register for steamer. No. 117. Mar.l. Buffalo, N. Y. To authorize Buffalo to construct tunnel under Lake Erie and Niagara River [etc.]. No. 132. Mar. 2. Ip. . Call, Samuel J. To appoint Call surgeon in Revenue-Cutter Service. No. 199. Mar. 3. 1 p. . r . Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Fixing status of merchandise [and persons] coming into United States from zone. No. 131. Mar. 2. 1 p. Cascade County, Mont. For resurvey of township 19 north, range 6 east, Montana meridian, Cascade County. No. 150. Mar. 3. 1 p. Chippewa lands Extending provisions of sec. 2301, Revised statutes [asamended, relating to commutation] to homestead settlers on lands ceded under act for relief of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. No. 172. Mar. 3. Ip. Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad. Granting to company power to sell to Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company railway property, rights [etc.]. No. 156. Mar. 3. 1 p. . Churchill, Creighton. To transfer Churchill from retired to active list of Navy. . No. 226. Mar. 3. 1 p. , „ Clerks of United States courts. To amend act for clerk for circuit and district courts of United States at Wilmington, N. C. [so as to provide for clerks at New- bern and Elizabeth]. No. 169. Mar. 3. 1 p. Marc h , 1905 237 [58th Congress, 3d session] public [act] 114-238—Continued. Coldwater River. To authorize county of Quitman to construct bridge across river [at or near Marks] Miss. No. 197. Mar. 3. 1 p. -----To authorize county of Quitman to construct bridge across river [near Par- nells Ferry] Miss. No. 195. Mar. 3. 1 p. Connecticut River. To amend act to authorize commissioners for Connecticut bridge and highway district to construct bridge across river at Hartford Conn [as to style of bridge]. No. 134. Mar. 2. Ip. Courts of United States. For circuit and district courts at Albany, Ga. No. 164 [Mar. 3.] 2 p. —— For terms of district and circuit courts at Washington, N. C. Mar. -----To create new division of western judicial district of Louisiana, and for terms of court at Lake Charles. No. 128. Mar. 2. 1 p. -----To [create northern division of southern judicial district and western division of northern district of and] for circuit and district courts at Selma and Tuscaloosa. No. 152. [Mar. 3.1 “ -----To divide Washington [State]J into 2 judicial districts. No. 125. [Mar. 2.] 3p. -----To fix compensation------of- crierscriers and bailiffs in courts. No. 220. Mar. 3. 1 p. Cumberland River. To authorize Trigg County, Ky„ to bridge river at or near Canton. No. 210. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Customs Service. To amend sec. 2787, Revised statutes [relative to bond filed bv agent of owner or consignee of imported goods]. No. 126. Mar. 2. 1 p. Diamond Shoal. To amend act for construction of light-house and fog signal at Diamond Shoal, Cape Hatteras [by Albert F. Eells], No. 231. [Mar. 3.] 3 p. Diplomatic service. Making appropriations for diplomatic and consular service. 1906. No. 140. [Mar. 3.1 15 p. District of Columbia. For condemning land necessary for joining Kalorama avenue and Prescott place. No. 177. [Mar. 3.] 3 p. ---- For extension of M street east of Bladensburg road. No. 142. [Mar. 3.] 3 p. -----For extension of 19th street [northwest] from Woodley road to Baltimore street. No. 175. [Mar. 3.] 3 p. -----For extension of Rittenhouse street. No. 202. [Mar. 3.] 3 p. -----For extension of T street [northeast]. No. 168. [Mar. 3.] 3 p. -----For public convenience stations in District. No. 147. Mar. 3. 1 p. -----For relief of street-car motormen. No. 167. Mar. 3. 1 p. -----Making appropriations for District, 1906. No. 131. [Mar. 3.] 36 p. -----Regulating use of telegraph wires in District. No. 148. (Mar. 3.] 3 p. -----To amend act for eliminating grade crossings on Baltimore and Potomac Railway [Railroad] in Washington, D. C. [etc.]. No. 123. Mar. 2. 1 p. -----To amend act relating to police of District [as to beneficiaries of policemen’s and firemen’s fund]. No. 120. Mar. 1. Ip. —— To amend act to establish code of law for District, as amended [relative to issue of ancillary letters of guardianship in ease of nonresident infants or lunatics]. No. 174. Mar. 3. Ip. To amend act to establish code of law for District [relative to reincorpora- tion of corporations]. No. 178. Mar. 3. 1 p. -----To amend act to establish code of law for District [so as to punish those plac- ing explosives near buildings, etc., with malicious intent], No. 194. Mar.3. Ip. ---- To authorize Anaeostia, Surrattsville and Brandvwine Electric Railway Com- pany to extend railway [into] District. No. 145. ‘[Mar. 3.] 4 p. -----To authorize levying of assessments [for water mains and service sewers laid within 1 year prior to Apr. 22, 19041. No. 206. Mar. 3. 1 p. -----To define limits of square 1131, Washington, D. C. [belonging to Sidnev Bie- ber], No. 181. Mar. 3. 1 p. Field, James G. Restoring Field, naval surgeon, to line of promotion. No. 219. Mar. 3. 1 p. Fortifications. Making appropriations for fortifications and ordnance [19061. No. 135. [Mar. 3.] 4 p. L J George Washington University. Supplemental to act of Feb. 9, 1821, incorpora- ting Columbian College [now George Washington University] in District, and acts amendatory. No. 200. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Gila County, Ariz. To authorize county to issue bonds to build court-house [etc.l. No. 232. Mar. 3. 1 p. L J Gloucester, Mass. To make Gloucester port to which merchandise may be im- ported without appraisement. No. 121. Mar. 1. Ip. Hawaii. To amend act to provide government for Hawaii. No. 198. Mar. 3. 1 p. Indians. Making appropriations for Indian Department, 1906. No. 212. [Mar. 3.] 39 p. Insects. To prohibit importation or interstate transportation of insect pests and use of mails for that purpose. No. 234. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Jamestown, Va. For celebrating first permanent settlement of English-speaking people on Western Hemisphere by holding international celebration in vicin- ity of Jamestown, for permanent commemoration of event [etc.l. No. 211. [Mar. 3.1 2 p. Judges. For additional associate justice of Supreme Court of Arizona. No. 162. Mar. 3. 1 p. -----For additional judge in 7th judicial circuit, for additional judge for northern district of Illinois and creating eastern district of Illinois, for judge and other officers of said district, changing boundaries of districts in Illinois, and for holding court in districts created. No. 160. [Mar. 3.] 5 p. 238 March , 1905 [58th Congress, 3d session] public [act] 114-238—Continued. Judges—Continued. For additional judge of district court for . No.151. Mar. 3. 1 p. Klamath Reservation, Oreg. To aid in quieting title to lands within reservation [belonging to California and Oregon Land Company]. No. 193. Mar. 3. Ip. Leprosy. For investigation of leprosy, with special reference to care and treat- ment of lepers in Hawaii. No. 176. Mar. 3. 1 p. Lofland, John H. Authorizing appointment of [Lofland, Earl W. Chaffee, and Joseph D. Little] in Navy. No. 227. Mar. 3. 1 p. McAlpine, Kenneth. To reinstate McAlpine as lieutenant in Navy. No. 158. Mar. 3. 1 p. Military Academy. Making appropriations for academy, 1906. No. 137. [Mar. 3.] 13 p. ' Militia. To promote efficiency of reserve militia and to encourage rifle practice among members. No. 149. Mar. 3. 1 p. Minnesota. To cause lands [at headwaters of Mississippi River] withdrawn for reservoir purposes to be restored to public domain subject to entry under home- stead law. No. 154. Mar. 3. 1 p. Mississippi. To quiet certain [swamp] land titles in Mississippi. No. 218. Mar. 3. 1 P- Mississippi River. Permitting building of dam across river near Bemidji, Minn, [by Kirby Thomas, E. J. Swedback, and M. A. Spooner]. No. 207. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Missouri River. To authorize Missouri Central Railroad Company to construct bridge across river near Glasgow, Mo. No. 238. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. —— To authorize Missouri Central Railroad Company to construct bridge across river near St. Charles, Mo. No. 237. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. -----To extend time for commencement and completion of bridge across river at or near Pierre, S. Dak. [by Duluth, Pierre and Black Hills Railroad Company], No. 191. Mar. 3. 1 p. Natchitoches, La. To exchange site for public building at Natchitoches. No. 163. Mar. 3, 1 p. Navy. Making appropriations for naval service, 1906. No. 214. [Mar. 3.] 29 p. New York City. For conveyance of lands [to New York City]. No. 115. Mar. 1. 1 p. Nome, Alaska. To establish life-saving station at Nome. No. 114. Mar. 1. Ip. Northern Pacific Railroad. Validating conveyances of company [in Spokane, Wash.]. No. 182. Mar. 3. Ip. Ouachita River. To authorize county of Ouachita to construct bridge across river [at or near Camden] Ark. No. 236. Mar. 3. 1 p. Pawnee County, Okla. To legalize indebtedness of school district 1 in county. No. 233. Mar. 3. Ip. Pendleton, Alexander G., jr. To reinstate cadet in Military Acad- emy. No. 130. Mar. 2. 1 p. Pensions. Making appropriations for pensions, 1906. No. 136. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Periodicals. To amend chapter 394, Supplement to Revised statutes [v. 1, p. 593, relative to false evidence as to publications offered for admission to the mails at 2d-class rates]. No. 124. Mar. 2. Ip. Philippine Islands. To revise and amend tariff laws of islands. No. 141. [Mar. 3.] 56 p. Pioneer, steam lighter. To provide American register for steam lighter. No. 118. Mar. 1. Ip. Porto Rico. To extend time within which actions for recovery of duties paid in Porto Rico [Apr. 11, 1899-May 1, 1900] may be brought in Court of Claims. No. 180. Mar. 3. 1 p. Post-Office Department. Making appropriations for Department, 1906. No. 213. [Mar. 3.] 11 p. -----Relative to commissions of officers under direction of Postmaster-General and Secretary of Commerce and Labor, respectively. No. 155. Mar. 3. Ip. Postal service. To amend act to revise and amend statutes relating to Post- Office Department [so as to allow sureties of clerks to be released and new bonds obtained in lieu thereof]. No. 221. Mar. 3. I p. Purcell, Ind. T. Legalizing ordinance of Purcell [relative to assessment, equaliza- tion, etc., of taxes], No. 119. Mar. 1. Ip. Quarantine. To establish quarantine districts, to regulate movement of cattle and other live stock therefrom [etc.]. No. 229. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Receivers, land offices. For relief of receivers of public moneys acting as special disbursing agents. No. 122. Mar. 2. 1 p. Reclamation fund. For covering into fund certain proceeds of sales of property purchased by reclamation fund. No. 192. Mar. 3. 1 p. Rivers and harbors. Making appropriations for rivers and harbors [1906]. No. 215. [Mar. 3.1 44 p. Rock County, Nebr. For resurvey of certain townships in counties of Rock and Brown, Nebr. No. 201. Mar. 3. 1 p. Rock River. Authorizing construction of dam across river at Lyndon, Ill. [by Edward A. Smith, Harvey S. Green, and John J. Hurlbert]. No. 171. Mar. 3. 1 p. Roseau County, Minn. To enable independent school district 12, Roseau County, to purchase lands [on ceded portion of Red Lake Reservation]. No. 153. Mar. 3. 1 p. Marc h , 1905 239

[58th Congress, 3d session] public [act] 114-238—Continued. St. Joseph River. To authorize board of supervisors of Berrien County, Mich., to construct bridge across river near mouth. No. 133. Mar. 2. 1 p. Schwerin. Leopold H. To authorize appointment of Schwerin as assistant sur- geon in Navy. No. 143. Mar. 3. 1 p. South Dakota. Establishing boundary line between South Dakota and Nebraska south of Union County, S. Dak. No. 116. Mar. 1. 1 p. Spokane River. For acquirement of water rights in river along southern bound- ary of Spokane Reservation, Wash., [and] lands on reservation for sites for power purposes. No. 173. Mar. 3. 1 p. Steamboat Inspection Service. To amend sec. 4405, Revised statutes [relating to meetings of Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels, etc. |. No. 186. Mar. 3. 1 p. ----- To amend sec. 4414, Revised statutes [relating to inspectors of steam vessels]. No.*188. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. -----To amend sec. 4415, 4416, 4423,4426.4149,4452,4470,4472,4498, and 4233, Revised statutes, relating to steamboat inspection [etc.]. No. 190. [Mar.3.] 5 p. -----To amend sec. 4417, 4453, 4488, and 4499, Revised statutes, relating to service, and sec. 5344, Revised statutes, relating to misconduct by officers or owners of vessels. No. 187. [Mar. 3.] 4 p. -----To amend sec. 4418, 4480, and 4183, Revised statutes, and to repeal sec. 4435, 4436, and 4459, Revised statutes, relating to service. No. 189. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Stringham, torpedo boat. To accept torpedo boats Stringham and Goldsborough. No. 225. Mar.3. Ip. Tacoma, Wash. Granting lands to Tacoma for park. No. 179. Mar. 3. Ip. Tallahatchie River. To authorize county of Quitman to construct bridge across Tallahatchie River, Miss. No. 196. Mar. 3. 1 p. Telegraph. To amend sec. 2288, Revised statutes [as amended, relating to rights of settlers under preemption, homestead, etc., laws to transfer portions of claims for certain public purposes, so as to include claims for right of way of telegraph and telephones]. No. 157. Mar. 3. 1 p. Timber lands. Prohibiting selection of timber [and other] lands in lieu of lands in forest reserves. No. 228. Mar. 3. 1 p. Tombigbee River. To authorize Pensacola, Alabama and Western Railroad Com- pany to construct bridge over river in county of Lowndes, Miss., to construct bridge over Alabama River between counties of Clarke and Monroe, Ala., and to construct bridge over Black Warrior River between counties of Greene and , Ala. No. 223. [Mar. 3.1 2 p. Translations. To amend sec. 4952, Revised statutes [as amended, so as to protect rights of those obtaining copyright for English translations of books in foreign languages]. No. 165. Mar. 3. Ip. Tug Fork. Authorizing Louisa and Fort Gay Bridge Company to erect bridge across Tug and Levisa forks of Big Sandy River [at or near Louisa, Ky.]. No. 184. [Mar. 3. ] 2 p. —— To authorize Borderland Coal Company to bridge Tug Fork of Big Sandy River east of Nolan, W. Va. No. 205. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. -----To authorize Everett Leftwich to bridge Tug Fork of Big Sandy River at Nolan, W. Va. No. 203. [Mar. 3.] 2p. Utah. For [additional] land district in Utah. No. 183. Mar. 3. 1 p. White River. Permitting building of bridge across river joining township of Harrison, Knox County, and township of Washington, Pike County, Ind. [by Vincennes, West Baden and Louisville Traction Company]. No. 161. [Mar. 3.] 2 p. Wind River Reservation, Wyo. To ratify and amend agreement with Indians on Shoshone or Wind River Reservation. No. 185. [Mar. 3.] 7 p. Wyoming. To authorize resurvey of certain lands in Wyoming. No. 159. Mar. 3. 1 p. Yellowstone River. To construct dams across river in Montana in connection with irrigation works. No. 209. Mar. 3. 1 p. [58th Congress, 3d session] public [joint] resolution 22-34; approved Mar. 3, 1905. Each 1 p. Angora goats. For publication of Information concerning Angora goat. No. 24. District of Columbia. To authorize excise board of District to issue certain per- mits [for Mar. 5, 1905]. No. 34. • Grand Army of the Republic. To deliver condemned cannon to national encamp- ment of G. A. R. No. 23. ■ Immigration, Bureau of. For printing annually reports of bureau. No. 32. Inauguration. [Additional appropriation] to pay expenses of inaugural cere- monies, Mar. 4, 1905. No. 30. International Geographic Congress. To print report of 8th congress. No. 28. International Prison Congress. To extend to congress invitation to hold 8th congress in United States. No. 22. Laws of the United States, Commission to Revise the. Authorizing commission to incorporate in final report criminal and penal laws and judiciary title here- tofore reported by commission. No. 27. Mexican cotton-boll weevils. For printing report on Mexican cotton boll weevil. No. 33. 240 March , 1905

[58th Congress, 3d session] public [joint] resolution 22-34—Continued. Reclamation Service. To print 2d and revised edition of 3d annual report of service [season of 1903-4], No. 26. St. Louis, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. To convey to foreign govern- ments participating in exposition appreciation of Government and people of United States. No. 25. Ying Hsing Wen. Permitting Ying Hsing Wen and Ting Chia Chen of China to „ receive instruction at Military Academy. No. 31. Yosemite National Park. [Making appropriation for care of] park. No. 29.

SENATE Committees. List of committees for 59th Congress [special session]. Mar. 10, 1905. 10 p. Indian Territory. Brief statement of reasons why prohibition of liquor traffic should be continued policy in Territory after inauguration of statehood; presented by Mr. Gallinger. Mar. 15, 1905. 10 p. (S. doc. 5, 59th Cong, special sess.) Members. Alphabetical list of Senators and committees, 59th Congress [special session]. Mar. 10, 1905. 15 p. -----United States Senate, 59th Congress [special session, list of Sena- tors]. Mar. 9, 1905. 1 p. 4° [Unofficial.] -----United States Senate, 59th Congress, special session, 1905, direc- tory; by William B. Turner. [Mar. 4] 1905. 13 p. 1 il. narrow 24° Midway Islands. Relief of conditions in islands; presented by Mr. Perkins. Mar. 1, 1905. 9 p. (S. doc. 183.) [Reprint of blouse document 9, 58th Congress, 1st session; House documents 100 and 189, 58th Congress, 3d session; and House report 3775, 58th Con- gress, 3d session; with additional correspondence.] Santo Domingo. Constitution of Dominican Republic, promulgated June 12 [20], 1896, put again in force May 21, 1903; presented by Mr. Morgan. Mar. 13, 1905. 21 p. (S. doc. 2, 59th Cong, special sess.) -----Data relative to Dominican Republic, from 31st annual report of council of Corporation of Foreign Bondholders, 1903-4; presented by Mr. Morgan. Mar. 8 [10], 1905. 15 p. (S. doc. 1, 59th Cong, special sess.) Note .—Includes Protocol of agreement between United States and Dominican Republic for arbitration of questions as to payment of sum by Dominican Gov- ernment to United States on account of claims of San Domingo Improvement Company of New York and its allied companies, signed Jan. 31, 1903; and Award of commission of arbitration under protocol of Jan. 31, 1903. Semiarid region. Compilation showing great latent agricultural wealth of middle belt of United States, heretofore considered unfit for farm- ing operations; Campbell method of soil culture; work of Depart- ment of Agriculture in introducing new arid land crops: presented by Mr. Newlands. Mar. 2, 1905. 10 p. (S. doc. 191.) Swayne, Charles. Proceedings in Senate in matter of impeachment of Swayne, judge of district court for northern district of Florida. 1905. 725 p. (S. doc. 194.) [Also issued in signatures, without Con- gressional document number, daily during the trial.] * Paper, 40c

AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, COMMITTEE ON Latimer, A. C. Report amending H. 18754, to prohibit importation or interstate transportation of insect pests and use of mails for that purpose. Mar. 3, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4401.)

APPROPRIATIONS, COMMITTEE ON Allison, W. B. Report amending H. 18969, making appropriations for sundry civil expenses, 1906. Mar. 1, 1905. 3 p. (S. rp. 4377.) Marc h , 1905 241

Hale, Eugene. Report amending H. 19150, making appropriations to supply deficiencies, 1905 and prior years. Mar. 2, 1905. 2 p. (S. rp. 4390.) CLAIMS, COMMITTEE ON Warren, F. E. Report amending S. 3782, for relief of estates of Aaron Van Camp and Virginius P. Chapin. Mar. 2, 1905. 24 p. (S. rp. 4386.) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, COMMITTEE ON THE Gallinger, J. H. Report favoring II. 18975, similar to S. 7180, to authorize levying of assessments [for water mains and service sewers laid within 1 year prior to Apr. 22, 1904]. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. (S. rp. 4381.) Stewart, W. M. Report amending H. 6289, for abatement of nuisances in District. Mar. 3, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4402.)

INDIAN AFFAIRS, COMMITTEE ON I Gamble, R. J. Report favoring H. 15609, for acquirement of water rights in Spokane River along southern boundary of Spokane Res- ervation, Wash., [and] lands on reservation for sites for power purposes. Mar. 1, 1905. 3 p. (S. rp. 4378.)

INDIAN DEPREDATIONS, COMMITTEE ON Long, C. I. Report amending S. 5985, for payment of volunteers who rendered service to Oregon in Cayuse Indian war of 1847 and 1848. Mar. 2, 1905. 7 p. (S. rp. 4387.)

IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION OF ARID LANDS, COMMITTEE ON Bard, T. R. Report favoring II. 18528, for covering into reclamation fund certain proceeds of sales of property purchased by reclamation fund. Mar. 2, 1905. 3 p. (S. rp. 4383.) -----Report favoring H. 19118, to construct dams across Yellowstone River in Montana in connection with irrigation works. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4384.)

JUDICIARY, COMMITTEE ON THE Spooner, J. C. Report under S. R. 51, directing committee to report as to what constitutes recess of Senate, etc. Mar. 2, 1905. 4 p. (S. rp. 4389.) LIBRARY, COMMITTEE ON THE Dryden, J. F. Report favoring H. 19052, to incorporate American Academy in Rome. Mar. 2, 1905. 4 p. (S. rp. 4385.)

MILITARY AFFAIRS, COMMITTEE ON Cockrell, F. M. Report favoring S. 1623, for relief of Joshua T. Rey- nolds, as substitute for S. 5592. Mar. 2, 1905. 3 p. (S. rp. 4391.) -----Report amending by substitute S. 5989, to remove record of dis- honorable dismissal from John Finn, alias John Flynn. Mar. 2, 1905. 3 p. (S. rp. 4392.) -----Report adverse to S. 1363, restoring Henry L. Beck as captain, and providing that he be placed on retired list. Mar. 2, 1905. 4 p. (S. rp. 4393.) 242 March , 1905

NAVAL AFFAIRS, COMMITTEE ON Dick, C harles.1' Report favoring H. 12273, authorizing appointment of [John H. Lofland, Earl W. Chaffee, and Joseph D. Little as] mid- shipmen. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. (S. rp. 4380.)

PENSIONS, COMMITTEE ON . Burnham, H. E. Report favoring H. 14393, to pension Deborah W. Annable. Mar. 3, 1905. 2 p. (S. rp. 4396.) McCumber, P. J. Report favoring II. 11861, to pension Sarah E. Hay- ner. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4394.) -----Report adverse to H. 5331, to pension Jesse Bacus. Mar. 3, 1905. Ip. (S. rp. 4395.) -----Report favoring H. 9980, to increase pension of Edwin A. Haradon. Mar. 3, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4398.) -----Report favoring H. 18481, to pension Paul G. Morgan. Mar. 3, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4399.) Overman, L. S. Report favoring H. 17514, to increase pension of John H. Williams. Mar. 3, 1905. 1 p. (S. rp. 4400.)

PUBLIC LANDS, COMMITTEE ON Gamble, R. J. Report favoring II. 18464, to amend homestead laws as to certain unappropriated and unreserved lands in South Dakota. Mar. 1, 1905. 7 p. (S. rp. 4382.)

TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE ON Dick, Charles. Report favoring H. 18514, to legalize indebtedness of school district 1 in Pawnee County, Okla. Mar. 1, 1905. Id (S rp. 4379.) > 1 v HOUSE

ACCOUNTS, COMMITTEE ON Emerich, Martin. Report favoring H. R. 496, to pay Charles E. Payne. Mar. 1, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4881.)

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, COMMITTEE ON THE Cowherd, \\. S. Report amending S. 5108, to amend act for prevention of smoke in District. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. (H. rp. 4882.)

ELECTION OF PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, AND REPRESENTATIVES IN CON- GRESS, COMMITTEE ON Hearing before committee, Dec. 15 and 16, 1904, on H. 12042, to protect right of women citizens of United States to vote for members of House of Representatives. Mar. 2, 1905. 11 p. (H. doc. 378.)

INDIAN AFFAIRS, COMMITTEE ON Curtis, Charles. Supplemental views of minority adverse to H. 54, to amend act for adjudication and payment of claims arising from Indian depredations. Mar. 2, 1905. 7 p. (H. rp. 2854, pt. 2, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) March , 1905 243

INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE, COMMITTEE ON Lovering, W. C. Report submitting H. J. R. 226, appointing committee to investigate Isthmian Canal and Panama Railroad Company. Mar. 1, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4879.)

IRRIGATION OF ARID LANDS, COMMITTEE ON Hearings before committee [Jan. 13-Feb. 13, 1905] relating to projects for irrigation of arid lands under national irrigation act, and irriga- tion investigations of Agricultural Department. Mar. 2, 1905. 159 p. (II. doc. 381.)

LAWS, COMMITTEE ON REVISION OF THE Sherley, Swagar. Report favoring S. J. R. 107, authorizing Commission to Revise the Laws of the United States to incorporate in final report criminal and penal laws and judiciary title heretofore re- ported by commission. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4889.)

LIBRARY, COMMITTEE ON THE McCleary, J. T. Report amending II. J. R. 42, for removal of remains of John Paul Jones from France to United States. Mar. 2, 1905. 10 p. (H. rp. 4887.)

MILITARY AFFAIRS, COMMITTEE ON Hull, J. A. T. Report favoring H. 18990, to convey Kennebec Arsenal property, Augusta, Me., to Maine. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4893.) -----Report favoring S. J. R. 101, to deliver condemned cannon to national encampment of G. A. R. Mar. 2,1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4900.)

NAVAL AFFAIRS, COMMITTEE ON Brandegee, F. B. Report amending S. 7042, to accept torpedo boats Stringham and Goldsborough. Mar. 2,1905. 2 p. (H.rp. 4890.) Tate, F. C. Report amending IL 3566, for site for navy-yard and dry dock on or near Sabine Pass or Neches or Sabine River in Texas. Mar. 2, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4901.)

PRINTING, COMMITTEE ON Landis, C. B. Report submitting H. J. R. 225, for printing annually reports of Bureau of Immigration. Feb. 28, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4878.) -----Report favoring H. R. 544, to print House executive document 163, ,50th Congress, 1st session, Response to resolution calling for infor- mation relative to captured standards, flags, and colors. Mar. 2, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4888.) ----- Report favoring S. C. R. 100, to print report of agent of United States in arbitration of Venezuelan cases before Hague Tribunal. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4891.) -----Report favoring S. C. R. 99, to print Report on introduction of gold-exchange standard into China, Philippine Islands, Panama, and other silver-using countries and on stability of exchange. Mar. 2,1905. Ip. (H.rp. 4892.) 244 March , 1905

Landis, C. B.—Continued. Report amending S. J. R. 98, to print 2d and revised edition of 3d annual report of Reclamation Service [season of 1903-4]. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4894.) [Report reads, by a misprint, 90 instead of 98.] ----- Report favoring S. C. R. Ill, to print Proceedings in Senate in matter of impeachment of Charles Swayne, judge of district court for northern district of Florida. Mar. 2, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4895.) ----- Report favoring S. J. R. 109, to print report of 8th International Geographic Congress. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4896.) ----- Report favoring S. C. R. 105, to print proceedings upon acceptance of statue of Frances E. Willard. Mar. 2,1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4897.) -----Report favoring S. C. R. 107, to print report on progress of beet sugar industry in United States in 1904. Mar. 2,1905. Ip. (H.rp. 4898.) ----- Report favoring H. R. 543, to print hearings before Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce during 58th Congress, together with bills relating to railroad rates reported by committee and reports accompanying bills and present statutes relating to inter- state commerce. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (H. rp. 4899.) -----Report favoring H. J. R. 227, for printing report on Mexican cotton boll weevil. Mar. 2, 1905. Ip. (H. rp. 4903.)

PRIVATE LAND CLAIMS, COMMITTEE ON Marshall, T. F. Report favoring H. 18939, for relief of heirs and assignees of Thomas Whaley and wife. Mar. 2, 1905. 3 p. (H. rp. 4886.) SHEEP-BOUND RESERVE

Note .—These volumes, which have been previously published in unbound form or in one or more cloth editions, are now for the first time ready for distribution in sheep binding and are listed in the notice of Shipments to depositories on pages 275-278. The number appended to the description of each volume is the serial number in the set of Congressional documents, in continuation of the system adopted in the Checklist of public documents issued by this office.

President of United States

Jamestown celebration, proclamation. Mar. 29, 1905. 1 p. f° Madison forest reserve, Mont., 2d proclamation. [Mar. 28, 1905.] [2] p. f° Message calling attention to necessity of passing legislation which will supplement existing law intended to prevent spread of contagious diseases of animals from one State to another or to foreign coun- tries. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. (H. doc. 375.) Message recommending appropriation to be expended ip searching for remains of John Paul Jones in Paris, France, [with] report of Ambassador Porter on subject, and urging erection of monuments to John Paul Jones and John Barry. Feb. 15, 1905. 7 p. 1 il. 2 maps. (II. doe. 340.) Message transmitting protocol of agreement between United States and Dominican Republic for collection and disbursement by United States of customs revenues of Dominican Republic, signed [Santo Domingo], Feb. 4,1905. Mar. 7, 1905. 31 p. (Confidential; [Sen- ate] executive V, 58th Cong. 3d sess. [reprinted for 59th Cong, special sess.].) [Injunction of secrecy removed Feb. 16, 1905. Marc h , 1905 245 For contents see entry of this publication in Catalogue for Feb. 1905, page 197.] Not e .—The series of documents to which this belongs is printed in confidence for the use of the Senate, and is inaccessible to other persons unless, as in this instance, the Senate removes the injunction of secrecy. Pinal Mountains forest reserve, Ariz., proclamation. [Mar. 20, 1905.1 [2] p. f° Plumas forest reserve, Cal., proclamation. [Mar. 27, 1905.] 4 p. f°

Agriculture, Department of

Not e .—Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for sale, except those of the Weather Bureau, will be supplied by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. For the unpriced publications application should be made to the Secretary of Agriculture. The Department has no list of ad- dresses to which all its publications are sent. It issues a monthly list of publica- tions, which is mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports and bulletins as interest them. Annual reports, 1904. 1904 [1905], cxvii + 560 p. 2 il. (H. doc. 6.) *Cloth, 40c [Bureau of Animal Industry] order 126 [amendment 1]; regulations to prevent spread of maladie du coit of horses. Mar. 23, 1905. 1 p. Same, 131 [amendment 12]; special order regulating movement of cattle into certain portions of Oklahoma. Feb. 28, 1905. 1 p. [Instructions as to salary accounts paid from lump sum appropriations.] Mar. 8, 1905. 2 p. (Dept, circular 1, 1905.)

ANIMAL INDUSTRY, BUREAU OF Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology, pt. 9, authors, H-Heim; by Ch. Wardell Stiles and Albert Hassall. 1905. p. 661- 706. (Bulletin 39 [pt. 9].) *Paper, 5c Same, pt. 10, authors, Heim-Hyrtl; by Ch. Wardell Stiles and Albert . Hassall. 1905. p. 707-782. (Bulletin 39 [pt. 10].) *Paper, 5c

BIOCHEMIC DIVISION Experiments concerning tuberculosis, pt. 2, comparative virulence of human and bovine tubercle bacilli for some large animals [with bibliography]; by E. A. de Schweinitz, Marion Dorset, and E. C. Schroeder. 1905. vi+31-100 p. 26 pl. (Animal Industry, Bureau of. Bulletin 52, pt. 2.) *Paper, 65c New facts concerning etiology of hog cholera, by E. A. de Schweinitz and M. Dorset; from 20th report of Bureau of Animal Industry, 1903. 1905. p. 157-162. (Animal Industry, Bureau of. Circular

DAIRY DIVISION Fat testing of cream by Babcock method; by Ed. H. Webster and C. E. Gray. 1904. 29 p. 1 il. 2 pl. (Animal industry, Bureau of. Bulle- tin 58.) [1st edition, issued in May, 1904, read incorrectly by Ed. H. Webster, instead of by Ed. H. Webster and C. E. Gray.] *Paper, 5c CHEMISTRY, BUREAU OF Injury to vegetation by smelter fumes [results of investigation made at copper-smelting plant of Mountain Copper Company, Limited, near Redding, Cal.]; by J. K. Haywood. 1905. 23 p. 1 il. 6 pl. (Bulletin 89.) * Paper, 5c 246 Marc h , 1905 Olive oil and its substitutes; by L. M. Tolman and L. S. Munson. [2d edition.] 1905. 64 p. 2 pl. (Bulletin 77.) * Pa per, 10c ENTOMOLOGY, BUREAU OF Common squash bug, anasa tristis DeG.; by F. H. Chittenden. [Mar. 23, 1905.] 4 p. 3 il. (Circular 39, revised edition.) Control of [Mexican cotton] boll weevil, including results of recent in- vestigations; by W. D. Hunter. 1905. 32 p. 5 il. (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulletin 216.) Corn root-worms; by F. H. Chittenden. [Mar. 23, 1905.] 8 p. 3 il. (Circular 59.) Greenhouse white fly, aleyrodes vaporariorum Westw.; by A. W. Mor- rill. [Feb. 15, i905.] 9 p. 1 il. (Circular 57.) EXPERIMENT STATIONS, OFFICE OF Experiment station record, v. 16, no. 7; Mar. 1905. 1905. ix 4-629- 732 p. *Paper, $1.00 a vol. (12 nos.) Not e .—Mainly made up of abstracts of reports and publications on agricultural science which have recently appeared in all countries, especially the United States. Functions and uses of food; by C. F. Langworthy. [Feb. 15, 1905.] 10 p. (Circular 46 revised.) List of station publications received by office during Jan. and Feb. 1905. 10 p. ([Publication] 759.) [Bimonthly.]

HAWAII AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Banana in Hawaii; by J. E. Higgins. Honolulu, 1904. 53 p. 18 il. (Bulletin 7.) Methods of milking; by F. G. Krauss. 1905. 15 p. 5 il. (Bulletin 8.) *Paper, 5c Mosquitoes in Hawaii; by D. L. Van Dine. Honolulu, 1904. 30 p. 12 il. (Bulletin 6.) Sugar-cane leaf-hopper in Hawaii; by D. L. Van Dine. Honolulu, 1904. 29 p. 8 il. (Bulletin 5.)

PORTO RICO AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Tobacco investigations in Porto Rico during 1903-4; by J. VanLeenhoff, jr. 1905. 44 p. 1 il. 6 pl. (Bulletin 5.) * Paper, 5c FORESTRY, BUREAU OF Forest conditions of northern New Hampshire; by Alfred K. Chitten- den. 1905. 100 p. 7 pl. 2 maps. (Bulletin 55.) *Paper, 25c Practical assistance to farmers, lumbermen, and others in handling forest lands. [Feb. 28, 1905.] 4 p. (Circular 21. 3d revision.) Practical assistance to tree planters. [Mar. 10, 1905.] 4 p. (Circular 22, 3d revision.) What forestry means to representative men, portions of addresses deliv- ered at American Forest Congress, Washington [D. C.], Jan. 3-6, 1905. [1905.] 31 p. (Circular 33.) LIBRARY Accessions to Department library, Oct.-Dec. 1904. 1905. 66 p. (Bulle- tin 53.) [Quarterly.] *Paper, 5c Marc h , 1905 247

PLANT INDUSTRY, BUREAU OF Apple and how to grow it; by G. B. Brackett. Revised June, 1904. 1904[1905]. 32 p. 10 il. (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulle- tin 113.) Beet sugar. Development of single-germ beet seed; by C. O. Townsend and E. C. Rittue. Mar. 25, 1905. 26 p. 6 il. 8 pl. (Bulletin 73.) * Paper, 10c Citranges. Distribution of Rusk citrange in 1905. Feb. 25, 1905. 4 p. ([Publication] 145.) ----- Distribution of Willits citrange in 1905. Feb. 25,1905. 4 p. ([Pub- lication] 144.) Cotton. Agricultural methods for boll-weevil districts. [Feb. 21,1905.] 8 p. 12° ([Publication] 136.) ----- Distribution of Centerville sea island cotton seed. [Feb. 17,1905.] 7 p. ([Publication] 143.) ----- Essential steps in securing early crop of cotton; by R. J. Redding. 1905. 16 p. (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulletin 217.) Leguminous plants. Beneficial bacteria for leguminous crops; by George T. Moore and T. R. Robinson. 1905. 48 p. 17 il. (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulletin 214.) Prickly pear and other cacti as food for stock; by David Griffiths. Mar. 8, 1905. 48 p. 1 il. 5 pl. (Bulletin 74.) *Paper, 5c Raspberries; by L. C. Corbett. 1905. 38 p. 25 il. (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulletin 213.) Rust. Lessons from grain-fust epidemic of 1904; by Mark Alfred Carle- ton. 1905. 24 p. 6 il. (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulletin 219.) School garden. 3d edition revised. [Mar. 18, 1905. ] 6 p. 2 il. ([Pub- lication] 140.) PUBLICATIONS, DIVISION OF Monthly list of publications [of Department of Agriculture], Mar. 1905. Mar. 31, 1905. 4 p. ([Publication] 512.) Same, [for] foreign distribution. Publications of Department of Agriculture for sale by superintendent of documents; corrected to Feb. 1,1905. 1905. 63 p. ([Publication] 179, 12th edition. ) SOILS, BUREAU OF Baker, Oreg. Soil survey of Baker City area, by Charles A. Jensen and W. W. Mackie; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 24 p. 1 il. 4 maps. Craven County, N. C. Soil survey of Craven area, by William G. Smith and George N. Coffey; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 30 p. 1 il. map. Field operations of bureau, 1903 [5th report, by Milton Whitney]; maps. [1905.] 78 maps. (H. doc. 746 [pt. 2], 58th Cong. 2d sess.) Text and maps. *Cloth, $6.35 Fort Payne, Ala. Soil survey of Fort Payne area, by Grove B. Jones and M. E. Carr; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 21 p. 1 il. map. Fort Valley, Ga. Soil survey of Fort Valley area, by William G. Smith and William T. Carter, jr.; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 18 p. 1 il. map. 16861—No. 123—05---- 2 248 March , 1905

Gadsden County, Fla. Soil survey of county, by Elmer O. Fippin and Aldert S. Root; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 27 p. 1 il. map. Grand Island, Nebr. Soil survey of Grand Island area, by W. Edward Hearn and James L. Burgess; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 23 p. 1 il. map. Huntsville, Ala. Soil survey of Huntsville area, by Frank Bennett, jr., and A. M. Griffen; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 24 p. 1 il. map. Laramie, Wyo. Soil survey of Laramie area, by N. P. Neill and party; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 31 p. 1 il. 3 maps. Los Angeles, Cal. Soil survey of Los Angeles area, by Louis Mesmer; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 48 p. 1 il. 2 maps. McNeill, Miss. Soil survey of McNeill area, by William G. Smith and William T. Carter, jr.; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 18 p. 1 il. map. Mobile, Ala. Soil survey of Mobile area, by R. T. Avon Burke ami party; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 15 p. 1 il. map. Paris, Tex. Soil survey of Paris area, by Thomas A. Caine and A. E. Kocher; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 34 p. 1 il. map. Parsons, Kans. Soil survey of Parsons area, by J. A. Drake; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904.* 23 p. 1 il. map. Publications. List of publications of bureau. Mar. 1905. 16 p. San Luis Valley, Colo. Soil survey of valley, by J. Garnett Holmes; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905], 25 p. 1 il. 2 maps. Scott County, Ky. Soil survey of county, by R. T. Avon Burke; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 16 p. 1 il. map. Shelby County, Mo. Soil survey of county, by R. T. Avon Burke and La Mott Ruhlen; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904. 19 p. 1 il. map. Winnebago County, Ill. Soil survey of county, by George N. Coffey, C. W. Ely, and C. J. Mann, assisted by J. G. Mosier [and others]; [from] Field operations of bureau, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 27 p. 1 il. map. STATISTICS, BUREAU OF

FOREIGN MARKETS, DIVISION OF Imports of farm and forest products, 1901-03. 1905. 66 p. (Statistics, Bureau of. Bulletin 31.) * Paper, 5c WEATHER BUREAU

Not e .—For these publications application should be made to the Chief of the Weather Bureau. Evaporation observations in United States; bv Herbert Harvey Kim- ball. 1905. 4 p. 1 il. 4° ([Publication] 327.) [From Monthly weather review, Dec. 1904.] Meteorological chart of Great Lakes, no. 2, 1904; by Alfred J. Henry and Norman B. Conger. Feb. 2, 1905. 18 p. map, 4° Paper, 10c Not e .—Relates to wind, precipitation, and wrecks on Great Lakes. Marc h , 1905 249 Monthly weather review, v. 32, no. 12; Dec. 1904. Feb. 28,1905. p. 547- 592, 2 il. 15 p. of pl. and maps, 4° Paper, 20c single copy, $2.00 a yr Not e .—Summary of weather and river and flood reports from all parts of the United States, with notes covering other countries and various topics of meteor- ology. Special articles are— Aeronautical observatory at Tegel, near Berlin, Results of work done at Oct 1901-Dec. 1902; by Stanislav Hanzlik. Cloud phenomenon at Omaha, Nebr.; by W. F. Rigge. Cloud velocity. Perpendicular cold air movements as related to; by W. A. Eddv Cyclones, ellipsoidal, Some relations between direction and velocitv of move- ments and pressure at center of; by Stanislav Hanzlik. Evaporation observations in United States: by H. H. Kimball. Meteorologia, New, by A. I. Woeikof [Review of]; by Stanislav Hanzlik. Meteorology, Introduction of, into courses of instruction in mathematics and physics, continued; by Cleveland Abbe. -----Recent papers bearing on; by H. H. Kimball. Storm and cold wave of Dec. 24-29, 1904; by W. J. Bennett. Weather Bureau library, Recent additions to; by H. H. Kimball. Periodic variation of rainfall in arid region; by William B. Stockman. 1905. 15 p. map, 4° (Bulletin N.) * Paper, 10c Proceedings of 3d convention of Weather Bureau officials, Peoria Ill Sept. 20-22, 1904. 1904 [1905]. 267 p. il. 3 pl. 9 maps. Contents: Averages, Monthly statement of, for rural press: by W. S. Belden. Baltimore, Some diurnal periodicities in climate of; by O. L. Fassig Columbia River; by E. A. Beals. Conventions, Former, of Weather Bureau officials: by James Berry. Flood-crest stages, Practical rules for forecasting, for Cairo, Ill.: by P. H. Smvth Fogs, Forecasting, on Gulf Coast; by B. Bunnemeyer. Frost and temperature, Irregularities in. in neighboring localities; by I. M. Cline. Insolation and polarization of blue sky light, Variations in, during 1903 and 1904- by H. H. Kimball. Instruction and research by Weather Bureau officials; by Cleveland Abbe. Meteorological forms, Report of board appointed to consider revision of Meteorological instruments, Errors of, and lines along which improvement should be sought; by C. F. Marvin. Meteorology in universities and other institutions. -----Laboratory work in; by A. G. Me Adie. Mount Weather Research Observatory; by F. H. Bigelow. Phenological observations at Wauseon, Ohio; by J. W. Smith. Porto Rico, Climatology of; by W. H. Alexander. President’s address; by W. L. Moore. Rainfall, Study of, on west Florida coast; by B. Bunnemeyer. Storm movement, Possible method for determining direction and velocity of; by E. H. Bowie. Storms, countercurrent theory of, Popular account of; by F. H, Bigelow. Temperature forecasts and their relation to iron ore shipments during late fall and early winter months; by H. W. Richardson. Weather forecasts. Aid in forecasting; by F. H. Brandenburg. -----Amplification of forecasts for benefit of shippers of perishable products- by W. M. Wilson. -----Distribution of forecasts by telephone; by G. M. Chappel. -----Long-range weather forecasts; by E. B. Garriott. -----Seasonal forecasts; by A. G. Me Adie. Commerce and Labor, Department of

Not e .—The Department of Commerce and Labor distributes the Consular reports gratuitously. Catalogue of books and blanks furnished to customs officers. 1905. 45 p. Decision 91, 92; Mar. 22, 30, 1905. Inland waters of Straits of Fuca, Washington and Puget sounds, where inland rules of road are to be followed. Mar. 9, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 61; Bureau of Navigation.) Inspection of Canadian steam merchant vessels. Mar. 25, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 63; Steamboat-Inspection Service.) Letter requesting reprint of Report of commissioner of corporations on beef industry. Mar. 15, 1905. 1 p. (S. doc. 3, 59th Cong, special 250 March , 1905

Separate statement of imports of tobacco from Cuba to be discontinued. Feb. 24, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 60; Bureau of Statistics.)

