Volume XXXII Plotting to destroy the moon since 1971 Issue III

News Peace Walk at John Abbott “Le paix partoute” was called by an a spiral to honor the rest of the protests emotion passerby in his car. Upon ar- across the continent. The spiral being Algerian Depor- rival at the school Ilene Young from the Karen Gelsthorpe used to protest both the unjustified war unofficial group friends of Sainte-Annes on Iraq and the new FTAA submit in Ec- tation? Find out News Editor to spoke about the conflicts in Iraq and uador happening on October thirty-first. Afghanistan. Throughout the walk slogans on page 3. The following quotes show the such as “We want peace. On veux la The second annual John basic reason for the march and the feel- Abbott peace walk took place October ings behind it. “People think that you Campus the eighth at 4 p.m in honour of the first have to be a hippy to walk for peace, anniversary of the first bomb dropped but peace and love belong to everyone on Afghanistan in the aftermath of Sep- and we shouldn’t be afraid to walk for tember eleventh. The walk last year peace.” Sara Beger-Richardson, student Club Day and took place on October second, six days organizer of the walk. “I’m not making a prior to the first bomb, in protest of the political statement, I just want peace” columns starting unjustified war on Afghanistan. This Arpad Nagy. To leave you with the on page 6. year’s walk was staged primarily to general spirit of the march “I think that show that not all citizens of North claiming the lives of innocent Iraq peo- America support war, with special in- ple is not the way to achieve peace, but terest on the impending bombing of a peaceful march like this is.” Nairra Arts Iraq. The walk, organized by Sandra Tariq. Stevenson and Sara Beger-Richardson, Following the walk there was a dis- drew approximately forty people, con- cussion headed by Jim Joyce to help paix” and “George Bush Assassin” were sisting of students, staff and commu- inform the students as to what is hap- called out by the marchers. Upon arrival Our new Editor nity members. pening in the world around them. The walk departed from the at the school a moment of silence was introduces him- main exit at Herzburg and crossed the observed by the marches to honor all self on page 9. campus, went down Maple Avenue onto the people that have died needlessly in the Main Street and Saint-Peter Boul- this last year. Even some of the motorist evard to finish at St-Georges school, in got swept away in the need for peace. Entertainment Teacher Avoids Suspension All about Sweet College, addressed to Vo-Quang, Henderson to address this need and that proposals were Home Alabama explains the school’s position on relation- being drawn up. An important part of the Andrew Coté ships between staff members and students process will be that the John Abbott staff on page 12. Editor-in-Chief by saying: “Your employment obligations as will be asked to contribute in developing the a fiduciary require that you refrain from close new policy. personal relationships with students with Without being able to comment on the specific case, due to the fact that it’s a con- Following last month’s controversy whom you have had any Sports fidential matter between the teacher and the concerning a John Abbott teacher, Cyrile Vo- profes- sional rela- administration, Henderson admits that if the Quang who had had a consensual relation- tionship that involves school had a policy in place at the time, “the ship with a student here, the decision to the exist- ence or the situation wouldn’t have happened in the first Take part in our suspend him with no pay was reversed. Ac- perception of place.” Henderson explained that most uni- cording to a press release from the John the exist- ence of a versities have a specific policy concerning new Hockey Abbott Faculty Association (JACFA), Vo- power dif- ferential.” this matter and that in most cases, these Quang was not suspended because the Although the school has no official pool, find out kinds of relationships aren’t tolerated or it facts of the case were deemed “insufficient policy on relationships between staff and has to be proven that there are no issues to conclude with certainty that the serious- students, JACFA’s letter claims that how on page 14. where the teacher is in a position of power ness of the prejudice caused warrants the Henderson will “bring in a policy that em- over the student. disciplinary action...”. powers the Administration to control per- In making up a policy for the CEGEP Even though Vo-Quang avoided be- sonal relationships among members of the system, the administration has to be very ing suspended, the school’s administration John Abbott community according to per- careful because here at Abbott, 34% of stu- decided to give the teacher a notice of com- ceived power differentials.” When reached dents are under the age of 18 and if a situa- plaint for having the relationship on the ba- for comment, Henderson claimed that tion like that ever happened, there would be sis that it was an “abuse of power, breach of JACFA’s statement over his plan to intro- many more legal issues to be tackled. On a trust, and conflict of interest in entering into duce a policy for relationships was “patently final note, the College now considers this a close personal relationship with a student ridiculous”. Even though the school doesn’t specific matter closed and does not want to for whom you had a personal responsibility have a specific policy for these kinds of rela- deal with this issue publicly anymore be- as a faculty member.” In a letter written by tionships, Henderson informed us that the cause Vo-Quang has had his personal life October 9th,Keith Henderson,2002 Director General of the administration has received a lot of requests 1 intruded enough on this issue already. BANDERSNATCH John Abbott College On The Side with your Editor-in-Chief Andrew Coté P.O. Box 2000 St. Anne de Bellevue, QC H9X 3L9 "America's Leader" Tel: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389 Fax:(514) 457-6091 Over the past few weeks, Presi- seem to care enough to do anything E-Mail: [email protected] dent George W. Bush has been promot- When will Bush come to terms about it, even though both the Dow Office: H-041 ing a war on Iraq. Threatening to open that being the president of the United Jones and the NASDAQ exchanges fire on the poor and mostly-defenceless States, his job isn’t to go postal on have been doing absolutely horrible population of that country, Bush has every country that doesn’t seem to lately. Just because another country been trying to justify a new war by con- agree with his views? Is it his right to decides to disagree with some of the po- Editor-in-Chief vincing the ignorant American public kill thousands of people all over the sitions of the United States, does it Andrew Coté that we need another war. Bush pro- mean they can attack them? claims that the Iraqis have both nu- News Editor clear and biochemical weapons and Let’s all face reality Karen Gelsthorpe that they’re still in the process of folks, the U.S. isn’t interesting in developing more. The latest news is helping the people of Iraq, or any Campus Life Editor that Bush now fears that Iraq is go- other country for that matter. It’s be- Amanda Hoogland ing to attack the United States, even cause Iraq is one of the highest pro- before they get their chance to do ducers of oil in the world, and be- Entertainment Editor so. cause Hussein is being an exception Shawn Robertson to the rule and isn’t bowing to the Is it just me, or does Bush’s American’s demands. I’m not saying Sports Editor latest attempt at preparing America that the U.S. is totally wrong by go- Robert Menzies for another war seem just a little TOO ing into Iraq, but there are a lot of see-through? Is it not too evident things going on in that country that Arts Editor that now, more than a year after the doesn’t conform to our human rights Jonathan Venne attacks of September 11th, Bush standards. It certainly doesn’t mean needs another target to blow up? that a country that claims itself as Assistant Editor-in-Chief Only because he has nothing better “one nation under god” can go Wendy Smith to do, considering that for majority of world just so the president’s popularity around the world forcing around their his presidency, all he has done is con- points will go up a point or two? Is he values and portraying themselves as Office Manager vince the American public that we have scared that he won’t get re-elected be- better than any other country. Jason Doan to defeat the Taliban, then capture cause the Americans won’t feel that he Osama Bin Laden, and now we have to has done any work for their country? Production Manager kill Saddam Hussein. How about the economy? He doesn’t Karen Gelsthorpe

Advertising Manager Naila Jinnah Archive Editor News Editor's Note Kathleen Stanhope

French Editor with the ever Loca News Editor Karen Gelsthorpe Katherine Harwood-Farkas

Games Page Editors Jeffrey Katz The carnage in Israel and Pal- that we would rather kill than share? It atrocity but how many John Abbott stu- David Fuzes estine has been happening for years saddens me when in discussion at a col- dents even know that it is happening? now, and almost all young adults have lege level no one knows that there is The people in these countries deserve Photographics Coordinator become desensitized to the pain in that war in Africa or the Middle East. Maybe justice, yet our governments make sanc- Josh Van Sprang part of the world. I remember so clearly if we all cared just a little bit more about tions that hurt the innocent people now watching the news, seeing the in- more. Sanctions for war crimes don't Webmaster jured and deceased but not really help the victims. Brian Vrouvas processing the images of war. Correct Refugees are being deported from me if I’m wrong but I think I finally un- Canada and the United states everyday, derstand why people say that world is- they are sent back to their home coun- sues don’t bother us unless they involve tries where they have nothing. These innocent people have lost everything. Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative us or our loved ones. Recently I Press at John Abbott College. It is published every watched a conflict between Arabic and Their homes, their freedom and their two weeks and is partially funded by the Student Jewish students unfold. Because I had pride, yet we send them back. Activities Commitee and by advertising solicited taken no side in the war prior to the afore Every four seconds a child under members.Submissions are welcome in traditionally the age of twelve starves to death and either English or French and become property of mentioned incident I was shocked and the newspaper. Submissions must be on an IBM com- yet for years I have known of this war. in a day the province of Quebec wastes patible diskette along with a printed hard copy and Is our society to desensitized to vio- more than enough foods to save almost MUST be in Text Format (*.txt) or RichText For- lence? It always astounds me how little all of their lives. But we don't care about mat (*.RTF). All submissions must include the full them. Doesn't this bother anyone else? name and telephone number of the contributor, as we know about the rest of the world, well as the e-mail address if applicable. The staff and even more, how little we seem to Maybe I’m horribly naïve and a reserves the right to reject or edit any submissions care. Our governments do atrocious little gullible but this is how I feel. This for length, legality, or clarity. Letters to Bander- the rest of the world it would be a bet- is just my opinion and if you disagree snatch should be a maximum of 500 words but may things to other countries and we don’t see print nonetheless if they are longer but worth- even know about it. In our names hun- ter place. Or maybe if the world wasn’t or agree please let me know. I want to while. Neither spelling nor grammar will be cor- dreds of people die each year, and we about the economy than everyone know if I’m the only one that feels like rected on letters to the editors, it is the responsibil- are oblivious. would be better of, because people this. I’ll leave you with my final ity of the contributor to correct them. should be more valuable than poses thoughts and questions. How many tel- Submissions and letters should be dropped Is our society getting to the off at the Bandersnatch office, located in the base- point where anarchy is expectable? Are ions. evisions would it take to buy a life? ment of Herzberg, H-041 (across from the Hallway we that attached to our material things The civil war in Rwonda is an entrance of the oval) Algerian Deportation in Canada

