Rcmz Sbc. c»f. a7gig»f. 49 (1.4) 1991 (90): 59 . 72

SPECIES CAmllocuE AND cHROHosoml, mm oF oDomm FRox ARGmlTlmL ALbert° R°DR::dT§us:::]FT:3óp]E3íana M. M°m3

(2) Investigador del CONICET, Inst. de Limnolgla "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". UNI.P. C.C. 712,1900 -La Plata. (3) Laboratorio de Genética, F.C.E.N., U.B.A., C. Universitaria, 1428 -Buenos Aires.

REstHffl Catálogo de especies r datos cromosómicos de de la Argen- tina, El presente catálogo de odonatos argentinos incluye 232 especies y subespecies con sus localidades, agrupados en 2 Subór- denes, 11 familias y 68 géneros. Hasta el presente se han estu- diado cromosómicamente 103 especies y subespecies perteneciendo la mayorla de ellas (83.5*) al Suborden Anisoptera. Estos datos provienen de la revisión de trabajos citogenéticos de especies estudiadas en Argentina u otros palses.

INTRODUCTION From the beginning of this century the order Odonata has held the attention of acknowledged specialists as Ris (1908, 1909 -1919,1913,1916,.1928a,1928b and 1930). His works are based fundamentaly on the collections of E. de Selys liongchamps and other numerous collections of P. Joergensen. Other signifi- cant contributors were Calvert (1909) and Navás (1920a, 1920b, 1921,1922,1924,1927a,1927b,1928,1929,1930,1932 and 1933). The f irst odonatological synthesis in this country was pu- blished by Fraser in 1947-1948 and was performed specif ically with Miguel Lillo lnstitute (Tucumán) collections, which were f urnished by numerous collection trips to several Argentina pro- vinces (139 are cited in it, 40 of which were new for Argentina) . Gloger (1967) contributed to the knowledge of Ácantdagrjon and proximate ; Bulla (1971, 1972, 1973 and 1975) published several species of Zygoptera, although his works were mainly dedicáted to the knowiedge of preimaginai instars of this subor- der; Paulson (1977) made up a list with 150 Argentine species included in a general catalogue of Aquatic Biota of Southern South America, based on an abundant bibliography. Belle (1978) quoted Areogroippdus BOJestüs and recently Jurzit- za (1981a) enumerated 106 species from the lguazú National Park, of which 46 were not mentioned in previous studies. The revision of a series of later works (Jurzitza, 1981b, 1981c and 1982; Paulson, 1982; Dunkle & Cook, 1984; Rodrigues Capltulo, 1981, 1984 and 1988; and Rodrigues Capitulo & Muzón, 1989(1986) and 1989 (1988)) and the study of a part of the

(1) Contr. Cient. N0451 del lnst. de Limnologia Dr. R. Ringuelet. 60 Revista de h Sociedad Entomolóüca Argentina 49 (\ - 4) 1991 C90) collection from La Plata Museum and the liymnology lnstitute "Dr. Raúl Ringuelet" (Iia Plata) made it possible to prepare the cur- rent catalogue where 232 species and subspecies are included, grouped into 2 suboraers,11 families and 68 genera (Table 1). A revision of part of the material of the Buenos Aires and La Plata Museums has yet to be concluded, moreover the records of species available from the South and West of the country are scarce. Surely the analysis of this material will contribute new cites and species for the current catalogue. It is thought that owing to the severe climatic conditions of this zones, the abtin- dance of species will dif f er greatly from the ódonatef auna o£ Central and Northeastern Argentina.

