where each individual baby bird is residential development. This Month at The Hut recognised by the parents; distress calls; The proposal would see a swathe of The new Management Committee has more elaborate songs to declare territory Eucalyptus sieberi woodland along the had its first Tuesday night meeting and a and to attract a mate; mimicry—we all ridgeline of Narrow Neck Road destroyed. great year is predicted. Emphasis will be know about the superb mimicry of the The understorey in this woodland contains placed on education, to help residents to Superb Lyrebird, but at least 57 specimens of Persoonia acerosa which is appreciate the wonderful natural assets that Australian birds use mimicry as part of restricted and vulnerable (2VC, Briggs & we have in the Blue Mountains. their song, including the silvereye and the Leigh, 1988). It is also an important Environmental books will be purchased for brown thornbill. extension of habitat for the large diversity Blue Mountains libraries. There will be a Guest speaker at the May General of birds found in Katoomba Falls Creek concentrated membership drive to attract Meeting will be Paul Curtis of Intelife who Valley, which forms a significant new people who are concerned about the will talk about the Wentworth Falls quarry migration corridor between the forests of Blue Mountains natural environment into project, environmental display centre. the Jamison and Grose Valleys. The the society. proposal would also involve extension of Ron Wheeler has agreed to act as our From the Mailbag fairways into the hanging swamp/ second representative at bushfire meetings Our Society is an associate member of woodland community in the north-east of where he’ll be able to contribute his The Australian Conservation Foundation. the golf course land. expertise in a non-voting capacity. The ACF holds regular activities to which The Friends’ opposition to The Society will participate in World our members are invited. development is primarily based on the Environment Day at Katoomba on June 9. On Sunday 5 May at 10.30 am at Environmental Study of Katoomba Falls We will provide education and information Pigface Point, Georges River, Sydney—a Creek Valley (1993) carried out by and sell native plants, posters, and Society Tour of a “Conserver” Lifestyle Professor Fred Bell. Professor Bell T-shirts. Volunteers are needed to staff Education Site . “This site, home of Dr. identified the retention and protection of our stall for part of the day. Ted Trainer, provides a living model with all remaining native vegetation on public Feathertail Glider project . Artwork displays demonstrating a self sufficient land, especially the hanging swamps, as is being prepared, and hopefully our T- lifestyle. Come along and see how Ted is vital for the health of this small catchment, shirts will be ready in time for World contributing to the building of a conserver which is the source of flows to Katoomba Environment Day. We still need a society, i.e. one that is ecologically Falls. slogan!! —there will be a free T-shirt for sustainable.” Children are welcome. In 1994 the then Minister of Planning the person who comes up with a good Contact Gordon Hocking (02) 528.6091. approved the rezoning of the golf course to slogan. (Stay on for the ACF State Forum and allow the development to proceed, despite All members are urged to participate in BYO picnic lunch.) the clear findings of BMCC staff and a Society affairs. Come to the general On Monday 20 May at 7pm at Public Hearing that this would not be in meeting and have your say; write an Australian Museum, Halstrom Theatre, the public interest. Since then Council has article for “Hut News” ; lead a bushwalk William Street, Sydney—a Public also approved the development or an excursion; offer to help with a Meeting where the subject is application. In 1995 Friends legally project; write and tell the committee that ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE challenged the rezoning in the Land & you like (or dislike) what they are doing. GROWTH, Myths, Mirage or Mandate? Environment Court, and won the case. Natural Gas. Two representatives of “Can the environment be protected under a The rezoning and the DA were declared AGL gave an overlong presentation at the regime of growth, i.e., economic, invalid. The Minister and BMCC have April general meeting, more a promotion population and job growth? What chosen not to appeal the court’s for natural gas than an environmental conflicts arise and how can they be judgement. The developer however is forum. One of the questions asked was: resolved?” appealing. The Friends will be defending why was the environmental impact state- Speaker is Professor Valerie Brown, the appeal in the Supreme Court on 11 ment not displayed? (a copy of the EIS is University of Western Sydney, who is June. being forwarded to the secretary) . There responsible for developing a National Even if the Friends are ultimately were also questions about fire, the spread Research Project “The Sustainable Futures victorious in court, the whole issue is of noxious weeds and revegetation policy. Programme”. All welcome. Audience likely to come back to Blue Mountains While natural gas seems the best participation encouraged. Admission $4. Council. alternative to wood heaters, there has been Katoomba Falls Creek Valley Whatever the outcome, the Land and a lack of consultation in this major project. The Friends of Katoomba Falls Creek The Hut was packed with members Valley Inc. have been opposing the “Hut News” , the newsletter of the who came to hear guest speaker Carol proposal for a huge tourist and residential Upper Blue Mountains Probets who gave a talk on Birds Sights development on Katoomba Golf Course Conservation Society Inc. and Sounds . It was fascinating to hear since its beginnings in 1989. In 1991 P.O. Box 29, Wentworth Falls, 2782. about the language of birds; alarm calls BMCC signed a contract to sell 5.6 ha of President: Colin Williams 84-1899 which are recognised between species; public land on the golf course to Noroton Secretary: Les Coyne 57-3327 Editor: Christine Davies 87-7246 contact calls between flock members and Holdings for the purpose of a resort and between breeding pairs; juvenile calls Deadline for the June issue is May 28 “Hut News”, No. 106, May 1996—Page 1. Environment Court judgement has terms of companion animals legislation. SUMMIT GEAR made an important ruling regarding The Green Paper (discussion paper) will be available soon so that community NSW’s Leading Manufacturers Council’s dealings with developers. It and Distributors of makes it clear that decision-makers, such groups and individuals can make RUCKSACKS as Councils and Ministers, must only submissions and comments on the issues raised. The final draft of the legislation BICYCLE ACCESSORIES & consider the public interest and planning CLIMBING HARNESSES issues (such as the environmental impacts), will be introduced into Parliament in the and must not be influenced by commercial Spring 1996 session (October). REAR OF 88 KATOOMBA STREET contracts, when exercising their powers WIRES feel that there are a number of KATOOMBA 2780 (PHONE 047.823467) regarding such land use decisions as concerns for wildlife rehabilitation (and OPEN 99----55 MONMON----FRI,FRI, 99----1212 SAT. rezoning. environmental) groups. Of particular concern are: to: Department of Local Government, New Pet Laws 1. The issues of registration and Level 2, 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney In the Blue Mountains unrestricted identification of cats, (micro chipping, NSW 2000. There is only a limited time in domestic animals cause many tattoo, collar and tag, or all three.) which to make comments and submissions. environmental problems. Cats and dogs Example: Unregistered or unidentified cats Make your voice heard before the hunt and kill native animals. Dog and cat found in national parks and bushland Companion Animals Act becomes Law. faeces carry diseases which are harmful to reserves could be euthanased. Registered Send a copy to Bob Debus, Shop 3, The wildlife and nutrients which encourage and identified cats found in bushland and Greenway Centre, 107-109 Macquarie weeds. national parks could be returned to the Road, Springwood 2777. Cats especially, being nocturnal and owners who could be fined. Suggestions (The above information on the proposed able to climb trees, are a threat to our small and comments regarding this issue should legislation has been provided by Denise native marsupials. A single puncture be discussed giving the wildlife Ford who is the WIRES rep for the wound received during a cat attack will perspective. Companion Animals Act Working Party). lead to infection and death, so that animals 2. Cat curfew . This has been a that escape a cat attack will often die. particularly contentious issue for many Valley of the Waters Walk Since 1966 there has been legislation to people who are against implementing any A pleasant sunny day, with no wind, and control dogs. Until now cats have not been form of curfew on cats. The main reason lots of birds, and a Golden Whistler to wish included in any legislation. given is that is is unenforceable. Lateral us well as we started off from The Hut; it The Department of Local Government thinkers might like to come up with was a truly beautiful walk down the Valley has convened a working party to address a suggestions for overcoming this problem of the Waters, along National Pass, with range of issues to be included in the new (authorised volunteer ‘cat rangers’?? morning tea before going down Slack Stairs Companion Animals Act which is designed impoundment of cats found outside their to the Lower Wentworth Falls, along to replace the Dog Act (1966) so that cats owner’s property?? owners fined and Federal Pass, and then up the Valley again can be included in the policy document. receiving information on the benefits to cats and back to The Hut. 16 organisations are represented on the and wildlife if the cat