ALASKAN FISHERIES, DIVISION OF Report on salmon fisheries of Alaska, 1904; by Howard M. Kutchin. 1905. 49 p. (Dept, of Commerce and Labor doc. 35.) *Paper, 5c CENSUS, BUREAU OF THE Special reports, mines and quarries, 1902. 1905. xxix-f-1123 p. il. 41 pl. map, 4° *Cloth, $1.50 Special articles are: Abrasive materials; by J. H. Pratt. Asbestos; by J. H. Pratt. Asphaltum and bituminous rock; J)y Joseph Struthers. Barytes; by J. H. Pratt. Bauxite: by Joseph Struthers. Borax; by Joseph Struthers. Cement; by S. B. Ladd. Clay; by Jefferson Middleton. Coal; by E. A. Parker. Copper ore; by I. A. Hourwich. Electricity in mining; by T. C. Martin. Flint and feldspar; by S. B. Ladd. Fluorspar; by J. H. Pratt. Fuller’s earth; by S. B. Ladd. Gold and silver; by I. A. Hourwich. Graphite; by Joseph Struthers. Gypsum; by S. B. Ladd. Iron ore; by John Birkinbine. Lead and zine ore; by I. A. Hourwich. Lithium ore; by J. H. Pratt. ‘ Magnesite; by Joseph Struthers. Manganese ore; bv John Birkinbine. Marl; by S. B. Ladd. Mica; by J. H. Pratt. Monazite; by J. H. Pratt. Natural gas; by F. H. Oliphant. Petroleum; by F. H. Oliphant. Phosphate rock; by Joseph Struthers. Pigments, Mineral, crude; by Joseph Struthers. Platinum; by D. T. Day. Porto Rico, Mineral industries of; by W. F. Willoughby. Precious metals recovered by cyanide processes [with bibliography]; by C. E. Munroe. Precious stones; by G. F. Kunz. Quicksilver; by Joseph Struthers. Steel hardening metals; by J. H. Pratt. Stone; by G. P. Merrill. Sulphur and pyrite; by Joseph Struthers. Talc and soapstone; by J. H. Pratt. Special reports, street and electric railways, 1902. 1905. xi4-439p. 17 pl. 2 maps, 4° ‘ *Cloth, 75c COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY

Note —The charts, coast pilots, and tide tables of the Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey are sold at the office of the Survey, in Washington, and also by one or more sales agents in each of the important American seaports. The monthly Notice to mariners may be had free at these agencies, at all United States custom-houses, at the branch hydrographic offices of the Navy Department, at United States consu- lates in foreign ports, and at the office of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Catalogue of charts, sailing directions, and tide tables of Philippine Islands. Manila, 1905. 17 p. map. Charts Alaska, south east, Dixon Entrance to head of Lynn Canal; chart 8050. Scale 1:600,000. Feb. 1905, first published 1895. 37.9X29.7 in. 50c Marc h , 1905 251 Bering Sea, eastern part, Alaska, Mercator projection; with Sub-sketch, Port Clarence, scale 1:230,000; chart 9302. Feb. 1905, first pub- lished 1900. 38 X 29.4 and 7.1 X 8.1 in. 50c Cebu and Negros, Harbors in, P. I.; chart 4458. Mar. 1905. 16.9 X 31 in. 30c Bais, east coast of Negros. Scale 1:50,000. 12 x 7 in. Balamban Bay, west coast of Cebu, from sketch in 1900 bv master of merchant steamer. Seale 1:20,000. 9.4 x 9 in. Barili Bay, west coast of Cebu, from sketch in 1900 bv master of merchant steamer. Scale 1:10,000. 4.9 x 7 in. Bogo Bay, northeast coast of Cebu, from sketch by master of merchant steamer. Scale 1:25,000. 7.5 x 9 in. Canoan, Port, Siquijor Island, from Spanish survey in 1869. Scale 1:10.000. 5.7 X 8 in. Dumaguete, southeast coast of Negros, from military sketches in 1901 and 1902. Scale 1:10,000. 11.2 x 8 in. Jimamaylan, west coast of Negros, from sketch in 1901. Scale 1:15,000. 9.9 x 7 in. Tinaan Anchorage, east coast of Cebu, from Spanish survey in 1864. Scale 1:35,000. 7 x 7 in. Iliana Bay, Eastern part of, Mindanao, southwest coast, P. I., including Polloc Harbor and mouth of Mindanao River, from Spanish surveys to 1888, military maps, and other information, scale 1:100,000; with insets, Polloc Harbor, from survey by U. S. Navy in 1902, scale 1:40,000; Mindanao River, north entrance, from sketch sur- vey in 190Q, scale 1:20,000; chart 4619. Feb. 1905. 41 X31.1, 10.5 X 14.2, and 4.2 X 5.9 in. 40c Luzon, Harbors on east coast of; chart 4265. Feb. 1905. 25.4x 35.4 in. 30c Alabat, Port, Alabat I., from sketch by Jaime Ferrer in 1904. Scale 1:10,000. 6x7.5 in. Apat, Port, from sketch by Jaime Ferrer in 1904. Scale 1:20,000. 11.4 x 9 in. Baler Bay, from sketches by masters of local vessels in 1900 and 1902. Scale 1:50,000. 7.7 x 7 in. Casiguran Bay, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1900. Seale 1:80,000. 13.9 x 10.7 in. Dilasac Bay, West, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1900. Scale 1:40,000. 9.4 x 7.5 in. Dimalansan, Port, and Port Bicobian, east coast of Luzon, from Spanish survey in 1859. Scale 1:60,000. 17.5 x 9.5 in. Lampon, Port, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1900. Seale 1:20,000. 13.9 x 9 in. Mauban Anchorage, from Spanish survey. Scale 1:30,000. 11.5 x 9.5 in. PitogoBay, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1900. Scale 1: 7,600. 9.9 x 8.7 in. [Pacific Coast] north west coast of America, San Francisco to Bering Sea; chart S. Scale 1:3,600,000. Mar. 1905, first published 1892. 27.9X39 in. 50c Panay, Northeast coast of, and adjacent islands, P. I., from Spanish sur- veys, 1854-69, and other information; chart 4417. Scale 1:100,000. Feb. 1905. 40.7X29.7 in. 40c Pearl Harbor, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands; chart 4107. Scale 1:15,000. Mar. 1905. 34 X 29.9 in. 25c Philippine Islands, anchorages, Verde Island Passage to Cuvo; chart 4345. Feb. 1905. 28.9X34.5 in. ’ 30c Batangas, southwest coast of Luzon, from sketch bv master of army transport in 1901 and other information. Scale 1:10,000. 7.4 x 6 in. Coron and Port Uson, south coast of Busuanga, from Spanish survev in 1869. Scale 1:40,000. 12.4x19 in. Culion, Port, Culion Island, from Spanish survev in 1869. Scale 1:30,000. 9.4x 15.5 in. Cuyo Anchorage, Cuyos Islands, from British survev in 1886. Scale 1:150,000. 7.5x8 in. Loog Bay , Lubang Island, from British survey in 1846 and Spanish survey in 1834. Scale 1:25.000. 9 x 8.6 in. Maricaban Island and Maricaban Strait, southwest coast of Luzon, from Spanish survey in 1835. Scale 1:50.000. 9.2x15.5 in. Paluan Bay, west coast of Mindoro, from British survev in 1854, with additions from recent information. Scale 1: 60,000. 10.3x15.5 in. Sablayan Anchorage, west coast of Mindoro, from British survey in 1886 and Spanish survey in 1872. Scale 1:10,000. 10.3x10.4 in. Tilig, Port, north coast of Lubang, from Spanish survey in 1834. Scale 1:35,000. 6.2x6.5 in. 252 Marc h , 1905

Salem Harbor and approaches, Mass.; chart 244. Scale 1:20,000. Mar. 1905, first published 1897. 25.5X35.9 in. 25c Samar and Leyte, Harbors of, P. 1.; chart 4456. Feb. 1905. 21.6X31.3 in. * 30c Borongan, east coast of Samar, from sketch plan by E. Garcia. Seale 1:40,000- 8x10.1 in. Dolores,east coast of Samar I., from U. S. military survey. Scale 1:10,000. 7.1x 6.4 in. Jibatan River and approaches, west coast of Samar, [from] reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1902. Scale 1:50.000. 10 x 5.8 In. Lanang, east coast of Samar, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1901. Scale 1:20,000. 7.3x10 in. Libas, Port, east coast of Samar, from Spanish survey in 1887. Scale 1:15,000. 13.7x15.6 in. Palompon, Port, northwest coast of Levte, from Spanish survey in 1862. Scale 1:20,000. 11.6 x 8.1 in. Parasan Harbor and approaches, west of Samar, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy, 1900 and 1901. Scale 1:10,000. 7.2 x 10 in. Santo Nino, Limbancauayan Island, west of Samar, from reconnaissance by U. S. Navy in 1902. Scale 1:5,000. 8 x 6.7 in.

CORPORATIONS, BUREAU OF Report of commissioner of corporations on beef industry, Mar. 3, 1905. 1905. 1 1.+ xxxvi + 315 p. 15 pl. Same. [Corrected edition. ] Mar. 2, 1905. xxxvi + 315 p. 15 pl. (H. doc. 382.) *Cloth,40c; *paper, 30g FISHERIES, BUREAU OF

Not e .—The Bureau supplies gratuitously those of its publications which are in print. List of fishes collected in Boulder County, Colo., with description of new species of leuciscus, by Chancey Juday; [from Bulletin, 1904, v. 24]. [Mar. 17, 1905.] p. 223-227, 1 il. large 8° Statement of certain fishery products landed at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., by American fishing vessels, [calendar] year 1904. [1905.] 1 p. oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 161.) Same, Feb. 1905. 1 p. oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 162.)

IMMIGRATION, BUREAU OF Immigration laws and regulations. Aug. 1903, [published] 1905. 40 p. (Dept, of Commerce and Labor doc. 9.)


Not e .—The Bureau furnishes its publications gratuitously to those who apply for them. Bulletih 56; Jan. 1905. 1905. iii + 1-388 [ii] p. (H. doc. 386, pt. 1.) [Bimonthly.] * Paper, 20c Contents: Articles, Leading, in past numbers of bulletin. Australia, Labor conditions in; by V. S. Clark. Decisions of courts affecting labor. Employersand employees, Agreements between. Foreign statistical publications, recent, Digest of; strikes and lockouts. Laws of various States [etc.] relating to labor enacted [in 1903]: Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, , Philippine Islands, Rhode Island, South Dakota. Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wash- ington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. State bureaus of labor statistics, Digest of recent reports of; Massachusetts. Trade unions, Influence of, on immigrants; by C. D. Wright. Marc h , 1905 253

STATISTICS, BUREAU OF Not e .—The Bureau furnishes its publications gratuitously to those who apply for them. Breadstuffs. Exports of domestic breadstuffs, provisions, cotton, and mineral oils, Feb. 1905. 1905. 14 p. 4° [ Bulletin 8, series 1904-05.) [Monthly.] Canals. Great canals of the world; from [Monthly] summary of com- merce and finance, Jan. 1905. 1905. iii 4- 2375-2456 p. 4° Commerce. Annual review of foreign commerce of United States, 1904, and summary of internal commerce; from [Monthly] summary of commerce and finance, Sept. 1904. 1904. iii -j- 1163-1341 p. 4°* -----Statements of foreign commerce and receipts and expenditures of United States during calendar year 1904 and prior years; from [Monthly] summary of commerce and finance, Dec. 1904. 1905. p. 2329-50, 4° Consular reports. Daily consular reports, Mar. 1-31, 1905; nos. 2195- 2220. 1905. 2 il. [Daily except Sundays and holidays.] -----Monthly consular reports, Feb. 1905; no. 293. 1905. 259 p. 4 il. (H. doc. 329.) [These articles have appeared previously in the Daily consular reports.] Contents: Abyssinia; transmitted by G. B. Ravndal. -----Austrian mission to; by W. A. Rublee. Africa, central, American goods for; by 8. 1*. Verner. -----Study of railroads in; by G. B. Ravndal. -----west, Trade outlook in; by G. W. Ellis. African railroads; transmitted" by G. B. Ravndal. Agricultural machinery in Cyprus: transmitted by G. B. Ravndal. Apples, American, in England; by A. W. Swaim. Arabia, Trade and possibilities of; by G. B. Ravndal. Australia and Great Britain, Preferential trade between. Australian and New Zealand trade with England in 1904; by J. P. Bray. Automobile freight line, Lima-Callao; by A. L. M. Gottschalk. Automobile regulations, German; by F. M. Brundage. Automobile salon, French; transmitted by Thornwell Haynes. Automobiles and motor cycles in Belgium; by J. C. McNally. -----in France; by A. M. Thackara. -----in Switzerland; by George Gifford. -----in western Norway; by E. S. Cunningham. Baden, Government railroads in; by J. I. Brittain. — New railroad in; by J. I. Brittain. Banks, German, Consolidation of; by H. W. Diedericlf. [Beet] sugar in Europe; by F. W. Hossfeld. Berlin, Growth and population of; by F. H. Mason. -----Municipal economy at; by F. H. Mason. Boats, Motor, in Sweden; by R. S. S. Bergh. Business opportunities abroad; by Richard Guenther. -----by Richard Guenther. Camphor monopoly, Chinese, Failure of; by G. E. Anderson. Canada, Goods exempted from special duty in; transmitted by Gustave Beutel- spacher. Canadian customs regulations: by E. N. Gunsaulus. Canadian dumping act; by J. H. Worman. Canals projected in Prussia: by Richard Guenther. Catalogues, American, for reading rooms in Colombia; by A. G. Snyder. Charities, London: by H. C. Evans. China, Railroads in." -----Trade demands in; by G. E. Anderson. Chinese transit fees; by G. E. Anderson. Coal, Transvaal; by W. H. Hunt. Colombia, Foreign trade of; by C. A. Orr. Commercial education in England; transmitted by Marshal Halstead. Cotton culture in India; by C. E. Fee.. Cotton-seed oil and oleaginous seeds in Marseille; by R. P. Skinner. Cycle, motor boat, and automobile exhibition, International, Copenhagen; by R. R. Frazier. Damascus, American interests in; by G. B. Ravndal. Damascus-Mecca Railroad; by G. B. Ravndal. Devonport dockyard, Development of; by J. G. Stephens. Electric plant in Formosa: by F. D. Fisher. Export trade, American, Drawbacks to; by R. S. S. Bergh. 254 Marc h , 1905 Consular reports. Monthly consular reports—Continued. Contents—Continued. Exposition of 1905 at Liege, Belgium; by F. B. Loomis. Fogs, English; by F. W. Mahin France and Tuni^, Commerce between; by Thornwell Haynes. Fuel, Liquid, for steamers; by B. S. Rairden. Fuel question in Canada; transmitted .by J. H. Worman. Fusel oil in Germany; by F. H. Mason. Glass-making minerals, French; by Thornwell Haynes. Glass-workers’ strike in Belgium; by G. W. Roosevelt. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; transmitted by E. N. Gunsaulus. Guatemala, American trade in; by A. A. Winslow. Haifa, Syria, Progress in; by G. B. Ravndal. Hangchau, Coast trade from, to Shanghai, China; by G. E. Anderson. Horses, cattle, and meat in France. Household goods, Free importation of, into Mexico; transmitted by J. R. Parsons, jr. Iron goods and machinery, Hints to exporters of. Irrigation in United States and Germany; transmitted by Richard Guenther. Italy, Trade of; by H. W. Brush. -----Trade of United States with, 1865-1904. Japan, Trade of, during the war; transmitted by Hunter Sharp. Korea, Commerce and industries of; by Gordon Paddock. -----Railroads in. ------by Gordon Paddeck. -----Trade of United States with, 1892-1904. Korea’s resources, Development of; by Gordon Paddock. Lambs, Export of, from Victoria, Australia; by J. P. Bray. Light-house, New, for English Channel; by J. G. Stephens. Live stock, American, in Argentina; by A. M. Beauprd. Louren^o Marquez, Population of; by W. S. Hollis. -----Trade at; by W. S. Hollis. Mail subsidies, British, and Lascar seamen; by W. C. Hamm.' Mesopotamia, Reclamation of; by G. B. Ravndal. Milling and bakery exposition, International, Paris; by J. K. Gowdy. Mineral springs of Baden-Baden; by J. I. Brittain. Mines and minerals in Guatemala; by A. A. Winslow. -----British Columbian, Chinese labor and; by A. E. Smith. Money and prices in Guatemala; by A. A. Winslow. Mosul, Turkey, Commerce and industry of; by T. H. Norton. Motor ears in Sweden; by R. S. S. Bergh. Municipal ownership projects in Canada; transmitted bv W. R. Holloway. Notes. Nova Scotia, Progress of, in 1904; by W. R. Holloway. Nut and seed oils, Manufacture of, in Germany; by Hugh Pitcairn. Oils, mineral, and spirits, Restrictions on imports into Australia of [proclamation]; transmitted by J. P. Bray. Patent law. New British; by James Boyle. Patent medicines in New Zealand: by F. Dillingham. Persia, Hints for exporters to; transmitted by E. L. Harris. Peru, Railroads in; by A. L. M. Gottschalk. Petroleum fields, Turkish, Concession of, to Germans; by P. A. Jay. Piecework wages in British shoe factories; by F. W. Mahin. Pilot bread in Samoa; by George Heimrod. Port Deitrick, Nicaragua, Building of; by E. W. Trimmer. Poultry industry of United Kingdom; by F. W. Mahin. Pulp, pulp wood, and paper. Canadian exports of; bv E. N. Gunsaulus. Queensland, north, Trade of; by D. J. Brownhill. Rail lengthening and track spreading, Prevention of; by Hugh Muench. Salmon, American, in Denmark; by R. R. Frazier. Savings bank, French national; by’Thorn well Haynes. Screw, Standard; by W. C. Hamm’. Shanghai-Hangchaii-Ningpo Railway; by G- E. Anderson. Shop fronts in Malta; by J. H. Grout. Silk, Spider-spun; by W. H. Hunt. tunnel; by J. F. Monaghan and H. L. Washington. Slate trade in England; by J. G. Stephens. Social and commercial sciences, Academy for, at Frankfort, Germany. Stuttering children, Public school courses for; by W. A. Rublee. Sulphur beds of Sicily and Louisiana, by W. T. Brand; transmitted by Alexander Heingartner. Sulphuric ether and collodion free of duty in Netherlands [regulations]; trans- mitted by Stanford Newel. Syria, American trade with; by G. B. Ravndal. Technical education, by Sir Swire Smith; transmitted by James Boyle. -----in France; by H. S. Brunot. Telegraphs and telephones in ; by R. M. Bartieman. Telegraphy, Quick; transmitted by E. T. Liefeld. Towels and soap in China; by G. E. Anderson. Trade, American success in; transmitted by Marshal Halstead. Transvaal, Imports into; by J. E. Proffit. March , 1905 255 Consular reports. Monthly consular reports—Continued. Contents—Continued. Tripoli, Syria, Commercial depression in; by Ira Harris. Turkey, Value of trade of United States with, 1875-1904. United Kingdom, Foreign trade of; transmitted by H. C. Evans. -----Trade of, in 1904; transmitted by J. C. McNally. Universities, German, Students in; by E. T. Liefeld. Varnish, Ningpo; by F. D. Cloud. Voters and parties in Baden; by E. T. Liefeld. Weights and measures of Dominican Republic; by T. C. Dawson. Wheat, Canadian and American; transmitted by W. R. Holloway. Wine and cider production of France in 1904; by J. C. Covert. Wine production, French; by R. P. Skinner. Wireless telegrams to ships at sea; transmitted by E. T. Liefeld. Wool, Imports of, at Marseille; by R. P. Skinner.' Wool trade of United Kingdom; transmitted by H. C. Evans. Yukon Territory; by Gustave Beutelspacher. Immigration into United States, Sept, and 9 months ending Sept. 1903 and 1904. 2 p. 4° [Monthly. From Monthly summary of com- merce and finance, Sept. 1904.] Same, Nov. and 11 months ending Nov. 1903 and 1904. 2 p. 4° [Monthly. From same, Nov. 1904.] Same, Dec. and 12 months ending Dec. 1903 and 1904. 2 p. 4° [Monthly. From same, Dec. 1904.] Same, Jan. and 7 months ending Jan. 1904 and 1905. p. 2729, 2730, 4° [Monthly. From same, Jan. 1905.] Same, Oct. and 10 months ending Oct. [1903 and] 1904, and passenger movement at ports of United States, 1904; from [same], Oct. 1904. 1904. p. 1625-41, 4° Internal commerce of United States, Jan. 1903-05; from [Monthly] summary of commerce and finance, Jan. 1905. 1905. p. 1-56, 4" Merchandise declared forexport to United States from consular districts in foreign countries, 1904; from Monthly summary of commerce and finance, Dec. 1904. 1905. ix -4- 1945-2016 p. 4° Monthly summary of commerce and finance of United States, Jan. 1905; no. 7, series 1904-05. 1905. p. 2351-2730, 4° (H. doc. 15, pt. 7.) *Paper, 35c STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE Catalogue of books and blanks used by service. 1905. 24 p. General rules and regulations, amended Jan. 1905. 1905. 138 p. il. Pilot rules for Atlantic and Pacific Coast inland waters, adopted 1902; added, act approved June 7, 1897, to adopt regulations for prevent- ing collisions upon certain harbors, rivers, and inland waters of United States, and list of lines dividing high seas from rivers, har- bors, and inland waters. 1905. 20 p. il.

Interior, Department of the

Note .—The decisions of the Department of the Interior in pension cases are issued in slips and in signatures, and the decisions in land cases are issued in signatures, both being published later in bound volumes at prices ranging from 81.05 to 81.45 per volume. Subscribers may deposit 81.00 in the Department and receive the contents of a volume of the decisions of either kind in separate parts as they are issued. Annual reports, 1903; report of commissioner of education. [See Edu- cation, Bureau of.] Decisions [in appealed pension and bounty land claims] v. 15, [signa- tures] 1-21. [1904-05.] p. 1-336. 256 Marc h , 1905

Same, [v. 15, slips] 1-127; June 4, 1904-Feb. 28, 1905. Decisions [of Department and General Land Office] relating to public lands, v. 33, [signatures] 22-24. [1904-05.] p. 337-384. EDUCATION, BUREAU OF

Not e .—Such publications of this Bureau as are in print may be had gratui tously by addressing the Commissioner of Education. General laws relating to agricultural and mechanical land-grant colleges. 1905. 1-90— 39-226 p. (Report, 1902, chapter 1, report, 1903, chapter 2; whole no. 348.) Report of commissioner, 1903. 1904 [1905]. v. 2, vii +1217-2511 p. (Whole no.- 342; Interior, Dept, of the, Reports, 1903; II. doc. 5, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) < - ' » Contents: v Agricultural and mechanical colleges. Agricultural education in high schools; by W. M. Hays. Alaska, education in, Report on; by Sheldon Jackson. -----introduction of domestic reindeer into, 13th annual report on; by Sheldon Jackson. America, Education in; by Joseph Choate. Benefactions to education. Benefactors, educational, and lives devoted to education, Sketches of; by John Eaton. Bible reading and religious exercises in public schools. Biographical notices. Catholic schools, Statistics of. Chilean Educational Congress and Exhibit, 1902-3, Report on; by J. V. Noel. City school systems, Statistics of. Coeducation of sexes. Colored race, Schools for. Commercial and business schools. Compulsory attendance and child-labor laws. Consolidation of schools and transportation of pupils. Corporal punishment, Regulations relating to. Current topics. ’ Cutter, Charles Ammi, memorial sketch; by W. E. Foster. Defective classes, Schools for. Dodge, William E. Educational topics, Miscellaneous. Elementary education in foreign countries, Statistics of. Europe, central, Number of students in each faculty in higher institutions of learning in, 1902-3. German schools, Courses of study in. Gibbs, Josiah Willard. Hill, Frank A. McKinley Manual Training School [Washington, D. C.l, Address at dedication of; by W. T. Harris. Manual and industrial training. Necrology. Normal schools, Statistics of. Nurses, Schools for. Palmer, Alice Freeman, memorial sketch. Philippines, Hawaii, and Cuba, Education in. Popular education, Expenditure for, justified by its results; by C. W. Eliot. Professional instruction, with appendix giving synopsis of laws governing prac- tice of medicine and dentistry in United States. Reform schools. Roumania, Reform of education in. School boards, Legal status of, in cities of United States. Secondary schools, Statistics of. Sunday school statistics of North America, Triennial report of, for 10th Interna- tional Sunday School Convention, Denver, Colo., June 26-30, 1902; by Marion Lawrance. Superintendents’ and teachers’ salaries. Teachers’ pensions. Temperance instruction in public schools. Text-books and supplies, Free. Universities, colleges, and technological schools. -----German, Foreign students in. Urban school organization, Good; by C. W. Eliot. White, Emerson Elbridge; by E. W. Coy. Marc h , 1905 257

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Not e .—The publications of the United States Geological Survey consist of annual reports (restricted to one volume each, beginning with report for 1902), bulletins, Mineral resources, Professional papers, and Water-supply and irrigation papers, which are intended for free distribution; and maps, Monographs, and folios of the Geologic atlas and the Topographic atlas of the United States, which are sold at prices ranging from 5c to $11.00 each. Address the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington. For topographic sheets see page 259. Assaying. Comparison of wet and crucible-fire methods for assay of gold telluride ores, with notes on errors occurring in operations of fire assay and parting; by W. F. Hillebrand and E. T. Allen. 1905. 31— iii p. (Bulletin 253; H. doc. 394.) [For edition without Con- gressional document number see Catalogue for Jan. 1905, page 78.] *Paper, 10c Champlain, Lake. Preliminary report on pollution of lake; by Mar- shall Ora Leighton. 1905. 119+iii p. 9 il. 9 pl. 4 maps. ( Water- supply and irrigation paper 121; H. doc. 419.) *Paper, 20c Coal. Preliminary report on operations of coal-testing plant of survey at Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904; Edward W. Parker, Joseph A. Holmes, Marius R. Campbell, committee in charge. 1905. 172-f-v p. 2 tab. (Bulletin 261; II. doc. 402.) *Paper, 10c Contents: Briquetting tests; by J. H. Pratt. Chemical laboratory. Work of; by N. W. Lord. Coking tests; by F. W. Stammler.’ Field work; by M. R. Campbell. Producer-gas tests; by R. H. Fernald. Steam and producer-gas tests, Comparison of results obtained from; by R. H. Fer- nald and L. P. Breckenridge. Steam tests: by L. P. Breckenridge. Washing tests; by J. D. Wick. Cooperation between United States and various States in topographic, hydrographic, and geologic work. 1905. 21 p. Cripplecreek, Colo. Report of progress in geological resurvey of Crip- ple Creek district; by Waldemar Lindgren and Frederick Leslie Ransome. 1904 [1905]. 36+v p. (Bulletin 254; H. doc. 395.) [For edition without Congressional document number see Catalogue for Jan. 1905, page 78.] *Paper, 5c Devonian fossils. Contributions to Devonian paleontology, 1903; by Henry Shaler Williams and Edward M. Kindle. 1905.’ 144+v p. 3 il. 4 pl. 4 tab. (Bulletin 244; H. doc. 778, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) *Paper, 10c Contents: Pennsylvania, central and northern, Fossil faunas of Devonian sections in. pt. 2. Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky, Fossil faunas of Devonian and Mississip- pian, lower carboniferous, of. pt. 1. Geologic atlas of United States, Greeneville folio, Tenn.-N. C. Library edition. 1905. 8 p. 1 pl. 3 maps, large 4° (Folio 118.) *Paper, 25c Indian Territory. Gazetteer of Territory; by Henry Gannett. 1905. 70+iii p. (Bulletin 248; H. doc. 389.) [For edition without Con- gressional document number see Catalogue for Jan. 1905, page 78.] • *Paper, 5c Iola, Kans. Economic geology of Iola quadrangle; by George I. Adams, Erasmus Haworth, and W. R. Crane. 1904 [1905]. 83+ [l] + v p. 13 il. 9 pl. 2 maps, 2 tab. (Bulletin 238; H. doc. 772, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) * Paper, 25c Limestones of southwestern Pennsylvania [with bibliography]; by Frederick G. Clapp. 1905. 52-j-v p. 4 pl. 3 maps. (Bulletin 249; H. doc. 390.) *Paper, 20c 258 Marc h , 1905

Los Angeles River. Underflow tests in drainage basin of river; by Homer Hamlin. 1905. 55 - i p. 30 il. 7 pl. (Water-supply and irrigation paper 112; II. doc. 766, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) *Paper, 5c Oregon. Preliminary report on geology and water resources of central Oregon; by Israel C. Russell. 1905. 138 4-v p. 4 il. 23 pl. map. (Bulletin 252; H. doc. 393.) *Paper, 15c Potomac River. Pollution of river and its relation to water supply of District of Columbia, by Marshall O. Leighton; presented by Mr. Gallinger. Mar. 1, 1905. 9 p. (S. doc. 181.) Reclamation Service. 3d annual report of service, [season of] 1903-4; F. H. Newell, chief engineer. 1905. 644 p. (H. doc. 28.) *Paper, 35c Contents: Arizona, Operations in; by L. C. Hill. California, Operations in; by J. B. Lippincott. Colorado, Operations in; by A. L. Fellows. General discussion, organization, and summary of work. Idaho, Operations in; by D. W. Ross. Irrigation works for reclamation of arid lands, Act appropriating receipts from sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories to construction of. Kansas, Operations in: by C. S. Slichter. Montana, Operations in; ‘by C. C. Babb. Nebraska, Operations in; by J. E. Field. Nevada, Operations in; by L. H. Taylor. New Mexico, Operations in; by W. M. Reed. North Dakota, Operations in; by F. E. Weymouth. Oklahoma, Operations in; by G. H. Matthes. Oregon, Operations in; by J. T. Whistler. South Dakota, Operations in; by R. F. Walter. Utah, Operations in; by G. L. Swendsen. Washington, Operations in; by T. A. Noble. Wyoming, Operations in; by Jeremiah Ahern. Rivers. Disposal of strawboard and oil-well wastes; by Robert Lemuel Sackett and Isaiah Bowman. 1905. 52 + i p. 4 il. 4 pl. (Water- supply and irrigation paper 113; IL doc. 767, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) *Paper, 5c Contents: Oil-well wastes, Disposal of, at Marion. Ind.; by Isaiah Bowman. ------supplementary note; by M. O. Leighton. Strawboard waste, its damage to water resources and its economic disposal; by R. L. Sackett. Susquehanna River. Hydrography of Susquehanna River drainage ba- sin; by John C. Hoyt and Robert 11. Anderson. 1905. 215 + [i] p. 9 il. 28 pl. map. (Water-supply and irrigation paper 109; H. doc. 763, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) ' *Paper, 25c Washington State. Geology and water resources of portion of east-central Washington; by Frank C. Calkins. 1905. 96-pi p. 14 il. 2 pl. 2 maps. (Water-supply and irrigation paper 118; H. doc. 416.) *Paper, 5c -----Preliminary report on underground waters of Washington; by Henry Landes. 1905. 85-f-i p. map. (Water-supply and irriga- tion paper 111; H. doc. 765, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) " *Paper, 10c Water. Contributions to hydrology of eastern United States, 1904; Myron L. Fuller, geologist in charge. 1905. 211 -|- [i] p. 33 il. 5 pl. (Water-supply and irrigation paper 110; H. doc. 764, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) ' *Paper, 10c Contents: Accident and Grantsville quadrangles, Md.. Water resources of; by G. C. Martin. Chambersburg and Mercersburg quadrangles, Pa., Water resources of: bv G. W. Stose. Connecticut Valley, Drilled wells of triassic area of; by W. H. C. Pynchon. -----Triassic rocks of, as source of water supply; by M. L. Fuller. Cowee and Pisgah quadrangles, N. C., Water resources of; bv H. S. Gale. Cuba, Notes on hydrology of; by M. L. Fuller. Curwensville. Patton, Ebensburg, and Barnesboro quadrangles, Pa., Water re- sources of; by F. G. Clapp. Decaturville dome, Camden County, Mo., Spring system of; by E. M. Shepard. Elders Ridge quadrangle. Pa., Water resources of; by R. W. Stone. March , 1905 259 \\ ater. Contributions to hydrology of eastern United States—Cont’d. Contents—Continued. Flow from vertical well casings, Corrections necessary in accurate determinations ot; by A. N. Talbot. Flowing wells, Approximate methods of measuring yield of; by C. S. Slichter. Fort Ticonderoga quadrangle, Vt. and N. Y., Water resources of; by T. N. Dale. Frostburg and Flintstone quadrangles, Md. and W. Va., Water resources of- by G. C. Martin. Introduction; by M. L. Fuller. Ithaca, N. Y., New artesian water supply at; by F. L. Whitney. Middlesboro-Harlan region of southeastern Kentucky, Water resources of- by G. H. Ashley. New Jersey, central and southwestern highlands of, Water resources of; by Lau- rence La Forge. Ozark region in northern Arkansas, Summary of water supply of; by G. I. Adams. Quitman, Ga., Experiment relating to problems of well contamination at: by S. W. McCallie. Taconic quadrangle, N. Y., Mass., Vt.. Water resources of; by F. B. Taylor. Underflow meter used in measuring velocity and direction of movement of under ground water, Description of; by C. S. Slichter. Watkins Glen quadrangle, N. Y., Water resources of; by R. S. Tarr. Waynesburg quadrangle, Pa., Water resources of; by R. W. Stone. Well construction, California or stovepipe method of; by C. S. Slichter.

Topographic sheets Not e .—The Geological Survey is making a topographic map of the United States. The sheets of which it is composed are projected without reference to political divisions, and are designated by some prominent feature found on them. Three scales are used, 1:62,500, 1:125,000, and 1:250,000. These correspond, approx- imately, to 1 mile, 2 miles, and 4 miles to 1 linear inch on the map. The size unless otherwise given, is about 17.5 inches in height bv 11.5 to 16 inches in width, exclusive of the margin, the width varying with the latitude. A description of the topographic map is printed on the reverse of each sheet catalogued below. About one-third of the area of the country, excluding Alaska, has been mapped, nearly every State being represented. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia are completely mapped. Sheets of the regular size are sold by the Survey at 5c each; but in lots of 100 or more copies, whether of the same sheet or of different sheets, the price is 2c each. Maryland-Pennsylvania, Westminster quadrangle, lat. 39°30z-39°45z, long. 76°45z-77°. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Edition of Mar. 1905. New York, Nineveh quadrangle, lat. 42°-42°15z, long. 75°30z-75°45z. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Edition of Feb. 1905. New York, St. Regis quadrangle, lat. 44° 15z—44° 30z, long. 74° 15z-74° 30'. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Edition of Feb. 1905. New York, Watkins Glen quadrangle, lat. 42°-42° 30z, long. 76°30z-77°. Scale 1: 125,000, contour interval 40 ft. Edition of Feb. 1905. Ohio, St. Clairsville quadrangle, lat. 40°-40° 15z, long. 80° 45z-81°. Scale 1:62,500, contour interval 20 ft. Edition of Mar. 1905. Texas-Indian Territory, Montague quadrangle, lat. 33° 30z-34°, long. 97° 30z-98°. Scale 1:125,000, contour interval 50 ft. Edition of Feb. 1905. Washington, Skykomish quadrangle, lat. 47° 30z-48°, long. 121°-121° SO7. Scale 1:125,000, contour interval 100 ft. Edition of Mar. 1905. Wyoming, Devils Tower quadrangle, lat. 44° 30z-45°, long. 104° 30z-105°. Scale 1:125,000, contour interval 50 ft. Edition of Mar. 1905.

INDIAN AFFAIRS, OFFICE OF Laws relating to allotments, patents, alienation, citizenship, cessation of tribal relations, and statistics of Five Civilized Tribes. [1905.] 9 p. Response to inquiry, lease between James Bigheart, Osage chief, and Edwin B. Foster, list of subleases, and correspondence pertaining thereto. Mar. 1, 1905. 144 p. (H. doc. 376.) 260 Marc h , 1905

LAND OFFICE, GENERAL Response to inquiry as to charges that certain persons are obtaining pos- session surreptitiously of large tracts of public domain [set apart to promote irrigation of arid lands]. Mar. 2,1905. 2 p. (H. doc. 377.)


Note .—The Patent Office publishes specifications and drawings of patents, both in single copies and monthly volumes, the former at 5c and the latter at 85.00. The former are not enumerated in this catalogue. For certified copies of patents, including specification, drawing, certificate, and grant, the price is 80c. A variety of indexes, giving a complete view of the work of the office from 1790 to date, are published at prices ranging from 25c to 810.00 per volume. The Rules of practice and pamphlet Patent laws are furnished free. The Patent Office issues coupon orders in packages of 20 at 81-00 per package, or in books containing 100 coupons at 85.00 per book. One coupon will procure a specification with drawings, and two coupons a copy of the Official gazette. They are good until used. Address Chief Clerk, Patent Office. Official gazette, Mar. 7-28, 1905; v. 115, nos. 1-4. 1905. 1-1068 + [Ixxxv] p. il. large 8° [Weekly.] Paper, 10c single copy, $5.00 a yr Not e .—Contains the patents, trade-marks, designs, and labels issued each week: also decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of United States courts in patent cases. Same, [title-page, errata, index to decisions, etc., to] v. 112. 1904 [1905]. [vii] + xiv p. large 8° Same, [to] v. 113. 1905. [vii] + xvi p. large 8° Official gazette, supplement containing revised classification of subjects of invention arranged by divisions with classes and subclasses in each. Jan. 1, 1905. [78] p. large 8° Same. Jan. 1, 1905. [76] 1. large 8° Report of commissioner to Congress for year ending Dec. 31,1904. 1905. 15 p. Justice, Department of Judgments rendered by Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases [since Dec. 4, 1904]. Mar. 1, 2, 1905. 4 + 1 p. (S. doc. 180, 2 pts.)

Navy Department

Annual reports, 1904. 1904 [1905]. 1211 p. 3 pl. 1 tab. (H. doc. 3.) *Cloth, 75c; * paper, 60c Contents: Reports of— Asiatic Station. Boiler, Babcock

HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE . N.?TE-'ZThe- charts, sailing directions, etc., of the Hvdrographic Office are sold by the office in Washington and also by agents at the principal American and foreign seaports and American lake ports. Copies of the Hvdrographic bulletin and Notice to mariners are supplied free on application at the Hvdrographic Office in Washington and at the branch offices in Boston, New York Philadel- phia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannah, New Orleans, San Francisco’ Portland Dtomh’ P°rt Townsend- Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Sault Ste. Marie, and List of lights of the world; v. 2, south and east coasts of Asia and Africa and East Indies, including Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand- corrected to Jan. 1, 1905. 1905. [4]+99+xix p. 4° ([Publica- tion] 31.) • Paper, 20c Same; y. 3, west coast of Africa and Europe and Mediterranean Sea including Adriatic, Black Sea, and Sea of Azov; corrected to Jan. 1 1905. 1905. [4] 136-f-xxii p. 4° ([Publication] 32.) Paper, 20c Charts Bias Bay, China, south east coast, from British surveys between 1845 and 1897; chart 2216. Scale naut. m. = 0.85 in. Mar. 1905 18 6 X 25.2 in. -20c Cailin, Laitec, and Coldita islands, with part of east coast of Chiloe Island, Chile, from Chilean survey in 1896; chart 2052 Scale naut m. = lin. Mar. 1905. 17.3X18^7 in. 10c Hongkong waters, east, China, south coast, from British surveys between 1886 and 1893; chart 2220. Scale naut. m. =5.95 in. Mar. 1905 26.3-X 39.3 in. 4q (‘. Hongkong waters, west, C hina, south coast, from British surveys between 1886 and 1902; chart 2221. Scale naut. m. =5.95 in. ‘Mar 1905 26.3X39.3 in. 4q ^ Pilot chart of north Atlantic Ocean, Apr. 1905; chart 1400. Scale 1° long. =0.27 in. Mar. 30 [1905]. 21 X 32 in. [Monthly.] 10c Not e .—Contains, in addition to sailing routes, etc., equator crossings in Pacific Ocean; forecast of weather; charts published, etc., Mar. 1-31, 1905. " 262 Marc h , 1905 Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean, Apr. 1905; chart 1401. Scale 1° long. =0.2 in. Mar. 7 [1905]. 20.7X35.3 in. [Monthly.] 10c Not e .—Contains, in addition to sailing routes, etc., storm tracks; time signals, north Pacific Ocean; charts published, etc., Feb. 1-28, 1905; fishing banks; fore- cast of wind and weather; equator crossings in Atlantic Ocean. Taitam Bay, Hongkong, China, from British survey in 1893; chart 2215. Scale naut. in. =6 in. Mar. 1905. 26.4 X 19.7 in. 20c


Accessions to library, July-Dec. 1904; 15. 1905. 32 1. [Semiannual.] NAVAL WAR RECORDS, OFFICE OF Official records of Union and Confederate navies, circular [giving description, volumes, etc.]. Mar. 15, 1905.' 3 p. 4°

NAVIGATION, BUREAU OF List of vacancies for midshipmen in 1905 at Naval Academy. Mar. 12, 1905. 1 p. narrow f°

STEAM ENGINEERING, BUREAU OF Report of naval liquid fuel board of tests conducted on Hohenstein water tube boiler, showing relative evaporative efficiencies of coal and liquid fuel under forced and natural draft conditions. 1904 [1905]. v+3-450+[l] P- 1°4 i1- 12 P1- 2 P- of P1- large 8°

SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS, BUREAU OF Memoranda for information of officers of Pay Corps, commanding offi- cers of ships, and commandants of stations 47; Feb. 1, 1905. p. 471- 483, 12° [Monthly.] Same, 48; Mar. 1, 1905. p. 485-495, 12° [Monthly.]

Post-Office Department

Act of Mar. 3, 1891, to provide for ocean mail service; advertisement of routes, Feb. 14, 1905, and form of proposal and bond. 1905. 13 p. Annual reports, 1904, abridged. 1904 [1905]. 314 p. Parcels-post convention between United States and Great Britain. [Signed London, Feb. 3, Washington, Feb. 17, 1905, approved Feb. 17, 1905.] [1905.] 7 p. Report of 4th assistant Postmaster-General, 1904. 1904 [1905]. 69 p. Not e .—Relates to appointments, bonds and commissions, free delivery, inspec- tion service, and mail depredations. United States official postal guide, 2d series, v. 27, no. 3; Mar. 1905. Albany. 40 p. 12° [Monthly.] Paper, $2.00 a yr Not e .—No. 1, January, for each year, is what is usually known as the Postal guide, nos. 2-12 being additions and corrections. Sold by the printers, J. B. Lyon Company, 226 Hamilton street, Albany. Marc h , 1905 263

State, Department of

Not e .—The Department of State distributes its publications gratuitously. For sale of laws see page 234. American National Institute, Paris. Letter in relation to incorporation of institute. Mar. 15, 1905. 2 p. (S. doc. 4, 59th Cong special sess.) Declaration of Independence, story of its adoption, with biographies and portraits of signers and of secretary of Congress; by William H. Michael. 1904 [1905]. viii-J-99 p. 1 il. 57 por. 7 pl. 5 facsim. 6 p. of facsim. large 8° Diplomatic list, Mar. 1905. 15 p. 24° [Monthly.] Extradition. Treaty between 1 nited States and Nicaragua for extradi- tion of criminals, signed Washington, Mar. 1, 1905. Mar. 2, 1905. 8 p. (Confidential; [Senate] executive X.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Mar. 16, 1905.] Note .—The series of documents to which this belongs is printed in confidence for the use of the Senate, and is inaccessible to other persons unless, as in this instance, the Senate removes the injunction of secrecy. -----Treaty between United States and Uruguay, signed [Washington], Mar. 11, 1905, for mutual extradition of criminals. Mar. 13, 1905. 6 p. (Confidential; [Senate] executive B, 59th Cong, special sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Mar. 18, 1905.] Not e .—The series of documents to which this belongs is printed in confidence for the use of the Senate, and is inaccessible to other persons unless, as in this instance, the Senate removes the injunction of secrecy. International sanitary convention, signed Paris, Dec. 3, 1903. Apr. 26, 1904. 86 p. (Confidential; [Senate] executive N, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Mar. 1, 1905.] Contents: Convention, translation [from French], Corresponden ce. International sanitary bureau, Division of expenses of. International Sanitary Conference, Paris, 1903, Report of; bv H. D Geddings Letter from surgeon-general of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service Ire- commending modifications of convention]. Rats, Memoir upon role of, in plague on board ships; bv Theodore Thomson Technical subcommission. Report presented in name of; by E. Roux. Yellow fever, Remarks on; by W. C. Gorgas. Same [with signatures, and without accompanying papers]* Feb. 16, 1905. 54 p. (Confidential: [Senate] executive N, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) Note .—The series of documents to which this belongs is printed in confidence for the use of the Senate, and is inaccessible to other persons unless, as in this instance, the Senate removes the injunction of secrecy. Luxemburg. Declaration between United States and Luxemburg for effective protection of trade-marks. Signed Luxemburg, Dec. 23, The Hague, Dec. 27, 1904, proclaimed Mar. 15, 1905. [1905.] 3 p. [English and French.] Prostitution. Projects of convention and additional arrangement adopted July 25, 1902, by delegates of various Powers [not including United States], represented at Paris conference for repression of trade in white women [translations]. Dec. 8, 1902. 10 p. (Confidential; [Senate] executive H, 57th Cong. 2d sess.) [Injunction of secrecy removed Mar. 1, 1905.] . Note . The series of documents to which this belongs is printed in confidence tor the use of the Senate, and is inaccessible to other persons unless, as in this instance, the Senate removes the injunction of secrecy. 16861--No. 123—05----3 264 Marc h , 1905


Not e .—This Bureau sells its own monthly bulletins, handbooks, etc., at prices usually ranging from 5c to SI.00. Address the Director of the Bureau. Honduras, geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic con- ditions, actual development, prospects of future growth [with bibliography]; by Alfred K. Moe. 1904 [1905]. 252 p. 15 pl. 2 maps. (H. doc. 145, pt. 4.) [For edition without Congressional document number see Catalogue for Sept. 1904, page 528.] *Paper, $1.00 Not e .—Includes article on Native races; by J. H. Porter. Monthly bulletin, Mar. 1905; whole no. 138, v. 19, no. 3. 1905. 505-727-f-xxvii p. 1 por. (H. doc. 267, pt. 3.) [Contains articles in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French.] Paper, 25c single copy, $2.00 a yr Contents of English section: Additions to [Columbus Memorial] Library, Feb. [1905], Argentina. Foreign commerce in 1904; railway movement in 1904; shipments of wheat to Great Britain: financial statistics for 1904; port movements during Oct. and Nov. 1904; analysis of Argentine rice: notes. Azpiroz, Manuel de. Death of. Bolivia. Budget for 1905. Book notes. Brazil. Budget for 1905; tariff modifications: notes. Chile. Customs revenue for calendar year 1904; conversion bill; development of Magellan district. Cocoa production, World’s. Colombia. Increase of import duties. Costa Rica. Banana industry. , Cuba. Treaty of extradition with United States, signed Washington, Apr. 6, 1904, proclaimed Feb. 8, 1995; law relating to patent medicines; cultivation of sisal hemp; customs decisions; imports from United States, 1904. Dominican Republic. Reduction of import duties on sugar and sugared products. Ecuador. Tariff modifications, 1905. Guatemala. Guatemala Northern Railroad. Honduras. Foreign commerce, 1903-4. Latin America, Trade opportunities in. Lead output, World’s. Mexico. Foreign commerce in Nov. 1904; customs receipts for Nov. 1904; cus- toms receipts, Dec. 1904; free importation of household goods; development of cotton industry; lead production in 1904; amendments to dynamite conces- sions; postal convention with Canada; notes. Paraguay. Notes. Periodicals and newspapers on file. Peru. Industrial development in Republic; railroads in Republic; notes. Roosevelt, President, Inaugural address of, Mar. 4, 1905. Salvador. Exports, first quarter of 1904. Tin production of the world. Title-page and index to v. 19, Jan.-Mar. 1905. United States. Trade with Latin America; consular trade reports: foreign com- merce, Jan. 1905; exports of manufactures in 1904; exports of farm products, 1904; budget for 1905-6; consumption of coffee in 1904; production of pig iron in 1904; patents and trade-marks in Panama Canal Zone; growth of rubber im- ports; imports of tropical products, 1904; Panama water supply: notes. Uruguay. Customs receipts for Dec. and for 1904; commercial intercourse with United States; movement of port of Montevideo during Nov. 1904. Venezuela. Notes. Venezuela, geographical sketch, natural resources, laws, economic con- ditions, actual development, prospects of future growth [with bibliography]; by N. Veloz Goiticoa. 1904 [1905]. 6Q8 p. 1 por. 34 pl. map. (H. doc. 145, pt. 3.) [For edition without Con- gressional document number see Catalogue for Sept. 1904, page 529.] *Paper, $1.00 Note .—Includes article on Native races; by J. H. Porter.

