Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis were considered by a previous IARC Working Group in 1994 (IARC, 1994). Since that time, new data have become available, these have been incorporated in the Monograph, and taken into consideration in the present evaluation.

1. Exposure Data O. viverrini (Sadun, 1955), and are difficult to differentiate between these two Kaewkes( 1.1 , structure and biology et al., 1991). 1.1.1 Taxonomy 1.1.3 Structure of the genome (O. viverrini) and The genomic structures of O. viverrini and C. Clonorchis sinensis (C. sinensis) are patho- sinensis have not been reported. logically important foodborne members of the O. viverrini is reported to have six pairs of Opisthorchis; family, ; chromosomes, i.e. 2n = 12 (Rim, 2005), to have order, ; , ; , neither CpG nor A methylations, but to contain a Platyhelminths; and kingdom, Animalia. They highly repeated DNA element that is very specific belong to the same genus (Opisthorchis) but to to the organism (Wongratanacheewin et al., different species based on morphology; nonethe- 2003). Intra- and inter-specific variations in the less, the genus Clonorchis is so well established gene sequences of 18S, the second internally tran- in the medical literature that the term is retained scribed spacer region ITS2, 28S nuclear rDNA, here. and of the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) DNA are low and nearly iden- 1.1.2 Structure tical (Ando et al., 2001). A comparison of the ITS2 region sequences of O. viverrini versus C. The adult of O. viverrini and C. sinensis are sinensis show a 95% match; the sequences differ usually about 10–25 mm in length and 3–5 mm at 28 nucleotide positions (Park, 2007). in width (Liu & Chen, 1998; Sripa et al., 2007). The chromosome number of C. sinensis is The yellowish-brown, ovoid have 2n = 56, and the chromosomes can be divided a distinct operculum, which opens to release into two groups based on their sizes, consisting the miracidum – a fully formed . Eggs are on of eight pairs of large and 20 pairs of small chro- average 29 μm long by 17 μm wide for C. sinensis mosomes. The mean total length of the diploid (Liu & Chen, 1998), and 27 μm by 15 μm for

341 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B complements of flukes collected in the in the , the extrahepatic duct, and People’s Democratic Republic of is slightly the pancreatic duct (Pungpak et al., 1985; Rim, longer than that of those collected in the Republic 1986, 2005; Lim, 1990; Sripa, 2003). Over 100 of (Park et al., 2000). flukes were recovered from the gallbladder of one patient (Evans et al., 1971), and 5140 and 1348 1.1.4 range flukes of C. sinensis were found, respectively, in Three families of freshwater snailsthe bile ducts and in pancreatic ducts of a child (Hydrobiidae, Bithyniidae, and Melaniidae) patient who died of sinensis (Chen are first intermediate hosts Harinasuta( & et al., 1963). Harinasuta, 1984; Liu & Chen, 1998). Of these, The pathophysiology and clinical manifesta- Parafossarulus striatulus, Alocinma longicornis tions for O. viverrini and C. sinensis and (Hydrobiidae), fuchsianus (Bithyniidae) are very similar (Lun et al., 2005; Sripa, 2008). are currently considered to be of greatest impor- 1.1.6 Life cycle tance in China in the life cycle of C. sinensis (Lun et al., 2005). The eggs produced by the mature adult Over 130 species of (belonging to 16 fami- pass down the and are excreted in the lies) are secondary intermediate hosts (Komiya, faeces. If the eggs reach a freshwater body (small 1966; Vichasri et al., 1982; Rim, 1986; Joo, 1988; ponds, streams and rivers, flooded rice fields, Liu & Chen, 1998). Fish in the family Cypriniidae and reservoirs), they are ingested by , which are the major intermediate hosts (Lun et al., act as the primary intermediate hosts. Asexual 2005). reproduction in the results in daily release In addition to human beings, other fish-eating of thousands of cercariae, 1–2 months after infec- mammals, for example , , , minks, tion of the snail. The free-swimming cercariae , civets, and house can be definite penetrate the tissue of freshwater fish, which act hosts, and some may act as reservoir hosts (Wang, as the secondary intermediate host, and encyst to 1983; Lun et al., 2005; Rim, 2005). There is also become fully infective metacercariae under the evidence that rabbits, guinea-pigs, hamsters, fish’s skin or in muscle after 21 days. gerbils, mice, and rats are susceptible to the Humans or other fish-eating are parasite in a laboratory setting (Bhamarapravati infected through the ingestion of raw or under- et al., 1978; Wang, 1983; Boonmars et al., 2009). cooked (salted, pickled, or smoked) freshwater Cats and dogs are considered to be the most fish that contains metacercariae. After ingestion, important hosts in the endemic regions the metacercaria excysts in the and of China (Lun et al., 2005). In contrast with many ascends the biliary tract through the ampulla of other countries, most cats and dogs are not kept Vater. Maturation to adulthood takes approxi- as pets in rural China but roam freely in villages, mately 1 month. and thus have easy access to the remains of raw The life cycle of the liver flukes is shown in or undercooked fish in household waste (Wang, Fig. 1.1 (for a review, see Rim, 1986; Sripa et al., 1983; Jiang, 2001). 2007).

1.1.5 Target organs 1.1.7 Genes and gene products The adult liver flukes usually reside in the Laha et al. (2007) constructed an O. viverrini medium-sized or small intrahepatic bile ducts. cDNA library that covers ~14% of the entire tran- In heavy , adult parasites may be found scriptome. About 20% of contigs were assigned

342 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis

Figure 1.1 Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini 

Adapted from


Gene Ontology classifications. Frequently repre- reported gene expression profiles in C. sinensis sented protein families included those involved metacercariae compared to those of adult in physiological functions that are essential to worms. The genes expressed more abundantly in , such as anaerobic respiration, repro- the metacercariae were a group of structural and duction, detoxification, surface maintenance, cytoskeletal proteins, followed by transcription and feeding. An assessment of evolutionary rela- and translation machinery proteins, and a group tionships showed that O. viverrini was similar of energy metabolism proteins. In contrast, adult to other parasitic flukes such as C. sinensis and C. sinensis has abundant mRNA clusters encoding japonicum. A total of 164 O. viverrini for regulatory and signal proteins, other meta- contigs contained open reading frames (ORFs) bolic proteins and , and structural and with signal sequences, many of which were cytoskeletal proteins, in descreasing order (Cho platyhelminth-specific. Moreover, ORFs repre- et al., 2008). This may be explained by the fact senting secreted proteins with known roles in that metacercariae in the muscles of freshwater tumorigenesis were identified such as , fish are in a resting stage wherein they simply kallikrein-like serine proteases, phospholipase maintain a basal metabolic status, and adult C. A2 (PLA-2), saponin-like protein, and thiore- sinensis have a high metabolic rate and produce doxin peroxidase. These proteins might play a a large numbers of eggs in mammalian hosts role in the pathogenesis of O. viverrini-induced (Rim, 2005). (Laha et al., 2007). Gene expression profiling of adult O. viverrini was 1.2 Epidemiology of infection also constructed by the first ′5 serial analysis of gene expression (5′ SAGE) library, and vitelline B 1.2.1 Prevalence, geographic distribution precursor protein and myoglobin were found to be the most abundant proteins (Chutiwitoonchai Human infection is endemic et al., 2008). in China, , the Republic of Korea, By using the expressed sequence tag (EST) the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, approach, Lee et al. (2003) constructed the C. Viet Nam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, sinensis adult cDNA library. A total of 220 genes and . Endemicity for C. sinensis is were sorted into seven functional categories also suspected in the Russian Federation long including: energy metabolism (38), gene expres- the Amur River. Persons from Singapore and sion/RNA metabolism (21), regulatory/signalling Malaysia with C. sinensis infection have been components (14), protein metabolism/sorting reported infrequently; many of them may be (98), the structure/cytoskeleton (29), membrane infected during travelling in other countries or transporters (10), and antigenic proteins (10). through eating imported fish. The high frequency of cysteine protease expres- A very crude estimate of the global number sion (30/415 randomly selected clones) suggests of infected people is of the order of 45 million, an important role of this protein in the metabo- comprising 35 million infected with C. sinensis lism and/or pathogenesis of clonorchiasis. Also (Korea Association of Health Promotion, 2004; identified were Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase and Lun et al., 2005; Fang et al., 2008), and 10 million glutathione-S-transferase, which are believed to with O. viverrini (WHO, 1995; Jongsuksuntigul play a crucial role in protecting the parasite from & Imsomboon, 2003). The geographic distribu- the host immune effector mechanisms, and are tion of O. viverrini and C. sinensis is shown in being pursued as drug targets in other parasitic Fig. 1.2. infections (Lee et al., 2003). Cho et al. (2008)