CHROMOSOMAL DATA The cytological data available are 44.4 * of the taxonomica- 11`y described species for Argentina, 26 species of which have been studied in populations of this country. The percentage of the Anisoptera Íspecies cytologically studied (53.1 *) is more than twice that of the Zygoptera (24.3 *). There is no karyotypic information about the species of Dicteriastidae, Protoneuridae, Pseudostigmatidae and Cordulidae present in Argentina. In some of the species studied in Argentina, karyotypic dif f erences were found with regard to that repórted from other countr±es {Miathrria marcella, Perithemis mooma, Errthemis atta- 1a, Errthrodiplax atroteminata, E. connata fusca, E. med±a eina JHcratJ)rría Jz]podídBBa, see. Table 11) . From these differences it can be inf erred that a more intensive chromosome study of the neotropical dragonf ly f auna would af ford us the possibllity o£ a more exhaustive comprehension of its cytotaxonomy as well as its intra and interspecif`ic variability. The mean of the distribution of haploid''numbers given here is the same as that described by Kiauta (1972) for the order (n= 13) , and the species with extreme chromosome numbers are repre- sented in Argentina, Ortdemjs z)odjpJaga (n= 21) and Jfacrotdemís hemíchlora (n-- 3) . The sex chromosome system is XX/XO with few exceptions with a neo-XY system (see Table 11) . In Table 11 the principal karyotypic f eatures of the species column the á:S:::3e:u:S:rA:ge::::: ?:Íe:u:}a:::e:.ta::df?ei:i:ñ: second , the haploid number, with an asterisk indicating the presence of D chromosomes and when the sex chromosome system dif f ers from XX/XO, it is shown in parenthesis. When different chromosrome number exist in a species they are separated by a semicoloñ~ when the data refers to different indíviduals (from the same or diffe- rent localities) and by a dash for variations within the same individual. The locality of the material and the references are shown in the third and fourth columns respectively. Table 111 sumharizes, at the family level, the number of species and subspecies known taxonomically as well as cytologica- 11y.

REFERENCES TABI.E 1. A: I.ocality unspecified. PROVINCES. BA: Buenos Aires; C: Córdoba; Cat: Catamarca; Ct: Corrientes; CH: Chaco; Chb: Chubut; ER: Entre Rlos; F: Formosa; J: Jujuy; LP: La Pampa; LR: La Rioja; M: Misiones; Mz: Mendoza; N: Neuquén; RN: Rio Negro; S: Salta; SE: Santiago del Estero; SF: Santa Fe; SJ: San Juan; SI.: San Luis; T: Tucumán: TF: Tierra del Fuego. REGIONS. DP: Delta del Paraná: NE: Northeast and ZA: Andine zone. A. F`ODRIGUES CAPTIUL0 et al. Species catalogue and chromosomal data of odomta 61

