7' From g.I s Sonoma; une 9

Maneh.-Lur,- 0 19 From Yancoov.', Niagara, June For YanreiTert Makura, 20. i June . mm

Lvorfrig Bulletin, Kst. 1SV2. PRICE FIVE CENTO. I , SATITIIDAY. JUNE 77 PAGES Hawaiian Star. Vol. XX. .No. il?''0'- - .22.' PAGES -H- ONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAI ' H. . .

; ISCUSS PLANS TARIFF BILL MEETING DELAYinranraft vmm irwi REPORT HAS BEEN POSTPONED rUWtROv.WUULU.. LIJJ.IJ FOR FLORAL sos soa soa n Antone Fernandez ACd ted SoQ Akana PARADE OF 1914 Lose Life Wbile Lilliiiu-'-J- U" . Fishing UOwJO kJiLlrl o ,i: - At E - Far ad Of Puna Many Matters of Local Impor- Considered by Promo- Maintaining ' tance Balkan Allies '. (Hic!al Star-- -; Belief Strong That with Turkey and bulletin Wireh-sx- ) ters Yesterday Afternoon Armioe in Pipirf Thprc Will Be No Settlement of Trout: o. HILO, Jure 7. Antone Ferrari Akana met the.r Governments dc-t-h at the extreme end of f' and his adopted son Advocating the necessity of an early Military Pressure Strong on Balkan Puna swept them Wednesday, when a large wave In order that a greater amount from a cltff .from which thev'3t start arrange- wcre shln9. Fernandez and the boy of time may fce given to the were accompanied by a Hawaiian v T. II. Enaland, June 7-- The Powers are seriously eonslderinaa several features, . ze was some distance from them when ment of the mat xney oem-jbn- he missed them. Rushirg back hh0 ivtrip Walter F. Dillingham and bath Turkey and the Balkan Allies swimming, but could see no director-genemi- a armlerin Power, that military pressure clan of Fernanda. mw Akana Arlhur Wall, former t?lr the field. The belief ...... parades and carnivals, mei the Balkan governments ana max so iona of floral IheTeld? of a psaceful and equitable d.vl.lon cf The Hawaiian at once hurried with the members of tne promouou there is little likelihood assistance, being compelled to travel anu " ; - a distance of a quarter of a mile TV committee yesterday afternoon territory. f ii " ' UiU ! i - . I . a i i TSre he reached a number of natives presented plans for tne uorai "iiw aL.win)jinic;a nim 10 in dck of the tragedy. parade and carnival wnicn. cia iair w completion within sixty L load to the i liHIv a nu1 details College Dbably naa financial , while every effort was made rimer a iso oisappcarco, days of both the Professor Pn Droved futile. The vic- - &nd the complete program of v the Inity is still being scoured men thev 4 will be recovered and re- - festival. turned here for burial. bodies Th first half of the meeting was Governor of Philippine discussion of former Fernandez was very popula taken up with a y land and has taken a lively nnirpants and tne aavisauuny ui interest In the political life of t event into a permanent 7. President Wilson will probably nam5 IV was a supervisor for two monldln.': tbe D. CJune self-sustainin- post of terms and twice served as and g organization. persfrlend in the field of education for the difficult sov.rr been captain of police. Chairman. Fred u Waidron, oi me general of the Phirppines. It was learned --. ,; x. v length t promotion 'committee, spoke at choice will probably be Professor He nry James Fordv necessity u mcewn .JlP1":" with regard to tne oi perman and later a member or the rr Tacu.i. - re r.iti- - early start saying that the committee professor of poMtics. Prof essor is m v -- u .l t In Ca.ti," . lat-- year had less than five weeks in City College, 1868, and has had wide newspsper ex;;rience which to complete all .preparations itt hurnn ri mAt vnrsc ana DUicr bin The on pelltlca j- Including the collection of funds. Pittsburflh Cazette In 1905 to become lecturer L?'!"" - i of appointing a director-genera- l or pouusa mi'lter Hopkins University and became professor for next year's event was not He was cloce!y associated with Wilson at Princeton. discussed, although tbe commiuee now has a list of several names io IK) consider. One of the most important, pointa brought up with regard to. tbe Police Graft Proved In floral parade was that of seating the AnORIi!Mi(llFOOT mihiin nlnriff thfi line of march. A plan was presented which was to the San Francisco; 1 Gonvic' effect that the committee in charge - available nf evada. on whom the opponents of the " Local Attorney Accuse- Scoring of the vent secure In some vnn,i n 'nifiniia ; (Associated Press CaT)leJ jn part of the city a large tract of land wnnn.i!nderwood. tariff measnre, as It relates to the sujrar Indastrr, pin of the recent t Judge ' Matthewmarr - . ::. " :;' some weeks before the date of the their faith. r. police In this city,. Detective Frank V. Case-rLight- foot V tional revelations of oraft n S could be erected ' frc.-- c Here - Lloming Chaloosed parade. v"-."--- ; ,:- and of extortion On of Press ;CatlJ:' : accepting bribes from buncomen per- tMociaUJ charged with . 1 to seat any number of c 1 1 ; , bleachers guilty by Juryof the Faisenoods . ; WASHINGTON D. June '7. From present , Indications It wtll be nals of the underworld, was today found sons, the parade would end at." this on Tuesday. .The maximum p.r- - The closing day of the week held and prizes' weeks before anything like final action In the senate can be had the ascharoed. He will be sentenced net IHlMfial .SUir-Kullet- ln point, the review Corresi sugar stocks decline, a num Wilson-Underwoo- ' and in manner a charge d tariff bill. , ten years' imprisonment rif (ha 1 1 uraa o V m Tin n- - 4 awarded. In this committee-conside- r HIIX), June 6. The con t ruoeGv u tun naa ouui pi nan aiii. varioui sub-committ- of the senate finance ' TJLtHCS could be made for seats in the The . of bill "and their cebdings instituted against Commercial, Oahu, Olaa, Pionceithe re. bleachers, and the revenue derived ing schedules on the bill have not completed the draft the . meeting was expected to- Joseph' Ughtfoot hy Judge I waiaiua an went at reauceu pneeat. t? therefrom would greatly help in de- recommendations and though a full committee l( ' next week. ; After rust man of the circuit court, as a fraying expenses. ' day, 'It did noV materialize. It was postponed until Head of Woobn : winch In committee, the bill will go to the Democratic affidavit of Attorney Claui suffered decrease value from W in-- . Leaving floral parade matters and consideration by the finance 1 Is expected. The heps Sen o Drlde, as aJready related in' the notice of suspension of dividends, Veil taking up promotion : work, Walter h.r h hardest flaht to d ate that - -- . ff Bulletin, appears to be the o; were sold at 69. Olaa sold at 1.25, a rma Dillinebam advocated that the fact ator Newlandsf Senator Walsh eiu cohere wouIdcsfJiSft JaayiJtotrt-of- - ;. v . ' st pre sent. r : v of personal feelings between half point below its former sale. Oahu of HajsjLii's-bAla- n. excellejit center the free-li- provlslont" is still y t , ' ' . ... 1 1 1 1 ill A neya mentioned, as a result ever. dropped a quarter point, going at 14.2., for polo snouia De empnasueu .m we cf : -- Indicate the tariff bill, will 7. William M. Wood, preilir.t f by and sold , 18.73.;' summer adver- advices received here recently that DncTrtN. Mm: June sloirmade Judge Matthoetyj Honeer at Hawaiian promotion committee's Private cf - uegan vote In the senate until August. . ; Company, was today detlared Innocent re:;:x the divorce case of iJartels vs a. i commercial, wnicn to iau rrom comrm tising. He told of the' great interest hot come to a can Woolen - .i.- - ck I avw r nee. Ma 13. explosion a .- of 26 yesterday, 2 1.50 morn-clie- nt being In the u ;ir The decision was not farorat closed at this game now taken -- swimn: in the to turn state's evidence and who t . many Collins, who agreed of I.lghtfoot and, accr-as- lng. San Fretates. saving that he believed CLUBMEN AND ARMY C nl. on two" c...... induced to ' upon to. convict Wood, has been found guilty the affidavit of McBride, sorrers Though a good number of sales were the mavWinland teams could be OFFICERS PLAYING Ij NDSAY relied language of condemnation vn-- made the prices were all low. Rub-i- n ora'u ith me to Hawaii in the summer. y - quantity of ma mo uoocuuii vutu lI referring to Then- ber stock In the Tanjong Olok sold in ance has The matter of the large l aiieriiuuii. .. . - i . i i the Jurist University is scneuuieui i f.ays the remarks were first ine three parcels for SC, a point and a half the manufiBl which now infests the WTalkikl of the uiud Derby s - with a Buys Vin:: w-a- commit- to fight for diamond honors Argentine . i ture presented to the May 28, in Kailua, fc" below It3 selling prices, while Pahang film eh army pick of 17.50 17.25. waii," askingiy Chairman Waidron, tne secre- team of officers, the IS sold at and commissioned personnel on WED M Associated Press Cabll K Tha truth rf tho nrcfetont mmnra tion in havlnfaeinz instructed to write, to the the t Zr credited to Ughtfoot by McBrf' include some old . i? . . taiilon Craaenour,- - winner cf ths which have been current on the ture circuits, pendent of public works with Oahu. Both teams neurit..nK bi u. v miiw t. th - v it was necessary to senG the could be stars, and there is every pros- ill 'disqualified for bumping iinoth.r horts h., streets the last, week that the Ewa t Anto ascertaining what time Derby but afterwards be messenger men-sgges- te He will by a special ins, Secreta'makIng pect of a close game. Play Is at the SCHOOL BOARD bought by the Argentine government for $150,000. McBride-affidav- plantation will discontinue its divi- - posed b W.thMhta - through the mails. it, for the 1914 carnival Moiliili field, the game being sched- purposes in me rsgnn. dends after July could hot . be breeding contends that' tne j 3:30. v - v. 3 Parade will be taken uled for to himself and mined this morning, and officials of from local and r-- jip detrimental tc,f the company to discuss any meeting. A large number refused r meeting civil serv--l Lindsay, of Matthewman with which he may n tt i a a win The first of the David C. cashier the 111 Llghtfcot. were made before a action the directors take in the expected commission of the hoard of health National bank of .Kahulul Bill Seriously matter of dividends. E. D. Tenney the old posters and it is Ice Baldwin Buffalo of other witnesses whom he ai Cu 4Tia nnHnarv was held in the office of Dr. J. S. B. nd president of the Nahiku Rubber that1 : stated as the meeting cf the di present conditions. at , . . morning. , Cody, the w affidavit, a review h iw c xc - Pratt at ten o'clock this company of the same city, has been KNOXVILL-E- June 7 Col. William known The after rectors was more than two weeks, off, tHp w - - r0lv v v. yiviui Tenn. num icn The commission has sent to New !app0inted a member of the board of seriously III of nervous prostration and legal battle in the case of Barta he did not wish to make any state-- art debartment nf ih ' aver as "Buffalo BUI," Is i including rules and to represent ' commissioners - " Dartels, In part as follow;- - of Importance were York for data 8cn0oi - :. reads ment either to sustain or refute the land miblicatinn 078 ; gestion her. ' Information governing appointments Maul. Mr. Lindsay has accepted the t,uage of an unprintable nature, : , e commiuee in uie i rumor. w iuc poster. as nas enec- -i ' - the new service, but tnis aro0intment, which becomes ; Acting under 4 emitted): . di- bmitted by PRPriHIfJ Referring to the action of the yet arrived It was Impossible to immediately and is for the full AUSTRALASIANS WIN IN THE DAVIS CUr An In His f rectors of Waiaiua plantation in Jordan, a euer not Said "Judge "Trembles the go into detail on any questions at term of two years. 7 discontinuing the comnflttee i - jQseph Lightfoot stated to dividends, he stated Iby meetine. As soon as tne necessary remaining two vacancies on ...... uncus 7 Aiifttralacia 'MOIX me QOUDics mi.wii folic was to of Yacht and x3oat The ' one ot , in substance and effect the that it due the "low rate l. arrives, another meeting will be the had not been filled by noon Lernatienal in the Davis Cup preliminaries today, , sistance of the data board - I series . say: "McBride, you sugar and the general ; condition of . tHa that is to I field and the commission launched today, though Governor Frear may . i a i ... in h hiatorv of lawn tennis classic have something on his litUe,MMrrr' ra- the appointments before to on., match w po.tpon.d on accou-- t down. anu announce both the , w - Wiiir?"!" Crk.rA,Tn. w the said Lightfoot In urinf n o Easy his departure for Hawaii this" after- "h "wiafhe'rcleared .oon aft. r. h.w.,V and wj pU, nnnrrri terms to suit purchasers. 6-- pression Mh; ' B. Of :S- - fo set 4. eet waj "'i' Biiey, allcgeW t Cressaty, 78 Merchant SL, phone 4147 noon, cr may be announced by his took the urth 9-- both i Knaht aur- - go'ng 7. heavy court, flreat.y emulating a movine . 5566-Z- t; secretary, George CiarK, rfouZU visitor. The 4. nicturen ivaj i r : rHate , tha profiiiscuaus.' flourishing of a iiiii i.iii 28th day'ffi chief executives stak on the Per str. CJud4ne, for, McLConfra p team, Maurice Labaina and was turned over to the, mititarv FOR at. which time Ba..i to the original make-u- of the American mj"-o- m Kahulul ports. 3r i SALE ons June 9. E. o. Rart-lel- t, nriifrr' tend, prove their ciattu, ; with T Mr. and Mrs. thorities today, following the hearii conference fce J. G. Robello, v. C of his 4 h.p. motorcycle, practically tankrupt, elect a trustee, and transn ntendent LowWnV e case new James. . , - at district court. Rill 'f Lurl-i- owner leaving act such other business as may prop- v. uarea witn fiaving held up a nut for coast. Address Lodge, 1, O. I tody erly Oahu I. is Per str. Jinau. ror Kaiint nnrf ber of residents along : "Cycle," this office. 5567-6t- , come before said meeting. ;compUe the Asylum,roi V Gr T., will meet in " "' uay.jvtrs. M. K GEO. S. CURRY, rittucis Weic on inursaay evening. . the Central Union "rancign. .,orey "obinaoB.-WiUIa- m - r House of six rooms: good location: Referee in , Bankruptcy. , r, . Wai- fikino, editor and publisher Bible School Room o deprt r.irwt-- cam Kauwi. Jirs. Wright, Miss North Kona; acre of. ground with June 7, 1913. 5567-lt- . Ten Asiatic gamblers settled rmu aii Hoclli' announced this the and Tueey a. u rignt. Miss K. Ryan, Miss M. Kau a coffee. Will sell for less than cost. first third cf and costs of prosecution wh(?at passmeeting will be Tuesdays half-pas- t re bxfct uji, jyiss m. D. - Dr. Goodhue, Holualoa, Hawaii. at Keawc. .Miss Hertle- fJf-th- Asahl arraigned before Judge the" 5566-lt- . seven p. m. n pasm-is- t mann. Miss T. Maht-koa- . Monsarrat Brandt Miss A. morning. uWese of the city to make R. A. SOARE3, Chief Templar. in ?e Miss E. Kllis, Miss M. Water-hous- e, ptest against the remarks A Playlet in One Act d ana Mrs. E. B. Waterhouse, Miss L. worne attribu-mornln- g FOR RENT. a A novel arrest was effected tlJ J,apa08e nOXOLUlU LODGE Xo. 800, cd wit wanm, auss R. Kckela, Crow-Andre- w Edwin when Officer cottages on Entitled L. O. O. M. E. Iona, Henry Robjnson. Kan used iew street exten forcible removal of a heavy iron sa(ns sion. Rent reasonable. Young Kee will meet' In Odd Fellows' buildlne. John Fassoth, Wa-terhou- se. "f William Akana. A. w5llPb"r Grocery store, 1220 Emma tel- - Un?a on a C4nd prpseS ed Sf St.; E. Kopkc, John to 5"6G-Iy- Fassoth nf . 4456. - . y .evening at 7:30 o'clock. , FOR SAL E 'tejer Chang Sack. . Sr1"0? hia ..i.hi,i l sui,0n The l8T,;r- a Visiting brothers cordially invited incise is Per str. Kilauea. for Kona and Kau va,t Fa mer "creJS, leged as having occupied the cmatLtinc nn ,o CLOTHES CLEANING. TrueBlue. to attend. Kpect,;o ports, June 10. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mul- - fine lots on Leilehua Ave., near part of the vromenale, tljvorking-wome- n p "moriK. jcr, miss m. Muller, Miss F. much to in Hawaii, Chi.- wan Yo, Emma and School Sts.; $840, Muller BUVC clothes called for and CLEM K. QUINN, Dictator. $790 C VOJPO Mrs. u. E. Campbell Miss u;":V wt.many pedestrians.. Corl statement being made in and $755; M. Camp p.amt was delivered; River nr. Kukui St, It is a true version of an everyday JAMES W. LLOYD. Secty. cash $200, bal. easy pay- sent to heafiqyartrrs passing 556C-ly- ' ,ilo,iV a Den. Airs. i;. u. Judd, Miss E. Farley ai of opinion on the . . ments, tho "arrest" followed. en-fect- ly tfferiiat Mrs. a. v;. ran 03'. Mrs. W. if. swonn There is a pe of a Japanese girl for occurrence, describing the merit3 of $10002 new houses mm . . ' good strong ' and corner lot ! chan.'Of nr., IOaa. Mr. Mrs, box now awaiting the territory, blue serge, telling of dye. 50x100 on rancis and Robt claimant. CHIROPODIST. its fast 12th Ave. and Maunalel 111 "Aimuu, une aqu, Rirhnr.i iioic pred icooert Wassman, durability and elegant offeci Avhon FOR SALE Ave.; easy terms. rea assman, K. F. the statements to Mme. King, 640 Beretania, Tel. 4155 or Itlc t loane. Miss attributed made into a clothe.j by Kaal, Miss C. Davison, K. - Eddie Taylor, on a Mclcle. procerfre incorrectly quoted. Ed- - chiropody and. manicure; suit of Cfo. Miss Bertle- - residence mann, jnS uown wno . ; ; 5563-C- A. Martin, the tailor for twemv-five- . Miss K. Kauhane, Mis P. iaanumanu street near iip. will preside at to work. - Fine large !ots on car line In the new I intersection with; Queen says ' P. E. R. STRAUCH. niassmeeting, he ia Cruz. UUnahalo, Miss N. Kauhane. Miss Ah street laat'8 ,V. -- evening, met in to prove ; ; act. ." V- Tract; 550 frcier AKana, Miss u ray, Miss L. AkoL collision with autom that Farmer made CONTRACTOR the to $750 in installments. ?TaIry bile 1 ITS, over RaHilajt. 74 ave Jed Mtss Kalei Inno, Miss Emma Smith, number the property of P, l?nt3 his ow signature. Opens like this: FOR RENT Kr Street - uurnett. According to report II. Mirikitani, general contractor and lastn- vainer uirara. whin Renovated house, 35. ; - police,-Taylo- r canentering; real estate agent. f reached Enter, man te ttcead- Per str. W. G. Hall, for Kauai norts. the was consi with pleading counte A new up-to-da- d erably 1164 Nuuanu. nr. Pauahi; tel. 3757. room furnished June 12 J. P. Cooke. S. A. Baldwin. bruised through the fall. It nance and teary eyes: cottage at Kalihi; 35.0O. Minea 5566-ly- . . v. Nuuanu - AV. was to Queen's TODAY Valley u tisni- H.I uatton, M. Gifford. K. Trioa taken Hospital wherf MR A large, house with all lat- idstcj to John Waterhouse, C. H. H was round that while he Have you got any more blue &crge Cooke. 1L A. had s:i WATCHMAKER. est improvements, good neighbor- 4veiou-- Baldwin. W. L. Hopper.. tained some internal injuries, his col like this?" indicating suit he has on. hood, $35. ?caring : dition was not considered as Park Tract Per str. Claudine, for Maui ports. serious. Saturday. 7. Lum Deep, watchmaker; jewelry re-- You made it two years ago and it 0 June 13. Mrs. S. G. June CHOICE Kraus. Miss D. lure a. m.. 74: S a. m.. pairing; King St, nr. Bethel. hasn't faded a bit; certainly H. RESIDENCE LOTS FOR An ugly charge is 55C6-ly- . it has J. Schnack, Miss B. prrferrod . Kraus. Kraus, Mrs. L. Paulo, agains X. noon, 79. Mini- - SALE. , part-Hawaiia- me my 137 , ea. Miss C. Emmesley. ' Harry Wilson, a n voun given money's worth." Merchant Street For Maps, Prices and Terms, Apply JohnRna - to man u , Per str. Claudine, hr'Ji in,.ivjc-mi- u .."&"'- -- ;a t-- .. . for Maui ports, fcin, wilt m .t t " o "Yes," answers Mar3in. U our 16. . NEW OAHU CARRIAGE MFG. "it blpgar, June Mrs. M. Taylor, Miss - M. .i wdimeu, is an auoptcfl UaughteLjeitv v p n CO. James T. Taylor, CE., i m not-to-fa- as fe&dy Deas, Joe Meinecke, Miss R. Hdlla. Tho police were today called guaranteed serge, we sje-ci- al Real 1 -- 'vl 4 Wholesale and Retail In Car-- Estate Loans for Dealers twenty-five.- " Office: So. 511 StangenwaJJ rtue Miss M. Haia, D. Wadsworth, A. Place Wilson under arresL a chzrz't'i ? a l' for pa ?l'Sll7" r,as? ana it.agon Maieria ana Telephone sates Wadsworth, Miss E. Meinecke, Miss cf assault having been preferred Dei 2151 g.,' The G. Meinecke. Miss C. E. Church. Makers" "Good!" exclaims the man, now Residence: Nuuanu Avenue Aid LaJtaf ft IhySici:r at 8 m- - 30.06. Rela- - Carriage - i the Per. str. Mauna Kea. for Hilo 'yRhFiiprannd a' and General Repair- with mosit pleased expression, "Make J. R. WILSON Road; Telephone 2103; P. O. Box 733. o . Lfvw-puj- iu i . C bal-5- b. a oo. crs. . DiacKsmitnina. te way pons, June Jeremlas," into the matter. Drespn ramiina. me . ; Rents Collected ' 1.Mrs. Wilson is at ti Absolute humidity, 8 Woodworkina and Trimmina another suit" ,. . Office, 3C6C - STAR-BULLETI- mia. u. jick- - au mnvaie Phones Res. 2997 N tivnan, wiarita at tne central station. 46. Rainfall. 0.02. Queen St. nr. Prison Road CITES TOU 925 Fort Street T0D1IS SEWS T0DAX i V:" .

V-- -; : t- -


I VESSEU TO AND -- FROM THE ISLANDS THE mSMQ. 7 sLrrJ li llMiJil .... J Special Cable te XertxamttV Exchange MMI H. LOVE Saturday, June 7. 113S-114- :; 1 Fort Street. HIIjO Sailed, June 6, 5 p. m.: S. S. A. Mexican, for Salina Cruz. Honolulu's Largest Exclusive YOKOH AMA-rSailed- ,v June 7: S. S. Clothing Store. Chlyo Maru, for Honolulu. Charge Account Invited. n NEWCASTLE Sailed. June 5: S. Si 5 Weekly and Monthly Beachy, for Honolulu. .Payments. ' I t U TTAR. Aerograms. established 1S33. and th In which Is combined the HAWAII Iwued Daily and Semi-Week- ly by SPANIARDS AWAY FOR HAWAII TODAY S. S. Manchuria, arrives from Yo- uruTiMtvo mn.LETIN. established 1S3 kohama, Monday at 4 p. m. with 43 LT- D- I .OF bags mail, 215 cabin passengers, 61 HONOLULU STAR-i11-1-1- "' art, C Iff. second class passengers, 515 Asiatic Robert Eckart, Thomas G..Ec Bookbinders, steerage passengers, .1800 tons cargo kart, Sugiyama. Publishers, CommercialT"" and sails for San Francisco Tuesday Per str. Kinau, for Kauai ports, 1 RUSSIA: about 10 a m. June 17. Mrs. E. C. Hughes, Miss JOv S. S. Sonoma, - E. Smith. Mrs. Kopp. arrives from San F. A. Manager Francisco, Monday 6:30 a. m. with 40 Per str. Kilauea, for Kona and Kau R. FAKRINGTON. 5'encra' Bness cabin and 4 steerage passengers, 418 ports, June 20. W. J. Paris, Alex WALLACE bags mail and ' 346 tons cargo, pro Paris, E. Gay, A. W. Searle. Mr. and vED PRESS. AfCtJASf - UE3BER ASS0CIJ ceeds to Sydney 2:30 p. m. same day. Mrs. J. P. Curts, Misses (2) Aldcr- ' S. S. Wilhelmina, mann. Master M. VER 2000 INCHES...... arrives from San Alderroann, Verdas RATE, DISPLAY ADVERTISING Francisco early Tuesday morning with co, Miss M . Renton, Miss E. Renton, FLAT ...... 20c PER INCU 81 8 steerage passengers, Willie Luis, (Preferred Position 20) ...... X St First Insertlpn cabin and Luis. Herman Charles AND 21 packages Express, 10 autos, 2382 Luis, Miss E. Aungst, Wallace Aungst, LEGAL TRANSIENT R.' cents per line per weex. Comoletiiu: a voyacc that almost CLASSIFIED, One Cent per word completely girdled the globe, the new tons cargo.'--' For Hilo: 6G5 tons, cargo, Miss D. Austin, Miss M. Austin. 1053 A A n Canadian-Pacifi- c Empress 2 auto trucks, Fcr str. Claudine, for Maui ports. LAKE STREET liner of MAIN OFFICES ...... round-the-worl- '20. a; Business Office 22iS Russia, with 1200 d ex- June Miss K. Alana, Miss M. K. Telephones Editorial Eoerj cursionists, on a maiden trip of that Cook, Donald Brown, Gordon Brown, ...... MERCHANT STREET M BRANCH OFFICE reported to arrived at D. Aiken, Miss V. Maule, Miss ; vessel is hare 'V Telc;i:;; : Vancouver today. McGowan. Intended for the British Columbian- - Per str. Kinau, for ' Kauai ports, TESi mmwm June 24. Master S. Dcverill, Miss A. Oriental run, and to cover the route TIN in nineteen days, the big steamship Dcverill, Harry von Holt and- - party, UA1L.Y STAH - - 1H among Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wishard, I n declared to take its place as Per Month, anywhere in United Ztzi " i 2.CJ the finest passenger carriers operated Blanche Wishard, Leslie Wishard, J. Per Quarter, anywhere in United J ., K. . Kaiwi, KaiwI, Mr. the Pacific today. H. Master and per 'Year, nywhere in United Etst ' A 12.CJ Officers in Pacific Mail and ' Toyo Mrs. Kalel Montgomery, Miss S. lla j v Per Year, postpaid, foreign '. :" -- ; : '. no. '.: . ' Kaisha steamers who have recently IN ports, SEMI-WEEXI- T passed through Honolulu,, unite . in The Oceanic liner Sonoma from Per str. Kinau, for Kauai 2.C) July j. Miss M. Christian, Ml3S H Two hundred Spanish immigrants, - mat tne impress ot uussia Ran Francisco, enroute to, Sydney, N. A U. A. MV ...... ICQ who renrhrd lhls Htv Schimmclfenning, Miss Shaw, Miss Mill. I rers in the British steamship Ascot, nn- 8. W., by the way of Honolulu and R. nyu.ro ia unnea 3.00 have been booked for departure to' -- ?aJ Armstrong. rer.iear, f . Pago S. G. Simpson, Miss M. ' island of Inter-Islan- d fLoA Pago will not remain at this Per Year, anv where in Canada 4.C0 the Hawaii this afternoon in the flagship Mawia Kea. P!? Miss A. Oleson, Miss Kaiwi, ...... The delegation to sail Is pprt many hours according to t he Esther er Year, postpaid, foreign .jXS- - this afternoon drawn from the thousand or more ?r "JS - 1 resent intentions of C. Brewer & Miss Cecilia Kapule. Slar-B- immigrants who arc at present making their the territorial 'wSS .' rsoolala t 3, ltd, Ilonohla, T. H, hornet .lStalSiSiftSX.H' Company, the local representatives of Per str. Kilauea, for Kona apd Kau Xddrcvs all Comnun!cat!::j ' ' , . ports, July I. Mrs. K- - R; G. Wallace, The the liner. , . last of the personal effects belonging to the new arrivals was re--' ?SS Miss R. Wallace, Masters K. and R. moved from the Ascot this morning and all baggage has been 5,5 The Sonoma is due to arrive here transferred j . 68 Wallace. to tne territorial compound. about 500 feet In length, feet in at an early hour Monday morning 340 4 Per str. Kilauea, for Kona and Kau 00 00 00 00000000 At the federal Immigration station but seventy men. women and r with cabin and steerage passen o o o o oooo n gers for Honolulu. The liner Is listed ports, July 11'. Miss E. de la Nux, 0 Mrs. W. K.' Stewart fcu-tti- i for dispatch for the antipodes at 2:30 wijjoiomti iwivcuume oiune persons reacning me lsianas tal service "have already exceeded 0 I:;the Ascot will have to be deported because of incurable illness. in the afternoon, following the dls 6000 tons. charge of 346 tons general cargo and TBAJTSPOBT 8EKYIOB 1 0 The Empress of Russia is believed, landing 418 mail. t the of sacks of The Logan, sailed from Honolulu Tor San 0 will have been found to cross the Pa- vessel will berth at Oceanic wharf. - ' ' ' Francisco 4. FOUR cific in a flat nine days. : " June ;SHG'0F STEALERS V-' 0 Pacific Mail'liner China i Sherman, from Honolulu for Guam and 3 Before the sailed from - Yokohama for Honolulu More Coal for Islands. Manila, May 15. - 0 the prediction was. freely made that The government has chartered two Warren, stationed at the Philippines, 0 mpre THE I TO HILO the , Empress of Russia would cover British Strath line freighters to Thomas, departed for San Francisco, AORIG VISIT the distance between the Japan port carry coal from the Atlantic coast to June 1, 6 p. m. 0 and Vancouver in nine days flat. The Honolulu. There are four Strath boats Di, at Seattle, to sail June 16. ' I 0 Bliipmtnt of Silk Goods, ibroidered performance of the vessel over the under government charter for loading Sheridan, sailed from Hpnolulu for 0 he British steamsip Aorangi, held Four large steamers are expected to Northern route will be awaited with coal for Honolulu befoye the end of San Francisco, arrived Jan. 25. - (j--- : ani Dress Pat- Ho-:-Ian- 3 locally. June. government 30,000 ;: "... '. Jackets, and Waists veneration; and reverence by call at Hilo the coming week where much interest The recent The has tons 9-- 0 Kimonos, of a decade or so ago is now big inroads upon an accumulation of record of. 10 days and ten hours as of coal at the island station, and Upon five Great . Lakes 0 'ared will Boon make its farewell. 201,000 sugar: ship- . maintained by the Empress of Japan these charters will raise this to 72,000 the there received by the China. sacks of awaiting throbs a commerce ' well might terns ; carance in northern Pacific ment there, will be made. and India will doubtless be beaten by tons, enough for a long battle supply that envy any far-reachi- trrs. ; Hyades a good many hours. for the Pacific fleet , : be the of sea. The Matson freighter is to So with, by Geo. A The Aorangi, which for years regu-:- y complete her cargo of sugar for the' In view of Sir Thomas Shaughnes the clothes made I visited Honolulu as one of the sy's remarks that the. Empress of In- Martin, for they are the envy of all mainland at Hilo. This vessel Is now Japanese Add, Larger Liners. . who got rs in the Canadian-Australasia- n Hn tr tha covnral clan1 nnra TVia dia and the Empress of Japan will haven't wise to the fact that vlf Reports brought to Seattle by the Martin is a real Tailor. re ia declared will be replaced on Hyades should carry five thousand v" N,ippop Yuscn Kaisha steamship. Yo- - : -- ', - , , i Is that these, favorites will, n FranciscoTahitl and Sydney tons 7 Konaima , Maru, which 'arrived from by a larger and more lLZJ '':;:: I' turned into Intermediate steamers and far modern' the Orient the last of May, indicate ... : - :i. . Ing Honolulu will receive a quick dis- that the first change to presses. This, : of course, will mean be made in above B '.'"i, Rolph & Co., announce the patch while here and then sail for the fleet operating between the Orient 1248 Fort 5f., idama o passing Monteagle, unless :se of. a new steamer, the Vil-t- Hilo, to discharged gen- the of the Police Court Notes there be of the trade from the Orient grows so and Seattle will be the replacing of j take the place in the fall of eral cargo and fill up with Big the Inaba Maru with the Sanuki Ma Phone 3238 ' ttle old liner Aorangi on the run large, that the whoje five boats may ru, which in turn will give place to rThe Sydney and San Francisco. ' be profitably employed. behavior of Private McGratti, en The Wilhelmina, also in the Matson. the European liner Maru. while he manfully struggled main- Willochra is a vessel of 12,000 service, will, according to Ai to i o o. o o schedule, tain an even keel mael- .0.0: 0. oooooooo displacement, similar in size to reach the Hawaii metropolis on on Hardy Law. in the terrific Fri Bulger Talks t strom' at the intersection of king and """itt which is now in port, but day morning and be supplied with ap-- Captain John-K- . Bulger; supervising r. Nuuanu streets last evening, brought luxuriously appointed. The proximately 2U00 tons of sugar before inspector for the First marine inspec-:tturnin- g Per-st- Mauna Kea, f Hilo and voy-fro- m him Into the meshes police net. chra will make its maiden to Honolulu. not particularly im-- way ports: J. Medeirojs, A. Tk Dun- of the itian district, is He spent the night this port October 15. The The American-Hawaiia- n new Hardy law: bar, H. W. Ogilhe, Miss ; remainder of the freighter pressed with the K. Ogilbe, at the r will have accommodation for Alaskan .will accommodate much Discussing Its operation: he said: Miss G. Carvalho, Mrs. H. B. Morris. central station. r-engers ; of all Every - " - classes. freight for Salina- Cruz. . iMThe. ships operating between Alaska J. Cullen, M. D. Youker, F. D. Fisher, i3 In falling fitted with an electric fan. At the time the interJsland steamer, and this port will not be as well man-Maun- a Mrs. ii. uressaty. H. Dumont. H A. at the corner of Nnuanu 2 is a smoking room, social hall - Butters, M. and Hotel streets today, and his head Kea sailed from Hilo for Ho- ned If the new Hardy , law is carried Miss Kluegel, a Mito, al coming W. r::uslc room for the second class nolulu, Purser Phillips tallied up" a out to the letter as they are at pres-tct- Mrs. Ah Wah, ,Y. Ilara. A. K. Jones. la contact with the curb, J. ngers, open Com- and an air smoking of 201,883 sacks of sugar await-- ent, and Judging from the replies of C. M, Bridges, F. F. Lacks, R. Soares. Hudson, an enlisted nvan. from 3 palm I pany C, and garden for the first ing shipment cn Hawaii. the men 1 have talked with and ques,- - R. G. Lukens, J. J. Quinn, E. B. Enos, United States Engineers, wh3 LINES CF TRAVEL - TO AND FROM ALL rassengers TWs consignment is distributed as tioned they are satisfied. Captain W. E. Johns, H. DeFries, G. Houck, A. in need of medical treatment and was Fa follows: Olaa 8300, Waiakea S500, Bulger stated that this will be the Houck, A. Wright, J. Motoshige, wife conveyed to the hospital in the police "rek. Golden Salvage. Hawaii Mill -- 5200, Walnaku 19,500, tenor of the opinion that he would file and 2 children. fast wagon. - ; :sh Captain T, P. Whltclaw Onomea 11,498, Pepeekeo 13,200, Ho-- with' the Department of Commerce, in Se-hooh- top-mo- st a v.. the search for the nomu 10,000. Hakalau 23,200, Laupa-- the case of the steamer City of oe PASSgJfQEES DEPARTED 1 Scaling the branches of ) treasure contained in the safe 5500, Kaiwiki 3150, Kukaiau attle. against which a test compla.int large mango tree in search of the city for thia Llr, of Work, ' Best Equipment In the a steamer Corcoran when she 9900, Hamakua 13,500, Paauhau 16,-- has been filed. Under the new bill Per str. Ctaudine. for Maui norts. luscioui fruit, Fred Brancho. n Portu- rr.rnmcd and capsized by the 0(io, 1 Honokaa 1200, Kukuthaele 850, which became a law. a few weeks ago, June 6. S. H. Krauss, S. G. Krauss, guese yjy, fell to the ground with the cr Seminole, In San Francisco Punaluu S8HL Honuapo 6600. Hawl it provided that sea mates must S. G. Krauss, Jr., Mrs. F. W. Meier, result laat he sustained a broken arm : is at Lopes are still entertained that 10.6S2, Union Mill 6533. Kohala 7821, stand for a four-hou- r with an Mus. H. W. Mist. A. McShane. Ceo. and sclnci noinor bruises. The police wach, - r ji.pon5CT:' . p. will be located on the Halawa 6057, Kiulii 10,228 sacks. j eight-hou- r rest, which would mean Bustard, Miss Guild "Mrs. Ella Vic ambji!fnee was summoned and took :6n ;vciic '.torn before the safe has been three mates working an eight-hou- r tor,Mr. and Mrs. Mendonca a.n4 !T A i by the shifting sands, day at sea. The same law provides iani. . Dr. Spauldirg May r Abrahamsou, who holds the Soon Join Ship no mate work longer than i I 1 that shall EGER& BOOKED emulating a ' for deep diving It is predicted that Dr. O. B. t moving. pictured, on the Pacific Spalding, nine, hours in port. tnc, promiwnious . is now preparing a popular, racdfl officer j aTTa to make an ' n'ef str. Claudine. for Lahalna and was Conner!'"" !f'i i-n frr? turned over to " yt to locate the precious gold, tn r until? - Kahuiui ports, J. Bart-let- t, the SiliL!' i pn - t, 1 Lurlme Back for Carao -- Xona mtT- June E. G. ihorities today, following v ill begin work as quickly as ' The be Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Robcllo, ( C. of the hearmg Ilt5ffl ; his case at - divisional arranger J James. ; , district court r"v.a t.. 8tjed Is charged with ivin. . KHC7 ? tl.c ' 1 i and- - .is Per str. Kinau, for Kauai ports, m VkAVBAnsi 4, f n I S 111 111 v SrrJdia? that vessel lung me Asylum At. Kncrn I;. Dr. June' 10. Francis Gay, Mrs. M. Welcr on to v Honolnlans. Ra arriVal at Hpnolulu, to coniPfe Thursday evening. roa? Wai-aleol- ' ker, Aubrey Robinson,-- e, - fracture-'o- tbe ' WiUiam ) a CAXQ desUned for San Whitelaw diiiggwf v rran; Sam Kauwi, Wright, MiC3 tft in IV lf5 curb- - a or indoor baseball The Lurline is scheduled to deS. Mrs. Ten Asiatic camhl'nra n. . thcJ T A.. , vicinity of disaster fn -- Wright, Miss K. Ryan, Miss M. Kau-lili- r Ilie Epicure the dock " tUQ J- ana costs o sOTeat of mt cf fve liner. for at uciuc ti pro,cc t to find a few piercs ry but .the hn5n;i.i Miss M. Keawe, MiF,3 B. Bert?c-man- n, T m iT-- Ki n a vuwF". vc safe, icr evening, yiuBiw Maiii-koa- did not locate the of t- pass- - Mis3 T. , t weeks, -i . of cabin pasf1 Brandt. .Miss A. i . shinvo fo oillv number of h : -- tabic; just what the palate refuses to expla'n bow is to Miss E. Ellis, Miss M. Watrr-house- , We have all that ia good for the find, deflate - ' you asked to xrake the but ifn thp s- ex- an JTrs. E. B. L. charje no than arc ..it is iin.a Amoni thosp honW Waterhouse, Miss A novel arrpGf vi . : epicure craves and nirc certainly the sunken R;5!i"-"ii- , the brinl lo Ptcd that well wiiii'.-w,- .Marttn, Mtss R. Kckela, Edwin Crow-cll- long- be score ui iviiyi "",M)r vanac pay for ordinary meats. light before - URh to : she I. company Andrew E. Iona, I lenry Robinson, T hJo . . caused n - v'riiiyo when musical, comedy rrl ..uwvrt 01 a teachi th V.-- John Fassoth, .v. heavv iron -- - on : William Akana, A. Wa- a Coast Amateur Hears". Kah irom menacing position on a v- .. terhouse. E. Kopke, John Fassoth. i aa ft for Honolulu, W .. Kahuku wireless station Chang Sack. ,f!5 Uslon. of the Metropolitan tloat Marhot with n Matson Navigation Police station to have been in touch tT The 'terr Per str. Kilanea, for Kona th Eack f' Enterprise from san fTanci and Kau teur plant, lnstaueu .ai fiout. Ittcr-U',- ,1 V ports. 10. Mrs.-W- - .The. . : expectfo June Mr. and Mul- n;irt tho ; , 'amer; Mauna. PArine. Honolulu and is rf Californ.ia, aud tnc propyl j ;i ea ma . i As. ier, miss M. Muller, Miss w'w.r iianp. much to thP tAtr-- -- m wonoay F. Muller, ...... hich Bchool lad named Ansoa v ned from arrjve here eauyi tr Mrs. G. ,.,IIjr jwqestrlans - a E. Campbell. Miss M. Camp- r At . say Youig r 1 bringing veSsei has ,.beretofora; . vod Oakland thev that ImiiI- 1 ThJs bell, Mrs. E. C. Judd. Miss Farley, trcmendom euc.i Jt E. cer is mectinsr with - Mrs. A. C. Farley, Mrs. W. H. .Tfei8Vc ,., ;m dispatch- pd in cargo offe Stone, cess with the wireless instra increase Sr., Todd, t-- Francis Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Underwear h about a ycat o tftloS v5 at three - caused cbaap Muslin which installed Si rorta Fraacisca thi Wallace. Willie Ahu. Robert Wassman, is of in his home in Picdrront He K? terr t : The Enterprise will prH . s,i1h nf tlo above line are now cn display. The underwear Fred Wassman, K. loan p. Mfss F. - v-- tv. ic Nc . .,',1' ,, nrW-t- t . . - - , , - V . . . - - reach- - of all snocialty of 1 to take oa sugar? for Eddie Taylor, . T VT.tl.....! - .- . ...I V -nuts if' within to Hilo Kaai, Miss C. Davison, Miss E. Bertle-man- n, on a bick-l- the laitai .I.... . wireless, as he has already uwu acVa 01 refineries, ing down head ;, n Miss K. Kauhane, MLss P. Kaahumarm street professionals to contnc u - ca-- VlfsO'pacVa3 , , B Dry Goods Company couragod by Iainahalo, Miss X. Kauhane, Miss Ah intersection, with Quen S'f: Canton" winning iorj 4 Away for 5a, uiaicruz EMPIRE THEATRE with his work, which is r, Mexican I r w rtr evening, met in ., OPI'OSiTE . 1 Akana, Miss L. Bray, L. collision a;.f2 hTiiLM 01 l i8 ,','." steam-- American-ita- w w-- Miss Akoi, with HOTEL him-- rpcoirnition. Ho is one in auai wTlS irt'awTn Th. bile number 1178. the . r . . . 1 rm. tK- 'U' 1 . to lave Miss Kalei Iyno, Miss Emma Smith, property ViTil pioneer Father Girard. Burnett workers there . v-'- ony of wireless . from tio ptd. Per str. W. G. Hall, for Kauai ports, WHEN YOU ARE READY TO MOVE RING US UP 191 Inc. accoroinB erably bruised 1 June 12 J. P. Cooke, S, A. through 1 town Prankmeunt for the AntlDOdeS ,.,a Vn may be bv officera in.the Hea Baldwin, 11? We have the best equipment for that line of work in cpm- - in fleprvr f, - Ri Catton, W. M. Gilford. K. Trioa was taken to Queen's Hosnitai u V W rfianntched his . Know How. fantoinAAA lvanc -- returne4 to moIukjW-- Men That Po This Work . I' .;' "::atote Frans- - Sc. wbiCh w John Waterhouse, C. H. Cooke, H. A. it was found that while be had iani thr Rntish steamship e origu1 Mexican Aus-stralia-n The tained some and other ' !v res-- with Baldwin. W. I Hopper.. internal injuries mount, for Freerafintle the J heen supplied tfT4fc dition was ser!oU315' ports yesterday afternoon, tne Per str. Claudine. for Maui ports, not considered as iCo. " Express supplied with five v. 1i8- - . f nrpspXVPiin June 13. Mrs. S. G. Kraus. Miss D. Hawaiian yucen &t3. vessel having been LORRIN K. SMITH, Mgr. Nmianu & hundred tnns rn.il d:irine the stay Kraus, Miss B. Kraus, Mrs. L. Paulo, An ugly- change is prrfprrrd , Phone 21C4 Harry part-Hawaiia- n at Honolulu. Miss C. Emmesley. Wilson, a ai Nv-- , r S man by a ld The larcer nart of the steamer s r 4?e big America sh Per str. Claudine, for Maui ports, little girl rarco was loaded at Tacoma. The June 36. Mrs. M. Taylor, Miss M. it is claimed, is an adopted dau'ehS with fve feady police Switches Frankmount In calling from Honolulu in- - Deas, Joe Meinecke, Miss R. Ha la. The were today called Curls and 20 V,. Of car0 j some wecl ago for the Sound also fa v;.i ''0;;. rTn; Miss M. Haia, D. Wads worth, A. Place Wilson under arrest a ehari MADE FROM COMBINGS. f.-- having called at Novo, California, for a part Coast. of the U Wadsworth, Miss E. Meinecke, Miss assault been prcferrpd shipment of Is of. ran,l1. G. Meinecke, Miss C. uty Sheriff Rose and pi, and Retouching. Satisfactory Work Guaranteed. lumber. The steamer V.ce. Sorrow or Monday, m. E. Church. Police Trv u for Renovation carrying ome of the largest consign Per str. Mauna Kea. for Hilo X, B, Ecimerson are lnquir"vr CLEANING CO., 221 Eerefania StreeL fMslaTt JJ j. Ba3. spent a forti. f via making OFFICE WITH STAR CLOTHES ments of . way ports. 17. mto lumber that has passed - June Mrs. Jereniias, the matter. Wilson L at prSt through Honolulu in months. outwaij 0.tc: V1. Hawaii Pol :"-:r- ;r;i Mrs. C. F. Eckart, Charles G. Eck-- t Near Alakea. Telephone 1182. 1 a fine. i& st- and the loauuig f ' HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1913. OliDEU DRIDE ffllES IrEOJNG JRfJ - - n li - POORLY? fTSmm look 'nx- OF SERIOUS CHARGES is" n nj f v W PRESIDENT ' z . ; Jost dran around? Tired a3 time ? Languid, " ; " V ) the depressed. '' r i re u O i , ...' i : discouraged? . Do not stimulate; imntf (Continued page one) j'Cheap A ALUMNI from that will only make bad matters . ... A WC sus Battels rendered the previous worse. Take a tonic; a regular " : ; :: : day) was or I !, , ..Imitations:' the rottenest rankest tonic, and one entirely free frost :': : '.l have ever heard': '(referring afcohoL Take : The election of officers to serve herein) Cor-re-a , - That to affiant must .. n rr W: during the coming year, and the ad- has been spoken of as the judge's mitting of new members to the organ- successor he is poor enough material This cst ization formed the principal items of as it is, but in my opinion he would Y Y a meeting Kameha-meh- a business at of the be preferable to Judge Iatthewman': Alumni Association last even- There is graft from, the county off- ing. The reports of the retiring offi- icials down to the court and his little cers, covering the work of the past honor is as big a grafter as any of year, were presented, including that them': 'He (referring to said judge) - as- I rade- a c ; Muj of the treasurer which showed the got his appointment through the v to in sociation be excellent financial hands of the Planters (referring to condition. the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Asso- J UwJlw I L The following officers were elected: ciation of Hawaii), all of which - BOLD FOB U 60 YEAE3 Joseph . Ordenstein, president; Rev. statements, so made by him, the said Akafko Akana, vice-presiden- t; Wil- Joseph Lightfoot, were false and un- You will soon fed the gain all -- Mark liam Ahia, treasurer; McGowan, Allen true, and all of which were made of through your system. And you - ; recording secretary; Harold Godfrey, and concerning the said, case of Bar-tel-s corresponding secretary, and Louis versus, Battels, so pending in will keep the gain, too. Ask your Feary, auditor. Thomas Tread way, said court before said Judge at cham- doctor, and do as he says. Sam Kaaloa and Harry , Auld were bers as aforesaid, and of and concern- elected to the board of directors. The ing said court and said judge.' " To get the most out of Ayers new members elected, among whom Hearing Postponfeo. SarsapariHa, your bowels should "Jenjaaxln QliLta were several 1913 graduates from The McBride affidavit was filed last be regular." Correct any tendency Kamehameha, were Edward Akana, Monday morning and Judge Mathew-ma- n to constipation with Ayer Pi3s. Daniel Hipa, K. Chung, Fred Cockett instructed Assistant County At- and William Kekapa. The members torney Heen to institute contempt Dose, just one pill at bedtime. of the alumni of Kamehameha wil proceed Ing3 against Lightfoot The Frepart By J3K. J.C. ATX OO ( TT. . ' meet for the annual reunion in i the contempt order was made returnable Torcll Taa.. ft. A dining halt of the Kamehameha man the following mprning and when

ual. school at seven o'clock this even Lightfoot came into crJurt to ; answer ing. event will be , The in the form it, he demanded that, the. hearing be lii-Tovva- of a luau and speeches and songs wil postponed. This was objected to by be included in the. program. ; Heen, but after some discussion Judge Matthewman set July 12th as the date All women who pose are not models. for hearing in the matter FJasonicTempl rouues is a goou game, uut hralgnty poor business. . ; J. B. Lightfoot threw a new light HEAR on the case this morning when he Is- YOU THIS sued a statement setting out that the -- A ON ALL SIDES '' ! affidavit filed by McBride was the re- Beverage d 7 sult of spite, and that it is. absolutely -- Syrup , Yeehly Calendar Jt '.,"-"- ;'" .'. untrue. . ;:' ..' The following is his statement: "C. A. McBride filed an affidavit in MOXDATt Men have al WANTED . who ways the circuit court at Hilo falsely charg- Hawaiian Lodge. Statew. For ing me with making certain remarks had their clothes made, At Telephone lineman, competent to re- disrespect pair lines and adjust Instruments outside of court in to the TCISDATi to order are Griddle court. McBride is a man I have su- now Kauai Telephone Co. See Supt ; Soda i for preme contempt for, and have had no wearing Cakes, "Hawaiian Electric Co. 5567-3- 1 TTEDSESDATt dealings with him for a long time. - - .. Fountains etc. Errand boy. Apply Cha3. R, Frazier On two occasions I have ordered him THUESDlTt "Alfred BerijamirM 07,-- 3 my office. Several while I;' v Co., Alakea Street. 55 1. out of times Scottish Kite. Installation. in Kona trying cases there he has at- Transaction of Business. Clothes . SITUATION WANTED tempted to make, trouble for me; and to vent his spite he now makes his FRIDAY x Experienced lady stenographer wishes affidavit falsely charging me with - Oceanic Lodge. Third Degrre Because MEDICAL Morning on Change DISCUSS position. Address "J. R., this of making statement in derogation to PLiS - t. mm fice. 5567-3- the, dignity of the court. SATUEDATt They mdde bet-- ; "Judge open are Thd closing day of the week saw Matthewman stated In Aloha Temple. Regnlar. sugar stocks decline, and in a number court that he did not attach import- ter. was sharp, Hawaiian ance to the thafges, but as they came WAY ADr.ilT THE of cHses the fall Attention, horsemen! 'army officers before him in the form of an affidavit, Commercial, Oahu, Olaa, JMoncer, . All visiting members of managers! leaving to the4mat-te- r tht prices plantation Am he considered it best turn cordially to at- Waialua all went at reduced for coast for horses the 10th, over to W. H. Heen, the county order are Invited Because this morning. Five shares of Waialua, the tend meetings of local lodges. and any orders , given me will re attorney. He says he has thought it ARMV MEDICOS vhich suffered decrease In value from PARIDE0F19I4 ceive my best personal efforts to best to bring" the whole matter be They hive inorc the notice of suspension of dividends, please. Honolulu address, 1112 fore the court, which he has done. were sold at 69. Olaa. sold at 1.25, a yard, Phone No.454 ; Thecourt rhas given me nntllr th,e style. point below former sale.. Oahu counter-affidavit- s, half its berg, seamen aaaresa i vsvo &4in middle of July to file my ' " n050LULU LODGE, 618, B. P. 0. E. One of the largest meetings ever dropped a quarter point, going at 14.2", (Continued from page one) Ave., South. which I will do." 18.75.;' by Medical Society and Pioneer sold at Hawaiian , sensational charges will be held the iawaif '.That No. Because took place In.; the oflce of Dr; J. S. Commercial, which began to fall from committee in sending a team of - AUTOS FOR SALEr - made against McBride before the Honolulu Lodge . 616, B. O. Elks, K. Pratt, president of the board of 26 yesterday, closed at 1.50 this morn- swimmers to partake in the races in cases i In ended was Indicated this P. health, at naif-pas- t seven o'clock last ing. : San Francisco July 4. A letter to Hudson roadster, 1912 model in good morning by Mr. Lightfoot, who with- meets in their hall, on They fit better. - easy; riding King St., near Fort, evening. Besides, the ., members Though a good number of sales were the mayor and the board of supervis- condition; fast and car. drew" part of the statement he had thero were present severai represen- made the prices were all low. Rub- ors' with request for a monthly allow- Price reasonable; telephone 1333 dictated, saying that it would come Every Friday evening. array medical corps. In- Tanjong OJok sold in ance has been sent, also a letter, to before, the court at the proper time. Visiting Brothers are tatives of the ber stock in the biggest town cluding Col. D. M. Appel, chief of the three parcels for 30, a point and a half the manufacturer of 'tli.ee moving pic- We have the bargains in cordially invited to Because second hand automobiles, and - medical staff of the Hawaiian. depart- below Its selling prices, whiije Pahang ture film entitled "An Idyll of Ha- in Wife: What d&you-mea- n by telling attend. can meet your requirements ; wheth COKE, ment; Lieut. Col. Reynolds, and Cap- 17.50 and 17.23. I waii," asking the company's Mrs. Crewso's husband you never ask J. L. E. R. sold at er it's for a roadster; a touring car H. DUNSHEE, They are guaranteed tains Owens and Davis of Colonel - The of the persistent rumors in having it withdrawn from pic ray advice about anything? Husband; Sea truth er seven-passeng- machine. All Appel's staff. Mrs. D. M. Appel, wife been current on the ture circuits. or a Well, my dear, I don't. You don't clothes. which have these machines are in very best Meet on 2nd of Coionel Appel, who Is also a physi- streets the last, week that the Ewa In regard to the 1914 poster as pro- wait to be asked. the .. having thoroughly present divi- posed condition, been and . 4th Mon- - cian, was plantation will discontinue its . by Secretary Wood, it has been ' were made during overhauled and put in first class Three addresses dends after JulyJ could not.be deter- suggested that the poster be selected may d a y s of each Because evening, the first by Dr. J. R. morning, officials of from runaing order. These cars be the mined this and local and California competition seen at any time at the Jtoyal Ha month at K. P. Judd, who presented a discussion of the company refused to discuss any and that no design, be accepted after TODAY gallstones. He was waiian Garage. 5566-- 1 w. NEW Hall, 7:30 p. m. The patterns are the actions of may take In the August 1, 19i3 or by having one ' action the directors of - ' followed by Dr. Jackson of the of dividends. E. D. Tenney the old posters changed to j Members of oth- - matter meet FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. IN DISTRICT COURT OF newer.- Queer's hospital, who discussed men- that' as the meeting cf the di- present conditions, and re- THE Itarlne Lnsrineers e r Associations stated that the the United States in and for the Dis ingitis, illustrating his talk with rectors was more than two weeks off, plies received from letters sent to the : Beneficial; are cordially In- gave (70) 57xl07Ms house and lot within trict and Territory of Hawaii. In specimens. Dr. C. B. Wood a he did notv wish to make any state- art departments ofthe various main- walking ?o50.00. 'Association vited to attend. puer- distance; the matter of William K. Maspherson, short address upon the topic of ment, either, to sustain or refute the land publications be used with regard (71) 45,200 sq. ft, : building lots in Because " bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No. .... peral fever. rumor. - to the 1914 poster. ; ; a Witt. town; 16,500.00. Tv To the creditors of Wm. K. Mac- - McKRLET LODGE, No. 8, Following the addresses, Dr. C. B. Referring to the action of the di- (72) 100x100; prices House and . lot electric The are less proposed that the visitors pherson, of Honolulu, in the district Juof P. Cooper rectors of the Waialua plantation in , lights, gas, servants quarters; army be made mem- aforesaid, a bankrupt: than one half what representing the discontinuing dividends, he stated $3800.00. on was re- Notice is hereby given that the Meets every 2nd and 4th Satur- so-cal- led bers of the society. This that it was due to the "low rate of (73) 50x200 brand new house ; 5 min-- you pay for to the committee on nomina- sugar general condition of 6th day of .June, A. D..1913, said Wm, day evening at.7:30 o'clock In ferred and the . mutes' walk from, carline; $200.00 ' K. Macpherson was duly, adjudged a K Of P. Hall, cor. Fort and made - to - measure tion. ,. . affairs." down, and $2a.00 per month. , . . bankrupt, and, that the first meeting Beretania. Visitlne brothers kind. Easy terms to suit purchasers. 84,6 cordially to - won- of his creditors will be held at Invited to attend. The Elks' Flag Day exercises arc It is generally a tremendous Cressaty, 78 Merchant St, phone 4147 - 14 club's hall. A get by. T O PROTEST Kaahumanu street, Honolulu on the A. H. AIIRENS, C. C. be- held June at the der how some of the brethren -- , 5566-2- t, , .i. , 28th day of June, at 10 o'clock a. m., ; Jj. B. K, program ajipi lpi laic iui iuc Some great men are so conserva REEVES, R.S. being prepared. Invitations have they lean backwards. at , which time said creditors may at- is tive that . FOR SALE prove claims, the been sent to ,the members inviting Tiat s the use of carrying a tend, their examine OAnU LODGE, 1, present. grouch? only helps to make one FARMER 4 h.p. motorcycle,' practically new; bankrupt, elect a trustee, and trans L O. O. T. them to be It may prop- round-shouldere- d. i such business as , ; . leaving act other O. . owner for coast. Address Oahu Lodge, 1, L ... t erly come before said meeting. There nro kisKPft worth S100 aDiece. There are forty ways of making a "Cycle," this office. 5567-6- t. C T will meet In GEO. S. CURRY, ? but they are no better than the ten proposal to a woman. The hardest the Central Union " ' way. House of six rooms; good location; Referee in. Bankruptcy. ' ones. . . thing is to find the right, Makino, Bible School Room cent . Fred. editor and publisher 5567-l- t. North Kona; acre of ground , with June 7, 1913. . of the Hawaii Hochi, announced this the first and third coffee. Will sell for less cost. haJf-pa3- morning that a massmeeting will be than Tuesday at l held tomorrow Dr.: Goodhue, Holualoa, HawaiL seven p. m. night at the Asahi the- ; 5566-lt- . ater by Japanese of the city to make R, A. SOARE3, Chief Templar. formal protest against the remarks A Playlet in One Act concerning Japanese women attribu- FOR RENT. HONOLULU LODGE Jfo. 8C, FffiHE PACKARD SHOE ted to Inspector Farmer of the federal New cottages on Fort street exten- Entitled L.O. O. 3L immigration service. sion. Rent reasonable.- - Young Kee will meet in Odd Fellows building, ftVvrt r IT In or pretest tel-445- erraflf rtAi avaw Resolutions of are being Grocery store, 1220 Emma St.; 6. ttfo SALE : drawn up and will be presented to the 55C6-ly- .: ".evening at 7:30 o'clock. foot-we-ar v fm is the last word in meeting. As published several days j Visiting brothers cordially Invited ago,, Inspector Farmer is credited CLOTHES CLEAN ING. "Tme Blue to attend. S fine lots on Leilehua Ave., with reflecting on the of near character Emma and School Sts.; $840, $730 Japanese working-wome- n In Hawaii, Chi Wan Yo, clothes called for and CLEM K. QUINN, Dictator. ; because in style D. and $755; cash $200, bal. easy pay- his alleged being JAMES-T?r4XOY- " statement made in delivered; River nr. Kukui St. . It is a true version of an everyday Secty. ments. course of passing opinion on : 5566-ly- . ;' the the occurrence, describing merits of $1000 2 new houses application of a Japanese girl for en- the and corner lot ' 50x100 on 12th Ave. to the blue serge, . telling, of If s fait dye. and Maunalel, and comfort it has few trance territory. CHIROPODIST. Ave.; ea.sy terms. Inspector-in-charg- e Richard Halsey durability and elegant effect when FOR SALE says that the statements attributed to Mme. King, 640 Beretania, Tel. 4155; made into a suit of clothe.? by Geo. were incorrectly quoted. Ed- chiropody and. manicure; residence Fanner twenty-five- . . 5563-C- A. Martin, the tailor for, equals. Our stock includes itor Makino, who will preside at to- work. Fine large !ots on car line In the nen P. E R. STIMUCil, morrow night's massmeeting, says he THE ACT. .; . ia Tract; 550 Is prepared to prove that Farmer made CONTRACTOR to $750 in installments. Valty nnUilm. 74 g. Klax"Slrei the statements over his own signature. Opens like this: '...';, " FOR RENT the latest lasts and leathers 1 1. Mirikitani, general contractor and Renovated bouse, 35.

agent. te carpentering; real estate Enter, man with pleading counte A new up-to-da- furnished 1164 Nuuanu. nr. Pauahi; tel. 3757. nance and tearj eyes: cottage at Kalihi; $35.00. Nuuanu Valley 5566-l- y. in all sizes. WEATHER TODAY . A large, house with all lat- "Have you got any more blue serge est improvements, good neighbor- WATCHMAKER. ike this?" indicating suit he has on. hood, $33. ParK Trcci Deep, watchmaker; jewelry re- You made it two years ago and it Saturday, June 7. Lum CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR King nr. it- - H. pairing; St, Bethel. faded a certainly ha3 SALE.-Fo- r Temperature C a. m., 74; S a-;- hasn't bit; J. Schnack, 55C6-ly- . 137 7.; 10 a. m.. 78; 12 noon, 79. Mini-nui- ni given me ;my money's worth." Merchant Street Maps, Prices and Terms, Apply to last night, 71. ''Yes," answers Martin, is our Wind 6 a. m., velocity 15, E.; 8 NEW OAHU CARRIAGE MFG. CO. 'it James T. Taylor, C.Lf a. m , velocity 12, N.E.; 10 a. m., guaranteed not-to-fad- e serge, we spe- Real Estate Loans yo. Mclnerny Shoe Store 12 Car- Office: 611 Stanffenwald E'lj. velocity 14. E.; noon, velocity 14, Wholesale and Retail Dealers' in cial for twenty-five.- " N'.E. Movement, past 24 hours, 295 riage and Wagon Materials and Telephone 215J Residence: Nuuanu 1 Fort above King St. mile's.: Supplies. "Goo 1 ! " exclaims the man, no v Avenue ail La!z:l I) i t--- Tin fl Road; Telephone 2103; P. O. Box 723. m ttni nt.fi n Ua1o Carriage Makers and General Repair- with moftt pleased expression, "Make J. R. WILSON 'tive humidity. 8 a. m., 86. Dew-poi- nt 1 ers. Painting, Blaeksmithing, Rents Collected me another suit." -- 3666 - STAR-BrLLET- at 8 a. m... 71. Absolute humidity, 8 Woodworking and Trimming Office, Phones- Res. 2397 I5 CITES TOTJ a. m., 8.046. Rainfall, 0.02. Queen St. nr. Prison Road 923 Fort SUet TODAY'S SEWS T0DAI HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY, .TrXK 7, 1013.

