Profoto B1 500 AirTTL User´s Guide EN

This user guide is available in other languages at CN – 其他语言版本的用户指南可从下载 DE – Das Bedienungs-Handbuch is auch in anderen Sprachen verfügbar unter ES – Esta guía de usuario está disponible en otros idiomas en FR – Ce manuel d’utilisation est également disponible en d’autres langues sur IT – Questa guida per gli utenti è disponibile in altre lingue su JP – このユーザーガイドはに他の言語でもご用意しています。 RU – Инструкция пользователя на других языках доступна на 2 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL Conny Dufgran,Conny founder yourProfotoproduct! Enjoy togrow andhopefullyinspire from almost50yearsoflightshaping wecanshareourexperience sothat orvisitourblogat Still, youtosignupforournewsletter at Iencourage but we’recertainyouwillsoongetthehangofit. first,The almostinfinitepossibilitiesmightseembewilderingat can imagine. tools,shaping way you the light in any you to shape allowing take pride in providing you with such a wide assortment of light- istherealadventure.Using itforlightshaping iswhywe That journey.But gettingtheproductisonlybeginningofthat asaphotographer.stay withyouforyearsandhelpgrow As aresult, yournewProfotoproductwill weareconfidentthat it isano-go. it complieswiththespecifiedperformance, qualityandsafety, products passanextensiveandstricttestingprogram. Unless thefullestconfidence.have Beforeshipping, oneofour every single detail. We onlyputournameonaproductinwhichwe taughtusonething,If theyearshave itistoneverneglecta into itsmaking. almosthalfacentury’s that know worthofexperiencewasput Regardless if you chose a new or a tool,new light-shaping Profoto product! Congratulations onyournew

3 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 4 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL General safetyinstructions batteries installed) shall not be exposed to excessive heat suchasdirectsunlight, installed)shallnotbeexposedtoexcessiveheat batteries fire, orthelike. as disconnectdevice. packor The disconnectdeviceshallremainreadilyoperable. (battery Batteries lamp head when changing the modeling lamp or flash tube! coupler is used The mains plug or appliance umbrella metal shaft in itsreflector hole. and Disconnect the lamphead cable between the generator length oftimeafterbeingturnedoff. Donottouchmodelinglampsorflashtubeswhenmountingan with highvoltage. are electrically charged for Equipment a considerable operates capacitors Generator or lamp heads! connection! Only use Profoto extension cables! Do not open or disassemble generators beconnectedtoamainssocketoutletwithprotectiveearthing shallalways generators Mains powered WARNING –ElectricalShock –HighVoltage! The terminalsmarkedwiththeflashsymbolarehazardouswhenlive. must onlybeserviced, personnel! modified orrepairedbyauthorizedandcompetentservice Warning - deformed. When placing a lamp into the holder ensure not to touch the bulb with bare hands. Equipment for example by cracks or deep scratches. or thermally Lamps must be changed if they are damaged theireffectivenessisimpaired, tosuchanextentthat becomevisiblydamaged be changediftheyhave Do notuseflashheadswithoutsuppliedprotectiveglasscoversorgrids. Glasscoversmust intheunit. water condensation Donotconnectthisequipmenttoflashfromotherbrands. changesinhumidconditionsasthiscouldleadto temperature Do notexposetheequipmenttorapid dripping or splashing. objects Do not filled place withany liquids, such as vases, on or near the equipment. extreme fields, electromagnetic or in areas with flammable gases or dust! Do not expose the equipment to useonly.indoor photographic Donotplaceorusetheequipmentwhereitcanbeexposedtomoisture, products areintendedforprofessionaluse!Generators, lampheadsandaccessoriesareintendedfor theequipment!Profoto information. accompany ProfotoSafetyInstructionsalways Makesurethat safety theinstruction manual andtheaccompanying theequipmentbefore studying Do notoperate SAFETY PRECAUTIONS! electronic equipment ontheEuropean market, when productlifehasended! disposalofwaste,local legalrequirements forseparate forinstance WEEE directivefor electricaland