THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER. ESTABLISHED IN 1828 Here come the summer festivals! THE p10,11 CHURCHOF ENGLAND Newspaper

Kate is winsome in new romance NOW AVAILABLE ON  NEWSSTAND p15 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 No: 6221 New church attendance statistics show a mixed picture of church attendance Attendance is ‘stagnant’ STATISTICS FOR 2012 released last Fri- The report claims that ‘on average peo- cent of churches show signs of decline. in 2003 to 127,000 in 2012. Adult bap- day by the show a ple attend worship just over three times a For the remaining 57 per cent there was tisms have increased from 8,000 to mixed picture. A press release to accom- month’. little change. 11,000. pany the statistics said that on average Over half the members of the Worship- Churches were asked how many There was a bigger fall in confirma- 1.05 million people attended services ping Community were aged between 18 young people attended activities con- tions with the decline being particularly each week, showing little significant and 69, 28 per cent were over 70 and 20 nected to the church during the month pronounced among females (although change over the past decade with ‘possi- per cent were under 18. of October, 2012, and how many adults the number of female confirmations ble signs of a small decline year on year’. More people joined the Church of Eng- (excluding clergy) were working with remains higher than male). In the case of Usual Sunday Attendance land in 2012 than left but the report young people aged 11 to 17. The returns Compared with 2003 confirmations the decline is slightly more pronounced admits this could be due to an under- showed that 80,000 young people aged overall were down by 29 per cent. Over with the latest figure hovering around reporting of leavers since it take longer 11 to 17 and 23,000 aged 18 – 25 were the same period funerals declined by 800,000. In 2003 it was closer to 850,000 to classify someone as definitely having involved in activities, 28,000 worked vol- 50,000 to stand at 160,000 which means and in 1996 it stood at 1 million. left. Young people aged under 18 made untarily with young people and 2,000 that 34 per cent of deaths are now This year a new measure has been up around 30 per cent of joiners but just were paid to do so. marked by a Church of England funeral. introduced, which aims to give the num- 15 per cent of leavers. The greatest net The number of weddings has been sta- Commenting on the new statistics, Dr bers of those who attend church once a increase of 3,342 joiners occurred in Lon- ble since 2003 but there has been a seven Bev Botting, Head of Research and Sta- month or who would do so if not prevent- don. per cent increase in the proportion of tistics for the Archbishops’ Council, said: ed by ill health. Services on Christmas Eve and Christ- religious marriages undertaken by the “These statistics for 2012 show that The Worshipping Community of the mas Day continued to be popular, attract- Church of England. weekly attendance over the past decade Church of England stood at 1 million in ing around 2.5 million people in 2012. Other figures for the Occasional has not changed significantly. The intro- 2012. If this figure is taken into account, This figure fluctuates year on year Offices show a decline. duction of clearer data and more rigor- it may suggest not that the number of depending on the weather and the day of Although child baptism figures ous methodological approaches and practising Anglicans is shrinking but that the week on which Christmas falls. increased, a decline in infant baptism analysis means that these figures pro- people are attending church less fre- Although 20 per cent of churches meant that the figure for child and infant vide a clearer picture of Anglican church- quently than once a week. report average weekly growth, 23 per baptism combined declined from 133,000 going in the decade to 2012.” Women clergy face abuse, new book claims By Amaris Cole contributed to this book, hoping it would inspire many young women to follow their calling. A new book reveals female clergy in the Church of Eng- The Rev Rose In the book, Julia Ogilvy wrote: “The concept of preju- land face dismissive attitudes and abuse during their Hudson-Wilkin dice at the heart of the Church is controversial but careers. there are few contemporary issues that have caused as Women In Waiting: Prejudice at the heart of the church, much pain to the women involved.” by Julia Ogilvy, is based on interviews with 12 high-pro- She said that most of the recent debates on this have file women in the Church, including the Rev Rose Hud- been centered around women bishops, but that this son-Wilkin, Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of deflects from some of the more important concerns of Commons and Dean of York the Very Rev Vivienne the Church and what is being done in its name. Faull. As a trustee of Tearfund she has seen many horrific One of the most shocking accounts comes from crimes done to women and restrictions placed on them, the Dean, revealing: “I have had a lot of abusive but how the Church of England moves to keep women personal stuff, abusive and pornographic letters from full equality in the form of ordaining women to the in the post.” episcopate shocked her. Other clergywomen The businesswoman went on: “I am not going to apol- spoke of being spat at, but ogise for the strong wording of the title of this book or the Rev Prof Sarah Coak- for failing to interview women who are against the ley spoke of the attack on extremely weird ways, which were actually appointment of women bishops. her position, rather than very undermining to my position, and I had to “People can sit around in the Synod discussing com- British Summer being physically assault- fight to be allowed to do the job that I’d been plex theological arguments but this book demonstrates Time begins at ed. appointed to do. And at some point, it was very the reality of life for women who answer their calling to 2am on Sunday! “I wasn’t harassed sex- helpful that I had lawyers in my family.” the Church and on occasions go through great person- ually but I was treated in some The author praised the ‘courage’ of the women who al suffering.”

[email protected] @churchnewspaper THE 2 Friday March 28, 2014 News

Southwark CHURCHIN St John’s, Waterloo, is running their second Film Score competition in co-operation with the Waterloo Festival. Last year’s competition saw submissions from all over the UK as well as abroad! Entries are open to young composers from the ages of 18-35 and each of the two winners will receive £500. The movie that they are set to accompany is titled A Journeys End, which is a five-minute short film that ENGLAND has been specifically written, devised and filmed in London’s Waterloo. Winners will be announced at the BFI Southbank on the last afternoon of the Waterloo Festival. The competition closes for entries on 11 April. The shortlisted entries will be performed accompanying the film at the festival.

Bradford York York

Bradford Cathedral has Shoppers were treated to an The Rev Anne Richards has been appointed the announced the unusual sight last weekend new Chaplain for the Archbishop Sentamu appointment of Derek when a vicar was training on a Academy in Hull. She was licenced by the Twine CBE as the new treadmill in full choir dress. , the Rt Rev Richard Frith, in a chairman of Cathedral On Sunday 13 April the Rev special service at the Academy on 25 March. Council. He will be Ben Norton, the assistant Anne was previously the Project Manager at St commissioned at Choral at St Cuthbert’s, Michael’s Youth Project in Orchard Park, Hull, Evensong on 19 May. Mr Marton in Cleveland, will be and is also an Assistant Curate at St Michael Twine was Chief Executive running the London and All Angels Church, and will be continuing of the Scout Association Marathon. To promote in that role. Anne said: “I am delighted to have from 1996-2013. He led fundraising for his run, Mr been appointed as full-time Chaplain to the major organisational Norton was training using a Archbishop Sentamu Academy. It is a unique transformation: re- treadmill whilst in full choir opportunity to support students, staff, parents clarification of mission and dress in the town centre last and governors at a very exciting time in the life strategy, growth of adult Sunday. The money he raises of the academy.” volunteering and youth for the marathon will be put membership, stronger and towards the Children’s more diversified financial Society, which works with resources, greater vulnerable children living in presence in inner cities poverty or at risk of neglect. and with challenged His goal is to raise £2,000 for communities, and the society. Those who donate increased engagement in £20 or more can pick a song to public affairs. be put on Mr Norton’s marathon playlist for him to enjoy during the run!

Canterbury Salisbury Tom Hollander and A service in the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral will As the hit BBC sitcom Rev returned to Olivia Colman in Rev take place to launch Together Canterbury, a joint TV screens Salisbury is informing fans venture between the Diocese of Canterbury and the that the real life Rev is living among Church Urban Fund to provide long-term sustainable them in the diocese. Bishop John Cavell support to Christians working to tackle poverty in is the living embodiment of the phrase some of the most deprived areas of Kent. The service “97 years young”. Born at the height of takes place on 27 March at 2pm will feature two the First World War this Bishop Together Canterbury development workers, Keith significantly influenced the development Berry and Kon Apokis, who will be formally of the TV character the Rev Adam commissioned by the , the Rt Rev Smallbone. Show writer James Wood Trevor Willmott during the proceedings. This new and lead actor Tom Hollander pursued initiative is the latest in a growing number of the Bishop’s advice on Rev, often partnerships between the Church Urban Fund and speaking highly of Bishop Cavell as a Anglican dioceses throughout the country. personal friend. The Bishop is retired and currently living in Salisbury.


Manchester Cathedral threw open its doors on Monday to allow visitors to go behind the scenes. The event was part of the Manchester Histories Festival and was titled ‘From Henry V to The Fun Lovin’ Criminals - The Backstage Tour!’ Participants had the opportunity to go behind the scenes of the Cathedral and see sights such as a signature from Henry V on the Charter of 1421 and the Refectory, which doubled as a green room for international acts such Gloucester the thousands of Britons forced to turn to as Alicia Keys. The , the Rt Rev Michael foodbanks or go hungry. Perham, has authored a collect (a short prayer) to be used as a focal point for over The collect reads: 2,500 congregations, Christian organisations and individuals pledged to fast against the rise God of mercy and of plenty, of hunger in the UK on 4 April as part of the your Son fasted in the wilderness End Hunger Fast campaign. and shared food with the people in a desert The prayer calls for “all to have a place at the place: table” while statistics released by the Trussell give us courage to resist the injustices around Trust earlier this month reported that their us, food banks gave out three days’ emergency the will to end the hunger that shames our food over 600,000 times between April and society December 2013, a situation deemed by 71 per and a share in your vision for a new world cent of the public a “national disgrace”. End where all shall have a place at the table of the Hunger Fast is asking individuals across the feast; UK to fast on 4 April 2014 in solidarity with through Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Friday March 28, 2014 News 3 Sookhdeo denies sex assault allegations Evangelism task group meets