8 8 8888 8 Hit n 888888 888 8 8 8 8 8 1 ?iifiriHriiirliiirIiiir rr-H- 1 II H H tf 8 ifitt Old 1oc s a 8 !l 8 Bl ...... - in': NOT WITHOUT HONOR HI RILEY H. ALLEN EDITOR 8 Wedding Ri ngs You have heard a thousand time?, ness in human nature a strain of my eon. that familiarity breeds con' animalism as yet not ; i ? SATITHDAY 7, 1013 New Jersey: is through an experience eliminated. i . iff JUNE in; tempt; it's true of this saying if of which delights in seeing climbing i i with lulor troubles similar to that of La wren re, nothing else. . Hut there's some truth things fall; in laughing when the It' Avji brave inan May male out a life which 3IjLvsarhusetts. And, as in Massachusetts, the in it despite the mouthing. much -- praised rope-walk- er tumbles f- - t in(T i n , . . v l i i" uiuuiiiii ui;tii Jviu aim il iii14ui. in rn n vnem nvur shall be happy hiinxelf, and by xo domy, be- 4 i ,i f w nit.,i x.tt a Should be purchased early, and from', for aumornies are iryil to Mll me aviators io common work:: husband, father, son.! preachers scandal or the.uivrich man's those him. II. our stock of many wtljjhts and styles neficent Jo about loll Shti tliA irfiill11il tlil llwtlf CI ullt'lilihl Olli brother, citizen, fn the estimation of bankruptcy. "Priue must have- - a 1 . his immediate neighbors seldom rises we say ' The way of the trans- - m t hostility. v tor every man or woman ,n,. stMitfV..a R. jr i COwU 1 in i, v. ma uroi ui t ir i IS Hit U. 11 gill IS us to have I " STANDARD DISSOLVED L: s.-- via IS Oir ? to jail in Massachusetts, the lalor element are ready, my son. tot say that he .3 j Jones get so far ahead of us up the caincd a thousand converts. Ettor ami (iiova- - good generous, industrious, or pos- honored way; we sniff a little be- sessed of average qualities; but they cause his is the only name In Who's - l'lHn the very day that the Standard Oil nitti finally- went free while William M. Wool, lookas if they might laugh when you Who. Why should our Jones be Ccmp.uiy aiinouml a stock dividend of 400 iH-- r of the woolen trust and dictator of the hint genius or extraordinary ability, there? : He was born here and served No doubt, my boy, it is his inspira- - his community in small capacities! cent, Attorney general McHeynolds tlecided that Total 272 , Average dally ... .175 Lawrence mill organization, is now on trial .qualities ; of which my tions. the genius So, son, they reason Withdrawn , . . . . IS of guide pen; ...... eierence, auuii 451 the alleged dissolution the giant corporation charged With resjMUisihility for the' very outrages modulate his voice or his This Joseph has no special prece- Xuirber cf card3 In force April by virtue of his spe- connec- that eoineto; iPi dence except his natural endowment . 30, 1913. 2047! has hecn a farce. Possihly there is no attrihuted to ; the strikers. In Patei'son, Xew cial intellectual" and ; spiritual endow of brains considerably cozzened; it's I; tion between the two occurrences, hut certainly Jersey, is similar. The Circulation of books bv classes: the 7 ments Le are his despite 7 situation strikin:lv which knows too bad for him to be set above his Adult. J. ToL LITTLE INTERVIEWS Standard Oil's history since President Taft and problem is bein woefully mishandled bv the ail- - destructive criticism and sneers. brethren, the one Star to which Sun, General ".. . 95 .. 95 XI I 1...... , ' , l wincu nil iiliu iuuic lue Moon and all the other stars must Philosophy . 95 1 60 ui-uii-I : X!:..1.,.l I) .ii: n aiif'iauuu m. MHMiMiam jpjihmti utoriiit'S, wno apptar to sioiiij; Willi ones-a- t who Religion ruiniui of his familiars, the least render obeisance! ...... 44 , 58 102, NELSON LANSING Cigarettes the dissolution plans shows no sins that tlu against lalor just as thty did in Lawrence. are not touched with a personal . love So, my lad, in every community Sociology ...... 106 511 617 ought unquestionably to be abolished. him. Philology . 9 4 13 Shennan anti-trus- t law has seriously interfeied for :.;'".'.';'' this always modest, but persistently ..... They are not only harmful to the ut- V . It is true, my son, that some per- inspired man is sold into Egypt, where Natural Science , 39 49 S8 termost, but the habit is filthy and with the profitable conduct jf lnlsiness. President Wilson's lobbying on behalf of the sons are covetous, envious and jeal- - indeed he is placed in greater honor Useful arts v. . . 50 25 75 disgusting, as well. I Fine . 82 33 115 Wilson-Underwoo- ous knowing but have arts THOMAS KELLY The poha terry The company that declaryil yestenlay's divi- - d tariff bill is just as 'open and without it. and. where, at last, his brethren most come to worship him. - Literature . . . . . 191 95 28 is not to be had in Hawaii for' any ; History . 91 175 dend is nominally the Standhrd Oil Comiwiny of probably just as legitimate as the lobbying fai, to apprfCjate largely from ignor-Xe:- w .... . 2I amount of gold. The fruit is simply ; ; York nominally also one of the former against the bill. A few days ago the senate fi- - ance. indifference or ant of discrim- - 7 Travel . . 208 ,85 29i not here. I have secured some sed and B. Coll...... 17 71 88 from Australia and will 'make a try-o- ut 1 . a. : x. 4 i. .1 tit ! ination. it i i - ...... miUo. - m f i ik Biosraphy . 84 3.7 119 oT growing Biiosiaiaries 01 me uig irusi. becoming io uiuin- Miiriiuiuiiiiin- iwu uamui i. hhwhj ti.v Yef mv son. we must acknowledge .... "poha" at Wahiawa. Fiction . .3850 1889 C73J torney-geuera- l Wickersham it in reality an in- - free list, wishing to retain a. small duty on meats that there is a streak of malicious- - h French . . 48 .. 48 , ' J. WV CALDWELL and AK C f 1.U .1.1 U(.iu.1nf1. Oil fV.tnnonvf iiTul flniir flip finislirHl nriMliirt. It ItHtkHl like German . . 13 .. 13 Wheeler, of the public works depart- Spanish . whose bulk, prdfits:and conduct have furnished a weakening of the Wilson wall. Senator Mnir ment, returned this morning from; LIBRARY Maui , on, .the Lurline, on which they t. prf-siden- PERSONAL themes for many a stuum' snuke,r. 1116ns had a conference with the After IV Totals . ..: . . . . .'.4994 3031 802.1 journeyed to the Valley Island Thurs- the conference he announced that though the largest circulation any one day. . R2-- ) day evening, la 'Engineer A. E. The Standard Oil Company of New York has ; Smallest any.one day. 207 ' j . circulation Brunnie's automobile they Journeyed wishetl to modify the bill, it was now I Average daily circulation 308 several, Friday, visit- a capital stock of ?lo.000,0(K). It will now be committx? MRS. tAM JOHNSON of Pahoa is PATRONIZED BV ...... hundred miles The Reading room and reference-Rea- ding ing the various landings and travers- increased to $75,000,000, the stock dividend 1k- - thought lest not to change the free list. in the city for a short visit with room, 2312 friends." ' adult...... ing the Haiku and other homesteads presi-stoc- k' Reading room, junior., 2217 ing made payable on June 13. ::T1iLh is the third gentle suspicion naturally arises that the SENATOR II. P. PENH ALLOW of ...... and public roads in which the depart- Total ...... 4549 ment is officially, interested. of the dent did soine tail lobbying about that time. Maui arrived in Honolulu in the dividend that subsidiaries ftnner steamer Kilauea yesterday. MANYTHOUSAND Oil Trust have announced .within a week. The ' ; MRS. H. B. MORRIS, of Seattle, is Oil Company of Nebraska has an.' Attorney Claudius IcRrides sensational a recent arrival In the city for a Standard month's tour of the Islands. Honolulu's new library, made possi i ?Trw' T,f nnA statements concerninr Attorney Lidit foot did iX PHVA. U1UUIUU.i:..:.i;f Ul xiJ vzl Uliu JAMES AGO, deputy tax assessor of ble by gifts of Andrew Carnegie and uuuuinj rill ' Penn Company has increased its stock by not reach the point of receiving serious attention Kailua, Hawaii, arrived in Honolulu opened four months ago. Is making a South on the Kilauea yesterday for a brief lemarkable record In service to the 30Oi)er util they were filed in affidavit form, when vv- method cent. visit. public. - , ' a similar reading ' MISS REYNOLDS recently you -- ' thev- can no longer be ignored, either by J mige who The library commissioners have Just won't ever own a home. .i Originally the capital stock of the Standard? arrived in Honolulu,. from San Fran passed on the recent reports of Miss . i AfjitHirnvninn or- the- iMHmle- of this territory. cisco, intends making her residence 0 1 Company of New York was ?3,000,000. in r Edna Allyn, the librarian, which show But If you pay $500 now, and let Thei-- e is; however, a general attitude of in this city. j how rapidly. the membership cards are the rest of the money be paid Just as ten years II. A. BALDWIN, 1892 it was increased: to $i,000,000 and president of the I being cut, the books In circula you now pay rent, you'd soon ownthl3 waiting until the returns'J"are all in before pass National bank of Kahului, returns to taken tion and give a report on the traveling $2250 home in Kaimuki. . . ago to $15,000,000. The company's surplus at the 'Twin Islands oa the steamer W. ing judgnuutof any kind. Claudius's hatred for library system also. . . the end of last year was in excess of $45,000,000. G. Hall next week. i . Large nearly new bungalow territery-wid- e knowl The March report s.ows 5t1 lot: of the limelight is a mattef of MRS. OTTO WIX. wife of the that five rooms. a you hail merchandise on hand of $41,800,000, and new were Issued, 4412 , It's fine chance, If It prominent artist, is enroute to Hono- cards adult .don't overlook edge. , it cash and bills receivable of $21,903,000, against lulu in the Sonoma,-- scheduled to ar- books given out and 3235 Juver rive at this port June 9 bcoks. A daily average of . 294 books iPATli $10,000,- - out was sustained. Reading whichMhererre Stt war-vess- el COOKE, of Alexander & taken accttft The greatest that ever visited this ' ' Baldwin has left fpr. Kahuku. He will room attendance" for the" month was , 000 and floating debt of $3,053,000. . I port, II. M.S. New Zealand, will come to Houo-- probably not return .to. Honolulu un 3990, or a daily average of 153. The 3 , ; j w - -- Dividends of only ( per cent were paid dur- hlhl on jui3- - 12. On her way around the world til the first of the week. lecture hall was used three times for C. H. COOKE, president of . the public meetings. The traveling library 1D12, company's floating debt was ing but the she has been accorded a royal reception, fitting Bank of Hawaii, will be among the department sent book collections o ; reduced from nearly $16,000,000 to ielow $4,-- great navy, was not many many local people leaving for Kauai all of the Islands, the number of vol fnr a monarcn 0f a It on the W. G. Hall next week. - being 329. 000,000, earnings being applied to that pur-- umes its montll8 ago that salutes exchanged between guns ALBERT WATERHOUSE, presi- The April report contains much of pose. Beside announcing the purpose of a 400. uere an(i guns on a British naval vessel dent of the. Waterhouse Company, interest to the public. Miss Allyn re expects to leave for .Kauai on the ports: ' cent dividend, the company declared a cash be- - steamer V. G. Hall next per were ueaini around the world, the ceremony week. There were Issued dunng the month $G 10. W. M. GIFFARD, . chairman of the dividend of a share, payable June ing unusual. A reception to the New Zwiland is territorial agricultural commission, 272 new cards, 214 adult, 59 juvenile, making registration 3092. -- -- There is no doubt that the three announce--. in ortler. intends leaving Hoholula for Kauai te to date BEAUTIFUL- - USEFUL- INEXPENSIVE n0w on W. G. on From the adult department 4994 to--, the steamer Hall June 12. ments of stock dividends, coming so close R. I. L1LLIE, the local commission books were loaned; from the juvenile department 3C31. a of 8025, or a Attorney-genera- l dic been merchant, will return to Honolulu on total Vieira Jewelry Co., Ltd. .115 Hotel St. gether, has lent color to The kind of lobbying that Hawaii has average of 308'. gain Monday in the Sonoma from an ex- daily This is a of ' l - - Reynolds's suspicions. Having seen the. work- doing is the kind that educates the, people of the tended' business trip to the main- 378 over the circulation for March. Popular Jewelers ; g - land. The entire reading room attendance ing of Wickersham's trust-bustin- machine from United States as to the true facts of sugar pro- MANAGER BLANCHE of the Hong-- , was 4549, or 175 daily. Four hundred the inside, the new attorney-genera-l ought to be duction in this territory. Lies numberless have kong office of Thomas Cook & Son, and fifty-on-e were given special help with Oil octopus and cut Hawaii. Why should we will arrive in Honolulu in the Man- in the reference departn-.en- t quite able to battle the been circulated about churia July 10 en route to San Fran-- In December. 1912. the Honolulu LI off its tentacles, so they will stay cut off. tamely submit to malignant misrepresentation CISCO.' ' brary received from the estate of Mrs. WHEN Y0D WANT JOSEPH LIGHTFOOT, the local C. C. Allen a bequest of books. At REAL . when it threatens our greatest industry? attorney, returned to Honolulu yes- the last meeting of the Honolulu Li- terday from Kailua, Hawaii, where brary board "it was voted that the AN ANSWER TO WAR-TAL- K he attended the session of the circuit books received should be loaned D. Dougherty, whose name has been '"" thus James court. to the Library of Hawaii on the same Fresh Ciraclsen'o . ' - suj-'Srei- DELBERT E., METZCER, consid- as loaned by A n nrMTPntivn of nar. lark of nrmips nml nr-- wi " - """"" conditions those the as a . possibility' govern- - ered for the agreement of May 10, 1909. During M14 Plbral AouM .make- 1 mamcnt is nothing compared to lack of financial parade. ji orship of Ilawaji, enroute to Hono- April this collection of 193 volumes BUY LOVE'S BAKERY CRACKERS I choice. : His services to past directors have been lulu In the Sonoma and will arrive Avas catalogued and made available. resources Monday. bere Fifty-seve- n' additional volumes from '1 'invaluable. He is a gootl organizer, he knows the HERBERT? KINS LEA, who for war-deb- t, - . Ii various sources were also catalogued, Japan s according to latest statis- ,i,0i,mM - y At' situation, and it is tof be hoped that sugges- the past several weeks has teen do- making the total accessions for the de-- ing stenographic Circuit tics, is such that the average laborer must wtrk for the ; T ' will develop into a conclusion. . month 250 volumes. tion court of West Hawaii, was a return- In work room 204 books were vote one month s wages each year solely to the v ing passenger yes- the on the Kilauea lepaired. This work Is now done un ( terday.: ; interest on the Japanese liabilities of $1,271,-- vThe der the direction of the janitor and question of the wisdom of a municipal ALFRED J. ORAM, of the Office 745,000. Japan's bonds are selling below I rocfripTino with very commendable results. pardamhall for IIoilollllu has nothin. whateVer Sunnlv Cf has col hia nn Library Henry j Books from the Traveling Waterhouse Tract Co.; avenue, Kaimuki, Mr. H. - and she would find it exceedingly difficult to Eleventh to department have been forwarded to to do with any question of right or wrong in u. 1 weeat, tne deal Demg transacted as borrow should war with the United States break - through Cecil Whitaker, the Kaimuki two new stations follows: dancing itself. Comparatively few people now- Moloka: Kaunakakal, David Kaai, specialist. : ' ouu I adavs object to dancing perse. The objections J. P. COOKE, president and mana- Jr. -- ':. & expects Maul: Pauwela, Mrs. W. J. Cooper, A recent writer on mintarj' subjects gives tne dance-hal- ger of Alexander Baldwin, to a nmn jcipai l are manv. to leave Honolulu on the steamer W. Haiku. ':;. ioiiowing comparison 01 Japanese auu .American G. Hall next Thursday for Kauai. S. Collections are being sent regularly A. Baldwin of the firm of Alexander to 13 stations, and 507 volumes have naval strength: President . Wilson is getting considerably and Baldwin will accompany him. been issued in the two months ince .y'iteW:vbi!i--- Unitetl more moral encouragement from the Republican ATTORNEY GENERAL W. W. the arrangements Tor delivering' books ' Sale THAYER expects to take a month's was completed. Japan. Statts. own his charges of lob-- 8 than from his party in vacation in July, leaving here on the The detailed report follows. ' Dreadnoughts ...... bying. Possibly Senator Kenyon is mendy 5th of that month for a sojourn in Registration for the month: '

of . Hawaii. Number of in force March j . . . 13 ira-po- i. the mountain fastnesses cards Other battleships ...... ueipiug sur up me . He announces, however, his trip wiil 31, 1913 ...... 2774 COMMODIOUS HOUSE. AND LARGE GROUNDS IN. THE ...... v. . 27 not be entirely for pleasure, as he Addition- s- NUUANU DISTRICT AT Torpedoboats and destroyers 112 will inspect some lands over which Adult ...... 214 BARGAIN PRICE. ul, The Right Honorable James Bryce insists boundary disputes have arisen. Juvenile 5'J Submarines ...... 13 that Honolulu is more beautiful than it ustnl to .Total tonnage ...... 471,902 703,132 be aud vet the billboards have come in the time

-- IMPROVED i it-4- i 1 wif v? c?fj ' PROPERTY ON PACIFIC HEIGHTS OVER. tif A. ?irr1 Min li !e Japan has a larger standing army and a lar All l. V U w A. L VI V V u Alto I liiWJ. 1 1 LOOKING HONOLULU HARBOR AND NUUANU VAL- er sea-forc- e on the Pacific, but her government FOM. LEY. BARGAIN must face the fact of lack of financial irsounesi Xow that France is . planning to decorate PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. before coutemplatiug a IreaL with the United Peary, Dr. Cook will add another paragraph to . .. .$8500 ...... States, , lecture. Residence Pacific Heights.. Residence Palolo .... .'..$3900 ...... Residence Wilder Avenue...... 7500 Residence 14th Ave., Kaimuki.. 7500 ..... MAKIKI, MANOA AND KAIMUKI REAL ESTATE IM- COURT I the defendant was exempted from tome to a berth at Hackfeld wharf SUPREME payment now by the statute of liini- - early Tuesday morning. The vessel Residence Anapuni Street.. ,.., 4500 Residence 13th Ave., Kaimuki.. 4500 - PROVED AND UNIMPROVED. nm iiifN tations, the action against Parker not has 2382 tons of general cargo in-- Hrrlnulo nuuiinu having beeni brought until last Octo-- eluding 10 automobiles for this port Residence Anapuni Street. . , . 4850 Residence Young Street 4000 ber, or eleven years The liner will probably be dis after the taxes Residence Piikoi Street. . . ,. 6500 Residence Young Street 3000 The supreme court' this morning af-- Ml due patched for Hilo on Thursday even- firmed the decision - or the district : ing, where C65 tons of freight and 2 magistrate of Wailuku. Maul, la Wilhelmina Brings No Mail, suto trucks are to be landed. . Also building lots and residences in all parts of the city. awarding judgment to Deputy Tax A wireless re ceivea ioCay through Assessor N. K. Keola against SamUel the agency of Castle & Cooke r, FIRST W, C WISE, Henry $146.85, ter-- noiinces Waterhouse Trust Go. due approach " Sr., for the the of the Matson Jr., marine corp3, has been ordered to ritory in taxes on real estate for the -- Navigation liner Wi'helmina from Limited, - ilonolulu for station. He is the; son 1900 1901. , The lower San Fraucisco 81 8 Triist Cq, Ltd CORNER ears and with. cabin and Guardiaiv , PORT AND MERCHANT STREETS ' t court's-Judgme- nt was appealed from steerage passengers but uo mail, of Rear Wise, retired and T I clays ago, on ground a few the that The Wilhelmina is expected to has been on duty at Norfolk, Va. 8econd floor Bank of Hawaii Building : nOXOLULU STAR-BULLETI- SAT U HI)AY, .TUNE 7. 101.,. s

orate the Lord in their hearts. The You Can't Be Happy With a Headache morning sermon will be the tenth in the series on the -- Humanity of Je Probably more pleasure is spoiled because of headaches than from any sus." 4k ll The evening service, blending the 4 reason. .''-w'.--- other Y. P, S. C. E. with the preaching fer-vic- e, 4 When your head aches It only makes you unhappy but It Is very has been converted into a twi- nt light Old hymns we have apt or anyone you. service. to Interfere with the pleasure else around One can't be ki.own from our childhood will be expected to be very cheerful and pleasant when one's head 13 simply splitt- sung frcm memory, Mr. Andrus of v' ' '' ! ing.':'";-. ;"'.' ;"- .' leading the congrega- Mott Kameaameha a im says that the reverse of the tion. The ministers evening sermon SioarnG' ElooiriG miuv i m DrunrcD second reason is also true. Yeuss ' Any And there is no need of suffering. Keep a box of , will te evangelistic. man who Will l rtlll rt ULL1ULIUR men and beys are susceptible t: wants help cn life's big and hard good influences and impressions. Of problems Is Invited. fiOlifionGli PggiO every toousand men who join the Stearns' Headache Wafers Shac The minister can be found nt the church, 548 join before they ar office in the church from 12:30 until Exterminates Cockroaches (juicily and THE V. M. C. A. JOHN I! twenty years old. J en Three hundred an In the house when are home carry in your bag when you 1 o'clock every afternoon except Fri- very thoronhly. - n at it travel. thirty-seve- are between twenty and yi when he a meeting, and lnsi,'-- s against annoyance your own day, attends Also Rats, Mice, Watertugs, etc. thirty vear? that is. seven-eight- s' of the of headaches and other Saturday, which he reserves as' a day teem Join before they are thirty reople's. ' The current issue uf World's Work church instead of allowing jt to be of rest. Sold by Drug-u- U, 25c mud 1.00 vears eld. The Young Men's Christ- snow-whit- e contains a lengthy and will illus- difsipated or wasted in sin. J Young . Steam's Headache Wafers are as pure as they look; and the ian Association 13 organized or tent direct, charges prepaid, on receipt of trated descriptive of t!i3 men have financial power, and the to bring wafers certainly indicate parity in the highest degree. One dose cures, and k AiHAKAriLi (iiruni V prk. article eood influences to play cn men dur- . Young Men's Chrietian Association &3Ljciation offers an opportunity for your Rev.-H- K. Poepoe. Minister. MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS ing years , leaves head "clear as a bell.' full-pag- e these of receptivity. Sunday School, Interna- of North America, faced by a the wise of money. Young men ' 10 a. m. prf Use Taking a fourth reason. Mr. Electric Pasta picture cf Richard C. Morse, have temporal power power due. to Mott It is so much better than any other kind that your own interest de- tional Sunday School Lessons. Mr. S. Steam' Co., Oucaxo, D. fays that the great battlefield of our' Ha- who for the past fcrty-fou- r years has having many years to live, making it you on STKAUNi?" K. Kamaiopili, superintendent day lies in the city. In city mands that insist the tenuine. Mar- Let-- n general secretary. Mr. porsible to under- the waiian department. Mrs. L, G, national frr them institute ycung men compete vigorous'-- AMUSEMENTS Morse, as will be readily i3 takings and bring them to comnletion. the most shall, English. it se"n, and the most progressive class. Here no longer a young man, and d;sirer The Kfociatien is a rplendid 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Korean serv- 11 a m Sermon by the Minister. full our great moral struggles, top- to retire from the funeral sefrtflrv-hj- p this wrrJc. Young nun have cnteri ices. 2:30 p. m. j V 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor frr arid the Young Men's Christian As- SUNDAY of his association, Dr. John R. pov;rr-j- - It, they are SRVCES St. Mark's .Mission Kapahulu ic, "Seek Peace and Pursue It, I Pet. that : sociation therefore in ' POPULAR THEATRE centers the city 3:8-1- 8. .' . Mott. will . accept the position. The hadrrs in all forms of thickest'. road. Rev. Leopold Kroll, priest in to In connection with iife; they are determining the direc- whre the battle is charge. Services: Holy Communion, 7:30 p. m. Sermon by the" Hev. J. TONIGHT. article referred Mr. Mott believes in the assoc'a- - the possibility of Mr. Mctt asrumln? tion cf the country's growth. The first Wednesday each month, 10 a. m.; P. Erdman. All young people of all CLIO AND PHYLETES. a 2 reel fea- CENTRAL TMO.Y ccr-dlal- ly general tion in the fifth place because! niURCII morning prayer nationalities of both sexes are ture. A stupendous production of the duties of the national nrsociatidn multiolfes and conserves it has developed an organization ' and address, other secretary makes a statement with re- the energies of these men and turn3 and Pev. I)oremu3 Scudder. 1). I)., minr Wednesdays, 10 a. m.; Sunday School invited. Good music by Mr. . pagan times. Magnificent, awe In- m a method that ministers to all gard to why he believes In the Young th-- into' wholesome channels. Ister; Kev. Atncs A. Ebersole. Asso- - and children's service, 3 p. m. Akaiko Akana's boys. spiring and spectacular. . . classes of men. It reaches them with - Men's Christian Association appropri- As a second reason. Mr.-Mo- tt ciate Minister! Eplph::nj- Mission, KainiuM Ser-- THE END OF THE FEUD How a sts health and physical efficiency; -- ate at this time. forth that the evils which destroy life it 9:"0 a. m.- - bible School. Mr. VauV vicss in Gvild Tenth and Palolo CATHOLIC CATIIEDUAL "Kentucky feud met an end on" the grtatly improve mental effici- Hall. v While In Honolulu recently, Mr. chiefly grip the young men. Imour-- their ghan MacCaughcy, Suirintendcnt avenues; Kev. F. G". Williams, priest Fort street, near Beretania. Rt. Western Plains. ency and earning power, and it pas - . W,t the following reasons for it.v. InemDrnnce. gambling, etc., lure 9:S0 a. m. Teacher Training Class, in charge. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. Libert, bishou of Zeugma, GODDESS OF- THE SEA A beautK rv makes above men strong char-- - his principally the young men.: Five- - all. cf ' Mr. Charles T. Fitts. sermon tor; Father Maximin, provincial. Sun f'ul legend wotke; out In roovlns' belief:. - irorning service and at II. artrr. Wh?t rood is it to have edu- ' -- 9 a. m. In the firfci place, he says, because tixttis cf the inmates of prisons are 1f o m 4fllTf TUllln Ptaca Tnlnr Tltir f'nmmimtftn flret Cnnl'iu tt day services. 6, 7, and in.30 pictures. , cation or wealth we are v young men, average age twenty-tii- x if in obedience Hev. Henry and 7 p. m. Low mass dally, 6 and 7 THE COUNTRY BOARDER A com- th men of America have and the is o P. Judd, month and third Sunday. 7:30 a. m. rur tempters or defeated in cur orning power to spare; thpy have physical years. This shows that young n a. m.-M- Worship Ser- - , a. m. High mass Sunday and saints' edy of farm lifo in the lliddle West power to spare. The Young Men's men are not only tempted, but that VkI' iu : - nion by the Associate Minister, "The ."JIOME OF TRUTH" ('EW days, 10:30 a m. . Christian Association offers young they are yielding. The Young Men's Outflowing Life." I ; THOUGHT). men opportunities to develop the Christian Association seeks, to count 11. uic ooawuinuu, tviiwu, Dijtiu, 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor SEVENTH DAY ADYEXTIST RooFpvelt and Taft are all strong as- - Christian healing and teaching. 1220 physU-a- l power and to use it In build-in- ? ct ft thore a"d rave men. Meeting. "Early" Missionary Stories CIIIRCH tots - -- prciation"r?:? v.h-rci- ave- Mc- - laaprs. Kapiolani near Beretania up the home, the rtnte and the TnkinT un his third reason, Mr. President Yuan nt " is, Mra r.i strtet 767 Kinau street. Robert iiait Hunter-Jone- s, - Shi Ki. of China, recently gave S1000 .. 7.,n n 'm Arniv xiht nue. Mrs. M. M, minis- Keague, acting pastor. Services Sat- k,"10" Y; M' '.A- - ComTnittee Service conducted by the local Ar:ry tra,nt urday at 11 a. m. and Sunday at. 7:30 ofi China, and about the same Sunday service, 11 a. m. Subject, 10 a., Ser- time by'' Col. B. p. m. ; Sabbath School ai m. : staff. Address Blanche l"l Dr. Sun "Elijah, the Prophet: His Appearance T-- Yat Sen contributed a like Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. A H I C r Cox. "A Lonely Night in a Prophet's vices " LET PARK' i TXT amount to the cause. The" late Home." in Israel." 'v juns a. S p. m. Interpre-- FIVE MILLION MEN I emperor of Japan shortly before his A cordial invitation is extended to Thursday, "Bible LATTER DAY SAINTS CHURCH f death gavp ?500O to the association's Sunday serv- . . al, Etran rs and visitors in the city at.10" ,wJIclJ JU"111,??10? m 1704 Lusltania street. ASAHI vs. P. A..C. armv work In Manchuria. The king tJ attend these services.. Spirit come to ices, 11:45 a. m. to t p. m. Sunday HAWAII vs. ARTILLERY. Wear Shirley of England is a. patron of the British every man. school, 10 a. m. Young Men's and national association, and the nresent FIRST METHODIST E. CHURCH Young Ladies' Improvement Associa- Reserved seats on sale in Sportlni Count Moltke Is a leader In his coun FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, evening at 7:30 President corner Beretania and Victoria streets. tion meets Sunday Goods Department. E. O. HALL & Suspenders trv. Peonle of both large and small SCIENTIST o'clock. Ladies' Relief Association SON, LTD. means believe in the association. The In Odd Fel. 10 m. Try them yourself and you will realize 7253. Parsonage adjoins church. The All services held the meets Friday at a. Why. They we supremely comfortable, "csoc?at1on now owns . property n lows', building. Fort street. North v UNION they adapt themselves instantly to every Sublet, GERMAN EVANGELICAL r-"-- Art' tbES!" -v eigniy minions or aouars, presentea , . "' Only a motion, they are cool, Jight strong, Sundayj' School, 9:45 a. m. God the Cause and Creator CHURCH . In gifts ranging from the Murdock Necromancy durable and every pair is Men's Bible Class at 9:45 a. m. "Ancle nt and Modern Beretania street, near Punchbowl. 1770,000 gift to the quarters and .Hypnotism, De 11 a. m. and on Preaching Service at 11 a. m. Alias Mesmerism and Sunday services at absolutely guaranteed halves given by working boys toward nounced." ' Sunday of each month at 7; 30 p. , Epworth League Service at 6:30 p.ni last the building fund. 9:-4- 5 m. to give p. m. - . Sunday school, a. m. m. Sunday School at 0:45 a. v satisfaction. "God himself believes In as- Preaching Service at 7:30 8 p.m. the Wednesday Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p.! evening meetings, Boy pair toar and tent th r.nalitie for yourself . Make Bare that the sociation,' asserts Mr. Mott. "Only . reading room,. Odd Fellows KAWAIAHAO CHURCH word "SHJRLRY PKKSIUKNT" are stamped on the buckle and that the guar Free so can you experience the great move--. a-- m. streets. ante ticket in affixed to the back. These protect you fully. Made and guaranteed by you do not go to Sunday school building. Fort street Hourslll Corner King and Punchbowl ment of the association In changing' If 1 All-- 7:30 elsewhere, we invite you to join one of to p. m. welcome. Sunday services 11 a. m. and DY the lives of men and boys and inter 10 m. Prayer The C. A. Edgarton Mfg. Co. our classes. You will find the hour p. m. Sunday School, a. ' esting them td the only sufficient KE0RGAMZED CHURCn OF JESUS meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Shirley Man., U. S. A, savior. Jesus Christ. This gives CHRIST OF LATTER DAY them over temptation, over itable one. The Men's Bible Class Is taught by Judge Quarles and all men v SAITS ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHAPEL The. doubts and raises them up-t- Val- 'eaders. will receive a cordiat1 welcome at this Church on King street one block Ohua lane, Walkikl. Rev.. Fr. This " makes the nation great" 'l Sunday services"? a. class.-- . :'; "'.' i -'r; Ewa.o Thom;iSiiw.T-'r-i''.-:--- entin; pastor. y 9:45 a. ' m. Sunday School. Adult m. v Sunday School the usual hour . -- at' f- (Delegate Re-- Y. W. C. A. VESPERS service at 11' a", m. The class in both English and Hawaiian. fT to the Parliament of Preaehine ; . 'nastor will welcome 'hew members .it Graded lessons for all ages. I. H. Tbe Tax Appeal Conrt will sit nt the ; t liglons.) ' beginning Jane. The Young Women's Christian As-- this service, and will also preach. Harbottle, Supt' Tax Office at Honolulu purpose of hear-In- g sociatlon ..will hold its last vesper th Leaeue service at 6:45 P. m." 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Preach- - 5th at 9 a. m. for the In Tax- ' ! vice prior to the summer vacation at led by Mr. F. A. Edgecombe. The ing In Hawaiian by Jas. Puuohau. Tax Appeal Cases the First SUBJECT: PHILOSOPHICAL RE- Religio-LIterar- y So- - Division advertisement. the residence of Mrs. A. F. Cooke, . Knights of Pythias will attend ' the 6 p. m Zion's ation LIGION AND ETHICS Kaimuki, tomorrow afternoon at half-- evening a body, the pas-- ciety. Musical and literary program service in and of the Hawaiian Engi- past four o'clock. 'tor will preach a special sermon. Mu- - and regular lesson. No." 9 in quarterly. A convention The 7:30. p. m. Evening Worship. Elder neering Association, which Isl, made service will be in the form of sic at both preaching services by of the out-of-doo- rs up of sugar mill engineers at the Toung Hotel Roof Garden an meeting and will be iMcConley will be the speaker. - chorus choir. will be held in Honolulu loliowed by a basket supper. Mrs. j Strangers are welcome at all territory, during October. Efforts will be made Walter F. Frear will read from "The CHURCHES i ices- - We invite those who wish to -- during the convention to have it made Vision of Sir Launfal." which is Dar-- 4 St Andrew's Cathedral" 'Emma' wuramp ia. oyini uu m x.utu On Saturday, June 7, 1913, at S p. m. Be-W- an annual affair. tfcularly appropriate to the day. ot ro,r Rt vi u n semble with us, vause uasKei supper, n is nec-- nni,. ; cssary uiue Restarick, bishop; Rev. Canon Win. LlSlFiLOFCi. that the association know how 7 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ault, vicar. Sunday services, and I Q many persons expect P OP U LA R F PTJ N to attend, and n a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday King and Alakea streets. David C. ; .' by every - Iceived mail the economical secretary may be noti- School, m. congre-fie- d Peters, minister. 9:45 a. Hawaiian ' -- . , Found! . , , REFINED SONG AND NOVELTY DANCING either at the office in the Boston gations, Rev. Leopold Kroll, pastor, If you are interested In the Bible building or at the Homestead, King Sunday 9:15 m. you will want to come to our Bible A true blue serge, one that stands A G H S services. a. twenty-f- RLEI LAST FEW NIGHTS Street. The Is I r...-- u ixrs- ft-- Tf surf; wind and rain and only service onen n all i tc r'in,nntt. ii a i i- v n- - 'Srhoolar v. avat w. vnn are not inter- the on Hotel Street young aniiriia mr:i .The Tailor, women of the city, whether nue, corner Makiki. Rev. Canon Us- - ested you ought to come. The morn- - ive at Geo. A. Martin, cmuci a ut tue association or not. borne, rector. Holy Communion, 11; ing service occurs at II. Following Fort above Hotel. Ne Tes-- 'a. m.; evensong, 7:30 p. m. t . - ithe aim to restore the entire A lazy affinity ob- - h man's is a woman i Sf Fiirnhpfli's rhnrrh rnmpr Kim? tament order, the communion is Phone 4.j18. Treatments at Your Res. j Night yho is willing to furnish his daily ctropt nn Pun lano Upv! w v. Pot- - served on everv first day of the week. Last - of 4 bread. 7 Tt OnATl - Wish Cnmmem-, - - Co!!2ge Iwina SnTufov urvipos . to who to T, AU., noctnrtKJ bV . I... .W. . . V U . MMWrami .w all aim MME GIRARD AND DR. BIRCH surgeon cniropoams PUNAH0U PREPARATORY 0) CD utnee iioursi v a. m. to p. m. SCHOOL Sunday: 9 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. 1 CONSTIPATED, HEADACHY, BILIOUS, V c REGISTRATION Alakea St. Opp. Hawaiian Hotel m desiring to enter In A New students September should register at once at POST CARDS PRESENTING C0ATED7-CASCARE- the College offices. TONGUE TS SURE ' Masterp Entrance by examination. Hawaiian scenes. All the latest sub- iece Examinations for the Freshman jects Just arrived. Will retail or "A Night Ig An English Music Class and the Eighth grade are held wholesale. Hall" Furred Tongue, Bad Taste. Indiges- i skin, mental fears, everything that is cn Friday, June 13, at 9 o'clock; for 14, 9 CITY MERCANTILE CO. m tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-aehe- s bcrrible and nauseating. A Cascaret Grades, cn Saturday, June at 24 Hotel St. nr. Nuuanu. . come from a torpid liver and tonight will straighten you out by o'clock. ; - TAN clogged, constipated bowels, which morning a 10-ce- nt box from yoor WITH SIXTEEN PEOPLE cause your stomach to become filled druggist will keep your Liver active, IF YOU WISH. TO ADVERTISE, IN vith undigested food, which sours and rcwels clean and regular, Stomach NEWSPAPERS ferments like garbage in a twill bar- ; sv.'eet. Head clear, and make yo'J feel Silvas Toggery, Anywhere at Any Time, Call on or rel. That's the first step to untold j bully for monthr. Don't forget the Write - riiisery foul gases, bad breath, yellow 'children. Advertisement. Limited EV ADVERTISING THE STORE FOR GOOD t C. DAKE'S CLOTHES" AGENCY fL (LsS) JL - JL p i YAW Bnildimr Kin? Street 124 Sansome Street San Francisco f &r s3 st A (L Z2) Jj i ECCENTRIC COMEDY CYCLISTS Jl J PRICE 10 i ALL NEW PICTURES Here is style for you a new CENTS! model Hey wood that will aPASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. make any man happy.

Note the trim lines of this ' shoe..':-.-,-.:- ; v.-:;.-

Come and see it. MA

WISbe July 1st, MA-NOAIT- for the postal delivery service to established .1913. LAST NIGHT and KAIMUKIITES, you are particularly referred to. Re- member the Postmaster requests that receptacles be in position to facilitate the service. of Our Special Sale Manufacturers Boxes of various sizes and: styles at extremely interesting prices.

9 - 1 Shoe Co. will buy a box that will meet every requirement. More money buys His Famous "Honey Girls" better ones. And 1031 Fort St Phone 17S2 v New Specialties" The Store of Good Shoes. iiElfc51fcz STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, SATURDAY. JUNE 7. 101,1.

