45-A ODISHA REGION - OCTOBER'19 Date of Name of Employer and c-18adhoc issue of c18 Inspectio status of the Sl.No. codeno address EmailID contact no period of c-18 adhoc amount Date of PH adhoc n division Branch office unit 4-2011,5-2011,6-2011,7-2011,8- 2011,9-2011,10-2011,11- ID- 4400-00125400- Gouri Saw 2011,12-2011,1-2012,2-2012,3- Bhubanes BO - 1 00901 Mill&Mangalanbag 2012 148005 19-07-2012 2/7/2012 war East Bhubaneswar Registered HIRAKUD hirakudautomobil ID- 4400-00139400- AUTOMOBILES&Ring
[email protected] Rourkela- 2 00704 Road, Rourkela m 9861040257 7-2015,8-2015,9-2015 78508 4/1/2019 6/12/2018 I BO - Rourkela Registered 4-2007,4-2007,5-2007,5-2007,6- 2007,6-2007,7-2007,7-2007,8- 2007,8-2007,9-2007,9-2007,10- 2007,10-2007,11-2007,11- 2007,12-2007,12-2007,1- 4400-00156900- ORI PLAST LIMITED&O.T. accounts_bls@or 2008,1-2008,2-2008,2-2008,3- ID- 3 00205 Road iplast.com 9737266058 2008,3-2008 114114 16-02-2011 17-01-2011 Balasore BO - Balasore Registered 10-2014,11-2014,12-2014,1- Remed Saw Mill(Orissa 2015,2-2015,3-2015,4-2015,5- 4400-00160100- Forest Corn.Ltd)UNIT ofdcnath123@g 2015,6-2015,7-2015,8-2015,9- ID- 4 00901 II&Remed,Sambalpur mail.com 7205535927 2015 253755 12/8/2019 8/7/2019 Hirakud BO - Hirakud Registered 7-2014,8-2014,9-2014,10- 2014,11-2014,12-2014,1- BHARAT SALT & 2015,2-2015,3-2015,4-2015,5- 4400-00160400- CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES&A- bharatsaltchem@ 2015,6-2015,7-2015,8-2015,9- IO- 5 00304 31 & 32 Industrial Estate gmail.com 2015 3097810 19-08-2019 9/7/2019 Cuttack BO - Pithapur Registered 4-2010,5-2010,6-2010,7-2010,8-