TABLE I Species reported £or Argentina, and its collection localities

SUBORDER ZYGOPTERA Superfamily Agrionoidea - Family Calopterigidae (= Agrionidae) Hetaerina SeLys H. carnifex HaLgen; M,T. H. proa[±ma Se±ys; M. H. dominula SeLyss; M. H. rosea SeL¥s; J,M,S,T. H. donna Sel¥B: h. H. sanguinea Selys: h. P. ]Bei)desj Jurzitza; M. imesarecte Cow±ey AÍ. grí5ea (Ris); Cat,J,S,T. #. pz7díca (Hagen-Selys); M. #. prujnoÉa (Selys) ; M. - Fanily Dicteriastidae (= Heliocharitidae) Eleliocharis SeLys H. am&zona SeLys; M. Superf amily Coenagrionoidea - Family Coenagrionidae Acanthagrion SeL¥B A. az}JuCuB Calvert; C,J,M,S,SL,T. A. Jaj2cea Selys; BA,CH,Ct,ER Á. asceEdeng Calvert; M. M,S,SF,T. A. grecíJe Rambur; Ct,ER,J,M,S,T. .A. Jeoz]ardí Jurzitza; M. Á. djldegrarda Gloger; BA,C,ER,SF. Jl. tenporale Selys; M. ABdíJ)agtrjoA Bul la A. pecerse[)j (Ris) ; BA,Cat,Mz,RN,SJ,T. h. Baliceti {R±sS); BA, C. hrgeneagrion Frat=er A. anbígruuB (Ris) ; BA,Ct,ER,F,M,SF. A. cbelíferuE Selys; BA,Ct,ER,S,SF,T. A.1±dneri R±B; F. Azüíe Rambur d® fogterí Calvert; M. .a. .oZ]Ís Hagen; M. A. joergenseni R±B: C,d,S,T:. A. pulla SeLys; A.. L. jujuFa R±B; ®,T. A. serva HaLgen; M. A. JbíggjaJ)ez)sÍs Fraser; Ct,ER,M. A. CdíÉ[Da Calvert; M. C]iaz)aJlagDa Kennedy C. bonariense R±B: Bh,DP,N. C. Íz)CerrüptuzB (Selys) ; Chb,Mz,N,RN. reahz)ura Charpentier Z.. cai2z.eoz. (Hagen) ; BA,J,M,S. r. £]utríatíIÍs Selys; BA,C,Ct,CH,LR,M,Mz,N,SE,SF,T,ZA. r. u]tí]n® Ris; C,J,Mz,S,T. Q"agrion SeLyB 0. bagale Sely8; CH,DP,F,M,SF. 0. rtzbídjtzm (Rambur) ;BA,C,J,N, 0. btuc:bi Navts; C. SE , SF . 0. GdapsdeJ)ÉFe Martins Costa; M. 0. terJpínale Selys; BA,C,DP, 0. henpelí Calvert BA,C,CH,Ct,ER ER , J , M . S , SF . SL F , M , S , SF , SL . 62 Revisto de b Sociedad Entomouáca Argentina 49 (\ -,4) i991 (9o)

Protallaga-a Retineay P. titicacae CaLvert: 3. Telebasís SeLyB r. atzrípenz]js Jurzitza; M. r. carDÍ]]Íta Calvert; SF. r. car.esína Calvert; M. T. willinki Fraser., Bh,F,SF. Tigriagrion CaLvert r. azzrazitíz)ÍgrtzD Calvert; M,S. - Family Megapodagrionidae Heteragrrion SeLys H. aüratíaczzD Selys; BA,M. H. triangulare SeLTs: M. Megapodagrion SeLys Jr. coz)torttzzD (Selys) ; M. H. macropus SeLys: T. M. erinrs R±s; M. - Family Protoneuridae Jyeaneura Selys N. fulvicollis SeL¥s: M. N. waltheri Se±¥s; M. N. srlvatica SeLys5., M. Peristicta SeL¥= P. aenotrírídís Calvert; DP, M. P. ]DÍsía])era Jurzitza; M. P. 1izeria Nav±s3; BL. - Family Pseudostigmatidae Mecis togras ter Rambur H. Itzcretja (Drury); M. #. orJ]ata Rambur; J. Superf amily Lestinoidea - Family Lestidae Z.esces Leach ú. bípupí]Iatus Calvert; CH,ER pictus SeL¥s=: 3,". li. dic:hrost±gma CaLvert; 3,M,S L. forfícuJa Rambur; M,SF. :::::Í:r T:::::¿o:}¥.Mú:F L. paulístus Calvert; M. tzz)dzJlattJs Say; BA,Mz,SF. SuperJestes Willamson S. e*oletus (Sel]¡s); M.

SUBORDER "ISOPTERA Superf amilia Aeschnoidea - Family Aeshnidae ÁesJLzia Fabricius A. (N) bonariensís RaLmbur: Bh,C, A. (N) elsia CaLvert: Bh,RN. CH,ER,M,Mz,RN,SE,SF,T. Jl. ÍHJÍzitríiicaca Martin; A A. (H) confusa RaLmbur;BA„C,ER,M,SF. A. (H)daarupí Ris; C,Mz,T. A. (H) cornigíera Bra[uer., C,CaLt,M;T. A. (H)pallipes Fraser., T. A. (H) corn±gera planaltica Calvert A. (H) perelta Ris; RN. C,U,M,T. A. (H)ttaríeg&ta Fabr ; RN, TF A. (N) diff±nis Ra\mbur:Bh,C,Mz,N,T. A. (M)trígríi)típtzz)ctata Ris ; BA , Cat . J , T .