ROLLS AND LIBRARY, BUREAU OF [Circular stating of what a set of laws of 58th Congress, 3d session, con- sists.] Mar. 3, 1905. 1 p. 12° Marc h , 1905 265

Treasury Department

Appropriations. Judgments rendered by Court of Claims [requiring appropriation, since report of Jan. 31, 1905]. Mar. 1, 1905. 5 p. (S. doc. 184.) [A large proportion of these are judgments in claims of officers and enlisted men of Volunteers during War with Spain for extra pay.] -----Schedule of claims allowed under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to surplus fund, since [report of Feb. 3, 1905]. Mar. 1, 1905. 9 p. (S. doc. 185.) Automobiles imported as household effects or for touring purposes. Mar. 15, 1905. 1 p. 4° .(Dept, circular 33, 1905; Division of Customs.) Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Status of merchandise [and persons] coming into United States from zone [act of Congress]. Mar. 15, 1905. Ip. 4° (Dept, circular 34, 1905; Division of Customs.) Customs Service. Amendment of sec. 2787, Revised statutes, regarding entry of imported goods by agent, factor, or person other than per- son to whom it belongs, etc. [act of Congress], Mar. 8,1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 27, 1905; Division of Customs.) -----List of customs districts and ports of entry and delivery. Feb. 9, 1905. 8 p. 4° (Dept, circular 30, 1905; Division of Special Agents.) Gloucester, Mass., port to which merchandise may be transported with- out appraisement [act of Congress]. Mar. 7,1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 26, 1905; Division of Customs.) Insects. Prohibition of importation of insect pests [act of Congress]. Mar. 20,1905. 2 p. 4° (Dept, circular 37,1905; Division of Customs.) Norwalk, Conn., established as subport of entry [act of Congress]. Mar. 9, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 31, 1905; Division of Customs.) Notaries public. Additional list of customs notaries. Mar. 3, 1905. 3 p. 4° (Dept, circular 25, 1905; Division of Customs.) Official matter. Supervision, assignment, and signing of official matter and conduct of public business in and under Department. Mar. 8, 1905. 2 p. 4° (Dept, circular 29, 1905; Division of Appointments.) Parcels post. Parcels-post convention with Belgium. Mar. 8, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 28, 1905; Division of Customs.) -----Parcels-post convention with Great Britain. Mar. 20,1905. 2 p. 4° (Dept, circular 39, 1905; Division of Customs.) Philippine Islands, export duties, etc. [act of Congress]. Mar. 13, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 32, 1905; Division of Customs.) South Bend, Wash., designated subport of entry and Grays Harbor dis- continued as subport of entry [Department letter]. Mar. 20, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 38, 1905; Division of Appointments.) Stamps, Revenue. Letter submitting for consideration in connection with general deficiency bill items relating to redemption of stamps and to refunding taxes illegally collected. Mar. 1, 1905. 1 p. (S. doc. 182.) Texas City, Tex., established as subport of entry and given immediate- transportation privileges [act of Congress]. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 24, 1905; Division of Customs.) Trade-marks. Mar. 21,1905. 2 p. 4° (Dept, circular 40,1905; Division of Customs.) 266 Marc h , 1905

Translations. Amendment of sec. 4952, Revised statutes [as amended, so as to protect rights of those obtaining copyright for English trans- lations of books in foreign languages, act of Congress, etc.]. Mar. 16, 1905. 2 p. 4° (Dept, circular 36, 1905; Division of Customs.) Traveling expenses. Orders for traveling and allowances for traveling expenses. Mar. 25, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Dept, circular 41,1905; Division of Appointments.) Treasury decisions. Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws, v. 7; Jan.-Dec. 1904. [See Internal Revenue, Commissioner of.] -----Treasury decisions under tariff, internal revenue, and other laws, weekly, v. 9, nos. 9-13; Mar. 2-30, 1905. [Department decisions numbered 26079-220 including general appraisers’ decisions 5938-92, and internal revenue decisions 867-882. ] Wisconsin. Estimate to pay claim of Wisconsin [for expenses incurred in raising volunteers]. Mar. 2, 1905. 1 p. (S. doc. 186.)

APPRAISERS, GENERAL, BOARD OF Reappraisements of merchandise by general appraisers [on Feb. 24-Mar. 23, 1905]; Mar. 6-27, 1905. 4° (Reappraisement circulars 1197- 1208; Division of Customs.) [Weekly.] AUDITOR FOR THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Payment of unindorsed pension checks after death of payees. Mar. 15, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Treasury Dept. Dept, circular 35, 1905.) COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY National-bank act as amended, with other laws relating to national banks, from Revised statutes. 1905. 90 p. COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY Decisions, v. 11, pt. 2, Oct.-Dec. 1904; containing decisions by Robert J. Tracewell and Leander P. Mitchell. 1904 [1905]. vi + 165-343-f-x p. GOVERNMENT ACTUARY Market prices and investment values of outstanding securities [Feb. 1905]. Mar. 1, 1905. 2 p. 4° (Treasury Dept. Dept, circular 23, 1905.) [Monthly.] INTERNAL REVENUE, COMMISSIONER OF Treasury decisions under internal revenue laws, v. 7; Jan.-Dec. 1904. 1905. [iii] + 162 p. [Contains internal revenue decisions num- bered 736-849.] *Sheep, $1.00 PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE Public health reports, v. 20, nos. 9-13; Mar. 3-31,1905. 1905. [xx]+ 345-588 p. [Weekly.] Note .—This publication, showing health conditions in various parts of this and other countries, as reported by the officers of the Public Health and Marine- Hospital Service and others, is for gratuitous distribution, but the edition is lim- ited, and the document is intended only for health officers and other persons interested in sanitary affairs. To obtain it application should be made to the Surgeon-General of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Treasury Department. Marc h , 1905 267

War Department Annual reports, 1904; v. 3, reports of division and department com- manders. 1904 [1905]. 305 p. (H. doc. 2.) Contents: *C1°th’ 35cJ *PaPer> 20c Reports of— Atlantic Division and Department of the East. California, Department of. Colorado, Department of the. Columbia, Department of the. Dakota, Department of. Gulf, Department of the. Lakes, Department of the. • Luzon, Department of. Mindanao, Department of. Missouri, Department of the. Northern Division. Pacific Division. Philippines Division. Southwestern Division. Texas, Department of. Visayas, Department of the. Register, Jan. 1, 1905. 1905. 172 p. Revised rules and regulations approved Feb. 27, 1905, to govern collec- tion and expenditure of special contingent funds for care and main- tenance of public works at Fort Monroe, Va. 1905 11 n l‘>° ([Circular D, 1905.]) F Soldier’s handbook. [Revised edition.] 1905. 92 p 17 il 16° (War Dept. doc. 248.) INSULAR AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF Monthly summary of commerce of Philippine Islands, Sept. 1904- no 3 series 1904-05. [1905.] p. 247-359, 4° ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- Circular 12; Mar. 1,1905. [3] p. Proceedings, Feb. 4-17, 1905, meetings 74-78. [1905.] 30 p. Sanitary conditions on Isthmus of Panama, reply of commission to re- P°rt RReed’ with letters of President and Secretary of U ar. 190o. [1] + 63 p. [Includes report of C. A. L. Reed.] ~ PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Official gazette, v. 3, nos. 3-7; Jan. 18-Feb. 15, 1905. Manila n 17-76 1 il. 4° [Weekly.] ’ Same, Spanish. +u^0TE’ = Official gazette will be furnished to subscribers, free of postage at the ra^eot 15c single copy, 86.00 a yr. Send remittances by registered letter to Norton F. Brand, acting editor Official gazette, Manila, P. I. ‘ Public laws and resolutions passed by Philippine Commission during quarter ending Nov. 30, 1904; acts 1226-74 [etc.]. Manila, 1905 v. 17, vm + 110 p. Same, Spanish. or‘,er of. th.e Philippine Commission, the quarterlv publication of v <> M,a?s ,nd re??lutl°ns passed by Philippine Commission,‘beginning with Ina/*? *luarter ending Nov. 30, 1902, will be issued in 2 pamphlets, 1 English 1 k-?anish’tor sale by the secretary of the commission at 50c each. The rfuar- V’lT08 Preceding v 9, both languages included, are for sale bvihe secre- pine CommiS; Manila, P IPCT V01Ume‘ AddreSS the secretary of the PhiliP- 268 Marc h , 1905

CENSUS BUREAU Census of Philippine Islands, 1903; v. 1, geography, history, and popu- lation [with bibliography]. 1905. 619 p. il. 49 pl. 6 maps. [Pre- pared in cooperation with Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce and Labor. ] Not e .—Includes Laws of Philippine Commission concerning census of Philip- pine Islands. CURRENCY, DIVISION OF 1st annual report of chief, Oct. 10, 1903-Sept. 1, 1904. Manila, 1905. 21 p. EDUCATION, BUREAU OF Government in United States, prepared for use in Philippine public schools; by Albert PI. Putney. Manila, 1904. 109 p. (Bulletin 10.)


Report on hemorrhagic septicaemia in animals in Philippine Islands [with bibliography]; by Paul G. Woolley and J. W. Jobling. Ma- nila, 1904. 21 p. 2 il. ([Publication] 9.)

PUBLIC LANDS, BUREAU OF Circular containing law relating to homesteads and instructions there- under. Manila, Nov. 7, 1904, [published] 1905. 9 p. Circular containing law relating to leasing public lands and instructions thereunder. Manila, Nov. 7, 1904 [published 1905]. 11 p.

WEATHER BUREAU Bulletin, Aug. 1904. Manila, 1905. p. 235-274, 1 pl. 2 maps, 4° [Eng- lish and Spanish.] Not e .—Contains meteorological data, notes on weather, magnetic and seismic disturbances, and crops of Philippine Islands. Special article is, Observations on insects affecting crops in Philippines; by Robert E. Brown. Same, Sept. 1904. Manila, 1905. p. 275-310, 3 il. 3 pl. 4° [English and Spanish.] Not e .—Special article is, Observations on insects affecting crops in Philippines; by Robert E. Brown. Special report of director, cyclones of the far East [with bibliographies]; by Jose Algue. 2d edition. Manila, 1904 [1905]. 283 p. 6 il. 26 pl. 30 maps, 4° Not e .—Includes Glossary of terms; by Robert [E.] Brown.

STAFF CORPS, GENERAL Ballistic tables 2, extended to v=3600 f. s., computed by Charles A. Junken; 5, modified, under direction of Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, Va. 1904 [1905]. 35 p. large 4° (Supplement 2 to Ar- tillery circular M [series begun in 1893].)

ARSENAL, WATERTOWN Report of tests of metals and other materials for industrial purposes made with United States testing machine at arsenal, 1903. Feb. 8, 1904 [published 1905]. 556 p. il. 90 pl. (H. doc. 521, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) Marc h , 1905 269

ENGINEER SCHOOL Impressions of a company commander, by Le Capitaine Potez; trans- lated by J. R. Williams, F. R. Shunk, E. M. Rhett. Revised edi- tion. Press of Engineer School, Washington Barracks, D. C., 1905. [5] +41 p. (Occasional papers 1.)

ENGINEERS, CORPS OF Estimate of appropriation for shore protection at Sandy Hook. Feb. 7, 1905. 3 p. map. (H.doc. 305.) Report of survey and estimate of cost of road into Mount Rainier National Park [from eastern boundary of Mount Rainier forest reserve]. Feb. 1,1905. 9 p. map. (H.doc. 283.)

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Report [of board] on origin and spread of typhoid fever in U. S. mili- tary camps during Spanish war of 1898; by Walter Reed, Victor C. Vaughan, and Edward O. Shakespeare. ' 1904 [1905]. v. 2, [5] p. — 84 1. 93 pl. 4 maps, oblong f° (H. doc. 757 [pt. 2], 58th Cong. 2d sees.) *Cloth,$2.25 MILITARY SECRETARY’S DEPARTMENT Army list and directory, officers of Army, Mar. 20, 1905; [no.] 64. 1905. 78 p. large 8° [Monthly.] * Paper, 10c single copy, $1.00 a yr Roster of organized militia of United States, by divisions, brigades, regiments, companies, etc., with their stations. Jan. 1905. 101 p. (War Dept. doc. 251.)


Not e .—Lake Survey charts may be obtained from U. ■§. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., or from U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y. Payments must be made before charts are sent, and if made bv mail must be by postal or express money order payable to the order of U. S. Lake Survey Office if ordered from Detroit, or to the order of U. S. Engineer Office if ordered from Buffalo. These charts may also be obtained, for cash only, at U. S. Canal Office at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. They will be sent by express, the express charges to be paid by the purchaser on receipt of the charts, or free by mail at the purchaser’s risk. 'Pur- chasers should indicate, when ordering the charts, whether they wish them sent by express or mail. The latter will be used when no choice is indicated. The bulletins and supplements of the Lake Survey may be obtained free upon application at U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., and at the engineer offices in Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago. Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Oswego. Charts Portage Lake and River, Lake Superior, Chart of, including Torch Lake, Mich., scale 1:30,000; with insets, Portage Lake upper entrance and canal, scale 1:15,000; Portage Entry and River, scale 1:15,000. Mar. 15, 1905. 42.7 X 29, 15.1 X 8.1, and 21.7 X 16.6 in. 20c

ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Instructions to bidders and specifications governing manufacture of 10-inch disappearing gun carriages, L. F., model of 1901. Revised Mar. 1, 1905. 14 p. 12°

QUARTERMASTER’S DEPARTMENT Instructions for supplying by Quartermaster’s Department of newspa- pers and periodicals to military post libraries. [1905.] 14 p. 270 Marc h , 1905

Courts of United States

COURT OF CLAIMS Cases decided at term of 1903-4, with abstracts of decisions of Supreme Court in appealed cases, Oct. 1903-May, 1904; reported by Charles C. Nott and Archibald Hopkins. 1904 [1905]. v. 39, xxii-f-601 p. *Sheep, $1.15 Note .—Includes legislation [of 58th Congress, 2d session] relative to court. Cole. Findings in case of Ida J. Cole, heir of Martha C. Cole. Mar. 2, 1905. 2 p. (H. doc. 379.) Guidry. Findings in case of Felix Guidry, administrator of Louisa Breaux [Guidry]. Mar. 3, 1905. 3 p. (S. doc. 192.)

District of Columbia

Education, Board of. Report [with reports of committees, superin- tendent, supervising principals, directors of special work, etc.], 1904. 1904 [1905]. 203 p. 8 pl. map. Excise Board. Report for year ending Oct. 31, 1904. Mar. 2, 1905. 2 p. (H. doc. 380.) Industrial Home School. [8th] report of trustees [and officers] of school, 1904. 1905. 16 p. Strider, Luke C. Letter transmitting judgment against auditor of Dis- trict at suit of Strider, and requesting that said judgment be included in deficiency bill. Mar. 2, 1905. 2 p. (S. doc. 190.)

Smithsonian Institution

Note .—In its latest price-list the Smithsonian Institution publishes this note: ‘ The publications of the Smithsonian Institution are. 1, Contributions to knowl- edge; 2, Miscellaneous collections; 3, annual reports: 4, special papers. No sets of these are for sale or distribution, as most of the volumes are out of print. The volumes of Contributions and Collections are distributed only to designated pub- lic libraries and learned institutions in this country and abroad. A small edition of the papers in these two series is printed separately for sale or exchange. The Smithsonian reports are distributed by the Institution to libraries throughout the world; maybe had by purchase at cost from the Superintendent of Documents, and may also generally be obtained free of charge from the applicant’s Member of Congress.” The annual reports are the only Smithsonian publications that are regularly issued as public documents. All the others are paid for from the pri- vate funds of the Institution. Separates from the reports are for exchange, and for free distribution, but not for sale. The annual reports are included in the Congressional set. Description of new sylvietta, by Harry C. Oberholser; from Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 47, pt. 3. Mar. 2, 1905. p. 373, 374. ([Publication] 1555.) Discrepancy between solar radiation measures by actinometer and by spectro-bolometer, by F. E. Fowle, jr.; from Smithsonian miscel- laneous collections, v. 47, pt. 4. Mar. 28, 1905. p. 399-408, 2 il. ([Publication] 1560.) Fossil plants of group cycadofilices, by David White; from Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 47, pt. 3. Mar. 2, 1905. p. 377-390+ [3] 1. 3 pl. ([Publication] 1557.) Marc h , 1905 271

Habits and life history of social spider, stegodyphus sarasinorum karsch, by N. S. Jambunathan [with bibliography of social spiders, by N. Banks]; from Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 47, pt. 3. Mar. 2, 1905. p. 365-372, 1 pl. ([Publication] 1554.) New Philippine landshell, by Paul Bartsch; from Smithsonian miscel- laneous collections, v. 47, pt. 4. Mar. 28, 1905. p. 409, 1 pl. ([Publication] 1561.) Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, quarterly issue, v. 2, pt. 3. 1905. p. 303-398+[7] 1. il. 10 pl. ([Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions] v. 47; [publication] 1548.) Contents: Aneimites, Seeds of; by David White. Birds described by Pallas in Adumbratiuncula ofVroeg’s Catalogue, Notes on; by C. W. Richmond. -----New species of, in Vroeg’s Catalogue, 1764; by C. D. Sherbom. China, Inquiry into population of; by W. W. Rockhill. Notes [including Recent publications of institution continued from list, Nov. 1904, no. 1478]. Plants, Fossil, of group cycadofilices; by David White. Sculpin and its habits; by Theodore Gill. Spider, social, stegodyphus sarasinorum karsch, Habits and life history of, by N. S. Jambunathan [with bibliography of social spiders, by N. Banks], Sylvietta, new, Description of; by H. C. Oberholser. Tugda, or rice planter, of Coyunos, Philippine Islands; by E. Y. Miller. Vowel organ, Report on construction of; by E. W. Scripture. Tugda, or rice planter, of Coyunos, Philippine Islands, by E. Y. Miller; from Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 47, pt. 3. Mar. 2, 1905. p. 375, 376, 2 pl. ([Publication] 1556.)

NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 6th report, Oct. 11, 1902-Oct. 11, 1903. 1904 [1905]. 475 p. il. 1 por. 48 pl. (S. doc. 277, 58th Cong. 2d sess.) *Cloth,65c Not e .—Includes report of National Society of the Children of the American Revolution.

Various Bureaus


Not e .—The Commission furnishes its publications gratuitously to those who apply for them. 21st annual report [with appendixes], 1904. 1905. 366 p. (H. doc. 369.) *Cloth, 35c Note .—Includes civil service act, rules, and regulations; List of references on civil service, by A. P. C. Griffin; List of references on old age and civil service pensions, by A. P. C. Griffin. Instructions to applicants for 3d civil service district, headquarters, Philadelphia, Pa. Mar. 1905. 12 p. Same for 9th civil service district, headquarters, St. Louis, Mo. Mar. 1905. 12 p. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE

DOCUMENTS, SUPERINTENDENT OF Catalogue of United States public documents, monthly, no. 122; Feb. 1905. 1905. 107-229+xxxvii p. * Paper, $1.10 a yr 272 March , 1905

INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Not e .—The Commission furnishes its reports gratuitously to those who apply for them. ‘ * Chicago Live Stock Exchange v. Chicago Great Western Railway Com- pany [etal.], Railroad and Warehouse Commissioners of State of Minnesota [et al.], interveners; decided Jan. 7, 1905; report and opinion of commission. [1905.] 28 p. Edward G. Davies v. Pere Marquette Railroad Company [et al.]; decided Jan. 5, 1905; report and opinion of commission. [1905.] 7 p. Lehman-Higginson Grocer Company [etal.] t. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company [et al.], Ryley-Wilson Grocer Company [et al.], interveners; decided Jan. 17,1905; report and opinion of com- mission. [1905.] 13 p. Mershon, Schuette, Parker & Company v. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey [et al.]; decided Jan. 13, 1905; report and opinion of commission. [1905.] 4 p. Paxton Tie Company v. Detroit Southern Railroad Company; decided Jan. 7, 1905; report and opinion of commission. [1905.] 6 p. Response to resolution, statement showing, for each railway reporting to commission, number of stockholders. Alar. 3, 1905. 10 p (S. doc. 188.) Wm. Wrigley, jr., v. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Rail- way Company [et al.], Cowart-Lofton Company, intervener; de- cided Jan. 5,1905; reportand opinion of commission. [1905.] 10 p.



Not e .—The Catalogue of title entries is prepared by the Register of Copyrights and published by the Treasury Department. It is not sold bv the Treasury Depart- ment the Librarian of Congress, nor the Register of Copyrights, but must be sub- scribed for at the office of the collector of customs for the district in which the person desiring it lives. The price is 85.00 per year of 52 numbers. The bulletins of the office are sent free on application to the Register of Copyrights. Catalogue of title entries of books and other articles entered under copy- right law; whole nos. 713-717; Mar. 2-30, 1905. 1905. 675- H82+[lvi] p. [Weekly; no. 717 contains quarterly index.] Paper, $5.00 a yr [Copyright act of Mar. 3, 1905, to amend sec. 4952, Revised statutes, as amended, so as to protect rights of those obtaining copyright for English translations of books in foreign languages, and regulations thereunder.] [Mar. 7, 1905.] 4p. ([Informationcircular] 33.) Copyright in Congress, 1789-1904, bibliography and chronological rec- ord, 1st Congress-58th Congress, 2d session; by Thorvald Solberg. Feb. 1905. 468 p. large 8° (Bulletin 8.) [Record of Congressional action brought down to Jan. 27, 1905.] *Cloth, 65c [Nationality of author required.] [Feb. 20, 1905.] [4] p. 4° ([Infor- mation circular] 21.)

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Report, [calendar] year 1904. Feb. 28, 1905. 57 p. (S. doc. 178.) *Paper, 5c Note .—Includes report by committee appointed bv academy to consider desira- bility ot instituting scientific explorations of Philippine Islands. Marc h , 1905 273

NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS Record of changes in membership of home, 1904. 1905. 212 p. Report of managers, 1904. 1905. 240 p. 1 il. Note .—Includes report and proceedings of board, reports of secretary of board and treasurer of home, reports of branches, and laws affecting home. PUBLIC LANDS COMMISSION Senate document 188, 58th Congress, 2d session, preliminary report of commission appointed to report upon condition, operation, and effect of present land laws and to recommend changes; Senate doc- ument 154, 58th Congress, 3d session, 2d partial report of commis- sion appointed to report upon condition, operation, and effect of present land laws. [1905.] 9+14 p. SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS COMMISSION Condition of business Feb. 27, 1905, letter of commission to House Appropriation Committee. [1905.] 4 p. 4° (Document 33.) Opinion 32, 33; [Jan. 28], Feb. 7, 1905. large 8° Order of President extending time for work of commission [for 6 months from Mar. 2,1905]. Jan. 31, 1905. 1 p. 4° (Document 32.)

Shipments to Depositories During the Month of March, 1905

Note .—Shipment numbers run from 1 to 49, inclusive, and then begin again with 1.

Shipment 12 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 57. No. 44; Reclamation Service, 2d report, 1903. (Serial no. 4683.) -----Same, v. 65. No. Ill, 3 pts.; American Republics Bureau, 13th re- port, 1903. (Serial no. 4691.) Shipment 13 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 58. Nos. 62- 66, 606; Geological Survey bulletins 217-222. (Serial no. 4684.) -----Same, v. 69. No. 458, pts. 10-12; American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Oct.-Dec. 1904, v. 18. (Serial no. 4695.) Shipment 14 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 68. No. 458, pts. 7-9; American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, July- Sept. 1904, v. 17. (Serial no. 4694.) Shipment 15 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 74. No. 338; Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service report, 1903. (Serial no. 4700.) -----Same, v. 77. No. 351; Precious metals, 1902. (Serial no. 4703.) Shipment 16 Chemistry, Bureau of (Department of Agriculture). Foods and food control, 2, legislation during year ended July 1, 1904; by W. D. Bigelow. 1904. 23 p. 8° (Bulletin 83, pt. 2.) ----- Standards of purity for food products, superseding [Department of Agriculture] circular 10, supplemental proclamation; [prepared by committee on food standards, Association of Official Agricultural Chemists], Dec. 20, 1904 [published 1905]. 14 p. 8° (Agricul- ture, Dept. of. Circular 13.) Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 51. No. 21, 4 pts.; Monthly consular reports, Sept.-Dec. 1903, v. 73, nos. 276-279. (Serial no. 4677.) 275 276 March , 1905

Experiment Stations, Office of (Department of Agriculture). Experi- ment station record, v. 16, no. 6; Feb. 1905. 1905. x+525-628 n. 4 pl. 8° Forestry, Bureau of (Department of Agriculture). Location and area of Federal forest reserves in United States, Alaska, and Porto Rico, Feb. 1, 1905. [1905.] 2 p. 8° Plant Industry, Bureau of (Department of Agriculture). School garden. [2d edition.] [Jan. 25, 1905.] 6 p. 2 il. 8° ([Publication] 140.) -----Soil inoculation for legumes, with reports upon successful use of artificial cultures by practical farmers; by George T. Moore. Jan. • 23, 1905. 72 p. 10 pl. 8° (Bulletin 71.) Publications, Division of (Department of Agriculture). Monthly list of publications [of Department of Agriculture], Jan. 1905. Jan. 31, 1905. 4 p. 8° ([Publication] 509.) Shipment 17 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 66. No. 458, pts. 1-3; American Republics Bureau monthly bulletin, Jan.- Mar. 1904, v. 16, nos. 1-3. (Serial no. 4692.) -----Same, v. 78. No. 404; Naval war records, series 1, v. 17. (Serial no. 4704.) Shipment 18 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 83. No. 753; Geological Survey monographs, v. 47, Treatise on meta- morphism. (Serial no. 4709.) Shipment 19 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 80. Nos. 456, 478; Army register, 1904; Navy register, 1904. (Serial no. 4706.) Nautical Almanac Office (Naval Observatory, Bureau of Equipment, Navy Department). American ephemeris and nautical almanac for 1908. 1st edition. 1904 [1905]. viii+595 p. il. 2 maps, large 8° Shipment 20 Chemistry, Bureau of (Departmentof Agriculture)., Injuryto vegetation by smelter fumes [results of investigation made at copper-smelting plant of Mountain Copper Company, Limited, near Redding, Cal.]; by J. K. Haywood. 1905. 23 p. 1 il. 6 pl. 8° (Bulletin 89.) Court of Claims. Cases decided at term of 1903-4, with abstracts of decisions of Supreme Court in appealed cases, Oct. 1903-May, 1904; reported by Charles C. Nott and Archibald Hopkins. 1904 [19051. v. 39, xxii+601 p. 8° Light-House Board (Department of Commerce and Labor). Annual report, 1904. 1904 [1905]. 208 p. 20 maps, 8° Plant Industry, Bureau of (Department of Agriculture). Pricklv pear and other cacti as food for stock; by David Griffiths. Mar. 8, 1905. 48 p. 1 il. 5 pl. 8° (Bulletin 74.) Shipment 21 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 84. Nos. 566,^709, 710; Geological Survey professional papers 20-22. (Serial

-----Same, v. 89. No. 641; Ethnology Bureau, 22d report, 1901, pt. 1. (Serial no. 4715.) March , 1905 277 Shipment 22 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 90. No. 641; Ethnology Bureau, 22d report, 1901, pt. 2. (Serial no. 4716.) State, Department of. Declaration of Independence, story of its adop- tion, with biographies and portraits of signers and of secretary of Congress; by William H. Michael. 1904 [1905]. viii+99 p. 1 il. 57 por. 7 pl. 5 facsim. 6 p. of facsim. large 8° Shipment 23 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 85. Nos. 711-714; Geological Survey professional papers 23-26. (Serial no. 4711.) Shipment 24 Census, Bureau of the (Department of Commerce and Labor). Special reports, mines and quarries, 1902. 1905. xxix-|-1123 p. il. 41 pl. map, 4" Shipment 25 Congress. 56th Congress, 1st session. House documents, v. 110. No. 727; of forestry, pt. 1. (Serial no. 4007.) [Pt. 2 of Primer of forestry will not appear as pt. 2 of House document 727, 56th Congress, 1st session.] -----58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 91. No. 644; Civil Service Commission, 20th report, 1903. (Serial no. 4717.) ----- Same, v. 109. No. 745; American Historical Association report, 1903, v. 1. (Serial no. 4735.) Shipment 26 Agriculture, Department of. [Instructions as to salary accounts paid from lump sum appropriations.] Mar. 8, 1905. 2 p. 8° (Dept, circular 1, 1905.) Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 70. No. 144; Stability of international exchange. (Serial no. 4696.) Entomology, Bureau of (Department of Agriculture). Cotton boll- worm, some observations and results of field experiments in 1904; by A. L. Quaintance ami F. C. Bishopp. 1905. 32 p. 2 il. 8" (Agriculture, Dept. of. Farmers’ bulletin 212.) Experiment Stations, Office of (Department "of Agriculture). List of station publications received by office during Jan. and Feb. 1905. 10 p. 8° ([Publication] 759.) Plant Industry, Bureau of (Department of Agriculture). Distribution of Centerville sea island cotton seed. [Feb. 17, 1905.] 7 p. 8° ([Publication] 143.) -----Distribution of Rusk citrange in 1905. Feb. 25, 1905. 4 p. 8° ([Publication] 145.) -----Distribution of Willits citrange in 1905. Feb. 25, 1905. 4 p. 8° ([Publication] 144.) Publications, Division of (Department of Agriculture). Monthly list of publications [of Department of Agriculture], Feb. 1905. Feb. 28, 1905. 4 p. 8° ([Publication] 510.) Statistics, Bureau of (Treasury Department). The Mississippi and its 44 navigable tributaries, descriptive, commercial, and statistical review [with bibliography]; by Alex. I). Anderson. 1890. 45 p. 3 maps, 8° 278 Marc h , 1905

Shipment 27 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 20. No. 5; Reports of Department of Interior, 1903; Indian affairs, pt. 2, Five Civilized Tribes Commission, etc. (Serial no. 4646.) Shipment 28 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 56. Nos. 45, 446, 508, 732; Special consular reports, v. 27-30; Agricultural implements, Commercial travelers, Macaroni wheat, Emigration to U. S. (Serial no. 4682.) -----Same, v. 103. No. 722; Commercial relations. 1903, v. 1. (Serial no. 4729.) Shipment 29 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. Senate documents, v. 21, pt. 1. No. 162; Alaskan Boundary Tribunal, United States atlas, maps and charts accompanying Case and Counter case of United States. (Serial no. 4606, v. 1.) Shipment 30 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 94. Nos. 692-695; Water-supply and irrigation papers 93-96. (Serial no. 4720.) -----Same, v. 103. No. 722; Commercial relations, 1903, v. 1. (Serial no. 4729.) Shipment 31 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 95. Nos. 735, 736; Water-supply and irrigation papers 97, 98. (Serial no. 4721.) ----- Same, v. 126. No. 790; Document index, 58th Congress, 1st and 2d sessions, and special session of Senate. (Serial no. 4752.) Shipment 32 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 100. No. 708;. Yearbook of Department of Agriculture, 1903. (Serial no. 4726.) Shipment 33 Congress. 58th Congress, 2d session. House documents, v. 71. No. 253, pt. 1; Interstate Commerce Commission, 17th report, Dec. 1903. (Serial no. 4697.) Printed Cards Printed cards for March shipments, sets 514-553, will be sent to deposi- tory libraries. INDEX


[Names of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress are printed in Italics.]

Page Page Abbott, Ezra W...... 131,183 Agricultural lands, Queensland...... 233203 Abbott, George...... 123 Agric, machinery, Amer., in Sweden.. 203 Abbott, Mary J., see Lansing. China .... 74 Abney, Charles S...... 147,189 Cyprus...... 253 Abortion, cattle...... 198 Agricultural products, Argentina, .... 86 Abrasive materials...... 78,250 exports...... 200,264 Abridgment, message and docs...... 235 imports...... 248 Absaroka forest reserve, see Yellow- Agriculture, Argentina...... 203 stone forest reserve. Brazil...... r.. 203,214 Abyssinia...... 253 education in...... '' ’"' .... 256 Austrian mission to...... 253 in boll-weevil districts ' ’" .... 247 Academic titles...... 214 methylated alcohol...... 158 Academy of Sciences, National...... 225 middle belt of United States... report. 1904 ...... 272 ... 240 Sweden...... 74 Acadia Parish, La...... 70,200 teaching...... 69 Accident, Md...... 258 Agric, and Forestry, Com. on .... 116,240 Accident bulletin...... 98 Agriculture, Bureau of, P. 1...... 91,219 Accidents, railroads...... 98 Agriculture, Committee on...... 34’ 158 Accounts and Disbursements, Division Agriculture, Department of.... 68,197 245 of, report, 1904...... 68 appropriations...... 34,116,236 Accounts, Committee on...... 34,157,242 arid-land crops...... 240 Acid soils...... 69 circulars...... ‘ ' 19g Ackerman, Alonzo...... 45,139 food analyses...... ”' i’23,216 Actinometer...... 270 forest reserves...... 5, n 114 Actinomycosis...... 69 irrigation investigations...... ’... ’ 243 Acts, see Laws. publications...... 70,199 247 Actuary, Govt.,see Govt. Actuary. report, 1904 ...... 245 Adams, Andrew C., alias...... 123 Secretary,in Presidential succession 36 Adams, Gabriel H...... 26,168 Aiken, Wyatt...... 62,189 Adams, Isaiah M...... 59,132 Airy’s theory of rainbow...... 200 Adams, Jackson...... 39,138 Akers, W. R...... 9 Adams, Jacob R...... 93 Alabama, courts of U. S 123,184,237 Adamson, William C...... 36,163 homestead...... 113,156,193 Addison, Joel J...... 33,12 post route map...... 84 Adler, Jones...... 148 tobacco...... ’..., ...... 71 Admiralty Inlet, chart...... 201 water powers...... 77 Adriatic Sea, lights...... 261 Alabama River...... 92 Adulterated butter, see Butter. bridge...... 117,239 Adulteration, alfalfa seed...... 68 Alabat, Port, chart...... 251 Adumbratiuncula, Vroeg’sCatalog. 96,271 Alaska, chart...... 250 Advertising, tea...... 206 coal lands...... Aeration of soil...... 70 ...... 124 courts...... 209 Aeronautical observatories, Tegel...... 249 Delegate...... 157 Africa, central, commerce...... 253 education...... 77,206,256 central, railroads...... 253 forest reserves...... 199 commerce...... 74 government...... cotton...... ’ ’ ’ 75 ...... 7,157 governor, report, 1904 ...... 77 lights...... 261 insane...... 6,206 railroads...... 253 isopods...... 202 south, commerce...... 203 natives...... 68 south, military lessons of war...... 220 post route map...... 84 south, pineapples...... 76 railroads...... 157 west, commerce...... 253 reindeer...... 77,256 Agave...... 214 roads...... 6,92,220 Agric. Chemists, Official, Assoc, of.... 198 salmon...... 250 Agricultural colleges...... 69,77,256 school boards...... 157,’196,236 statistics...... 199 schools...... 6 Agricultural Colleges, Assoc, of.... 69,199 seal fisheries...... 116,201 Agricultural experiment stations...... 69 secretary...... 195,236 employees as instructors, etc...... 199 telegraph...... 157 foreign...... 69 telephones...... 157 statistics...... 199 Alaska Central Railway ...... 194 16861—No. 123—05------4 II Janu ary —March , 1905

Page Page Alaska Railroad Company...... 157 Anderson, Hans...... 131,166 Alaskan Boundary Tribunal...... 213 Anderson, James L...... 117 Alaskan Fisheries, Division of...... 250 Anderson, Johnson...... 30,53 Albany, Ga...... 237 Anderson, Linda S...... 135,192 Albemarle Sound, revenue steamer... 6 Anderson, Mary...... 93 Albritton, James C...... 66,147 Andrews, James E...... 57,139 Alcohol...... 74 Andrews, Lucy M...... 15,191 methylated...... 158 Andrews Chapel, Stafford County, Va. 95 Alcohol carburetors...... 74 Aneimites...... 271 Alcohol motors...... 74 Angel Island...... 72 Alcoholic liquors, see Liquors. Angell, James B...... 7 Alder, Jones...... 49 Angora goats...... 193,205,239 Aldrich, H. W...... 83 Animal Industry, Bureau of ... 69,198,245 Aldrich, Joseph A...... 148,169 bulletins...... 245 Alexander, Mahala...... 63,140 circulars...... 198,245 Alexander, Robert M...... 52,126 orders...... 68,197,245 Alexander, William C...... 145,169 report, 1904...... 198 Alexandretta, Syria...... 74 Animals, infectious diseases...... 244 Alexandria, Va., 1st Baptist Church .. 93 protection in forest reserves...... 67 Washington St. M. E. Church South. 93 Wichita forest reserve...... 7,11 Alexandria, Bayou Ma^on and Green- Amiable,.Deborah W...... 181,242 ville Railway Company...... 37,115 Annapolis, Md., see Naval Academy. Aleyrodes vaporariorum Westw...... 246 Anthracite coal...... 78 Alfalfa, adulteration of seed...... 68 repayment of duty...... 159 Alger, Russell A...... 7,9,13,123,125 Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, Algeria...... 203 report, to print...... 193 soap tree...... 205 Anthrax...... 198,204 Alienation, Five Civilized Tribes...... 208 Antimony...... 78 Aliens, diseased...... 200 Antiquities, preservation...... 67 District of Columbia...... 113,160 Antlers, Ind. T...... 122 naturalization...... 85 Apache Indians, see Kiowa and Co- Allegheny River, locks and dams...... 92 manche Reservation. Allen, Amos L ...... 35,160 Apalachicola and Northern Railway.. 236 Allen, Cyrus B...... 54,142 Apalachicola River, bridge...... 236 Allen, Lusern...... 138 Apat, Port, chart...... 251 Allen, Ethan, Fort...... 220 Apf el, Carolina...... 48 Alleys, D.C...... 10,113,114,160,161 Appalachicola, see Apalachicola. Allison, William B...... 116,216,240 Apples...... 70,247 Allman, John...... 93 American, in England...... 253 Allred, Reuben...... 32,64 Appointing officers, civil service...... 224 Almonds...... 76 Appointment Clerk, report, 1904 ...... 69 Alsace-Lorraine, tobacco...... 206 Appointments, Post Office Department 262 Aluminum...... 78 Appointments, Division of...... 87,265,266 Alverson, Claude B...... 193 Appraisers, temporary...... 196,236 Amelia, schooner...... 93 Appraisers, General, Board of.. 88,217,266 America, education in...... 256 decisions...... 88,217,266 maps, Kohl collection...... 225 Appropriations...... 217,265 American Academy in Rome. 185,236,241 deficiency...... 158,215,236,241 American ephemeris and nautical al- expenditures in excess of...... 184 manac, 1908 ...... 211 judgments requiring...... 265 American Historical Assoc., report,1903 97 legislative, etc...... 8,112,113 American Library Association, bibli- sundry civil...... 158,236,240 ography of useful arts ...225 urgent deficiency ...... 6 American Medical Association...... 185 see also bureaus and objects. American methods for England...... 74 Appropriations, Com. on, House 34,158,273 American National Institute, Paris... 263 Senate...... 8,116,240 American National Red Cross...... 6 Arabia, commerce...... 253 report, 1904...... 97 Arbitration, international...... 68, Amer. Ry. Appliance Exhibition...... 7 84,85,116,121,212,213 American register, foreign vessels. 118,186 of pecuniary claims...... 85 American Republics, see Latin America. treaties...... 116 American Republics, International Bu- Venezuela, to print...... 243 reau of the, see International Bu- Archaeological objects, preservation .. 67 reau of the American Republics. Archives, Spain...... 97 American Society in London...... 210 United States...... 97 American Surety Company...... 159 Arcs of longitude, Pacific...... 72,201 Amerine, George...... 128 Argentina...... 86,214,264 Ames, Butler...... •...... 62,189 agriculture...... 203 Amiens, France...... 203 cattle...... 254 Ammonia...... 78 commerce...... 204 Amoy, China...... 74 Argentine Republic, see Argentina. Ampelidse...... 97 Argulus...... 202 Amsterdam, diamonds...... 75 Arid lands, see Desert lands. Anacostia and Potomac River R. R ... 222 Arizona...... 206 Anacostia, Surrattsville and Brandy- historic ruins...... 67,80 wine Electric Ry. Co .... 120,160,237 judges...... 206,237 Analysis of foods, drinks, etc...... 123,216 post route map...... 84 Anasa tristis De G...... 246 reclamation of land...... 258 Ancon, Panama Canal Zone...... 72,90 Arkansas, boundary...... 113,157,184 Anderson, Edward...... 93 I post route map...... 84 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905 hi