Honolulu MocK Exchange LOCAL AND GENERAL i DAILY REMINDERS The y, June C. G. Mi.lvll. was grante-- 1 Bungalow ballt cLenp. TeL 2157 Emma litch ' Ltd Asked .' :'. ...MKltCANTlLi: . 'a divorce 'yestcritay. front H. G. advertisement, vr A C. Brewer & Co.. dlt ditch, w horn she accused ot non-suppor- t, Phone 1271 for Centennial Best 1 ''' SUGAK y Hour. Henry May & Co. - Kwa Plantatica Co...... 17i IS The graduatiun eterci?es of the Urder your sort druiKj from the re- MCKeiCIIJOCEQlP- em Hawaiian Agric Co...... Training liable Consolidated Souu Works. ad- Territorial Normal and Haw. Cora. & Sug. Co. . . School will be heM Friday eveninf, vertisement Hawaiian Suar Co..... 2T . June 20; at ei,ht .o'clock'.',-- . Concrete sidewalk and stone curbing Honomu Sugar Co..;... 75 110 The quarterly session of Aloha put in reasonable. Telephone 2157. jllonokaa Sugar Co. .1... "4 Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. will be held advertisement. Haiku Sugar Co. . . . . 97 120 evening When you buy ask Green Stamps ;pray in the Masonic Temple this for of stab-;- --y represented by' C. Brewer &, Co. Five companies, selling Hutchinson Sugar Plant. 1V.2 at half-p3s- t seven o'clock. take no others; they're valuable. Kahuku Plantation Co...... 14 The City Mill Company has filed advertisement. : " Insurant have been in existence that long. You get "40 years of ex- - Ktkana Sugar Co...... suit in circuit court to recover Cashican. for tents, awnings, sails S;its tin annoyance f wot hair following Kcloa Sugar Co. . . . . resi- and tarpaulins. Fort, near Allen. 1 Ierifnce, .tability and knowledge with every fire insurance policy. .... $475.25 from Peter Vierra, the ilcBrvde Sugar Co. . due of an old promissory note. Advertisement. Iht' iinuh covctttl sliuwtT that is so invigorating Oahu Sugar Co. , ...... 14 y3 UY2 granted Two more passengers Jsdge Whitney yesterday Wanted for . in U climate. Onomea Sugar Co . . v . ; . . 21 21 papers of adoption to Ohiaokalan! around - the - island at $6.00. Lewia Olaa Sugar Co ...... 1U 1 Maggie a seven-year-ol- d Stables and Oarage. Tel. 2141. adJ Mahoe for Crabbe. The KntckcihiH-kc- r or the licxall serves n Paauhau Sugar Co...... 13 12 'i girl whom Miss Mahoe has vertisement. Now is the time to Pacific Sugar Mill...... cared for during the last six years and One can get satisfacic ry rebuilt ! !i!)h-jiuipcs- v, for they may lie nsctl as showers Paia Plantation Co. . 97 120 eleven months. The child's name is Remington typewriters at Arlelgh's, . aiul slianiM)os. C. & Co. Pepeekeo Sugar Co ...... 100 .... to be changed to Maggie Mabce. on Hotel street. No. 7, $35 and Up. Brewer Pioneer Mill Co...... 1SU 19 Articles of incorporation for the No. 10, "$65 and up. ' C8 Kalihi-Mcanalu- a 1.00. Walalua Agric. Co...... 694 Church, which owns Toric lenses furnished . promptly. Two styles ?1.2o to ? Vailuku Sugar Co. . ; . . . a church building and land on Factory 'on the premises. A. N. San- - Waimea Sugar Mill Co. . IV road estimated to be ford, optician. Boston building. Fort Waimanalo Sugar Co. ... worth $80,000, were approved by the street, over Henry May & Co. adver- Waimea Sugar Slill Co. . governor yesterd3y.: The incorporat- tisement. MISCELLANEOUS ors are C. K. Bailey. Samuel Kauka, 1 hold weekly auction sales of fru-nitu- re Benson, Smith Co., Inter-Islan- " & d A. ;': ;. ; : r. ; - :: S. N. Co... 175 Solomon Kuala, William K. Poai. and general merchandise on ; Limited. :' ';"'' IIoo-lapa-. Hawaiian Electric Co.... J. Mawae, John Kapali and D. K, Thursdays at my rooms, Sachs biock, Fort anc rvrte: -- tracts &. '. II. H. T. L. Co., Prcf.. 150 ; 76 Beretania SL . Jakina. If D T i?. T fn f'rr, ' 150 "The New Light Society" Is the advertisement. i Mutual Telephone Co. . . 22's 23 name of an organization perfected by The opportunity of buying artistic jOanu R. & L. Co 115 120 the Filipinos of Honolulu. At a re- creations in millinery 13 not confined Hi!o It. II Co., Pfd..... cent meeting officer's were elected as to Paris and New York. Miss Power, Hilo II. ft. Co., Coin. . . . 5 lollows: Yincente Area, president; iu the Boston- - block, can satisfy the jlloa. B. c :I. Co...... 20U 20 V Klcy 1). M. Atienza, vice-preside- nt ; most discriminating taste. tHaw. Irgtn. Co. 6s...... Vicente Leonsion, secretary; F. Val-buen- a, The Tax Appeal I'onrt will sit at the Al-varic- i Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. 29 40 : assistant secretary; C. G. o, Tux Office at Honolulu beginning Jane jTanjong Olok U. C. ud up j.S7 treasurer; L. Babina, assistant 5th at 9 a. m. for the purpose f hear-In- sr tPahanff Ruhher Cn. treasurer; L. Crusin. collector. Tax Appeal Cases in the First Tax. Hon. Gas Co., Pfd...... 105 The following tenders for supply- ation DIylIon. advertisement. Hon. Gas Co. Com. . . . 105 ing rugs, carpets and - a canopy for Many, housewives are glad that But in all Haiku Frt &. Pkg. Co. . . 39 the judiciary building have been re ternut Bread is sold fresh daily at shades. 45c per yard BONDS ceived by the public works depart the Palm Cafe. It saves them the Haw. Ter. 4 (Fire CI.) ment,. and awards will be made Mon work of breadmaking, and their daily Haw. Ter. 4 ...... day on the return of Superintendent bread is always fresh and sweet Haw. Ter. 4 Pub. Imps. Cald well from Maui: B. F. Ehlers, Mme. GIrard and Dr. Birch, surgeon Bazaar, Haw. Ter...... for rugs, $176; Coyne Furniture Com chiropodists, have formed a " partner- FORT GT BELOW CONVENT You are never suretof your Automobile, but you Haw. Ter. 44i...... i any, in grades, $991.25, $1273.25 and ship for the practice of chiropody in Haw. Ter. 3 1 390.50; J. IIopp & Company, the offices formerly occupied by Dr. can be sure of adequate indemnity in case of CaLBeet S. & R. Co. 6s. $1319.50. ''.: Birch on Alakea street, opposite the Ioss--rju- st, Hon. Gas Co., Ltd. 5s... 100 , The commencement exercises of St. Hawaiian Hotel. liberal and prompt by insuring in Haw. Com. & S. Co. 104 Andrew's Priory will take place Tuesday morning breakfasts will be ' 5.. the 23TIJA.'' II. It. R. Co:, Issue 1901 85 Thursday evening in the Davies' Mem THE meal of the day, for the Sonoma, . e ti Hilo R. R. Co., Com. orial Hall, commencing at eight on Monday, brings to Henry May & 6. . Honokaa Sugar Co. C.. o'clock at which time four students Co. a big shipment of Primrose Pork .Goes, ees-- Hon. H. T. & L. Co.C. . 105 will be awarded diplomas. The grad- Sausages. Phone 1271 for your tm ml CASTLE & COOKE, LTD;, Kauai Ry. Co. Cs...... ; 100 uating class is composed of Eunice Kohala . Ditch Co. 6s . 100 Lucy Chlng, M. M. E. Silva, the undertaker, will We offer choice, tender BEEF and VEAL of the prlmest ; ... Carter, Charlotte .,. Agents, ' . McBryde Sugar 100 Copp and Beatrice I. Davison. Class move to his new undertaking parlors quality at the lowest possible prices. Co..... ' ' ' " Mutual Tel. 6s...... , . . 101 V Day will be observed In the Davies on Kukui. and Nuuanu streets the .''' .'';:: ... It Is no us you' AETNA INSURANCE CO. Oahu R. & L. Co. 101 103 V. Memorial Hall on the afternoon of the last week of this month. It's the trouble for to give a CHOICE CUT because 5.... up-to-da- te Oahu Sugar Co. "103V. June 11, commencing at three o'clock. only undertaking estab- we have them In stock. Olaa Sugar Co. 6..:.., Owing to the lateness of the sub lishment of today. advertisement Pac. Sugar Mill Cc. C.. mitting of the papers to the award Besides the tasty taste , there's a ; Send us your or '?rs today. Our telephone number 3451. Pioneer Mill Co. 6.... ing committee, no award has as yet rrrrA mcA 1 roOCATI ffT Of! t In r nlfTltV Established In 1859 Waialua Agric. Co. 5 .. 100 . 101 been made by the judges appointed to of candy especially Lehnhardt's Cele- Natcmaa Con. 6s...... pass upon the peace essays submit brated Candies. Henry May & Co Hawn. Irrigation Co. 6 ted In the contest held by the cham are selling Lehnhardt's assorted can- CO. HOP fB'CO. - Ym Ha inakua Ditch 6 98 ber Of commerce.- A large number dies at 25c, 50c and .$l the box. Yes, Meat Market of essays have been received during 1271 is the number. advertisement Important SALES the week and it is probable that the Wireless wor.d from the Sonoma, due BISH0P&C0: Between Boards 100 Olaa. 1.25 award will be announced within . a Monday morning, say3 that the as- 100 Olaa, 100 Notice: 1.37: Olaa. 1.37: 100 week- - The committee of judges Js sortment of fresh California fruits CANKERS Oahu Sug. Co.,-1- 4 tf ; 30 Oahu-Sa- g conjposed of Hon.,Sn.nford B. Dole and and vegetables, consigned to Henry t 'o., 14.50; 5 Oahu Sug Co., 14 50: 90 Attorney General 'ade Warren Thay- May & Cov Is exceptional for its va- TALLEY RESIDENTS and those who wish to live there, de- - Tanjong Olok, 36.00; 5 Tanjong K.'.:.'.': :, Our. new telephone numbers are Olok, er. riety. Puritan Creamery Butter is maim iivmr surs vi a hupirir quiiiy us vo eieTanuu, arsiaag?, sur oo.oo; 5 Tanjong Olok, Pa-han- g operat M1 as follows: 36.00; 35 Electricians and. telephone also coming to 1271. advertisement . ronndlngs and with a frit Jo in from obstruction of sea or raonntiln Commercial and Travelers' Let- Rub.. 17.75 ; 25 Pahang Rub., ors are busy completing the two sys The Knickerbocker shampoo and tlew. 1 have nropertr la nuana that answers every reaalrement Hawaii! 17.50; 99 Pioneer, 18.75; 60 Pioneer, tems In Woodlawn today. For some bath spray sold by Benson, Smith & Ideal for those who wish to live nature lhlngr 4567 Bank of Ltd. ters of Credit issued on the 18.75; 5 where has made life worth (Bank of Hawaii Building) Hon. B. & M. Co., 20.50; 5 time they have been at work on this Co., Ltd., at the corner of Hotel and ; Dank of California anrf Hon. B. fc; M. Co., 20.37 ; 15 Hon. job, but when it Is completed it will Fort street, affords the pleasantest re- Office the London Joint B. & M. Co.. 20.37 ; 500 O. R. & L. be one of the best pieces of work of a shower without the dis- B.,- - Cashier. sults from Damon, F. 5s, 101.50; 10 C. & ; wet-ha- ir . V, Stock Banki If; S. Co. 24.75 its kind in the city. The track is agreeable feature. For sham- Collection Dept. "' 23 H. C. & S. Co., 24.75; 25 gets ' ' .: .r', H. C. & rapidly coming to the front as an ideal pooing there is nothing that as Man . Ltd., London t,W. Pratt, Land Savings Dept. S. Co.. 24.75; 15 - J the Oahu Sug. Co.; 14.25; home site, and it is said the construe- quickly to the roots of the hair 10 Oahu Sug. Co., 14.25; 5 com present 4544 Cooke, C. II., President Onomea, tion of houses On ,it will soon In order to get rid of their 2100; 15 Oahu Sug. Co., 14.25; 5 menced. Woodlawn rests on the gen- stock preparatory to moving into lar-g- er Vice-Preside- nt Oahu Sug. Co., 14.25. slope hills, and all prop- commodious quarters, in Stangenwald Building . 4544 Lewis; A Jr., Correspondents for the Ameri- tle of the the and more Session Sales 5 Waialua, 69.00; erty "has an ocean view. The road block, Japanese Bazaar and Manager. can Express Company and ! the Model the 5 H. C. & S. Co.. 5 -- completed. Thos. Cook & Son '. 24.62; II. C. & work is practically Prob will hold an immense removal sale S. Co., 24.62; 40 II. C. & S. Co., ably one. of the best avenues of the beginning Monday, June 9. The 24.50. ' city pass in front of Woodlawn. goods have been marked down with Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. Articles of incorporation have been one idea in view, and that is to get rid Sugar Quotations 88 degrees an-Parit- y, iled in the office of the territorial of the stock at any price. Capital-Surplu- s "over. $1,200,000 Interest Allowed on Term and alysis Fishing hold annual Savings Bank Deposits .beets, 9s. 2d. 3.92. secretary for the Oahu Boat The Iolani Guild will its 96 degrees centrifugals, 3.31. Company," capitalized at $5,000, with sale on June 10th at Progress block, BISHOP TR.UST CO., LTD. 1 NOTICE a maximum capitalization ; limit of opposite Sachs building. The laulau I - m - m Friday, June 6, 1913 -- $25,000, to. engage in a general fish-- table will be in charge of Mrs. Caro- Waialua stock books closed Satur- r.g business. .The original stock is line Clark. The cake and candy table day, June 7, 12 o'clock to noon Satur- divided into 250 shares, with a par will be in charge of Mrs. Arthur Wall, day. June 14, 1913, inclusive. value of $20, and twenty shares are Mrs. J. O. Young, Mrs. Andrew fuller L Dividend suspended after June 15. taken by each of the following: J. and Mrs. Helen Noonan; lei table, Mrs. Alexander Dow- - BAM Gonsalves, . Chas., Horswill, J. Mary Karrattl and the Muumuu table O. R. & I Co. books closed June scn, H. E. Walker, P 'Maurice McMa- - Mrs. Norrie and Mrs. E. Hose. Ad- 11 to June 14, 1913. inclusive. f iOn. K. Yamamoto, Otto A. Bferbach, vertisement . 07,500 015,000 Walter II. Bradley. A. V. Gear and '''' Payable n.t date of policy, making the "Pacific Surety &: J. Special'' greatest accident policy ever issued. Iwasaki each take ten shares. BORN the Baldwin HONOLULU Gonsalves, Jr., Is named as president, WEEKLY INDEMNITY J. Dowson secretary, and H. E. Walk GERNER To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Single Single Double ' Double ". Sugar 3.32cts er, treasurer. of Puunene, Maui, a'girl, on :. $."0.00 .$6.".00 j Limited. Gerner 325.00. First Year... '$32.50.. Fourth Year. i - , i V 5th, 1913. ; 55.00 35.00. Year... 70.00 June - 27.50.. Second Year.. ..Fifth & UNPRECEDENTED SALE .... 30.00... Third Year... 63.00 ,37,50.. .Sixth Year... 73.00 ! issues K. N. K. Letters of l-2- Sugar Factors of Theodore Roose- be-in- ? tJeets 9s 2 d OF PORCELAINS Members the The above .Weekly Indemnity for Total Disability Credit ana Travelers' Checks velt Camp No. 1, Spanish War Vet- payable so long as the insured lives and suffers to- Commission Merchants available throughout the world. erans, will meet at half-pa- st seven of amounts payable Co. tal loss of time. Oue half about for Wichman & announce a sale of o'clock this evening' in their quarters period of 52 (select and Insurance Agents chinaware for one week, beginning on partial disability for a weeks. Cost WATiEReOliSE TROST at; Alakea and Merchant streets. year. . ,. r 0 Monday morning. This store rarely risk) $25.00 a Agents for tias a sale, but each one that has HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., LTD, 923 FORT STREET. Cable Transfers at Members Honolulu Stock And Bond aken place has been a memorable Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Exchange. occasion. That the present sale will Co. A Lowest Rates FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS be even more of an occasion than Haiku Sugar Company Telephone 1208 former ones, goes without saying, as WS BUILDING Paia Plantation the ladies will be more than interest- Kodaks BUmALO end LOTS Maui Agricultural Company ed in the line3 being closed cut. This chinaware will consist of CECIL WHITAKER KAIMUKI SPECIALIST TELEPHONE 4071 Vawaiian Sugar Company THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE J. F. Morgan Co., Ltd. )resden, Coal port. Boulton and Kahvku Plantation Company BANK, LIMITED. - STOCK, BROKERS Limoges porcelaiiies. and the reduc- Mclbydc Sugar Con.pauy. Hear Office : : : Yokohama ioxs will vary from one-thir- d to one- - Pfemos Office: Car Line : i : : : Kahului 'Railroad Company Honolulu Office i Information Furnished and Loans l.ilf from, he us.ial prices. T ; r and Merchant Sts. An opportunity is thus Kauai Railway Conini.ny Bthe Made. excellent Yen. MERCHANT STREETSTAR BLDG. furnished for the adding to incom- - ALL DIFFERENT MODELS-WI- LL . . "I Honolua Ranch Capital . ; . 43,000.000 high-gra- de Subscribed 1572. !ete collections of this 1-- Phone BE SOLD AT 3 Haiku Fruit and Packing C.. Capital Paid Up..... 30,000,000 chinaware. or for the purchase of Phono 2295 Reaches Kauai Fruit and Land Company Reserve Fund... .ISOO.000 leccs which charm the eyeand at REDUCTION. Hnistaee-Pecl- s: General banking t.usinei n appret iable saving cost. '.' ' Co.Xtd, in V ..Savings .Account ALL KIM)S OF ROCK AM) SAM) FOR CO . CRETE 1V0KK. transacted. See them in the window. FIREWOOD ASD COAL. fox 51 and upwards. & iiffard Roth 63 QUEEN O. BOX 519 Fire and burglar-proo- f faults, STREET. P. with i3afe Deposit Boxes for AUDIT COMPANY OF All brand new and O. K. but i STOCK D BOND BliOKERS Cd.'-i- a per year up- the ; Eastman d isron tinn- Fire Insurance1 relit at 12 sad Members llouololu Stork and liontl ing making the.se t pariicular wards ,. ' BEST LACNDRY WORK ASD DRY CLE AM KG Sscliange mod Is. . .:. .; - THE TruuVa and c&se" to be kpt la custody rt moderate rates. St:in?enwald llldsr, 102 Merchant SL HAWAII B. F. Dillingham Co. YU AKAI, Wanaaer FRENCH LAUNDRY LIMITED Honolulu General Agent for Hiwaii: J. H0LMBERG 24 BETHEL STREET Photo Supply Co. J. ABADIE, Pro?. Company of E. G. Duisenbcrg 777 !aa? rkaait 1411 ktlas Assurance 4 ARCHITECT, Mrl Lor --Ion, New York Under-writer- s' LIMITED Estimates Furnishes on Buildings STOCKS BONDS Apney; Providence ' P. O. Box 41 Telephone 2035 "Everything Photographic" Hates UoasonaMe RE J. ESTATE INSERANTE Washington Insurance .Co. Fort St., above Hawaiian Trust Stangenwald Bldg. 76 Merchant St. Phone Ctfl3 tth Floor . Phone ?.(W. : THE; EAItTH MOES Suggestions given' for simplifying When we handle it with our new power your rrelghtT r AH truck. What about - systematizing office work. FOR RENT. Tel. 2523. usiness confiacntial. ' your Home Company BUNGALOWS HONOLULU & DRAYING y CONSTRUCTION CO. Insure with FdRCEGIlOWTH ; Furnished house, 2 bedrooms, com-f.retel- AND REAL ESTATE furnished in every detail; lin-- Robinson B!dg. King Street w?tf.A ..irti - Losses Promptly Paid Conducts all classes of Audits and ' ' ' G. I ants ouarfers: wash room: Matlork WILL DO IT OLIVER LANSING Investigations, and furnishes Rep&rts Insurance. Co. of Hawaii. Ltd. 80 Merchant Street Ave. C. WALDEYER, Real PZstate, I PFR f on all kinds of fina::!il v;ork. Hotel and Union Sts., TeL 43S3. STAR.RIII FTIN 75 WM HONOLULU STAR-- B ULLET I X, SATURDAY,-- JUNE 7, 1013. t Dlt. IS i

- PilOU

BOOSMGTHEIll v CELEBRATED AT ft D 0)1 ' i. m ISLANDS Y; Hi. C. A; - - ? . j i Dr. John W. Wadman, superinten for Infants and Childrc dent of the Methodist missions in Ha- - It was a jolly band of students that ?3 L7iTP V wail, who recently left Honolulu for at tne loung Men s Cbris- - a six months' tour of the mainland, Fn Association last evening in cele-ha-s Don't Poioon Baby. already commenced a' campaign of th second annual rPuna-c-f advertising for the Islands, accord-- ?ou MghLM.. From the opening hour. poitTT TEARS AGO almost every, mother thought her child must hart jlng to coast newspaper comment. Be- - n.a""palv 8CVn cl0?Tl. wam tae He stands for v.- parexorf c op laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce sleep, rore leaving Honolulu, Dr. Wadman "pu Ia ue uuy unaounc - r .. . . "S the closing hour, the corridors of and a Tew drops too many will produce the sleep from which Si received a number of .lantern slides there DQMlng responded . with the no wakfn;. Jlany are the children who have been killed or whose health has and literature descriptive of Hawaii le - sho,ut contest and of chool yells, been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each from the promotion committee, say- of which is a ing that he intended giving lectures fnd every .viator, left jith a feeling narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of th on the Island in n imnnrtant Htw tuat it had haefk the biggest studeftt narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody, without labeling them at h h tnnw .social eyent of the month. caption! Andthe cc-e-ds were there galore, "poison. The definition of "narcotic" is: "A medicine which relieve pain Under the "Tells of Sue-- 1 0 MJocj i -ii " each takins an active part ioVthe and produce sleep, which doses conxnd-sion- rr tio I i ' but in poisonous product stupor, coma, s evets.(-i.Th- e I I Paaarfpna evenings variety, of , I t1 fit,, r vv 91 nrinfc ' vs V I U x and dcaUi. The taste and smell medicines dis- . --- of containing opium are thr. fniinwin-ri- , amusements which iiad been provid- - V(- -. w.---i-i.N- w . V ...vw a V V guised, and sold under names Drops, Cordials, ' pass away the of "Soothing1 Syrups," , Dr. John W. Wadman. superinten- - b the flocrationi to etc. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without dent of missions for the Methodist e c"110 have &omethmS you or your physician kaow of what it is composed. church in Hawaii, was the speaker a,Iurin m,,an4 the, girls, The Standard Oil for Motor Car Castorta does not con l?ut r night large pd aIJ: frewred-- to , do tain narcotics. last at a tyZ public meeting ?e. xvhh rnunn,-- A their share in nakins event, a M-tf- Diroctly :,the nrr.th-rhr- w r.f ci.t succesa alter first vis n guarantees genuine v?f - Sf .vfTL rhnrrh iuctra 1,1. t,u-- rs began: to arrive, KaaU orches- signature lAaf?Z7cucJuM ; : lobby-an- d of Castorla lanterri kIMp wWirh nrt;-- b tra was atationcd in the. Watch for him He is on every ZEROLENE Physicians Recommend Castorla ..nrv iif - ;u..f Played a; number of selections, in- - 1 brt frequently prescribed Caatoria for com- - ! find your Cartoria la Tery beneficial of the islands. can. He marks the oil that freed the la the ' -- .V ... i inoo IlmcnUof daidrca witb pood rculta.u treatment of children a ail menu. M Wadman's address was progress11 waiian airs..; nH r;., ' the V W. ' At a garter, before eight o'clock froin. carbon. :;, : , A. Ckajhull, M. D., F. DATia, M. D and achievements of the missionary caj n.i; ur Buffalo, N. T. ' Chicago, Ds. with feeling of the conversion of P,mef aU ;wllerf ot'48 ZEROLENE is put u? in "At the father of thirteen children I certainly I object to what are called palest f medicines. many 4 know members of all the races which - xla toraethicg about your grrat mcdirioc aod, where maker alone knows what ataff la pat la then. go the carccasy to to make up the heterogeneous ;' said froa my own famiiy experience, i 1 'XV I hare, is but I knw the formula of you; Caeiorta and d tlap. t1o r ,n..kM iu. fSlS1;' iwere xaptalaed n if handle;5 barrels and my years of practice, found Caatoria s popular and in proper eases. iiwh ".1- also in lunae IJndga It to be a teiy together the iatter efficient remedy la alraoet evry home." al, aa well aa fcarmlcas in fSL'-- 2LSf f family medicine. 'f by Jack Watt. ,The,game,vas .wcit. half barrels, Tx. J. HcCaASK, iL D., N. B. finish--and- . Sizxm, M. D, every land and clime. leg from start to ended Omaha, Xeh. Brooklyn, winning H.T. work there, he pointed with Watt's aggregation' to ;i:;ri Missionary 16 19. ., Rooters, .boys Sold by 'dealers "everywhere oujt, has to no only with na- the tune of to do the and glrlSt crowded the sidelines and all agencies of the Children Cry for Fletcher's Caotorio. tive Hawalians, but especially with snappy: yells, orlg and at Chinese, Japanese, Fili- rent the. air with the Koreans. inal and otherwise. The teams lined In pinos and the immigrants from Spain " '- Use For Over 3 0 Years.v: - up as- - Blues-Fassoth- ,: If; '- -: :;::-:-:: -. m follows: - :- M.m, t aavaaav mtm and Italy, who have . come there in :; .:' trw ty, oit. Austin, CJ Morgan, E. Gay, rg. ' - " v- ;" ' considerable .numbers. Classes suit- and Brown, rf, BuffsWatt, If; Tut ... ;: ed to the needs of each, race 'and na-- Farrlngton, Dennisonisrg .... - I tie, ci lit. , tionality have been organized. Dr. - t - :; V; and Foster,- rf. ; ;t i.- n Wadman also commented on the Following' - ipasketpan . game, spirit of which exists the eighteen co-ed- s tumbled-out- ' onto among religious denom- the the different floor, Coach Burdick' of Punahou inations carrying on work there. A called Up!" and four inn ; SAN FRANcisCO very feeling said, "Batter . HONOLULU , , . friendly exists, he ings of indoor baseball commenced. y :'C while rapid gains In the spreading of game. teams, And It was some The - - . gospel on every V'' : . . , . the are noted hand. Buffs and the Blues, organized Simons Koreans, especially, he as- the the I by Miss Margaret Jones especially . m n serted, the missionaries have done for the occasion, showed themselves a wonderful work. be experts with the - willow, and The pictures shown were very at- to the way they swatted the festive in nics, Indian club swinging, obstacle tractive and Dr. Wadman's . running (Q)f door baseball, slid for bases and races, folk dances and jumping. Of comment proved not alone instruc- would ATHLETIC absorbing picked files out of .the air MAIDS the folk dances that of the Indian was tive but of interest have shamed many prominent big- - perhaps the most effective. The danc- . . gs leaguers. When the curtain descend ers were in costume and their cav-ortln- Lighthouse ana ATIVE STONE THIELEN WILL BE WED. ed upon the last Inning it was found around a camp fire in the cen- that the Blue team had won by a PROVE ter of the court, which was darkened well-know- STRONG Friends of George Thlelen, the n score of 6 to 9. They lined up for the event, presented a weird and Birds in- " local court reporter, were something like this:" ; . ? pleasing spectacle. Forty-fiv-e girls formed today that Thielcn's- - marriage Buffs F. Ballou, cf : V;1 'Austin, 2b; took part In the exhibition and are to be ; b "jTNSURPASDED for Beauty and to . Mrs. Sadie K. Stewart is M. . Forrest, P M Deasf-5- C. Low, to be comolimented upon the excel- theory blrd3 evening. Wilcox', c, The accepted ,that solemnized this afternoon or lb; M. Jones, rf; M. and lent showing which they made. . breach-of-prom-is- dashed themselves straightaway Durability "; Mrs. Stewart's $25,000 e A. Yarborough, If. Blues H. Jones, The physical department of the as- against is contradicted by Bruce p; Woods, G; D difficul- the lantern, suit against Charles Potter I. 3b; Taggart, 2b; sociation has worked under Prof. Jac. P. Thycsse; he holds that, has; been dismissed by the circuit Damon, lb; R. Bertlemann, c; M ties during the past year, having no ' More . than , five hundred , persons attracted by the brilliant light, the request, re- - cf, and C. apparatus. court at her her petition Keola, rf; F. Davis.' gymnasium or no The circle about it for hours, until, r"EIJOBIALO being filed last Jones, If. ; were present at the annual athletic large number of members, however; birds T questing such action given by of exhausted, they, fall and perish. So Monday. After the Buffs and Blues had set exhibition the members have taken marked Interest in the - who are attracted by the tled their argument in the games hall the physical department of the Young work, and th presence of apparatus with those gaudy display of the .ready-mad- e ha the fairly took the bowling Women's Christian Ass;iation at the of gynasium matters Uf.tle to them. crowd alleys by storm. con Homestead, King street, last evening. clothier, .they are blinded and are After the first So be wise and have your NDURING AS TIEIE BY AUTHORITY tlngent had bowled off its games, it The exhibition, which was under the taken in. Tt3 The federal- - grand jjury took recess by Geo. A. Martin and was decided to allow the remaining direction of Physical Directoress Miss clothes made Office of the Board of Health, Hono- Margaret C. Tupper, was held on the yesterday until Monday morning. It jou will be free from vivisection by in contestants to roll only five frames is generally thought Investigation your lulu,. Hawaii, June 7, 1913. Tend- in order to give the girls a chance tennis courts where arc light3 have the friends. recently been Installed to permit of affairs concerning the Hawaiian ers for Beef Cattle. to get home v to . breakfast Their the EW DESIGNS .. Sealed tenders, endorsed "Tenders scores were doubled to give them a playing of tennis at night. dance hall Is not finished. No indict- program sev- ments have yet as a re- Kiichl Sakuma and Kin Sato, who for Beef Cattle" will be received nt correct average and as a result of The was opened with been returned office of the Board of Health un- eral musical selections by the Home- sult of the. inquiry into the reports were indicted recently on a statutory the this some of the girls found that they re- t ... til 12 o'clock noon, .Thursday, June had rolled phenomenal scores.. The stead orchestra, which organization affecting the dance halL charge and later released, wcro five-poun- also played during1 the intermissions. this morning on another 19th, 1913, for supidvJna the Leper ; d box of candy was award arrested Settlement, Molokai, with beef cattle ed to Miss Katharine Blake, who has Then followed a number of stunts and STAR-BULLETI- N GITES TOO charge of a similar nature and are fpHOROUGH for the period of six months from all the markings of a bowling expert. contests Including marching, calisthe TODAY'S .SEWS TODAY held to me grand Jjury. July 1st, 1913. to December 31st, 1913, The three, two and one-pou- nd boxes under the following ctmdioons, name- went to " Miss Violet Austin, Miss ly: ': 'N.-- Julia Yarborough and Miss Florence 1. The bidder mutt, offer to fur- Ballou respectively. Farrant Turner, ATISFACTION GUARANTEED nish fat beef cattle to wciii not less Hans Fassoth, T. Taylor, G. Brown, 3 than 350 pounds net when dressed, in G. Ballentyne, Marston Campbell and SO IM(B lots averaging about head i er others acted as official scorers, and month, more or le3s, as ra3y be spe- dispensed bowling dope free of cified by the Superib.ter.dcnt cf the charge. I'?per Settlement, delivered at the Following are the individual To be appreciated must be seen, at Leper Settlement, Molokai. For fur- scores: : ther information apply, at the office Katharine Blake 132, Violet Austin of the Board of Health, Honolulu. 110, Julia Yarborough 102, Florence r Hides, tallow and offal to be the Ballou 87, G. J. 82, Daphne . Da- property of the Board of Health. mon 74, G. Turner 72, Helen Mc-Ie- an 3. Each bid must be for i.lie pries 71, J. Carter- - 64, p. Lindsat 64, per pound live weight, with on alter Marguerite Jones; 62, Katharine Jones native oner or a price per neat. 62. Floreace Davis : 2, E. , W;i 62, D. , .. 1048-5- 0 4. . The successful bidder must Noble 60, G. Everton: 59,'. Helen Jones Alakea Street Honolulu agree that all cattle are, pftered fwr 58, Myrtle Schirman - 55, v Milwajd delivery subject to the right of the DeaS 52, C. Blake'.52, Elizabeth Low . Smith-.ISA- -- Yarborough Superintendent . of the Leper Settk 50, R, Woods 48, M. rcent or reject any or all un!ii for 48, v. M. W. ;46, Marguerite v.se, in. which event other cattl- - must Wadman 44, D.'rLidgate-4- 2 Marguer- be forthwith furnished to mke up ite Forres t 3 i M.f ; S t ;5nd M. C. 30. tJic required number and those Re- p A jected forthwith removed the ex- WILL GIVE BENiFlT :n -- r pense of the bidder. . , , ' All bids must be submitted in ac- FOR JAPAPISE CHURCH cordance -- with, .and subject to, the provisions and requirements of Act ; An en tertain ment . for the benefit of ,2, Session Laws 1909. the Japanese Independent church will Tenders must be accompanied by a be given nex,t. Tuesday evening at Ye certified check equal in amount to 5 Liberty theater at 7: 3.) o'clock. ! i t wv l i u . -- a- i j rAav i i ia i a k - w.a. ... wit'a per cent of the tender on th? basis The program in full is as follows: f.f 61. head per month weighing net, Short address. Song, Glee Club of when dressed, 350 pounds each. Mid Pacific Institute. . Sword dance. THK BOARD OF HEALTH, Moving picture. Kota & Samisen, By its President, Mrs. Hori, Takahashi, Otake, Shlbata J. S. B. PRATT, M. D., and Miss Yokota (Japanese music). 5567-10- t. Piano duet, Mrs. Westervelt and Mrs. Sutherland (Spanish dance). Gidayu Office of the Beard of Health, Hono- (drama). Tableau, Japanese old lulu. Hawaii. June 7," 1913. Tend-- - marriage ceremony.. Shiyakuhachi, crs for Purchase cf Hides. Mr. Kanai (flute). Violin solo, Prof. Sealed, tenders endorsed "Tenders G. Dcminso, Mr. Geo. Schrader (6th c " There is great variety of Carpenters tools tor Purchase of Hides," for the pur aiv varia chde Beriot). Moving pic- on the market but there is only one complete chase of hides belonging to the board ture. Tableau. brand made for quality, that is the reason we cf Health, for the period of six ironths from July 1st, 1913, to Decem- RUBBER OUTPUT FOR MAY OF CUR LITTLE STORE. sell the famous ber 31st, 1913, will be received at the IF YOU DON'T SEE WI-fA- T YOU WANT IN THE PICTURE, TELL US "WE'VE GOT IT," EVERY- cfflce of the' Board of Health until The following statement of the out- THING ELECTRIC AT 12 o'clock, noon, Thursday, June 19th, put Tanjong Olok and Pahang ; ;';- of the t do hijuse repair'-anything.;"- 1313. : ;;..-- W We also all classes of and store wiring and KUH KU1UR rubber companies for the month of Brand. The Trade Mark or the Tenders must be for the price per May. The statement a great KUH KU1UH on any tool are an p:vand for hides : delivered oa the increase in both plantation for the words absolute wharf at Honolulu, on weights ap- Buy a tool 3tad first five months, of this y tar as com- 1 guarantee. under this brand proved by an agent cf the Board of pared with last years. The following you will know you are getting the best, Health. is the statement: Payments required in V. S. gold Tanjong Olck. coin immediately after delivery. . Output for May, 1913, 10.681 lbs; Tlie Board does not bind itself to output for Jan-Ma- 1913, 47.370, lbs; Hall & Son, Ltd. aorept the highest or any bid. output for Jan.-Ma- y, 1912, 16.056 lbs. E.0. , THE BOARD OF HEALTH,; Pahang Rubber Co. VM. CITT, Prcpr. wj By its President, Output for May, 1913. 8.710 lbs-outp- ut . 1113 Fort St., Above Hotel Tel. 43 U J. S. B. PRATT, M. D. for Jan.-Ma- y, 1913, 40,113 lbs 5567-10- . output for Jan.-Ma- y, 1912, 17,727 lbs J

V ' J


hall of the manual department at hich will be present hundreds of for- ONLY A JOKE BUT NOTES KAMEHAMEHA MANUAL AND GIRLS SCHOOLS GRADUATES mer students of Kamehameha. Among HO the speakers will be President Perley U Horne, Senator- - Ju4d, President i Griffiths of Oahu College and I). Kal.i-uokaia- nt V. " ON ISpiVuU Star-Butlrt- ln J Sr. --V, program, TOUGH THE Corrvonkncr musical i which will be participated In by tho HILO, June Injunction proceed- members of both the Ikivs' and thy ings against the ttoaru o( bupemsurs girls" schx:l. will be rendered. e w.i-- nied . jesteraay atlrruoon to : The will ?hj haca laureate sermtn PROFESSOR stop their purcnase of ; thxee auto delivered nrfore the members of th trucks, this action teing taken as tne senior class and their parents ami result of a petition of W. Ytest, local IIopw-ood- . friends by Rev. J. Iv Sun- llamm-Vouu- g ; ISp-U- l Star-Hul- k Corrcspoii1MM"' manager ot the von day morning at 11 o'clock. A special tin HILO.' June am an innocent Company, because he thought they musical program will also be rendered 6.! or already bougnt 1, had ordered trucks irah. guiltless of. stca-in-g the at this time. This exercise will take ai advertising ; for delivery without for place in the chapel. The graduation warrants." injunc- With-hi- face drawn and ashen bids. The application for the exercises will be held Monday even-in- ? tion follows a letter written to the gray. , Professor Curtis., one of the in the Rishop Memorial Chapel. t In which well known volcano experts, thus of-- j board by West Wednesday. gJnning at S o'clock. Tfe sneakers of questions right to buy ; Innocence while Spe- he their evening Mia3 Cole- fercd his pieaof the will be Julia cial Prosecutor Breckons was putting trucks without requiring bids. man, Miss Ida Desha, ICrncst Amana degree' in a or Iiim , through the "third and Daniel Kalelalii. The address Hi!o hotel the day. There will be a meeting of the loan evcnrng by Per- other the will be delivered "But if you did not steal the war-- j fund commission in Hilo on June Kanie-hameb- p. discuss ley I Uorne, president of the rants, you know who did. Why did 12th, when the members will beginning of on Olaa, Schools. President Homo yoi break in my room? 1 tell jou the work the and Miss Ida Pcpe. principal of the you Puna and the Kcamoku roads, which are guilty!" insisted Brcckons. mandatory girls' schocl. will present the diplomas at which Professor Curtis fell back the legislature made it and the-- roll cf honor. There will be in his and allowed the perspira- that the balance of the loan fund be chair spent in repairing or rebuilding. One the usual musical program. Included In tion to run pell-me- ll down his face. which will be a number cf solos by of the matters that will be discussed "I am innocent." be repeated slow- permanent Mrs. Charles Hall and selections by ly; half to himself. "I dii not steal is whether to build a rol the Kamehameha Glee Club. 5 on the Olaa-Pun- a stretch so far as the warrants." will permit, or to re- Many of the students who have at- "Did you not order the boy to. pry available funds Knmehameha during the past my my surface and make temporary useful , tended off a staple from door, enter many as possible. There is year are residents cf the other islands. room and take out a grip?" persisted as miles $30,000 left of the loan funds for ex- ?nd beginning Monday these will leave the prosecutor, while . Commissioner on the Puna-OIa-a road. frr their homes, after which" the school Williamson and members of, the Hilo penditure ' will close for the summer vacation. j police force stood by to be witnesses report, on pre Contrary to work the 'to the fessor's ultimate confession. Philadelphia company's breakwater A CEN- "I did; was my grip. It was SALVATION RHY HOLDS but it contract has not ceased and it is not TRAL UMOX FORT hent to your room by mistake." according to statements The statement did not meet with going to, the of soiro of the head employes. To In accordance with its custom of the approval of Breckons, who point- more emphatic ed out enormity crime, and make their statements ser- the of the ed setting aside one Sunday evening they declare more men are to be era-ploy- vice each year for the presentation of those about him supplemented his and jus- from time to time that the work of the Salvation Army, Cen- words with observations on the they know work will not tice which would miscarry because so far as the welcome to sub-contra- tral Union Church will its be stopped until a ct b pulpit tomorrow night representatives of the theft of the documents. It all by company or they became too much for Professor Cur- taken another of the local Army Staff. This will be Lave completed the work. ' an excellent opportunity for the at- tis. He thought of his beloved vol- . bet- cano, tendants of the church to become :where Pele dwells, and his S, Conness has written acquainted, prog- of her were nothing as com- Leland io ter not only with the fesrs friends In Hilo. from the national cap- ress of the work of this noble organ- pared with hi fears of what would employed on him now, having ital, that he is tho ization, but with the personnel of its befall been charged Washington Post as a copy reader. workers. Adjutant . Duncan will read with; such a crime. Thi3 is In an- the Scriptures, the new matron of the the worst crime tho Henry Beckley has bought back th Salvation" Army Home, Adjutant Sa- nals of the territory!" cried Breck- livery Walmca which bine; will prayer,; Ensign ons. "if " tie stopped. auto business at offer and sold to the Volcano Stables two Payne will sing. The address of the "If what?" gasped the professor. he 1 ago 13 manage- evening by "Why, really years and to resume will be given Colonel if the warrants had once. Blanche B. Cox on the subject, "A been stolen, and if all this weren't a ment at Lonely Night in i. Prophet's Home.' . joke," laughed Breckons. Those who have been privileged to I It was too much for Professor Cur George Crawford, an expert chauf- He quite limp. feur who has tycn in the. employ cf Top row, left to right George Benjamin, William Enoka, Daniel K;. lelallL, William Walaleale, George Bush, Robert Muller, JoseplTAnios, hear Colonel; Cox deliver any of her tis. felt spirited in- n local concern, has gone to Hono- Alialona, Araona. Hobbs, Pahin Carrie Moller, Jnlla Coleman, Wattle Robinson, Jolia ApeIa, Lydia Martin, talks will realize that an Ernest Second rowJames Julia teresting evening Is in store for those tipied by representatives of the army lulu to accept a position with EJ. l'ostlna Van Gieson, Josephine Hahoe, Joseph Abu. Third row Alune Alan, Ida Desha, Helen Poepoe, Jolla rem, President 1 eriey L, Home, aae Lewis. - who attend this service. and other local clergymen. This meet- JIcGowan. Emma Malakana. Elizabet fa 'Inon. Joseph Kauihan; Fourth row huen Chang, Elizabeth Afcionn, t iora naai, muiam upannu nun- row John Jones, Daniel Hipa, Willi am Kalna,' James Pnnela, William Lazaro, Edward Akana, Joseph Klla, Samuel Hussey. Photo By Perkins. ing will afford the congregation of Cen- SALVATION ARMY MEETING. tral Union a splendid opportunity to The careless dropping of a lighted day preparation Is past and which applied to our knowledge, professional life, and in intellectual be to the institution this year's ain an insight not only into work "The of are what ' the match, cigarette or cigar,; started a the day of practise begins. The latt but those which are applied to our ability, faithful performance of duties, outgoing class has been. . , "A Lonely Night In a Prophet's of the army as a whole, but to the per- fire in the brush and gras3 between ; ' The final examinations at Kameha- Home" will be the subject of an ad- - examinations have been successfully characters." V with their instructors and sonal work of the ocers. the breakwater and Reed's bay this passed and then comes the most se- The foregoing is an ejeerpt from an meha' have been held during the past dress delivered by Col. Blanche B. Cox Prior to Colonel Cox's address, Ad- morning caused the fire department vere of all tests that of the character. editorial which appears in the com- loyalty to the school, the class of 1913 week and are now completed, the time , of the Salvation Army, at the annual jutant Duncan will read the scrip- to be called out When the fire fight- In our busy world with its strenuous mencement number of the Handicraft, has proved to be by far one of the best of the members of the senior class be- service of that organization in Central tures; Adjutant Sabine, the new ma- ers reached the blaze It had spread - ,v Ideals of service, what a man is stands printed, and published by the membsrs ever graduated from Hawaii's most ing taken up In preparation . for the Union Church tomorrow evening. ; tron of the Salvation Army Home in over several acres and two houses n for more than how much he has of the class of 1913 of the Kamehame-ha- . representative institution. Kameha- closing exercises.. In Bishop Memorial . As has-bee- the custom for years, Manoa, will lead in prayer, and Ensign makai of the' fire were in danger of Itarned. The world is not looking for Schools. Thirty-nin- e students from meha has progressed during the 1912-191- 3 Chapel . Thursday afternoon the clos- tomorrow night has been set aside by Payne will sing. - being reached by the flames. The year-large- ly through ing- Kamehameha the army for presentation fighters storehouses of "knowledge but for men the Kamehamelia Manual Schools ana school the. e$ercise;of the the annual fire scattered around the trained to think clearly, to act firmly, the Kamehameha Girls School leave efforts 'of the class ori913; ami it is Preparatory' School, were held"' This to the public of a resume of the work ; A good motto to have on your tomb- burning area and with old clothing to live honestly and to wortL faithfully. ibe institution this year, to be launched 'hoped by all those affiliated with the evening at 7" o'clock tne alumni re carried on by the organization during stone would be "He was kind to every- and cane knives succeeded in stamp- The severest tests of life are not those upon the great sea of business and school that future senior classes will union will take . place in the dining the past year. The pulpit will be oc- - body." , ing it out


r7 r? --ft

Beginning Monday morning, Wichman & Co. offer a large stock of Porcelaines (Chinaware) at reductions of from one-thir- d to one-hal-f. For one week it will be possible to secure imported French, Saxony or English pottery at these reductions, as a result ofthe Porcelaine department becoming overstocked

SALE INCLUDES SALE INCLUDES - Dresden Cups and Saucers Coalport Fruit Plates Doulton Tea Sets, Vases and Ornaments . Limoges Entree Dishes

Porcelaines - Odd Plates and Other Chinaware

: Wichman 6c Co. liave had .Tew sales each has been a memorable occasion. In this present case you will have an opportunity such as may never occur again the chance to buy, at a bona-fid- e clearance,

high-gra- two-thir- ds from de Chinaware at from one-ha- lt to its real value. And, remember, "If it's Wichman's. you know it's good." The sale commences onMonday morning, and lasts only one week.

i (0) Ik Kl C(iD.oo HONOLULU '.STAR-BULLETI- N SATUK HAY, JUNE 7, 1013. World's Work to Replace School Days


Thirty Pupils Graduated from But Twenty-si- x Diplomas Are Leading Lorr Academi- Issued; 75 Pupils Started cal Institution the Year

With m Although one of the smallest in the the coming of June the era c : of the senior classes of the : v V history of the Institution, the class of academic schools throughout Ho- m&y m y mm 1913 of the McKlnley High School U yyi perhaps one strongest of the ever nolulu invariably give vent to sighs of " ' V graduated. Starting mors as they look -- A l-V- with than relief forward, after fouri - . i i . years of persistent study, to the com-- J " seventy-fiv- e students at the begin-nin- g mencemeni exercises wnicn euner of the school year in 1912. the class has slowly In i"i iucuj new era i cuueawoo dwindled number in mainland or local colleges, .or send until there now remain but twenty-si- x them out Into the world tn hertnm to be awarded diplomas. Form-- . - Ing players on the great stage of business j 'c y V:ny themselves Into a sturdy band yi y backed up ' ty active . and professional life, a twenty-si- x these have steadily . p rep- Honolulu has ever been as ; known a i.- A:'-:- ressed until they may now graduate city equipped with a modern school TrfAA: I - u:v;::: Fystem A7 s - - n A . fim iuc icriiug iui, ia guiag out employing modern methods, into the world, they leave behind and the graduates from her schools. many rep- who them in the school things those have entered college and . resentative of untiring those who have been launched upon a, their efforts. business career immediately after Teachers and student! alike at graduation have, McKlnley are hard at work prepar- in the majority of ing' for the final examinations. The cases, made good. They have attain-- 1 7 a---'- ----, graduating class contains a large - -- ed honors in college and university j , V . v;4 which are va a number of honor students. Including above standard; and in bus X : ' - - - Henry Pyson, class president; George iness' they have succeeded as their In- i r , A-- r Cassldy, S. K. -- oe, Harold Won?,: structors ould have them succeed. Ranking, as It does, first among the v;-- m ;A:A y Bellena Sousa. Jiro Morlta and Yule aa: ' ' yy local academic' educational Institu- " vp.r ., En. The final examinations will be yy AA .1 AAv held June 18, 19 and 20. On Sunday tions. Oabu College this year will evening, graduate thirty Students, many of June 15. Rev. R. Elmer whom Smith will deliver the baccalaureate bavo received their entire edu- sermon before the members of tho N - cation there, having entered In the - - . . , in Methodist preparatory department The places w A 8enior"elass the First .ua t. t 11 W I 1LI . chufch. The graduation exerclse3 'u luevjiiiiu oiiege Honor row una will be held in the assembly hall ct year arc occupied by Miss Julia Camp- , . ' " """ A the school on the night of June 21. bell and FarTant Turner, these honors . The last event of the year will ba being those relating purely to scholar- Top row, from left to right PorotBr-Wood- . rtmP rutp TMpPt yarmilt Tjnfr.fpnna rfrrYVo ck,"jJizahtlu4xjrfTDnhglns TIiIttItu ElliatotTi TraU. the senior dance at Young hotel - rde. the ship. , Second Hfw VIMrrd tftnr Maryuwit iVadmaa, 4hm-n- ij itjfaldwin, Thlr d Fl"tP f'J"1'"'"! John Wjtf, Thursday evening, 25. lfBroM,jlftrniJli' " 't"" June a '"' . a a m r 1 , j m The second honor roll, that of secur- 3IixtIcSr.tamaji. Tip fciizrivetn nooas. row Lfu, JuTtTTre, Lnm Yor? Daphne Dumon, Twnx .Lcons mrHWaid tntiiiHi rWmriiti, WLv XICiaxulr t ourin rawra At a recent meeting of .the student ing - . I'noto uy rerams. the five best essays of the ten Wong,' (ieiiewiJjuJiiiL : v t: body, Max Pavid Kahalcwai - . ju.- - jiia BoIteand . written by that number of students jmmn rr.aa-age- IN OF SCHOOL were elected editor and business r who stand first in their class, an 1 from GRADUATING CLASS OF M'K INLEY HIGH, ONE OF THE SM ALLEST HISTORY respectively of the Black as! the writers of theBe five essays choos- Gold, the mouthpiece of tho institu- ing the" three best speakers. Includes 1913-191- tion, for the 4 school year. Miss Julia Campbell. DeWitt Alexan- The other members of the staff have der and Tang Leong Wong. also been appointed. The June num- The awarding of the honor won by ber of the Black and Gold, edited by that student who, during the past the class of 1913, will be Issued In ferhpol year of has caused his degree, two weeks promises to fc3 to abcut and work influence the other members the best example of amateur Journal- to pattern after his methods, will 'by ism ever attempted by any school la announced the night of eomraeno- - the the-- islands. - ment exercises, at which time the name of this student will be madu Professor Marlon M. Scott of th9 High School speaks well present known. - cf the Junior lass cue. of hl.i state menu t -- . President Griffiths of.Cah'u Collegfl Ing to'the effect that next year It wt:t with a marked degree of praise -- Breaks be one of largest c!as3C3 of theclass cf 1912. Betting" If forth A4 .the ev an Industrious' gathering which has graduated by the school, telr.s f.:. . iorked largely,,, tcward..pcrpetu.ttn,r now In number. The members cf .1.3 senior class are now preparing the renown- - of hlch tho school how tsir : essays from which will be chosen four boasts. . of the bestto be delivered by tSa , The work at Punahou covering the writers on the evening of graduation. year 1912-191- 3 20. ends June Tho Just who the speakers will has net program now until , date ; from that yet ' ' follows: Examinations for admission 4 been determined. ' to the grades Of the preparatory On June 26 and 27, immediately fol- school and to the freshman class of lowing graduation, the teachers of ty the college will be held on June 13-- ( High School will meet and personally 14 at the preparatory school, at the; examine the credentials-o- f the more college and at places outside of than 1C0 students .whoyVill enter the' Honolulu ty arrangement The col- school from the eighth' grade. At this lege term examinations will be held time it will be found out just what on June 13, 16 and 17. The college courses these students expect to take entrance examinations, given by tbej during the four yeirs of High School college entrance examination board, ' work, whether general, ; college en- Harvard and Yale, will be held in trance or commercial Bingham hal from June 16 until A large number of the members of 21. Sunday services June The wlir' the present senior class will graduate be held In Central Union church on s this year fronythe commercial depart- June 15 at half-pas- t seven o'clock in ment, and Professor Scott stated th!3 the evening, at which time Rev. H. P. morning that already a number of Judd will deliver the baccalaureate them have, secured good positions la sermon. Music ty the Oahu College and about llonolulu. George Cassldy Glee club. and Harold Wong, who nave bexft pur- The closing exercises of the prep- -' suing the college entrance course, will aratory school wl!l be held In the enter, Cornell and the University cf Charles R, Bishop hall on the follow- California, respectively, in tee fall, ing days: Primary grades in rooms, materially adding to the large assem- this June 17; grammar grades in of IcKlnley graduates now .half-pa- st number bly hall, June 18 at nine attending mainland colleges and uni- o'clock In the morning; eighth grade, versities. . June 18 at one o'clock in the after-- v noon. row Taylor George graduatesYn Pauahi half oJune 19. A Top row, from left to right Elizabeth 'AolditelnrYok En, Rosie Holt, Hiram Shirley Bosh, Psyche Berry, Henry YP H Morlta. Second Eta FOR ICE COLO DRINK AND beginning at eight o'clock in the f tassiay, Jienrj jryson, Lncy f rank. Third row Jtturiel Cunnincliam, Joseph, Dwlght, Belllna nsa, Virginia Jictanny, --"nun, iu - tnarin v..a.iU. p ' 14 ICE CREAM. TRY THE morning. Alumni day will be cele An I II in nir. I hiirl I .ihI.- 1m. HaaiI 1 inmr. Ilnnn k oo llarnlH 1 nir I'mact Itht. ' w "rf ' " ' brated June 20, the,- - program for ' i ed. In 'previous years it has been his ; material from the reluctant stu- a male quartette and other musical which Is in charge of the 'Alumni as -- will frequently Hawaiian DrurJ Co., inimnniinTn -- de- attractions be on the - i ii he custom to vote on the associate dents. With four editors ( In the sociation officers. The- graduation mil m m di- I managers, partment Is thought much bet- program. A committee (Under the exercises of the" class of 1913 will editors 'and assistant and it that HASSMEETI1S Hotel and Bethel Streets ijuuiumiuiu very ofleu students were installed in ter results will be obtained and the rection of C. B. Gage has taken' thl3 take place In the Charles R. Bishop matter in hand. The addresses will Punahou, Saturday evening.) these positions who did not work in amendment was Unanimously carried. hall. eooperati:ij; with their associates. At The amendment also gave the senior le delivered by laymea as well as yesterday's election, charge of this department. PLANNED BY ministers. ."; ; address-o- f the evening will be ARE ELECTED however, the classmen The rule was '.amended and the editor The nominees for the senior class The first meeting of the series will GEORGE V. JAKIilS tnade by A. C. Alexander and the be held Sunday evening, Jujy 15, at of diplomas by Presi- and manager may now appoint their were Miss Catherine Ashley and John presentation own staffs, Miss Ashley carried the which time Pavid Carey Peters will Auctioneer and Commission The class speak- j'; - dent A. F. Griffiths. one deliver an address. The fltst series Agent, will be Miss Julia Campbell, AT PUNAHOU Editors to.W in charge of athletics vote. In the "other classes but Y.M, C. A. ers ' made. will run until the first of August, were, boys ath- nomination was The results - Alexander and Tang Leong next nominated. For inter-churc- h Block 78 SL Dewitt were Joseph Farringtoli for the jun- after which the federa- Bachs Beretasla Wong. The class dance will be giv- letics, JarpfTimd and John O'Dowda tion will conduct a series of mass ' hotel on 'the even- w-r- e nominated, and for girls' ath- iors. Miss Mildred Chapin for the en at the Moana eophomb'res and Miss Aileen Powsett meetings in the Bijou tljeatre. After ing of June 23, beginning at eight Tiv eohruil nt Punnlinii la ran-- letics there; was but one nominee. I A new departure in local religious these general meetings are over, the by invitation. Mm .Mil ward 'Jicas. James Hind won for the freshmen. by Young o'clock. Admission idly drawing to! a close and as the J wnrk is to be instituted he association intends making plans for he boys Misa eauorsnip was tne 8 Promotional days speed by the students find many vote for athletics. and. jne literary nexi pien-- Christian Asssociation in the men's ; meetings. " was ardprt'ed the other: office position up for vote. Two associates a.m'a88 meeting each Sunday problems presenting themselves which position.' lcrm of 1 Publicity V vot were also required for this H HacKfeld & Co. require immediate and. close atten-ivhou- onr'r'ation3 r.ight in the Empire theatre for the Japan is still willing to appropriate Alakea Street. -- oemg uoromy - J V oies eunors, tne nominees miss Df city who, for various rea- Limited. tiort .The grcates of these problems . io men the 600,000 for the world's fair in 1315 THE CHjAS. R. FRAZIER CO. are of the most Doing .encsen. . ihe nominees were Peterson, Miss Ruth Farrington and eons, do not care to go to the despite ' and the ones that Miss Porothy Hoogs. positions the alien laid bill. Phone 1371 Sugar Factors, Importer and vital interest to them is the the elec- Miss Louise Churchill,: Miss pothy The fh..Trhp, 1 went to Miss Peterson and Miss j . Commission Merchants. Peterson an Miss AJice Hoogs. Miss -.- tion of officers of the various school x-- I plan was discussed at the The British 'ambassador, Sir Cecil v Hoogs u .t The HONOLULU. organizations and societies. The Churchill aiii Miss being Spring-Rice- , has secured a summer '.v. '.'.' were Miss Eloiselr6!108 : important of elections are elected. next called and Thursday noon, at residence in Is'ew most these Wichman, Miss Catherine Blake, Miss Church Federation the hills, PARCEL DELIVERY PHONES the Oahuan staff and the O. C. A. A. The next Vote was for editors of which time the association was as- near President Wilson's summer -- Laura Low, Miss Jeanette Sharp, Special Creations In Millinery elections were , the Alumni department. This depart-hel- d ot approval of home. officers. The Oahuan Joseph Yap and Frank Winters were sured the the churches. for June Brides and yesterday. ment also calls for two editors and ' The meetings will not seek to draw MESSENGER 3461 nominated. Miss Low, Joseph Yap; three-inc- I editor-in-chie- iss Elizabeth Woods, Miss: Ramona A h gun The office of f for the j men who are regular church attend exploded at Fort Morgan and Frank Winters were elected. hoi YOUNG LAUNDRY I year to Miss Genevieve! andHarold Baldwin were ants hut will nrinrinallv for men Moultrie near Charleston, S. kill- PHONES next wenr position up for election C, MISS POWER ; Soper,1 Th? Wo chosen; were ;The last wno have no church affiliationsThe ing three men and hurting nine Taggard, Miss Ruth the other .mined m ; was of exchange editor. Miss com-Gard- a Boston Block Demg ae--; ""aa " , that chairman of the religious work, xominee lor Jhe position, r Vernon Tenney and feated by a very few votes. Two t Odds and Ends or joke department Everton. TOittee of the association expects to Mrs. Hugo Mansfeldt. talented wiie the! was the next on the; list. An import Blakely McStocker . were nominated till the theatre with men. at each pf a San Francisco musician, who has nominees were also in line for position by Tenney. managership, Marston Campbell and ant change was also made in this de- and the won ' V. 'meeting as soon as the plan becomes spent some time in Africa in search of Dougherty ; health; Wall.fi BLOSSOM CANDIES Elbert Tuttle, but the vote was al- partment. In place of the single edi- j known. committed suicide on the Sa- ORANGE -- most unanimously in favor of the tor, an amendment was proposed Nat Goodwin's fifth; wedding was Music will be an imoortant feature hara desert by drinking poison. WATCH REPAIRING The Most Popular Candies Made big , which called for four associates, one celebrated (though not elaborately) in at these meetings and an orchestra A shipment of Australian meat on the Coast latter. m Marjorie . A radical change, over last year's from each class. The joke editor Los Angeles. The bride was will be engaged to provide a special at San Francisco and. Los Angeles Alexander Young Bulldlnf DRUG CO., LTD. edi--'wh- HONOLULU rule in regard to the positions of o presided during the past year Parrott Moreland, his secre- - program along this line and lead the rrought prices down Trom 20 to 50 Telephone 2364 1024 tor-in-chi- Fort St ef manager was adopt-foun- d it extremely difficult to glean tary. singing, vocal and Instrumental solos, per cent. , ii and BTAft-BULtETI- 10 HONOLULU N, SATURDAY, JUKE 7, 1013.