in the past seven years of civil war withstanding with its shocking statistics. The general condi- stay. The only problem is, Ahmed is 2. ‘The immi- tions described by the prisoners were of all of gration minister said, “You can leave your son Nairra Taria the 7,000 civilians killed in 1998 alone. These dark and dirty cells overcrowded with no or little here, but you have to go back.” said Bourousia. Contributor numbers alone mean nothing. It is when you add the faces of women, children, and helpless bedding. Often there was no access to toilette The 37-year-old was an accountant in his home- old men that one feels the urge preventing those facilities thus prisoners were reduced to using land, his 36-year-old wife was a day-care director being thrown back in to this pit of fire. the cell. The smell and mess with no or little food in Algeria and is now expecting for the second It seems Canada has raised its stand- created a highly unhygienic environment prone time, only the stress is interfering with her preg- Canada. Land of the free. A place for the ards for sympathy. However, it is needless to say to disease. Relatives were harassed to discour- nancy. Yakout’s doctor, Dr. David Morris of the oppressed to begin a new life. A life of liberty, a that the abuse and tor- age from visiting. A report done by the Medical Royal Victoria Hospital confirmed that stress life full of choices and opportunities. A life they ture faced by the Alge- Foundation, in which 66 men who had threatens pregnancy, “This is a inhumane way of had dreamed of. For the 1000 Algerian refugees rians today calls for hu- been detained by authorities stated that dealing with a complex emotional and political deported, thanks to our government this man compassion all 45% were sexually assaulted, two oth- issue”, said Dr. Morris, “This is obvious profil- will remain a dream. over the world. A study ers described being humiliated by be- ing, but their profiling the wrong people”. Decades of internal conflict between rival done by the Medical ing kept naked in their cells and taunted Canada is a country of peace and human political parties has paralysed Algeria. Existing foundation for the Care by police officers. Sixteen men were compassion and as Canadians we all embody conflicts between the FLN (Front – Liberation de of Victims of Torture electrocuted in the genitals and other this doctrine. We take pride in our peace mis- National) and its many political enemies such as reported, 70 asylum barbaric methods I can not describe in sions to Bosnia or the aid we’ve provided to the FFS (Front des Forces Socialites) have claimed seekers in the U.K. be- this article. Each one of these men has those in crisis, yet when the Algerians came to us the lives of many. The governments lust for power tween April 1994 and March 1995 aged between already died once are we leaving them destitute asking for help, the Canadian Gov't abandoned has driven them to take up arms leaving many 25 and 35of which all described being punched, to die again? the principals of our nation and closed our doors civilians in the dark streets stained by the blood slapped, and hit with objects (particularly trun- The Canadian response to this plea of to these victims of war. In their land their crime of their neighbours or if lucky dead. The Cana- cheons). Other methods included, electric shocks mercy has been a mockery of our constitution of was birth, but what was their crime here? Canadi- dian government deciding to ignore these facts (28%) burning (16%) sexual harassment and rape human rights. According to the Minister of Immi- ans lamented the loss of 2800 people who died in and lift the moratorium has only left those seek- (41%) and (41%) this is the tyrants gration Denis Coderre, refugees who have been the attacks of 9/11, yet we fail to acknowledge the ing refuge in Canada helpless. specialty in which a wedge is placed in the vic- deported may have the right to leave their Cana- hundreds and thousands of those who have Though some have abandoned the tims mouth while contaminated water is poured dian born children behind however the govern- died in the past few years in Algeria, and hopes of these victims of war others have gone in to the helpless victims stomach until he or she ment takes no responsibility for them. The Ga- now the blood of the next thousands dead through great pains to make the Algerian cry vomits and to make it easier the torturer contin- zette’s Sue Montgomery reported a recent case will be on the hands of Canada. heard. The Medical Foundation for the Care of ues to kick the victim in the stomach. of an Algerian couple forced to leave the country. Victims of Torture in London has treated people For years Algerian jails have been sub- Mourad Bourousia and his wife Yakout Seddiki traumatized by the inhumane crimes subjected to jecting it’s people to inhumanity. Once again the have been ordered to leave Canada, their Cana- in their native land since 1986. According to the Medical Foundation has astounded the world dian born son Ahmed, however, is allowed to foundation as many as 77,000 people have died

What's SUJAC Update

SUJAC UPDATE Your Student Union is busy work- Project Team is lining up a series of Going Congratulations to The Gamers ing for you! Congress, SUJAC=s legis- speakers: motivational speakers to en- Club for winning the Best Booth Award lative body, is currently working on five tertain and inspire students, and aca- at this semester=s SUJAC-Club Day! great projects that, when taken together, demic speakers to give talks about en- SUJAC, Christian Fellowship, will foster positive student experiences vironmental, political, religious, or other On... Bandersnatch, the Pagan Club, Hillel, at JAC and defend the greater interest issues. This Team is also looking at the Amnesty International, Gamers, the of the student body. These Project possibility of joining forces with other On October 17th there will be a public Muslim Students= Association, Teams are: SUJAC/Congress PR, Stu- Abbott Clubs and organizations to plan lecture at Concordia University. “The Tree Anime, Break Dancing, CSKY, and the fantastic events. of Life or the Web of Life.” Will be in the Outdoor Adventure Club, Rock Climb- The Campus Project Team is look- main auditorium H-110 and will be free for ing and Kayaking were showcased at ing into improving security in the all. Dr W. Ford Doolittle from Dalhousie Uni- this semester=s lively SUJAC-Club Abbott parking lots and is coming up versity will be the speaker. For more infor- Day. CSKY played live, SUJAC reps with creative ideas on how to keep the mation call 848-2595. were on hand to meet the College com- campus clean. Why not give them a munity, Clubs and student organiza- hand and pick up garbage B even if it=s On October 31st there will be protest tions recruited more members and put not your own! against the FTAA, the summit that will be in on great demos—Dancing, Games, The group of students working on Ecuador on the same day. Charactures, and more—and there the Academics Team has an ambitious were lots of great munchies. Remem- dent Activities/Affairs, Campus, Aca- project for this semester. They are aim- Trip to Dominican Republic in the win- ber, this is a bi-annual event, so there demics, and Transit. Each team is de- ing to set up a homework hotline or ter is more fun coming up next semester! veloping its own set of goals and has message board where students can get The JAC Halloween Party for already started getting them off the a bit of help on their assignments dur- Stress-reduction seminar every Kids is coming up on Friday, October ground. ing the Learning Centre=s off-hours. wednesday with Jim Katz in Ho-340 25. Come help kids celebrate a spooky The SUJAC/Congress PR team is Last, but certainly not least, the Halloween! If you like having fun, and looking at setting up a bi-weekly SUJAC Mont st-Anne ski trip January fith to leading games and activities for ador- info booth. This team is also focusing tenth. able kids and/or doing volunteer work, its energy on assuring that all College we would love to see you at the Hal- Committees have student reps sitting on loween Party. Drop by Student Activi- them, thus making into account. ties and see Jill for more information The Student Activities/Affairs and to sign up to help.

October 9th, 2002 3 Puppy Mills in Canada....

forced to live their entire lives in such 300 dogs from three different locations. Adopting from the SPCA would also appalling conditions. They are kept for There are many ways that you help out greatly, as there is very little Sabrina Hamilton one reason only, and that is to produce can help to prevent puppy mills from room and so many animals in need of a Staff Writer more puppies. Female dogs are kept continuing their operations. For start- home. For more information concerning pregnant from their maturity right until ers, do not buy a puppy from pet shops. the SPCA call 514-735-2711 or visit their they are unable to produce any more web site at spca.com you could also Puppy mills, for those of you who A lot of the pet shops receive their pup- puupies. Once their reproductive ca- visit their Montreal branch at 5215 Jean- don’t know, are facilities that produce pies from puppy mills. If you buy a pacities are waned, the dogs are simple Talon West near the pure bred dogs to be sold to the unsus- puppy from the pet shop it killed. There is no mercy given to those Namur metro stop. pecting public, purely for profit. The will only aid in the growth who can no longer serve the purpose. As stated ear- puppies are sold either via of puppy mills around Puppy mills lier, there are pet shops the Internet, through news- Canada. Secondly, if you can be costlyare rampant in the who buy their puppies paper ads, at the mill itself do buy from a pet shop, do for owners andUnited States and are from puppy mills; how- or through brokers or pet some investigating and easilyheard of on a regular ever, there are those who shops. There are many find out where the puppy avoided. basis. In Canada how- do not. In no way is this problems with this method in question came from. The ever, the term puppy article advocating the of breeding. For one the puppies sold from these Unfortunately,mill is quite rarely heard boycott of purchases from dogs used for breeding are puppy mills may not show many of theseof. That is why it was pet shops. It is simply re- kept in deplorable condi- evident signs of disease or dogs aresuch a shock to hear of minding the public of the issue of puppy tions. There is a lack of vet- genetic inferiorities meaning watch your a puppy mill raid in mills. This article is intended to urge the erinarian care, poor food puppy carefully after purchase to en- Vaughan, Ontario. The Ontario Society public to make inquiries as to where the and shelter, lack of socialization, and sure that it remains healthy. Also, if you for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- animal in question has come from be- overcrowded cages. The dogs are al- have the time, you could always volun- mals had seized 150 dogs and 30 pup- fore the purchase has been made. most always inbreed, which means that teer for the SPCA and help find homes pies from a couple running the opera- the puppies inherit many different ge- for those dogs (and cats) that don’t tion. Later reports stated that the cou- netic diseases, which can appear up to have one. The SPCA is always in need ple had a second mill at another Ontario a year after the pups are born. This of more volunteers. If you don’t have location which has also since been shut means for the unwitting consumer, an the time to volunteer, the SPCA would down. Also in recent months the On- array of veterinarian problems con oc- also greatly appreciate any donations tario SPCA has rescued an estimated cur without warning. These problems that you would be willing to donate. Maryland Killer