AJ)ÍLJr Leach Á. anazíIÍ Burmeister; BA,Ct,ER,SF,M. A. IOJ)gjpes Hagen; M. A. RODRIGNES CAPTTl]LJ0 et al. Species cQtak}gue and chromosoi'i'i7l da€a of octomta 63

Castoraesahz)a Calvert C. castor (Brauer); M. C. janauaria Hagen; C,M. C. dectzrvata Dunkle and Cook; C. CorjpAaescz]z)a Wi llamson C.adne*a Hagen; Ct,CH. C. perreDsÍ (Mc Lachland) ; Ct, C. J. Iüteípenz)Ís (Burm.) ;M. M,SF. Ó]Bacaz)tda Rambur G. adeJa Martin; J,M. G. gracilis Burm.; M. G. bí£Ída Rambur; Ct,J,M,SF. G. iimai NavaB; Ah G. convergrens Foerster., 3. Z;ÍnBetrtm Foerster 4. az)tarctíctzD Foerster (=?debjJe Karsch) ; M. Staurophlebia Brauer S. bosqui Navas; DP. S.r. reticulata (Burm.): M. Triacanthagy:na SeLys T. sp. (Part of G. trífjda Rambur); BA,Ct,J,M. - Family Gomphidae Aphrlla Se±ys= A. ctirvata (Navás) ; M. ,A. djstíi]gzienda Campion; A. J1. dentata Selys; BA,DP,M,SF. Á. tdeodorína (Navás); M. JLrcdaeogradpzzus Wil lamson A. infans R±s; M. Cranogomphus SeLys C. noval Rodrigues Capltulo; ER. C. yaltjierí Serys; M. C. iincatus Fraser; ER,M. EPígoiBpbus Hagen in Selys E. paJudostis llagen in Selys; M. Gomphoides Se±ys G. praetría St. Quentin; M. Neogomphus SeLys Jy. edei)tícuJatüs Carle and Cook; Chb,N. N. molestus SeLyB; Chb, N. Phrlloc:ycla CaLvert P. argrei)tí]]a (Hagen in Selys); BA, P. vesta Belle; BA. C,Ct,M,SF. P. trírídípleurís Calvert; CH,ER. Phrllogomphoides BeLLe P. a])droDedae (Selys) ; M. Progomphus SeLys P. aberraz)s Belle; C,M. P . joergenseni R±s ; C , Cat , Mz , T P. auropictus R±s; M. P. kimminsi BeLLe; T. P. aüstrazjs Belle; ER. P. 1epidus R±5; M. P: basistictus R±s., M. P. phrllochromus., T. P. complicatus Se±ys: M.