344 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis

Figure 1.2 Distribution of Liver fluke infection in

C. sinensis is distributed in China, Republic of Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and northern parts of Viet Nam, and O. viverrini in Thailand, , Cambodia, Malaysia, and southern part of Viet Nam. The data used for the map were derived from most recent national surveys and published literature. Note that in the legend, “no local transmission” stands for “no reported local transmission”. A courtesy of Dr Song Liang, College of Public Health, The Ohio state University, USA, who did the art work based on data provided by the Working Group.

(a) Opisthorchis viverrini result of intensive and continuous control activi- Thailand is the most endemic country for ties, the prevalence of infection in north-eastern due to O. viverrini. In Thailand Thailand declined to 15.7% in 2001, and the rates and neighbouring countries, human opisthor- in other areas were as follows: the north (19.3%), chiasis is caused by O. viverrini. In 1980–81, the the centre (3.8%) and the south (0%), with an prevalence in the north, north-eastern, centre average prevalence of 9.6% or 6 million people and the south of Thailand was 5.6%, 34.6%, 6.3%, infected (Jongsuksuntigul & Imsomboon, 2003). and 0.01%, respectively, with an overall preva- It was estimated that 1.7 million people were lence of 14% or 7 million people infected. As a infected with O. viverrini in Laos in 1992 (WHO,


1995), mainly along the Mekong River, and as found to be infected with C. sinensis, resulting in far as in the lowlands among people with close an infection rate of 2.4%. From this, an estimate ethnic ties to the majority of the north-eastern of the number of infected persons in China was Thai population. Based on a national survey of calculated to be 12.5 million (Fang et al., 2008). primary schoolchildren conducted in 2000–02 C. sinensis is currently the most prevalent that included 17 provinces and the Vientiane human parasitic helminth in the Republic of Municipality, the prevalence of O. viverrini was Korea, as detected by faecal examination. There 10.9% (29846 participants). Again, the regions has been no decrease in the average national along the Mekong River such as Khammuane, infection rate of C. sinensis for almost 30 years; Saravane or Savannakhet Province showed the detection rate was 4.6% in 1971, 1.8% in 1976, a higher prevalence of O. viverrini (32.2%, 2.6% in 1981, 2.7% in 1986, 2.2% in 1992, 1.4% 21.5%, 25.9%, respectively) (Rim et al., 2003). in 1997 and 2.9% in 2004, and about 1.3 million More recently, a survey in the Saravane district people in the Republic of Korea are estimated revealed a high prevalence of O. viverrini infec- to be infected (Korea Association of Health tion (58.5%) among 814 persons from 13 villages Promotion, 2004; Rim, 2005). In endemic areas (Sayasone et al., 2007). of the Republic of Korea, along the main rivers, A few official reports or published data on prevalence values up to 40% have been reported O. viverrini infection in Cambodia are available. (Rim, 1986, 2005). A small survey in primary schoolchildren from Due to a lack of available data from their Kampongcham province showed a prevalence of national survey, there is no accurate number for Opisthorchis spp. of 4.0% from 251 fecal speci- infected people in Viet Nam. A study of 1155 mens in 2002 (Lee et al., 2002). villagers in northern Viet Nam reported a preva- Viet Nam has been reported to be endemic lence of C. sinensis infection of 26% (Dang et al., for C. sinensis in the northern part, and O. viver- 2008). rini in the southern region (De et al., 2003). A prevalence of C. sinensis infection is suspected in the south-eastern part of the (b) Clonorchis sinensis Russian Federation, in the Amur River basin C. sinensis was first discovered in the bile where, based on scarce reports, it was estimated ducts of a Chinese carpenter in Calcutta, , at >20% in some villages (e.g. Nanay district) in 1875. In 1994, archaeologists found a large (Semenova et al., 1995; Dyk et al., 1997). number of C. sinensis eggs in the bowel content of a corpse buried at the middle stage of the 1.2.2 Transmission and risk factors for Warring States Period (475–221 BC) in Hubei, infection China (Wu et al., 1996), indicating that this parasite has been present in this province for The definitive host is infected by the liver fluke more than 2300 years. In a nationwide sampling primarily through the ingestion of raw (dried, survey on the epidemiological status of para- pickled or salted) or undercooked infected fish, sitic diseases in China, a total of 356629 persons which contain metacercariae – this is the infective were investigated, and 2065 were found to be stage in the life cycle of liver flukes Sithithaworn( infected with C. sinensis, with an overall infec- & Haswell-Elkins, 2003). Many surveys show that tion rate of 0.58% (Office of the National Survey people in Thailand (Kaewpitoon et al., 2008), Viet on the Important Parasitic Diseases, 2005). In a Nam (Dang et al., 2008), China (Fang et al., 2008; recent survey in Chinese endemic areas, a total of Lun et al., 2005), Laos (Hohmann et al., 2001), 217829 persons were investigated, and 5230 were

346 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis and the Republic of Korea (Lim et al., 2006) have Haswell-Elkins, 2003 for O. viverrini; Lun et al., these eating habits. 2005 for Clonorchis sinensis): 1) poor educa- In southern China and among the tional level of local residents (Jongsuksuntigul Cantonese population in the Hong Kong Special & Imsomboon, 2003); 2) lack of : it Administrative Region, raw fish is tradition- is common in some endemic regions in China, ally eaten after being dipped in rice porridge. particularly in the province of Guangdong and Alternatively, large fish are sliced and eaten Guangxi, that “lavatories” are built adjacent to with ginger and garlic known as “yushen.” This ponds, so that human excrement containing C. mode of transmission tends to increase with sinensis eggs enters the pond water (Lun et al., age. In contrast, many children in hilly areas of 2005). Also, in Laos, 95.5% of houses in some Guangdong and eastern China such as Jiangsu, rural villages in Bolikhamxay Province do not Shandong, and Anhui provinces, often catch fish have a latrine, and more than half of the village during play, and roast them incompletely before people use animal and/or human faeces as ferti- consumption. This mode of transmission tends lizer (Hohmann et al., 2001); 3) habit to eat raw to decline with age (Fang et al., 2008). or undercooked freshwater fish; 4) freshwater The population of the Republic of Korea eat aquaculture is developing rapidly, but adequate raw fish soaked in vinegar, red-pepper mash or testing of fish products is lacking Fang( et al., hot bean paste with rice wine at social gatherings. 2007); 5) dinner-set contamination from infected The fact that men do so more frequently than fish Fang( et al., 2007); and 6) the absence of women has been given as a reason for the higher systematic control activities to limit transmis- prevalence of infection among men; however, sion in many endemic areas (Fang et al., 2007). in heavily endemic areas, often no significant differences are seen between the genders. When 1.2.3 Persistency and latency fish is abundant, raw fish is eaten very regularly as opposed to being saved for special occasions It has been reported that C. sinensis may (Choi, 1984; Rim, 1986). Vietnamese people eat survive up to 26 years in a human host, as has raw fish in salads Kiêu( et al., 1990). been shown in a Chinese immigrant living in In Thailand and the lowland region of Laos, Australia (Attwood & Chou, 1978). The life three types of uncooked fish preparations are expectancy of O. viverrini is approximately noted (Sadun, 1955; Sithithaworn & Haswell- 10 years (Sithithaworn & Haswell-Elkins, 2003). Elkins, 2003): • pla, eaten soon after preparation; • pla som, moderately fermented, and 2. in Humans stored for a few days to weeks; and, • pla ra and jaewbhong, extensively fer- 2.1 Cholangiocarcinoma mented, highly salted fish, stored for at least 2–3 months. 2.1.1 Opisthorchis viverrini Koi pla is probably the most infective dish, The Working Group of the previous IARC followed by fish preserved for <7 days, then pla Monograph on liver flukes (IARC, 1994) evalu- ra and jaewbhong, in which viable metacer- ated infection with O. viverrini based on a cariae are rare (Sithithaworn & Haswell-Elkins, dozen of descriptive studies (case reports, cases 2003). Several factors can directly or indirectly series, and correlation studies), and three cross- lead to the transmission of the liver flukes sectional or case–control studies (Kurathong to humans (for reviews, see Sithithaworn &


