Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) 1. We believe, through the 1. That there are three 1. That that God whom we I. We Believe and are power and instruction of which bear record in acknowledge, ought to be verily confident, that there the Holy Scriptures that heaven, the Father, the worshipped by all, and is but one God the Father, there is one only God, who Word, and the Spirit; and above all that are called of whom are all things, is a Spirit, eternal, these three are one God, in Gods, and he is Infinite in from everlasting to incomprehensible, infinite, all equality: by whom all power and wisdom, everlasting, glorious, and almighty, merciful, things are created and universal, invisible, unwordable in all his righteous, perfectly wise, preserved, in heaven and eternal. Ps. 96:3, 4; Jer. attributes, 1 Cor. 8:6; Isa. only good, and only in earth, 1 John 5:7; Phil. 23; 24; Col. 1:17; Rom. 40:28. fountain of life and all 2:5, 6; Gen. 1. 1:20. II. That God in the goodness, the Creator of 2. That this God in the 2. That God created all beginning made Man heaven and earth, things beginning created all creatures visible and Upright, and put him into visible and invisible. things of nothing, and invisible, by his own a state and condition of 2. This only God in the made man of the dust of wisdom and power; Col. Glory, without the least Holy Scriptures is the earth, in his own 1:16; Jer. 10:12. mixture of misery, from manifested and revealed in image, in righteousness which he by transgression 3. That God preserves all Father, Son, and Holy and true holiness; yet fell, and so came into a creatures which are in Ghost, being three, and being tempted, fell in miserable and mortal being; Neh. 9:6; Rom. nevertheless but one God. disobedience. Through estate, subject unto the 2:36. whose disobedience, all first death, Gen. 1:31; 3. The Father is the men sinned: his sin being 4. That the creation doth 2:17; 3:17-19; Eccl. 7:29. original and the beginning imputed to all; and so plainly declare the Power of all things who has III. That there is one Lord death went over all men, and Righteousness of God; begotten his Son from Jesus Christ, by whom are Gen. 1:1; 2:7; 1:27; Eph. Rom. 1:20; Isa. 40:26. everlasting before all all things, who is the only 4:24; 3:1, 7; Rom. 5:12, creation. That Son is the begotten Son of God, born 19. 5. That God commands everlasting Word of the men to take a view of his of the Virgin Mary; yet as Father, and his wisdom. 3. That by the promised Wise, Powerful, and truly David’s Lord, and The Holy Ghost is his seed of the woman, Jesus Righteous works of David’s root, as David’s virtue, power, and might, Christ, [and by] his creation; Isa. 40:26. Son, and David’s proceeding from the obedience, all are made Offspring, Luke 20:44; 6. That God by his good Father and the Son. These righteous, all are made Rev. 22:16, whom God three are not divided, nor alive: his righteousness creatures called or calls freely sent into the World separated in essence, being imputed unto all, men to a serious (because of his great love consideration, or nature, property, eternity, Rom. 5:19; 1 Cor. 15:22. unto the World) who as meditation, that they may power, glory or freely gave himself a 4. That notwithstanding further understand his . ransom for all, 1 Tim. 2:5, this, men are by nature the Wisdom and Power; Rom. 6, tasting death for every 4. This only God has children of wrath, born in 1:20. man, Heb. 2:9, a created man good, iniquity, and in sin propitiation for our sins; according to his image and conceived; wise to all evil, 7. That God doth command men to speak or and not for ours only, but likeness, to a good and but to good they have no declare that which they also for the sins of the happy estate, and in him knowledge, Eph. 2:3; Ps. have learned by the whole World, 1 John 2:2. all men to the same 51:5; Jer. 4:22. The natural blessed end. The first man man receives not the teaching of the creatures; IV. That God is not was fallen into sin and things of the Spirit of God, Ps. 145:5. willing that any should wrath and was again by 1 Cor. 2:14. And therefore 8. That the consideration Perish, but that all should God, through a sweet man is not restored unto of the Lord’s handiworks come to repentance, 2 comfortable promise, his former estate. But that in creatures, is a means to Peter 3:9, and the restored and affirmed to as man, in his estate of beget thoughts of God, and knowledge of the truth, everlasting life, with all innocency, having in of ourselves, suitable to that they might be saved, 1 those that were guilty himself all disposition his greatness, and our Tim. 2:4. For which end through him so that none unto good, and no inferiority; Ps. 8:3, 4. Christ has commanded, of his posterity (by reason disposition unto evil, yet that the Gospel (to wit, the of this institution) are being tempted migh t yield, 9. That whatsoever good glad tidings of remission Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) of this institution) are being tempted might yield, Meditations, or serious glad tidings of remission guilty, sinful, or born in or might resist; even so Considerations we have of of sins) should be original sin. now being fallen, and the glorious works of preached to every creature, having all disposition unto Creation, ought to break Mark 16:15. So that no 5. Man being created evil, and no disposition or forth with admiration unto man shall eternally suffer good, and continuing in will unto any good, yet thankfulness to God; Ps. in Hell (that is, the second goodness, had the ability, God giving grace, man 136:3-9. death) for want of a Christ the spirit of wickedness may receive grace, or may that dyed for them, but as tempting him, freely to 10. That those who did reject grace, according to the Scripture says, for obey, assent, or reject the refuse to worship or that saying; I call heaven denying the Lord that propounded evil: man glorify God answerably to and earth to record this bought them, 2 Peter 2:1, being fallen and consisting the teaching of the day against you, that I or because they believe in evil, had the ability, the Creation, the Lord gave have set before you life not in the name of the only t . . . himself moving them over, or forsook and death, blessing and begotten Son of God, John freely to obey, assent or them so far, that they cursing; therefore choose 3:18. Unbelief therefore reject the propounded became so desperately life, that both thou and thy being the cause why the good; for as he through wicked, that they did seed may live, Deut. just and righteous God, free power to the choice of things contrary to nature; 30:19. will condemn the children evil, obeyed and affirmed Rom. 1:26, 27. of men; it follows against that evil; so did he through 6. That man is justified 11. God created or made all contradiction, that all free power to the choice of only by the righteousness Adam a living soul, and in men at one time or other, good, obey and reassent of Christ, apprehended by his own Likeness in are put into such a that propounded good. faith; yet faith without Sovereignty or Dominion; capacity, as that (through This last power or ability works is dead, Rom. 3:28; Gen. 1:26, 27. the grace of God) they remains in all his posterity. Gal. 2:16; Jas. 2:17. may be eternally saved, 12. That God gave unto 6. God has before all time 5. That God before the John 1:7; 3:17; Acts Adam Laws or commands, foreseen and foreknown foundation of the world 17:30; Mark 6:6; Heb. that he might know his all things, both good and has predestinated that all 3:10, 18, 19; 1 John 5:10. Will; Gen. 2:16, 17. evil, whether past, present, that believe in him shall be V. That such who first or to come. Now, as he is saved, and all that believe 13. That God declared orderly comes into, and the only perfect goodness, not shall be damned; all unto Adam what penalty are brought up in the and the very fountain of which he knew before. or punishment he would School of Christ’s Church, life itself, so is he the only And this is the election cause to befall him, if he and waiting there, comes author, original, and maker and reprobation spoken of disobeyed his Will, Gen. to degrees of Christianity, of such good things as are in the scriptures, 2:17. rightly qualified and good, holy, pure, and of concerning salvation, and 14. That Adam did sin or considerably gifted by nature like unto him; but condemnation; and not disobey the righteous God’s Spirit; ought to not of sin, or damnable that God hath exercise their gifts not uncleanness. He forbids predestinated men to be commands of the Lord; only in the Church, but the evil, he forewarns to wicked, and so to be Gen. 3:6. also (as occasion serves) obey evil, and threatens damned, but that men 15. That God told Adam to preach to