
Recollection versus Imagination: Exploring and via Neural Models

Maarten Sap‡†∗ Eric Horvitz† Yejin Choi‡♦ Noah A. Smith‡♦ James W. Pennebaker♣ †Microsoft Research ‡Paul G. Allen School for Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington ♦Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence ♣Department of , University of Texas at Austin [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract My daughter gave birth to her first child. She and her husband were overwhelmed by emotions. We investigate the use of NLP as a measure ….her husband called me and then drove of the cognitive processes involved in story- her to the hospital. I joined her at the telling, contrasting imagination and recollec- hospital. When we got the hospital things tion of events. To facilitate this, we collect and got complicated. Her husband tried his release HIPPOCORPUS, a dataset of 7,000 sto- best to be with her and to keep her

ries about imagined and recalled events. strong. She eventually delivered perfectly. RECALLED We introduce a measure of flow and # concrete events: 7 use this to examine the for imagined We recently attended a family wedding. It was and recalled events. Additionally, we measure the first time in a decade we all got together. the differential recruitment of knowledge at- …My older brother is getting PersonX tributed to versus episodic gets married married to a rich tycoon lady. memory imagined re- (Tulving, 1972) for and He will be very happy. I hope causes called by comparing the frequency he doesn’t get too greedy. PersonX to of descriptions of general commonsense events IMAGINED # concrete events: 1 be happy with more specific realis events. Our analyses show that imagined stories have a Figure 1: Snippets from two stories from HIPPOCOR- substantially more linear narrative flow, com- PUS (top: recalled, bottom: imagined). Concrete pared to recalled stories in which adjacent sen- or realis events (in gray) are more frequent in re- tences are more disconnected. In addition, called stories, whereas general or commonsense events while recalled stories rely more on autobio- (underlined) are associated with imagined stories. graphical events based on , imagined stories express more commonsense knowledge based on semantic memory. Fi- other hand, an imagined story about a wedding nally, our measures reveal the effect of narra- tivization of in stories (e.g., stories (Figure1, bottom) will largely draw from the au- about frequently recalled memories flow more thor’s commonsense knowledge about the world linearly; Bartlett, 1932). Our findings high- (Kintsch, 1988; Graesser et al., 1981). light the potential of using NLP tools to study We harness neural language and commonsense the traces of human cognition in language. models to study how cognitive processes of rec- 1 Introduction ollection and imagination are engaged in story- telling. We rely on two key aspects of stories: When telling stories, people draw from their own narrative flow (how the story reads) and semantic (episodic knowledge; Conway et al., vs. episodic knowledge (the types of events in the 1996, 2003) and from their general world knowl- story). We propose as a measure of narrative flow edge (semantic knowledge; Bartlett, 1932; Oatley, the likelihood of sentences under generative lan- 1999). For example, in Figure1 (top), a recalled guage models conditioned on varying amounts of story about a birth will likely recount concrete . Then, we quantify semantic knowledge by events from that day, relying heavily on the au- measuring the frequency of commonsense events thor’s episodic memory (Tulving, 1972). On the (from the ATOMIC knowledge graph; Sap et al., ∗ Research conducted during an internship at Microsoft 2019), and episodic knowledge by counting realis Research. events (Sims et al., 2019), both shown in Figure1. We introduce HIPPOCORPUS,1 a dataset of # stories # sents # words 6,854 diary-like short stories about salient life recalled 2,779 17.8 308.9 events, to examine the cognitive processes of re- imagined 2,756 17.5∗∗ 274.2∗∗ membering and imagining. Using a crowdsourc- retold 1,319 17.3∗ 296.8∗∗ ing pipeline, we collect pairs of recalled and imag- ined stories written about the same