Table 2.1 Descriptive study of Opisthorchis viverrini and liver cholangiocarcinoma

Reference Area and Measure of Number positivity Association Comments Location period of exposure of study to Ov subjects Sriamporn 20 Stool 18393 Adjusted proportion of Ov- Truncated The Pearson’s et al. districts total infected subjects, by age and incidence of correlation coefficient (2004) in Khon sex (≥35-yr-old) CCA (age (r) for the overall Thailand Kaen 35–69 yr) districts was 0.009. province 1122 10.5 93.8 (Nam Results reported for 1990–2001 Phong) selected districts with 1026 13.4 114.9 (Phon) more than 1000 tested for Ov 3884 21.5 288.6 (Mancha Khiri) 1003 25.7 135.7 (Muang) 4059 29.9 317.6 (Chonnabot) CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; Ov, Opistorchis viverrini; yr, year or years. et al., 1985; Parkin et al., 1991; Haswell-Elkins with the highest incidence of cholangiocarci- et al., 1994), which demonstrated a positive asso- noma cancer in the (see Table 2.1). ciation between infection with O. viverrini and  Table 2.2 presents the results from all cholangiocarcinoma. the available cross-sectional and case–control Currently, primary is the leading studies, all conducted in Thailand (descrip- cancer in Thailand in men (annual standard- tive studies are not presented). The odds ratios ized ratio [ASR], 33.4/100000 population), ranged from 1.3–27.1. The highest relative risk, and the third in women (ASR, 12.3/100000) reported by Honjo et al. (2005), was adjusted for (Khuhaprema & Srivatanakul, 2007), with chol- sex, age, residence, alcohol consumption, and angiocarcinoma being the predominant type. In smoking. Haswell-Elkins et al. (1994) reported addition, the highest incidence of liver cancer adjusted prevalence odds ratios (POR) of 1.7 in (ASR of up to 113.4/100000 in men) is found in the light infection group, 3.2 in the moderate the north-eastern regions where O. viverrini is infection group, and 14.1 in the heavy infection endemic, and is 20 times higher than that in the group (based on 14 exposed cases stratified by south of Thailand where O. viverrini is rare (Sripa intensity of infection). & Pairojkul, 2008). Furthermore, the proportion of histologically verified cases of cholangiocar- 2.1.2 Clonorchis sinensis cinoma in men diagnosed with liver cancer in the north-eastern regions has been reported The Working Group of the previous IARC to be as high as 85.5% compared to 10% in the Monograph on liver flukes (IARC, 1994) evalu- south (Khuhaprema & Srivatanakul, 2007). A ated infection with C. sinensis as probably recent correlation study (Sriamporn et al., 2004) carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), based on found a significant positive association between nine case series and three case–control studies the incidence cases of cholangiocarcinoma from (Gibson, 1971; Kim, 1974; Chung & Lee, 1976). the cancer registry and O. viverrini infection in Since then, several studies have been published, Khon Kaen, a province in north-east Thailand, and are summarized here.

348 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis Comments Adjusted potential confounders Consumption of ‘sticky rice’ and areca nut chewing Age, sex, district Smoking, alcohol, age, sex, residence

<0.05 test p 2 14.1 (1.7-119) 3.2 (0.4–30) 1.7 (0.2–16.3) a Relative risk risk Relative (95%CI) (0.26–4.22)] [0.94 Χ (2.3–11.0) 5.0 1.0 (ref) [10.95 (1.10–108.48)] 27.09 (6.30–116.57) 7 4 3 No. of exposed cases (%) 9/13 13/13 NR 1 65

>6000 EPG >6000 1500–6000 ≤1500 EPG ≤1500 Exposure categories Eggs in stool Eggs in any tissue or fluid Ov eggs+ 0 EPG Anti-Ov Anti-Ov Ab+ ≤0.200 Detection method Stool specimens Stool, bile duct aspirate or liver biopsy titre Antibody by ELISA Stool microscopy Serology 103 controls 103 matched to cases sex, by age, residence, hospital, non-malignant diseases not related to tobacco alcohol or Characteristics of controls in-479 and out- patients without tract hepatobiliary diseases 129 population-129 based controls matched by age, sex, residence 103 consecutive103 patients from 3 hospitals Characteristics of cases clinically cases 13 and diagnosed confirmedby ultrasound biopsy cases15 suspected of CCA among 1807 patients screened by ultrasound scanning 129 cases129 CCA of diagnosed by with 9 ultrasound, histology, serology and fetoprotein . et .

et al

et al

. (1985) Continuity correction was applied to calculate OR

1987–88 (1991) North-east Thailand Table 2.2 Cross-sectional case–control and Table studies on Opisthorchis infection viverrini cholangiocarcinoma and Reference, study location and period Kurathong Parkin Haswell- Elkins et al. (1994) Honjo al Thailand, 1990–91 Thailand 1981–83 (2005) 2000 Thailand, a CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; ELISA, -linked immunosorbent assay; EPG, egg per gram; NR, not reported; Opistorchis Ov, viverrini


Table 2.3 Descriptive study of Clonorchis sinensis infection and cholangiocarcinoma

Reference, Area Number of Measure Egg Association Comments study subjects of positivity location exposure (%) and to Cs period Lim et al. Three areas by Faecal egg Incidence of cancera per In the survey, alcohol (2006) endemicity 100000 persons drinking and raw Korea Low 659 14 (2.1%) 0.3 freshwater fish were 2000–04 (Chuncheon) significant risk factors Medium 568 44 (7.8%) 1.8 for egg positivity (Chungju) (adjusted for age) High 1942 607 5.5 (Haman) (31.3%) a drawn from cancer registry in 1999–2001 (ICD-10, C22.1) Cs, Clonorchis sinensis