Page Page Arkansas River, bridges...... 9,37,113 Austin, Henry S...... 24 Armament...... 218 Austin, Loren...... 16 Armitage, Susan E...... 51 Austin, Sarah E...... 58 Armor-plate...... 189,211 Australasia, commerce...... 74 Armstrong, Joseph K...... 30,43 Australia, cotton...... 75 Army, appropriations ... 12,61,112,187,236 labor...... 252 manceuvers...... 220 lights...... 261 meat supply...... 221 petroleum...... 254 medals...... 89 trade with Great Britain, .. 253 officers, lists of...... 92, 220,269 wheat and flour...... 77 officers, losses at Galveston, etc.... 218 Australian wattle...... 199 officers, retired...... 92 Austria ...... 74 Philippines...... 220 arbitration with United States'' 84,212 recruiting stations...... 92 banking 74 recruits...... 92 canal-boat lift...... "' ’' ’ ”' 204 register...... 220 freight rates...... 75 Army and Navy Union of U. S. A...... 188 pottery exported to United States^ ’ 205 Army Transport Service...... 187 Author catalogue...... 98 Army War College...... 219 Authors, nationality...... 272 Arsenal, Frankford...... 93 Automobile freight line...... '... ’.'. 253 Arsenal, Kennebec...... 236,243 Automobile regulations, German ... ’'. 253 Arsenal, Rock Island...... 93 Automobile salon...... 253 Arsenal, Watertown...... 93,268 Automobiles...... 74,204,253 Arsenal, Watervliet...... 93 exhibition...... 253 Arsenic...... 78 importation...... 265 Art loans...... " ' 204 transportation on steamers. 115,118,186 Art schools...... ". I" 76 see also Motor cars. Artesian wells...... 259 Avis, Fannie C...... 15 190 Queensland...... 204 Ayl ers, John...... """ 14’176 Artillery, 4th Regiment, Battery E. 187,236 Azov, Sea of, lights...... '.... ’ 261 Artillery circulars...... 268 Azpiroz, Manuel de...... ' 264 Artillery Corps, report, 1904 ...... 218 Babcock, Joseph W...... 35, 111, 160 Artillery school, Fort Monroe...... 268 Babcock and Wilcox boilers...... ’26O Arts, gold and silver used in. 37,112,114,122 Babcock method of testing cream .... 245 useful, bibliography...... 225 Bache, AglaS...... 53,144 Asbestos ...... 78,250 Bache, Bessy...... 190 Ash, John H...... 44 Bacon, Clara G...... 134,178 Ashbury, Clara I...... 181 Bacteria, for leguminous plants...... 247 Asher, Dillion...... 51,125 Bacus, Jesse...... 50,242 Ashes, D. C...... 6,11,35 Baden (city), Germany, mineral springs’ 254 Asheville, N. C., geologic atlas...... 78 Baden (duchy), railroads 253— soil survey...... 70 tobacco ...... 206 Ashford, R. D...... 117 voters and parties...... 255 Ashley River, bridges...... 163,236 Badges,Regular ArmyandNavyUnion. 188 Ashtabula, Ohio...... 70 unlawful wearing 11 Asia, commerce...... 74 Bagley, Adelaide W...... 147 lights...... 261 Bailiffs, courts of United States... 185,237 Asia Minor, commerce...... 74,204 Baird, Charles II...... 49 127 Asiatic cholera...... 91 Baird, Hiram...... ’ 19 Asiatic station, report, 1904...... 260 Bais, P. I., chart...... ' ' 251 Asparagus...... 74 Baker, Cora A...... ” 45 Asphalt...... 78,250 Baker, Frederick...... 46,141 District of Columbia...... 222 Baker, James, alias...... ’ 27 Assaying, gold...... 78,257 Baker, James C...... 132 Assessments, see Taxes. Baker, Marcus...... ’ ’" ” 207 Association of Agric. Colleges...... 69,199 Baker, Samuel T...... "187 Baker, Oreg...... 70,184,185,247 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. 224,272 Bakery exposition...... 254 Atkins, Louise M...... 131,190 Balamban Bay, chart...... ' 251 Atlanta, Ga., penitentiary...... 209 Baler Bay, chart...... 251 Atlantic Coast, pilot rules...... 255 Ball, Harrison...... 125 Atlantic Division, report, 1904 ...... 267 Ball, Jonas...... 63,127 Atlantic Ocean, pilot charts.... 82,210,261 BaU, L. Heisler...... 14,128'156 Atlases, see Maps and charts. Ball, Lucy J...... ’ 38 Attendance, schools, compulsory...... 256 Ballistic tables...... 268 Attorney-Gen., see Justice, Dept. of. Balsking, Robert...... 41,143 Attorney-General, Assistant, in Charge Baltimore, Md., climate...... 249 of the Business of the Depart- Baltimore & Potomac R. R. 10,113,160,237 ment of Justice in the Court of Baltimore & Washington Transit Co.. —222 Claims, report, 1904 ...... 81 Bananas ...... 246 Attorney of United States, D. C...... 81 Costa Rica...... 264 Attorneys, district, list of...... 81 Banee, Bernard, alias...... 179 patent, list of...... 209 Banking and Currency, Com. on 158 Atwater, William B...... 20 Bankruptcy...... (81,184,185 Auditor for the Interior Department.. 266 commercial travelers’ wages...... 184 Auditor for the Post-Office Dept... 211,216 Banks and banking, Austria...... 74 Auditor for the Treasury Dept...... 217 Germany...... 253 Augusta, Me., Kennebec Arsenal.. 236,243 Mexico...... 214 Aurora, ship...... 93 see also National banks. IV January —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Baptist Church, Alexandria, Va...... 93 Bellows, Susan E...... 17,191 Davidson County, Tenn...... 221 Bemidji, Minn., dam...... 165,238 Gravelly Springs, Ala...... 94 Benedict, George W...... 22,52 Huntsville, Ala...... 94 Benefactions, educational...... 256 Jefferson, Mo...... 221 Benefactors, educational...... 256 Jefferson City, Tenn...... 94 Benjamin, Ava D...... 25 Somerset, Ky...... 221 Bennett, Almon W...... 140,173 Bard, Josephine E...... 146,175 Bennett, Edward W...... 142,173 Bard, Thomas R...... 12,33,116,122,241 Benny, Anna M...... 13,177 Baremore, James...... 27 Benzinger, Engleberth...... 123 Barili Bay, chart...... 251 Bergman, Charles...... 24 Barites...... 78,250 Bergman, Edward H...... 94 Barker, George T...... 129 Bering Sea, chart...... 251 Barkis, William...... 24,168 Berkstresser, Henry...... 14,176 Barlow, Luther M...... 28 Berlin, Germany, electric anniversary. 204 Barnard, Hugh R...... 18,182 government by experts...... 75 Barnes, Albert E...... 42,152 growth and population...... 253 Barnes, Bert E...... 124,187 high steel-framed buildings...... 204 Barnes, Warren F...... 24 municipal economy...... 253 Barnes, W illiam B...... 62 Berrien County, Mich., bridge .... 165,239 Barnesboro, Pa...... 258 Berry, James H...... 9,117,156 Barnhard, William...... 50,143 Berry, William...... 38 Barrett, Edwin F...... 140,177 Bertolette, John C...... 28,41 Barrett, Nellie...... 46,144 Besier, John C...... 27,43 Barron, John M...... 29 Bessie, Adolphe...... 50 Barrows, George H...... 150,190 Bevan,Matthew H.s...... 23 Barry, Albert H...... 47,136 Beveridge, Albert J...... 157 Barry, John...... 197,244 Beverly, W.Va., Presbyterian Church. 221 Bart holdt, Richard...... 185 Bias Bay, chart...... 261 Bartleson, Anna L...... 32,174 Bible, in public schools...... 256 Bartlesville, Ind. T...... 122 Bibliography, of acid soils...... 69 Bartlett, Jeanie R...... 125,159 of Alaska...... 77 Bartlett, John...... 17,60 of American colonial charters...... 97 Bartlett, John R...... 125,159 of apples...... 70 Bartlett, Mary J...... 17,60 of Bolivia...... 214 Bartlett Lake...... 195,236 of civil service...... 271 Bartley, Samuel B...... 30 of consular service...... 98 Bartlow, Luther M...... - - - - 52 of copyrights...... 272 Barton, John H...... 137,181 of cyanide processes...... 250 Bartow, Philo S...... 58 of cyclones in the far East...... 268 Barytes, see Barites. of gallium...... 96 Bash, Henry...... 35 of geology of Hudson Valley...... 207 Basilan Island, chart...... 73 of geology of Perry basin...... 207 Basilan Strait, chart...... 73 of germanium...... 96 Bass, W. W...... 156 of hemorrhagic septicemia...... 268 Ba tangas, P. I., chart...... 251 of Honduras...... 264 Bate, William B...... 12 of impeachment...... 98 Bates, Arthur L...... 113,236 of industrial education,Germany.. 203 Bates, Margaret H.....'...... 66,147 of inoculation against cholera...... 91 Bathing beach, D.C...... 222 of lateral-line organs in fishes...... 202 Battery E, 4th Artillery...... 187,236 of malaclemmys...... 202 Battle-ships, see War-ships. of meteorology...... 200 Bauer, George...... 83 of old-age and civil-service pensions 271 Baughey, Laura A...... 39,126 of Paraguay...... 86 Bauxite...... 78,250 of Pennsylvania limestones...... 257 Bavaria, ministerial departments...... 204 of petrography, etc., Highwood Mts. 207 Bayard, Ursula...... 30,171 of Philippine Islands...... 268 Bayou, see name of bayou. of primary elections...... 225 Beagle Channel, chart...... 82 of rock cleavage...... 207 Beall, Jack...... 158 of ruins in the Southwest...... 67,80 Beall, William H...... 188 of seaweeds...... 202 Beals, Charles T...... 57,126 of social spiders...... 271 Beasley, James D...... 32,41 of Spanish archives...... 97 Bechman, John...... 46,142 of tides...... 73,201 Bechtel, William...... 137,170 of tile-fish...... 202 Beck, Henry L...... 241 of transit micrometer...... 73,201 Beckmon, Oliver P...... 65,149 of tuberculosis...... 245 Bedell, Abram H...... 134,166 of useful arts...... 225 Bedford, Nancy...... 134,183 of Venezuela...... 264 Beef, see Meat. see also Catalogue. Beeger, Henry...... 124,186 Bibliography, Division of...... 98,225 Beet sugar...... 247 Bice, Asher D...... 50,144 development of seed...... 247 Bickford, Benjamin...... 39 Europe...... 74,253 Bickford, Samuel...... 134,182 industry in U. S., to print...... 244 Bicobian, Port, chart...... 251 Belgium, automobiles...... 253 Bicycle messengers, House...... 157 glass workers’ strike...... 254 Bicycles, exhibition...... 253 motor cycles...... 253 Bieber, Sidney...... 35,119 parcels-post...... 265 Biertempfel, Leonard...... 158 railroads...... 204 Bigger, J ohn M...... 23,169 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Biggs, Loretta V...... 54,125 Boots and shoes, American, in China.. 205 Bigheart, James, chief...... 163,259 Brazil Bigtimber, Mont...... 76 ...... 79 France...... ” "' 76 Billings, Mont., land offices ...... 194 wages in British factories^ 254 Bills, 58th Congress, history 5, 111, 235 Boqueron Bay, chart...... 73 Bills of lading...... 74 Borax...... 7g 250 Binding, public documents .... 6 Borderland Coal Company... 164 239 State Department...... 213 Borongan, P. I., chart...... ". ’252 Biochemic Division...... 245 Boss, Thomas R...... 153,170 Biographies, educational...... 256 Boston, Mass., 1st civil-service district. ’ 97 Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole!... 202 fishery products landed at.. 73,202,252 Biological Survey, Division of...... 198 Bothwell, James...... 128 170 circular...... 68 Bottenberg, William...... 146' 178 report,1904...... I.'"”".... 198 Boulder County, Colo., fishes252 Bird, Cordelia...... 29,52 Boundaries, Arkansas...... 113,157,184 Bird, Frederick A...... 145,177 Colorado, New Mexico, and Okla... 80 Birds...... ’', 96,271 Ecuador and Brazil...... 86 collecting stomachs...... 198 South Dakota and Nebraska ... 122,239 North and Middle America...... 97 Bounties, military...... 12 67 Olympic forest reserve...... 195 steel...... “205 protection in forest reserves...... 67 Boutell, Henry S...... 1% Wichita forest reserve...... 7,11 Boutiette, Cyrell...... 25 191 Birdsall, Benjamin P...... 185 Boutwell, Lafayette...... 41’149 Birmingham, England, police. ... 205 Bowdish, Nelson S...... 124’ 186 Birmingham. U. S. S...... 210 Bowels, cattle...... 198 Bishop, Theodore H...... 189 Bowen, Alexander C...... ''" ” 26 Bitlis, commerce...... 204 Bowers, Barnard...... " ” ”' 179 Bituminous rock...... 78 250 Bowers, Jacob...... "...55 126 Black, Jane M...... I.. 22 51 Bowman, Charles F...... 134’ 183 Black, Joseph C...... ”^.."’94 Boyce, La., bridge...... 115’164 Black Sea, lights...... 261 Boyd, James J...... 28 65 Black Warrior River, bridge...... 117,239 Boyle, Thomas...... ’' ’.. ’44 Blackburn, Jennie B., see Johnston. Brachiopods, Cambrian...... ’ 223 Blackburn, Joseph C. 8...... 12,123,125 Bradley, Cyrus N...... " 23,169 Blackfoot, Idaho...... 70 Bradley, Jerome...... 22 47 Bladensburg road, D. C...... " 120 Bradley, Thomas W...... 38, ill, 166 Blair, John...... 57,127 Bradley, William G...... 29’ 191 Blake, Florence E...... ", 32,47 Brady, Harriet H...... 15 57 Blamer, De Witt...... 159 Brainard, Samuel J...... ’ • • Blanchard, Mattie E .. ... 94 Brakes, railroads...... 11,12 Blankenship, James M ... 187 Branch, John W...... 26,176 Bliss, Deborah H...... 59,133 Brandegee, Frank B...... 62,188,243 Bliss, Lois E...... 153,170 Brandy, grape...... 217 Blockading squadrons, west Gulf...... 82 Brann, Andrew J...... 150,191 Boats, motor...... •...... 74,204,253 Brant, Malana W...... Boeuf River, bridge...... 16,54 .... 37,’236 Brantley, William G...... 184,193 Boggs, Lawrence G...... 34,120 Brasch,John...... Bogo Bay, chart...... 24 ...... 251 Brashear, Lafayette...... " ...... 49,135 Bogota, automobiles...... 74 Brazil...... BogrAn, Luis...... 86,203,214,264 ...... 7,61 boundary...... 86 Bohemia, commerce...... 74 commerce...... 204 industrial exposition ...... 75 flourmills...... 75 Boiler-scale destroyer...... 74 immigration...... 75 Boilers, Babcock & Wilcox ...... 260 Hohenstein...... patents and trade-marks, 214,215 ...... 262 shoes...... 76 inspection...... 119,160 Brea, Amede, alias...... 63,129 Niclausse...... 260 Bread, electricity and...... 204 Boldermann, Bernard J...... 26,190 Breadstuffs, exports...... Bolen, Daniel...... 139 181 74,203,253 Great Britain...... 74 Bolivia...... 86,2k 264 Breaux, Louisa, see Guidry. Boll weevils, see Cotton-boll weevils. Breslin, Henry...... Boll-worm .... 50 .... 199 Breton Island Reservation...... 68 Bollard, Walter D...... 125 Brevets...... Bolton, Martha M...... ' .... 62 . 29,191 Brian, Clemence W...... 94 Bond, Mattie M...... 59,132 Briard, Samuel...... Bond, Nathan C. D...... 221 . 48,151 Brick, Charles...... 137,176 Bonded warehouses...... 217 Bricks, sand-lime...... ' 78 Bonds, Bolivia...... 86 Bridges, over navigable waters...... 166 on contracts, D. C...... ' . 11,113 see also names of rivers and places. on imports...... 196,237 Brie, Emile H...... 63,129 postmasters...... ' .... 262 Briggs, James H...... 130,167 Bonds of U. S., see Govt. Actuary. Briggs, Mortimer C...... 43,139 Bonham, Flora B...... 32 47 Brightwood Railway...... 222 Bonnell, John F...... 153,i/4 British, see Great Britain. Booker, Willis...... 135,190 British Columbia, fisheries 204 Bookkeeping and Warrants, Div. of...’ 217 mines...... Books, copyrighted...... 98,225,272 steamships...... 76,205 proofs concerning printing...... 125 Brockelman, Ernest...... 188 Boone, James, alias...... 18,58 Brockway, Nichols M...... 30 VI Jan ua ry —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Brookings, S. Dak...... 70 Button, Robert N...... 45 Brooklyn, N. Y., juvenile courts, .... 215 Bybee, John M...... 32,190' Brooklyn, steamer...... 118,236 Cabafias, Cuba, chart...... 210 Brooks’ James K...... 126,172 Cables, Alaska...... 93 Brooks, John...... 129 Canada to United States...... 93 Brooks, Octavia P...... 94 Philippines...... 93 Brooks, Thomas J...... 31,54 Cabrillo, Point, light and fog-signal... 9 Broughton Strait, chart...... 210 Cactus...... 247 Broussard, Robert F...... 186 Cahoon, William R...... 48 Brown, Alfred N...... 55,126 Cailin Island, chart...... 261 Brown, Anna E...... 56,126 Cairnes, John A...... 66,148 Brown, Emanuel F...... 46,141 Cairo, Ill...... 249 Brown, Frances C...... 28,51 Calcutta, India, automobiles...... 204 Brown, James W...... 62,189 Calderhead, William A...... 40, 111, 167 Brown, John...... 134,183 Caldwell Parish, La., bridge...... 6,9- Brown, Lillian S...... 121 California, Indians...... 208 Brown, Mary E...... 154,168 irrigation...... 12,60,69,114,184 Brown, Phoebe S...... 121 juvenile courts...... 215 Brown, Samuel_____ J.,_ jr ...... 121 mining...... 183 Brown, Webster E...... 162,188 post route map...... 84 Brown, William...... 94 public lands...... 208 Brown, William H...... 46,142 reclamation of land...... 25S Brown County, Nebr...... 194,238 triangulation...... 73,201 Brule County, S. Dak., bridge ... 9,114,164 well construction...... 259 Bruner, William B...... 26 California and Oreg. Land Co. 156,162,238 Brusstar, George H...... 42, 111, 140 California, Dept, of the, rp., 1904 ...... 267 Bryan, John...... 43,139 Calkins, Sallie J...... 64,236 Bryson, Isabella...... ,...... 14 Call, Samuel J...... 165 Bryson, James...... :...... 50 Callahan, Robert W...... 150,174 Bubonic plague...... ’...... 218,263 Callao," " "Peru ...... 253 Buchanan, George W. D...... 42 Calumet River, bridge...... 37,113 Buck, Mary C...... 17,40 Calvert, Helen...... 30,55 Buck, Mary C...... 31,182 Calves, slinking...... 198 Buckman, Clarence B...... 36,162 Cambrian brachiopods...... 223 Buffalo, N. Y., juvenile courts...... 215 Camden, Ark., bridge...... 6,165,238 tunnel under Lake Erie...... 195,236 Cammel, Frank, alias...... 137,190 Buildings, height, D. C...... 11,113,160 Campbell, Frazie A...... 45 high steel-framed...... 204 Campbell, James...... 151,172 public, see Public buildings. Campbell, Laura E...... 31,175 Bulletins, see Farmers’ bulletins—bu- Campbell, Mary E...... 152,170 reaus issuing bulletins. Campbell, Philip P...... (63,161,190 Bullion...... 215 Campbell & Cameron Company...... 209 reimbursing fund at Philadelphia.. 88 Campbell method of soil culture.■...... 240 Bullock, Silas W...... 40,132 Camphor, China...... 253 Bump, Oliver M...... 55,151 Campobello, S. C...... 70 Buoy tenders, see Lighthouse tenders. Canada ...... 75,204 Buoys, lists of...... 74,203 American lumber...... 205 Burglar alarms, public buildings...... 216 car company...... 204 Burial of wives of enlisted men...... 187 cheese...... 75 Burke, Charles H...... 37,164 customs regulations...... 253 Burke, Isabella...... 132 dumping act...... 253 Burke, John...... 63,127 fuel question...... 254 Burkett, William H., alias...... 187 iron and steel...... 75 Burkholder, Hiram...... 128,181 minerals...... 76,205 Burleigh, C. D...... 26 mines...... 205 Burleigh, Sarah N...... 221 mining...... 76 Burlington, W. Va., Free Church...... 94 municipal ownership...... 254 Burnett, John L...... 193 postal convention with Cuba .... 264 Burnham, Bradford...... 133,183 pulp wood...... 205,254 Burnham, Henry E...... 16,117,131,157,242 steam merchant vessels...... 249 Burr, Aaron...... 97 steel bounty...... 205 Burrell, Mary E...... 38 tariff...... 253 Burritt, AbbyE...... 134,181 tariff on wheat in U. S...... 196 Burrows, Amanda H...... 142,176 telegraph and cables to U. S...... 93 Burton, Melkert H...... 25,178 United States currency in...... 204 Burton, Theodore E...... 195 wheat...... 255 Bush, Daniel B...... 64 Canal-boat lift...... 204 Bushel, seeds...... 199 Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama...... 72, Business opportunities abroad.... 204,253 90,122,164,219 Business schools...... 256 governor, report, 1904 ...... 90 Buswell, Isaac C...... 59,130 merchandise, etc., from .... 196,236,265 Butcher, B. L...... 221 patents and trade-marks...... 264 Butler, James G...... 46,144 Canals, China...... 75 Butler, Thomas S...... 34,158,189 interoceanic...... 243 Butler, William...... 19 of the world...... 253 Butt, Archibald W...... 8,159 Prussia...... 253 Butte, Mont., topographic sheet...... 207 Cancer institute...... 204 Butter, adulterated...... 88 Cannon, Luther W...... 129 renovated...... 88 Cannon, William...... 57 Janua ry —March , 1905 VII

Page Page Cannon, as defense against hail...... 205 Cemeteries, national...... 92 condemned, for G. A. R.... 123,239,243 national, burial of soldiers’ wives.. 187 condemned, for Minn. Univ .... 62,115 see also names of individual ceme- condemned, for St. Paul, Minn . 62,115 teries—places where located. condemned, for S. Dak. University. 124 Census, Philippines ...... 90,268 condemned, for statue...... 61 Census Bureau, P. 1...... 268 Canoan, Port, chart...... 251 Census, Bureau of the, Commerce and Canteens, sale of liquor...... 7 Labor Department... 72,201,250,268 Canton, Ky„ bridge...... 164,237 cotton statistics...... 34,115,117,200 Cantwell, Benton...... 147,181 marriage statistics, etc.. 115,117,158,197 Capacity, measurement...... 203 Census, Committee on the, House .. 34,158 Cape Girardeau, Mo...... 6 Senate...... 117 Cape to Cairo Railway...... 204 Centerville sea island cotton seed...... 247 Capital Traction Company...... 222 Central America, packing for...... 205 Capp, James L...... 26,56 Central Railroad Company...... 196 Capron, Adin B ...... 186,195 Central R. R. Co. of New Jersey...... 272 Capron, James W...... 15 Cerro Gordo County, Iowa...... 70 Car company, American-Canadian ... 204 Certhiidee...... 97 Carbaugh, Jeremiah...... 152,171 Certificates, of importation...... 87 Carberry, John J...... 29 Cette, France...... 204 Carburetors, alcohol...... 74 Chace, Philip...... 134,166 Carden, Sarah...... 155 Chaf ee, J ustus A...... 130,167 Carico, Almira...... 152,179 Chaffee, Earl W...... 62,68,238,242 Carleton, Elijah S...... 39,133 Chamseidae...... 97 Carleton, John W...... 38 Chamberlain, Mary E...... 19,174 Carmack, Edward W...... 19,134 Chamberlin, William H...... 58 Carpenter, George W...... 49,138 Chambersburg, Pa...... 258 Carpenter, Joel...... 18,182 Champe, James M...... 146,167 Carpenter, Solomon...... 59,133 Champlain, Lake...... 257 Carpenters, wages...... 204 Champlin, James J...... 19 /X111V11UUI1, ill AVltUUL...... Zvi Chapin, Monroe...... 138 Carriers, see Railroads—Shipping. Chapin, Virginius P...... 241 Carroll,Barney ...... 129 Chapman, William B...... 136,173 Cars, motor...... 205 Charcoal, Sweden...... 204 Sweden...... 254 Charges d’affaires...... 213 Carson, Joseph J...... 51 Charitable institutions, D. C.... 11,113,160 Carter, Robert G...... 123,188 Charities, London...... 253 Carter, William...... 137,183 Charles, Francis M...... 12 Carthagena, Spain...... 75 Charleston & Summerville Ry. Co. 163,236 Cartmell, Lucretia T...... 54,143 Charleston County, S. C., bridge... 163,236 Cartwright, Ezra W...... 52 Charters, American colonies...... 97 Cartwright, Vincent M...... 25,50 Chartreuse...... 75 Cascade County, Mont...... 194,236 Charts, see Maps and charts. Cascade Mountains ...... 78 Chase, Elmore Y...... 44 Case, Ada A...... 95 Chase, revenue steamer...... 89 Casey, Mary...... 131,182 Chastain, Alafair...... 64 Cash, Christopher C...... 145,170 Chattanooga, Tenn., lock and dam ... 7 Casiguran Bay, chart...... 251 national cemetery...... 12,61,115 Cassel, H. Burd ...... 34 Chatterson, Amanda...... 170 Casualties, see Accidents. Checks, duplicate...... 68 Casualty Hospital, D.C...... 222 Cheese, cold cured...... 75 Cat Island...... 164 Chekiang Province, China...... 75 Catalogue, Light-House Estab...... 203 Chemicals,Spain...... 204 . of books, etc., for customs officers. 249 Chemistry, Bureau of...... 69,198,245 of books, etc., Steamboat Inspec- report, 1904 ...... 69 tion Service...... 255 Chemists, Official Agric., Assoc, of...... 198 of charts, etc., of Philippines...... 250 Chemnitz, Germany, hosiery & gloves. 75 of copyrights...... 98,225,272 machine and tool industries...... 76 of medical and veterinary zoology. 245 toys and silverware...... 76 of public documents...... 98,224,271 Cheney, William J...... 132 Catalogues, author and title...... 98 Cherbourg, France...... 75 for Colombia...... 253 Cherokee Indians...... 163,208 Cate, James H...... 21,169 Chesapeake and Potomac Tel. Co.. 96,222 Catholic schools...... 256 Chester, U. S. S...... 210 Catlin, Robert...... 146,183 Chicago, Ill., juvenile court...... 215 Caton, John H...... 56,139 7th civil-service district...... 224 Cattle, Argentina...... 86,214,254 Chicago Great Western Ry. Co...... 272 diseases...... 198 Chicago Live Stock Exchange...... 272 food...... 247 Chicago, R. I. and Pacific Ry.. 122,162,236 France...... 254 Chickasaw Indians...... 163 Oklahoma...... 245 Chief of staff, see Staff Corps, General. quarantine...... 116,158,238 Chihuahua, Mexico...... 75 splenetic fever...... 68 Children, courts in United States...... 215 Cavins, Riley W...... 23,168 labor of...... 256 Cayes, Nathaniel...... 16 Children of the American Revolution, Cayuse Indian war, 1847-48 ...... 241 Nat. Society of the, see Nat. Soci- Cebu Island, chart...... 251 ety of the Children of the Ameri- Cement...... 78,250 can Revolution. District of Columbia...... 222 Chile...... >...... 86,214,264 hydraulic 204 Chilean Educational Cong. & Exhibit. 256 VIII January —March , 1905

Page Page Chill, Alfred...... 21 Claims, Committee on, House...... 34,158 Chiloe Island, chart...... 261 Senate...... 8,117,241 China, agricultural implements...... 74 Clams, soft...... 73 camphor monopoly...... 253 Clapp, Moses E...... 8,11,121,122 canals...... 75 Clarence, Port, chart...... 251 commerce...... 75,204,253 Clark, Andrew J...... 16,38 cotton goods...... 75,204 Clark, Clarence D...... 121,156 district court of United States for.. 85 Clark, Frederick...... 58 electric supplies...... 204 Clark, James B...... 136,173 fruit...... 75,205 Clark, Louvenia...... 154,178 gold standard, to print...... 243 Clark, Matilda D...... 65,155 ice plants...... 75 Clark, Samuel B...... 55,150 monuments...... 218 Clark, Thomas M...... 24,171 natives in British Columbian mines. 254 Clark, William...... 63,141 opium...... 116 Clark, William R...... 26,53 population...... 271 Clarke, Alfred F...... 133,181 railroads...... 253 Clarke, Robert...... 30,54 tea-advertising campaign...... 206 Clarke County, Ala., bridge...... 117,239 tobacco...... 206 Classified service, see Civil service. towels and soap...... 254 Clatsop Indians, see Klatsop. transit fees...... 204,253 Clay, Alexander S...... 9,155 well-boring machinery and pumps. 206 Clay, Mark S...... 149,179 China stone...... 75 Clay...... 250 Chinaware, imports...... 205 Clay industries in United States...... 78 Chinese, see China. Clayton, Henry D...... 184 Chipman, William T...... 145,170 Clayton, Isaac F...... 63,127 Chippewa lands, homestead...... 195,236 Cleavage...... 207 Chittleson, Chittie...... 23,178 Clemens, James M...... 20,41 Choctaw Indians...... 163 Clements, Jane N...... 142,169 Choctaw, Okla. AGulf R.R.Co. 122,162,236 Clerk of House, report, 1904 ...... 157 Cholera...... 91 Clerks, Civil Service Commission...... 211 hogs...... 245 Enrolled Bills Committee...... 34,157 Christian Church, Nicholasville, Ky.. 95 post-offices...... 83 Church of Our Redeemer, D. C...... 11,160 postal service...... 192,238 Church schools...... 208 Select Committee on Disposition of Churchill, Creighton...... 236 Useless Papers in the Executive Cider, France...... 255 Departments...... 158 Cinclidae...... 97 Clerks of United States courts...... 236 Circuit courts, see Courts of U. S. Cleveland, Carrie M...... 142,177 Circuit courts of appeals...... 184 Cleveland, Oliver C...... 66,147 Circulars, see Dept., etc., issuing them. Cleveland, Ohio, public building...... 193 Cities, improvement...... 122 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. school boards...... 256 Louis Railway Company...... 272 school systems...... 256 Cliff-dwellers...... 67 schools...... 256 Clift, William W...... 145,180 Citizenship, Germany...... 205 Climate, Baltimore ...... 249 Citranges...... 247 Porto Rico...... 249 City and Suburban Railway...... 222 Clinical thermometers ... 203 Civil government, Philippines. 36, 111, 115 Clinton,William Y...... 15,58 Civil governor, P. I., report, 1904...... 91 Clithero, Edward S.... . 46,144 Civil service, see Civil Service Board, Clooten, Clemon...... 49 P. I.—Civil Service Commission. Clouds...... 249 Civil Service Board, P. I., rp., 1904 ...... 91 Clougharty, John...... 134,181 Civil Service Commission...... 97,223,271 Clover seed...... 199 clerks in Post-Office Department... 211 Coahuila, Mexico...... 75 regulations for unskilled laborers.. 87 Coal...... 75,78,250 report, 1904...... 271 duty on anthracite...... 159 Civil Service, Com. on Reform in the.. 34 for vessels of Navy...... 261 Civil-service districts, 1st...... 97 freight rates...... 224 3d...... 271 Mediterranean trade...... 204 4th...... 224 testing...... 257 7th...... 224 Transvaal...... 253 9th...... 271 Coal lands, Alaska...... 124 Civil War, claims of Missouri...... 117 Coal mines, Venezuela...... 86 Kentucky volunteers, etc...... 220 Coaling facilities...... 211 military bounties...... 12,67 Coast and Geodetic Survey . 72,89,201,250 official naval records...... 82,262 report, 1904 ...... 201 reward for officers...... 219 Coasting trade, compulsory pilotage 185,186 State military organizations...... 125 foreign vessels excluded...... 118,186 Civilian engineers...... 91 Coburn, Alfreda B...... 18,58 Claims, allowed...... 215 Coburn, John...... 142,181 Indian depredations...... 242,260 Cochran,Jacob...... 31 military bounty...... 12,67 Cockrell, Francis M...... 8,123,241 pecuniary international...... 85 Cocoa...... 264 reported by Court of Cis... 8,67,112,113 Coddington, George H...... 28,54 stores and supplies...... 67 Codington, Hannah E...... 154,173 War with Spain...... 215,265 Cody, William...... 58 see also Judgments—names of Coe, Samuel B...... 27 claimants. Coeducation ...... 256 January —March , 1905 ix

Page Page Ccenurus cerebralis...... 69 Commercial agents, see Commercial Coffee...... 214,264 travelers. Liberia...... 75 Commercial education...... 253 Queensland...... 204 Commercial relations, 1903 ...... 74 Coil, James A...... 41,136 Commercial schools...... 256 Coinage, amendments to laws...... 215 Commercial sciences academy...... 254 silver dollars...... 216 Commercial travelers...... 75 Coins, foreign...... 89 Europe...... 204 see also Currency. priority of wages in bankruptcy... 184 Coke...... 78 Commissary-gen., see Subsistence Dept. Colby, Moses F...... 134,166 Commissioners, D. C., report, 1904.. 96,222 Cold storage, cheese curing...... 75 Commissions, Post-Office Department. 262 Cold waves...... '. 249 Committees, Senate, 58th Cong. 3d sess. 7 Coldfoot, Alaska, road...... 92 59th Cong. spec, sess...... 240 Coldita Island, chart...... 261 Community demonstration farm...... 199 Coldwater River, bridges...... 163,164,237 Commutation, homestead entries. 195,236 Cole, George W...... 148,169 Compass, variation of...... 82,210 Cole, Ida J...... 270 Comptroller of the Currency...... 88,266 Cole, Martha C...... 270 report, 1904...... 87,88,217 Cole, Myrtle...... 152,170 Comptroller of the Treasury...... 208,266 Coleman, Laura...... 40,132 Compulsory attendance at schools.... 256 Collectors, customs...... 114,197 Conduits, D. C...... 113,118,119,160,161 Colleges...... 256 Conecuh River, bridge...... 6,37 agricultural...... 69,77,256 Confederate States, Cong, of, journal. 89 Collier, James T...... 149,180 Conference Committees...... 5,111,235 Collins, George W...... 187 Conference of State and Territorial Collins, Jesse...... 28,41 Health Officers with Public Collisions, of trains...... 98 Health and Marine-Hospital on inland waters...... 255 Service...... 218 Collodion, see Gun cotton. Congo, see Kongo. Colombia...... 214 Congress, Ariz., topographic sheet .... 79 catalogues for...... 253 Congress...... 5, 111, 235 commerce...... 204,253 Cong, of Confederate States, journal. 89 emeralds...... 75 Congressional directory...... 5 salt mines...... 86 Cong, documents, bound vols.. 68,197,244 tariff...... 264 index...... 224 Colonies, American...... 97 Congressional Library, see Library of Germany...... 75 Congress. Color printing...... 204 Congressional record...... 5, 111, 235 Colorado, boundary...... 80 Congressional relief fund...... 91 historic and prehistoric ruins.... 67,80 Connecticut, post route map...... 84 homestead...... 194 Connecticut, U. S. S...... 82,189,210 iuvenile courts...... 215 Connecticut River, bridge...... 164,237 labor disturbances...... 202 Connecticut Valley...... 70 post route map...... 84 water resources...... 258 public archives...... 97 Connor, Alfred M...... 137,168 reclamation of land...... 258 Connor, J eremiah...... 18,58 Colorado, Department of the, rp., 1904 . 267 Conroy, Thomas...... 24,178 Colorado River of the West...... 78,156 Consolidated index...... 224 Colored race, see Negroes. Consolidation of schools...... 256 Colors, captured to print...... 243 Constitutions, Santo Domingo...... 240 Columbia, La., bridge...... 6,9 United States, compromises of...... 97 Columbia, Department of the, rp., 1904 . 267 Construction and Repair, Bureau of, Columbia River...... 249 report, 1904...... 260 Columbia road, D. C...... 10 Consular reports, Daily..... 74,203,253 Columbian College, see George Wash- Monthly...... 74,203,253 ington University. Special...... 203 Columbus Memorial Library... 86,214,264 Consular service...... 213 Colvin, Augustus...... 31,42 appropriations...... 116,162,237 Comanche Indians, see Kiowa and assignment of officers...... 162 Comanche Reservation. bibliography...... 98 Commerce...... 254 salaries of officers on leave...... 162 consular reports...... 86,214,264 Consuls, Great Britain...... 204 development of, to print...... 66 reports...... 74 foreign...... 74,86,203,204,253,264 Consumption, see Tuberculosis. internal...... 74,203,253,255 Contagious diseases, see Infectious interstate...... 7,36,116,244 diseases. to promote...... 5,9,85,112,185,186 Contamination, of wells...... 259 to regulate...... 195 Continental Congress...... 225 trade-marks used in...... 12, 111, 115 Contracts, Colombia...... 214 see also Exports—Imports—names District of Columbia...... 11,113 of countries and places. ocean-mail service...... 262 Commerce and finance, Monthly sum- Conventions, see Treaties. mary...... 77,206,255 Converse, John Q...... 128,181 Commerce & Labor, Dept, of 72,200,202,249 Conversion bill, Chile...... 264 commissions of officers...... 238 Conway, Catharine...... 130,183 Secretary,in Presidential succession 36 Cook, Washington 1...... 30 war statistics...... 185 Coonrod, John H...... 50,144 Commerce & Police, Dept, of, rp., 1904 . 91 Cooper, Henry A...... 36, 111, 163 Commerce, Committee on...... 9,117 Coop wood, Bethel...... 155,192 X Januar y —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Coosa River...... 92 Courts of United States, Texas...... 6,60> Copper, Elizabeth A...... 152,170 Washington State...... 123,237 Copper...... 78,214,250 see also Justice, Department of. Mexico...... 214 Cousins, Lorenzo D...... 133,183 Sweden...... 204 Cousins, Robert G...... 189- Copper Harbor, chart...... 93 Covert, William H...... 45 Copra, Spain...... 75 Cowan, George W...... 63,135 Copyright Office...... 98.225,272 Cowart-Lofton Company...... 272. Copyrights, proofs concerning printing 125 Cowee Mountains...... 258 translations...... 13,239,266,272 Cowherd, William S...... 35,161,242 see also Copyright Office. Cowing, Charles W...... 32,182 Corea, see Korea. Cox, J onathan R...... 46,140 Corn root-worms...... 246 Cox, Marshall...... 152,171 Cornell, Charles H...... 188 Cox, Stephen A...... 32,171 Cornwall, china stone combine...... 75 Coyunos...... 271 Coron, P. I., chart...... 251 Craig, George W...... 28,53 Corporal punishment...... 256 Craig, Mary A...... 146,176 Corporations, dealing in Indian lands. 206 Cram, Emily E...... 45 D.C...... 35,113,119,120,161,197,237 Crane, Hannah S...... 8,112,113 to make returns...... 184 Craven, John C...... 42 Corporations, Bureau of...... 200,252 Craven, N. C...... 70 beef industry report, reprint...... 249 Craven County, N. C...... 247 report, 1904, to print...... 66 Crawford, Annie...... 56,127 Corps of Engineers, see Engineers, Cray, William H...... 18,57 Corps of. Creagh, Annie...... 128,178 Cortright, Emma...... 16,55 Cream, fat testing...... 245 Corvidae...... 97 Creed, Charles D...... 44 Cory, Benjamin F...... 14 Creek Indians...... 163 Costa Rica ...... 214 Creepers...... 97 bananas...... 264 Creeps...... 198 Cotidal lines...... 201 Creigh, James J...... 56,151 Cotter, Patrick...... 20,52 Crews, of vessels...... 185 Cotton...... 75,91,247 Criers, courts of United States...... 185,237 acreage and production...... 34 Criminal laws...... 239,243 Argentina...... 214 Criminal procedure, Indian Territory. 61 collection of statistics... 34,115,117,200 Criminals, extradition 60,85,114,213,263,264 exports...... 74,203,253 Crimson clover seed...... 199 India...... 253 Cripplecreek, Colo...... 78,257 Mexico...... 264 Cripples, pensions...... 143 Cotton-boll weevils...... 246 Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone...... 72,90 to print...... 239,244 Croak, Joseph N...... 42,152 Cotton-boll worm...... 199 Croly, James B...... 26 Cotton ginning...... 72,201 Croom, John L...... 150,192 Cotton goods...... 204 Crop acreage, Germany...... 75 China...... 75 Crops, for arid lands...... 240 English manufacturers...... 204 insects affecting...... 91,268 Cotton growers, American...... 204 Philippines...... 91,268 Cotton-seed oil...... 253 Russia...... 204 Coughlin, Thomas...... 38 United States...... 86 Coultry, P. L...... 157 Croskrey, Joseph L...... 47,144 Court of Claims...... 93,215,221,270 Cross, James W...... 41,140 claims reported by... 8,67,112,113 Cross, John...... 59,133 Indian depredations...... 260 Cross, Martin T...... 23,51,111 judgments, appropriations...... 265 Crotty, John...... 148 stores and supplies claims...... 67 Crouch, Andrew...... 221 Courtney, John A...... 22 Crouch, Jacob...... 221 Courts, for children...... 215 Crouch, Newton...... 221 Courts of United States...... 93,221,270 Crow, Wyman J...... 21 Alabama...... 123,184,237 Crowley, Joseph B...... 169 Alaska...... 209 Crows...... 97 Arizona...... 206 Crowther, Robert...... 39 China...... 85 Crumpacker, Edgar D...... 34,158 criers and bailiffs...... 185,237 Cruttenden, Lucy F...... 142,177 decisions, patent cases 81,209,260 Cryolite...... 78 Florida...... 113 Crystal ware, hardened...... 205 Georgia...... 237 Cuba...... 86,264 Hawaii...... 60 commerce...... 200,204,214 Illinois______...... 184,237 education...... 256 Indian Territory...... 122 extradition with United States...... 213 instructing juries...... 61 hydrology...... 258 judges...... 6,184,209,237,238 monuments...... 218 judgments, appropriations...... 209 tobacco...... 250’ Korea...... 85 Cuevas, Juan...... 164 Louisiana...... 184,237 Culion, Port, chart...... 251 Mississippi...... 61 Cullen, Thomas...... 42,151 Missouri...... 6 Culley, Frank C...... 50,141 North Carolina...... 184,236,237 Cullom, Shelby M...... 7,8,116 Oregon...... 184,185 Cumberland River, bridge...... 164,237 South Carolina...... 123 Cummings, J. W...... 94 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905 XI