PATRICK SOOKHDEO, director of the Barnabas Fund, has denied allegations of for the first time at Lambeth sexual assault made against him. Dr Sookhdeo, 66, has been released by Wilt- By Amaris Cole structure and work as it plans to meet tor of Soul Survivor is another member shire police on bail. five times in the next 12 months. of the group with Jules Gomez, Dr Sookhdeo has served as a visiting THE Archbishop Welby said: “It is the task Canon Theologian at St German Cathe- Professor at the UK Defence Academy chaired the first meeting of the Evan- of this group to see every church and dral; Beth Keith, tutor, Sheffield Centre and has advised the British Army on deal- gelism Task Group on Monday with ‘a every Christian embrace their calling to (Church Army research unit); the Rev ing with Islamist movements and its reli- dozen experts and practitioners in evan- be those who proclaim the Gospel in Annie Kirke, pioneer of missional com- gious engagement strategy. gelism’. word and deed. Nothing quite brings munities, Diocese of London; Fr Philip He has expressed controversial views The group was established following energy and renewal to a church than North, Team Rector, Parish of Old St on Islam and has been criticised by a November’s General Synod, with a seeing people come to faith.” Pancras; Amy Orr-Ewing, director of number of people including Mehdi Hasan remit of ‘encouraging and equipping In addition to the Archbishops of Can- programmes for Oxford Centre for in the New Statesman and Andrew Brown every church and Christian to proclaim terbury and York, the group’s members Christian Apologetics; Mark Russell, in The Guardian. Recently he has drawn the good news of Jesus Christ’. are the , the Rt Rev chief executive, Church Army; the Rev attention to the plight of Christians in The group considered how it could ; the Bishop of Lancaster, Rico Tice, Senior at All Souls, Syria. bring influence to the church in the the Rt Rev Geoffrey Pearson and the Langham Place; the Rev Malcolm Mac- The Barnabas Fund has declined to short, medium and long term during its Rev Elizabeth Adekunle, Chaplain, St naughton, ’s Chief comment on Dr Sookhdeo’s arrest and first meeting. John’s College, Cambridge. of Staff and Andrew Brown (serving as the charges against him. It also discussed the group’s future The Rev Andy Croft, associate direc- Clerk to the task group). Seven more dioceses Welcome for Budget money Former Anglican vicar exposed say yes to women A PROVISION in the Budget to make £20 million avail- SEVEN MORE dioceses have now voted able over the next two years for repairs to Church of A FORMER VICAR who took remain in the UK. Hussain is to approve the draft measure to permit England and Roman Catholic Cathedrals has been wel- half his congregation with him married with a wife still living the of women bishops. Bath comed by the Cathedral Fabrics Commission. The to join the Ordinariate has been in Pakistan. Minchew is a wid- and Wells, Birmingham, Bradford, Lich- money is designed to be used for urgent repairs and to exposed by the Mail on Sunday ower with four sons. field, Liverpool, Oxford and Peterbor- support fund-raising efforts. as being in a civil partnership Home Office rules say that ough all approved the measure last The new fund has been set up because the existing with a young man from Pak- immigrants in civil relation- weekend bring the total of dioceses vot- Heritage Lottery Fund Repair Grants for Places of istan. ships have to show they are in a ing in favour to 20. No diocese has voted Worship excludes provision for cathedrals. Other The Rev Donald Minchew, genuine relationship before against. places of worship are eligible for grants from the exist- 66, was Vicar of St Michael and they are allowed to stay in the At least 23 dioceses must vote in favour ing fund. All Angels, Croydon, but left in UK. Several Church of England for the measure to be brought to General Cathedrals are popular tourist attractions and it has 2012 with 70 of his parish- clergy have now been jailed for Synod in July and that figure is likely to been calculated that they generate £350 million a year ioners, accusing the Church of helping immigrants to get be reached on 29 March, when Bristol, for the economy. The Cathedral Fabrics Commission England in an interview with around the law. Hereford, Lincoln, Norwich and hopes that this grant will set a precedent and money the Daily Mail of telling ‘believ- Fr Minchew has now with- Portsmouth are all due to vote. will continue to be provided for cathedrals in future ers in traditional values’ to ‘sod drawn from public ministry years. off’. pending a Church investiga- Frank Field MP, Chair of the Commission, said the Now an investigation by the tion. A statement from Mgr Wells Palace: Chancellor had scored a ‘double first here’. He wel- Mail on Sunday has revealed Keith Newton said: “Fr comed the fact that money would be available for Minchew entered into a civil Minchew has informed me that Roman Catholic as well as Anglican cathedrals. partnership with Mustajab Hus- his partnership involved no diocese On Monday the Chancellor, George Osborne, visited sain in Cheltenham in 2008. sexual relationship. He deeply Derby Cathedral and was told about the fabric needs of Minchew denies that he is a regrets his actions. He apolo- the building and the role the Cathedral plays in the homosexual and says he gises unreservedly for any complains local community. His visit was to highlight the funding entered into the civil partner- harm or embarrassment he has for cathedrals he had announced in the budget. ship to enable Hussain to caused.” ANOTHER CHAPTER has opened in the dispute between the Diocese of Bath and Wells and the NOT ONE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC Church Commissioners over the future of the Bish- There is a company based in ShefQield, which is proud to op’s Palace in Wells. supply top quality motor cars to the Church community. A meeting of the Dioce- Priory Automotive have a friendly team of advisers, who have san Council has unani- over 35 years experience in assisting people within this area. mously agreed to lodge a They do not sell or advertise their cars to the general public formal complaint against as this is atailor-made service only available for Clergy, the Church Commission- Church members and Charities. ers’ decision to move the If you would like to avoid the endless visits to car showrooms, out of the Palace and into listening to each super slick salesman offering this weeks temporary accommoda- deal of the century, then the service that Priory offer could tion in a former rectory in well be for you. Croscombe. They only provide the Qinest cars, prepared to the highest A spokesman for the standard with the best guarantees, they also deliver to your Diocese made the door free of charge and all at a very fair price. announcement after the Council meeting. “On 27 When you are looking for another car Priory can take all February this year we the worry and hassle out of the whole process. They are were given official notice actually very good at what they do, please take a look at the by the Church Commis- customer testimonials on their website or give them a call sioners about their deci- for achat. sion to move the Bishop to the Old Rectory in Whether you are looking to change your car, or just require some genuine independent advice from an honest and Croscombe. We were ethical team, why not get in touch and see how they can advised of our right to help you? object within 28 days and we are taking the opportu- For more information call: 0114 255 9696 nity to do so. We now await or visit the outcome.”

[email protected] @churchnewspaper 4 Friday March 28, 2014 News Bishop explains Russian action has food bank use FOOD BANKS are mainly used by people who are having problems with their benefits, the Bishop of Gloucester has said. ‘united churches’ Bishop Michael Perham called for the Gov- ernment to carry out research into why peo- ple had to resort to food aid. PREVIOUSLY divided churches in ple not to oppose a new trajectory for responded to the new political reality, At question time in the House of Lords, he Ukraine have come together in the Ukraine because of their traditional the barriers of mistrust started to said: “Research by Citizens Advice shows that face of Russian hostility, the Bishop of relations with Russia. erode. the main reason people are referred to food has said. “As the Maidan uprising turned vio- “Some religious leaders actually banks is delay in the payment of benefits and But Bishop criticised the lent, churches in Kiev, including Christ started talking to one another. The benefit sanctions; anecdotally, this is also the role of Metropolitan Kirill, the primate Church, the Anglican church in the synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s own experience from its involve- of the Russian Orthodox Church, for city, acted as field hospitals for people Church of the Kiev Patriarchate has ment in the many food banks it helps to run not attempting to act as a “brake” on wounded in the uprising. St Michael’s even gone so far as to suggest to the across the country.” President Vladimir Putin. Golden-Domed Monastery became the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the He asked Department for Environment, He said for many years there had main field hospital. Moscow Patriarchate that perhaps it is Food and Rural Affairs minister Lord de been “deep-rooted mistrust and divi- “A team of doctors were aided by time to reconcile differences and unite Mauley: “Will you tell us whether the Govern- sion between the western-facing from the monastery who dis- in one church.” ment are persuaded by this evidence and, if Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the tributed food and, of course, led Bishop Smith said that although it they are not, will he share with us what plans Kiev Patriarchate and the eastern-fac- prayers. From the very start, Ukraine’s was early days a united Ukrainian they have to carry out their own research into ing Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the religious communities have been church would “redraw the map of the reasons leading so many people to seek Moscow Patriarchate”. extremely supportive of the political Orthodoxy”. food aid?” “What perhaps is surprising is the aspirations of the demonstrators. He added: “The critical distance that Lord De Mauley said it was right to expect extent to which all Ukraine’s churches “Many of Ukraine’s churches are has already emerged between the claimants who could look for work to do so; a have found common purpose in recent members of the Conference of Euro- Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the sanction would “never be imposed if a months,” he said in a House of Lords pean Churches, while many Muslim Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow claimant has good reason for failing to meet debate on the situation in the country. organisations in Ukraine have long and is significant. President Putin, of requirements”. “In September 2013, when President active links with co-religionists in the course, belongs to the Russian Ortho- But he added: “If claimants demonstrate Yanukovych was openly talking about EU, not least with the Federation of dox Church. that they cannot buy essential items, includ- signing an association agreement with Islamic Organisations in Europe. “State and church are closely linked. ing food, as a result of their sanction, they can the EU, the All-Ukrainian Council of “From a religious perspective, Maid- Indeed, Metropolitan Kirill called on claim a hardship payment. Churches and Religious Organisations an was a uniquely ecumenical and orthodox believers to vote for Presi- “No claimant should ever have to go with- supported the move and called on peo- interfaith phenomenon. As churches dent Putin in the last election.” out essentials as a result of a sanction.” What’s that on the bottom shelf? Solid foundations!

When you buy your Easter Eggs from the supermarket this year, take a look at the bottom shelf. There you may Snd The Real Easter Egg. That bottom shelf position makes us a meaningful foundation as we bring faith, charity and Fairtrade to the 80 million eggs that will sell this year. Supermarkets which are stocking will only have 12 eggs on display at any one time and only Tesco has the Premium Egg (the one with the olive wood cross in the box). So switch to The Real Easter Egg this year and ask for them if you can’t see them on that bottom shelf. Traidcraft and 150 independent shops also have stocks. See our website for details. The un-cooperatives Who is stocking?ng? We tried our best by emailing, calling and stressing Great news, three supermarketsermarkets are stocking this to supermarkets that customers would want to year. Below are the details-moretaiils-moremorei informationnformation purchase, but the following are not stocking. Tesco-120 eggs in Superstores, Extras also online Coop- Stocked for past four years, claimed they Morrisons-36 eggs in all stores and online had not got emails/calls. Maybe next year. Waitrose-12 eggs in most stores and online Sainsbury’s-A Sght to get them to stock. They took Traidcraft-the only place where you can buy the 2,000 eggs last year but turned them away due Sharing Box and bulk order all eggs. to an error on their part. Calls not returned. Asda-No reply (we really tried again).