Equipment maybereturned toProfotodistributorsfreeofchargeforrecycling according to WEEE. Follow couldbeharmful totheenvironment.Equipment containselectrical andelectroniccomponentsthat Final Disposal with otherusers. Interferencecannotberuledout. accordingtolocalregulations.device isoperated The frequency spectrumthisdeviceisusingshared range.are followed, andsupplyvoltage temperature especially thoseconcerningoperating Makesurethe takenwhenthedeviceisintegrated withinthisdocument allspecifications Makesurethat This equipmentmakesuseoftheradiospectrum andemitsradiofrequency energy. Propercare should Note aboutRF! etc. ordirectlyoverglasscovers, overinletsandoutletsoftheequipmentventilation modelinglampsorflashtubes! byplacingfilters, fromlampheadbeforeuse!Donotobstruct ventilation Remove transportcap diffusingmaterials, NOTICE –EquipmentOverheatingRisk supply! intheuserguideregardingpower corresponds withthetechnicaldata forthemodelinglamp outhotparticles! voltage occasions explodeandthrow therated Make surethat whenused!Donotpointmodelinglampsorflashtubestoocloseheat topeople. All lampsmayonrare Do nottouchhotpartswithbarefingers!Modelinglamps, flashtubesandcertainmetalpartsemitstrong Caution –BurnHazardHotParts! Other...... Handling...... Operation Nomenclature...... General safetyinstructions...... Table ofContents Upgrade Firmware...... Check Firmware...... Temperature...... limitindicator HSS...... TTL...... Changing flashtubeandModelLightLED...... Replacing theFront glass...... Mounting ProfotoLightShaping Tools...... Stand mounting...... chargingandmaintanence...... Battery mounting...... Battery signalsettings...... Ready Modeling lightsettings...... Select Syncsetting...... Set lightoutput(Energy) Select Freeze/Normal mode...... Power on/off...... Quick guide...... 16 14 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 12 12 11 10 10 9 6 4 9 9

5 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 6 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Nomenclature andFront glass Clamp screw Stand adapter Tilt-lock knob Handle 1 8 8 9 9 7 2 7 3 6 9. 8. 7. 6. Battery releasebutton Battery Battery Umbrella holder Zoom scale 4 5 11. 10. 15. 14. 13. Sync connector USB port TEST button MODEL button LCD display 13 12 14 15 11 16 12. 18. 17. 16. 10 17 18 IR-Slave eye IR-Slave SYNC button READY button ENERGY/SETTINGS dial

7 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 8 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 28. 27. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. Case (Bag XS) Case (Bag charger Battery Light outputsetting levelindicator Battery Sync/Air setting signalsetting Ready Modeling lightsetting 26 25 F A 24 M F P R UTO R O R !  D E E O E E E  P L Z 19 E % 23 R B DIM E E A 20 E D P Y 27 26. 25. 24. 28 S S A Y L indicator flashexposure(TTL) Automatic Temperature limitindicator Freeze modeindicator I N A R C V E  21 22 one hour of inactivity to save battery life. battery one hourofinactivitytosave goesintosleepafter30minutesand shuts offcompletelyafter The B1unitautomatically 2. 1. Power on/off 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. For instructions, detailedoperating seesubsequentsections. Quick guide Operation

is allblack. To offtheunit, switch the pressandhold down TEST button[15]untiltheDisplay[13] thesettingsinformation. shows To onthe unit, switch the pressandholddown TEST button[15]until the Display[13] Mount LightShaping Tools 15). (see page signalsetting[20]withtheREADYSelect Ready 13). button[17](seepage 13). Select Modelinglightsetting[19]withtheMODELbutton[14](seepage 12). Select Syncsetting[21]withtheSYNCbutton[18](seepage Release atestflashbypressingthe 11). TEST button[15](seepage 11). Set thebrieflyflashlightoutputwithENERGY/SETTINGSdial[16](seepage and thenshortlypressingthe 11). TEST button[15](seepage Select Freeze/Normal modebypressingandholdingtheENERGY/SETTINGSdial[16] Switch ontheunitbypressingandholding 10). TEST button[15](seepage Adjust thetiltpositionofflashbyloosening Tilt-lock 14). knob[2](seepage 14). page Fit [3]toalightstandandsecureitwiththeClampscrew[4](see theStandadapter fromtheReflector/FrontRemove thetransportcap glass[5]. 14). (seepage Mount thebattery 14). (seepage Charge thebattery