TOM MORRIS CUP ff,'EvTHATjr JfcfTfi 11 e JR:P J LEAGUE I7IIL IT Jm& rrri imi r rn NEXT GOLFING lli HIILU ID FME PLIVSS ,: M Everything Is Now In Readincbr1' -- uoo The Oahq Baseball toague Intends Players Looking Forward to a I TK1WIE11E mz3unacns:art to take action to prevent Its players Keen Contest Although Lo- from taking part in outside games Swimming Races Jvv.e 11 Hie Finht Gone Red which conflict with the regular league cal Course Has Low Par For The Jkizzce schedule, and at a meeting to be held

by-la- w ' EOQREN strong eaough I an- next Thursday night a is to The next Important event in local BY ROBERT me fast and gt automatically suspend- RE-SURVEY- he introduced, a COURSE ED - The siory of Rob Fltzsimmons start other Job as a 'striker & golfdom will be the Tom Morris com- r- never foundry, swinging a heavy ing: any player who absents himself petition, which will be played as as a boxer has been told. It is Atd raws' league games to play on SO THAT ANY RECORDS was horse-shoe-r sledge. was great work, but from the ueual, 16, over the course of the generally atmwn that he a This infringe-- , June VICTORY in Anstralia and that he came after three 'years I threw a hot tire outside. The penalty for this Oahu Country Club, fiolfrrs arc WILL BE AUTHENTIC got ment will likely be disbarment for the looking with Interest to the to America as an unknown and leaped over the foreman on day and season, although forward ." - balance of the this almost at once Into world-Wid- e fame fired. -- v every In Atn-Irtf- event In which club the c - has not been definitely decided as The officials of the Hawaiian as" middleweight champion. - First FIcM will prob- 1 ' - Ra! Western Golf Association Association believe In taking The local tennis contingent was -- 1 yet 1 was 27 years oM While was worktng there. 15 ably enter a team. The Oahu Coun- highly yt&sterday, wte The reported action of Oahu time Ly the forelock, and , already elated the years old,1 1 my fights. nine, try Club is up against a hard propo- when he came' here. He tnust1 have had first rinx preparations are almost complete for ecores of the first day's play In the had somo history in Australia before to a finish with bare knuckles, Lon league players, in signing up as a St sition In this competition, for many Aus- play two Sun- the annual A. A. U. swimming cham-- l Davis cup pretimrnarles between corning to America.' - World's cham- don prize rlagruls. I won them all Louis Alumni team to of the holes lack just a few yards were kaowru- - day games against the Stanford tram,. pionsntps, to be held at tne Aiaaea tralasia and America itn pions raade: fn" a4 few - months, with knockouts My next jpb after of being par 4t and the par the arent 13 20, league for slip, the afternoon of June 11. John addition to a aatstral patriotic desire ' ' fighting- - - leaving foundry was as a painter, July and has roused the coarse is only 33, although this is it takes years f and bird the managers F Sopcr, chairman of the registra- to st?e tho American team' come wit rSs as a paperhanger.: I could do officials and club to action, lolly four Etrokea too low consider- work to get whero Fittslm toons then now as who tion committee, has seen to it that on Top, Honolaln players have a spe- when Dempsey and, later on, three men's work, and did Next I and it looks though those ing the difficulties of wind and hilly he beat It games Moill-I- II the "paper work has been done well cial personal interest In any matches then" Gardner, taking went to work as a horseshoer forimy elected to play In the at ground. Ccrbett, and the would sever their connection with of time, and W. T. Rawlins has In which Maurice McLoughlin takes middleweight heavyweight and light-heavyweig- at brother. I stuck ; to ; . that Job five The competition for the Tom Morris ; the Oahu League by so doing. It the been equally busy. on tiie outside end. part, " "Mac"4 has been In Hondara on world championships years: v ; Memorial Trophy is an annual con- in ,r players by their announced in- As a result, there should be no hitches separate occasions', fcas al- ' stick test of IS holes against official four and succession. Recently Bob sat down "Alt this time I never forgot about league will get an awful the the moment, 6 tention, the at lart and the meet ways been; wtfllng-t- give? the local and; told me' the story of his start, the football captain. By -- the- time I par of the course, open to all clubs ' by their withdrawal, but to keep should go off smoothly. ' ; ' feee Wm In on " ' Jolt as- fans chance to action and here It Is. was 17 I concluded I could w hip him, enrolled in the membership of the - any kind of organization, , the line The course, whtcn will be in the the- courts:'1 He Is general favorite "My : mother- - began by trainlmr me ftnd: the; next two years I spent! all sociation, to be played by teams of l-1 must be sharply drawn, say leagne clip nVI In-- (Ire Bob.-Uatf- eight, all of whom must be amateurs Waikikl of the Alakca wharf, 4itere, hls BWccess tb8 first day's fbf 'ministry," fes!d of Tjiy spare time travelin? around to officials. will ' V' ' ! years " went-t- o find members of the competing club be lie yards long, bo that the play Is doubly ratirylhg. as ill old I chttrcli football matches looking for him. But The Louis Alumni players held 2L'0 and 440 yard events can be, nifc tiof looks as Uwagli the- - United and Sing in the eholi twice a week. he had disappeared, and to this day St and bona fide residents of the district - 'ft x an informal meeting last night and off with- one- - and three turns re- wmaud inj? retdf of ahd to Bible class twice on Sundays. I've never sst eyes on" him. ; covered by this association and be at 1 States;' the - considered a proposition to change spectively. Tho distances have been able; to' for & bos of snuff and a kicked "He knocked me out of being a the time oU the competition twenty-fiv- e two matcnes, shotrld be takn Bat the name of the team, as several (23) years of age over. officially marked on the pier for paTst tens' the three rematnlag. and score football ! would, have been a minister thinner; and If I'd ever fomrd him I'd players never attended the collets . or - meets, ; s .: ... v fcach club will play over its own and these marks will be veri w victory over Aastralasla, According today i ; ... ,,;v have knocked him out of being a No definite action was taken. fied by a surveyor, th1nter-nationa- player.-- hoi .1 course each year on Jane 16. Tom so that there will id the Standing scbednle for l VYeht-o- Errand .. ? ;..., ( football But t don't the Of the .five teams ia the Oah Morris' birthuay. "Vhen be no chance of error, in the event of Ynatcht. McLtetighlln will go 'living m Zealand, grudge any 'more.''He puriclicd me League, only one, tho Coast Dcfensa, the date of any records ' being "We 'were Ne poverty a June Kth.of any year falls on Sun- smashed. against Doust and Williams play Rice. about 1500 miles kcross the ea from from into bunch of fortunes. has remained loyal to the league la the take off, Rawlins hopes But for him never havo been a day, the competition r that year shall tor to HAckett and Utile may play thetr dou- Australia. One day my mother seat ia its entirety. Players from the other secure the use of one big fighter. I'd never have won, as I did take place on Saturday, June 13. of the navy bles" match "against the 'Australian rrtfe to buy a box bf snaft at a cheni- - Tour clubs appear on the list of the Tho club an over but the hotrt-in- g. home; once, $40,000 with a single blow. I'd St. Louis Alumni. whose ieam returns the team after It's istVsfiop near our On the way I kbava: ;a total against par again, entire result passed open foot-- been harscshocrrtaday atii;3 "I doubt verj much if all the play- bet result the of its and then the an field where two week. own course will be awarded the cus- tnay-depen- d on their Balb teams were pTayint. " 1 ' walked a ers whose names appear on the St of th matches a t.i ; tody of the trophy for one year, and rfrortJC feoald the uaexpected happen, s'tfwly, watching the1 game and' wish-In- f Louis Alumni list will play when the each player of the winning team will and the American singles players lose that I cctird get a' chance to kick n a k n tt u u a n a n a true situation is explained to thrn," be given T 4. - said Manager Marcal'ino of the Icana an appropriate medaL The both, their, next , matcnesL , . . the bail. I wus very curious to know a trophy CLARKE GRIFFITH ON a this morning. "It is like Cclor.cl will become the permanent 4 :; how was a .Wist- - i "i ' It would feelr Just while I rromperty r .Choiea. aJ-ri- U : A GRAND JINX HUNT Green's team. He had them all sign- of the club whose team wishing, somebody kicked it over the " a Williams ------. fiaebeen five times the winner "of That In Mcljonjchliti and my a .. a ed until it came to a showdown, and the players in this fence and it rolled right to feet prospects competition, not necessarily, however, the two best singles So I kicked it back again as hard as a - (By Latest Mail.) v a then a lot of his original is without Ques- - In succession. The player who re- country were selected I could. - ; a WASHINGTON Clarke Griffith a backed out" turns the best Individual Farrant Turner, swimming captain, tion. McLoughlin Is the present Cham- A a is looking ror. the jinx that has "AVe are going td give the fans result players second later the captain of one a possible." among all competitors will be award- Punahou Athletic Club. pion and Is one of the best the of the teams, a big fellow over six a crippled his team. The hospital a here the bestf baseball sail ed a medal. country has ever developed. Not as a long one. is just T. P. W. Gray, one of the promoters told rules. This will make a solid start- feet tall, leaped the fence and ran a list is Foster a There Is no entrance fee smooth and accurate. In his play as straight me. any recovering from typhoid and it of the Stanford Invasion. "The Ct for this ing platform, which will not give or at Before I had Idea a a ready and an- tlra petition. . great Lamed perhaps, but a man Loufi Alumni team is sway the the what he meant to do he struck me a a will be weeks before he can play, a Is A competition against par is play- i when .the swimmers take of dazzling brilliancy and great ability nose, smashing Laporte, who has been subbing at xious to play Stanford, and that i -i- blow .on - terrific the a a - ; r , we ed in the same manner as I water. victory. His- rec- a; all that concerns us, for know one against - cents each, to smash hithserrto It and cutting gash, across the a third base, la out with a strained a goods," bogey, except that the figure repre- i Reserved seats, at 6' ord during the past three or for'.years bridge injured; they can deliver the Wiir be placed en; the runway of the that is the only scar I carry a teadron; Gandil is Milan a senting the par of a hole of a given has ne: of steady' Improvement today after hundreds' of ring battles. ' a bruise as big: as an egg on a a has -- Alafcea wharf, and general admission, ba coun-tr- v ; length and against which com-Tetito- rs Is any player in the fjo game the 25 cents, good a' pTace and if there The' blow knocked me senseless. I IX his head and a sore leg; .Carl a i;ju;;:Dn play at wilt do for lilta- - a hard-battl- e ' is fixed rolejy by the - who couM give was unconscious for three hours and .twirling muscles are U length on the Richards street wharf.- The a Cashlons league To::.c:.:tov; of the hole and thus the par Tor title; It Is Williams, the other half, Hnghes a s Alakca seats 'will have the advantage his and tne blood that ran down a twisted and Tom has a There will be no gaa-.e- In the Ju- cf holes of similar length is uniform; my ' of shade from the wharf houseV throat' strangled me 'so that I bum ankle where he was struck a nior League tomorrow tr.orr. f ac- fend, unlike the begey, does not vary the rise' to a alga rank in lawn canie vefy near dying. At .they Milan i Tickets on at tne Ha- Williams last a with a batted ball. and a count of uncertain cc: . ;.i cf because of in- tire hew slid v to.- - the other conditions. For News' iV'-!V tennis has very rafold. Lat yar brought me The coin I was carry ajlaghea ,wUJ ;werk despite, injur- ground. "After a stance, a hole 3S5 yards in length mav waiian Co.a be' chatapionshlp fn ing my the Athletic Park won clay ourt had flown out of hand when out for t-- . A .When tTte" entry list wks published he the a ies, but the others are the a loot; at tiie diamond car'y !i norn--- have Its bogey as 4 at one club, rt s He wtts , and k' few days ago; rohr dia not the allcomers' f.aai struck, remembered that I a present t ;;-- a Ing Leagu9 5 at another. The par for a hole 3S5 tiamea the Pacific hstd; ' Started fori some .4'..Xir the Junior mam.rnciit do. 1: drivcT as I appear, fesj ttre wuit-lns- it, not such hard snuff, but that It would be tho part of wl3-- yards .in length is absolutely fixed at Lid nothing 'to buy with, so I stag aaaaauaataaaaaaaa tided , 4, for jrn'ewaT..6r;A, Attty-t-t- S. it dom to postpone the scheduled con-- no matter what the topography, of, I3X very gered home dark, . empty-- The men whose entries "were omitted H.i nt on U. Cuun.v'M ' in the OAHU LEAGUE GAMES ON. tests, and notice to thl3 e.Tcct was sent; the( ground may be or judgment Miles, a sprinter entered ' - ' . , the of Flnella fast Myrtle-Bo-at effective and has a styte play which hahded: the club'c committee. In the ladies' evert. are all lhembers of the Unless rain falls this afternoon or cut t Club. They are L. W.; Hough and R. romlaes to develon Into even greater evening, the scheduled games of the officia: lis(anccs as-to- e t Te of .the efflcienev! than ie-- has yet shown and "When ! slipped in throueh the play. Asahis go asainst the Por--' y A. H6ngh, A. Wisdom, Leagrrerjw Athletic lion-b- which par scores coal barges, which will be anchored ia the relay; T. Oahu ill be held at The the of 1n win premier. nonors wiia? dobi my mother only caw that.l'had P&x Sunday" tuguesc, while tho Hawalla will meet hoi, s at the starting mark, the actual take- in the mile, and W. W.'Harris, the for mmtjthc . afternoon. . The field are computed aro as j a hloody My follows: t-hi- nose. traininsr for the 1ft fnefcetf abcV 2u- - 50-- f ard Ycnl o Zbtt, has been drained, and .U in stapo for the Coast Defense In the closer. Up, to 225 yds, inclusive.... Par is 3 off hrfnt'tafrucied ,pd miaistry tiadnT Included fighting. '4 x I'd t ( i I D3t.-t)lt:'Tea- 22G the water,' according to A," A..ilf. relai 'race. i" :r .Sr6T(. ! I'rm to 425 yds., .. is 4 - ' - il" - - " been Inc Par t 7 - HseCkett and Little bftea warned that I must not .From 428 to 600 yds., The setecttft? of ' ( ..- inc.. Par is 5 ' caused fight. ?.1rti .; '.! C01 as doubles players - has ; - .From and upwards.... Par is 6 the 7- You've oeen fighting,- tave yen V It Is hard to' see - The eight contestants and eight sub- some criticism: but asked- my i mothef.,; And without an stitutes which have been selected by how the committee having this matter other done better. rd she turned nd; took a this grounds committee to represent In charge coald have ttout wtiip dowh. frbm its nail on the' v 1 the Oahu Country Club In Tom There 1s tto ulayer active! fn lm wall and proceeded give the Intematloa- - to me the Morris event, are as follows: Revised official Schedule Oahu Junior Baseball; League, for 1913 season: Inthls country fcith more worst whipping i ever had ta my life. Regulars T. Gill, II. B.' Glffafd, al 'experience than Littte." He Has been Tlren'she sent-m- -- to bed. ;: ; ! ' ; cup and Date. First Game. ' Second Game. : in a number of Davis matches VNert--- ' mornins She ' camo iriy " to Hal-fctea- 15-- : cqnttted Aimself well. His Greig, F. H. Armstrong, Frank d, June J. A. C vs. Pawaa. Asahl vs. P. A. C Jrs. has atways room. My eyes had swelled over night C P. Morse. June 22 C. A. U. vs. P. A. C. Jrs. Asahl vs. Pawaa. Individual playing Is stronK and he' Is and were closed tight and my nqso - ' Substitutes Dr. G. T.' Smith, F. V. Juno 29 Pawaa vs. P. A. C. Jrs. J. A. C. vs. C. A. U. able- to dant his playing to" donblcs was a sight When my. mother saw 4 ! Klebabn. L. Redington, W. Simpson, July 6 C A. U. v. Pawaa.. Asahi vs. J. A. C : with Marked uoccssi. for the first time how badly I was G-- ' " ; - sue--crie- a: H. H. Walker, Dr. C, B. High, C. S. July 13 J. A. C. vs. P. A. C. Jrs. Asahi vs. . A. V. ' Hackett' is one- of the best doubles nan over me and told rac Don't 'wear clumsy; bunglesome Weight, A. Ewart July 20 Asahl vs. P. A. C. Jrs. J. A.' C. vs. Pawaa. players ; this- country has prodnced. again and again - how sorry she was President's Trcphy. July 27 Asahl vs. Pawaa. ; C. A. U. vs. P. A. C. Jrs. .With P; R : Alexander lie1 Ireld- the" na-iirm?l she had whipped me and I told her night shirt all your life. Get into . Ta-a- a ." of years, A special rule to govern play Tor Aug. 3 J. A. C. vs. C-A- U. vs. P.' A. Jrs. ... doubles tl? a number now It an happened.1 Then she sent the ex- - president's trophy Second Series ' ; - and o has Also uite a little for a doctor. I was hurt Friday a has been ' ' hd announced ' and ' - ! a suit of bur PAJAMAS by the grounds committee, as follows: Date. ' First Game. -- 'v Second Game' - rrieice nlayiria with Hacklt terhooh. Saturday- 4there y was no : ' lO-As- - J 'Ai.U;.VR..-T'awaa-. "Rules of the Western Golf Associa- Aug. ahf vs. J.- A. : also pasrhad woch experience tn school and on Sunday ray eyes !,were f ' so-fo- tion governing medal play shall govern Aug. 17 Asahi vs. C. A. U. J. A. C. vs. P. A; C. Jrs. play'Trtiich tTwwhl greatly stnr cipsed, r tho first time I be a REGULAR GUY Was chnrcli, the competition, except that a player Aug. 24 J. C. vs. Pawaa. Asahl vs. P. A. C. Jrs. Increase his atore to tlw tcawi TM let out of going to But - valua- Monday 1 was go may indulge in practice, and play Aug. 31 C. A. IT. vs. P. A. C. Jrs. Asahi vs. Pawaa. wit aird experience arte- most made to to school. rounds If ho so engag- 7 aa vs: P.- - A. C- .'. J. A. C. vs. O. A.' U. ble ; assets to doubles success, and There the scholars lauched at; m no desires, before Sept lav Jrs. ttiiich ing In the comprtitl6n. Once a player Sept. H C. A. V. vs. Pawaa. Asahi vs. J. A. C. ' these two players aro sure to be very that I ran home, and f never AfcAhi ent ta ither a school or a church decides to engage in the competition, Sept 21 J. A. C. vs.4 P. A. C. Jrb. s. d. a: u. , afterward.-- My 'mother used to pmi Nice soft silky materials, mercerized life must declare his re- 2K vs. P. A. Jrs, . J. A: C. vs. Pawaa. Intention and Sept Asahi C to hrurcV but ceive from one of the club officers a vs.iTrwaa. ,. XV Ai U.:vs;'lVA:"C,iJrk,:y I'd lie on the Oct.tfAar.l ! grass outside stamped A.' A. Vki P. A. O. JrV. " .'v and listen to the hymns, asV fine and slick and an properly and dated card, on Oct 12.1 C. xs.$: Pawaa because I ioved cottbhsy just; which only, the first two rounds played YESTERDAY'S SCOHES the singij, and then Judge Wise's of- ask somebody the minister's text so thereafter 6hall bo recorded." held yesterday in IN THE BIG LEAGUES I ol materials, all of which fice and R. S. Young, head of the could tell what It was when they abundance other FU!!III OF JULY commi ttee on the parade, made a very asked me at home. favorable report. He announced that AMERICAN LEAGUE. Learned to Box have that comfortable, cool feeling so re- Dad Dreams And the militia company is to be a pare W. I Frt "The trouble was that all this time 6f tho procession as well as other Philadelphia 34 10 .77: I could only think of the man who4 flesh 13 had beaten me. freshing and soothing to the Get features announced before. R. T. For Cleveland y. . SI .723 Week after week low To Stop Them BIG EVENT csts had another encouraging report Washington 25 20 the desire for revenge grew. ' But I to make regarding the entrants for Chicago ..... 2fi 22 .512 was a slim little fellow, only 11, and into a suic or them after a hard day's tho athletic events. ' The5 programs Boston ...... 20 24 .43 I knew I'd have no chance to fight if T met him. Brooking Individual, following night and the necessary publicity Is being . . 20 32 .383 over it put an of and see See the a St Louis.. idea Into my mind. I'd work or a strenuous day sports of bad dreams usually the result of HO attended to by Henry G. Vicars. Judge Detroit ..... 18 30 .r.7r work and grow as strong as I could, . 1 I I) and learn Parsons has announced that Robert , 34 ,219 great mental excitement and exhaust- New York ow to fight, so ho vv II in si ed nerve forces! Breckons has agreed to make the na that I'd be ready we you eep. when I was big enough to tackle him. St.ir-BullPi- day speech His appearance will be an open tSlcinl ln CorresponnenreJ tion's natal at the patriot NATIONAL LEAGUE. ic exercises, - "I went to my brother's black- book of his experience! Lines, deep 1IILO, June 6. Every meeting of W. K Prt smith shop suggestive, 12 .676 and induced hhn to give and trace thetr devious the Fourth of July committees shows Fhiladilphia me two old across countenance; 22 17 leather aprons. I cut Shown in a bully assortment of new courses his his .that the celebration in Ililo tills year DUNN'S TWIRLING New York . .n.t these np into patterns eyes lack his step 22 18 for boxing lustre, is faiterm, is to be a notable affair, participated Brooklyn ... gloves. I'd never seen any. his very manner indicates the fatality races. Inter- FEATURE OF GAME 22 22 .roo but I'd colors. Lavender, blue, in by individuals of all Chicago .. . . heard about them. I sewed the gloves designs and pink, of his thoughts, the gloom that Is In est being taken in the coming event Pittebuinh . 22 22 .500 Nor is he He In a fast game played on the Puna with string and stuffed them with alone! has establish- 24 - his heart by the large mercantile . . 20 leather clippings and- and white, both plain and ! St . cotton, and millions of companions in misery very encourasing. hou irrotinds vrstprdav. tho St TxMi Iuis 3R tan, grey ments is .' 22 .410 j A 1 I 'OStOD then got the other, boys from the same causes, draining tne possible to come team xviuisll.'M. uj IL. swire wi 11 t.tu ' of the The latest feature uii ine Cincinnati 17 28 ,373 neighborhood together and boxed dregs of life. to "tho of the committees, is 0. Dunn twfrlcd for tho Saint's and with striped. attention them every day. : And ho must not despair! Thou- contained in a letter received yester was in excellent form, striking out 15 LEAGUE. similarly afflicted have been men, allowing no hits and not a man PACIFJC COAST "In a couple of years I conM out-bo- x sands day by Captain Jack Easton from the Pet any of them easily, positively cured by Pension Nerve Es- bandmaster cf the First Field Artil- reaching sreend base. Kammy, of the and I was Los Angeles . . 40 ?4 .6?. growing tall. Every night T sence little-Orienta- .tablets of won- lery. Members of this organization Mills, pitched a fairly good game, but before . . ; . . . 33 23 .532 went to sleep thought derful efficiency. If you nave, a arc very anxious to pay a visit to the lack of support on the part of his Oakland I of what I'd $1.50 to $5.50 team-mate- : 31 34 ,477 do to "who suffers from nervous volcano, upen hearing of the in- s accounts for the one San Francisco that football player when I friend and 28 31 .475 gTC-- a recommend them to him. here, decided to sided score. The Saints garnered 13 Portland . . . . . little biggrr. We were right troubles, tended celebration 30 34 .49 by the and I heard ' One box of Persian Nerve Essence learn if there was not some method by hits of Kammy's delivery. Venice sa about what we, guarantee Nye was the star, performer with Sacramento . 24 32 ;429 great fighters sailors were. So I Is often sufficient but which they could earn a portion of up my i made mind to run away and be treatment (six boxes) to curse necessary expense. , the stick gathering 2 hits 6ut of 5 afull the a - Ve showing few designs, with prices, case of nervous weakness Easton Intends writing to them sug- times at bat NATIONAL LEAGUE sailor for a year or two. I had are h the worst Philadelphia 3, fixed it no with a or will refund the cost gesting that they give a dance here At Prmburjh the cantain of druggists or sent by ax re-istat- ed Pittsbwrffh 1. bark called the Isabella Ridley and windows this week. Sold by all on the night of the Fourth in the srnrjr was m our postpaid. $1.00 per box or full Armory and will take matter At Chicaqo Boston 5, CireaflO 4. about to skip out the next morn- mail, he the - ing, when up treatment of six boxes for 5.00 Am. up with the various committees in or: "Scotty'- Schuman,1 the crack Puna At Washington Washingtan 1, St. came a terrible storm to hou ball-playe- r, been Louis 0. in the night and wrecked the Isabella dcr to secure consent from them has Ridley BROWN EXPORT CO., permit the band boys to have all the to amateur standing by the A.. A. TJ. and nine or ten 'other vessels, THE " York, N.Y.. U.S.A. military officials; .; given a new card,' dat- AMERICAN LEAGUE driving them high on the shore. I 55 Liberty St. New proceeds of the affair. The and gave band is an excellent musical organiza ing from June 5. This will allow hirn At Philadelphia Philadelphia 8, irp the sea and got a job as a : advertisement carffage tion and its presence in Hilo would t6 p!av with the Punahou Athletic Detroit 7. :. painter at 7 shillings a week. B. F.EHLERS & CO. what is inside of to of the Club in the garaes against Stanford. At Boston Boston 4. Chicaqo 3. In a few months I was a good nainter. Unless you know add much the entertainment having a - your library is of no use day. I and his work back of The plate will At New York Cleveland 2, New vert- stcadv hand for the covers, ' ' fine striping. the A meeting cT the committees was - ' greatly help the team's chances. York 1.' - But that wasn't making k

STAR-BULLETI- N, 4 HONOLULU SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1013. 1 n mm car a LOCO DDILETnUCIvEAZZD . 'WW IfiT BIG 1 Co n i Mi, i ,tit i. - '; - ' - - ' i ; - " , i. .. t . .4 .... .MAX & lI Last WNk in Los Angeles, the of any town, and Los Anstle haj t3 CO. - FPUlt First National bank, with the aid of celebrate the event by calling ou$ part police reserves, who wera 5-t- of V v a Locomobile on the truck, moved flanked by tellers from the bank, n t from its old home into a new one. good, west- i Thevliiiiiadoption of bothiv pleasurerift and An nnusually large individual sale armed to the teeth In oil and this truck carried a very inter- ern style. All of them rode on ttlj - ' adner-enc- motor of well defined principles. The e commercial vehicles on the pleasure cars was made last week esting cargo. carried precious PSciflfe coast, ha keen very extensive, when Automobile; Corn- - It in two trips. load. BAD to those principle? hasbe?D tlre the Pioneer 11,000 pounds of gold spread around The Los Angeles Press' is authority VEATHEfl DOE SN'T AFEEST dominant factor In Cadillac sacce. but rt is piestionable vff raany pur pany, Chalmers dealers at Sacramento, h on bottom of truck, tons arms are famlllar'-wlt- the the Zk for the statement that the an! ; The Cadillac car of today has be chasers the extent Cat. delivered sixteen Chalmers cars of silver, several bushels of pennies, ammunition were not the least part it-th- y being hind e experience of ten years. which they are adoptd on to the Pioneer Fruit Company, with -s- and about $300,000 in perfectly good of the load, and the bank Is authority, tbB eastern ldft-of; the Rocky m6un-produce- d during which period its makert hare headquarters at the California capital. nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars for the statement that with this cc:n TiMDl tains;' While trend of "Thity-slxes,- , THE TJOTOR CAR AT ALL mere high grade cars than' the the'manu Ten of the cars, will be away po- " and dollars, packed in suit tlnation of the Locomobile truck, any other plant in the' world. v Every I facturera to i, genea-al- haa changed rtsed by salesmen of the company and their-proiuc- cases. Besides these, there were lice and bank tellers with arms increasing - anl t rar. more than fifty thousand of, from that of and six "sixes" are for the officers. several bushels of securities. ammunition, they felt perfectly sa!3 . tlon; xl tendency to bperfect-- t - hom ts a mnnnmnt ha liirh .to the ; The cars will see. service in all sec- Now It Is not very often that such in transporting gold The heavy rains which have been sola mis week one 1913 Lo-- 'a general and designs their frou tLa otthe Ideals of the organization which tpro standari of ars lions of California and the western load is carried through the streets old bank to new. Tte"-Lozie- r a the prevailing In Honolulu during the past zier "Light Sixes." - " ' production tot and' date of . ha? duced it.- . trucks the coast. : i week do not seem to have affected aptly been termed v the. combined factories startling. therar for "Men The expressions which you "wrill is ; The big sale was the direct result the of in Who Know." t Making sale automobiles the least hear - voiced throughout the length Their' Own Parts of the performance of a Chalmers pur- People secra to appreciate more and The Lozier car has win Its cosftion "Many - manufacturers i"who-- have SOCIETY and breadtn tr the land leave . no chased by one of the Fruit Company's PARIS STUDE3AI: 1 wore, the desirability of the . automo- of admitted supremacy, cause It has . v. heretofore" porchased large quantities U room for question: i ' J salesmen two years ago. This sales bile for both business and pleasure.. always had right engln&tn'g Ideas "be- . Is stur- of the material, which iorm-- part of .That tne Cadillac the most - man bought the car for his personal Daring past week, Fitz-Patric- (heir- . manu- the T. J. hind It It has embojjxl. frpiu the dy and the most dependable of motor1 product from .specialty use and drove it when. covering his 1,' Resign, erecting-stn- d of FitzpatrLck Pros, .purchas- first those 'principles :' e ;' 'v.-- : facturers are today of those cars,', - . territory In the fruit districts, lie LB ed from the von I lamm-Youn- g Com- details of finish, thos? i equipping, nevr" plants for the. manu- STEMS FOR qualities of j Is car of n46st: etdurlrig so progress hand leu pany 23-Bui- That It the . inade much and a model touring car. power, speed and ' facture of these parts under their safetyhich appeal service. ;.'v: - ground his work attract- The Buick cars are, so well known on to the discriminating buyrs. owjr 8uperviajt)n.s; 'There .are several ko much that j That' in ease and luxurious :ridtng the-mai- ed of the officers of the need- n the attention the. Hawaiian Islands that It is In you - reasons fee this, one being the Lozier car gi;safety, ai qualities It has no occasion to ac- company. They naturally looked for 7 less to their, good points. ifhat they-fin- d they ! can. producer a 'EliTEIEilT enumCe solute dependability, anil speed, to- . . knowledge a superior. ' - - It This Buick reputation., so preeminent- gether ' Letter article at a lesser cast. An- hltf "secret of success" and found in with comfort, 'elfcance and : That in economy of operation and Up time they ly firm and fair, was not - won by important item '.that" by man- the motor car. to this quality, the quality that, Us always en- other ts pur- maintenance there Is none which - 1 seriously chance, but It Is due to the policy es- gone every product ufacturing under their- own supervi- liad not considered the Into i the bouse joys a favorable comparison with chase of automobiles for their Outside By latest Malll The Schuman Carriage Company re- tablished with the production of the of - . . - it sion .they 'are in "such quantities as Lozier.' v.- i In real and motor curious society, members ceived another shipment cf Stu! Hoick so consistently ad- That substantial: they , elimin- men. ... PARISA first car and The name "Ixjzler" car pre- have use for. ''Also they pleasure and bakers on Lurllne v.v onoinotor car value the Cadillac stands - a of which stole for the the this hered to ever since --that of giving Is ate delay in ; transmission.-- . . The salesman's ear showed such a form of Insurance thaicannot be eminent v,.--- ' i'i In theft as a sport, has been yhich were immediately snappcl ""P the owner maximum of service : VThe Company-- ( one ot good record with a negligible cost of the ' Chalmers is Folle-Merlcou-rt : measured in dollars. liv I de-- i discovered In the quar- by two motorists who hai bcta en t ? ... . I J. M.' Young of TTonoIula" took r upkeep and gasoline consumption that for. the minimum of cost W ? : the. leaders of the class of standard Cadillacs In Demand. ; .:. of Paris, waiting list for some weeks. J.'ov r Js'o what, price, s, Buick livery of a 113 Cadillac phaeton. Biah'ufacturerawhlch adopting the board of directors decided on tho ter matter its Is significant " are It a fact thafhe Cadil- I . V v Three members of the organisation since the first Studebaker wa.1 e!. car must, and will,' give the maximum A 1913 Cadillac was this policy 01 making : more of their purchase of sixteen" of the nevr models. lacs have always tip pc: . ILla been at head of ; has-recen- are now in custody. One, a stone- in Honolulu has it been f r cf. that service for which it was In- shipped to the Hilo branch:1 xft "the pwn vpartsv' lt tly iastalled' The one man had Increased his value procession In Hamm-Youn- r Schuman company or- the the tlawallan on g Co., to be deliVered use of-a-ca- and cutter named Albert Pachez, spent all ihe to fill Its tended and must bear its proportion fiva newvhmidiirgv adiing; to fits to them through the - Islands, as iwell- - as on ders and there are p;- -- of the responsibility of maintaining the Mainland. lo'a redideat of Ilavraii; i t4 plant .approximately r33 Vis per cent they reasoned that every salesman his spare time in the planning and still scwral " ' 1 This la not to be wonderfcif at . when ' execution of difficult and daring thefts. pective buyers patiently awakir.T t that prestige which Buickxcars VnTmilw. Jh V rl N.Rutherford' and B.'Mrwnns more floor space,-an- d vast amount could do the same, provided, he. was arrival of the next shipment cf tl. 1 attained, ., I .thf S?in S.:hhQ of Hoholulh purchased- - a 1913 of new and modern michlnery; properly equipped. - Then they placed His only reward was the admiration re- popular cars." One of the Ct;: . v -'- The--,1 ; . and praise cf his colleagues. The latest A Buick automobile must be so built Cadillac also, which they have new equipment consists the order. goes to Maul, property (2 has become increasingly 'thqijriterion rent-aorvic- were takers the that it will,, at all times, and under put In the e on the Oahu mainly of automatic machines' for the sults of his endeavor exhibited of excellence in practical coAsrliction. success, Frank Santos, where he will put it all circumstances, give the owner un- yent.standw:; - - - ? W. production of gearsand, other main as proof of his and were then li Each year the public looks tdfie Cad- donated to the society and stored In the rent service. Another Stuiia!. r interrupted use of his .investment parts, the installation goes to Schofleld Earrack3. illac for that which representBjie real I furnaces,-'.whic- rooms. Bachez scorned easy work, The Buick 2C, the tour- From the Milwaukee Sentinel Just double; the capacity its " ; progress in the development'of - - - suggested by A Studehake'r . delivery wagen ar- ing car, as it is especially based upon tho recovering-- from hht spring- hat , dis- the- - .installation' of f tremendous but any difficult task the fatis.-noL- car;-n- ot fea- de-ma- i experiences covering a long term of motor for bursements,, dad i3 facing, another nd ptesses .with which te. produce ten- society at once aroused his remarkable rived for Rawley, the Ice crearj : - It-re- lf tures whose value ends in theUntillty dealer. years, ha3 made a high place- for that , cannot be denied Daugh- ders, hoods; and all other sheet metal faculties, and was carried out "with as a car for general purposes and as '"talking points," not featurt vhlclv ter must have that gradaatpji" gownr. parts, and ; vast; Increase in the amazing cunning. Fords In Demand, - are here today and gone t. for family- use. It Is large, roomy toirrow, paint shopfequlpmetaU a . But, as was to be' expected.' Bac,hez The Fords a;e having u:.:-.- l - practici tholr Lux-, but features which aro ! . . Memphis-iNewa-Scimet- ar and comfortable to the extreme. and From the FaltrfMn'iPutureV,v - one day made a miscalculation. He ai:?lhe-year-roun- d popularity." - Shows J. ir. which real- aiia sub- There-a- re anto-niobil- es - urlously. trimmed . and refined ' in features mark other thmgsthair - " was caught stealing some valuable Magoon -- The Chalmers Company, in , this had tried all the fcavy cr:, Jetail, no touring car any stantial advancement v:. to be v dodged these"? bright t: objects In Bastille quar- at Investment -- bronze art the and has finally bought a I'crJ tv-- pre-emine- nt - has - that it price will, give or Tho position pprhig days. the-- "man treendousr If! PALI more real service vth For instance, : ter of Paris, and Is now awaiting trial. lag. car, as the one host Id t 1 - paade,' shows' its filth. In the future m suitri ipaintain- itsfelf a cpst. Cadillac, its recognition as Amrifca's v.ho wants to get up-- picnics; at smaller. a . rndustry en-- r.eeds of a business man atout to - i I : of the automobile: and , Rj I... ap- leading motor- car, recognitl as if. ' li ; Mrs. Lillie of Honolulu, its O ''' ijeavors to vturn out automobiles on car were giveh the 'dust by the me- F. K. Haley, the pineapjle rr.aa preciating the high quality of the standard by which motor. caWare The congress J t- the ecohd Cnternational most-efflcten- t' dium priced Waimea, was also a Ford buyer -'i - the basis possible. 4 Mercer." Buick automobile, also took delivery jjudgod, aro not matters of. chanc: on the teaching "science Mer- Mor-cer- s ofdoniestic- ? ''Any expenditure within reason for "The performance of the little There are quite a number of week. years - cf one of. the Model 23 touring cars. For ten the Cadillac and will be 'held Bel- - ' hasten "arts at Ghent equipment- is; by cer in finishing second In the Indian- in town, and they all are keeping ' What Is iamm-Yonn- g the new considered said to be the mcst t?:.ul!. von . I . Company manufactured and marketed 'nibn gium, June-15-1- 9, 1913 ;The It a 1 profitable In vestment, inasmuch apolis race the other day is a wonder up in fine shape, and giving universal ful 'car in Honolulu 13 the Chi' as it increases' 'ftfaclency.oprp'duees a fill performance," said George S: satisfaction. - Jt is expected that the six torpedo, recfn,tly purcha l manager Royal : better article, "andthereby . creates a Weils, of the Hawaiian remarkable performance of the Mercer Dr. II.. V. MurraV, and the decter 1 Mer- better market and demand for' its Garage, the local agents for the will make it jump into popular favor, greatly pleased with the btity ( goods. : ? .k". cer car. "What makes the perform- and cause a big demand for tho car. , l:nes and riding qualities of Lhj r: ance all the more remarkable' Is the car. A deer's head over the mantle does! fact that the most expensive cars from Of the 83 foreigners" who are in not provehat the wffer of the house j all parts of the world competed, and Rome this year studying the Montesso-,- ri Do a favor before you are -- . ;. no ine?aeer - ' 1 au dui me. uig anu expensive r reucn school, GO are Americans. and dou't stop for tho thr.' x o: 1 v V-- FJf. . r--- 1- . a. J '

' ,..1'. ' .; - ,

An official non-sto-p run, 300 aours long, was ' completed Friday ' mokiing, ' May

. v-. , ' t:- ' V, '. . t:. ...,?--- " j I - v ' i .. ,t . . ' ' .y T . ,tf ,.A . 16 di, by a standard fackard motor. . ' 'V' - . . 2 :': .V A ... .'.'-- : was announced by the iatdmobilet nr:--y'- -- it TT 1 7 "7. 1 ,3. ' Club of America, New orK d.S 200 , ( : A h.- i f J;; J hour test. At the end of that priod the . 1 I 2ti.'.,l .'. I U 't 4i i motor was runhihg so smoothl that it' tll was coritihued in operation for 1C0 hours .",' ,, ; '. i it' A iiScie Cm Brave! I more. i nis mure uictii. uuuuic&- . ' i previous record of 132; hours, made four ago m Viai 1. years angiana A The motor maintained at speed of 120 revoluions per Haven't jou often wished for a car your w ife, The brakes are large and double acting. Chal- minute. Measured in road peManci pulled or sister, or daughter could drive? mers ground gears shift so easily that changing the "38" car: with a full load: at speedtf 37.46 And haven't tbey often wished for the same speeds is almost instinctive. The. powerful long-strok-e miles per hour, over roads heavy enbugfv to 'lftaiM thing? motor responds instantly to the slightest It is no longer necessary for the woman who a wide open throttle. In-3- 00 hours dt led iip' adjustment of thet throttle. The steering mech- likes to motor merely to wish or wait for a man anism operates easily surely. 11,238 miles. to take her driving. ' ' ' . - The Chalmers is a man's car that his wife can Driving a Chalmers isn't a matter of strength drive. Quite as safely; quite as easily as a man. The accuiQuiated strain of much more thin the just a matter of. intelligence and enjoyment. In fact, every member of the family except the i L average season's mileage was compressed within hahy can'handle, the Chalmers. ' " ' ' For a Chalmers' handles well like a perfect- r a period of thirteen pays. This is but another de-- Pressure on a button on the dash starts the monstration ;of maximum service, an asset cbuilt motor. ' ly trained horse. It wems to possess an intelli- The touch of the foot on a lever adjusts the gence of Its ownthat's due to right design. ; into every Packard car. carburetor if it needs it. Si A turn of a switch- - lights any or all of the Iet us show you and your wife or daughter Ask the man who owns one lights. how easv it is to drive! a Chalmers. r

Tlie' vob Mamm-Yomi- ig Co., ngciiiO) x. jj... :' r OI 11 ionnr ir ir V: X P t HONOLULU STAK-BTTI.T.ETI- X. SATT'RDAY, Tt'XH 7. 10 IS. Honolulu Bride Is Now inSalt Lake City :Tl . v - V ' .,.. .. CTiCta-- - Br T . r Ts&y be ovcrccnis i : by a warra bitH w i i i i i 1 I I tj x ' n vjrj X , iii " i i I I fin II I lit ill811 .... I

HE roost attractive affair of the Young, Miss Elizabeth Pratt. Miss Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. De week was tue cotillion given by Glena McCracken, Miss Dorothy Freest, Mrs. Chandler,' Mrs. Rhodes, General and Mrs. M. M. Ma- Wood. Miss Elsie legate, Miss Mrs. Lindeman, Mrs. Frazier, Miss nmh last ntfht at hnrn Elizabeth Low ami Miss Elsie Edwards, Mrs. Mooney, Mrs. J. Those who will b present are Major th!r Moore oth Young, Mrs. Randolph and n ,' on Beretania streeL It is such a long Chalmers and Mrs.' Tlmberlake. Capt-a- J Mrs. ers.'-- time since an' affair of its kind has ' - A Johnson.' Capt' and Mrs. Clark. Lieut oc- - Mrs. - and Mrs. Applln, Hln-kle- ,' been held in Honolulu, that this ''.Isenberg's Luncheons. i '' ' Capt and Mrs. F. Dillingham's Dinner. originality. Although the rain has come down Mrs. Walter ., Capt anfl' Mrs.' Stay ton. Mi3 caslon smacked of The 1 dis-- were lovely home of the Macomb's was 'Q such torrents this week as to : Many Charming little dinners MacDorald. Liebt and Mrs. Nichols, cleared for dancing and decorated courage the moet dauntless of hostess in order last night before the cotil- Lieut Peyton. Dr. and Mrs. Baker - Ma ' simply with palms and tropical ver-- there have nevertheless been a num- lion given by General and Mrs. Mrs. Ressler and? Lieut and Mrs.' ber of very charming affairs wnlcn ' comb. One of the most attractive of Humbert ' dure. Supper tables were set under " have gone off with great smoothness these was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. '. . the wonderful banyan tree In front, of 'George their house. Music was supplied by and jollity, despite the elements that Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saturday Evening Bridge Club. the talented orchestra band from the raged without. Among the most .not- - Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. James Major and Mrs. W. P. Wooten are "Second Infantry, who played inspirit, ed cf these events were two lunch- - Wilder. On this occasion Mr. and entertaining tne members of the Sat- M Isen-hav- e Mrs. Dillingham were" host Ing - would fciven by re. Alexander Walter urday evening bridge club tonUht at airs that in themselves highly made the evening a success. The erg at her home on Punahou street, and hostess. The affair1 was their pretty residence - ia Mlilii. charm of the cotillion lay of course The first of these was on W ednesday, (informal, the only decorations being Some lively rubbers of royal' aucilon. An the favors, which on occasion Juie 4th. and was highly Informal In a gay little centerpiece of many-hue- d are prophesied by those who know;' this was were simple but very effective, Ja pa- - s character. The table .adorned snapdragons. keen competition always bein Oie nese kites and fish, paper ,flowers and 'ith wite n8 and maidenhair fern, 4 vogue in this Jolly little club. The dainty fans, other things too numer- - w,tn other accessories to match. The Lieut and Mrs. Cook's Dinner. members of the club are Admiral arid ous to mention, made the evening a onvtbl occaii0 Lieut and Mrs. Frederick A. Cook Mrs.' Moore, General and Mrs. Ma- W- VZl'tZ' i continuous round of delighted sur-- -- 'entertained at dinner on Tuesday comb, Capt ' and Mrs. Jarielion. Vise. Dancing continued up to a late 'r evening in honor or Capt and Mrs Lieut and Mrs. Preston, Major and Tlmberlake. I' George Jmes E. Bell. The affair was to Mrs. Cheatham, Gayler 'hour, and even then it was with the bw'- Lieut and iMrs. Alonro Gartley Mrs J M Dow- especially mark the anniversary of Major and Mrs.. Wooten. deepest regret quests betook KheS: ' that,the - themselves home from the festive "tt Mrs Andrew Fuller. Miss Mar- the wedding of Capt and Mrs. Bell. - o & e ' scene. --The fortunate ones who were talker and Mrs. Itenjes.. Othr guests were Capt. and Mrs. W Calley-Coop- er Wciiln;.- - present have pronounced it the most The f'011 ?li S? R. Gibson and Lieut F. P. Jackson. - Invitations have been received the enjoyable party or the now almost- - more ? nn'f Lieut and Mrs. Cook are occupying latter part of this week by society f"? 4 i . passed season. Armm;tbo present th" temporarily the quarters of Chap folk of' Honolulu, that read as fot .although - - 1 .j, were Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Dillingham. lain Pruden, while that officer is ab lows: v , 1', rs-- .Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit: P. ' Wilder. Mr. : Ienbt( hatt sent on an extended leave in the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernest Coc per MM ta,- - f- -- tive her J friends States. request the honor of your presence .Mrs. Cheatham, Capt and Mrs. Car-- about her nCe, mre 'vat the marrlase-o-f their daujMer leaves on long sojourn abroad. Hop . ' . penter. Major and Mrs. Tiraberlake, Mrs. Watkins' Supper. " Alice Gertrude ' pink -- ' i : White bride's roses tinged with dances Shatter, . - - . . Capt and. Mr. Thomas. Llent An-- . After all the at Fort to '. and with the center of a sunset form- thing . ' drews. Lieut Peyton,1 Lieut. Campa-nol- e. it is quite the to entertain at Mr. George VIIIIan Ealley Major and Mrs. Wooten. Col. ed the centerpiece, while the other informal but Jolly hop suppers. . A on Monday evening, June sixteenth : favors were In the same tones of white particularly pleasant affair of this . nineteen hundred and thirteen and Ereen' BenJif??" J; kind was given by Capt and Mrs. hal v'and Mrs. Ranny Major .and Mrs ?ndPln ' at after elht o'clock Scott ' : Hi'-ccn:a- V .Watkins after last Saturday s dance, - ' : ha . : Myer. Capt knd Mr4 ,4.m1eson. t - " 7 thoroughly enJoy- e Miss Betty Cae, Ml Nora Swanzy ""Y that bringing the evening to a delightful Pearl Ilartcr, Hawaii.--Th- e MiS Kmily Farley. Miss ca) fble time was close. Among-thos- present , were wedding premises to be one of Beatrix 8 Williams.-Lfe- ufj Mrs. Frederick Lieut, and Mrs. Frendall, Major unusual Interest ar. I ycurer IK Maior C0H:rday rutswerejfu Vft Xffa Clan tla. s?t .j r i n. Ttinrlo jit i o. jv ; , Marquart, t- Lieut Pratt Mrs, Klamy" an uii tun, in i iiuuri lant Smith, Capt and! Mrs. especially are .cnticlpatls -a eYer.t L Cr-rrr- r. fc-- Carruthers. Lieut and Mrs. Kay, Lieut Camp and with much pkas-r- e. y.: 3'' Mrs. Walter F. Frear. Mrs. Cheatham, Mr. Hobie Walker.; chosen Miss Errthi llcz's, :A.3 la- r Mrs. Frederick Klamp. Mrs. Conklln,' II:.T-- " College Club ther Konke and i::r. ) Creakfast Mrn. i;ookp. Mrs. u. mm trli-.-r- .ij Kicnara Fort Shatter Bridge Club. man to be her t. lit- According to thnir custom, the Mrs. Albert Waterhouse. Mrs, c- -t met tle MIsa Julie Vatrrho-:9.wi- :i r3 members of the tTbllegeTTlab gave E.. A. Jones. Mrs. A. G. Hawes. Jr., '..The Fort Shafter Eridge Club on Thursday afternoon at the home flower girl. Th tert w!!l t i, their annual entertainment this" Mrs. A. .Lewis.. Mrs. C, B. T. Moore, Mr. Alfred Cczztt, trc'.:rr.i c! tha morning in honor of, the graduating4 Mips G. "M. Cooke. Mrs. Clarence cf Mrs. Marquart A very pleasant was spent playing bride. Mr..' W&l'aca Cc. ; i r. !Ir. A- girls 'of Oahu College and McKInley . Cooke, Misa Beatrice Castle. Mrs. Car-- afternoon "lilies. e ! prizes going eventually to Mrs. lbert Clark. Mr. Tht::-r- Cc:;:r tr High School. The affair this year ppnter, Mrs, Singlehurst' Miss Agnes the A . MrFrancU Cesser will tt;.':;r3. "J .was In the form of,. -- Watkins first, and Mrs. Slanzer sec- a breakfast at Walker and Mrs. H. . Holmes. Itpn t- ond. next meeting of of lntere;t fi e :t -t theCoantry Club. A large table was The this little Henry Bond "nc;tzr!;'. v..y of-Mrs- Gib-so- n. r.zrri i set in the EhaDe of and, attrar-- 1 m: Matti Lue Thimble' Partv. club will be at the home a.T. .Mips Coocer'a part-- U b.2 uell r.3 tc: tively; decorated wftht yel!ovv: - j guest of ;' coreoi- Miss Alice Cooper was the ': of her sisters. ?Jro. Tin? and sis ' '. : iirz:s and white Shasta daisies. The honor vsterdav at a thimble narty , Mr3?01aniu3tvc:t ar.d wia ccr.rrn-- , . .' breakfast was set for nine a'eloeif given by Mrs. Lucas at her Sahm-Cowl- es w:'.l'r ,J Hattle Nuptials. ed Miss Cooper t:r: ycir3 r x brac-in- g ' and the late hour as well as the hon,e on Keeauraoku St Although Of the Sahm-Cowl- es nuptials, the read the cererr.cny cn C'3 c: - V air. about the Country Club sharp-- '' some of ; the guests occupied ; their San Diego Union said the day before also, which will rr.arry th3JU;i'dau ened many an appetite for the 'sub- time seriously over , dalnty, bits of the wedding: ter of JudsrCccjsr to X::'.:y, 'A stantial repast which followed. Mrs. and lace-makin- g, "many The wedding of Miss Edith Cowles, I special ,traia leaves Ilcr.cluVj at E2v-""e- n " . ' Wallace Farrington, president of the others were of. a more frjyolous'lrame daughter of Admiral and Mrs. Walter I forty-fiv- e :h wl'.l a'c'.rcct ta.- spoke-.-(fewwwor- '' College Club,- - te ef mind and-- preferred singing the." konpluluiAleraf to Jieit' ttoger. of tbewen- - the.Penlr.su'.o. 1 at the, graduates, gave ' step S:7?;V forty-fiv- e t-- c;a and iiiss Folsom latest airs or trylnjg a new in me iviaryiana, win taxe Placet fpw mnnth aeo:' Lieut and.Irs. Rogers are. now in aaii, ten with do r.:t - w - . t some readings. Otherwise the occa- the Tango. Later in the afternoon at Hotel del Coronado Tuesday night rlieiQ iniauiry' v " ."'' 3 ' care to. remain for.Ce d y'":- ' it--- sion was strictly informal.- - ' ' Cityv I: -, ; W: . w I r Those tempting delicacies were served. The The wedding will be elaborate, ?fst,it tram . will, connect la c.i czr - - i in1 'spresent were Mrs. Wallace Farring- house was most attractively decorated preparations event ."ball off and at- the first .Jlr. Robinson, known Honolulu lines In town. A!t:r th? J for the latfng posts in were turned many cc::"7, Mrs. Cox, golden-face- d co- - - Rob mson. has friends L ion. Isaac Miss Margaret for the occasion with Deen in progress tor some time; The , Utroke of the hour a red globe wa' ?s :Bobo refreshments v:il 'scrve3 cn ,' .e ; ?&kZX&y Miss M. reopsis navmg ue? u lantern-li- t t'.:3 h- - U'tterson, Eda Arthur. Miss and white Shasta daisies. ceremony will be performed by Rer; stationed at Honolulu..Men- - liehted at the end of one of the arfWhere. lawn :i frcr.t cf M K - Whne port IV Brawthen, Miss Vivien Mack- - Among the invited guests. were 'Miss ' . thcMTbls; In; tlns: loruuinm. while the" large "dra w Iz 5 rcc:n wK !.i i:nariAd.-- rsnsinmp' rMtni.-- nr tn Honnni . Snlvm martH an excel)! tonal i iers, this beint' continued until M.zle,- ordered-t- eastern coast - - Miss Charlotte Hall, .Miss Alice Cooper, guest of honor; and -- Were-:oIcve- lights. the doors will be converted ir.to, a the episcopal cnurcn . 01 coronaao. it i efficiency charting strokes and S.nafHvas t lt,ji tf"'for in anI to " rzt Afynr. Miss : ilacdonald, Miss . Gladys a. year, ago last April, much the dancing. event to Clara Miss Alice Macfarlane, Miss probably will be held in the ball-- lighting the dangerous and difficult thing of the importance of this hoif for The proal3es Mrs. Doremus Scudder, Miss Lady ' ' ' l- one great brilliancy well as Zither. Tearne, Miss Macfarlane,; Miss lyins-aliQu- t what it meant to members of "J be of aj .waters the several 1sland6 and 012 ' ' Manwman, Mrs. Otto Swezey, Mrs. Blanche Soper, Kiss Marjory Freetli, "i? only add.i iked "la have .him. hero pleasure. ' . f Miss Cowles is the daughter nf thu oW.n Jie'prpetnd'. several Elks was then told in a short '1, ' ' Henry BicSneil. Mrs. George Water- - Isa-bell- e - r? ' E.l no .uss muauu. n .. Mis3 Wilhelmlna Tenney, Miss of Admiral and Mrs.- Cowles. .: netjfl-announceme- nt l'v , mci ' ft The .nere iightswcre Llly w Filler . V bouse,MIss Stambaugh, Mar- lgtts 'ao!,j ii.in C all fcf Honolnlu win be the best Mrs. Spalding's-Dinner- Miss ' McCorriston, Miss Sara Lucas, of her engagement J fmm fhn ntanr nf ed irl the charted rejefs, and ' garet Hipper,, yitt'e reanv-Hatin- g taken thi3 .trip at thia afTa'rs of Miss Susan Clark, Mrs Miss Florence Hoffman. Miss Esther was maae 10 an on - were excel refreshm One of the prett'est' . the fTancisco tne the- Wlwte ser ico there iiit at-Hv- o s ' - Eliz"-abet- shook .under jis purpose of Ulat-wa- al, A. C. Alexander, Mrs. Walter- F. Kopke, Miss Alice Hopper, Miss h arrival df ;the young woman from - for the Elks' guests. U 'Hhre'lSicstly with the week though one hlsly charge into a higher state of peripc- - ceremony; - mmiftfiQ ithdfng the- Mr. Robinson was given ty Mr. 'Frear, mss Charlotte Dodge, Miss Hopper, Miss Bertha Kopke, Honolulu in January. '; Tlia rr- in nf the dinner tion. i present the .jeneca Cbold, Larra-lie- e. Miss Kennedy, Miss Burr, Miss ' Is at attached to and Mrs. E. I. Spaldln? Tuesday c'sht. Frances Miss Louise Jessie Lieutenant Sahm is a native of He wasr extremely popular socially iw amnrk Mao-;Nei- Filler) station of which is Boston. beautiful new Miss. Toder, Mrs. Wilbur l, Alice Cornet Mrs.. George Collins. Iowa, having been appointed to the J fridnda vives of .raks, were Mrs.: p...thhome: at their ' tenia in thi iannteisTiil rr:f mmv v - Lydia VioJet - . : Punahou -- street Pink.- La France Mis3 Catherine Chase, . Mis3 Miss McStocker, Miss uimeq.OLaies acaueiuy ai Annapous there, will learn with pleasure R. T. Moses. Mrs. McKay, MrsWic- , ; - uho Hyde-Smit- h s Luncheon. roses, . "rare, 'Indesrcribatle Amy ChingA Miss Dawson, Miss McKee. Miss Edith Williams and Miss trom that state. He has had six ' m,, 0Alftmint :f 4fissr Hnwles. Srs, Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Mrs. with their ;E;ta Alips Mary m.U'3 A very delightful but Informal perfume nad a most attractive cen- Davis, Florence Lee, Mrs. Lucas. " years' sea service. He entered tBe one of favorites in army and The grand march waff led by Ctf MV " ' ' also the rJian- - was given by Mrs. Eleanor terpiece while" pink shaded; candle Lee, Mrs. J. Young, Miss Alice service 28, 1899. ' ::- - Day Mrs. Filler, more than luncheon September navy o? Hawaii, , and circles Hyde-Smit- h on Wednesday: at her to rosy hne. The Oleson, Mrs. Carl Andrews, Aliss wedding will dred prominant couples partlcufe- - sticks added the Mrs. W. H. Goetz Bridge The be one of the u - Afternoon. Lome .vvaunKi . uons-siemuur- place cards were Uttla hand- paint ad Maude Martin, Us's Katherine Rey- On Friday social functions of the season at Co- at afternoon .at her home in Hilo-Elk- s Beauty lovely nolds, Mrs. Ray Entertain. - Robinson-Maso- n. American roses made a scenes in tones to match the decora Lach, Mrs. Spencer Manoa Valley, Mrs. H. Goetz en- ronado.' The young peopFe have not ; W. - table, while the Among presentwera-Mr-. Illckerton, iMJis Cooper,; Star-Bullet- in CorresTKjndenoel following invitations we a re decoration for the tlons. those Mty Miss announced their- plans. , Special The tertained for six tables of bridge. Thd - equally Mrs. Waite, 'jyiduating B; yvt-- h ; ether. 'accessories-- were at and Mrs. Harry Lewls.Mr.. and Jane the class house was very attractive in Its dec Lieutenant Sahm's last shore ser HILO, June '6 Members of the; ceived by local ieopJc this from the High M M rs. Barker. tractive.' Those who came to enjoy C. A. Brownl Mrs. Stone, Mr. Donald SchcfeJ" composed of orations of pink roses , and. maiden? vice was while stationed at Honolulu P. .0. i:., the: Hilo Elks, entertained f, and Frank Jason .Miss Muriel "CanningHam, Vir- your ynpany this Eejsido luncheon were Mrs.l C. Lewis and. Miss Helen Spalding. Miss hair. as chief of the lighthouse service In j their friends ; in royal fashion at a requesf the pleasure of ' After several rubbers of auct .' George Davies, Mrs. ginia McCarthy, Miss v Rose Sat- wedding reception BCooiIer.rMrs. Holt, tion Islands. was he dance , in the Masonic hall last at the olJtir G- the. first prize, a cut glass comi the It there that ' A. - : Mr. A. O. n ..: Fclke, Mrs. .Alexandei Col. Hawes and Miss Eva Taylor. Miss Clzzle Gold- urday night.: oyer GuOjhvi-i- daughter...... -- - Herman pote dish, was awarded to Mrs. M. T. inet Miss Cowles, whose father was for which home-comin-g - M. Brown. . Hawes were passen- Miss Ma- - 301) . Ilaves, 4r., and Mrs.'A; Jr stein. Lucie Franks; Miss - j had , been issued, fully Maricn Willett. - Clegg, while Mrs. Simpson won command of the great naval sta- tations , , the . -- r . . gers on week- bel Ho. Miss 'Belena Sb-aia- and ' J a the Korea this after a Miss second,1 a pretty embroidered bag, tion Uncle Sam is building on the people attending. Tlie hall had been 1 .", delightful visit ln California,' Psyche Berry Icaduating - . Joq, , Fort Ruger Bridge Club. i f and the : tastefully . white Mr. Hugh Burton Rolf Mrs. ChaVies Bon cut the lowest card island of Oahu. ,. decorated with the Mrs. Noef - Deerr will leave on the College, wVich - The weekly meeting of the Fort class of Oahu 1n are brought - of duty ex- -' and purple of the order and on the of Engincp ' which her ; the consolation When tne term shore Lieutenant Ruger. bridge club will take place to- Manchuria tnexi for 'a year's Miss Ruth Anderson Miss"' Myrtle prize, .a tiainty little handkerchief. pired, Lieutenant Sahm was the last jniakai end i of one of the ballrooms a United State! Revenue Cuttf Service ,?ek Schuman, Miss night at the pretty little bungalow, of visitMnrEurop.. j Marguerite wkilman. Delicate I refreshments were then officer on the active list of the navy.'arge clock was placed on which the on Wednesday evening, theelcventb - : Mrs. Some Miss Harriet Hatch and her father. Miss Beth ,WboCsf- - Miss 1 of eleven of June . ki Lieut and Humbert Milled served. Among those present were attached to the lighthouse service, hands pointed to the hour ' group sail from New : splendid players are among this Judge Frank Hatch, Stone, Miss Julia Lee, Miss Heien of . at seven o'clock Mrs. . Mrs.' and above were the antlers' Charles Bon. Simpson. Mrs, las with his retirement from that. this - - " 13 York, Europe on the steamship McLean, Miss Julia Campbell, Mljs - an '11 Parkwood SfCJ and good- bridge combined with tof Tarleton,'Mrs. Bierbach. Mrs. M. T. work the policy of the navy depart- Elk. good America, leaving Jane 19. . -- good corrpany and "chow. Daphne Damon. Miss Genevieve Clegg. Mrs. Waldron, Miss Johnson, ment changed and civilians or retired At Eleven o'clock. the Iigli'ts !n the '" "'Springfield. Massachetts