topic. By total 6,854 design, authors of recalled stories rely on their Table 1: HIPPOCORPUS data statistics. ∗∗ and ∗ indi- episodic memory to tell their story. cate significant difference from recalled at p < 0.001 We demonstrate that our measures can uncover and p < 0.05, respectively. differences in imagined and recalled stories in HIPPOCORPUS. Imagined stories contain more commonsense events and elaborations, whereas Stage 2: imagined. A new of workers write recalled stories are more dense in concrete events. imagined stories, using a randomly assigned sum- Additionally, imagined stories flow substantially mary from stage 1 as a prompt. Pairing imagined more linearly than recalled stories. Our findings stories with recalled stories allows us to control for provide evidence that surface language reflects the variation in the main topic of stories. differences in cognitive processes used in imagin- Stage 3: retold past. After 2–3 months, we con- ing and remembering. tact workers from stage 1 and ask them to re-tell Additionally, we find that our measures can un- their stories, providing them with the summary of cover narrativization effects, i.e., the transform- their story as prompt. ing of a memory into a narrative with repeated re- call or passing of time (Bartlett, 1932; Reyna and Post-writing questionnaire (all stages). Imme- Brainerd, 1995; Christianson, 2014). We find that diately after writing, workers describe the main with increased temporal distance or increased fre- topic of the story in a short phrase. We then ask a quency of recollection, recalled stories flow more series of questions regarding personal significance linearly, express more commonsense knowledge, of their story (including frequency of recalling the and are less concrete. event: FREQUENCYOFRECALL; see A.1 for ques- tionnaire details). Optionally, workers could re- 2 2 HIPPOCORPUS Creation port their demographics.

We construct HIPPOCORPUS, containing 6,854 3 Measures stories (Table1), to enable the study of imagined and recalled stories, as most prior corpora are ei- To quantify the traces of imagination and recollec- ther limited in size or topic (e.g., Greenberg et al., tion recruited during storytelling, we devise a mea- 1996; Ott et al., 2011). See AppendixA for addi- sure of a story’s narrative flow, and of the types of tional details (e.g., worker demographics; §A.2). events it contains (concrete vs. general). 3.1 Narrative 2.1 Data Collection Inspired by recent work on discourse modeling We collect first-person perspective stories in three (Kang et al., 2019; Nadeem et al., 2019), we use stages on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), us- language models to assess the narrative linearity of ing a pairing mechanism to account for topical a story by measuring how sentences relate to their variation between imagined and recalled stories. context in the story. Stage 1: recalled. We ask workers to write a We compare the likelihoods of sentences un- 15–25 sentence story about a memorable or salient der two generative models (Figure2). The bag event that they experienced in the past 6 months. model makes the assumption that every sentence Workers also write a 2–3 sentence summary to be is drawn independently from the main theme of used in subsequent stages, and indicate how long the story (represented by E). On the other hand, ago the events took place (in weeks or months; the chain model assumes that a story begins with a TIMESINCEEVENT). 2 With IRB approval from the Ethics Advisory Board at Microsoft Research, we restrict workers to the U.S., and en- 1Available at http://aka.ms/hippocorpus. sure they are fairly paid ($7.5–9.5/h). edge included explicitly in stories, as a proxy ࣟ ݏ ݏ ǥ ݏ for semantic memory, a form of memory that is (i) bag ଴ ଵ ௜ to encode general knowledge about the ࣟ world (Tulving, 1972). While this includes facts ݏ ݏ ǥ ݏ about how events unfold (i.e., scripts or schemas; (ii) chain ଴ ଵ ௜ Schank and Abelson, 1977; van Kesteren et al., Figure 2: Two probabilistic graphical models repre- 2012), here we focus on commonsense knowl- senting (i) bag-like and (ii) chain-like (linear) story rep- edge, which is also encoded in semantic memory resentations. E