not been able to prove that all of the Robert Menzies shootings are related to each other, but Sports Editor suspect that they are. Each of the victims was shot once with a .223-caliber bullet, and experts have been able to determine that the same rifle was used in at least Six people have died and two have four of the shootings. This rifle could be been wounded in sniper attacks around anything from a banned assault rifle to a the D.C./Maryland area since Wednesday, common hunting rifle, according to foren- October 2nd. sics experts. The attacks seem to be completely “They still all appear to be random random, as authorities have not been able victims,” said Montgomery County Police to establish any kind of link between the Chief Charles Moose. “They don’t appear victims; the killer is attacking both men to be anyone’s enemy, don’t appear to be and women, their ages range from 13 years involved in anything coordinated. Just old to 72 years old, and their employment simply random targets, innocent people range from program analysts to cab driv- who happen to be in the area and have AD ers to middle school students. The only been unduly harmed.” thing that seems to link them is the area in There is a $160,000 reward for any- which the shootings took place: the first one who can provide information leading five were in Montgomery County, Mary- to the identification and arrest of the killer, land, over a span of 16 hours from 6 P.M. an amount which has tripled since Satur- Wednesday evening to 10 A.M. Thursday day. Police are investigating the possibil- morning. The sixth happened at 9:15 that ity that a white van, possible in Isuzu or a evening in Washington, D.C., the seventh Mitsubishi, with black lettering on the side on Friday afternoon in Fredericksburg, might be involved, as a witness saw such Virginia and the eighth took place yester- a vehicle speeding away from a Post of- day morning at 8:09, outside Benjamin fice parking lot on Thursday morning, Tasker Middle School in Bowie, MD. All where the fourth victim was shot. of these locations are within 60 miles of The six dead victims have been iden- each other. The victims in Fredericksburg tified as James D. Martin, 55, James L. and in Bowie were wounded but are in sta- Buchanan, 39, Prenkumar Walekar, 54, ble condition. The rest were killed. Sarah Ramos, 34, Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera, Police have not determined any facts 25, and Pascal Charlot, 72. The two survi- about the killer, or even been able to de- vors have not been identified, aged 43 and termine how many there are. They have 13. 4 Bandersnatch Opinion Multipurpose? More like Multi-Useless moving it around, and just before you the good computer lab are better then or so, eventually you would see me with can get it towards Internet Explorer, the the one I have at home. But I mean my hair sticking out in all directions icon vanishes. The computer then hums come on, I can understand budget prob- from the static coursing through me. David Fuzes again and the whole computer shuts off lems and the need to get donations and Granted not all of the computers run like Student and reboots itself. Talk about irritating! what not regarding computer equip- this, but for the ones that do, maybe That was my experience with the first of ment, but there is a limit. I can also see send someone up there to check them three computers I tried in the multipur- that the multipurpose lab is just for gen- out? And clear out the ones that don’t pose lab that day. The third didn’t seem eral things and I’m thinking it’s not used work so the school doesn’t end up hav- as often as the other ones are. So It all starts at 8:30 on a Friday to have enough memory to support ing ill-tempered students walking putting in computers that run O.K or morning. You walk into class and sit opening up the Internet and the screen around in the wee morning hours on a just fine is all great, but at least put in down tired and irritated as hell to have then totally fuzzed out on me. Friday. (Yes, to me the wee morning some that work? The buzzing noise to wake up that early, on a Friday of all Before anything is said about the hour’s end at about 11am) made me think that if I were to work with the damned things. Just as you sit down good computer labs, yes I went in and I the computer I was first on for an hour and stretch, cracking fingers and yawn- was impressed, heck the computers in ing away at least some of the sleep, your teacher walks in and tells you to get up. “This next assignment will be done in the computer lab, 2 floors up”. Stifling the urge to kill, you stand and follow the class up the long flight of stairs, push open the red staircase doors and turn to your right, walk down to the end and enter a small lab to the left. Computers occupy both walls and a small island in the middle. The class sits down and you follow suit, picking the computer desk that seems to have the most comfortable chair for 8:45 in the morning. The assignment is handed out and you read it. Start up Internet Explorer, go to the John Abbott web page and find your way to the Accueil section in Campus Plus Ad student activities, etcetera. So you flick the computer on and it starts buzzing a little bit. Not the normal sound you would hear from a computer but you think, "What the hell? As long as I get the work done". Windows starts up and then the buzzing sort of dulls down to an irritating hum, the loading proc- ess is still going so you wait a bit longer, maybe chat with a friend or just rifle through your belongings. Now here is where the fun starts: looking back at the screen, you hear a small click and the screen goes all fuzzy, the edges fraying just a bit and you can’t remotely see anything except for maybe the windows icon. You look around the room to see if you can get to another workstation but it’s all the way across the room and eve- ryone is between you and the compu- ter. Nearing 9 o’clock, you don’t par- ticularly feel like having to make your way through an obstacle course of your friends and classmates. You decide you can at least get the job done fast enough to leave. Guess what? That’s not even close to what’s going to hap- pen next. You take the mouse pad and shake it for a few seconds to get the mouse-ball to un-stick. Then, you start

IMPORTANT: The opinions ex- pressed on this page do not necessarily re- flect those of the Bandersnatch or any of its members.

Letters to the Editor and/or Opinion pieces may be addressed to [email protected] with ATTN:Editor-in- Chief written as the subject.

October 9th, 2002 5 C a m p u s L i f e

With Editor Amanda Hoogland Bandersnatch Elections LemonChallenge This year at club day many brave people pushed their tastebuds to the max and attempted the lemon challenge. The challenge was to eat half a lemon in as little time as possible. We would like to thank everyone who participated. Here are the results: Andrew Coté News Editor: Karen Gelsthorpe Editor-in-Chief 1-Andrew Coté 6secs 9-Josh Van Sprang 15secs Campus Life Editor: Amanda 2-Karen Gelsthorpe 9secs 10-Marc Nakhlem 19secs Hoogland 3-Sim Robitaille 10secs 11-Bob Menzies 20secs On Tuesday October 1st, 4-Ryan Broyere 10secs 12-Jason Doan 22secs Arts Editor: Jonathan Venne Bandersnatch members had their latest round 5-Melissa Rawlings 12secs 13-Suzanne Brunelle 26secs of elections. Due to a large amount of gradu- 6-Jessica van Leeuwenkamp 14.5secs Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Wendy ations last semester, many important execu- 7-Jeff Katz 15secs Smith tive positions were still empty at the be- 8-Natalie Gibb 15secs ginning of the year. In order to resolve this, Advertisement the Bandersnatch team worked hard the Manager: Naila first few weeks of school to recruit new Jinnah members and as a result, we have success- fully managed to fill up our entire execu- Games Page Listerine Challenge tive staff. Even though our executive staff Editors: Jeffrey is full, we are always looking for more writ- Katz & David Fuzes Another club day event at the Bandersnatch booth was the listerine challenge.Five ers, copy editors and people to help around extremely brave individuals attempted the listerine c h a l - the office. If you’re interested in our paper, Photographics lenge. They held a mouthful of yellow listerine in their feel free to drop by our office anytime in H- Coordinator: Josh mouth for as long as they could. Here are the results: 041 and we’ll be glad to introduce you to the Van Sprang 1-Josh Van Sprang 1hour!!! staff and find out how you can get involved. 2-Jason Doan 7mins 45secs During the coming year, the Bandersnatch 3-Virendre Masand 2mins43secs team will continue to fill up positions as they 4-Sabrina Caristo 1min open up, so now would be a good time to 5-Toina Lionessa 1sec get involved. Here is the make up of the new executive: SUJAC Club Day

with council representatives ready to notices to each of the clubs, and then Because of the vast array of in- Wendy Smith take questions from students, explain leave it up to them to decide whether to terests and viewpoints among Abbott’s Assistant Editor-in-Chief what the union does, and essentially, participate or not.” Abbott is home to many clubs, one may think that cram- describe how it services the student many diverse clubs covering socio-po- ming such diversity into one area would population. litical, religious, athletic, recreational, invite discord among the students. and cultural pursuits, but only about a However, Ferguson affirmed that CEGEP “SUJAC has always had a prob- dozen of them had set up a booth. students “are much more accepting of On Wednesday, October 2nd, the lem letting students know about it and Nonetheless, the Agora was packed each others’ beliefs.” He pointed out Student Union of John Abbott College the services it offers,” said Dan with curious students, music, and that during John Abbott’s Multicultural hosted its annual Club Day activity. Ferguson, council president. Club games that sometimes verged on the Week, students who come from coun- Groups of students from all corners of Day gives the organization a chance grotesque. tries that may be at war with one an- the school, from rock climbers to to interact with students and inform other work together and interact with breakdancers, gathered in the Agora to them about the basic procedures of The year’s “Fall Harvest” theme each other in peace, and even endeav- show what their club was all about, re- student government and how they can was reflected in much of the decor, and our to learn more about each other’s cruit new members, and host various get involved. some of the games - SUJAC even held a culture. contests and games. This year’s theme pumpkin-drawing contest. CSKY was “Fall Harvest.” “It’s pretty much run by the played their music, members of the Despite the obvious contrasts, students. There’s lots of planning in- breakdancing club demonstrated a few club members all had one thing in com- All day long, the Agora pulsed volved, but it’s spread out among a moves, and the Outdoor Adventure club mon: they were there to have fun and with excitement and activity, as the di- lot of people. Each of the clubs does had students climbing underneath the enlighten students about their clubs verse groups of students that form the its own thing,” explained Jill Gowdey, tables in the Agora. Students also par- and their passions. “It’s all for fun,” lifeblood of John Abbott College’s chairperson of Student Activities and ticipated in an interactive video dance laughed Gowdey. “It’s a chance for stu- unique identity came together. Enthu- advisor to SUJAC. “Once you add it game, as well as Bander’s Lemon and dents to show off what they’re up to.” siastic students crowded around booths all up, there’s quite a bit of work that Listerine challenges. Last but not set up by CSKY Radio, the Christian goes into it.” least, some Gamers participated in a Fellowship club, the Gamers' Club, Am- milk drinking contest (watching this nesty International, the Pagan club, the SUJAC played a major role in was not for the faint-of-heart - or stom- Muslim Students Association , the Out- organizing Club Day. “We usually ach.) door Adventure club, and many others. start setting up about two weeks in Of course, SUJAC itself was also there, advance,” said Ferguson. “We send 6 Bandersnatch Sexcapades with Alita Tralene