9 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 10 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL See below overview of flash duration inFreeze offlashduration vs. overview See below Normalmode. Freeze ontheDisplay[13]. [24] isshown modeindicator [16] andthenshortlypressingthe TEST button[15]. When Freeze modeisselected, the Switch between Freeze/Normal mode by pressing and holding the ENERGY/SETTINGS dial • • situations. indifferentshooting intwomodestomaximizetheversatility The B1unitcanoperate Select Freeze/Normalmode Press the TEST button[15]toreleaseatestflash. The toflash. whentheunitisfullychargedand ready TEST button [15]isilluminated • • leveloftheflashlight: Use theENERGY/SETTINGSdial[16] to changetheenergy as10. (500Ws)isshown maximum energy f-stopscale. ontheDisplay [13]inarelative The lightoutputoftheflashisshown The Set lightoutput(Energy) increments. Turn levelin1/10 f-stop theENERGY/SETTINGS dial[16]tochangetheenergy flash isusedtofreezefastaction. Freeze mode: Optimizedforshortest flashduration. Bestoptionforshotswherethe Best optionformosttypesofshots. Normal mode: range. stabilityovertheentireenergy Optimizedcolortemperature increments. levelin1f-stop Press andturntheENERGY/SETTINGS dial[16]tochangetheenergy ** Donglefor usingProfoto Air StudioSoftware *Optional mountedtransmitters. Check Profoto.comfor TTL supported . of respectiveaccessory). Air withB1(For instructionsrefertouserguide Accessories compatible detailedoperation the samechannelwhenaset-upismadewithmorethanonelight. same channelwillbesyncedtogether. Groupsareusedtoremotely control individuallightsorgroupsofon canbeset,There areeightdifferentchannels(1-8)that andeachchannelhas6groups(A-F). All lightssettothe Note: 4. 3. 2. 1. listed inthetablebelow. by Profoto. The B1supportsallavailable Air accessoriesofferedbyProfotoincluding those oftheoptionalProfoto to betriggeredand/orcontrolledfromany Air transceiversoffered When ‘AIR’ isselectedintheSync/Airsettingsection[21]onDisplay[13], theB1isset Air (andTTL)operation toggle betweenthewirelesssyncoptions, pressandholdtheSYNCbutton[18]. the wireless sync settings by briefly pressing the SYNC button [18].Activate/deactivate To • Cable synconly: • • Wireless syncsettings: intheSync/Airsettingsection[21]onDisplay[13]:The currentsyncsettingisshown Select Syncsetting Air USB** Air Sync* Air Remote Remove TTL* Air accessories Profoto Air Optional Turn theENERGY/SETTINGSdial[16]tochangegroup. Press andturntheENERGY/SETTINGSdial[16]tochangechannel. button. and groupsettingintheSync/Airsection[21]isblinkingthen release the When Air isactivated, theSYNCbutton[18]untilchannel pressandholddown Activate theinstructionstoSelectSyncSetting. Air byfollowing Blank: blank,When theSyncsettingshows theB1canonlybesyncedwithcable. flash isfiredoranIRsignaldetected. SLAVE: eye[12]isactivated.The built-inIR-Slave syncifanother The flashwillslave oftheoptionalProfoto controlled fromany Air transceiversofferedbyProfoto. AIR: The built-inProfoto Air receiverisactivated. The B1issettobetriggeredand/or * Flash sync withB1500 incombination Usable features AirTTL X X X Remote control X X X flash setting) TTL (Automatic X Speed Sync) HSS (High X 11 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 12 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL • • • • signalsettingsection[20]ontheDisplay[13]: intheReady The currentsettingisshown Ready signalsettings orshutitofwhenalightmeterisused. use themodelinglightinfullpower When dimmedtheLEDmodelinglightispulsingandthismaytriggersomelightmeters. isto The recommendation Note! 3. • • 2. 1. intheModelinglightsettingsection[19]onDisplay[13]. The currentsettingisshown Modeling lightsettings meter totheSyncConnector[11]onB1unit. Sync viacableispossibleinallsyncmodes. Connectasynccablefromthecameraorflash Cable Syncoperation 2. 