The incidence of primary liver cancer in the study by Choi et al. (2006) reported an (unad- Republic of Korea is the highest in the world justed) odds ratio for any evidence of infection of (ASR, 44.9 in men and 12.0 in women), with 7.3 (95%CI: 3.9–13.3). Shin et al. (1996) reported a proportion of microscopically verified cases an odds ratio of 2.7 (95%CI: 1.1–6.4), adjusted for of cholangiocarcinoma of 22.3% and 36.1% in alcohol consumption, smoking, B and men and women, respectively (Curado et al., C, and Lee et al. (2008) found an odds ratio of 2007). According to the Korean Cancer Registry, 13.6 (95%CI: 6.1–30.3) after adjusting for hepa- the incidences of cholangiocarcinoma vary by titis B, alcohol consumption, and liver . geographic area, with up to 4-fold differences In two of the studies (Shin et al., 1996; Choi (Shin et al., 2008). The region with the highest et al., 2006), higher odds ratios were reported for incidence (7.2/100000 in men) was reported to evidence of past C. sinensis infection (i.e. based be that with the highest prevalence of C. sinensis on positive history, serology, skin test, radiology) infection in a nationwide survey conducted 20 compared to current infection (i.e. based on posi- years ago (Seo et al., 1981). tive stool microscopy or pathology). A recent correlation study from the Republic of Korea showed a high correlation between the 2.2 Hepatocellular endemicity of C. sinensis infection with the inci- dence as well as mortality of cholangiocarcinoma 2.2.1 Opisthorchis viverrini (Lim et al., 2006; Table 2.3).  Since the previous IARC Monograph, two A correlation analysis of the prevalence of case series from China have been published, both O. viverrini infection and liver cancer incidence, supporting a relationship between C. sinensis and conducted in five regions with different frequen- cholangiocarcinoma (Cheng et al., 2000; Wang cies of cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular et al., 2003; Table 2.4). Furthermore, three case– carcinoma (HCC), showed little geographic vari- control studies have been published from the ation in the incidence of HCC, with a correlation Republic of Korea (Table 2.5). All three showed of −0.37 (P = 0.54) for antibody titre ≥ 1:40, and of significant positive associations between C. 0.02 (P = 0.96) for faecal egg count (Srivatanakul sinensis infection and cholangiocarcinoma. The et al., 1991a).

350 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis

Pathological diagnosis Development CCA of CT finding pathologyproven Composite small neuroendocrine carcinoma and adenocarcinoma 20 yearsAverage liver of fluke infection Mucinous adenocarcinoma Papillary hyperplasia

Pzq, mg/kg 75 Treatment Operation Hepaticojejunostomy, partial resection left of proximal HD Operation (14 cases) Pancreaticoduodenectomy Operation recurred Right hepatectomy, metastasis Clinical manifestations The same CT findings were observed in the cases with or without Cs 5-kg weight loss, moderate dilatation of left IHD and obstructionCBD, proximal of left Cs HD, eggsleftby + HD cytology, CBD polyp Cs abdominal egg+, pain, weight loss Abdominal pain, Cs worms removed percutaneouswere by transbiliary drainage, CBD polyp 100% Clonorchiasis Abdominal pain, 8-cm-sized mass in right liver

Case history CCA27 cases with Cs 24 CCA cases without Cs 69-yr-old man Eating raw freshwater fish, pulmonary tuberculosis 64-year-old man CCA29 cases 69-year-old man 35 CCA35 cases positive (28 for Cs) tuberculosis cured Diabetes, Lecong

et al. (2000) Guangdong Province, People’s ChinaHospital, Table 2.4 series case Case and reports sinensis ofTable cholangiocarcinoma associated with Clonorchis Reference and study location (1995) Liang Kim et al. (1999) Korea University Hospital, Seoul, Republic Korea of Cheng Kim et al. (2000) MedicalYonsei Seoul, Center, Republic of Korea et al.Wang Guangzhou, (2003) Zhujiang Hospital, China Shim et al. (2004) MedicalYonsei Seoul, Center, Republic of Korea Hospital, ChinaHospital, CBD, commonCBD, bile duct; CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; Cs, Clonorchis sinensis; computerized CT, tomography; HD, hepatic duct; IHD, intrahepatic duct; Pzq,

351 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B Comments Adjusted potential confounders Age, sex, HBsAg, anti-HCV, drinking and smoking history, hepatitis history and SES Relative risk risk Relative (95%CI) [3.1 (0.1–8.4)] [6.5 (3.7–12)] [6.0 (2.8–13)] 2.7 (1.1-6.4) 5.0 (1.2-21.3) No. of exposed cases (%) 11/17 NR NR 33.3 7.3 Exposure categories Cs eggs+ (current) Liver fluke history (past) Detection method Gross examination at autopsy Stool samples, liver tissue Stool specimen Stool microscopy Characteristics of controls 1384 autopsies without CCA or HCC 1348 autopsies or surgery with non-cancerous liver lesions 559 subjects admitted to hospital, with liver diseases 203 patients of diseases other (Control I), 203 healthy controls (Control II) 17 cases17 among 1484 autopsies, including 83 patients with HCC Characteristics of cases 54 cases among 1843 records of autopsy and surgical specimens diseases with liver 36 consecutive cases diagnosed in 2 hospitals 41 CCA41 cases


et al

Table 2.5 Cross-sectional case-control and infectionTable sinensis cholangiocarcinoma and studies on Clonorchis 1964–66 Hong Kong SAR Pusan, Republic of Korea Reference, study location and period Gibson (1971) Kim (1974) Low and high prevalence areas, Republic of Korea 1961–72 Chung & Lee (1976) 1963–74 Shin (1996) Pusan Paik Hospital, Busan, Republic of Korea 1990–93

352 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis Comments Age, sex, date of visit Adjusted potential confounders Age, sex, and area 13.6 (6.1–30.3) Relative risk risk Relative (95%CI) 0.6 1.6 2.3 1.7 8.6 2.4 (3.9–13.3) 7.3 availableNot availableNot 1.75 0.8 5.0 1.5 4.0 (1.5–10.7) 26 No. of exposed cases (%) 3 13 25 19 156 94 167 0 0 7 5 36 22 42 Stool eggs + Exposure categories Stool eggs + Pathology + Serology + Skin test + Radiology + History + Any evidence + Stool eggs + Pathology + Serology + Skin test + Radiology + History + Any evidence + Histology, stool, microscopy, serology, radiology, history Detection method Stool microscopy, pathology, serology, radiology, history 2488 healthy controls admitted for routine examinations Characteristics of controls patients185 with non-hepatobiliary diseases the in Department of Gastroenterology at same hospital 51 patients51 with non-hepatobiliary diseases 622 histologycally622 confirmed intrahepatic CCA cases Characteristics of cases CCA cases185 identified from 1 hospital in Seoul: 51 intrahepatic CCA, 53 hilar CCA, and 81 extrahepatic CCA 51 cases51 of intrahepatic CCA among the 185 cases above

et al. et al. (2008), Seoul, Republic of Korea 2000–04 Table 2.5 (continued) Table (2006) Reference, study location and period Choi Republic of Korea 2003–04 Lee CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; HCC, ; NR, not reported; SAR, Special Administrative Region

353 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B for for Overlap with study Kim by (1974) cases from Pusan Comments Expected proportion was infected 35% Adjusted potential confounders Crude ratio Age, sex None (crude odds ratio) Relative risk risk Relative (95%CI) [1.21 (0.30–7.07)] [0.73 (0.45–1.2)] [1.2 (0.80–1.7)] 1.1 (0.65–1.7) [1.62 (0.16–80.28)] 1.7 (0.8–3.7)1.7 No. of exposed cases (%) 9/12 24 423 170 4/5 NR Exposure categories Eggs in stool Clonorchiasis Cs infection Eggs in stool Anti-OV Anti-OV titre≥1/40

Detection method, fluke Stool specimen Gross examination Examination of liver tissue or stool samples Stool specimens ELISA for Ov antibody ; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; NR, not reported; Opisthorchis Ov, viverrini Characteristics of controls in-479 and out- patients without hepatobiliary diseases 1384 autopsies without HCC or CCA and1061 287 subjects with liver low diseases from and high prevalence areas, respectively 559 subjects admitted to hospitals without disease liver 65 patients with non-malignant for diseases matched sex, age, residence, hospital , Clonorchis sinensis Clonorchis , Characteristics of cases cases83 in HCC of a consecutive series of 1484 autopsies 386 and cases 109 in and low high prevalence areas, respectively; histologically proven cases among records of autopsies and surgical specimens 206 cases in consecutive series of 368 cases primary of liver carcinoma Cases among 72 patients with tract hepatobiliary diseases: 12 clinically diagnosed 5 biopsy proven 65 patients living and born in the area