We’re now in the middle of Week Seven toning it down just yet). I can just hear the com- and wow... that’s halfway done the semester! Oh, ments flying now: “Light bondage?” “Ok, we wait, that means midterms are just around the knew she was a freak...”, etc but let me first define I used to watch a lot of television mentaries and streaming video. And it’s corner... That is if I had any (don’t you just hate what I mean by light bondage. It is not that leather- when I was younger, but back then I like news reporters aren’t trying people in the bo-bo programs?) Now before I go handcuff-ball-gag-whipping-until-your-flesh-is- was too young to realize how every- anymore, they used to show some bad on with the topic of this week I would like to raw stuff you see on Kink. Light means the much thing on television these days is crap. stories and some good stories, so that address an issue that was brought up at the pre- more people friendly version of it, faux-bondage There are only two shows I will actu- way people didn’t get too depressed. vious Bandersnatch meeting: apparently my col- if you will. It involves binding wrists together ally make time to watch; C.S.I and What was the last bit of good news umn is too offensive to some readers. After my (with something soft), blindfolding, maybe a bit Futurama, that’s it. To me, everything we’ve gotten lately? That little girl who initial response (which was “What do you ex- of spanking (whatever floats your boat), etc. This else is either a failed attempt to make a escaped from those kidnappers. Other pect from a sex column? If you don’t like it don’t may sound like a bit much to some people so sitcom or a TV series that has been run- than that the only thing we hear about read it.”) I realized that maybe I should take into only try it if you feel totally comfortable with it ning for way too long. When will some- is big corporations going bankrupt, consideration the public’s opinion and tone it (i.e. don’t let your significant other pressure you) one put “The Simpsons” out of their CEO’s going to jail, the stock market go- down a bit. Not that I ever found it offensive, I but on the whole it’s basically some harmless misery? ing down the shitter, terrorism running mean I have to go out of my way to use clinical role-playing. One of the few places a Dungeons rampant, and the Catholic priests run- terms and euphemisms and trust me, it’s not easy and Dragons loser can shine... (I’m totally kid- Sports: ning after boys as if they were teenage pulling that off without being redundant. You ding, I don’t mean that at all in fact I’m dating one girls. I live by the will never find a “dirty” word in my column (as right now and love him anyway). Just make sure I never was saying, “No news much as I’d love to get that printed). Of course I that you and your opposite can handle it. Figure much of a athletic per- is good news.” haven’t made a decision just yet, that wouldn’t out who’s going to be the submissive (one who son but I did enjoy Actually, I guess a be fair for only two to three people complained gets tied up) and who’s going to be the domi- playing sports with better quote would and all those who enjoyed the article didn’t say nant (one who’s in control). It may sound stupid my friends, not in a be “ignorance is anything because, well, if you like something do but do you really want to get all hyped up about league or anything bliss.” you go out of your way to say something? No, finally giving complete (pretend) control over to (other than the of course not, only if you didn’t. So this issue I’m your S.O., get all bound up (literally) and then softball league when I Reality- giving everyone a chance to respond either by have them turn to you after five minutes of un- was 12) I would play Based Television: email, [email protected], snail mail (just certain ministrations and ask what you want them just about any sport drop it off in the Bandersnatch office, H-041, right to do to you? I thought not. because it was fun and I used to be across from the Oval) or by word of mouth... Well I’m out of space... Next time I’ll ease exciting, but to watch a big fan of these That means tell me or a friend who knows me or up on the opening rant. Read me next time! sports on TV, to me, is kinds of shows, a Bandersnatchian. Stolen Quote of the Day: “It’s never a good the most boring thing until IRight- realized that That aside I will continue on with the topic sign when you’re tired before sex.” in the world. There’s they're NOT real- of the day: Light Bondage (I didn’t say I was no excitement, no adrenaline, no move- ity. Who gets stuck on a desert island ment! It’s like watchingeous a porno just Insanity for and has to play games to win stuff like the story. Sure, I can understand when food or a car? Who lives in a house for people watch the finals and semi finals 4 months with no contact with the out- since it’s when the players play their side world while they, once again, do best, but exhibition games is just an ex- games to win food or a car? How is that cuse to pay these players millions and reality? It’s not real, it’s spontaneous, millions of dollars. It’s amazing how sad it’s unscripted, but it’s not real, hell, if some players get when they come in we use those standards of judging second place. It’s not like they only get what’s reality based television, then paid if they win, now that would make “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?” should sports on television interesting. also be considered reality-based televi- sion. And it’s all we ever see these days Although watching team sports on television; we’ve had 4 survivors, 3 on television is dull, there’s nothing Big Brothers, 2 Moles, like 42 Real more mind numbing, brain melting, Worlds, 2 Amazing Races, and every poke-a-needle-in-my-eye-boring than other variations of these knock-offs. watching golf. There’s an old saying Here’s an idea, why don’t we just put that “Golf is a good walk spoiled.” Well, video cameras in everybody's house watching golf on TV is a good after- and everyone can just watch each Ad noon wasted. Did you ever notice they other! The best part would be that you always speak very softly whenever could watch your own life and never there’s a golf match on TV? You know realize that you are being watched since what? It’s not because the player needs you would be too out of touch with re- to concentrate, it’s because they know ality to notice that the fat ass sitting the viewers at home are asleep and on the couch eating the pork rinds and don’t want to wake them up. Budweiser is you.

The News:

I don’t like watching the news anymore; the fact that nothing positive is going on lately makes it hard to go on in life, so I don’t need to have it told to me 6 times a day with colour com-

October 9th, 2002 7 Righteous InsanityInsanity Not So Free Anymore pay for sending messages via msn? Amazing Grace David Newman Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. The prob- Staff Writer lem is that the general population only knows of the services that are advertised a with Kristen Rice great deal. Since advertising costs money, So, they just keep pushing for you the services have to pay off eventually for You have been saved by grace through sins because you were never perfect, and to purchase more mail space. Evil Microsoft the company or the services will be point- believing. You did not save yourselves; it was a I’m sorry to break it to you but you never it trying to make tons of money by charging less. It’s difficult for non-profit organiza- gift from God. It was not the result of your own will be. for their email service. They’ve been gradu- tions to get the word out about their great efforts, so you cannot brag about it. Grace is free for anyone who be- ally taking out features such as their POP new free email service. They don’t have the Hebrews 4:15-16 lieves. So what about all those things you support and now they're deleting copies of type of recourses that the big companies I have so often heard people say, “I know still do that make you not-so-perfect? Life is sent messages after 30 days. This one is have. I’m a good person, I’ll go to Heaven” or “I’m an ongoing spiritual battle. There will al- such a bad person anyway, why should I bother... really pissing people off. Don’t surrender ways be obstacles to conquer. There will Don’t pay for a service without look- I’ll never get to Heaven.” Although the people your credit card numbers; the battle isn’t always be something that you need to over- ing at the alternatives. There is most likely who say these things may lead very different over yet. There’s a way to get around this come. But God will know the nature of your something similar out there that is free. It lives (one may be a notorious drug dealer, while recent irritation. Copies of sent messages heart. He will see if you’re earnestly trying just takes a bit of searching. Of course, the the other volunteers at the food bank every will only be deleted if they’re in the “Sent to release yourself from your sins, or if you’re search engines might be in on it too. As week), there is still one thing that remains true for Messages” folder. The solution is as fol- just doing them because you know He’ll paranoid as this may sound, it’s true. Many both of them. Neither has even the slightest lows: Create a new folder within hotmail, forgive you anyway. He will also equip you search engines will place a website at the chance of getting into Heaven without the freely move your messages from the “Sent Mes- with the tools you need to win this spiritual top of their results list if they’ve been paid given Grace of God. sages” folder to the new folder and voila! battle, and be liberated from the shackles of to do so. If you’re not careful, they’ll blend It may be true that some people’s sins are The copies of your sent messages will no sin. in nicely with all the other results. The msn more obvious than others, but the Bible tells us longer be deleted. It’s pretty simple and it To get right down to the nitty-gritty search engine does this. The text that in- that ALL have fallen short of the glory of God. So works, at least for now. of it all, it doesn’t matter who you are, or forms the user that the link is that of a spon- if no one is spiritually healthy, then Heaven’s what you do. There is still only one thing It’s just not free like it used to be. We sor is small and is easily missed. If you don’t going to be a pretty vacant little place, right? that can get you into Heaven, and that is are being pressured more and more to pay look close enough you might click on a spon- WRONG. Grace through Jesus. Think about that the for online services. Services like free email sored link and another 15 cents goes their As seen above, Hebrews chapter 4 tells next time you put off becoming a Christian addresses and free web site hostings are be- way. Microsoft doesn’t need any more us that GRACE has saved us through believing. because you think you’re not “good enough coming more and more uncommon. The pur- money so I strongly suggest that you use We did not save ourselves!! It was not the result yet”. God will chisel away that which He pose of a company is to make money, there- some other search engine such as google. of many hours spent walking old ladies across does not like about you;all you have to do is fore they want to attract as many people as They do have sponsored links but they’re the street, or all those times you told the truth ask!! possible by giving away a service for free. placed far away from the results list and are when you didn’t want to; it was GRACE. If anyone wants to know more about When everyone is happy with the service, in coloured boxes that are easily distinguish- So how can you get your hands on some Grace, or if you have other questions I can they begin to charge for it and they make a able from the real content. of this Grace thing? Through accepting that Je- answer for you, please feel free to email me. large profit. Will we eventually have to sus paid a price that you could never pay. You [email protected] could never be a perfect sacrifice for everyone’s