- 7- 1. yt t i

I . I I Latest in

: Wash : Nice : ; Dress Goods Assortment : of in our

7:i Corsets for cdl figures, $2j $350, $4,

in all the " ' liW Bulgarian Shades m 4fc i HONOLULU STATt-BULLETI- SATUKDAY, JUNE 7, 1013. M3

Miss Mary Fleming. Miss : flustace. Miss Dowdle, Misj Welch, Mr. Arthur Collins. Mr. John Patterson and Mr. David Lindsay. -'- ;v-'-;" Hilo Eastern Star Entertains. v it?pclal Star-Bullet- in CoiwipondenceJ HILO. June 6 An enjoyable social n evening was spent by the ladies or the Eastern Star and by members, of q V ' $Z j U the Masonic lodge ' at - the meeting Li? . place of the two orders last Tuesday W nigh- fifty pres- - At out people were ent. Cards and refrtnmpnt were SOCIAL SCHEDULE FOR THE ia fhades of pink and blue made a la the chief means of enjoyment al ' . WEEK. watteau. . though late in the. evening "a number I .u--.i..- Mrs. Isenberg was in ; i I ' VI .. , -.1.i. 4i Alexander of those present danced a Virginia These famous Corsets can be found av our t re in 6 different i- A? v - . General and Mrs. Macomb's Cotil-- hlte with lace. - - Reel wh!?h made 'the .neighborhood I Many other beautiful gowns that - . rise with the merriment of the danc- ; I lion. models in Light, Medium, and Heavy: Weith s. Whether you ' smacked of Paris and the latest mode crs. credit for the aneeees of the One of the of Admiral and Mrs. Moore's Dinner. worn, making bright mostr brilliant affairs Mr. Ashford's Dinner. 'were with the affair is givetb'Mrs: E. H. Moses. the week was, the reception on Thurs hued decorations a scene of unuiual Mrs. r. t. MosesMrs.'H. Morehead be an ordinary, slender, or extra large. figure J Wedding Announcement. day : afternoon given by George 5 brilliancy. Mr. Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club charm and and Mrs. H. Hagens,who made the - Mrs., Sherman 'and Herbert Dowsett ' arrangements . -- ; : for Ihe card party. 7 . 4n Kr,i ; r;.i.. ,),n . m rs.. J. i Young's bridge we can please you, ' Mrs. C. M. Cooke's Luncheon. Luncheon at Laakaha ing f. . Swanzy. her ... sister, , Mrs. F, " I Mrs. Charles Ml Cooke was the host- Mre. Berg's DinneV. ' Tin Wedding Anniversary. , " Seldom have ' more beautuul decora ess at a vctv charming luncheon ihis Mr. and Mrs. C.; F.' EZckart, who tions been.een, the house being Mr. and Mrs. Spalding's Dinner. Mr. snd Mrs. Berg's j week at Luakaha, her country homo, left on today's Mauaa Kea for tlelr ct gorgeous blossoms. The af--J DInir. nome - Hyde-Smith'- s up the Pall. This is one of most Iulure cn Hawaii, were the Is No Batter Corset plan-- . Mrs. Luncreoru the There fair, which had originally been hnn,.ti(,.i M . v euests of honor at a dinner Tnocrtav RobinsorvMason - Nuptials.' ; tied for. out of doors, took place and, the lovely mountain view and re-- nI8Qt given by Mf.' and; Mrs. Arthur eventually In the hcuse on account of Fort. Ruger Bridge Club. Saturday Even'ng Bridge Club. freshing breezes more than compen- - cer Bl meir; nome.mwanoa valley, Procurable the uncertain moods of the rain god, In- - The Uble wajs set in white and Pluviua, Cooper-Ballf- y Wedding. sating for the distance from town. In the tea room and on the' key-no- te lovely garden Mrs. .Coetz' Card Party. formality was the of this def-- flowers and ferns inakat Janal where small tables were1 casion, the decorations themselves carrying out the color scheme, ; with set, a color pink and blue Miss Hattie Lucas' Thimble Party. ccheme.of College Club ' ' being r simple but effectver Mrs. ravors ana place cams la appropriate For every dollar the maker of this Gorsef was carried out with pink.. roses and: .Breakfatt tones. The guests on this occasion Mrs. . fsenberg's Luncheons. - .gooses guesis were Mrs. aruy. airs. carnations, and lovely clusters of the I Mr-- . Swanzy. Montague were Mr. and Mrs. Eckart, Judge and Lfeut. and Mrs. Cooke's' Dlnneri V Juddv Mrs. one nunarea cents oi yaiuc. , Mr fartpr and Mra Mrs." Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Lange and gives ' Mrs. Walter Dillingham's Dinner. Coke Cnr? K blue' asters, with an occasional bowl Mr. and Mrs. Potter. , W. It. CasUe. ' of wonderful 'white eardenias. Cen shape. a - their ". Corsets retain . thf lalips nrpRpnt lJ-- . Clrr- ' These icrnina t .n amwif Wednesday'.;;:.V:J?'Aftsrndon Bridge Club. ),. w,,M .ao rit WUder'a costume of , hlack and Tin lleddln? Anniversary ' The fortnightly meeting of the T. " I One of most enjoyable of " served. .. ! ' (white was particularly striking. the affairs w - Wednesday Alternoon Bridge Club They are simply; perfection in every point m, - . - ourp..c- - I I - Airs. H. r. AVlchman wore a charm- l" w?r un xne mauna ianat wupre me re- T. nort riven for fr nnH iu.Mrs n n was held this week at the home of celv ng line stood, 4huge--v bow s of 0? Sloggett Hamakuapoko on. Tuesday Mrs. Frederick on Beretania of ' V- - 1 tie biack of , Baer rrianufacture. J11!18.1 K'"- were lavishly dis-- haSCoratnKth night; . This was the anniversary of reet The LtUe' Lungalow was ributod abouL maklng.:witb other ftai,rmJeo;!fe tin wedding, and feau,ifu11y decorated -- with yellow "' their their friends -- have a in the gorgeous large., lady charge Department Jars of ..scarlet ixoras, a., ln78C0rf fitJoy"?-- after, having met at a certain spot, chrysanthemums. bowls .of We of green -- n the of section Seated I drove to the Sloggett residence and thedrawing S is qualified "Corsetterrc" lar rtl0?-- cuuion, wiia :. J-- ZZ. - rt.jm and norrh . 'RnmA who a thorouehlv Tl uy . vr lntr. uuuuuaceaVT: yreseutt:., n greni -- ' large White , - ThA Hlnfn on haf i .meiri c ' rniinprB.- ' pf nn- m.lnlr.? . w t ti-i.- i :.n ii srinco - r - rm i- i nw n? m iin nnrns. nnimninz ni Lin " gold Airs, iiowuru- niicucoca. wore a : n.t. .m correctly made. lanal were tones war-vhooo- s. ni,si decorated in of .- -- ; - Ev-- Alterations if necessary ' ,ku. it - J.l.,n DaDi and Indian : w and' green. Quantities . i x xi . Mnrorfa ofiBfc"" crnln&Tfn. Mm Dtvano'i6 of California and becomln?. jeryone naa.. orpugni , un presem, " ,v W p uT "- V- poppies with their hearts of fire were 'L Carefully done up in tfRsuonaner and Mrs- - Nichols, Mrs. Stevens and Miss Prices same as charged by Madame Irene; in her own retail parlors in Fifth Ave. about ln cnt glass. bowls and i..'1i:.Vl:J Florence Ho.Tman.' A dainty repast Placed ribbons, each Cift accompanied ."v.--v- - "y satin : ; r:"'.:- brans., jardenleres. Vases ol lovely V if As each was then served. Among those pres- - 'V'v''':;r::"::v 'New York, viz.: VJ1?"6blu.e.and. it VanishedI Wack H!e Nahiku. lilies filled tHe corners, while ent were Mrs. Neloon Lansing. Mrs. nau , - . 6 feathery bambooand chrysanthemums .P'cture i jpreciatlon Lemuel Mevens, Mrs. Louis . Ed-- c" ' i,.r.J.by laughter and loud toots C0.5O. 07.50, Q12.50 Qlu.CD d 010.50, or golden hue and bright-eye- coreopsis. Mrs. James Kennedy wore' a cream yome rounds, Miss Sara Lucas, Mis3Flor-- " 03.50, 05.00, --. tneir horng o tne presents with ferns and green verdure nodded colored suit, . verv amnVlnr There wa .verv- - ence Hoffman, Mrs. Stayton, Miss I Mrs- - hand- - -- Mc-Mr- s. fmm baskets on mantle and sill. - Jnn McCandlesa wore a thing from tin spoon In' a jew- - Lvl!a McSiocker, Mrs.' F. B. -- gown - - Kaal's orchestra, seated In a palm Some of delicate lavender color- eer., tQ an uto bonnet made of Stocker, Miss MacDonald, cd' chiffon with : cream; Jace,,:'? V' - -: Mr8.1;.;. encircled nook, dlsoensed sweet ..n' anj carefoily 'done up 'In1 a."' 'tie' Kichard lCutts,- Nlchols Mrs. melodies throughout the afternoon.! Mrs.. Richard Cutts was stunaing In hsfbnr.. A vprv nHnai oHft.wo. u Applin. Miss. Dorothy Efflnger. Mrs. and many a to marked ; time to the' a frock of black and white .chiffon ciuster'of wedding bells made of, Ovyens, Mrs. Honeyman,, Mrs. Gordon Jllf.of.t-ne'- bf "raggler". refralns.fWiin roHcnes ox.ue lftsaionable ea.. brIght tin cups with wide whiter and :Mi8f Marie. Mann. I : Js foam-gree- n Ud Mfsi George Sherman. Mrs. Herbert) With this she wore agaIn rfbbon. After' the 'presentation --Th9 following announcement is of smart o white, . - Dowsett and Mrs. Farley made cp the . hit black and lof the gifts, there was-- mock wed- - interest to many .Honolulu people: receiving line, the only assiEtant 'be-- Mrs. O. B. Movre wore a gown oftdinjf wmcq 1 Mr.;-an- Mr?.;WOiam Thomas Nolting ended in a shower of rlco Lieutenant-Coniniande- s. t ScoVille, - Of r mg-fiir- m. tswaczy wno preswea u wnu announce me-:marna- lucky winner the first prize Chandler, Mrs." Lord, Mrs.' The engagesient t - tume uuianau nd much: noise The 'rest of thef oi tneir oi -- ' sug-roVn- cd . Clegg:, Misa Kruorn, Mrs. Osterhaus over t tea pst.' Mrs. Sherman was trimming. Mer.nat. witn tiaiKan evening was spent in dancing. Mrs. aaughter, fa set. of beautiful Madeira embroid-- " 4i T. Huso aci : . g wooney, Mls3 . Downing was -- f gestlons, - i urown. Airs, airs, aimpson, Helen announce.! '.in a, lingerie dress-- finished the costume. : Hazel. Marie,; . ered dollies while Mrs. M. white sioggeii was iormeny miss liiua wiir : ' Tar'.eton and Mrs. FrarTer i in Washington, D. C we:'.C unused dalntlreps. trimmed with em- - A very striking gowniwas worn by co- - of Kauat since marriaee' captuied the . second, a "pair pf silk Jirs. last but her - y Miss Margaret was - a ' ? ' Coramander Osterhaua la a sen cf broidej-- and lace; ,VIth this she Walker. This of ;to Mr Sloggett,-te- n years ago, shev Mr. William Stephen White stockings. The consolation prize, j - ril Twenty-sevent- Mr. Ashford's Dinner. Mr3.; until has been identified with Maui circles cn .TuesJay,. the h of charming little picture, went to 'Mrs. H"ron; Admiral and 03terhiu3, - - ' PPng-flOwe- - - oi .ue. charming affairs of the recently residents of Mare Ii'.and . cuuiou rucaes vi.u ugater entirely. Those partici- - May, one 'inousapa Nine Hun- Hader. A tempting repast i brought ... .ce and. - ' ' almost who' Mrs.-jHert- wrt . i v "week". 'was: dinner on Tuesday well known here. He is a grinJsjn Dowsett '.was-- ci'Ic An.' .'J.. ; pated in jolly were Mr. .md dred and Thlr:een., the aftemcon: . to . its close. Mrs. the this affair nfght 'given by Mr. !, i - Huron Ashford ia of General Osterhaus, retire cnl a irhltrock wlth. av nrart" little Mrs, Johnson : of Fort Ruger wore Mrs: W; O; Aiken, Mr. and Mrs. W.j Eerkeley. California. Young's house was prettily decorated t ; v -- . -. Loner, of Miss Marguerite Crelghtba how living 'In cU hon:6i" la t'oat of xzure-Line- satlh . made en. a striped satin of old, rose and' white. S. Nicol,; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boy- - ;.; t; ;t. : with yellow coreopsis and other flow- ancestral ystume".-4-J5eJpgi- " ' . Benjamin Conrad, whose Germany. MI33 Downing. Is fcella poiJitnhe ' finished Mrs. J.. M. Dowsett was", stunning urn, Mr. and. Mrs. Foster, Mr. Mrs. Younp'a Brjdjs Party, cr3 of the hour,' mingled wkh maiden an Mr.. a cf " P. J. marriage place voa the sev-gucs- ts wtth hat of niaMne; trimmed in a ;black and .white, gown, with Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. ' Ed- - Oa Tuesday afternoon home of hair fern and tropical verdure. The will take the capiiaLSan FrancUco Examiner. j a and W. D. the decora-Charle- s 'i- - of this montn. The i: ,' .45 v wirhvlilX.and pink rote.' - black' hat. trimmed, 'with a 'beautiful ward Bianehardr Mr. and Mrs.: Har- - Mrs: J.L. Yvjung" vyas : the scene of were Mrs. S. de" Freest, Mrs. .enteenth - were out the of Capt. U.S'.N;, who, "Mrs. Farley wore' a black ' and bird of paradise. i old Rice, Mr. and Mrs. J, Corral, Mr. a. very attractive fridge party. In Eon, Mrs. Randolph Moore; tions carried In jdea A.P. rlb'.ack,; ' gold, cokrs-o- ha9"beenc'TelIeved: cf duty ai" nav:.l white ; frlmmed . with heavy Miss Mary ' spite of the. came Miss Johnson,, Mrs.'; Cv .A. D1erbach,olue.And the f thejLn frocks Lucas wore a white and Mrs. Sam Taylor, Senator and rain, which down .col-Mr- 5 s. Amerigan enibr23y ratlnelace. : She wtre. with this a drpps oi mull and lace. Mrs, PenhaHdw'MTrand'Ttfrs. "W? V. torrents; more than a score of Mr8.fW. H. Goetz, . Miss Edwards. jyersity of Calitornia, trom which attache, of the'. at ' ' both Miss Crelghton and. Mr. Berlin, will be to the cc blackAEi !cture N" ' ; I Miss ; Violet McKee wore' a smart McConkey, Mrs. Bow-dis- h, ally dressed ladies' defied the ele Hader, Mrs. . BennerMeS asttned t!te;i hat Reverend and graduated. A o Mrs. Clarence White, Mrs. Hav- ments .and attended.; Their venture Mrs. Frederick C. Lyser, Mrs. LInde- - Conrad were cloth ' ' - ' :r :. passed center Atlantic Upon to -- . i man. Mrs. Pprtv An Sold runnef down the fleet. hla return white linen .with" 'a large, black plumed hat. . en, Mrs. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. some spirit was more than rewarded Morw. Mn. J r, tr'n-porari- - ly . ' f urpund, which were scat- Washington he will detailjJ pirture"taC-:'-v- .. ' Miss Hattte Lucas was becomingly CampbelK Mrs. M. Hair, Mrs. Love by. the pleasant afternoon spent in drews, Mrs. George Curry, Mrs. the table be lut::-ligen- ce gowns ' - lerea lung siemuiea uiue Yiuieis. for duty in the Naval eturjilrg were noticed attired in a ffock of Pompadour silk land. Miss Leigh, Miss Ida Tucker, royal auction. Mrs Charles Bon was Barnes, Mrs. Guild, Mrs. Rr.oles, Mrs. - Quaint almond holders were- made oi Oriico until a tattleah p ccm-wan- d large gilded lily bulbs, and the place is found open bint him. . Lliut. . cards adorned wivh a tiny 1lima lei, Cormdr. Walter It. Ghcrardl wiU suc- carried out still further the blue .and ceed him as naval attache at r:rlin. gold idea. The whole was . softened Army and Navy Journal,. , lights geld can- . by the from shaded Colgate's Q; 1? Colgate's delabra. Among those present were Miss Mary Gladys Cronan aad Lieut. V Vio- Miss Marguerite Creighton, Miss Edwin Joseph O'Hara will, t,?, married CO. Austin, Miss Lucas, " Miss & let Sara in June, thi3 adding LEES another charnl::; Gombined Oatmeal .Soap Myrtle Schuman Miss Carrie Mc- bride to the already Xzzz, list wncsj Lean, Mr. Benjamin. Conrad, Mr. weddings will keep up the prestlgs of 25c per box of 3 cakes. Erling Hedemann, Mr, Alfred Eames, the month of roses. Tb8 exact date' Goni forts 75P Beginning Monday morning, June 9th. arid cMr. Clark and the host, Mr. IIuron i indefinite, but It wilL be shortly aJter - . Ashford. , ' ' the Uth, the day to be et when tha hox yve . j 'C: - war department i3suea the orders tor A noat red contains continuing during the entire week, will hold Adt Iral and Mrs. Moore's Dinner. ' Mr. O'Hara's leave of absence. He i3 ; Vantine's Admiral and Mrs. C. B. T. Moore now in : 1 Goleo Toilet Soap v Honolulu with his command, bar a Special Sale of Undermuslins. . entertained at a very charming din- the Tenth Coast Artillery. It will prob Ma-n- oa ;1 .tube jCold Cream . ner last night at their home in ably be a church wedding, with a srr.ail Oriental vSoap valley. was beauti- The house leception -- afterwards. Lieutenant 1 . bottle' Violet Perfume . fully decorated with yellow lilies and O'Hara is ' sen of Colonel James ; goods riot old or shopworn, have Orange Blossom, 10c bar shaggy headed chrysanthemums, yelr 'l.canalcPowtler , ; These are but Jame O'Hara retired, now of Berke low lorming the color scheme for the " r ley. San Francisco Examiner., ; l(tulorDental Cam v marked table as well, not only in the center- been taken from our regular stock ra-- piece but in the place card3 and Mr. ' Mrs. Moore had O'Hara is stationed now at Fori; . vors. Admiral and De Kussy. people exceptionally low in order .to make room for a Hud nut's Olive foriiheir guests Air. and Mrs. Lewis, Service are antici- Capt. Mrs. Owens of the marine pating the coming of his bride wltn and much pleasure, as she, will undoubt- complete new line which we expect in : a corps, Lieut and Mrs. Pratt, . Miss RATINE Oil Soap Charlotte Hall and Civil Engineer edly be a great addition to local cir t Harris. . cles. - ' fine, 25c i Extra bar ' GUTING Will Wed on Coast. ! Mr. Harry L'ailey of Davles & Co., Infantry, stationed at Scofleld Bar- kaves yery shortly for San Francisco racks, Honolulu, and Mrs.. Butts were where he will be married to Miss Flor- painfully Injured May 1 when an auto- ' ence - Blascow, formerly of Hawaii. mobile in which they , were riding - English helmet effects, GORSETS After a brief honeymoon in ;Califor--. turned over. There --were three other nia, the young couple will return to in the auto, besides the Filipino driver, stifFbrim, in'white only We carry complete . Honolulu, where they will take up and all. were badly shaken up. Major UNDERSKIRTS NIGHT GOWNS Butts was post hospital ' their residence. Mr. ttaiiey is a taken to the . ; v.,'. .. with white" draped band lines of the ToUo wing! brother . of Mr. Fred Eailey, whose and his wounds dressed, afterwards -- LOT 1 inclades an assortment of short 0T 6 comprises a Tery wide range of marriage to Miss Alice Porter of San being conveyed to his residence. Mrs. skirts, 23 to 31 In. long with tucked ; styles and designs, Including; high makes of corsets. Francisco occurred two months ago. EutU-ba- d one arm badly sprained, while Major Injuries were , and embroidered floances, $1.00-$- li and low necks, In square, roand and Butt's in r A Reading By Mr.'Frear. "nature of cuts and bruises about . Y shapes, trimmed the. Talne OUC with lace and "The Vision of Sir Launfal" will be the head. In some unaccountable man- embroidery Insertions and edging, Gossard read by Mrs." W. F. Frear to a croup ner, the driver lost control of the mar t . some with lacked yokes; : worth Lace Front ," " of. young women on the lawn at the chine, and it went skfdding about the from $1.00 to $13 ...... 75c home of Mrs. A. F. Cooke, Kalmuki, road.' Before it could be brought to a "Ratine Outing Hats LOT 2 Inclades some very neat skirts Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. This stop, the car turned turtle and Major 7 Is comprised assort- - . soft; with hemstitched and plain tueked LOT of a nice is the occasion of the last vesper serv- Butts was caught beneath it. . The with brim, these flouncfngs $1.00-$-1 5 . 75c ment of pretty designs, trimmed ice for the summer by the Young was damaged badly, . ... talne ...... Grecian Treco automobile but with lace Insertions and edging; .1 - AA Women's Christian Association. the three others in the party escaped Have col oted Van ds and v:. 4 4 senous nurts.T-Arm- y ana ravy jour- $1.75 value 4 ' Redfern The following from a San Fran-- nal;' - .: :' LOT 3 Is an assortment of skirts with . Cisco paper: . 4 are exceptionally neat ' embroidered and tacked floanrings LOT 8 is an exceptionally beautiful Oahu College Dramatic and Glee f recently gave per--' College Hub Breakfast .? - x number; It has a low, square neck, C!ub its annual and pretty; worth from $U0 to $i25 '0W.... 1.00 Bon Ton The College Club gave a breakfast trimmed with embroidery Insertion fornance, selecting as the play this lyear The Chimes of Normandy."., to the graduates of Oahu College and edging with two of and and rows j The leads were rendered by Allan the High School at the Country Club ' rlhhnna a ran nil th mint ' Royal Worcester Renton. Dickson Nott, Louise this morning 4t 9 o'clock. This is an, LOT 4 are exceptionally fine Talues, y annual one always value ...... ' ...... An exceptionally competent Corset-ler- e Churchill and Hiss Latham. A num- affair and looked' trimmed with German Tal. lace and .1.50 In attendance at all times will ber of solos were rendered... One es- forward to-wit- h great pleasure by the flounc-Ing- . s, se- pecially worthy of mention was sung senior ' classes. Jnsertlen, some with tacked confer with and assist you In the A worth from' $2.30 to $3.00; 1 lection of the precise model which will .. by Allan Renton and Miss ChurchilL Ca I Many Honolulu's society people Among sthe guests registered at the, v to achieve the greatest Improvement In of NOW i We direct special Mfss v. attention year figure. turned out to greet the students. M6ana hotel is Hodges of New a few odds and ends in downs, There were several box parties, Jersey, who Is remaining in Honolulu mcn? them being Mrs. John; Gifford a few weeks while enroute to the Prawers and Princess Slips of in which she, entertained several cf Orient., Miss Hodges is a great trav- LOT 3 cemprlses some very neat pat eler, having already traversed the ' Remember the Special Sale exceptional value, -- gome early her friendsi i Another was one by terns with lace Insertions and edg Watch our icindoics for a Mis3 Frances McKay, the an Fran- i greater part of the old world.' - tec are holding in our Carpet Ings, also with embroidered beading if you wish any of these localise cisco girl, who is a student at Oahu Hlunrimj Mustin Undehrear. WTord is reecived from officers on with ribbon lacing, $4UJ0 and $3.00 O "fTA there are onlj a few.' of College. Her party" included Mrs. A. Department." Stevens of Sacramento and Miss the Thetis who are enjoying their value stay to sail-- . Ruth Stacker. in San Francisco prior ; '.; j After the play a dinner was served ing for Alaska. . at the Young Hotel. ' (Additional Society' on'pageHfourteen) - 14 HONOLULU STATl:BULLETIN, SATUK DAT, JUNE 7, 1013.

they leave. Mr. anJ Mrs. Kckart major in the Marjiand NatfohaMiuard.' were the motif for much entertain- He Is a cousin of th present Mrs. ing prior to their departure. - Charles Carroll, formerly , Mi5s Su- & e zanne Bancroft ; He is a member of 9 t Mrs. Alexander Isenbere 'will Viil the Metropolitan CJub cf this city aul on the Siberia, June 18. for the Ori- the Maryland Club . in Baltimore. ent and Europe, via the Siberian rail- y.y y.y: .r'ft-- ft;.. y. way.' Mrs. Isenberg will be gone for The minister of Slam and Princess; two and perhaps three years, so Prabandb and their family will sum- there wil! be many regretful alohas mer at East Glonccstcr. Mass.. anil J when her steamer pulls out. will go norta the end cf this month. secretary of legation- - art! i --Am Society oik were to First the .shocked hear Mrs. Edward 1L Loftus and other of the sudden Oness of Miss Louise members of the staff will accompany GIrard, necessitating., an operation stop sojourn length them. The party will in New far we have been able to meet the and .a" of some at the on5 way to 0 ! York a few days the for Tea-dr:z!:e- Queen's hospital. Miss Girard is the rs Massachusetts. For who enjoy ana - sister oi iire. xreaencK Aiamp ; ft- arrived from the States only ten 4 - demand for the TWELVE FIFTY days ago. The arbassadors of eoth Austria-Hungar- y a LWRE phasing flzzor ; and orEnglahd expect soon . :?yy:yyy Lieut II. A. Orr entertained at din-- to be joined by their laml lies. The New will Jo tea-growin- uer on board the Raleigh Sunday for former. Dr. Dumba. any g countries, or SUITS s-- x . Really choice Tea, from of the PALM BEACH CLOTH t i. r t - r i-- Dumbs, when she ,.urs. urr, Laeuu uuu aim. .cvormacn, Ycrk to meet Mine. sections, will make a characteristic and usually likeable bev- EL-- Cecil- - Lieut and Mrs. Almy, Lieuten- f arrives Saturday next, and Sir erage but a change from one flavor to another makes for a Spring-Ric- e jour- ants . Kellar and Oldlng. Army and anticipates a similar ' keener sense of appreciation for the BEST. low, and the,cabled Navy ney for early June.. - . but the stock is running Journal. , i ,ft ft ft ;. . ' Mmc. strongly recommend Folger's Golden Gate Ceylon, Oolong, ; Lieutenant Orr, called by his friends , The Peruvian ministe' and We not be filled Bats" Orr, is well known fn Hawaii, Pezet are leaving shortly for San Fran- Japan, and English Breakfast Teas. order for additional suits will as he spent several months her last cisco to be present at the laying of

; of building at x year when he was attached to the the cornerstone Peru's "Flavor-Tight- ". packages at 23 cents thb Yel- They come in West Virginia in the -- Pacific fleet the exposition. They will tour the pacliace. for a month: " You will find one of those Since visiting the islands last year lowstone Park before returning east ...... , Lieutenant Orr has taken unto him- ft 'ft V. 'package'' In the pantry, to be o while keeping a self a bride", and now has-n- more de- The Swedish minister and Mine. Is welt worth guests, or tea-drinke- rs of the family. sire to wander. Ekengren and their two small daugh- served to for we have in stock appropriate for June 11th 4 ters will leave June 20 for Sweden, to ' Mr. and Mrs. William G. .Irwin and remain till next fall. . Mrs. Richard Ivers. who have been In ft ft ft Halde-ma- a Pnrnn n r1r fnr spvpral xrpelra- - have "re Mr. and Mrs. William Jesse to town. San Francisco Ex- have issued invitations . to the turned - C: Lid. aminer. " marriage of their daughter, Mary Eesryllay Co., Adalyn Haldeman, and Mr. Walter - ."r.:; ; Leading Grocers ,; ,.; Mrs. Frank B. Edwards, wife of Cap- Williamson Merrill, lieutenant of field .t army, whicn tain Edwards of the , army, and her artillery. United States little daughter Frances, . sailed will take place June ?at 8 o'clock at Turn the little disk to 1371 Francisco. Gleridale, transport for San -- Christ Church, in Ohio. , 1 on the Thomas TT rt t Mrs. Edwards will join" her hus- Immediately following the ceremony band at the Presidio In. that city, hay- MrV and Mrs. Haldeman will be hosts ing waited untd closing of school at a reception on Fountain avenue. ..jCaptain Edwards was :.v--- -- ; ft '.ft ft.- .- before leaving. before' the upper x put will in Honolulu for two years Lieutenant ramanaw crut .i ! stationed , "4l7 "fciirrccTihMo keep it from nmning over. - .- - The Style Center Fort and Merchant Sts. arid the couple were so popular in Io- GherardI, U. S. recently appointed. bUuuto I lUfio rUri circles that was with deepest navni aid at Berlin, and Mrs. tlUne ta! it guests THE HOUSEWIFE A few to regret : that society saw them go lardi eritertalned about forty at minced dates aJJed fJ'i y--- comes from the stove will - a farewell picnic. . The party motoreu as it mik ' To clean a stove pipe place a piece dainty Army and; Jiayy Register of out-t- o Great Falls of the Potomac for a novel and conrectioa. The on of on coals. The vapor pro- fir'ct May reports the orders of Dr. J.' M. a moonlight supper.. They will sail zinc the In baking Tih lay tLe f.h cn a Hospital serv- the Lapland May 31. - duced carries oft the soot piece of clean greased cotton clot.1:, Gillespie of the Marine " ;..V- -n ft- - lay It in the ran. It can be relieving him from 4uty in, Manila, ft,. ft . ; y then i::ta ice, ' ' directing Wm to" proceed to Hong- Th ftnaslan military attache and A pinch of soda added to a berry pia out c.:?Hy whrn r.?. and to kong, for - duty in the office pf the Mme. Golejewskl have gone north American consul. Dr. Gillespie thas fpend tho summer, ai rawiuuu having been on Cape Cod, Mass, The coun- many friendaln Horwlnlu. height 1 stationed here for two. years n the selor, of the Russian . embassy and Deer to ih z Hz rj Jj c ;; z c f summer in revenue cutter Thetis. . He leit this Mme; Scherbatskoy will ort for .Manila some time in Novem- the. same neighborhood, and have also rzLi:;Gcu-LiUi!- j I - - ' ber .of last year.- 5v: :.;ii,- , Vi.. left the capital with their family. year ago for eastern states to the ''.; ,:..;. -- , il - 4 v.V the ' regret of Honolulu society. v: " "Among the through' going: passen- .'' 5ew French' Clocks r i Logan was t . ': : transport v. . .,. ft ft ft y .'?.-- gers on the, j" y. Now . time is reckoned : in Army deeply "to Mrs. F. B. Shaw, wife of captain that ) , circles regret hear army. In com- Prance from. 1. to 24 hours instead of M. Andrews, the Frederick Shaw of the that Lieut Frank pany with children she is I from 1 to 12 hours and repeat, new popular aide of General Macomb, has her three oe uu returning to the states after two clocks have had to invenieu. - been detached ' from this station and that has been tried cut by to. post- - ArilJz for Pc;yy V " ? years in - the Southern rnmppines states. master-gener- al .- ordered to the has a disc numbered tr;.o Uzz -.'. a -.- where her husband has been sta I jz te'y. ft ft .'y;.;:; :;v':::; 1 12, disappears mi -- .ft tioned. Capt. Shaw will . Join her. from to whicn Youthful Jlpp z ztc n c :. 1 ' place to a disc 'num- Miss Florence Lee and her mother, .:; yy-y-Jr- o'clock, giving ' ing with the measles. This evening later. ;:yy t cwp Y SOCIAL riOTES Mrs. Lee, are occupying the Mathew bered from 13 to 2f Tpry woman It t7 T' '' - Capt . and Mrs. McCleave are enter- laved ones to retain t.v3 c. i y v ; ir.a 0 ; y:,' taining Informally at dinner at their Graham cottage In Manoa valley for Great regret is being expressed both ratur iiaa bestvei r-- n her. : r ov : ' century ts- Under the tof the en-- ' v : Deer half a tt'.t art.ci hut- i rnanacraerit . home at Fort Shafter by service and civilian folk oyer the California ty Ters er. i wv actrsae.-- ' v' - ' . 'Tfrtiam'cnt connr.;.ttee of V'nla!ae, ; ' Midden departure of LIeut...arid Mrs. t i. it rr- i t i i Improvement t ..-- ' ct 'Vfeiv- t 1 - t it " r " Kaiinukl and Palolo Early week Mr. and Mrs. ordered I T 'Miss Emalirie a goon entertained in the Kirby Smith, who have been .vfctims 5 white 1 i3 K. , : ' . tf Via each year, th6 of hunters ciriy ar :- Club, . social dance will be ; rr-r-arl- rf ev-.- . . . a nd. informally Mon- Pierre Moore rettrrned from a six to Newport, R. L ; The young couple for dal'.y or ; s.t. . a few of her friends and preying animals, according to a r.on-s- given in the assembly hall of Lllia-- Honolulu, ad-- it u a 1. ;uiJ and r v day ''evening. A phonograph and a weeks' triD to and tb had been stationed In Honolulu for fish and i . r'"' ... on, Thursday evening renort issued bv the state It regains unnoticed. - tkalani school - im- islands.1 San Francisco wore .very popular hterti'-r- . i. piano i were brought In use and jjacent Examv three years and game commission., Of this, number dances, ball or other next There will be musical and mer. ' rrevents a pre.isy err'-rar-- - ti t. promptu dancing served - to , pass here. about ten thousand are killed by hunt- t.lexion by tha t ..n I " literary selections, all by local talent, . : caused away even- ft ft ft . 4l . Le-ucd- evening with. A. sub- the time. Later in. the 4 ers. - to start the ing "good were, served. Capt Niblack was stationed for sev- Miss Ruth Anderson was the suc- Gouraud'i Or'"t'1 C?" c:- ' of ladies ha3 been enlisted eats" "'jead" and fHeve ... rn. i S. at.-Pas- h committee ; y- : eral years .in Honolulu on the U. composer oL the farewell song ?n' l serving Of light re- ..ft; y cessful Fan India Tan. Ilmples tlackheaii. Moth to handle the "i. baby daughter or Mr. and Mrs. S. ,Iroquois and with his charming in the competition held by the class of Vreclciea and Vu'.,ar I." freshments. Admission cards willi.te The very Although it costs but 6 cents 3 day a delicately clear and refined cc wife was popular. Miss Antfereon also - chir.3 Gould was christened at the ' 1913 at Punahou. of section Jay men wave fans- to -, issued to residents the :.f; : ft- : ' - in India for to wmcn ever ... TV. r.- , ft ft". class song; seeming j nr - George Gould at Lakewood, N. wrote the regular week. ,. home ; in houses, early in tae Items. . ; keep the air circulating week, on the same', day that Personal to have genius along that line. ... Grc- Jcncj I Ycr!c. ft .ft 'ft. .y, last ' gradually being replaced by Fcrd. T. i:cp!:L.3f Prep., 37 -t Clrc: :;"..;.'':. Ji regret is being elpres'sed by :. . - they; are .4. Great ; & . . young , cousin, ArVhony Drexel "- re- -, Mr. and Mrs. Makpon entertained hr the offlcers of Fort Shafter and their ,V'. popu- electric fans as cheaper arid more III, was christfened.. The Gould baby Two tables of bridge are the - ' v' on Tuesday - "at a family gathering was named Anne, Douglas, after her wives over the impending departure lar form of entertainment during the. liable. night, when their seven children .met of Lieut . and t Mrs. ,Frederidall .and af- v f mother, who was Anne"Douglas Gra- hot . months. Many of these small paternal, root for dinner. who under the ham, the daughter of. .Mrs.. Hubert Lieut and Mrs. Mac Andrews, fairs, which require so little prepara- t Later: several friends came In to say Jeave In a few weeks for the. signal ' .nexilweek-- : " " VosV formerly of Honolulu; Both Mrs. tion, are plannei:Qr. Aloha to Mrs. Harmon Anderson (nee school at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Vos and Mrs. Gould spent much time -- Kamakia Magoon) who is down here , V:1-f- ft ft"- ;. -;- v-- .'. Y- annual meeting of the College flying the coast. This her and have numerous San Fran- Gray The cn a visit from cisco friends. San Francisco Chron- Mr. and Mrs. Harry sail next Club will tfe held at the Colonial on was in nature of a reorrion. : they WHAT: affair the :.; week for San Francisco, where 4 - icle. f ; , ..; ? ; ';:'.';.' '.'.': ,:;- - Tuesday, June lO, at o'clock. It is as Mrs. Aniierson, Mr. Marmlon Ma- will visit Mr. and Mrs. George Ross find I hoped that all members will It just-returne- d - inly from the mainland. : expecting to be .absent- several r, possible to be present . , College i only ust returned from the mainland. The graduates of t'e of month's. Mrs. Ross ' was formerly A very jolly evening was spent Hawaii held their i closing exercises Miss Lishman of Honolulu' jand is ftv-'.'f- cn campus The officers and iladies of Schofjeld , . the in of main ; ft ft ; front the Jthe: islands. i well known in - Lullding. on Monday Many ' ; -- Barracks enjoyed an- informal hop Mrs. have Is- - afternoon. yy- ft Mr. and Ed. J3enner interesting speeches were, made by Thursday night in ithe Infantry Club. faculty Infantry iand furnished the r ng members of the and of the Betty Case The First MonffRT-vnt- which win celebrate B. Cae and Miss will be - graduating class. , music. i their glass wedding anniversary. The " delighted to learn thatth' major r ,i:::,, ft ft ft, -- Invitations themselves are very un- has , a detached ".from .Schofield Taylor Is entertain- Mrs. P. Morse Manoa valley arid town. Mr. Thurston usual and clever, being engraved up C of Barracks ; ordered back to ing a. number' of bis friends at an in is entertaining - evening ten 'Jocaxed temporarily on little squares or glass instead1 or this at They will be at formal dancing pariy this evening at Of Randol- ? ; -- v IS tables bridge of Mrs. ? the customary card. The affair prom- in honor the Pleasanton hotel v , avenue. ph-Moore. ' ' V " his home on Thurston to - be one of unusual pleasure Mrs: de Fries and Mrs. ft ft' ises Mooney, . ' . who leave shortly for the Mr. and Mrs. C F. . Eekart and end attractiveness. v Mr. and : Mrs. C. . M Cooke enter- States. K'-- .';' amlljf ' on th6 Mauna Kea ft ft ft f left today tained at 'dinner ion Friday last in Capt and Mrs. Robert McCleave arfr , 5- i iur)iuEiriuuiiB'' home , on . Hawaii. of and Mrs. Frear and inquiries, which seem to be quarantine XteOt Burrell has many friends in They jwill be missed greatly among honor Governor, In response to many emerging at last from the Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooke. , ; , ,1 Imposed upon them by thfr illness of Hawaii, having been stationed hore social circles in Honolulu, arid it Is discovery of -- the . scientific interest in -- - wo years. on prompted by a their- - daughter, who has been- suffer- for .t or three, He left a with great regret; both sides that Mrs. G.J . Darling and her sister, ' ' Mon-sarr- at Mrs.-- Loveland, have taken the following statement: where Criscq, we publish the - cottage on Union street ' ' 'friends, t I..;: - . they will be at home to their ri oil, by Crisco' new, wholesome cooking fat, made under hygienic conditions from cottonseed ft ft ft is a by .'Mr.' arid Mrs. J. P. Cooke enter- a special process the details of which are controlled exclusively ourselves. tained service circle at their the ' any of the vegetable .oils. . home on Nowewehi street on Monday Crisco can be made from night , ;'V- liquid constituents are changed and rendered semisolid by the f! rr In the manufacture of Crisco ' the .t rr. fn ..,y of pure hydrogen gas. '., issued invita addition of the proper quantity lite ;Mrs. Chandler has tions for;. a bridge party on Monday The points of superiority which make it of value to the housewife are: afternoon at her home In Manoa vall- ey.-.': Crisco stays fresh from six to nine months without refrigeration. ' -,-- ...;ft ; ft :4:. ;' in a solid cooking fat; among smoking temperature of Crisco is higher than that hitherto obtainable . i Mr. George Castle, was the The it Co.'s returning, passengers on Lurline, aft- a great advantage in .frying. states, .' v - er an extended trip in,the Crisco has great shortening power. - especially. ; ft ftj ft" Withstands tairii Civil Engr. Glenn S.; Burrell has from frying if the particles of food are strained; out between c ' It does not carry odors and flavors :: the-Bo- s ' :4;-.- been detached and ordered fa' ; ' V . " ( "vv :A - y j : fryings. ... I f ? ly ' yyy: ton Yard. . Capt Noa, assistant quar- 'l existing cooking were tested in actual cooking and thefr good ' developing Critco all fats ' Comes . pint, . quartf gallon, termaster, marine, corps, has arrived While - by the the new product j Wir from the Philippines and reported for points learned. These were incorporated as far as possible in 4fl: 5-g- : and in al containers. duty. Army and Navy Journal. Crisco Is manufactured insure ty i-'- The conditions under which y-- ;:'; ;' y yy 'y VVASHINCTON SOCIETY A booklet Of Tested i operation until it is placed In : its cleanliness. From the first Crisco Recipes will be ' : : every can. n A guarantee behind ftpectal i Correspondence. Star-Bulleti- mailed, on request, by the housekeeper's; hands for use It i3 manipulated by machin- i j WASHINGTON, D, C, May 2o. An- the Proctor. & Gamble nouncement has been made by Mrs. ery and protected frorii. f andlirig.. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J Howell Carroll of Baltimore, of th engagement of her daughter, Iiss, Su- zanne Carroll,' to Major John Philip ' is packed in air-tig- (ins, in three sizes: lVa lbs. net, CRISCO L IM. : : V . It ! I Hill of that city. ly. yumy,.: , Miss Carroll is the daughter of the lbs. net, 6 lbs. net. is listed fn the Westfield X ' : y 177 South King St. ; late J. Howell CarrOlI. wno for several Dook of Pure F'oods, and years was consul at Cadiz Spam, and f3 "starred" by. Good j PURE Magazine.-- died at Mentone, on the Riviera. . Sho Housekeeping Paints and all Supplies is a er 6f Chas. AT ALL GROCERS JAREDI Carroll of ' Carrollton. , u ,iV;. . Maior Hill is the United States dis ' IV i trict attorney for M aryland. 1 16 is u HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, 8ATUKDA Y, JUNE 7, IMS.

