. , . . -

.' ' . : ~ ' . JUST ARRIVED .· I . .'' f I'. ~ ·'I

. Stock Shipment. The New • f J' f 1 i.: - rrs11 · New 1 P' p0ntmc. ower nccs. , SJlla . SEE .. Terra Nova Moh)rs Ltd • tHE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1961 (Price 7 Cents) Tcls lels ~rels :rels rrels rrels e rrels rrels ! rrels ·. TJ. :l'J. Forces Born l1 I vt. Will Not 1\ir Stril)s Ancl '11' pply Bon1bs Military CaJllfJS ' EliSt,BETHVILLE (f'.P)-Co :~clemn i;· ~ a Unite:: :I N1 at1ons . a1r . rat'd on Ko Iwez1, . p re<: . :len' t · Mo1z~ . Tshombe of Katcmga charged· Mont~ay that th-a EET To U. N. 1 i UN is c1ut to cut if not destroy the copper-based ---- i economy of his secessionist province. "This day will be marked with a white ston·c; of the Dt· T't Katanga: i u. 1 Ilte and ln. ants by the capitalist bourgeoisie to mark the stori' they are I I' i of its decadence," Tshombe told a press confer­ trm )'O[ felt· C~larified 1. ,guarantee Policy l . ence. 11For us and our African brothers, this arn s hotels r.o~DON-Itcui.crs • The Britigjt government I ' completely i day wilt be marked with a black stone." Monti:!)' 1t will not supply the 24 bombs; 1 The UN strike at Kolwezi, a - · · · fo1· the United Nations operation in the 1 : copper C(mtre and site of a Ka· I that it is a defensh·e action tQ

Kntangn province until UN policy is "dari· . tanga air strip 150 miles north· 1 restore Jaw and order. ! west of Elisabethville, was one I Installations of the Union ~li :or a series of weekend raids and, niere Copper and Cobalt Com 'uepliiY Fon•ig!1 Secretat·y Edwnrd Heath made ' counter-raids. l pany at 1\o\wrzr were head!.· nnounccmcnt 111 the House of Commons follow­ I Bv the light of !lares fired hy: damaged, diesel oil and water 1lren who re­ :n rmcrjl~nc~· ~abinc~ me~ting as t~Ie gov~rnmcnt! , 1\at;mga ground troop~. two Ka· 1 t~ak~ were hit and the tol'.'ll tanga p 1a n e s att:1ekerl the was Jell without fuel. . TshombE ' ~hould not 1 rc~olt of r1ght-wm Conservative supporters , nt•et up these United i\'alions · held Eli~uh2th· said. !\aids on the Elisabeth· its Frida~· decision to supply the 1,000-pound I ou!rl he done l'illc ait·port early ~1umlay. l ;:l ville post office and radio trans· · member; or ,~id !liP ~ui'NI1!11enl : · ~0\l!TCS s;•irl the rlam are un­ . ol Irrlanrl. alid Sture! consistent with the policy ex·: : dinn Canherr~ hom her shot up whose l.lxcs co\·ercd much of lrr, Cuddh· o! S11edcn. 11hicl1 con·; pounded by UN Secretm•y.Gen· :Camp 'l'shmnhc, the largest all The Congo's. ;:o,:cmmenlat , I •, and ani'· •ilh 1lalements made bl' 1 ern! u Than!. I ~ militarv centre in l•:Jisabelhl'illc 1 expense~ when lhc Longo was ' played with ll Thant on POINTS TO 11'\TERVIE\V · . in an 'attack with rockets and, a Bel gran colony.. ~ow those ., of an old i"~t/ in Kalaup. , Another reas~n. Heath said, I GUGLIELMO MARCONI is seen in this historic photograpl~ !i~at~d befo~e the coherer an? other eqmp- cannon-fire Sunday. The flyers i taxes are the. ~1am~tay of the tan of sand or · answer to a queshon. was an interview published in Iment used to receive the three dots of the letter "S"-the ftrst wneless signal to be transmitted across the · sought to knock oul a mortar i Ts;,omht 1 ~dm;nr~tr~~~:u~.l 11 'll c the vcrv ai;o said the bombs the Swedish press in which Lin·:Atlantic from Poldlm Cornwall to Signal Hill Newfoundland December 12 l!IOL ! hatter~ blocking an ~dvance by . ;cd M ~ Ol l1 ,"·'s~Je.m.lc5 er than a toi· ~ol be released unit\ the ncr made It plain the longterm ~- ' ' ' ' ' ----~-----'---. ------1 l'N ground forces on a stralc· su~ oe odn mc~nc ~;~ e Y '~t \ 0 as5istanl'c of is assured that the aim was to force a political sol· o 1 gic underpass. i se\ entl~ a~i ~!ell · ~fug . ! I ildren s0 y A T d M . general's promise ution on Katanga br smashing streMI en 1' 10 ( on .le mam oombs would be used the military strength of its pres· Ixty ears go 0 ay a arconi Of the . gc~cral ~rtualwu.' ' road . hcl\•:cc~ the caprt?l and · l!linst nrounded Kalan· · t l't" d h' I Tshombr· satd hatanga s scccs-! the au·port. Jt:st out,:rde rt. . • en po 11ca 1 1en ers 1p. I · · t tl l.,. t ·o t 1 · 1·· t " 1 · 't·J tl ··t· ' p'll!l and their airstrips H th 'd th · 't' n f , sron IS no 1e '·' m~c. n, ,,J an"a Hl>P· a au lOtiJC. · ' •arried out ri~ht el~t' slal ttl e •mt pbosrth10 UoN 1 1 ! this he seemed in al(reemcnl said ll:\ o'ficcro had w<•rncd 11 • ~ a po 1 lea se emen y e R · 1 d F t R· ·d • s I ' · " 1 .· · h · ltl 1· t tl · ""I t • '" rn! the operational COni• was specilically excluded in a Irs 10 I With l!·· a:ltlot:t:es. w 0 >a~' lC~l tld le app~o~~tes 0 ~-· the Congo" 'S it C 'I ti f ecetve a Igna 1 there IS no pohlrcal moll\ c m poortwns on the 1l'·· d 11 ere ~u· DEBATE ' Aecur 9y 196guncl reso 1u on D . I the rlril'e launched hy lhe U:\: ing to he mined. aud an!· ~tivel said the hombs wer·e' ug, ' : , F A · Tl i -/' A·tl t • ;troo~s last Tuesday. But he ('On· · lmi:JJ;ccs 'honld no( enlct' the bt II I d F 'd . He~th sa!d the '.ICOiernment cross . . le . . . an IC tradtcled the {1:\ dcclaralwn ;;r:". co ec e .rr al or now 11 "senously dtsturbed" by ronl I --·-c-- . . ... · · ·--- lnd he promised ll!Cy the way fighting ha1 developed · · '· fu I! 101 be banded o1·er be· in Katanga h 1 d · tt. Houle hnl~s 1 sched· · LONDON-CP-Flying in a gale 400 feet above Newfoundland's Signal Hill, t e kite aeria snatchc E1 ·1c• I.}}]} 8}]11 F: f}1 ~ }} d fo.~gn p o II c y debate Con~er1'~lh,es gave an~t'Y: a message from the wind-a series of faint dots, tltc Morse code for the letter S. This message, received · ... ~ · · • u - - shouts .. and c r i e ~ "shame, !60 years ago today, spelled succ.'!ss for ltalian-bot•n Guglielmo Marconi, listening below with his primi- cessh~me had ·whenattacked he SRid Katan~anlJN for- :bveI • receiVer• an d te Iep . h one .-:arp1ec~• •m t h e.d" 1suse db a1·;ac k s h osp1't a l over1 oo Iung . St: J o h n ' s. p"~r hour. G •It V o- }} JS 1 lll IGr ~ht xmrnment's camp and it appeared mortar 1 That S, three dots tapped out 2,200 m1les away m Poldhu, Cornwall was the hrst radw s1gnal to cross . J · . 15 II ~md 1111 _the bombs. bom~s had fallen itt or near a, the Atlantic and it marked the birth of worldwide wireless communication. ., 1a1d McKeown had hospital. Scientists were highly sceJili· ------.,.------INGS cal that radio tr.ansmis.sion at At 12:30 p.m. Newfoundland\ p· k .II c·oUil'! +.;;:. such distances was pOSSible be· time Dec. 12, Marconi picked I t( ersgl a., 0 cause ef the curvnt~re o~ the up the signal and passed th~ ' earth. But Marcom behered earpiece to one of his assi~l· 1 - , .JEnliSALDI <.\P' - Con·, from .\r.':.:t:n" ;1nd flew him ...... da Expels taller aerials and more power· ants, l• b I 'ricted as the mnster execu-' here fo1· tr;,,J. s \\'Cal lmund bullet SOUGHT EXPLANATION witness was present and a con- will learn before the weekend if 1 proof glass ~' hi> t hrce judges 'I . His success sent the scientists troversy immediately broke out he must p~y with his life on , alternated in rc2din~ their judg- viet ~Military 'I l!earching lor an explanation as to whether the two had mis- R t• Of the gallows. 1 ment. He nc•:er took his eyes and it was not unlit the 1920s interpreted' the noise of static ed •IS tfl • b u IOn The former Gestapo colonei!Off the hcnch as the justices that the existence ol an ionized as l!ll)rse signals. · 1 listened impasively ns t he ' read out a citation of him as . i layer in the upper atmosphere three·J'udge Israeli court swept 1, a "chief cxe.culor" of: · The Anglo • American Teie- • • Attache reflecting radio beams was con· (' t t aside his contention that he was i I. Pcrsccutwn of the Jews in I . firmed. gl'aph Company, which had a ons I uencleS only a minor player in a plot' Germany from 1933 to 1939. I. 1CP 1- 1 . . Soviet Rus-~ pay for information on matters N?w in !the .Pet·iod .Dec• 9H·~ 7 :,~s:r~~: ·N~!~~~~~anto~~:C~[ a • ' to exterminate G,O?O,OO? ~ew s.l f. 2. Pcrsecut i~? kol f ttlh1e 5 Jewds ~:srstant milil

' It the accusahons 1 politics, economics and laws in minister, Sir Robert Bond. .• 1\IVTIN\' QUEI.LED . 1\Ir. Pickersgill, a keen stu.! go\'crnment of the day had the court pronotmced the verdict.' sources .\londay as a significan.t II suggested his native. South Africa are "a He had already gambled £a0.· dent of aovernment ntlll politics I · . f which could send him to the political breakthrough in the gorernm~nt .. • . . . " · • maJon 1Y o mcm 1Jers. , . , . l 1 8 1angover from the dark past o( 000 on an ear 1ter a11 emp 1 1o ll\10GADISIIU. Somaha (APJ . had some resen·alions how- • , gallows. ; great wall of Pekmg s Jsolatton 1 r . • " 1 ~ ~ha mtm~ lor "mea· mankind." · tmnsmit from Poldhu to Cape The Somali go1·ernment an· I ever about the use of ~n inde-1 BOSTON IIIPi-Prin Saudi~ CA:-1 BE JIA;I;GED · i from tl1e We>t. I ltten~l SO\'Ic~ authoritifS The 62-year-old former Zulu Cod, Mass., ~ut gales wrecked nounced Sunday the smashing pendent commission instead of' . ' · . ce. ! Eichmann is liable tu the; .The controversial t~ade deal . " I i f ·; naval lre Ca· chief, banned '>Y the South Alrl· scndmg and receiving of ·a troops. in a parliamentary committee to! •. a . o! ."calthy l death penalty under terms of oq_ according. to British ·> Yaltag~ms~ bot~ l~e mul~ny ~mo~g ~~abra cousr~ 1 ~redit, ' tnion." ac e m he So· can government from politics acrtnls. Ithe Hargmsa dtstnct 500 mtles redraw the electoral map in: l'mg S,nl(l. unde111ent 11 hat ar·l a. 1~50 law. he. has been con· i ofhct~l~ here, provtdes thai i ! ,. 'lias • • and normally 1'irtua!ly confined WAS REMARICARI.E FEAT . nor.t)1west of here. A commun· keeping with population shifts i pea red to be a successful oper· : \'tcled of I'JOlalmg. The rerd1c~ . l"chmcrans of Vtckers • Arm· ·: j !,: . 110 I 822 oJ th' I~medtale ell· to his village of Grout ville in Marconi's feat was rcmar·k· . ique ~aid ~ome officers of the revealed by the census. : atio~ lor a pe1·forated ea1· drum i came 1B months afte~. lsrach ·strong Aircraf~ Ltd., and Rolls 11 re erence. Natal, chose the title Africa and able because ~he onus was ~ll Somnh na~wnal nrml' had ar- 1 ' agenlf a h duct e d !~Iehmann, Royce Ltd., wdl acco.mpany the ; .. 1 I : Freedom for the traditional No· on the transmtlter. The untuned 1rested their commander Satur· . I ----- Iarrlmers to help tram Chrnese ' . 1 1 1 1 bel lecture Monday night. receiver, unlike modern ~ets, day and ·tried to incite the F M t i Q 1 crews and maintain the nta· ,.' I Luthuli received the 1960 No•. could not give any officers and sold· , 'I chines. . ' . .. ' ~mplificalion I~roops. L~yal 0 reIgn Ill IS e rs verturns .. I J bel Peace Prize, equivalent to to strengthen the s1gnal. rcrs subdt:ed the rebels. · . II also marks the frrst bme 1 ~ ' !• ' I' . $48,300 Sunday for his .work for . · . . • • 1since the establishment of the I i . ! . ' : I human rights and brotherhood Communis! rcgin1e t.hat Pekin)! 11ntong races through non • vio· u .N DI. sagree on con go . ConVICtion has lurnerl to a maJot:JVestern l :: lent means, He was the first . • • power £or aid ond has agreed to . '!'I . i. i. . ·\fric~n Negro to 2et the award. . W.~SHINGTON ·

• ,,., JOO' ~ ' -· - I,,>',~, • . ·.~ ., . '' I THE ')AlLY i\C..W~. :Sl. JuliN !:l. Nl:LlJ., 'l'UESDAY,· iJECEl'>Iht:rl!Z .,. ,,II ' I 2. j, •• ' 1~61 'I 1 II'' ,· ... 1 ' •• ' handicapped Queensland are 1 · They say they are convinced I from Communist countrh•s has result of a recent I'. lack of cheap labor and the large-scale cotton growing as a i reached the stage where a re A~fredo Guevara agree~ettl I. ' nuss;an :: I: absence of suitable sites for I commercial proposition is [lOS- I cent check of a newspaper en- Indust_ry, An1 I ol ' n ~~l_m wit~! JT.· JOI '' ' dams to store water in volume 1 sible. Soil and climate arc right tertainment page showed adver- flcJals, Dunn• . Ru!;;1• •.,;.. Growers? e a \'If ~ ~ Aussi~s,.~ Cotton !at~· needed to irrigate cotton fields. and there is plenty of water. tisements for 14 films from cow he arran•ect .tt i c·ulture · • to h ·• I !rri'gation areas in that slate. cotton consumption. Australia New South Wales is more They describe the potential as East European countries, com· new Sovwt films b ar1, ! I " By HAROLD 'IlLLEY fore. the end of ~~ought 11 ~· i I t:anadaln Pres• CoJTespondent Cotton has been grown in a has had to look mainly to Pale- richly endowed for dum sites "enormous." pared with only five from the modest way for more than a istan, the United States, Egypt, and the answer to. the labor Establishment of a successful West. W1th total Cub e Year :1,' ~- b . an 111 ,. !I ,,' . .SYDNEY (CP) - Australia c t century In the state of Queens- India and Brazil for its require- \lroblem lies in mechanization, cotton · grov.:ing industry could 1 Of the Communist films, sump ton only bet 'llt ~· I I may yet become a c:otton grow· ,n Ill a . ' land but efforts to establish a ments. particularly in colton picking. mean a savmg of more 'than eight were Russian, five ro:isiJ 400 films a Yea Ween a~ • l(eougl ' I. er in the true sense and, if thriving cotton industry there With imports of raw cotton, The pilot projects in New $100,000,000 a year in foreign By JOliN BLAND and one Czech. There was only ment assured a 5 r•. tf.is i!f!. 1,1 optimistic forecastn are met, R . old1 •e . I I :I. by government subsidy and lint and cotton products repre- South Wales cover 2,500 acres. spending for Australia. HAVANA closer cultural lie:; w1th Italy. I ' -phot projects in cotton grow· I I . • lifts ol l 11 renlly is estimated at about MAJOR JIANDICAPS galion pump that 250,oor borrow from until next pay Russia. The increase in showin:;s ·nori. J. Keot ! ·11 inlt are being developed on 1 w. i I., r. four per cent of Australia's. Two major factors that have gallons of water un hour. day? The proportion of tnJVJrs Russian·made films is the direct tilt debate on thE I . I, river banks ahd in established 'I ~----~------~------IY Monday. H ; I ' rep t session WD1 ' ' 1 >I• ) ~- j I i'i I pref:e "lame due j I f ~' ; iI ;~~·(tt! ;!embers could no 1, • 1•, I!~ ch except that " ,j •h 111 l ~: .,: :;, ud" ordained, be rea ' 1 . I ti l •I "; ' The tax egis a .~ '·I' ' ,: I ' ed or -'we pel \ • pass • I{ u• I' Mr. eo , II cIa red • . • I . ' I ' : • d an ed1tona 111 ., '·• ' I ~~ws of ei~ht .d• I,'' 'd he was mlrl!ll i ... ' t 111 d I ' ,.. ' opposition ha r~ ~· 'i''' l!' being the L1t i!,l IAARKS THE '. line. r I li· !;. Referring to the ' (;'I::1 t~e new unirersi_ty ,t! \Jinister of llhnl 1: I;; ;.urces said "The \ ' 'I'. na! ne\·cr known.' I , ~·d been honoure 1: p;cscnt ac~ounted I'!) Keough pra~sed Pr' il ~·ood as bemg th tcing rcsp~nsib~e f· !: ·I and the un11·erstty I~ t Mr: Keough de>~ part of his speech I, · criticisms ma J ~~I , Harbour · M ing the "no help" I )!r. !\rough read r I' t YuJoM/r.aw. book rarious aspe ! - gi1·en by · the COME IN AND SEE OUR WONDERFUL @rRIT I t Ihrough his depart I agriculture. Sh I I SELECTION OF TOYS TO-DAY-USE OUR IN~URA/Cf. CHURCHiLL various kinds 1 ! ·' t M SQUARE I' CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN. 'If\ farmers ra ' II I I ' .. far me I' TAYLOR'S ow·lool>ed. Mink 1 FURNITUR! I' I t · also and regu I HUNTS c.1me 'under loans : I v,a.RI £T'f STOllE '· .I I :a elearing bonuses a I MACY'S '1 I 0 crushed limestone t MACY'S reduced price. ! PHONE 91650 ~ Blueberry picke1 17 RO\VAN STREET C ... I'IE Rill z .,' ll!isted by the WI ,, I CRAFT ~ 11rnrnent does to h .I , . I proaucn1m and thi I ·:· I I pounds ha' . \'alued a i . ,, ' .• is ·a feder ,,~ I I ---·-- ~ ~ il' ; I I ~ . I I . . Baif ' ' ' ' .! '

I I : ~ - . I Vert i :I . \ ' I Snowe · The Baie Verte SIIOPPING DISTRICT to its tip in sm to the City re1 Drill! as high HAS MORE OP EVERYTHING been reporh along the j; I ' Hi ' has six Ta~e ~dv:mt~g~ of M 1;} R I T' S "Composite dwelling Jnoir-de·arillg equiJ :,' I'I . ' ' pollcy . rh1s ~s a spec•~! pn_ckaged policy with a number ,: ~ of coverages 111 one. 1 e. msurancc on your building : ~ ... contents, personal llabl!lty as well as Seasonal dwelling policy (Insurance on your summer home or cabin). Shown in the photograph taken at Camera Craft, Rowan Street, are Ches Williams and : SPECIAL ADVANTAGES : .' Hiram Keeping looking over the new Polcroid All coverages expire on the same date J33 ALL business handled by one Company Camera. This new model, whkh Ches SPECIAL discount allotted when you take advantac• of Williams is holding, features fully automatic Bus Ca this new policy. electric eye, simple to operate; to take a pic· SEE ture vou don't even need to focus-Just press Black~ three. buttons and pull the tab. The finished city lranspo: .. print is ready 10 seconds later. This model on LeMar ' does not require accessories. Everything. is the Grace Ho ERIT INSURANCE built in, even a tinv flashgun for indoor pic· o'clock last nigh COMPANY pole, cau~i[ hires. Kit include~ Camera, fitted cowhide of the highe .•. carrying case, two_ picture rolls and lJ tiny without ele '. an hour and Ag-1 flashbulb, 2 picture albums and 2-J 1:osl· Street lights we I . ~' ANDERSON AVENUE cards $139.95. Either Ches Williams or lhram I DIAL 90011 were comple I .. I I ,. •'• Keeping will he happy to demonstrate this new I camera to Camera Craft Shoppers . . :

For PHOTO C:iiFT SUGGESTIONS from ~CAMERA CRAFT Quality Gifts POLAROID CAMERA OUTFITS MUSICAL TOYS J-33 POLAROID KIT .... :...... $139.;~ J-66 POLAROID KIT ...... $~~~:~ TOYS FOR BOYS POLAROID MODEL 900 CAMERA ...... $ MECHANICAL TOYS At , . . . 8MM MOVIE CAMERAS .$ 56_50 Kodak Bwwme Automatic 8 ...... 599" TOYS FOR GIRLS Jelco. Turret w/Ca~e and

and general manager, Export nan, drector, National Dcs.tgn . FEDER,\1, HEI.P envy. 1 1\! Bait Verte Peninsula is Credits Insurance CorporatioTI; Branc.h; R.. E. McB_urney, C~IC(, Four D Getting back to 1961, the Op· As he. watched the t_rcmcn· tl ill tip in snow, a 'phone B:, F. Armishaw, chief Depree!· tec~ntcal mformnhon sery1ccs, ays position Leader said, "Granted dou~ numbers of students, A. ~1. DUFFY at ion Certification Division; S. Nal!onal Research Council, J. re . d . f 15 000 in the parade he could to the City reported. . J K d' S 11 1e IS an overa 11 ec 11ne o • . d h d . · trJt1 II high U six feet G, Ber k ley, ass Isting, B. G. Bar· • Me enn 1rey, ~rector, rna 11 .., b h h th not help wondermg what the creased to over 20.000.000 he o of an ling income tax was ·HarbOUr 13 11 1 1 1 1 . bfen reported in manj' BIs I lne~• Branc h,. J ames A· ff,c ' f ' 'f d wI a alh ou F de future holrls not fnr them per·, add ed . Th'1s t ax renaI I agree· gomg' to rum . New f oun dl an'+" or along the peninsula. Robert~, deputy minister, L. E. 0 elrGo , un 5 ,:.?mF. et tel · haps as m;r~h as for New· 1mcnt had the approbation of the rest of Canada. He :was Rowcbottom assl•t t t the era rol crnmcn . 1rs . 1e f f 1 th . . d d . f th · Provincial Highways De· • • an ° A t• •t · l k lrl nunrllanrl How manv o the · e nme pronnces concerne . quo 1e 111 one o e paper~ u hi! six pieces of Probe Dominion itatistician; A. M. C lVI y wm c~ "r 1s pro, grams r con thousands· whn win pass ' Mr. Duffv said he must again saying something to the ef!ect Tedford, director, Commodities very mre ~ J~ m~ e 11•5e 0 • tG!ow· through .the rloors of our u~i· , reiterate thai his part.y was thnt this could destroy :our ~><'"'"" equipment upcr· 1 1 1 in th area. · Branch; F. l. Wood, Trade Com· ever, mtuc e rovlllcdta ov· l'n. . , 1 ------• 1 . . ' . . Irll o un• rr.; .mu c to arcount to no one but our ' 1hd pronnc1al governments· of I ; Jid ·I I Cily police are presently In· On Fm ay. the Nm·aport fll· . 111 spectftc areas whrre there 1s i s1atement hy the Prime ~lin· I constitllents We hal'e acted: Canad• benin to become ilide· ' I tered from Montre~l· the Po· 1 the "rc·ttest Itccd •s ,., ,JJOIIlc!l t 1 11 J•' 1 1 G · ' . · .. • ' ~ · • ICS , l'cstignllng another downtown •t•. I' · . ' 1 " ' · ' " · • IF ~r iC­ r'c!~k last night and hit a 1 At last report, no arrests had 1 icle pole, cau~ing 1 large · been m~de in connection with ing a road be opened between to st. John; the Aguas Santas Greene earnestly expressed the i .as It terminated from lime to present measure where . would creased dependence upon · Ot· the higher le1·cls west the dmng robbery. that settlement and Admiral's' sailed again to the Banks and '!wish that the money be used I time. Surely the provinces were these conservative members tawa has grown steadily year iny . without electricity for Beach: It ~as ~ssen.tial ~o ~id the Fauvctte. · went on regular around ~ewfoundta.~d where the best ones _to decide whet· stand. Does party loy~lty super· by year. In the very natur~ of • ' I lSt· · an hour and a half. the fisheries In hts dtstnet, route to Hallfax. the need IS greatest. her or not th1s was a good cede every other constderatwn? the framework of the feller- ' ·am bt1t lights werf on but the minister nd. I'OLI'I'ICAL VISITS? deal, he _declared. As a matter From my previous experience ation it could not be othe"'!ise. wm completely blacked One More On Saturday there were only of fact m _the case of New· sitting in another place in this If we were to become i!]de· tCW two departures. Two hardy Some Government member, foundland. I~ sh?wed year by House I must admit the direc· pendent, if all the provinces of Spanish trawlers the Santa Eu· according to the day's speaker, year gratifymg mcreases. In tives came from a long dis· Canada were to become finan· 1 Clinic Make genie and the Santa Elvira made a comment about the 1957·58 we received from the tance away." cially independent, there wquld Police sailed to the Grand Banks "non political visit" of the tax rental agreement 16,275,· be nothing to celebrate In 1967. The blood transfusion service fishery, Prime Minister, and about Mr. 000, 1958-59 this was increased Mr. Duffy said he was not of the Canadian Red Cross So· _ Greene's meeting 1\lr. Diefcn· to 17,178,000, 1959·60 it in· sugge>ting that this new meth· (Continued on page 7): cicty in Newfoundland will hold 6 Arrests ·I On Sunday, the · 10th, the baker when he arrived on the ' at least one more out-of-town West Coast of Newfoundland. 'I mobile clinic before the end of , Six a~ests were made by Irving Hickory, a tanker, sailed In defending that, Mr. Greene . I n. . the )!resent year. . citY pohce yesterday, • to Ramea. I I said that he did what he knew i ."1 ol the mo~t PXperien~ed I The service ha~ a special Three men were arrested for . ·. ' • IWitehhoard opera· clinic. scheduled to be held it drunkenness, one for theft, one Activity on the waterfront to be good when any distinguish· 1 yesterday included two arrivals . ed visitor reaches our shores . . \; ~.!1\'[~undland today Is 1 the community of Tor bay on for obtaining goods un?er false and two departures. The Gulf. "But there was also a n·on poli· ·It) Fi)nn. I Tt.ursday, December 14. The pretenses and one Riven In ' · hal be~n plugging clinic will be set up in Holy charge lor being drunk and dis· port entered from Halifax, and tical visit of the Premier to i.: !! R:lrl'h""'~ for the Avalon , Trinitv School. · orderly in the home, the Fuel Transport entered the White Bay nrea this Fall," SPACE SALE :! (' lOnlparlY'; exchange 1 • with supplies for Imperial Oil. he commented. "Coincidental· ly", the various district mem· for the past 23 years. 1 - HUNDREDS Of ITEMS : : I her length)' career, the 1 The Theron departed for bcrs were on hand during that Halifax, and the Fergus went tour. . or three boys bas hand!· I ', I yesterday to Prince Edward Another point Mr. Greene ' ralls to and from ;: ~ Island. brought up was the fact that ,, . ot cities, towns and 'i• 39.95 throughout the world. 58.75 REDUCED TO CLEAR :1 :· ws.95 : TO . MAKE ROOM FOR I i 56.50. t LOADS 'N' LOADS .5>F BRAND . 'l I 59.95 I L03.45 r "II 148.45 NEW CH~!ISTMAS STOCK i i :' . :iI ' AltRIVING DAILY. I I' 64.50 I •I·. 1:: _i 74.95 ·{ ,: ' 54.95 ' .! ·. ' . $29.95 IT PAYS TO. SHOP AT . ~ ' 'l; : t Bags, I, .. ;I,. Alb~lll