Clydes AD

8 Bandersnatch Arts with editor Jonathan Venne Kicking Cacophony January Reason in the Balls! I can only hope that I've at least shaken Air Jonathan Venne some of the foundations most of you have, Arts Editor or at least that I've gotten you curious. Next Starshine time you question something, ridicule your- Staff Writer self. Most of us wander through life rationalizing every single event that Some Surrealist Games: Poet Knight occurs around us. We seek meaning Contributor Word Salad! behind everything. That kind of thinking 1 to X player game can really poison you. We've all had 1.Take a newspaper (like this one), cut out breakups where you try to explain what all the words of a page (anyone you like). Lying here alone exactly went wrong at what point or even It’s far too cold to go out tonight 2. Put the words into a hat. what was wrong with us that lead to Surrounded by all 3. Pick out words at random and glue them A cool breeze chills the January air seemingly fatal rejection. What good did onto another page. Keep doing this until So let us remain inside all that thinking do? Not much, you just This noise satisfied. drove yourself nuts. I'm not saying Within the air warmed by the TV’s 4. Read what you made. Electric buzz

thinking is wrong or that being rational is glow ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ unhealthy. What I'm trying to say is that ○○○○○○ The light is on But why watch the news those things aren't praramount. Look at Fumage Another sound Or that sad drama show the world around you. We live in a 1 Player Laugh at bad jokes or even machine that isn't made to produce Perceived 1. Light a candle until it smokes. beautiful individuals, but consumer- See who wins that cash 2. Place a piece of paper over the candle and robots. You're born, you go to school, you Another sound Why care for acting let thesmoke draw an image on the paper.

get a job by this point you're very Cacophony Or what happens elsewhere ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ unhappy because you never had a chance ○○○○○○ While we are protected from the cool to grow but you can't stop the cycle. You Definitions breeze have to work if you want to eat. You work 2 Players Lying in silence to eat and to make money to buy sh*t so That chills January Air you can forget you're not happy. What do 1. Player one writes a word on a piece of Surrounded by the The news talks about bloodshed you do at your job? you probably sell paper and folds it as to hide the word from Discord abroad useless shit to people who are just as player two. The dramas are stories of jealousy unhappy as you are or you support 2. Player two writes any sentence that Metallic clang The jokes single out ethnic groups people who do that. It's a brilliant self- comes to mind.

sustaining machine. This is the world for The radio's on The poor guy just lost a million bucks ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ which order, logic and reason werebuilt. ○○○○○○ Another sound So why watch the shows As a side note, I'm not an extremist in that Insomnia That makes us sad I hate these things as a whole. I hate them Perceived So why should our smiles because guns are everywhere prematurely 1 Player Be turned to frowns killing people I haven't had the chance to Another sound meet. I don't hate them because I have Cacophony Our tears of joy 1. Stay awake for as long as Can’t be forced into fears DVD's at home, that I can watch at my humanly possible. Then write or leisure. draw. While we are protected from the cool Ears strike breeze This is sounding political, I know, but 2. Sleep, wake up and enjoy the That chills January Air trust me, this belongs in the arts section. Constant ringing fruits of your self-inflicted insomnia. I'm going to tell you about a movement that Lets turn off the rest of life

focuses entierely on the ridicule and the op- Electric buzz And put on the warming music ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ position of the destruction brought on by ○○○○○○ Metallic clang Let’s turn up the volume a little bit so called "rationalism". Surrealism was born Please take my hand and dance with out of Dadaism which itself was a sort of Another sound Automatic Writing me anti-art that defied rational, normal think- Perceived ing. The horrors of World War I disgusted Let me taste your mouth 1 player game surrealists who blamed "rationalism" for Another sound Let me hear your heart guiding all of Europe into violence and war 1. This one of the most direct games. Feel the warmth of your breast unlike any other in history. Cacophony Simply take a piece of paper and write non- Upon my naked chest stop. Don't worry about syntax or punctua- Permit me to hold you Borrowing a lot of Freud's concepts, tion just write whatever comes to mind Surrealists believe that the unconscious Another sound Put my hand through your hair don't let yourself control what you write. mind is the womb by which all imagination Perceived While we are protected from the cool and creativity stems from. One of the goals breeze

is to access this subconscious and bring it Cacophony That chills January Air ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ out to the conscious. ○○○○○○ Ringing clear October 9th, 2002 9 McCormack Potential Kathleen Stanhope Hits Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Archive Editor plague-ridden shiploads of exotic animals, a Marc Nakhleh town populated by one-legged Scotsmen, The sky darkens as the Contributor ing man with a friendly demeanor. The fans and more. clouds thicken. were treated to a down-to-earth gentleman Even the might oak tree who fielded questions and seemed happy The idea for the book signing took bends its branches to the with the whole event, as were October 1st saw the arrival of Scot- form when a Penguin sales wind. his devotees. Fiction Book- tish-born author Eric McCormack to the representative who is an You stand in awe of the store certainly welcomed the town of Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue to conduct admirer of Mr. storm. publicity. a signing for his most recent novel. McCormack’s work spoke Its might is immense and to the publicist responsible absolute. Eric McCormack’s new- Professor McCormack, now teaching for looking after authors The wind whips the grass est novel, The Dutch Wife is English at St. Jerome’s College in Waterloo visiting Montreal. He told and scatters the the story of a Canadian author Ontario, was on hand at Fiction Bookstore the publicist about Fiction, unprotected dirt. who is struggling to complete to sign copies of his latest novel, The Dutch a new bookstore in St- The clouds move, faster, a book titled The Kilted Wife. It is his fifth publication. It was a Anne-de-Bellevue, where faster, ever faster. Cowpoke (a Western about small event, attracting 15 or so aficionados he could pass for a book A funnel is forming, Scottish ranchers who battle willing to take a bite out of their schedule at signing. The suddenness swirling, spinning. Apaches and feud among 11:00AM to meet with McCormack. His past of the invitation might ex- Its power is undeniable. themselves). He makes the ac- novels, including Inspecting the Vault and plain the small turnout for It’s hard to believe that quaintance of his new neigh- the most originally-titled First Blast of the the signing. Nevertheless, such a force of destruction bour, a lonely Renaissance Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment the event was hailed as a even exists. historian named Thomas of Women, have garnered many awards, success by Fiction Book- It’s harder to believe that Vanderlinden. Thomas is soon most notably a nomination for the Gover- store and all sides hailed it you are the one controlling hospitalized with a life-threat- nor General’s Award for Fiction. as a success. The book it. ening illness, and the narrator becomes cap- store gained much publicity, Eric McCormack They said you were special, tivated by what he discovers of his friend’s McCormack’s fans on hand were not met some of his Montreal followers and those but who knew you could do family history: a story that involves husband- disappointed. According to Pola Hallquist, same fans were treated to a good time. this. swapping, adventures in Peru and the South Fiction’s store manager, he is a very charm- Pacific, true love lost to the jaws of death,

Adam Stanhope Contributor 10 Bandersnatch Games Page

October 9th, 2002 11 Theory or Practice? Alabama Love Story Connolly’s two primary musical influences: she is also dating one of the city’s most Kathleen Stanhope the classic-rock of legends such as Led Zep- Meera Harper desirable bachelors, Andrew (Patrick Archive Editor pelin and the Doors and the “Seattle sound” Contributor Dempsey). Not only is he the mirror im- pioneered by artists such as Nirvana and age of the perfect man, he proposes to his For Tyler Connolly, Dave Brenner, Alabama princess in sheer romantic style. . “We just try to play the most ag- Let’s set the mood for my premier Dean Back, and Tim Hart, with a band like Then comes the twist. Carmichael imme- gressive music we can, but at the same time, viewing of “Sweet Home Alabama”. First Nickelback in their corner, odds are they’ll diately returns to her place of birth, Sweet we try to be melodic and come across to as of all, I’m downtown at the A.M.C. sur- be pretty successful as a band. Those of Home Alabama, to attempt to divorce her many people as possible,” Connolly said. rounded by a surplus of you out there who don’t like Nickelback, high school sweetheart, “We want to appeal to 16-year-old girls as Dawson debutantes. Creed, or Default (another Vancouver band Jake (Josh Lucas). All well as 35-year-old guys.” Estrogen fills the air as Chad Kroeger is credited with discovering), she needs to get Jake to The 26-year-old Connolly realizes the the doors open. Once chances are you won’t like Theory of a do is sign on the dotted role that luck has played in the band’s suc- inside, a host informs Deadman. That’s not to say that you will line, which, of course, cess. Back in 1999, as Nickelback was fast the audience of prizes not like them, their does have a ‘pa- Jake refuses to do. becoming one of Canada’s most popular that may in fact be hid- rental advisory explicit content’ warning on This is a classic bands, he just happened to show up at a den under our seats. the cover, but I would definitely put the story of a young woman party in his native Vancouver that was also Big mistake. What fol- sound and style of their music in the same seeking her place in an attended by Kroeger. A mutual friend intro- lows? A crazed herd of box as Nickelback, Creed, and Default. ever growing society. duced the two. “Chad’s probably heard it a mad, obsessive teenag- Now according to the artist biography She’s torn between two billion times—’Oh yeah, my friend’s in a ers scrambling around press release (from which I will be getting worlds: one being the band,”’ Connolly says. “I’m sure he rolled the theatre, jumping most of my info about the band), Theory of simplistic country life his eyes and he went, ‘Yeah, yeah’. But he over seats, and for a Deadman singer/guitarist Tyler Connolly and the other being, listened to our demo and said he really liked what? Are you ready for realizes that things are going pretty well for well how else can I put it.” So it seems quite natural that Theory Of this? A t-shirt. If that his band these days. After all, this Vancou- it, New York. Through A Deadman would be the first signing to the wasn’t bad enough, the ver group’s self-titled debut will serve as the drunken masquerades, label, 604 Records launched by Kroeger and audience, unfortunately flagship release for 604 Records, the new small town festivals, his attorney, Jonathan Simkin. “Through their (let me stress that word) including myself, imprint/ co-founded by and the sometimes uncomfortable meet- production company, they shopped us to got a great view of a young women’s butt Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger. In addi- ings with old friends, Carmichael begins some major labels,” Connolly says. “Out of crack as she struggled to unhinge herself tion, Connolly contributed guitar work to to realize what she truly needs to be happy. all the labels we talked to, the band thought from a seat. I was literally praising the Kroeger’s mega-hit “Hero,” from the plati- With a mix of New York humour, served to the best one was Roadrunner/Universal, so skies when the curtains finally opened. num Spider-Man soundtrack, while Theory us by New York’s Mayor (Candice we ended up signing with them” (604 has Melanie Carmichael (Reese of a Deadman’s “Invisible Man” served as Bergen), a hint of sadness (a key ingredi- since entered into an imprint deal with Witherspoon) is a young woman trying to the b-side to the “Hero” single and is also ent to almost every modern flick) and a Roadrunner/Universal). find the perfect life. She’s originally a included on the Spider-Man soundtrack. wave of romance, we are escorted through I think that this is a really promising small town girl, from Alabama, trying to The ten songs on Theory Of A “Sweet Home Alabama”. band, provided that they do not get played live up to almost every female’s prepu- Deadman showcase a guitar-based, har- to death on the radio causing everyone who bescent dream: becoming a fashion de- mony-rich, post-grunge sound equally rep- hears them or their name to cringe in over- signer in one of the hottest cities, New resentative of singer/guitarist Tyler play pain. York. Let’s add another piece to the pie -