are kept in at night??) It being the time for the northern working party: NSW Animal Welfare Perhaps legislation might aid education. migration there was a great number of League, Australian Institute of Environ- 3. Desexing stray/unowned cats and yellow-faced honeyeaters, silvereyes, mental Health, Local Government and putting them back in the community? pardalotes, red wattle birds, lewin honey- Shires Associations, Dog Industry This obviously does not help the wildlife or eaters, and , but not on migration, a Advisory Council, Australian Veterin- the cats who are left to fend for themselves, Powerful Owl , which was passed by most arians’ Association, ANZ Federation of and does not discourage irresponsible cat of the party and only sighted by the last two Animal Societies, Cat Protection Society, ownership. members. Royal NSW Canine Council, Department 4. Desexing. Should all companion There was some concern at seeing of Agriculture , Animal Welfare Advisory animals be desexed unless they are to be people with ropes absailing down Council, RAS Cat Control, Royal Guide used for breeding? The issue here is an Wentworth Falls among the Microstrobus Dogs’ Association, Dept of Local Govern- attempt to address the stray and feral fitzgeraldii which is already struggling for ment and Co-operatives, Domestic Animal animal population. survival beneath polluted water. One foot Birth Control Co-operative Society, 5. The sale and transfer of ownership of in the wrong place could mean an end to a RSPCA and WIRES. From the list it is kittens, cats, puppies and dogs. Should very rare plant. There was also absailing obvious that environmental groups are in animals be given away “free to good being done at Empress Falls but this did not seem to cause any damage. the minority, WIRES probably being the homes” or sold through pet shops or the Shortly after lunch we heard eleven rifle only represented group which is able to local paper, without regard to the lack of shots higher up in the Valley of the Waters. advise on the impact of domestic animals knowledge some people may have NPWS were notified when we returned to on native wildlife and on the natural regarding the on-going responsibilities and the Hut. environment. costs of pet ownership. (Domestic pets We all felt that greater care should be Issues which have been canvassed sold only through registered breeders?) taken of this beautiful area lest the “Moss’s include items such as: that companion Copies of the green paper may be Gentle Fingers” be damaged. animals are an integral part of human obtained by contacting the Dept of Local —David Thomas. existence and society; the need to focus on Government, phone 02.251.8498 or fax responsible pet ownership; legisation or 02.251.1442. The Society has requested a regulation needs to be enforceable; the copy and will be making a submission. This newsletter is photocopied courtesy of importance of education programmes to run It is only with an united effort that BLACKHEATH AREA hand in hand with the implementation of the necessary outcomes will be achieved NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE legislation; environmental concerns need to with this legislation to prevent and be addressed; financial incentives may be GARDNER’S CRESCENT reduce the impact that cats and dogs are PHONE 87.7770 FAX 87.7777 needed to encourage councils and others to having on wildlife in the Blue Mountains do their job; the need to review what has and right across the state. Serves the communities of Blackheath, already been attempted in other states in Send your comments on the green paper and Mount Victoria “Hut News”, No. 106, May 1996—Page 2. In the Bush Mountain of Gold My arrival back to Australia Out Capertee way there is a mountain of gold; from China on a date perilously it has been standing there through the ages, since close to Hut News deadline, life began—long, long before there were humans. prompts me to draw on trip Golden cliffs reflect the golden rays of the observations. I will concentrate on afternoon sun, until even as darkness falls the environmental matters. dying light reflects its last on the mountain of The map shows the areas gold. actually seen. The links to each Above the golden cliffs are giant pagodas, huge were by air. Since my visit to monuments of stone sculptured by wind and water China sixteen years ago material and time. From the tops of the giant pagodas you improvements are immense. Main can see the whole world. highways, bridges, air terminals, Higher still on the mountain, above the giant pagodas, an ancient volcano has left behind basalt hotels, railway stations are equal to anxious for a share in the good things of any we have. The internal airlines we used rock, rich dark soil and precious stones—diamonds life. The roads are already choked with and rubies —but none as precious as the golden had up to date planes, clean efficient buses, taxis, and a goodly sprinkling of terminals and smartly dressed staff. The mountain itself. And on