viLLETT a o:z';: U o CAUU , IMffiTSTiLL

Willett & Gray'a 3ugar Jcnrnal for CUBA CROP S rectal cables "re-Ma- y AT 22 says: 'reived by us from Havana. Cuba: POINT ARTICLE -- 11 CARTER BAIMA CONSUMPTION FIIIITED THRUM: STORE TO Statistics by Special Cables Cuba. May 16, 1913 Heavy rain in somo The six principal ports:" Receipts, parts; Central3 grinjin;: 1 12. dtiat " -- 6!,tXM) 'tens; exports, 33,000 tons; . 137 last year and 33 in l'Jll" Prices of sugar stocks during the ttock. 617,000 tons. j May 20, 1513: "Pain J ' V.'.r.z in the past week have not generally lm PROVES DEEPLY STATES REACHES LARGE FIGURE BE GREATLY Centrals grinding 123, against 153 light hoWers Centrals ,n. id. proved, the I and la some Instances last week, 119 last year andj 27 in aafast 119 Inst year u . i 27 ia 'll." fell below the low water mark of the 1911. LOUISIANA CROP V,'arr.i ..iher. former week-- The dlUatcry action of ' Receipts entire Island, 94,000 tons' with good, showers, has prove ! most congress in settling the tariff bill, or Since a decade ago when the "fruit nut diet," it nevertheless shows, wecVCS.OOO ' IMPROVED against 101,000 tons last favcratlo for the grow las cane croi deciding upon thT sugar feature of It, JTERESTIi nnt riiPt colonies" hesraa to d'rectly at least, that since the tons year add 30,000 tons in 1911 Crcp potest colonics have come into existence last during tho past'week. pnsiKct3 nasf of course, been one of the spring up the United States, and Stocks in the United States and are said to be very- - good, as excellent depressing brer there has been an increase of 144 per, forces the market, and it - Cuba together of I.0S0.0S0 ton's, have- - - of both works were published on the whole- cent J-- j the importation of bananas. stands been ottained win continue to be until the senate against, 1,001,900 tons last week and stubble and plant cane. All tUi.cr takes final action on the measure. In a monthly magazine issued by someness of such foods, and .the ThcVfollowIng Is. the article in -- A new step in the development of year, - TSX.Cil tons last aa increase of high now seems to bo dangers eating meats, many new 1 from the water While the fight for the life of the the Trust' Companies Publishing As- of part . the Thomas G. Thrum stationery and 241,529 year. J. V ton3 from last over, recipes for preparing fruits for the which is daily cele-brat- o as the river has been, ralltns Industry Is going on In Washington, sociation, fcrmer Governor George R, The banana, the book store, which is about to 2.il,-00- 0. - Euroic Stock in Europe. steadily the wtcX a.nJ no the conditions on plantations interesting ar- table have been given the public, all! bread of millions in tropical lands, is its ihirt!ctj- anniversary, has durins li the Carter eontributcaan tons,1 against 1,873,000 tons last below 23 feet at .New Orleans. more less increased '; - eeems to be on tne Improve, and if ticle on the trust companies of Ha- of which have or becoming an important staple in the been taken, and that concern will year. - - : Temperature New Orleans Maxi- this fact has not Increased, the waii. Being familiar with the con- the demand for, in particular, tropical food economy of the American pec- hereafter be known as the Thomas at -- - Supply. Totat stock of Eu- mum, 88 deg.; 6S dcg. F. quoted price of stocks, It has ditions such bodies here, be- fruits. .: :: pie. On the average every man. wom Thrum, Ltd.. corporation.- papers Visible minimum, the of and rope and America,. 3,?2I,0SO tons, Washington, D. C May probably prevented them from sub- - ing the founder and for some time Pineapples, which were once served an and child in this nation, includin having been filed. TAKIFF - : " against 2.61,5.j1 year vice-preside- . tons last at the 21, 1913. While the senate has nut to bottom value. The nt of Hawaiian in only one way, now reach the Alaska and Hawaii, Is eating five Jlding their the the The bookstore has, nnder its new uneven dates. The of proceeded beyond merest prelim- the past weeic, which has Company, Mr. Carter has table In a score of different dishes, dczen bananas annually. Last year's status, capital $15,000, fame 'increase the Trust what a stock of in-trca- stock; Is 1,101,23 tons against an se in discussing till, from cocktails to pretty, angel's consumption bananas In United three-fourth-s inaries tho tariff been general throughout the terri- written is being read with keen inter- the of the more , of which Is than of 1,077.3 tons last "week. the Vrogresa made has servej ta em- tory, has been a large benefit to the est by both bankers and toymen. kisses, and the same is true with fetates was six billions, and the value subscribed.- - Large" suras will be spent $14,-0fO,00- 0, Total stocks and afloats together phasize, the fact that sugar will bo plantations. On Kauai, where it fell After." o.scussing the laws of the bananas. Whether the colonies, of the import was? more , than in ImjifOving the store, increasing its show a visible supply of 3.D62.0S0 tons main bone of contention in tbo especially hard, it was greatly territory governing; the operations of ' spreading their doctrine of fruit and an increase of 144 per cent in rtock, and, at a later date it is pos- the against 2.804.S51 tons last year, or an fighL , needed. ..ie plantations on Oahu also trust companies here, and pointing ; nuts for a diet have greatly increased twelve years. And the supply may be sible that additional space will be ' increase 1,137,523 Up no dis- tropical an trop- -- of tons. to date there has leen enjoyed heavy rains, where they were out that their rapid growth has the demand for fra its is practically unlimited. In nearby acquired. , .. interrt-'tin- ' un-tillc- d' , Raws. A quiet generally eas- except upon Penrose mo- In need. brought the total capital and surplus g question not impossible ical countries are great areas of and cussion the ' The officers of the corporation are: tendency finance corarr.it-te- e $365,375.-0- 8 of solution, . and on Investigation to the growth of ier tone and throughout the tion to instruct the The trading in stocks was heavier, of the trust companies from it land suited President, C. H. Atherton; vice-preside- ' - so-calle- week grant bearings on till, but by considerable, than during the in 1909 to $1,042,938.73 the pres- might prove quite trtie that they, this d fruit, which is more under review led to sales of to tho at Thomas G. .Thrum secretary, Cuba 96L - ; Centrifugals at .03c per lb. that motion was before the s?r.ata former week, which was filled .witn ent date, Mr.- Carter- - reviews the have. r properly to be classed as a' vegetable J. general y - Warren; treasurer and decline to the present eructa- and served to e'Icit a .days inactivity.-Especiall- Recently a little article . was pub- and as suca should do much to reduce l ' market for a week dull of market present stability and conditions of manager, D. F. Thrum, and auditor, per heavy was the trading on companies as follows: - ' lished Entitled, "The Banana as a the high ccst of living. There are few tion of 2.30c lb. for Cutas tnd rumber 01 reches en the merits ct E. B. Clark. . nominally unchanged per bill, or, c rrctly Hawaiian Commercial, which was "The brief outline of the past shows Food Staple," and through this It is articles of food. which afford so large at 3.27c lb. t":e :re eealdr c i f schedule. beaten down at the close of the ses- why our trust companies are prac- more' bT. a .panegj-ri- 'on the banana & nickel's or dime's worth of ,"satis- for Porto Rices." The decline en s c.i.Lae r.er.j tl.3',suar sion Friday to 24.874. On that day tically confined to. the handling of that ;an advocacy of the frult and fying nutrition as the banana." ' j t ' cost and freight basis Include 1 1.1 c Amec I .1 were Ccr. trr COMMERCIAL NOTES pe r-d- V.'I'.'.i-am- s almost five hundred shares were property, dealing only or lb. from asking price for L'3 Ju..a c.i cf Lo'ul.lir.a, Ccr.atsr infunds 1 15-lC- ; Nrv-land- shipments on sale at' 1 c per lb. Mississ:;-- i, Ccr.ator s turned over, opening at 25.50, and money that are incident thereto. The cf - Prices at the auction sales of c. (3.30c). f-- ar. 1 Ti -- 3 closing low- - figure given provide trust &'r. It Is a notable ct of.Ncvadi Crr.atcr at the laws of some states that CLE plantation ! S S LES rubber held in London all the sales made most of Colorado. Lyen t . .1 t'..3 f; above. companies, doing banking business, i early that darlr.3 t EMM this week were higher, ad- of the campaign for future sliiprncr.t3 were full ,of re, which ia quite t Other companies followed this week must operate two distinct depart- vances ' of from Id. to 2d. being at above the current market prices usual for such an curly Bt2o3 in t: 2 with announcements of suspended ments, and they prohibit the mingling 800 of to 900 p-i- a tUL -- have failed to realize the prices d- consideration of dividends. The Wailuku gave notice cf their funds, for they recognire that tons.' contract, suspension AT SUGGEST or r.i aA GUI HE A ;The market, however, when the shipments were made. TWs The Democrats won a victory of of . dividends after there is always in such cases the was Quiet all througlTTheweek, fr 10. 6, with h. significant as showing the positive the house till la the veto tarc:.r June the Honomu after June terr otj to use one department to euWc:i-mittee- Brazilian grarfes' developing weaker . s and on .Friday Waialua issued its Ha course of tho market a3 again3t the without instructioua. To the unduly'upport the otfcr In tendency, although decliW.es-Ublishc- d the theoretically anticipated are . givlr.3 ar.yloiy notice of suspension", to take effect banking and" trust con l'pai market vlo waii the waf were InsigniflcanU ' In lfe, on which were wants to talk an oppcrtunlty to i'.j June 15. , It was rumored that the separate, and each on own Iurse the futures stand its u sub-ccu:r.Ii- v. m i focal market trading was dull, buy- Mr. tco Pioneer would also give notice of sus- basis.' Our trust companies, if well iii I ami iiER bo.. Wihias' ri illl Mllll ing being confined to small lots to eo ia ' sutrar 13 over tne v,...; pension, but officials of that com- and efficiently nandled, should showl r..t k..v rcir.i f.rcur.i meet current requirements, but 1 . - oTf-s- et em- there acknowledged the planters. pany the rumor by stating was no pressure tasls to be fully below was confidently ex- Casting about for the causes of the now the Hawaiian to sell and quota- phatically that It tyWJXth 1 1 aV.-- .. tions . '11 r J -y . XteZXTL4 held steady, Domestic scrap - 1 ' l- pected corporation will be -- 1 IJ ... - 1 . J nnlMavlrA Monnfiolnn fnlt 1 Pinpallll P fVllTl IiaThC Will VlPT.- centrifugals an3 yet the inducc-- c: that the no,(.l.1o ts'1- ?nse A rubber is in a tive .zrr-r- pay regularly. new build-ftit- h the still favorable position, to by Quite aa as t.;a able to fts dividends earning returns for the owner. This jn New York, Henry Clews ends' a fl.Uona.ta ItsL thetfe being a purchase areully cfct the brisk demand from over-abundant-s- '. ngs could have Leeu. ar.d Ucy - During the week there were 3173 consumers, of .:jar vi3.. traded, bringing a sum while stocks are com- ible everywhere. we our shares total TouI have - paratively light and there has been A. i . the bill In ccrr.r-Itt- es r4- r.3 f of $56,463.42 - for the weeic endlns be-- me possioie euecx on ine the summer pack? will begin to arrive, i. or crop, banks, and the present relation ung some Increase in the export move- the neXJava h Friday. This is almost double the in-- ; of friction- - with Japan to be handled by ths modern canning 1,540,000 tons to 1,500,000 an In-- relJ tween the two classes of financial market the' ' ment,- - '. . ' during " ! : amount of business done the Etltutlons are unusually harmonious. concomitant with the passae-e- of the machine. .'i f. previous week, which aggregated, for t Much interest l&i neing : shown in "The 'trust companies of. Honolulu California alien land law, and smil-cr- e In an effort to stimulate the issne $32,412.50. g new device, which will away r.TheWisihle-Cub- the same time, It should, at present conservatively man--in- at the fear expressed by some this do of bank notes Vpr . . : and to prevent fall ' of couse, be taken Into consideration with the use cf the old model' ma- the ready has : B1"c : aged. Their public statements show; that the friction will generate into of value in national two per cents, reached 1.936.00O'. tczs,W- -; ;rlu--7- " a holiday up chines, being able to shell, decore against 1,564,0001 - cot CJ, that broke the business that the only one or them has any war. there . is no grouho it tons at correspond- JH, That fori) Secretary McAdoo has made an order of period. ago - cf a pine, which 1 vi-'x- 1 nn w lr, 'n'r' that Two weeks the direct obligations beyond the liabil- BUCh a fear.be emphatically states. ?uu by which the banks may inc. liiir 1x1 $59,-717.0- substitute next wecX lle U business - trading amounted to 7. formerly required iho ork of three qulrements menri t U ity to their stockholders, and this says part: - v since January have 1 in - Philippine, Porto Rican and District fit t ,and- b mat- - ab-te- different machines considerable fallen; off 57,000. tons ; cldent la . probably a temporary in the present dispute there is r of Columbia bonds ss security at Atlantic f - ' :,:;;f: ..'v.: ;;r.;-.- t for ports, the :ider senate f? number of bonds were sold.- A and it involves only a small, solutely nothing that warrants war. labor. any additional which, with increased receipts. tut - currency they may net e?s tl.5 nv 512,000 deal In Waialua 5s was made ; - will probably leaves stocks larger by 159,000 tons, the .aenateTCf cmount. Usually, the companies japan could not finance a war with The summer pacK be wish to issue and they may retire cf th j : If 100, two Hilo over-draft- s, 8O that Visible SunnlpH in Rtnotfd before the mi' at and transactions of have no bills payable, no the United States, which would end much larger than Usual due to the the government bonds to the extent nf 1901 5s of $500 each were made at, end cash on hand to more than cover. only improvements made5 In the new Quba and the.U.JUPPar in exeess ihenTlipreiic. m one result that of disastrous of'the new . deposit --aa security 84. ,. ott-f- "site-o- of anticipated - . a3 10 nx UIIie fcr 1.3 their open accounts. Our .local courtj defeat to Japanx Bujt Japan, is. a pinud bqildins. which is he; f ,jsstles wants up to the market le Hhe0e '. of Ju.y Certainly the most business of, the official .testify: ?ld one and is a concrete ; structure ing of the next domestic crops of discussion near the Crst nation,:ind may; easily feel offended Secretary McAdoo . also makes an w ere - Cane and Beet sugar, - , 1Ce Louisiana snators r week fell on the trading of Hawaiian, ence in the regularity and prompt-ta- t un-ne- ss with cement floors- and is fireproof ; which also pro- our treatment, which has been announcement - ; in relation to the only Democrats td vote with tha L Commercial. 770 shares which, . throughout mise to be larce of with which the acounts of the 'necessarily brusque - "inconsider-trus- t the fruit is handled from $10,000,000 , v and he is about to deposit Under present publicans for instrnctioas, but th3 changed hands up to Friday, The companies are filed in compari-- i ate. would be far better for the the time it arrives from, the planta- with national banks willing pay outlook buyers if buying price 25.50 Monday, a to either refiners or operators, fict that a11 other Democrats vC.I was but, F.on with those due from individuals.? tions until It Is a finished product. daily-balance- , find little United States, and especially for the itwo per cent on t.z-tuni- ty -- that course cannot of buying mech-.-Pacif- ic c--f encouragement oppor- - a&ai08t that to oast the was done at 26. Certainly re-anls- m It is said by sd new in the unusual 'the "most modern of Coast, to cultivate friendly that them the the money will be. deposited prefer- - they A large amount of It on - of securing sugar below cepted as positive piocf that- thrdwn the, in American financial develop- iations with the Asiatic people, espe-men- t' machinery, the company will be able ably those banks at the Friday finally the! In. which have forty cost of production, and wil1 continue to support tUs I'M r .i market reduced has made good . out here in the to save the employment of a . portion the market clally If we to our per nd desire secure share cent of their capital in notes. Meiars Ransdell and Thcrr.t :n : ro-a- price to 23, and In the end to 24.8718, middle of th,e Pacific. of its laborers.: . i '; drifts along with a declination tone 'of a. rapidly growing commerce with encouragement ro-a- nt on . will-tha- tendency until something Import- - ,ea3 t0 feel cae where It closed that day. "Only lately over t The improvements have cost in, the three-hundred-t- on a contest a portion of the world. At present '.;A mill Is on its cca'.ir.u- - - m occurs to change the conditions, earding the outlook for the The announcement that dividends was taken from thi Jurisdiction to we are driving commerce that should neighbcrhcod of $100,000.' ,'U r way from Honolulu' to the southern J.-D- . The hope - ance of some degree of protect! to would respon--! f for-State- of "all holders is, how- be reduced probably is the supreme court-o- the United gq through Pacific ports to our s, pole is at th tannery and is Philippines for planta- ' the San Carlos ever, 13 sugar. So far as can be ascertained, fclble for the fall in prie'e and the and. highest tribunal, in charge of the work. . that when the tariff question that eign rivals; simply because of race tion. It is being carried by Korea, prom-wil- l, amount of stock mar- the settled the demand from the country however, they have no positive offered on the after examining our. law finally in its prejudice short-sighte- d legisla- - - and which sailed from : here Tuesday 133 help beet men, ket. - be so heavy as to Increase the of from the suar cecilon recognized the rights of the tion. The situation contains possi- disturb the . stock market prcs evening. This will Ola a, McBryde in its be one of the few requirements for meltings to at rorn whom, If from any cr.e. their Oahu and sold , In vtmoi cuiDtianieH iu ci. uusuwa unities or iriction tnat mignt easny ent temper, modern mills on is'ands. least . the the total year's finally help must come. Senator Wal.h sail, fairly large numbers. One thousand under a win, a fact-that- must nave of last and of Olaa changed clos-- ; leave stocks on October 1st only mo-- nothing to indicate that 3 wcuM c;v shares hands, tiven the, public . greater confidence - lng Friday at 1.75, having opened derately larger than those "usually pose the bill, and he U regarded a3 the m them and hence, enlarge their use- - week at McBryde sold at 2.50 carried at that time of the year. ,the most probable source cf aitL Sen- 1.87. fulness, an give them still greater promised to and 2.76, 336 shares changing hands. power in guarding the health of In the meantime the tariff is an ator Newlands almost unknown - fight the bill, but to hla Onomea opened at 21.50, but fell off! others a duty that they must ever hofcf quantity, now in the Fin- referrir? ance Committee of the Senate, bom- - speech the next5 day, he called atten-barde- d a half point in the few sales which tacred." "'. ";' . were made of Pines fell slightly with protests from all direc- - tion to the fact that while he had It r.ot under the pressure of or 334 qn, tions. against its free duty clause.. one near tne precipice he had the sale p-n- shares. Monday It brought 40.2S, then The latest guess is that the Sen- - gone over," which was the truth. Mr. it rose a quarter point, and edded by L WILL USE ate will substitute a duty for no duty John Sharp --Williams said positively Ninety-two- and. leave whilej would fight through selling at 40. . shares , or the Conference Committee that be; of both caucus' for 50 per cent O. fL & L. were traded In'. . The first Houses to solve the problem committeeand finally. - . sugar, would rale was 50 at 120, the second 42 at 'reductionin duty on he 118. - Europe appears to have caught th not oppose bis party's dictation If the Ten Honokaa sold at 4; 25 Hon. B! hXLICi.'S Or pessimistic influence from the United caucus shou!d declare for the bill. 1.-- States and willingly or regretfully There is no doubt the question & M. Co. at 20.50, and 50 L S.' N. let that Co. at 1.75. the prices decline to the cost of pro- - , will go to caucus, and there can Le duction of beet sugar. little . conbt that If the sugar sched- - The lowest prognostications for. ule is not amended before It reaches, : COMMERCIAL NOTES ' beet Bujrar made for this campaign 4tbe caucus stage it will remain intact I was of 9s. per cwt. f. o. b. Hamburg The will come when the I v ( there. rub Jl , 88 ;d deg. analysis 4 senate. The secretary of agriculture deems I i for beets. bill comes to a vote in the Taking up i suggestion of Dr. E. - innthe LJ LJ V j L.J LJ LJ L.J For the second time In this cam . The best hope of the duty advocates ft necessary, in order "to effectually U' U V. Wilcox, Agricul- rj ad- - prevent of the Hawaiian LJ pal gn, after a shilling nr . more is to. so Impress the president with the Introduction into the Experiment ap- :" tural Station, which vance from the frrst. this ha desperation before the caucus United Staoea of White pine i trlce their the peared in Star-Iiulleti- n, the IS THE MOST DESIRABLE OF ALL MAN OA SECTIONS blister rust, to forbid the importation the that been almost touched, and appears new is called. He has said 'that hethad ; ' five-leafe- Kukul nuts be put to a commercial to be about to break through and compromise, of all d pines from fol-- j not thoughtcf a but the use, S. G. Starrett has made arraigc-ment- s lowing countries, viz, Great Britain, ' spot on follow Cuba to below cost of .product there are those who still believe that wrlh a large concern An unusually attractive which to' build. Unit-'h-e France, Belgium, I London The cane ,su$ar market of the would make concessions if. he Holland, Denmark, S'-:y-;:y:.- ,' : ' abso-?wi- ng supply .. - Norway, Sweden, Russia, Germany, to it with from two to three a home. . cd Kingdom, has also sharply declined 'cduld make the house see the thousand tons of the nuts annually. ' to. the heavy afloats that necessity doing so to get Austria, Switzerland and Italy. ' ' You piped to an elevation ifO .Jo lute of his Beginning with the end of the have icatcr of ccrntry, some, 150,000" tons--: being now .the bill through the senate.: month Starrett will commence active v feel ; tzn view ocean way Cuba. sales! . Faithful and skilful service for yon httvc unobstructed of the under from Last v work in arranging for the nuts to be " j par many years as director of the plant-- - you were at 1.85c f. o. b. Cuba, but since The groKlng popularity of the ! collected and shipped to Lduhon. The and arc on the slope of a hill that suggests sugars post la, Jrt-- Eck-a- rt then some ct the buyers ot the eels system reflected a crs' experiment station, by C F. 1 ' firm there will extract the oil from tiiriss : " dispose, by post as director, was pleasantly recog-- l : a Chalet for a home. are trying f6 of same on basis statement lastied the ofnte them to be used in piint, it having' department,, which ap- nized in connection with re-- ; of 1.82c without results so far.v There! thows that his been found to be the best oil for that M'e can thinJc of no more pleasurable spot: packages were meeting tms-- 1 is some inquiry at 1.80c, f. o.'b. Cuba,, proximately 5,500,000 tireraent. As a of the purpose on the market. nuts, tecs of the association, to Whlcn he These none that compares tath tt as ; 1 equal to about 5s 4ld c. L & L' United .sent througn .parcel post during which are to be found on all the ial- -' per had been invited, Mr. Eckart was pre-- J Kingdom. April, or about 54 cent more than tnfls, win be gathered mainly from, A small business was put throngh in jin January, the month when the ays-Sa-n Hawaii, as they are saW to be of the. Uver-,te- m was first inaugurated- - Chicago suitable inscription engraved in' the ' Doiraingos at ?s 54d c. L f. greatest abundance there. stands at the head as regards the vol-Yor- k'. middle. i A FAiSABI SE FOR HEALTH pool, eiual to about 1.88c c i. f. 'New During the summer months Star " , ume of. business, that city having . James T). Dole, head 'of tie Hawaii lett will get the school boys to gather ; end ichvrc one may live in the full enjoyment ThP flnrTinf for the. week In mailed 6.337,632 packages during the to London racked and tcady for the1 het closely followed by New York an Pineapple Company and one of the' ' sugar is for May, June and Au- !mf territory's pioneers in this field, ar them.. The nuts will probably be sent 1 1 of absolutely pure air. with 6.252,378 packages, while Poston mill nress. The comnany has . W ' rived home Tuesday on the Korea af- atreed The means of gel ting there arc excellent be- We received today the quotation for was third, Philadelphia fourth, Cleve- to take all that he can send, and ask land fifth and Loul3 sixth. ter an extensive buFincss tour of the October-Decemb- er beet3 at 6d f. o. b. St cause the. rthid are good and. I he uu Ik to the " Is mainland. He Is accompanied by Hamburg. In a received by Star- s ' ; a 3'ear. letter street-car- . average prices by Mrs. Dole. While on the mainland is a short one. It is difficult to see why the nrxt The cf received Dole over pineapple rett from the company it is said that producers the United States: looked the trade acre-each- , crop exsch a of they are very eager to follow up the You arc invited to inspect the lots. One beeta should command crops 2.3 per cent in general and. made plans for con- any prcmiam all, un Stajle increased kukui nut industry to the fullest. rremicm, or ?t from April 1 to Mav 1, which com- tinuing the company's advertising $1000. Payabtc a th ird cash, a th ird in less new croo outturn shculd campaign, which makes its products Dr. Wilcox some time ago publish- the leet pares with an increase of .8.4 per prove . over. ed a bulletin on the kukui nuts, show- tirelvc months and balance in tivo years. to.be unfavorable. cent In the'aame period a year ago known the world at-thi- u-g- ar ing its value and the possibility of The fact is that s wiping and an average increase of 3.4 per making gathering extrac- conditions generally are at such a Give her what she wants when she the and the cent during April cf the . past five any can come On-Ma- wants and want something tion of ail from the nuts a profitable low ebb that chance that years. 1 prices of staple it she'll would .necessarily come, with an im- else. " . enterprise. He said it was rcgardod crops averaged about 30.1 per cent by paint concerns as far superior to provement, but for the present nt least lower than on like date of-191- 4.9 iinseed oil. ' . f n a quiet and comparatively steady mar-kje- t per cent lower- than In 1911.' 13 per Bethel St, near Hotel. At the present time Starrett will is to bn expected. cent lower than 1910, and 1.S per FRAMING not attempt to build a factory for the OhlSl 1 EUROPEAN nET CROP F. O. cent lower than 1909, on like date. PICTURE the-kukuls- r. Xladg?-burj- f ;,. . production of the oil from Wcht cnble3 us speciallv from mm m :. Alto developing, printing and enlarg-ins- . but will content himself in gathering Mny 4,WeathCT is fa HiV Tfli: Anneal will ?!t nt the ' Fort near Merchant Street 1. fonrt Artist', materials.' rnd shipping them to London. vorable fcr tho growing crop and also Tax Office at ITnnolBiH beirianfn Jnne fcr feid work." - Sih at !) aTm. for tlie pnrnW of ar-In- cr HONOLULU PICTURE FRAMING & STAR-DltLET- iy GITES YOU May 20, 1913: "That 'the weather is Tax .tnpeaL Cases In the First Tax- SUPPLY CO. TODAl'S AEWS TODAY HE OE favorable for the growing crop." ation Dhisionv advertisement. - 10 HONOLULU STAR BULLETIN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1013.

TV YTT7 7 r ir r--v 1 Vr3T7' Virv Y J A TO Ml i



- Makes . . Australasia Welcome 1 Member of Royal Family Is Ship 'Given to Government Among List of Officers Mak- -. by the Dominion A- ing IniiiaTVoyage

- .11. M. S. New Zealand. .Great ytt they look to the unlnstructed eye Di Haiti's new battleship, a gift from harmless lumps of irpn. They ar the colonial government, will arrive great long cylinders, with iron shell in Honolulu, en routo to. British Col- anc snub--' noses. Formerly they :: . y x : v umbia, about July 12. The New Zea- s v .v were made with pointed tips, but it land har recently visited a number was discovered that the snub-nos-e has of Australian and New Zealand ports an even better penetratlv power and has received a most royal wel- than the point; and within those iron come from the loyal British subjects cases lie three kinds of death death of the Antipodes. She Is at present by a solid smasa or iron, aeam oj In the southern waters. thrapnel (which explodes, shriek Elaborate entertainments were and screams like furies Jet looso laid, out for the officers and crew of fwrn hell)r and dtith by lyddite; the new battle-cruise- r and nothing timed by a fuse to explode at a givea-- p was overlooked that might lend to distance nd if -- the-, distance bo - the- enjoyment of Lhe -- visit to .the right, sufficient disruptive to bear cojonics. l ' - the. greatest battleship that man has V ocean. ' . At Wellington the New Zealand was made to the bottom of the given a most royal- - reception. The Searchlights Like Suns city waK bedecked in gala attire. The searchlights are an amazing heliograph dis- vwir.a nuip viurru nnu ctuwig wid-- achievement The has banded. In order that the "Jack Tars" appeared in the British navy, for it Is might be fittingly received. .TS'ot only no longer required. There electric did. the city entertain the visitors suns, each of c.h.p., throw a but the sailers showed a fine Bpirit beam that light up the sea as if It were of reciprocity and provided consid- day for & distance of four miles, ren-f?rH- T erable entertainment for the lands- t almost Impossible for tho men, In a field meet that was attend- fd.uT &ufi:... to ap ed by many thousands. Amateur proach, a battlrshlD wIti....N-- '".'vNi dc-- sporting events were Judiciously in-- ! and tho searchlights serve a L. J terminglcd with serious field gu,n j purpose. They are net cn!y emplo -- sweep eca to prevent t: maneuvers and raccs-tha- t bordered' ed to the on the ludicrous. Including a mu- X sician's effort to lower the. Australian thv am also nrfl tr.r is' rmllinz 100-yar- A quaint d record, while 'dispensing other ships of the fleet shutter-lik- e by music, supposedly of a Class A stand- acparatus Is workri I- . ard. . - hind, and blinks out Morsa slssala Banquets were tendered, the offi- across the waters. cers and banquets were tendered the Personnel cf Officers crew. Officer and "Jack Tar" alike -- 4 The following la a list cf the New tle-cruis- er cf H. S." New Zealand. , Below, Zealand's" officers: Ca;ta!n, Lionet were wined and dined to his heart's ' Brcadside view J. bat '. : , . - . - - Zer-.d- .; Haisey; .' H. II Grac?: content 7 , Detainof Cruiser. - ttern view of New Above Captain Lionel Halsey and Actlnj - Sub-Lieutena- nt :- Navljntir:'. T. R, Jones; - Princvfeorge of Battenburg. , in AucKiana rne recennon was a According to a New Zealand news- ' ' :;" : R. T. Down; A. A. repititlon of that In1 Vv'elllngton. A may . gt'nnery. tcrrrdo, aper'tho details of the exuiser .:'. Lovett-Camero- V.'a.lUer-Jcnrs- , ' G. 'V. general holiday was 1 ' ! ' i declared and th ba as . h. snmmarlzed fnllor.a:. closed and the gun is 'ftred At of the captain's' stove In his sit It. C. Garcia, D. :.T. !.-rt- A. D. city a festival' alr-P- : a:in R assumed by. .'Shipbuilding '.r.t Built the "Fairfield - to i:.-..rr- Quels and dinners followed trial of the ship, the operation tck...ting room, the working of the; lifts Bcyce. J. sCBovIll: (H.N.. one"an and Engineering Comuanv. V'Govau. -- other in rapid Euccesslon from the moment tho mcn.were told t the,, hoisting out of the; boats. There R.)- - Cyril Gore. .'s. P. unUl apparently nothing that anrclectrlc - J an ! Vr'r. sailors were made to feel ' iI to "stand ready" the trigger waslia u Barcrcft inat New : - j wag one long heyday. llfWnt cf Zealand. pulled, 18 seconds. So there is every iajj cannot eto witn. tnts strange tenbrr'; r c T.:H. "Lald down June, 1910. Launched power. Is given ' i: Entertainment C reason why it is expected that throo' When once tho order Turner; enz! r J. D. July, 1911 rounds a minute could be flrod "from Ho,, "clear decks." therefore,- - every Grievpt E..M'; rhi: 3. r. i: iii:i; i -y i' CoramIssloii?d iCai . at'Devonport'b these. Tljc VfiWns, Witblpm of the ship . Instantly" becomes rapf-'- (Hry Art::: ryl, the visitors wan a duplication 6f that iinst( -- ' Halsey, No'v'cmbcx 23, 19121 ! every I - tain Lionel . cicseu. comact wun Ian: I . . Aus-ittV- A their lesser charge and their lower P oier of the cities of the mainland of i -- Length, 590 of this network' of .electrical CI.' .. . 1 . . z i j C. II. V'cIUngton,- Vin- feet penetrating power carry grim evidence iart fiut :rcn. .Sydney, Et. : ' - ream, 80 : death-dealin- - no chances arc R. A. CUrk- cent, Ascension, fct feet. of their g qualities. The - 119?s 'and taken. u Rock; tUTf J. Helena. Simons Draught 30 A ' cnemy conning P, Han-D- . ht clcut the paymaster, P. super-Dreadnoug- Hall; "Bay 'a thrlce-wel-com- e feet of today has her shcuidi staff R and Kobard Unmade I R- Dsplacement . W.OUO tons. and render It necessary for the ham; assistant paynasters. - the entire crew. - ; , battery of guns so arranged that she tor. . Main armament, 8 12-i- n. B.L. Mk. X. ; re to be. directed iTnd controlled Thurston and A. A. Jaslon; gun" The New Zealand was visited by Ican rain practically the Wnolc of them .fua C er - j C. guns.. , . . ' time,' '""m.; ners. J. II. Mack (torpedo), J." the klncr and a number of govern- on oblect at the same ' 6-I- S0Ta7 TJSf V. esoo ids. n. ?C'' Willis, S, Rohlnron; bcatswalr.3, ment - weiritr broadside, tnrca A cily exception arc two "?m officials before sailing on - -- the hr ten-- . - '. : - S. G. Iegg V. J. Reynolds: sig- Initial trip from Portsmouth far) 'K ' Uuns aft which, in consideration of ih and 16 n, nal . boatswain, - A. LewU; Royal Jn Auxiliary armament, B.L. Mk. . ' S February,' on a world's cruise of ' " Uheir nature, are circumscribed in VIIw50-calib-er guns. ' ' Marine gunner, A. E. Elliott; car- 40.0CK) miles., She is expected to re- J their arc, and could only bo usaa to . . .. 12-f-t wide, ' mcrtrt penter. Root Isitt: artificer cnzlneers. turn, to England Armor protection, belt i rear-guar- d ..Lfi1 , late in October. Cght a action, or to drop. 6-i- - - ..... la c Brook-er- ; n. , th. thoro J. Lamond, R. K. Weir, P. R. From Honolulu the New Zealand to thick.- parting shot on .to. some opponent Two submerged torpcu'o j eecret cabin amidsWpc, an emergency mldf hlpmen, G. T.' Scott, T. A. will to tubes. a cruise Vancouver and after " ' ; US 'lilt; onuu, aiuuuw Sv-mo- n, V. ndiauif vao cabin, fitted with every .requisite, Robertson, J. C. Annesley, O. J. a Eight twin searchligh;s. , -- vliit in the Xrltlsh 'Columbian port ' . - iarmampnts 1 to tcUC:ed.v anomer Droausm.e. where for a third time the' brains of A. L. Poland, C. S. Miller, E. G. will sail the Panama Canal, Complement T89 officers and men. : Tho rnntrnl of tho nf thf vital tiarts has be Tho towards niaga- - An Electric Network wofk' coolly quietly, Coore, C. A. Bowlby. C. Graham-Watso- n, which will be opened early Turbine engines, four propellers. giant craft is marvelous. To such a shell down in the bunkers in the the ship' can and R in the fall despite death raining out-- P. V. A. II. according to present plans, and will 44,000 horsepower, 31 boilers. ' nitch ef perfection has jrunncrv been zine is lifted by a little hoist which There are telqphoflts everywhere. the hall cf R Heard. C . m u. . 4a side Barlow, H. B. Anderson, C. G. Vyr.pr. vltit Valparaiso. Chili, Montevideo! Speed, 27 knots 31 miles per l.rniitrhf that thpr Vihi iriina hirh rarrips it alone to a lift which, asaln. The modern warshlD has become com- - iaboraipry Every - ) e'i;K ' Earl of Carlisle, A. O. Cunard, Lord . drive a shell welchine 1200 Dounds- to'. deposits- it in the casement in a kind of electrical m . Uruguay. hcur. - .. Rio Do Brazil, ' r " ...... m v.. i jimu-nn- K,..j wm...i - - f wwen a ...cone Dy u iiv, Burghesh. Of the above, five are Trinidad, Barbados, Vin- - Ship 3200 tons of coal and a distance of seven mile3, are practl partuient irom; it roiis into ming is eiectncuy, iroui Grenada. St. carries " 'Destruction, New Garcia fool-prcof- .' j cooking food, to the blowing ,of the disaster, desolation. Zealar 'Lieutenants cent, su L.UCJR, uominica. jonn s, 830 tons of oil fuel. V cally kind cf slot and from the slot is of - I Tviii-.- ' J Boyd, . MUihlrsjen Heard, . In Antigua, sl t- nnn onn ponf fn, honiiioc 5id lovurc i r.itsliPil nn hv' Tn'arhinerv into ' the fire in the blacksmith's shop, the deppair and death lurk the shell and St Kitts, Kingston, Jamaica 1 ' ' great guns the light- - magazine in the center, cf: the ship, Anderson Syrr.oa. and Bermuda. Death-Dealin- g Armament. ;.a child cculd operate, none cf their breech Rammed home, the breech is firing of the t9; ,., Is- - .Representative Raker, appeared to-- not earn enough money for passage to themselves, to, the laws and rcgula-- the -- Derby on Wednesday, became He said: 'The ideal life of the 1cppC RPPHRT TIAKr7' - T nponle V 'day. May-22- . . Manila.. tlons there established. .5 - worse today. ianH tho wtntii hahii nf th ' ' 11 I labor conditions in Japanese were bringinj ia women OVER-NIGH- "They shall not compelled, uh- - :J Miss Davison was operated on this and 'their eas mcae of vine helDs RELATED APPEARAflCE Keefe. declares T be (Hawaii are very bad wages should be at the rate of sixty to ninety per ship. "any o to smooth away wrinkles and the der pretext whatever'-t- pay any; afternoon. The surgeons declared her the ' ' : I have ; - - jlncreasfd, employes' houses should be The penal labor contract Is still in FEDEiiAl charges or taxes other or higher than 'condition critical. ' trouble from one's brow. : w : company put those that are or may be paid by na- work steadily since leaving here and stores dn. force. If the .contract laborer don't ' -- -- unfln-inDrf(-- an one-ha- lf I bringing a ' one management About work he Is Jailed as a vagrant - tive subject or citizens. President Samuel Gompers ol the ' am tack number of WASHINGTON The report on "er many Filipino Imported by the - - ; WIRELESS- "Th a Riihiort f fh nf-- Federation of Labor, was lshed canvases.: There are Hawaiian' labor "conditions roide 'by .th labcrers ; rr rttins are infected with hookwonn o .. High Contracting ODerated uoon a second time today beautiful women n Honolulu and one ii ssioner-gener- al of Immigration. Planters To th Advertiser the Parties ehall - UI the . Phvsicians say delights to paint In such an atmos- .year, have1, M .w lucUi i receive. In the territories of the oth- for mastoid abscess. Keefe last alleged to been r7 ZT" continually TTZ . . ctor .to maka them sixteen aain. Allegations that he was in grand condition for the . phere of loveliness." b1tn nf that the California er, the "most constant' protection and irn-rmern- fm - o Tjhnr Vap-p- i f Manv "the'v were b'roueht to East cheese Instead of meat coring Four- - persons prop- - operation. . ant whirh the declared Land Law is in Violation of the security for their and . your s erty,; The longer thf road, the more op-- house last week ordered to. b printed the islands under misstatements as to (he hot weather and nach teenth Amendment of the Constitu-- j and shall enjoy in this respect tnan you tion of the United States, as well asllhe same rights and privileges, as are All Duluth's big lumber mills are portunity. as a public document on request of conditions; and wish to return, but can i" ior it. in violation of Article One of theJ or may be' granted to ftatlve sublects tied up. today as a result of a walk Japan-America- n Treaty of 1911, are or citizens, on their submitting them out of fifteen hundred workmen. The declared in Toklo today to have been selves to the' conditions imposed up- men. struck for a ten per cent wage r the basis of Japan s rejoinder to the on the native subjects or citizens., i increase. which now being United States, is "They shall, however, be exempt in j , "1 considered in Washington. the territories of the other, from com- -' Discontented with his wages and Fourteenth Amendment pulsory military service either on' land with his failure to gain promotion The Fourteenth Amendment to the or sea. m the regular rorces or in when shifts were made in the office. Constitution of the United States., to the national' guard, or in the militia; William Sage, a clerk in the Penn-- ' the language of which the Japanese from all contrlbut'ons imnosed in lieu sylvanla ticket office at Pittsburgh, at ainid. - government invites the attention of of personal service, and from all noon, today 6hot and killed James Mc-Nai- r, the American government fs: forced loans or military exaction or chief ticket agent, and fatally "All persons born or naturalized in contributions." .Wounded Ralph Pauley, the chief t: subject to I clerk, and escaped. the united States, and the I jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of According to a courier, who arriv- - to-tere- all y, to the Mon-- 1 From about July 7th we are going occupy the United. States and of the . State ed at Laredo, Texas, today from Customs authorities at Dublin wherein they reside. No State shall one hundred rebels and twenty day sei7ed a shipment of five hundred make or enforce any law which shall Federals' were killed In a battle-be- - rifles, intended for thd Ulster Orange ground floor of the "Model Building," Fort Street, op. anriage me pnviieges or immuniues tween the army of General Tellez and organizations which are being form-revoluVonls- ts of citizens of-th- United States; nof under Jesus Caranza at ed to resist Home Rule. posite Convent, with the largest and most complete shall any State deprive any person of Candela, Mexico, on Tuesday. J - life, liberty or property, without, due The forces of General Tellez, 6ald 1 The case against William Wood, line of Oriental Goods ever here and our present process of law; nor deny to any per- to number about 2500 men, are en-- millionaire president of the Woolen se?n son within Its jurisdiction the equal glged in repairing the line of the na-- Trust;. Frederick. Attauex, a wealthy be regardless of cost. Every article in o, stock must sold protection of the laws.! . j ; ; tional railroad from Monterey to La-- mlllman, and Dennis Collins of Cam-red- Wha- - th Treaty Says. , disposing of revolutionary bands bridge, is in the hands of the jury, as they proceed. ;' ; - the store greatly reduced. ; The opening paragraphs of the -- 1 American-Japanes- e Treaty of 1911, The strike of the operators of the which Tokio professes to believe the The case of Detective Frank W. Marconi stations, which has been on Anti-alie- n Land Law of California vio- Escola, In San Francisco, charged for an increase of wages during the lates, are as follows: A V ' with accepting bribes from buncomen past few weeks ai Seattle, came to Sale begins M The subjects of citizens of each of for protection and of extortion from an end last night, a compromise hay- the High Contracting Parties shall those whom he knew to be guilty of ing been arrived at have liberty to enter, travel and re- crime, went to the jury last night side in the territories of the-othe- r to . Mattao Sandona, a well known ar- carry on trade, wholesale. aiid retail, The particular charge upon which tist of San Francisco, has reached the to own or lease and occupy houses, Escola is being tried is that of hav- conclusion that Honolulu,with its col- manufacturies, warehouses and shops, ing stolen 5900 from Charles Folda or and exquisite surroundings, offers employ agents of their choice, to of Modesto by collusion with Galto a natural studio to the artist. 11 E to and Antonio Muzin. ' lease land for residential and com- Sandona was a passenger on the The - mercial purposes, and generally to The condition of Miss Emily Wild- Oceanic steamer Sierra, arriving this Fort Street,- below Convent do any thing Incident to or necessary ing Davison, the militant suffragette morning from the Islands, and he for trade on the same terms as na who was so severely injured while in- - was enthusiastic .over his recent tive subjects or citizens, submitting terfering with the King's horse in work. HONOLULU SATUKDAY, JUXE 7, 1013.

; "' - ' 11 . , J- . ...

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0 i X

, ... .

By Star-Dull. V

type 12-inc- h brecch-loalin- s latest of have received at tbo .13 1 j rNTTJAUCt guns tan cf the have been installed. Sullen. , lit khaki. Their gz :?.y .r.uzzkj z' - TO FOOT grim, war-lik- e, squat teUGCfcO and the guns, of not marred by scratch cr scar z: 1 these two batteries stand ready to tosa their brasswork shines like a lizl their steel projectiles lip over the tcp mirror. . ... 2 of Diamond Head, square c.nto the In the barracks the tzrz l elate J deck of an attacking battleship. state of affairs, may ta f ; EY RAYMOND fcr.! era of lava, formation; an absolute Of double importance would Fort exist. Bunks neatly al!.-r.:-i, v. : lack of trees or bright foliage, or lawn MA OB E J TIMBE13LAKE;H15 STAFF AND AGQQUPOf fO&T OFFICCQS Ruger become if, in the future history .rifles in the rac'.;3, f:;:: ; Surrounded upon three sides by the or garden; a water supply so limited of Oahu, a hostile fleet should at- scrubbed spotless, are E:ma cf isea, eitu&ted upon a high, command- as to make that fluid precious to the tempt to force an entrance into Hono- things. which go to sho? the grr.: last drop; lulu's . For the post the pride men of the 103th 153th ccr.-panie- 3 ing crest of land that slopes gently and more boulders, every- .waters of harbor. at ari walls and red roofs are set off to the afford a showplace for tourists from white combers and blue the t-- nvay In the direction of Koko where the arid, bleak, re- foot of Diamond Head has been nam- of coast artillery ta'.:3 in el: Head, crusted advantage by green lawns, climb- all four corners of globe.- - Behind Pacific. All Fort Ruger looks down, In the very shadow of old Diamond mains of some, ancient volcanic erup- best the ed headquarters for all the coast ar- organizations. Tha very face of tzs ing vines and flowering garden-plot- s, the royal . palms, royal poincianaa m as from a housetop, upon as perfect Head, Fort Kuger,- - headquarters tion such was Fort Ruger previous tillery forces on the Island. From reservation, its lawns ard walk:, in to -- con- profusion already growing. Thousands and serene a picture as can be seen is- the chain of forts on Oahu construct- the coming of the 103th and 159th a great cement barracks has been are Fort Ruger, in case of war, wpuld driveways and paths, have been ke;t of Head, of of hibiscus hedge have in all the islands pf the sea. , Near it ed for coast and harbor defense, is companies of coast artillery in Aug- structed at the fcot Diamond feet sue orders and directions to regulate in the same excellent cendition. easy convenience to the mortar been planted; red poinsettias, gerani- hand Diamond Head, most picturesque Rus-s- y, Raf- - strategically one of most import- ust, 1909. Fort Ruger had appear-anc- e in the firing of big guns at Fort De Wien Colonel Wllllaa C. the the quar- ums, roses bloom in of all the landmarks of Hawaii, rises ant and scenically one of the most then, as one of the officers re- pita. officers' nasturtiums and Fort Kamchameha, and ,Fort Arm ferty assumed commaci he four.i gardens vertically against the blue sky, lend- ' beautiful posts in the entire United marked at the time, "more of the ters, hospital, storehouses, and other the which, already beautiful, strong. Searchlights sweeping the the 105th and lo3 companies c! - , give promise becoming more beau- ing to the location a sense of strength .States. - ruins of some Roman amphitheatre buildings have been constructed to of waters of the bay, mines hidden fn the coast artillery commanded - anything Hawaii. "and security. 4' In tht far distance, sea, guns by following Major EJ-wa- rd And yet,: had Colonel William C. than of an army post of the twentieth accommodate officers and men. tiful than hi the and concealed behind the officers i century." - even more Important Shade trees have not been forgotten. Koko Head, .perennially topped with the great fortifications, would all an- Tlmberlake, Captain Ed war I Rafferty, the recently arrived com- But than the J. ., ;r.e algaroba? ; ; island clouds, forms the distant limits swer Carpenter, Captain S Jotzsz-- mander of the coast defenses of Oahu, Quick, however, to take advantage work accomplished in building of Mahogany, . and pine are to the commands of the battle John' car- of the sea. Day and night-- a pleasant commander at Ruger. Captain Charles A. Clark, come to Hawaii four years ago, when of the possibilities of the site, the of- the post; are plans that have been some of the varieties tnat have ben Fort Capt'i monkey-pots- , blowing from ocean, makes .Jcv-- S. the 105th and 159th companies of the ficers and men of the two companies ried out and are being carried out in chosen." Banyan trees, breeze tht Beady lor Business Francis II. Hinkle. First Ueut gardening palms, already, planted, I life agreeable at this aUractiv. sta Pratt, First Robert E. Guth- ccast , artillery corps still stationed set to work to beautify their garrison beautifying, by landscape and date wii That officers and men at Fort Ru- Lieut at Ruger went camp with a real and leveling, the grounds of the post. lift their green branches to make the tlon. : . . rie, First Lieut F. D'. Applin, First Fort first into and a pride that has never one ger will be prepared if ever they are there, he would have discovered that waned throughout- - the length of their Where formerly red boulders baked army post a veritable garden of Eden. But Fort Ruger, headquarters of Lieut Chas. . Baker, medical corp3; ground YIew. of the most Important branches of the called, upon to man the two huge mor- Second Lieut Harold F Nichols, asi important station as barren and as service in Oahu. . v in the sun, the rough, uneven Matchless denude of natural advantages as was Now (iiardfn Spot has been cleared away with Infinite And now as Fort Ruger, after, Tour service, Is ideally located from a tar batteries entrusted to their care Second Lieut Geo. F. Humbert the most despised post, in the early And Fort Ruger today labor, and a parade ground, In appear- years, has been given an opportunity strategic as well as from a scenic for, almost, four years, i3 the only It is owing to the efforts of the33 stands as a of army days, far-of- f splendid to develop advantages, standpoint Diamond Head has thrown conclusion that can be drawn from a fficers and to the efforts the nea on the western witntss of their tireless ac- ance more like an extensive lawn, has its natural it - frontier . tivities been laid out Along the roads of the has become manifest that no location up a great embankment of earth which visit paid ; to the fortification and cf the 105th and 159th companies that dreadnought span, Ruger, four years ago one of the A few canvas-frame-d structures, as Replacing the wooden mt post and as out as ave- on the island could have been chosen the most modern known barracks at the post Spick and I'ort shelters far sixteenth stations in the army, unattractivo as the "chuck" houses of former days, a handsome row of off- nue, over 500 royal palms have been to better advantage. Standing as they to science would find itself unable to their black sides shining with polish, cast desirable - times 0 tiAt stjtiinfAt Kv tyr9t In tVa corrida a pioneer's camp, perched on the hill- - icers' quarters has been constructed planted, so that in time the approach ! do on the summit of the hill, the quar- pierce. And in the shelter of the the eight large mortars at all I they 8 one the desirable. r on the summit of the hill.. The white to the. post and its shady avenues will ters command a glorious view of the crater two mortar batteries of the give mute testimony to the care of mot copy. way could be chosen shoregoing Washington, are to prevail Baltimore convention in favor of the brary and are not allowed to perform accident happened at 3 o'clock In the the vessel was so far compressed as No truer m any tr y secretary to show that the ideas than, to revoke this late change of uni-o- f independence of the islands. the duty which the uniform they wear afternoon, but it wa3 not until ,9 at to resist the entrance of more at the t -. pressure fathoms' depth. the seagoing service, as opposed to form. , DISTINCTIVE." - T 35T represents. night the salvage vessels reached a of seven really that sur- - re- On this air the crew of twenty The monument to the memory of the "There are a ; number of colored the spot. The weather conditions men who lost few" sea- mained happily favorable, and divers vived, the captain and fifteen men in their lives wheri the petty officers and a colored suffering also Maine was sunk in Havana harbor will men remaining in the navy, but having fixed the lifting chains, the the body of the vessel , these fumes of chlorine gas given be erected in Arlington cemetery at are nearly all old men who were en- Minoga was successfully brought to from the off by the cumulators. . The three men once. Secretary war Spanish-America- n by midnight, having been VJuch Btar-Bullet- '. Garrison of the listed during the the surface Less ISpecIal li Correspondence by Twice as ) who crawled out unaided the after M '-. department had previously the bottom of the sea. t-- now hours WARiiLvnTnv n selected a war or a little later, and are. nine at and coxswain, who after design for the monument as prepared to places for duty. When the after hatch was opened Latch, the Secretary Garrison has out Isolated obscure being confined in the, conning tower BE SATISFIED WITH THE OLD 16 cp. ELECTRIC LAMP, tainted that by Nathan C. Wyeth of this city, the When men shall have passed or three men staggered out, barely able DONT the movement of troojs from Fort Slo-cum- , these three hours longer than any of his WHEN YOU CAN GET THE . ;T . " i cost to be '$55,613. Delay was occa- frorir wili to crawl Fifteen of the crew and the - retired the service our 'nnvy yet were New yrk, and .other eastern got out from mates was the least affected, sioned over selecting a site for the be entirely ..without colored sea fight- captain were unconscious apparently out of reach of the chlorine monument but protests against fur-- ers, unless some good after part of the vessel. There made under tin order issued March K Samaritans the gas fumes, and' the coxswain, In con- should expese widely this fact and remained only the coxswain, who was appears more and by former which ; : dition, to have had .rear Stimson. der the ork. done at once. The mon-- ti.ke action against this matter, which in the conning tower amidships. It directed ImrpHiate recruiting of 20OO better air to breathe,. . , ument is to be formed by the mast of the navy department. has so farbcen was necessary to raise the submarine taen to bring th" lawji garrison up upon proper water to get at the the Maine a foundation. successful in hot plug a secret" well out of the agitation "' -'' There is considerable ' V::. " v':- conning tower, "and this took another Armynicors say it is d'Hicult to . r' "V , 35" :';, among naval officers for the readop-tio- n w ork, but . the coxswain, Secretary navy de- - prepare foreign of three hours' TWICE AS MUCH LIGHT FOR LESS MONEY. secure recruts on the Tad fie coast anl banieis of the To for the cruise released after, twelve hours' con- of the old style shoulder mark, necessary partmcnt promised "J. when away LAMP LASTS TWICE AS LONG. that It is to enlist the mn has Cleveland members of the third class of the finement was in the, best condition of which was done with about a in the eastern, and middle stales. The Allen of New York City to give care- Naval Academy, the battleship Illinois year ago in favor Of the metal insignia, protest :.ny of the crew. Thus the whole com- order for 2003 recruits has not nearly ful .consideration to his recent has arrived at Annapolis. The Ilimoin of twenty men was saved and to be worn oh a shoulder loop on the against alleged will early in June, visiting mand mess been filled and war department offi discrimination in the sail several the submarine recovered after lying white service, and jacket. Ask go i na&il against colored men. European port A cials say the movement will on for service and returning late in nine hours at the bottom of the sea correspondent of the Army and HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO. sometime. j ' "At present" says Mr. Allen m his August Memlers of the first and sec- Navy Journal expresses the folluwicg - helpless. :" ':': for Details. . . to secretary of the navy. i of? will paper: JS" 35 (letter the ond classes the naval cadets The cause of the accident has been views in the last issue of that ' en-fro- m Acting under special instructions . the negro recruits are allowed to be distributed among the battleships a detective "I am sure the service will echo the J ascertained to have been President Wilson, Henry Jones list only in a certain' branch termed of the Atlantic fleet for a summer ventilator. Before exercising, these sentiments expressed - by 'Hopeful ir-- a --THE- Ford, a professor at Princeton Tnivei-- : the 'messman branch' and are kept cruise. recent issue of the Army and Navy -- ventilators, are indispensible as- which FLmo sity, has gone to the Philippine islands' messmen and never get promoted to a :" '.3Sr to the proper action of the accumula- Journal regarding the recent change; Crossrbads BooKshop, Thcycr Co. Ltd. for the purpose of making a thorough J higher rank, save that of stewards, . The recent terrible experience of tors which provide the motive energy in the naval uniform. Time was when investigation of administrative and in- - who lo not rank with petty ofiicers. the commander and crew of nineteen of submarines, are screwed home proposed changes in uniform were Limited STEINWAY conditions in the islands, with ! They are discriminated against in that of the Russian submarine Minoga is submitted to a vote cf the service, en'! dustrial from the inside. A ventilator in the AND OTHER PIANOS Fpecial reference to the capabilty of en account of ther color they cannot related in official reports. . As told m forward part of the vessel was either not decided by otic 'or two officers In ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING ! - 156 Phon 2313 inhabitants., for independence. enlist as real seamen, and when serv- the New York Times, the boat under not been; properly Washington. By ail means give us Hotel Street. the defective or had 'Everything in Books" TUNING GUARANTEED It is expected that Pres'.dent Wilson . ing on board ship they are deprived the command of Lieutenant Garsoev screwed home, and water leaked in. back our distinctly naval shoulder will use Professor, Ford s report as a: of the regular system of shore .leave, was maneuterlng off Libau, when she through, this forward Ventilator until marks, and take away the present .basis for his forthcoming message to J unlike the remainder of the crew; they w as. seen to take a sudden plunge. the delicate trim of the submarine i metal Insignia, which make us look ' The young man who professes a congress urging legislation regarding, are barred from the ship's entertain The appearance of the emergency was affected and she nluneed head I like a cross between an army oSlcer willingness to die for a zirl before - - the government of the Philippines in ments, such as smokers, etc., and are buoy first gave the alarm. Then for foremost to the bottom. Water con- snd a marine, without the distinctive- ' marriage may live to wish that he STAR-BCLLET- I5 GTYES TOU conformity with the declaration of thedenied the privileges of the ship's li nine hours nothing was known. The tinued to enter until the air within ness of either, as It is so evidently a had.;.- TODAI'S 5ETTS T0D1T 18 HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1013.

Elf ED! VALUE LILY C-- Tile VALLEY LUmm m--, m:iEii THE G1HL3 VIIO


By latrst Mail It has been found by many house- WASHINGTON, 7 D. C. The good wives in Honolulu that a greater va- that will result ir a bureau of woman riety of the meat course was to be labor in' the department of labor Is had when the menus were made out a established' for the purpose of ascer- whole month in advance. It is so In the May Woman's Home Com- taining the economic value of wom- easy when the butcher rings up to for- panion appears an article showing an's unpaid work is outlined in a post- get that you had lamb two days before how girls have earned money at home. script to a letter sent to Secretary and . to order It over again. For the Following is a part of the testimony of Labors Wilson by Mrs. Flora Mo-Dona- ld same reason certain meats appear on of one contributor: Thompson of 250G Cliffbourne the table with a frequency that makes' "When I finished my schooling the Place, In which the establishment of them the object of groans and satiric household accounts and family order- such a bureau is urged. remarks from the rest of the family. ing were handed' over, to me, and I She declares that consideration of The foJlowing schedule was tried by a gained a knowledge of food values the proposition to establish a bureau Honolulu woman and found bo suc- and household economics. Going to now in constant use of woman labor will doubtless raise cessful that It is market three times a week, 1 pur- two questions in the minds of every in her household. It was compiled meat some of our study meat chased the for? after a careful of the local neighboring friends a3 well, and learn-- value of woman's unpaid work in the markets, and successfully achieves and how to dis seems in red the different cuts borne and of the exercise of maternity that variety which so elusive criminate between the good and tho good do to city. In places where there are be found, and what wilj it this poor. . find it? In answer to these4. Questions blanks in the luncheon order, the ask-- ' " "One day one oi these friends . on having suf .,- , housekeeper reckoned she .states: r , icd me how much I thought a simple T shord 6ay-th- at .the first step ficient meat left over from the night loQ to cost. " I ' or, some cases planned tea for guests ouht toward getting at the economic value before, as in estimated; it souirlcj reasonable to of the wife's work In tho home might a vegetable meal. me. If I would FOR-- THE MONTH. her, and she asked be to study the conditions of that MEAT ORDERS como as a daughter v. : in and assi3t her work with respect to cost of living, as 1st Day:. , might I was delight- Lunch Hamburg steak. of the house do. v tongue.4 ed, and took hold with enthusiasm. any situated, wnerein: tne wrrcs or Dinner Beef finding mo capable, left the pome Day She, of them, are employed outside 2nd whole arralr In ray charge. It wa3 d and bacon. the home; some having klinnhouse-hol- Dinner Liver such a success that when I found work, and some not;' aomo with 3rd Day: I thought Beef stew. myself in need of this a3 pood, others with bad domestic; equip- Lunch - ' - a business. '. ' ' : Shoulder of lamb. ment' - Dinner "In some ca3cs I am called upon to "t 4th Day: : Determining Value i supply merely the re frcs 'amenta, the "The varieties of cost of living as Dinner Fish. hostess depending uca her own help - - Day: V Fhown- in regard- to the equipment,' 5th for the service. At ether ti.ra I tako iiours of labor and skill of wives' Dinner Roast pork, decorating, thc Day: full charge, overseeing wor ; would be an indication: 6th bf value Tripe. supplying help, china, silver and linen. of that work. Health and moral con- Dinner I began by hiring the china and sil- 7th Day: - ditions facts as to infant mortality ver, but gradually. I have purchased In connection with household labor, Lunch Boiled ham. my own, buying enly such things aa Dinner Chicken. g. would show certain other Indic- no hostess would be ashamed" of O A'a-ln- - ' - 8th Day: ' ations. ' , Dinner Roast beef. ,. "The good resulting knowing ' : 1 I employ competent from Day: ' "The maid3 are the economic value of the wife's work' 9th - waitresses; they always 1 neat and and -- brains. In the homo "Vould operate in' two Dinner Lobster trim In their black u::;f.':rm3, while 1 ' :, ; ways r ) 10th Day: wear simple white gQ.vri cf lawn or "Capital, discerning"lhatooney Is Dinner French chops. crepe. Day: ; : .; . r involved with tlTe work; of wives, 11th so the recep-- y .' : 'An hour, or would find means through education Lunch Frankfurters.. ; on I arrived Dinner Leg of mutton. iion the anro!r. in part and in part by. the compulsion ' ' with the ccces.-ar- 1 l with the 12th Day:, . Of. rirht TmM!f SftnMmcTif elm nor refreshments all rr-- ; J exrcyt' the Calves' kidneys. . haps, by compulsory lc;ls:4l;i, to hevcrasG. We ta. . so. .iion- and - - 13th Day: ev-ythi- ng .hold women accountable to the eco- f have in re. .i;:cs3 when the . Lunch Sweetbreads. nemte laws governing household af-- .' hour of "rving i3 zi '.and. - Dianer Porterhouse steak. ; ,; lairs as pertain, to money gain r i T.o foiled thexe. Day: ' ' "I"mae,it"a that and loss. would to elimi- 14th '; cups or napklr.3 rerr?ai:l on the That tend Lunch Mackeral (canned to--. i.r. nate the honsfhnld ' ArnpHrnn serving tr-.a- di.ihcs are shirk .' matoes). v wi table and the women would be made to give up kept replenished. The result ia that Duck. -- the idea that to get married Is to Dinner ' the table when we are tnnn:r;h serv- ' 15th Day: quit - ; a-- j v ven work. 1 ing looks as dainty and freh Dinner Veal loaf. ' , "Capital, - finding that the work of we began. Every diih is washed "and 16th' Day: : wives In the home 'has economic the kitchen put la perfect order be- Dinner Pork chops, . value, would find means to equip fore we leave." , that 17th Day: work and to improve all .its condi- . bacon. in Lunch Liver and " tions view of the increased effici- beef. Hunger never kicks because the ency and consequent gains bo Dinner Roast so to 18th Day: ' tablecloth is soiled. realized, and where the promised Fish. gains were so little that capital lack- Dinner 19th Day: al- ed Incentive organized - labor would A woman can make pie cut of lamb. ; ' " find means 'compelling Dinner Roast most any old thing. . the of capital 20th Day: to provide Uring wage con- and living Iiing instead of solely with reference - Lunch Pigs' feet ditions for woman's work in the shop. to greatest Whatsoever a m nn . reaps some the production. Progres . Dinner Curry (lamb). r .'?. eating' women. In the home would sion of industry should other fellow probably planted. be measured Day: . l as had 21st j repute as 'sweating' in the terms of life which industrial RECIPES TRIED AND FOUND VERY SUCCESSFUL BY .Lunch Salmon. -- conditions possible ;"; make for the , Dinner Broiled squabs. And a vast amount of love Is adul- As to New Occupations' should be " , ' worker.. That the test of 22nd Day: .. terated with genuine money. "The petition a1 wom- for bureau of whether all' kinds of work now done WOMEN OF HONOLULU . chops. ; an labor points out a profitable, Lunch Mutton that in factories might' not in some case Dinners-Corn- ed beef. service to be is1 t'he'r de- . If a girl can see but one young man undertaken be made the occupation of women .In ; Day: ' a - 23rd In-- crowded car that is love. velopment new. , ; of occupations for the home. It is even the profits of the Twelve recipes recommanded by Mrs. Balf a half inch thick in jelly pans. the grated rind and part of the juice Diftner Porterhouse steak. women In the home. The objection wage carper which alone determine Johii Walker residence, Piikoi and Let them get; perfectly cold. Take a of one orange and one lemon, half may 24th Day: b raised that ?ny tendency to industrial progression. King Streets. pint thickest sweet cream and beat a pint of brandy, one nutmeg. Cream Lunch Brains. - vivnic ll'l UlllvH ill VM 11UIUO "The kind . of life enjoyed by the ice cream. Sweet- sugar thoroughly; ivlk ' until it looks like the butter and add Dinner Roast veal. JjXtakinz it back from the fart orv. family is the test of-goo- or bad r JELUKD CHICKEN en and, flay.OB vanilla : Blanche eggs well then the g, iwith the beaten; from 25th Day: pre-crvin- ex- I as canning ,t or for labor conditions; that includes good Boil a fowl until will slip easily chop ; pound pound to it and, a ofalmonds, jstirione of flour take sufficient Dinner Calves' kidneys. . ample, Ik retrogression of industry. wages re- be-(flo- ur and somethina more, which ia from the bones. Let the water be iato' cream, -- and : put Tery thick the fruit thickly; stir it into the . v answer to 26th Day: 'The thai is this: explicitly defined in the , conditions duced to about one pint in boiling. tween, each layerv This is also nice mixture, put the.flour in last and re- Dinner Pot roast. "It is time that American labor was under which wnran exercise the' offi- Pick the meat from the bones, taking fori stfawrerry, or. .banana shortcake, serve, when pouring in the liquor, " 27th Day: studied in the light joy of maternity,--- v e of the ces of ; . ' out all gristle, fat and bones. Place place nuts. enough to pour over-th- ' using, the fruit in of cake after Tongue. - Dinner ( ' iu a wet mo:. Skim the fat from it is placed in the pan. 2Sth Day: , the liquor; add a little butter, pep- ' PLUM CAKE Dinner Fillet of beef. Two Girls Tell Story of Their per and ealt to taste, and one half Two cups of 4 butter, two cup3 of At'i ur, tHAHuu i iu Day: Illness and How They ounce of gelatine. When this dis- molasses, one cup of sweet milk, two cAiNDiED CHKKHH2ST with Dinner Brains. ' solves, pour it over the chicken and eggs well beaten, one teaspoon of Mne a pudding disn witn slices ot 30th Day: Fcuhd Relief, - : it rr set in cool place to harden. powdered salerntus dissolved with a stale cake dipped lightly in milk. Dinner-- Shoulder of lamb., little hot water, one teaspoon mace Fill the dish with apples that have mm New Orleans, I take pleasnre SALMON PUFFS nutmeg, teaspoon ground all- been slightly don't La." or one tttwed with Jemon and Birds in their liftle nests that i in writing these lines Take a can of salmon. Remove spice, a tablespoon of cinnamon, a sweetened," alternating the' layers of ogrec take chances- on falling out. to express my gratis the skin and bones. Chop fine and gill of brandy. , Stir in flour to make apples with a layer of candied cher- 1 F tude to you. I am one tablespoonful but- much add of melted a batter as stiff as may be easily ries and slices of cake. Make a Somehow a woman never has only 10 years old and ler, one pooh of salt, and spoon. well un- meringue who keeps salts the stirred with a Beat of the whites of two egg3, faith In another woman work in a tobacca same of white pepper, one-ha- lf cupful light; add two pounds of two tablespoons of sugar vanila til then and secrets.. I havei fine soft breadcrumbs,- - one. table-5iKonf- uI stpneless two", two to flavor. Spread over top factory. raisins cut in the of the been" welL-beate- u : -- little a very sick gir! of lemon juice, 3 pounds of currants and one-hal- f pudding and sprinkle with candied planned to suit the particular The demand for ' fkai -- eggt;. .Mix thoroughly and pack the pound of citron cut in slips. Bake in cherries. Bake until deliciously girl. but I have improved mass in cups. Set the cups at once a quick oven. browned, set on ice and serve very Colors, too, play: an Important part wonderfully since dressing of children, in a pan containing hot water that cold with cream. . in the correct taking Lydia E. dees not reach their tops by nearly , POTTED DUCK : and when in doubt as to Just what Pinkham'a Vegeta an chooEe select white, for that ywjM VKITE inch. Bak for half an bour. furn Cut in pieces, roll in flour, put , SNOW PUDDING : color to ble Compound and. not over- cut the puffs upon a hot platter. Put some butter and lard in frying pan, One-hai- f package of gelatine. Pour is always in gowl taste. Do am now looking fina into the center of each a sprig of and fry to golden brown. Take over a cup of cold water add dress your child. , Do not burden her end feeling -- a. it and a thousand times titter." . 'WINGS parsley or celery, and pour any good from pan and put into a sauce-pan- . one and a half cups, of sugar. When with many flounces, lace frills and Miss Sev- dress Amelia Jaquillard, 613 fish sauce around them. Add a little boiling water, onion and jsoft add one cup or boiling water, big bows. Invariably the smart enth Street, New Orleans, La. salt and pepper to tatte. When nearly I juice of one lemon, and the whites is the plain dress. - Clair, Pa. " mother SOAP MOCHA FILLING- FOR done, add one tin! of mushrooms, f of four well beaten eggs. Beat all Have the lines right and let the St wsi considera- alarmed because ptriotb were scp-press-ed . v LAYER CAKE about half a dozeq green olives cut together until very light, put in glass trimming be a secondary oy Wash the salt out of a half a cup in small pieces. A small chili pepper oish, and pour over it enstard made tion. A good quality of material wjth and I had pains in my back and of butter, and stir until creamy. Add may be added if liked. as follows: - hut little trimming b much better Bide, and severe headaches. I had pim- sal- in- one cup of pul verged sugar, one-hal- f ' One pint of milk, yolks of four eggs, than a lc?s eAiensive fabric decked ples, on rny face, my complexion was -' since it was rib- cup of grated chocolate and one-hal- f ' MAYONNAISE DPESSING 'and grated rind of one lemon. BoiL cut with lace, embroideries and low, my sleep wa3 disturbed, I hat' ner- troduced has teaspoon . vanilla. " Spread between Put the yolk of one egg into a --JO- bons. ; vous spells, was very tired and had layers. su-al- l : majority of dresses show ; bowl. Use a small Dover egg The the nmbition. Lydia ELPinkham's Vegeta- been greater beater, and beat thoroughly. Then the long waist line, and all have been ble Compound has worked a charm in STYLES eye to as than the capa- BLACKBERRY JAM CAKE add about one teacupful of olive oil SPRIG resigned with an comfort my case and has regulated me. I worked One-ha-lf cup butter, ane cup sugar, a. little at a time, vinegar or lemon to well as style. Pique, ratine, Bedford mill among of girls and two cups corduroy are in a hundreds city of the flour, the yolks of four eggs, suit the taste. Add pepper and salt cord, and cotton amon? have recommended your medicine and -- - materials for girls' ta ; whites of three, four large table last. the smartest little Ma-C'JTR- many of Miss E, Honolulu Soap spoons oi sour milk (thick) JUNIORS dresses. They are used not only in them." Estella with one FOR 110 Thwing Saint Clair, Pa. ,Works v teaspoonful of baking soda, and one STUFFING FOR FOWL i white but in colors. French challie is! St, pup - ficv.--- J There is nothing that teaches mora of blackberry jam, a little cin- To about three cupfuls of dry bread- f In favor. Spmetirres It shows a to turn out the ; namon, cloves and nutmeg. Bake in crumbs, add one large onion chopped cred border, and r.gain fine stnpes. than experience. Therefore, such let- layers. Make a frosting of the white very fine. Use enough butter to Simplicity smartness and suitabil- Dainty materials, such as mull,; voile, ters from girls who have suffered and -- orders. of one egg, ane cup of sugar, one-four- th moisten this thoroughly; add salt and ity. On these three essentials de and plain and flowered batistes, are were restored to health by Lydia E. j cup of water. Boil the sugar pepper, a cage to suit the taste, pends the successful' dressing of a! used for afternoon and party dresso'. Vegetable Compound should proves little ' rickham's That and water for about six minutes with- parsley and, thyme. 1 child. Keep cJcse to them. The Much variety i3 seen in the treatment be a lesson to others. Tbe same remedy stln-ing- . popularity. ; out Then stir this gradual- simple dres3 worn Gn the right occa-fic- n of sleeves for little girls' dresses. 1 its all. .' ' - is within reach of 'I . t.i ly into the beaten white of egg. Stir A DELICIOUS FRUIT CAKE gives to its smalliwearer a cer- - Some shew the long shcuider, others ' If you want special advice write to Grocer Has until rmooth and snread thinlv he-- One pound of butter, one pound of tain something which stands for dis-- the large arm hole; the kimono effect Your It tv.eon the layers and on top of cake, j sugar, on pound of flour, twelve tinctlon. Originality is another re- - Is liked, and yet there are many Lydia r.Pinkhani Medicine Co. (conf- - idential) Lynn, Yonr I egrs three pounds of raisins, one quirement worth considering in dre3?- tlceven nut into the normnl armho!5. JIass. letter will -- I ICE CREAM CAKE nuund of citron, one Dound of almonds lng a c'ni'd. The type' of child should It I? real! a matter of individual pre-- be opened, read and answered by a flake a good sponge cake batter. blanched and cut moderately fine, j he considered,, and then the dress ference. tromaaand held ia strict coa2d!nce. nOXOLULTT STAK-BUIXETI- SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1913. 19