the World the evil doer: he is the being wicked shall be very plainly what death it (they being approved of by permitter and punisher. damned, Eph.1:4, 12; should be that he would the Church so to do) Acts But evil men, through free Mark 16:16; Rom. 7:29. cause to come on him, and 11:19, 20, 22-24, and that choice of all sin and For God would have all what sorrows should among such some are to be wickedness, together with men saved, and come to attend him in the chosen by the Church, and the spirit of wickedness the knowledge of the truth, meanwhile; Gen. 3:17, 19. ordained by Fasting, which rules in them, are and would have no men Prayer, and Laying on of the authors, interlined perish, but would have all 16. That all mankind are Hands, for the work of the originals, and makers of men come to repentance, liable to partake of the Ministry, Acts 1:23; 13:2, all sin, and so worthy the and wills not the death of same death or punishment 3. Such so ordained, (and punishment. him that dies, 1 Tim. 2:4; which the Lord in his abiding faithful in their 2 Peter 3:9; Ezek. 18:32. righteous judgment caused 7. The causes and ground, work) we own as And therefore God is the to fall on Adam for his therefore, of man’s transgression; Rom. 5:18. Ministers of the Gospel; Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) therefore, of man’s author of no man's transgression; Rom. 5:18. Ministers of the Gospel; destruction and damnation, condemnation, according but all such who come not 17. That Jesus Christ, are the man’s free choice to the saying of the first to repent of their sins, through (or by) the grace of darkness or sin, and prophet; Thy destruction, believe on the Lord Jesus, of God, suffered death for living therein. Destruction, O Israel, is of thyself; but and so Baptizes in his all mankind, or every man; therefore, comes out of thy help is of me, Hos. name for the remission of Heb. 2:9. himself, but not from the 13:9. Sins, but are only brought good Creator. For being 18. That Christ Jesus, the up in the Schools of 7. That men may fall away perfect goodness and love second Adam, will as learning, to the from the grace of God, and itself (following the nature certainly raise all mankind attaining human arts, and from the truth, which they of love and perfect from that death which fell variety of languages, with have received and goodness) he wills the on them, through or by the many vain curiosities of acknowledged, after they health, good, and first Adam’s sin or speech, 1 Cor. 1:19, 21; have tasted of the happiness of his creatures; offence, as surely as they 2:1, 4, 5, seeking rather heavenly gift, and were therefore hath he partake of it; Rom. 5:18. the gain of large revenues, made partakers of the predestinated that none of then the gain of souls to Holy Ghost, and have 19. That Jesus Christ, his them should be God: such (we say) we tasted of the good word of Lordly or Kingly condemned, nor ordained, utterly deny, being such as God, and of the powers of preeminence over all or will the sinner, or have need rather to be the world to come; and means whereby they mankind, is vindicated or taught themselves, than fit after they have escaped should be brought to maintained in the to teach others, Rom. 2:21. from the filthiness of the Scriptures account, by damnation: yea, much world, may have been virtue of his dying or VI. That the way set forth more (seeing he hath no tangled again therein, and suffering for them; Rom. by God for men to be delight in any man’s overcome, Heb. 12:15; 14:9. justified in, is by faith in destruction, nor willing 10:26; 6:4, 5; 2 Peter 2:20. Christ, Rom. 5:1. That is that any man perish, but That a righteous man may 20. That God’s Word, Son, to say, when men shall that all men should be forsake his righteousness, or Spirit, are one; 1 John assent to the truth of the saved or blessed) hath he 5:7; Jude 1; Heb. 10:29; and perish, Ezek.18:24, Gospel, believing with all created them all to a happy Rom. 15:16. God and his 26. And therefore let no their hearts, that there is end in Christ, hath Word are one; John 1:1. man presume to think, that remission of sins, and foreseen and ordained in The Word quickens; Ps. because he hath, or had eternal life to be had in him a medicine of life for once grace, therefore he 119:50. The Son quickens; Christ. all their sins, and hath shall always have grace. Eph. 2:1. And the spirit willed that all people or quickens; John 6:63, So And that Christ therefore But let all men have creatures, through the they are one. God gives is most worthy [of] their assurance, that if they preaching of the gospel, Gifts, and the Son doth the constant affections, and continue unto the end, they should have these tidings same, also the holy Ghost, subjection to all his shall be saved. Let no man published and declared Commandments, and then presume; but let all So they are one; Jam. unto them; now all they therefore resolve with work out his salvation 1:71; Eph. 4:10, 11; Acts that with penitence and 2:38; 1 Thes. 1:5; John purpose of heart so to with fear and trembling. faithful hearts receive and 6:44; 14:6; Eph. 1:18; 1 subject unto him in all embrace the gracious 8. That Jesus Christ, the Cor. 12:3, Mat. 10:40; things, and no longer unto benefits of God, Son of God, the second Gal. 3:2. themselves, 2 Cor. 5:15. manifested in Christ, for Person or subsistence in And so, shall (with godly the reconciliation of the the Trinity, in the fullness 21. That the Lord of all mankind, Jesus Christ, sorrow for the sins past) world, they are and of time was manifested in bath the power of giving commit themselves to his continue the elect which the flesh, being the seed of Laws for the governing or grace, confidently God hath ordained before David, and of the ruling every man in the depending upon him for the foundation of the Israelites, according to the that which they believe is world, to make partakers flesh, the son of Mary the World in spiritual worship; to be had in him: such so of his kingdom and glory. Virgin, made of her Isa. 9:6, 7; Mat. 28:18-20. believing are justified But they which despise substance, by the power of 22. That this Prince of from all their sins, their and condemn this the Holy Ghost Peace, Jesus Christ, is the faith shall be accounted proffered grace of God, overshadowing her; and only or principal high unto them for which love the darkness being thus true ma n, was Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) which love the darkness being thus true man, was Priest, which offered up unto them for more than the light, like unto us in all things, sacrifice, or made righteousness, Rom. 3:25, persevere in impenitence sin only excepted, being reconciliation for the Sins 26; 4:22-24. and unbelief, they make one person in two distinct of the people; Heb. 2:17. VII. That there is one holy themselves unworthy of natures, true God, and true 23. That the high Priest Spirit, the precious gift of blessedness, and are Man, Rom. 1:3; 9:5; Gal. Jesus Christ, is not only God, freely given to such rejected, excluded from 4:4; Luke 1:35; Heb. 4:15. King or Governor, but also as obey him, Eph. 4:4; the end whereto they were 9. That Jesus Christ is the the Apostle or Prophet of Acts 5:32, that there by created and ordained in mediator of the New the Truth professed, or the they may be thoroughly Christ, and shall not taste Testament between God true profession of Saints; sanctified, and made able forever of the Supper of and man, having all power Heb. 3:1. (without which they are the Lord, to which they in heaven and in earth altogether unable) to abide were invited. 