. (1991b) . (1985) Seoul & Pusan, Republic of Korea 1961–72 Table 2.6 Cross-sectional case–control and Table studies on infectionand hepatocellular carcinoma flukes with liver Reference, study location and period Kurathong Srivatanakul et al Gibson (1971) Kim (1974) Chung & Lee (1976) Pusan, Republic of Korea al Hong Kong SAR, China 1964–66 1963–74 Thailand 1981–83 Opistorchis viverrini Opistorchis North-east Thailand sinensisClonorchis 1987–88 CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; Cs cholangiocarcinoma; CCA,

354 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis

One cross-sectional study (Kurathong sinensis in stool samples, all adjusted for the other et al., 1985) and one case–control (Srivatanakul factors. Lee et al. (2008) reported odds ratios of et al., 1991b) study were carried out in north-east 6.6 (95%CI: 4.8–9.2) for heavy alcohol consump- Thailand to evaluate the association between tion and 13.6 (95%CI: 6.1–30.3) for C. sinensis O. viverrini infection and the risk for HCC in stool samples. Honjo et al. (2005) found odds (Table 2.6). Neither study showed a significant ratios of 4.31 (1.12–16.57) for regular alcohol association. drinking and 27.09 (95%CI: 6.3–116.6) for pres- ence of O. viverrini by antibody detection. No 2.2.2 Clonorchis sinensis specific interactions between alcohol drinking and liver fluke infection were estimated in any A few studies have evaluated the associa- of these studies. tion between C. sinensis infection and the risk for HCC (Table 2.6). One study was conducted in the Hong Kong Special Adminitrative Region 3. Cancer in Experimental Animals (Gibson, 1971) and found no association. Three studies were conducted in the Republic The association between O. viverrini and of Korea; one (Kim, 1974) in two separate C. sinensis infections and was exten- regions, of low and high prevalence of C. sinensis sively studied in experimental animal models infection, respectively; the other two studies in the 1970s and 1980s. All of these studies were conducted in Pusan, one of the areas with were reviewed in the previous IARC Monograph the highest prevalence of C. sinensis infection (IARC, 1994). Only one additional study has (Chung & Lee, 1976; Shin et al., 1996). In the been published since (Wang et al., 1994). two earlier studies, no increased risks for HCC Thamavit et al. (1978) first reported were observed [from crude odd ratios]. In the that hamsters given O. viverrini and most recent study (Shin et al., 1996), neither C. N-nitrosodimethylamine in drinking-water sinensis eggs in stool samples (OR, 2.7; 95%CI: could develop cholangiocarcinoma. The gross 0.9–7.7) nor a history of liver fluke infection (OR, morphology and histology of the experimen- 2.6; 95%CI: 0.6–11.3) were significantly associ- tally induced are similar ated with HCC in a conditional logistic regres- to those found in humans, and are considered sion analysis adjusted for socioeconomic status a suitable model for the study of cholangio- (Table 2.6). carcinoma. Following this experiment, many studies on the administration of N-nitroso 2.3 Cofactors compounds (N-nitrosodimethylamine or N-nitrosodihydroxydi-n-propylamine) in The intake of raw freshwater fish is tradi- combination with O. viverrini infection were tionally combined with alcohol consumption performed, and all resulted in increased inci- in the Republic of Korea. In this country, one dences of cholangiocarcinoma. Intraperitoneal study reported a significantly increased risk of administration induced cholangiocarcinoma but C. sinensis infection with alcohol consumption also hepatic neoplastic nodules, and a few HCCs. (Lim et al., 2006). All of these studies clearly established the role of Shin et al. (1996) reported odds ratios of 4.6 O. viverrini in promoting cholangiocarcinoma in (95%CI: 1.4–15.2) for heavy alcohol consump- hamsters (Flavell & Lucas, 1982, 1983; Thamavit tion, 5.0 (95%CI:1.2–21.3) for a history of liver et al., 1987a, b, 1988a, b, 1993, 1994). fluke infection, and 2.7 (95%CI: 1.1–6.3) for C.

355 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B Comments This is the first experimentof NDMA + liver fluke-induced CCA in the hamster High mortality in Ov+NDMA groups. found in Tumours right lobe. significantNo difference between 2 combination groups tumour for latency Cholangiofibrosis was also observed in Groups 3 and 4. Number animalsof per group start at unspecified a a [p <0.001] [p <0.01] Significance [NS] allp <0.01, groups 4 (versus relevant group 3) Group 4: 15/15 Group 3: 0/18 Group 3: 0/30 (0%) 0/30 3: Group (0%) 4:Group 0/50 Group 2: 9/46 (20%) 2:Group 9/46 Incidence tumours of CCA: 0/18 1: Group 2:Group 0/21 CCA: (10%) 5/50 1: Group CCA No 1: Group Groups 2 and CCA No 3: in Groups doses 3 at 2 or 6 mg/L 3 or of NDMA (12%) CCA:Groups 3: 2/17 12.5 mg/L 9/15, Groups 4: CCA: 7/10, 4/10, 13/19, 8/15, 16/19, 10/17, 14/15 in respectively NDMA+Ov, =46) n =18) n

=21) =21) n n =30) n

=50) =18) n n =280 n Group 4:Group Ov+ NDMA ( Group 4:Group Ov ( Group 3: NDMA 3: Group ( Group 2: NDMA+Ov (96 h later) ( 2:Group NDMA+Ov later) (96 h Animals/group at start NDMA 12.5 mg/L 6 or in drinking-water wk later) wk (2 10 for Dosing regimen, Ov 100 MC, NDMA 4 in 0.0025% Week at drinking-water wk 10 for Untreated 1: controlGroup ( Ov 50 MC, NDMA single 1.6 mg oral dose days after Ov+NDMA (41 1: Group infection) (n=50) Ov 12.5, 25, 50 100 MC or UntreatedGroup 1: Group 2:Group NDMA alone ( Ov 3: Group ( Groups 2: Ov 12, 25, 50 100 MC or Groups NDMA 3: 12 mg/L 6 or 3, Groups 4: NDMA 12.5 mg/L 6 or + Ov 12, 25, 50 100 MC or Total ,

et et


(1978) (1987a) Opisthorchis viverrini Opisthorchis 1983 Duration Reference 23 wk Thamavit al. 490 d Flavell & Lucas (1982 40 wk Thamavit al. Table 3.1 Studies in experimental in Studies (Opisthorchis exposed animals flukes liver to and viverrini Clonorchis sinensis) 3.1 Table Species, strain (sex) Hamster, Syrian golden (M) Hamster, Syrian golden (M) Hamster, Syrian golden (M)

356 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis Comments Hamsters in group high 3 showed incidence of cholangiofibrosis. One CCA observed in 3 Group (OV+NDEA20) Initial number animals of not specified , [p<0.01] a [p<0.01] Significance p <0.05; (versus p <0.01 Group 2) Groups 3: hepatocellular nodules, with12/19 2.5 nodules/animal with 23/25 7.1 (OV+NDEA20), nodules/animal (Ov+NDEA40). Group 2:Group 0/20 Groups 4: 3/19 withGroups 4: 3/19 0.2 nodules/ animal with (NDEA20), 9/21 0.9 nodules/animal (NDEA40) Incidence tumours of 0/20 1: Group Group 1: CCA, 6/19; liver CCA, 1: Group 6/19; neoplastic nodules, 9/19 2:Group CCA, 0/20; liver neoplastic nodules, 0/20 liver CCA, 3: Group 0/14; neoplastic nodules, 0/14 liver 4:Group CCA, 0/14; neoplastic nodules, 0/14

