Integrating Diverse Points of View on Intelligence: a 6P Framework and Its Implications
Journal of Intelligence Concept Paper Integrating Diverse Points of View on Intelligence: A 6P Framework and Its Implications Robert J. Sternberg 1,* and Sareh Karami 2 1 Department of Human Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA 2 Educational Psychology Faculty, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS 39762, USA; * Correspondence: Abstract: This article introduces a 6P framework for understanding intelligence, as well as the theories and tests that are derived from it. The 6Ps in the framework are purpose, press, problems, persons, processes, and products underlying intelligence. Each of the 6Ps is considered in turn. We argue that although the purpose of intelligence is culturally universal, the other Ps can vary at least somewhat over time and space. A single theory or test of intelligence represents a particular configuration of the 6Ps, but other configurations of the 6Ps might yield different theories and different tests. Keywords: 6P’s; adaptation; intelligence; process; person; press; problem; product; purpose Diverse theories of intelligence present intelligence in very different terms. Our goal in this article is to discuss the roles that purpose, press, problems, persons, processes, and products underlying intelligence currently play in theories and tests of intelligence, and the roles they ideally should play. Our consideration in this article is of explicit theories of Citation: Sternberg, Robert J., and intelligence proposed by intelligence theorists, although many of the same issues could be Sareh Karami. 2021. Integrating applied as well to implicit (folk) theories. Diverse Points of View on Some theories pinpoint internal origins of intelligence, others, external origins, and Intelligence: A 6P Framework and Its still others, interactions between the two.
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