24. That all the riches given unto him, being the steadfast in the faith, and appertaining to a spiritual 8. The purpose which only true King, Priest, and to honor the Father, and and eternal life, were God, before the foundation Prophet of his church. He his Son Christ, the Author treasured up in Jesus of the world, had for the also being the only and finisher of their faith; Christ; Col. 2:3. reconciliation of the world Lawgiver, hath in his 1 Cor. 6:11. There are (which lie saw would fall Testament set down an 25. That there is not, three that bear record in into wrath and want of absolute and perfect rule neither ever was any man Heaven, the Father, the grace), he has in the of direction, for all endued with any abilities Word, the holy Spirit, and fullness of time persons, at all times, to be and power to do the these three are one; which accomplished; and for this observed; which no prince, revealed will of God, but it Spirit of promise such purpose hath sent out of nor any whosoever, may was given him from have not yet received, heaven his everlasting add to, or diminish from, above; Jam. 1:17. (though they speak much Word, or Son, for the as they will avoid the of him) that are so far out fulfilling of the promises fearful judgments 26. That the gifts of God of Love, Peace, Long- made unto the fathers and denounced against them spring from the pleasure of suffering, Gentleness, his will, or of his free has caused him to become that shall so do, 1 Tim. Goodness, Meekness, and grace; even the Lord Jesus flesh . . . in the womb of 2:5; Mat.28:18; Luke 1:33; Temperance, (the fruits of Christ sprung from thence, the holy virgin (called Heb. 7:24; Acts 3:22; Rev. the Spirit, Gal. 5:22, 23) as from whom comes all Mary) by his word, and 22:18, 19. that they breath out much power, and the working of spiritual mercies; Rom. cruelty, and great envy 10. That the church of the Holy Ghost. Not that 8:32; Heb. 2:9. against the Liberties, and Christ is a company of the essence of God, the 27. That Jesus Christ was peaceable living of such, faithful people, separated eternal Word, or any part faithful in all things as are not of their from the world by the thereof, is changed into a whereunto he was judgment, Though holy as word and the Spirit of visible mortal flesh or appointed; Heb. 3:1, 2. to their conversations. God, being knit unto the man, ceasing to be Spirit, Lord, and one unto VIII. That God has even God, or God’s essence; but 28. That Jesus Christ was another, by baptism, upon before the foundation of that he, the everlasting Son not only the Lawmaker, their own confession of the world chosen, (or of God, continuing that he but the Law giver to every faith, and sins, Mat. 3:6; elected) to eternal life, was before, namely, God man that lives in the Acts 8:37; 1 Cor. 1:2; such as believe, and so are or Spirit, became what he world, in that he gives 12:13; 2 Cor. 6:17; Eph. in Christ, John 3:16; Eph. was not, that is, flesh or every man therein some 1:1. 1:4; 2 Thes. 2:13, yet man; and he is one person measure of light; John 1:9. confident we are, that the true God and man, born of 11. That though in respect 29. That God of his free purpose of God according Mary, being visibly and of Christ the church be love gives several gifts to election, was not in the invisibly, inwardly and one, yet it consists of unto men, dividing least arising from fore- outwardly, the true Son of diverse particular severally as it pleases him, seen faith in, or works of the living God. congregations, even so by one and the same spirit; righteousness done by the many as there shall be in 9. This Person, God and 1 Cor. 12:11; Eph. 4:7. creature, but only from the the world; every of which Man, the Son of the living mercy, goodness, and congregation, though they 30. That the gifts of God God, is come into the compassion dwelling in be but two or three, have given un to men of his own world to save sinners, or to God, and so it is of him Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) world to save sinners, or to be but two or three, have free grace, though never so God, and so it is of him reconcile the sinful world Christ given them, with all richly they may be that calls, Rom. 9:2, whose to God the Father: the means of their furnished both with purity and unwordable therefore now salvation; are the body of abilities and power, yet holiness, cannot admit of acknowledge him to be the Christ, and a whole those gifts of grace do not any unclean person (or only Mediator, King, church; and therefore may, demonstrate, or declare thing) to be in his Priest and Prophet, and ought, when they are them to be faithful presence, therefore his Lawgiver and Teacher, come together, to pray, servants; but it doth very decree of mercy reaches which God hath promised prophesy, break bread, and plainly prove, that they are only the godly man, whom to send into the world, administer in all the holy called upon thereby to be (says David) God hath set whom we must trust, ordinances, although as faithful Servants; 1 Cor. apart for himself, Psa. 4:3. believe, and follow. yet they have no officers, 4:1, 2. IX. That men not or that their officers 10. In him is fulfilled, and 31. That those gifts which considered simply as men, should be in prison, sick, by him is taken away, an God of his free grace gives but ungodly men, were of or by any other means intolerable burden of the unto men to the enabling old ordained to hindered from the church, law of Moses, even all the or empowering them to condemnation, considered Eph.4:4; Mat. 18:20; Rom. shadows and figures; as, obey or believe in his as such, who turn the 8:32; 1 Cor. 3:22; 12:27; namely, the priesthood, name, are called the grace grace of God unto 14:23; 1 Peter 4:10; 2:5. temple, altar, sacrifice; of God, as they spring wantonness, and deny the also the kingly office, 12. That as one from the spirit of grace; only Lord God, and our kingdom, sword, revenge congregation hath Christ, Acts 18:17. Lord Jesus Christ, Jude 4. appointed by the law, so hath all. And that the God indeed sends a strong 32. That when God of his battle and whatsoever was word of God cometh not delusion to men, that they own bountifulness hath a figure of his person or out from any one, neither might be damned; but we given gifts unto men to be office, so thereof a shadow to any one congregation in observe that they are such improved by them to the or representation. particular, but unto every (as says the Apostle) that praise of his grace, as to particular church, as it received not the love of 11. And as the true believe or obey, then those doth unto all the world. the truth, that they might promised Prophet he has so endued are Stewards of And therefore no church be saved, 2 Thes. 2:10-12, manifested and revealed the grace of God; 1 Peter ought to challenge any and so the indignation and unto us whatsoever God 4:10. prerogative over any other, wrath of God, is upon asks or requires of the 1 Cor. 14:6; 2 Cor. 10:7; 33. That God requires or every soul of man that people of the New Col. 1:5, 6. commands service of men, does evil (living and dying Testament; for as God, by answerable to those gifts therein) for there is no Moses and the other 13. That every church is to of grace which he of his respect of persons with prophets hath spoken and receive in all their good pleasure hath God, Rom. 2:9-11. declared his will to the members by baptism, upon bestowed upon them; Col. people of the Old their confession of their X. That all Children dying 2:6; John 12:37. Testament; so has he in faith and sins, wrought by in Infancy, having not those last days, by his the preaching of the 34. That it is the gracious actually transgressed Prophet spoken unto us, gospel, according to the pleasure of God, that Jesus against the Law of God in and revealed unto us the primitive institution and Christ his life, death, and their own persons, are only mystery (concealed from practice. And therefore resurrection, should be subject to the first death, the beginning of the churches constituted after made known unto men, which comes upon them world), and hath now any other manner, or of and by men, as arguments, by the sin of the first manifested to us any other persons, are not or motives, to allure or Adam, from whence they whatsoever yet remained according to Christ's provoke them to live holy shall be all raised by the to be manifested. He has testament, Mat. 28:19; and righteous in this second Adam; and not that preached the promised Acts 2:41. present world; Eph. 5:2; any one of them (dying in glad tidings, appointed and Rom. 6:4-14. that estate) shall suffer for 14. That baptism or ordained the sacraments, Adams sin, eternal washing with water, is the 35. That God requires that the offices and ministries, punishment in Hell (which outward manifestation of man should worship him by God thereto destinated; is the second death) for of dying unto sin, and in Spirit and in truth, or and has showed by such belongs the Kingdom walking in newness of life; with all the heart, before Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) doctrine and life, the law walking in newness of life; with all the heart, before of Heaven, 1 Cor. 15:22; of Christians, a rule of and therefore in nowise they outwardly make a Mat. 19:14, not daring to their life, the path and way appertains to infants, profession of him; Acts conclude with that of everlasting life. Rom.6:2-4. 