=20] n =20] n

= 180] n =20–30] n Groups 3: Ov + NDEA (4 wk later) Groups Ov 3: wk later) + NDEA (4 [ Groups 4 NDEA only [n=20–25] [Total Group 2:Group Ov only [ Animals/group at start Dosing regimen, 60 MC,OV NDEA 20 40 mg/L or 10, in drinking-water 12 wk for Untreated 1: controlGroup [ 1000 mg/kgOv 100 MC, NDHDPA bw injections i.p. (two 2 wk at intervals) 2 wk later Ov + NDHDPA 1: Group 100 MC 2:Group DHPN Group 3: Ov 3: Group 100 MC Group 4: Untreated control


(1988a) Duration Reference 32 wk Thamavit et al. (1987b) al. Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Species, strain (sex) Hamster, Syrian (F) Hamster, Syrian (M) 22 wk Thamavit

357 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B Comments Prior infection with Ov induced more inflammation bileand duct proliferation and is associated with a higher incidence hepatocellular of nodule, cholangiofibrosis and CCA (versus a

Group 2) Significance P<0.05 (versus Group 4) and 4) Group (versus P<0.01 [p=0.001]

Group 4:Group CCA, tumours no Group 3: CCA, 3: Group tumours no Group 2:Group CCA, 0/16 Incidence tumours of Group 8 andGroup 4: hepatocellular 2/17 8/18, nodules CCA, respectively; 3/17 and 14/18, tumoursno observed in 2, group 1, 6 and 5, 3, 7 CCA, 1: Group 8/16 =40) n =10) n =20) =30) n n

=150 n Group 4:Group Untreated control ( Group 2: NDHDPA ( 2:Group NDHDPA Group 3: Ov 3: Group 80 ( MC Animals/group at start Dosing regimen, SodiumOv 100 MC, nitrite 0.1% and 0.1% for drinking-water the in aminopyrine 8–12 wk UntreatedGroup 1: control Sodium nitrite 2 0.1% Group Aminopyrine 0.1% 3: Group 4:Group Sodium nitrite and Aminopyrine 5: OvGroup 100 MC 6:Group Ov + sodium 100 MC nitrite (4 wk later) Ov + aminopyrine 100 MC 7: Group wk (4 later) + sodium 100 MC 8:Group OV nitrite and aminopyrine wk later) (4 Total Ov 500 mg/bw 80 MC, NDHDPA (3 i.p. injections 1 wk at interval) wk later 16 ( 80 + NDHDPA MC OV 1: Group

Duration Reference Thamavit et al. (1988b) Moore et al. (1991) Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Species, strain (sex) Hamster, Syrian (M) 30 wk Hamster Syrian (M) 52 wk

358 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis It wasIt found that whereas praziquantel administration at the later two time points was ineffective at reducing cholangiocellular lesions. Significant reductiononly being evident in hamsters treated 4 wk after parasite . The findingsthus indicate that promotion of DHPN-initiated bile duct by opisthorchiasis is both rapid and to a large degree irreversible Comments a , [p <0.005], <0.005], , [p a [NS] Significance P<0.05 (between (between P<0.05 Group 1 and Group [p=0.0244); between 4 andGroup 5] [p <0.001]

Group 1: 4/22 1: (18%) Group 2:Group (28%) 6/22 (63%) 10/16 3: Group (50%) 4:Group 8/16 5: 0/15 Group (11%) 6:Group 2/18 0/15 7: Group HCC: (5%) 1/22 1: Group (5%) 2:Group 1/22 Group 3: 0/16 4:Group 0/16 5: 0/15 Group 6:Group 0/18 0/15 7: Group Incidence tumours of CCA: Group 1: 19/43, CCA; mucinous15/43, cystadenomas; 2/43, HCC. suchNo tumours in 2 Group and 4 (0/15). 3 (0/15) (0/20), =50) n =15) n =25) n

=15) n = 205, 25–40 animals/group n Group 4:Group Untreated control ( Group 3: Ov 3: Group ( Group 2:Group NDMA ( Group 1: NDMA + Ov (19 d later) ( d later) NDMA 1: Group + Ov (19 Group 1: NDHDPA +Ov+PZ(4) NDHDPA 1: Group +Ov+PZ(12) 2:Group NDHDPA +Ov+PZ(20) NDHDPA 3: Group +Ov 4:Group NDHDPA 5: NDHDPA Group 6:Group Ov UntreatedGroup 7: Total Animals/group at start Dosing regimen, 1000 mg/kg 2 wk at NDHDPA (i.p.) bw intervals, Ov 60 MC, PZ 250 mg/kg bw suspended in corn oil 4, Weeks at 20 or 12 Ov 80 MC, NDMA 20 mg/kg i.p. bw injection


(1994) Duration Reference 38 wk Thamavit al. Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Species, strain (sex) Hamster, Syrian (F) Thamavit et al. (1993) Hamster, Syrian (M) 45 wk

359 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B -transferase alone, the < 0.05) increased < 0.05) p In the hamsters that received either DMN C. or sinensis showed only hyperplastic changes of the bile duct epithelial cells Comments No malignantNo tumours seen in the model. Animals infected before NDMA administration had significantly ( animalsIn 11 of group 1, with liver tumours, 5 had metastases. No metastases observed were in 2 Group numbers glutathione of S P-positive liver foci. such No effect was seen when animals were infected during after or exposure to NDMA , CCA and a cholangiofibromas [p<0.001] Significance p<0.05 Group 4:Group 0/12 Group 3: 0/12 Group 2: 2/12 cholangiofibromas 2:Group 2/12 Group 1: 6/8 CCA 6/8 and 1: Group 8/8 cholangiofibromas Incidence tumours of animals 2:Group 6/17 that lived 25 beyond Week 0/101 CCA: animals 11/14 that 1: Group lived 25 beyond Week =20) =20) n n =12) =12) n n =60) n =19) =12) =50) n n

n =10) =12) n n =101] =48 n n =20) =12) n n [Total Total Group 6:Group Untreated control ( Group 4:Group Untreated control ( Group 5: CsGroup ( Group 3: Cs 3: Group ( Group 2:Group Cs + NDMA the at same time ( NDMA 3: Group + Cs 1 wk later ( 4:Group NDMA ( Group 2:Group NDMA ( NDMA 15 mg/L in the drinking-water for 8 wk, MC. Cs 10 Group 1: NDMA + Cs 10 MC (7 d later) later) NDMA (7 d 1: Group MC + Cs 10 ( Animals/group at start Dosing regimen, Cs 60 MC, NDMA 25 mg/L in the drinking-water 8 wk for 2-AAF in 0.03% the diet 40 for wk, Cs 40 MC 2-AAF 1: Group + Cs ( 2:Group 2-AAF ( Group 1 Cs + NDMA (4 wk later) ( 1 CsGroup wk + NDMA later) (4

et al.