1 Zonophora SeL¥B Z. spectabilis Camp±on: NE. 64 Revis€a de h Sodedad Ehtomou}gica Árgentim 49 (1 -4) \991 QO)

Superf amily I.ibelluloidea - Family CorduJ.idae Gomphomacromia BraLuer G. nodisticta R±s: F. G. paradoJra Brauer; Chb. Neocordulia Se±ya N. setifera Se±¥s., M. Rialla Nav±s R. vÍIlosa (Rambur) ; Chb,ER. - Family Brachrmesia K±rby J}. fürcata (Hagen); Ct,M. 8`. derbída Gumlach; M. BrechLmorhogra K±rb¥ 8. ]]zzbecuJa (Rambur) ; M. J). trítraJr Calvert; M. Cannaphila K±rby C. víbe]r (Hagen) ; Cat. Dasythemis KaLrsch D. mínckj clara Ris; C,ER,Mz,RN. P. venosa (Burm.); C,M. D. mincki mincki KaLrs=ct\; M. Ojastatof>s Rambur P. Íntensa Montgomery; Ct,F. 0. pul]ata (Burm.); Ct. D. obsct[ra Fabricius; C. Drthemis Hagen D. c:annacrioides CaLvert: M. D. ster±lis Hagen; Bh. 0. constrícta Calvert; M. D. velo*., BL,Ü,M. Z}. ]z)üJtíptzz)ctata Kirby; BA, ,J,M. Edonís Needham E. J)ezeJ)a Ris; Ct. Errthemis Hagen E. attala (selys); BA,Ct,CH,M,SF.E. pert)tría])a (Rambur) ;Ct,CH,M. E. credu]a Hagen; Ct. E. plebejd (Burm.); BA,Ct,CH, E. ]DítJiroídes (Brauer) ; Ct,CH,SF. ER , M , SF . Etrthrodiplax Br auer 8. ananaJa (Brauer); BA,M. 8. juliana R±s: ER,M. 8. atroterflínata Ris; BA,C,Cat,Ct E. 1at±naculata R±s: M. ER , M , SJ . E. Jrgaea Ris; M. E. b. basa|is K±rby., M. E. media Borr®ri M. g. castaJ]eá (Burm.); M. E. Dela])ortzbra Borror; BA,ER,M E. cbranoptera Borror; ER, M. E. rinuscula (Ramb) ;C,Ct,CH,ER,M 8. cleopatra R±s; S. F. ]]ÍgrícaJ)s Rambur;BA,Cat,Ct, E. cozzz)ata conz]ata Burm. ; BA,Cat, CH , ER , LR , M , Mz , N , SE , SF . Ct , Chb , J , LP , Mz , RN , T . E. ocbracea Burm; BA,Ct,M,SF. E. coz)z)ata fusca (Rambur) ; BA,Ct, E. paraguarensis {Foerssterl : ER , M , S , SF . C,Ct,M. E. cora]Iína (Brau) ;BA,Mz,N,SE,SFE. tzBbrata (Linnaeus) ; BA,Cat, E. fmtiJa erichson; M. Ct , CH , ER , F , LR , M , SE , SF , T . Gynotdemís Calvert G. Jzetero])]rcJ)a (Cal.vert) ; Ct. ^. ROD\`1Ci.\}ES C^PITU L0 et al. Species catalogue aiul chromosomal data of Odomta 65

Lepthemis Hagen L. vesjcu]osa (Fabricius) ; BA,Ct,CH,M,SF. LíbezltJla liinnaeus L. hercu]ea Karsch; M. Macrodiplax Brauer AÍ. balteata Hagen; BA. Hacrothemis HaLgen ff. declívata Calvert; M. M. polyneura R±B; M. M. dedícdJora Burmeister; M. #. teJ]ÜÍs Hagen; M. AÍ. ÍDítai]s Karsch; C,ER,J,M,S. M. Ceí;seJata Burmeister; M. M. mamorata Hagen: M. M. willinki FraBer.. M. M. ]Dusjva Calvert; M. Miathrria K±rby #. .arcella Selys; BA,Ct,CH,M,SF. MícrathFr±a K±rby M. arthemis R±s: M. M. d]podígiyDa Calvert; BA,ER,M #. atdenaís Calvert; M. M. longrifasciata CaLvert., BA„ M. atre (Martin); M. Ct , CH , ER , Mz . ff. catenata Calvert; M. M. ocellata dentiens Ca±vert:M ff. debí]Ís (Hagen) ; ER,SF. Ar. ríJ]grueJetí R. Capitulo; BA. H. dido R±sS: M. #. sptzría Selys; ER. M. didyma R±=; BA„3,M,SF. M. t±bialis K±rb¥: h. M. eximia R±rby., Ah JÍ. tzz)gulata Foerster; BA,M. M. hesper±s R±s., M. Nephepeltía K±rby N. flavifrons Karsct\., C€. N. phryne Pet€¥: A. 01ígoclada Kars5ct\ 0. hayirardii FraLBer; M. 0. Iaetícía Ris: M. OrtJieiBÍs Hagen 0. adLbí]]Ígra Calvert; BA,M. 0. ferruginea lFabr.1 ; Bh.Ü,M,T 0. anbírufa Calvert; ER. 0. i]odíplaga Karsch; BA,Ct,CH, 0. cultriformis CaLvert: Bh. M , Mz , SE , SF , T . Paz)tala Hagen P. flavescens (Fabr) ; BA,Ct,ER,J,M,Mz,SF. P. J)]rmez]aea Say; Cat,Mz,SE,T. Perithemis Hagen P. doDjtía (Drury); BA,Ct,ER,M,T. P. tenera Sa¥: M. P. Ícteroptera Selys; BA,ER,S. P. tdaís Kirby; M. P. Iaís (Perty); M. P. waJtJierí Ris; ER,M. P. aooma (Kirby) ;BA,C,Ct,ER,M,SF,T Pla])ÍpJaJr Muttkowski P. erythropFga Karsch; BA,ER. P. aeDatogaÉJtra Burm. ; BA.