Page Page Cummings, John...... 13 Davis, William P...... 24 Cummings, Louisa E...... 53,151 Davis, Wilson H...... 13 Cummings, Rebecca...... 94 Davisson, Isaac...... 28,41 Cuneo, Italy, railroad...... 76 Dawson, William...... 126,177 Cunningham, Frank H...... 83 Daymarks, lists of...... 74,203 Curkendall, Matilda L...... 17 Dayton, Alston G ...... 62 Currency, Guatemala...... 254 Dearborn, Alfred W...... 24 Haiti"...... 76 Deardourff, David...... 13 issue and redemption...... 89 De Arnaud, Charles A...... 24 laws...... 87,88 Decatur, Ala., bridge...... 37,115 Mexico...... 205,214 Decatur Transportation and Manufac- United States, in Canada...... 204 turing Company...... 37,115 see also Comptroller of the Currency. Decaturville, Mo...... 258 Currency, Div.of, P.I.,report, 1904.... 268 Decisions, Compt. of the Treasury. 249,266 Currier, Frank D...... 111,157 Court of Claims...... 270 Curry, Halsey S...... 139,178 Dept, of Commerce & Labor. 72,201,249 Curtis, Charles...... 67,162,196,242 labor...... 252 Curtiss, Laura C...... 154,175 land ...... 77,256 Curwensville, Pa...... 258 national banks...... 88 Customs districts...... 265 patents...... 81,209,260 Customs, Div. of. 87,88,215,216,217,265,266 pension...... 255 Customs duties, see Tariff—names of pension, to print...... 66 articles imported. public lands, to print...... 66 Customs notaries...... 216,265 Supreme Court...... 270 Customs regulations, Canada...... 253 Treasury...... 88,217,266 Customs Service...... 87,215,265 Declaration of Independence...... 263 bonds on imports...... 196,237 Deemer, Elias...... 41,170 cat. no. 754, discontinued...... 87 Defective classes, schools for...... 256 catalog of books, etc., for officers... 249 Deficiency appropriations. 158,215,236,241 Cuba...... 264 see also bureaus and objects. Panama Canal Zone...... 72,90 Delacy, Waldo, alias...... 142 Cutter, Charles A...... 256 Delamater, Leonard...... 22,52 Cuyo Island, chart...... 251 Deland, George...... 21 Cyanide processes of recovering metals 250 Delaware, post route map...... 84 Cycadofilices...... 270,271 Delaware Breakwater, chart...... 73 Cyclones, ellipsoidal...... 249 Del Do wane, Morris...... 20,63 of the Far East...... 268 Delegates, Alaska...... 157 Cyprus, agricultural machinery...... 253 Delta County, Colo...... 159 Dabler, Eli...... 43,152 Delta Southern Railway Company... 7,36 Daily consular reports, see Consular Demarest, Susan A...... 155,191 ’ reports, Daily. Deming, Andrew...... 131,166 Dairy Division...... 245 Demonstration farms...... 199 Dakota, Department of, report, 1904 ... 267 DeNiedman, William F., see Niedman. Dalles military road...... 80 Denison, Samuel J...... 45 Dallison, George...... 134,166 Denmark, expedition to Greenland... 205 Dalton, Avery...... 64,141 salmon...... 254 Dalzell, John...... 68,195,196 Dennis, James H...... 35 Damariscotta River, chart...... 73 Denny, W.,& Co...... 37,114 Damascus, Syria...... 253 Dentistry...... 256 Damascus-Mecca Railroad...... 253 Dentists, Medical Department, Army.. 186 Damm, Mary...... 131,190 Navy...... 189 Damon, Esther S...... 133,191 Denton, James...... 35 Damoth, Phebe...... 128,192 Denver, Colo., juvenile court...... 215 Dampier, Stephen...... 33,191 mint...... 88,217 Dams, across navigable waters...... 163 Depew, Chauncey M...... 9,118 see also names of rivers and places. I Depositories, shipments to .... 100,227,275 Danforth, Matthew C...... 55,125 Deputy collectors of customs...... 114,197 Daniel. John W...... 120 | Derailments, of trains...... 98 Dar, William...... 56 | Desert lands...... 12,60 Daube, Sam...... 35 crops for...... 240 Daughters of the American Revolu- irrigation...... 243 tion, Nat. Society of the, see Nat. obtained surreptitiously...... 194,260 Society of the Daughters of the rainfall...... 249 American Revolution. reclamation...... 258 Daventry, British steamer...... 201 Designs, see Official gazette, Patent Off. Davey,Robert C...... 37,164 > Desmet, S. Dak., geologic atlas...... 207 Davidson, Elisha C...... 45,143 1 Desmond, Richard...... 134,166 Davidson County, Tenn...... 70,94 Detroit River...... 92 Mill Creek Baptist Church...... 221 Detroit Southern Railroad Company.. 272 Davies, Edward G...... c...... 272 Devils Lake Reservation...... 33,115,194 Davis, Charles R...... 35,161 Devils Tower, topographic sheet...... 259 Davis, Hattie F...... 17,60 Devol, Carroll A...... 8,35 Davis, John...... 27,45 I Devonian fossils...... 257 Davis,JohnP...... 46,141 I Devonport, England...... 253 Davis, John W...... 49,135 Diamond, William H...... 159 Davis, Leonard C...... 54,142 Diamond Shoal, light, etc...... 166,201,237 Davis, Matthew J...... 159 i Diamonds...... 75 Davis, Moss C...... 146,168 | Dick, Charles...... 242 Davis, Richard L...... 189 Dickens, Sarah J...... 182 Davis,Robert W...... :.... 185 ! Dickerson, Perley B...... 14,174 XII Jan ua ry —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Dickey, John W...... 29 District of Columbia, Kalorama ave- Dickinson, Bessie M...... 58 , nue...... 120,161,237 Dickinson, Richard B...... 31,190 land...... 35,119,237 Dickinson, Sally...... 17,60 lands for assessment, etc...... 114,161 Dickinson, William C...... 22,52 lots...... 11,114,161 Dickson, Samuel T...... 26,179 M street northeast...... 161,237 Diebitsch, Paul...... 48 markets...... 120 Diehl, Alfred...... 142,168 medicine and surgery...... 6, id, 35,160 Dieppe, France...... 204 militia...... 188 222 Dietrich, Charles H...... motormen...... "Z” 161’237 Digest of national-bank decisions. 88 municipal building...... ’ yt; Dilasac Bay, chart...... 251 19th street northwest...... 119,160,237 Dillard, Noah...... 9 nuisances...... 120 241 Dillingham, Benjamin...... 15 parks...... ’119 Dillingham, WUliam P...... us, 121 Pennsylvania avenue...... 120 Dillon, Edward J...... 38,132 pharmacy...... 222 Dimalansan, Port, chart...... *251 photographer...... " ” 222 Dimick, Chester E...... 133,183 Police...... 35,120,237 Diocese of East Carolina, P. E. Church 221 Police Department...... 222 Diplomatic list...... 85,213,263 post route map...... 84 Diplomatic service...... 213 Potomac River bridges...... li.5, 165 appropriations...... 116,i62,237 power station for public buildings. 224 assignment of officers...... 162 public convenience stations 111, 161,237 salaries of officers on leave...... 162 public grounds...... 220 Dippers ...... 97 Reform School...... si 209 Directory, Army...... 92,220,269 Reform School for Girls...... ’ 81 Congressional...... 5 Rhode Island avenue northeast... 160 Senate, 58th Cong., 3d sess...... 8 Rittenhouse street...... 120,161 237 Senate, 59th Cong., special sess...... 240 roads...... 10,35414 Disbursements, see Expenditures. sanitary officer...... 222 Disbursing officers, duplicate checks.. 68 sealer of weights and measures’ ’. . 119 land offices...... 33,194,238 smoke...... 120,242 Discriminating duties. 116 snow and ice...... 7,93,115 Diseases, infectious.... 87 special-tax scrip...... n, 113 119 of animals...... 244 steam boilers...... 119160 of cattle...... ” ’ ’ ’ ’ 198 street-railway tickets...... ’ 160 Distilleries...... 217 streets...... 113,161,222 District attorneys, Dist. of Columbia ’ ’ ’ 81 surgeons’ board...... 222 list of...... 81 T street northeast...... 118,237 District courts, see Courts’of U. S.' teachers...... 96 District of Columbia...... 96,222,270 telegraph wires...... ' ’ '160,237 aliens...... 113,160 13j street southwest...... 10,114 alleys...... 10, 113,114,160,161 ticket brokers...... ’119 Amer. Ry. Appliance Exhibition... 7 W street northwest...... 119,160 appropriations...... 34,112,116,237 water assessments...... 119,160,237’ 241 ashes...... 6,11,35 water-supply...... 258 asphalt...... —222 wife beating...... ” ’ 222 attorney of United States ... 81 District of Columbia, Committee on badges unlawfully worn. ... 11 the, House...... 35,160,242 bathing beach...... 222 Senate...... 10,118,241 Bladensburg road...... 120 Divorce statistics...... 7,115,117,158,197 bonds on contracts.... 11,113 Dixon, Joseph M...... •— cement...... 193 .. 222 Dockendorf, Nickles 50 charitable institutions...... 11,113,160 Docks...... Church of Our Redeemer...... 11,160 211 Dockyard, Devonport, England 253 Columbia road...... 10 Documents, bound volumes.... 68,197,244 commissioners...... 96,222 distributed by Com. and Labor Dept. 201 conduits...... 113,118,119,160,161 distributed by Treasury Dept...... 216 corporations. 35,113,119,120,161,197,237 first 14 Congresses, 1789-1817...... 97 education...... 96,116,118 index...... 224 Education, Board of...... 96,270 monthly catalogue...... 98, 224,271 Excise Board...... 270 printing and binding...... 6 excise permits...... 239 shipments to depositories .. 100,227,275 explosives...... 120,160,237 Documents, Superintendent of. 98,224,271 Fire Department...... 35,120,237 Agric. Dept, publications for sale.. 247 4th civil-service district...... 224 report, 1904...... " 98 fuel for public schools...... 96,113 Dodge, William E...... ’’’” garbage...... 6,11,35 256 Georgetown...... 119 Dog River, see Escatawpa River. Dollars, silver...... 216 grade crossings...... 10,113,160,237 tariff on silver in Mexico ...... 86 guardianship...... 119,161,237 Dolores, P. I., chart...... 252 hack inspector...... 222 Dominican Republic, see Santo Do- harbor master...... ''' 222 mingo. height of buildings...... ii, 113 Donham, William W...... 149,179 humane agent...... ’222 Donnelly, Edward...... 147,182 inauguration...... 10,160 Donnelly, James...... ’ 13 insane...... 114,161 Dorchester County, S. C., bridge.. 163,236 international sanitary bureau...... 214 Dorsey, John F...... 16 jail...... 209 Dover, Del...... 70 juvenile court...... 120 Dover, England, steamship service.... 205 January —Marc h , 1905 XIII

Page Page Draper, Samuel H...... 60,140 Eight-hour day...... 202 Draper, William H...... 63,190 Elders Ridge, Pa...... 258 Drawbacks...... i...... 87,216 Eldred, Maria...... 16,58 Dredges...... 185 Election of President, Vice-President, Drill regulations, Hospital Corps...... 218 and Representatives in Congress, Drinks, analysis by Agriculture Dept.. 123 Committee on...... 36,242 Drinkwater, J osephine...... 148,175 Elections, Hawaii...... 162 Dry-dock, Sabine Pass, Tex...... 243 primary...... 225 Dryden, John F...... 241 Elections, Committee on, No. 2...... 162 Drye, George W...... 154,177 Electoral vote, President of U. S...... 36 Dubois, Fred T...... 118 Electric burglar alarms...... 216 Dubuque, U. S. S...... 82 Electric lighting, navy-yards...... 82 Duff, Lewis M...... 126,177 Electric plants, Formosa...... 253 Duff, Mary L...... 48 Electric plows...... 205 Duffy, James...... 26,43 Electric power, navy-yards...... 82 Duffy, Patrick...... 15,174 New Zealand...... 204 Dukes, Thomas...... 63,129 Electric railroads...... 250 Dulidee...... 97 District of Columbia...... 160 Duling, Sinnett A...... 152,192 London...... 206 Duluth, Pierre & Black Hills R. R.. 164,238 Malaga...... 75 Dumaguete, P. I., chart...... 251 motormen in D. C...... 161,237 Dumping act, Canada...... 253 Niobrara, Fort...... 188 Dunbar, Bryan...... 51,126 Electric supplies, China...... 204 Duncan, John S...... 56,148 Electrical industries, Germany...... 204 Duncan, Robert L...... 146,167 Electricians, Navy...... 83 Dunihue, Charles H...... 50,141 Electricity, and bread...... 204 Dunn, Anna A...... 13 anniversary at Berlin...... 204 Dunn, Cecilia M...... 94 in mining...... 250 Dunn, Ellen A...... 159 Elementary education, foreign...... 256 Dunn, Evelyn M...... 21 Elizabeth, N. C...... 236 Dunn, Herbert 0...... 159 Elk Rock, bridge...... 118 Dunn, Richard...... 56 Elkan, Walter...... 64,146 Dunn, Thomas...... 153,191 Elkins, Stephen B...... 118,122 Dunn, Thomas P...... 20,62 Elkinton, James M...... 42,130 Dunnington, William P...... 54,138 Ellis, John...... 25,50 Dustin, William...... 134,166 Elston, John H...... 138 Dutch East Indies, see East Indies. Ely, Eugene H...... 124 Duties, see Tariff—names of articles Ely, Frank D...... 62,124 imported. Embrey, Hezekiah T...... 94 Dwyer, Morgan...... 20 Embrey, Robert...... 94 Dyas, William...... 39,130 Emeralds...... 75 Dyer, Delila...... 128,189 Emerich, Martin...... 34,242 Dynamite, Mexico...... 86,264 Employees, agreements with em- Eakin, Edmond W...... 142,177 ployers...... 252 Earle, Henry C...... 131,182 see also names of Departments and Earnest, Seeley...... ■...... 15 bureaus. Earth, use for irrigation purposes.. 33,114 Employers, agreements with em- Earthenware, imports...... 205 ployees...... 252 Earthquakes,Philippine Islands... 91,268 1 Engbretson, Hartvig...... 47,141 Easley, Warham...... 94 Engineer School...... 91,219,269 East, see Orient. I Engineers, Army...... 91 East, Department of the, report, 1904.. 267 civilian...... 91 East Indies, commerce...... 204 impressions of company comma nder 269 lights...... 261 I Engineers, Corps of...... 91,220,269 East St. Mary River, bridge...... 236 report, 1904 ...... 218 East Wash. Heights Traction R. R. Co. 120 England, see Great Britain. East Washington Railway Company.. 120 Eastern Dispensary, D. C...... 222 English Channel, lighthouse...... 254 Eastland, James...... 150,192 Enlisted men, Army, burial of wives . 187 Eaton, Ira K...... 44 Army, losses at Galveston, etc...... 218 Eaton, Webster...... 52,141 Navy, retirement...... 12 Ebensburg, Pa...... 258 Enlistment, Navy...... 83 Eberhart, Gilbert L...... 152,172 Enrolled Bills, Committee on, clerks 34,157 Eckhardt, Walter, alias...... 64,146 Ensigns, Navy...... 81 Ecuador...... 75,86,214 Entomology, Bureau of...... 199,246 tariff 264 report, 1904 ...... 69 Edgerly, Francis W...... 154,168 Entries, public lands...... 208 Edgerly, Marcia H...... 32,182 Entry, of imports...... 265 Edinburgh, Scotland, paving...... 76 Enwright, Bridget...... 134,181 Edmundson, Maria...... 40,137 Enyart, George W...... 126,178 Education, art loans for...... 204 Ephemeris, American, 1908 ...... 211 District of Columbia...... 96,116,118 Epidemic diseases, see Infectious dis- industrial...... 203 eases. see also Education, Bureau of. Epidemics, prevention...... 218 Education, Board of, D.C., rp.,1904.. 96,270 Equator crossings, see Pilot charts. Education, Bur. of .Interior Dept. 77,206,256 Equinoxes...... 200 report, 1903 ...... 256 Equipment, Bureau of...... 82,210,261 Education, Bureau of, P. 1...... 268 report, 1904 ...... 260 Eells, Albert F...... 166,237 Erie, Lake, tunnel at Buffalo...... 195,236 Egbert, Fort, road...,...... 92 Escatawpa River, bridge...... 37,114 XIV Janua ry —March , 1905

Page Page Esch, John J...... 164,186 Farmers’ bulletins, Agric. Bur., P. I. 91,219 Essential oils...... ’ 76 Agriculture Department... 199,246,247 Essick, Michael L...... 50,141 Farmers’ institute lectures...... 69 Estes, Albert H...... 46,149 Farming, middle belt of United States. 240 Estimates of appropriations, see bu- Farming machinery, see Agricultural. reaus and objects. Farms, community demonstration.... 199 Esty, Charles J...... 19 Farnsworth, Herbert E...... 20,171 Eubanks, Georgianna...... 23,168 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co...... 6,12 Europe, arbitration of powers with Fat testing of cream...... 245 Fauna, fossil...... 257 beet sugar...... 74,253 Faunt Le Roy, Mary L...... 29,190 commercial travelers...... 204 FauquierCo., Va.,Mt. Horeb M.E.Ch. 94 free ports...... 205 Fay, Charles M...... 58,132 lights...... 261 Fayette County, Pa., bridge...... 114,165 pineapples...... 76 Fayette County, Tex...... 6,60 salvage service...... 76 Federal Railroad Company...... 37 steam superheating apparatus...... 76 Federal regulation of railroads...... 7 students...... 256 Fees, attorney for District of Columbia. 81 see also names of countries. Feigley, Frederick...... 22,52 European Station, report, 1904 ...... 260 Feldspar...... 78,250 Evangelical Luth. Ch., Harrisonburg. 94 Fellentreter, Andrew 11 Evans, Alvin...... 67 Felton, John C...... 56 Evans, George W...... 206 Fergerson, Joseph.... 178 Evans, Lotwig...... 128,173 Ferguson, Dempsey...... 140,169 Evaporation observations...... 248,249 Ferguson, Eveline V...... 31 Evidence, competency of witnesses... 61 Fernandina, Fla...... 113,185 concerning publications in mails.. 193 Ferry, Sarah...... 133,183 Ewing, Ella M...... 151,172 Ferson, James R...... 39,132 Examinations, civil service...... 224 Fetterhoff, Albert...... 28,54 navy-yards and naval stations.... 261 Fever, splenetic...... '68 Examining boards, civil service...... 224 Texas...... 198 Exchange, Haiti...... 76 typhoid...... 92,269 international, to print...... 243 Fibrous plants, Latin America...... 214 Excise board, D. C., report, 1904 ...... 270 Field,James G...... 237 Excise permits, D. C...... 239 Field, Martha F...... 27,66 Executive appropriations...... 8,112,113 Field operations of Soils Bur., 1903 . 70,247 Executive orders...... 72,87,90,273 Fike, Joseph...... 42,152 Executive proclamations, see Procla- Filipinos, see Philippine Islands. mations of President. Filtration plant, D. C...... 35 Executive register of U. 8., to print.... 193 Finance & Justice, Dept.of,rp.,1904 . 91,219 Exhibitions,see Expositions. Finance, commerce and, Monthly sum- Expenditures...... 217 mary, see Commerce and finance, see also names of Depts., etc. Monthly summary. Experiment station record...... 199,246 Finance, Committee on...... 120 Experiment stations, agricultural, see Finances, France...... 75 Agric, experiment stations. Finch, William T...... 41,136 Experiment Stations, Office of . 69,199,246 Findings of Court of Claims...... 93,221 report, 1904 ...... 199 Finlay, George P...... 65,149 Explorations, Philippines...... 225,272 Finn, John...... 241 Explosives, D. C...... 120,160,237 Fire Department, D. C...... 35,120,237 Mexico...... 86 Fire protection, German theaters...... 204 Export tax, see Tariff—names of arti- Fish hatcheries, Illinois...... 121 cles exported. Fisher, John J...... 187 Fisheries, British Columbia...... 204 agricultural...... 200 deep-sea...... 5,9,112,185,186 declared for United States...... 206,255 foreign vessels excluded...... 118,186 see also countries and places—names New Brunswick...... 204 of articles exported. see also Fisheries, Bureau of. Expositions, Govt, appropriations...... 87 Fisheries, Bureau of...... 73,202,252- milling and bakery...... 254 report, 1904...... 73 motor boat, cycle, and automobile. 253 Fisheries, Committee on...... 121 seeafeonamesof expositions—places Fishes, Korea...... 223 where held. lateral-line organs...... 202 Extradition, Cuba and U. S...... 213,264 Olympic forest reserve...... 195 Nicaragua and United States...... 263 parasites...... 202 Panama and United States...... 85 protection in forest reserves ...... 67 Philippines...... 60,114 scorpsenoid...... 223 Spain and United States...... 85 synanceine and pelorine...... 223 Sweden and Norway and U.S...... 85 see also Fisheries, Bureau of. Uruguay and United States...... 263 Fishing banks, see Pilot charts. Factory operatives, France...... 204 Fisk, Stephen M...... 135,174 Fairs, appropriations made by Govt... 87 Fitch, Thomas D...... 128,181 Falcdn, coal mines...... 86 Fitts, Nelson A...... 59,129 Fancher, Erwin...... 145,172 Fitzgerald, John J...... 36 Fanshaw, Aaron...... 24 Five Civilized Tribes...... 208,259 Fargo, N. Dak...... 70 Flags, captured, to print...... 243 Farley, Thomas P...... 52 Civil War...... 115,123,186 Farm products,see Agricultural. Flanagan, James...... 139,178 Farmer, George W...... 145,179 Flanders, automobiles...... 204 Farmers, handling forest lands...... 246 motor boats...... 204 Jan ua ry —Marc h , 1905 xv

Page Page Flanigan, Michael, alias...... 187 Fortifications, appropriations. 8, Flathead Reservation, see Jocko. 34,112,235,237 Fleming, Levi...... 137,175 Fortner, Church...... 137,168 Fletcher, Hettie...... 138,167 Fortney, Charles D ...... 31,55 Fletcher Chapel, King George Co., Va. 94 Foss, George E...... 189,235 Flies, white...... 246 Foss,John Q. A...... 133,183 Flint...... 78,250 Fossils, Devonian...... 257 Flintstone, Md...... 259 plants...... 270,271 Flood-crest stages...... 249 Foster, Addison G . .... 19,118,136 Florida, branch of Nat.Soldiers’ Home. 123 Foster, Augustus C ...... 54,145 courts of United States...... 113,185 Foster, David J...... 158 post route map...... 84 Foster,David P ...... 46,141 rainfall...... 249 Foster,Edwin B...... 163,259 Flour, Australia...... 77 Fournier, Peter ...... 128,174 Spain...... 206 Fox, James, alias.. 140 Flour mills, Brazil...... 75 Fox Hill, Va., M. E. Church South...... 94 Flowers, Leocardia F...... 134,183 France...... 75 Flowing wells, see Artesian wells. alcohol...... 74 Fluorspar...... 78,250 alcohol carburetors and motors.... 74 Flushing Bay...... 92 American sulphur___ 76 Flycatchers, silky...... 97 arbitration with U. S.. 68,85,212 Flynn, Eliza...... 131,183 automobile salon...... 253 Flynn, John, alias...... 241 automobiles...... 253 Flynn, Mary...... 24 cattle...... 254 Fog-signals, see names of places. cider...... 255 Fogs ...... 254 coal...... 75 Gulf Coast...... 249 commerce with Tunis.. 254 Foley, James W...... 140,181 engineer troops...... 91 Food, analyses of imported products.. 216 essential oils...... 76 analysis by Agriculture Dept...... 123 factory operatives...... 204 functions and uses...... 246 finances...... 75 Germany...... 75 fruit...... 75 importation...... 87 glass-making minerals, 254 legislation concerning...... 69 horses...... 254 standards of purity...... 198 lard...... '' ’ ’ 76 storage charges...... 87 meats...... 254 Food for cattle ...... 247 meats, salted...... 76 Foraker, Joseph B...... 12,121,124 merchant marine...... 76 Forbes, William A...... 148,183 national savings-bank...... 254 Ford, Daniel...... 40,144 oil cake...... 76 Fordney, Joseph W...... 194 patents...... 76 Forecasting, flood-crest stages...... 249 perfumes...... 76 fogs...... 249 pottery exported to United States., 205 weather...... 249 seed oils and oil seeds...... 76 Foreign Affairs, Committee on...... 162 shipping...... 76 Foreign coins, see Coins, foreign. shoes...... 76 Foreign Mail Service...... 5,9,112,185,186 tallow...... 76 Foreign Mails, Off. of, mail contracts.. 262 tariff ...... 205 Foreign Markets, Division of...... 200,248 trade-marks...... 76 Foreign Relations, Com. on. 11,121,212,213 trade methods...... 76 Forest lands...... 246 walnuts...... 77 Forest products, exports...... 200 wine...... r...... 255 imports...... 248 Franchises, Porto Rico...... 209 Forest Reservations and Protection of Francis, Jane...... 22,41 Game, Committee on...... 11 Francisco, Barrett...... 187 Forest reserves...... 194,199 Frankford Arsenal...... 93 Bartlett Lake...... 195 I rankfort, Germany...... 254 creation of...... 33 Franklin, Alvin B...... 16,58 lieuselections...... 235,239 Franklin, Charley...... 150,189 protection...... 114 Franklin County, Fla., bridge .... 236 protection of game...... 67 Frazee, Carmen...... 66,148 transferred to Agric. Dept...... 5,11,114 Frederick, Henry...... 128,190 use of earth, etc., for irrigation. 33,114 Free Church, Burlington, W. Va...... 94„ see also names of reserves. Free mail delivery, see Mail delivery. Forestry, Bureau of...... 69,199,246 Freelove, Hiram R...... 39,133 report, 1904 ...... 69 Freeman, James...... 40,130 Forests, Germany...... 75 Freeman, Jordan, see Garrett. laws, to print...... 193 Freiburg, Baden, carpenters...... 204 Yellowstone forest reserve...... 79 Freight combination, steamship...... 205 see also Forestry, Bureau of. Freight rates...... 7,116,165,224 Forkner, Mahala...... 14,176 Austria...... 75 Formosa...... 204,205 ^French, Burton L...... 196 electric plant...... 253 French, Jacob F...... 18,197 Forsyth, John M...... 94 French, Welcom B . 45 Fort, see name of fort. French, see France. Fort Payne, Ala...... 70,247 French spoliation cis., see Court of Cis. Fort Rice, N. Dak...... 156 Friendship, Tripoli and United States. 213 Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y...... 259 Frogs ...... 223 Fort Valley, Ga...... 70,247 Frost, Alfred 128,170 XVI Janu ary —March , 1905

Page Page Frost, Merrick D...... 38,129 George Washington Univ...... 119,161,237 Frost, Moses...... 24,178 Georgetown, D. C...... 119 Frost...... 249 Georgetown and Tennallytown Ry... 222 Frostburg, Md...... 259 Georgetown Barge, Dock, Elevator and Fruit...... 75 Railway Company, report, 1904.. 96 China...... 205 Georgia, courts of United States...... 237 Fruit-trees...... 199 post route map...... 84 along highways...... 205 public archives...... 97 Frye, William P...... 118 Germanium...... 96 Fuca Strait, see Juan de Fuca. Germany, American glassware...... 75 Fuchau, China...... 75 American machinery...... 76 Fuel, Canada...... 254 arbitration with U. S...... 68,85,212 liquid...... 254,262 automobile regulations...... 253 schools, D.C...... 96,113 banks...... 253 testing plant...... 78 citizenship...... 205 Fugate, Cole B...... 65,149 colonies...... 75 Fugitives, see Criminals. commerce...... 75,86,214 Fuller, Charles E...... 43,172 cotton...... 75 Fuller, Mary F...... 39,132 crop acreage...... 75 Fullers’ earth...... 250 electrical industries...... 204 Fulmer, Jacob...... 66,147 fire protection in theaters...... 204 Fulton, Charles W...... 8,12,117,156 food...... 75 Fulton, Henry D...... 146,167 foreign students in universities.... 256 Fulton, Joseph...... 26,58 forests...... 75 Fulton, Miss., bridge...... 7 fusel oil...... 254 Furniture, colored woods for...... 205 goods in Quebec, Canada...... 205 Fusel oil...... 254 high-speed railroads...... 205 Gable, Richard...... 151,172 industrial conditions...... 203 Gabriel, Nancy...... 146,167 industrial depression...... 75 Gadsden County, Fla...... 70,248 industrial education...... 203 Gaines, Joseph H...... 36 nut and seed oils...... 254 Galbreath, David...... 43,138 petroleum...... 76 GaUinger, Jacob H...... 5, pottery exported to United States . 205 7,9,10,96,112,116,118,119,240,241,258 railroads...... 75 Gallium...... 96 rubber industry...... 76 Galveston, Tex., losses of army officers. 218 schools...... 256 Galveston Bay, chart...... 73 universities...... 255 Gamble, Robert J.... 11,119,121,156,241,242 view of American industry...... 205 Game, Olympic forest reserve...... 195 winter distress remedies...... 205 Garbage, D.C...... 6,11,35 wrecks...... 206 Garden schools...... 75 Getman, Oscar...... 155,166 Gardens, school...... 199,247 Gettysburg, Pa., monument to Bat- window...... 199 tery E...... 187,236 workingmen’s...... 75 Gettysburg Nat. Military Park Comn., Gardner, Charles H...... 131,183 reports, 1893-1904,to print...... 7,66 Gardner, Walter...... 66,147 Gettysburg National Park...... 92 Garner, William R...... 124 Geyser, William...... 13,174 Garretson, Isaiah...... 57,125 Gibbs, Josiah W...... 256 Garrett, James M...... 27 Gibson, Henry R...... 47,67,173 Garrett, Jordan...... 146,180 Gibson, John...... 59,144 Garrison, Mary O...... 95 Gibson, Mary A...... 57,155 Gas...... 78 Gibson, Paris...... 11,20,137,156 natural...... 78,250 Gid parasite...... 69 Gasoline, Great Britain...... 204 Gila County, Ariz...... 157,196,237 transportation in steamers. 115,118,186 Gilbert, Charles E...... 49 Gassett, Foster W...... 17,182 Gilbert, Stephen...... 18,171 Gates, Lou...... 40,153 Gilbreath, Warren C...... 144 Gathmann shells...... 189,210 Gillet, Charles W...... 193 Gatliff, Aaron S...... 147 Gillett, Frederick H...... 34 Gaugers...... 88 Gillett, James N...... 184 Gauss, Herman...... 157 Gillett, Martin...... 32,175 Gaut, William F...... 32 Gillette, Sarah E...... 15,171 Gauthier, Joseph F...... 162 Gilman, William H...... 133,182 Gay, Henry W...... 31,182 Ginnane, James...... 32 Gazetteers, Indian Territory...... 78,257 Girard, Stephen...... 31 Gecko...... 223 Girls’ Reform School of the D.C...... 81 General Appraisers, see Appraisers. Givin, Elizabeth F...... 30,43 General Grant Nat. Park, see Sequoia Glasgow, Mo., bridge...... 165,238 and Gen. Grant National Parks. Glass, John...... 135,174 General Land Office, see Land Office. Glass, hardened...... 205 General Staff Corps, see Staff Corps. improvement in making...... 205 Geneva, sloop...... 94 Glass-making minerals...... 254 Gentzsch, Francis...... 149,183 Glass sand...... 78 Geographic Cong., International.. 239,244 Glass-workers’ strike in Belgium...... 254 Geography, Philippines...... 268 Glassmire, Albert H...... 43,152 Geologic atlas of United States. 78,207,257 Glassware, American, in Germany .... 75 Geologic work, cooperation...... 257 Gleason, William...... 139,173 Geological Survey...... 77,207,257 Glenn, Henry A...... 43,139 publications on Alaska...... 77 Gloucester, Mass., fishery products report, 1904 ...... 207 landed at...... 73,202,252 Geology, see Geological Survey. port of entry...... 196,237,265 January —March , 1905 xvn

Pag Page Gloucester County, N.J...... 6,33,67,92 Great Britain, American methods Glover, Preston...... 31,55 studied..'...... 74 Gloves, Chemnitz...... 75 arbitration with U.S. 68,85,116,121,212 Grenoble...... 75 automobiles...... 204 Goats, Angora...... 193,205,239 breadstuffs and provisions ...... 74 Goatskins...... 205 color printing...... 204 Godfrey, Lot L...... 155,192 commerce...... 177,'214,255 Godown, John M...... 22,51 commercial education...... 253 Goff, Wallace...... 142,181 consuls...... 204 Gold ...... 78,250 cotton goods trade in Mexico> ...... 204 assaying...... 78,257 cotton manufacturers...... 204 Nicaragua...... 86,205 fogs...... 254 used in arts...... 37,112,114,122 gasoline...... 204 Gold standard, to print...... 243 hall mark on plate...... 76 Goldenseal...... 199 hard times...... 75 Goldfogle, Henry M...... 159 hops...... 75 Goldsborough, torpedo boat.. 125,239,243 iron...... 75 Gooch. 1). Linn...... 159 Lascar seamen...... 254 Good, Kate...... 59 mail subsidies...... 254 Good Shepherd Industrial School...... 8 minerals...... 76 Goodale, Samuel L. D...... 58 miner’s consumption...... 75 Goodson, Rebecca C...... 147,189 navy...... 211 Goodspeed, John...... 26 parcels-post...... 262,265 Gordon, Elijah W...... 17,60 patent law...... 254 Gordon, Ironsides & Fares Co.. Limited 121 pottery exported to United States.. 205 Gorman, Arthur P...... 11,120 poultry industry...... 254 Gossett, James A...... 46,137 railroads...... 74 Gould, Almon W...... 40,129 seed oil...... 76 Gould, William O...... 44 । slate trade...... 254 Gourley, Fitz Allen...... 46,136 statistics...... 77 Government, by experts...... 75 steel...... • 75 United States...... 268 tobacco ...... 76 wireless telegraphy for...... 224 trade with Australia...... 253 Government Actuary...... 88,217,266 wages in shoe factories...... 254 Government bonds, see Govt. Actuary. wheat from Argentina...... 264 Govt, documents, see Documents. wool trade...... 255 Government Hospital for the Insane, Great Lakes, meteorological chart.... 248 additional land...... 10 Greece, commerce...... 75 pensions of inmates...... 114,143 weights and measures...... 77 report, 1904...... 79 Green, F. F...... 162 Government Laboratories, Bureau of, Green, George W '...... 12 see Laboratories, Govt., Bur. of. Green, Harvey S...... 195,238 Govt, officials, notaries public... 72,87,90 Green, Israel N...... 155,175 Government Printing Office ... 98,224,271 Green, Joel V...... 128,175 report, 1904 ...... 98 Green, Joseph E...... 189 Govt, property, see Public property. Greenbrier Distillery Company...... 35 Grade crossings, D. C...... 10,113,160,237 Greene County, Ala., bridge...... 117,239 Graff, Joseph V...... 34,112,159 Greene County, Pa., bridge...... 114,165 Graffen, Harris...... 124 Greeneville, Tenn., geologic atlas...... 257 Graham, Albert S...... 14 Greenhill, R. I., life-saving station .... 118 Graham, Andrew S...... 19,49 Greenhouse white fly...... 246 Graham, William T...... 19,47 Greenland...... 205 Grain, Marseille...... 205 Greenville, Miss...... 61 Grain rust...... 247 Greenwood, S. C...... 123 Gralen, Augustus...... 155,192 Grenoble, France, gloves...... 75 Grand Army of the Republic, badges. 11 ! Gretzer, John, jr...... 124 condemned cannon for .... 123,239,243 | Gridley, Charles V...... 7 obsolete rifles for...... 12,61 Griffith, Amos L...... 48,155 Grand Canyon of Colorado...... 156 Griffith’ Calvin C...... 20,63 Grand Island, Nebr...... 70,248 Griffith,George F...... 137,169 Grand River...... 37,114 Griffith, James P...... 31 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway...... 254 Grissom, Sarah J...... 135 Granger, Albert S...... 40,132 Groesbeck, Alice W. T...... 25,63 Granger, Alvan P...... 29,169 Groffmann, Charles H. L...... 149,179 Grantsville. Md...... 258 Grosvenor, Charles H...... 72,112,185,196 Grape brandy...... 217 Grove, John W...... 42,152 Graphite...... 78,205,250 Grove, Sampson T...... 25,40 Grass, Charles...... 140,173 Grovenor, Abel...... 41,154 Grassley, Adam W...... 65.126 Grow, Rosette E. S...... 15,167 Gravelly Springs, Ala., Baptist Church 94 Grumley, Edward 1...... 186,219 Graves, James...... 19 Guam Island, report, 1904...... 260 Gray, George W...... 22,50 Guarantee companies...... 87 Gray, Harriett P...... 29,173 Guardianship, D. C...... 119,161,237 Gray, Jerry L...... 38 Guards, penitentiaries...... 209 Gray, Samuel B...... 30,55 Guatemala...... 214,264 Grays Harbor, Wash., subport of entry 265 commerce...... 254 Great Britain, Alaskan Boundary Tri- mines and minerals...... 254 bunal ...... 214 money and prices...... 254 alcohol...... 74 Guatemala Northern Railroad...... 264 American apples...... 253 Gudgell, Benjamin F...... 27 16861—No. 123—05-----5 XVIII January —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Guest. Joh nW...... 33 Harney, EmmaS...... 64 Guidry, Felix...... 270 Harper, James A...... 22,51 Guidry, Louisa B...... 270 Harper, James M...... 145,180 Guild, Caroline L...... ;...... 38 Harper, Martha A...... 152,192 Guilford, Chauncey L...... 39,129 Harpoot, Turkey...... 205 Gulf Coast, fogs ..'...... 249 Harput, see Harpoot. Gulf, Department of the, report, 1904 . 267 Harrington, Ephraim W...... 17,59 Gull River Lumber Company...... 118 Harrington, Lucius...... 146,168 Gun-carriages, see Gun mounts. Harris, Hudson M...... 187 Gun mounts, disappearing...... 269 Harris, Thomas...... 63,141 Guncotton...... 254 Harrison Township, Knox County, Guns, cost of manufacture...... 93 .mu., iiuuge...... 110,100, naval, Russia...... 220 Harrisonburg, Va., Muhlenberg Evan- Guthrie, David...... 20 gelical Lutheran Church.. 94 Guthrie, Okla., Oklahoma stock show. 197 Hart, William H...... 58 Gwyn, James...... 31,55 Hartford, Conn., bridge...... 164,237 Gypsum...... 78,250 Hartley, John W...... 19 Hack inspector, D. C., report, 1904 ...... 222 Hartman. Benjamin H...... 32,55 Haddock, Martha...... 154,191 Hartman, Phaon...... 55,150 Hadlock, George W...... 131,167 Hartshorne, William R...... 153,170 Hague Tribunal, Venezuelan arbitra- Harvard University...... 225 tion ...... 243 Harvests, see Crops." Hahner, Justus, alias...... 149,192 Harvey, John B...... 45 Haifa, Syria...... 254 Haskell, John G...... 18,182 Hail, cannon defense against...... 205 Haskell, Ruth M...... 18 Haines, Augustus H...... 13 Haskell, Sara A...... 39,132 Haiti, industrial condition...... 86 Haskins, Kittredge...... 158 paper money and exchange...... 76 Hastings, Daniel H...... 64,141 patents and trade-marks...... 214,215 Hat trust, Malaga...... 75 railroads...... 75,214 Havre, France, commerce...... 75 Halbritter, Frederick M...... 30,55 cotton trade...... 75 Hale, Eugene...... 8,12,83,116,125,241 wood...... 77 Haley, Patrick...... 134,182 Hawaii, bananas...... 246 Halifax, Nova Scotia, dockyard...... 205 education...... 256 Hall, Andrew...... 28 elections...... 162 Hall, Benjamin F...... 48 government...... 196,237 Hall, Commodore P...... 56 judges...... 60 Hall, EdwinS...... 34 leprosy...... 164,238 Hall, George W...... 17,60 mosquitoes...... „•...... 246 Hall, James C...... 48.128 post route map...... 84 Hall, Mary C...... 134,189 sugar-cane leaf-hopper...... y...... 246 Hall, William...... 15 Hawaii Agricultural Exper. Station... 246 Hall, Zachariah...... 138,177 Hawkins, Alexander...... 149,173 Hamilton, Asbury W...... 55,138 Hawkins, Isaac N...... 57,127 Hamilton, EdwardI)...... 136,173 Hawkins, Martha M...... 49,155 Hamilton, Edward L...... 195 Hay, Alexander...... 23,180 Hamilton,John...... 20,169 Hay, Francis M...... 26 Hamilton, Sidney B...... 51 Hay, James...... 186 Hamilton, Ill., dam...... 114,118,164 Hay, freight rates...... 224 Hamlin, Martha T...... 32,169 Hay Lake channel...... 220 Hammack, Lewis...... 64,143 Hayes, Erskine R. K...... 159 Hammer, John B...... 30,43 Hayes, George...... 150,180 Hammond, Edwin P...... 115,187 Hayes, William...... 19 Hammond, Leonard...... 128,173 Hayman, Susan...... 155,191 Hammonds, James...... 13 Hayner, Sarah E...... 171,242 Hanberry, Michael...... 134,166 Hays, Ephraim F...... 154,178 Hance, Margaret L...... 131,183 Hayward, John A...... 27 Hand, Adam...... 25 Health, see Public health. Handy, Austin...... 154,192 Health reports, see Public health rps. Haney, Patrick...... 134,166 Heard, Nahrvista G...... 63,141 Hang-chau, China...... 254 Heath, Francis A...... 154,168 railroad...... 254 Heath, Thorndike P...... 39,132 Hankau, China ...... 205 Heaton, Harriet H...... 63,130 Hanks, Isaac...... 154,179 Heck, Jacob H...... 24,176 Hansbrough, Henry C...... 11,33,156 Hecker, Margaret C...... 149,180 Hansen, Ferdinand...... 124 Hedrick, Joseph J...... 44 Hanson, Isaac...... 17 Hegewisch, Ill., bridge...... 37,113 Haradon, Edwin A...... 242 Heidelberg, Germanv, cancer institute 204 Harber, James S...... *...... 124 Height of buildings, D. C...... 11,160 Harbor master, D. C.. report, 1904...... 222 Heiner, Chester...... 149,192 Harbors, see Engineers, Corps of — Helm, Eli B...... 60,140 Rivers and harbors. Helt, William A...... 29 Harding, Eugene H...... 145,181 Hemenway, James A...... 158 Hardman, Henry W...... 188 Hemorrhagic septicemia...... 268 Hardy, G.W...... 193 Hemp, sisal...... 205,264 Hardy, John H., 3d...... 134,166 Hemphill, Austin P...... 146,180 Hark, Frederick...... 15,39 Hempstead Harbor, chart...... 73 Harlan, Ky...... 259 Henderer, Albert S...... 117 Harlow, Georgia A...... 40,129 Henderson, Matilda J...... 32,190 Harmon, Charles L...... 17,60 Henderson, Sanford S...... 25,176 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905 XIX

Page Page Henequen...... 205,264 Horth, Peter...... 16,38 Henlopen, Cape, chart...... 73 Hosiery, Chemnitz...... 75 Henry, Robert L...... 60 Nottingham...... 75 Hepburn, William P...... 164 Hospital Corps, Army, drill regulations 218 Hepp, Eugene...... 27,45 Hospital Corps, Navy...... 62 Heppel, George...... 123 Hospital ships...... 213 Hepworth, Joseph...... 27,54 Hospitals, see names of hospitals— Hermann, Binger...... 162 places where located. Herod, Andrew J...... 155,192 Hot Springs, Ark...... 156,194 Hesler, Agnes B...... 21 Houghtaling, Stephen...... 59,130 Heyburn, Weldon B...... 123,124 Hours of labor, see Eight-hour day. Hibben, Harriet F...... 94 House of Representatives...... 34,157,242 Hibben, Henry B...... 94 bicycle messengers ,...... 157 Hice, Samuel...... 136,169 Delegate from Alaska...... 157 Hicks, Thomas M...... 26 session clerks...... 157 Hicks, Wallace W...... 40,140 Swayne impeachment...... 116 Higgins, Martha...... 13 women in elections...... 242 High schools...... 256 Household goods, Mexico...... 254,264 Highways, see Roads—Streets. Houselman, James...... 124,187 Highwood Mountains...... 207 Houston. Henry A...... 63,190 Hildebrant, Charles Q...... 34,157 Hovey, Henry...... 145,168 Hill, Catharine J...... 131,166 Howard, Francis L...... ,...... 53,132 HUI, Ebenezer J...... 68 Howard, Harris...... 133,183 Hill, Frank A...... 256 Howard, Lydia R...... 64,141 Hill, Myron D...... 58 Howe, Joel F...... 44 Hill, Nancy...... 26 Howe, Joseph...... 143,180 Hill, Thomas R...... 94 Howell. Benjamin F...... 36 Hill, William E...... 41,143 Howell, David V...... 8 Hilleary, Sophia C...... 29 Howell, Joseph...... 159 Hilyard, James W...... 63,127 Howell, Joseph V...... 152,171 Hinkley, Laura A...... 38,129 Howland, Catherine...... 148,173 Hinkley, Oscar...... 54,143 Hoyt, Jason R. C...... 17,60 Hirll, Sarah B...... 49,155 Hubard, James L...... 94 Hirundinidee...... 97 Hubbard, John...... 50 History, ethical values...... 97 Hubbs, William...... 48,135 Philippines...... 268 Huddleson, William...... 59,130 U.S., Spanish archives and...... 97 Hudson, James...... 57,129 Hitchcock, George H...... 131,166 Hudson, Joel...... 46,144 Hiteshew, Philip L...... 56 Hudson Valley, geology...... 207 Hitt, Lewis...... 59,130 Hughes, John K...... '...... 131.167 Hitt, Robert R...... 162 Hugo, William H...... 187 Hoag, Israel V...... 55,151 Hugo, Ind. T...... 122 Hodge, Green W...... 27,65 Hull, John A. T...... 61,112,187,243 Hodges, James L...... 46,148 Hull, England...... 75,205 Hodgkins, Garetta L...... 15,171 Hulme, James...... 17,60 Hodgson, Sarah...... 31 Humane agent, D. C., report, 1904 ...... 222 Hoffmeister, Bertha C...... 145,167 Hummel, Quintus...... 43,127 Hogan, Catherine A...... 40,130 Hungary, see Austria. Hogg, Herschel M...... 63,162 Hunt, Samuel H...... 13 Hogs, cholera...... 245 Hunter, W. Godfrey...... 51,177 Hohenstein boilers...... 262 Huntsville, Ala., Primitive Baptist Ch. 94 Holden, Edward H...... 63,133 soil survey...... 70,248 Holden, Lizzie A...... 24,178 Hurd, Cyrus...... 18 Holliday, Elias S...... 49,175 Hurlbert,.Tohn J...... 195,238 Hollis, Jane...... 143,183 Hurlbut, Henry W...... 50,141 Homestead, Alabama...... 113,156,193 Hurley, John E...... 60,130 Colorado...... 194 Huron, S. Dak.,geologic atlas...... 78 Minnesota ...... 195,236 Huron, Lake, survey...... 220 Philippine Islands...... 268 Hutchinson, Thomas...... 152,174 reservoir lands...... 33,195,238 Hyatt, Samuel...... 27,64 Rosebud Reservation, etc. .. 33,115,194 Hyde, Richard E...... 32,190 Round Valley Reservation... . 115,122 Hydraulic cements...... 204 soldiers ...... 194 i Hydraulic mining, California...... 188 South Dakota...... 156,194,242 Hydrographic Office...... 82,210,261 Honda, Bahia, chart...... 210 report, 1904 ...... 260 Honduras...... 86,214,264 Hydrographic work, cooperation...... 257 commerce...... 75,264 Hydrology, eastern United States .... 258 Honfleur, France...... 75 Hygiene and Demography, Interna- Hongkong, charts...... 261 tional Congress of...'...... 163 Hooper, Charles R...... 35 Hygienic Laboratory, reports, etc...... 115 Hopkins, Albert J...... 118,121 Ice, District of Columbia...... 7,93,115 Hopkins, Benjamin F...... 54,150 Ice breaker...... 205 Hopkins, Frank A...... 51,177 Ice plants, China...... 75 Hops, Great Britain...... 75 Iceland, commerce...... 205 Hopson, Albert S...... 139,178 Ickes, Henry...... 187 Horner, Thomas D...... 57,127 Idaho, post route map...... 84 Horses, anthrax...... 193 postmasters...... 83 France...... 254 railroad land grants...... 208 maladie du coit...... 245 reclamation of land...... 258 Horsman, Ruhema C...... 44 Igneous rocks...... 207 XX Janu ary —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Iliana Bay, chart...... 251 Indianapolis, Ind., juvenile court.... 215 Illinois, courts of United States... 184,237 Indians, appropriations...... 121,122,237 fish hatchery...... 121 California...... 208 juvenile courts...... 215 trade-marks used in commerce post route map...... 84 with ...... 12,111,115 zinc and lead...... 207 see also Indian—names of reserva- Illinois Central Railroad Company ... 117 tions and tribes. Immediate transportation, Texas City, Indio, Cal...... 70,71 Tex...... 265 Inductance, measurement...... 203 Immigrant service, San Francisco, Cal 72 Industrial Arts and Expositions, Com- Immigrants, trade unions...... 252 mittee on...... 163 Immigration...... 214,255 Industrial education...... 203 Brazil...... 75 Industrial expositions, Bohemia.... 75 laws...... 252 Industrial Home School, D.C.,rp.,1904 . 270 Immigration andNaturalization, Com- Industrial training...... 256 mittee on...... 36 Industrial trust, Sweden...... 205 Immigration, Bureau of...... 200,201,252 Industries, Cuba...... 86 report, 1904 ...... 74 Germany...... 203 reports, to print...... 239,243 Haiti...... 86 Immigration, Committee on...... 121 Peru...... 86 Impeachment, bibliography...... 98 Industry, Amer., German view of .... 205 Swayne, Charles .. 7,67,116,157,195,240 Infants, guardianship...... 119,161,237 Swayne, Chas., to print proceedings 244 Infectious diseases...... 87 Imperial, Cal...... 70,200 of animals...... 244 Imperial Library, Japan...... 75 Information circulars...... 225,272 Implements, agricultural, see Agricul- Information from abroad...... 211 tural machinery. Ingalls, John statue...... 193 Import tax, see Tariff—names of arti- Injunctions, appeal from grants of ... 184 cles imported. Injured, first aid to...... 205 Importation, certificates of...... 87 Inks, Treasury Dept...... 216 Imports, bonds...... 196,237 Inland waters, pilot rules...... 255 customsentry...... 265 Inocula tion, against Asiatic cholera .. 91 seeds and plants...... 199 of soil...... 70 see also countries and places— Insane, Alaska...... 6,206 names of articles imported. District of Columbia...... 114,161 Impressions of a company commander 269 guardianship...... 119,161,237 Inaugural address, President of U. $.. 264 pensions...... 114,143 Inauguration...... 7,10,115,160,239 Insane, Government Hospital for the, Incomes, Prussia...... 205 see Govt. Hospital for the Insane. railroads of United States...... 224 Insect pests, importation prohibited.. 265 Incorporations, see Corporations. transportation prohibited.. 158,237,240 Independence, Kans., topog.sheet.... 207 Insects, affecting crops...... 91,268 Independence, Declaration of...... 263 Insignia, unlawful wearing...... 11 Index, to Congressional record . 5,111,235 Insolation...... 249 to documents, 58th Cong. 1st and Inspection, Canadian steam vessels... 249 2d sgss...... 224 of food...... 75 to monthly bulletin of American of postal service...... 262 Republics Bureau...... 264 of steam boilers...... 119,160 to Official gazette, PatentOff. 81,209,260 of steamboats...... 186,239 to postal laws, etc...... 211 Inspector-General’s Department...... 92 to Public health reports...... 89 report, 1904...... 90 to Reappraisements of mdse...... 88 Inspectors, steamboat...... 186,239 to Treasury decisions...... 88 Instruments, meteorological...... 249 Index-catalogue of medical and vet- Insular Affairs, Bureau of...... 90,218,267 - erinary zoology...... 245 Insular Affairs, Committee on...... 36,163 India, cotton...... ’...... 253 Insurance company of North America. 221 India rubber, see Rubber. Intensities, measurement of...... 203 Indian Affairs, Com. on, House. 36,162,242 Inter-Departmental Board on Wire- Senate...... 11,121,241 less Telegraphy...... 82,224 Indian Affairs, Office of...... 80,208,259 Inter-Urban Transit Company...... 6 appropriations...... 36,121,122,237 Intercontinental railway ....’...... 8 Indian depredation claims...... 242,260 Interior, Department of the.... 77,206,255 Indian Depredations, Committee on .. 241 reports, 1903...... 256 Indian lands, corporations...... 163,206 reports, 1904 ...... 207 Indian reservations, see names of res- waste papers...... 113,236 ervations. Interior, Dept, of the, P. I., report, 1904 . 91 Indian schools...... 36,80,116,163,208 x xx IvX iiui WLIllllvJl CL ...... < 4vO, ZclO, Indian Schools, Superintendent of ... 80 Internal revenue, decisions.... 88,217,266 Indian service, supplies...... 208 see also Internal Revenue, Comr. of. Indian Territory, courts of U. S...... 122 Internal Revenue, Comr. of.... 88,217,266 criminal procedure...... 61 report, 1904 ...... 87,88 Five Civilized Tribes...... 208 International arbitration...... 68, gazetteer...... 78,257 84,85,116,121,212,213 Indian land corporations...... 163,206 Internat. Bridge and Terminal Co. 115,165 post route map...... 84 International Bureau of the American prohibition...... 240 Republics...... 86,214,264 Indian trust funds.. 36,80,116,162,163,208 report, 1904...... 86 Indian wars, Cayuse...... 241 International Congress of Hygiene and Indiana, juvenile courts...... 215 Demography...... '...... 163 post route map...... 84 International exchange, to print...... 243 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905 XXI