represents the theme of the story. (McRae and Jones, 2013). Given the social focus of our stories, we use the theme, and sentences linearly follow each other.3. social commonsense knowledge graph ATOMIC (Sap et al., 2019).4 For each story, we first match ∆l is computed as the difference in negative log- likelihoods between the bag and chain models: possible ATOMIC events to sentences by selecting 1 events that share noun chunks and verb phrases ∆l(si) = − [log p(si | E)− with sentences (e.g., “getting married” “Per- |si| sonX gets married”; Figure1). We then search log p(s | E, s )] i 1:i−1 (1) the matched sentences’ surrounding sentences for where the log-probability of a sentence s in a con- commonsense inferences (e.g., “be very happy” text C (e.g., topic E and history s1:i−1) is the sum “happy”; Figure1). We describe this algorithm in of the log-probabilities of its tokens wt in context: further detail in Appendix B.2. In our analyses, the P log p(s | C) = t log p(wt | C, w0:t−1). measure quantifies the number of story sentences We compute the likelihood of sentences using with commonsense tuple matches in the two pre- OpenAI’s GPT language model (Radford et al., ceding and following sentences. 2018, trained on a large corpus of English fic- tion), and we set E to be the summary of the story, 3.3 Lexical and Stylistic Measures but find similar trends using the main event of the To supplement our analyses, we compute sev- story or an empty sequence. eral coarse-grained lexical counts for each story 3.2 Episodic vs. Semantic Knowledge in HIPPOCORPUS. Such approaches have been used in prior efforts to investigate author men- We measure the quantity of episodic and semantic tal states, temporal orientation, or counterfactual knowledge expressed in stories, as proxies for the thinking in language (Tausczik and Pennebaker, differential recruitment of episodic and semantic 2010; Schwartz et al., 2015; Son et al., 2017). memory (Tulving, 1972) in stories. We count psychologically relevant word cate- Realis Event Detection We first analyze the gories using the Linguistic Inquiry Word Count prevalence of realis events, i.e., factual and non- (Pennebaker et al., 2015, LIWC;), focusing only hypothesized events, such as “I visited my mom” on the cognitive processes, positive emotion, nega- (as opposed to irrealis events which have not hap- tive emotion, and I-word categories, as well as the 5 pened, e.g., “I should visit my mom”). By def- ANALYTIC and TONE summary variables. Ad- inition, realis events are claimed by the author to ditionally, we measure the average concreteness have taken place, which makes them more likely to level of words in stories using the lexicon by Brys- be drawn from from autobiographical or episodic baert et al.(2014). memory in diary-like stories. We train a realis event tagger (using BERT-base; 4 Imagining vs. Remembering Devlin et al., 2019) on the annotated literary events We summarize the differences between imagined corpus by Sims et al.(2019), which slightly out- and recalled stories in HIPPOCORPUS in Table2. performs the original author’s models. We provide For our narrative flow and lexicon-based analyses, further training details in Appendix B.1. 4ATOMIC contains social and inferential knowledge about Semantic and Commonsense Knowledge We the causes (e.g., “X wants to start a family”) and effects (e.g., measure the amount of commonsense knowl- “X throws a party”, “X feels loved”) of everyday situations like “PersonX decides to get married”. 3Note that this is a sentence-level version of surprisal as 5See liwc.wpengine.com/interpreting- defined by expectation theory (Hale, 2001; Levy, 2008) liwc-output/ for more information on LIWC variables. measure effect size (d or β) direction 3 imagined ∗∗∗ avg. ∆l (linearity) 0.52 imagined recalled realis events 0.10∗∗ recalled retold ∗∗∗ commonsense 0.15 imagined 2 ∗∗∗ ANALYTIC 0.26 recalled concrete 0.13∗∗∗ recalled

neg. emo. 0.07∗∗∗ imagined density ∗∗∗ TONE 0.12 imagined 1 I-words 0.17∗∗∗ imagined ∗∗∗