Y~ MEAN . ' · · kEPAlRS? 'MEl-iMBERS OF NATO Army.Brigade Fire Support COMMERCIA.\.. . Weapon-RiU~men Gary Prescott, left, of Pembroke, FIRING EXERCISES-Rifleman Roy Beatty, JUqrl£ll91liE Ontario, and Win11ton Smith, St. Jobn's, Nfld., fire. a of' Vi1=toria, B.C., and Jo":Jrome Banon, right, o~ St. U~~6}l-l~. '[maehihe rur\ on NATQ1s Bohne Ranges:riear·'the'Eilst- John.'s, 'Nfld;, fire a ma~hine 'gun on NATO's Hohne .~ ...... - -- -... . - .. - . - ' . I .. O"P • Weat Ge.rman bor~er.. -(N.D.P.) Ranges near the East-West Germim horder.,.-N.D.P.

·.• ·····. n . : ! \.; 1 I I

. ,, . 'l. II I ~ f I I II THE ')AILY ;'>;~~WS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD., TUESDAY, DECEMBER. l:l l"· ' I ' oot ! '' . ,,... I .. o . .. ,.;..- ...... ~ ..... - ..... - .. - ·-- --· .. i I TilE ,DAILY NEWS 11 lf You Stand StilVl'lrCotch Up" I ,.... : ' j : i ; ::· 0. ' Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper ~ ...... IN THE NEWS •The DAILY NEWS Is a morning paper ''Outs !J ' i '' established in 1894, and published at - By Wayfarer - ~ ' ',, the News Building, 355·359 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, by : I ltoblnson & Company, Limited. PATRICIA MURPHY'S STORY St. I :,:1 MEMBER OF The opening of the new university cam ~us a . nnual Distrib 1 1ne Ad Entertainme '1. THE 11 CANADIAN PRESS Premier Smallwoo? an o~portunit,Y to indulge h~~: 1 an Regional Hlgl I 1 ' !• The Canadian Press Ia exclusively self in a very specwl sentimental Interest. For v FaJls, took p1ac entitled to the use !or republication of he had written and talked_ about the many ~:~;.~ auditorium at a '' all news despatches In this paper credit· foundlanders who had ach1eved a measure of fa ' vee ember : I ed to It or to the Associated Press or iJ~ ot~er lan?s. It ~vas the expt•ession of a sort~~ held under I ~ I_ I , Reuters and also the local news publish· patronage ol .1 . .I v 1canous pnde wh1ch was shared by many others in ed therein. . John .M. O'Nc 1 1 this poor and often _abused and misunderstood island of Harbour Gra ; , . ; 1 ;,: RATES ~~~ SUBSCRI:T~oN All Preu Services and feature articles and. caul~ ve~y ~astly have been ,th.e reflection of a Jlis Excellency • : ·1.:· • ~ilJll ...... ,.1:.. 00 per annum In this paper are copyrighted and their natwnal mfenonty complex. But 1t ts no less a co .distributed the reproduction Is prohibited. mendable instinct on that account. The fact that~· . cs to the stude ~ l t ~: ;: 1 ~~j~ Kingdom and all P~~ECIAL GUES n I; :' t$0~11111 eountries ... , $14.00 per annum many c~uld h~ve gone f?rth from this lonely at;~ "occasion was pal Member Audit nureriu impovenshed 1sland to fmd fame and fortune . because of ~~ . :•. ; §:thorlred as second clas~ mail, of Circulation. larger and mor~ competit_ive lands has a certain i~~ His Honour, I ~ . : ::, ) ·~st Office Department, .Ottawa. O.B.E., Li spirational quahty ab~ut 1t: At any rate. i\!r. Sma\1. '"ro~ler'"'a"n'd Mrs. Mat 11· ' /: I..,....______•• 1 as a wood found in the umverstty celebrations "ood distinguished . ll reason as Newfoundland may ever ha l'e for .. ~ . 1:. , -~~~= rr__ u.;..E_s_n_A_Y.:.! _n_E_c_E_M_B_E_R_1_2,_1_9_s_1------l!is Worshtp j n I _____ - sembling in St. John's a goodly number of celebr:;: Tucker, and ~ 0 1 • I 1: ;. eel exiles. Jlr. Charles Tittel •• • J I~ . :., ·;. Tittemorc; the me I 'When The Premiers Met so man\' . tional shipping trade, it comes success that justifies them in start­ in~ winter t:l:~·.:itinns. There by· the Safety Council of New· please give them a chance to Newfoundlanders had done before and since. are two re~ulations of the foundland, A copy of this hricf prove th~mselves. •. i 1' although less interested in seeking fortune uni;ler the heading of news. ' ing their own fleet. And numer­ Hi~hway Traffic Act which ap· cnn he obtained at the Coun· If anyone is interc.

. ·. ,; . . \ D~~~L~Y_:N:E:W:S,~S~T.:_. ;!.:JO;:H;:N~'S:.,,.:.;N:,F:LD::·;_• T.:..U:.::E=~S::D.:.:A.::.:Y·..:D;.:E;.:C.:E.:..;M.:.BE~R:...;,;,;l2;.:_,.;.,;196~1:,___. ______, 7_-=--=----=~---·--:-----::-:--~---:-o ... :: r.;}, · Successes"' E(onomy and Boom ''Outstanding At Vi(e · in i' ,, l : : i . :' By TOlll A. CULLEN I i! .· i i! . HAMBERG, West Germany, . I • h 'I' G d F II (NEAl-You won't find a I 'I • . n a s I MIC S ra . hamburger In the Free and . ,, ! I . ae \ ~t • I Hanseatic City of Hamburg, but i . li J' ·tribution of o£ st. Michael's, Br. Keane de· G. R. Bellows. The accompanist you will find just about every· I ,. 11 I gave " !llent of st. veloped the deep implications was Sl1ter M. Presentation. The thing else here. ' . · . Entcrt~I;~i~h School, of loyalty, which he defined as band was under the direction of Chopped stealc is known '!•' him. ; I.' .· 1 RegiOI~t place in the "being true to a principle, a 1\lr. Leo Hartley. Both or11anl- locally as 'De "Deutscher steak" I Years 10 . ',. ptl!, 111 al 8.00 pm .. , pcl'son, or a collective body zations were In top form and and If YoU slide it between . New. · a·Jd~l 01111 r 5 The sm~h ns a school, a town, a pro· their selection• were thoroullh· halves of a bun you will be I . . · · p•ccnt 1!C • • 1 t' :d 1 fame . 'd 11 .tr1· the dis· vince or a nation." ly enjoyed by an apprec IYD considered whacky. . 1 hci " ' · • " LOY \LTY " d' nee f hi wt of . ona~c of His I1X· • • • 1 • • • au 1e • Nor do the people o t s . pJir \I o·~cill, D D., In the course of his remarks, bustling city o£ 1,800,000 like ers in ' .· Joh~b~l;r Grace·Granu Br. Keane stressed tl~e lmper· CLOSE ANOTHER GAP tu be called Hamburgers. If islnnd , ol ll~xccHcm·y presided ath'C need or unchangmg l~ral· BERLIN Ion ll'e of the pre· the danger of the prmclple of between West Berlin and Wes pliable, brca · . f It k h Germany The move followed N h ti e 1ne in . · it"II<''1r. Cai!!pbotl confornuty or s own sa e, e • E t ow ore 1n Germany. 1s 1 •· \psi week's escup11 by 25 BR • 1 'tin in. O.ll.[.: .. J.icutcnant state1.l that unquestioning con· miracle of eeonom c recovery - · Ge1·m~ns who aeixed a train b tt Ill 1 t d tl i til S1nn1J. · 31', 11 \lr·.. ~I.'I"!ll!cr;un. form1ty could load to the d. e.ve· h ill h o er \Is ra c 1an n l ~ · . · ·.IH·d- "llc~ts• Ill· lopmcnt of false pcrsonahlles, and rlrove into t e Bl' • aec· t 1ty on t 11e Eib e r iv~r. w1 1i c 1 1 ·1 •·'~i·Un''lll~ • '1\'or,lup. I" ~la)·ur that is. ''peop 1e w1 10 act. agams· t tor. rAnks ••ccltlld ·o11ly to Lolt!lon 1;1;icr. ;wd :.h·s. Tuc· !nne!' approved convlcllons for 1\tUTINY QUEJ.J,ED as a European port. Monckobcrgstrnss~ in April 19•15 (above) and : 1. 1· 11 •. Tille more and foar of being rejected by 10' 'IOGADISHU. somalia (APl • • * ....v• lil ,,11 members of ciety.', Tile" Somali "overnment an• In 1 aerleM o! wnt·timc bomb· today (right) J·t:IIY Sclwlnl'· the final speaker. He voiced his AMMAN wa; awarded a I large measure to the hard work f British, lt•anian, Greek and Tur· alng. , •, c. l'ratt Scholarship of and perscrvcring efforts of kish companies fot• violating ~he • • • · to J>rlncen Sophia or Greece. when lie decides to relinquish ever restored. I ~~ V 'reTIRED esterl in Although Generalissimo Fran· power himself or after his I .,.j 35 well :~., 0111 t•ntrancc 1both the staff and the students. Arab boycott or Is~ael. ,'I he llamburg had a close shave IOU quainted 1'he possibilities o[ such a .. 1 to ~tount St. Vin·j He urged the parents present names of the Canadian hrms tuwards the end o[ the war. On cisco Franco shows no sign> of 1death. restoration. wer.c strengthened LL THE TIME 1cle. Phil stepping down as head of state, · b J b A ·(,!lle;e tn liahfilx. Diane I to rcali~e.. t~e gravity of .th.cir were not available. Hitler's orders the town was I. mg busi­ monarchist circles believe that UJ<:NOUNCE RIGHTS Y an i!lhance 111 une Y sev- Now and then everybody gels • likew1;c wnn a Call•crt , respons1b1hllcs for the trammg to be defended to the last brick, eral Spanish groups opposed to "tlred·out" leeling, and may be oundland · Scholar;h:p. John liar· I and upbringing of their child· B.C. BOMBERS BUSY and demolition chargos to tm- the marriage of the son of the Franco in which is was made bolhered by backach ... Perhaps noth· the 1920 ·w awarded a two-year 1 ron. He col\cluded by congratu· NELSON, B.C. ICP) _ A plcment the p'o!icy were Plant- Spanish pretender to the at- But to Qring this about, Don clear that they had no objec· ing seriously wrong, i.•>~ •. l~m~rary tractive Greek princess will, in Juan, father, of Juan Cat·ios, lion to a monarchy provided condition ~a used by unna~y unla~oonor . i . •·aiucd at .51,000.00, laling and commending ~11 who bomb blew a huge chunk from ed. At the lnst moment; the I I dyn and , th long run boost tllelr Cam Uld h I h. . . '. bladder dtscomfort. Thais the l1me lo k I ha\'e . al the Truro Agri· had contributed to makmg !he ·the pier of a railway bridge 15 Hamburg city fathers overrode e • · wo ave 0 renounce IS I[ was a "constJtutwnal and take Dodd' a Kidney PiUs. Dodd' a help ' · . ! Collrge in :\ol'a Scotia. past school year such an out· miles west of here Sunday ns the local gauleiter and engi· paign for the restoration of the rights as the direct heir to King democratic 'monarchy." These alimulale the kidneys to relieve thio ~ founda· . TO GTt.\111.'.\TES standing one. terrorists struck again in Brit· neered the surrender of . the monarchy. Alfonso XIII, the last king of groups included the Socialists,

- . I I . • ' . ' ' • ' Ii . l man~· We· have just received since, Jl'\U!\C Jt im- ' often 1S prn· r sixty The FIRST STOCK SHIPMENT of our 1mant. r 1929~ opping cs was .'riters, SMALL J. Pro· 1962 PONTIACS .:ic and .·e than 1e most I . in the Proudly ]\laf11:ed . i .' ' . one in . ; tate in ne field

!alth in ; I I not a I ' had a hat can coupled •• • " : 1endous •.

BUDGET -MINDED ENGINES \ .. AVAILABLE IN: NEW LOW PlliCE i I Thrifty 4-cyl inder 90 hp · l.' i : . ' e 2 and 4-door Sedans and · AL.L MODELS ... . : '' ECONOFLAME Station Wagons. I I •' Acadian's new 4 cylinder power plant delivers ,,;: ~ . :, 90. horses of thrifty power-squeezes every last Choice of 4 or . !: I • A ! I nu]c out of a gallon of regular p;as I Displace­ i; ment~ is 153 cu. in., with a compression. ratio Cylinder Engines. ' of 8.v:l, to give you plenty of lively get-up­ ' hnd-go for all types of drivjng. Manual choke rphY h:td elps contribute to Eeonoflame 4's thrift. e Standard or Automatic · ·Jy stru~· . I I 1 • triviall· Shifts. ' ! ( ' ]! I' ch as fly• Peppy 6-cylinder 120 hp I I I taY in a l bY pub· ter melon ECONOFLAME :1''( I cannot .. :net rnore F[t those who want 11-dditional. "go," Acadian 0 . restaur· ers the 120 hp Econoflame S..:.a great per· : t: ~cess than former that als!? thrives on· a diet of regular i her into ~as I Hydraulic valve lifters and seven. main is a re· t - for Jearings add .to this· engine's smooth, quiet :areer f operation. Autdmatic choke is. temperature · -· 0 11 unltY and vacuum controlled for easier cold en·gine poor p~Pd starting. LIMITED . of 'tJllll . , ancestor& REAR' NFLD. HOTEL DIAL 5131 ·ST. JOHN'S l MurphY· .