Page Page Internal. Exchange, Commission on . 216 Jamestown, N. Dak...... 70,200 Intemat. Geographic Congress.... 239,244 Jamestown, Va., celebration .. 163,237,244 International Monetary Commission . 216 Jane, ship...... 94 Internal. Prison Commission... 86,184,215 Japan, commerce...... 254 International Prison Congress. 86,213,239 pottery exported to U. S...... 205 International sanitary bureau.... 214,263 seaweed industries...... 202 International Sanitary Conference ... 263 tariff...... 205 Interoceanic canal...... 243 Japan Imperial Library...... 75 Interoceanic Canals, Committee on... 122 Jays...... 97 Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Jeffers, Henry...... 32 Committee on...... 36,163,243 Jeffers, John...... 50,141 hearings, to print...... 244 Jefferson, Thomas, cast of statue...... 123 Interstate commerce...... 244 Jefferson, Mo., 1st Baptist Church...... 221 defects of law...... 116 Jefferson City, Tenn., 1st Baptist Ch.. L'4 freight rates...... 7 Jellyfish...... 202 to amend law...... 36 Jenkins, Charles V...... 48,126 trade-marks...... 12,111,115 Jenkins, John J...... 60,184 Interstate Commerce Comn. 11,98,224,272 Jennings, Caroline...... 65,147 report, 1904...... 98 J ennings, George W...... 28,65 to increase powers...... 165 Jibatan River, chart...... 252 Interstate Commerce, Com. on...... 11,122 Jimamaylan, P. I., chart...... 251 Interstate commerce court...... 165 Jocko Reservation...... 163 Intoxicants, see Liquors. Johns, Jane...... 32,191 Invalid Pensions, Committee on ... 38,166 Johns, Mary A...... 30 Inventions, see Patents. J ohnson, Charlotte...... 131,167 Iola, Kans...... 257 Johnson, Lucretia...... 23,179 Iowa, post route map...... 84 Johnson, Martha A...... 21 Iquique, Chile...... 214 Johnson, Sarah 9...... 149,191 Ireland, commerce...... 75 Johnson, ThomasC...... 28,53 Irion, Silas B...... 46,143 Johnson County, Ill...... 70 Iron...... 75,78,250,254 Johnston, Jennie B...... 137,176 Chile...... 86 Johnston, Sarah H...... 150,191 investigation of industry...... 61 Joint resolutions, see Bills—Laws. pig...... 264 Jones, Albert...... 26,43 shipments of ore...... 249 Jones, Alexander...... 48,126 Spain...... 75 Jones, Alice J...... 94 Irrigation...... 72,206,243,258 Jones, Amos...... 15 California...... 12,60,69,114,184 Jones, Anne...... 64 Colorado River used for...... 78 Jones, Annie E...... 94 lands set apart to promote...... 194,260 Jones, Catherine...... 44 lands suitable for...... ;.. 12 Jones, Chauncey B...... 131,179 Montana...... 184,239,241 Jones, Edward C...... 27 Oregon...... 12,60,114,184 Jones, Harriet N...... 136 United States and Germany...... 254 Jones, Henry E...... 136,173 useof earth,etc.,on public lands . 33,114 Jones, James W...... 8,158 Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Jones, Jennie N...... 39,130 Lands, Committee on.... 12,122,241 Jones, John Paul...... 197,243,244 Irrigation of Arid Lands, Committee Jones, Julia R...... 153,192 on...... 60,184,243 Jones, Matthew J...... 94 Irrigation papers...... •...... 77,79,257,258 Jones, Moses...... 149,179 Isabella and Ann, brig...... 221 Jones, Paul, see Jones, John Paul. Islands, see names of islands. Jones, Robert M...... 94 Isopods...... 202 Jones, Samuel M...... 136,173 Isthmian canal, see Interoceanic canal. J'ordan, Elmer C...... 20,45 Isthmian Canal Comn., 1904- .. 90,219,267 Jouett, Galena...... 64.112 employment...... 223 Journal clerk of House, stenographer. 157 report, 1904 ...... 90 Journal of Cong, of Confederate States. 89 Italy, Amer, salesmen for machinery.. 76 Journals, Lewis and Clark...... 97 arbitration with United States.. 85,212 Jouy, Pierre L...... 223 automobiles in war...... 74 Juan de Fuca Strait...... 249 commerce...... 254 Judd, Thomas L...... 149.179 electric plows...... 205 Judge-Advocate-Gen., Navy, rp., 1904.. 260 merchant marine...... 205 Judge-Advocate-Gen.'s Dept.,Army 92,220 silk...... 76 report, 1904 ...... 90 Itasca County, Minn., bridge...... 115,165 Judges, Arizona...... 206,237 Itawamba County, Miss., bridge...... 7 courts of United States...... 6,209 Ithaca, N. Y...... 259 Hawaii...... 60 Jackman, B...... 158 Illinois...... 184,237 Jackson, Elizabeth...... 128,191 list of...... 81 Jacksonville, Fla...... 220 New Jersey...... 185,238 public building...... 87,216 South Carolina...... 123,184,185 Jacksonville, Tex...... 70 Judgments,CourtofClaims. 93,215,221,265 Jacoby, John...... 161 courts of United States...... 209 Jaggers, George...... 40,154 Indian depredations...... 260 Jail, District of Columbia...... 209 Judicial appropriations...... 8,112,113 Jalisco, manufacturing...... 214 Judiciary, Committee on the, House 60,134 Jamaica...... 75 Senate...... 122,241 James, John J...... 40,148 Judson, James B...... 14,49 Jameson, Lorenzo D...... 20 Junken, Charles F...... 154,169 XXII Janu ary —Marc h , 1905

1’age Page Juries, instructing ...... 61 Kloeppel, Annie M...... 150,192 Justice, Department of...... 81,209,260 Knight, Edwin A...... 38 report, 1904 ...... 81,235 Knight, John...... 52,144 Justices, see Judges. Knight, Solomon...... 21,169 Jute...... 219 Knights Templar, Trustees of Grand Juvenile courts...... 215 Encampment of...... 10,115,161 District of Columbia...... 120 Knox County, Ill...... 70,71 Kaiser, Julius A...... 6 Kohl collection, maps of America .... 225 Kalorama avenue, D. C...... 120,161,237 Kongo Free State...... 7 Kaltenbach, Luther...... 41,154 Koochiching Company...... 115,165 Kanada, Edmund B...... 21,171 Koonce, Frank D...... 156 Kanady, Emma J...... 29,173 Koonsman, Jacob...... 150,175 Kann, S., Sons & Co...... 113,118,160 Kootenai Co.,Idaho,bridge... 115,117,164 Kansas, post route map...... 84 Kootenai River, bridge...... 115,117,164 reclamation of land...... 258 Korea, commerce...... 254 Kansas Indians, see Kaw Indians. district court of U. S. for...... 85 Karns, John R...... 57,135 fishes...... 223 Kaufman, Peter...... 23,169 industries...... 254 Kaw Commission...... 80 railroads...... 254 Kaw Indians...... 77 resources...... 254 Kaweah, Cal., topographic sheet...... 79 Kossuth, Miss., Methodist Church .... 95 Kean, John...... 117,121,122,156 Kraner, Andrew F...... 145,180 Kearney, Sarah...... 146,190 Kreeger, Peter W...... 25 Keating, Michael ...... 50,140 Krehbiel, Elizabeth...... 129 Kehl, Germany, consular district...... 205 Krepps, Christopher C...... 57,127 Keller, James C ...... 83 Kryer, Jacob A...... 14,57 Kelley, Arthur W...... 159 Kurtz, Michael...... 29 Kelly, Joseph F...... ♦...... 18,190 Kyler, Henry L...... 13 Kelly, Lydia P...... 28,65 Labels, United States...... 214 Kelly, Michael...... 32,42 see also Official gazette, Patent Off. Kelly, Patrick, alias...... 32,42 Labor, child...... 256 Kelly, William R...... 51 disturbances in Colorado...... 202 Kemper, Andrew C...... 48 8-hour day...... 202 Kendall, Mary A...... 45 public works...... 114,156 Kendall, William H...... 167 troubles in Marseille...... 75 Kennebec Arsenal...... 236,243 see also Labor, Bureau of. Kennebec River, river survey...... 79 Labor,Bureau of...... 202,252 Kennedy, Edwin R...... 140,178 Labor, Committee on...... 185 Kennedy, John W...... 29,191 Laboratories, Govt., Bureau of.. 91,219,268 Kennedy, Orlando...... 33,174 Laborers, Treasury Department...... 87 Kennedy, Patrick W...... 138,178 War Department...... 89 Kennedy, Theresa M...... 38,129 Lace, Nottingham...... 75 Kensington and Eastern R. R. Co... 37,113 Lacey, JohnF...... 5,67,162,194,235 Kent, Henry O...... 17,59 Ladd, John H...... 46,142 Kentucky, fossil fauna...... 257 Lahrmann, Frederick...... 46,141 post route map...... 84 Laitec Island, chart...... 261 volunteers, etc., in Civil War...... 220 Lake, Ephraim E...... 146,170 Keokuk, Iowa, dam...... 114,118,164 Lake, Colo., topographic sheet...... 207 Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power Lake Charles, La...... 184,237 Company...... 114.118,164 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.. 224 Keough, John...... 150,175 Lakes, Department of the, report, 1904. 267 Kerbey, Joseph O...... 123 Lamar, William B...... 165 Kerby, William W...... 123 Lambert Point, Va.,M.E. Church...... 95 Kerchner, Gallus...... 94 Lambs, see Sheep. Kerchner, Joseph, sr...... 94 Lampon, Port, chart...... 251 Kernan, Michael D...... 137,190 Lamprey, Lyman H...... 133,167 Kerney, Charles B...... 188 Lamson.EarlJ...... 136 Kerns, Charles S...... 128,175 Lamson, Samuel S...... 38 Kerosene, see Petroleum. Lanahan, William, & Son...... 196 Kesler, John...... 27,49 Lanang, P. I., chart...... 252 Ketcham, Elizabeth M...... 58,129 Lancaster, Leonard L...... 23,50 Kickapoo Indians...... 80 Lance, William ...... 24 King, Adam E...... 30,171 Land districts, Montana...... 194 King, Dean W...... 29,173 Utah...... 156,193,239 King, Henry...... 129 Land-grant colleges, see Agricultural. King George Co.,Va., Fletcher Chapel. 94 Land grants...... 208 Kingdon,John...... 39,133 Land Office, General...... 80,208,260 Kingman, John A...... 14,40 decisions...... 77,256 Kingsbury, Eva M...... 26,192 Land offices, Billings, Mont...... 194 Kinkead, James W...... 22,41 Vernal, Utah...... 193 Kinsey, Joseph C...... 137,175 Landis, Charles B...... 66,193,243 Kiowa and Comanche Reservation... 121 Landis, Clayton G...... 95 Kirtland, Frances...... 135,175 Landis, David B...... 95 Kiser, John L...... 136,191 Lands, agricultural, Queensland...... 203 Kitchin, Claude...... 35,159 D. C...... 35,113,114,119,160,161,237 Kittanning, Pa.,geologic atlas...... 78 irrigable...... 12 Kittredge, Alfred B...... 11,12,122,125 Nebraska...... 114,195 Kitts, William M...... 19 New York City...... 118,165,238 Klamath Reservation...... 156,162,238 public, see Public lands. Klatsop Indians...... 121.162 school, see School lands. Klingensmith, William...... 152,172 Landshell 271 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905 XXIII

Page Page Langdon, Frank...... 128,172 Leathers, Clara T...... 151 Laniidae...... 97 Leave of absence, gaugers, etc...... 88 Lanning, Thomas...... 53,139 Government Printing Office...... 98 Lansing, Mary J...... 28 immigration service...... 201 La Parle, Margaret...... 14 Leavens, John R...... 14,171 Lapham, Charles O...... 42,127 Leavenworth, Henry, statue...... 61 La Plata, Argentina...... 86 Leavenworth, Kans., Leavenworth Laramie, Wyo...... 70,248 statue...... 61 Lard, Joseph...... 193 Leavenworth, Fort, penitentiary...... 209 Lard, France...... 76 Leckrone & Little Whiteley R. R.Co. 114,165 La Rochelle, France...... 75 Lee, David H...... 57,127 Larrabee, Andrew J...... 23,176 Lee, John L...... 14 Lascars...... 254 Leefe, Mary C...... 127,172 Latimer, Asbury C...... 240 Leek, William D ...... 40,141 Latin America, pecuniary claims...... 85 Leesburg, Va...... 71 see also International Bureau of the Le Fevre, Alfred H...... 48 American Republics. Leftwich, Everett...... 164,239 Launder, Alfred D...... 49,142 Legislation, see Laws. Lavalley, Louis A...... 63,133 Legislative appropriations...... 8,112,113 Lavey, Louise E...... 27,48 Legislative assemblies, Territories .... 196 Lawotte, Philip...... 65,112 Leglise, Desire...... 21 Laws...... 6,113,236,264 Legumes, soil inoculation for...... 70 Alaska...... 77 Leguminous plants, bacteria for...... 247 butter...... 88 Lehman, George W...... 56 census in Philippines...... 268 Lehman-Higginson Grocer Company.. 272 civil service...... 271 Leib, Henry...... 32 civil service,-Philippines...... 91 Leicester, England...... 76 copyright...... 272 Leiehty, Henry...... 128,175 copyright for translations...... 266 Leige,J. A...... 162 Court of Claims...... 270 Leloh, Frederick...... 46,142 currency, Mexico...... 214 L’Enfant, Pierre C...... 96,114,160 customs' entry of imports...... 265 Lenhart, Washington...... 49 Five Civilized Tribes...... 259 Leonard, John...... 25 foods and food control...... 69 Leonard, William H...... 145,169 forest...... 69 Lepers, see Leprosy. forest, to print...... 193 Leprosy...... 156,164,218,238 Gloucester, Mass.,port of entry .... 265 Lessley, Alexander...... 147,167 homestead, Philippines...... 268 Lester, Mazilla...... 29,43 hours of labor in United States .... 202 Letter-carriers, political activity...... 34 immigration...... 252 Leuciscus...... 252 insect pests...... 265 Leveling...... 73,201 juvenile courts...... 213 Levisa Fork, bridge...... 163,239 labels...... 214 Levy, Jefferson M...... 123 labor...... 252 Lewis, Abner D...... 196 Light-House Establishment...... 203 Lewis, Edward J...... 46,144 Malone, N.Y..subport of entry .... 216 Lewis, Francis D...... 138,172 merchandise, etc., from Canal Zone. 265 Lewis, Michael...... 16,58 monetary...... 87,88 Lewis, Ogden...... 146,170 Moro Province...... 91 Lewis, Samuel...... 32,191 national banks...... 88,266 Lewis, Seth...... 24,171 National Home for Disabled Volun- Lewis, William H...... 44 teer Soldiers...... 225,273 Lewis, William Henry...... 128,170 Norwalk, Conn., subport of entry .. 265 Lewis and Clark’s journals...... 97 oleomargarin...... 88 Lexington, Mo., bridge...... 114,165 Panama Canal Zone...... 90,219 Lexington Suburban Railway Co. 114,165 patent medicines, Cuba...... 264 Leyte, chart...... 252 patent medicines, Venezuela...... 214 sailing directions...... 73 patents, United States...... 214 Libas, Port, chart...... 252 patents, etc., Spanish America . 214,215 Libau, Russia...... 75 Philippine Commission, 2d...... 91,267 Liberia...... 205 public lands, Philippines...... 268 coffee...... 75 railroad accidents...... 98 cotton goods...... 204 rivers and harbors, to print...... 66 palm kernels...... 76 Rouse Point, subport of entry...... 216 piassava...... 76 tariff, Philippines...... 265 Libraries, military posts...... 269 tea importation and inspection.... 216 see also names of libraries. Texas City,Tex.,subport of entry.. 265 Library Building and Grounds.Supt.of. 224 trade-marks...... 214 report, 1904 ...... 98 trade-marks, Brazil...... 214 Library, Committee on the, House. 185,243 weights and measures of U.S...... 203 Senate...... 123,241 Laws,Committee on Revision of the.. 243 Library of Agriculture Department .. 246 Laws of the United States, Commission report, 1904 ...... 69 to Revise the...... 239,243 Library of Army War College...... 219 Leach, Frank A...... 216 Library of Congress...... 98,225,272 Lead...... 78,207,250,264 foreign newspapers...... 99 Mexico:...... 264 Kohl collection of maps...... 225 Leaf hoppers...... 246 Monroe, James, papers...... 99 Leaf tobacco...... 217 proofs concerning printing of books. 125 Leary. John...... 142,191 Vernon-Wager manuscripts...... 99 Leases, War Department...... 89 Library of Navy Department...... 262 Leather, in dress...... 75 report, 1904 ...... 83 XXIV January —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Library of State Department, see Longworth, Nicholas...... 63,190 Rolls and Library, Bureau of. Loog Bay, chart...... 251 Library of Weather Bureau...... 249 Loomis, Russell F...... 114,195 Liddil, James M...... 65,149 Lopholatilus Chamaeleonticeps...... 202 Liege, Universal Exposition, 1905 ...... 254 Loramie Reservoir...... 114 Life-saving districts...... 88 Lorch, Henry...... 53,129 Life-saving medals...... 114,122,164 Los Angeles, Cal...... 71,248 Life-Saving Service...... 88 Los Angeles River...... 258 Life-saving stations...... 88 Lots, D. C...... 11,114,161 see also names of places. Loudenslager, Henry C...... 64,112,190 Liggatt, Robert...... 21 Louis, Bayou, bridge...... 37,115 Light-House Board...... 74,202 Louisa, Ky„ bridge...... 163,239 aids to navigation...... 165 Louisa and Fort Gay Bridge Co... 163,239 report, 1904...... 202 Louisiana, courts of U. S...... 184,237 Light-House Establishment, see Light- post route map...... 84 House Board. sulphur...... 254 Lighthouse districts, 3d...... 9 Louisiana, U. S. S...... 82 3d subdistrict...... 203 Louisiana Purchase...... 97 5th...... 74 Louisiana Purchase Exposition, see 6th...... 203 St. Louis, Louisiana Purchase 12th...... 10 Exposition, 1904. Lighthouse tenders, 3d district...... 9 Louisiana Purchase Expos. Comn...... 86 12th district...... 10 Louisiana Purchase Expos. Co...... 86 Lighthouses, 3d district...... 9 Louisville, Ky...... 117 see also Light-House Board—names Lourenfo Marquez, Africa, commerce. 254 of places. population...... 254 Lightning, recorder...... 200 Lovejoy, Diah...... 15 Lights, lists of...... 74,203 Loveley, Frank...... 59,133 North and South America...... 210 Lorering, William C...... 243 of the world...... 261 Lowell, Adrianna...... 58 see also names of places. Lowndes County, Miss., bridge.... 117,239 Lilje, Fiederick...... 138 Loxley, Catharine...... 131,171 Lilley, George L...... 196 Lucas, Arthur...... 34 Lima, Peru...... 253 Lucas, Thomas J...... 22,51 Limestones, Pennsylvania...... 257 Luck ing, Alfred...... 53,179,186 Lindisfarne, British steamship...... 121 Ludwig, George F...... 55,151 Lindsay, George H...... 52,178 Lufkin, Tex...... 71 Lindsey Lumber Company...... 6,37 Lumber and timber, Amer., in Canada. 205 Lingenfelter, George R...... 44 Mexico...... 214 Lin worth place, D.C...... 10,114 New Zealand...... 76 Lipps, Jacob...... 193 treated...... 69 Liquid fuel...... 254 use for irrigation purposes...... 33,114 for Navy...... 262 see also names of forest reserves. Liquors...... 75 Lumbermen, handling forest lands... 246 at military posts, etc...... 7 Lumpy jaw...... 69 compounding...... 217 Lunatics, see Insane. Indian Territory...... 240 Luquillo, P. R...... 199 Literature, obscene...... 114,122,216 Luquillo forest reserve...... 199 Lithium...... 78,250 Luther, William A...... 17,40 Littauer, Lucius N...... 34,112,235 Luxemburg, convention with U.S.... 263 Little, Francis W...... 140,178 trade-marks...... 213 Little, John S...... 184 Luzon, charts...... 73,251 Little, Joseph D...... 62,68,238,242 sailing directions...... 73 Little River, bridge...... 37,115 Luzon, Department of, report, 1904.... 267 Littlefield, Charles E...... 61,184,186 Lybe, William H...... 150,180 Live stock, see Cattle. Lyda, Phoebe E...... 30,43 Liverpool, England...... 75 Lyles, Jeanie G...... 29,65 Livingston, Mont...... 79 Lyman County,S. Dak., bridge.. 9,114,164 Lobster...... 73 Lyndon, Ill., dam...... 195,238 Locke, Matthew F...... 19,190 Lyon, Jacob...... 8,194 Lockhaven, Pa...... 71 Lyon, William S...... 155,182 Lockman, Henry R. K...... 26,45 Lytton, Lucy...... 20,47 Lockouts...... 252 M street northeast, D.C...... 161,237 Locks, see names of rivers and places. McAfee, Martha...... 63,135 Locomotives, safety appliances...... 11,12 McAlpine, Kenneth...... 125,188,238 Lodge, Henry C...... 116,213 McAuliff, James...... 19,65 Loeser, Lena...... 53,129 McBride, Malinda...... 145,180 Lofland, John II...... 62,68,238,242 McCann, William H...... 17,59 Logan, Fort...... 221 McCardell, Lydia...... 53,151 Loire (department)...... 76 McCarthy, John J...... 67,194 Loma, Point, quarantine station...... 82 McCarty, Susan E...... 126,181 London, England, charities...... 253 McClaren, Mary E...... 17,182 electric railroads...... 206 McClary, Ira D'...... 57,132 police statistics...... 76 McCleary, James T...... 34,112,185,243 Long, Andrew...... 27,62 McCleery, James P...... 153,170 Long, Chester I...... 122,241 McClellan, William H...... 54,150 Long, Samuel K...... 20,171 McCloud, William...... 53,130 Long Island...... 71 McClung, James A...... 30 Longa, Horatio W...... 18,38 McClurg, William H...... 13 Longitude, telegraphic...... 72,201 McConneha, Alexander...... 38 Januar y —Marc h , 1905 xxv

Page Page McCormick, Clarissa E...... 19 Mall service, see Postal service. McCreary, James B...... 121 Mail subsidies...... 254 McCullough, John R...... 23,169 Mails, foreign...... 262 McCumber, Porter J...... 21, Maine, Kennebec Arsenal...... 236,243 92,122,125,138,156,242 post route map...... 84 McCune, Sarah F...... 26,176 Malaclemmys...... 202 McCurdy, Andrew R...... 23,176 Maladie du coit...... 245 McDonald, Alexander M...... 187 Malaga, electric railroads...... 75 McDonald, J. N...... 157 hat trust...... 75 McElroy, James...... 12 raisins and almonds...... 76 Macentee, John J...... 153,192 Malay Peninsula, rubber...... 76 McEntire, James...... 146,170 Malcolm Island, chart...... 210 McFadden, Oliver...... 39,151 Mallory, Stephen R...... 5,9 MacFarlane, Amanda E...... 95 Malone, N.Y., subport of entry. 9,67,115,216 MacFarlane, John ...... 95 Malta, American carriages...... 204 McFarlane, John...... 16,52 shop fronts...... 254 McGee, Charles H...... 146,170 , Man, anthrax...... 198 McGhehey, George...... 8,216 1 Manchester, England, commerce...... 205 McGinnis, James...... 22,52 Manganese...... 250 McGowan, John...... 25,177 Manganese ores...... 78 McGregor, John...... 22 Manifests, steamboats...... 9,115,185 McGuckian, Joseph...... 15,38 Mann, Chapman...... 146,168 McGuire, Bird S...... 196 Mann, James R...... 37,164 McHarg, John W...... 218 Mann, Judson L...... 136,168 Machine-shop equipments, Smyrna... 205 Mann, Samuel B...... 23,168 Machine tools, Smyrna...... 205 Manoeuvers, Army and Navy...... 220 Machinery...... 76,254 militia...... 220 well-boring...... 206 Mans, Daniel...... 95 see also Agricultural. Manson, Edwin R...... 132 Machinists, Navy...... 189 Manteo, N.C...... 114,197 McIntire, Richard H...... 154,175 Manual training...... 256 McIntyre, John W...... 128,171 Manuals, civil service...... 224 Mack, Amanda B...... 154,175 of tides...... 73,201 Mack, Ephraim L...... 39,133 ! Manufactures, Brazil...... 86 Mack, Martin...... 28,52 1 exports...... 264 Mack, William P...... 30,171 [ Jalisco...... 214 McKay, J. M...... 157 Manufactures, Committee on, Senate . 123 McKee, John H...... 47,144 Manufactures, Division of...... 201 McKee, Margaret, see Pentland. Manuscripts, Division of...... 99,225 McKenne.John...... 39 Maps and charts, Alaskan Boundary McKenney, Charles W...... 21 Tribunal...... 213,214 McKenzie, Hugh...... 54,142 , Coast Survey...... 73,201,250 McKenzie, John...... 18 । geologic atlas of U. S...... 78, 207,257 Mackenzie, Rebecca V...... 19 Geological Survey...... 79,207,259 McKeogh, Pierce...... 29,168 Hydrographic Office...... 82,210,261 McKim, James...... 19,47 Land Office, General...... 80 McKinley, Russell A...... 142 meteorological...... 248 McKinley Manual Training School, D.C 256 N. and N. W. Lakes Survey...... 93,269 McKown, Matthew...... 153,173 Philippines, catalogue ..."...... 250 McLain, Frank A...... 65,191 post route...... 84 McLaughlin, Constantine J...... 43,136 Signal Corps...... 93 McLaurin, Anselm J...... 8 Maps and Charts, Division of...... 225 McLean County, Ill...... 71 Marengo County, Ala., bridge...... 117,239 McMurtrie, Sarah A...... 153,192 Maricaban Island, chart...... 251 McNally, Arthur F...... 30,171 Maricaban Strait, chart...... 251 McNary, William S...... 35,159 Marine Corps...... 82 McNeil, Samuel A...... 14,174 ’ medals...... 125 McNeill, Miss...... 71,248 I officers...... 211 McNeill, Port, chart...... 210 report, 1904 ...... 260 Macon, Bayou, bridge...... 37,236 | Marine data...... 82,210 MeQuiston, Frances A...... 57,135 ' Marine-Hospital Service, see Public McRae, J. B...... 8 | Health andMarine-HospitalServ. McWilliams, Eleanor...... 95 i Marines, see Marine Corps. McWilliams, Henry...... 95 ! Marion, Ind...... 258 McWorthy, Frank J...... 95 Marion County, Tenn., bridge...... 37,115 Madison County, Ind...... 71 Mark, Andrew R...... 152,180 Madison County, Ky...... 117,159 j Markcum, Orson M...... 150,180 Madison forest Preserve...... 244 Marketing, goods in foreign countries. 203 Magellanes Territory...... 264 Markets, I). C...... 120 Magnesite...... 73,250 j Marks, Miss., bridge...... 164,237 Magnetic observations...... 73,201 Marl ...... 250 Magnuson, Andrew'...... 140,180 Marple, William W...... 19,38 Magruder, Samuel G...... 48 Marriage, statistics...... 7,115,117,158,197 Maguey, see Agave. Marseille, France, cotton-seed oil...... 253 Mahon, Thaddeus M...... 67,196 grain trade...... 205 Mahurin, Julius A...... 149,175 j labor troubles...... 75 Mail contracts, ocean mail service.... 262 ’ oleaginous seeds...... 253 Mail delivery...... 262 seed oils and oil seeds...... 76 Mail matter, amount paid to railroads. 212 wool...... 255 2d-class...... 193,238 | Marshall, Eli...... 94 xxvi Janu ary —March , 1905

Page Page Marshall, John H...... 95 Merchant marine, see Shipping. Marshall, Lewis O...... 19 Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Com- Marshall, Thomas F...... 36,162,236,244 mittee on the...... 61,185 Marshall, Minn...... 71 Merchant Marine Commission.. 5,112,116 Marshall County, Minn., bridge...... 6,37 report, to print...... 66 Marshals, list of...... 81 Merchant vessels, see Shipping. Martin, Benjamin T...... 143,174 Merrill, Obadiah J...... 25 Martin, Charles W...... 15,39 Merrill, Samuel S...... 29,173 Martin, Eben JU...... 67,194 Mershon, Schuette, Parker & Co...... 272 Martin, George G...... 188 Mesa Verde national park...... 67 Martin, James M...... 128,177 Mesopotamia...... 254 Martin, Mary...... 19,64 Message and docs., abridgment...... 235 Martin, Mary W...... 49,135 Message of President, see President. Martin, Oliver H...... 138 Messenger, Helen B...... 142,168 Martin, Thomas S...... 8,11,125 Messengers, House...... 157 Martin, Thompson...... 43,45 Metals, steel hardening...... 250 Martz, Levi L...... 50,144 tests...... 268 Marx. Michael...... 15 see also Precious metals. Maryland, juvenile courts...... 215 Meteorites, Mount Vernon...... 223 post route map...... 84 Meteorological chart, Great Lakes.... 248 Maryland Insurance Company...... 94 Meteorological instruments...... 249 Masbate, chart...... 73 Meteorology, see Weather Bur., Agric. Mason, Thomas...... 114 Dept.—Weather Bureau, P. I. Mason County, Ky...... 71 Meters, underflow ...... 259 Massachusetts, labor statistics...... 252 Methodist Church, Kossuth, Miss...... 95 post route map...... 84 M. E. Church, Lamberts Point, Va .... 95 Massey, Mary A...... 15,174 Oldtown, Md...... 221 Mates, Navy...... 189 M. E. Church South, Alexandria, Va .. 93 Mathematics, meteorology with... 200,249 Fauquier County, Va...... 94 Mather, John...... 147 Fox Hill, Va...... 94 Mathews, Salmon S...... 14,171 Methylated alcohol...... 158 Mathison, Sarah F...... 16,166 Metzger, Henry...... 123 Matlack, Sarah V...... 30,171 Mew, Mary L. G...... 60,140 Matthews, John N...... 26 Mexican cotton-boll weevils...... 246 Matthews photometer...... 203 to print...... 239,244 Mauban Anchorage, chart...... 251 Mexican Free Zone...... 76 Maupin, John...... 50,148 Mexico...... 76,86,205,214,264 Maxfield, Hampton L...... 133,183 arbitration with United States...... 212 May, Kearney...... 13 cotton goods trade...... 204 Maynard, Harry L ...... 163 household goods...... 254 Meacham, William N...... 56,154 monetary reform...... 205 Mead, Merritt...... 21 protection for producers...... 76 Meader, Tobias...... 31,182 steamships...... 76,205 Measurement of streams...... 79 substitute for rubber...... 205 Measures...... 203 Meyer, Adolph...... 189 Greece Mica...... 250 Santo Domingo...... 255 Michigan, map...... 80 Meat, beef industry report...... 252 Portland cement...... 78 beef industry report, reprint...... 249 post route map...... 84 for Army in Philippines...... 221 Micrometer, transit...... 73,201 France.’...... 76,254 Middlesboro, Ky...... 259 Mecca, Turkey in Asia, railroad...... 253 Midshipmen,vacancies at Naval Acad. 262 Mechanical colleges, see Agricultural. Midvale Steel Company...... 189,211 Medals, for Army...... j...... 89 Midway Islands...... 240 life-saving...’...... 114,122,164 aids to navigation...... 72 Navy and Marine Corps...... 125 barracks, etc., for marines...... 82 Medical Department, Army...... 68,92,269 light...... 37 dental surgeons...... 186 Miers, Robert W...... 53,179 report. 1904 ...... 218. Miles, William H...... 59,132 to increase efficiency...... 61,186,188 Military Acad.,appropriations. 61,124,238 Medical zoology...... 245 Military Affairs, Com. on, House 61,186,243 Medicine, D. C 1...... 6,10,35,160 on shipboard...... 89 Military art...... 220 patent...... 214,254 Military bounty, claims, time limit. 12,67 practice of...... 256 Military Information Division...... 220 Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of 211 Military organizations, badges...... 11 report, 1904...... 260 Military parks...... 92 Mediterranean Sea, coal trade...... 204 Military posts, libraries...... 269 lights...... 261 sale of liquors...'...... 7 Medomac River, chart...... 73 see also names of forts. Medusa...... '.... 202 Military reservations...... 92,220 Meeds, Daniel J...... 134,182 see also namesof reservations or forts. Meisner, George...... 45,139 Military Secretary’s Dept...... 92,220,269 Melcher. Louis...... 145,179 report, 1904 ...... 90 Memphis-Chattanooga Railway ... 37,115 Militia, at inauguration...... 10,115,160 Mercer County Reservoir...... 114 Civil War...... 125 Mercer, Fort .’...... 6,33,67,92 condemned cannon for...... 62,115 Mercersburg, Pa...... 258 District of Columbia...... 188,222 Merchandise, exported to U. S...... 255 manceuvers...... 220 Janu ary —arc h , 1905 xxvn

Page Page Militia, roster...... 269 Mississippi Central Railroad Co...... 6,9 to promote efficiency ...... 238 Mississippi River, bridges at Minne- Militia, Committee on the...... 188 apolis...... 6,9,37 Milking...... 246 dam at Bemidji, Minn...... 165,238 Mill Creek Baptist Church, Davidson dam at Keokuk, Iowa...... 114,118,164 County. Tenn...... 221 dam at Sauk Rapids, Minn.... 9,38,114 Miller, Abraham B...... 42 homestead lands in Minn... 33,195,238 Miller, David A...... 25,45 improvement...... 219 Miller, James...... 23,51 Missouri, courts of United States...... 6 Miller, James B...... 47,136 juvenile courts...... 215 Miller, James M...... 35,159,194 post route map...... 84 Miller, Joseph W...... 59,153 war claims...... 117 Miller, Louisa D...... 56 Missouri Central Railroad Co...... 165,238 Miller, Mrs. R. E...... 158 Missouri, Department of the, rp., 1904 . 267 Miller, Rosa...... 27,43 Missouri River, bridge at Lexington, Miller, Sibba...... 149,180 Mo...... 114,165 Miller, William H...... 28,51 bridge at Oacoma, S. Dak...... 37 Miller, Zachary T...... 15?, 170 bridge at Pierre, S. Dak...... 164,238 Miller County, Ark...... 71 bridge atYankton.S.Dak. 6,9,37,114,164 Millett, John W...... 52 bridge in Lyman Co., S. Dak. 9,114,164 Milling, exposition...... 254 bridge near*Glasgow, Mo...... 165,238 -Alli WttUKW, H13., JUVUllUU Will V...... bridge near St. Charles, Mo .... 165,238 Mindanao, Department of, report, 1904. 267 Mitchell, Albion L...... 23,169 Mindanao River, chart...... 251 Mitchell, Alexander T...... 158 Mine Inspector for the Territory of Mitchell, James...... 39,129 Mitchell, James...... 196 Mineral oil, see Petroleum. Mitchell, Mary M...... 50 Mineral paints...... 78 Mitchell, Walter P...... 27 Mineral resources, 1903...... 78 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha...... 158 Mineral springs, Baden, Germany...... 254 Moale, Adria M.S...... 19,65 Mineral waters...... 78 Mobile, Ala.,land...... 67,114,156 Minerals...... 214 soil survey...... 71,248 Alaska...... 77 Mobile and Girard Railroad .. 113,156,193 Canada...... 76,205 Mobley, Edward M...... 43,152 glass-making...... 254 Mock.William...... 143,176 Great Britain...... 76 Models, of war-ships...... 125 Guatemala...... 254 Moffat, David H...... 123 Peru...... 214 Moffett, Sarah T...... 153,171 Porto Rico...... 250 Moger, Eugene C...... 16,51 Miner’s consumption...... 75 Mohr, Johan...... 47,144 Miner’s worms...... 76 Mol ter, Lois E., see Bliss. Mines...... 250 Monaghan, Felix ...... 15,58 British Columbia...... 254 Monazite...... 78,250 Canada ...... 205 Mondell, Frank W...... 67,181 Guatemala...... •...... 254 Monetary Comn., International...... 216 Minesand Mining, Com.on,House... 188 Money, see Currency. Senate...... 124 Money-order funds...... 155 Mining, Bolivia...... 86 Money-orders...... 211 California...... 188 Money Orders, Division of...... 212 Canada...... 76 Monongahela Iron and Steel Co.... 34,120 electricity used in...... 250 Monongahela River, bridge...... 6,114,165 Mexico...... 86 Monroe, James, papers...... 99 Peru...... 86 Monroe and Lake Providence R.R. 37,236 supplies...... 224 Monroe County, Ala.,bridge...... 117,239 Mining claims...... 188 Monroe, Fort...... 267 Ministerial departments, Bavaria...... 204 Artillery School...... 268 Minneapolis,Minn.,bridges...... 6,9,37 Montague, W. W., & Co...... 8,35 Minneapolis, Red Lake and Manitoba Montague,Tex.,topographic sheet... 259 Railway Company...... 36,114 Montana, irrigation...... 184,239,241 Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. land districts...... 194 Marie Railway Company .... 6,9,37 Northern Pacific Railroad...... 208 Minnesota, condemned cannon for. 62,115 post route map...... 84 post route map...... 84 reclamation of land...... 258 reservoir lands, homesteads. 33,195,238 St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Minnesota University...... 62,115 Railway...... 115,156,194 Minnick, Benjamin F...... 56,151 Monte Cristi, Santo Domingo, chart... 82 Minnick, James...... 30,53 Monterey, Cal., Presidio...... 219,221 Mint, Bureau of the...... 88,217 Monterey, Mexico...... 205 report, 1904 ...... 87,88 Montevideo, Uruguay...... 86,264 Mints, Denver, Colo...... 88,217 Monthly consular reports, see Consular Philadelphia, Pa...... 88 reports, Monthly. Mission of St. James...... 67,156 Monthly summary of commerce and Missionary Baptist Church, Gravelly finance, see Commerce and Springs, Ala...... 94 finance, Monthly summary. Mississippi, courts of United States.... 61 Monthly weather review, see Weather post route map...... 84 review, Monthly. public archives...... 97 Montville, Mary...... 159 rivers...... 77 Monuments, preservation...... 67 swamp lands...... 238 soldiers’...... 218 XXVIII Janua ry —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Moon, Joe M...... 95 Nance, George W...... 128,177 Moore, Alexander...... 25,62 Nance, Isaac N...... ’188 Moore, John...... 47 142 Narrow-gage railroads...... 11,12 Moore, Peter D...... ’ 42 Nash, Francis S...... 114,125,189 Moore, Thomas J...... 53,151 Natchitoches, La., public building 193,238 Moore, William A...... 147,192 Nather.John...... 157 Moore, William W...... 143,179 National Academy of Sciences...... 225 Moorhouse, William S...... 22,52 report, 1904...... 272 Morbidity...... 218 National Association of Railway Com- Moreno, Fernando J...... 117 missioners ...... 224 Morgan, John...... 16,38 National banks...... 88,266 Morgan, John T...... 7,121,220,240 directors...... 114,158 Morgan, Paul G...... 192,242 National cemeteries, see Cemeteries, Morgan, Thomas P.,jr...... 95 national—names of individual Morgan, Fort...... 220 cemeteries. Morienes. L. I.. tonoernnbio shpot va National defense...... 5,9,112.185,186 Moro military reservation, see Morro. National Guard, see Militia. x vz 1 1 V I g vJ V ClliUi , 1 | f. , X ,'Ui ..... UI National Guards of East Tennessee ... 175 Morocco, minister of United States to. 85 National Hay Association...... 224 Morrell, Edward De V...... 161,188 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Morris, Alfred C.,alias...... 137 Soldiers...... 99,273 Morris, Calvin H...... 56 board of managers...... 115,187 Morris, Sarah A...... 29,180 branch home in Florida...... 123 Morris, William...... 59,130 inspection of branches, 1904...... 92 Morrison, Alexander...... ’ 21 report, 1904...... 225 Morrison, Charles P...... 57,132 National Museum...... 97,223 Morrison, Edith F...... 62 exhibits at La. Purchase Expos .... ’ 96 Morrison, Sarah A...... 39,130 National parks, see names of existing Morrison, William V...... 22,52 parks. Morro military reservation...... 93 National Society of the Children of the Mort, Joseph...... 20,169 Amer. Revolution, rp., 1904...... 271 Mortality statistics, see Vital statistics.’ National Society of the Daughters of Morton, Frank W., alias...... 137,169 the Amer. Revolution, rp., 1904.. 271 Morton, Thomas...... 216 National Soldiers’ Home, see National Morton, Vina...... 177 Home for Disabled Volunteer Mosquitoes...... " 246 Soldiers. Mosul, Turkey in Asia...... 254 Natural gas...... 78,250 Motacillidse...... 97 Naturalization...... 36,85 Motor boats...... *74,204 Naughton, Johanna J...... 39,136 exhibition...... ’253 Nautical almanac, see Am erican eph em- Sweden...... 253 eris and nautical almanac. Motor cars...... 205 Nautical Almanac Office...... 211 Sweden...... ' 254 report, 1904...... 260 Motor cycles...... 253 Naval Academy...... 83 Motormen, D.C...... iii, 237 Board of Visitors, report, 1904 ... ’ " 260 Motors, alcohol...... 74 superintendent, report, 1904 ...... 260 Moulton, John...... 131,167 vacancies for midshipmen...... 262 Moulton, Pierpont H. B...... 20,41 Naval Affairs, Com. on, House.. 62,188,243 Mt. Horeb Methodist Episcopal Church South, Fauquier Co., Va...... 94 Naval Gun Factory, report, 1904...... 261 Mount Rainier forest reserve...... 269 Naval Home, Philadelphia, rp., 1904... 261 Mount Rainier National Park...... 269 Naval Intelligence, Office of...... 211 Mount Vernon meteorite...... 223 report, 1904 ...... 261 Mount Weather Research Observatory 249 Naval Observatory, report, 1904 ...... '. 261 Mountain Copper Company, Limited’. 245 Naval Proving Ground...... 83 Mountz, Henry...... 154,179 report, 1904 ...... 261 Mower, Frances F...... 137’190 Naval stations...... ’ 211 Moyer, George W...... 15R172 examinations...... ' ’" 261 Muchmore, Thomas H...... 28,41 memoranda for officers...... 83,262 Mueller, Katharina A...... 40, i30 New Orleans, La...... 189 Muhlenberg Evangelical Lutheran Naval Torpedo Station, report, 190L... 261 Church, Harrisonburg, Va...... 94 Naval Training Station, Newport, re- Mulcahey, Sarah S...... 59,133 port, 1904 ...... 261 Mullen, William G...... 63,143 Naval Training Station, San Francisco, Muller, Charles...... 53 139 report, 1904 ...... 261 Mullett, Alfred B...... 34 Naval vessels, see War-ships. Mullett, Pacific P...... ' 34 Munich, Germany...... 73 Naval War College, report, 1904 ...... 261 Municipal buildings, see Public bldgs.' Naval War Records, Office of...... 82,262 Municipal ownership, Canada...... 254 report, 1904...... 83 Municipalities, see Cities. Navies, foreign...... 8 Murakami, T...... 216 Great Britain...... 211 Murphy, George...... 136,169 Navigation, aids...... 165 Murphy, John...... 437 Navigation, Bureau of, Commerce and Murray, William E...... 159 Labor Department...... 72,74,249 Mutual Investment Fire Ins. Co., D. C. 6 Navigation, Bur. of,Navy Dept. 83,211,262 Myers, Elijah P...... 95 report, 1904 ...... 261 Myers, Jonas...... 51,140 Navy, appropriations... 81,125,189,235,238 Myers, Samuel D...... ’188 ! coal at foreign ports...... 261 Nacogdoches, Tex...... 71 I dentists...... 189 Januar y —Marc h , 1905 XXIX