lexicon-based pos. emo. 0.22 imagined cog. proc. 0.30∗∗∗ imagined 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Summary of differences between imagined Δl and recalled stories, according to proposed measures (top), and lexical or word-count measures (bottom). Figure 3: Density plot showing differences in likeli- All associations are significant when controlling for hoods of sentences between chain and bag model, for multiple comparisons (∗∗∗: p <0.001; ∗∗: p <0.01). recalled (green), imagined (purple), and retold (dark gray dashed) stories. Vertical lines represent mean ∆l values for each story type. All three story types differ we perform paired t-tests. For realis and com- significantly (p < 0.001). monsense event measures, we perform linear re- gressions controlling for story length.6 We Holm- (TONE, positive and negative emotion) and evoke correct for multiple comparisons for all our analy- more cognitive processes.8 In contrast, recalled ses (Holm, 1979). stories are more concrete and contain more logical Imagined stories flow more linearly. We com- or hierarchical descriptions (ANALYTIC). pare ∆ , i.e., pairwise differences in NLL for sen- l Discussion. Our interpretation of these findings tences when conditioned on the full history vs. no is that the consolidated memory of the author’s life history (density plot shown in Figure3). When av- permeates in a more holistic manner eraging ∆ over the entire story, we find that sen- l through the sentences in the recalled story. Imag- tences in imagined stories are substantially more ined stories are more fluent and contain more com- predictable based on the context set by prior sen- monsense elaborations, which suggests that au- tences than sentences in remembered stories. This thors compose a story as a sequence, relying more effect is also present with varying history sizes on preceding sentences and commonsense knowl- (see Figure5 in Appendix C.1). edge to generate the story. Recalled stories are more event-dense. As While our findings on linearity hold when using seen in Table2, we find that imagined stories con- different language models trained on Wikipedia tain significantly fewer realis events (controlling articles (Dai et al., 2019) or English web text for story length).7 (mostly news articles; Radford et al., 2019), a lim- itation of the findings is that GPT is trained on Imagined stories express more commonsense large corpus of fiction, which may boost linearity knowledge. Using the same analysis method, scores for imagined (vs. recalled) sentences. Fu- our results show that sentences in imagined sto- ture work could explore the sensitivity of our re- ries are more likely to have commonsense infer- sults to changes in the language model’s training ences in their neighborhood compared to recalled domain or neural architecture. stories. Lexical differences. Lexicon-based counts un- 5 Narrativization of Recalled Stories cover additional differences between imagined We further investigate how our narrative and com- and recalled stories. Namely, imagined stories monsense measures can be used to uncover the are more self-focused (I-words), more emotional narrativization of recalled events (in recalled and 6Linear regressions use z-scored variables. We confirm retold stories). These analyses aim to investi- that our findings hold with multivariate regressions as well as gate the hypothesis that memories are narrativized when adding participant random effects in Appendix C.2. 7Note that simply using verb count instead of number of 8The cognitive processes LIWC category counts occur- realis events yields the opposite effect, supporting our choice rences of words indicative of cognitive activity (e.g., “think”, of measure. “because”, “know”). over time (Bartlett, 1932), and that distant auto- Furthermore, using lexicon-based measures, we biographical memories are supplemented with se- find that stories with high FREQUENCYOFRE- mantic or commonsense knowledge (Reyna and CALL tend to contain more self references (I- Brainerd, 1995; Roediger III et al., 1996; Chris- words; Pearson’s |r| = 0.07, p < 0.001). Con- tianson, 2014; Brigard, 2014). versely, stories that are less frequently recalled are First, we compare the effects of recency of the more logical or hierarchical (LIWC’s ANALYTIC; event described (TIMESINCEEVENT: a continu- Pearson’s |r| = 0.09, p < 0.001) and more con- ous variable representing the log time