'' .·

' . ._ .... ~, ..• , •. •.:·" •• , ...... ··.:·~·- :fi<~_l:~_; ••;c ... ;<,,_.~,-~------11111111· ' I !l ! ·i ,,~DAILY NE ,, TUESDAY, DECE~lBER , \ THE DAlLY NEWS. ST. JOHN'S. NFLD. 12 fW" .::_.--- 1' I j ' A,.·•.• 1951 '. ' I, •' •' ~: :e 1' ,• ' ,t,·. -...... Lodg~ II I • I. ·.• .. Florida Holiday Ambrosia ~ i . S()Ci a}-(, e rAona} ;:ot: Iiolds i ,, i ful Brothel i worshiPAsh Jnstallelf I, 1 Column- J,eRo~vorsblpful Mal I I ' nic Lodge·- ·st. ;;I , RETURNS HOI'riE . last Wedncsdal' I MJSD S., A.F. & A. II, I us9, R. ndcd on J a .Mr. R. Gifford, businessman able holiday. ·Tl~c~·er an tnjr,1. 11 Jd its 47th ,·I: I. of Stephenville, returned to h1s Jatires in ~lontreai £lled it. was foU a I' home yesterday after a business Boston, and ;p ' Ottawa 1,l )915, t ~~ of officers :• , !lalla~ cember 5, 196 ..... VISI· ·1 t 0 t h e Cl't y. 1·In New York belcnt a fe. W di)l • • • home. ore llnng bat( claY• .e Temple at ~ )lasonl~ ndrew's LodgE 11TH BIRTHDAY • , , St ,, . . I Birthday greetings are being IJo'Rml B.\I:iE IJ.\RB . !l~tion was or1gma sta ber 1914, but, d -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ex~n~d to J~kie G~~ of M~ and M; ~~ pec_em death of t I Donovans, who to-day IS cele· ' Baine Harbour Rouway ~I brating his eleventh birthday. : John's and a;e are ,"'-~iti:J; ~t unu~;'~lect, WDr. B1 Greetings come from h1s mom the Crosbie IJQt"l re,l,,eced )ll~th the first il sm~ place on January and d:41, sisters and brother. H • ' • to.ril Wor. Bro. H. ~ I TO PL.H;.,;:;n.~ \ >t ,:·, I w~th tuaiiY being instal EN!ER~AI~~lENT . . i Mr. S. :liorr·;,er " I. ' : :·~·- 0 Southerners hi)VO long known the light, refreshing delectability The K1lbnde Fall Fa1r wluch man of Pl• .. ., · ·' b.,,~E'! t.':~ reigning Master :': • "•' .of the fresh fru1t dessert calletl Ambrosin-served ns a fitting : •h.o.: 111 Ia, Wh . • llld•e Brother Cowa :··,:.''finale to the, oftontimes heayy holi1)ny menls. Europeans have commences Thursday, Dec. 14th : the ~ity la>t ll'ce'· 0 ~a;~ I,, : · . "· retc·n·d LO••will! us thoug h ve ry ; · always assoCiated oranges w1th Chnstmas, too, and there is no Io S a I ur d ay, D ec. 1Gth ., off ers · 1us home orer the . 1.' ' lo ' .;, , better season for di3hing up this luscious; sweet dessert than . t t · t f ll tl · ' 11 ee,etd R The charter mem_be I f me en er ammen or a 1e was re~r,tered at th ~ · · t I · ' now, when the fresh, juicy oranges and grapefruit Florida sends family. Vegetables Booths, ; land Hotel. e · e~foo:c. d•e being Worsh1pJ 1: ·· :I ·:.:·.US each year are so plentiful. . Lo (;' R Duder, H. I Wheel of Fortune, Goods 1 • , , .' 1 -~-~~ ·;Just picture a big spa!kling brandy snifter filled to the top ers G.· 1\~h, W. R. Wl •: , :-~·<'":llh plm,np, mouth·watermg orange and grapefruit sections. Be- Wheel, Turkey Draws and a DL\IIETIC: .\S~OL ~- M Baird; Brothc ' I ' : .. ; ! ·· ·.:i1des thc1r lovely appearance, these citrus sections offer a bonus Fish Pond for the ~hildren. , CHRIST:tl.\s P.\J:iv ~ic~;,., J. G. McNeil, :· :, , :~;:~.:l.n good !lilting bccau!;e of their abundance of healthful vitamin C Also many fine specJal door ' The mcmbo .. h . . ''ote!l1 1 Johnsion, J. l\fcCoubr i 1 · • ~·· ,~bd the1r low cnlonc content. pmcs. loundiund IJJCtrtie ...' !,. 1' · : *;:i-· F:o~ classic Amhro:Jia,, sprinkle the top of the serving bowl, or • • spurrcll, A. C. Good ·~·~.;:m~vJdual compotes, w1th the clean white of flaked coconut. • ' were hoste-;r.- ,1 a Ch·. V. Chcsman, H. C. ~Y I· !1,. , MARRIAGE • t [ !l't"'Jr t ; '1 · She~ canned or frozen stra,~·bcrries, purple grapes or other par )' or Diahrlies and·;;,; ,\lderdice. W, J · ~!ill I' . berms of your choiec will add appetizing color. Some versions ANNOUNCE~IENT 1:·1cnd, 111 the ealetcna ··E. M~nlgomerie, W. C I: ;caU for toasted_ maruhmallows and pc~ans. .-Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Taylor. 1 I: . Sl, .lohn', (;enrral llooo'~ 1 atn. J. Anderson, HI · Florida Ambro•ia 1 27 York Strcel, announce the '1'1 I , '"' 'l I HII'H a)·. llr,·rnlhcr 7 ll 11: t;merson, Hon. W. C. J 3 3 sug~r. forthcoming marriage of their jl Flor!da grapefruit tahiPspoons 1 p.m. ' Baird, Arch M;mn, G 3 Flor1da orange! optional d:111ghter .Janet Marie to Robert Durin" lh" ,, don, James Ba1rd, J r I , 'I c r d f . . I • • ~ ' rnm; l ;: I · 1 cup strawberric•s, slic~d 1,'4 cup tl~kcd ~oconut ll. b . "'. omcr or , son o Mrs. C:har· spcclf1call1· fr.1 J{noii'Jing, Jr., Dr. L. . Chill oranges and g~a)l('f~uit bdorc prepuring. Cut slice from · I S d 1 ' • · ' " rtlcs 1: ' ! ?s , tamp, an I tc Iatc \1. A >cned. film> , 11 ,11,. 11 and and A. Wilson. Broth top, then cut off pccl,m strips from lop to bottom, cutting deep 1 Comcrro:d ?f t~1s ell)'. and prit.e; di>lnlnHcd. The . cowan and Arch Mum enough to remove wlutc membrane. '!'hen cut ~lice from bottom. 1 I ; Or, .<:ll.t off p,ccl round an~ ~ound, _spiral fashion. Go over fruit The wuldmg 1s to take place · prize> wrrr ,ron 1 . 11 alirc. . I at St. Kevin's Church, Cole and · :· ll is a Jugh honou I ...... ~a.m 1 removmg any rcmammg wh1tc membrnnc. Section grape· ~lontrcJI ~lr. 1\'il;~n ·.: ·. ·frmt and 2 of the nr:tngcs b:r; cutting along side of each dividmg P.Q., December 16th. . : The St. .John·; and . wmc ~laster of your I· . ·. .l!lcmbranc from oula1d~ IO,l!llddlc _of core. ~~move section by sec­ Janet IS on the nursmg staff, Branch of 1h, l' . 1 Lodge and it is doubl~ I' f h . . ' anar1 13R . . ·· _tion,-ovcr ~owl, to ret11m JUice. Sh~e remummg orange crosswise, o l e Royal V1ctona Hosp1tal . betic A-;n,·'atinn , .·.h picked for a second t ~-· •.; .• ;~·~nch t~1ck. CoiJ!hmo, grapefrm~. ornng~s and strawberries; 'I t I h'l I · · · " ~J:.es 3=-;._:;tjlnnkle With Sllll'Rr 1f dl'!;Jred. '!'urn mlo servmg bowl or individual a t I' on rea , w 1 e Bo J 1~ w1th . thank tl"· IJiete:ie , , Iince lhe foundation -:::~ -~bes and sprinkle with coconut. Yielrl: 6 scrvin~rs, the ftrm of MacLeod, Young, · donor; of :l~ .. rarious , Lodge in 1915, W Weir & Co . , . pr 1zes .:.-·\ ..;,'•"---.,....------. ' g1fls and tne D1etar" perous \cw Year if the high and adde thoughtful a n d · delightful hale to admit it, like to f e e I . TO LEWISPORTE . The next mecling of the, ~hich has been placec pampered, too. On the mar· shower or Christmas gift. I Ural of occupying the Messrs. Harold Starkes and · !Jeti~ A"oeiahn 1•:ill he ket now is a boot-shaped Ira· A rcgul presentation this Christ­ W. Locke o( Lcwisporte, who on Fcb:-unry 19, 1952 in drair for a second tin \'el case in butter-soft black In the historr of I mas is a small !!olden candc-1 had been in the city on husi· King Gcor~r \' ln;:itute, lealher containing pre-electric Andrew, now nearing labra holrling, instead of cand·l : ness last week, returned lo , St. Easl. al 8.o0 p.m. . I and after·sha\'e lotion, talcum les, four flacons of perfume. a~nti'Wary, those who powder, spare dcodm·ant, tooth ST. HUBERT, Que., Decem her 1961-VIGILANCE MAINTAINED-During the season RCAF thci1' home town over the week· !ided as Right Worshi fe~tive E~:(;,\I;DIE\T brush and loothpar.te. Oprn ~cason on Chrislmn~ shop·· trr for a second term ,., Air Defence Command, as part of NORAD, will maintain round the clock vigilance. Howe\'er, on hehalf of end. ,. • , ,\lr. and ~-Irs ..1. Rnl:rr An oblong, flower-dcckrd. wick- pin~-and aching feet - h a s i ltven and nrc listed a! children everywhere, fighter controllers will scan their radar ~copes for signs of Santa Claus. Could a lllflTIIIIAY p,\RTV In annflllllt'r the rn:a;rmet been declared. Be sensible i 1917·18 Charles R. little reminiscing bl'ing a ~leigh drawn by eight reindeer into the sky with the C~'-lOls'? It ~ccms tllb A hirthdil)' party \\'l dou:hln. )lar• i. !922·23 James A. W ' ' ahont the sl1ocs vou chose to' How To Hold shop in and lake ·li\'c minute~ I way at an RtAF Pinclree Line Radar Site. Saturday. December 9th. for lo Dnnnld .1.. ·'"II of )lr.· 1935-36 William D. : ,, Karen 1\'iseman, 114 Top:;ail ~Irs. I' .til). ~ r\'ery so often to rest vour I J llurphy !9<4·48 Donald W. ' 1 Road who celebrates her 7th i ,I' FALSE TIEETH feel while you sip coffee. Sore; 1949·50 Allan K. Ell I beachwcm·. Wim suit desi~n·l birthday Dcecmber 16tl1. 1\E'ITR:\S uom: 1957·61 Roderick A. i I More Firmly in Place leg muscles lake kindly to a : ers fa\'ol' the suggested fir in· Y0\1 would like, watch pockcl Snowman Tales ~lr. onrl ~lr< ..\!htn '' Do ~our false teeth annoy and em• hoi mustard bath at the end , ! Christmas 1958·62 V, LeRoy A: I placement on dresses and suits. 1 . CIIRIST)I.\S 1'.\IITY ! borraJS by sllpptn~. dropping or wob· or a busy shoppin.ll day. stead nf the tight fit in suits' 133 Prnnnlrll noad The ceremony of in, bl\n; when you eat, IIIU~h or tRik? A rim· Just srrlnkle a Uttle F AS TEETH on for next summ1~r; Some hik_. There's no point in adding hulk Christmas party and home hy T.l.' .. \. Sunol;y wok place in the Maso JOUr plotes. This alkullnelnon•acldl inis arc still around, ·but the to an already bulky area. Dcss:rt . ncr ll'ill be held on Deecm:1cr ing from l~andcr "·hm pie on Tuesday, Dec1 powder holds false teeth more firmlY Cake Surprise and. more comfortably. No gummy, modest two-piece swimsuits: ' 20th al Barney's Rcs:aurant for attended thr weddin: of 1961, and was presided aooey,pastytaste or fefltng.Does nol are . best sellers, rcp?rt Cali· A new interest in antiques is .-'7':'-:::-:~·~o.. , the Government Laboratory Vincent'; son. Darid the Installing Master aour. Checks "plate oclor" (donturo FASHION. • • bre&thl. Get FASTIT.I'H today "' forma sportswear designer~. ,. rna k'mg cu ££1'm k ·s ma d e rrom ' : Employees and their wives. lo ~lis; .Jeanette Knee ot Worshipful Brother 'J <1rw1 counter& evoeywllere. . I I "' .,. •.• lown, on Sat~1rday. the Assistant li hips are not as slim as old coins more popular. I' ·. 'CIIRIST~Uis HOLLY 9ih. TIJC ncwly•.rcd, arc ~laster ·of I he I. ! The Caribou Chapter o( the honeymooni 11~ on the Lodge of Scot I I.O.D.E. is selling Christ:nas land. liewfoUJJdland, in the I j Holly, imported from British ' ' . regrettable al 1: Columbia for $1.00 a box. Pro· TO ~lO;~iCTOS , the Distric ; ·' ceeds go towards the many cdu· ~lr. Gcor;c Lilly fanr.erly , Rt. Wor. Bro. I l cational pmjeds and other St. John's. arril·erl in Sl. · who, through ill: good works of the I.O.D.E. Any. from )I one' on on released fr one wishin.~ lo hu)' t:1e lloity motoll'eci to T,·;::ity to , was unable to for the ceremonies can dial 90Jl'IT \I. lJNIIEIWOJo:S 1'\'HCWRY Ceremonies ~rr. II. r: 1.111,, i ' The mnn)' lrirwi. in ,,I Right Wor~hipful -'''Cilll(', ~~·11 11 rcl'rlltl~ ,John's of ~lr>. Irene liolt.o;, Cnr· R. Williams, l\1 \,·en! ~ur::.r: Y :~: the of the United Grar ncr Brook, will he ~o•TJ' to Jlo,pil>l. ,•·;, r( 1,r!nr:rd learn she has hccn a palicnl al England and his SHturd:·~· ~:~d i- nn•.l n'rll. accorded a Yery the \l'rstcm ~lcmo:·1al l'o.'!lllJI ing al ho:JH'. for the past l'.'cck. and that she . as they arrive1 In the Installation 1 ''"'-"--"""~-· ''·-""" : underwent major surgery yes· The installation was - . t cr d ay, C.L.Il. 11.\:"'llll:T , ;UTTY-bnt nice-Christmas snowman cake docs double duty as , • " • The annual llanquel o. out by the I and was well holiday tables centerple~e or original gift to friends, I FRml GLOVE!ITOWX , ;.;,C.O.'; .\(,•>· nf ihC , all proper BY GAYNOR IIIADDOX in vanilla. I Mr. )laxwell Burry ol Glover· Lads lln~ad<'. I . ' 1 and was uniqu1 lluve yon ever met the Christ· , town is at pre~cnt in thr rily ihc 69th .\nn:~t•r;ar) ~ . 11111 Masters of the .mas snowman'! Jle is a bit Spread frostin•' between layers j on b\1sinrss anti is registered al C.L.B. in \i'll' ml1Jr. were present took I I mixed up, of course, and a tri· of the two i>owl rakes 3 n d I the Crosbie Hotel. 1held al Park·Le on . They I I lfe nutty. GlisteniJrg white, sandwich level sides togt'ther 1 • • • : December tlth. Th~ the (1929), J. c I very friendly, he often wears lo form the body o[ snowman. RETUR:'>IS IIO~IE 'Orchestra prmnled 1. ; I · · nd a 1H R A. K. Elli a crown of "purest" gold pap· Place bo d'I of snowman on 1 l\lr. and Mrs. Fred Newbury, for D;mrm~ 3 d.bl' · J. Burke (1952 i er, serving dish and lop 11ith can who had been vacationing on able e1 cni11g ~~' 35 ha ,1i i 51 0954, R. ' I cake to form head. ~ r 0 s t / the mainland and in the United : afler wh1rh a buffet · ) and R.} .I 578 and 579 As a dessert centerpiece for the snowman completely With re· States returned to St. John's . per was >en ed. ;I I festive ta)Jle he is n delight- maining lrosting. Decorate ' ·------I I l! I literally !weet eMugh to eat. with nuts and cherries to form I I' I Carefully packed afi a ~ift to buttons am! fnce or snowman. f "ASTRO-GUIDE" I I In St. John's Telephone. Numbers. neighbors nnd friends, w h ~ t Tit ribbon <~round neck In form I IN 1962, TO CONFORM WITH THE NATION­ could be a more original and 5car£ and rlccorale srrrinl! di;h; For Tuesday, December 12 !I amusing messenl!er of your with Oakcd coconut to re;em· 1 . I WIDE DIAL PLAN, ALL TELEPHONE NU}-1- . good ll'ill greetings? ble snow. BEB.S IN ST. · JOHN'S WILL · BE SEVEN resent-For You and I' Se\'eral reader~ h are good, with 11 1% teaspoons vanllln likelihood that you may reap a Nuts and Cherries 14 eggs I ' ~HE OLD LOOK~ THE NEW LOOK ~~~~~~: 1 cup Jes5 two tablesiJoons 1\ reward from efforts made in the ! Separate four of the eggs and set sugar past. Usc money wisely. ' I,. 1 cup cognac .A. coltlpactl : . I aside the four egg whites. Pre­ ' . I I' 1 pint heavy ·cream, whiptlcd , • , On December 12, Future • • ' . e cap;~He . . I . The 57 will not be dialed .for local calls I pare cake mixes according to trical space cngm ' d .. ' \' package directions, using 2 Nutmeg 1955, the Ford Foundation gave b ucr)' an . :. ! .. I Candled· cherries · half a billion dollars to privale operating by ~ ·t·d !0 egg yolks and 1 whole egg for 0 0 '•: ' TliESE NEW NUMBERS WILL BRING ST. JOHN'S ~pt:<• each mix· in place of 2 whole . ho, . ,, NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, Nl<'LJJ., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1961 r: I', :\ :.:..------·-···•• I ·r I .I. i I ;",,l .... i ·.. · • ·· Ornnge Lodge Liquor .,.an .. I.:! . l -· Lodge St. Andrew Accident·• Cutting ;; ' ... · • Program 'lnnounces Orders A.t. ~e~k \' ·:. 1 ll Holds Annuall Installation Victim Trade is. nuw on the il~rcascj: .:. ; i IJ !ttl Jlrother VIctor Rt. Wor. Bro. E. J, A. Harnum. m all busmess establisi)menl~; : . : i , ,~~a 1.\sh Jnstallell As Right Wor. Bro. Gunwell then pre· A.wards · 111 ·St.- John's and the Buurd ol'-· . ' 1 ' Treated &'losing . . L1quor Control is no exception.:: : , ' ! · 11l1\ :0~hlp!ul Master sentcd the Master elect, War. 1 _ Bro. V. LeRoy Ash for Install&· The 1961/62 cutting program Th•~ e~uc?tJOnal comnuttee. of\ An official ?f the Board ;·stated; ' : L Donald Dwyer, 17, of Corner the P~ovmc1al Grand. Orang~ that the ma1l ordet· busi\)ess is' • . · · · . Lod"e St. Andrew, t10n In the Chair of Lodge St. of the A.N.D. Co. woods depart· Brook, Is In "fair ·condition" Lo~gt announc~ the wmners ,,.. presently at Its peak, alld r.t\ & ment, rapidly coming to an 0 ~~~~n~c.. u·~ A.M., which Andrew. for the coming year. · at the Western Memorial Hos· is thm for 1961, as dcrs from city firms arO: beincll. ;:;!. R dcd on January 25, Worshipful Brother Ash was end. Fur the week ending De· s~holarsh1ps pita! where he Is receiving follows. . . . . considered. 'l'hc ilearllhj~ for)! cember 7th, 1961, 5,439 cords j. J ~~. fJJ~d its 47th annual In· the~ ln~talled in due form to treatment for injuries receiVed The S1r Rtchard. A. Squnes &uch rerJuests will be Wednesl' P, t.c ol of!iccrs on Tues- hegm h1s 2nd term as Master were cut on all divisions mak­ I in a highway accident over tho Memor~al Sch~larsi~IP for Gra~e day of this week, December 13.' ti:ar;~ember 5, 1961. in the the Lodge, a position which ing a total cut to date of 320. ~ I . ?' weekend, 9,: pav1d C. Grcenm.g, Pu~llc It was al,so learned that a I :.!· u.',' Temple at St. John's. 1s most normally held for a 613 cords: For the same week, The youth was struck and S,ehor~l, Buc!1ans; ll!1ss il!axmc Store is being establisfted at-' l1'': 1~ drc\\''s Lodge first in· s;ngle year, and then the com· 2,512 cords were llaulcd result­ knocked down by a car ncar Crocl.~r, Umtcd Ch~rch School, Labrador City, as the ·•Board : was originally set for ptete slate of officers were In: ing in 114,344 cords hauled to ~:. ~ the Coruer Brook stadium Hearts pehght. , · considered that action hitd to' rJ..lt._Q •• !914. hut. due to the ~tailed as follows: Saturday nigh L The vehicle was date or 36% of the amount that uf the first R.W,l\t, Wor. Bro. V. LeRoy has been cut. The .Sir .John C.. P~ddester be- taken to stop the flow of. :~~~:·death driven by 37·year-old Archibald 1\!:moml Scholarshi~ for Gra~e liquor coming in there from: ;:. .... e·!eel \\'or. Bro. R. C. Ash; I. P.M., Wor. Bro. Russell COMPLETED '• Gillis, Valley Road. ~0, Morley J. Greenmg, Public other Provinces, and this was: ll'::r elhe' first installation J Burke;· Deputy Master, Wor. To date, 34 camps out of a Dwyer is suffering from head· School, B~chans; Clyde . Rey· the only solution to the prob· '' ~··· 1 011 January 15, 1915, Bro. Hedley Snelgrove; Substl· and back Injuries. total of 42 have completed their nolds, Umted Church School, )em. : :.n ~c~ oro. 11. E. Coyan 1\otc Master War. Bro. Max 1961 cutting quotas. Two con· Caplin Cove. . · · I, beinr. installed as the Dawc; Senior Warden, Bro. 1 tractors, Ford Hewlett in Bad· r.:; \~): The W. H. Cave Memorial J at the Massacusetts Eye and'• · re..l- · ger division and Pearce Penton ',\", •nin~ ~laster of the Alex Stacey; Junior Warden, Seholarship for Grade 11: Jl!iss E~r Infirmary Thursday. '}. hos-: ~-:. re~rothcr Cowan is still Bro. John S. Hall; Secretary, ~ Mining ·~·.······"·· .. "···""'"""·'·•·· ' In the Bishop's Falls division, Barbara ~!ercer, Amalgamated pttal spokesman said the. oper• ::·~. thoa~h 1WY ill. Wor. Bro. Roderick A. Guzz. have completed both cutting and School, Bay Roberts; Thomas ation "went wcU" and the: 1·", • harlcr members or the Yell; Treasurer, Bro. Arthur Greenlleltl, N.11.-Et!die O'Keefe, a little felia from Newfounq· hauling their 1961/62 quotas.· Tulk, United Church School, prince will remain in the infir·' l.t :e'~" \l'o•rshipful Broth· ltackett;. Almoner, Wor. Bro. Delegatio~ land, holds up a big wishbone; au extra thrill during 1'hanks· LABOUR FORCE Ladle Cove. . mary for two or three days. ~~;! R''nuder, 11. E. Cowan, Robert A. Cowan; Chaplain, giving Day, 1961, at tile Crotch ed illountaln Rehabilitation The present woods labour These scholarships all have C!'· A;h, w. R. Warren and •:ro. David r:tctcalf; Senior Den· Center, Eddie sat tlown to a big meal of white meat and all the foJ'ce now stands at ~95 men. a value of $100.00 each. I ~i Baird: Brothers J. J, can, Bro. Gordon S. Thomas: flxin's with other handicapped boys and girls from New ~f this total, 555 men are cutt- l'V · · J G. jk:-,'eil, P. N. R. Junlon Deacon, Bro. Harold H. Meeting Jiampshir~, i\Iassacbusetts, Connecticut a111l as far away as mg, B4 men ~auling, and 56 TOHONTO

I!: a ;ccor:d term number good for his year of office, and, • .!. I Rul:rr :.. ar.d arc listed as follows: 1 If the many good wishes are In· :J:;.:s rh~rlcs R. Emerson. i dicativc, then Lodge St. Andrew lll2·23 James A. \\'inter. is in f~r a very successful year. :;)~35 William D. ~lcCarter. A light collation was after- ·: I I hi' .eil)'. l!1HS Donald W. K. Dawe. wards partaken of In the Ban· :~~iO Allan K. Ellls. i quet Hall, where the usual Ma· 1: m;-51 Roderick A. Gu7.zwcll. I sunic 'roasts were duly honour. :ll&62 \' LcRor t\sh. I ctl with that to Lodge St. An· i:e cerentony of installation dJ·ew being responded to by the · pllce in the )lasonic Tern· new Master, Wor, Bro. Ash. oa Tue;day, December 5, A most interesting and enjoy. · , aad was presided over as able evening and social came I · ~laster, b)' Rlght to a conclusion when Bro. Mo­ !::;~pful Brother John A. scs lllorgan offered the Tyler's ll~l~. the Assistant District 'l'oast. i'td llastcr of the District ------on !:!:! lodge (If Scotland in ~~•:oar.dland. in the unavoid· : regrettable absence of Committee ' fatter, the District Grand ··. Rl. IV or. Bro. L. J. Har. through illness and . i released from the Administers · · was unable to be pres· the ceremonies. His ab· · was greatly regretted by Water Works who wish him a The new water and sewerage the practical car for particular peoplel !Cto\'Cf)', s)·stem and all other public ·,;>,... the District Grand works In the town of Mount ...... :. T~;.mnt wt•re Wor. Bro. Pearl are to be administered . . . ;or. I~tstrlct Grand . in future by a Town Council· 0nd. \\or. Bro. 111. B. appointed works committee 'IT.\L :_ltrerno:Insh~r~slc.t Grand Director I The committee was establish· .ilh. i , . cd at a recent mcetln" of the n·rrntl; 'i\?rslJI~~ul Brother 1 council, It compris:s three 111 1 : 'i :l! 1hr } " "': ~I.B.E., D. councillors, Fred Bannister, di

unpredictable." It Is not dilfl· ~ r I . cult to see where all this il there's ·Inore in it leading, .Mr. DuUy added. for you! CP-6621: ' ' Mr, DuUy concluded u he said at the beginning all our arguments, debates and dlaclll­ alona on thil leglalatlon II aca· demic tln'ce nothing we can do will alter lt. We can only hope MARSHALL MOTORS LIMITED It will •omlhow work out to tile advantage of NewfoW!dland p#AA, '11 KENMOUNT ROAD, TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. aad all we can do iJ .walt and ""P==-:x:::&:BJ!u

I :~ ' .. . ' ' ~ .. I Ii . Men's Light Rubbers Womens Gents' Women's TO~ !. Kick-Off High-Zipper Nylon Gaiters Snow Style Boots Children's

' Gaiters I Black. S·izes 6 to 12. Nylon upper, over-the-sock low boot Light .Rubbers I I • Plain style ...... $2.10 with zippered front and heavy fleece I All-rubber, rayon fleece lined gaiters. All·rubbcr with concealed front slide fastener. BLACK. Concealed front slide ·fastener Felt · .l!'leece lining. Full bellows tongue, Black. lining. Round and toper-toe styles . Children's, sizes 3 to 12 ...... $1.50 ' . i Mud style ...... $2.25 and $2.70 insolves. Deep pile La~renl'ian· cuff. Sizes JJ to 12. Deep pile Laurentian cuff. Black or $3.50, $3.75, $4.50, $4.9t), Misses' sizes 12h to 4 ...... $1.6~ Black or Brown printed. Sizes 4 to 9. ·Brown. Sizes 4 to 9. Youth~' sizes 11 to 12 ...... $1.65 . II Storm styJ4i ...... :...... $~.85 I . $6.25 $5.75 Boys, s!zes? . 3 f o 5 ...... $1.85 • 11· : r . ' :.,. Women's Women's Corduroy Women's Low-Cut Womens , . I . . Snow Boot i I Nylon Zipper Pull-on . Snow Boot Women's I' Style Snow Boot I Gaiters ';! 'Koroseal' '.' ! :'. I O·tershoes I .. -I ' Black nylon overshoe with front slide Smart brocade finish slipons with loop Low bout st)'le with all rubber up· . ' : :. 1arroll' . I 1:" Low boul, pull-uu style. ,Corduroy and button closure. Available in clear, Waterpruot Brushed Nylon uppers. 'tl1 1 .: ; ' fastener. Rayon fleecelini~g. Felt in· pers. Side zipper closure WI . Black upper with drawstrin~ lace. Heavy smoke and sand, Flat, medium and Front slide fastener. Red, Green. inside sheading snow collai · S25 soles. low heel. Sizes 4 to 9. cream fleece lining and felt insole. high heels. Sizes 4 to 9. Sizes 4 to 9. or Brown. Sizes 4 to 9. $ ' $6.75 Green only ... :.... ~ ...... $6.25 .. $1.98 and $2.29 TIM EVENING: . JUST -ARRIVED BEACH . . . "20, Ladies' BLACK ._leather seal skin trim snow boots, M also available in spindrift green, winterpine green, mi.d-brown and beige. Sizes 4 to 9.

:' 1-·' .,_~...... ______;;;.\.;. ____ .. ______..; ______.;. ______,.,~

! ; . :·=

. I., 161 .._ • . ·• i<' ~

1 SECTION II SECTION II 1 It 1 , The Daily Nev1s 1 •••. I i/, I .;, .:· ' ~ ' .. " ST. JOHN'S, NFLD .• TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1961 ~ I . I ' ' { ' ------I i I• ; ! ' I ' '· ~~ !I :' I ' 'i )ANTA'S RCAF .WORKSHOP HELPS THE KIDS •' !\ I. i I

i. ~ . •' k For 5

I, I s Army I.

' ,...\·•rkshop was trans·. ll the R.C ...\..F. S_tatwn · f!l Department 111 Oc· 1 rear and since then ' .re minute of the fire· Jn;ibihl)' of F_S. St. . r.d hi> staff of Cll'llwn · TOI'S were collect· th~ RC.,\.1'. married ma and fmm ch·ilian . cftl:r firdightcrs. Ama· 25 ·. harr t urncd out ..... j1,h; i'<>n;trncting j ,: 1 ironing llllards .. dolls. 1 · · table and chatr sets 1 . · · The pride taken i lire fi~lnm in their· . ntflettrd in thr fini>hi•d '·. 1: would hr difficult THE WORJ{SHOP AT RCAF was a hiYe of acti\'ity for almost two • E1 ~at 1111 to)·; dirt not months. when civilian firemen at lhe base wod;.ed on to~· repairing and; r:;!~ht from the factor)·. cleaning. Here, two men put finishing tout:hes on some toys before eollccling i :December rnough tn)'' __them .. ___for _the Salvation Army. r , 50 families with 4 ... ----· ..--- I . , were presented : 1 it led to his own headquw.·ters THE WALLS ARE LINED \\'ith stuffed animals, dolls and cars. These tovs.< the result of 1\ro mollll·~· · Arm)' \\' elfare : ··ng In being over-run or surrounded." for di;t:ibution New .Readl , Auchinleck himself, crmman· work on the.part of RCAF firemen, will gladden many children in and around St. John's this Chri£lmas families in St. John's dcr-in·chief in India, was taken outports of i\ewfound· · on a similar tour behind enemy "Spearhead G'enera·t". dianlines troopswhen inhe thewas Sudan.visiting In· prJject will be continued Then, 'on the way back, Jiles· • tilt cnsuhtg year an~ 1 servy ran their truck into a I ;mon wtshmg to contrt·l By FRASER WIGHTON 1enemy's lines." ditch. They managed to get It ,. ~!s should contact t_he' LONDON (Reuters)-During; The colonel later became out and drive away, however, 1 !. ·Statton Tot:ba)' F~rc: the SI!Cond World War, Gen. I Gen. Sir Frank l\lesservy and 1 before the enemy found out 1 who 11'11l recetl'e. Sir Archibald Wavell, Briti_sh I !tis exr,Ioils as one o_f the ''fight·, about their prese~ce. 1 "~"""""Y· : commander-in-chief of the nud· mgest leaders dunng the war; Messervy and Jus troops play- 1 eastern battle theatre, visited I are recounted in a new book, ed a decisive part in the East .85 j British troops fighting the !tal· 1Spearhead General, published African campaign throu:;h their I · ians in the Sudan. 1 here. . capture of· the supposedly in· TR.Il'l\l:'ili .\REA ' He asked the colonel in com· . CAUSED HEADACHES i vincible r?ckbound fortress of IL'P• - The. nund to show him "a bit of 1 The author, Henry :llaule,: Kercn, Erttrea. l'nil1d States navHI your operational area." i says that illesservy "did more I ----- ha\e a~ked Canada :rhe two men set out in a mil· , fighting than any other general HOUSE IIISTORIC SITE water anti-sub· itary vehicle and drove for in any army anywhere in the I QUEBEC ICPQI - What is !l'lftllllcnts in lhe Gulf some distance without seeing Second World War." In fact, left of the home of ~ladelcine ns between \'ancom·er any British soldiers. his combative s p 1 r i 1 o~tcn i de :Ve~chet·es •. one ~~ French· the mmnland of "WI t t h . f . caused headaches for his 511 • Can.tda s earhst hetotnes, has • ne~·spaper says it was. 18 roops av~ .. ) ou .or criors been declared an historic site . sources" that th I ward of here, then. Wa\ell p . . . . 1 and taken over by the l>rovin· lp · e · finallv asked Fteld 1\!arshall Str Claude I · · · . . . expert men t s would 1 • • • • em! toul'lst bureau. The remams tl:t tracking of subs at I "As a matter of fact, none," I Auchmleck says 1,~ .a for~word of the old manor house started than prel'iously I the. colonel replied. "You sec, to t~e book t!lat Ius ~estre to fn 16i3, arc at St('. Anne de Ia Iwe are: six miles behind the be 111 the tht.ck of thmgs and Pcrade. 50 miles west of Que· s t? see for hm;self was so.mc: 1 bee City. All that is left is a! !tmes embarrasmg to the h1gh~ i wing believed to have been used J er command, especially when as a chapel. I hoe. Sell . ·. . . . I . .. :. . . :. .. : ~ntal m·n. I 9. ,.50 . i