Page 1 Page Navy, electricians...... 83 j New Zealand, patent medicines...... 254 ensigns...... 81 store and office closing...... 205 liquid fuel...... 262 ' timber...... 76 machinists...... 189 . trade with England...... 253 manoeuvers...... 220 Newark, N. J., juvenile courts...... 215 mates...... 189 ; Newbern, N.C...... 236 medals...... 125 Newcomb, James F...... 35 officers...... 211 Newcomer, Henry...... 50,141 official records in Civil War .... 82,262 Newlands, Francis G...... 240 pay, etc...... 62,83 Newport, R. I., Naval Tra ining Station. 261 retirement of pettyofficers, etc .... 12 Newspapers, Library of Congress.... 99 statistical tables...... 8 military posts...... 269 transportation ofenlisted men .... 211 Newton, Nellie B...... 27,64 vessels ...... 261 Niagara River, tunnel at Buffalo . 195,236 warrant officers...... 81 Nicaragua...... 86,214 yeomen...... 83 extradition with United States .... 263 see also War-ships. gold...... 205 Navy Department...... 81,210,260 Nicaragua, Norwegian steamship...... 8 appropriations...... 125,189,235,238 N ice, F rance, railroad...... 76 report, 1904 ...... 260 , Nicholas, Samuel...... 60,140 Navy-yards...... 211 ; Nicholasville, Ky., Christian Church.. 95 electric light plants, etc...... 82 Nichols, Isabel .’...... 65,149 examinations...... 261 i Nichols, Stephen G...... 167 Sabine Pass, Tex...... 243[ Nicklin, Sarah C...... 136 Nease, William...... 145,168 | Niclausse boilers...... 260 Nebraska, boundary...... 122,239 I Niedman, William F. de...... 187 labor laws...... 252 [ Nigeria...... 205 lands...... 114,195 j Niles, Llewellyn...... 14,56 post route map...... 84j Nineteenth street nw., D. C ... 119,160,237 reclamation of land...... 258 j Nineveh, N. Y., topographic sheet...... 259 N eches River...... 243> Ning-po, China, railroad...... 254 Needham, James C...... 67,194 Ningpo varnish...... 255 Negroes, schools...... 256; Niobrara, Fort...... 188 Negros Island, chart...... 251 1 Niobrara River, dam...... 188 Neilan, Elizabeth...... 18,62 ■ Nitrates, Chile...... 86 Nelson, Herberts...... 57,126 Noble, Albert H...... 64,141 Nelson, Knute...... 9,33,116,118,122,156,157 Noblitt. Jesse M...... 148,189 Nelson, Melissa E...... 139,178 Nolan, Julia...... 152,190 Nelson, Nancy J...... 64,141 Nolan, W.Va., bridges...... 164,239 Neosebastes entaxis...... 223 Nome, Alaska, life-saving station . 164,238 Netherlands, gun cotton...... 254 Nominating officers, civil service...... 224 sulphuric ether...... 254 Norfolk, Va...... 71 Nevada, labor laws...... 252 Normal schools...... 256 post route map...... 84 Norris, Charles ...... 32,190 reclamation of land...... 258 North, LeviS...... 95 Nevada, Mo., public building site...... 216 North America, birds-...... 97 Nevin, Robert Mi...... 61 lights...... 210 New Brunswick, fisheries...... 204 Sunday schools...... 256 New Hampshire, forests...... 246 North America Insurance Company .. 221 labor laws...... 252I North Atlantic Station,report, 1904 ... 261 post route map...... 84| North Carolina,courtsofU.S.. 184,236,237 New Haven,Conn.,collector at port.. 118 : oysters...... 202 New Jersey, judges...... 185,238 post route map...... 84 juvenile courts...... 215 North Carolina College of Agriculture post route map...... 84| and Mechanic Arts...... 199 public archives ...... 97 North Dakota, labor laws...... 252 water resources...... 259 post route map...... 84 New Mexico, boundary...... 80 i reclamation of land...... 258 governor, report, 1904 ...... 80 Northern and Northwestern Lakes. historic and prehistoric ruins.... 67,80 | Survey of...... •...... 92,269 labor laws...... 252 ! Northern Division, report, 1904...... 267 Pajarito cliff-dwellers...... 67 Northern Pacific Railroad . 80,193,208,238 post route map...... 84 Northrup, Betsy J...... 23 reclamation of land...... 258 ■ Norton, Albert Z...... 27 New Mexico, Mine Inspector for the Norwalk, Conn., subport...... 68,114,265 Territory of, report, 1904 ...... 80 Norway...... 76 New Orleans, La., Burr conspiracy.... 97 arbitration with United States...... 213 naval station...... '...... 189 automobiles...... 253 soil survev...... v...... 71 extradition treaty withU. S...... 85 New South Wales, Angora goats...... 205 Notaries public ...... 72,87,90,216,265 ostrich farming...... 205 Nottingham, England...... 75,76 New York City, lands...... 118,165,238 Nova Scotia...... 254 New York State, fisheries...... 73 Nowell, James...... 151,172 juvenile courts...... 215 j Nuisances, D. C...... 120,241 labor laws...... 252 Nulton,JeromeB...... 47,141 post route map...... 84 j Nunnemaker. Daniel J...... 128,173 New York State Library...... 225 | Nurses, schools for...... 256 New York Volunteers...... 114,123 I Nut oil...... 254 New Zealand, electric power...... 204 Nuthatches...... 97 lights...... 261 1 Nuzum, Sallie M...... 42 xxx Janua ry —Marc h , 1905

Page Nyce, Hannah B...... 151,172 Oregon, Klatsop Indians, 121,162 Nye, Joel W...... 26,43 labor laws...... 252 Oacoma, S. Dak., bridge...... ’37 post route map...... 84 Oakley, Mary...... 23,176 reclamation of land...... 25S Oars, articulated...... 76 Tillamook Indians.... 121,162 O’Brien, Mary A...... 32,190 .... 268 O’Brien, Patrick...... 51,129 Ormerod, Jacob 133,183 Obscene literature...... 114,122/216 Orr, Annie B ... 43,151 Observatories, aeronautical...... ’ 249 Orr, Ellen...... 24,176 Occasional papers...... 91,219,269 Orr, Harriet A.. Ocean mail, see Foreign Mail Service. Osage Indians...... 162,259 Ocean mail service, see Foreign Mails, Ostend, Belgium, steamship service .. 205 Office of. Osteology, of tile-fish ... 202 Ocean ia, commerce...... 74 Osteomalacia...... 198 O’Connor, Minnie C...... 189 Osterhoudt,-----, ...... Davis D 60,130 O’Dea, Mary...... 143,182 Ostrich farming...... 205 Odo, K...... 216 Ouachita County. Ark., bridge.... 165,238 Officeholders, see Government officials. Ouachita Parish, La...... 71 Officers, Civil War...... 219 Ouachita River, bridges 6,9,37,115,165,238 Marine Corps...... 211 Ovando, Mont., topographic sheet.... 207 Navy...... 211 Overman. Lee S...... 8,27,117,147,156,242 Navy, retirement...... 12 Overstreet, Jesse...... 66,192 Pay Corps, Navy...... 83,262 Owen, Anna C...... 21 Revenue-Cutter Service...... -...... 89 Oysters...... 202 see also Army—Govt, officials. Ozark Mountains...... 259 Offices, closing in New Zealand...... 205 Ozmun, Edward H...... 8 Official gazette, Patent Office .. 81,209,260 Pacific arcs of longitude...... 72,201 Official gazette, P. I...... 91,219,267 Pacific Coast, chart...... 251 Official matter. Treasury Department. 265 pilot rules...... 255 Official postal guide...... 83,212,262 time signals...... 210,262 Officials, see Government officials. Pacific Coast Company...... 210 Ogalalla Sioux Indians...... 208 Pacific Division, report, 1904 ...... 267 Ohio, lands...... 114 Pacific islands, lights...... 210 post route map...... 84 Pacific Ocean, pilot charts .. 82,210,262 Oil, cotton-seed...... 253 Pacific Station, report, 1904...... 261 essential...... 76 Packing, for Central and South Amer. 205 fusel...... 254 Paducah, U.S. S...... 82 nut...... 254 Paints, mineral ...... 78 olive...... 76,246 Pajarito cliff-dwellers’ nat. park. 67 seed...... 76,254 Paleontology, Devonian...... 257 see also Petroleum. Palm chats...... 97 Oil cake...... 76 Palm kernels...... 76 Oil seeds...... 76 Palm-leaf hat trust...... 1...... 75 Oil-wells, waste polluting rivers...... 258 Palmer, Alice F...... O’Keif, John...... 18,182 Palmer, Edward J...... 148,173 Oklahoma, boundary...... ’ 80 Palmer, Henry W...... 67,195 cattle...... 245 Palompon, Port, chart...... 252 post route map...... 84 Paluan Bay. chart...... 251 reclamation of land...... 258 Pamlico Sound, revenue steamer .... 6 Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechan- Pan-American railway...... 8 ical College...... 67,114,156,157,195 Panama...... 76 Oklahoma Stock Show...... 197 convention with U.S...... 90 Old age, pensions...... 271 extradition treaty with U.S...... 85 Oldtown, Md., M. E. Church...... 221 gold standard, to print...... 243 Oleomargarin...... 88 tariff...... 214 Olive oil...... 76,246 Panama (city), water-supply' ...264 Oliver, Patrick H...... 53,148 Panama Canal...... 90,122,164 Olmstead, Maria,see Eldred. examinations for employment on.. ’ 223 Ohnsted, James L...... 23 Panama Canal Zone, see Canal Zone, Olmsted,, Marlin E...... •...... 162 Isthmus of Panama. Olympic forest reserve...... 195 Panama, Isthmus of, sanitation...... 267 Omaha, Nebr., clouds...... 249 Panama Railroad...... 122,164,243 Ontonagon, Mich., chart...... 93 Panama Railway Company 37 Ophthalmia...... 198 Panay Island, chart...... 251 Opium, China...... U6 Paper...... 254 Orbison. J. B...... 196 Paper» ------money.7...... /6 Orchard, M. Helen...... 54,140 Papers, waste. General Land Office... 80 Orders, see Animal Industry, Bureau waste, Interior Department 113.206,236 of—Executive. waste, Post-Office Department ... 6,113 Ordnance, appropriations. 8,34,112,235,237 waste, Treasury Dept...... 113,216 Ordnance and Fortification, Board of, Par;!, Brazil...... 76,214 report, 1904 ...... 218 Paraguay...... ”’...’264 Ordnance, Bureau of...... 83,211 bibliography...... 86 report. 1904...... 261 tariff...... 86 Ordnance Department...... 93,269 textile plants...... 214 report, 1904...... 218 Parasan, P. I., chart...... 252 to increase efficiency...... 61,187 Parasites, gid...... 69 Oregon, Cayuse Indian war, 1847-48 .. 241 I of fishes...... 202 courts of United States...... 184,185 | Parcels-post,Belgium and U.S .... 265 geology and water resources...... 258 | Great Britain and U.S..... 262,265 irrigation...... 12,60,114,184 I Peru...... 76 Jan ua ry —March , 1905 XXXI

Page Page Paridse...... 97 Penn, Mary E...... 45 Paris, France, Amer. Nat. Institute .... 263 Pennock, William...... 94 automobile show...... 204 Pennsylvania, anthracite coal...... 78 Paris, Tex...... 71,248 fossil fauna...... 257 Parish, Gates D...... 148,173 juvenile courts...... 215 Parish, Thomas G...... 17,40 labor laws...... 252 Parker, John S...... 19 limestones...... 257 Parker, Mary...... 95 post route map...... 84 Parker, R. Wayne...... 62,185,187 Pennsylvania avenue, D. C...... 120 Parks, John...... 16,58 Penoyer, Charles H...... 42,127 Parks, Georgetown Heights...... 119 Penrose, Boies ,...... 155 military...... 92 Penrose, Harriet E...... 154,191 national, protection ...... 114 Penrose, John G...... 138,177 see also names of existing parks. Pensacola, Fla...... 193 Parmele, James...... 41,143 Pensacola, Ala,& Western R.R. Co. 117,239 Parnells Ferry, Miss., bridge...... 163,237 Pensacola Bay, chart...... 201 Parr, Cephas W...... 131,190 Pensions, appropriations...... 34,147,238 Parr, Lewis J...... 33,62 cripples...... 143 Parsons, Alta M...... 14,42 decisions...... 255 Parsons, Joshua...... 21 decisions, to print...... 66 Parsons, Kans...... 71,248 firemen and policemen, D. C. 35,120,237 Passenger movements...... 255 insane...... 114,143 Patent attorneys, list of...... 209 old age and civil service...... 271 Patent medicines, Cuba...... 264 payment of checks after death...... 266 Newr Zealand...... 254 persons needing attendants...... 168 Venezuela...... 214 teachers...... 256 Patent Office...... 80,208,260 Pensions, Committee on, House .... 62,189 report of comr. to Congress, 1904 ... 260 House, see also Invalid Pen. Com. Patentees, lists of...... 81,209 Senate...... 13,125,242 Patents, France...... 76 Pentland, Margaret M...... 20,47 Great Britain...... 254 Peoples, Henry...... 55,150 Panama Canal Zone...... 264 Pepper, John H...... 192 Spanish America...... 214,215 Pere Marquette Railroad Company... 272 United States...... 214 Perfumes ...... 76 see also Patent Office. Periodicals, as mail matter...... 193,238 Patents, Committee on, Senate .... 12,125 military posts...... 269 Pathological Division...... 198 Periodicals, Division of...... 99 Patrick, Robert W...... 155,170 Perkins, Eusebia N...... 150,192 Patterson, Georye R...... 65,187,192 Perkins, George C...... 8,10,125,240 Patterson, Martha J...... 30,171 Perkins, James B...... 162 Patterson, Thomas M...... 27,148,157 Perry, Aaron C...... 26,45 Patterson, William L...... 12,62,115 Perry, Silas S...... ,...... 181 Patton, Pa...... 258 Perry, Simeon...... 154,175 Paul, James M...... 13 Perry basin, geology...... 207 Paul, Mary A...... 59,133 Pershing, Joseph ...... 32 Pavements, Edinburgh, Scotland...... 76 Persia...... 205,254 wooden...... 205 Peru...... 86,214,264 Pawnee County, Okla...... 196,238,242 parcels-post...... 75 Paxton Tie Company...... 272 railroads...... 254 Pay, Navy...... 62,83 Pests, insect...... 118,237,240,265 Pay Corps, Navy...... 83,261,262 Peters, Jesse...... 30,55 Pay Department, report, 1904...... 218 Petersburg, W. Va., Presbyterian Ch.. 95 Paymaster-general, Navy, see Supplies Petrography, Highwood Mountains... 207 and Accounts, Bur. of. Petroleum '...... 78,250 Payne, Charles E...... 242 Australia...... 254 Payne, Sereno E...... 196 exports...... 74,203,253 Peace, Tripoli and United States...... 213 Germany...... 76 Peace conference, 2d...... 86 Liberia...... 205 Peak, Malinda...... 135,189 product on steamboats...... 115,118,186 Peaks, Thomas J...... 59,133 Turkey...... 254 Pearland Leaf Rivers Railroad Co.... 6.9 waste from oil-wells...... 258 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, chart...... 251 Pettengill, George T...... 125 Pearl River, bridge...... 6,9 Petteys, J ennie...... 14 Pears, prickly-...... 247 Pettus, Edmund W...... 6,12,113,123 Pearson, Josiah...... 140,177 Petty officers, Navy, retirement...... 12 Peat, Sweden...... 205 Pharmacy, D. C...... 222 Peck, Martha...... 40,130 Phelps James H...... 138,176 Peck, Thomas S...... 136,167 Phenological observations...... 249 Pecuniary claims...... 85 Philadelphia, Pa., mint...... 88 Pekin, China, legation building...... 85,86 Naval Home...... 261 Pelorine fishes...... 223 3d civil service district...... 271 Pemberton, Fannie...... 95 water resources...... 79 Pemberton, James H...... 127,176 Philippi, W. Va., topographic sheet .. 79 Pemble, Martin L...... 25 Philippine Comn., 2d, laws .... 91,267,268 Penal institutions, see Prisons. report, 1904...... 90 Penal laws...... 239,243 Philippine Islands...... 90,219,267 Pend Oreille River, bridge.... 115,117,164 agave...... 214 Pendleton, Alexander G., jr .. 124,187,238 Agriculture Bureau...... 91,219 Penick, Amanda D...... 143,177 barracks and quarters...... 220 Penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga...... 209 cables...... 93 Fort Leavenworth...... 209 catalogue of charts, etc...... 250 XXXII Janua ry —March , 1905

Page Page Philippine Islands, census...... 90,268 Pit wood...... 205 Census Bureau...... 268 Pitogo Bay, chart...... 251 chart...... 251 Plague, see Bubonic plague. civil government, etc...... 36,111,115 Plaisted, Orin...... 16 Civil Governor...... 91 Planetary equinoxes...... 200 civil service...... 91 Plant Industry, Bureau of...... 70,199,247 Civil Service Board...... 91 report, 1904...... 70 commerce...... 90,218,267 Plants, fibrous...... 214 Commerce andPolice Department. 91 fossil...... 270,271 Congressional relief fund...... 91 injured by smelter fumes...... 245 cotton...... 91 textile...... t...... 214 crops...... 91,268 see also Plant Industry, Bureau of. Currency Division...... 268 Plate, British hall mark on...... 76 earthquakes...... 91,268 Platinum...... 78,250 education...... 256 Platt, Orville II...... 206 Education Bureau...... 268 Platt, Thomas C...... 7,125 exhibit at La. Purchase Exposition. 218 Plaza, Frutos T...... 7,61 extradition...... 60,114 Plows, electric...... 205 Finance and Justice Department 91,219 Plumas forest reserve...... 245 frogs...... 223 Plummer, Granville W...... 18,38 gecko...... 223 Poag, Thomas...... 65,148 gold standard, to print...... 243 Point, see name of point. Govt. Laboratories Bureau .. 91,219,268 Poland, John...... 221 hemorrhagic septicemia...... 268 Poland, William H...... 221 homesteads...... 268 Polarization of blue sky light...... 249 insects affecting crops...... 91,268 Police, Birmingham, England...... 205 Interior Department...... 91 Police Department, D. C...... 35,120,237 jute...... 219 report, 1904 ...... 222 labor laws...... 252 Police statistics, London...... 76 landshell...... 271 Pollard, William C...... 21,45 laws...... 91,267 Pollard, Ala.,bridge...... 6,37 meat for Army...... 221 Polloc, P. I., chart...... 251 Official gazette...... 91,219,267 Polygamy...... 83 post route map...... 84 Pontiac, Mich...... 71 Public Instruction Department.... 91 Population, China...... 271 public lands...... 268 Philippines...... 268 Public Lands Bureau...... 268 Transvaal...... ,76 revenue...... ;.... 196,197 Porch, Emma A...... 22 rice planter...... 271 Port Deitrick, Nicaragua...... 254 sailing directions...... 73 Port Eads, La., customs office...... 216 schools...... 163 Port movements, Argentina.... 86,214,264 scientific explorations...... 225,272 New York City...... 214 tariff...... 90,196,238,265 Uruguay...... 86,214,264 tariff on tobacco in United States 91,218 Portage Lake and Lake Superior ca- telegraph...... 93 nals, chart...... 269 vaccine virus...... 219 Porter, D. S...... 157 Weather Bureau...... 91,268 Porter, John M...... 26,40 Philippine Islands, Board of Scientific Porter, Robert T...... 39,130 Surveys of the...... 225 ; Portland, Me., defenses...... 219 Philippines’Division, report, 1904...... 267 Portland cement...... 78 Phillips, David...... 42,152 Portland. Nehalem and Tillamook Ry. 118 Phosphate rock...... 78,250 Porto Bello, Panama, chart...... 211 Photographer, D. C., report, 1904...... 222 Porto Rico...... 89,207 Photometers...... 203 , attorney-general, report, 1904 ...... 81 Physics, meteorology in courses .. 200,249 ■ chart...... 201 Piassava...... 76 I climate...... 249 Pickett, George E...... 158 ' comr. of education, report, 1904.... 209 Pickford, Thomas...... 31,167 forest reserves...... 199 Pidge, George H...... 124,188 I governor, report, 1904 ...... 215 Piecework wages, British shoe fac- lights, etc...... 203 tories...... 254 losses of army officers, etc...... 218 Pierce, Edwin O...... 16 minerals...... 250 Pierce, Edwin S...... 137,179 post route map...... 84 Pierce, Sara h A...... 27,59 tariff...... 185,238 Pierre, S. Dak., bridge...... 164,238 tobacco...... 246 Pierson, George E...... 46,144 Porto Rico Agric. Experiment Station. 246 Pig iron...... 264 Ports, free, of Europe...... 205 Pigments, mineral...... 250 Ports of delivery...... 265 Pikeville, Tenn...... 71 Ports of entry. .’...... 265 Pilot bread...... 254 see also names of ports. Pilot charts...... 82,210,261,262 Portugal,arbitration with U.S.. 68,85,212 Pilot rules...... 255 railroads...... 205 Pilotage, compulsory...... 185,186 Posey, David C...... 26 Pinal Mountains forest reserve...... 245 Post, Arthur W...... 44 Pine Ridge Reservation...... 208 Pineapples...... 76 Post-Office & Post-Roads, Com. on t he 66,192 Pinney, Andrew...... 138 Post-Office Department...... 83,211,262 Pinson, Elijah...... 95 appropriations...... 66,238 Pioneer, steam lighter...... 61,118,238 commissions of officers...... 238 Pipits...... 97 | report, 1904...... 211,235,262 Pisgah, N. C...... 258 i waste papers...... 6,113 Janu ary —Marc h , 1905 XXXIII

Page Page Post-Office Department, Auditor for Proclamations. President of U. S.. 197,244 the, see Auditor. Proctor, Baron...... 144 jsi) Post-offices, appropriations...... 83 Proctor, Redfield...... 12’ 116 telephones...... 76 Professional papers, Geol.Surv .... 79 207 Post-Offices and Post-Roads, Com. on. 155 Professional schools...... 256 Post route maps...... 84 Prohibition, Indian Territory...... 240 Postal clerks...... 83 Promotions, Navy...... 83 sureties...... 292 238 Proofs, concerning printing of books . 125 Postal convention, Canada & Mexico.’264 Prosser, Joseph C...... 54 141 Postal guide, Official...... 83,212,262 Prostitution...... ‘ '121’ 263 Postal money-orders,see Money-orders.’ Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese’ Postal service, deficiency in appropri- of East Carolina ation ...... 216 221 St. Albans, W. Va 221 index to laws, etc...... 211 Proudfit, Alexander. sureties of clerks...... 192 238 221 Providence Hospital, D. C 222 see also Post-Office Department. Proving Ground, Sandy Hook Postmaster-Gen., see Post-Office Dept. 93 Provisions, exports.. . 74,203,253 Postmaster-General, 1st Assistant...... 211 Great Britain Postmaster-General,4thAsst.,rp.,1904. 262 Provo, Utah...... 74 Postmasters, deficiency in appropria- Prussia...... Won...... 216 205,253 Idaho...... $3 Ptilogonatid®... 97 Posts, military, see Military posts. Public Archives Commission, rp 1903’ 97 Public buildings...... ' 193 Potawatomi Indians, seePottawatomie. burglar alarms...... '. . . . . ’‘ Potomac River, highway bridge.. 115,165 216 ice ...... ns see also places where located. pollution of...... 258 Public Buildings and Grounds, Com- mittee on, House... 193 water,charitableinstitutions. ii, 113,160 Senate...... ’...’ 33 156 Pottawatomie Indians...... 162 Public Buildings and Grounds, Off.’of.’ 93 Pottery...... 205 Pub convenience stations, D.C. 111,161,237 Pou, Edward W...... p;i Public documents,see Documents Poultry, Great Britain...... ’ 254 Public health...... * Powder, smokeless...... " " 83 Power station, D. C...... 224 Public Health and Marine-Hospital ®eXvle1®r ’ V V :’ 89’218’ 263>266 Powers, Samuel L...... 161,185 Public Health and National Quaran- Precious metals, cyanide processes.. 250 tine, Committee on...... 156 Precious stones...... _•...... 78,250 Public health reports.... 89 218 266 Precipitation, Great Lakes...... 248 Public Instruction, Dept, of, rp.’, 1964“..’ 91 see also Rainfall. Public lands, decisions ... 77 256 Precise leveling...... 73 201 decisions, to print...... 66 Preferential tariff, Canada...... ’204 in lieu of forest reserve lands 235 239 Presbyterian Church, Beverly, W. Va. 221 laws...... 225’273 Petersburg, W. Va...... 95 obtained surreptitiously 194’260 Smyrna, Tenn...... 221 Philippines...... ’ 268 Prescott place, D. C...... 120,161,237 sale for irrigation works’’.’’ ’ ’ 258 Preservation, of historic ruins, etc .. 67,80 use of earth,etc.,for irrigation.. 33,114 President of United States.. 68,90,197,244 see also Land Office, General electoral vote...... 36 Public Lands, Bureau of, P. I .’...... 268 Executive orders...... 72, 87,90 Public Lands Commission...... 225 273 inaugural address...... ’.. 264 P’lWic Lands, Com. on. Senate. 33,156,242 inauguration...... 10 I ublic Lands, Com. on the, House. 67,193 message to 58th Cong. 3d sess....".' 235 Public laws...... 6 113 236 political activity of letter-carriers. 34 Public printer, see Government Print-’ successors to office...... 36 ing Office. Prewett, Francis M...... 19 65 Public property, receipts from sales. 261 Prices, Guatemala...... 254 Public Road Inquiries, Off. of, rp., 1904. 70 Prickly-pear...... ’’ 247 Public schools, see Schools. Prill, Francis M...... 14 48 Primary elections...... 225 I Public works, protection of labor. 114,156 Primitive Baptist Ch., Huntsville, Ala. 94 Publications, agric, exper. stations. 69’ 246 Prince, George W...... 62 187 ' Agriculture Department.... 70,199,247 Prince, James M...... ' ’ 34 I Geological Survey...... 77 Prindle, Jared...... 22 47 I Smithsonian Institution Soils Bureau ...... 248 Printing,in colors...... 204 .Publications, Division of public documents...... 61 70,199,247 report, 1904...... "." ’ ...... 70 State Department...... 213 ' Puerto Rico, see Porto Rico Printing and Stationery, Division of.. 216 1 Puget Sound...... Printing, Committee on, House 66,193,243 ! charts...... 249 Printing, Joint Committee on...... 235 I .... 73,201 revenue steamers 1 ...... 9 Printy, George E...... 157 j Pujada Bav, chart__ Prionotus Stearnsii...... 223 1 Pulies, L. W...... 201 Prison Commission. Internal.. 86,184 215 ...... 34 Pulp...... 254 Prison Congress,International. 86,213,239 Pulp wood...... Prisons, tuberculosis in...... 215 * ... 205,254 Pumps, China...... 206 Private Land Claims, Committee on, Punishment, corporal...... o House...... 67,244 ...... 256 Senate...... 156 j Pupils, transportation to school ...... 256 Private laws...... " ejil 236 Purcell, Nelson...... 51 Purcell, Ind. T...... 36,122,238 1 rivileges and Elections, Com. on.. 33,156 I Purdy, Israel...... Process butter, see Butter, renovated...... 16,55 Purdy, Peter A...... '...... 142,177 16861—No. 123—05---- 6 XXXIV January —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Raspberries...... 247 Pyrite...... 78,203 .. 244 Pvrometry...... Rates, railroads...... Qualk, Hiram...... "0 steamships...... Rats...... -•-...... 263 Qualls, Lola...... Rawlins, Wyo., public building.. ... 33 Quarantine, of cattle...... 116,158,238,245 . 31,55 Quarantine stations, San Diego,Cal... 82 Rav, Andrew S...... Ray, Catherine E...... 16,41 Quarles, Joseph V...... H<> If’ ... 13 Quurries ...... -...... zou Raymond, Edwin M...... Quartermaster’s Department... 93,220,269 Read, Burleigh C. D...... 53 Read, Thomas...... 139,191 report,rpnnrt 1904 ...... 218 . 46,141 Quebec, Canada...... 205 Reagan, Daniel...... 214 Real estate, see Lands. Quebracho wood...... - - - - - 88,217,266 Queensland, agricultural lands. 203 Reappraisements...... - ■ artesian wells...... 204 protests and requests tor 204 Rebellion, see Civil War. coffee...... Reber, Joseph...... 44 commerce...... Receipts, House of Representatives... Ia7 graphite...... 205 ... 205 Receivers, appeal from appointments. 184 sisal hemp .... land offices...... 33,194,238 wheat...... 206 155,170 Recess, Senate...... 241 Quick, Mary E.... Reciprocity, Canada ------...... 204 Quicksilver...... 78,250 12,60,258 Quilter, John...... 121 Reclamation of arid lands . 48,135 lands suitable for...... - - - Quirk, William E reclamation fund...... 122,184,238, 241 Quitman, Ga...... iv/AAi Quitman Co., Miss., bridges. 163,164,237,239 town sites...... see also Irrigation. Rabies...... *■”’ Reclamation Service, report, 1903-04 . . 258 Radcliffe, William...... 159 report, 1903-04, to print 2d ed... 240, 244 Radcliffe, William S...... 150 Record, Congressional...... 5,111,235 Rader, Henry...... M, 125 ...... 200 Radiation, solar...... 3W, 2/u Recorders, of lightning...... Records, permanency...... 216 Railroad and Warehouse Commission- ...... 92 ers of State of Minnesota...... 272 Recruiting stations, Army...... Recruits, Army...... Railroad ticket brokers, D.C...... 119 ...... 6 Railroad tracks, see Rails. Red Cross, American National.. 98 report, 1904...... 97 Railroads, accidents...... Red Lake Reservation...... 36,114 Alaska...... - - - - 11,162,238 amount paid for carrying mails.. 212 school lands...... 264 Red River, bridge...... Argentina...... bridge at Boyce, La...... 115,164 Baden...... 253 . 37,115 Belgium...... 204 bridge at Shreveport, La.... 86 Red River of the North, bridge. ... 6,37 Bolivia...... Red Rock, light and fog-signal. .... 10 Canada ...... Redbank military reservation.. Chile...... 86 253 Redding, Cal., smelting-works . China...... 153,181 freight rates...... 7 Redick, James M...... Reed, John...... Germany...... 30 Great Britain...... 74 Reese, Joseph...... Haiti...... 75,214 Reeves, Lucinda N...... 205 Reform School for Girls of the District high-speed...... of Columbia, report, 1904.. 81 income accounts...... 224 209 intercontinental...... 8 Reform School of the D.C...... report, 1904...... 81 land grants...... 208 256 Mexico...... 205 Reform schools...... 76 Register, Army...... — ---- M220 - Nice-Cuneo...... executive,of U.S.,1789-1902, topnnt. 193 Peru...... 254,264 Portugal...... 205 Justice Department...... 209 rates ...... 244 Life-Saving Service...... 88 safety a ppliances...... 11,12 Naval Academy...... 83 security of travel upon 114,122,164 Navy and Marine Corps. 205 Revenue-Cutter Service 89 shunters...... War Department...... 267 statistics...... 98 87 stockholders...... •...... - 272 Register of the Treasury, report, 1904.. see also Electric railroads—names ot Registry, of foreign vessels...... 118,186 railroads. Regular Army and Navy Union of I. S. 188 Rails...... 254 Reid, C. W...... S'* Railway Appliance Exhibition, Amer. Reimer. John M...... - - - 28,1/3 Railway Commissioners, Nat. Assoc, of. 224 Reindeer,Alaska...... -...... --- ''’’256 Railway Mail Service...... 224 Religious exercises, public schools.... 256 Railways, see Railroads. Renfro, Samuel H...... 63,143 200 Renfro, William P...... Rainbow...... 54,150 Rainfall, Florida...... 249 Reninger, John...... 249 Rennes, France...... 76 in arid regions...... Renovated butter, see Butter. see also Precipitation. 211 Rainier, see Mount Rainier. Repairing facilities, ports...... 115,165 Repsher, Jacob...... Rainy River, bridge...... 92 dam...... 115,165 Reservations, military...... Rainy River Improvement Co.... 115,165 see also names of reservations. Reserves, forest, see Forest reserves— Raisins...... Ralston, Robert...... ■ names of reserves. Rapp, Margaret B...... 53,120 Reservoirs, homestead lands... 33,195,238 January —Marc h , 1905 XXXV

Page Page Resolutions, joint, see Bills—Laws. Retired list, Army...... Roberts, Abraham...... 128,183 .... 92 Roberts, Elijah...... ' .... 21 Retirement, Navy...... ’ ... 12 Roberts, Ella M...... ’" ’ Revenue, Philippines...... 13,176 196,197 Roberts, Ernest W...... ’’ ’ ’ .... 62 see also Internal revenue. Robertson, William F. Revenue-Cutter Service.. 137,180 89 Robichon, Hector A...... ’ .... 123 expenditures, 1904...... 87 Robinson, George F...... Revenue-Cutter Service, Division of.’ 154,172 89 Robinson, Lander...... 145,168 Revenue cutters, see Revenue steamers. Robinson. Mary E...... Revenue stamps ...-...... 265 137,191 Revenue steamers...... ’ ’ ’ Robinson,Sarah J. F 89 Robinsons Point, Me., light, etc ...... 118 Albemarle and Pamlico sounds. . . . 6 Robison, Horace G...... list of...... 89 . 137,190 Puget Sound...... Rock County, Nebr...... ' ’. . 194,238 9 Rock Island Arsenal...... 93 San Francisco, Cal...... ' ’ 9 Rock River, dam...... Revolution, Amer., Children of the. . 195,238 Rockhill, S. C...... Z'”'” ..... 185 see Nat. Society of the Children Rockhold, Samuel N...... of the Amer. Revolution. 23,168 Revolution, Amer., Daughters of the, Rockland, Samuel N., see Rockhold. Rocks, bituminous...... 78,250 see Nat. Society of the Daughters cleavage...... of the Amer. Revolution. .. 207 Rewards, Navy. igneous...... 83 phosphate...... 78,250 Rex, Frances E 49,127 Rockwell, Chester S. Reynolds, Catharine R...... 142,177 131,167 Reynolds, Elizabeth V...... Rodey, Bernard S...... 194 Rodgers, Thomas...... 95 Reynolds, Joshua T...... 241 Rodman, John B .... Reynolds, Susan A...... " 31,190 Roemer, Engelhardt...... 5] 144 Reynolds, Thomas...... 57,139 Rogers, E. B...... " ’ 34 Reynolds, William J...... 16 Roll, Israel...... 134 Rhoades, Edward M...... ’. ... 13 Rollings, Richard...... 60 130 Rhoades, Henry E...... Rollins, William W...... 24,176 Rhode Island, juvenile courts. ’ ’’. 215 labor laws...... Rolls and Library, Bureau of...... ’264 252 Rome, Italy, Amer. Academy. 185,236,241 post route map...... ’ 84 Root, Edward...... 432 public archives...... ’ 97 Root, Varner G...... 55 129 Rhode Island ave. northeast d ' c 160 Rhodes, Joseph A...... Root-worms, corn. .*...... 246 50 Roseau Co., lands. ii, i62 238 Rice, Thomas E...... ’ ’' ’ ’ 21 Rice, Argentina...... Rosebud Reservation...... 33 445’ 494 264 Rosencrans, Jemima...... ’131’166 planter...... Ross, Edmund G...... 154’ 179 wild...... 70 Ross, Mary C. H...... " 64 Rice, Fort, see Fort Rice. Rossiter, Rosa...... 137 1 as Rich, Hattie L...... 18 Roster, militia...... 269 Richards, Charles J...... 18,38 patent attorneys...... 209 Richardson, Henry J...... 66,153 Rothschell, David.... Richardson,Joseph H.... . 19,39 Rouen, France...... Richardson, William...... 37,65,165,192 Roullett, John W...... 42 Richmond,Va., national cemetery... 6 12 Roumania, education Richmond Locomotive and Machine ’ 256 Works. Round Valley Reservation...... 115 122 ... 8 Rouse Point, N. Y., subport .. 9,67 115’216 Richmond Locomotive Works ... 8 Rickman, Nancy A...... Rowan, Alfred...... 49 155 135,174 i Rowe, Sarah A ...... '' . 51,197 Rifle practice, militia...... Rowe, Sarah A...... ’’ ’ ’ Rifles,obsolete,forG.A.R. posts,etc. 12 61 146,180 Riggs, Allen...... 3455 I Rubber...... ’' .... 214 Riggs, Ezekiel...... 14’ 49 imports...... 264 Riggs, Henry S...... '?64,143 Malay Peninsula...... - -.. 76 Right, of way, telegraph and tele- Mexican substitute for...' .... 205 phones...... 493 239 Peru ...... 214 Rinehart, Henry...... 43’444 i Rubber industry, Germany ’ .... 76 Rio Grande del Norte, dam... 115,121’ 162 I Rubber-trees, Ecuador...... 86 Riordan, James...... 50 Rucker, William IF...... 194 Risley, Carrie E...... 132 I Ruggles, Alma L...... 92,191 Ruggles, George D...... 92 Ritchie, Thomas...... 127,172 I. Ruins, historic and prehistoric Rittenhouse street, D. C . .. 120,161,237 .. 67,80 River surveys...... Rule, Joseph, alias...... 139,178 ...... 79 Rules, Committee on, House Rivers, measurements...... 79 .... 195 Mississippi...... Rumell, Joseph...... 145,170 pollution of ..'...... Rumer, Lucy E...... 147,166 ...... 258 Rumsey, Samuel E...... ' / 46.145 Rivers and harbors...... 115 Rusk citrange...... appropriations...... 118,195,238 Russell, Charlotte F...... '...... laws,,■, to print...... 66 ‘64,127 see also Engineers, Corps of. Russell, Edward L...... '. ... 21 Rivers and Harbors, Committee on... 195 Russell, Elizabeth A...... 147,179 Russell, Enoch...... 49 Roads, Alaska...... a, 92 220 Russell, James A...... District of Columbia...... 10,35,114... fruit trees along...... Russell, Margaret...... '. ... 20 ...... 205 Russell, William A...... 48,127 Yosemite National Park ...... 209 Russell, William A...... Roady, Preston D...... 19 66,155 Roane, Marv K...... ' ” ’ Russell, Winfield S...... ’' ’ ... 28 .. 65,135 Russell, Kans...... 71 XXXVI Janua ry —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Russell-Leonard photometer...... 203 Sandstone, imitation...... 76 Russia, crops...... 204 Sandy Hook...... 269 naval guns...... 220 Proving Ground...... 93 Rust...... 247 San Francisco, Cal., customs officials.. 216 Rutherford, John M...... 145,179 immigrant service...... 72 Ryan, Jacob C...... 137,190 Naval Training Station...... 261 Ryan, John...... - 63,129 I revenue steamer...... 9 Ryan, Samuel F...... 95 . Sangamon County, Ill...... 71 Ryley-Wilson Grocer Company...... 272 Sanitarium Company...... 206 Rynder, Theodore P...... 151,172 ’ Sanitary bureau, international.... 214,263 Ryon, Mary A...... 63,143 ' Sanitary Conference, International... 263 Sabine Pass, Tex...... 243 | Sanitary officer, D. C.,report, 1904 .... 222 Sabine River...... 243 | Sanitation, Indian schools...... 80 Sabiston, Hannah B...... 117,159 1 international convention...... 263 Sabiston, John ...... 117,159 Panama, Isthmus of...... 267 Sablayan Anchorage, chart...... 251 San Jose, Cal...... 71 Safety appliances, railroads...... 11,12 , San Juan, P. R., chart...... 201 Sailing directions, Philippines...... 73,250 | military hospital ...... 93 Ci ~ I 1 iTH 1 /thnrfo San Juan de Oro River...... 86 Sailing-Ship Owners’Internal. Union. 76 I San Luis Valley...... 71,248 Sailors, discipline, health, etc...... 7 | Santa Barbara, Cal., light...... 10 State homes...... 225 | Santa Ynez River, topographic sheet.. 79 St. Albans, W. Va., St.Marks P. E. Ch.. 221 Santiago, Cuba...... 205 St. Augustine, school lands. 115,124,186,193 I Santo Domingo...... 214,240,264 St. Charles, Mo., bridge...... 165,238 tariff...... 86,197,244 St. Clairsville, Ohio, topog. sheet...... 259 | weights and measures...... 255 St. Cloud, Minn., dam...... 9,38,114 | Santo Nino, P. I., chart...... 252 St. Helena...... 76 i Santu, China...... 205 St. James Mission...... 67,156 | Sargent, John A...... 31,182 St. Johns River...... 220 Sartwell, William...... 18,182 St. Joseph River, bridge...... 165,239 Satterfield, Louisa E...... 49,148 St. Louis, Mo., juvenile courts...... 215 Sauk Rapids, Minn., dam...... 9,38,114 9th civil-service district...... 271 Sauve, Pierre...... 95 St. Louis, La. Purchase Expos., 1904, Savage, Fran kli n...... 57,126 Alaska exhibit...... 77 I Savings-bank, French national...... 254 coal-testing plant...... 257 I Sawyer, Joseph...... 63,127 fibrous plants...... 214 Saxony, commerce...... 76 Latin-American participation...... 214 , Schaeffer, Jacob F.-...... 95 Philippine exhibit...... 218 Schaumburg, James W...... 87 Smithsonian Institution exhibit... 96 Scheall, William...... 13 thanks to foreign governments. 163,240 Schenk, John...... 186 St. Marks P. E. Ch., St. Albans, W. Va. 221 Schmidt, Charles R...... 32,169 St. Paul, Minn., cannon for armory. 62,115 Schnebly, Frederick B...... 28,53 excavations on Govt, land...... 6,12 Schneider, John...... 149,180 St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba School boards, Alaska...... 157,196,236 Railway Company .. 115,156,194,195 cities...... 256 St. Regis River, topographic sheet...... 259 School gardens...... 199,247 Salada, Cyrus E...... 29 School lands, Roseau Co., Minn. 11,162,238 Salaries, Agriculture Department...... 245 St. Augustine, Fla. 115,124,186,193 diplomatic and consular officers... 162 Schools, agriculture for...... 69 teachers and superintendents...... 256 Alaska...... 6 teachers in District of Columbia... 96 art 76 Salem,Mass.,chart...... 252 courses for stuttering children...... 254 Salem, Oreg...... 71 District of Columbia...... 96,113 Salem, U. S. S...... 210 garden...... 75 Salesmen, for machinery in Italy...... 76 Indian...... 36,80,116,163,208 Salg, Nathaniel...... 25,178 Philippines...... 163 Salineville, Ohio, topographic sheet... 207 Revenue-Cutter Service...... 1. 89 Salmon, Alaska...... 250 technical...... 76 Denmark ...... 254 see also Education, Bureau of. Salsbury, John...... 146,178 Schoonover, Cornelia J ...... 65,152 Salsbury, Sue M...... 53 I Schroeder, Susan C...... 48 Salt...... 78 Schubert, Martin...... 22,47 Colombia...... 86 Schum, Alvin C...... 124 Salted meats...... 76 Schumer, Frank...... 150,179 Salvador...... 264 Schwerin, Leopold H...... 239 Salvage service, Europe...... 76 Schwethelm, Henry...... 187 Samar, chart...... 252 Scientific explorations, Philippines... 272 sailing directions...... 73 Scorpsenoid fishes...... 223 Samoa...... 254 Scott, Albert...... 34 Sams, Francis M...... 21,47 Scott, Charles F...... ■ 158 San Antonio, Tex., topographic sheet.. 207 Scott, Ellen...... 152,172 Sanborn, Thomas L...... 31,182 Scott, Frances H...... 136,169 Sandglass...... 78 Scott, Francis...... 25,53 Sand-lime brick...... 78 Scott, Joseph B...... 66,149 Sanders, Edward C...... 145,177 Scott, L. K...... 117,121 Sanders, Jesse L...... 64 Scott, Nathan B...... 11,12,29,124,150 San Diego, Cal., quarantine station ... 82 Scott County, Ky...... 71,248 San Domingo Improvement Company Scott Point, lock and dam...... 7 of New York...... 197,240 Scott telescopic sights...... 117,121 January —Marc h , 1905 XXXVII