around Jason’s soul-searching words. sel”. “We had more freedom to experi- Obviously, since it is the same Lively Lifehouse ment,” says Sergio. “We knew what to singer, the voice is the same. But tones Naila Jinnah The first single of the CD, “Spin”, expect this time. We understood how the can vary and that’s not the case when Ads Manager portrays a newly acquired confidence process worked. That allowed us to comparing “No Name Face” to “Stanley that only success can take more charge of Climbfall”. We find the same vocal vari- prompt. As with things and focus on ations and hear the same types of vi- Lifehouse sounds like... Lifehouse most bands, how to really make bratos. As “No Name Face” producer After watching their debut album Lifehouse’s second this our own.” puts it, “We set out to pin- achieve double-platinum status, the al- CD is a step beyond All I can say is point the individuality of the band. We ternative/pop group Lifehouse has re- “No Name Face”. that they succeeded. kept it simple so you could hear the leased their new album entitled “Stanley This time, more mem- “Stanley Climbfall” purity and edge that voice and strength Climbfall”. As with their past album, bers of the band par- sounds exactly like of those songs.” “No Name Face”, the lyrics of all the ticipated in the crea- “No Name Face”, in All this writer can say is that songs are very deep and inspiring. tion process. Al- general. Every song, sometimes, simplicity doesn’t sell well. They play around with both concrete though Jason’s crea- taken alone is great. People love to hear Lifehouse songs, and abstract ideas, showing the meta- tive principles remain We see the effect of because each of them expresses a com- physical perplexity that Lifehouse fans a cornerstone of experience in “Spin” mon feeling in society. But no one is have come to love. As , the Lifehouse’s material, and “Wash”, and the going to buy a one-track CD. “Stanley lead singer-guitarist and main song- this time bassist distinctive guitar Climbfall” comes from the principle that writer puts it: “I’ve come to grips with Sergio Andrade and drummer Rick sounds of “Anchor” are definitely spe- to get to where you want to be, you the fact that pretty much every song I Woolstenhulme were more fully inte- cial. However, we still find that acous- stand, climb, fall - and hopefully get write is going to be inspired by my be- grated into the overall sound, putting a tic reverie in “Empty Space” that we back up again. liefs.” more robust flesh-and-blood structure first encountered in “Sick Cycle Carou- 12 Bandersnatch 1 Hour of Madness Movie Quote Quiz the hundreds of pictures he keeps, which Bob Menzies are his most prized possessions. The pic- Shawn Robertson 4. Teenagers! You give them an Donny Osmond Stalker tures, too, are representative of his life in Antifloccinaucinihilipilificationist inch, they swim all over you. that they are flat and lifeless. They are scenes Robin Williams’ name is most com- from other people’s lives, lives of which he Well, I was 5. Monkey monly associated with comedy, as most peo- wants to be a part, but can’t. Probably the going to put a movie drinking master’s ple know. His dramatic acting, while not as most powerful element in the movie is the quotes quiz here wine. well known, is just as impressive, in films fact that there is almost no comic relief. There written by the incom- like “What Dreams may Come” and “Good is only one intentionally funny line in the parable Jason Doan 6. Hey you! Will Hunting”. Those of us who have movie, and it’s near the beginning. Normally and his girlfriend Stop kicking that watched “One Hour Photo” can say that this would be a bad thing, but it only adds to Melissa Rawlings. mackerel. they’ve seen an entirely new side of Robin the movie, because it reinforces the dry, se- Unfortunately, fate Williams: downright creepy. rious feel that the film conveys. There are was against me and 7. Why does she “One Hour Photo” is the story of also symbols inserted throughout the movie: someone managed to even have that lever? Sy Parrish, a photo technician at a one hour a blank photograph lying on the floor, a dream misplace the disk that development studio, played by Williams. of bleeding eyes, a roll of film filled with pic- it was on. I have 8. Show me what Having lived a lonely and sad life, he takes tures of everyday objects. They give a real therefore taken it you know. comfort in the photos he develops, learning air of surrealism to the movie. upon myself to create about the families featured: their names, their This movie was written and directed my own quiz for you 9. You’re only in pastimes, everything. He attaches himself to by Mark Romanek, who, until recently, made wonderful people. trouble if you get the Yorkin family in particular, imagining him- his living directing music videos for artists Jay, I apologize in caught. self within their photos, as part of their fam- such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, Nine advance for my poor ily. The movie really kicks off when Sy dis- Inch Nails, and David Bowie. substitute. Without 10. You didn’t covers that the Yorkin family, to which he so Williams’ acting is, as usual, excel- further ado, Shawn Robertson’s kung say no PURPLE dragons. wants to belong, may not be as perfect as lent. He’s very calm, quiet and overall unlike fu/disney movie quotes quiz. the pictures they take would suggest. any character he’s ever portrayed. He gives 11. You ain’t the only one with The movie depends greatly on at- an incredible impression of being a sad, 1. And so he walked through the quick hands. mosphere. Right from the beginning, the lonely, pitiable old man with a life behind wilderness… And sometimes movie has a very sterile feel: the white walls him that many would say is not worth living. drove. 12. Do not think. Feel. of the photo lab are disinfected and impos- He even looks completely different. He’s able sibly clean, like the walls of a mental insti- to make the viewer forget every movie he’s 2. Crazy Yanks! 13. *cat-like screeching sound* tute. Like his personal life, they are bare and ever starred in and focus entirely on this one. very plain. His apartment, too, is representa- “One Hour Photo” is a great movie. 3. Give me back my comb. 14. Boards don't hit back. tive of his life: empty and bland, except for