8:36, 37. uncharitable opinion of others, who though they 12. Moreover, as a High 15. That the Lord's supper 36. That all actions plead much for the Priest and Mediator of the is the outward performed by man towards bringing of children into New Testament, after that manifestation of the God, ought to flow from a the visible Church here on he has accomplished the spiritual communion principle of Love; 1 Cor. earth by Baptism, yet will of his Father in the between Christ and the 13:1-3. nevertheless by their foresaid works, he has faithful, mutually to 37. That God loves man Doctrine that Christ died finally given himself declare his death until he first, and declares, or but for some, shut a great obediently (for the come, 1 Cor. 10:16, 17; makes known his love to part of them out of the reconciliation of the sins 11:26. men, before any man can Kingdom of Heaven of the world) to all 16. That the members of Act from a principle of forever. outward suffering, and every church or love in obedience to him; hath offered up himself in XI. That the right and only congregation ought to John 15:16. death upon the cross unto way, of gathering know one another, that so the Father, for a sweet 38. That whosoever obeys Churches, (according to they may perform all the savor and common God with those gifts of his Christ’s appointment, Mat. duties of love one towards oblation. free grace, (as abilities and 28:19, 20) is first to teach, another, both to soul and power to do his will) never or preach the Gospel, 13. We acknowledge that body, Mat. 18:15; 1 so faithfully, Mark 16:16, to the Sons the obedience of the Son Thes.5:14; 1 Cor. 12:25. Evangelically, or and Daughters of men; and of God, his suffering, And especially the elders Unfainingly, giving him then to Baptize (that is in dying, bloodshed, bitter ought to know the whole the glory of those English to Dip) in the passion, death, and only flock, whereof the Holy performances; yet thus name of the Father, Son, sacrifice upon the cross, is Ghost hath made them believing or obeying doth and holy Spirit, or in the a perfect reconciliation overseers. And therefore a not procure salvation as name of the Lord Jesus and satisfaction for our church should not consist eternal life, neither are Christ; such only of them, sins and the sins of the of such a multitude, as they any cause at all to as profess repentance world; so that men thereby cannot have particular move God to bestow it; towards God, and faith are reconciled to God, are knowledge of one another, Ezek. 16:3-10; Eph. 2:9; towards our Lord Jesus brought into power, and Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2, 3. Rom. 4:2; John 15:15. Christ, Acts 2:38; Acts have a sure hope and 17.That brethren 8:12; Acts 18:8. And as certainty to the entrance 39. That the ground or impenitent in any one sin, for all such who preach into everlasting life. principal end of men’s after the admonition of the not this Doctrine, but believing or obeying God, 14. Christ, our Prophet and church, are to be excluded instead thereof, that ought to be for the Priest, being also the the communion of the Scriptureless thing of advancing of the glory of promised, only spiritual, saints. And therefore not Sprinkling of Infants God, or for the Praise of heavenly King of the New the committing of sin doth (falsely called Baptism) his free grace; 1 Cor. 6:19, Testament, hath erected, or cut off any from the whereby the pure word of 20. built, a spiritual kingdom, church, but refusing to God is made of no effect, and united a company of hear the church to 40. That those who serve and the new Testament- faithful, spiritual men; reformation, Mat. 18:17; 1 or fear the Lord, honoring way of bringing in these persons has he Cor. 5:4, 13. or glorifying him with his Members, into the Church endowed with spiritual, gifts bestowed on them, to by regeneration, cast out; 18. That excommunicants, kingly laws, after the the praise of his free grace, when as the bond-woman in respect of civil society, nature of the heavenly do demonstratively of & her son, that is to say, are not to be avoided, 2 kingdom, and has openly manifest the old Testament-way of Thes. 3:15; Mat. 18:17. established therein justice, themselves to be his bringing in Children into righteousness, and the 19. That every church faithful servants, or the Church by generation, ministers thereof. ought, according to children; 1 John 3:10; Acts is cast out, as says the example of Christ's 10:35. Scripture, Gal. 4:22-24, 15. Having accomplished disciples and primitive 30; Mat. 3:8, 9, all such Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) and performed here upon disciples and primitive 41. That those which serve 30; Mat. 3:8, 9, all such the earth, by dying the churches, upon every first the Lord with integrity of we utterly deny, death, his office of the day of the week, being the mind and spirit, improving forasmuch as we are cross he was afterwards Lord's day, to assemble their abilities and power commanded to have no buried, thereby declaring together, to pray, given unto them of God, to fellowship with the that he was truly dead; the prophesy, praise God, and his glory and praise, are unfruitful works of third day he rose again, break bread, and perform not only called faithful darkness, but rather to and stood up from the all other parts of spiritual Servants, or the children of reprove them, Eph. 5:11. dead, abolishing death, communion for the the living God, but they XII. That it is the duty of and testifying that he was worship of God, their own have the promises of God all such who are believers Lord over death, and he mutual edification, and the to be entrusted with more Baptized, to draw nigh could not possibly be preservation of true of the manifestations of unto God in submission to detained by the hands of and piety in the himself, which is called that principle of Christ’s death, thereby comfortably church, John 20:19; Acts the mystery which hath Doctrine, to wit, Prayer assuring all the faithful of 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2. bin hid from many ages, and Laying on of Hands, their resurrection and And they ought not to and generations, which the that they may receive the standing up from death. labor in their callings, disobedient shall not promise of the holy Spirit, according to the equity of enjoy; Col. 1:26, 27. 16. Afterwards, forty days Heb. 6:1, 2; Acts 8:12, 15, the moral law; which spent, he conversed 42. That those which love 17; Acts 19:6; 2 Tim. 1:6, Christ came not to abolish, amongst his disciples, and the Lord Jesus Christ, so whereby they may mortify but to fulfill, Ex. 20:8 ff . oft times showed himself as to walk in his appointed the deeds of the body, unto them that there might 20. That the officers of ways with that strength of Rom. 8:13, and live in all no doubt be had every church or ability and power which things answerable to their concerning his congregation are either God of his own mercy professed intentions, and resurrection; after that, elders, who by their office bath given unto them, they desires, even to the honor being compassed by a do especially feed the shall have peace of of him, who hath called cloud, he was carried up flock concerning their conscience, being freed them out of darkness into into heaven, and entered souls; or deacons, men and from anguish of spirit, his marvelous light. into his glory, leading women, who by their having their hearts XIII. That it is the duty of captivity captive, and office relieve the comforted by the holy such who are constituted making a show of his necessities of the poor and Ghost; Rom. 2:10. as aforesaid, to continue enemies, hath gloriously impotent brethren, 43. That all those that steadfastly in Christ’s and triumphed over them, and concerning their bodies, continue steadfastly unto the Apostles Doctrine, and is sat at the right hand of Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2, 3; the end of their lives, assembling together, in the Majesty of God, and is Acts 6:1, 4. pressing forward to the fellowship, in breaking of become a Lord, and 21. That these officers are mark (Jesus Christ) that is Bread, and Prayer, Acts Christ, glorified in body, to be chosen when there set before them, shall not 2:42. advanced, lifted up, and are persons qualified only have the comfort and crowned with praise and XIV. That although we according to the rules of joy which is a part of their glory, and remains over thus declare the primitive Christ's testament, by portion in this life, but Mount Zion a Priest, and way, and of election and approbation they shall also have a King for everlasting. constituting Churches, yet of that church or Crown of eternal glory in we verily believe, and also 17. The holy office of this congregation whereof they the life to come; Rev. we dare, that unless men glorified Priest, King, are members, with fasting, 22:14; 2 Tim. 4:8. so professing, and Lord and Christ, in the prayer, and laying on of 44. That God of his free practicing the form and heavenly glorious being is hands; and there being but grace or love, called or order of Christ’s Doctrine, to help, govern, and one rule for elders, calls sinners to repentance, shall also beautify the preserve, by his Holy therefore but one sort of and afforded or affords