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Friday March 28, 2014 News 5 Arab Spring ‘was really Church rebuffs Zuma Winter,’ says Patriarch THE ARAB Spring was head of the Coptic blessing to General allies over attacks “not a spring or even an Orthodox Church said Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, autumn, it was a winter,” Western support for the leader of the coup that said the Patriarch of revolutions had been had ousted Mursi, call- By George Conger Alexandria, Tawadros II, profoundly misguided, ing him “the hero of the denouncing the revolu- as was its support for June Revolution who CHURCH LEADERS in tions that had stirred the former President had saved Egypt”, South Africa have defended the Middle East and Muhammad Mursi, who adding support for the the country’s Public Protec- North Africa since 2010. ruled “in the name of general’s bid for elec- tor – the top anti-corruption In an interview broad- religion” while distort- tion as the country’s official – from attacks made cast on 22 March on the ing the tenets of Islam. next president was an by allies of President Jacob al-Watan network, the The Patriarch gave his act of “patriotism”. Zuma over corruption alle- gations. In a statement released on 18 March, the Most Rev Thabo Makgoba, Rev Thabo Texas rebuff for Archbishop of Cape Town, Makgoba Court setback said: “We in the churches deeply regret that certain Episcopal Church A SOUTH CAROLINA appeals court clergy have ganged up the private residence of a statement noting the Pub- THE TEXAS Supreme Court has has dismissed the appeal of the Episco- against the Public Protec- President Jacob Zuma. The lic Protector’s office is “a rejected the petition of the Episco- pal Church and its allies in the Diocese tor in the name of the expenditures were not vital institution which pal Church in the Texas property of South Carolina, seeking review of a Church. They have done so related to security but were should be given all the sup- cases, denying a rehearing of its dis- lower court order rejecting the nation- without adequate knowl- luxurious upgrades to the port that it deserves, rather pute with the Diocese of Fort Worth al Church’s demand that attorneys for edge of her reports and country estate. than be undermined. If we and a parish in the Diocese of the diocese turn over copies of their their intervention only “It is shameful to see the are patriots with a genuine Northwest Texas that had seceded correspondence with the Bishop of serves to undermine the dirty tactics being love for our beautiful coun- from its diocese. South Carolina, the Rt Rev Mark fight against corruption.” employed” to smear the try and willing to see it The 21 March 2014 ruling sends Lawrence. On 19 March 2014 Public Public Protector the arch- occupy its rightful place in the disputes back to the trial courts A spokesman for the diocese stated Protector, Thuli Madon- bishop said. The Rt Rev the world of nations, then with instructions to adjudicate the they were “grateful” the court had dis- sela, reported that almost Rubin Philip of Natal along we have no option but to case without reference to church missed the appeal. “Their strategy of £24 million of public money with other religious leaders unreservedly stand in soli- canon law, looking only at civil prop- using legal motions to delay court deci- had been spent to improve of KwaZulu-Natal released darity with it.” erty law. sions caused eight months to be wast- “We are greatly relieved by the ed when they asked the federal court finality of the Court’s ruling,” said to override the state court injunction. the Rt Rev Jack L Iker, Bishop of As in that matter, the courts sided with SCHOOL OF PREAPREACHINGCHING WEEK 2014 Fort Worth. “TEC’s rehearing strat- the Diocese of South Carolina,” Canon egy has delayed us from moving on Jim Lewis said. with this case by more than six The ruling renders moot a motion months and at the cost of several filed by the diocese last month for the thousands of dollars to oppose it. state Supreme Court to take jurisdic- 16th – 20th June 2014 My advice is that TEC cut its losses tion over the appeal and return the dis- and get on with their life without the pute to the trial docket, which is Diocese of Fort Worth. Their litiga- scheduled to adjudicate the case in tion strategy has failed.” July. The PPeerilsrils of Preaching Half a million New Primate for Church in West hit by Islamists Africa THE INSURGENCYin Northeastern Nige- THE ARCHBISHOP of Ghana, ria waged by the Islamist terror group the Most Rev. Daniel Sarfo, Boko Haram has forced nearly 500,000 peo- Bishop of Kumasi, has succeed- ple from their homes and threatens the sta- ed to the post of Primate of the bility of West Africa, UN High Church of the Province of West Commissioner for Human rights Navi Pil- Africa (CPWA) following the 21 lay has warned. January 2014 death of the Most “With thousands of refugees fleeing from Rev Tilewa Johnson, Bishop of Nigeria, and arms and fighters reportedly the Gambia and Archbishop and flowing across international borders in the Primate of West Africa. other direction, this terrible conflict is no In a statement released last %+ 03#/,#30 /, &""& 4 4&!5;:&$;*!& 5;:& *;$ 08038-13-83080 31 ##22$&;898&/;$ 898;& &8 /; 1/,1/, 3#-97!#;79-#3 ;#! longer solely an internal matter,” she said month the CPWA stated that last week during a tour of the country. under the terms of its constitu- % ( (2$#!92$ 9!# 9#1-:8/<1#9 - /8: < Human Rights Watch reports that 2014 is tion Dr Sarfo “automatically” on track to becoming the deadliest year of became the 10th “metropolitan % ) )!1-98-131! -89- 98$;;$8931 1 1/,/, 8/;8<:9;/8 <8; ;9: the insurgency with 700 people reported archbishop of the CPWA”. dead so far. Formed in 1951 from the % ( (2-37;86#2 73- 68; #1 1--#;;;;#-- 9&&9 ..''-38""#83- """""## "1-739'""11- '937 1/,1/, ;97,#/9;79; ,# ;9/ Speaking to the media following a service Anglican dioceses along the commemorating the 50th anniversary of West African coast, in 2012 the the Archbishop Vinning Memorial Cathe- CPWA divided into two internal dral in Lagos on 8 March, the Primate of provinces, Ghana and West BookOnline: www.wycliffe.o Nigeria, the Most Rev Nicholas Okoh Africa, in preparation for the warned that no one was safe, adding: “As secession of Ghana to form its we pray for God to help this nation, we also own freestanding church. In call on the Federal Government to double 1979 the 16 dioceses of Nigeria WyWycliffecliffeH Hallall their effort.” withdrew from the province to The Bishop of Lagos West, the Rt Rev form the Church of Nigeria, now The Evangelical College James Odedeji added: “Government should the Communion’s largest in the Heart of Oxford A Permanent Private Hall of thehftlolaHetavirtPnenamrePA e take full responsibility of securing the life province in terms of active mem- University of OxxOfyoitsrevinU foforddr and property of its citizenry.” bers. Registered Charity No.309703307903.oNytirahCderetsigeR

[email protected] @churchnewspaper 6 Friday March 28, 2014 Letters

Write to The Church of England Newspaper, 14 Great College Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3RX. or you can send an E-mail to [email protected]. Tweet at @churchnewspaper If you are sending letters by e-mail, please include a street address. NB: Letters may be edited

Orthodox growth are born, or become, gay, and Nationwide-style banking? Sir, It was very good to see the A parody of liberal thought the consequences for them , if Should we aim at redistribu- article by Peter Brierley as to Sir, I have a great deal of sympathy with Mr Jonathan Goll. they are treated as ‘unclean’, tion without growth? the considerable increasing Perhaps it is time for him, as a socialist and for me, as a lib- are self-disgust, a reckless There are massive problems number of us Orthodox Chris- eral, to accept with a good grace the fact that Peter Mullen hedonism or, even, suicide. in the government of a global tians in this country (14 knows what we really think, believe, say and do far better People do commit adultery: economy, of tax havens and March). We are, it has been than we do ourselves. the Roman Church is now tax evasion leading to the said, Britain’s best-kept Every time I have tried to put the record straight and considering relaxing its ban super rich. Should embargoes secret. This is because unlike state as clearly as possible what I and many if not most lib- on those who remarry after be placed on Russian oli- other denominations we do erals actually do believe, and why we are happier to leave divorce receiving Commun- garchs, and why do we pander not in general have a high some details of God’s mysterious works to a time when, as ion. Today, in the West at to tax exiles? street presence buildings- we trust, all will be revealed by the Spirit which will lead us least, the majority of people The terms of reference of wise. into all Truth, I am reminded that Peter Mullen and those are far less tolerant of abuse, Andrew Carey’s would-be He rightly appeals for cour- who think as he does, know that that is not really what I corruption, exploitation and commission, and its member- tesy and hospitality to be meant, because “liberals do not believe ...” oppression. ship may need careful scruti- shown to those ethnic Ortho- I have even had his parody of liberal theology attributed Serena Lancaster, ny. dox arriving from abroad, to me, when it expresses the exact opposite of what I wrote Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos. Tommy Gee, however he does not mention because that is what I must have said. I have always Wingfield the large numbers of us native thought that only God sees deep into our hearts and knows Orthodox converts who our inmost thoughts, and I hope that Mr Goll is able to take Wealth views equally figure in the increased comfort from this assurance. I hope, too, that his sorrow Sir, Andrew Carey (21 March) Out of the box statistics, the majority of will not be turned to anger, as mine has been on the verge is unsure about the political Sir, I liked Alan Storkey’s which have left other denomi- of being, by any more strident repetitions of Mr Mullen’s solutions to the vast inequali- thoughtful Faith: out of the nations like myself (a former false assertions and claims to know the mind of God as well ties of wealth revealed in an Box (21 March). I wonder if Anglican ). as the minds of his fellow humans. OXFAM report, and says there is one issue that pulls all We left the Anglican Church I agree with Mr Goll’s quotation from Dean Inge, but something has to be done and the boxes together? Whilst for precisely the reasons enu- would like to add that liberal theology is based on the proposes a C of E Commis- Romans 12 calls us as Chris- merated by Fr Peter Mullen in Incarnation – Emmanuel, God-with-us (not God-with-them sion. tians to be living sacrifices, his sad but all too accurate in 1st Century Judea or God-with-them in Rome/Constan- In his Sermon on the Mount Rom 1:20 talks about how God description of the present tinople in the 10th Century or any other place and time) so the teaching of Jesus on the expects everyone to recog- Church of England (14 that when the Church (the Bride of Christ) is effectively Beatitudes provides a way for- nise his invisible qualities March). married to the Spirit of any past Age, then she is now a ward, and William Barclay’s through the things that he has Far from welcoming the atti- widow. 1975 Matthew 5 commentary made. So God is out of sight to tude that we came across so I remain in hope that, when, on Easter morning, the cry on the poor and hungry is our natural senses, and that often from our former Angli- is heard, “Christ is risen!”, the heartfelt response from me helpful. suits the secular and con- can comrades, varying from and my fellow Liberals, “He is risen indeed!” will not be Beveridge’s compassionate sumerist society. But the downright hostility, to some drowned out by continued sniping from Mr Mullen’s zeal- social formula for the 3 million uncomfortable fact for this we are regarded as traitors ous but uninformed vigilantes. unemployed in the 1940s was group is that God has left his and deserters, or grudgingly Mary P Roe, to heal them first and then trade-mark on everything. So accepted, coupled with total Bicester, Oxon help them into work. The we have a right to talk about ignorance of Orthodoxy, to a ATOS formula seems to be a design of everything includ- superior condescending atti- reversal of this, and the poor ing ourselves in all forms of tude along the lines of ‘poor beginning. gesis, Feminist, Black and Lib- find themselves unable to education and teaching relat- little Orthodox’ (despite being Fr John Ives, eration theologies have all had clamber through the social ing to how we live, treat our the second biggest Church in Bournemouth a positive impact on the art of security hoops. bodies, how we do science, the world). hermeneutics, uncovering It is defeatist to say “that the etc. Some day perhaps they will Bible thinking previously ignored biblical very richest and the very And did I see this willing- enter the real world, but in the Sir, Influential theories of perspectives. After a period of poorest will always be with ness to explore the possibility meantime we must be kind to human cognition should help deep reflection, Pope Francis us”: we must aim to close food of design in the universe a few them. all of us to accept that both came to repent of his harsh banks distributing waste days ago by the scientists who But when it comes to using fast and slow are necessary to treatment of two pastors, supermarket sell-by date food have got excited about possi- buildings so often a ‘dog in the Christian thinking. System 1, whose Liberation thinking he from the rich man’s table. ble gravity waves confirming manger’ attitude is in evi- fast thinking comes to conclu- had come to share. We must consider inherited their version of the big bang? dence. Our views, when we do sions intuitively and, in many We all ‘fall short of the glory wealth and primogeniture and The only thing that they admit manage to get involved in ecu- cases, correctly. System 2, of God’. When Jesus told the all its ramifications, such as is that the big bang appeared menical gatherings, is often slow thinking critiques and adulterous woman to ‘sin no the extent of the Inheritance out of nothing, and they could ignored and to dare to voice reflects on what may be more’, he was not referring to Tax. We also have ethical have learned that from Heb traditional doctrinal beliefs inspired responses, consider- one sin in particular: he was questions about the acquisi- 11:3. encounter reprisals. Indeed, ing likely long-term conse- making the impossible tion of wealth, of bribery and Dr J Matthews, recently we have been forced quences. The Bible and demand that nearly drove corruption, of oligarchs and Wareham to vacate the rented Anglican Church doctrine are very Paul to despair. To their eter- bankers. There are also moral Chapel we had been using much System 2 but, since the nal credit, her accusers under- issues with gambling, casinos, because I had the temerity to liberating Spirit continues to stood this and slunk away. betting shops and risk. Pay- voice traditional views on the blow where it wills, they are In showing mercy, Jesus day loans was a start. subject of women bishops and not complete. The Spirit itself was not ‘promoting’ adultery, The ownership of land and same-sex marriages. But then, initiates both fast and slow any more than those who property has to be tackled. as the current saying goes, thinking and the end result speak up for the gay minority Should all tenure be made 99- ‘There is none so illiberal as may not be the status quo but is ‘promoting’ homosexuality. year leasehold with reversion an Anglican liberal’. something imaginatively dif- In both cases, it is a matter of to the state? Please give us the respect ferent. accepting facts of life and deal- And how can we foster the we deserve as the oldest Whilst Alan Minchin is right ing with the less-than ideal as concept of mutuals eg John unbroken Church from the to warn of the dangers of eise- creatively as possible. People Lewis-style trading and