1. senses theflashrelease, aswellIRsignalsfrommostsynctransmitters. When intheSync/Airsettingsection[21]onDisplay[13], isshown ‘Slave’ theB1unit Slave Syncoperation Blank: signal. Noready toflashagain. modeling lightisturnedonwhenit ready DIM BEEP: The modelinglightisturnedoffafterflashing. The unitbeepsandthe to flashagain. DIM: The modelinglightisturned offafterflashing, andisturnedonwhenitready BEEP: afterrecharging. toflashagain The unitbeeps whenitisready and thenewvaluewillbeset. value.[16] tochangethepercentage After afewseconds, the displaywillstopblinking valueisblinking.button [14]untilthepercentage Turn theENERGY/SETTINGSdial If ‘FREE’ isselected: With themodelinglighton, theMODEL pressandholddown of theflashlight. FREE: The modelinglightintensityismanuallyset, level independentfromtheenergy leveloftheflashlight. selected energy PROP: adjustedtobeproportionalthe The modelinglightintensityisautomatically and ‘FREE’: between ‘PROP’ With the modeling light on, the MODEL button [14] to toggle press and hold down Press theMODELbutton[14]toturnmodelinglightonoroff. is displayed. Ensure that isdisplayed.‘Slave’ Ifnot, pressandholdtheSYNCbutton[18]until ‘Slave’ wireless sync. ‘AIR’ or displayed. isnow ‘Slave’ If theSync/Airsettingsection[21]isblank, presstheSYNCbutton[18]oncetoactivate Note that theaccuracyNote that ofthelightoutputisslightly lessprecisewhenQuickburstisactive. outputwithouttriggeringthe power flashes persecondonlower “Wrong exposurealarm”. is set, thelongerburstscanbetriggered. Thanks tothisfeature, theB1cantriggerupto20 of flashes, andthesetlightoutput. dependsontherepetitionrate thelightoutput The lower is onlyactivewhenthelightoutputsettolessthanfull. The lengthoftheburst, innumber afaster pacethantheB1canrecharge,be firedat withoutlosinglightoutput. The function aseries(burst)offlashesto allows functionthat activated Quick burstisanautomatically Quick burst camera insequenceshooting. the soundalarmwillonlygooffifB1isusedin andcannotkeepupwiththe TTL operation whenBEEPisdeactivated.The soundalarmispartially deactivated IfBEEPisdeactivated ofthemomentwasperfect. maystillbeusableifthecatch image value. continuetoflashevenifthesetlightoutputcannotbemetas The B1willalways will blink. the flash light does not fully correspond to the set that These signals indicate When aflashisreleasedbeforetheunitready, therewillbealongbeepandthedisplay Wrong alarm • • Use theREADY signalsetting: button[17]toselecttheReady Press and hold down theREADYPress andholddown button[17]toturn ‘DIM’ onoroff. Press theREADY button[17]toturn ‘BEEP’ onoroff. 13 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 14 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL forth alongthezoom scale[6]. thelight by simply sliding the reflector back and you to shape easy to mount and allows Most reflectors are equipped with Profoto’s unique clamp mechanism, which makes them All toolswithstandardreflectormount (rubbercollarwithclasp) lightyoucanimagine. beautifullightintoalmostany itsalready to shape addition, tools, withmorethan120lightshaping theB1iscompatible whichcan beused The B1’s awideandeven lightspreadwithahighoutput. built-inreflectorcreates In Mounting ProfotoLightShapingTools 2. 1. Stand mounting 4. 3. 2. 1. not beusedinthiscase. hasn´tbeenusedforalongerperiod. that an emptybattery The CarCharger1.8Ashould thecells. candamage that Chargers2.8Aor4.5Atocharge useProfotoBattery Always foralongerperiodasitmaygointodeepdischargestate Never storeanemptybattery istobestoredforalongerperioditshouldchargedhalf-fullbeforestoring.If thebattery Charger4.5A,Battery orProfotoCarCharger1.8A. chargelevel. Charger2.8A,can bechargedfromany OnlyusetheProfoto Battery Profoto For optimalperformance, shouldbefullychargedpriortousage. thebattery The battery chargingandmaintanence Battery transport. Transport arenotcoveredbyProfotowarranty. damages during To removethebattery and/ortheB1housingitisrecommendedtoalways tobattery prevent damage Note! 2. 