Sirmpetriim Newman S. illotum gilvum (HaLgenl: C,T. S. villosum R±B., L. Tauriphila K±rby r. argro Hagen; DP,M. r. jripbea Ris; Ct. r. rjsj Martin; BA,C,Ct,ER,SE,SF. 66 Revista de la Sociedad Entoínolóstca Argentina 49 (1 -4) 1991 U90)

ZTuea Hagen r. ebdaDÍz)aJj5 (Rambur) ; M. r. caJvertí Muttkowski; Cat. r. bíaotata (Rambur); Ct,M,SF. r. cophysa Hagen;Cat,Ct,ER,M,SE, SF. Üracís (Rambur) Zenithoptera (SeL¥BI U. ÍzBbüca Burm.; BA. Z. JaJ)eí Santos; M.

TmllE 11 Chromosomal data 2n n I.ocality Ref erence


Hetaerina carnifex 13*-14 Brazil (1) H. rosea 25;27 14*;13 Bolivia, Brazil (2) ; (3) H. sangruinea 13 Bolivia (2) Coenagrionidae

Ácanthagrion asc:endens 14* Bolivia (2) A. graclle 27 14 Brazil (3) ALrgrentagrion c:hel±ferum 2] 14* Brazll ( 3 )! i ( 1 ' `--Ez\allagma chel±ferum) Ischnura capreolaL 14 Bollvia (2) {=Ceratura Gapreolal 1. fluviatilis 21 14;14* Bolivia,Brazil (2) ; (1) ; Uruouay (4) 1- ultima 14 Bolivi® (2) OxTagr±on hempeli 14*-15* Brazil tl) 0. terminale 27 14 Brazil (3) Telebasis cairmesina 27 14 Brazll (3) Tigriagrion aiirantinigrum 14 Bolivl& (2) Hegapodagrionidae

Hegapodagrion contortum 13*;13*-14* Brazil (5) ; (1) M. mac:ropus 25 13 Bolivia (2) Lestidae LesGes forf icula 13* Jamaica L. paulistus 13* Brazil


~Aeshna bonariens±S 13* (neo-XY) Argentlna A. confusa 14 * Arqentlna A. cornigera planaltica 16 8 (neo-XY) Arg®ntina A. diffiz\is 21 11* Bollvla A. intrincata 19 10* Bollvla A. perailta 27 14* Bolivia max mazlll 27 14* Aro®ntln& A. 1ongipes 14* U.S.A. A. RODRIG.UES CAPITul:O et al. Species catalogue and chro¡nosoi'nal data of odomta 67

2nn IiocaLlity Re£erence

Corrphaeschna adnexa 2714 Bolivia C. 1. luteipezinis 27 14* Brazil C. perrez\si 27 14* Argentina Staurophlebia r. reticulaita 27 14* Brazil Gomphidae