NrWFOUNDLAND'S FRIENDLY THEATRE ' I TOMORROW TO_- DAY· TOYS GALORE! Everything from hockey games to· ironing boards for the girls ... here is a section I . • I of the RCAF Santa's Workshop, just before the bundles were taken to the Sah·ation Arm~· 1\'elfare or­ ' ' anization. ' I' .' ' ' I ' I I, ' I I ; I I . i r ; i I ; n.so ! )1.65 $1.65 I ! l p1.85 I I ' I • Special Added Attraction


- YmORIO GASSMAN SILYAIIA MAH6AKP cr up· 1arroW Black TIMES OF SHOW~ ;5.25 EVENING: "SEASON" OF PASSION" . 6 O'CLOCK - 9.40. "THE GREAT WAR" 7.35. E' TIMES OF SHOWS...... MATINEE:' 1 P.M. \ENJNG: - '~ATTLE OF BLOODY. BEA.~:Jf' 7 O'CLOCK - 9;20. 20,000 EYES" ..:.. 8.20. NEXT ~TTRACTION MATINEE: ·- 1.30 "'fHE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES HEATHER LYONS is sho~n presenting toys to Fireman Lt. C Pike. They were put in with the.other VERNE" - ADVENTURE, ~ THRILLS - SUSPEN.SE Also "BIMBO THE GREAT" ~ toys collected and handed·over to the S~lvation Army for distribution: (RCAF photo) lAST. TIMES ·ro-DAY . THE. i\H)ST SPECTACULAR SPILLS .AND . ·THRILLS' EVER TO BLOW THE TOP OFF ''swoRD oF ·SHERwoC>o. ~FOREST".. ' THE BIG TOP. . ·.'. + ·.I' • ' J, , ' • ~ ,: ' ' •

... •...... : <.:_{"1·,:-,; ._·

... . ' . "- ·--- --·~ ~·' .. ,- .. THF. OATLY NF.WS. ST. TORN'S NFLD .. TUESDAY, DECE}.-IBER try ::.: l96J I " . I '' • ,,: raE DAILY NE I ,• . ' ' ~. ·' ' BOWLINGr: . L. A. ~ams .I lti'DmMI& Worried 6.15-Sports Report High Sch~ .~Commercial League .I Tra ve 1 Guide and wrong with Los Angeles Rams C8 N 6.30-Early El'ening !'\ LAST :NIGIIT'S GAMES Ill. Dunne 190 190 180 560 I of the N a t i o n a I Football TUESDAY, December ,tzth. Roundup ~~~ Harris & lll~~~:ock:-2 F. Day 142 185 175 502 League? 7.00-Sagc Brush Sam 173 228 236 637 Maxwell Stiles, Los Angeles and News Shol floly .A. King 200 187 222 609 C, Andrews .T,'Mullett 197 215 193 605 714 792 811 2317 Mirror sports writer, asked the 7.30-CBC News 8.01-Cream of the C G: Barnes 209 194 223 626 players themselves, Some of the 7.35-Top o~ the Morning 8.30-News Headlin rop lli' O'Reilly 289 270 288 847 Unihid Towns:-3 answers· 8.00-CBC News and Weathe1 8.31-Cream of the e~r r, (' 895 866 936 2787 F. Hall 200 213 144 557 "Wc'r~ undcrcoached." 8.15-Musical Clock 9.00-Ncws Headlines op Stop "We need leadership." ~. E. 011:-1 · II. Lacey 227 198 198 623 9.00-Morning Devotions 9.01--Cream of the C "We have the wcakcrs offcnco 0 lY cross are c d: Vaughan 207 230 259 696 R. lllurphy 236 157 180 573 9.15-Intcriudc 9 30-Ncws Summarv / P V. Withers 242 172 172 586 in the league." 9.30-CBC News 9.31-Cream of th. ~OCight Show :[;i. Keels 187 249 199 635 ers. Waterfield is a figurehead th!Y ~ver st. Teres 735 902 904 2541 (Default). 9.45-Records at Random and News Headli and Pool docs the coaching." 10.00-The Archers 12.01-~lidnight Sports Sr.es Jo~. 111 1·esterday ' Stiles, who withheld the ~ta su game Jead in 1 I ' Nfld. Light & Power:-3 10.15-Doris Janes \12.55-News Summacy toru I 1, names of the players he quoted, three series tor the 1 'N. McLeod 208 225 204 637 Gander Hockey 10.25-For Consumers 1.05-Sign Off. ' eren ,, I said in 'fhe :Mirror Monday that 10.30-Nfld. School Broadcasi : I tb squads have I ,,,,.I ': ·:P~ O'Neill 249 149 182 580 I "open rebellion against staff so but their sec ll\, Whittle 257 222 244 723 Fans Start· assistant coach Hamp Pool" 10.45-1\lusic •n the Morning I l ames d, .!: , was a 2·2 no c J. Kielley 289 234 186 709 broke out Sunday. 11.00-BBC Variety 1 CJOH Fan Club I 11.30-Nfld School Broadcast \ lnl crusaders took . 1003 830 816 2649 JUST WORDS Th~e 7.1 and the 1 I 11.45-Sacred Heart Program I 'fUESIJAY, llecember I' o' t: ·F. Perlln:-0 \' .. ·· But the open rebellion, ap· 11 Holy Cross car I GANDER-{ Staff) We've U···:2.'):, l' :t;:<;i:;;:i;: :·) 12.00-BBC News I' : II.. Caul 197 224 195 616 parenlly, was one limited to ~:· serie~ with a w said before, and now we have words. One player told Stiles 12.10-Announcers Choice 6.30-The Bob Lewis Sb10l ~; Janes 160 204 136 500 Bdt N 'cte rnoon while St. T R. Voisey 198 176 220 594 evidence to support it, that Gan· "you· could have traded me 12.30-Farm roa cas ell's, Sports and 1 e • r· I 12.45-Mid Day Serenade Weather Repons Ut for their 1rs I> .E. Case)' 231 143 177 551 dcr hockey fans arc the best weeks ago and I would have be o h r .~ STANDING ROOM ONLY- Harry Howell, dark jmey, of the 1.00-Doyle Bulletin 9.05-Music for Millions The crusaders e . 786 747 728 226~ hoclwy fans in. Newfoundland, been happy." Another said "you t .~ I to one lead after the ,.. . ·,· The evidence? A fan club that Rangers attc~pts to get the puck into the cage during the game can trade me tomorrow and 1.15-Songs from Here and 9.2a-Star Time There \ 1!.30-·Austm Willis goals by Bob Er J'.', Parker & i\lonroe:-3 I has been formed in the inter· wilh the Montreal Canadiens at Madison Squar~ Garden in New make me the happiest person . ' in the world." But none said 1.30-CBl: News and Weather I Y.35-Wcather Form!t ~ck and Ron 1\lu~ 291 223 196 710 1 est of the hockey players, nml I ·~ Yorlt. The trouble is that oalie Jacques Plante has a glove over the they were quitting, 1.46-Tommy Hunter Show · 9.40-Jerry Wiggins bho< Crickard scored for • i i -J~ Power 157 145 215 517 I of hockey itsell. The members disk. Tom Johnson (left) and Clnucl.~ Provost of the visiting club Stiles said there was no real 2.15-Musical Rendezvous !LU.OO-i':cws Highlights HolY Cross outs t G; Oliver 208 234 231 675 of this new club have a deep. Teresa's two to o close in rapidly to assist. rebellion against Bob Water· 2.29-Dominion Time Signal 10.15-What's Coo\in' L, Sullivan 184 243 191 617 rooted love for th game, and field, the ex-Ram star who now 2.30-:Musical Rendezvous 10.:J3-Jerry Wiggins , ,econd period and · · 840 845 833 2518 1 wish to show in some way their ------~ heads the coaching ·staff. 2.45-Atlantic School Broad· wil·cs Choice and lit?;J Jdded one in the th ·Walsh's Bakery:-0 appreciation to the players who lion to hold a dance at the end I ·.· ·· club last year as Waterf! cast 11.30-Xfld. Quiz Ed Colford and J Ryan. 163 191 152 506 perform in the local circuit. -:F. of the season, at which time, 3.00-Atlantic School Broad· 11.45-Boh Lewis To\1'11 Jdded the two f~r , M. Taylor 145 248 186 579 It is proposed that every in the second, whsle a slate of officers will be elect· cast Country, Nc~n. I ,dded the lone St I • K: Arns 138 160127 425 non-paid player w~l be present· ed who will carry on the aims 3.15-John Drainie Tells A 1.35-Don Jamie;on's •' W. Croty 23t6 206 170 612 ed with a gift certificate, re· and purposes of the club for Johansson To Story 1.40-SJ.orts foal. Bob Ennis a~!l i; ' · 682 805 637 2124 decmable at the Gander busi· ond goa! in the thm I' the ensuing year, At this 3.30-CBC News 1.45-Art Baker's ~ole~ o·~eill scored for I I ness establishments, and in or­ dance announcement of those 4.30-Ncws 2.00-News Highlights , .Can, lllarconi Co,:-2 der that no player will be de· Don Crickard wa I selected ror the end of season Start Comeback 4.33-Nice and ·Easy 2.03-~latinee nied the appreciation due their point getter of the 1 D. Bishop 152 240 168 586 awards will be announced and 5.00-l\lusic in the Air 3.0a-Ncws lli~hlights I efforts, the judging of players cored one of St. Te I. T, Hollihan 201 103 157 521 awards presented, 1 GOTEBORG, Sweden

I ! . I I . . . ; . ' . 12, ' ~. . ' ...' DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLn .. TUESDAY, DECE!\IBER 12, 1961 11 . l ,' r I ' I r .-;.. School Hotkey League Puts Forl? l'i ,· ;: 1 goly Cross Three Up Strict Regulations~~· !. !:I . ! . The St. John's 'Hockey L~ague, together witli I i'I . I• Stop St. Teresa's 6-3 the presidents and coaches of St. Pat's and Guards ~ ~ junior hockey teams, held an important meeting 'I.'' Cross are one game Bob Ennis gave the Cru· he mlde 45 saves over the in the Leagu.e R~oms of the Stadium last night and I i,JIY m the Junior High ~adcrs a one to nothing lead route. He was at his best in 1 ,Jro . h' once and for all settled tile argument over the fisf ! • t, ..> ~~, hocker champ1ons 1p .as ut the 2.16 mark, F:rank Buck the first, period when the Cru· ~~~~ I UP with a 6·3 VIC• made It two to nothing eight sadcrs blasted 23 shots his a-cuff that took place between th~ two Clubs. .• camr St Teresa's at the minutes later and Ron Murphy way. Don Crickard played his The League's executive after hearing bot~t teariit; ore • Hstcrday to take a added the third at the 12.47 best game of the series on the vkiws, laid down the following reconunendatiou!; mi lead in the best of maJ'k. Don Crickard scored the forward line· with Dave Thistle· which all clubs must adhere to:- ~:ric! for the title. lone St. Teresa's goal with 42 as their best defenccman. squads hal'e played four Jeconds left in the initial Nocl Dinn was the best man .;,h I, :·" but their second mc~t· period. on the ice for Holy Cross as ' (1)-The referms will "cracl•down" and call ;a fl·· 11 • •.• no contest he. Ed Colford scored what he broke up many St. Teresa's halt to the high-sticking and slashing im­ 111 ,'I C u•adcrs' •. took I he f'1rs t proved to be the winning goal attacks and organized most of mediately and apply a stricter enforcement !:I !.1 and the third game with just 54 seconds gone in his own team rushes. Frank :I, . the second period. Bob Dunne Hickey played a good fore· . of the ru '•'!S; · · Hok cross ran. top . off (2)-Spearing will draw an immediate suspcq­ .,· 1 with a wm Friday kept St. Teresa's in the game checking game and was tops on 1rl ·., '·~n · while St. Tere~a ' s WI'11 with a goal exactly one minute the for1vard line . sion from the game with further game ~u~­ .1 ·;~1 for their first wm. later. Jerry Ennis gave Holy Referees Duffy :1nd 1\!cLen· pensions to the indiviil.ual co111mitting this ~:: crusaders held a three Cross their five to two second nan called eight minor penal· 1 1 breadt; ' · ~· '' lead after the first period pci·iod lend with 34 seconds left ties in the game with five of 1 (3)-Any pcn·alty in referees' report thatis ~~~ 115 b1· Bob Ennis. Frank after a dandy three way play 111cm going to .the losers hut th.~ 10 and 'Ron ~lurphy. Don' with Buck and J,owc. none of them figured in the BIG WINNERS--Les Ryan, Gordon Follett and Ches Sullivan imposed which is qualified as "intent to in­ scored lor St. Teresa's. Larry O'Neill kept St. Ter· scoring. were the three big winners in the C.L.B. Indoor Track Meet held jury" an opposing player or official will Cross outscored St. csa's within striking distance STOPS carry an automatic suspension of not le~ two to one in the when he took a pass from Don NORMAN ...... 23 9 13-'15 last night. Ryan had .firsts in the 220 yard run, the . potato race than three games, and if the gravity of the i ~~d period and each sq~ad Crickard at the 7.45 mark and ENGLISH ...... :1 4 9-18 and the one mile wailt, while Follett had seconds in the 220 yard beat Crusader goalie Pat Eng. situation warrants, indefinite suspension: · 1,;1! one in the th1rd pcno~. run, the o1w mile run and the one milewalk. Sullivan capturd the ·Ed Colford 1nd Jerry Enms !ish with a knee high shot UNEUPS (4)-In the opinion of the League' executive, i::rd the two l?r H?ll' Cross that hit his pads and dribbled HOLY CROSS: Goal: P. Eng. one mile run. Above (left to right): Lcs Ryan, Gordon Follett and in every game that a team amasses sub­ ,11ecl\11d. whil~ Bib Dunne over t~e line. Doh Ennis put glish: defence; N. Dinn, F. Chcs Sullivan.-(IWyal Photo Service). stantial penalties, it demonstrates a Jack :,~;l lhr lone St. Teresa's the game in the bag for the Hawco, P. Greene, R. Murphy; ;:;~ s.,b Enni> added his sec· Crusaders when he took the forwa'rds: E Colford, D. O'Neill , of proper supervision and control over the ··' •cal in the thml and Barry puck from the face off and players of the team conn'!rned. As this"is ;;~11 scmrl for the loser~. slapped the disc into the mesh ~hil~;on:: ~:nn~~.ck~·.t~w~~\II~:IIChu' r·ch' primarily the responsibility of tite coach. I'll Crickard was the top six seconds later, Enms, D. Byrne, F. Buck. Lads Bri·gade'1 it has been decided that such outbreaks as r·' ;etlcr or the game as he ST. TERESA'S: Goal: P. Nor· 'I · ~hli~hll occurred in the Guards-St. Pat'11 gam~ ,or 1;:;J one or 51. Teresa's ~oals i St. Teresa's had Pat Norman Jamboree 1'~·,1 1 up the other two. Frank · in goal in place of Leo Puddi· ~l.a~;hl:t~~~~~~~~~n~~·~c~oR:~~ t any excessive record of penalties by any l.;i added an assi>t to his g~al com be. who played on the for· H ·I d A I B. O'Neill, B. Dunne, nnua s . team in a game will have the only alt~r­ arty forwa~d: 0 · Holy Cms while one asSISt wnrd hne. Norman put up a D. Cr1cka~d, K. Ryan, E. Mona· por s native of imposing automatic game sus· ighligb(s w: to ,\r.rlr Clmrrhill and : good show althou~h ha\'in~ six han, L. Puddicombe, C. Guzz. ~ Forecast i:! Lo.rr added two assists. ~ goals scored against him as well. pensiop to the coach concerned. Board The Church Lads' Brigade (5)-Request all Clubs to sch~dule immedia:te News ------held their Annual Indoor Tra·~k meeting of all their players with the PUr· Civil Service .llleet at the C.L.B. Armourr pose to improve the departments of all ~Airlines Hand last night with the Old Cum· players; • h radcs Shcild being won IJ~ (6)-R.'!quest Clubs to take primitive measures Hoc key Tomg t I Company "A". Most of the Company "A" pomts were won to players which they feel and know are 1 a Minute L OSS m the West First _ in their Sports Day h~ld in i contributing to this situation; · 1 News 'fl c· 'I s . . t' "B" I Mav (7)-A maximum of three o£ficials in addition ~.\:iDl: R1Stal!\ - Airlines of the prize in goods. 1e lVI ervyce sec !on . 1;h . . . ·m the Well r::ed four unanswered goals Three league games hm·c 1 hockey league w1ll play 1ts fmal c spo:ts ~er~ dtv1ded 1~to to the coach and players given on the game lighligbts tht third period ~londa~· I played in the airport town this double header before a two ' t(!ree. secllon~. JUniOr, scnwr lineups will 1:.~ permitted on the players' oirec . to score a 7·3 1·ictory and j season and the following six week lay·o~I for the Ch:1stmas and mtcrmed1ate. . bench; ,. kc Choir · .. l!ading RCAF their first players 'have been chosen by s~ason tomght at t~e Prmce of ~I~T OF WINNERS (8)-Clubs advised to stress to players that they ~ews .. of the >rason. · the fan club as the most valu· \\ales Arena starting at 7.00 Jumor. !. i News l.~my Peckford, a real able player to his team in those p.m. . 30 Yards Dash-lsi, L. Rod· must respect the referees. i the Pops !ol~· hockey player, was the games: Bern 1-'itzpntrick, Gerry In the fml game.. second ~ers, ~~d~t Corps; 2nd, R. . I I News !1 uplosil'c in the third per· Zimmerman, Gerry Hancock, pl.ace ~MCS Cabo~, w1ll tnn~Jc I-rene h. A Company. .~ o~lburst as he !ired three Gil Picard George Crawford w1th third place Fmance, wh1lc Boot and Barrel-1st, C. ChaJ. I I nnd mes·s•~•, t~is in 1 minute and 13 sec· and Charli~ .Bradburv in the second encounter first kcrs "C" Company; 2nd, W. ! lighhghts d•. ' ' place Fisheries will clash with Roberts, Cadet Corps. Crusaders Hold Second : . I n the Nigbt X!l! !l!rtcd things for last place Highways, lnter·Coy Relay-Won by "A" !ighlig4ts l\.\F !I 9.03 of the initial Intercollegl·ate Fisheries hold n one point Cornu any: J. Follett, R. French, n a Minute ;r.ii'l u·hcn he took a pass margin over Cabot in the r.ea· D. French. I in Jhc Ni~lltf2\ Senior ·Team Workout I !'!~ Souc.r 1nct Don Barrett son standings as the second 100 Yards Dasl\-lst, L. Rod· ' [f 111! RCAF a 2·0 lead as he JUni.Of Q round opens, with Finance and gers, Cadet Corps; 2nd, R. Holy Cross who hope to be·r not turn out for the opening · 1ocr! on a nice play with pener Treasury tied for third four French "A" Company. come the fourth team in the St. drill, were two big guns which i~r 1nd Soucy. Airlines got points behind the leaders. Quarter Mile Walk - 1st w. John's senior league this winter , Crusader coach Myles Furlong IN-TV 1:rbaek belore the first period Hi~hway~ ·are in the cellcr sir Bennett, "C" Company; 2nrl, A. held their second two hour prac· hoped to see. Noel Hultin and December t:ltd as ~. Dyke finished off Defending champs St. Bon'& pomls back. Bastow "C" Company. · tice at the Stadium with some Tom 1\!urphy also were not 1 erte passing pla~· with Pitt· open the junior intercollegiate TOP SCORERS 25 players in attendance. present although showing. well : ~ •.·.,:. :~and llills. hockey leogue against last GP G A p(s, Intermediate: While goalie Cy :McGettigan in the first drill. '' . s Study ;·:: .~rlines continued to roar year's runners up, Bishops Col· Bill R)'an (C) .. 4 6 5 11 nnd Bob Godden from last .. ·~ 100 Yards Dash - 1st, D. I ~--~--, t's News year's St. Bon's team were out However the Holy Cross . :Iii in Ihe second period and lege, this afternoon at 4.30. Dal'e Fleming (C) 4 6 2 8 Vallis, St. ~lichacl's; 2nd, W. squad looked very good with :~~first two minutes fired This will be the first season Pat Marshall (H) 4 5 3 8 for the second time, Dave Bar· Roberts, Cadet Corps. i\!eGettigan in goal, backed b~ !lilies to lake a 3·2 lead. for the junior circuit at the Brian Lawlor (T) 4 3 5 8 1 rett and Ray Murphy failed to Inter·Coy Relay - Won by Mi~~ Casey, a defence of Bob filly Dyke tied it for the Air· Stadium. The senior league also Gordon Duff (F) 4 3 4 7 make any appearance on the ne News Cadet Corps: D. Churchill, W. Hutchings, Pat Hurley, . Bob ~11 on a play with Leo Lan· is playing at the Stadium, but J, Vinicombe (H) 4 3 3 6 ice. Iff Roberts, H. Smith. Snow and an expected Barry •0' and George Peckford and they were returnees having Murphy and Barrett, who did .tbllc Deft~nde1~: Quarter .lllilc Walk - 1st, N. 1\!aunder. Up front the Cru· lelcne ~.tklo!d .gal'e them the lead 1 played there the year the NELSON, B.C. Association to suspend . J. Leblanc II Charland trorn all further corn· W. G. Moores ,.•· vs W, Loveless M. Wilansky petition unlit we meet again In than@y the spring, . · 9.00-11.00 CAN'T • SKI ANYWHERE J. Laws H. Wylie I'I !.ther qualit.J. . "This · disualifles · hlin from R. F. Horwood H. W. Kelly any· . authorized tournament In· N. Vinicornba. P. Newton I'i the . world-the International Ski in the whukj. • ·.G. C.· Baird Alma Jeans i . .! .. . . Federation· ; sponsored events In •• new. Eut'Oj;e, the United States · and T. MacDonald W. Allan Canada." A. G. Crane .P. V. Burns long size· W. G, (Bud)· Clark of Ottawa, D. King K. ·Marshall .director and past. president of Pam Horwood Jean Rockwell the . association, defended Baler, 38, who' liad "done a fine job , ViCEROY witll 6ur jumpers. for the Olym- . ' J. B. Norris A. Hallett G. McCharles H. Roberts Filttr1ip ' .. ; .. .Pi~ Gamei ·at Squaw· Valley In BIG.SAVE-Prince of Wales· ndminder Neil Windsor comes ·UP 1~.·~ ·• . .. . . ' R. McCarthy N. Shal'lle ' with his best save of the opening game of Senior Intercollegiate on .., : .. . Baier declined to comment· on J. Bfield Moore D. Quinn . ' Saturday' afternoon as he stops St. Bon's Ed O'Brien from point· H. P. Carter bye. 1 Charland's charges, •yin~ \hal • f' •• hla · deal "w.•• entirely .with the . blaitk ran(e, The game ended ht a5-5 deadlock.-M,M.P.) Duty Officer-C. Doyle.

