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10 THE IMPERIAL CH AHTISTS. ku/Tzv Jbjekbs,—I don't know is, to an absentee Bank monopoly. Cnder ft tint I crex present jgeBDPh to izj to you in my life, or so liule circumstances ho should abstain from Oar is naw saying anything about Mr. O'Connell as a statesman. ha t« WJ ^ *-• position fairly taken ; wo post ftand or falL They all know that for his statesmanship he had *5 l,j it You will pardon the utmost ¦ re/erring, with a little Tanity, to many contempt and scorn. Aft. Woodward, Jfir oi Mr. Ryan, and others addressed the meeting, after *J arediciions ; unheeded when made, bat now is whioh ¦ fulfilment. I predicted Mr. Moran was called to the chair, and tha Jget that if iA« irorHnj usual thanks were given to Mr. Clark, the meeting iarf onlyJhe raotxtlionto standfirvmndalone, separated. ^ IjTpjny, that xhs - Wbigs, when they became Halifax.—West-Ridinq Delegate Merting. TOCLD BID -XT F-ICS FOB Ljj, FOPITLAB SCFPOB3 —This meeting was held ia the Association Room, SjtoWpiheni back to iffiee. It is eTen so 1 Pellon-lane, Halifax, on Sunday the 4th of February, L tsj p-rties who persecoted us with untiring 1844 j , when delegates appeared from the following suftElttingof cruelty, weIt isbow tie londestte *d- AND LEEDS GENERAL places :—Halifax, Messrs. Chippiudale and Cross- cur true the ADVERTISER. ^a principles. that rm . ¦ pro m»«a umnpr ., ' d ; radfbrd. Smith and R»sg YOL TIL NO. 326. SATURDAY , .*--- --.» v> -j - Y 10 r , £ , Gee, Clark, ; Hal," has become defunct ; but then the party * FEBRUAR ^____l1844 Fiv e H &Ultng s per Quarter .
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