An overview of surface geothermal exploration in Papua STAR 2016: The Pacific Islands Science, Technology and Resources Conference

6-8 June 2016 Tanoa International Hotel Nadi, Fiji

Ms. Maxine Lahan Manager Geophysical, Geochemical & Geothermal Mapping Branch Geological Survey Division, Mineral Resources Authority Outline

∑ Introduction ∑ History of geothermal studies ∑ Recent Government Initiatives ∑ PNG Tectonic setting ∑ MRA geothermal investigations ∑ Potential prospects ∑ Conclusion Introduction


Philippines Indonesia PNG


NZ Seismicity of PNG region

Earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater (1973-2012) Depths: Orange =0-35, yellow=35-70, green=70-150, blue=150-300, pink=300-500, red=500-800km. History of geothermal studies

° Geothermal studies conducted 60 years ago. ° 1954 – First geothermal study by Reynolds – Garua Harbor, Talasea ° 1960 – Studt, NZ Govt Scientist – Rabaul thermal field Compared NZ fields and recommended Matupi-Rapindik area. Geophysics survey, infrared imaging, and minerals studies continued later. ° 1966-69 – detailed studies on Island thermal fields by Heming and Smith under BMR Aust. Mores studies on volcanoes, geology, chemistry, etc. ° 1974 - GoPNG request NZ Govt assistance for geothermal assessment. GSNZ scientists Grindley & Nairn visited New Britain Island & MBP thermal sites. Recommended resistivity surveys and further geological studies. ° 1975 – BMR Aust. Delegated to GSPNG after independence. Mineral district studies took prominence. ° 1988 – GoPNG requested UNDP for assessment 14 years after 1 st assessment. Stefansson reviewed all data held by GSPNG, recommended 3-year national exploration program, geothermal unit in GSPNG, staff training, overseas expert assistance. ° 1989-2008 – Recommendations not implemented. 56MW power plant installed on Lihir Recent Government Initiatives

1. REVIVE GEOTHERMAL STUDIES • 2009, GSD MRA, WB assistance plan to map explored and unexplored geothermal sites • 2009, First geothermal mapping on Kairiru Island, ESP. • 4 Provinces visited and mapped, hot springs sampled, analysed and results reported.

2. DEDICATED GEOTHERMAL UNIT & STAFF TRAINING • 6-months geothermal training program in Iceland introduced in 2010 • 2011, staff training in NZ, funded by WB. • First staff trained in Iceland 2012, funded by Iceland Govt. Geothermal position established and dedicated unit take charge. Total of 5 staff trained in Iceland, 1 to Japan this year. • Plan to conduct subsurface studies Geophysical equipment required; (TEM) acquired by MRA. Seeking assistance to acquire MT equipment. Recent Government Initiatives

3. POLICY & REGULATION • Geothermal Resource Policy Lack of policy directive from Govt despite numerous studies , assessment and identification of huge potential. NEC directive to DMPGM for creation of policy in 2009, 2 decades after 1988 UNDP report. DMPGM submitted final policy document to NEC in 2015 COP21 Climate Change Agreements - focus on geothermal , clean energy over fossil fuels

• National Energy Policy (draft) Formulated by DPE and DP&E, currently undergoing Govt vetting process. Under this policy; National Energy Authority will be created. Govt institutions responsible for the energy sector undergo organisational changes to realise the objectives. Achieve GoPNG’s energy targets outlined in Vision 2050 & PNGSDP2030 Tectonic Setting

Three major geological terranes:

° Australian Craton (Papuan Basin) which underlies the Fly Platform and much of New Guinea as a rigid continental block; Two distinct structural zones, stable platform and fold belt.

° New Guinea Orogen (Collision Zone) which forms the mountainous spine of the country, resulting from collision between the Pacific and Australian plates. Further divided into the Western (Highlands and Ramu– Sepik regions) and Eastern (Papuan Peninsula and Islands) Orogens), representing a composite terrane of metamorphosed sediments that have undergone fold thrust belt deformation, island arc magmatism and oceanic crust obduction;

° Melanesian Arc (Volcanic Islands) is built almost entirely by volcanic activity. Four main rock units: Plio-Quaternary volcanics (and volcanoes); Plio-Quaternary volcanogenic sediments; Miocene limestone (gently dipping); Eocene-Oligocene basement volcanics (with intrusive rocks, e.g., diorite); rocks usually strongly jointed and faulted. MRA surface geothermal mapping

Kairiru Island West New Britain 7 manifestations mapped, 3 50 manifestations mapped, sampled 19 hot spring samples Temp. 30-75; pH 7.4-7.7 Temp: 50-102°C;pH 1-7 Lihir – 56 MW

Morobe 24 manifestations mapped 13 springs sampled Temp:40-70 °C; pH 7-9

Milne Bay 7 manifestations mapped 4 hot springs sampled Temp. 78-103 °C; pH 1-7 Hot spring sampling Surface manifestations Water chemistry results

District/ Field Hot Spring Thermal water Reservoir Temp. (Cation Province classification Geothermometry ) Kairiru Is. Victoria Bay Puruwan, Neutral chloride alkaline water 85 – 125 °C East Sepik Waimkafur Wau-Bulolo Wau Myann, Peripheral waters (most hot Unreliable results Morobe Bulolo Wandumi, springs mixed with cold Buluwat surface/ground water) West New Talasea Pangalu, Neutral chloride alkaline water 200-300 °C Britain Talasea West New Talasea Wudi, Garu, Acid sulphate waters Britain Haella, Matagele West New Hoskins Silanga , Neutral chloride alkaline water 240 – 300 °C Britain Kasiloli Fergusson Is. Deidei Seuseulina, Neutral chloride alkaline water 260 - 270 °C Milne Bay Yaiyaiboalana, Bolousunamo Fergusson Is. Iamalele Munamelana Acid sulphate water Milne Bay

*Liquid analysis_V3_powell-cumming Potential prospects

• Talasea-Pangalu field – 200-300 °C, chemistry complicated by seawater, on State land, potential users. • Kasiloli-Silanga field – 240 – 300 °C, possible complication of chemistry by seawater, on wild life conservation land. • Deidei field – 260 – 270 °C, on customary land.

Potential sites yet to investigate • Rabaul, East New Britain Province • Karkar Island, Conclusions

• Detail geological mapping • Subsurface investigations: geophysical (MT/TEM Resistivity) surveys • Map and sample new geothermal areas • Policy & Regulatory frameworks Thank you Email: [email protected]