Aphrlla theodorina 23 12* Brazil Ptogoophus phrllochromus 12* Bolivia I.ibellulidae

Elrachymesia f urcata 2513 Brazil (3) ; (1) ; (9) 8. t\ez:bida 13* Jamaica (2) `=Cannacria herbida) Bt®ct\noz:noga niibecul a 13* Bo|ivia (2) Cann&ph±1a víbex 13* Bolivia (2) Dasrthemla miz\ckl 13* Brazil (1) D. venosa 25 13*;14* Brazil (10) ; (1) D1.statops intensa 13* Bolivia (2) D. obecua 13* Bolivia (2) D. pullata 12 Surinam (11) Dvtbeb\is cannacr±o±des 21 i2*;ii Boliviá,Brazii (2) ; (3) D. oultlpuzictata 13* Bolivia,Brazil (2) ; (3) i (1) D. v®1ox 13* Peru (10) EZTthez\is attala 13;13* Bolivia,Argentina (2); (9) E. ct®dula 13* Surlnam (11) E. pez"viaut\a 13 Surinam ( 11 ) 8. t,lm3e, 13 Bolivla (2) Ez:rthrod±plax anomala 13* Brazil (1) 8. eitrotez:míz\.ta 26#;2513* Urugu®y,Argencin® (4) ; (12) E. b. basalis 25 13;13. Bolivia,Brazil; (2) ; (3) ; Surinam ( 11 ) E. c.etame. 25 12;12*;13 Bolivia,Brazil (2) : (1) E. cbq:oqoopt®ra 11I Uruguay ( 4 ) EE. cl®op.Cr. 26# 13** P®ru (10) E. conn.ta conz\ata 13* Chil® (10) E. c. £usea 25 13;13* Bolivia,Cuatemala (2);(8); Brazll , Surinam , (11) Argíencina (12) Et. cor.11±zia 25 13* Arg®ncin® E. fauHula 13* Brazil (1) E. juliauaa 13 Brazll (1) 8. 1atloacul&ta 13* Brazil (3) E. 1rg.®. 13* Argentlna ( 7 ) €. pdíe 11*;11*#; Bolivia,Brazil; (2) ; (10) 11* (neo-XY) Aroenclna (3) ; (1) (7) Jr. ipeJez]ortzbr8 25 13 * Bolivl.,Venezuel®, (2) ; (10) Arg®ntina (7 ) L€. riz\USCU1. 13* U.S.A. (13) . E. z\±qrricems 25 13* Uruguay,Argentlna (4) ; (12) E. ochr.c.. 25 13* Aroentln& ( 12 ) s. PEnelgru.r.na±s 25 12*;13*; Bolivi®,Surin®m (2) ; (11) 12-13 Brazil (1) 68 L¢e\iis€a de h Soc4edad En€omousta Argentim 49 (\ . 4) 199\ C90)