' -----6-.-~ .. .,.,.""--~~·.-,., ... .,, .. ,.,._-.~;.~:.-!':'T',..._o -,,-~.,~\":.n-:•·•.,·.•. ,_ .•_.., ::-- ...- :.-.,··· ·~·;,; ••••;.~ • ..,,._,<:; "·~·.,·,..·_.·-_•:•-. ;.,'. ',''"'!.~~,'~.'- ;_-., ":C.ciUMi.;Y<'"""""'______n ~~ '' ' THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD .• TUESDAY, DECE!\lBER 12, 1961 ,. " ' 12 ,, ' \ With MAJOR HOOPLE Bank Of Nova Scotia The Daily News I. To Introduce '&Stream ' I I I, -lined Money Orders'' TORONTO, Dec. 11 ( CNWl I record copy, I I 125 SIO'II 10 10%- V. -The Bank of Nova Scotia is 3. The purchaser c 'II Lellch 1300 !56 Ill 1!52 AnKID Nnd .,, I Lcncourt moo 13 12 13 c nrew mD ssm sw. 55\ 1000 3 3 3 - \!a DGKO ./ 935 Sll!io IO:Y, 11\• LL Lae 200 1tl 1~1 191 -9 Gen Bake !DO SUI> Ill'.. Ill'• - !it Canada a streamlined "Person· convenience. f1lling in lh:~ h.1 .I Inland 4500 sm 5\i 5~ + v. ,I Toronto· Lorado 5400 182 !80 182 al Money Order" w!tie_h has the name and signmg •1:. I I ~;~yee's I',, ' Lorado wla 8100 " 85 H ..:1 Pembina 2920 SD'II IV• 91':- '4 I Lyndhll 11800 u 11 11 Slmpoooa IillO S%8 27!4 2nl - II essential characteristics of an as. With a~1 ordmary cheque J~ TOMNTO CLOSING STOCKS Macn"a 1091m 320 315 315 -1 Stedman t6fo0 sm'• 1!1'• t5V.. + •1 I Walnwr 300 130 130 130 + 10 ordinary personal cheque. Bank 1 ongmal 1s mailed and th. Tn, 'By Tbo Canadian Presa !dacdon !0300 31 29 31 +Z 1 '' Wolken 840 $59 59 59 officials sa) that the ave'ragc l'hcate cop, is kept 3$ thee au I ' Toronlo Sloc:k Exchange-Dec !1 Maolle 500 41> 41': 41> \Yeaton ab 210 $21> 2 221': 221'1 ' Complete tabulation ol Monda!' !runs· MacLtocl 1600 112 110 110 -1 time for a Personal Money Or· I chaser's record. Personalll P~r I' ·anon ol Monday traftl• m m m Mnflsen • 2600 235 230 230 1 l' I ' •ctloftl. Quota tiona In eels ulm Ma1net 1000 4\!a • 41': 4\1- I> Total 9aleo: 4.316 ooo. dcr transaction will he 30 sec· Orders, unlike I he pe, _one\ I ' h f' ' I l ( d' t>O~al narked I. z-Odd lot, xd-Ex·dlvlcted, Malartic 3100 90 87 87 +2 onds, compare~ w1t 1ve ~m· • ~ 1eque~ o tn, 11 tduals, be,r'. ' . D"-E•·•I&h!J, xw _ Ex·warranto. Net Maneaot U 3000 5 4\!a 41> - 1 I ~· I ' ' d • 1 Man Bar 2080 28 28 28 utes or more w1th a conventwn· • par crossm~ llhich . • I >hanl• Ia !om povloua sy a c o;el Marcon 5500 9\': I 9 - l!a al money order. Here is the !Item negollable wi!hou•ma,t! '' Stock lalea High Low Clolt Ch'Je Maritime 4150 84 82 U + 3 I , ' MINES Marlin 19000 50 48 4!8 -2 Montreal wav it works: charge to the presenter ;t a:' 'I • ~ I ,, lbl • ' branch of any chartered b::: \cad Uran 53600 1112 10 111 -2 Mat"t11! 92l 900 BTl 875 MONrREAL CLOSING STOCKS ~: ' \d•ocate 400 585 m lDl -10 Maybrun l700 111 7 7 -1 1. Scotia Bank's personal far north. The moncv 0••• ,. I t" 1 11 l l Mclnlyre J6l Sl81'.1 481;1 48\l - '>i B)' The Canadian Pre•• llnlco 7Hl 11° Ol ' - MeKen 8000 1611 18 1610 + 12 Abitibi 40\4 Fraser 2!1> money order is in triplicate. i Ill Canada, except those '1~er,' ~: • \lba Expl zooo 41> 410 1}~ - ~ Mc~lar 88l20 &I> 6 6\'a Ablt pr :51> Gt Lakeo 18\o 1 11 1 The origmal, wh1ch becom~s 1 m>urcd agatnst loss lh· ~} • n Larder 500 18\1 81> " - MeWal moo lJ , 49 50 +1 Asbuto• 311• llud Bav Min ~5 E I'·' ' \mal Rare 6701 II IO 10\2 Mentor 71800 51' .19 61 +2 !lnquc C Nat 751• Imp Oil 49\1 the purchaser's . "Rc~istercd" 1 ~~mpering count:rfciting,'\;; Bank Monl 74'• lnt Nick !4'1 ' \nacon 7500 52 50 50 Merrill !5!0 68 65 !7 +I I personal cheque, IS prmted on ' dual personaht) ' of the p.. ' tnKio llur 3900 9:!5 890 9l0 +I Meta Uran !00 IOI!a 10\2 101'1 -11.1 Sank NS 821': tnt Pal> 37 I: nl !IOU)n 2000 ll ll 15 Mldrlm 3000 !I 3! 33 -1 llnue PC 47% MaSI·Fer 121; I specially water-marked and sen~! ~lone;: Order : es a''. 1 11 ~ Bathurat A ll N St. Car 2m lj \I ' \nsU 11~9:» 13 12 J2 Min Cortt 172~ S14'1 13~1 14~1 +t highly protected paper. The o.er an,; I' llrcarl wto 6000 3 3 3 Moneta 1000 71 70 70 -2 Bathurst B 2nH Noanda 'n1 rl~stmcl aclvanta~e I \rca l600'10l 100 110 - 2 'It 'Vrl1hl 37168 m 146 150 Btll :;a~. Paunash 10 duplicate serves as the pur· , dmary cheque or mu~e) o;~,. \ Arcadia 19300 16 43 8\2 81> Nealon 5000 4 4 4 - l!a C Cement pr 29 Rovallle lH• C Bnk Com 721'< Shnwln 25 MADE TOO MAf.J'{ MID· copy. , 11 1thout any wa1.mg, a per:o:;' I~ lumacho 10500 10 911 10 Ncllo 500 18 l8 18 IJI6HT F:AID.S otJ THE I'' , \Uma 28600 m, 61': 611 -1 New AIRer 500 5\1 5\1 51> + \2 Cdn Brew 56 Sleet 78 2 When a customer asks for, cheque form, 'pre.certifted' I, \unor 700 320 310 310 New Did 61100 II> 8\2 61':- l!a dn Colan 34\l Tr Can PU 27'11 Ri:FRI6EAATOR/ THAT:S I· i: lankeno 2000 31 2B .t! , +Ill New Cal 1500 27 261': 261':- \.; C Int Powtr 11% U!'ol Steel sa. LIKE TRYIIJ6TO STUFF a Personal ~Ioney Order for. 1 hy the bank and cros•ed 1, ' lankllcld 1000 16\'i 16\2 16\'i- h N llarrl 2000 71': 7 7 - I> C Jnl Pwr pr 38V.. Walker 56'• A WALRUS lf.JTO A S<•Y S2E, he pays $35.15 (the 15 I make llegottable .1!,,~ larnal 3300 162 162 B2 -1 New llooco 6300 72 72 72 -1 CPR 26'• CAI\'ADIAN WIEIJpR CASif.J6! 11 lary Expl 2500 22 22 2% N Kclore 9000 101': 9\li 10 - 'h Cockshutt 15% Cant Pap 42~.:, cent charge is standard for any I charg~. The payee at the 0,1 Sco~rnmo 4212 D Brld~• 26 I' 1aso ~leta! 12100 9 a a Newlund PIOO 19 17 17 -2 amount up to !';150 which is the 1 rnd recet\'P; an instr, ,.~; I Iaska 20500 18 15 18 +1 N Man 3000 36 35 35 -2 Foundatlnn 12\1 11 Lod 1500 6 6 6 N Mylama 18100 39 37 38 + 1 maximum limit of issuance). whtch to all mtcnts and pu·;"' il eea•• 1 ~~l~~;,' ;;~ 1:: 1!~ lj~'l -;9 ; Newnor 1000 5\!a 5~ 5 ~ The hank imprints ~he amot.mt, ses is a hank monc) ord(r: :S II X ,, 9 I' New Rouvn 900 m 5 "' 5 "' ilhla 14000 P 8 > • + ' N Sonator 11000 71> 612 7 -1 of $35 in one opera !ton, retams r~adtly ne~ot13l:lc as a ccn.c:. I ~lrrofl WR 64 63 61 -I New Taku 500 16\.; 16\i 16\li + \!a ils register copy and hands Ol'er tiOna! bank. express or "\doop 6l00 9 Rl> 81> -1 , •• 5' +2 New York I Pt" Q '7 3 Nl;k•l MS !2656 5. •N • I, !-llar:k By 1snno :to :!6 • - Nick Rim 3000 M.l 48 411 -3 the onginal and the purchaser's ' office order. ·• -l<'rdulac :oo() 9'"J !Jt, 9 ~ + t'l Nlpluln5:' 100 15~ 154 t!U, -1 NEW YOR)C CLOSING STOCKS '3fll.lli'ln ~ ~600 H 43•., 4 + l Nnr-Acme 3lOO 20''2 :!01.,. 20\1 + sl'~ 111 The Anocta•td Pn•• 3rntorne 1:00\ 620 603 ti1 5 Nor,·mda 4~62 S57J.o~. M'i 571r2 +lh Beth Steel 12 Monly IV 31tlv .lrout Rrf>f 3000 :!9 J.7 :!7 - tJ 91 ''2 Bar~ Warner 481i !"~\' C~nt 171• ~runsw~ ;;n 460 uo ·160 + 20 ~:;~~~al w~ 28:1':27:!· m'' ~ 10 C and 0 SS~a Radio Corp 5~·~ STEAMSHIP MOVEMENH lull Ank 14~ :an 2n ~7Z --R anorpax 8667 14\2 13 14 + !i Cons Edison a~ Sou Pnc ~'01 ~ada mot !87l 9'• 91: 9\i +I N Coldatrm 2175 72 71 71 El Anlo El ~8\'i Sid Oil N,J 50 GULF AND NORTHERN ! John's December 16th ·ani• Chlb 4537 ;on 6qll 100 -10 , 41 .. +II Gen Elee 78 Utd Aircraft 4! 1> .~ Tun• n;o 173 165 t6~ -8 Nnrth"te mm 5. ~ SHIPPING CO., LTD. FaurettP sa1hng frc::t - • Goodvear 441.f. Vanadium :!3\f. ~I.V. 1 9 N Rank moo 42 4ft 41 -1 ' '\<~lnrla 17100 9 1 P. A :Sorsp J\ w 300 55 5~ ~~ -5 Gl Nor Ry 4lL4 \\'eslnj::se :18\4 Fer~us lcal'e Charlottetown llaltfax Dec. 18th, dee ~t. 2 lnt T T .1~'• Kennecoll II• ~ ~~:l~rt 2~i~o 2~;\ ~~ :1;1 : 1 ~~~~~~ 11 ;an 2: 24;,~ 2~~~ 24~ 1 ~ -10 A---- Dec. 15, leave Pictou, N.S. Dec. John's Dec. 20th ~ N lnfl 11000 14 13 13 -!!> -,~ 63 •• p &·I ·rtn ~W 2Wi H U 1-t S Oei\UC 1 '"" "'' 16, arrive St John's Dec. 18, ~I.. S. Bedford II mlmz frc 1 111.. 'l '4 •1 1 Ubaaka 1000 ~ ~ 5 ·,m.F.r In • 1 '1 - ... • - "~ ()'firlen 7930 6ft SO «tt lca1·e same day. Haltfax Dec. 191h, due 11 '";u.tlu 7\:i Sll:\ 4 ll'' 1tl4 + \'8 Oka Ran R!IOO l!l 10 1ft •Refrigeration. : ,John'" Dec 2\sl • OOUBLI I ~Pnl P•l )7l ll~ !lO llO O'Leary 1000 )31,~ 13 1i 13 1-\ 1 Toronto :rnt Pnre tnOO R1'l St' + .,. .:'nmh ,.-et ftlUO ~R Z1 :!!1 + 2 Placer ~7~ S%7 2ti!i 27 Mo81·l" 6035 1121':12\l 12;, + II Halifax December 12th, due Boston Dec 13, due Ha:.!a 00 1 :onlogu 20000 92 89 + Pow Rnu 761l0 ~I 48 4R -f OILS St. .John's Dec. 14th. Dec. 15 and <>oston Det li :onlaur 1700 Z7 Z7 :!i - I i Prtston 1865 no 72-tl 720 ~1\05{10 51 4! lO H 1 Place :on·K•Y AOOO :1 19 1 20 + Ill p AI l~91lO !7 AI ~ +4 llev·P•l 56900 !7 51 58 +2 •s.s. Gulfport sailing from Lea1·ing Boston llec. 19 111 0 :t : -1 r Joon !i !\ South U 46000 I!'' ~~ 16 ~ ~~~~k ~~~ ;~1 ~~ P~~~cx ~ Noean• !IOO 1 s 1 il Halifax December 14th, due St.\Hahfax Dec. 2J Sailing d~rrct ,. • Callinan moo II', II II Que Ascot ~~6.'1 9 ! P Batley S A 26820 910 865 000 HO Fruer 97S U6't' 26~1: 211\i- 1,4 XA R•r• 11100 s< 511 12 +I . , 1 from Halifal for 4\ 'I Quo Lab 4!00 5•,; l'• l\i + \i MINES Fr Pete pr 625 355 3.10 350 Lll'er~MI, :on C Cad 40M 41> ' • ' Qu. J.lth 200 500 500 MD -15 Wlll&oy 266950 JO 26 25 -1 l'rosst A 100 $19 19 19 -11> Opem E< !UhOO ll ~- tO -~ Here .lo Eter~Jt~. to t?.c lov· I omlthng St J,Jhn'! call ' :: I'Ji~cov fiOOO ]j~ 15~ 16 .; +1 Q 'leta! 132" """ """ "" -130 B waters L Duloull ~04510 75~ 611 611 Gattnrau ~2() 53:!1~4 3W.a 35'-4 ,._ ~ .. 1 :• :: Ftn J57A 1Rt; lR•1 18h •• 'J 01U' ""' 11"1' ~:~~!~g· {1: 1;<;, ~ ~ -t 0 ~hle Iitle role m :\!arty, pla~5 I Newfoundland lea1mg Lhu. :on Ullll•a lONl A 0 6 Quemont tl!S 930 925 92.1 Blark Bay 1!7200 !0 26 27 -~ G Dynam 255 $281• 2Biil 281• + I• 1 1 Norgatc !l3232 ~5 43 55 +11 GMC zl6 ss~ 59 59 rttt Gold tsoo 31; 3'• ~·· • ·~ Roo, a role tailored .to ~1s • pool Dec. 20, due St. Johl'! :a Arrnw ~OM ::1 ~t :!7 -2 ~=~~~~~ ~}~ ~~ ~ ~ -t I GL Paper ~00 $181'< 1811 18\0 - 11 ', ' :: Rolli 19200 ~lh 40 40 -1 Realm 43600 22 18 20 -2\'i Handy Andy 245 521 21 21 ~:~tcePrgo A 2~~ '~\h ~~" w· -;.,'• Dl" rector, tflllque talent. Starred With lum' Dec. 27. I.eavmg for Haldu 5 : Marben 31~0 55 1 ~~ -t Renable 700 225 :zo 220 Holt R•n z10 Ill 15 15 Pn·uplne moo 12 11 11 -2 ~re lovely Anne Bax~cr as i and Boston Dec. 28, due Hall· : 'larcua son 13° nn 130 Rio Rup 10033 1 7 7 " 2 10 Home A 1175 113'• 13 13\i + '• :;'•- " Olive, talented as I fax Dec. 30 and Boston Jan. :on ~I S 16%5 52l'i ~'• !l!i + Roche 9000 11 9 9 :1 • Home II 4600 $13\il 12\i mil + 'h ~~:m c~lllp 2g~ mv.. ~~h ,Jol~n ~lllls s. ;: 'logo! 2'8° IZ3 Ill Ill -l Rockwln 6500 ll I! 15 Mutual Funds llomo · PI 200 400 395 m Pro•n 3Dfl 219 219 m -' 1 Rarney and beauttful Angela Leal'ing Boston Jan. 5 and Hal:· : 'lorrl•nn 1:1.100 45 ~1 H -I R ,, 91; _ t ; I 4000 912 9 1 lluds Bay Co !00 $121-i 1214 12\!a 1 : Mo•her 3900 22~ m 21~ - 10 s.:'n""X~t 1100 190 179 180 -1 53\ 5;!, Lanshury.as Pearl, who replaces fax Jan. 10, due St. John's Jan. ~IUTVAL FVNOS Jlud Bay 799 155 53\l 55 +IIi ~~: ~~~.u J:~ ~~~ ~~~ Chairman I :on Nc1ua 8!01\ 12 12 12 Sand Rlv 3300 Sill 51; 1 w, 111 Tho Caoadlao rr.u Imp Oil 3377 $491io 191,t. 491; + 1'1 Quo Lab 1000 Sh s 5 the marned Nancy, Also fea· 12. Sailing agam same dl)' lcr :on Slchot 1000 l'> m ~t;- > Satellite 27000 36 32 31 -1 Bid Ao~ Imp Tob 930 SllY• 173i 17'!'• 10 : Norlhld tooo 28 27 27 +I Sherrill 470 475 4&.1 410 -s g~: ~:~.u ;~~ 1;v.. 1 ~ 1 ~ - tnred are Vmcent Ball,. Ethel Liverpool. 10 10 1 All Cdn Com 8 75 9.59 1nd Acrop 25!5 535>< 35 35\!a : rmh 500 lO - Sl~n,. 730 530 520 5.10 +I All Cdn Dlv 6 U 7.03 I Ac 275 pr 300 1511!a Sl\2 51\, na~lan ~~~ 3~ • 3:,, !~ • TONDOi\' D R _ Sir: Gabriel and Janette Cra1g. Manchester : lied Pop 500 1 1 6 Sll•ermq 1412' " 'I - • 1 1 1 I ::On~ ..t :soo l!n 57! 5>5 -! Sll '.IIller ' ~ , •• -• Amorlean Growtl1 9.77 10 65 1 Bron!O pr 100 $251'• 2510 251> - '-> Red crot • • ' ' • ~c. I Leshe Norman produced and L 1 1 • d Sl J · · Cop Corp 900 15 15 15 " 2500 II 46 48 +4 Buubru 33 45 3! 32 In! Nickel 973 $84\i 84 am + "> st L Colum slo 72> m m Chri>topher Chancellor, CJIIG, . ._ , 1 1verpoo , an .• , ue Olfil :op.,lan 1DnD 7'2 71i 7'• Sll Stand 1500 22 22 22 Canadian Inv ..tment 10 68 11.71 lnt Pap 27 $37 37 37 - % Saucon Dev 3300 In! 101 1111 -4 . tl B f th directed John D1;,;hton 5 exce • Jan 10 I.emng for Ha1 r11 1 1 1 Slscoe 12610 194 186 191 +I cnnalund 1~ 70 47.99 lnt Uttl 5~ 11m 451!. 1n;.- !': Shop Sa\e 2511 $9 > Gh 9'• W1 lO jotnC(1 1e oarr 0 C l t ' d t [' f R ' ' ' :oprand l57DI 109 106 107 - I Stanrtk 645 240 230 210 + 15 Champld 1\!ulual 6 25 6 87 tnt Ulll pr 130 $19\!. 49!'• 4g12- !2 Slscalla 2tlo w 911 no ; 5 p C r Ltd ' en screen a ap a Ion o ay and Boston .ran 11 due Hal· :oprand r 122792 I 21> 3 + Iii Starratt 16500 7 61> 61;- Ill Sobey 1000 11114 11v, m. + ', Bowater aper orpora 1011 · Lawler's hit stage play. f J 13 d B 't J li 3 Cnmmonweallh Jnlar 9.31 10 24 Inter PL 685 $84\4 83~ 8111 - \1 11 Coul•e 9600 ~~ l! 32 - steep •r 13671 815 7!0 815 + 15 Corporata lnveoloro 10 35 11.31 lro G pr 100 11011 1010 lOll s IJulault 9;00 In n 15 on Nov. 1, has been elected a ax •.an. • an os on · Cralgml 300 SIS'> Ja•& JAil + 14 sturgeon 1100 23 23 23 European Gowth 7.35 8.05 Jomalca PS 70 Sill< mi 17\l-Jv. Crolnor 3910 7 6 6 - \2 Sud Cont IDOO a 8 8 ~~~~~=~ "Ia 4i~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ director aml chatrman of Bo· Leaymg Boston Jan. 20 ,d 1 Crowpot lOtlD 7\li 71; 7'i- 11 SUUI\'On 110 0 175 173 175 +I Dlverlllled Bcieo II 4.4! 4 al Labat! 216 Sl6 16 16 - 1!. Taohe 2BGOO lq 16 16 -I'• j waters Sales Company Ltd. a Special Added Attraction Hahfax Jan. 24, due Jolll Dividend Shftu 3 65 4 01 Lau Fin A 250 S27\l 27\1 27~- V. .st. CU!CO IOOO 4 I 4 Sunburol HIOO 18\i 18 16\i Taztn 1oooo " 9 • , • "The Great War" Nova Scotia leal mg b t te ate "The Great War" now play· 1 J 17 d •t !ohnl Ll\ De CCtllf 3!!00 il'i 7¥2: n; 'l'aurcan 4200 4% 40 40 ...... Federated Gowth 5.22 5.70 MD PR 690 liB!'• 18 181> - l'o Tttnn mo 10 ~ 111 +I '\' · C R A Bat helor, ' poo an. , ue ~ · corp S83 791; Rl'o -1'1 • eunar ross. , · ing today at the Paramount Jan. 23. Leavmg for Oeer llllTJI 11700 31 29 30 +I Ttck.ll 1965 157 155 1!3 -1 Flral 011 and Gaa Usr !.31 ~lorltlme T 3Bl $21'1 2110 2m· rnc m c Hahfax ad Temn~ 2200 Ill 110 110 -5 Fond1 Colleetll A 8.32 6.87 MaSI F !565 Sl%\li 12 12\2 t I> u Prt• 1100 86 aG s,; 1s deputy chairman of that Theatre throurrh Lopert Pic· B t J 2' du Halilu ·' D'E Idona 6000 10 9 9 - I Tcrrllory 520 120L 12\1 121>- \!a U To"n El ziO Ill'': Ill> 1141 ' 0 OS on 3D, '• 8 Oethl Pae 1500 35 35 35 » Fonda Calleetll D 5.43 5.77 Mass F 5\ip 25$109 109 109 Delnlle 5676 41 47 47 -1 Thorn L 8650 125 117 118 _. Fondl Collecltl C 6.80 7.37 Miron 6pr 37l SBI\ I 8 Va11dorht 28DO 285 2111 2R5 +IC company. lures release, comes to Amer· Jan 26 and Boston Jan 31 1 ' Dtnlson 3747 11~1• 10\i 10'~ Tombllt 850 56 56 l8 -1 Group Inc. 3 87 4 23 Mitch R B z15 SB I 8 ~f;g~~f:d 1~': 1~ 1; ~~ -1 G. H. \Vestfhas been appsotnt· ica with a heritage of prizes, Lea~ing B~ston Feb. 2 end Olcknsn 1907 390 380 390 +5 Torbrll 1000 30 30 30 - 11 Growth. 01 and !111 1.72 9.14 Molaon B xd 71 130 30 30 -I 1 . Walle Am 1800 !IS 805 110 o Newsprmt a es awards and non;inations which Halifax Feb. due JQ\nl Dome 1975 12 9~i 2m 29 v. + 12 Tormonl 29420 39!1 37 38 +112 lnvutora Growth 7.22 7 85 Molson pr xd !!.5 I·U~ 431,1, 43'ri- 'h ~ ~~ e~ ?trecl~r 6, SL 1 Trlbag 5000 40 40 40 Inveatora Mutual I! 30 14.4l Mont Loco 450 SIB 1B 18 ;~~rb~:n• ;:\ ~~ -; ~> DIVISion In the place of lllr. made it Europe s .most 5ucce5S·I Feb. Sailing again same day I' Donalda 21£00 12 II 11 Trln Chlb 6000 14 13',1 131'1 + I> Mutual Accumulallnl 9.21 10.10 Monl Trust 475 $82 I !I -1 1 5i J 9 a. ' ,i OUvan 13000 II 12 12 -3 U ~linin• 32 20 20 20 -1 t,lllo 2000 6\1 61>- ,, Cross. ful f1lm the year 1t was shown. for Liverpool •' E Amphl 10<10 6 6 6 +I • -' Mututl tncomt · 5.68 6.19 N St Car 758 520\1 20'11 20ll- !> w.. m I' East ''•I 4011 219 m 219 + 4 u Aohostos 512 595 5110 595 + b N American nl Canan• 11 OS 12 08 I Noranda 1698 $571': 56 sm + l'.o CANADUN Sir Christopher Chancellor I It could earn the third HolJy. -·--- f:ast Sui! 600 m m llR +2 l'n Keno 2180 990 97! 990 +15 Radluon 4 91 5.40 NS LP lltO $2m 20\< 20\l- \i ' Elder 5600 lfiq 165 167 _ 3 Un Fort 250 131': 12 13\2- ~; ReKent 5.45 596 O~ilvle z35 S511> 54'.> 5411 + % c Delhi 2ooL\~',·~ 41\5 405 ; lO 1 has also been elected a director I' wood 'Oscar" for its producer, MYS ATTACK DISGR\CE 1 I Edlrlch 511r1 1:! 1! ,Upp Can 6720 185 177 177 -s Sa\e and lnveat ol Conad• 6.29 6,87 Page Hera 710 1230/o 23\i 231!.- !> 1 6 7 12 ~·'lla~~~ 1~~ ;~~., ;;,, i~'i ~~~. and chairman of B_owater Paper Dino De Laurentiis, who won I TOKYO (.\P• _ Jap 3n's mm , El Sol 4000 610 B 6,1 + 1,; l'andoo 31000 7'1 6'h 6\.; --1 Supervloed Amer. 18.70 .79 Penman• 100 535 35 35 Vauze 9435 Ba 130 liD -10 Supen·lsed Exrc Sl 48.14 Pow Cortt 14!5 $60t,i M frOii + 'rf con Gas 249 122 21•, w, Company (Propnetary) Ltd. I his first Academy Award for circulation n ·~spaper ,\;J:I I Falcon 21S9 Sfi71 ~ 6611J &7 Ventures 1920 568 65 I!S -1 1 ,, Faraflav 700 lBO !nO 180 -2 Su),en'lstd l~mPc ~fi: 39 50 Ptenllum 1000 3\i :11~ :115 11 5 (Johannesburg). "La and for Shimbun, tooday Japans a:· 1 Supervised Exec 57 6.7!l Price Dr 1736 $!i7 ssq, :55'-l-l'lr1 g~~t" y~' ~~ :;g:: ;g,': 1g,'; =::; 1 St~ada" ~n?t~er ~ays f' \Hsl Tl 11100 1'1 11 D1 t ll1Z 1 t1 ~2 11 ~:j;,~~ ]~~~ i~ ~~ n Supmlsed 1:xec 58 7 1l 7.22 Pice pr z30 Sa7 7 87 llollln1er 2650 sm, 25 25 + ,, "The N1ghts of Cahma. tack on Pearl Harbor 20 )lltl ' Fatima !SDO 3°'• 29 2q - '·" Wolle Am 31381 815 800 811 15 I ~·rancnr.LJr 15'10 7 1 , , + Supn•l. acd Grnwth R 7() 8.79 QN Gas 387 $61-i 61l fiT-1: Lobco b 35lo sto•, 10'• 10'>- •, St · g y 1·ttor1·0 Gassman 1 ,, 'J Frobisher JS%71 1211 !It; 12 _ H Worner 4000 12 12 12 Supen•lud lneome 4 rii 4.71 QN Gas 'Pr 100 SSliA ~1;' ~l•,l- 1,.4 ~laclaren 11 sa 126"i 2o'• 26'1 + '• arnn . ' ago was a gt ea er surpru, • Gallwln 4200 8 7 H + 10 W Sur! I SOO 16 1& 16 TV Electronic 8.91 9.71 Que Pmv 380 5361/, 36 :IDIIc + ;., Moor. .,o Ill 5J'• 't - 1. p Alberto Sordt and Silvana Man· the .Japanese than to lhe .\~1,. Timed 1nvestment 6.40 6.91 Quo Phono 6R $51\> 51',1 51'1& + I> 3 ' Geco Minoa 4!41 S26li 21\i U•i +II Wlllroy :1600 144 142 142 50 1 12 gano "The Great War" received ican and Bnttsh peop!e In I Genex 17000 13 JJ 11 _ 2 Wlllsoz 286950 30 25 28 -4 Unlled Accumulallvo 19 OA 20.85 Que Ph w 200 $31 31 31 ~~~b~.j rs slg~> 2 ~ ~ aramount i , Gnt "••et 4000 64 &I 84 4-2 Wr llnrt 730 100 ton 100 Ono Flltlam Sireel 16.31 17.81 Que Ph !lpr !ll 122 21'-1 22 Russell 10 s1o•, to•, in•• The 'Gold Lion, highest film commentarY on the begumili d 8 8 1 , Glacier 5500 IS 13 1 ~ -1 Yale Lead 3000 11 10 10 -1 Reitman :no $1! 16 lA , .:':. ,, award at the Venice Film Fe.s· Pacific war, sm "tl J Glenn Uran 100 ll: m 51,2 Yk Dear 2750 lOS 103 15 Roe AV C 200 16\!a 6\0 6~ ~~~';.". ~~ fs~~ ~~;., TI1 ~,4 A~ah1 ' GF ~linin' 2000 16',<, 161> !til> Youn1 110 16000 37 35 . 311 -1 Rolland A 200 $11 ll 1l - \i un c.. ~oo $22'< 22•• ~2·•- v. NOW Playing tival. Altogether the mov1e a history of dim ace for derrD- Goldray 1200 2!\i 23\o 231': -1\!a Zenmac 1200 16~ I& ~~ - 'h Rothman• 500 $!0\l lrlli 10\0 - •1 ' Granb,r z30 SJ?'r, 171~ 17~ Zulapa S00 3Z :t: !12 -a Royal Dank 942 184 8HI R4 cioslnr Illes: Jnduotrtal• 167,100, was awarded seven i~ternational cracy that the rlecl.arali~o ~ Montreal Royall!• 450 Sl!ll llli 1114- '!\ mine. and oils so2 600 II prizes and was nommated for war which is so senousl! til, Gnndro, tM5o 27'-" 26 2s -t B~~r: _ 525 100 1111 100 10 Sl L Com a !25 Ill 15 15 Clronduc 2400 390 380 330 Ga c ... $2J'L • .,L ,L ·"SEASON OF PASSION" nine. In the first two months of nected with the future of ! tl 23 SIL Crp a pr j90 $104 10J!Yo 101 + ~~ g~~\~ad 500 5I> lli l'1 -I Pe~~e Or~P ;Go 200 ~ zoo" 200" -I& 3500 8 7 7 -1 OILS MONTR&AL CLOSING STOCRI Salada S 600 !Jlt> 17\ii 11114 + Ia WITH ANr>\E RAXTER its first run in Italy it grossed tion could be planned ' Bv The Canadian rreu Sbawln 7851 $26'> ~ za - 1(, ; g~~llrm 4t5o eM uo a5o Acme Gaa 2ooo ~~ 9\!a- over $1,600,000, breaking all ilv and 1ecrciiY bY a 6000 6 6 10 •v.. v.. Montreal Stor.k Excbance-JJec 1t Shaw 4 PI' 60 143 4ZI'J 43 .,.1 B - All Rox S900 33 30 33 HI> NEW YORK CI.OSING STOCKS bitteNweet Jove nmong Aus- H ol ~kea 12600 13 12 u _2 Amurex 200 340 340 340 +40 close. SS Steel 150 19 g 9 Dr The Canadian Pren the film received accolades -----:- c~,. Huddy 4000 45 4! 43 _ Anchor 1000 I 8 8 ' + V.. S78~ New York Btock Exrhn1e-n~e. 1 tralia's su~ar-cane workers, 1 N rl Steel Con 266 78 78 - .,. from both public and press who :ltoSCOW ( \~':-Sol'l•t Htalll s'oo 91i 9 nl> + l!a AJAmera 16M 1!6 114 I !AI +2 Stock , Snles Rlgh Low Close Ch'll• Slelnbg A 605 $25 2HI 25 + V. (xd - Ex·dlvldend, xr - Ex.riRhll, now playing at the Para· lll,h·Bell 10!2 2;0 266 266 -1 Dalley s A 26820 910 8!5 900 +40 Abitibi 485 SI0\1 40 40\\ + ,. Texaco Can !iO 160 611 Gil xw-Ex-warrant.s. Net ehanJe Js fom hailed it enthusiastically in munications :\l!~l!ter 'I'll' n'l' Hollln~er 1010 125o,j 25 +I Dalley S pr zt75 122 211> 22 Abll p !00 S25!1l 25\'o 25\'o + !I Tor Dom !55 S72\1 72V. 72\li + II previous day'a elo1e. mount Theatre through United 2511 every medium and in every Psurtset• Ho• cv 2oo 210 2!0 210 + 3 Dall 5'1 pr •105 S211i 24'!4 2114 Aead At! 200 S12\i. 12\i m>- \1 T Fin A 250 fl81's 58\li 581': - ;i, Net Artists release. The film, "Sea· complatne~ t~l:u::~ llud Bay RO! !H'i 5312 llli + 1% Banff 100 122 IZ2 I -4 Algoma 610 $48 47'• 4718 + li Tr Can PL 1900 127\0 26'11 27\i + 1'1 ACF ln4 manner, as well as from me_m· that 60 per cent 0 ,. t r~'lll I Hydra Ex 12580 40 35 38 2 Data 3000 a 6 I lumlnl 187a 127Va 27 27\1 + l'o Unlop 011 375 15 15 - !1 Allis Cb ti~~ ~\'~ ~~;~ m~:. ~: son of Passion" is based on 1 m bers of the motion picture m· 1 sets sold m thf So' \ I lnsplratn t366 48 ~- 11 :;4 Drltalala 500 40 249 249 +! Alum 1 pr t75 $221': 221': 2212 Un Sleel !50 $6li m 5%- 'I Amerada 6200 11m ll6\2ll7'• +2'• Ray Lawler's drama. 'Summer I ' Jnt Moly mno 21 27 27 + 1 Calalta 3600 29 28 281.; + I; Alum 2 pr 3:!5 $19 f!~i 49 + v, Vlau 200 114 14 14 + 1(4 Am Cao 6400 m• 4611 46~- ', . dustry itself, who an their own !' this ye.ar railed to \\'or I Jnt Nickel mz 4'1 +I Cal Ed 1&65 118\i 18\1 IS\\+% ssoo HI• m .. + of the Seventeenth Doll," whiCh sam 8m Ang T ll!ap 110 $43 43 43 Walk GW 300 S5Bil 5811 mi- \!a Am Cyan H'·• I> severest critics. , than s1x monlhs. j lrl!h Cop mo 119 113 113 -5 Calvert 2000 27 26\!a !8\li -2\li Argua 50 smi 45 45 + % IVCoast Tr 400 $!8\4 17Va 18~ +I Am 'lot 14000 17'4 17 17 too kthe world's footlights by 1 lso ' l40lB 1%2 Jill 102 ~IS Camorll>a 1080 165 Ill 165 -5 Artr 250]1 50 S53\i b3 5311 + % WCoaot vie t50 Ill 16 I! Am Smelt 2400 60 59% 595. - % "The Great War" will be porting to the Supretthe '\ J Walle 1000 25 23 '5 2 C 011 Lria 2200 82 BBl 81 -4 AJhealoo 1010 S34!1 34'11 3411- li Weston A 200 120'4 20\1 20\'i Am Sid 7800 1m 16'> IG'a- '• 1.1orm as a stage production. Jacobus SOll 66 " + CS Pela 975 315 30l 310 sl!own at the Paramount The· also comp!,ained abou el 6 Allaa Steel 466 $28 27'Y4 2a + l'.t \Vstn A wl 201 112 IZ 12 + 'II Drun!Wk moo s2~ 51',\ 51"'+ •, The picture filmed in its '!I Jelllcoo 5000 6 ~~ : +Z C Dtllll 8360 405 380 405 +20 Ball S 5p 200 $21\> 21\li 21\!a- 10 CANADIAN Bucy Erie :J900 181,'.1, 18J4 18 + .'liB , , t • , atre in an English language ver· ity of Sonet telephon ' . ollet 4300 30 2R 28 -2 Cdn Dev 2910 350 350 350 +10 Dall S 5\'a pr ZlO $2411 21'1 24'• Lilted BUdd Co 4700 13'" 13'i 13v. · entJrety m Austraha, 1s the lack o£ them. Jonsmlth 5000 ll 11 11 C Ex Gaa &~0 IU ll7 164 +7 Dank Monl 1817 17m 731!. 74'\ + Ul Jn 6750 38 'rl 3! t1 Burl lnd 63oo 24'' 2m 21 + ~~ drama of two cane·cutters Roo siun. 1 I owscy 3269 30 30 30 C Wllllstoo lOOO !I !5 55 +2 Bank NS 210 $82\' 2\'.r 82\li + ¥• Alscopa r343 a4 82 2 BurrRh• 17500 40 39~ 391< t It d l f .' l ' Ken•·lllo BODO 51 1 5 I''> Cent Del 9177 710 6110 705 +ll Banq CN !65 $75Vo 75 7ll'o + II Ameran 1500 3\': 3\2 3\1 Calumet J8DO 16\io 15'1 15'< au Barney, w 10 or SIX een Kerr Add 9993 920 900 905 -5 Charter Oil 1400 108 101 107 +2 Bono PC 350 $17 4N 47'\io An JAm Mol 3750 298 280 298 +IS Can Drr &7 2J\O m• 2m + •• years have spent their annual Kllembe 100 190 160 190 + 15 C Dracon 2666 13 12 13 + 1 An PC rt 11167 580 580 lBO Ang Nlld z61 SID 10!'< 10'4 CPR 47 2.5 2434 2Ht- HI f I Kirk Min 401S 45 41 41 -3 C Mlc Mac 4419 39l 3S5 385 -5 Bath P 100 S20\1 20\i 20\i + V. Arna 432fl0 10\1 10 101> - Ill Cau Jl 47 m 7 1 lay-offs with Olive ~nd Nancy, Playing Cards : Kopan 2375 13 13 13 C Tost P 4200 233 210 231 +II Bath P A 100 Ill 55 55 + I> Atlaa 36600 11 I 10 -1 Caler 'Tr 29 38 37 3711 at S"dney Comes the seven- I Lab Min zllO $25\i 2ll.; 251.; !lev-Pal !6000 57 53' 5I +2 Bell Phono 1951 SSB!'o Sa•;, 5811- V. Allu Tel 21388 180 165 180 -1 Cheo Ohio 67 55% ~"'' 55,it +!I'll ~ • L OU!ault 204540 750 615 635 -30 Dome Pete 5250 115 14'11 15 + % Bow 5\':p 25 $53 S3 lJ .,.\'.! Augustua 4500 41 38 38 Chryaler 22a loY• 481• sgy, +lio teenth lay-off and things are I, Dsu 35000 28 2A 26 -3 Duvex 8500 4\2 4\li 41> - V.. Bowalor 21 $6\li 6~i 6\4- ¥. Avolon 2800 Ill 14!1 llo/o- 1(, Cities Svo 63 54',1 ll'io 51'• + ;. 't tl ~· th' g ': L Shore 14tln 325 m 3U -5 Dynamic 4000 45 44 45 Brazil 1930 315 310 310 -10 Ball•v S A 900 9\lll 880 9\lll + 30 Clevlti 24 sH• sm l4h +1\3 qm e 1e same. • or o~e .Ill , Lo J.uz 100 2ll 2M +5 Fr Pete pr 850 350 3~ 3!0 +I 1 I m RA Oil 1940 136\'4 35\'< 36\io + '!\ Baker 1000 1l 10 10 -1 Coca Cola 19 102 101 102 + 'h Nancy has gotten marned smce • . , LamaQUe 1.10 310 310 340 +l Gr Plalna 1175 $13 lJ 13 BC Forest 1 175 $12 12 12 Bond Oro z10 2 2 2 CBS 44 37 361> 37 + 1. 1 d R h h 1 d 29 35•,• ~" ~• + 1 a~ :i; I Langls• 12800 ll ll 54 +I Home A 4825 113'11 m• 13\'i + " BC Pow 3940 533~ 33\l ~3\1 + II Bateman 9500 !I> 8 8 Com! Solv 31 34 4 nst year, oo, w o as Ja J,alln Am 390~7 52 ' 41 r.2 +3 Home R 4927 SI3\0 121> 13 + Ill DC Phano 225 $52 52 52 + \0 Beatrlco 2600 1 6 1 - 1> Con E~l• 45 41> 82\1 81 + ~. a l!ad season, is broke. H B Oil G 2719 SID IRI> 11!1-1\4 Brown 340 $14 14 H - •;. Dellechaa 1500 26 25 2! + 1 Container 30 24'• 21\1 24~ + I' E . h Jump Pnd 1000 15 1~ 15 - 12 Rulld Prod 125 $36 36 36 Blue Don 300 SIJI'l 13~ 131>- ¥• Coni Can 72 4m 4,;, 471> +1'• rncst Borgnme, w ose versa- l 'I • Ll Palo 9000 6 51; A Cal Pow 3455 $25'4 211i 2511 + If• Rlue B w 200 450 450 450 Cont Oil 41 Mlf• s1 !31': tility encompassed the acting Lon1 Polnl 0600 3l 34 34!1 + 1 Con Cern 1054 $2712 27 27~ + II Durn! 11111 2100 8 8 ! +I Copw Sll 3 2 • • 1\lariJOid 3600 12 11 11 -2 Con Com pr 1!-• 12a 211 28 + II Cal Erf 500 1!8 l'llio 1R + \i Crano Co : ~;"' ;;v. ~i .:':. 1, range from villain in "From • I': M•dal 31174 230 220 2.10 +12 C nom SUI 125 $25 5 25 Calumet 1!600 31'1 21': 211 + \i Cr Zell 26 591/4 5!11 58~£ + a, ' tl Mldcon 3000 27 2t 25 n Fndrv 1131 $23 22H 23 + 1 C! 1nv Tr 100 123V. 231'< 2314- ¥< Cur1!11 Wr. 71 16!1 16'1 1611 .,. ,, 1 Mill City 8170 16 15 15 - \!a Can malt 36 S7J 73 7! C Kodiak 400 140 14n Un Deore 2! lOiit 50\1 5ll11 + V. Mlnn Onl il~ 2~F"' :!5~a 2~'tol Nat Polo liDO 25! 250 255 + U CAE 200 $56'l 56 56 . -1 Canalaak 2g5oo 4 3 ! -1 Dlot Seor 13011 41'1 41 41 - lo :\lnnsanlo o? WI SD'o ll N Cm1l 3000 2310 33 2lli + I> C Br Alum 200 SIOH 10\'o 10\'< + II Carbec 7500 26 U 26 noma ::!lOO 261,1 271& %8'4 + 'ti Nat Al'tat 10 30'• 29'11 301,1 + \1 N Davlea :ooo 13 12 12 -2 c Bronze z50 Sl9h 19\1 tw, Cartier Q mao 91> s R - V.. Doualu 4!00 3B'I• 37\i am - % Nat Cash 31 ]35'' 131 usv,- 14 ll ' Northcal 2700 61> 61': 81'1 Cdn Colao 335 $34h 31 34\l + V. Cent Man 7600 4"2 4 4 -1 Dow Chem 2900 7414 7m 74 Nat Pl•l S!l 271~ 27h 271,-4,- \4. Okalta 1500 33 31 33 +2 C C•l 175p 100 $j6 36 36 Chemaloy 4!30 310 2!5 !0~ -~ Du Pont !500 241 238!'. 239\1 - , Nat Gvpa JR 57:\t. 57 571" .,.. , I Pac Pete w 1380 IIDII 10 !OV. + ;4 C Chern 130 fnl 5\1 5'11- 14 Chlb Ka., 7000 20 19 20 +10 Eaot Kod 1100 1111> 11011 tm. + m NY Cent 43 1! 174l 17'•- ~· ' I Pol!laer li\110 :!7 m; 26\i -1 Frblu A 105 $10 In ID - I> C New Pac ziOO 80 80 80 Eaton Mil JJOO 38% 38\io 38\1 + 1> N\' Nil 2400 2t..-W Jl'i 1'1'111- 14 , 1 ; 1 Pamoll 1550 41 38 391': +111 C Huoky !!50 sm ~i 6~l + 14 Copalnn 8000 35 33 3l El Auto L 100 m;, 581> 581> + •1 Nor Pac 2200 42'• 42'lo 42% .. I. 1· ' 1 Permo &1160 40 35 37\i + 1 C Imp Bk C 80 $7%\~ 72!'• 721'• + V. Dallen 400 39 39 39 -1 El Paoo 13700 261> 25la 26 + 18 Dhlo on 3200 423.& 42la 421.& T % I ' ' l Poruv Olla 400 135 127 111 -18 CIL 142S S14'1 14!'.! 1412- ¥. Denaull 101! 118\li 19 IB\1 + I> Flreatn 2500 47% 47\lo ml - II Oulb Mar 9800 2'1 21~1 2218 Petrol 1500 71 70 70 Cl Pow 150 $11Vo 11\l lila + li D EnJ 675 S36% 361!. 3611 Ford 22500 uw. 1131; 114\1 Park!!! Da 6~00 J.5 31:1.1 34le + % C1 Pow pr 25 $3!\1 38\!a 381> + D Explor 12500 55 17 51 -1 l"rueb Tra uooo 2m 25'11 2m Penn RR 7700 171i 17 17J4 + 1,8 C Marconi 800 S~l'o 5\1 l\0 D Leaao 1200 65 50 !l + 5 Gen l>)'n 41000 28'11 2611 2aV.. +1" Phelpo D 1900 5Ma 5911, ~9~4 - •111 For pro1 '• ' I• ':: LOW- C(~ST ~l~~!P•Pon~er • ~~~9500 ~73 ~68 70~~ -5:;~ . Cdn 011 275 $34 331': 3312- 1,io D Oilcloth 39.1 U4 2314 23\4 + 14 Gcn Fda 3100 97\li 96\4 9611- Phlko 3soo zs10 2l 2m + .,. • Prairie DU 1225 Z21 220 221 -14 CPR 3367 S261i 2514 26\ii + \'i Dumont 4000 26 21 21 -1 Gen Milia 2600 33'11 3314 mi - ;1 Nor Pac 2200 4211 -4210 423 8 + \1 , Quonto 7375 16\!a 14 I& + 1 Cdn Pel pr 1975 $121'1 IZ!i 12\i Fab 2000 10 10 lO GMC 53700 ~7% ~7 57% + l> Ohio Oil 3200 1m 421it 42'1 .,. 'lit 'I Ran"er 1300 147 147 147 c Vlcken •IIO ml'l 2310 23\'.t Fateoa zoo $67 67 t17 - ¥. Gen Tiro 75oo 92!1 ot!i 91% + m Parke Da 6l00 3S 3l% 3411 + r,; Cockshutt 310 ~IS\!a 15'11 15% + Fano 6500 4\2 4 4 Glidden 300 41\li 441': 44\li- I> Penn RR 7700 17\4 17 17'1, + 'Ia Cogb!ln 400 475 4il 475 -10 Fleet Mfl 1500 75 lS 75 +9 Goodrich 4000 72\4 711'• ltv.. Phelp• D 1900 5111 59\i !9!'• + !& :OOOD LO,OKS i:~!~~;... ~!: ~~ .:I l~ +I Col Coli 500 400 4{)0 400 Fundy 1000 5 S 5 Goodvear 9000 uv. 43 44¥4 + \!a Phllco moo 2sv.. 2s 25.,. + 1> , ' South U 4BIJilO 16\0 l! 18 Comb Enl 1885 S1311 13 13\2 + \!a Gaope z500 2 s 2 Gr Palla 27900 2\li 2\'o 2\li + li Phll!p Mor 300 114\li 114!11141(,- ¥. ' 'Get modern good looks · tn 'Spooner 4000 1012 101': 1012- v.. Con Build 200 S12V. IZV. 12\4 Gold Alo 1500 30 30 30 -4 Grand Un 2100 36\io 3lo/o 36\ii - 1(, Pit Plate 3200 6310 63 631'.t + v. Stanwotl 1200 32 32 32 H Con MS 958 S2m 21!'.! 211'1 + 14 Jubilee 2365 395 390 3!10 -1 Gt A P 8400 !lli 65\ii 65'10 + Ill Proc Gam 2600 98~4 97 98"" + 4' Butler Metal Buildings But:u mal 21100 73 70 73 +3 C Glaaa 50 SiB ~& 26 Kooley l"mt 6000 31 30 30 Clt Nor R 4000 II 43\4 43\'4- li Pullman 1500 361': 36 3~'o + v. ' Ibetter, faster for les:1. 'Cammer· ~:r:: &~· :: : ~ Coronals 1025 $111'o 11\'i 11\4 + \!a Keely Fr wt 1000 10 10 10 Gull 011 21300 42\!a 411> 42\li + RCA 19800 54!& !21!. 54\ii +I% :oJ 1 1 1g ! Cr Zell II Z25 S221': 2212 2212 Lab Coop 100 $10 10 , 1 + \i Uomalk 1100 51% 51 llli + \!a Repub SU 4500 6111 61~ 61\li + " 1elal, Industrial and Gommumtv u C•••o vt 1112 t7o 154 168 +13 Cruah lrtl 250 UV. BV. 81(4 L Dufault 3100 6110. 640 110 -110 Hud Bay M tJOO sm 11!1 52*. +m Rcy Tob 7700 83\4 82\4 621'1 - Call or write to day · Un 0111 23400 154 148 1!3 +1 Dial Seal !255 Sll\li 42\2 421':-1\!a Lamht A z!O m 15 15 !Jtlerlako 2300 25\4 24!io 2411- lit nova! nut 96000 35\li 31'Y4 35\li + 1 ' • · Un !loti P 2200 21 21 21 -1. Dome Polo soo Ill I! IS + % Lamoni A 500 5111> 11% 11% lnt Bua M 34 579 575 m:r, + "" Seara R 4400 B7'i am 86\io + '!I Wayne 500 10 10 10 + \!a D Bridle 7635 $6\0 25\ii 26 - \'i Llnp!de 1100 4 1 4 tnt llarv 49 52'4 511'1 52'1< +I Seh\1 011 2700 41lio 41 411(,- v. W Cdn OG 71S9 11Z 110 112 +1 D Coal PI' 10 300 300 300 Lllh COJ'[I 500 IS IS 15 lnl Nick 143 811'< 01': 811(, t % Sheraton 1700 IBll 181-1 1810 + % THE wean ,.. , Hoo 22\li 30 32 + t D Fndry J37S 165\4 6! 6l - '4 Melchera 250 flO 10 10 + \!a •Jot Pap 121 36% 35Vo 38 Sinclair 11000 3m 3m 3B'I +1 Waburne 182{)0 81 51 eo +5 D' Olaaa 190 $82 81\4 62 + Ill Mer Chip 53850 77 81 71 -4 Int Tel ~ 59 1~ 5911 59~1 So cony 14900 50'1 19\1 5Mio + % W!lateo 3164 350 320 325 D Steel 175 SIO!i lOll 101>- !> Mid Cblb 1000 22 22 22 + 1 Johns M 95 59lio 581's 591, +I South Pt~c zsmo 2a•'4 2M3 27~t~ - 11.; W Deeo!La 2725 lll 110 115 +I D Storeo 450 114'11 11~, 1411 Mln Corp 500 $14 13\4 14 + w, Kennecot 79 Bll/4 801,2 811/.t + 14 Sperry R 211)00 233a 23 23114 + l,'i Wind/all 4500 14 13 13 -1 Dom Tar Pr 110 $22% 22'+\ 22% Monpro 400& & 6 s Kresge :15 :J·P4 lW.. 34 3, + ~ Std Br~nd su10 aJ)H a:n~ ll2~a - 'Y• Van Can .10000 J'h 3\1 3\l! Dom Text 1070 115'11 15'11 15'11 + !I !\It Plesnl 35200 4 o 80 ~ J(roehler 6 1:!% 12% 12~· otd Col 7!100 55th. 541!... 55~1 + Cl BANKR Donahue 150 $21 24 24 + II• MR Dalrlea 32J S7ll< 7 71'< + V. LlbMe M J, 97 14'14 lJ'ril lJ~lJ- :!II Sid Jud 87UO 52'a 51~:1. 52~'l + ~~ Mont 1517 S7HI 7JII. 74~1 +tv.. Dow Brew 100 s;2 '52 52 ~I Nat Aut V•n 125 U 5 ! Litton 76 lU~~ 162~~ t6:Jit4 ~ :-.4 Slrl NJ 72Hl0 51 49!s 507 a +1 NS 747 $83 821> am- '·' Du Pont 43l S211% 21V. 281!.- 'II Native M t250 8 8 8 l.oew'o 883