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Friday March 28, 2014 Leader & Comment 7

Lady Hale on fear and favour in the justice system Lady Hale, in her law lecture at Yale last week, stated the obvious when she said that it was ‘not difficult to see why Christians feel that their religious beliefs are not being sufficiently respected’. Judges have made a point of rejecting the arguments of Christians for reasonable adjustments to their deeply held traditional beliefs and Searching lifestyles, which used to be the norm. They have not placed Christians among those minority groups granted exemptions to new laws, while bending over backwards to grant all manner of exemptions to ‘minority’ religious practices and customs. Sharia Law wills are now being encouraged by the gov- ernment, notwithstanding that Sharia Law discriminates officially against women and non-Muslims, yet is being patched into UK law. Islamic investment bonds are now for Heaven being advertised, compliant with Sharia. Muslim prayer rooms are in all Metropolitan Police Stations, ‘Wudu’ Peter Mullen of our friends rather as dogs recognise one oth- Sharia anal washing facilities are now standard facilities ers’ smells. CH Sisson (1914-2003) wrote a cau- in many NHS hospitals, schools, airports. The list of spe- I’ve been wondering what to make of the contro- tionary note about these things in his Sevenoaks cial favours to non-Christian religions extends by the day, versy generated by Eben Alexander’s book Proof Essays: “The real difficulty of the Creed is the first and yet Judges sonorously repeat the mantra that they of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the wordI– the number and person of the Credo. are secular judges, blind to religious fear and favour. Afterlife. He claims he fell into a coma owing to a The ergo of Descartes, like many others before Lady Hale of the Supreme Court, has at last put this bacterial infection and his brain activity com- and since, now looks like a confidence trick. blindingly obvious fact into the public forum. pletely ceased. Nevertheless, he says he then “There is, of course, a sense in which I is self- She says that the Equality Act is the problem: Chris- enjoyed a prolonged and true vision of heaven. evident. But it is a pretty silly sense, a sort of tau- tians ruled against in seeking reasonable adjustments His book is certainly very vividly written. I’ve got tology. I (as in I think, therefore I am) is the fact should have sought remedy under Human Rights legisla- my own recollections… of the assertion being made. It does not get one tion. She may be right, but then we may well be sceptical. When I was seven, I pestered my mother with out of the prison of solipsism, but when we say I There is an anti-Christian sentiment running through all unanswerable questions including, “What hap- exists, what we are really hoping is that there are our governmental institutions. pens to us when we die?” She replied: “You leave other I’s. If we do not mean that, we do not mean Hence the radical sense of institutional injustice your body behind and your soul goes to live with anything. Indeed there could hardly be such a towards Christian people, even in ‘minority’ churches God in heaven.” And I persevered: “But what’s thing as meaning.” where biblical faith is the norm. This cultural revolution my soul?” At this point my mother understand- So can I get any further than my mother did prefers state expediency to fairness and justice. Hence ably told me to be quiet. when trying to answer the question of what hap- New Labour’s Good Friday Agreement secretly exonerat- The soul has been much discussed by philoso- pens to us when we die? Any possible answer ed IRA killers, while implementing the Saville Report phers and theologians over the centuries and requires a certain amount of philosophical-theo- against the UK Army, and the Coalition continued this Rene Descartes (1596-1650) believed that it logical humility. For, while we may describe ‘administrative’ approach to law. resided in the pineal gland – “the principal seat of human beings as mind and body, we should not Again, the law against female genital mutilation, 1985, the soul” – where it performed the function of co- think that these terms and this definition entirely has been ignored by the police and DPP until now, when ordinating mind and body. Sometimes the words explain what a human person is. suddenly it is ‘in the public interest’ to allow a prosecu- soul and mind are used to refer to the same enti- We cannot understand ourselves fully because tion for this grotesque crime – despite ‘offending’ minori- ty. what tries to do the understanding is only a part ty cultural norms. The scandalous failure of police to But the supposition that the soul or mind of the whole it purports to explain. We are neces- prosecute sex gangs till recently is another such breach inhabits the body is an error, an example of what sarily limited by our subjectivity. The complete of justice. Gilbert Ryle (1900-1976) in The Concept of Mind understanding of what I am belongs to what is Lady Hale, bizarrely, told Christians to be more hard called “a category mistake.” if one were to say, not-I, to something beyond me. The Creed says line, in effect ‘be more like Islam and you will get better “She arrived in a bath-chair that we believe this to be God treatment’! How little she knows of the Christian gospel, and a flood of tears,” it would and so the answer to the of liberation from food laws, controlling dress codes for be a similar mistake to imagine It boils down to question about life after death women, inferior status of unbelievers and the gospel of that the flood of tears was an can be answered only by God. love in action. She urges ‘reasonable accommodation’, actual accompanying waterfall. whether we According to the scriptures, which is what Christian victims of these judges have long As RG Collingwood said in The choose to God has promised the resur- sought in vain from our skewed managerial justice sys- New Leviathan: “Childish it rection. What precisely will tem. certainly is; for nothing can believe God’s be resurrected we are not Comment inhabit a house made of matter promise or not equipped to say. It boils down except something else made of to whether we choose to The Church of England Newspaper matter. Man’s body and man’s believe God’s promise or not with Celebrate magazine incorporating The Record and Christian Week mind are not two different things. They are one for, as we are not the origin of our own being, we Published by Political and Religious Intelligence Ltd. and the same thing, man himself known in two are also not the origin of our own meaning. Company Number: 3176742 different ways.” As the Psalmist explains, the answer to the Publisher: Keith Young MBE So we are bound to conclude that when the question What is man? is Thou (God) art mindful body dies, the mind or soul dies with it. But what of him. For God is the centre and not the Carte- about the Christian promise of the resurrection sian I, still less the individual personality.Iexist Publishing Director & Editor: CM BLAKELY020 7222 8004 to eternal life? To be precise, the Creed speaks of not because I think, but because of the mind of Chief Correspondent: The Rev Canon GEORGE CONGER 00 1 0772 332 2604 the resurrection of the body. Are we really sup- God. Reporter: AMARIS COLE 020 7222 8700 posed to imagine that at the judgement the dead I believe in the resurrection of the dead and will rise from their graves? Then what of those the life of the world to come – while my under- Advertising: CHRIS TURNER 020 7222 2018 who died so long ago that they are no longer standing of what these things mean is incom- Advertising & Editorial Assistant: PENNY NAIR PRICE 020 7222 2018 even bones? Or of those cremated? plete. I am content to repeat the words of the Subscriptions & Finance: DELIA ROBINSON 020 7222 2018 Theologians have tried to explain that by the Apostle Paul: ‘Behold, I shew you a mystery: we resurrection of the body, the Creed means that shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In Graphic Designer: PETER MAY020 7222 8700 God will restore the dead in all their essentials in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last The acceptance of advertising does not necessarily indicate something like the reconstitution of the person- trump: for the trumpet shall sound and the dead endorsement. Photographs and other material sent for publication ality. But this leads only to fresh difficulties, for shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be are submitted at the owner’s risk. The Church of England Newspaper does what nebulous thing is the personality? What is changed.’ not accept responsibility for any material lost or damaged. the mind? Just as the body renews its molecular And the creatures who inherit the kingdom of structure from microsecond to microsecond and heaven will be beyond our present partial defini- Christian Weekly Newspapers Trustees: Robert Leach (020 8224 5696), its constitution is altered by what it imbibes and tions – mind-body duality, personality, spiritual Lord Carey of Clifton, The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, The Rt Rev Pete Broadbent, evacuates, so the mind is a thing infinitely body, soma-pneumatikon and all the rest. St John Dr Elaine Storkey, The Rev Peter Brown, The Rev Cindy Kent changeable according to what it is thinking puts this as clearly as mortal man – even a divine- about at the moment. ly-inspired man – could hope to put it: ‘Beloved, The Church of England Newspaper, The mind is a thing much like time itself: what now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet Political and Religious Intelligence Ltd it was, it is no longer; what it might be, it is not appear what we shall be: but we know that, when 14 Great College Street, London, SW1P 3RX yet; and its existence in the instant is literally he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall Editorial e-mail: [email protected] momentary. see him as he is.’ Advertising e-mail: [email protected] The concept of the personality is even more Subscriptions e-mail: [email protected] elusive. It is no more than an aesthetic and social Website/Blog: convenience and we recognise the personalities Website:

[email protected] @churchnewspaper 8 Friday March 28, 2014 Comment

of chemical preservatives and additives and well- reared grass-fed animals. It’s time to forget counting calories too, because its largely recognised that depriving ourselves usu- ally leads to us simply giving in at the first negative thought and eating not just one but the whole pack of Jaffa cakes (or whatever). Instead, it is better to Janey Lee Grace feel nicely satiated by real food, especially plenty of protein or good fats, which is what would have been the case for our parents and grandparents. John Nicholson, the author of The Meat Fix, was Live Healthy! Live Happy! a vegetarian for 26 years but suffered from obesity and irritable bowel syndrome – until he eschewed his low fat grain-based diet and turned instead to real food. He believes there was a turning point in the 1970s when his parents, who before had happi- ly made nutritious meals from scratch (with very Trashing the food myths few snacks allowed), suddenly started to think ‘ready meals’ were the new status quo and the end of real food had begun. Can’t wait to get my hands on Joanna Blythman’s can sell people any old rubbish.” My teenage son used some of the information book Bad Food Britain after reading her recent full Similarly she points out that the recent ‘Reduce from the current news stories and commentary for page article ‘Why almost everything salt’ campaign is totally flawed “because a school project but rather ironically made a typo you’d been told about unhealthy foods is salt isn’t the problem, it’s the highly error and wrote… “According to author Joanna wrong’ in The Guardian recently. At last processed foods it is found in.” Blythman ‘Sugar and sweeteners in all forms are the media is finally starting to talk some She reminds us how we were all told the best’…” missing out the crucial word ‘avoided’! sense about real food. humble egg was bad for us, and yet eggs ‘Aren’t they teaching you to check and check For too many years fats have been are one of the most nutritious foods, and your work again?’ I asked – just as an email from demonised and the evils of processed shouldn’t be limited. Meat-eaters were told his teacher pinged into my inbox with news about a foods, sugar and sweeteners ignored. don’t eat red meat, or at least reduce the new long-awaited staff member whose visa has just Joanna pulls no punches about how amount and yet it ought to be made clear come through titled ‘Christ has arrived’! (It meant ridiculous she finds the ‘Low Fat’ propa- that there is a huge difference between Chris). With that kind of news we can hope the real ganda: “Stick low fat on the label and you heavily processed factory-farmed meat full food on offer will be loaves and two fishes! Hearing the truth New Portrait for Auckland Castle Tom Hollander, star of Rev, has been talking to the press. Giles Fraser, pictured left, was sent One of ’s first actions after he was appointed to interview him for the Radio Times and was was to work for an agreement between the Church Commissioners and not too happy to learn that he is the model for millionaire Jonathan Ruffer to enable the famous Zurburan paintings to be one of the characters. No, not the Rev Adam sold to a trust and to remain at Auckland Castle. Now a new painting is to Smallbone but the ‘slippery, self-pitying, hang in the Castle. Jonathan Ruffer has commissioned Roger Wagner to bibulous, untrustworthy and arrogant media paint a portrait of Justin Welby to hang alongside such famous Bishops of vicar, the Rev Roland Wise who does ‘Thought Durham as Cosin, Butler, Hensley Henson and Michael Ramsey. The for the Day’ and writes for the ‘Church Times’’. portrait will soon be unveiled. According to the Archbishop’s Eton Despite this unwelcome news, Giles is contemporary and Thatcher biographer, Charles Moore, the portrait has enthusiastic for the series, hailing it as the ‘real contemplative power’. For all his fame, Welby apparently has to answer product of genuine research and claiming the clergy like it ‘because it describes our life the bell at the gate of Lambeth Palace himself if he wants a pizza in the to a T’. His criticism is that Rev ignores the fact that a concern for the poor inevitably evening. He told one TV station a delivery driver once asked him how many leads clergy into politics. Over in The Times Hollander reveals to Hugo Rifkind his people worked at Lambeth Palace. Bor rowing a famous line from Pope John admiration for the vicar of the church where Rev is actually filmed, St Leonard’s, XXIII about the Vatican, he replied: “About half of them.” Shoreditch, and also for Sister Frances Dominica, the Anglican nun who runs Helen and Douglas Hospice for children in Oxford. Hollander has been doing a fundraiser for the hospice every year for 10 years. Rifkind wonders what Richard Dawkins makes of Rev. “Let’s lay down the gauntlet,” Hollander responds. “Richard Dawkins what do you think of Rev? Do you smile at it or does it represent everything you rage at in the Father and Daughter middle of the night?”

As well as the Most Rev Archbishop Desmond Tutu there is another ordained member of the family: his daughter, the Rev Mpho Tutu. Mpho is very like her father and shares his sense of humour and infectious laugh. The two have cooperated to produce a new Congratulations book, The Book of Forgiving, based on their own experience, to help people learn the art of forgiving others. Archbishop Desmond, of course, gained much practical experience from Euan Cameron does not have the media profile of another chairing South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Reformation historian, Diarmaid MacCulloch, but the former but his daughter also has experience to draw on. In the fellow of All Souls’ College, Oxford, and Professor of History at book she describes how she found her housekeeper the University of Newcastle-on-Tyne is well respected for his murdered last April in a bedroom belonging to one of academic work. The author of a number of works, including her daughters. A man has been accused of the European Reformation and Interpreting Christian History, murder and the trial is underway but Mpho told Cameron is currently Professor at Union Seminary in The Sunday Times she still asks ‘Why?’ “But at the New York, once the home of Paul Tillich and Reinhold same time,” she added, “I feel so incredibly sad for Niebuhr. An active Anglican, Cameron was a regular Whispering the perpetrator because he will carry what he did member of the congregation of All Saints’, Gosforth, in inside him for the rest of his days.” Her concern is

Newcastle and his book on Church History began as a The Gallery that the judicial system offers punishment but no series of talks he gave to the parish. Now he has been opportunity of healing for either victims or ordained a in the Episcopal Church and hopes perpetrators. “Look at the Oscar Pistorius trial,” to be ordained priest on 27 September. His placement she comments. “It is the ‘state versus Pistorius’. has been in a parish with a large number of Spanish- But the injury was not to the state. The injury was speaking parishioners so as well as teaching in both to the parents and family and friends of the victim the seminary and the nearby Columbia University but they have absolutely nothing to say about it and training for ordination, Cameron has also been within our system of justice.” learning Spanish.

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Friday March 28, 2014 Comment 9 The misery of open immigration policies Andrew Carey

There are good arguments in favour of restricted and managed View from the Pew immigration but these tend to be drowned out by arguments based solely on fear, anxiety and sometimes prejudice. Law Society gets it wrong This is why it has been possible for those in favour of open bor- ders to take the moral high ground. The problem is that their So the Law Society is advising Society’s backing is that it to debate the legal, hetero-nor- arguments result in misery all round. Firstly, everyone has to solicitors in guidance on Sharia appears to endorse discrimina- mative and biblical view of mar- accept that immigration is good and that includes offering asylum compliant laws that women, tory attitudes. riage is contrary to the Law for those facing persecution in their homeland. But unmanaged apostates and illegitimate off- Let us not forget that this is Society’s diversity policy, mass immigration is a wholly bad thing. There are two main rea- spring can be discriminated the same Law Society that ‘espousing as it does an ethos sons for this. Melanie Phillips advances the first one: “...a shared against. issued a last-minute cancellation which is opposed to same-sex national story provides the glue that keeps a society together. If Of course, there is nothing of a pro-traditional marriage marriage’, yet guidance issued the numbers are too great, that glue comes unstuck. The majority stopping individuals bequeath- conference at its headquarters. by the Law Society on Sharia- culture becomes just one diminishing voice in a decibel auction of ing their personal effects and The blogger, Cranmer compliant wills does not contra- competing groups.” money in a manner of their own (www.archbishop- vene its diversity policy, despite The result of a breakdown of social cohesion is an increasing choosing within the law of the, points espousing, as it does, an ethos tribalism. land, but some of Sharia princi- to the irony of the Law Society’s which manifestly discriminates But the second main argument in favour of controlled immigra- ples are inherently discriminato- stance: “Funny, isn’t it, that a against women, homosexuals tion is the very fact that by accepting such a huge degree of eco- ry. The problem with the Law Christian group seeking merely and non-Muslims.” nomic migration we are very often depriving developing economies of people they badly need. We often boast about the reliance of the NHS on third world nurses and doctors. This is all A welcome review for the BBC Happily it seems that the licence fee will now be well and good but how much more would the developing world licence fee reviewed as a result of the campaign by Andrew gain if these doctors and nurses used their experience in the NHS Bridgen MP to decriminalise non-payment. It to benefit their own countries? In other words, it should be possi- It has long been a scandal and injustice to witness seems that even the BBC might be willing to con- ble to have free exchanges of vitally important labour without nec- so many people criminalised as a result of not pay- cede that it is wrong to treat the ‘fee’ as anything essarily offering a change in nationality to all those who work for a ing the BBC licence fee. I’m surprised over the other than a utility bill. This will eventually lead to certain length of time in Britain. years that the Church of England has had so little a subscription service for the BBC. This is an important area on which the church has had very little to say about this ridiculous persecution of the I have no doubt that the BBC will flourish in the to say. Rightly, we flee from any appearance of prejudice or racism poor who traditionally have been much more like- years ahead with many of us happy to pay a sub- but does that mean the church should stay silent about mass immi- ly to consume ITV than BBC1. scription for high quality radio and television. gration? Understanding Paul Richardson Putin’s actions Church and World Appearances can be deceptive. President Obama has Kiev supports to the tune of $1bn - $1.5 bn a year. must be united and resolute. been criticised by Senator John McCain and others for Crimea relies on tourism for most of its income but Ukraine’s religious divisions are part of its problem. showing weakness in foreign policy and encouraging last year 70 per cent of visitors came from Ukraine. In the West the Eastern-rite Catholics are firmly Vladimir Putin in his aggressive stance over Ukraine. Only 25 per cent came from Russia and many of them opposed to Russian influence and look to the EU. The Western mistakes in Syria have been unfortunate but are now likely to prefer a more peaceful place for holi- Russian Orthodox Church under the leadership of events in the Ukraine are really a sign of Putin’s weak- day. An opinion poll in February by a respected organi- Patriarch Kirill gives strong support to Putin. He should ness. sation showed 59 per cent of Crimeans against joining be under pressure from the Church of England and The Russian leader has been pushed into action by a Russia. Despite his apparent victory in the referendum, other churches about this. number of factors. He knows that a popular uprising on Putin is going to have to spend money keeping troops in But as well as at the Russian Orthodox there are also his doorstep could easily spill over into his own country. Crimea and subsidising the economy at a time when the two Orthodox Churches that are ‘autocephalous’ and One way to counter that danger is to stoke nationalist Russian economy is having problems with predicted independent of Moscow but not recognised by the rest fires. Playing on the grievances of Russian-speakers in future rates of growth being reduced. There is likely to of the Orthodox world. The largest of these is the Patri- Crimea is a way to do this. Ukrainian nationalists in be less easy money from energy in the future and elite archate of Kiev, which has now called for the creation of Kiev helped Putin here by initially making moves corruption remains a problem. a single unified Orthodox Church in Ukraine and invit- against the Russian language (moves later reversed). Without Crimea Ukraine’s population is 43 million ed members of the Russian Church to join them. Some But Russian intervention has severely damaged Russ- and it is spread over a land mass that is greater than will be tempted to do so, sickened by the Moscow Patri- ian influence in the rest of Ukraine. As a number of jour- that of any existing member nation of the EU. The West archate’s alliance with Putin. The Bishops of the Kiev nalists in the country have reported, it is really only the must now help the government in Kiev to overcome its Patriarchate have likened Putin’s behaviour to that of older Russian speakers in the East who identify with financial problems and set its economy on the road to Hitler. Moscow. Younger Russian speakers have no desire to development. In the past Ukraine has been a country The Kiev Bishops have also written to the Ecumenical be part of a country headed by Putin. They look West the West has been too ready to ignore. It was never Patriarch, asking him to recognise their Church as part and want to see their country part of the EU. offered the prospect of EU membership but instead was of the Orthodox family. The likelihood that he will do so Putin’s problem is that his attempt to form a rival lumped with North African countries in a ‘neighbour- is small, given that he wants Russian support for the organisation to the EU, the Eurasian Union, amounts to hood policy’. To the Ukrainians this was an insult. At proposed pan-Orthodox council but Western churches a tax-free union that includes Kazakhstan and Belarus. one time, even Turkey appeared to be given priority should strengthen their links with the Kiev Patriar- As an answer to the EU it is laughable and will have no over Ukraine. chate. This is another way to show Ukrainians they are credibility unless Ukraine joins it. It is now very hard to The West’s response to the Orange revolution was, as not alone. see that happening. a former adviser to Tony Blair has put it, ‘feeble at best’. Support to help build a democratic, stable and pros- Ukraine was the agricultural heartland of the old Putin was able to play on Western divisions and exploit perous Ukraine is the best way to respond to Putin’s USSR and the home of many heavy industries. Today the uncertainties in Ukraine created by the lack of any bullying. At the same time the West must show it has no Crimea and the southeastern provinces that Putin is promise of EU membership. desire to harm Russia and that Ukrainian EU member- also tempted to annex are economic basket cases, heav- The West must now offer Ukraine a path to joining ship offers Russia a chance to achieve closer integration ily dependent on subsidies from the rest of the country the EU, providing it guarantees the citizenship rights of with the European economy. and home to Ukraine’s loss-making coal industry which Russian speakers. Putin will not like this but the West