top of the basalt are river modern Chinese-made cars and of course pebbles, washed and smoothed by an ancient river. many wealthy Chinese customers were bicycles. The department shops offer all Beneath the golden mountain is black coal, most elegantly dressed and they carried a the western appliances we take for granted. sophisticated affluent air. One feels The peasant however seems to live the made of decayed vegetation crushed beneath the however that this great leap forward has same hard life and they are the vast mountain of golden sand. A hundred years ago men caused great environmental problems. A majority of the population (74% approx.). mined coal from beneath the golden mountain, haze of smog Every inch of soil is used. Apart from a causing some of it to crumble. They cut down all envelops each city few state plantings surmounting the the trees. They built their houses beneath the where tall highest slopes there is not a shrub or boulders which had been cast down by the mountain chimneys poured sapling in view. Admittedly those over the ages. out columns of observations were only made on a two These men are gone. The trees have regrown. black smoke hundred mile The ruins of some of the houses can still be found, from coal journey through the sheltered beneath the boulders tossed down by the burning rural area golden mountain. furnaces. I surrounding Now other men with large machines want to thought it Hangzhow, but mine for more coal from beneath the mountain of ominous that there is no reason it gold. Is coal more precious than gold? I saw no sea should be otherwise When the mountain of gold has crumbled and is gulls or in other parts of just a pile of rubble, the children of the children of pidgeons China. Food the children might hear a legend that once there around the production is was a golden mountain, more beautiful and more shorelines of Hong Kong and number one priority. precious than all the precious stones in the world, Shanghai. Have they been eaten out I have seen a that shone golden in the afternoon sun and long ago? In all our travelling we few Australian reflected the last golden glow of each golden saw few birds except in National deserts but none to sunset. Parks and Gardens. equal the dreariness of the Gobi where it They will ask, what happened? Coal was In the streets additional loads of smog straddles the road in NW China. In some mined from beneath the mountain of gold. What were belched out by fleets of buses and places not a sign of life could be seen and happened to the coal? It was sold for money and cars. I wonder what the life span of the the hills were as interesting as a slag heap. shipped over the oceans and was burnt. What constabulary is who stand for hours on The whole trip was a stimulating jolt to happened to the money? It was spent. What duty at traffic control points. One feels the one’s sense of values. Much of what we happened to the people? They are dead. extra burden on a smoker’s lungs is of no take for —Christine Davies consequence in this soup of fog. granted would Nevertheless the Government have be seen as a New Members warnings on the evils of smoking, well gift from Sonia Bennet, Seven Hills distributed around city streets and public Heaven by the Christina Jones, Leura places.. Chinese. Mark Dando, Wentworth Falls Coal is the chief energy source I am It was my told. The heart of a train buff would be pleasure to stirred by the sight of very modern and join the first powerful locomotives belching their way available Membership across the countryside. Oil however has society walk The Society is keen to have new transformed the NW of China. Within the on my return, members who are concerned last ten years, mean villages along the silk fill the lungs about the welfare of the Blue road have been replaced by the most with good Mountains natural environment. modern cities. clean air, look Contact the Membership I’m no political or economic expert but around and Secretary, Ross Coster— its pretty obvious that since the fervour of just be “in the telephone (047) 59.1247 FAX the early days of communism and the bush”. 59.1095, or write to P.O. Box 29, introduction of foreign capital and The Wentworth Falls, 2782. investment, a middle class has emerged Bunyip.

“Hut News”, No. 106, May 1996—Page 3. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY MAY 03 (Fri) Forum on Rare and Endangered Plants in the Blue Mountains. Blaxland Community Centre at 8 pm. 05 (Sun) Bushwalk and picnic at Kanangra site . Meet 9.30 at Mount Victoria Station. Contact Muriel Healey 58.6574.Grade 4 06 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Bonnie Doon. Meet at Explorer’s Tree at 9.30. Contact John Gibbs 82.6509. Grade 4. 11 (Sat) (Please note that the Literary Bushwalk has been changed to 25 May) 13 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Transit of Venus . Meet 9.30 at locked gate at end of Clearview Parade, Hazelbrook. Contact Ruth Milton 57.3584. Grade 3, Slow pace. 15 (Wed) Bird Walk with Jill Dark . Meet at Blackheath Commuter Carpark at 9.30. Contact Jill Dark 58.7061. 