fire; slppt koimd on ih lrrwt territory over which the enemy ruled "I cannot hold zem! Moo Dleu! 3y in. if hi n hw it matteni roin-- h in the turner, a MUMf rur It was the duke who finally brought are mad! Ho! ho! Help!", t th.tt Hit wnv was hUMen: it mat s k!M- -. .V !irentfd rnUe the cava e to a halt by pnjuuding "Hold to eni!" shouted ixrd Ce ere!-- e lint WtitN. hruh ami it " il - curvt-- d M lm n ut gaawd refle ttvely a most sensible question "Uelp! shouted the couut at the -- tump torUttl !ii antiMisn fM- uuwar Into the flames. He wn not thinking "Are yon sure she came this way. tame moment releasing hi grip on the eet. The !mI Into the foirgT d3U Walter Balcer ' woo-I- rs wltlHMit a ihtniv'tit f hat ' Lnj of Mr. Iteti amiable uhot. Cecil?" reins. Away tore the horse, kicking . p irfon only How long xhe had tieen si-- Pene- "Certainly. This la Shaw'a way. great chunks of mud over him as he thrill. f what stalkM c: Co.'s t le-- did isn't : :"'"'':c tumbled aimlessly into utwlerbrush. lope not kuow. She awoke with a the , itr I'jisralrs Itamlotpt) . hack n n n start, her fleli creeping. A nanMle- - "Did she say she ; was ; going to Iown the road clattered the animals, Shaw lay r r rs i-- igninst wall drend over her: she felt that nbe Shaw's r-' leaving the trio marooned in the wil- the aud shottk with mtgh 0 canie T oiivuIsimI IbiiillibiiJij-l- li'O wa ntterly alone and xurrounded by ' "Don't know. Evelyn tnld me Hang derness. Groaning and half dead, the er. Vnekie' face was lined to ttie ilt Ihii window, her eyes J horrors. It wax a full minute a ulik-enin- g It alt Barm Ulster, come along. We'll uufort una te count was dragged from T Heriu3 Into fog licyond. Shadowy hour. It seemed Khe real- never cn tch p to ber. - the brush by. his furious comianWn. the lfore Ignres leajied Into the white mantle: ized that Khe was in the room w!tli the "Is she riding?" ' , What the dnke said to him was suff- ; h e he cms of brush came to. her man she loved. Iter frightened eyes all In.". , ; icient without being repeated.-her- or lck ars. and then, tike the barking of a T you we elsewhere. challenged ranght sight of hltu lying bark in tbe "D know, hiay have passed The count him gray DAD H e log. there anwe froin the mystU cocVlaj BY CiEOItOCr MCUTCirol chair liefore the dying fire In the chim- her. Ieui-- take Bazelhurst If she's as tliey all resumed the march np the For eaila. drlcklos tad it he fast tllmlnhhlng cry: Copyright. 1906. by Dodd. Mead r Company. ney place. The lights were low. the running away from us. t.voii i don't hill to visit the house with the lighted Pure, Delicious, Nutrit'og ' "Help: Help! Help!" t Growing gaunt chill. Imagine she'd be such a silly fool as to windows. J- CHAPTER VIII. People hare seen my light and my shadows and alnter and sbaqier. the cry at last - . A In and ns. If "Here Is my card, m'sleur." he grat- Trespasses. Khadow. that's all. I'm a pretty aub-- terrtftetrexclainatioti started to her stand the road wait for jvas In Which a Ghost among ed furiously. lost hi the phantom desert ---v yr . . i Hps. ner ears' again caught the sound she beard us she'd hide the li stnntial gbot. They stmsl at the window and JIU Impulse whl drove Penel- moving house-so-me "Deinme. I know you!" roared the "Oli. dear, what a disappointment! of wme one In the trees." watched' the fog gray and forbid-ling- , ope out for tin second tl:ie mis- duke. "Keep your. card, and we'll send lift And there are - no; snooks, not even alien visitor. There was no "But she's bad an hour's start of ns." that night uwy tie readily n It until the tree and road were - sepulch- . In to announce our arrival to Shaw." ilsi-ernlbi- T Mr!. UenwiMid?'' :;,- . taking the sound the distant, "Where ees she coming to?" asked arm In arm they predated. f ts foundation was In due course of time, after many Then "Of he may come back. dear. ral laugh and the shuffling of feet, al the count Itb an anxious glance up- et forth ncrotw the wet way towanl fesr. It subordinate emotion were " slips and falls, they reached hardly expect respectable most at the edge "of the couch. It ward, just In time to catch a skirmish the front , . . shame, self pitjf and but you'd it Shaw's cittage. consciousness of , ;. yard of the house on the hillside. It her lady Kpook to visit the place with me seemed. ,. Ing raindrop with his eye, "Pisir t'cclir she sighed. "It was ; real feeling toward the mnti of the hoarsely. was still raining lightly, The thunder v stopping here. Even ghosts nave "Handolph! she whispered "That's Just We don't know." mel of.yoo." In the niadway they -- house. .The true sjdrit of womanhood it and lightning were crashing a way nois- . i : regard for tbe The man In tbe chair did not move. said the duke. a which she-a- t once Identi- revoked with Its uual wftywardues. ily farther up the valley. .Cautiously found hat wuldM't She threw off .the blanket and came to ; "But I must And her!" cried Lord fied a Ue count's. Farther on there .he was flyiug down the stony road, they approached through the weeds some distance "How much more respectable than a Sitting posture on 'the side of the Cecil. "Think of that poor girl alone iis a carriage lump ami later a mack PCiaU-aH- l U. S. Patent OtSce from tbe cottage. In the e. g .and brush. very 1." Penelope murmured plaintively.-"Porgiv- couch, her fingers clutching the cover-lu- In this terrible place, storm coming np iutosb. which bad ln-e- n cast, aside as face of tbe coming tornado, bet " "By lordship, 1-- tne," Implored. Again Jove", exclaimed his Breakfast Cocoa, . 2 lb. tins heart beating pha be with tense horror. the soft and alt that Hi.: Peneloer be shout- in lmjieMmenf. "Oh, it was crueir like a til miner, her foot-stei- coming' to a standstill. He turned the "I would, only you are so wet" rumbling latigh and tbe sound of is ed In most vociferous The She smiled, however, in retrospection. -- his. treble. eyes bent .on the little light up the light of bis lantern toward the front Baker's Chocolate (unsweet-- . atmve wax locked, , . Tbe door but on the stairway. like a flash she shrieking wind replied. Then the three I were only sure that nothing t-- mouituJn side, .before .It occurred to elevation house ."Every 'door ?lf ened), 2 lb. cakes Shiw swung the ax no vigorously that sped across the room and clutched of them shouted her name. "Gad. she of the serious vil haHened to wll." she her that this last flight was not only : window excepr any n very strong nerved ghost and . these three are V S'weet senseless perilous. laugh- but frantically at Randolph's shoulders. may lie lost or dead or Come on. Bar niHriniireil anxiously v German's Chocolate, but She even boarded up : It be Shaw's home." can't 1-- nt nnist Inve been frightened to death He awoke with an exclamation.' star- minster. We must scour ; the whole I'm soirry dear, for that screech ot 4 lb. cakes ed heftflf for a fool as she recalled , right." old . chap. Deuced once more. ing bewildered Into the horrified face demmed valley." - "That's mine 'ie aMilolzed. the telltale hand bag on the'porch and queer. I say. Deveaux. step up For ! by Letdliu Ciocn la HoncI Ja my tie ex '. ehf, the dauuniug Bazelbjirst "It's house. 'yon know. above.'" '.VV "He's like a wildcat tonight." said Suddenly he started and gaze! In presciKe of a top teu. "There we lantern la the hallway. nlalned froiu the "The the gbottI" she gasped, her the, duke In an aside to tbe fltt le NMitly In the direction of the haunted Vclt:rB!;:r 0. Co. LtJ. are! Come up. i'enelope. The fort l upon ball door, to lordship. house. A innn a sorry figure was , The Ktcna which had lieen raging eyes glued the ne' Frenchman, referring bis U. A. yours. . ' C farther diw:i the vclley was at last leaped to bis feet and threw his anus "Demme. I'd rather not cross him. slowly, painfully approaching from the Fhe followed , him Into the hall ' edge wisvl scan-- e n hutnlret whirling up delay-e- d about her. You seem to forget that his sister is of ihe to the biJItrpsv k:ig they walked along us; If lb gleeful anticipation aliove." In sllemv "You've had a bad dream," he said. out in all this fury. : rards away. In his hand lie carried a 53 rUGZZST AVAr.D3 U . of floonc through empty rooms catching her alone und; unprotected. the Imre "What n lieast I was to fall asleep. "Mon Dieu. but I do not forget 1 stjrk to which was attach! a white xur.or a:;d j:?.:ca he a door In what -- handken-hle- f The little elwfric kixup until atrlnt ieed Lord, you're frightened half out of would give half my life to bold her In cloth diHibtless n He saddle that she timvMl to tie the left wing. To her so, my arms thees . was hatiess nint ninied jirivplllily, carried gave out u feeble. glow, scarce ; your wits.. Don't tremble dearest ecnstau." Wmin' wo comfortably r surprise tnfx "Dem you. I'd give her other "It's Cei-li- Wliisperel Peneloie n ojienhig the way in tbe darkness more In TbereS uo ghost Every one knows' sir. the riirniithiHi. ; There were ashes the tones Good heaven than ten feet ahead. , Uou;'h and Irk-- d "Listen listen she whispered. To- half If you dared try such a thing. We horror struck were" lamps r - big fireplace, and there Uimd'ilph. go him! He Is " . , , road, gether they almost did n't fetch you a long to hold her. to hurt wi.a the. most, stubborn the recently; 'Tot-tne- stood motionless, which had tieen ned You've got to hold horses, It was Biizelhurst. ; As Shan null of wind, v The second of breathless . before the fire, the glow the that's Ird threat ; : wen tilled with oil. S on tbe storm was more from which shadows across alL" -- v-- nurrled down the drive to meet him. terrifylas than "Flerey where I read aometlmes. threw their itwi Li w ..4. any ' in- you thought of the feud In mind, two tie the first. At instant It was likely tie explained. have slept on that tbe room to meet tbe mysterious "Diable! How dare to speak to" "I '.: mgs more hojielessly dl lapidated to break forth iu all Its .slashing fury. vader.- ; ;.. . "What are you two rowing about?" eveti couch. Ijist winter 1 came up here venture! fnnii tin wood. and botbie . lordship. along! and she knew uot whither she went. My finished Good Lord." he muttered, unwilling demanded his "Come - to hunt wasn't up behind liearer. who had J K veu as she lost was We're losing time." . the tnice heart and so I stayml here. - 111 'confess I've to believe his ears. "There Is some ' : ad- now paused to lift bis shoulders Into a ready to turn wildly back In an effort one In the house. I've I've beard Away they swept Penelope's two ' beard strange lionnds now.don't shlv liosition if dlgulty and-- ' defiance to reach Shaw's home lief ore the a sounds here before, but not like these." mirers wratbfully barking at one an- er! Oikv or twice I've been bit was touchejt - The r deluge the lightning flashes revealed Distinctly to the! startled ears came other about satisfaction at some future Khaw'n hirt nervoiw. but I'm still alive, you see.' r was enough ti melt the preJuvlJc'e to her'tbe presence of a dwelling Just low, murmur of a human hour. : :v;;.:; i He lluhted the wicks Iq. the two big the subdued of any adversary. Lord Cecil's knees off the roa T. not 200 feet ahead. She voice and then moans The storm burst upon them In all Ita lamp while he looked on with chhls unmistakable trembled Mils hand shook as tf In a C!i.;p Ctrtit tumbled forward, crying like a fright- -- from the very depth of the earth---fro- m fury the maddest wild est storm they ereefilng up and down her back. Ill hiirV AJttd si:iketi ami ened child. There were uollghts. The ; bad -- in ail lives. Terri- ha ve a bully In the fireplace in Just the grave. It seemed. known their tire n hniiset. their ctahe .re nt In mauy house looked dark, bleak, unfriendly. "' fied, drownedr-blow- almost from V "Do you wblspered.V half Vnrf up a minute." bear?" she "0h. - places, ttielr hats gone' and their hair the hillside still gleamed ' this dreadful place! Take me away. the saddles. Mbe; trio- tlnallj fonhd V "Iet roe help yori.' she'nggestel. hgs 'watmly. the trio cer the that was meant, to keep In , . , shelving cHff amtteil,"rlh'!r ''fct . ; -. shelter the lee of a " coming quye close to him with uneasy Randolph.. dar".' talnly ; iuwtdretl pity. : not mirth uor Itent host from disturbing the ' off - road. J While ibey . stood i "Don't be afraid, be Bald, drawing Just j the Blum; old man Grimes and his gtanees over, her shoulder. . shivering.' of ' auper-natur- al there clutching, the hits Ten minute! latpr they were alttlng her close: There's s nothing ' ; hU lord wife. .buld' not. reach that light, ' their well nigh - frantic horses the ''One uionient. sir." called nuiTa in n roaring fire. qult content even ' about those , Bounds. They cla:l that i . the knew.". Her feet were Vfore glimmer of lights enmetdownto them Mh with a feeble attempt $t severity ; though . was a auggestlon of come fnifn' lips as much alive as oure. vl-e- shaky. - G: like hr rdwelghtsl her limbs almost there from window ..farther up the steep HJs ns hoarse and "We 111 Investigate." He grabbed the heavy s i, Q G mes appear ;wa-n- - Jo not ctime tis friends. dVtu you. Is rhr-- devok' wee. rl but There o mistaking- - the three- up- J 4:: ed to n couple, miles ,away. poker from, the chimney corner and my. sister liereV of right oblong of light' Tbey were tall ' - started' toward the followed With f r.- breathless effort she turn door,She windows In a hon see the occniirts of TShe Is. l.orl Bazelhurst We'll talk close behind, his assurance restoring - - ed off i , oad and floundered through Which doubt less had been aniiised'at this- over later- on." salt Shtiw In' his -- jh - say. Deveaux, step up and pound on pacific E;;G!::::....;a" !. in measure the," courage that had way. You" worn out weeds brush until .she came to this unearthly : by the fierceness friendliest are hour' -. ; - door. . v ' : ... the . aure-yo- n - ' temporarily deserted her. : '' what r d to be" the rear . of the of the storm. ;.f " and done up. I'm and your :r:' COPAjY, LTD. . you .' C::'--;.- 'j -- darkene . use. Long, low, rangy. It In the. hallway they paused to. look ."By duke, water and pound on the You've got friends. Come; I'm not as had as Consul tlr;, i.C: , 3oxe,1 lamented the door. j. Lr;'.-::r- , chilling out over the' broad porch. The storm you : ':Zc. .": : : ' think. I've changed my mind since I stru;t!r:? reached 'nto the shadows, running down his neck . In floods, card, kuow".. -- re- Bridses, Bur.iiz;3, Zlrzz-ture- s. in Us k ss.. There was no' time had dieti awayc.j.lghlng Its own "what a luxury a .home. Is. be it ever "Que dlabler exclaimed the count saw ,you last , l.et's see If we can't Ccrtrets - mlcabie-- i Steel Structures. Ziz'Mtj left for ( .3 climb the flight of .step quiem in. the misty treetopa. Dawn so humble, on a night like thl." ' T sinking iuto the background. iine to nu a understanding "and poui on the back door. The wan not far away. A thick fog was DleuJ" might recounolter n said illss Drake Is waiting up there. Break, and tc3 C3 IT rain "Mon Dieu, mon groaned the "We bit Jects. 1C13. ' was swU. 'r.g-- In trees a rising to meet the first glance of day. look rear, fast soon will lie ready hot coffee nnd Phcsa the with hiss count "how comfortah' Jtey look! And Bazelhurst "Have a at the -- r , , : I' Iu surprise looked bis watch, " ' ' a II ; In- that forbade delay. . Shaw at here? Eh bleu! Ojil fait trembler la you know." , that. Penult me. gentlctnen. to '" ter- fpee bis shoulder.' was we have. '.She threw herself, panting and her at It after terre! I am seeckl . I die!" . Around the corner of tbe bouse they vite you to partake uf. what H ror, stricken. Into the cavellke opening O'ClOCk. :V . .. .. "Penelope is out In all this." moaned trailed, finally; bringing up at the back What say your - I- -1" nnrter the rwrch. her knees giving way "Ghosts turn In at midnight dear." lordship. ; . steps. The windows were not only "Confound you. sir! Bnt his his , f after the-supre- me effort. The great he said. with a cheerful smile. "They "I am not so sure of that Tmt dark, but boarded up.,; While they tirave effort failed him. He staggered ttorm broke as. aho-crouche- d fa back don't keep such hours as these." . woman to find a place where she can't stood there amazed and uncertain, the and tvouldthave fallen had not the ' against the; wall., her hands over he "But who can It ne? There are no ruin her hat- - My word for It Cecil, rain came down again In" torrents, luke caught him from behrnd. , tar, her 'eyes tltily closed. "She was tramps In' the mountains." she pro- she's found a safe roost J t say,' by worse than before If possible. They ! "Thanks, old chap." said Barm luster y. Each Cj- - safe frutu wfud rain, but not from tested, glancing over. her. sboulder.ap-prehensivel- dqke was - staring more scampered cover,' plunging' three to Shaw. "We will come in for a mo- aud JoveP The for. bears r.y.Zr, the souucU cf that awful conflict. The ...... Intently. han ever at the 'window far abreast, beneath the tame steps that ment" I say. ierhapa you could give J Is to lautern lay at her feet, sending Its ray "Listen! By Jove, that voice came above. M"(' have'itl :? In't it rather odd had sheltered Penelope and Shaw such us a dry dad or two. Bazelhurst qf ' wrt ntierfnU out into' the sturrii with the senseless from the cellar." a, house, should fie lighted so bril- a time before. a bad way. nnd so is the count It was ALL UEUKils-- that short ' -; - . liantly' night?': v . . ray a devil a storm," fidelity of a beacon flit- ."And the' lock is broken. she ex at this hour of r- "Ouch! Get off foot! roared the of - ' ' : ' - crime down from porch renelc.'ter. at;e a voice tnrougn claimed. "But how silly of me! "Demmed servants forgot in pnt oot duke. :V X' Penelope the J the storm, atd a second later a man Ghosts don't stop for locks," ? - the lamrw" groaned, Bazelhurst with-- "Zounds!:' Who. are yon punching, to meet them. Without a word she lortTa a't their en.e. Ihaelhurnt so far : ; arm. He stared at plunged Into ,the recess, crashing "I'll drop the twits Just the same," out Interest . .' demme! Hullo! Wbat'a this? A door tik her brother's forgot himself aa to laugh amiably at against the Vail bcxide her. Something he said as they hurried down the hall- "Nonsense! I tell ' yon what some and open, as I liver The trio enter- her with growing resentment hlx bot'i Jokes. The count rexKiu'd way. At the back stairs they stopped one has roused the house and asked ed the cellar door without ceremony. "Dem it all. Pen." he chattered, hi hN most piquant dialect, and tl: dropied beside, her and threw his and listened for many minutes. Not a shelter from t he 'storm.' Now. who Thank God, we're out of the rain at "you're not at all wet. are you? Look duke swore by an ever uxeful Lord Penelope?" ' " All on your account too." strong arm about her shoulders. sound came np to them from below. could that be but least!" tV, '"':".' : '; ' at me! Uarry that be had uever tanted such i lie was .crying something Into her Softly he closed the door and lowered "By Jove, you're a ripplng clever It was not until they had explored "Dear old Cecil! All on Evelyn's ae a break fa.t. J ; ear-- wild. Incoherent words' that seeuh two heavy bars Into place. "If there'a ass. after all. Barmlnster- -a regular and found It utterly count, you mean." she said softly, wist "Iiy Jove. Pen. exclaliued her the basement '"-- . broth .';;-..,..- . '. ed to have' the power to quiet tbe any one down there they probably Sherlock Holmes. Thafa Just It without signs of human occupancy fully ; er In rare goo humor. "U'a almost a was responding they've benrd apooka trotting She's up where the window . understanding with storm. 'And she she think there k that the truth of the situation began "I shall have an sin to take you away from such good Shaw Swung the Ax Vigorously. . on., knew that eager words were falling around np here." are. Come lt'a easy satllnf to dawn upon them. , Bariiilnsterf her wh'ii we get rmme." lie sak! ear rooking aa thlM." from . tier Hjw.' but she never knew amazed ghosts lurking In tbe hallway "Really. It's quite thrilling. 'Isn't Itr 3ow." cried his lordship, but the duke face was white, and bis voice shook at "You're not going to take her away, what: they x: were responding with a behind tbem. No 'doubt 'old man ibe whispered In her excitement restrained, him. V ; , he ventured the horrid speculation: however" said Shaw. "She, has come fervor that was overwhelming her with Grimes aud his wife, if they awoke 1b "In any event we're obliged to re "Don't rush off like a fool. Whose "The good Lord save us It's that to wt.fy.V joy. fJl met: again nnd again, and the course of tbe night groaned deep main under cover until they depart," bouse Is It?" demmed haunted bouse Pen was talk- "What-wb- at the devil do you mean, there was no thought of the night., of prayers in response to the bright light be said thoughtfully. "We can't be "How the devil do I know? This la ing about! sir?" demanded lyiird Cecil. hH coffee the feud, the escapade, the Kenwood from the windows of tbe haunted seen here, dearest" Shaw's laud, and he hasn't been espe- "But ze lights? queried the count rup shaking so violently that the con- gho.t. or of aught wive tbe two warm-livin- house. se- "No. she murmured, "not even cially cordial about" . "Ghosts." ; tents overflowed ' Shaw and Penelope smiled human bodies that had found curely as they listened to the bowling though it is our house." "Aha! See what I mean? Shaw's "It's get out of this place." said "She'n going over to Platibi)rg with each other. i storm outside. They returned to the big room aa land, to "be sure. Well, hang your Lord Bazelhurst moving toward tbe. me today, aud w lieu she, comes back The tttqrrn, awervlng with the cnprl-Hou- s "Well, this is trespassing." she said, softly as mice, and be left her a mo stupidity, don't you know we're look- door. "It'a that beastly Re u wood Winds, close window will be Mrs. Handolph nioutllii suddenly swept beaming a happy smile upon him. ment later to the heavy ing at Shaw's house this very instant? bouse, They say be comes back and she Shaw. Itan-dolp- h on porch. re- ; 1 mean, your lordahip." their refuge with beets of water. "I shall be obliged to drive you out shutters the When he He lives there and she's arrived, dem murders her every nlgbt or so." That's what was a grim smOe on his hltn-d- ry hi Shaw threw ihe ralnoat over alas." be said reflectively. "Do yoo turned there It all. She's up there with "Mon Dieu !" Thrie of listeners choked with both' bys-terien- voice as be jialnful-ly- . tils comiHinion and laughed recall ray vow? As long as you are face and bis shook a little clothes, bot drinks and ail that, aud "Peneloie isn't here. Let's move on amaletneur and then couglwl at.thelr plight suddenly re spoke. we're out here .catching pneumonia. agreed the duke readily.. .But even Feebly they, set their cuw down Hazel hurst I must perforce eject again. membered. :.- ydu." "I've heard .the voices They Fine, isn't It?" fear of supernatural was not and "gullied as If they bad nmeiblng :v - 1 tie Ye tay he shouted. rnme from the laundry, think. The . "Gad! You're right! She's with strong-enoug- to swallow. The duke was the first to can't herer "Not cried dis- that to drive them out Iuto go cried. tonlghtr she in mock Ren woods were downright Yankees. find hi tongue:, was quite a "We can't out Into It. she may. ' confounded villain. My God. what's the blinding storm. "I say, look ahead, and be at Penelope. 1 will swear that these loss words. "Where are we? to become of her?" groaned Lord Cecil, there'll Shaw's filacer ; ; for -- "Hut, as an alternative. yooll not amazingly English." "B-- by ; . Uenwood'a.' he railed back. Their voices are sitting suddenly and covering Jove." he said blankly, "that's be a Razelhurst long." be weut on down Peering' through the door they saw untenable. De was bis demmed hot coffee position was eagerly, suddenly taking her hands his face with bands. for the flrst time the many lights in r CHAPTER IX. "We must rescue her!" shouted the "Is this true. Penelope?" gasped his drenched; the raincoats protected her Into his, forgetful of the wounded Shaw's windows, scarce a quarter of In Which the Author Trespasses. dnke. "Brace up. Cecil! Don't be a a away. a long they lordship. as she crouched back into the most re- left "I'm . going to try trespassing tnile For time " baby. We'll storm the place." ' win- "Yea. Cecil. I've promised o marry mote corner. Looking about he dis- myself. - Tomorrow Pm going to see stood and gazed at the distant In zls cried the count him." v n small door leading to the cel- your brother. regular, yon know. I I "Not ralnf dows. Dejectedly thy wit doyu. liacks covered It's to do with the Bazelhurst side "You stay in the shade and hold the "It hn"t became yon feel that yoo opened he touched Pm going to tell the bead of your I I to the waM and waited for the storm lar. It tbeiustuut of the controversy as it has horses, that's what you do," said the have no borne wlfh'me?" the latch. Come, quick." be cried, lift clan that yon are coming over to to sjiend its fury. Wet. 'cold and tired, ' duke scornfully. ; .dozed. "I love him. It' a much older story lug her to her feet "In here stoop! 1 Shaw, heart and hand." ; but fair that the heroic Invasion by they finally It was Ixird Cecil After many minutes there came a who first saw the signs of dawn. The than you think." she said simply. have the light. Thin is the cellar. I'll "Ohf sbe exclaimed.' You you Lord Cecil should receive equal consid "I say. me a leading to break In the violence of the storm and rain storm had come to a mysterious that hits bard." said tbe have to break down door no. no! You must not do thatr eration v from the historian. Shaw's I preparations were at once made for end. a fog in loom- duke with a wry face. "Still, Join In upper part of the house, but that my dear, you going to conquest one but heavy Its stead " the "But are of member of the force the climb up the hill. Deveaux was to saying. God bless you." will uot lie difficult Here's an ax or marry me." opposing him was ed up. He artiusetl his iwnpanions scarcely the result remain behind In charge of the horse?.. "We're trying to. end the feud, yoo two. Jood Lord. I'm soaked I suppose bravery: on and with many groans.of anguish they r "Yes so," she murmured of the other hand Lord With their In his bands he see." said Peneloje. :Whe-wher- e we going 6he bridle reins prejisired to , venture forth tnto . are helplessly. "That Isn't what I meant Cecil's dash into the enemy's country tle ' r cheerfully maintained this position of wall beyond Tear came Into hi lordship's pale gflsied as be drew her across tbe 1 mean It isn't necessary to ask Cecil. was the very acme of intrepidity. white y "When she comes back she will be Mrs. ' trust securely sheltered from the full they look Randolph eye. He looked first at one and then earthen floor. . , . Ask me: Just as were taking a last Shaw I'll consent for him." Down tbe drive and out Into the force of the elements. Rizht bravel? nt the other and then silently extend- comfortable up there." -- about the wretched cellarVnoniethlng neatly. "She aha n't treat my sister rl'lwtJ'lrK. It's Dalf an hour passed. Then he went mountain road clattered tbe three 1 of tbe narrow did the duke and his lordship venture hapjieued would have brought ter- agnln." ed hi hand to Handolph Shaw. He They were at the foot to tbe window Lady watching M t-- . . . J .. f rw. that like this and looked out into the horsemen. Bazelhurst l me spaiiering ram. uey wrung it vigorously for a Ions time Malrway. She held back. storm.; at the window casement almost lorm iuio i ror to the stoutest heart. A wild, a k "No." said Shaw from the other tide; - bad gone no more than up ' before sjieaklng. Then, a If throw- .".Never! It's tbe the haunted bousel three rods j palling, shriek came from somewhere "she shan't" "You must He down get some swooned with amazement at tbe sight J - and the path when they were brought to a I ing a weight off hi mind, he remarked: I cau't Hnndolph." - sleep." of them. The eo pes mackin a Hive, t he cry of a mortal soul In "By Jove. Shaw, are you with me?" be Insisted, coming back to her. of their : say, snrry almiil halt by tbe sounds . of a prodigious agony. ': "I Shaw. I'm that "I'oohl . Don't .be afraid.. I'm with op. toshes seemed to flaunt a satirical demanded his lordship In surprise. "The storm's letting but we can't fare struggle ; bebjud them. was a dog. I've got an Kngli'di bull terrier g Tbere; ; The next instant three human forms "lH'H'im on you are with too. dearest leave here for quite a while. sit up well ha her face; their owners, follow-bi- whether taken- a e you I'll great trampling of horses' hoofs, a shotthrou;:h the narmw door and out Penelojie down there that" rillm , kuuw,1: v she gulped.. "But and-watc- the light of Tcarriage lamps. me." said the other. flushed. :! I'm too happy to sleep." the so. : If yon 'don't mind. I'll semi him irnve only one arm. Oh, I can'tf by the frantic shouts of tbe tnto the Tog. hair on end. eyes bulging, Hot coffee. ehow. griddlt cakes and She protested, but her heavy eyes were swept from view around a bend In the, J-,.r:- He-t- PeneU ghosts. count ; but sightless; leg traveling like Ibe couteudiug up to you. i. know e "If nil nouseuse about I've his allies. Soon be sat alone before the road and bravely planged Into the dark maple sirup soon put the F t tere (wentv times, Penelope I ! " - r ' HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, SATURDAY, JUXE 7, 1013.

IT A Tm 7TA Trn ; GS3 SS3' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FURNISHED HOUSES ROOM AMD COAnD TT77 J TJTLAJTV O For Real Estate Bargains in all sec- Two-stor- y premises corner Wilder Shady Nook, nicely furnished toctss; tions of Honolulu, call up J, C. avenue and Kewalo street, occupied nnexcelled table board; larzs Sousa, Phone 1884, 103 Stangenwald by the undersigned. For a few grounds; tropical foliage: congenial 3 months. Apply to M. McChesney, Building. J. environments; $35 to$40 per ca; 16 Merchant, nr. Bethel St 1049 Beretania. TeL 13S3. 5563-t- : WANTED PROFESSIONAL CARDS Bargains in real estate on seashore, f. 5533-t-f. plains and hills. Telephone 1602. Everyone "with anything for sale to CIVIL ENGINEER. 101 Stangenwald Bldg. Beard for Gentlemen. Large, cheerful "Play Safe." Considering the fac- "Pratt" surveyor 5277. , FURNISHED COTTAGES room, home cooking, 720 Klnaa, tors of sales, sucess In planning R. Munch Civil engineer, AlapaL phone 1579. and draughtsman. 1008 Alakea sr. Reascnalia. an ad is more satisfactory than St Completely furnished cottage, three 6523-tf- . knowing "how It happened" after-.-war- d. Kaplolanl Bldg.. nr. King St bedrooms, for one or two gentle- 5345-t- L Star-Bulleti- n Want Ads. men who appreciate homelike sur- The Argonaut. Rooms and board. "Bring Home the Bacon" every roundings. Table board if desired. Terms reasonable. Phone 130S; 5399-t- f. HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. time. No one would think it "funny, to see CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Apply 1049 Beretania St TeL 1333. 627 Beretania Ave, J. A. Doyle, 5277-t- f. a stock broker or investor shout a some-wh- at 5552-t-f. Prop. Partner in best paying proposition In Jas. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald Bldg., George Yamada general contractor. r the islands; $800 takes half Inte- : consulting civil & hydraulic engineer. feverish interest in financial news Estimates furnished. 208 McCandless The Hau Tree, 2199 Kalla Rd, Wal-- k5375-6m- . For light housekeeping; Ganzel Place, ' quotations. Yet these have First-clas- s rest Owner will give bill of sale 'and slock . Bldg.; Phone 2157. ' Vineyard. 1541. klkL private Beach Ho : Fort and Tel over $300 plant to guarantee that no more potential importance to him ' 5513-t- . tel Cm. MUSIC LESSONS. Y. MIyao, general contractor and f. you double your money In four than the store ads have the woman months. Address "Opportunity," for Paperhanglng and cement The. Roselawn, 1366 King. Beautiful Lessons on Violin, Mandolin, Guitar, who does the spending the money every ' this office. , " 5364-t- L of work.' Estimates furnished free, 527 grounds, running water room. Al-- j ROOMS etc, by Prof. L. A. de Graca. the home. Beretania Street, Telephone 3516. FURNISHED k5342-6m- . - for ; A bright young boy for office work. lard and Sereik Conservatory meth- 6521-6- 1 od for the violin; Italian method for Two nicely furnished rooms for light The Alcove, 1345 Emma. Trl. 1CS7. must be good in penmanship, not 9 Tregloan afrfM in wnrlr CnloniM nnruirttm. ' the mandolin. Studio 424 Beretania L Takata, general contractor, Japan- housekeeping; $15; No. Centrally located, cool, select 55 67-- 2 1 Ity for advancement Apply in own Ave., phone 4178, opposite Dr. An ese artificial builder, sculptor and Place, Beretania 5t k5405-tf- . i j i.t i 1 gus'. 1506 Young St., 1435 nr. Vine- iianuwriuug, suiiing age uuu refer-- Residence gardener; Nuuanu St Nicely furnished room for one or two ence. Honolulu Gas Company, Lim- - phone 4179. 5516-6- yard; phone 1538. 5525-6- m. 276 TABLE COARD. " gentlemen; all conveniences; ited. 5564-tf- . ; ' An- .' G. Domingo, lessons on violin, N. Kanai, contractor, builder, painter, Beretania, opp. Richard. Mrs. Ladles and gentlemen who appreciate 5563-tf- . uku-- derson. C Reflections of-- a streaked or spotted i dolin, mandola, guitar, cello, ' paperhanger; kba, calabashes and home cooking should try the VI ix - 175 King phone $25.00 mirror Is like eating potatoes with- lele and clarinet Beretania, furniture made to order; 1358 Fort Large rooms, electric light; $1.50 up; Villa, St, 115; . y. out salt Clarke, 471 Beretania St, I cor. Union. Tel. 3643. k5356-6ra- 5437-l- , gas phone, 546 S. King. per month for throe meals a day. stove and 55C34m. phone 2332, repairs mirrors; the 5484-tf- . - Ernest K. Kaai, 69 Young Bldg., Tel. Sanko Co, 1346 Nuuaun; Tel. 3151. cook does the rest 5544-6m- . "3687, guitar, ban-- 1 paper-hangin-g ukulele, mandolin, Contracts for building, Furnished house,! 1344 KInau Ap- FAMILY HOTZL. jo, zither, violin, cello and vocal. Cleans' St The public to know we can quote on and cement work, vacant ply to W. T. Monsarrat 555S-tf- . m. - Wal-ki- obtain-ctl- e. k5381-C- ' k5327-3m- . Cassidy, only hotel, ki . magazines the best prices .j lots The home agent Honolulu Beach, consists cf i::Jiv!-.:-- I Resident Bjergstrom Co. ; Subscription Agency, P. O. Box 360.! Music Music and'mu-- T. Nomura Co,' building, painting, cottages and single roor:3. Cu!.:!n3 1020-102- 1 ! fur- r f, sical instruments. Fort paperhanglng, etc; estimates 1,000 p:;r 6522-t- I excellent ft pror.eniia St - 5277 nished. Beretania, near River St at the end of which U e:!;-::- 1 ' 538-l- y. All lovers of music to develop talent . bathing pool and boautlf-- l vi;. by taking lessons from Ernest K. .;. HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA. CLOTHES CLEANING 2003 Kalla road. Tel. 2373. Tcrr.j H; Matsuto, general contractor-builder- , Kaai, C9 Young Bldg.. Tel. 36S9. reasonable. k5237-Cm.- .; Honoluu Glee Club, A. C. Tim Sin, me painting, paperhanging, 208 Be--' H. Yoshimura, clothes neatly pressed; Mgr., Tel. 4166, Hotel Delmonico. Tetania, nr. Emma TeL 1826. de- ; St repairing, washing, etc.; call and Experienced locomotive engineer; ap- Music furnished for dinners, dances, 5523-6- liver, 544 S. King, opp Kawalahao. receptions. Hawaiian melodies. FOR SALE FOR ' 5519-6m- . ply office Walahole Water Com- RENT - Tel 2535. k5438-ly- . H.- Nakanlshi, King and Kaplolani; pany, Hackfeld Bldg. 5565-3- t. Bargaln-rCadill- ac, new 1913 model ; Desirable houses In various parts of phone 3256; general contractor and A. B. C, cleaningrepairing, etc.; sat--: roadster; 40 h.p. car of endurance, city, unfurnished painting; paperhanging. Want your hat cleaned? Call on us. . PIANO INSTRUCTION. the furnished and builder; lsfaction guaranteed ; call and de EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Roman, Beretania, near Fort stylish, serviceable, fully equipped, at $15, $18, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40 and 5519-6- v liver; Maunakea nr. Pauahl. TeL In- ' 1 C541-3- By Mrs. Dudley. Terms reasonable; subject to any demonstration. up to $125 a month. See list in our 5335-l- y. M. es- 4143.' Konno; help cf all kind; tlrs. No. 9 Tregloan Place, Beretania St spect before purchasing new one office. Trent Trust Ce, Ltd., Fort S. Sasaki, contractor and builder; prints made; S. King, IIn'v - 5541-6- " timates free; , koa furniture to or- 4380. cr?. Vulcanizer for casing work. Kersh- elsewhere; $2400 car; sell for $1800. St, between King "and Merchant The Alert Masonic Temple, Tel. kaua Ave. Tel. 4113. , C313-l- y. ' - near Hotel. ; ner Vulcanizing Company, Ltd. !a.ddress'Z, this office. 5462-tf- ;' :v der; Smith St Citizen labor only; intelligent work--' 5529-6m- . " C3C2-tf- . J PJANO TUNER. 5551-l- manship. We call for and deliver. Y. Nakanlshi, 34 Eeretosia, fcr geel Fine corner store, reasonable ; in per- , .. . 5493-t- f. cook3, yard boys.-rho2- SSS3, Kfs!. 7 ur- - K; Nakatani, King and Alapai; Tel. . . James Sheridan, tuning and repair-- A lovely new home of rooms f fect condition; excellent location dence phone" 4311. v" 5213-Ca- . situation wanted ' : paper-hangin-g. ing; 163 Beretania, nr. Union St nished well, for a small payment for any particular business. Apply 3149. Building, painting and The Lion, dyeing, cleaning, repairing ' 5565-6- , . Work guaranteed, r - new, Dressmaker wishes engagement by the i ? flown, balance as rent All conven- on premises.; ' of all klnd3. Refinished like Do you need a cocX yrrir: cr Suzuiki's furniture ! ' ' q5365-6- . . ' L;-- - day. Terms $3.00 day. Address iences; good neighborhood near 2 i Vineyard and Emma Streets. . 691 Beretania nr. Alapai. TeL 2748. era! servant? Call U1X ZZJ jer store. ' m ' ' : 5521-6m- . office. 5534-l- MASSAGE. carlines. MaklkL Phone 3860. . 5564-l- ;. O. Hire "Dressmaker," this building; paint-- v tanlx ail. 5543-tf- . S. Meguro, contractor; Practical nurse wants work-b- y day or Hashimoto, 178 S. Beretania; Tel. Ing," carpentering; work guaranteed. The Tokiwa. Ladles' and Gents' KInau Employment 1113 The Punahou homestead of the late J. 6541-ly- . C!: Him iweek. Address M. S., this "of rice. t 2637. Masseur, baths, manicure. Two oedroom house, large living room, A. Cummins, cor. (Alexander ' and Beretania nr. Alake.a JS.t clothes cleaned and dyed In all Ct, between Keciu;'--a tzl T'.. '..;!. 6565-4- L k5329-3- m. 62 colore. nr Vineyard 1914. , C130-t:- . kitchen, etc, old fruit trees, ft Bingham:' streets; furnished or un- pa--r Emma St Phone ' contractor, - - K. Tochlbana, builder 6353-l- y ' front 134 deep; 1313 Makiki St, furnished; - terms reasonable; ap- K. Oshlma, facial and body, massages. ft perhanger, painter; Punchbowl, cor. Japanese Employment 0"lce, T:r on the park. Inquire of Philip Wea- ply to Phone No. 2907. 6525-6- 46 S. Beretania, nr. Nuuanu King St Sunrise Dyeing House, 1346 Fort; Tel. tania' nr Punchtc-arl- ; c: 3. St ver, 502 Stangenwald Bldg. 5564-t- f. ; , St, teL 5521-m- E521-C- . ; . 6500-tf- . 1027. We clean, press, mend and - Yokomizo Fukamachi" Co, Beretania, I 5264-3- ... :Two bedroom house;, electric light; deliver. , . 3986, 3167. Met-sumot- o, Shibata makes a specialty of all coverings, Chi- nr. Maunakea; tel. home Japanese cook, waiter, yard tcy. Special Sale i Floor gas; Austin lane nr. King. Inquire k5382-6m- . massages; 818 , . Try Tel. 1182. We press, 1124 Union. TeL J7C3. ANNOUNCEMENT. kinds of Iwilel. nese grass rugs, mattings and lin- W. K. - 78 the "Star"; Namauu, Merchant St., ' - 5551 -- 6m. : ; cle"an, mend and deliver within 24 C070-t-f oleums. Tel 1261. 5564-t- f. Room 6., , K. Segawa, . 602 Beretania St, nr. k5375-6m- ; Ltd., now es- hours. j ' . The Cocas Grocery, Is Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., King St pumping station. Phone 3236. new Excelsior MILLINER : . Mer-- r ' exp.i-s- tablished in the k5398-tf- 2 office rooms, floor, 16 y. '; s. second 5245-l- ;: Co., Beretania, nr. Nun-- Building, Fort St, Tel. 4138. Our cus- chant St Apply J. M. McChesney. Quick Dealer Mrs. Leach is offering exclusive im-- f anu. Cleaning, dyeing and' tailoring. Kalihi Express Stand, Beretania and are cor- New Garage, fireproof, : 5541-t- f. tomers and their friends Portable '.'..:.;: '!;! contractor, 2034 ; Y. Kobayashi, general : k5382-6m- ' styles . reason i . . : Smith TeL 2635.' All k!-- i3 dially Invited to call and Inspect our in trimmed hats at ported sample, size 14x20, at a bar- S. King; phone 3365. Sts.; of able prices. Sachs' Blag., opp - express' and draylng. Charges handsome new quarters. Fire gain." Fitzpatrick Bros., Fort St cottage,; furnished, at Cot- k5361-ly-. Ju3t -- ' MeiJI Shop, lstrdass establishment k53S5-6- m kS420-tf- . station. lm. 5277-t- r. 5562-- tf . K; , tage Grove. Inquire No. 8. TeL 3093, cor King & Kaplolani Sts. K. Sato. 22 S. Beretania MODISTE. One share Hidalgo rubber and coffee Cottage on 9th avenue, Kaimuki. Ring CONTRACTOR AND POINTER. 5516-6- People's Express Co., telephone ZZZO; St good3 handled care. Prompt Agent famous English bicycle, ; of 1905, bearing dividend this year. up 1645. ; :, 5562.1 w with for the Nellie 1119 rr S. Awana, house painting of all'klnds; The Pacific Cleaning & Dyeing 133 made at Bartonon-Humbe- r; brake ,MJ (Johnson, Union St Address "Rubber," Bulletin office. service; Merchant nr. Fort ZL guaranteed. 1258 3063. n. , Evening Gowns, lingerie ' rates reasonable. Work Works, Nuuanu St TeL 6530-6- front' rear wheels; pedal dresses. 5271-t- f. ' ' on and :F0R LEASE 117 Kukui nr. Nuuanu , - .' 5525-6m- . .' ' 5468-6m- . k5341-3- St coaster. 5563-6m- . " . Union Transfer. 174 Kinj Horse and cow manure for garden. I Pac 3. Two houses and lo,ts, Robello lane. . N. Oka, clothes cleaned, pressed and 1875. busy 1874. AUDITING. Yokomizo-Fukumach- I Co., Beretania Tel. If this ring AUTO SERVICE Inquire on premises. R. Lee. repaired,! Nuuanu nr. Vineyard St k5411-3m- . -- CONTRACTOR AND JOBBER. . & Maunakea. Phone 3986. 5559-t- f. Books of Individuals r Bella & Benford, Tel. 2939. Best and small - 5494-tf- . ' firms straightened out, L Usui, all kinds of building; work Gomes Express. Tel. 2298. Reliable, rcr.t cars. Reasonable rates. Leave audited and K. Nomura, gents', ladies' work guar kept at "A. B.," 4 guaranteed; Beertania, nr Aala. reasonable, prompt and efficient reasonable rates. Rowboat, 15 long, wide. For ' 1 trip around the Island, ft ft 1389 Emma, nr. Vineyard. k3347-6m- . critr tor 5365-lm- . 5560-l- y. anteed; this office. Sylvester, Model Sani- C ' .6277-tf- . particulars: . 5o2a-6- . tary Shop. ' 5565-l- Barber CAFE. Island Transfer Co., 229 Merchant St. Two more passenger! for "round-the-- : CARPENTER CONTRACTOR K. Nanba, clothes cleaned dyed ; 3869, " va--; ahd Day phone night 3891. Livery, 1326. Coccanut plants for sale; Saraoan ; Izliad". Auto Tel. Royal Cafe, everything the best at King, opp. South. Tel 3a70. k5347-6- m. ' riety. Apply A. D. Hills, Lihue, ;Lup & Co., Planing Mill Con- ' " - 6277. popular prices; fine home cooking; Lee 5551-l- m. - KauaL 5277. tractor and Builder; carpentering of : prompt service ;; Beretania, nr. Fort all kinds. Estimates free; work Owl; .suits cleaned and pressed; Pridgen Schofleld St, onp. lire station. K. waxano, rr. BARBER SHOP Lt at Barracks ' "" guaranteed ; Queen, nr. R. R. depot - Ikemoto, King, opp. Liliha. gentle 5521-6- has two saddle horses for sale. 5561-6m- . l ' .', 5565-6- ; - 5563-l- F B S. Sumida. First class barber shop. Address 1st Inf.- quick service 1352 nr. Vineyard Columbia Lunch Room; Fort St ' Diamond Shop; all work neatly done, FURNITURE. BAKERIES. ' Kai-muk- i. and cleanliness our motto; open CARPENTER SHOP. I 5553-l- m ; ) I Corner lot, 50x137, 10th Ave., 5542-6- ? 1461 S. King. Tel 4286. , 5561-tf- . day it night HoteL Opp Bethel St home-mad-e bread $300. Phone 4474. & Co., carpenters; work T. O. MuTata, new and second hand Asahi Bakery, fine, ( ' 5518-6- Takahara M. Katayama. first class tonsorial , crockery 550 every g guaranteed; building of all kinds, CABINET MAKER funlture, for hire. S. ana pastry; iresn uaj, 6627-6m- . envelope time-savin- u.Ala- parlors, 19 N. King St The Transo a King ' materials use. Beretania near Invention. No addressing necessary 'The Eagle," Bethel, bet. Hotel and estimates furnished free. King & and Kawalahao Sts. Tel. 1635. ! 5531-3- 5523-6- Rodrigues, cabinet maker; moved 5517-3- kea Street Ho- King. A nice place to eat; fine Alapai. J. BAKERIES In sending out bills or receipts. Miller to Beretania nr. Alapai, Star-Bulleti- n home cooking. Open night and day. St nolulu Co, Ltd, sole Young Whan, building, painting - "5556-ly- . - G. Fujikawa, new and second hand ; k5338-3m- . Sir Inu-ka- l, Vienna Bakery has the best home-- agents for patentee. , tL - pies and cakes. Ice cream; M. and paper hanging ; opp. Club furniture bought and sold. King St, m made bread, German Pumpernlckle, prop., 1196 Nuuanu. 5540-6- Stables, Kukui phone 3076. CARD CASES 'corner South 6519--6 m. Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship- Boston Cafe, coolest place in town. St; St Pretzels and Coffee Cake. '1129 5520-6m- v Star-Bulleti- n After show drop in. Open day phone 2124. 5472-t- f. ping books at office, tf the BICYCLE SUPPLIES. 'Fort St Lane, Ho- Business and visiting cards, engraved Min Han Ohk. All kinds furniture re--. j and night Bijou theatre paired. 5529-6- CARRIAGE REPAIRER. or printed. In attractive Russia , Miller nr. Punchbowl St Home Bakery, 212 S. Beretania. Fresh POULTRY FOR SALE. tel St fj. Miyamoto, 182 N. King; TeL 2656. every leather cases, patent detachable 5523.6m 4 cakes and doughnuts day. Bicycles and motorcycle supplies. "The Hoffman," -- Hotel St, next the Carriage repairing bnd horseshoer; cards. Star-Bulleti- n office. 5540-t-f. Boston baked beans and browi Healthy White Leghorn laying hens - men; King, opp. FURNITURE Liberal allowance on old wheels. on Saturdays. Encore. Bst meals for price in efficient Kekito, REPAIRER. ' k5333-6- m hroad direct from Petaluma; $12.00 per 5564-ly- . town. Open day . Keeaumoku. dozen. To arrive per Lurline, and night Lee Kwan'Sik, furniture repairer and . k53356m. 1L Yoshinaga, 1218 Emma. Wheels BED MAKERS June 3rd. Agent Jubilee Incubat- CARRIAGE MAKERS. painter ; River nr. Kukui St ' exchanged, bicycle ors. Eggs for hatching. Nelson B. 5563-l- y. bought sold and : " Pacific Cafe, Nuuanu Street opp. Ye -- O.' Fujii. Wire spring beds, sofas, tire aid supplies. . Repairing. Lansing, Excelsion Bldg.; P. O. box Liberty Theatre." Home cocking. Lee Kau Co., high class wagon manu Koa ' furniture. Made to order. 5546-lm- v DRESSMAKER. k5432-ly. 351; TeL 3879. 5519-6m- . facturers; repairing, painting; cor. FURNITURE MOVING Nuuanu nr Kukui street 5554-l- y Best materials used. j Beretania and Aala Sts. 5537-ly- . Lui Sun, ladles' suits and dresses; Union Pac. 174 S. King. J&T Komeya, wholesale and retail The McCandless; Alakea, nr. Mer- ; ; pajamas ; Transfer, BUY AND SELL. men's shirts kimonos Tel. 1875. Moving household goods "dealer Jn bicycles and accessories. chant. Regular meals or a la carte. CLOTHES CLEANING. to 1176 Nuuanu, opp. 5542-ly- . made order; 11-- 3 . a specialty. , 54 m King nr. Punchbowl St Diamonds, 'watches and jewelry k5382-6m- Ye Liberty. 5526-6- bought Up-to-da- The Greater Honolulu Cleaners, te ; rao-- sold and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort - K. Okahiro, dealer in bicycle and St Chong Chan, meals at all hours. Nu- establishment;- satisfactory Wo Son dressmaking our specialty. FIREWOOD King oppo- 6528-6m- . torcycle supplies; St, CREPES. uanu, nr. Queen St work guaranteed; suits cleaned and 546 King. nr. Punchbowl. 5542-6- site railroad depot 5546-ly- . pressed; dyeing a specialty. Phone Yomomizo, Fukamachi Ca, Beretania nr. Maunakea. Contractors. TeL Finest qualities Japanese Crepes. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 4200. A trial will convince you. DRESS PATTERNS. 3986. Home 3167. k5382-6- m BAMBOO FURNITURE. . H. Miyake. 1248 Fort Tel. 3238. 75 Pauahl St., Keven Bros., Props. Nam Chong Co.; importers and deal- tropics. We 5516-6- H. Miyake, 1248 Fort St Phone 323S. The Ideal furniture for the CLEARANCE SALE. ers in Manila cigars ; tobacco and All latest styles. designs or make from your 1050 ! submit cigarettes of all kinds; Nuuanu Suititorium, gents . and ladies' 5453-l-y. plans. Picture framing !done. S. Reduction sale of all kind3 of dry nr. Hotel Street. 5530-ly- . clothes, neckwear, gloves ; work G Salki, 563 Beretania; phone 2487. goods, hardware, shoes, ladies' and guaranteed; prompt attention; Ala- DRY GOODS. - 5245-6m- . gents hats; exceptionally fine line CANDY MAKER. pai nr. Hotel St. S. Itaoka, Prop. GLEE CLUB of goods going cheap; Kam Kee, 5541-6m- . Kwong Hing Chong Co English, Bam-b- o rTvOhtanl, 12S6 Tel. 3745. I ' sk r Amer- Fort ( r I 537 Beretania, nr. Punchbowl. Wholesale and retail dealer in American, Chinese dry goods, grass Kaai Glee Club, 69 Ycung Bldg., TeL order. furniture made to 5563-2- ican and Japanese candv Yasusk, The Pioneer, Beretania and Emma linens, : silks, matting, camphor 3687, furnishes music any occasion. f.516-3- 426 " King, near Liliha street Sta.; Phone 3125. Clothes cleaned, wood trunks. 1024 Nuuanu, nr King. i ' Hardware of all kinds and mechanics 5561-3- pressed and dyed. Work called for 5528-- 6 m. BLACKSMITH .1 tools going cheap. Y. Alama. Bere- and delivered. 5277 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. tania nr. King street 5561-3m- . - CARBONATED . WATERS; DISTILLED WATER. repairing In general; up-to-da- te ; TI Kosuga Co.; The Eagle, establishment L.' Fook Kau & Co., wholesale and horsesljoeing; Trunks and suit cases going cheap. Hon. Soda Works, 34 A N. Beretania; dyeing, repairing, 'etc.; work- Hon. 34A N. r skilful Soda Works, Beretania; retail dealer in groceries; Ilawai'i ?hi rr Ntru-- ' u. isaieatsu, River nr. Pauahl St Tel. 3022. Chas. E. Frasher, mgr. manship; work guaranteed; Tel. TeL 2C22. Ch?.3. E. Frasher, TI?r. ea!t; CI t Kin0', HONOLULU BTAU-BULIaETI- N, SATCRrjAY, JUNE 7, 1013. 21