[email protected] @churchnewspaper 10 Friday March 28, 2014 Feature Young Adults Whether you have been dragged to family festivals every summer since you can remember or are new to the Christian festival scene, these camps are guaranteed to bring you something new. Teaching, worship and Here come the thousands of new potential friends: book now to avoid missing out on these cool festivals.


22-26 August (Bath and West Showground, Somerset)

Mornings at Momentum will begin with rousing prayer in the big top (a massive tent constructed for the festival) with all participants worshiping together as one unit. During the day a variety of activities will be available for festival participants ranging from seminars to discussions. Or, if plain serenity is what you are after, a variety of cafes are available for you to enjoy for eating or simple discussion. For the more athletically inclined, sports tournaments will be played throughout the programme. At Momentum with the abundance of choice and variety in activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy. After night time meetings Momentum offers a plethora of evening venues for you and your mates to dance, listen to music, catch up over a pint or a piece of cake (for the sweet tooths among us), watch a film, or spend more time communing with God. At Momentum the choice is yours.

Soul Survivor and evening meetings where God is discussed to round out the day. Big Chur ch Day Out July 25-29 (Stafford These meetings involve all Showground) participants coming together for 24-25 May August 12-16 (Bath & West worship, teaching and ministry. Wiston House, West Sussex BN44 3DZ Showground) Special seminars are also offered August 17-21 (Bath & West as a part of Soul Survivor’s Walk on water with zorbing balls, Flight simulator, Meet ‘birds of Showground) massive programme. There are prey’ with the Hawking About team. Be serenaded by artists seven seminars to choose from whilst drinking tea at the Wiston House gardens. There are also Live music, cool cafes, ranging in topic from sexuality to car parks, showers for the camp site and a marketplace. inspirational talks, time to hang leadership to justice: you can Centred on inclusiveness and friendliness, the spiritual nirvana out with one’s mates, and an participate in as many seminars invites attendees to relax and experience the blessings of the abundance of athletic activities. as you would like. Soul Survivor’s Gospel. More than 20,000 people are expected at the event after Those are what Soul Survivor schedule is so packed with its continual success, beginning in 2009. Artists include Third boasts as the key aspects to their activities that boredom among Day, Bellarive, Newboys, Philippa Hanna, All Sons & Daughters, five-day festival for youths. participants is not an option. Iona, We Are Lions and Royal Foundlings, spread out on three Similarly to its counterpart different stages. Momentum, there are morning Early bird tickets for adults are £34, £27 for 5-16. A family pack for 2 adults and 2 children is available for £100. The adult ticket for the campsite is £15, £5 for those 16 or younger. Glamping tents are also available, starting at £300.

More info:

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Friday March 28, 2014 Feature 11 e the summer festivals!

Greenbelt Festival 22-25 August, Boughton House, Northamptonshire

Returning back to its previous reputation as a nomadic festival as opposed to a static fixture, Greenbelt is moving its festivities this year to Boughton House. (Though they have signed a two-year contract with Boughton, so rest-assured they will not remain a travelling event). Meant to reflect the surge ahead to a new start, the theme for the summer is travelling light. The Rev Mpho Tutu, preacher, public speaker and daughter of Desmond Tutu is one of the confirmed speakers for the event as well as last year’s undeniable hit Claire Balding, who is promised to make a return. She will be hopping into the broadcasting box as BBC Radio Two host their Good Morning Sunday Show, an un-missable event that will occur on the Sunday of the festival. Other confirmed acts include Jahmene Douglas of the X Factor and Sara Miles, founder of The Food Pantr y.

Families A break with something to keep the whole gang happy. The brave among you can camp out with the kids, or there is the option of getting a caravan, or local B&B, for those who prefer their home comforts! Spend quality time with your family, while all growing in faith.

The Rev New Wine - United Mpho Tutu with Week 1: 26 July-1 August , Royal Bath and West Showground Desmond Week 2: 3-9 August, Shepton Mallet, Somerset Tutu

Passionate worship, life-transforming prayer, impactful teaching; when you sign up for this year’s United national gathering, that is the programme that awaits you. Confirmed speakers for this year’s festivities include a variety of unique individuals ranging from Christy Wimber of Yorba Linda Vineyard, California to William P Young, author of The Shack to Ken Costa, the influential churchwarden of Holy Trinity, Brompton. Though the speaker’s backgrounds vary greatly, United still plans to maintain its chief principle of unification. As a participant in this special event you are partaking in a unit that is… United to seek the transforming presence of God in worship and prayer. United, with open hearts and minds to receive what God wants to say to us. United, to receive ministry in the power of the Spirit. United, in committing ourselves to see our nation changed by the power of Jesus.

Adults A weekend of messing about with like-minded individuals in the beautiful Sussex countryside. In our increasingly busy lives, it is important to take time away to have fun and connect with God. Make time for a festival this summer. Retreats and Holidays 2014

‘One is nearer God’sheart in a Garden than anywhere else on earth’: Apart-working gardening holiday Bellarive (April 22nd – 26th) Living with God as Grown Up Children: led by Helen & David Newman (May 2nd – 5th)

John Bell Retreat: Exploring the Languages of Heaven (May 5th – 9th)

Icon Painting Retreat:led by Peter Murphy (May 12th – 16th)

Labyrinth Retreat: led by Di Williams (May 26th – 30th)

Dipping Your Toesinthe Water: a retreat for first time retreatants: led by theLaunde Community (June 6th – 8th)

Walking Holiday: led by the Launde Community (July 21st – 25th)

For more information and to book:

01572 717254 or visit

Launde Abbey, East Norton, Leicestershire, LE7 9XB Charity No: 1140918

[email protected] @churchnewspaper 12 Friday March 28, 2014 Classifieds / Anglican Life

Heredad del Rey Wine Monastrell/Syrah 2011 Waitrose, £9.99 OF THE WEEK

This bottle comes from the old vines of Yecla, located in south- east Spain — think some miles inland from the Mediterranean coast’s Alicante. It’s classified as a denominacion de origen, in that country’s categorisation, second from the top of the five general rankings. So, quality expected, and that is what you get. Especially as the label proclaims that it comes from the king’s (Rey) estate, his inherited domain! The grapes are Monastrell (Mourvèdre in France), around 80%, the rest Syrah. In the glass, dark red; on the nose, rich black fruit. On the palate, held in a very acceptable light medium body, there’s sophisticated berry flavours, lively, with their sweet ripeness perfectly set off with good touches of oak from mostly old barrels, spice and smoky hints, these contributing to the stimulating finish. Alcohol by Vol. not exceeding 13.5%. Good with a meat or vegetable paella (it’s suitable for veg- ans). Graham Gendall Norton The gift of singleness and the challenge of marriage