same with a holy and wise Spirit, his holy church and elders, 1 Tim.3:2, 7; Tit. them time or opportunity conversation, in all people in the world, 1:6, 9; Acts 6:3, 4; 8:3; to repent or return unto godliness and honesty; the through the Storm, wind, 14:23. him; Rom. 4:2. profession of the visible and troubles of the sea; 22. That the officers of form will be rendered to for, according to his 45. That all those who every church or them of no effect; for Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) priestly office, as an every church or refuse to improve the gifts them of no effect; for overseer or steward of the congregation, are tied by of grace which God hath without holiness no man true tabernacle, is he our office only to that afforded them, so that they shall see the Lord, Heb. Intercessor, Advocate, and particular congregation repent not, neither turn to 12:14; Isa. 1:11, 12, 15, Mediator by the Father. He whereof they are chosen. him in obedience to his 16. teaches, comforts, And therefore they cannot commands made manifest XV. That the Elders or strengthens, and baptizes challenge by office any unto them, they do despise Pastors which God hath us with the Holy Ghost, authority in any other the goodness of God or his appointed to oversee, and his heavenly gifts and congregation whatsoever, free grace, denying the feed his Church fiery victims, and keeps except they would have an Lord that bought them, (constituted as aforesaid) his spiritual supper with apostleship, Acts 14:23; and so are liable to are such, who first being the faithful soul, making it 2:17; Tit. 1:5. destruction; 1 Peter 2:1, 2. of the number of partaker of the life giving 23. That the scriptures of 46. That whosoever shall Disciples, shall in time food and drink of the soul, the Old and New preach, teach, or practice appear to be vigilant, the fruit, virtue, and worth Testament are written for any doctrine in the sober, of good behavior, of his merits obtained our instruction; and that worship of God, given to hospitality, apt to upon the cross; the only we ought to search them, pretending it in the name teach, etc. not greedy of and necessary good for they testify of Christ; of Jesus Christ, which is filthy lucre (as too many signified in the and therefore to be used not to be heard or read of National Ministers are) but sacraments. with all reverence, as in the record of God, patient; not a brawler, not 18. And according to his containing the holy word which was given by covetous, etc. and as such kingly office, in his of God, which only is our inspiration of the holy chose, and ordained to heavenly being he governs direction in all things Ghost; such teachers are office (according to the the hearts of the faithful by whatsoever, 2 Tim. 3:16; liable to the curse of God, order of Scripture, Acts his Holy Spirit and Word; John 5:39. howsoever, countenanced 14:23) who are to feed the he takes them into his by men; Gal. 1:8, 9. flock with meat in due 24. That magistracy is the protection, he covers them season, and in much love holy ordinance of God; 47. That the Baptism under the shadow of his to rule over them, with all that every soul ought to be which the Lord Jesus wings, he arms them with care, seeking after such as subject to it, not for fear commanded his disciples spiritual weapons for the go astray; but as for all only, but for conscience' to teach, ought to be spiritual warfare against such who labor to feed sake. Magistrates are the known by every one, all their enemies, namely, themselves with the fat, ministers of God for our before they submit the Spirit of wickedness, more than to feed the wealth, they bear not the themselves, or obey it; under heaven, and flock, Ezek. 34:2, 3, sword for naught. They are Acts. 2:38, 41. whatsoever depends on seeking more after theirs, the ministers of God, to them in this earth. He, 48. That the way and than them, expressly take vengeance on them their most Glorious, manner of baptizing, both contrary to the practice of that do evil. That it is a Almighty, Heavenly King, before the death of Christ, the Ministers of old, who fearful sin to speak evil of stands by them, delivers and since his resurrection said, we seek not yours, them that are in dignity, and frees them from the and ascension, was to go but you, 2 Cor. 12:14. All and to despise hands of their enemies, into the water, and to be such we utterly deny, and government. We ought to gives them victory and the baptized; Mat. 3:6; 4:5; hereby bear our continued pay tribute, custom, and winning of the field, and 8:9. Testimony against: Ezek. all other duties, Rom. 13; hath prepared for them a 34. 2 Peter 2:10. That we are 49. That when Baptism is crown of righteousness in to pray for them; for God made known, or any other XVI. That the Ministers of heaven. And they being would have them saved, Action of obedience, then Christ, that have freely the redeemed of the Lord, and come to the for men to refuse it, they received from God, ought who dwell in the house of knowledge of his truth, 1 freely to Minister to the Lord, upon the Mount are said to reject the Tim.2:1, 4. And therefore others, 1 Cor. 9:17, and Zion, do change their counsel of God against they may be members of themselves; Luke 7:30. that such who have fleshly weapons, namely, the church of Christ, spiritual things, freely their swords into shares, 50. That those which retaining their magistracy; Ministered unto them, and their spears into received the word of God for no ordinance of God ought freely to scythes, do lift up no preached by the Ministry Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) scythes, do lift up no debars any from being a preached by the Ministry communicate necessary sword, neither has nor member of Christ's church. of the Gospel, and were things to the Ministers, consent to fleshly battle. They bear the sword of Baptized according to the (upon the account of their God; which sword, in all Counsel of God, at the charge) 1 Cor. 9:11; Gal. 19. All these spiritual good lawful administrations, is same time or day they 6:6. And as for Tithes, or things and beneficial, to be defended and were of the visible Church any forced Maintenance, which Christ, by his supported by the servants of God, Acts. 2:41. we utterly deny to be the merits, hath obtained for of God that are under their Maintenance of Gospel the saving of sinners, we 51. That the only government, with their Ministers. do graciously enjoy foundation of the Church lives, and all that they through a true, living, of God, is the Doctrines of XVII. That the true have, according as in the working faith. Which faith the Apostles or Prophets, Church of Christ, ought first institution of that holy is an assured as they spring from Jesus after the first and second ordinance. And whosoever understanding and Christ the chief admonition, to reject all holds otherwise, must knowledge of the heart, cornerstone, whereon this Heretics, Tit. 3:10, 11, and hold, if they understand obtained out of the Word or any other people are to in the name of the Lord to themselves, that they are of God, concerning God, be built together as the withdraw from all such, as the ministers of the devil, Christ, and other heavenly house of God; Eph. 2:20, profess the way of the and therefore not to be things which are necessary 21. Lord, but walks disorderly prayed for, nor approved, for us to know, and to in their conversations, 2 in any of their 52. That the chief or only believe to salvation, Thes. 3:6, or any ways administrations; seeing all ends of a people baptized together with a hearty causes divisions or things they do, as according to the counsel of confidence in the only offences, contrary to the punishing offenders, and God, when they meet God, that he, as a gracious Doctrine (of Christ), defending their countries, together as the and heavenly Father, will which they have learned, state, and persons by the congregation or fellowship give and bestow upon us, Rom. 16:17. sword, is unlawful. That it of Christ, are, or ought to through Christ, and for his is lawful in a just cause, be, for to walk suitably; or XVIII. That such who are merits, whatsoever is for deciding of strife, to to give up themselves unto true Believers, even helpful and profitable for take an oath by the name a holy conformity to all Branches in Christ the body and soul for of the Lord, Heb.6:16; 2 the Laws or Ordinances of Vine, (and that in his salvation. Cor. 1:23; Phil.1:8. Jesus Christ, answerable to account, whom he exhorts 20. Through such a faith the gifts and graces to a bide in him, John 25. That the dead shall rise we obtain true received, improving them 15:1-5) or such who have again, and the living be righteousness, forgiveness, for the glory of God, and charity out of a pure