t HOTEL nOVEUEIITS OF OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. N MAIL STEA1IERS W A T "SYDNEY SHORT UNE" VESSELS TO ARRIVE T FOR SAN FRANCISCO FOR SYDNEY, N. S. W. CITY STABLES. S. 13 . . 9 - S. Venturi ...... June S. S. Son&ma .. ... June GAD Sunday, June 8 . S. 7 City Stables animals receive best of FfJUiGiSGO Maui. Molokai a&d Lanal ports S. Sierra ...... June 23 S. S. Ventura .....i...July S. S. 4 J .'care. Reliable boys. H. Geary Street lxve Union Square M2kaha!a, Sonoma ...... July 11 S. S. Sonoma .Auq. stberwa. ft str. i i anna, ueremma nr. Kahulul-Lurlin- e. ; k l Europejm Plan llOacUycp M. N. S. S. j ; TO SAN FRANCISCO, $63X0; ROUND TRIP, $U0.CQ American Plan $3.50 a day op Kauai ports Klnau, str. - X Maui portsClaud inc. str. ;. TO SYDNEY, $150.00; ROUND TRIP, $223.C0 SEWING MACHINES New steel and brick structure. Sailing Lists on & CO -- Monday, June 9. and Folders application to C BREWER Third addition of hundred rooms " Hocgkons Man- LTD General Agents. R, TANAKA, 1266 .FORT . STREET now building. Every comfort and via Japan ports II Sewing machines bought or exchanged convenience. A high class hotel churia. P. M. S. S. ; GENERAL CONTRACTOR MILLINER. Ring 3203 and we will send man to at very moderate rates. In center San Francisco Sonoma, O. S. S. - Tuesday, 10, K. look at old machine. 5252-6- of theatre and retail district, On June Nakomoto & Co.; boat builder, car- T. Oka; ladies and gents, hats; latest car lines transferring to all parts San Francisco Wilhelmina, Mi N. 3 pentering, paperhanging, painter; cleaning, 54 Bere- TTATT, styles; dyeing; of city. Electric omnibus meets s. s. '. ::.: ;' V-- PACIZIC CTHAIID w wa cement- - work, framing; opp. 5o43-m- . SHOES N furniture tania. Smith SL all trains and steamers. j llllo via way ports Mauna Kea, Sallins from Honolulu on or about the following dates: bought and sold; furnish- estimates Loy Hotel Stewart recognized as Hawaiian str. :. Pa-wa- Fook Co. We manufacture shoes FOR ORIENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ed free. King Street, opposite a' THE MATTRESS MAKER to our patrons. Repairing a bland Headquarter. Cakl Address Wednesday, June 11. 18 Junction. 5550-ly- . suit "Trawets" Code, JL H. Lore, Siberia June Manchuria 13 123 5531-m- . ABC ports ...... June H. Machito; mattresses, pillows; specialty. Hotel SL Honolulu repre tatrra. t Central and South American China (via Manila out Nile ...... June 2 Kiyo Maru, Japanese stmr. . ! in) 23 GENERAL made to order. Kukui nr. Nuuanu. ; and Mongolia 2 JOBBER. SHOE REPAIRING. Kauai ports W. G. Hall, ...... June ...... July 5550-6- . str Manchuria (Via Manila) July 2 Persia ..July 22 Honolulu Painting Co., House and Thursday, June 12. Nile (via Manila out and Korea Z? Sing , Yuen, shoe repairing neatly ';'; ...... July Sign .Painting, Paperhanging; Tint- , Maui pcrts Claudine, str. In) 18 MISSION FURNITURE ; nr. HOTEL AUBREY ...... July Siberia ...... Aug. 9 ing; brushes, 1166 done Beretania Aala St. HAUULA, OAHU, HAWAII Friday, June 13. Mongolia July 22 paint's, oils; 5560-2- r (via Manila).. China ...... Aug. 13. Smith St. 555G-l- y. Ueda, 544 King, Mission or Koa Distinguished for its clientage, San Francisco Shinyo Mara, Jap Persia (via Manila out Manchuria ...... Aug. 23 Furniture to order. appointments anese stmr. in) SIGN PAINTING and location. and .....Aug. 12 Nile .Sept. 8 Equally attractive to weekly, Sydney via Pago Pago Ventura, O. Korea (via Mania)..,.Aug. 13 , Mongolia 14 S...... Sept. Geo. Tait, 174 S. King. TeL 1874, monthly or, transient guests. A S. v: . Rear . For general Information apply to. ' Union Pacific Transfer, select family! homelike country Saturday, June 14. hptel, and good meals. Hilo via .way ports Mauna ; Kea, HARNESS v '.; He Co., - REPAIRER OPTICIAN. STRICTLY HOME COOKING str. Haolifold z Ltd. Acnt3 Saddle horses and autos in the Sunday, June 15. Kashiwara; old harness repaired like : new; Beretania nr. King street. S. E. Lucas, eyes examined tested; rent service. Perfect sea bath- Maui ports CJaudine, str. 1107 Alakea, nr. TeL 2719. ing. NO to,step on. Kuuai ports Klnau, str. HoteL ' coral 5521-6- TAILOR Moderate Bates Phone 872 Maui, Molokai and Lanai ports 77 A A C. Mikahala, str. . HACK STAND. Up-t- o- AUBREY, Prop. ' Golden Wong, Merchant Tailor; J 17. . Tuesday, June ---J date styles. guaranteed. Em !.. Honolulu Stand; reliable; prompt ser-Tic-e. Fit Hongkong via Japan ports Chiyo mm Nuuanu nr. PauahL Tel. 4352. ma near Vineyard. Tel. 3245. Maru, Japanese stmr. 525-6- m - " -- ' E532-6- .. N. .. : . San Francisco Honolulan, M. --' of abovo Company 5will at leavj Honolulu PAJAMAS. : Steamers the call aad cn Fow Yuen Lung, S. S. Bethel St. prompt - effi- HOTEL or about the dates mentioned, below: Stand; and E. Iyeda, pajamas, shirts, kimonos of rpasonable prices, Aala nr. King St UUO Sydney via Auckland and Suva cient; Bethel and King. TeL 1452. C.-- A. '5561-l- . Marama, S. S. all kinds; made to order; work . FOR THE ORIENT FOR SAN FRANCISCO 5 37-- 3 m. guaranteed.; King nr. South. Kilo via way ports Mauna Kea, 8. 8. Shinyo Maru 13 S. 8. Shlyo Maru 17 " - .; .....June ...... Juns :' up-to-da- te WAIMEA, KAUAI str.- : 547-6m- . ' Hook On Co., Merchant Tailors; , 8. S. Chiyo Maru...... July 11 S. 8. Nippon Maru July 3 HARPWARE , ports establishment; cleaning and Kona and Kau Kilauea, str. 8. S. Nippon Maru .....Aug. 1 8. S. Tenyo Maru 13 repairing. 169 King, cor. Bishop Newly RenQvated-rB- ett Hotel Wednesday, June 18...... Jul Sang Yuen Kee Co., hardware, crock- PAINTERS SUPPLIES' St " 6518-6m- . " " on Kauai ery, cutlery, etc.; plumbing, Salina Cruz via San Francisco and Hee Kau' Kee, dealer in paints, oils, Toflrlst Trade Solicited Sound ports Virginian A.-- H. S. S. estimates., 1014 Nuuanu. wallpaper; houseptinting of all Sang Loy, merchant tailor, best ' ma- Vancouver and Victoria Niagara, 6530-6- Calls at Manila, omitting call at Shanghai GOOD MEALS C.-- A. kinds, 1320 terial and workmanship guaranteed. S. v ' Nuuanu nr. Kukui ' S. 5555-ly- . 964 Maunakea, nr. King St " San Francisco Siberia, P. M, S. S. & HAWAII'S MUSIC 6527-3- Rates Reasonable CASTLE C00KE, LIMITED fAQcnts, Honolulu Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. '

PI NECTAR. C. W. , : Thursday, June 19. Ernest K. Kaai, 69 Young Bldg., Tel. Fujil, merchant tailor.; UptonJate; SPITZ : : Proprietor , 3C87, Maui ports Claudine, str. teaches vocal and instrum't'L 4 satisfactory guaranteed. Be- ' Hon. Soda Works, 3 A.N. Beretania; work Monday, June 23. -- cor. Maunakea 6533-l- y Tel, 3022. Chas. E. Frasber, Mgr. retania, St . San Francisco Thomas, U. S. 6360-ly- . GOOD MEALS e; A T. HAT CLEANERS. L Nakatsukasa, tailoring, up-to-dat- '."r- ... Gffa work guaranteed;' reasonable prices. GOOD BATHING San Francisco Sierra, O. S. S. tcon Wavigalioii Coiiir:: T. Sato, cleaned, pressed, dyed PLUMBING. 24. tats 1063 River St., nr. HoteL : 6536-ly- . Tuesd.y, June and blocked; cajl and. deliver; al H. Fujikawa; all' kinds of plumbing Hongkong via Japan ports Nile, Lane nr. Beretania, Sang Chong, 33 S, King, cor. Bethel. p. M. s. s. - . ' work, Nuuanu nr. Beretania .- 4 553S-ly- . St. . 1 ,;. Best quality, and workman- . Thursday, June 26. 5523-'6- . material . .. v. - 1-- Hcncl'jlu. ship. Fit guaranteed.- Z 555 3 m. Seattle Dix, U S. A-- T irect Service Between San Francisco end Hats of all kinds cleaned and blocked. Won Loui 75 N. Hotel TeL Saturday, June" 23. " Co, St - . first-clas- s n FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR SAN FRANCISCO P. Santo, river, near Kukui SL - 1033.:' Estimates submitted. K. Mezuhashl, tailoring; Salina Cruz via-Sa- Francisco and . - 5358-ly- . . -- ' fashions; to order.. Riv- A-H-.- S. . ' latest made Sound ports Alaskan, S. 8. S. Luriine 3 S. S. Luriine ..Jur.3 12 er St:., nr. Komeya hotel. D536-7- m WE FOR A SWIM' AT THE ...... June ...... San Francisco China, P. M. S.S. 8. Wilhelmina 10 S. S. Wilhelmina Junj 13 HOUSEHOLD MOVINQ Yamamoto, 682 S. King; Phone 5. ...'...June li - TJp-to-da- to , i S. S. June 17 S. S. 21 3208. Can references. Grote & Cramer. styles. Honolulan...... Honolulan ...... June furnish best S. S. Luriine July 1 S. July 2 Gomes Express, TeL 2238. Furniture y Made to order. Cleaned and epai I 8. Luriine .. 5245-l- - TESSE1S TQ DZTXZZ facili-tic- s. y and piano moving. Storage ; ed. 1131 Union nr Hotel. 5554-l- NEXT SUNDAY. S. S. HYADES sails from Seattle for Honolulu on or about JUNZ 14. , PIANO MOVING - Saturday,. June 7,H : Okazakj, up-to-da- tailoring; Says the' Wise Bather For, particular? apply to. , 0. ' Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, further shirts; pajamas; made to order; ' .HORSE SHOER. Nieper's Express, Phone 1916. Piano 3. p. m. ' X'.''1,. ': ' ' 169 5539-6m- . CASTLE & C 6 C n : n ! I ! : : ' , and moving. Hotel, nr. River St -- 0KEr ULV :rd : 24 furniture Makatea Ascot Br. str. V j J. A. Nunes, King and Alapal, " " - ; years experience- - in Hawaii' as S.nillyaki, up-to-da- te suits made to ; V "Monday, June PAJNTER O.- - Sydney Pago Pago Sonoma, torsesboer. . . 6506-t- f. order reasonably. P.; Box 899; via - 5558-l- y. o. s. s. Kukui nr. St. . S. Shirakl, 1202 Nuuanu; TeL. 4137 Rivaj r CANADIAN - AUSTHALASIAfJ H0YAL MAIL. U..i oalina Cruz via Island ports Ari-zona- n,' Painting 'and paperhanging. All work ' A.-I- I. Sing Tai, Merchant ; Tailor; work ? For Suva, & 8ydney: & guaranteed. Bids submitted free. S S. Auckland For Victoria Vir.:: jv:r, C.C.r. I guaranteed: clothes cleaning, repair Maui ports Claudine, str. 5 p. m. 8. S. Niagara ...... June 13 S. S. Marama Jura 17 Ing; 1021 Nuuanu. ' 5529-3- ports Noeau,- - 5 p. m. 8. S. IS S. 13 ICE CREAM Kauai str,r Marama ...... July '8. Makura ..Jul Tuesday, June 1D. v PICTURE FRAMING. Tong Sang, 22 S. "Up-to-Dat- e" Hotel; San Francisco Luriine, M, N. S. S., Why not an ice cream 'soda for that ; TailQrv Imported suitings. woolen ,"' feeling? We serve The Ye & Crafts Shoppe, Ltd. ' Ar-tist- is C p. m. v. "'.:'. f DAVIES & tired it at Arts Fit guaranteed. " THEO. H. CO., LTD., GENERAL AGEiiTS Fern, corner Emma and Vineyard material; artistic ' picture F--1 0 San Francisco Manchuria, P. M. . streets. . framing made to order; prompt ser- Sang Chan, McCandless Bldg. High S. S., a. m. ., i. v

1122 2152, . Hongkong ports AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N vice Fort St.; TeL class work. White duck and flan- via Japan Shinyo . STEAMSHIP COMPANY 5518-t- p. - f nels a specialty. .V i Maru, Japanese str, 5 n. From New York to Honolulu every Maui, Molokai and Lanai ports via Tehuantepec sixth tz.7. In Imported mouldings. Hawaiian Wing Ching, to at CSt 53.: . p. Freight received at all times at the company's wharf, 41st Street, suits made ordr I Mikahala, str., 5 m. - ' : . r" South Brooklyn. : . . JEWELER woods; made to order; Seu Kim reasonable prices. 150 Hotel1 St Kona and KaU ports Kilauea, str. ; - ' FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRZCT Ying, King near Bethel. 5539-3- ; St, . . noon. S. VIRGINIAN Silversmith; ma- - au, 8. to sail about S Sun Wo, Gold and Kauai ports-rKin- striB p. m. ..June - clean-in- , S. S. ALASKAN to sail about. 13 terial and work, guaranteed. If not : PRINTING- K. Nakabayasht, tailoring, dry Wednesday, June 1L ...... i... Jur.s money will repairing. King. AJapal 8. 8. MISSOURIAN to sail about C3 satisfactory be refunded. nr. St i Hilo via way ports Mauna Kea, str., cunt m. & We. do not" boast of low prices which :- -r 555i-6- . " -' ' H. Hackfeld Co., Ltd Agents C. P. Morse, Gen't. Freight Agcfst 1121 Maunakea, nr. Hotel St.' . ."r 10" :,.:v'. ;; ; - a. m. : y &531-6- . . usually" coincide with poor quality, but e "know how" tp put life, Tai Chong, 1126 Nuuanu, Merchant Thursday, June 12. " Maui ports Claudine, str., 5 p. U. Ogato, gold and sllversravjt; work hustle . and go into printed matter, Tailor. Satisfaction guaranteed, iu. guaranteed; money refQnded .if not and that is what talks loudest and ' Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str., 5 p. m. Star-Bulleti- , 13. satisfactory; River SL nr. Hotel. longest Honolulu , n Friday, June OihunniltvayTim'Tcjle up-to-da- te - ' - , B53S-ly- . V- - Job Printing Department K. Matsuki, tailor, 1210 San. Francisco Ventura, O. S. S., J Alaka 5525-3- : St, Branch Office, Merchant St Nuuanu nr. Beretania St . p. m. - ;'-:- ,' OUTWARD. JAPANESE SILKS : 5390-t-f Saturday, June 14. M. Matsuda. Reasonable price lailor Hongkong via Japan ports Kiyo For Waianae, Waialua, Kahuku and Doilies, 1282 Nuuanu Tel. 22i 5552-C- m Way 9:15 a. m-- , 3:20 p. m. w ScarfaTl Table Covers, Ets. St Mftru, Japanese stmr. stations H. Miyake, 1248 Fort, Tel. 3238. way ports For Tcavl City, Ewa Mill and Way up-to-da- te Nu- Hilo via Mauna Kea, Fook Sang, styles; cor. ' ' D453-6- m 3 p. Stations 17:30 a. m., 9:15 a. ex, uanu and Pauahi streets. 5536-6- str., m. ' Monday, June 16. ' 11:30 a. m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. m, . REPAIR SHOP. 5:15 p. m., 9:30 p. m p. m. JUNK DEALERS, TOWELING Maul iorts Claudine, str., 5 p. m. tH:15 Matsubara'8 shop, carriage" and wa- - f i Kauai ports Noeau, tr: .5 p. m. For Waaiawa and Leilehua 10:20 N. Horiuchi, dealer In bottles, bags, a. m., p. m., 5:00 p. m., 11:00 gon repairing; King, cor. Robello Japanese Toweling and" Table Cloths. . Tuesday, June '7. t2:40 Pauahl street near Smiths " ' p. 1 lane. . 5559-6m- , H. Miyake, 1248 Fort., Tel. 3238. San Francisco Chiyo Maru, Japan- m. f534,3m. t ' : : r 5453-6m- . INWARD. ese stmr. v v v."-.- .. RED STAMPS Victoria and Vancouver Marama, Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wa ' j TINSMITH C. A. S. S. a, I Cash Coupon Exchange, alua and Waianae 8:36 m., 5:2i f IJonolulu Maui, Molokai and Lanal ports p. m. ' Everything free for red stamps. N. . Hara, Plumber, Tinsmiith, roof re Mikahala, str., 5 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and KIMONOS Ask your dealer for red stamps. pairing, etc. Estimates furnished ' Kauai ports Kinau, str., 5 p. m. Pearl City 7:45 a. m 8:36 a. m., Nuuanu nr. Beretania St. 5524-6r- a f Lovely Kimonos 51.25 to $18.44. free. 1328 Nuuanu nr. Kukui St Wednesday, June 18. 11:02 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 4:26 p. m. 5552-ly- r. All Wrapping 11. Miyake, 1248 Fort, Tel. 3238. kinds Papers and Wilhelmina, M. N. 5:32 p. m., 7:30 p. m. , HORSESHOEING Twines, Writing Papers. San Francisco IJET7 G00i:3 5453-6- Printing and . ; II. Yamamoto-- 682 S. King; Phone S. S., 10 a. m. f Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa ; AMERI8AN-HAWAHA- N PAPER & OPENIN5 N. Miwa, blacksmith; horseshoeing of . 3308. Can furnish best references. Sydney via Suva and Auckland and Leilehua 9:15 a. m., fl:55 p. m., 1 SUPPLY CO LTD. , k5245-ly-. : : 4:01 p. m., 7:10 p. m. all kinds; Beretania nr. Aala Lane. ..: ., Niagara, C. A. S. S. Cz ' Fort and Queen Streets Honolulu Yco Clicii Cp. - - 5559-6m- . ' Hongkong via Japan ports Siberia, The Haleiwa Limited, a two hour Phone 1416 Geo. G. Guild, Gen. Mgr. Kin A L!n Sing Kee, 1044 Nuuanu; Tel. 2990. IV S." train (only. first-clas- s tickets honored) v Esthel Ct. LUAUS. M...S. HOUSE PAINTER Tinsmith, plumber, hardware, etc. Monday, June 23. leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:35 - a. m., ar- . Midway . for Haleiwa Hotel; returning specialty; rea- " New Line or Island Flaurcnce Ward, Hawaiian Cafe luaus a :" Hop Lee, all kinds of. painting; 646 . .' - rives Honolulu 10:10 p. m. " sch. :' . . in at The sonable; Maunakea, nr. HoteL King Won Lui So., 75 N Hotel St., Tel. LADIES' FANCY GOOD3 3C0-2- streetnr. Dowsctt lane. "DEL MONTE" CANNED GOODS U. Limited stops only at Pcorl City and T560-iy- - Manila via Guam Thomas, S. . . 1033. Estimates- submitted. -- ' GENTS' FURNISHINGS Table Fruits and Vegetables. A. T. : ": Waianae. Daily Sunday JSunday only LAUNDRY. . Tuesday, June 24. tExcept HARNESS MAKER. KAIMUKI GROCERY CO. San Francisco Honolulan, M. N. G. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, Co. Wo Laundry, First class establish- Cor. Waialae Koad and Koko Head Superintendent G. P. A. Kvong Sing Loy Lai Morinaga, repairing S. S. ' guaranteed; S. harness of all Avenue Phone 3730. King St., nr. ment; good, work; call kinds; guaranteed, 271 Bere- TJ San Francisco Nile, P. M. S. S. Bethel 1293 Emma ft Vineyard work ' and deliver; tania, nr. Aala street. 53r9-ly- . Friday, June 27. 5522-6m- . " . UMBRELLA MAKER - P. H. BURNETTE Hongkong via Japan ports China, 1'. M. S. S. T. Murakami Siioten washing and ironing neatly Commissioner cf Deeds for California Fine Line of Dry Goods - Sam Kee, R Mizuta. re- 29. 1342 Nuuanu nr. Vineyard SL Umbrellas made and and New .York; NOTARY PUBLIC; Saturday, June Importer and Dealer in done. 1284 ' 5."2.-6- paired. Fort, nr. KukuL Tel. Grants Marriage Licenses, Draws San Francisco Sierra, O. S. S. ; 5b53-6- m STATIONERY 3745. . Mortgages, Deeds BiMs of Safe, JAPANESE DRY and FANCY GOODS Wan Ving Ciionl Co. LIVERY STABLE. Leases, Wills, etc. Attorney 'for the PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, Etc Yick Chee, - 32-3- American and Chinese District Courts, 70 MERCHANT ST BAILS 4 Hotel Street, near Nuuanu. King SL Ewa Fishmarket school supplies, 11S6 Maunakea t First-Clas- s livery turnouts at reason St HONOLULU, Phone 1846. - 5539-lm- . able rates. Territory Livery Stable, W Mails are due from the following 348 King; phone 2535. points as follows: IHIRT MAKER. WAGON MATERIALS. San Francisco Sonoma, June 9. If You're feeling blue smoke an Victoria Niagara, IS. H. Fajlmoto, G. Nakata. shirts, pajamas and kimo- June Co., LI Chock Barck, . repairing, painting Colonies Ventura, June 13. The Wong Von$ nos made to order at reasonable blacksmithing, trijAming. etc. 977 r Wholesale Retail Dealer- - in -- prices. 1316 Nuuanu nr. Kukui St. Yokohama Manchuria, June 10. Prison rd., orn. .depot tel. 4445. Mails will depart the following ENGLISH & AMERICAN WOOLEN, Builders and Contractors MOSQUITO STICKS. 5v2-6- ": OWL for 8ILK AND COTTON GOODS points as follows: . : Comer Nuuanu & Beretania Sts. Office: Maunakea St. Ask jour .grocer for a stick; it kills Ebisuya, all kinds of shirts made to M. A. GUNST & CO., Inc. Vancouver ilarama. Juno 17. M. Iida, agen cor. 9.' all insects. S. order. Best material. . 112 Bereta- Colonies Sonoma, Jnne 55oC-ly- . We carry the most complete line Beretania nr. Smith St. nia. near River street C33S-6- tf Yokohama Shinyo Maru, Juno 19. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS REDUCTION SALE San Francisco Luriine, June 10. MADEIRA EMBROIDERY B. Yamatoya. shirts, pajamas, kimo- The Everyday Article" Y. TAKAKUVA, nos to order, 1646 ' Nuuanu. nr. City Everything Bod need. in the in COMMISSION MERCHANT Mrs. Carolina Feniandf TTnlcn St. Pauahl St. iMr33-ly- . The Tax .tppeal Court will sit at the Furniture at Madeira, embroidery, lunchjya sets, AMERICAN DRY GOODS CO. Tax Office at Honolulu brlnnfiier Jnne' Japanese Provisions and : ' baby caps and dresses. Specialty of YAMATOYA r ;. lli at 0 a. m. (or purpose of lienr-In- ? General Merchandis -- ; ; Hotel St.. nr. Bothel. the Reasonable. 1250 Fort. Pajamas, Kimonos. r initial and hemstitching. Shirts. JAMES GUILD GO. Tax Appeal. Cases in the First Tax- BAILEY'S .Nuuanu-iNca- Kiri C ':., - ; ation Dhisiotf. advertisement. HONOLULU STAR BULLETIN, SATUKDAY, JUNK 7, 1913.


NO. 266. TERRITORY OF HAWAII. NO. 26S TERRITORY OF HAW AIL No. 246. TERRITORY OF HAW AIL NOTICE OF SALE OF PUBLIC NOTICE OF SALE OF LICENSES. LANDS. , LAND COURT. TERRITORY OF LAND COURT. TERRITORY OF LAND COURT. TERRITORY 07 At 12 o'clock noon. Saturday, July In ELIZA-BET- H HAWAII TO HEIRS OF ELIZ.V - At 12 o'clock noon. Saturday, July 12. 1913. at the front door to the Absolute HAWAII TO HEIRS OF v Hawaii to western and ha- KICHARD30N; VIVIAN BETH RICHARDSON; . VIVIAN ' WAIIAN 1NVE3TME.N T CO LIM- 3, 1913. at the front door to the cap-it- ol Capitol Building. Honolulu, there will building. Honolulu, there will be be sold at public auction the follow- RICH- . RICHARDSON; GEORGE E. RICH- RICHARDS; KA-UH- I Purchasing RICHARDSON; GEORGE E. ITED; KAPENA sold at public auction the following ing licenses to gather algaroba beans: ARDSON, ELIZABETH WATT IE ARDSON. ELIZABETH WATTI. TARO AND "LAND COM- lots: (1) On the Government Reserves Purity ARMA A. RICH- RICHARDSON. ARMA A. RICH- TERRITORY OF Koba-la- , RICHARDSON. ' PANY, LIMITED;. (1) Lot situate at Waimca. lying maka) of the homestead lots or ARDSON, NELSON T. RICHARD- ARDSON. NELSON T. RICHARD- HAWAII, by Wade Wrren Thayer. Hawaii, containing an area of ?, between the beach and the raakaf RICH- Drugs SON and ANITA MARJORIE SON and ANITA MARJORIE Attorney General, and Joshua D. 500 S4. ft, more or less, for church boundary of said homestead lots of RICHARDSON, minors, by William ARDSON, minors. William O. Smith, Tucker, Commissioner of Public "purposes. Upset price $25.00. the lands of Waiakoa. Waiohult and O. Smith, their Guardian; EDWIN their Guardian; EDWIN HOLT; CITY AND CCNTY OF following In Maul. marks the condition of every Lands; (2) The lots situate Keokea. Kula, HOLT; WAIALUA AGRICULTUR- WAIALUA AGRICULTURAL COM- HONOLULU,, by Joseph J. Feni. Block 2, Waimea Homceads, Ko-haJ- This license is to give the right to bottle of milk delivered by AL COMPANV. LIMITED; KEMOO PANY, LIMITED; KEMOO LAND Mayor and President th-- v Board Hawaii: gather algaroba beans from eaid strip LAND COMPANY, LIMITED; HE-LEMA- COMPANY. - LIMITED; HELEMA-N- O of Supervisors; HEIRJ OF UHIT. Lot No. Area' Upsjet Price end to make such use of the land as LAND COMPANY, LaM-- . LAND COMPANY, LIMITED; UHU; HEIRS OF KAHAU; HEIRS 12 1.72 Acs, "1172.00 will not tnterfere with the free pas- it is always the safe plan to ITED; , KAWAILOA LAND COM- KAWAILOA LAND COMPANY. OF LULUHIPOLANI; HKIR-- 5 OF 13 1.72 Acs. . 172.00 sage of the homesteaders from their got them in the store that dis-pos- es PANY, LIMITED; J. S. EMERSON; LIMITED; KAALA LAND COM- PAPAU; CHIN 3HEE. MANEA (3) Hospital site situate at Waia-na-e, lets to the beach or across said re- Honolulu ; C. M. V. PANY, LIMITED; L. L. McCAND- whom of its stock 0 rapidly L. L. McCANDLESS RICHARDS; and to ALL it Oahu, containing an area of 1.36 serves. FORSTER, Trustee; KAALA LAND LESS; TERRITORY OF HAWAII, ; may concern: acres, subject "to reservation for a Upset rental $100.00 per annum;, and to such a large clientele pre- Dairymen's COMPANY, LIMITED; MRS. II. K. by Wade Warren Thayer, Attorney Whereas, a pet ition has been right-of-way- ." Upset price $100.00 payable semiannually in advance. always v Ma-ki- that the drugs are POEPOE; MRS. JOHN B. SPEN-- General and Joshua D. Tucker, sented to said Court by Anea Crary (4) Lot situate in the rear or ll The thinning of trees on said re- Association fresh. ' CER; AI11NA AUWAI; TERR1 Commissioner of Public Lands; Weaver to register and confirm her Cemetery, Honolulu, known aa serves to be done under the supervi- : TORY OF HAWAII, by Wade. War-re-n CITY AND COUNTY OF HONO- title to the followirig-descrile-d land: No. 612, containing an area of 50,420 sion of the Bureau of Agriculture and Phone 1S2. Such , a store, with such a Thayer. Attorney General, and LULU, by Joseph J. Fern, Mayor Beginning at an iron pin In con- sq. Upset price $1,730.00. Forestry. Su-- ft stock. Is the Joshua D. Tucker. Commissioner of and Trcsident of the Board of crete at the Wrest corner of this piece, (5) The following lots suitable for The licensee . will be held respon- ; Public Lands; CITY AND COUNTY pervlsors; and to ALL whom It on the southeast side of Li'iha Street, warehouse purposes, situate at Kuwili, sible for all illegal wood-cuttin- g. OF HONOLULU, by Joseph T. may concern: . J (the co ordinates of sali poin. refer- Honolulu. (2) The right, to gather algaroba Fern, Mayor and President cf the Whereas, a petition has been pre- red to Government Survey Trlangula- Lot No. Area Upset Price lans on the government reserve at Board of Supervisors, and to ALL sented to said Court by William Ed-- ' tion Station "Wyllle" being 397.0 feet S 5.203 sq. ft $1,301.00 Waianae. Oahu. adjoining and lying whom it may concern: wards Howell, to register and confirm south, and 1652.0 feet east) and run- 7 5,51 sq. ft 1.379.00 makal of Grant 5003 to J, M. Dow-se- tt 1914 ' following-describe- Whereas, a petition has been pre- his. title In the d ning by true azimuths: 8 5.392 sq. ft. 148.00 . .. ' - sented to said Court by William Ed: 'land: . , , :' 1. 211 00 80.0 feet along thesouth- 9 5,846 sq. ft 1.461.00 Upset rental ' $50.00 per annum; HollisffiT - semi-annuall- y American Underslung wards Rowell, to register and con- Royal Patent (Grant) 447 to Lelea- east side cf Uliha street to an 10 6,693 sq. 1.423.00 f payable In advance. - " ft following-describe- - firm his title in the d hina in Kaheeka, Ahupuaa of Kama- iron pin in concrete, on a curve to 11 ? 5,540 sq. ft. 1.485.00 The thinning of trees on said re- Drug Co., Ltd. supervl-rlo- : . 409.3 n land . nanui. Waialua, Oahu, bounded and the left having a radius, of 12 5.387 sq. ft 1347.00 serve to be done under the Models Beginning at a one and a half inch ' described 3 follows.: ; "feet, along the southeast side of 13 5.234 sq. 108.50 of the Bureau of Agriculture and . Fort 3t. I Kahee-- j ft iron pipe on the South edge of Poa- beginning at a point on the Liliha street the direct azimuth 14 586 tq. ft W46.50 Forestry. ' moho Gulch by true azimuths 212" ka-Paal- Boundary by . true azimuth and distance being:; Terms Cash. , The Licensee will be held respon- C8' 30" 7,549 feet from the Mail! on Jl0 00' 1.7 feet, from a 1V4 incU Iron 1 205 00' 85.65 feet, to an iron pin Purchaser to pay cost of stampf sible for all illegal wood-cuttin- station and 310J 09'-fro- pipe, which in turn Is 217 39' 30 set in concrete; ' For maps and further Information, Term of licenses 10 years each, the Waialua Mill Chimney, and run- 12,872 feet, from the Mail! Triangula-- 3. 191 46' 103.0a feet, to an Iron Commission- from July 12. 1913. YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS apply at the office of the ning by true azimuths: tion Station and 123' 45 30" 1,220.5 pin set in concrete anu thence er of Public Lands, Honolulu. Reservations regarding land re- NEED A V 123 9 57' 994.5 feet, along Grant leet, from a cement monument by a 4. 184 32' 33.18 feet, along the old JOSHUA D. TUCKER, quired for agricultural, homestead, re- pipe angle in said pur- 1333 to Kealohi and Grant ' l inch iron at an southeast side ef Liliha street; Commissioner of Public Lands. clamation, settlement or public 1330 to Kuahiwilau to a 1 Kaheeka-Paala- a Boundary, and run-- ' 5. 232V 00' 247.58 feet, alcng the Dated at Honolulu, May 2. 1913. poses ,will be embodied In these li- ' " by ; In. iron pipe just below the ning true azimuths: . southeast side of Liliha bt.cct to 5537 May 3. 10. 17, 2i. 31, June 7. 14. censes. " nN EXHIQIT'ON intake to an 'inverted syphon 1. 10 00' 5,855 feet, along Grant 428 an iron pin set, In wall anl boun- 21. 28. July 3 ; These "licenses will be terminated across the Gulch,: the boun- to Kaul uoaiwl to a 1 H inch dary of lot 23 of Puunul Tract by either party at any Una upon six NOW READY FOR DELIVERY V Landers dary following the edge of iron pipe on the South edge (Kapena Richard's Lot); LEGAL NOTICE. months notice In writing. v - the gulch; of the Poamoho Gulch.-whic- h 6. 322 00' 116.00 feet, along lot 23 Purchaser to pay cost of advertis- Geo. C. lieclvley, Maill Trig. Sta- - 2. 190 00' 5,776.5 feet, along Grant bears from to iron pin set In concrete; IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ing. ;; 237 08 8,151. 23 maps Phont SCO ftoi Distributor 438 to Elemakule to a point tion feet, and 7. 232" 00' 75 feet, along lot of First Judicial Circuit, Territory of For and further Information, - Kaheeka-Paala- a ' on the boun- 309' 21' from the Waialua . Puunul Tract to Iron pin set in HawalL At Chambers. apply at the ' office cf the Commis- Chimney; In'Probate. Lanc!3, dary 123 41' 00" 5,630.0 feet, Mill concrete In the matter of the estate of Emma sioner of Public Honolulu. 2. 133 45' 524 along Grant 850 23'' along 24 D. . from a concrete monument feet, 8. 256 82.35 feet, lot Kiha. deceased. Probate Number JOSHUA TUCKER. by. to Lauhulu and Keuwal, the (Kapena Rich- ; an iron pipe at an angle of Puunui Tract 4534. Notice to Creditors. lt Commissioner cf Putl!c LrhJs. i' In aaid boundary, which in boundary following the South ard's lot) to iron pin, set in con- - K. Kama, Dated at Honolulu, Jur.?, 4. 1313. The Studebaliei ' The undersigned Annie turn Is 223 1' 30 13,014 feet, edge of the Poamoho Gulch crete; administratrix of the estate of Emma 53S5 June 5. 7, 14, 21, 23. July 5. 11. Maiii Trig. to a 1 inch Iron pipe; - 9. 322 00' 10 feet, along remainder llaes have the claaa from -the Station; Kiha, deceased, having been duly ap- Tells instantly 3. 303 41' 00- 992.5 feet, along Paa- - 3. 190 00' 5.755 feet, along Grant 446 'of lot 22 of Puunui Tract to Iron pointed administratrix of the above RESOLUTION NO. 13. - to Huki, to a point which is pin, in concrete; the postage required ; set named estate, hereby gives notice to Carriage Co., Lta. OO 10 2.3 1 by Dcr.ri Su- tchuman 4. 10 5.781.5 feet, along Grant 00' feet, from a 10. 52 00' 500 feet, along remainder all persons having claims against said Be It Resolved the cf for any rone. I - ' v : City County of r 426 to Lalawalu to the ini- inch Iron pipe; of lot 22 of Puunul Tract to Iron estate, to present the same daly au- pervisors, of the an1 303 476 , along Honolulu, Hawaii, tial point,, containing an area 4. 41' feet, Paalaa pin in concrete; thenticated with proper vouchers, Territory, cf th.it Price, 53.25 re- Fl.'ty of 124.7 acres, a little more Uka.to the Initial point Area 11. 322- - 00 45.90 feet, along . mort- the sum of Three Husrcd zzi ' whether the same be. due on . .' or less. ' 58.5 acres, - a litle more or mainder of said lot 22 r i Dollars ($330.00) be and the same li 1 ' gage upon estate or otherwise, -...-f.;: ' .real ; Hoku-aulan- r. c"ut moneys Co3f Royal (Grant) 427 i less. . . , 12. . 52 00' 150 along: remaind- hereby appropriated cf all Hawaiian News Patent. to feet, within six months- - from this date or 6'AS0IiIf! Ka-manan- ui. You hereby appear paid in Permanent Improvement Funi in Kaheeka,' Ahupuaa of are cited to at er of lot .to Iron pin t lu con: (key will be forever barred.; And all the - b -- ' Court,--t- r-- . . of the Treasury for an account known tt(l.f . Waialua, Oahu. the Land be held at the "',: crete; . persons indebted to said, estate are V.'ay (Kala-cokahlp- i, You are hereby cited to appear at City and County of" Honolulu on the 13. 142 00 45.9 feet, along remain- hereby notified to make Immediate as Purchase cf rjghts of - - ' D. 1913, . . , Kahuku), Young- Bldg, .. . i the Land- Court, to be held at the 14th day of. July A. at two der of said lot; ? . 25c ps? VgoIIciv " settlement with., the undersigned at I , : show Presented by '.Supervisor Thone 2294. , . City and County of Honolulu' on the o'clock in the afternoon, to 14. 52 k0' 1.00 feet, to' the initial place of residence, 1103 Kama " her . 14th day of July A. D. 1913, at two cause of any; you have, why the, point -' es- WM. H. McCLELLAN. ' Lane, Pal am a. Claims against this ' - prayer of said ; petition should not 67,645 square Honolulu. May 17, 1313. o'clock i in the afternoon, to show Area feet . ' tate are also to be filed with A. K. cause, .any, you why " be granted. And you appear You hereby to appear at - "Approved thl3 4th day cf June, A. Von llcrnrn of have.V the .unless are 'cited Aona at his office in the Judiciary ' YounrJ i - D. 1913. : prayer of.vaaid petition . should not at said Court; at the time and place the Land Court, to be held at the City building in Honolulu, City, and Coun- be granted. And unless you. appear aforesaid your defaalt' will be record- and County of Honolulu on the 30th , JOSEPH J. f::hn, ty, of Honolulu, Territory, of Hawaii. ' V- - Co.. Ltl 8 1 ed, and the said, petition will be taken day of A; D.; 1913, two o'clock 5563-3- t l.'aycr. said Court at the time and place June at .. K. KAMA, ' ANNIE Honolulu T H". ; Rfeles aforesaid your default will be record- as confessed, and.ybu .wlU'be forever in the afternoon',' to show cause if ' : ' V Administratrix. ed, and the Bald petition will be taken barred from contesting said petition any you have. why prayer of said SEALED .TENDZHS. Due 17 Virginian the. Dattf, Honolulu, !May 17th, 1213. June per as confessed, you wiH or any decree entered thereon. petition - And 1 and be forever should not begranted, May 17, 24, 31, June 7. 14. be Fine, large young Oregon mules barred from contesting said petition Witness the i 'Hoijorable WllUam L. unless you appear at said Court at Sealed tenders will receive! 1109. Superintendent rut'.Ic Vrr'. j Hcn:!alu Cychry Tel. or any. decree entered thereon. Whitney, Judge of said: Court, this time and place .aforefaid your default 'IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the cf v - - Cth yeah. up'until 12 noon cf Yeiniay, July Witness the Honorable William L. day of Jqne In, the nineteen will be recorded, and the said peti- First Judicial ClrcuJJt, Territory of ; " for furnishing and inr::!n-- The Exclusive Agency for the Whitney, v Judge Ci?urt, hundred and thirteen. : ; confessed, 91913, thf3 will as and "At y of said tion be taken Hawaii.' Chambers. 'In Probate. tra-Jjii-ciar- RACYCLE Bicycles "Court: 1 electric lightlr.2 fixture 3 in famous for day of in. year Attest with seal of said you forever from con- . th June the nineteen ' will be barred. In the matter of the Estate of John . - ' bailding, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. . and (Seal) JOHN MARCALLINO, or any en- hundred thirteen. 4 testing said petition decree Adams. Cummins, V Deceased. Notice ; " : : Plans.' specifications and tlank 518 Club Stables Z Registrar v - 13 So. King St. Tel. Attest with seal of said Court: , ' r tered thereon. to creditors. . " - ? forms for proposal are ca f!!3 la the i JOHN MARCALLINO, . 5f67 June 1, 14, 21, 28, Witness Honorable W. L. Whit- .The undersigned, haying been' the first Tub- -' Tel. 11C9. : - office of the Superinter.icnt cf (Seal)' . ;v Registrar. ney, Judge of said Court this 31st duly appointed executrix of said es -. 4, NoT270. lie Works, Capltcl Duililn- 7,-1- TERRITORY OF HAWAII. 5967-vJun- e 21, 28. day of May. in the. year nineteen hun- tate, hereby gives notice to all per ; ' Superintendent ' cf - The Putllc dred and thirteen. ... sons having claims against t said es LAND COURT.TERRITORY .OF r W;orks reserves ths ri- -t to re.':ct any NO. 272. TERRITORY OF HAWAII. Attest with seal of said court: tate to present the same, duly au ' Cold, Silver, Nickel and Copper Plat- HAWAII to HEIRS OF ELIZA- or all tenders. "Bo Prepared' (Seal) . JOHN MARCALLINO. . thenticated, i with proper Touchers, ing. Oxidizing a Specialty. LAND COURT. TERRITORY OF BETH .. RICHARDSON; VIVIAN Registrar. upon J. W. CALDT.'HLL. Ye Regal Boot Shop whether the same be due real Wcr-'- OAHU PLATING WORKS Go to and HAWAII TO WAIALUA AGRICUL- RICHARDSON; GEORGE E. RICH- : v Superintendent cf ruV.In- i. " 5561 May 31, June 7,' 14, 21. , estate, or otherwise, withm six Hates Moderate, Work Unsurpassed, Get the New ; ; ' TURAL COMPANY; LIMITED; .HA- ARDSON; ELIZABETH WATTIE Honolulu, Juns 2, 1313. ? months from this date, or they will Experienced Men. SPECIAL 8 HOES FOR BOV WAIIAN TRUST COMPANY, LIM- RICHARDSON,. ARMA A. RICH- executo R's'saTe"o f"r E ALES-- be forever barred. ' And all persons 214 . 2134 ITED, and ARDSON, NELSON T. RICHARD- Eeretania.St Phone SCOUTS Trustee under the .Will TATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY indebted to 'said estate are notified to SEALED TENDZR3 of the Estate of George Galbraith, SON, and ANITA MARJORIE make immediate settlement of the TERRITORY OF HA- RICHARDSON, minors, by William BY DIRECTION BROWN, The deceased; OF CECIL same. All claims to be filed and ac- Sealed Tenders for furnishing the . "By the way, friend, where do WAII, by Wade 'Warren Thayer, 0. Smith, their : Guardian ; EDWIN EXECUTOR OF THE LAST WILL counts to be paid of An TAISHO VULCANIZING CO., LTD. AGRICULTUR- at the office City and County of Honolulu with you go after the show? Attorney General and Joshua D. HOLT; WAIALUA AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN drews &, 'Quarles, 37 Merchant street, : materials and supplies for six months Auto, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tiles. "Why, I usually take the fam- Tucker, Commissioners of Public AL COMPANY, LIMITED; KEMOO WRIGHT, DECEASED, WE ARE Honolulu, T. H., attorneys exe HE-LEMAN- for 1913, re- O : ending December 31, will be . Lands; CITY AND COUNTY OF LAND COMPANY, LIMITED; DIRECTED TO SELL AT PUBLIC Also Tube Repairing. ily to the Palm Cafe; fine cutrix. ceived at the office of the City and .' . - - well-serve- d, .LAND COMPANY LIM- - drinks fit their .fountain; HONOLULU, by Joseph J. Fern, AUCTION AT OUR SALES ROOM Dated, Honolulu, T. H., May 24, County 7:30 p. m., ' Mayor ITED; KAWAILOA LAND COM- ON MERCHANT , Clerk until o'clock ISO Merchant' nr. Alakea, TeL 2197 tc?o." and President of the Board STREET IN 1913." ". Tuesday. 17, 1913. ' t of Supervisors; UNITED STATES PANY,' LIMITED; KAALA LAND THE CITY OF HONOLULU, ON Juhe S. SAIKI, Mjr. KAPEKA M. CUMMINS, . may upon ap- by M. COMPANY, LIMITED; HELEN A. - DAY Tenders be obtained C of America, Brig. General .SATURDAY.- THE 28th OF Executrix of the last will and testa City and - plication at the office of the M. CITSHINGHAM;'' VALENTINE S. 1913, 11 A. M., -- Macomb, Commanding Officer JUNE, AT OF THAT ment of John Adams Cummins. tyre Building, Ho- JUST Department Major HOLT; WATTIE A. HOLT; AME--; ' DAY, ' FOLLOWING County Clerk.' .Mcln of Hawaii and THE PIECES ANDREWS & QUARLES. nolulu. - B. C. LIA A. HOLT; JAMES R. HOLT; WITH - T7irolcc3 F. Cheatham, Quartermaster; OF REAL ESTATE THE Attorneys for Executrix. The Board of Supervisors reserves Old Kona Coffee HELENE ' A. HOLT; IRENE A. . i Jay's that message to the other , M. V. FORSTER, Trustee; and to BUILDINGS THEREON: - 5555 May 24. 31,' June 7, 14, 2L to any or all tenders. may HOLT ; HAWAIIAN TRUST COM- : . par- the right reject EZ2T IH TILE MARKET islands. ALL whom it concern: First That certain piece or. D. KALAUOKALANL JR., " - pre- PANY, LIMITED, Trustee under 3330, YouH get quicker results. Whereas, a petition has been- cel of land situate on the Northeast conveyed to said John City and County Clerk. of . sented to said Court by William Ed- the Will andof the Estate corner of Kapiolanf and Lunalilo Wright by deed, . Liber 159 MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO. " ' 5, 1913. '& con- George Deceased; REV- ;. June HENRY MAY CO. wards Rowell, to register and Galbraith, streets and described as follows: P. 425. -- 5565-S- ; t FnONTJ 1271 firm his title. In the following-describe-d EREND , J. T; GULICK TERRI- Beginning at a point on the North- Also at the same time and place War- land: TORY OF HAWAII., by Wade east corner of . Lunalilo and Kapiolani we shall sell the following shares of SEALED TENDERS BONNIE LASSIE r Royal Patent (Grant) 847 to Haleki, ren Thayer, Attorney General, and Streets, thence the boundary runs by stock in the several corporations D. in. Kemoo, Ahupuaa of Kamananui, Joshua Tucker, Commissioner true bearings:' named hereunder. s Anton Stance 6 Cro.t The Shoe for Your Boy. Sealed Proposals . will be received Waialua, Oahu, bounded and describ- of Public Lands; CITY AND COUN- 3. 69 48' 100 along Lunalilo (1) 58 of capital "ol City-an- d fancy bakery , 'E. feet shares the stock at the Office of the County German confectionery and New Line Received. " sponge ed as follows: TY OF HONOLULU, by Joseph J. street the Waianae Co., par valui Clerk until 7:30 o'clock p. m., Tues- Pound, citron, currant, coffee, Mayor the ' e NEW YORK SHOE CO. Beginning at an iron pipe near Fern, and President of N. 21 12' E. 80 along H. M. $100.00 a share. 1913, and fruit cakes, hume-mad- cnot.. the feet day, June 17. for the burial of , nr. Hotel. Board of Supervisors; and to ALL (2) 75 olata candies and Germa Nuuanu St. head of a short side gulch on the Dow's property, shares of the capital stock of Indigent Dead of the City and County ' North side of the Kaukonahua Gulch, whom it may concern: N. 68 68' W. 100 feet along S. K. Ka- - the Hawaiian Electric Co., of Honolulu for six months ending . rye "bread , pre- Z7ZI the of said pipe referred a petition has been maka's prdperty; Ltd., par value $100.00 a December 31, 1913. 113 Alakea. nr. Phont. ' to the Maill Trlangulation Station be- sented to said Court by AVilliam Ed- S. 21 IT W. 80 feet along Kapio- share. r : Proposals must be on form to be ing south 4516 feet and east 11,874.5 wards Rowell, to register and con- lani street to initial point (3) 440 shares of the capital stock of obtained from the City and County running by firm his title in the following-describe- d' 8000 Co., par Geo. Martin feet and true azimuths: '" containing an area of the Oahu Sugar Ltd., Clerk. A . CtTBIGG 1. 115 00' 2.574 teet, along Grant 682 land: f . : square feet and being a por--'' value, $20.00 a share. The Edard of Supervisors reserves to S. N. Royal Patent (Grant) 436 to Kea-wehunaha- la 3330, on premises on Largest Taflfle 80venlr MERCHANT TAILOR Castle to an iron tion of R. P. conveyed Also the Kapiolani the right to reject any or all tenders. in Kaheeka, Ahupuaa of to said John Wright by deed Streefat 1 P. M. of the same day, we D. KALAUOKALANI. JR., Store Id the World : Moved to Fort Above Hotel St. 2. 10 00' 2,050 feet, along Grant Kamananui, Waialua, Oahuv bounded and recorded in Liber 127, will sell all the household furniture . City and County Clerk. HAWAII & SOUTH 1124 to Kalaikoa and Kaula and described as follows:. '":;' P. 14. consisting of crockery bedding, pil- June 5, 1913. 1 v . SEAS CUIUO CO. to the Kaukonahua Stream; Beginning at a inch driven iron Second: That certain piece or par- lows, mattresses, etc., potted plants, 5565-S- t 3. 267 34' 1.564 feet, along the U. S. pipe on the Kaheeka-Paala- a Boundary. cel of land situate on Kapiolani street, etc., all contained In and about said Teoiig Ballding WHEN YOU WANT FENCE Military Reservation, the by true azimuth 151" 30' 30-p- nd mauka of the property above describ- premises. OFFICE , OF THE TERRITORIAL SEE boundary following the Kau- distant 395& feet, from a similar ed, and described as follows:. Inspection of the furniture may be BOARD OF HEALTH. konahua Stream in all its Iron pipe by a concrete monument at Beginning at a point on the East had during the week ending June 28th windings; the South East corner of .(Grant) 437 side of Kapiolani Street, 80 feet from and on the day of sale. Terms: Cash; Honolulu, T. H., June 2. 1913. i J. C Axtell, 4. 232 30' 1,420 feet, along Govern to Haona, Which in turn' bears 270 the mauka line of Lunalilo Street and Deed3 at expense of the purchaser. All persons or firms having any. ?(5 38' and Is 14,130 feet, from running: particulars, apply to bills or Board ALAKEA STREET ment Remnant to the initial distant For further claims against the of point Area 64.7 acres, a the Maili trlangulation station and N. 20 12' E. 70 feet along Kapiolani Cecil Brown, Executor, or to health for goods purchased subse- running by " little more or loss. v true azimuths: Street. JA3. F. MORGAN CO., LTD., quent to June 30th, 1911, will present You are hereby cited to appear at 1. 131 30' 30" 1,555 feet, along Paa: S. 68 48' E. 100 feet along Baldwin Auctioneers. same at once at this office, properly the Land Cour;, to be held at the City laa Uka to a 1 inch iron Mahner's property, 5566 June 6. 7. 13. 14, 20, 21, 23, 24. made out on the regular bill heads. ; and County of Honolulu on the 14th Z'r- pipe;' S. 21 12' W. 70 feet along thence. . 23, 26, 27, 28. J. 3. B. PRATT. M. D.. "uT" ; day of July, A. D. 1913, two 2. 10 00' 3,798.5 , feet, along Grant N. 60 48' W. 100 of Health. LANSING, Agent. Office at o'clock feet to initial point, President, Territorial Board NELSON B. Coats 1 in 435 to Ehu to a inch iron 5562-6- t the afternoon, to any' containing . 7000 Black and Pongee Shades. show cause if an area of you have,why the prayer c said pe- -' pipe on the South edge of square feet, and being a por- For GENERAL OFFICE STA- - , From $2.50 Up. . . tition should not be granted. And Poamoho Gulch; 'j tion of Royal Patent . No. TIONERY and FILING SYS- O Tmf Cnn Dninte unless you appear at said Court a' 3. 234 16 242 feet along Grant 6S2 TEMS call or write to us and BUSINESS NOTICES. IIU3--u- ii i umu H. Afong Co; the time and place aforesaid your de- ' to S. N. Castle; at said Court at the time and place we will fill your wants-- 0 Empire Building. fault will be recorded, and the said 4.. 307 23' 900 feet, along the same aforesaid your default will be record- Sealed proposals for Electric Current petition XVt pipe; ed, and the said petition will be taken OfriGE SUPPLY CO., LTD. Barracks, H. T., will be Honolulu-iro-r) jCo. will be taken as confessed, to a inch iron for Schofield Ask Works as confessed, will Con- - and you will be forever barred from 5. 190 00' 2,822.5 feet, along Grant and yu be forever 931 FORT STREET received at the office of the one YOU need. . about the contesting said petition or any .decree 437 to Haona to the initial barred; from contesting Eaid petition structing Quartermaster, Honolulu, entered thereon. point. Area 72.0 acres. '. or any decree entered thereon. H. T., until 12-- : 00 m.. July 2. 1913. Witness the Honorable William L.' You are hereby cited to appear at Witness the Honorable William L. Specifications furnished on applica- M BlUOM, Whitney, Judge CHEMICAL ENGINES AND " Whitney, Judge the Land Court, to be held of said Court, this Major B. Cheatham, Con- of said Court, this atthe WATCHMAN'S CLOCKS tion. F. Records 7th day of June in the year 6th day of June in the year nineteen structing Quartermaster. . Victor nineteen " fmporler Fort St hundred and thirteen. itn aay or July a. jj. at two hundred and thirteen. For. Sale by 5566 June 6, 7, 9, 10, 30. July 1. Attest with seal of said Courts o'clock in the afternoon, to show Attest with seal of said Court :. BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. (Seal) JOHN MARCALLINO, cause of any you have, why the JOHN MARCALLINO, J. A. GILUAN " "-- " STAft-BFLLET- IJ Odd Fellows' Block . Fort St. ' Registrar. prayer of said; petition should not (Seal) Registrar. Fort Street GIVES YOU StarTJalIetIii today's newi Today 5567 June 7, 14, 21, 28. be granted. And unless you appear 5567 June 7, 14, 21, 28. TODAY'S SETTS TODAI