2n n Locality Ref er®nce E. uuDbrata 25 13* Bolivia , Doninica , (2) ; (8) ; Brazil , Surinam (3) ; (11) L®pthepls veEi±c:ulosa 25 13 Bolivia,Brazll (2) ; (3) ,' surinaLm (11) Macrotheo±s declivaca 23 12* Brazil (10) M. hericLnora 6. 3(neo-XY) Boliv|a,Brazil (2) ; (1) H. ütaLns 25 13* Brazll (10) ; (1) M. Hus±va 25;26? 13*;13*? Bollvla,Brazll (2) ; (1) BsiaehgTla z\areella 25 13* Bolivl&,Brazll (2) ; (3) ; Argentlna (14) 83±€gathFr±a artL\eois 25 13, Brazil (3) ; (1' H® acla 13* Bolivia (2) Ga® catezi&ta 25 13* Brazil (1) Gg® didg®a 13* Jamaica (2) 38® efiüa 11;13t Bollvla ; Suriman (2) ; (11) H. hesperis 25 13* Br&zil (3) ; (1) E. hrpad±dna 23;25 12*;13* Brazil,ÁLrgentina (1) ; (9) H. 1c"glfasciata 24 1.2* (neo-XY) Arg®ntlna (9) M ocellaita dentldzis 25 13.;13 Bolivia , Brazil (2) ' (1) 88. BPurl. 13* Bolivla (2) ®1±goclqda lai®tlt±a 11.-12*;12* Brazll,Argencina (1) ; (15) ®H:thenls anblnlgra 12 6(neo-XY) Argentlna (16) ®® cultr±fomis 23 12* Bolivia,Brazil (2' ; (3) ©. ferrughea 10;23 5(neoxY);12 Bollvia,U.S.A. (2) 23;25 12*;11*(neo Surlnan (11) XY) ; 10 (n©oXY) 23;24# 12* CuateDala , U . S . A , (8) ; tlo) Dominica , P®ru , (3) ; tl) i Brazil , Argencina (15) 0. nod±plaga 4121 Argentina (17) Pantala flavesc®zis 25 131 lndi®. , Bolivla , (5); Madagascar , N.pal (19) South Afrlca,Br&zll (20) Slngapur , Arq®ntln& , ( 21 ) Uruouay P. hmenaea P®rithemis domlt±a :o±:í::,UÁA. ¡2i" E.. ic:teroptera Argentlna ( 14 ) P. 1ais Bolivi®,Brazil (2) ; (3) i (1) P. moooa Bolivla,Br®zil (2) ; (3) ; Urugruay,Argentlna (1) ; (4) ; (14) P. tenera u.s.A. (13) Planiplax errthropgRga Arg®ntlna ( 7 ) Srqipetrim illocim gíJt- Jamaica , U . S . A (2) : (8) ( = rarBetrtzB Íiiocup) Tauriphila risi Argentina (14) Ttezbea abdooln&11s Bolivia , Brazil (2) ; (1) 6*apezoát±mal T. binotata Brazil , Surinam (3) ; (11). (1) T. cophrEia Bolivia , Brasil (2) ; (1) iEibuta Brazil , Surinan (3) ; (11) Z®zi±€t\opt®ro liz\®± Br,zll (11) A. FLOD"GÍÑJES CAPTTÜ\:O e€ d. Speties c®8alogue @nd chriomosomal dam of Odonata 69

REFERENCES TABhE 11. (1): Souz® Bu@gDo,1982;. (2): CtLulng,1964;(3): Fera?eira ec €J.,1979i (4): Coñi and Ab®nGpt®,1982; (,5): K1&u€a,1972; 6): Hola,1988í (7): Hola and Ag®pian, uapublighed; (8): Cruden,1968; (9): Agopian and Mola,1.988; (10): G§iaü€® and Boye8,1972; (.11): Ki&uta, 1979; (12): Mola et el.,1984; (13)g K±auca and van Brink,1978; (14): Hola. and Agoplan,1985; (15): Nola and Agop±an,1986; (16): Agoplen .C al.,1983; (17): Agoplan and Mola,1984; (18); Klauta,1975;. (19): vm Brlnk and Kieuta,1977; (20): B®ff®3 ec aJ„ .1980; (21): K1&uta and ¥í@ü€a, 1982. #: femal®. (The Bame8 ®£ 8p©el®s in br®ckecs are th®€® €É€©d by the au€hors) .

EABEiE EEI Number oÍ species and subsp©eies Caxonomically and chromosomically knoern, ®€ ehe Íamily level. Family Taaz®noü@icaE fty Chromosomically Calopterigidae D±©€eriastidae e®®nagrion±dae M©©apodagrionidae Pg®€oneuridae Ps©ud©egt±gmaL€idae ffi©©©idae

Zgp®®pcega €®©©fi

©omphidlae Aeshnidae Libelluli®ae ©®a:dulid®e

Am±sopC®ra €®€aE


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Recibido : XI-1985 Aceptado: 11-X-1988