1. mounting Battery Handling loosened. Fasten the Tilt-lock knob[2]whentheunitiscorrectlydirected. whenthe The B1unitcanbedirectedupwards/downwards Tilt-lock knob [2] is Fit [3]toalightstandandsecureitwiththeClampscrew[4]. theStandadapter fromthecharger. chargerandremovethebattery to disconnectthebattery thechargingiscompleted, that chargerindicates itisrecommended When thebattery chargingisinprogress. that chargerindicates thebattery Check that pack. chargertothe battery Connect thebattery Dismount thebattery. pack. [9] andpulloutthebattery To dismountthebattery, offtheB1unit. releasebutton firstswitch PresstheBattery packisproperlysecured. battery packlocksinplace.battery Makesurethereisa “click” sound, the that indicating To mountthebattery, packintotheB1unitandpushfirmlyuntil fitthebattery distributor forprofessionalservice. For replacement of the modeling light LED or Model Light LED, contact your local dealer or Changing flashtubeandModelLightLED 4. 3. 2. 1. be usedtoenhancethe “zoom effect” ofProfoto’s ifusingany “zoomable” reflectors. The Front glass[5]canbereplacedwithoptionalfrontordomes. Domescan Replacing theFrontglass 2. 1. an umbrellaisused, thesametime. itisnotpossibletomountanexternalreflectorat The diameter of the umbrella shaft must be between 7 mm and 8 mm in order to fit. When Umbrellas aresimplymountedbyslidingtheumbrellashaftintoUmbrellaholder[7]. Umbrella mounting 3. 2. 1. sides. Gently removetheFront glass[5]bypushingthespringsholdinggentlyto glass arebackinpositionandsecurelyholdingthefrontglass/glassdome. Carefully fitthefrontglass/glassdomeinplace. allspringsholdingthe Makesure that Wait theunittobefullydischargedandcooleddown. fiveminutestoallow Switch offtheB1andremovebattery. shaft afewmorecentimetersintotheUmbrellaholder[7]. After afewcentimeters, therewillbemorefriction, thencontinuetoslidetheumbrella Slide theumbrellashaftintoUmbrellaholder[7]. Secure bylockingtheclasp onthereflector. desired position. Slide thereflectorontoB1. Usethezoomscale[6]toplacereflectorin Unlock theclasp onthereflector. 15 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 16 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL Note! flashwhenHSSmodeisused. every flash. IntheLCDDisplay[13]of B1a “[]” symbolwillbevisibleacoupleofsecondsafter HSS iseitherselectedontheremote(Canon)orincameramenu(Nikon), notonthe in brightconditions. This optioncanbeextremelyusefultolimittheinfluenceofambientlight whenshooting a fastershutterspeedthanthefastestexternalflashsync(x-sync) ofthecamera. forCanonandNikon).tranceivers (currentlyavailable HSSenablesshootingwithflashat oftheoptional Profoto B1supportsHSS(Highspeedsync)ifusedwithany Air Remote TTL HSS Find moreinfoontheoptional camerason TTL remotesandalistofcompatible command fromtheremote. bythecamera.automatically islitfortensecondsafterreceivinga The indicator TTL flash [26] flashexposureindicator timetheflashoutputisset The automatic ‘AUTO’ islitevery signalisturnedon). beep iftheready this (it will only setting on the LCD Display [13] and produce a long beep to indicate energy If thecamerarequiresaflashoutputoutsiderangeofB1, theB1willblink metering. Notethat TTL isselectedontheremote, notontheflash. withoutmanual may selecttoletthecameracontrolflashoutputfullyautomatically for Canon and Nikon).available With a TTL remote mounted in the camera hotshoe, you Profoto B1supports oftheoptional TTL whenusedwithany Air Remote TTL (currently TTL Other limited until the temperature levelisback toanacceptablelevel. limited untilthetemperature thebuilt-inover-temperatureactivated protection. When thisoccurstheperformance is has levelthat [25]islitifthe B1hasreachedatemperature limitindicator The temperature Temperature limitindicator all newupgrades. camerasisavailable of compatible yourpersonal accountandlogintoaccess Create * Your Air Remote inordertousetheHSSfeature.TTL mayrequireafirmwareupdate andalist The lastestupdates * Frequent animpactonthelife-timeofB1flashtube. useofHSSwillhave firmware. later in HSSMode. rangeiscurrently7.0-10.0forCanonand8.0-10.0Nikonbutmaychange with The HSSpower To ensureaperfectexposureandstableflashpulse, rangewhen theB1usesonlyupperpartofitspower * DuringaHSSflash, theflashispulsingtoprovideaconstantlightoutputduringtimewhenshutteropen.