WEST SHOULD'VE 0 ·, BUREAU ( 1!'1'000 ABED 0 0 0 0 0 $1·44.50 -· 0 'tCI KOII.TB Zl 0 0 i .. hi• 0 ( .3 0 ii\t' T·ERMS AVAILABLE • .K1DII 0 ju._! tKJilt (J 0 Th, .AQlOS : 1.1 l!u WIST EAST \ I'll f. .QlO'I .J95:! .113 •QlOH HlP) tAQI!t!Z t75 nnal ofoKU .8'15 :I' ,, •· 10 PIECE 80tJTB (D) t, :-tkl, ••\'1!:964. I ali,\ .A92 a1w t103 lJJn~ •Jn I. ('1' i) Bolh vumerable I lhfl North-South 70 part score. 0 0'1'~\ BEDROOM 801ltll Wed North Ealt

lit, l • Pass 1 N.T. Pa111 . ~ . i'rr. PBJI 2 t Double Pau it Pass Pass II nr.' Openlnlle¥-• a !)!.. ,.,_ .... Di"dl·t T,M. ""' u.L •~ on. f.ll,p.t.M"/Yt"f'¥1JZ.. I -~- -·····-· - t<11ll'y. SUITES I :lin~. By OSWALD JACOBI 1 .' "1,1 givo you one last chance to chana;e your weather ·st'nal 1f you aaved yesterday's ~r· . prediction!". i ii1c11'' tlcle you will note that today's •I h North hand is given the .. same CAPTAIN EASY :u:rJUt cards, but that the other .hands I oth~r l are different. North shll re· ~' .11cnt ' I' I sponds with one no.tmmp to I 1111rpo. 1· · his partner's opening spade bid lrr. as •; and this time South passes. nnrcn. 1 North would have had no post trouble making that one no· tmmp contract but West look· ed over the score and decided ' that he did not want to sell out TS at one no-trump. He put in a delayed two diamond bid and from the roof fell in. IC St. ' North doubled and opened his singleton spade artcr everY·