By Andrew Symes, Executive Sec- us and support us as we journey. retary, Anglican Mainstream Richness of life, Spirit-filled creativity and transformation is the result of responding to the Gospel call to put self The Bishops have recently reminded us aside; conversely, what might seem to that according to the Christian faith, be a short cut to relief and happiness marriage can only be between a man stops up the flow of God’s grace, often and a woman, even though the nation’s resulting in a turning to idols, the expe- legal definition has changed. Many pow- rience of judgement, and resulting erful and persuasive voices are now anguish. arguing that this is untenable; the Another influential book on the sub- Church should simply “get with the pro- ject of relationships has been Tim and gramme”, allow gay clergy as well as Kathy Keller’s The Meaning of Mar- to marry, provide services of bless- riage (Hodder, 2011). Just as celibate ing for them in church, and in time singleness should not be a joyless strug- remove the ban on same-sex weddings gle, so marriage is not automatically in church buildings. ‘happily ever after’: both are designed The task is urgent for those who hold by God for creative and joyful witness to to the orthodox biblical view, to present him through other-focussed love. convincing positive explanations not The Kellers note that monogamous just for keeping marriage heterosexual, marriage in today’s society is either monogamous and permanent, but also derided as out of date Victorian morali- for keeping singleness celibate. ty, seen as the magic answer to loneli- In Washed and Waiting (Zondervan, ness and unhappiness, or something 2010), Wesley Hill speaks from experi- that you promise to do until it ‘doesn’t ence about homosexual desires. As a work’ and a better option comes along. Christian he is convinced that these Instead, “God designed marriage to should not be fulfilled in partnered rela- reflect his saving love for us in Christ, to tionships. The often intense longing for refine our character [as celibacy does, companionship and intimacy, which the but in a different way], to create stable culture obsessively idolizes in the form community for the birth and nurture of of romance and sex, becomes fulfilled children… Christian vision for marriage for the single person in a more profound is not something that can be realized by experience of non-erotic friendships, two people of the same sex” (p16). supportive church community (what a In marriage, I am called to love the challenge for the church to be like ‘other’ who is at times a stranger who I that!), and in appreciation of God’s don’t understand, a different gender. desire for us. Not only am I called to cleave to this Hill does not downplay the difficulty person exclusively, but permanently. of this, but shares how he has learned A major error is to assume marriage to depend daily on God for forgiveness and the family are institutions of person- and grace. If change of orientation does al fulfillment, for my benefit, necessary not happen, the solution cannot be for me to become whole and happy. found in rejecting God’s clear word, but Contrast this with the counter-intuitive submitting to its discipline, and in doing Christian understanding that “it is more so learning that God takes us seriously blessed to give than to receive”. and is training us for glory. Married couples need the message of But also, same sex-attracted people the Gospel to stay loving and faithful, may experience change in their desires, and they need the support of people, and it is vital that this option remains including those called to be single, to open (see for example www.core- help on the journey. Importantly, for all single The teaching of Christ is hard, but people, submission to the discipline of infinitely rewarding. The Gospel is to be celibacy, perhaps for a lifetime, while drawn into the Trinity through the wrestling with desire is not a cruel cross, and so fulfil the law that leads to tragedy but a gift. We take up our cross life. for our own sake, but also for others We need God’s help to live and who see Christ in us, are challenged by explain this better. Friday March 28 2014 The Register 13

THE 2014 BIBLE CHALLENGE ANGLICAN CYCLE OF PRAYER Newborough, Rangemore and Tutbury Priest in Charge of St Philip’s Church, (Lichfield). Leicester and Chaplain at the University The Rev John Wigmore, of Leicester, to resign with effect from Day 87: Judges 1-3, Psalm 73, John 7 Rector of Winklebury and Worting, has Saturday, 31 May 2014. Suresh is Day 88: Judges 4-6, Psalm 74, John 8 Friday 28 March. Psalm 86:1-7, Job been appointed Assistant Area Dean of returning to the Diocese of Trichy in Day 89: Enjoy hearing the Scriptures 13. Bristol - (Canterbury, England): Basingstoke Deanery in addition to his India in June to take up the post of read aloud in church The Rt Rev Michael Arthur Hill; Bristol other duties (Winchester). Bishop’s Secretary but hopes to Day 90: Judges 7-9, Psalm 75, John 9 - Swindon - (Canterbury, England): The Rev Canon Judith Wilson, continue as Trichy Link Officer. Day 91: Judges 10-12, Psalm 76, John The Rt Rev Lee Stephen Rayfield Priest in Charge of St Helen’s, Norwich, The Rev Preb Jeffrey Leonardi, 10 Saturday 29 March. Psalm 77:1-15, to be Rector of St Helen’s, Norwich. Assistant Curate (Associate Minister) of Day 92: Judges 13-15, Psalm 77, John Job 14. British Columbia - (British Judith remains Chaplain to the Great Abbots Bromley, Blithfield, Colton, 11 Columbia & the Yukon, Canada): The Hospital, Hon Asst Diocesan Director of Colwich and Great Haywood and Day 93: Judges 16-18, Psalm 78, John Rt Rev James Arnold Jackson Cowan Ordinands, and Honorary Canon of Bishop’s Adviser in Pastoral Care and 12 Sunday 30 March. Lent 4. Psalm Norwich Cathedral. Counselling will retire on 31 March 2014 131, Ro. 7:14-25. PRAY for The Church The Rev Sylvia Wilson, (Lichfield). APPOINTMENTS of Ireland The Most Rev Dr Richard OLM Associate Minister of Preston on The Rev Gwenda Manco, Lionel Clarke Archbishop of Armagh Tees, to be NSM Priest in Charge of Non-stipendiary Assistant Curate, and Primate of All Ireland and Egglescliffe (Durham). known as Associate Priest, in the New Metropolitan The Ven Ruth Worsley, Benefice of Littleborough, resigned with The Rev , Monday 31 March. Psalm 49:12-20. is the acting Rural Dean of Calne effect from 8 January 2014 Mission Renewal Adviser and Leader of Ro. 8:1-11. Bukavu - (Congo) The Rt (Salisbury). (Manchester). the Church Growth Team in the Diocese Rev Sylvestre Bahati The Rev Andrew Robert Marsden, of Chichester is to be the next Bishop of Tuesday 01 April. Psalm 112, Ro. RETIREMENTS & RESIGNATIONS (Chaplain to the Hull and East Yorkshire Lewes (same diocese). 8:12-17. Bukedi - (Uganda): The Rt Rev Hospitals NHS Trust), retired with Nicodemus Engwalas-Okille effect from 25 December 2013 (York). The Rev Eugeniah Adoyo, Wednesday 02 April. Psalm 139:4-12, to retire The Rev Marion Miles, currently Team Vicar in the Harwich Job 15. Bunbury - (Western Australia, The Rt Rev John Goddard, has retired from her appointment as Peninsular Parish (Chelmsford), is to Australia): The Rt Rev Alan Ewing The Bishop of Burnley, is to retire in Associate Priest of Wimborne Valley and become 0.5 Incumbent of St Luke Thursday 03 April. Psalm 139:13-18, July. Milton Abbas. Her appointment ceased Longsight and 0.5 Priest in Charge of St Job 16. Bungoma - (Kenya): The Rev The Rev Brian Colin Atkinson, 30 January 2014. She has Permission to Agnes Birch in Rusholme with St John George Mechumo Stipendiary Team Rector of the Benefice Officiate (Salisbury). with St Cyprian Longsight of the South Cotswolds Team Ministry, The Rev Steven John Osbourne, (Manchester). to retire on 31 March 2014. Vicar of Caverswall and Weston Coyney The Rev Christopher (Chris) Ball, Lawrence, Denton; St Anne, Haughton, The Rev Linda Dytham with Dilhorne (continuing); has ceased currently Priest in Charge, Ashwell (St which parishes together with Christ has retired from her appointment as to be Rural Dean of Cheadle (Lichfield). Mary the Virgin) with Hinxworth and Church, Denton with St George, Associate Priest of Savernake. Her The Rev Stephen Owens Newnham () to be Danebank, constitute the Audenshaw appointment ceased 4 February 2014. is retiring as the Incumbent of Mamble Vicar of Ripponden and Rishworth with and Denton Mission Partnership She has Permission to Officiate until 1 w Bayton, Rock w Heightington w Far Barkisland and West Scammonden (Manchester). He will remain as 0.5 June 2014 (Salisbury). Forest from 31 July 2014 (Worcester). (Diocese of Wakefield). Chaplain at Dr Kershaw’s Hospice in The Rev Andrew Evans The Rev John Gareth Parry, The Rev Nichola (Nikki) Bates, Oldham. has retired from his appointment as Chaplain to Owestry School; has has been appointed Associate Vicar The Rev Paul Irving Team Rector, Melksham. His resigned with effect from 5 January 2014 at Stamford St George with is to become Vicar in Team: Redditch appointment ceased 13 February 2014 (Lichfield). responsibility for Christ Church Holy Trinity (responsibility Beoley) on (Salisbury). The Rev Debby Plummer, Stamford (Lincoln). 27 Mar 2014 (Worcester). The Rev Kevin Evans, Priest in Charge of St Margaret The Revd Kelly Betteridge, The Rev Liz Leaver, has ceased to be Team Vicar in Central Prestwich (with St George Simister), Curate: Nuneaton St Nicolas, to be is to be a Healthcare Chaplain at Telford (Lichfield). and Assistant curate of St Mary Vicar: Nuneaton St Nicolas (Coventry). University Hospital of South Manchester The Rev Helier Exon Prestwich and Assistant curate of St The Rev Angela Byran, NHS Foundation Trust (Manchester). is retiring from his appointment as Gabriel Prestwich, retires with effect currently assistant curate in St Liz will remain as Chaplain at Stockport Associate Priest of Piddle Valley, Hilton, from 19 October 2014. She will become Matthew’s Tipton (Lichfield), is to Grammar School. Cheselbourne and Melcombe Horsey. Canon Emeritus on retirement become 0.5 Priest in Charge of St The Rev Canon Kevan Sean McCor- His appointment ceases 30 June 2014; (Manchester). Thomas Kirkholt and 0.5 Estates mack, his last service is 29 June 2014 The Rev Canon Edward Pogmore, Missioner for the Rochdale deaconry Has been appointed as a Chaplain to the (Salisbury). Chaplaincy Team Leader, George Eliot (Manchester). Queen. This post is in addition to his The Rev Joan Fisher, Hospital NHS Trust to reitre on 1 April The Rev Annabel Copeland, current responsibilities as Rector of St Assistant Curate (Associate Minister) in (Coventry) Team Vicar of St Paul’s Church, Great Mary’s Woodbridge, Chaplain to Aldridge; has resigned with effect from The Rev Clive Thomas, Baddow Team Ministry (Chelmsford), is Ipswich Town Football Club and 4 April 2014 (Lichfield). is retiring from his appointment as Team Rector of Tidworth and Chaplain of Officiating Chaplain to the Military (St The Rev Graham Charles Fowell, Rector of Shaftesbury. His appointment Wellington Academy (Salisbury). Edmundsbury and Ipswich). Rector of Stafford St Mary and Marston ceases 13 August 2014; his last service is The Rev Jane Craw, The Rev Lesley McCreadie, , Vicar of Stafford St Chad and 10 August 2014 (Salisbury). Assistant Curate of Sherborne with Assistant Curate of Sherborne with Prebendary of Flixton; retired on 31 The Rev Alida Whittock, Castleton, Lillington and Longburton, is Castleton, Lillington and Longburton, is January 2014 (Lichfield). is retiring from her appointment as to be Associate Priest (Salisbury). to be Associate Priest (Salisbury). The Rev Andrew Greany, Associate Priest of Abbotsbury, The Rev Tim Day, The Rev Iain McFarlane, is leaving his role as Hon Curate NSM: Portesham & Langton Herring. Her Assistant Curate (NSM) in the Benefice Vicar at Lyngford St Peter, Taunton, in Worcester City Old St Martin on 31 Mar appointment ceases 27 April 2014. She of Holy Apostles, Leicester to be Team the Bath and Wells Diocese, has been 2014 (Worcester). will have Permission to Officiate Vicar in the Benefice of the Fosse Team appointed Priest in Charge at Boyatt The Rev Jennifer Haynes (Salisbury). in the Goscote Deanery (Leicester). Wood in the Eastleigh Deanery has resigned from her appointment as The Rev Malcolm Wieck, The Rev Andrew Charles De Smet, (Winchester). Associate Priest of Southbroom St has retired from his appointment as (Priest in Charge of Kirkdale with The Rev David Morris, James. Her appointment ceased 1 Associate Priest of Bratton, Edington & Harome, Nunnington and Pockley) has is to be Priest in Charge: Bowbrook February 2014. She has Permission to Imber, Erlestoke and Coulston. His been appointed as Vicar of the Benefice North and South from 13 April 2014 (He Officiate until 24 August 2014 appointment ceased 14 February 2014. of Kirkdale with Harome, Nunnington was previously Associate Priest at the (Salisbury). He has Permission to Officiate until 22 and Pockley. His other post as benefice of Stoke Prior, Wychbold & The Rev Chich Hewitt , August 2018 (Salisbury). Archbishop’s Adviser & Co-ordinator of Upton Warren (Worcester). Incumbent of Holy Rood, Swinton, and The Rev Philip James Williams, Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction for The Rev Sue Rodd, Assistant Curate of St Mark Worsley, Rector of Shrewsbury St Giles with the Archdeaconry of Cleveland remains Assistant Curate of the Whitton within the Holy Rood and Worsley Team Sutton, and Atcham; to retire with effect unaffected (York). Benefice, is to be Team Vicar Mission Partnership (Manchester), from 14 March 2014 (Lichfield). The Rev Ali Green, (Salisbury). retires with effect from 31 May 2014. The Rev Anna Chang Wright, NSM of Monmouth with Overmonnow The Rev Alan Wheale, The Rev Jennifer (Jenny) Susan Hill, SSM Assistant Priest Blyth Valley Team (Church of Wales), is to be Associate PTO; to be Assistant Curate (Assistant (Rector of the Benefice of West (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich) to retire Priest of Bradford on Avon Holy Trinity, Minister) of Rolleston and of Anslow, Buckrose), is retiring with effect from with effect from 30 April 2014. Westwood and Wingfield (Salisbury). and of Hanbury, Newborough, 21 September 2014 (York). The Rev Rosemary Wynn, The Rev Miles Howarth, Rangemore and Tutbury (Lichfield). The Rev Beth Hutton has retired from her appointment as is to become 0.5 Priest in Charge of The Rev Ian Whitehead, has resigned from her temporary Associate Deacon of Sturminster Christ Church Denton with St George Rector of Rolleston and Vicar of Anslow; appointment as Associate Priest of Newton, Hinton St Mary and Lydlinch. Danebank. In addition he will be to also be Assistant Curate (Minister in Atworth with Shaw and Whitley Her appointment ceased 26 January licensed as Assistant Curate in the Charge) of Tutbury and Assistant (Salisbury). 2014. She has Permission to Officiate parishes of St Stephen, Audenshaw; St Curate (Associate Minister) of Hanbury, The Rev Suresh Kumar, (Salisbury).