contact your local dealer or distributor for professional service witheachupgrade. contact yourlocaldealerordistributorforprofessionalservice downloaded in theupgradeapplication You canalways Upgrade offirmwareismadeviatheUSBport[10], theinstructionsprovided following be sureyougetnoticedwhennewupgradesarereleased. myprofoto. anaccountyoucanalsochoosetoregisteryourproductsand Onceyouhave To freeupgradesyoucreate accessthelatest We youlookforfirmwareupgradesbeforestartusingyournewB1. recommendthat Upgrade Firmware 3. 2. 1. Check Firmware The current firmware version is shown ontheDisplay[13](forexample:The currentfirmwareversionisshown A7). on. button [15]untiltheB1switches Press andholdtheENERGY/SETTINGSdial[16]thenpress TEST Switch offtheB1unit. 17 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 18 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL Technical data Battery status indicator status Battery life Battery capacity Battery type Battery reflector with Magnum @2m, 100ISO reflector Light spreadwithbuilt-in stabilityFreeze mode: Color stabilityNormalmode: stabilityFreezeEnergy mode: stabilityNormalmode: Energy (t0.5): FreezeFlash duration mode (t0.5): Normalmode Flash duration Mode control Modeling lightcontrol Modeling light Recycling time controlincrements Energy range Ws Energy rangef-stop Energy Max energy Auto power off Auto power charging time Battery 1 sectionblinking: 1 section: 2 sections: 3 sections: ontheDisplay:is indicated ofthetotalcapacity levelinpercentage Approx. battery 300 chargecycles left) (to80%capacity flashes Up to220fullpower 14.8 Exchangeable Lithium-IonBattery V/3 Ah 45 2/10 77 degrees +- 800Koverrange;+-50Kflashto +- 150Koverrange;+-20Kflashto +-1/20 f-stopflashto +-1/20 f-stopflashto 1/19,000 s(2Ws)-1/1,000(500Ws) 1/11,000 s(2Ws)-1/1,000(500Ws) balanced) mode. Freeze orNormal(color (shortestflashduration) Off, Proportional, Free (5-100%) LED 20 W (Equivalentof70 W Halogen) 0.1-1.9 s(Quickburstupto20flashes/second) 1/10 orfullf-stops 2.0-500 Ws 9 f-stop(2.0-10.0;1/256-1/1) 500 Ws Yes after60minutes. after30minutes. Sleepactivated Charger4.5A) 2 h(1hwithBattery

40-10% <10% 70-40% 100-70% All figures are to be considered as nominal and Profoto reserves therightmakechangeswithoutfurthernotice. All figuresaretobeconsideredasnominalandProfotoreserves Wireless sync range temperature storage Battery range temperature operating Battery Yes, viaall Air cameratransmittersorIR(Slave) -20 °Cto+60°C(-20°F+140°F) -10 °Cto+50(-4°F+120°F) 19 Profoto B1 500 Air TTL 344097-B1. March 2015 Printed in Sweden. 344097-B1. Technical data and product information are subject to change without notice. data and product information are subject to change without notice. Technical

Profoto AB P.O. Box 1264 SE-172 65 Sundbyberg, SWEDEN

Visiting address: Landsvägen 57, Sundbyberg Phone +46 8 447 53 00 [email protected]