~ ' irn1n one passed. South took his ace 1r St. and king of spades and gave DOUBLE BED North a ru!f whereupon North aratl· I returned a heart to South's ace. DRESSER ~ • 1 r.v f'fi'D I Now South made a very good d co., piay. He led Ute jack of clubs. Ltrcr· HI-BOY West's king fell to North'• ace 1:'; llcc. Hl-RISER SPRING and North took more club ax and tricks and the king of hearts Hahfax SPRING FILLED MATTRESS before leading a third heart. j re. 18. Thus, the defense had eight , ~~ and tricks in and North still had to I ,. rt dtrrct BEDSPREAD ' ' collect two trump tricks for a I rcrpool, . five-trick set. ill. TWO PILLOWS I. Of course, West had saved I Lii'CT· • : ' ' .John's: TWO LAM'PS the rubber, but such economy I ' J!aliflx leads to bankruptcy. . ue llali· , I I 1 .Tan. 5.; 'nd l!aJi.: CARD SENSE ::n's Jan.: Q-The bidding ha; been: ~ day for , South West North East 1 ¥ Pass 1 Ill Pass lcavlngi 4 • Pass 4 N.T. Pass it. .John's; 10 .PIECE ~ ¥ Pass ft N.T. · Pass Halifax; ? rluc Bali·\ You, South, hold: n Jan 18.1 .A Q54 ¥A K 8 642 tK ~ 4o3 20 and\ What do you do? St. John's f A-Bid seven spades. Your i . :,~ . ng Livcr·i LIVING ROOM partner Is asking lor kings as a 'J ;;.:.:.~:.! ~;;r.~. l. John's'· grand alam lnvltatloil and you I • 1! - 'f·• OK:c.:;~~, ali fax and!· can assume that he would not t' Halifax! 111vlte a grand slam If his trump Jan 31. suit were jack high, Hence, , ~ ': :.~iis':{~J! and". . t ', ·;,~d~·,::g• 2 you can afford the direct seven : t; : <.: ... '

' ------~ I ,' • BARBS • • !

! ' B:r OA1 COCHRAN . I

The reckless driver is just , I. - ! • I another nut product 11f the mac· hine age. • • •

' 'I J By FRANK O'NEAL I . .. ----~------.. ~------I •'· : i ; I I ' ' ' i \ : ' ' i ! ! I For some people Its' too easy I j I I to get around on three squares. CHESTERFIELD· • • • I ! i / , Lots • of youngsten get a I I I 2 MATCHING CHAIRS smart crack for makln~ one. I I -1: . 2 STEPEND TABLES I : •'

2 HASSOCKS i I , 2 LAMPS .. .. 1 COFFEE TABLE • FROM t:l:•lt cllek tl b!!'d fiat wolks Cs it had been riding a horw. all $229.50 day. • •• TI:RMS AVAILABLE use For prompt and efficitmt furnace and stove on delivery (hristmas . DIA1~ 3001 - 300.5 j,eals tl ' THE GREAT EASTERN OIL 'P'UJteet COMPANY, ·LIMITED ~()(Qt· ~.. )OliN'S BELL ISLAND WINDSOR CORNER BROOK . ~ea~

·. • :• NE THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, 1 , lij " 14 DECE~IBER 2 61 ''I \ '

I 'I I ,

~ - ... ' WANTED TO BUY-Old Newfounrlland s t a m p s, , 'i . : .: : [I. I Statutory Notice I I FOR SALE• coins, etc. Highest prices, I I' ·Bell's Cafeteria FLOWERS paid. Valuation made on ~- ~~ij~[\f !: i In .the ~1atter of the Estate or Foul'-SJJecd, manual Com- FOR ALL OCCASIONS I receipt. Send what you ' DINING • DANCIN •! LIMITED 1• ranc1s Graham Balfour, late l . . }' · · d ' Kll ll Open 6 duy.; a .vcck-9-6 I ~I "JEEP" or St. John's in the District Jlllatlon Rae 10 Recor I have to Harry Phillips Lounge 12 a.m . Clu G :1 . I,. j· fttONJAY: 9-2.:10 >.~, Sales, Bonavista-2N. Nfld., TV IAunge 4 30 'p m b 5P.lll . · or st. John's East, in the Plaver, with automatic 45 1 1.' I' 9-9.3~ Local Gro\vn RFNOVATlONS VEHICLES · · • Ia . I FRIDAY: Canada. dccl2,24i So 1: I Province of Newfoundland, rec~rd plaver attached, BIG HAPPY HOL!D,\ym I Watch our window fur the Christmas Specials REPAIRS I . ~i ' ' I daily SPECIAL diuner. Civil Servant, deceased. I $ ~ F'ft · LP 1 · 1 ·:~ RENT-Two rour-room f; · J I I' 30. 'I v c assJCa CONTEST PAINTING I Doing the World's . t: 1 I 1 31-:LL'S also cater fur:­ e Putted ~lums All persons 'claiming to be anclJJOetn.' rccordino"S $15 Cottages, furnished or un· Win: 2 Weeks Holid;y Newsp I ' ,I and creditors of or who have any M furnished. Suitable for ; i' Privatc Parties - BauQucts e Poinsettias Work - Club 1/eets - Wedding~ claims or demands upon or af· Ph smau family. a miles from NASSAU, BAHAMAI Azaleas DECORATING I feeling the Estate of Francis 69892 St. John's. For particulars !:urr tlh!11mn , 1. etc. e One 1JI~!t. SEI fip~c:Jal ll:tnu tarb \i 1 :. • · • • · For flcscr••atinns FREE ES'fDIATES e Cvclamcn McKINLAY Graham Balfour. late of St. phone 94945. f.Jn Uroadf'a~t '"f~ra1Ur ' ' Cl.ntma !"r 1111, g r , -lhtr~a, . ·: DIAL 7094 John's aforesaid, Civil Servant, decl2,4i ·· 1 f'!lri s e Cui ~!ums & Poms fJfC.OT:!'-1 ~fF.\(J ~~ lfll ·t~ta, TO 1 J. J. HUSSEY • ·' nov16,lmth deceased, are hereby requested _F_O_R_R_E_N-.T---A-Ia-r-ge-ki-tc-·h-e!-l,- MOTORS Ltd. w s . 10~1' I :I LIMITED to send particulars thereof in inter torage bedroom and bathroom. Hot UNIQUE and INTIMA 1t i' :, PiNE BUD 179 New Gower St. · writing, duly attested, ill the Catenng to Pril·atp p . il Ph: 4193-4194-4195 I undersigned Solicitors for the and cold water. 'Phone . arbts B I i. . : ~ IT MAY NOT BE DIAL '5795 - 3270 48233 ,. NURSERIES . Administrator ·of the said de· 1 AVAILABLE FOH CAII.S • · . CALl 90026 LeMarchant Road 1 .' I YOUR FAULT Experts in The Field . ceased on or before the . 30th i ELECTRIC Heaters, washing 5 23 ' . Phone 90138 nov22.lmth ,. · .. nov27,2mths day of December, A.D. 1961, af· ApJ>h.• and Sewing Machines, 10 17 .. ' IC you ha1·c an accident IIU'f ter which date the said Ad· Rangcttes, Steam Irons, : ~ ·, it IS ·your fault if you pay ministrator will proceed to dis· Vacuum Cleaners, etc. Re. 1 20 :: ntore to have necessary rc pan·s effected. NOTICE tribute the said Estate having 1 TOPSAIL ROAD paired at reasonahle rates. 6 regard· only to the claims of Tete. 49073 Ron Ch~fc, :16 , Ask us fur quotation~ first 1 15 24 l' BRENNAN'S which he then shall have notice. . Bond Street. nov22,lmlh ' Dated at st. John's this 28th: · 1 ' . : PAINTING and BODY BARBER SHOP Phone 92023 THE CENTRAL BARBER '' day of November, A.D. 1961. · 1 SHOP-We are now operat. ', ,.'. WOHK ALEXANDER STREET LEWIS and LANG, ------TO.J);\ y 3 ,,~ : For Fast Delivery of ing 10 chairs, you can be A SPECIALTY Stove Oil and Furnace Oil Now operating Four. Chairs. Solicitors for AthninistraJor. • S J h 1 D ' assured of prompt. cfftCJ· I' ADDRESS: i t. 0 n S artS 4.:10 I I All our work is gu~rantccd You can now be assured of ent, sanitary service No I your Flat-Tops, Brush·Cuts T.A. Buildin!!, l waiting problem, 24 New BROOKFIELD 4249 Cl b I nll'r-Co llrgialc .. DIAL and Crew·Cuts, etc., with Duckworth Street. U eague Gower Street opposite Ade· I :: SERVICE STATJt::>N Special Coal for Grates the least possible waiting. _de_c._5,_tz_,l_9 ______The Annual ~lccting of !aide Motors, Ltd. llockcv :· ALSO Open 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and BODY SHOP Birch Junks and Kindling Friday: 8.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m Garages the above lca oct20,lyr S!\.\TJ:'\G ' ' • NO DOWN PAY)JENT J.. RYALL, DO fOU NEED your Spring. HARDWARE NOTICE •.No C,UAHGE, Secretary. :\d111issio11 '=====~~~=~PASSENGER CARR~IN'G 1 filled mattress rc·conditJOn· 179 NEW GOWER STREE1 ' W!tl1 your Irvmg Credtt Card. ------I ed or your All Wool mat 20 Consola.tic DIAL 3655 CONNECTION LEWISPORTE :. FiiEE INSTALLATION I WA. NTED treS! re-picked, and recov· ' CORNER BROOK SERVICE also RETREAD SN'OW TIRES. cred, your bedspring or day· Train ''The Caribou" leaving 550 x 590 x ui ...... $14.95 each . bed re·wired or your furm Cabot Tower SPECIALS St. .John's 12:01 p.m. to·morrow, 590 X 640 X 13 ...... 14.95 each: I\ niEDIATELY lure re.upholstcred. If so Wedl)csday, December 13th., 670 X 15 ...... 14.95 each LIGHT FIXTURES waitresses Call us. Items called for Help Ki~ will make connection LeWIS· 750 x 14 ...... 14.95 each and delivered Rates lowest I ALL TYPES Square and porte with s.s. Springdale for 590 x 14 ...... 14.95 each Experience nol necessary obtainable. Keats Mattress FINEST PRICES regular ports to Corner Bsook. 600 x 16 ...... 14.95 each Applv Factory,' 16 Mount Royal Avenue. Phone 92753, 2656. Compass Club PAINTS I CONNECTION BAY RUN No trade in rrquired. PIQNEE.R ·' I PLACENTIA BAY USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN BENJAMIN 1\IOORE WANTED - Comics, ~lag. ' ' G d N Number 1092 ,. MATCHLESS ra~ uate urseSi Train "The Caribou" leaving GALWAY'S I DRIVE-IN azines, Pocket Nol'els and '· ' . - ! St. .John's 12:01 p.m. to·morrow, Books. John D. Snow, 9 ' '•' GENERAL Graduate Nurses arc urgent!)' 1Wednesday, December 13th., Servl'ce Statl'on I Portugal Cove Road New Gower Street Charity Draw ' required as Assistant Head I will make connection via Pia· 1 PHONE ! I ' I 91814 ' . HARDWARE Nurses at the Hospital for 1 ccntia .Tuuction and Argcnlia ' '------no\'27.2mlhs Help Wanted-Male Held December 9th. Mental and Ncrvou~ Diseases. 1 with M.V .. Petite Forte on Bay Dial 90064 - 92938 i REPAIRS :.. . ·1 Salary is $29'l.O per annum · nun Placentia B;~y, Corner Elizabeth Avenue and\ DU PONT OF CANADA LTD i 4 Winning : CO~l~IUTE SENTE.'ICE 1 from which $ 7.33 per month CONNECTION GHEEN nAY Portugal Cove Road i A For its Nylon Plant at Kingston: i numbers:· :· OTI.\1\'A ICPI -The cabinet I NOT IN$UTID IY TKis.u:. is deducted for Hoard and SERVICE dcc7,lmth TQ R DIQS Ontario Requires: ·Thursday commuted to life im· _ Lodging. Uniform and laundry Train "The clribou" leaving ------INSTRUMENT ~IECIIANIC- . ' 641 ~~l'isonment the death sentence j services are provided. • 2· Tl1u · AUTO PARTS (Wh I ) All Household 1st. Class ' I' STOVE OIL Appl!'catt'ons "Vt.th fttll par· St. Joh.n s 1 .01 p.m. . rs 0 e , 11 .·lor murder which had been im· ' 14th 11 1 1 QUAJ.IFICATION'S: Apprentice· 3491 . on 19 · year • old Dennis 1 ticulars should be addressed to: day, De.ccmber ,'' wt ma. ;e !. ·~.posed Appliances ship Graduate with at least 1 . SERV : Witke1·ich or Williams Lake, Any Quantity The Superi!Nendent, Hospital , conncctwn at Lewtsp~rte With Nfld. year's experience in industry i 4728 i :'B.C. Witkcvich was to have Adams for 1\!ental and Nervous Dis· • 1\!.V. Hopedale replacmg. :\t.V. .\rmature at 2nd or 1st rlass level, · 4470 .been hanged Dec. 12 for the fa· Service Station eases, Waterford BJ·idge Road, I Nonia on Green Bay Sen•Jce. Work• 7 YOUNG STREET AVALON ' , , 3 Oil '· 1 4338 I : :t~l shooting last ~larch of Ja· St. John's, CONNECTION SOUTH COAST Bam :rlck ' Other similar training with at WATER A'I : .·j;bb Jansen, 34. his rnrtncr in Adams Ave. nnd Pennywell UWNARD MILLER, M.D., SERVICE VIA PORT Al1X Street Phone 59804 least 3 years experience· in in· 1 · · ' DIAl. 5831 or 80399 2549 . ,I : ..• II; lumber opct·ation ncar Eagle i nov23.lmth Depnty Minister of llealth. BASQUES dec12.13 dustry at the 2nd or 1st class 4572 ' ; ::~:.::re,:::ek::·_:B:·::C·:.__ ___, __ ___.:.I=:======~d~e::ct::2:_:,1_:4'-. ------Train "The Caribou" leaving Dial 7191·2 lel·el. , ' ,; 1. ':!: St. .John's 12:01 p.m. Thursday ' ~lust be able to install. 1150 ·I I • ~ . 1• :·· December 14th., will make con .BUILDING MATERIALs &S. RYAN calibrate and maintain pneu·' s J. 4371 ; nection at Port aux Basque IIARDWARE malic and electrical instrument· I with S.S. Bar Haven on Sout h CHESTER DAWE, Ltd. ation, measuring and control· 1583 . ' Coast Service. 51-55· Job Street ling systems, air conditioning SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD 124 Duckworth Street 1443 . ' equipment. ~ I : CONNECTION SOUTII COAST For all your Building l'HONE 4991 · 2480 . . CONDITION: Wages: $2.38 per , 4916 SERVICE VIA ARGENTIA Requirements call hour. Shifts may he required i ' ' ,.. g 80161 - 91171 .... Train "The Caribott" leavin (premiums apply). Wide range: ... St. John's 12:01 p,m. Frida) ' ' TOYS of benefits. . i Contact: D. ELTON ' . December 15th., will make con . ELECTRICAL - 4 ••• neclion via Placentia ,Junclio n ComJ)lete selection at PLEASE APPLY BY ~fAIL TO: • APPLICANCES Du Pont of Canada Limited, Phone 2181 and Ar~entia with M.V. Bon finest Hockey prices- P. 0. Box 2100, 'l Published By avista on South Coast Service. ' ____ ... -·---·--- Authority HEAP PARTNERS Games, Dolls Carri- & Kingston, Ontario, AN CONNECTION WESJ: RUN (NFLD.) Ltd. ages, Dolls, Trikes, i Attention. Employment The following list of perso'ns whose licences to operate motor vehicles LPACENTIA BAY Wiring Materials, Wire and Supervisor. dec9,3i , d Hockev Sticks etc. have been suspended is published in accordance with.the provisions of Train "The caribou" teavin " Cables, Motors, Starters, ' ------1 AC The Highway Traffic Act Chapter 92 of The Revised Statutes ·1952 as. st. John's 12:01 ~· 111 • Friday .' Lamps, Switches, Lighting TOYS - PAINT . 1 I I December 15th., Will make con Fixtures, ~tc . NOTICE. I : I amended, nection via Placentia Junctio n WAREHOUSE: .PRJ~CE'B BT. General Hardware I 1 ·:l. and Argentia }l'ith M.V. Petit e DIAL 5088 novZ7,!mth In the matter of The Companies 1 i Breach ol Forte on West Run Placenti a Act and in matter of ~lid· Flo i·' •• Date of' Period of Section or Name Add S I s i C d Bay. FIRE INSURANCE stream Realty, Limited In vol· ress uspens on uspens on C. , Co e untary liquidation. 19 oct. 1961 12 months 222 FREIGHT NOTICES CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. EXPERT REPAIRS Collins, Graham ..... :...... Blackhead Road All persons claiming to be House Wiring etc ..• i • Parsons, Gerard ...... 30 Prince of Wales St. 24 Oct. 1961 12 months 223 FREIGIIT SOUTH COAST Agents for 1 I creditors or who have any Fast Courteous Serl'l• ?tiUrphy, Patrick J ...... Dum•ille 4 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 SERVICE UNDERWRITERS AT 1 claims upon or affecting 1\lid· 'Reasonable Rates. 16 Oct. 1961 .12 months 223 t LLOYDS. Holden. Joseph F ...... 125 Hamilton Ave. Freight is accepted daily a stream Realty, Limited are re· 23 Oct. 1961 Indefinitclr 223 LOW RATES ' I Riies, Lawrence ...... 52 Barter's Hill the Railway Freight Shed for quested to send particulars of .19 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 . DIAL 5031 ... !,'I , Gosse, William ...... 1\!anne\s ports on the SoJ!th Coast Ser same duly attested to Charles 20 Oct. 1961 12 months 223 ;,"~ : ~.qalJins, William A...... 111 Hamilton Ave. vice, but in order to guarantee . Strong, the liquidator of Mid· 25 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 HARDWARE STORES CLOTHE! :I, ! I : Power, Leo ...... 151 Casey Street movement by this trip of the stream Realty, Limited, in care 1 19 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 ' Abbott, James D...... Doting Cove M.V. Bonavista, freight must be of Fabian A. O'Dea, 261 Duck· .IF CHAFE 23 Oct. 1961 12 months 223 t TOOL RENTAL !.' I.• Babineau, Donald S...... Goose Bay at the Railway Freight Shed no worth Street, St. John's, on or 25 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 Electric Sabre Saws. Jackson Joseph ...... '.122 Casey Street later than 1:00 p.m .to·dny before the 15th day of January, :: 16 Oct. 1961 12 months 223 ' Portable Sanders and Wrr Sullivan, Michael J ...... 16 Curtis Plate Tuesday, December 12th . A.D., 1962, after which date . , Baird, Alex...... ,...... Long Pond, C.B. 12 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 Skill Saws. 9 Oct. 1961 6 months 221·2 FREIGHT ST. JOliN'S - Reaso.nable Rates the liquidator of Midstream i, : Stahley, Austin F ...... Clarenville Realty, Limited will proceed to 4HOLDSWI I ·.- !>IJiilh, John B...... Bishop's Cove 17 Oct. 1961 24 months 222 LEWISPORTE SERVICE HARIUS & IIISCOCK LTD. 1!7 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 Freight for St. John's ·Lewis General Hardware distribute the assets of the said ! :1 · DUnphy, Patrick J ...... 173 Craigm111ar company having regard only to . Somers. Ralph ...... Topsail Road 19 Oct. 1961 12 months 223 porte Service per M.V. Claren - Sporting Goods. 1 23 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 ville will be accepted at the the claims which he shall then : ·1 Wills. Angus W...... 19 Spencer Street . have had notice. I 1 29 Sept. 1961 6 months 223 Dock Coastal Shed to-day, Tues Grandy, Harold J ...... Grand Bank INSURANCE AGENT Dated at St. John's this 5th Rose, Albert G... :...... Bell Island 18 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 day, December 12th., from 9:00 18 Oct. 1961 · 6 months :!23 a.m. lo 5:00 p.m. BROKERS day of December, A.D., 1961. [ IIi. · · Simms, Cyril · ...... 1\Iarysvale AND CHARLES STRONG, Hammond; Gerald P ...... Bell Island 6 Nov. 1961 . 12 months. 222 EXTRA TRAINS FOR Liquidator. ' . ' Hosltins, Lawrence .. E ...... Keels BROTHERS. i.,. · 7 Nov. 1961 · 3 months 221·2 CHRISTMAS .TRAFFIC JOB dec12,19,26 ! · Tucker, Stehen c...... ,...... Portugal Cove 15 Nov. 1961 36 months 221·4 Please Note that train No. 3 & COMPANY, Ltd. 1 .. Don~t;: :clauile .... , ...... wabush Lake 30 Aug. 1961 6 months 223 ·ex St. John's : . p.m. · will · Water Stred · 223 5 45 .i ·; Llpehan;· Patrick .....~.,.: .. ;...... as Prescott ·street 13.Nov.· · · 1961 12 months· operate on December 17th. St DIAL 2658 - U23 Chi 1 ·• 1 . 1· ·, .• Jil~ormack,: Thom1is ...... , ...... ;Ridl(e Road · .31 Oct. 1961 lndefimtcly 222231·1 John's to Poi-t nux Basques and . · · ·· wa~t.!-!?!·h ""··w'tl' 1 mm · ·.. · ,...... ~ ... ·Carbonear · ri. Nov. 11161 12 months '' .:.; · · 7. Nov. 1961 6 months 2 that Train No. 4 ex Poit aux . ; :11II : .squ!r~s·, .Rob~rt ...... :.... :...... Thorburn Road . 23 REG. T. MORGAN · 10 Oct. 1961 6 months . 225·3 Basques 2:30 p.m. ~ill. operate · '' , )I : · · P~~~~~s, ': .~yrt.L ...... :":".'.".'"."':·,;,;.~Roberts _Arm from Port aux Basques to .St . lNSURANCE Ltd. i.! f · . Jto~e, Fred ...... :.... 44 Empire 'Avenue . f·Nov. 1961 . 6 months 22~35·3 John's on December 17th. Also Temple Bldg., P.O ... ox.l68, 5 July 1061 6 months ~ . 341 Duckworth St. :·t J' :. ~.:. !~U; )>o~~ld · J.' E.:.,.:: ...... :...... 1\lt: · Scio no ad 20 Oct. 1961 ·Life 102 that Train No·, 1 ex St .John's F.~ln11}~ . James . J. :·:·:•"""""'"'Torbay .. · . DIAL 80370 or 1756 WE SERVICE ;: I: ··•· 1 ~ .223 12:01 p.m. will operate from St ' , ! ,; :;' .DP,d~e 1 :.Joseph . ·:··"''"':·:"""'."",'~56'Clty.Terraca : l.Nov. 1961 12 month~ John's to.·Port aux Basques on 1 Carburetors. GREAT EASTERN· 1 Ignition Systems. '·1· ·. ·· D!lwltng, lfhomas ...... ~4 Amherst Hgts. 30 Oct. 1961 6 months 222233 December Hith. and: Trairi No 1 1 · DRUG STORES Speedometers. • , , Bsck',' Edgar ...... :... :.': .. St Lawrence · I i . 26 Oct. 1961 · 12 months .,~ 2cx Port.aux B.. asq·u.cs 9:15. a.. m OIL & IM~ORT • Wipers. ! ··: . 31 Oct. 1981 . 12 months ~~ 3 'I : . .;Plfr4r./. ·'A~ us S. .. : ...... :...... , M~ndy Pond Road 1 Generators. . 2 · 0 . 6 th · 223 _ .. will operate on Decemh~r :20th ~f. CONNORS Ltd. CO., LTD. . HAY 5 ! jl :· :· ~~~lni'l£ln, Dougla3 ~· ...... :.... :.. G~ose B~y · · · ct. Hl61 · ·mo,p ·Port aux Basques to St. John's 1 Voltage Regulatou , : •.·L\4a(llif!l,· George ...... \\ishingwell Road; 30 Oct. 1961 , 12 months 223 .The above trains . are . in 1addi . ' Prescriptions Plcknp and Radio, Television, Washera, • Starting Motors. Refrigerator:;, Deep Freezers. - 1 Drake, John and Slaney, .John ·Lawn 3 281 .· delivery service. 1 Lighting Systems. ·12 'oct. 1961 months - . · . tion to the present schedule and Electrc Ranges, i ' ··Siiv:•f.'d,-· Ernest J. G...... Albert '~founty, N.B. 6 223 PRONE 2206 I · 15 Nov. 1961 · months . are· intended to facilitate lia.· ndl . · Floor Polls.ter~. PIKE'S AUTO P~wer, Jime' F ...... ,...... n.cll stand . 26 Oct. 1961 6 months 223 OAT~ ·. ' . I · Gramophqnes · 1 11 Nov. 1961 . 12 months 223 .. ing of Chds~rn'as Traffic.:' .. ·' I .·· Cap_twell; William ...... , ...... Avondale ·RADIO-TV REPAIRS. Public Address· Systcltll. TUNE~UP 1 15 Nov. 1961 : 12.months 223 • • ·.;.::Mc~f,atlt, .Phlllp ...... ,. .... :.::...... :... Patrick's .cove · Tape Recorders Electrical and 1 ~·J,":..By~n.'. W1111am :· ...... portugal Cove Road· 13 Nov. 1961 l, 12 months , 223 GREAT EASTERN Oil R~!'AIRS AND SEJ:VICE Carburetion · · ' • • 1 Rart~ry, .Francis ·:;: .. :...... 169. Cralgml\lar . 15 Nov; ·1961. · . 6. months , 223 . 5 LINES '· . ))iam~nd, James ...... ,...... 166 Cralgmlllar 13 Nov. 1961 6 months 223 , COMPANY, Ltd. DIAL SOOl to 3005 Specialists . J . . ~orgin, · Eugcnue. R. ··:: ...... Seal Cove . ·. 8 Nov . .1961 B months 223' . REPAIRS TO R'AmOS, TV 99-101 1\lerrymeeting Rd. I· ,. .1 0 Pea, Pat~lck F ...... 10 Wlshingw~ll .Road 9 Nov, !9M · B 'months · 223 AND ALL, ELECTRICAL WATER STREET PHONE 20&0 DIAL :ltllOl ·to 300& , 1. Jlamm~tnd, Peter M...... Bell Island 30 Oct 1961 . 3 mori!iis .... · 221·4 ' 1 · tan26,1y · dec7,lw Lu,th,tf P.o. BOX fl. 1 · ·: O'Reilly, Charles E, ...... 55 Prescott Street 17 Nov. 1961 6 months 223 APPLJAIJCES I . , • . ':1 • NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1961 ~~--- I