heart, changed in a moment; absolution from sin the edification of each and of a good conscience, having the same bodies in through the bloodshed of other in love; Eph. 4:15, and of Faith unfeigned, 1 substance, though diverse Christ, and through 16. Tim. 1:5, may nevertheless in qualities, 1 Cor.15:52; righteousness, which for want of watchfulness, Job 38:19; 15:28; Luke 53. That Jesus Christ took through the Christ Jesus, swerve and I turn aside 24:30. Bread, and the juice of the by the co-operation of the from the same, verses 6, 7, Vine, and brake, and gave Holy Ghost, is plentifully 26. That after the and become as withered to his Disciples, to eat and shed and poured into us, resurrection, all men shall Branches, cast into the fire drink with thanksgiving; so that we truly are made, appear before the and burned, John 15:6. But which practice is left upon of evil men, good; of judgment seat of Christ, to such who add unto their record as a memorial of fleshly, spiritual; of be judged according to Faith Virtue, and unto his suffering, to continue covetous, liberal; of proud, their works. That the godly Virtue Knowledge, and in the Church until he humble; and through shall enjoy life eternal; the unto Know ledge come again; 1 Cor. 11:23- regeneration are made wicked, being condemned, Temperance, etc. 2 Peter 26. pure in heart, and the shall be tormented 1:5-7, such shall never children of God. everlastingly in hell, Mat. 54. That the Church ought fall, verses 8-10, ‘tis 25:46. to call upon God, seeking impossible for all the false 21. Man being thus him by prayer in the name Christ’s, and false justified by faith, lives and of Jesus Christ, and to be Prophets, that are, and are works by love (which the thankful to him for to come, to deceive such, Holy Ghost sheds into the Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) Holy Ghost sheds into the mercies received, for they are kept by the heart) in all good works, in sounding forth his praises power of God, through the laws, precepts, with understanding. Eph. Faith unto Salvation, 1 ordinances given them by 6:16-18. Peter 1:5. God through Christ; he 55. That if any one of the XIX. That the poor Saints praises and blesses God, fellowship neglect the belonging to the Church of by a holy life, for every watching over his own Christ, are to be benefit, especially of the heart, and so break out sufficiently provided for soul; and so are all such into an evill life and by the Churches, that they plants of the Lord trees of conversation, and all good neither want food or righteousness, who honor means that God hath raiment, and this by a, free God through good works, appointed hath been used and voluntary and expect a blessed towards such a one, and contribution, (and not of reward. that person bath not necessity, or by the 22. Such faithful, performed, then ought not constraint or power of the righteous people, scattered such a one to break bread Magistrate) 2 Cor. 9:7; 1 in several parts of the with obedient walkers, to Cor. 8:11, 12, and this world, being the true show forth the death of through the free and congregations of God, or Christ, seeing he doth voluntary help of the the Church of Christ, deny him in life and Deacons, (called whom he saved, and for conversation; 1 Cor. 5:12. Overseers of the poor) whom he gave himself, being faithful men, chosen 56. That the people of God that he might sanctify by the Church, and ought to have a tender them, ye whom he has ordained by Prayer and respect towards them, as cleansed by the washing of Laying on of Hands, to long as there is any hope water in the word of life: that Work, Acts 6:1-6. So of being instrumental in of all such is Jesus the that there is no need in the the use of that means Head, the Shepherd, the Church of Christ, of a which God hath appointed Leader, the Lord, the Magisterial compulsion in for the recovering them King, and Master. Now this case, as there is out of the snare of sin or although among these among others, who being wickedness; 2. Thes. 3:14, there may be mingled a constituted in a fleshly and 25. company of seeming holy generational way, are ones, or hypocrites; yet, 57. That there be necessitated to make use nevertheless, they are and contributions made for the of a carnal sword, to remain only the righteous, relief of those that cannot compel even a small, true members of the body help themselves with food mean, and short of Christ, according to the and raiment, that are Maintenance for their spirit and the truth, the willing to the utmost to put poor; when as many other heirs of the promises, truly forth their strength and Members of their saved from the hypocrites skill in some lawful Way Churches, can and do part the dissemblers. or Calling, especially with great and large Sums those that are of the of Money, to maintain 23. In this holy church has household of Faith; such their vain fashions, Gold, God ordained the ministers as through sickness or Pearls, and costly Array, of the Gospel, the weakness of body cannot which is expressly doctrines of the holy labor; Gal. 6:9, 20. contrary to the Word of Word, the use of the holy God, 1 Tim. 2:9, 10; 1 sacraments, the oversight 58. That it is the good Peter 3:3. Alas, what will of the poor, and the pleasure of God, which such do when God rises ministers of the same hath given gifts of his up, and when he visits, offices; furthermore, the grace to the Saints or what will they answer exercise of brotherly Church of God, that some him? Job 31:14. admonition and correction, of the gifted men should Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) and, finally, the separating be appointed, or set apart XX. That there shall be of the impenitent; which to attend upon the (through Christ who was holy ordinances, contained preaching of the word, for dead, but is a live again in the Word of God, are to the further edifying of the from the dead) a be administered according Churches, that they may Resurrection of all men to the contents thereof. be enabled to stand against from the graves of the all oppositions according Earth, Isa. 26:19, both the 24. And like as a body as necessity requires, to just and the unjust, Acts consists of divers parts, the glory of God and their 24:15, that is, the fleshy and every part hath its own comfort; Eph. 4:11, 21. bodies of men, sown into proper work, seeing every the graves of the earth, part is not a hand, eye, or 59. That it is the will of corruptible, dishonorable, foot; so is it also the God that those Saints or weak, natural, (which so church of God: for members of the fellowship considered cannot inherit although every believer is which are appointed so to the Kingdome of God) a member of the body of spend their labors in shall be raised again, Christ, yet is not every one teaching or exhorting them incorruptible, in glory, in therefore a teacher, elder, in the knowledge of God power, spiritual, and so or deacon, but only such to their edification and considered, the bodies of as are orderly appointed to consolation, ought to have the Saints, (united again to such offices. Therefore, maintenance of those that their spirits) which here also, the administration of receive spiritual food by suffer for Christ, shall the said offices or duties them; 1 Cor. 9:11. inherit the Kingdome, pertains only to those who 60. That the maintenance reigning together with are ordained thereto, and of the Ministers which Christ, 1 Cor. 15:21, 22, not to every particular labor in the Word of God, 42-44, 49. common person. ought to be the free and XXI. That there shall be 25. The vocation or Charitable Benevolence, after the Resurrection from election of the said or the cheerful the graves of the Earth, An officers is performed by contribution of those that eternal Judgment, at the the church, with fasting, acknowledge themselves appearing of Christ, and and prayer to God; for members of the same his Kingdome, 2 Tim. 4:1; God knows the heart; he is fellowship; 2 Cor. 9:13. Heb. 9:27, at which time amongst the faithful who 61. That the servants of of judgment which is are gathered together in God, or the Ministers of unalterable, and his name; and by his Holy the Gospel, ought to be irrevocable, every man Spirit doth so govern the content with necessary shall receive ac cording to minds and hearts of his food and raiment, and to the things done in his people, that he by them labor with their hands, that body, 2 Cor. 5:10. brings to light and they may not be over propounds whom he XXII. That the same Lord chargeable, 2 Cor. 4:22, knows to be profitable to Jesus who showed himself because they are to teach his church. alive after his passion, by that doctrine to every many infallible proofs, 26. And although the member; Heb. 13:5. Acts 1:3, which was taken election and vocation to 62. That those servants of up from the Disciples, and the said offices is God which labor in the carried up into Heaven, performed by the aforesaid word much, and well, Luke 24:51. Shall so come means, yet, nevertheless, ought to be had in very in like manner as he was the investing into the said good estimation; 1 Tim. seen go into Heaven, Acts service is accomplished by 5:27. 