11 wk Lee et al. (1993) Hamster, Hamster, Syrian golden (NR) Clonorchis sinensisClonorchis Duration Reference 40 wk Jang (1990) Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Species, strain (sex) Fischer Rat, F334 (M) Hamster, Syrian golden (F) 54 wk Iida (1985)

360 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis

-Nitrosodimethylamine; Synergistic effectof Clonorchis infection and NDMA promoted the development CCA of Comments Theauthors concluded that C. sinensis “may” the promote formation of HCC though the comparison between A and Group B is significant. not Only one CCA in Group A. -propylamine; NDMA, N n , versus all a a [p<0.001] groups Significance [NS] -Nitrosodihydroxidi- ; d, day or days; DHPN, 2,2’-dihydroxy-di-n-propylnitrosamine;DMN, CCA: Group 1: 3/15 Group B: 3/15; 0/15 0/12 C:Group 0/12; 0/15 D:Group 0/15; Group 2:Group 0/15 Group 3: 11/15 4:Group 0/15 5: 0/15 Group 6:Group 0/15 Incidence tumours of HCC; CCA HCC; 1/11 A:Group 4/11; ; PZ, Praziquantel; SAR, Special Administrative Region;. wk, week or weeks

= 90, animals/group 15 n Group 1: NDMA+ Cs (1 wk later) + + later) Cs NDMA+ (1 wk 1: Group praziquantel later) (5 wk NDMA 15 mg/L in the drinking-water for 4 wk, Cs MC, 15 Praziquantel 200 mg/kg dailybw 3 d for Group C:Group Cs Group D: Untreated Group B;Group NDMA Group 2: Cs (5 wk) + Praziquantel 2:Group Cs (5 wk) + laterNDMA after (3 d treatment with praziquantel) Group 3: Cs 3: Group + NDMA the at same time 4:Group NDMA alone 5: CsGroup alone Group 6: Untreated control Total Animals/group at start Dosing regimen, Cs 20 MC, NDMA 25 mg/L in the drinking later) (30 d water 17 wk for A:Group Cs + NDMA

et al.

et al. Fisher Exact test

(1994) Duration Reference 13 wk Lee Table 3.1 (continued) 3.1 Table Species, strain (sex) Hamster, Syrian golden (NR) Hamster, Hamster, Syrian golden (unspecified) (1994) 21 wk Wang a 2-AAF, 2-Acetylaminofluorene; bodybw, weight; CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; Cs, sinensis Clonorchis dimethylnitrosamine; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; i.p., intraperitoneal; MC, Metacercariae; N NDHDPA, NR, not reported; NS, not significant; Opisthorchis Ov, viverrini


Similar experiments were also performed bile ducts, which the flukes cannot inhabit Sripa( following C. sinensis infection in combina- & Kaewkes, 2000). Hong et al. (1993) observed tion with 2-acetylaminofluorene or N-nitroso strong stimulation of the proliferation of bile compounds (N-nitrosodimethylamine or duct epithelial cells located at the base of the N-nitrosodihydroxydi-n-propylamine) in mucosal layer in Sprague-Dawley rats infected by hamsters (Iida, 1985; Lee et al., 1993, 1994; Wang C. sinensis. This finding was directly related to et al., 1994), and rats (Jang et al., 1990). Three of hyperplasia of the bile duct epithelium that may these (Iida, 1985; Lee et al., 1993, 1994) supported have been due to direct and local stimulation by the role of C. sinensis in promoting cholangio- C. sinensis. carcinoma in hamsters. See Table 3.1. 4.2 Carcinogenicity of liver fluke infections 4. Other Relevant Data 4.2.1 Cell proliferation in vitro 4.1 Pathological changes in vivo Adult O. viverrini worms were co-cultured with mouse NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. Even though The main histopathological features of liver worms and fibroblasts were separated by fluke infection both in man and the rodent Transwell membrane, fibroblast proliferation models are inflammation, epithelial desquama- was stimulated more than 4-fold. Moreover, O. tion, epithelial and adenomatous hyperplasia, viverrini ES products increased cell proliferation goblet cell metaplasia, periductal fibrosis, and by stimulating the expression of phosphoryl- granuloma formation. Liver fluke infection in ated retinoblastoma (pRB) and cyclin D1, the humans may also result in cholangiocarcinoma, key proteins in driving cells through the G1/S but not in rodents unless they are also given a transition point of the cell cycle. This led to chemical (IARC, 1994; Sripa, 2003; the induction of cells going into the S-phase of Rim, 2005; Sripa et al., 2007; see also Section 3). the cell cycle (Thuwajit et al., 2004). In similar Liver fluke antigens stimulate both inflam- experiments with C. sinensis, ES products, and matory and hyperplastic changes in the bile the human embryonic kidney epithelial cell line ducts. The liver fluke excretes or secretes meta- HEK293, the ES products induce HEK293 cell bolic products from the and excretory proliferation, associated with the upregulation of openings into the bile in vivo or culture medium cyclin E and the transcription factor E2F1 (Kim in vitro, some of which are highly immuno- et al., 2008a). Furthermore, C. sinensis ES prod- genic (Wongratanacheewin et al., 1988; Sripa & ucts upregulate the phosphorylation of pRB and Kaewkes, 2000; Choi et al., 2003). The metabolic N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) upregulates products themselves, apart from inducing host cyclin-dependent kinases, and both synergis- immune responses, may be toxic to or interact tically drive the cells to proliferate (Kim et al., with the biliary epithelium (Sripa, 2003). Sripa 2008b). An anti-apoptotic effect of C. sinensis & Kaewkes (2000) demonstrated that O. viver- ES products in human cholangiocarcinoma cells rini excretory–secretory (ES) antigens can be has been reported (Kim et al., 2009). detected in both the parasite and biliary epithe- Gene microarrays were used to explore lium. The presence of O. viverrini ES antigens in transcriptional changes induced in NIH-3T3 the biliary epithelium in association with severe murine fibroblasts co-cultured with O. viver- inflammation has also been seen in the small rini ES products. mRNAs encoding certain

362 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis growth-promoting proteins such as transforming of the inflammatory response caused by O. viver- growth factor (TGF), PKC, EPS 8 and TGF-β rini because 8-nitroguanine and 8-oxodG disap- 1I4, that are downstream of epidermal growth pear after praziquantel treatment Pinlaor( et al., factor (EGF) or TGF-β-mediated signalling, were 2006). However, in promoting parasite antigen found to be overexpressed (Thuwajitet al., 2006). dispersal, treatment with praziquantel may tran- Moreover, human cholangiocarcinoma cell line siently increase inflammation, in association (KKU-100) underwent excessive proliferation with increased NF-κB and iNOS expression in upon stimulation with O. viverrini worms (Sripa, the bile duct epithelium and inflammatory cells, 2003). The promotion of proliferation in vitro is and elevated levels of plasma nitrate, of end- consistent with the histopathological findings of products of nitric oxide, and of malondialdehyde hyperplasia of biliary epithelial cells in opisthor- in the treated hamsters (Pinlaor et al., 2008). chiasis and clonorchiasis (Bhamarapravati et al., Individuals infected with O. viverrini also 1978; Sripa & Kaewkes, 2000; Rim, 2005). show evidence of oxidative DNA damage. Urinary 8-oxodG levels were significantly higher in O. 4.2.2 Oval cell proliferation and viverrini-infected patients (4.45 ± 0.25 µg/g creati- differentiation in vivo nine) than in healthy subjects (3.03 ± 0.24 µg/g creatinine; P < 0.01). This level decreases signifi- Oval cells are typically seen in response to cantly 2 months after praziquantel treatment, certain liver injuries, and more than likely repre- and is comparable with levels in healthy subjects sent progenitor cells with the potential to differ- 1 year after treatment. Urinary 8-oxodG levels entiate along biliary or hepatocytic lineages, were significantly correlated with leukocyte including into hepatic neoplasms (Sell & Leffert, 8-oxodG levels (Thanan et al., 2008). 2008). Lee et al. (1997) reported the appearance The excretion of lipid peroxida- of increased numbers of periductal oval cells in tion-derived etheno DNA adducts – the portal and/or periportal areas of hamster 1,N6-etheno-2’-deoxyadenosine (εdA) and liver infected with C. sinensis and administered 3,N4-etheno-2’-deoxycytidine (εdC) – was meas- NDMA. ured in urine samples collected from healthy volunteers and O. viverrini-infected Thai subjects. 4.2.3 DNA damage and adduct formation in Mean excreted εdA and εdC levels were 3–4 vivo times higher in the urine of O. viverrini-infected Diffuse nitrosative and oxidative DNA patients and correlated with an increased level damage (8-nitroguanine and 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro- of urinary malondialdehyde, urinary nitrate/ 2′-deoxyguanosine [8-oxodG]) has been reported nitrite, and plasma alkaline phosphatase. After in the biliary epithelium of hamsters infected fluke elimination by treatment with prazi- with O. viverrini (Pinlaor et al., 2003). These quantel, the level of the two etheno adducts, DNA lesions still persisted for at least 180 days malondialdehyde, nitrate/nitrite, and alkaline post-infection. Moreover, repeated infections phosphatase was decreased. The promutagenic with liver flukes result in enhanced biliary DNA DNA etheno adducts that are thought to derive damage (Pinlaor et al., 2004a, b). This may be from bile duct epithelial cells may increase the explained by the fact that repeated infection risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma in O. increased inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) viverrini-infected patients. This study highlights expression in the bile duct epithelium. The DNA the biomarker potential of urinary εdA and εdC damage in infected biliary cells is probably a result levels as non-invasive risk markers for developing