18 (Sat) Bushwalk—. Meet at Blackheath station commuter carpark at 8.30 am. Contact Olive Noble 87.8342. Grade 8. 20 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Minna Ha Ha Falls . Meet Minna Ha Ha Reserve, North Katoomba, at 9.30. Contact Christine Davies 87.7246. Grade 4. 25 (Sat) Literary Bushwalk. A “Scribblers and Pottering Poets’ walk” at Mount Wilson. Bring a notebook and pencil. Bring a poem or a story to read at lunchtime (either your own work or a favourite). Meet at Mount Victoria Station at 8.30 am. Contact Helen Raphael 58.8934. Grade 4. 27 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Walls Cave. Meet 9.30, Blackheath Neighbourhood Centre. Contact Tessa Knight 87.6543. 28 (Tues) Committee Meeting at The Hut at 7 pm. 31 (Fri) General Meeting at The Hut at 7.30 pm—Guest speaker Paul Curtis of Intelife; Wentworth Falls quarry project, environmental display centre. JUNE 02 (Sun) Bushwalk—Porter’s Pass . A wonderful walk through heath and rainforest. Meet at Blackheath Station commuter carpark at 10 am. Duration about 4-5 hours. Grade 5. Contact John Gibbs 82.6509. 03 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Den Fenella. Meet at The Hut at 9.30. Contact Lee Tredinnick 57.4030. 15 (Sat) Bushwalk—Lockley’s Pylon. Magnificent views. Meet at Leura Station carpark 9 am. Duration about 5 hours including drive to track head. Grade 4. Contact Chris Woods 82.3419. 17 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Clifftop: Leura Cascades to Echo Point . Meet Leura Cascades picnic area at 9.30. Contact Norah Gaynor 87.6071. Grade 4. 19 (Wed) Bushwalk—Valhalla Head. An easy walk on the plateau. Meet Mt. Victoria Station 9 am. Duration about 5 hours. Grade 4. Contact Imre Gahl 84.3286. 24 (Mon) Leisure Walk—Old Point Pilcher. Meet northern side of Medlow Bath Station at 9.30. Contact Christine Davies 87.7246. Grade 4. 25 (Tues) Committee Meeting at The Hut at 7 pm. Walks have been graded: 1-3 easy, 4-7 medium, 8-10 harder. 28 (Fri) General Meeting at The Hut at 7.30 pm. If in doubt contact the leader. Walkers must carry 1 litre of water.

WALKS 047.82.3419 or write to me at PO Box 227, along the spongy sand at the water’s edge, Walking? It’s much more than that: Katoomba 2780. Chris Woods. cooling our feet in the waves, we were glad wanders,strolls,hikes,tramps,treks, of the sea-breeze. We walked for about 1½ rambles, meanders, explorations, journeys, Minnamurra River Mouth km to the very end of the spit and looked outings. It is so different for old Blue back up the Minnamurra River at the Currently, there are usually three Mountaineers to acclimatise to the coastal sandbanks and mangroves. The water was regular walks each month. These occur on walks. One day in November we set off to clear and tiny fish darted away from us. the first Sundays, the third Wednesdays explore the sandy peninsula which separates But there was nowhere to sit so we came the Minnamurra River from the sea, just and third Saturdays. There are leisure back to the beach and sat on a low sandbank north of Kiama. We drove along the walks on Monday mornings, and this in the wind to keep cool, as there was no Killalea State Nature Reserve road which month we have a Literary Bushwalk on the shade. Opposite us was Stack Island, branches from the road leading into deserted, and shaped, according to Captain Saturday 25th. Shellharbour, enjoying views of river on the If there is a demand out there among Cook who named it, like a haystack. right and turquoise sea on the left. At the On the way back we found a path you for more walks, I will schedule more, end we parked and could see below us the but it will require some input from you as leading into the thick scrub so we cut long deserted beach, the wooded spit across the spit along a shady level path to to where to go and what to do, etc. In any dividing river and sea, Stack Island, and event, I welcome all suggestions and ideas. the river. There were plenty of Banksias, Minnamurra Headland behind the river’s but we missed our other mountain flowers Would you like to lead a walk? Do you mouth. have a special place you would like to and wondered what the bush was like We set off down steep rocky steps before someone introduced the cursed share with others? Do you have a special below the twisted sand-dune scrub to the lantana.—Grace and Fred Bayley interest such as plants, rocks, history or beach. Long ropes of dune grass straggled leeches? Well, don’t be shy about it! I across the white sand; purple know several of you have particular skills pigs’ face, tiny geraniums, and interests and I’m sure you would like sparse tufts of course grass to share your knowledge. waving in the wind, enormous This is your Society. Help it to grow white lilies; then the dry sand and you will expand your own boundaries and the hard bubbly rocks along with it. Please talk to me on sloping to the waves. Walking

“Hut News”, No. 106, May 1996—Page 4.