1:9, 10. the elders of the church through the laying on of 63. That the Church of II. And when Christ who hands. Jesus Christ ought not to is our life shall appear, we think of any man above shall also appear with him Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) 27. The doctrine which by think of any man above shall also appear with him the foresaid ministers must what is meet, lest that they in glory, Col. 3:4. For then be proposed to the people, give that honor to man, shall he be King of Kings, is even the same which which properly and alone and Lord of Lords, Rev. Christ brought out of belongs to God; Ps. 115:1; 19:16, for the Kingdome is heaven, which he, by word 2 Cor. 12:6. his, and he is the Governor and work, that is, by among the Nations, Psa. 64. That the Church hath doctrine and life, has 22:28, and King over all directions of God to set taught, which was the earth, Zech. 14:9, and apart some men that are preached by the apostles we shall reign (with him) suitably qualified, to of Christ, by the on the Earth, Rev. 5:10, oversee, or order the commandment of Christ the Kingdoms of this affairs concerning the poor and the Spirit, which we World, (which men so distressed members of find written (so much as is mightily strive after here Christ, that they may not needful for us to salvation) to enjoy) shall become the be neglected, and so perish in the Scripture of the New Kingdoms of our Lord, for want of food and Testament, whereto we and his Christ, Rev. 11:15, raiment, and to take off apply whatsoever we find for all is yours, (O ye that that work from lying too in the canonical book of overcome this world) for heavy upon the Core of the Old Testament, which ye are Christ’s, and Christ those which labor in the hath affinity and verity, is Gods, 1 Cor. 3:22, 23. word and doctrine; Acts. which by doctrine of For unto the Saints shall 6:3, 4. Christ and his apostles, be given the Kingdome, and consent and 65. That if the podr (?) and the greatness of the agreement, with the fearing God, cannot Kingdome, under (mark government of his conveniently have a that) the whole Heaven, Spiritual Kingdom. competent maintenance, Dan. 7:27. Though (alas) for the supply of their now many men be scarce 28. There are two necessities in that society content that the Saints sacraments appointed by whereunto they must should have so much as Christ, in his holy church, commonly resort, that then being among them; but the administration whereof those men that have the when Christ shall appear, he has assigned to the Core laid upon them, send then shall be their day, ministry of teaching, or give intelligence to the then shall be given unto namely, the Holy Baptism other Churches or saints of them power over the and the Holy Supper. God, who have engaged Nations, to rule them with These are outward visible themselves by declaring a Rod of Iron, Rev. 2:26, handlings and tokens, their willingness towards 27, then shall they receive setting before our eyes, on the relief of such a a Crown of life, which no God’s side, the inward distressed people; Rom. man shall take from them, spiritual handling which 15:26. nor they by any means God, through Christ, by turned, or overturned from the cooperation of the 66. That those men which it, for the oppressor shall Holy Ghost, sets forth the the Church of God are to be broken in pieces, Psa. justification in the penitent make such uses of as the 72:4, and their now vain, faithful soul; and which, setting them to minister rejoicings turned into on our behalf, witnesses unto the saints in things mourning, and bitter our religion, experience, spiritual or temporal, it is Lamentations, as ‘tis faith, and obedience, required that the Church written, Job 20:5, 6, 7. The through the obtaining of a judge those men found in triumphing of the wicked good conscience to the the faith, that their lives is short, and the joy of the service of God. and conversations be Hypocrite but for a unblameable, that those 29. The Holy Baptism is moment; though his which are without, cannot given unto these in the excellency mount up to the have any just occasion to Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) name of the Father, the have any just occasion to Heavens, and his head Son, and the Holy Ghost, speak reproachfully of reach unto the clouds, yet which hear, believe, and them, that they be not shall he perish for ever, with penitent heart receive covetous of filthy lucre, like his own dung; they the doctrines of the Holy neither self-willed, but which have seen him, shall Gospel. For such has the loving and patient towards say, where is he? Lord Jesus commanded to all men, apt to teach, and XXIII. That the holy be baptized, and no to do good works answer Scriptures is the rule unspeaking children. able to their abilities; Titus whereby Saints both in 1:7-9; Acts. 6:3. 30. The whole dealing in matters of Faith, and the outward visible 67. That some men conversation are to be baptism of water, sets amongst the brotherhood regulated, they being able before the eyes, witnesses who are able to judge in to make men wise unto and signifies, the Lord causes of difference that salvation, through Faith in Jesus doth inwardly may arise betwixt them in Christ Jesus, profitable for baptize the repentant, the Church, may be Doctrine, for reproof, for faithful man, in the layer approved or appointed to instruction in of regeneration and put an end thereto without righteousness, that the renewing of the Holy partiality, that there may man of God may be Ghost, washing the soul be no unnecessary perfect, thoroughly from all pollution and sin, strivings in the Law to vex furnished unto all good by the virtue and merit of one another; 1 Cor. 6:5-7. works, 2 Tim: 3:15-17; his bloodshed; and by the John 20:31; Isa. 8:20. 68. That whosoever of the power and working of the Society or Church of God XXIV. That it is the will, Holy Ghost, the true, which shall willfully or and mind of God (in these heavenly, spiritual, living Carelessly neglect any Gospel times) that all men Water, cleanses the inward lawful way or calling, and should have the free evil of the soul, and makes to fall into hunger and liberty of their own it heavenly, spiritual, and nakedness, ought to be Consciences in matters of living, in true exhorted with love and Religion, or Worship, righteousness or goodness. meekness, to labor with without the least Therefore, the baptism of their abilities in some oppression, or persecution, water leads us to Christ, to honest way or calling for as simply upon that his holy office in glory and their relief which being account; and that for any majesty; and admonishes done orderly, and he or in Authority otherwise to us not to hang only upon they will not reform, so act, we confidently believe the outward, but with holy that suitable exhortations is expressly contrary to the prayer to mount upward, take no place, such an one mind of Christ, who and to beg of Christ the shall be excluded or ex- requires that whatsoever good thing signified. communicated, as one that men would that others 31. The Holy Supper, hath denied the faith; 1 should do unto them, they according to the institution Tim. 5:8. should even so do unto of Christ, is to be others, Mat. 7:12, and that 69. That the offended administered to the the Tares, and the Wheat ought to proceed baptized; as the Lord Jesus should grow together in according to rule, not has commanded that the field, (which is the delaying or prolonging whatsoever he hath world) until the harvest time, but out of a tender appointed should be taught (which is the end of the Core, that their hearts may to be observed. world,) Mat. 13:29, 30, 38, not be hardened by a 39. 