Page I Screws...... Page .. 254 Sherman, Isaac W ...... 13 Scrivens, Benjamin H -.138 Sherman, James S. Scully, George F...... 36,37,112,163,165 Sherman County, Oreg. ... 80 Scully, James B...... 157 i Shermt Sculpin ...... i Sherman, Fort .'...... 206 97,271 Sherry ... 76 Sea island cotton seed...... 247 ) Sherwc■ood, Simeon V 24,177 Seabury, Susie C. G...... 77714 65 Sherwood, N. Dak., subport of entry ... 10 Seal fisheries...... 7116,201 Shewmaker, Francis M...... 47,141 Sealer of weights and measures, D. C.. ’ 119 Shiflett, Edward...... Seaman, Annie T...... 155 175 Shipments to depositories...... 100,227,275 Seamen, see Sailors. Shippee, James M...... Seaweed...... 202 .... 29,181 Shipping, American registry .. ... 118,186 Sebry John...... 777138,176 Canada ...... Secondary schools...... 256 249 coaling facilities, etc., of world i i 211 Secor, Lewis...... 131,167 complement of crews...... Secretary, see for departmental secre-’ 185 compulsory pilotage...... 185,186 taries, names of Departments. France...... Securities, see Government Actuary. Italy ...... 777 ... 205 See, John W .. 49 Seed oil...... medicine on shipboard ...... 89 76,254 memoranda for officers .... 83,262 Seeds, alfalfa, .. 68 merchant marine, to print imported.. .. 199 66 oleaginous merchant vessels...... 74 misconduct of officers or owners 186 weights per bushel...... 7.7...... 199 ParA...... See'e.MaryA...... 137,166 Seeley, Francis W...... 50,147 rats in connection with plague " 263 signals...... 74 Seismic disturbances, see Earthquakes.’ subsidies 5,9,112,185,186 Sellers, Thomas...... 135,175 use for public purposes, Selling agency methods, see Trade’ ...... 118 methods. wireless telegraph...... Selma, Ala...... 123,184 237 see also Steamboats—War-ships Semiarid region, agriculture in.’ 240 Ship’s medicine chest handbook 89 Shiras, Georye, 3d...... 195 Seminole Indians...... 163 Shireman, Benjamin F.... 7 7 7 7 Semmes, John E...... 777" 94 Shoes, see Boots and shoes. Senate...... 7,116,240 Shop fronts, Malta...... 241 Short, Samuel P...... special session...... '77 197 Short, William M...... 148,192 Swayne impeachment trial7777 Shoshone Indians...... Senators, 58th Cong. 3d sess...... 36,121,236,239 7,8 Shreveport, La., bridge ...... 37,115 59th Cong, special sess...... i 240 Shrikes...... Seneca Indians...... ’ ...... 97 Shufeldt, Mary A...... 7 7 7 ...... 159 Septicemia...... 7'7'7' 268 Shunters, railway...... 205 Sequoia and Gen. Grant National Parks 194 Sicily, sulphur...... 7 ----- 76,254 Serrell, George...... 159 Sierra, Joseph...... 7777 Serum Laboratory...... ’ ’ ’ 219 ----- 117,159 Session clerks, House Sierra forest reserve...... '. ' 11,33,67,115 Sights, telescopic...... 7.7 ----- 117,121 Severance, Martin J.. Signal Corps...... Shackleford, Dorsey IF ...... 93 report, 1904.-...... 218 Shadman, Samuel.... Signals, United States vessels Shadrick, William...... 132 ...... 74 Shafer, Samuel...... Silcott, James H...... 31,56 . 25,48 silk...... 777.77...... 76 Shafter, Benjamin.... 146,168 spider-spun...... Shamburger,John ... Silky flycatchers...... 97 Shanghai,...... China ...... 254 silver ...... 77777*78,250 Shanghai-Hangchau-Ningpo Railway 254 countries using as standard...... 243 Shanley, John 21 Nicaragua...... 214 Shannon, James H...... used in arts...... 37, 1'14,122 Sharkey County, Miss., bridge...... 7 36 Silver dollars, coined during 1904 .... 216— Sharretts, Jacob R...... ’31 tariff in Mexico...... Shaul, Maria W...... 77 138 178 .... 86 Silverware...... '...... 7 ___ 76 Shaw, Gilbert...... ’ 194 Simmons, Furnifold M...... Shaw, James...... 7777' 777777' 59,130 ___ 120 Shaw, Mary A...... 146 Simmons, George M...... 13 Simms, George...... 14,176 Shay, Jo eph H...... 77.7 28 Simonds, Sarah J...... Sheep, gid parasite...... 77" " 69 .. 17,40 Simpkins, William H. H...... 7 .. 28,54 Victoria, Australia...... 7 i 254 Simplon tunnel...... Sheep-bound reserve...... 68,197 244 Sims, Henry V...... indexes...... 7...... ’224 .... 58 Sims, Jesse...... 77 .... 25 Sheffield, James R...... 77777 224 Sims, Palin H...... Shelby County, Mo...... 71,248 131,166 Siner, Jackson D...... 7.7 153,171 Shells (ordnance), Gathmann .... 189 210 Sisal, see Henequen. Shepard, Alice S...... 130 Sisseton Indians...... Shepard, William B...... ’59.149 Sitka Sound, chart...... 777 ...... 73 Shepherd, Charles M...... 20 41 Sittidae...... ----- 97 Shepley,Ruth M., see Haskell. Skidmore, M. L...... 7777 8,35,159 Sheppard, Benjamin F...... Skidmore, Thomas...... 7777 Sherard, Louis...... 27,66 .. 25,43 Sherburn, Edwin A .. Skykomish, Wash.,topog, sheet .... 259 .. 45,138 Slate, Great Britain...... 254 Sherley, Swagar...... 243 Slater, Isaac...... Sherman, Hezekiah H . 18,182 .. 63,130 Slater, James...... 26 XXXVIII Janu ary —Marc h , 1905

Tage Page Slaughterhouse statistics, Cuba .. ... 86 Solomon, Bird...... 44 Slawson, Morris B...... 43,153 Solomonsville, Ariz...... 71 Slayden, James L...... 62,188 Somerset, Ky.. Baptist Church...... 221 Sleeth, James...... 42,127 Sons of Veterans, obsolete rifles for.. 12,61 Slemp, Campbell...... 161 Sorsogon, P. I., chart...... 73 * Slinking the calf...... 198 Soupene, Mary...... 137,167 Sloan, Isaac...... 153,174 South Africa, see Africa. Smart, Thomas...... 18 South America, lights...... 210 Smelter fumes, injury to vegetation.. 245 packing for...... 205 Smith, Ambrose N...... 146,172 see also International Bureau of the Smith, Daniel...... 45,139 American Republics. Smith, Daniel...... 188 South Atlantic Station, report, 1904... 261 Smith, Daniel W...... 51.125 South Bend. Wash., subport of entry . 265 Smith, David H...... 61,185 South Carolina, courts of U. S...... 123,185 Smith, Dora...... 53,138 judge...... 184 Smith, Edward A...... 195,238 post route map...... 84 Smith, George C...... 145,176 South Dakota, boundary...... 122,239 Smith, George J...... homestead ...... 156,194,242 Smith, Henry...... 15 labor laws.. .*...... 252 Smith, Josephine A...... 48,147 I post route map...... 84 Smith, Katie M...... 142,173 reclamation of land...... 258 Smith, La Fayette...... 23,180 South Dakota University...... 124 Smith,Louis ...... 123 Southerland, Rolen J...... 33 Smith, Lyman L...... 40,144 Southern cattle fever...... 198 Smith, Matilda J ...... 95 Southwest, historic ruins, etc...... 67,80 Smith, Melvin J...... 95 Southwestern Division, report, 1904... 267 Smith, Nancy A...... 66,147 Southwick, William...... 140,177 Smith, Nelson P...... 17,40 Soward, Thomas H...... 39,144 Smith, Samuel W...... 35,54,181 Sowers, John M.C...... 23,179 Smith, William...... Spain...... 205 Smith, William...... academic titles...... - 214 Smith, William A...... 48,135 arbitration with United States .. 85,213 Smith, William H...... 43,144 archives...... 97 Smith, William M...... 153,178 automobiles...... 204 Smith, William W...... 22 chemicals...... 204 Smith, William W...... 49,139 coal...... 75 Smiths Ferry, Miss.,bridge ...... 6.9 commerce...... 76 Smithsonian Institution .. 96,223,270 copra...... 75 board of regents...... report of secretary, 1904...... 96 imports from Argentina...... 214 Smithsonian misc. collections...... 96,271 iron...... 75 Smoke, District of Columbia...... 120,242 olive oil...... 76 Smokeless powder...... 83 telegraphs and telephones...... 254 Smokeless Powder Factory, see Naval wheat and wheat flour...... 206 Proving Ground. Spalding, Burleigh F...... 158,196 Snioot, Reed...... <32,153 Spanish, see Spain. right to seat in Senate...... 33,1561 I Spanish America, see International Smyrna, Tenn., Presbyterian Churchi.. 221 : Bur. of the American Republics, Smyrna. Turkey...... 76,205 i Spanish-American war, see War with Sni’demiller, Henry...... 42 Spain. Snively, Isaac B...... 125 | Spanish Treaty ClaimsComn ...... 273 Snook, John S...... 56,181 Spartansburg, S. C...... 185 Snow, District of Columbia. 7,93,115 I Spaulding, James...... 41,140 Snyder, Ann E...... 130,166 I Spear, A. M...... 35 Snyder, Henry C...... 45,153 < Spear, Clarinda A...... 44 Soap,China...-...... 254 | Special Agents, Division of...... 265 Soap tree...... 205 I Special consular reports...... 203 Soapstone...... 78,250 1 Special-tax scrip, D. C...... 11,113,119 Social sciences academy, Frankfort. .. 254 | Spectro-bolometer...... 270 Sockman, Alexander H...... I Spencer, Charles B...... 154,175 Soft clams...... 73 I Spencer, George K...... 219 Soil, acid...... 69 Spencer, Thomas J...... 58 Campbell method of culture...... 240 Spider-spun silk...... 254 inoculation for legumes...... 70 Spiders, social...... 271 see also Soils, Bureau of. Spiegel, Adolph...... 117 Soils, Bureau of...... 70,200,247 | Spiegel, Finkelstein & Co...... 117 report, 1904 ...... I Splenetic fever...... 68 Solar radiation...... 200,270 Spokane, Wash...... 193,238 Solari, Emanuel M...... 95 Spokane Internal. Ry. Co...... 115,117,164 Solari, Fannie...... 95 Spokane Reservation...... 162,239,241 Soldiers,burial of wives...... 187 Spokane River, water rights .. 162,239,241 discipline, health, etc ...... 7 Spooner, Alonzo P...... 59,132 homestead...... 194 Spooner, John C...... 123,241 State homes...... 225 Spooner, M. A...... 165,238 see also Army. Spriggs, John...... 24,168 Soldier’s handbook...... 267 । Spriggs, William...... 137,181 Soldiers’ Home, National, see National j Springs, Decaturville, Mo...... 258 Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. j Spurgin, Martha. L. H...... 153,189 Solicitor of the Treasury, report, 1904.. 81 | Squash-bug...... 246 Janu ary —March , 1905 XXXIX

Page ; Page Squires, Silas W...... 31,42 Stillwell, Elias...... 28 53 Staff Corps, General...... 91,219,268 Stillwell. Richard H...... ’13 report, 1904...... 90 Stilts, John...... ''52 126 Stafford, Frederick H...... 62,124 Stiner, William H., &Sons.. ’158 Stafford County, Va., Andrews Chapel. 95 | Stockholders, railroads...... 272 Staffordshire, pottery trade...... 205 । Staffer, Orin P...... 14,57 Stamp slips, internal revenue...... 88 ; Stokes, Lovina...... ' 14g, i75 Stamps, revenue...... 265 , Stomachs, birds...... 198 Stanbridge, Quebec...... 76 cattle ...... """"J" 198 Standards, captured, to print...... 243 Stone, William...... 25 Standards, Bureau of...... 203 Stone, William J...... ' ” / l is 122 Standiford, Noah C...... 138,173 Stone...... 7^250 Stanfield, George W...... 21 china...... 75 Stanley, Harriett...... 49,147 use for irrigation purposes...... 33,114 Stanley, William S...... 40,132 Stone,Sand, and Gravel Company.... 159 Stanton, Nebr...... 71 Stoneware, imports...... 205 Starks, William...... 16 | Storekeeper-gaugers ...... 88 Starr, Joseph...... 57,127 Storekeepers...... ’ 88 State, Department of. 84,86,212,263 Stores, closing in New Zealand...... 205 opium in China...... 116 | Stores and supplies claims...... 67 States, Civil War mil. organizations .. 125 Storm tracks, see Pilot charts. forest laws...... 69 Storms, see Weather Bureau. forest laws, to print...... 193 Story, Jonathan...... 29,191 models of war-ships named for .... 125 Story County, Iowa...... 71 ’ 200 Stationery, Treasury Department...... 216 Stout, Jacob O...... 126,181 Stout, William...... 41,143 Statistics, see subject on which statis- Stovall, William A...... 65,’ 134 tics are wanted. Stovepipe methodof well construction. 259 Statistics, Bur. of, Agric. Dept.. 34,200,248 Straten.Soren J. T...... 153,170 bulletins...... 248 Stratton, Nancy B...... 62,126 ' circulars...... 200 Straub, Albert R...... 20,62 report, 1904...... 71 Straw, freight rates...... 224 Statistics, Bureau of, Commerce and Strawboard, waste polluting rivers ... 258 . <...... it, zoo Strawn, William...... 44 Statistics, Division of...... 98,224 Strayer,John W...... 31 54 Statutes, see Laws. Streams, see Rivers. Stauffer, John G., & Son...... 221 Street railroads, see Electric railroads. Steadman, Henry C...... 155,174 Streeter, Lorenzo...... 16 Steam boilers, inspection...... 119,160 Streets, District of Columbia .. 113,161,99.9 Steam Engineering, Bureau of...... 262 paving in Edinburgh...... 76 report, 1904 ...... 261 Strider, Luke C...... 270 Steam superheating apparatus...... 76 Strikes...... ’ ’' ’ 252 Steam Vessels, Board of Supervising Belgian glass-workers...... ’ 254 Inspectors of...... 186 Strimple, Arthur E...... 137,170 Steamboat Inspection Service...... 72, Stringham. torpedo boat...... 125,239,243 186,239,249,255 Stroman, Henry C...... 51 Steamboat ticket brokers, D. C...... 119 Strunk, Philip H...... '. ’ 21 Steamboats...... 205 Stuart, Delia B...... ’.. 117,159 British Columbia and Mexico...... 76 Stuart, John...... 117159 Canada...... 249 Stubbs, John H...... 24’179 inspection...... 186,239 I Stuckey, Pauline W...... 41 ’ 144 inspectors...... 186,239 I Stuttering...... ’.'....’254 liquid fuel...... 254 Subports of entry, see names of sub- manifests...... 9,115,185 ports. rate war...... 76 Subsidies, ship...... 5,9,112,185,186 transportation of gasoline.. 115,118,186 Subsistence Department...... 221 Steel...... 75 report, 1904...... 218 investigation of industry...... 61 Suffrage, women...... 242 Steel bounty, Canada...... 205 Sugar, Chile...... 214 Steel-hardening metals...... 78,250 Santo Domingo...... 264 Steele, John A...... 48 Sugar-beet, see Beet sugar. Steele, William...... 19,47 i Sugar factories, by-products...... 205 Steffes, Jacob...... 56,138 I Sullivan, Honora’...... 32,63 Stegodyphus sarasinorum karsch...... 271 SuUoway, Cyrus A...... 57, isi Stehekin, Wash..topographic sheet... 79 | Sulphur...’...... 76,78,25o’ 254 Stenographers...... 224 Sulphuric ether...... 254 journal clerk of House...... 157 Summers, James J...... 57,135 Stephens, Cellina H...... 23,169 Sun, radiation...... 200,270 Stephens, John H...... '...... 36,’ 163 Sunday School Convention, Internat.. 256 Stettin, Germany...... ’ 75 Sunday schools...... 256 Stevens, Frederick C...... 37,62,165,188 Sunderland, Samuel...... 60,143 Stewart, David...... 94 Sundry civil appropriations .. 158,236,240 Stewart, James D...... 64 Sunflower County, Miss., bridge...... 7,36 Stewart, Jonathan...... 25,45 Sunflower River, bridges...... 7, 36 Stewart, Joseph...... 153,i79 Supt. of Documents, see Documents. Stewart, William...... 49,135 Superintendent of Library Building Stewart, William J...... 59,144 and Grounds, see Library. Stewart, William M...... 8,11,120,122’ 241 Superintendents, school, salaries...... 256 Stickley, James W...... 22,52 Superior, Lake, survey...... 220 XL Jan ua ry —March , 1905

Page Page Suppes, Mary...... 17 Tariff, Chile...... 214,264 Supplies, Army...... 218 j Colombia...... 264 for Indians...... 208 ! Costa Rica...... 214 school, free...... 256 | decisions...... 88,217,266 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of . 83,262 discriminating duties...... 116 report, 1904...... 261 Ecuador...... 264 Supreme Court, decisions...... 270 France...... •...... 205 Sureties, Federal...... 87 j Japan...... 205 postal clerks...... 192,238 [ Mexico...... 86,264 Surgeon-gen., Army,see Medical Dept. Nicaragua...... 86,214 Surgeon-general, Navy, see Medicine on importations from Canal Zone.. 196 and Surgery, Bureau of. Panama...... 214 Surgeon-general, Public Health and Paraguay...... 86 Marine-Hospital Service, see Pub- Peru...... 86 lic Health and Marine-Hospital Philippines...... 90,196,238 Service. Porto Rico...... 185,238 Surgeons board, D.C., report, 1904 .... 222 i preferential...... 204 Surgery, D.C...... 6,10,35,160 | refund of duties, 1904 ...... 217 Surveys, Cascade County, Mont... 194,236 J Santo Domingo...... 86,197,244 Great Lakes...... 220 Spain...... 206 Nebraska...... 194,238 Uruguay...... 86,264 Wyoming...... 156,239 j see also Customs Service—names of Susquehanna River...... 258 j articles imported. Suter, Charles M...... 145,172 [ Tarver, Sarah D...... 27,66 Sutherland, John...... 179 j Tasmania, lights...... 261 Swallows...... 97 Tate, Parish C...... 243 Swamp lands, Mississippi...... 238 Tate, Merida P...... 29,180 Swayne, Charles...... 7,67,116,157,195,240 , Tathem.JohnF...... 189 to print impeachment proceedings. 244 | Tawney, James A...... 68,163 Swayne, Charles, Impeachment Case, Tawney, William...... 55,150 Select Committee on...... 67 Tax scrip, special...... 11,113,119 Swayne, Charles, Managers to Conduct Taxes, Purcell, Ind. T ...... 36,238 the Impeachment against...... 195 water, D.C...... 119,160,237,241 Swedback.E.J...... 165,238 Taylor, Abner...... 28,51 Sweden...... 76 I Taylor, Thomas...... 38 agriculture...... 74 I Taylor, Timothy L...... 54,148 American agricultural machinery. 203 Taylor, William G...... 62,135 arbitration with United States...... 213 Tea, advertising campaign...... 206 charcoal making...... 204 importation and inspection...... 216 copper industry...... 204 | importation of waste...... 118 extradition treaty with U.S...... 85 Tea examiners...... 87 industrial trust...... 205 | Teachers, District of Columbia...... 96 motor boats...... 253 I pensions...... 256 peat...... 205 salaries...... 256 Swedish-Americans in...... 205 i Teaching, agricultural...... 69 wood distillation...... 204 I Technicaleducation...... 254 Swedish-Americans, return to Sweden. 205 France...... 254 Sweeney, Thomas C...... 8,196 Technical schools...... 76,256 Sweet, William...... 26,169 Tegel, Germapy...... 249 Swentzel, Laura P....,...... 43,152 'I',.I. 1 ,11 i o uhn/if "7Q Swingle, Nicholas...... 124,187 Tehipite Dome,topographic sheet.... 79 Swinney, William H...... 41,142 Telegraph...... 72,254 Swiss, see Switzerland. Alaska...... 93,157 Switzerland, arbitration with U. S. 68,85,213 Canada to United States...... 93 automobiles...... 253 high-speed instruments...... 76 commerce...... 76 Niobrara, Fort...... 188 silk ...... 76 Philippines...... 93 wintering in...... 206 right of way...... 193,239 Sylvietta...... 270,271 Spain ...... 254 Sylviidse...... 97 wireless...... 82,224,255 Synanceine fishes...... 223 Telegraph wires,D.C...... 160,237 Syracuse, N.Y...... 71 i Telegraphic longitude...... 72,201 Syria, commerce...... 254 Telephones...... 72 T street northeast,D.C...... 118,237 Alaska...... 157 Tabor, Francis A...... 154,177 at village post-offices...... 76 Tacoma, Wash., park...... 195,239 forecasts distributed by...... 249 Taconic Mountains...... 259 Niobrara, Fort...... 188 Tafel, Gustav...... 57,126 right of way...... 193,239 Taitam Bav, chart...... 262 Spain...... 254 Talc...... 78,250 Temperance, instruction in schools... 256 Taliaferro, James P...... 32,117,154 Temperature, forecasts...... 249 Tallahatchie River, bridge...... 164,239 irregularities...... 249 Tallman, Gertrude L...... 131,181 Tennessee, labor laws...... 252 Tallow, France...... ,...... 76 post route map...... 84 Tanana district, Alaska, road...... 220 Tennessee, U. S. S...... 82 Tappmeyer, Frederick W...... 27 Tennessee National Guard...... 12,61,115 Tar...... 78 Tennessee River, bridges...... 37,115 Target ranges...... 221 lock and dam...... 7 Tariff, Brazil...... 264 Tenney, Warren P...... 17,60 Canada...... 253 Tennison, Otto M...... 187 January —Marc h , 1905 XLI

Page Terrell, Tex...... 199 Tobacco, leaf...... 71,217 Territories, legislative assemblies...... 196 Nicaragua...... ’214 Territories, Committee on, Senate. 157,242 Porto Rico...... 246 Territories, Com. on the, House...... 195 tariff in Great Britain...... 76 Terry, Reuben...... 65,147 tariff on importations from P. 1. 91,218 Terwilliger, Hiram H...... 13o’ 166 Tobacco wilt...... 199 Testimony, see Evidence. Todd, William B...... ’ 120 Testing, of coal...... Tombigbee River, bridge...... 7, il7,239 of fuel...... 78 Tompkins, Martha A...... 135,174 Tests, of metals...... 268 Tonnage, revenue from ... 5,9,112,185,186 Teter, Rebecca A...... 44 Tool industries, Chemnitz...... 76 Tewksbury, Eugene P___ . 18 Topographer...... ’ 84 Texas, chart...... 73 Topographic sheets...... 79,207,259 courts of United States, 6,60 Topographic work, cooperation...... 257 labor laws...... , 252 Torch Lake, chart...... 269 post route map...... 84 Tothacer, Lucian L...... " "' 174 tobacco ...... Towels, China...... 254 treated timber...... 69 Town sites...... '' ’ 122 Texas City, Tex., subport...... 68,115,265 Townsend, Alpheus...... 46,136 Texas, Department of, report, 1904. Townsend, Charles E...... ’ 165 Texas fever 198 Townsend, James L...... 27 Text-books, free...... 256 Townsend, Lewis...... 24 Textile plants, Paraguay 214 Townsend, Waldron C...... 43,138 Thacher, Joseph H...... 221 Townsley, Mollie...... 47 135 Thayer, Henry C...... 16 Toys...... ’76 Theaker, Belle K...... 14,183 Trade, see Commerce —Exports—Im- Theaters, tire protection ...... 204 ports—entries subheaded com- Theine, waste tea for manufacturing.. 118 merce under names of countries. Thermometers...... 203 Trade-marks...... 265 clinical...... 203 Brazil...... 214 Thirteen-and-a-half street sw., D.C. 16,114 France...... 76 Thomas, Colon...... 64 Luxemburg...... 213,263 Thomas, Cora...... 87 Panama Canal Zone...... 264 Thomas, Elias...... 151,172 Spanish America...... 214,215 Thomas, George W...... ’ 44 United States...... 214 Thomas, James H...... 155,189 used in interstate commerce. 12, lii, 115 Thomas, Kirby...... 165,238 see also Official gazette, Patent Off. Thomas, Lot...... 61,159 Trade methods, American...... 76 Thomas, Samuel A...... 21’ 169 France...... 76 Thompson, Allen...... 137,168 Trade unions...... 252 Thompson, Augustus W...... 137,172 Trainer, James.A., alias...... 54,142 Thompson, Benjamin P...... 136,173 Trains, collisions and derailments .... ’ 98 Thompson, Isaac...... 124 Tramways, see Electric railroads. Thompson, James...... 44 Transit fees, China...... 204,253 Thompson, James M...... 95 Transit micrometer...... 73,201 Thompson, Joseph S...... 45,140 Translations, copyrights ... 13,239,266,272 Thompson, Thomas...... 49,126 Transportation, Army...... 218 Thompson, Vinnie J...... ’ 95 enlisted men in Navy, etc...... 211 Thomson, Paul W...... 150 immediate...... 265 Thurston, Charles P...... 22,52 of pupils to school...... 256 Tice’s theory of planetarv equinoxes.. 200 rates, see Freight rates. Tichurst, Alfred...... 56 Transvaal, coal...... 253 Ticket brokers...... 119 commerce...... 254 Ticknor, Elias W...... 147,167 population...... 76 Tide tables, Philippines, catalogue.... ’ 250 Trautman, Jacob...... 42,153 Tides...... 73,201 Traveling expenses, Treasury Dept... 266 Tile-fish...... 202 Traveling salesmen, see Commercial Tilig, Port, chart...... ".... 251 travelers. Tillamook Indians...... 121,162 Traverse...... 79 Tillinghast, Henry S...... 131,166 Travis, William C...... 56.126 Tillinghast, Samuel...... 18 Treadwell, William A...... 124 Timber, see Lumber and timber. Treasurer of United States...... 89 Timber lands...... 235,239 report, 1904...... 87 Time signals, Pacific Coast...... '. 210 262 Treasury decisions...... 88,217,266 Tin...... 78,264 Treasury Department...... 87,215,265 Ttnaan Anchorage, chart...... 251 report, 1904 ...... 87,235 Ting Chia Chen...... 240 statement, 1904 ...... 86 Tinker. John C...... 149,180 waste papers...... 113 Tippett, Eli...... 48 Treasury Department, Auditor for the, Tipton, John...... 66,147 see Auditor. Tirrell, Charles Q Treaties...... 116 Titer test...... 198 arbitration...... ’ ’ H6 Title catalogue. 98 in force...... 11 Titles, academic 214 see also names of countries. Titmice...... 97 Trebizond, goatskins...... 205 Titus, Theodore...... 39,151 Trees, fruit...... 199,205 Tobacco, Baden and Alsace-Lorraine. 206 Luquillo, P. R...... 199 China 206 planting...... 246 Cuba . 250 soap...... 205 xlii January —Marc h , 1905

Page Page Trevillian, William H...... 23,176 Useless papers, see Papers. Triangulation...... 79 Useless Papers in the Executive Depart- California...... 73,201 ments, Joint Select Committee Tribal funds, see Trust funds. on Disposition of...... 6,113,236 Trieste, Austria...... 77 Useless Papers in theExecutiveDepart- Trigg County, Ky., bridge...... 164,237 ments, Select Committee on Dis- Trimble, South...... 35,159 position of, clerk...... 158 Tripoli, treaty with United States...... 213 Uson, Port, chart...... 251 Tripoli, Syria...... 255 Utah, additional land district. 156,193,239 Troglodytidee...... 97 historic and prehistoric ruins.... 67,80 Tropical products, imports...... 264 labor laws...... 252 Trough, Martin V...... 30,53 post route map...... 84 Truax, Stillwell...... 54,148 reclamation of land...... 258 Trull, Octavia J...... 134,183 Smoot, Reed...... 33,156 Trust funds, Indian . 36,80,116,162,163,208 Vaccine virus...... 219 Trustees of Grand Encampment of Valdez, Alaska, road...... 92,220 Knights Templar...... 10,115,161 Valentine, Malden...... 39,152 Trusts, industrial...... 205 Valentine, Margaret J...... 150,176 palm-leaf hats...... 75 Valparaiso, Chile...... 86 Tuberculosis...... 218,245 Van, commerce...... 206 bovine...... 198 Vanatta, Isaac...... 63,139 in penal institutions...... 215 Vanburen,Ark.,bridge...... 9,37,113 miner’s...... 75 Vanburen Elec. Ry. & Bridge Co.. 9,37,113 Tucker, Albert F...... 95 Van Camp, Aaron...... 241 Tucker, Edward M...... 95 Van Cott, Cyrus...... 137,177 Tucker, Farnham Z...... 95 Vandevanter, Isaac B...... 146,179 Tucuman...... 214 Van Horn, George...... 53,127 Tug Fork, bridge at Louisa, Ky ... 163,239 Van Lear, John...... 151,172 bridges at Nolan, W. Va...... 164,239 Van Norman, Charles R...... 22,52 Tugda...... 271 Van Voorhis, Henry C...... 34 Tuite, Ellen...... 132 Van Wey, Charles...... 154,172 Tuley, George M...... 145,176 Variation of compass...... 82,210 Tully, Terence J...... 140,177 Various bureaus...... 97,223,271 Tum'ber, Warren F...... 83 Varnish, Ningpo...... 255 Tunis, commerce...... 206 Vegetation, see Plants. commerce with France...... 254 Venezuela...... 214,264 Tunnels, Lake Erie, etc...... 195,236 arbitration, to print report...... 243 Turkey, commerce...... 255 coal mines...... 86 petroleum...... 254 Venice, Italy...... 206 Turtles...... 202 Venier, James H...... 42 Tuscaloosa, Ala...... 184,237 Vermont, fisheries...... 73 Tusing, John...... 28,56 post route map...... 84 Tuttle, George G...... '56 Vernal, Utah...... 193 Tuttle, Philo G...... 46,136 Vernon, Edward, manuscripts...... 99 Tutuila, naval station, report, 1904 .... 83 Vessels, see Shipping—Steamboats— Twanai, Japan, chart...... 82 War-ships. Tyler, John K...... 15 Veterinary zoology...... 245 Tyler, Joseph W...... 31,55 Vicks Landing, Miss., bridge...... 7,36 Tyler, Mae H...... 136,190 Vicksburg National Military Park Tyler, Rosina...... 150,167 Commission, report, 1904 ...... 221 Typewriter ribbons, Treasury Dept... 216 Victor, John W...... 15,174 Typewriters...... 224 Victoria, Australia...... 254 Typhoid fever, War with Spain .... 92,269 Vifquain, Caroline...... 63,139 Uinta Valley Reservation...... 208 Vina, Cal., topographic sheet...... 79 Umphrey, Solomon B...... 145,179 Vincennes, West Baden and Louisville Underdown, William S...... 151,172 Traction Company...... 118,165,239 Underflow meters...... 259 Vincent, Edwin...... 51,126 Underground water...... 259 Vintage, 1904 ...... 77 Washington State...... 258 Vireonidae...... 97 Uniforms, Customs Service...... 87 Vireos...... 97 Union County, S. Dak...... 122,239 I Virginia, fossil fauna...... 257 Union Trust and Storage Co., D. C.. 6,10,35 post route map...... 84 Union Trust Company,D.C...... 6,10,35 public archives...... 97 United Kingdom, see Great Britain. I Viroqua, Wis...... 71 United Spanish War Veterans...... 12,61 I Virus, vaccine...... 219 United States, methods in England... 74 I Visayas, Dept, of the, report,1904..... 267 United States Steel Corporation...... 61 | Visnow, Samuel...... 41,144 Universities...... 256 Vital statistics...... 218 German 255 | Volstead, Andrew J...... 195 meteorology in...... 249 Volumetric apparatus...... 203 University of Minnesota...... 62,115 Volunteers, Civil War, Kentucky...... 220 University of South Dakota...... 124 naval...... 5,9,112,185,186 Unskilled laborers, Treasury Dept...... 87 Vowel organ...... 223,271 War Department...... 89 Voyles, Enoch...... 147,170 Upton, Jonas H...... 136 Vroeg’s Catalogue...... 96,271 Urban, see Cities. W street northwest, D. C...... 119,160 Urban Railway of Guatemala...... 214 Wadsworth, James W...... 34,161 Urgent deficiency appropriations...... 6 Wadsworth, Fort...... 221 Uruguay...... 86,214,264 Wager, Sir Charles, manuscripts...... 99 extradition with United States .... 263 Wages, British shoe factories...... 254 Useful arts, bibliography...... 225 carpenters...... 204 Janu ary —31 arch , 1905 XLIII

Page Page Wagtails...... 97 Washington Terminal Company...... 161 Wahkiacus, James ...... 80,194 Washington Township, Pike County, Wales Island Packing Company .. 117 Walker, Dora D...... 148 Wasson, James H...... ’ 47’ 143 Walker, Felix G...... 174 Waste papers, see Papers. Walker, James M...... 148 Walker, Levincy...... mineral...... ’ 78 Walker, Mary H...... underground...... 258,259 Walker, Mary L...... 66,147 see also Irrigation. Walker, Thomas H...... 58 Water brakes...... 12 Walkinshaw, Joseph C...... 22,41 Water power, Alabama...... 77 Wallace, Annie M...... 30 Water resources, eastern United States. 258 Wallace, Collin A...... 136,191 Oregon...... 258 Wallace, John F...... 140,181 Philadelphia, Pa...... 79 Wallace, R. Howard...... 129 Washington State...... 258 Wallace, William...... 142,173 Water-supply, District of Columbia... 258 Waller, Franklin...... 44 Panama...... 264 Waller, Green B...... 155,192 Water-supply papers...... 77,79,257,258 Walnuts, France...... [...... 77 Waterman, William L...... 131,178 Walser, Joseph D...... 149,180 Watertown Arsenal...... 93,268 Walsh, Ormon W...... 146,179 Watervliet Arsenal...... 93 Walsh County, N. Dak., bridge ...... 6,37 Watkins, Martha C...... 57,139 Waltman, Isaiah...... 49,127 Watkins Glen...... 259 Walton, Claiborne J...... 52,126 topographic sheet...... 259 Walz, John...... 14,55 Watson, Comfort W...... 15,174 Wanger, Irving P...... 163,185 Watson, Nim rod W...... 135,175 War, automobiles in...... Wattle. Australian...... 199 statistics to be collected...... 185 Watts, Benj amin F...... 21 War claims, findings, see Ct. of Claims. Watts, William C...... 159 Missouri...... 117 Waugh, Beverly...... 56 stores and supplies...... 67 Wauseon, Ohio...... 249 Wisconsin...... 266 Waxwings...... 97 see also War Claims, Committee on. Wayne, Mich., topographic sheet...... 207 War Claims, Committee on...... 67,196 Waynesburg, Pa...... 259 War Department...... 72,89,90,91,218,267 Ways and Means, Committee on... 67,196 Weather, see Pilot charts—Weather Bureau, Agriculture Dept.- War of Rebellion, see Civil War. Weather Bureau, P. I. War-ships...... 8,82,261 Weather Bureau, Agriculture Dept. 200,248 coal at foreign ports...... 261 report, 1904...... 72 memoranda for officers...... 83,262 Weather Bureau, P. 1...... 91,268 models...... 125 Weather Bureau officials, convention. 249 War with Spain, claims...... 215,265 Weather review, Monthly...... 200,249 medals...... 89 Weaver, Anthony...... 146,178 typhoid fever...... 92,269 Weaver, F. A. William...... 64.142 Warblers...... 97 Weaver, Mary E...... 29 Ward, George N...... 'i.48,167 Webb, Albert...... 25,53 Wardle, Joseph ...... 24 Weber, Sallie B...... 64 Wardrobe, John...... 221 Webster, Amon A...... 44 Warehouses, bonded...... 217 Weeks, George...... 27 Warner, Charles H...... 18 Weems, Mary J...... 64 Warrant machinists, Navy...... 189 Weevils, cotton-boll...... 246 Warrant officers, Navy ...’...... 81 cotton-boll, to print...... 239,244 Warren, Francis E...... 8, Weidner, Henrietta...... 16 12,33,112,116,117,124,241 Weights, Greece...... 77 Warren, Georgia A...... 27,66 Santo Domingo...... 255 Warren, Joel H...... 29.180 United States...... 203 Washburn, William H...... 134,182 Welch, John...... 145,172 Washington, George, bequest for univ. 217 Welch, Stephen...... 50 Washington, D. C., see District of Co- Welch, William...... 17,60 lumbia. Well-boring machinery, China...... 206 Washington, N. C...... '...... 184,237 Welles, T. E...... 193 Washington, U. S. S...... 82 Wells, Emma H...... 94 Washington, Alexandria and Mount Wells, artesian...... 204,259 Vernon Railway...... 161,222 California method of construction. 259 Washington and Gettysburg Railroad. 161 Connecticut Valley...... 258 Washington & Western Maryland R. R. 161 contamination...... 259 Washington Aqueduct filtration plant 35 flow from vertical casings...... 259 Washington Asylum, D. C., report, 1904 222 Welman, Andrew T...... 154,170 Washington County. Pa., bridge...... 6 Welton, Marvin...... 25 Washington Market Company. 113,119,161 Wertz, David...... 139,169 Washington Railway and Electric Co. 222 Wesson, Henry A...... 48,134 Washington Sound.’...... 249 West, Charles T...... 33,175 Washington State, courts of U.S.. 123,237 West Dilasac Bay, see Dilasac. geology and water resources..... 258 West Gulf blockading squadron...... 82 labor laws...... 252 West Indies, lights...... 210 post route map...... 84 West Virginia, fossil fauna...... 257 reclamation of land...... 258 post route map...... 84 underground water...... 258 Westcott, Marion...... 162 Washington Street Methodist Episco- Western Alaska Construction Co...... 7 pal Church South, Alexandria.. 93 Westminster, Md., topographic sheet.. 259 XLIV Janua ry —March , 1905

Page Page Westmoreland County, Pa., bridge... 6 Wingate, Joseph ...... 18 Westpoint, N.Y., see Military Academy. Winger, Joseph W...... 138,17'2 Wetherell, Cyrus...... 19,47 Winnebago County, Ill...... 71,248 Wetmore, George P...... 123 ; Winnipeg,Yankton & Gulf R. R.. 9,114,161 Weygandt, Maggie...... 49,127 Winslow, George A...... 123 Whaley, Thomas...... 244 , Winslow, Horace...... 59,129 Wharves, Mexico...... 214 ! Winter distress remedies...... 205 Wheat, Argentina...... 86,264 Winters, Isaiah S...... 128,181 Australia...... 77 Wireless telegraph ...... 82,224,255 Canadian, tariff...... 196 Wisconsin, juvenile courts...... 215 Canadian and American...... 255 labor laws...... 252 Queensland...... 206 I post route map...... 84 refund of duties on seed...... 88 war claims...... 266 Spain...... 206 Wise, Lizzie D...... 151,191 Wheeler, William E...... 25,53 | Witherby, Freeman C...... 56,126 Whipple, Dotha J...... 44 Witnesses, competency to testify...... 61 Whitcomb, Darius H...... 134,181 Wives of enlisted men, burial...... 187 White, Annie...... 159 Wolf River Fibre and Paper Co...... 209 White, Emerson E...... 256 Wolverton, James T...... *9 White, Jacob 0...... 22,52 Women, imported for prostitution. 121,263 White, John...... 14 suffrage...... 242 White, John...... 16,38 Wood, Charles N...... 58 White, Joseph M...... 20,43 Wood, Elijah G...... 28 White, Samuel K...... 26 Wood.Emmory A ...... 14,171 White, William B...... 150,177 Wood, Joseph...... 139,178 White, William H...... 23,180 Wood, colored, for furniture...... 205 White flies...... 246 Havre, France...... 77 White River, bridge...... 118,165,239 pit...... 205 White River Valley Railway Co. 9,114,164 used for pavements...... :...... 205 Whitfield, George...... 153,170 see also Lumber and timber. Whitman, Florence 0 ...... 20,65,112 Wood distillation...... 204 Whitney, Angeline B...... 15,166 Wood-pulp...... 205,254 Whitney, David...... 64 Woodbury, George H...... 51 Wichita forest reserve...... 7,11 Woodruff, Jesse...... 13,65 Wife beating, D. C...... 222 Woods, Joseph...... 138 Wiggins, Jonathan...... 54,141 Woods Hole, Mass., argulus...... 202 Wilburton, Ind. T...... 122 medusae...... 202 Wild animals, see Animals. Woodville, Tex...... 71 Wild rice...... 70 Wool, Great Britain...... 255 Wilde, Andrew J...... 131,167 Marseille, France...... 255 Wilde, Mark...... 125 Wooten, Frona J...... 62,139 Wiley, Ariosto A...... 66,192 Worcester County, Md...... 71 Wiley, Howard...... 44 Workingmen,gardens ...... 75 Wiley, William H...... 161 World’s Fair, St. Louis, see St. Louis, Wilkes, Joseph...... 149,182 La. Purchase Exposition, 1904. Wilkins, William A...... 24,176 Worley, John...... 48 Wilkinson, John C...... 153,173 Worms, corn root-...... 246 Willamette River, bridge...... 118 miner’s...... 76 Willard, Frances E., statue...... 8 Wrangell Strait, chart...... 201 statue, to print...... 244 Wrecks, Germany...... 206 Willey, Owen A...... 17,40 Great Lakes...... 248 Williams, George S...... 57,132 see also Accidents. Williams, Horace P...... 95 Wren-tits...... 97 Williams, Isaac...... 65,152 Wrens...... 97 Williams, James V...... 32,190 Wright, Helen S...... 133,183 Williams, John H...... 174,242 Wright, Henry II...... 18,46,140 Williams, John S...... 197 Wright, Lewis C...... 80,194 Williams, Mary E...... 128,174 Wright, Monroe W...... 51 Williams, Otho H., statue...... 123 Wright, Philander S...... 53,139 Williams, Peter...... 4- 18 Wrigley, William, jr...... 272 Williams, William R...... 52 Wurttemberg, Germany...... 77 Williamson, John N...... 60,184 Wylie, Charlotte M...... 58,129 Williamson, Mary...... 42 Wynne, Elizabeth...... 29 Williamsport, Md., Williams statue... 123 Wyoming, labor laws...... 252 Willis, William W...... 23,179 post route map...... 84 Willits citrange...... 247 reclamation of land...... 258 Wilshire, Sophronia E...... 148,177 surveys...... 156,239 Wilson, Anne E...... 20,65,112 Yankton,S. Dak.,bridge ... 6,9,37,114,164 Wilson, Francis...... 47,143 Yankton, Norfolk & Southern Ry. Co. 6,37 Wilson, John F...... 196 Yards and Docks, Bureau of...... 211 Wilt disease of tobacco...... 199 report, 1904...... 261 Wind, Great Lakes...... 248 Yeager, Sarah...... 181 Wind River Reservation ... 36,121,236,239 Yeiser, Green...... 55,129 Window gardens...... 199 Yellow fever...... 218,263 Windsor. Ontario...... 206 Yellow Fever Inst., rps. and bulletins. 115 Winemiller, John...... 48,149 ; Yellowstone forest reserve...... 79 Wines...... 206,217 Yellowstone National Park, rp., 1904.. 81 France...... 255 Yellowstone River, dams...... 184,239,241 Wing, Napoleon B...... 24 1 Yeomen, Navy...... 83 Jan ua ry —Marc h , 1905 XLV

Page Page Ying Hsing Wen...... 240 Young, H. Olin...... 62,188 Yingling, George E...... 42 Yukon River, road to Coldfoot...... 92 Yohum, Alma...... 22 47 Yukon Terri tor}-...... 77 255 Yosemite Nat.Park. 11.33,67^15,194.209.240 Zamboanga, P. I., chart...... ’ 73 Yosemite National Park Commission. 209 | Zenor, William T...... 163 Young, Annie...... 13 I Zilpha, schooner...... ’' ’ ’ 221 Young, Charles E...... 16 Zinc...... 78,207,250 Young, Charles W...... 25 | Zircon...... 78 Young, Evan E...... 135,174 Zittau, Germany...... 77 YToung, Gustavus S...... 20,41 j Zoology, index-catalogue...... 245