since the crete (Pearson’s |r| = 0.05, p = 0.03). event).9 Then, we contrast recalled stories to their retold counterparts in pairwise comparisons. Fi- Discussion. Our results suggest that the pro- nally, we measure the effect of how frequently posed language and commonsense methods can the experienced event is thought or talked about measure the effects of narrativization over time (FREQUENCYOFRECALL: a continuous variable in recalled memories (Bartlett, 1932; Smorti and ranging from very rarely to very frequently).10 As Fioretti, 2016). On one hand, temporal distance of in §4, we Holm-correct for multiple comparisons. events is associated with stories containing more commonsense knowledge and having more linear Temporal distance. First, we find that recalled flow. On the other hand, stories about memo- and retold stories written about temporally distant ries that are rarely thought about or talked about events tend to contain more commonsense knowl- are more concrete and contain more realis events, edge (|β| = 1.10, p < 0.001). We found no other compared to frequently recalled stories which flow significant associations with TIMESINCEEVENT. more linearly. This suggests that stories that be- On the other hand, the proposed measures un- come more narrativized, either by the passing of cover differences between the initially recalled time or by being recalled repeatedly, become more and later retold stories that mirror the differences similar in some ways to imagined stories. found between recalled and imagined stories (Ta- ble2). Specifically, retold stories flow signifi- 6 Conclusion cantly more linearly than their initial counterparts in a pairwise comparison (Cohen’s |d| = 0.17, To investigate the use of NLP tools for studying p < 0.001; see Figure3). Our results also indi- the cognitive traces of recollection versus imag- cate that retold stories contain fewer realis events ination in stories, we collect and release HIP- (|β| = 0.09, p = 0.025), and suggest a potential POCORPUS, a dataset of imagined and recalled sto- increase in use of commonsense knowledge in the ries. We introduce measures to characterize narra- retold stories (|β| = 0.06, p = 0.098). tive flow and influence of semantic vs. episodic Using lexicon-based measures, we find that re- knowledge in stories. We show that imagined sto- told stories are significantly higher in scores for ries have a more linear flow and contain more cognitive processes (|d| = 0.12, p < 0.001) and commonsense knowledge, whereas recalled sto- positive tone (|d| = 0.07, p = 0.02). Surpris- ries are less connected and contain more specific ingly, initially recalled stories contain more self concrete events. Additionally, we show that our references than retold stories (I-words; |d| = 0.10, measures can uncover the effect in language of p < 0.001); higher levels of self reference were narrativization of memories over time. We hope found in imagined stories (vs. recalled; Table2). these findings bring to the feasibility of employing statistical natural language processing Frequency of . We find that the more an machinery as tools for exploring human cognition. event is thought or talked about (i.e., higher FRE- QUENCYOFRECALL), the more linearly its story Acknowledgments flows (∆l; |β| = 0.07, p < 0.001), and the fewer realis events (|β| = 0.09, p < 0.001) it contains. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, as well as Elizabeth Clark, Tal August, 9We use the logarithm of the time elaspsed since the event, as subjects may perceive the passage of time logarithmically Lucy Lin, Anna Jafarpour, Diana Tamir, Justine (Bruss and Ruschendorf¨ , 2009; Zauberman et al., 2009). Zhang, Saadia Gabriel, and other members of the 10Note that TIMESINCEEVENT and FREQUENCYOFRE- Microsoft Research and UW teams for their help- CALL are somewhat correlated (Pearson r = 0.05, p < 0.001), and findings for each variable still hold when con- ful comments. trolling for the other. 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Figure 4: We extract phrases from the main themes of recalled (left) and imagined (right) stories, using RAKE (Rose et al., 2010); size of words corresponds to frequency in corpus, and color is only for readability.