course, even if they weren’t there would The TV Toilet be the fact that many of these shows Concert found. “Friends” is finally ending thank illustrate that many of us seem capable Shawn Robertson the stars above. It’s not that I minded it of watching anything. Accident Waiting to Happen at first but really the concept did not I myself have satellite and I can hold out all that long and the past safely say that the majority of the things Listings So I’ve concluded that I no couple have seasons have been a available through this device are things which I will never watch. From obscure longer understand television. I mean, at garbage dump the likes of which you Shawn Robertson sports events (lumberjack competitions) first I just disliked the majority of shows won’t see outside of SNL’s last half- Copy Monkey on television but I figured that was hour. To those of you who didn’t agree to the seemingly endless procession of with the last part, that’s cool. It is where “Trading Spaces” available on so many normal in this day and age given the fact Wed 10/09/02 they put all of their lesser sketches channels. Not that I have anything that some many new shows come into Junior Watson, Cafe Campus existence each season and against the latter but there are only two shows that I have Fri 10/11/02 most of them are rushed. I The Tragically Hip, Place des Arts understood that often writers found myself capable of watch- ing for hours at a time, the Sat 10/12/02 were forced to compromise Amon Tobin, Club Soda their ideas or churn out tons of “Simpsons” and “Kids in the Hall”. So I spend a lot of time Andrew WK, Le Spectrum new ones all the time. I saw it The Tragically Hip, Place des Arts happening to the “Simpsons” watching Scream, Comedy Network, Action, Showcase, Disrupture, The Zest in recent years but I learned to Mon 10/14/02 accept it since it has been on Space, and Teletoon. Most of the channels that seem really The Mooney Suzuki, Cabaret forever and most of the best Fishbone, Cafe Campus writers moved to “Futurama,” worthwhile you have to pay extra for anyway, which leads Alexisonfire, Cafe Linco at least in my opinion. Tue 10/15/02 I’m still confused as to me to believe that the cable company does indeed know Hot Water Music, Rainbow how Mike Bullard got a show, Wed 10/16/02 much less how he managed to what people want but they prefer to make even more Dashboard Confessional, Metropolis keep it for as long as he has. Thu 10/17/02 though since they want their best stuff money off of people. This is perfectly The man is an obnoxious blowhard with Billy Bragg, Club Soda to be out in front to pull people in. understandable in and of itself since no redeeming values and yet he gets a Fri 10/18/02 Not to really change the subject they are a company and it is their choice spot in the Comedy Network’s Rush, Bell Centre here but one trend which I absolutely business to make money. The real line-up while the delicious genius of Sat 10/19/02 cannot stand is reality tv. Even if it problem comes when they throw the free “Dennis Miller Live” is trapped in the Dr. Tom’s Leather, Yellow Door weren’t for the fact that most of these crap at us knowing full well that people graveyard shift on Saturdays. This is Mon 10/21/02 shows are just lame knock-offs of each will come to enjoy it if it’s all they know. the sort of thing which I utterly fail to Cyndi Lauper, Bell Centre other I would still find them to be comprehend. Reel Big Fish, Metropolis For God’s sake! “Everybody atrocious. You see, I have this sneaking Loves Raymond” is STILL on the air and suspicion that many of these “reality” yet “Family Guy” is nowhere to be based shows are in fact staged. Of October 9th, 2002 13 The Small, Skilled Beast from the East the first face-off this year. Saku will be enter- full season of playing. Richard Zednik also of him, he wouldn’t have to be invincible ing his eighth season, and while he has yet enjoyed a minor breakout season, emerging every night. Markov, Brisebois and Dykhuis Erik Leijon to have the career year that pundits expected as a pesky scoring forward with size, some- will give up the puck... often. Andrei and Staff Writer him to have by now, he is our cog on of- thing the team desperately needs. We as- Patrice have to make the powerplay work in fence. With him in the lineup, we can roll out sume he is only going to improve, but Rich- order to get their ice time. Rookie Ron Despite my admiration and thorough two able scoring lines: Audette-Koivu- ard has shown signs of greatness in the past, Hainsey may also see some point work on enjoyment of the CFL season, the NFL sea- Czerkawski and Zednik-Gilmour-Petrov/ only to wrap it around bouts of inconsistent the PP, but other than that don’t expect him son, the baseball post-season and the Ryder Perreault. His creativity with the puck should play. Either way, he will be counted on to to play twenty minutes a night. Craig Rivet Cup, there really is no comparison when it dramatically help our anaemic offence; as provide offence and to play physical hockey. was rewarded a gargantuan contract exten- comes to the dropping of the puck and the well as our powerplay, which was in the bot- The rest of the team’s offensive forwards all sion, but other than last year he’s seen the beginning of the NHL season. Seeing the tom half of the league, and even worse than came out of the same box. Small, skilled, fee- sick ward more than Angelina Jolie’s adopted newly resigned Ron MacLean and Don two years ago. Plus, a team needs its captain ble and prime gamey flesh for big baby. With Robidas and Bouillon gone, a Cherry after the summer hiatus is like being on the ice, even if the team is made mostly of defenceman these players are. Petrov, Rivet injury could be devastating, seeing as reunited with an old friend. Seeing the newly veterans. All of this hinges on the health of Audette, Czerkawski and Perreault can score, we still have Traverse on the bench. umm... designed Pat Quinn lambasting the Saku, who unfortunately prior to last year's but none of them will be able to work their Everything went perfect last season referees again will remind me of all that was experience, was having a terrible time stay- quick hands if Hal Gill is beating them in the in order for us to make the playoffs and to missing during those long summer months. ing out of Dr. David Mulder’s office. His corner. That’s what Randy McKay, Chad eliminate the Bruins. The habs are an im- Most importantly though, I get to see 20 play- knees have to stay together, and unfortu- Kilger and Bill Lindsay are for. These trench proved team this year, but everything has to ers blazing down the ice, the CH stitched on nately, they never have before. men must be willing to fight for the puck in go right again for us to have success. To- their sweaters. The team doesn’t stop at Saku, hockey no-man’s-land (the corners) and take ronto, Boston, Ottawa, Long Island and New After last season’s shocking playoff though, as this team made the playoffs with- the beatings that Donald and Mariuz can’t. Jersey are all worse this year, so that is defi- run, nos Glorieux will be hard pressed to equal out him in the lineup. Doug Gilmour reneged We know that McKay and Lindsay will work nitely a good start. their alarming amount of success from a sea- on his retirement plans and played as if he hard, but Kilger has been an enigma since I’m out. son ago. If anything, they will be more con- wasn’t a 39-year old for the second half of being a first round draft choice by Anaheim. fident this October 9th as opposed to last. the season. He is old though and his days of It goes without saying that Jose is This year, captain Saku Koivu will be taking offence production could slow down after a great, but if he had a great defence in front Bandersnatch NHL pool Defenseman Team Centre Team Winger Team ___Niklas Lidstrom Detroit ___Joe Sakic Colorado Nick Mumme ___Bill Guerin Dallas ___Rob Blake Colorado ___Peter Forsberg Colorado ___Keith Tkachuk St. Louis ___Scott Niedermayer New Jersey Hockey Pool Organiser ___Mike Modano Dallas ___Mark Recchi Philadelphia ___Sandis Ozolinsh Florida ___Mario Lemieux Pittsburgh ___Daniel Alfredsson Ottawa ___Chris Pronger St. Louis The Bandersnatch NHL hockey pool ___Eric Lindros New York ___Ziggy Palffy L.A. ___Sergei Gonchar Washington will count for the regular season only. It is ___Mats Sundin Toronto ___Brendan Shanahan Detroit ___Brian Leetch New York free to enter. No money or prizes are awarded, ___Alexei Yashin New York ___Todd Bertuzzi Vancouver just the chance to have the pride of being Defenseman Team the #1 hockey mind at Abbott. The top 25 Centre Team Winger Team ___Al MacInnis St. Louis leaders of the pool will be posted in each ___Jason Allison L.A. ___John LeClair Philadelphia ___Eric Desjardins Philadelphia issue of Bandersnatch. ___Doug Weight ST. Louis ___Tony Amonte Phoenix ___Bryan McCabe Toronto Rules: The entry form is due at the ___Sergei Federov Detroit ___Pavol Demitra St. Louis ___Brian Rafalski New Jersey Bandersnatch office (H-041) by Wednesday, ___Jeremy Roenick Philadelphia ___Petr Sykora Anaheim ___Teppo Numminen Phoenix October the 16th. A person may enter a maxi- ___Joe Thorton Boston ___Owen Nolan San Jose ___Sergei Zubov Dallas mum of 2 entry forms. After a person has ___Ron Francis Carolina ___Martin Straka Pittsburgh ___Ed Jovonoski Vancouver handed in his entry form, he may not change ___Adam Oates Anaheim ___Glen Murray Boston Ed's Note his picks. Pick one player from each group Defenseman Team by marking an X next to his name. Pick one Centre Team Winger Team ___Roman Hamrlik New York player from each group. ___Pierre Turgeon Dallas ___Peter Bondra Washington ___Derek Morris Colorado Points: The point system in this pool ___Saku Koivu Montreal ___Simon Gagne Philadelphia ___Janne Niinimaa Edmonton is simple. For players, one point is awarded ___Joe Nieuwendyk New Jersey ___Mariusz Czerkawski Montreal ___Wade Redden Ottawa for each goal or assist. For goaltenders, two ___Radek Bonk Ottawa ___Milan Hejduk Colorado ___Adam Foote Colorado points are awarded for a win, while one point ___Alexei Zhamnov ___Dany Heatly Atlanta ___Oleg Tverdosky New Jersey is awarded for a tie. The person with the ___Craig Conroy Calgary ___Alexander Mogilny Toronto ___Boris Mironov Chicago highest sum of points will win the pool. ___Vincent Damphousse San Jose ___Temmu Selanne San Jose Good luck, and have fun! Goaltender Team Winger Team Winger Team ___Patrick Roy Colorado Please fill out this form in block let- ___Pavel Bure New York ___Sergei Samsonov Boston ___Marty Turco Dallas ters: ___Jarome Iginla Calgary ___Marian Hossa Ottawa ___Curtis Joseph Detroit Last name:______Patrik Elias New Jersey ___Chris Drury Calgary ___Jose Theodore Montreal First name:______Jaromir Jager Washington ___Brett Hull Detroit ___Martin Brodeur New Jersey Phone number:______Alexei Kovalev Pittsburgh ___Ilya Kovalchuk Atlanta ___Roman Cechmanek Philadelphia E-mail address:______Paul Kariya Anaheim ___Theo Fleury Chicago ___Evgeni Nabokov San Jose Pool nick name:______Markus Naslund Vancouver ___Ryan Smyth Edmonton ___Ed Belfour Toronto 14 Bandersnatch MEN’S RUGBY UNBEATEN and a touchdown. The John Abbott rugby team pushed ISLANDER TENNIS START WITH A their record to 4-0 following a 28-13 win over Scoreboard WIN previously unbeaten Dawson College on Sun- The tennis