363 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 100B opisthorchiasis-related cholangiocarcinoma 4.3.2 Studies in experimental animals (Dechakhamphu et al., 2008). [The Working Group noted that all the Few mutations of the Ki-RAS gene were studies described above relate to O. viverrini; observed in O. viverrini–NDMA-induced chol- studies regarding DNA damage in response to angiocarcinomas in hamsters (Tangkawattana C. sinensis infection were not available to the et al., 2008), but TP53 overexpression was reported Working Group.] in nearly all O. viverrini-induced hamster chol- angiocarcinomas (Tesana et al., 2000). Loilome et al. (2006) investigated the 4.3 Gene mutation, methylation, molecular mechanism of O. viverrini–NDMA- and altered expression in induced cholangiocarcinogenesis in hamsters cholangiocarcinoma by using fluorescence differential display-PCR, and found 23 upregulated and one downregu- 4.3.1 O. viverrini-endemic areas lated transcripts among 149 differentially ampli- fied bands. Among the upregulated genes in the Differences in Ki-RAS mutational status liver was the signal transduction protein kinase have been described when comparing cholan- A regulatory subunit Iα (Prkar1α), which was giocarcinoma from Japanese patients (where significantly higher in cholangiocarcinoma and fluke infections are very rare) with those from its precursor lesion when compared with normal cholangiocarcinoma arising in patients living in liver and normal gallbladder epithelia (P < 0.05). areas of Thailand endemic for O. viverrini (the Prkar1 expression tended to increase along incidence of Ki-RAS mutation was higher in Thai with the progression of biliary transformation patients) (Kiba et al., 1993). Hypermethylation from hyperplasia and precancerous lesions to of the promoter of the DNA mismatch repair carcinoma. enzyme hMLH1 has also been shown in another group of Thai patients Limpaiboon( et al., 2005). However, these studies did not specifically docu- 4.4 Host immune system and genetic ment liver fluke infection status in the two groups susceptibility of patients. Gene microarray transcriptional profiling Tesana et al. (2000) explored the role of immu- of cholangiocarcinoma from Japanese versus nization in hamsters administered a subcarcino- Thai patients (again without certain knowledge genic dose of NDMA with O. viverrini infection. of liver fluke status) led Jinawath et al. (2006) to Pre-immunization with a crude somatic fluke propose a signature of O. viverrini-associated antigen accelerated carcinogenesis at 30 weeks cholangiocarcinoma with an elevated expres- (71%) compared with the non-immunized group sion of genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism (20%), suggesting that an increased immune (UGT2B11, UGT1A10, CHST4, SULT1C1) in cases response to liver fluke antigens may increase the from Thailand, but a lower expression of genes susceptibility of developing cholangiocarcinoma. related to growth-factor signalling (TGFBI, PGF, The relationship between immune responses IGFBP1, IGFBP3). to infection with O. viverrini and the synthesis of the carcinogen NDMA, nitric oxide (NO) and nitrosation of amines in humans has been described. The intake of exogenous nitrate and nitrite was minimized and assessments were carried out before and 4 months after elimination

364 Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis of the infection with praziquantel treatment. No 5. Evaluation variation was observed in the amount of NDMA excreted in the urine between the control, There issufficient evidence in humans moderate and heavy liver-fluke-infected groups for the carcinogenicity of chronic infec- (n = 40–50 subjects per group). However, during tion with Opisthorchis viverrini. Chronic active infection, a strong negative association infection with Opisthorchis viverrini causes was observed between in vitro lymphoprolifera- cholangiocarcinoma. tive responses to some liver fluke antigens and There issufficient evidence in humans for NDMA excretion. This association was reduced the carcinogenicity of chronic infection with after praziquantel treatment. Multivariate statis- Clonorchis sinensis. Chronic infection with tical models revealed a highly significant rela- Clonorchis sinensis causes cholangiocarcinoma. tionship between NDMA levels and urinary There is limited evidence in experimental nitrate, stimulation indices for two T-cell animals for the carcinogenicity of infection with responses to two parasite antigens (molecular Opisthorchis viverrini. weight, 37 kDa and 110 kDa), and gallbladder There is limited evidence in experimental dimensions. NDMA levels after treatment were animals for the carcinogenicity of infection with best described by the ratio between parasite- Clonorchis sinensis. specific IgG2 and IgE, background levels of Chronic infection with Opisthorchis viverrini T-cell proliferation, a urinary marker of nitro- is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). sation (N-nitrosothioproline), and a normal Chronic infection with Clonorchis sinensis is level of alcohol consumption. Thus, individual carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). background immunological activity, parasite- specific responses and/or parasite products and NO synthesis may all be determinants of endog- References enous generation of nitrosamines in O. viverrini- infected humans (Satarug et al., 1998). Ando K, Sithithaworn P, Nuchjungreed C et al. (2001). In the only study of host genetic polymor- Nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial CO I and phisms, a population-based case–control study in ribosomal ITS II genes of Opisthorchis viverrini in Thailand failed to show any association between northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 32: Suppl 217–22. PMID:12041584 glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and Attwood HD & Chou ST (1978). The longevity of cholangiocarcinoma risk (Honjo et al., 2005). Clonorchis sinensis. Pathology, 10: 153–156. doi:10.3109/00313027809063494 PMID:355989 Bhamarapravati N, Thammavit W, Vajrasthira S (1978). 4.5 Synthesis Liver changes in hamsters infected with a liver fluke of man, Opisthorchis viverrini. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 27: Although liver fluke ES products may stimu- 787–794. PMID:686245 Boonmars T, Boonjaraspinyo S, Kaewsamut B (2009). late cell proliferation and anti-apoptosis directly, Animal models for Opisthorchis viverrini infection. liver-fluke-induced cholangiocarcinoma is Parasitol Res, 104: 701–703. doi:10.1007/s00436-008- more likely the result of chronic inflammation 1268-x PMID:19050927 (Holzinger et al., 1999; Sirica, 2005; Kawanishi Chen YH, Chen XT, Wu XY (1963). A report of 9 autopsy cases on children dies of clonorchiasis. Chinese Journal & Hiraku, 2006), involving the activation of of Pathology, 33–37. oxidative stress pathways. Studies on O. viverrini Cheng H’e, Han W, Hui Y (2000). CT diagnosis of primary provide most of the mechanistic data. intrahepatic peripheral cholangiocarcinoma. Radiol Prat, 15: 315–319.


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