A Data Collection of the imagined author. Future work should inves- tigate whether there are linguistic effects of differ- We describe the data collection in further detail, ing demographics between the two authors.13 and release our MTurk annotation templates.11 B Episodic vs. Semantic Knowledge A.1 Post-Writing Questionnaire B.1 Realis Events After each writing stage (recalled, imagined, re- told), we ask workers to rate “how impactful, im- To detect realis events in our stories, we train a portant, or personal” the story was to them (for tagger (using BERT-base; Devlin et al., 2019) on imagined and recalled stories), “how similar” to the annotated corpus by Sims et al.(2019). This their own lives the story felt (imagined only), and corpus contains 8k realis events annotated by ex- “how often [they] think or talk about the events” perts in sentences drawn from 100 English books. in the story (recalled only), on a Likert scale With development and test F1 scores of 83.7% and from 1–5. Workers also take the four “openness” 75.8%, respectively, our event tagger slightly out- items from the Mini-IPIP personality question- performs the best performing model in Sims et al. naire (Donnellan et al., 2006) as an assessment of (2019), which reached 73.9% F1. In our analyses, overall . Finally, workers optionally re- we use our tagger to detect the number of realis port their demographic information (age, gender, event mentions. race). B.2 Commonsense Knowledge Matching A.2 Worker Demographics We quantify the prevalence of commonsense knowledge in stories, as a proxy for measuring the Our stories are written by 5,387 unique U.S.-based traces of semantic memory (Tulving and Schac- workers, who were 47% male and 52% female ter, 1990). Semantic memory is thought to encode (<1% non-binary, <1% other). Workers were 36 commonsense as well as general semantic knowl- years old on average (s.d. 10 years), and predomi- edge (McRae and Jones, 2013). nantly white (73%, with 10% Black, 6% Hispanic, We design a commonsense extraction tool that 5% Asian). We find no significant differences aligns sentences in stories with commonsense tu- in demographics between the authors of imagined ples, using a heuristic matching algorithm. Given and recalled stories,12 but authors of imagined sto- a story, we match possible ATOMIC events to sen- ries scored slightly higher on measures of creativ- tences by selecting events that share noun chunks ity and openness to experience (Cohen’s d = 0.08, and verb phrases with sentences. For every sen- p = 0.01). tence si that matches an event E in ATOMIC, we Note that we randomly paired story summaries check surrounding sentences for mentions of com- to workers. We did not attempt to match the demo- monsense inferences (using the same noun and graphics of the recalled story to the demographics verb phrase matching strategy); specifically, we

11Available at http://aka.ms/hippocorpus. 13Future work could investigate social distance alongside 12We run Chi-squared tests for gender (χ2 = 1.01, p = other types of psychological distances (e.g., physical, tempo- 0.80), for age (χ2 = 9.99, p = 0.26), and for race (χ2 = ral), using the framework given by Construal Theory (Trope 9.99,p = 0.35). and Liberman, 2010). recalled imagined β β 3.4 variable w/o rand. eff. w/ rand. eff. 3.3 story length 0.319∗∗∗ 0.159∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 3.2 ∆l (linearity) -0.454 -0.642 realis events 0.147∗∗∗ 0.228∗∗∗ 3.1 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗

avg. sentence NLL commonsense -0.144 -0.157

3.0 Table 3: Results of multivariate linear regression mod- 0 5 10 full hist els (with and without participants random effects), re- size of history gressing onto story type (0: imagined vs. 1: recalled) Figure 5: Average negative log likelihood (NLL) of as the dependent variable. All effects are significant sentences conditioned on varying sizes of of (∗∗: p < 0.005, ∗∗∗: p < 0.001). included sentences for recalled (green) and imagined (purple) stories (with 95% confidence intervals). For history sizes > 1, differences are significant when con- C.2 Robustness of Findings trolling for multiple comparisons (p < 0.001). To confirm the validity of our measures, we re- port partial correlations between each of our mea- sures, controlling for story length. We find that our check the nc preceding sentences for matches of realis measure is negatively correlated with our causes of E, and the ne following sentences for event E’s effects. commonsense measures (Pearson r = −0.137, To measure the prevalence of semantic memory p < 0.001), and positively correlated with our lin- in a story, we count the number of sentences that earity measure (r = 0.111, p < 0.001). Linear- matched ATOMIC knowledge tuples in their sur- ity and commonsense were not significantly cor- rounding context. We use a context window of related (r = −0.02, p = 0.21). Additionally, we confirm that our findings still size nc = ne = 2 to match inferences, and use the spaCy pipeline (Honnibal and Montani, 2017) hold when controlling for other measures and par- to extract noun and verb phrases. ticipant random effects. Notably, we find stronger associations between our measures and story type C Recollection vs. Imagination when controlling for other measures, as shown in Table3. We see a similar trend when additionally C.1 Linearity with Varying Context Size controlling for individual variation in workers. Shown in Figure5, we compare the negative log- likelihood of sentences when conditioned on vary- ing history sizes (using the story summary as con- text E). As expected, conditioning on longer his- tories increases the predictability of a sentence. However, this effect is significantly larger for imagined stories, which suggests that imagined stories flow more linearly than recalled stories.