Islanders came out victori- day. ous in the first match of the season winning 5-2 Simon Drolet scored 2 tries and Julien recorded the shutout. The Islander basketball opened their 2002- against Dawson. It was a promising start for a Ireson-Valois and Mark Englehardt added one FLAG FOOTBALL SWEEPS 3 03 season with a pair of exhibition wins over AA team filled with talented rookies and experienced each. Matt Degraff was good on all four con- The flag football team had a big week last teams. On Friday they hammered Trois-Rivieres veterans. The victory marks the 40th consecu- versions. week winning all 3 games. The ladies remain un- 100-62. Joey Ranjitsingh led the way with 20 points tive match the Islanders have won over the last FOOTBALL WINS IN RIMOUSKI defeated (6-0) with wins over Maisonneuve (20- and Simon Salois chipped in 14 points and Jason 5 years. The Islander football team (4-1) overcame 12), Montmorency (45-6), and 2001 champs St. Ratchelous and Nigel Peters each had 13. The Islanders came through with a 11-4 a tough bus drive to shutout Rimouski 47-0 on Jean (38-22). Against Maisonneuve, QB Gen On Sunday afternoon the Isles defeated win in sets. The top 2 male singles players, J-F Sunday before 2800 fans. The Isles led 26-0 af- Sauve completed 14 of 16 passes for 202 yards, 2 Heritage College 124-69. Ratchelous had a career Talbot and Gabi Batz crushed their opponents ter the first quarter and 40-0 at half time before TD’s and 2 interceptions. Kim Fletcher had 2 TD’s high 27 points and Jason Cheevers had 13. with an identical score of 6-0,6-1. The top female Chris Adeyefa returned the second half kickoff including a sensational diving catch in the end WOMEN’S BASKETBALL WINS singles player, Sylvie Von Werder, fought hard, 92 yards for a touchdown. It was Adeyefa’s zone at the end of the first half. On Friday night the Lady Islanders ran but lost her match 5-7,7-6,2-6. In #2 singles for third TD of the game and his 9th of the year. He Running back Marie-Noel Neauloeu con- their early season record to 2-0 following a 68-63 women, Jessica Bichai lost a tough match 6-2,6- only carried the ball 7 times for 126 yards. nected with Alex Marcotte for the other Islander win over league rival Trois-Rivieres. The Lady 3. Overall the Isles had 282 yards on the major. Marcotte had 4 catches for 73 yards and a Isles led 35-34 at halftime. In doubles action, the team of captain ground and 193 in the air. They used 4 2-point convert. Fletcher had a great game with 7 Maria Jaworski led the way with 10 points Rob D’Amico and Marc Cordahi won their quarterbacks in the game. Scott Syvret com- catches for 113 yards. and Christine Ford and Catherine Parent had 9 match 6-1,6-2 while the #2 team of Sasha Zaib pleted 3 of 6 passes for 70 yards and a touch- Defense played well holding a tough each. and John Franquet won their match in 3 sets 6- down (J.F. Richer-Desjardins), Mike McNair was Maisonneuve offense. They were driving at the MEN’S VOLLEYBALL IN LEAGUE PLAY 2,4-6,6-2. In women’s doubles, the team of cap- good on 3 of 6 passes for 68 yards and a touch- end of the fourth quarter but the girls held on. Men’s volleyball team finished their first tain Sara de Bruijn and Katherine Marchut won down (Sam Philibert), Andrij “Jerry” Ferguson Beaulieu had 7 flags, Amanda Davidson had 4 league tournament with a 2-2 record in St. Jerome. their match 7-5 and 6-2. was 4 of 9 for 38 yards and 1 interception and flags, 1 knockdown, and 1 interception, Bettyna They started with victories over Lionel-Groulx WOMEN’S SOCCER UNBEATEN Tim Mironowicz completed 2 of 5 passes for 17 Marcel had 5 flags and 2 knockdowns, and Sauve (25-12, 25-13) and Champlain St. Lambert (25-22, The Lady Islander soccer team, remained yards. had 8 flags, 2 knockdowns and 2 interceptions 15-25, 15-13), and then lost to league power- unbeaten and ranked number 2 in Canada, fol- Newcomer Gabe Gozlan led the Islander both in the end zone. Rusher Alicia Suchorski houses St. Jean (23-25, 19-25) and Maisonneuve lowing a key 2-0 win over Dawson (#14 in defense with 8 tackles and 2 sacks and a forced had a great game with 4 QB sacks. (18-25, 23-25). Canada) on the road on Sunday. Maia Lawson fumble, and Tom Kuchiran, who leads the league In the first of 2 home games on Saturday, Outstanding contributions came from 1st and Laura Giove scored the goals while Melissa in tackles, had 5.5. Dave Timmons had an inter- the Islanders handed Montmorency a football year middle blocker William Healy with 12 kills, Morgan played well in the Lady Islander net. ception and 4.5 tackles. lesson beating them 45-6. Sauve completed 18 of and 7 stuff blocks and captain Sandy Thomson ISLANDER SOCCER FIT TO BE TIED GOLF TEAM FINISHES SECOND 22 passes for 208 yards, 4 TD’s, 5 converts, and 3 with 23 kills, 2 aces and 6 digs. The Islander soccer team traveled to Que- The Islander golf team struggled on Sun- interceptions. She also rushed for an Islander WOMEN’S HOCKEY bec City on Saturday where they played F.X. day in Granby and came home with silver med- TD. Sauve hit Suchorski, Fletcher (2), and The Lady Islanders dropped a 4-3 deci- Garneau to a scoreless draw. The Isles are now als. Heading into the final round they had a 3 Marcotte for TD’s. Marie Andree Cloutier, Fletcher, sion to St Mary’s University on Sunday at 2-1-1 and are tied for first place. shot lead but St-Lawrence from Quebec City and Marcotte all scored conversions as well. Concordia University. Mary Maglieri scored 2 Rookie Keeper Paul Bajsarowicz played had a huge day and won by 16 strokes. Benoit Erin Wiltshire had 5 catches for 50 yards. goals and Amanda McKay added 1. very well in recording his first shutout of the Gordon from Edouard-Montpetit shot 66 to win Defensively the Isles were near perfect. Jen On Friday they lost 3-2 to St-Laurent in a season. the tournament and St-Lawrence had the next 4 Robinson had 5 flags and 2 knockdowns, league game. WOMEN’S RUGBY UNBEATEN players with a combined 2 under par. Davidson had 3 flags and 2 knockdowns, and GOLF TEAM SURGES TO THE FRONT The Lady Islanders pushed their league Mitchell Vaughan was the best Islander Sauve had 1 interception. Lauren Burns had 4 The Islander golf team had a very strong record to 2-0 following a 48-0 win over St-Lam- with a 75, Jerome Cavanagh and Patrick Chabot flags including one for a running back loss, 1 showing in Sorel on Sunday and have moved bert on Sunday. Marie-Dardel, Genevieve both shot 76, Joel Patch was 78, and Justin knockdown, and 1 interception, which she ran 10 from 4 shots down to 6 shots ahead. They will Turcott, Emma Stevens, Leah Robbins, Laura Crowder was 79. yards back for a TD. Marcotte had 2 QB sacks play their final round this Sunday in Granby. Belvedere and Jen Jackson all scored trys while Gordon won the overall individual title In a big game on Sunday, the Isles handed James Weisman fired a 1-under par 71 (34- Chelsea Privee added 6 conversions. with a 3 round total of 214 and Cavanagh was St. Jean their first loss of the season. Sauve com- 37), Joel Patch was 72 (34-38), Mitchell Vaughan MEN’S RUGBY ROLLING second with 218. Krista Bulow finished third in pleted 28 of 37 passes for 321 yards, 5 TD’s, 1 72 (35-37), Jerome Cavanagh 74 (36-38), Patrick The Islander rugby team is still unbeaten the women’s division. convert, and 3 interceptions. Suchorski had 2 Chabot 75 (39-36) and Giovanni Mazzaferro was after a 83-3 win over St-Lambert at home on Both St-Lawrence and John Abbott will TD’s including 1 she ran 55 yards on a ten-yard 77 (40-37). Sunday. Dean deGraff and flanker Aaron Graham now participate in the 2002 CCAA National pass. Marcotte, and Allison Yeldon each had a ISLANDER FOOTBALL TIED FOR 1ST each scored 3 tries in the game and were se- Championships in Oshawa, Ontario starting on TD, as did Karine Tait who had a big catch in the PLACE lected as Players of the Game. Wednesday. last play of the first half for a TD. Fletcher caught The John Abbott Islander football team WOMEN’S HOCKEY WINS OVER WOMEN’S SOCCER WINS 3 MORE 10 passes for 82 yards. Wiltshire had 5 catches moved into a tie for first place following a 21-18 DAWSON The Lady Islanders continued their drive for 47 yards. win over Andre-Grasset on Saturday. The 3-1 Is- The Lady Islanders are 2-0 following a 6- to the national championships with 3 more wins Defensively the ladies came up big when landers are now tied with Montmorency and 4 win over Dawson at home on Friday night. this past week. They are now 7-0 in league play, it counted. Burns had 4 flags and 1 knockdown; Andre-Grasset. The game was tied at 1-1 after 2 periods before ranked number 2 in Canada and have outscored Sauve had 2 flags, 1 knockdown and 1 intercep- Led by the strong play of linebacker Tom the offensive outburst in the third period. their opponents 31-0 in 7 league games. On tion, which she ran back 65 yards for a TD. Kuchiran (10 tackles) and Aalim Payne (6.5 tack- Vanessa Davidson and Mary Maglieri Wednesday they blanked Dawson 3-0 at the Marcotte scored another sack. les and a fumble recovery), the Islanders defense each scored 2 goals while singles went to new Catalgona Soccer Plex in Lachine, site of WOMEN’S RUGBY UNBEATEN played very well. The score was 7-0 for the Isles Tawnya Danis and Christina Smith. the CCAA National Championships, Novem- The women’s rugby team played Dawson after 1 quarter, 7-6 at half time and 21-18 after 3 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL WINS ber 6-9. Sarah Chan, Catherine Scott and Laura on Sunday to determine who would be the last quarters. Louis-Pierre Clement and Steve Holness OPENER Giove all scored goals. undefeated team in the league. Abbott drew first each had interceptions. The Lady Islander basketball team, un- On Saturday they beat St-Lambert 4-0 as blood early in the game on a try by Melissa Running back Chris Adeyefa had a big der the direction of new Head Coach Robert Jen Scanzano, Maia Lawson, Corey Faubert and Hairabedian. Dawson responded with a try day with 27 carries for 148 yards. The Islanders Ferguson, won their opening game of the sea- Chelsea Baylis scored the goals. Scanzano had shortly after. Hairabedian scored another try had a balanced attack with 156 yards on the son, 59-51 over Grant MacEwan College from 2 goals and Stephanie Chacon and Lawson each around the 20-minute mark, but the Blues came ground and 160 in the air. Quarterback Scott Syvret Edmonton, Alberta. After falling behind 11-2 in had 1 in a 4-0 win over Dawson at home on back again to tie the game 10-10 at the half. was good on 8 of 15 passes for 160 and 2 touch- the early going the Lady Isles led 27-24 at half Sunday. The second half was, again, a tightly downs and he also scored on a 1-yard keeper. time. MEN’S SOCCER BEATS ST-LAMBERT fought battle, but Hairabedian managed to put The Islanders did not have any turnovers. No one scored in double figures but The men’s soccer team is now 3-1-1 after two more in, with Chelsea Priv_e converting one. Slotback Sam Philibert had 3 catches for Shannah Ernest and Catherine Parent each had a 1-0 win over St-Lambert on Saturday. Nick The final score would be: Abbott 22, Dawson 10. 82 yards and a touchdown and a 2-point conver- 8 points and Eleanor Tweddell and Marie-Eve Hainault scored the only goal and Marco Maiolo MEN’S BASKETBALL WINS 2 sion and Darren Costello 2 catches for 63 yards Poliquin added 7 each.

October 9th, 2002 15