. '

' I .. : i •· ' ,., ! ' I ' Prince Of Wales College ·!~' ! . ' . KINSMEN IT'S· HERE ..i ' ~ p.rn JUNIOR PRIZE .GIVING a.rn. Boys' Club (Grade 6 - 7 ·- 8) \\' and AT LA_ST!! The Funeral of our late Comrade, I, Newspaper BINGO I.. • ' lay Clifton Parrell, will take place_ This After­ CHRISTMAS CAROLS .. _,- SERIES No. 55 noon at 2.30, from his late residence, 119 By the P.W.C. Glee Club '· Circular Road. I. ,,141) and Grade 8 Girls ll~h, TODAY'S NUMBERS All available ex-servicemen arc request-:.. PITTS MEMORIAL HALL . 11" ·a ed· to attend, WEDNESDAY, Dec. 13th, at 8 p.m. ... -~ .. -. ~ TE Admission ...... 50c. '' ar~e! I N G 0 J. W. GOODYEAR, B (Tickets available at P.W.C. Office or at 4 BELLS I Secretary, St. John's Branch. 71 '· 5 23 40 55 the door). Finest Old )0 17 33 57 74 1 20 32 . , i ~ 75 Dinner Specials 15 24 St. · Bonaventure s College NAVY RUM·: .. ::. 67 at JARDINE'S .. '.\ I Just in time for the Festive Season 3 Distribution Of Prizes . ' The Tastiest Demerara You've ever had .. 62 3-COURSE RABBIT DINNER WEDNESDAY, December 13th, 1861 (With Pastry) ...... $1.25 St. Patrick's Hall Auditorium FULL 26 2/3 oz. ONLY $4.75 (Plus tax) . CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE at 8 p.m. With Peas Pudding (3 Course) .... $1.00 (Not Inserted by Board of Liquor Control) Admission ...... SOc. decl2,14,15,20 ·hops . : J.ARDINE'S RESTAURANT dec12,13 l'Cl\[~: 108 Water Street East 1 cents· TAXI HOT DINNERS DELIVERED FAIR From 12 Noon - 2 p.m. SIR? JARDINE'S COMMERCIAL CATERING I l'cnts' Phone 6182 St. Joseph's Parish Consolation Prizes l=or The Letter "L" I PETTY HARBOUR CALL 1wer Before Buying Your Special Xmas Gift DECEMBER 14th and 15th. ~elp Kin - Hitlp Kiddies See The New Collections at: With all the usual attractions tnd dec12,14 I' Club TH~E FRENCH CORNER /. i : I 122 DUCKWORTH STREET ! ! 1092 Travel Can Be Your Career I LARGE NEW SHIPMENT OF DAUM CRYSTAL as a I I INCLUDING LAMPS AND SHADES, ~raw • LADIES' EVENING BAGS. I SILK SCARVES AND SQUARES. Trans-Canada Air Lines I I er 9th. PERRIN GLOVES FROM CRENOBLE. MEN'S AND LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. I ALL THE BEST KNOWN li!ARKS OF FRENCH ' PERFUME. ' ' LIMOGES MINIATURE PORCELAIN Stewardess FRENCH SWEATERS: IRISH LINENS: If you can meet our qualifications and are FOR MEN: GLOVES, SCARVES HANDKIES, SILK TIES, HAVANA CIGARS1 Etc .... free to h·avcl, we want to meet you. - Age: 20-26 years. BUGDEt~'S - Height: 62 - 67 inches. ' . AVALON CREDIT JEWELLERS - Vision: 20/30 or better, no glasses or WATER A'I ADELAIDI! PRONE 1119 FOR SALE contact lenses. TAXI - High School graduate. '•· Westinghouse Deluxe 8 Cycle - Weight: 105-130 lbs. in proportion. I . o;At 71 oo - s~2"1 ' ' - Single. I AUTOMATIC WASHER Our representatives, t-.lcssrs. ~lot-timer t ' 1% years old. Excellent condition. and Findlay wi1l be at the Newfoundland Original price $399.98. NOW $199.95 Hotel on December 14th., between ' 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. W. U. KNOWLING ) Terms available Where To Si·ay INSURANCE No appointment is necessary. no phone i ! ' $1.50 WEEKLY NO DOWN PAYMENT calls please Balsam Hote.l Fire . Auto • Casualty I .' ~ BUYS decll,l2,13 Bt\RNES ROAll PHONE 2902, 7.811 ' I $50.00 WORTH PHONE 4041 - DES STICK Situated 10 the [,earl Jl 158 Water Street, St. John's he City nov23,2mth I ! . TIRES, BA T'!'tltiES, I Quiet Comfortable '\tnJOs 1------­ o I .' ANTI·FREEZE - TOYS, , ' I .· phere '. J.. TOOLS, AUTO WANTED . FUEL! FUEL! FUEl! FUEl! For R<."'At.:EY. .' NEWFOUNDLAND. CANADA and U.S. Flower HIU Ph: 81~7 Resident Managerrss i - QUALIFIED DIESEL. Call 59473 or come to 29 Victoria Street m3l,ti ' 11·1 Highest Prices. UNION OIL 2822 FUEL INJECTION. I J. ;' 'I '\>Vhen you need oil-You need us I Jl!r. Justice Winter SERVICE I l : 'I If unable to come write Box 963 .. I ! ' I, I ' I Adelaide P. 0. 1 Toronto, Ont. In The Supreme I 8 Pump Rebuildin'g, i' ;I ' ,. I 8 Pump Calibration Court of Nfid. 8 Nozzle Grinding, ----·------·· --··· -.·· -- - CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN In the matter of: Nfld. Armatute Wanted Concrete Products Limited and If CHAFE MAKES THE CLOTHES. i I Reduced. Works Ltd:.· i AND I. I Wm. L. CHAFE FOR SALE In the matter of: PHONE \.: TAILOR ,A Teach.er The Companies• Act, i ' l ' ~ 3082 3083 I.; ,! 4HOLDSWORTH ST. ST. JOHN'S Notice is hereby given that 7191-7192• • . ~ · ! 1 'I , Duties to begin January 8, 1962 or as soon a Petition presented to the 1~de~c~ll~,lm~t~h~~~~···~-~ thereafter as the teacher is available. Supreme Court of Newfound· = : •I land on the 11th day of Decem· ' I . Preference will be given applicants who .· A two storey frame House in good ber 1961, for confirming the are qualified to teach French. proposed reduction of capital , . !: ~ IN STOCK of the above-named Company . 1: • · Interested teachers should apply to: condition. To be removed or to be from $1,500,000.00 to $823,500.· · , . ·I' , 00 will be heard by the Court . . : i i. j THE PRINCIPAL, on the 22nd day of December at : · i. demolished for the lumber. 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon. . • i i_ Amalgamated Regional High School, Any creditor or shareholder ·: 1 Corner Brook, Phone NE46837. desiring to oppose the making • •; :· . Chloride 1 1 !: : dec9,11,12 of an Order for the reduction G I H 1•:;; 1 ' 1' of capital of the said Company enera 05p1Ta ! \:: under the above Act may ap· , , 1: OF Phone 93643 pear at the time of hearing by Applications are invited for i I !1. himself or his Counsel for' that the position of In-Service Nurs· ! purpose. Such person is requir· ing Education Co-ordinator-: AP·~~ 1 decl1,12 ed to give two clear days' notice plicants should , be gradUate , : ! ·i : in writing of his intentions to nurses from an approved~·hos· , , ' 1 ·1 appear with the grounds of his pita! with at least two ~ears : liME .Jon.Canoe. . . Rums 1 Not a pot still product objections to the undersigned, experience in supervision •and 112lb. DRUMS the Solicitors for the ~?mpan.y. teaching with ability tF~give · · · ' Made by a New Continuous A copy of the ~ehtJon Will constructive leadership. ·:Post· 1 be furnished to any such person· graduate study at a university Distillation Process requiring the same by the un· is desirable. •.7 , which remoV!I the unwanted Tars, Fusll Oils, and Ellers: No headache, upset atomacb or harsh bite, dersigned on payment of the The salary for this position is ' regulated charge !or, the .same. on the scal.e $3330 - 3~55.; . 1 1 1 Dated at St. Johns th1s 11th Applications In wntmg ·.· day of December A.D. 1961. Ishould be sent to the Director JON• CANOE LEWIS and COADY, of Nursing, General Hospital, The Rum for you Solicitors tor the Company. ·st. John's, Newfoundland.~· ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: . · - . AGENTS Smooth mcni, Smooth I · Temple Building, LEONARD 1\IILLER, M.J)., nov21,2mthl · (Not inserted by the B.L.C.) 339 Duckworth Street, Deputy 1\llnister of Health .. P,Q, BoX 938 . DIAL 92128 St. John's. dcc~2,14 . :• ·.

. ' n ~: ' HIE ')AlLY !';EWS, ST. JOliN'S. NFLD., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 . 2' 1961 JUST '-~~,.. : .'' ' 'I ~tOO(tnQm;;;;;l. ~ ...... ··~j ·Fi;st Stoc~ Shi •' I ' ·'. ~ _ AT TH E Statu~ory Notice small Pon t~ac. ' ' CHRISTMA.S i . "li!JCE~CJj 1 In the matter of the Will and ... __, SJG"'.i.1.L , Estate of Chesley Boyce, tate SPECIALS or Jersey Harbour in the A Photographic Gift rerra Nov: 11/P~ OF Electoral District of Fortune ~ Bay·Uermilage, in the Prov· GUARANTEED 1 Pl THB 1 ~ AND CQ '-OO 1 lnce of Newfoundland, merch· THAT'S SURE TO PLEASE 1 SINGING CANARIES I I ~ 1 "" 1 "•o Ill K ant, deceased, ij YELLOW, CRESTED · I·• I All persons claiming 10 be II I creditors of or who have any Chenille and' ORANGE FED. t THE SERI)EN r· claims or demands upon or ar- . ' ' ' 1 ' S fecting the Estate of Chesley I SPECIAL • COIL Boyce, late of Jersey Harbour . ~ : ! ~ANARY and CAGI: Farley ivlowat .... $5.00 aforesaid, merchant, deceased,] --- ) : FEAR IS THE KEY are .hereby requested to send I 1 parltculars thereof in writing, :j :II, • ( I' . . '

I Fo.r t he Best Bu dgaes rI A lStall' ~[acLean 3.50 I' duly a~t~sted, to the undersign· I 'I' 1. e !i' I tn Town- Try us. jt,j UNCONDITIONAL ed Sohc1tors for the Executrix\ ii . ~, --- : SURHENDER I of the Will of the said deceased, 1 " jli ' \iij ~ 1 - I on or before the 10th day of ti Floral Designs ~ UNSEXED ., Eve yn Waugh .. 3.7:J I January, A.D. 1962 after which ",, ; BABY BUDGIES SI T MET A LADY. j' lime. the. Executrix wi~t proceed · Assorted Shades $6.50 ~ .• Howard Sprinp; .. . . 4..50 to ?JStnbute the sa1d est.ate JA E I ~ havmg regard only to the cla1ms TIIE I I BROWNIE Sianmatrcli 0UTF11 PRICE ················································· GUARANTEED 5 . ' L I- OH.SE or which she shall then have ~ · 8 : 1 Agatoo Christie .. 3.00. had notice. Featuring new-model electric· ere came ra.1 jli MALE UDGIES ~·~ THE CAHPET _ ! Dated at St. John's this 30th ·- Deluxe, new l!rownie Starmalic II Camera In co 1 ·~ ---· BAGGERS 1 day of November, A.D, 1961. EXTRA SPECIAL 1 LEWIS and COADY, ?utfit. Camera has electric eye for automatic shoot~p ete gi't ,I I Harold Robbins .. 5.751 Solicitors for the Executrix. tustable shutter for exira range. Choose 1/80 9" .ad. .. I f h 1/ .0 f . . second lo I BUDGIE, CAGE and~ SPLASH ONE TIGER ' ADDRESS: 1199 e- ree s ols, 4 or bnght ptctures even in d' I' r Satin 1 1 the electric eye sets lens outomatically at either 1 ~ rght­ FREE TOY at R. J. Childerhose 4.751 t I~ ~I ~~~~~c~~~~~gst era, flash holder, case, batteries, flashbulbs 11'tim p~fet b. Cam. De: . ' -gl ' ~ i HISTORy'S MYSTERY J St. John's, Nfld. ree ' OXtd, !' . . . .. , I :Marsh Jeauneret 2.75 i _de_c_5,_12_,1_9,_26______I' I• 1~~E~E~coRE Statutory Notice : All FOR $52.50 acl{d< I.. I )II. I A,ngela T~irkell an~ ')- In the matte;-;the Wlll and! I ~ i C. A. Lejeune .... u.:..;J! Estate of Ethel Lcl\lessurier 1 ii 'Bo1nh Smith, late of St. John's, In i I ~I THE WILL ROGERS Reversible SEED CO., LTD., lt, BOOK the Prov}nce of Newfound· : TOOTON~s J,ONDON-AP I• I .UO WATER STREET, : · land, Spmster, deceased. 1 I LIMITED bv Labor i\11 I 5 I! Phone n2~. St. John'• • Panla McSpadden . • " the nation I -- · ~u:u.U~~ 1 , 4 7- ; All persons claiming to be , I . ... '""' .. """"' ...... 7 I ...... ,..._u~? - I,o\eO.F.... H.. O ; ;~R · ,J, creditors of. or who have any· "from UN fot·c ! ::.~:·~ . ~~~.~: $ •9 5 DISTRIBUTORS FOR "KODAK" IN RO -L N 0 <.J . claims or demands upon or af-. ' NEWFOUNDLAND i Hospita I I Eric Linklater .. 4.00 ·feeling the Estate of F.thel I' I AN ONLY CHILD · Le:\!~SS\~rier Smith,_ late of St. ) Committee I ' ,John 5, m the PrO\'! liCe ot New ' YOUR CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPHIC GIFT 1 F~ank 0 Connor 4.:25 . fnundlnnd, Spinster, dt!ceascd. i GIVING HEADQUARTERS To Meet 1THE TOUGH- are requested to send partiru·. i ' S. MILLEY LTD. BELL ISLAND (St.afO-The. ~IJNDED OPT!~ liST ; ~~~~ ~~t!~te~~. ~:i~ei~n~v::~~~: ~ ~~~~~~~~00.~~~~~-!..f}/_·.f.~_r~·:;::'~,~~~·ll' RETAIL regular monthly .meeltng o~ the Norman Vincent ed Solicitors {or the Executor ""~ ·WHOlESALE and Bell Island I:Iosp1tal Conumttce, Peale 4.75 . of the said deceased, on OJ" Ch take! place 111 ~he Court House COT D 'TOSI"S d I before the 22nd day of Decem· rt"stmas Joys. , _ on !'ilMday mght, December "' ' 1~ :.. an : bcr A.D. 1961. arter which date 11th. The announcement has WAR~ I HEARTS . the Executor will proceed to. • OTTAWA· Pl •.-\:'<1 tCPl-NanlEXERCISE lwad· Ii J ayce ttes b een rna de b y St ephe n A . An Ant h 0 1ogy 0 f . distributing the said Estnt<'. Qldt lffi e Sk a t es Reca 11 ed · ltuartet·s announced Thursday 1 M . Capt• to} :~~:~· Secretary of the com· Dog Stories .· . . 3.95 . havingregard only to the claims 1 hat. three Canadian ships will. ~eta ng t . TI·IE ' CON1TJ'TE~11o.'T : of winch he shall then have ' (By TilE OJ,D GROUCH) which is ~r m I •· t · 11 t tl I -' ' 1~ ;' ·had notice Th · · ore mu,m lt· r.ew>paper as "')' aoc par m 1c wa • mon 1. The November meeting or f . h l d 'E ON · 5 ' ere ts httle to tell of the tcrest· Wh1· is b · t mission was to dcst :ommonwealth !!eel exercise the Javccttes was held at the TOMORRQ1U reag ters oa I \VE Ll\• l ! Dated at !· .John's. New· doings of Little Grouches ex- awarded ~~II rot50 mdu·c !m-Ere!.: · power of P ··• ·entre I olf C 11 ·r1 1 · r • Wl 1 'f S ] lG n~ · foundland thts 14th day 0 f t h · · le ) ° F. en:,, ·. t, ~:.on. te sups o , home of Mrs. Gerard Welsh BELL ISLAND (Staff) Two 1 . . anc erson . .;J.J • "T b • · 1 · cep I en· growmg awareness language these d''"' wh. i Tshombe's scc1 . Commund arc 11 ho also acted as chairman {or - ' '' ovcm cr. A. D. 9Gl. ' of Christmas · t d r · ., ·· r.• . .anad:~he ,\.\; •in. . was ,re we rca 11 y eatmg I searching in the battle-torn is· Cross also arrived in p~rt £rom, , ~· . ADDHESS: tm '· C or 2008 01 3191 ~R 3 D k . tl1 St 1 crca,e m 1alue and growwg. that the fnend ts ctther "f"e" , JICI'fect phystcal health." 'fhe . \he bride from ·whom he was . · ' ' j '" St :' orN rce Ii d , clnli'l'cn need-or llnnk they do or "good". 1\"hile mar b! /~ ·f 11 on~ :talk was fnund to he 1·ery in~er- i separated during the fighting, ing performance as a happy.go- ______.. ------. C~n~~an s, 'Cll oum " ' ! -more and more of everything.'1 disinterested in the frien~; IU· · cstmg1 and11 of grea_t1 pracltc.all' carries poignanc"' as well as lucky American radio operator 1, nor'"l "Sd·• .• ceo 12 It ts unfortunate from the · tue or othcnri•c.- 1r~at·· i•· 1',•· • 1·a .nc to 1e allltencc. l\11ss . power. When he finds her, Ruth who becomes tougb and inspir- I __ "_ ·:... _ ' ...... __ i parcn~al outlook,. at any rate, matter with the ad1ct·~ ··wcli"~ Ball'll was thanked. on behalf (DOLORES MICHAELS) is a cd under the fire of battle. . MISCELLANEOUS , that Ganct:r wtth tis well stock· I how t; one's me•aboli;:n :1 BRUSSELS (APl - 1 ~\n_d ~linistcr Paul of YIC group, b)' ~Irs. George i different sort of woman from 1 Produced . by ·Richard Nai- · ed shops ts so near at hand. lit 1s "fmc"? accused the Uni . . the one he married in San Fran- baum and dtrected by Herbert The first demand was tor· Then again there i! the mit- .Jo~ce. I FOR SALE Tuesday of wagin~ . ,. I I The mec.tmg com-. cisco. She has believed him 1 Coleman, "Battle. at Bloody boots and skates: one didn't I ter of "bring" and "take". Take I· • hu~111ess ~ltxHuu~ ! I ·•. l)r a $10.00 ;Turkey" absolutely FREE on answer· . rescue. His role is one which surance. broker insure the set . REASON ABLE RATES · banned, one has been told . I lng a simple qualifying question, ,. : fils him especially well in terms for $100000 reiurn them to the I ~- These outport-made reacher.; ~ ~; Everyone ordering their oil from 1o( the re~l·life exploits in bat· Museum', , :and then announce GUARANTEED WORK LIGHf &. IICMJII could be worn with very loo'e l.l 1 I !. ~- UNION OIL EACH WEEK lie o( th1s most·decorated, sol· to his broker that he has been ' 59 0 1 1 straps when one had learned AUTHORIZED also ha1·e an o)lporlunity to receive a further dicr of World War II. robbed and Is entitled to re· PHONE "' • ' v ' ' "' ' • the sr1enee of manipulating; in ~ ~hall 94123' DEALER i:l : -~ !10 gals of oil or a $10.00 "Turkey" by answering a In sensi~ive. and brilliant sup- cover insurance on the stones. i I Cht!ap Reliable Electricity I fact they could be usei with ~RMC1 enough seats · simple qualifying question. , port of tlus in the st?rY Hpw .the ·plan backfires; how · In and Around St. John's skin boots and were so Joo!elv !·I . ~~ f1g~re v to make it pt I ' t: .·. Inn fuel emergencr, always call ts Dolores ~hchacls playmg death comes to both Gene and Electronic fastened that they could b~ ~uo

',· Chester ,Dawe Limited ·------~---- ALSO ALSO l ~ ' . NEWFOUNDLAND:s FOREMOST BUILDING -SUPPLY DEAI.ER · ·1 4 to 7 inch random Quantity 2 lC 3 ' 1 : ~ : p SPECIAL widths and lengths 8 to 16 ft. lot19· ' I '' 1 Distributors for Canadian Johns Manville ProduCts Sheathing which meets D 4 S. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY C e n t r a I Mortgage perM· ALSO MacMillian, Bloedel and Powell River (Qu~bec)·Ltd. Minimum Quantity 1000 Bd. Ft. Specifications at 7%c. $75·~ i. . per sq. ft. .Toronto I . 1 x 3 Fir D 4 S Strapping and · . Montreat"" .... . ! '; i . SEE THE GREATEST VALUE IN• NEWFOUNDLAND IN MODERN Sheathing • LONG TERM FINANCING ARRANGED FOl EVER1'· . l.!oncton "" • .. TliiNG WE SELL • .· llalilax " " " · > PANORAMIC WINDOWS I · :, , .• .. at $65.00 per M. • SHAW STREE! DAWE'I! GVBII'AM. Topul ..... · SYdney "" • • •· ..-~ 1 St. John·~"· "· · ·:l .... ~· ' When it's lumber •.• Save time • ; • Call our Number • ·mAL Mlst DIAL Kl'ft " ' -----' ·-· ------....