32. The whole dealing in custom in sin, that thereby the outward visible supper, the reclaiming of them XXV. We believe that sets before the eye, from sin may be done with there ought to be civil Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) witnesses and signifies, less difficulty; Mat. 18:15- Magistrates in all Nations, that Christ’s body was 17. for the punishment of evil broken upon the cross and doers, and for the praise of 70. That if any controversy his holy blood spilt for the them that do well, 1 Peter should so fall out, that the remission of our sins. That 2:14. And that all wicked case cannot easily be the being glorified in his lewdness, and fleshly determined by that society heavenly Being, is the filthiness, contrary to just or church where it is first alive-making bread, meat, and wholesome (Civil) presented, that then use be and drink of our souls: it Laws, ought to be made of some other sets before our eyes punished according to the society which they are in Christ’s office and nature of the offences; and fellowship with, for their ministry in glory and this without respect of any assistance therein; Acts majesty, by holding his Persons, Religion, or 16:1, 2. spiritual supper, which the profession whatsoever; believing soul, feeding 71. That there be an and that we and all men and, . . the soul with orderly improving those are obliged by Gospel spiritual food: it teaches us gifts that God of his free rules, to be subject to the by the outward handling to grace hath bestowed on higher Powers, to obey mount upwards with the the Saints, that one may Magistrates, Tit. 3:1, and heart in holy prayer, to beg not hinder another, but as to submit to every at Christ’s hands the true occasion serves, one by Ordinance of man, for the signified food; and it one, speaking the things Lords sake, as says Peter admonishes us of that they have learned of 2:13. But in case the Civil thankfulness to God, and God, that the hearers may Powers do, or shall at any of verity and love one with be profited, and so put in a time impose things about another. capacity to judge of things matters of Religion, which concerning the glory of we through conscience to 33. The church discipline, God, and their own peace; God cannot actually obey, or external censures, is 1 Cor. 14:30, 31. then we with Peter also do also an outward handling say, that we ought (in such among the believers, 72. That if any one which cases) to obey God rather whereby the impenitent bath been of the than men, Acts 5:29, and sinner, after Christian fellowship of Christ, and accordingly do hereby admonition and reproof, is hath so far subjected declare our whole, and severed, by reason of his himself to temptations that holy intent and purpose, sins, from the communion he denies to live that (through the help of of the saints for his future righteously, or in the fear grace) we will not yield, good; and the wrath of and love of God and nor (in such cases) in the God is denounced against makes shipwreck of Faith least actually obey them; him until the time of his and a good Conscience, yet humbly purposing (in contrition and reformation; for which he hath been the Lords strength) and there is also, by this excommunicated patiently to suffer outward separation of the according to Order, that it whatsoever shall be church, manifested what be recorded, and made inflicted upon us, for our God before had judged known to other the conscionable forbearance. and fore-handled, Churches, for prevention concerning this secret of evils in them; 1 Tim. sinner, by reason of his 1:19, 20. sin. Therefore, first before the Lord, the prejudging 73. That Fasting and and predetermining of the Prayer ought to be used, and laying on of hands, for matter must pass . . . in the Ordaining of servants respect of the sinner . . . or Officers to attend about and the after-judging and the service of God; Acts handling by the church. Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) handling by the church. 13:3. Therefore the church must 74. That we ought to carefully regard that none behave ourselves towards in the church be all men, no otherwise then condemned with it, and be we would freely and condemned in the Word of cheerfully they in the like God. case (if it should fall out) 34. The person separated should do toward us, and from the church may not at that we ought to seek a all be admitted (so long as peaceable life with all he proceeds in sin) to the men, as far as possibly we use of the holy supper or can, keeping faith and a any other . . . handling, but good conscience; Luke he must be avoided 6:31; Rom. 12:18; 1 Tim. therein, as also in all other 1:19. things betokening the 75. That we ought to clear communion of saints or our selves, not only from brotherhood. And as the evil Thoughts harboring in rebellious life, our hearts, or the evils in conversation, or daily life and conversation; but company of the godless as far as we can, vindicate and perverse, or anything our selves from all those with them, is dangerous scandalous aspersions that and hurtful, and oftentimes daily fall about our ears, promotes scandal and setting our good names on slander to the godly, so fire, to the dishonor of must they withdraw God, whereof many are themselves from the same the Instruments by their rebels, avoiding them in willful contrivances, or by all works and ends the misinformation of whereby their pure souls others, which father upon might be polluted and us such principles and defiled: yet so that always practices as we abhor, the Word of God take through ignorant mistakes place, and that nothing cunningly suggested by take place or be performed some evil-willers at least; that is contrary to love, 2 Cor. 2:17. mercy, Christian discretion, promise, or any other like matter. 35. Worldly authority or majesty is a necessary ordinance of God, appointed and established for the preservation of the common estate, and of a good, natural, politic life, for the reward of the good and the punishing of the evil; we acknowledge ourselves obnoxious, and bound by the Word of God to fear, honor, and show Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) obedience to the magistrates in all causes not contrary to the Word of the Lord. We are obliged to pray God Almighty for them, and to thank the Lord for good reasonable magistrates, and to yield unto them, without murmuring, beseeming tribute, toll and tax. This office of the worldly authority the Lord Jesus has not ordained in his spiritual kingdom, the church of the New Testament, nor adjoined to the offices of his church. Neither has he called his disciples or followers to be worldly kings, princes, potentates, or magistrates; neither has he burdened or charged them to assume such offices, or to govern the world in such a worldly manner; much less has he given a law to the members of his church which is agreeable to such office or government. Yea, rather they are called of him (whom they are commanded to obey by a voice heard from heaven) to the following of his unarmed and unweaponed life, and of his cross- bearing footsteps. In whom approved nothing less than a worldly government, power, and sword. This then considered (as also further, that upon the office of the worldly authority many other things depend, as wars . . . to hurt his enemies in body or good . . . which evilly or not at all will fit or consort with the Christ, and the crucified life of the Christians), so hold we that it seems not Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) Christians to administer these offices; therefore we avoid such offices and administrations, notwithstanding by no means thereby willing to despise or condemn reasonable discreet magistrates, nor to place him in less estimation than he is described by the Holy Ghost, of Paul. 36. Christ, the King and Lawgiver of the New Testament, hath prohibited Christians the swearing of oaths therefore it is not permitted that the faithful of the New Testament should swear at all. 37. The married estate, or matrimony, holds we for an ordinance of God, which, according to the first institution, shall be observed. Every man shall have his one only wife, and every woman shall have her one only husband; those may not be separated but for adultery. We permit none of our communion to marry godless, unbelieving, fleshly persons out of the church; but we censure such (as other sinners) according to the disposition and desert of the cause. 38. Lastly, we believe and teach the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, as Paul (1 Cor. 15) soundly teaches and witnesses: The soul shall be united to the body, every one shall be presented before the judgment seat of Christ Jesus, to receive in his own body wages Smyth's Short Helwys's Declaration of Faith & Practices of 30 Standard Confession Confession (1610) Faith (1611) Congregations (1651) (1660) according to his works. And the righteous, whosoever hath lived holily, and through faith brought forth the works of love and mercy, shall enter into everlasting life with Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom of the Christian host. But the unsanctified, which have not known God, and have not obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, shall go into everlasting fire. The Almighty, gracious, merciful God, preserve us from the punishment of the ungodly, and grant us grace and gifts helpful to a holy life, saving death, and joyful resurrection with all the righteous. Amen.