[email protected] @churchnewspaper 14 Friday March 28, 2014 Sunday r r ‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me in God. It’s a pastoral scene, tranquil and safe. SUNDAY SERVICE

o all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the The sheep can lie down safely in lush green house of the Lord forever,’ Psalm 23:6. pastureland. They have plenty to drink when t thirsty and when it’s time to move on, they are Fifth Sunday of Lent - Sunday 6 April 2014 Discipleship is about character transforma- led safely. They have nothing to fear as long as c tion. It is about becoming more like Jesus they trust the shepherd. Learning to trust is Ezekiel 37:1-14 from the inside out. While this is a work of the next theme that the psalm insists upon. Romans 8:6-11 e grace accomplished in us by the action of Even when we are in danger – the valley of the John 11:1-45

r God’s Holy Spirit and doesn’t depend on us, shadow of death itself, the shepherd is with us,

i we do have a part to play. After all, God wants protecting us and comforting us. We have to This week’s readings proclaim to us the glorious new willing and joyful humanity to sing his praises learn to trust. life of the Spirit that is ours in Christ, through his

d out of a deep-felt desire and longing for him, Then the picture changes. We are transport- powerful word.

l he is not in the business of creating automa- ed to a banquet, a table spread with good Ezekiel’s vision of a valley of dry bones is a vision

By the Rev Dr Liz Hoare tons. things even in the presence of a hostile world of the people of God without the Spirit. Though cho- The psalmist here is confident that God’s (v5). As we imagine a cup so full it is overflow- sen by God, they are dead and lifeless before he a presence is where he wants to be forever and ing we might even hear the table groaning speaks to regenerate and enliven them. The deathly, the earlier part of the Psalm shows how he with the weight of its fare. The riches do not hopeless scene is transformed by the noise of rat- u came to this place of assurance and joy. Psalm end there for the writer is drenched in luxuri- tling bones as the breath of God, carried on the

t 23 used to be known by so many people and is ous oil. No wonder he exclaims that goodness prophet’s words, enters the valley. Though originally

i a good one for all Christians to know by heart. and mercy will follow him wherever he goes a picture of a nation restored to their land after the

r As well as being a testimony to God’s faithful- for he is learning to live out of divine Babylonian exile, this has often been seen as para-

i ness that we can share with others it gives us resources. And so must we. digmatic, a suggestive model of how the sovereign clear foundations for discipleship. Learning to rest, learning to trust, learning LORD works to bring life to his people. The purpose It begins by establishing a close and depend- to live from divine resources. Here is the key of God’s actions and words here, as with all his acts p ent relationship with God using an image that to abundant Christian living that is full of grace of self-revelation, is to make friends with us: “then would have been common to the psalmist’s and gives us dignity as we play our part in the they shall know that I am the LORD”, and know that s contemporaries: ‘The Lord is my shepherd.’ divine plan of salvation. You might like to I have spoken. Sheep would not get very far without the guid- reflect on each of these aspects of discipleship Jesus demonstrates the symbolic truth of Ezekiel e ing oversight of their shepherd. and ask yourself which of them comes most 37 in the life of one particular Israelite in our Gospel The next two verses elaborate on the image easily and which is difficult to do. Which one is reading.

h to show us the importance of learning to rest God inviting you to do more of this week? Just as last week we met a man who had been born

t blind “so that the works of God might be displayed in him”, so this week we see a man who is allowed to die, and a corpse that is permitted to fester, “so that the Son of God might be glorified” in his new life. A Naval Game of Thrones Through the faith displayed in the intimate interac- tions between Jesus and Lazarus’s sisters, we discov- er that Jesus is not only a powerful healer but “the” Benjamin Sargent resurrection and the life. The dead will rise at the last Latimer Trust day, as Martha confesses, but to prove his power over death even now, the living Lord speaks the word In 1891 a ship was launched that and out the beloved man comes from what was caused worried whispering in the thought to be his final resting place. He is raised to halls of the Admiralty. The German die again, but this points to the stupendous reality of battleship Brandenburg was in some Jesus’ own resurrection from the dead, a once-and- ways superior to the most recent for-all-time resurrection to a new world, not just a warships of the Royal Navy, but what temporary restoration. worried the Sea Lords most was the Romans 8:11 begins with an awesome idea: “If the possibility of a new enemy. Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells Up to that point, the imagined in you...” The very thought that that Spirit could naval bogeymen had been France dwell in us, a Spirit of such immense power, is surely and Russia. So began a naval game a magnificently humbling one. Not only that, but “he of thrones as powers fought for the White Fleet of US Battleships cir- tury saw the abolition of many great who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your place in the sun of unquestioned cumnavigated the globe, demon- injustices and the growth of vibrant mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in supremacy. strating the size, power and Christian culture in Europe. What is you.” Strength for today, and bright hope for tomor- The American naval theorist deployability of the US Navy. As the it about humankind that enabled row! Alfred Mahan had recently pub- game continued, the Nietzschean this great century to be followed by And along with the ten thousand blessings that lished his book The Influence of Sea will to power became incarnate and a bloodbath in which all the fruits of accompany this, there is a new impulse to live for Power Upon History, 1660-1783 to fear, pride, jealousy and suspicion scientific and technical genius were him. As our Article XIII reminds us, “Works done great acclaim. His premise that a increased in equal measure: more harnessed to cause pain and mis- before the grace of Christ, and the Inspiration of his predominant battle fleet went hand- and more petrol was poured on the ery? What does the Great War tell us Spirit, are not pleasant to God.” Or as Paul puts it, in-hand with global power found European bonfire – petrol poured about ourselves? “those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” With- wide acceptance amongst the Euro- with genius and imagination, care- How is it that the people and lead- out the Spirit, even their seemingly good works only pean powers, as well as in the United fully and meticulously. When the ers of the major European powers ever have the nature of sin, and are without merit in States itself and Japan. match was lit on the streets of Sara- were blind to the folly of a naval his eyes, however stunning their quality may appear Great Britain responded to Bran- jevo on 28 June 1914, the explosion arms race? As Karl Barth famously to us. Yet those who by faith are possessed by the denburg and her sister ships with a could only be horrifying. saw, the Great War reveals the Spirit can, and must, please him who died, rose, and succession of evolutionary one-offs, Later this year, Christians will be depths of human sinfulness and the lives for them. A privilege and a duty that is ours in including Hood, Renown, Centurion placed centre-stage as the nation myth of human progress. The prob- Christ alone. and Barfleur, attempting to find a remembers the beginning of the lem with progress and the problem winning design, before settling on Great War. What are we going to say for civilisation is the human heart: Lee Gatiss is Director of Church Society ( the massive Majestic class of Battle- about it? That’s a challenge. When the heart that strives for supremacy., and Editor of the NIV Proclamation Bible. ships. Germany responded and the we speak about the beauty of peace, For as the Lord Jesus said, ‘out of race gained momentum. the futility of war, the nobility of sac- the heart come … jealousy … pride A seemingly winning move was rifice and other themes that emerge and folly. All of these things come played when HMS Dreadnought each year on Armistice Day, all of from inside a person and make them was launched in 1906. Dreadnought which are good, are we missing an unclean’ (Mk 7:21-23). famously made all other warships opportunity? Are these the things As we remember the beginning of HYMN SUGGESTIONS obsolete. Not only that, but she was our non-Christian friends and the a catastrophe in human history this built and launched within a year: a public expect us to say and so listen year, might we come face-to-face sign to the world of Britain’s indus- with little interest? with our own sinfulness and our Great is thy faithfulness trial supremacy. But the game con- The Great War, and particularly need for the saviour from sin: Jesus Breathe on me breath of God tinued and found new fervour when the way it came about, offers a Christ. My Lord, what love is this? Germany launched its own Nassau unique opportunity to see what Spirit of God, light amid the darkness class of Dreadnoughts. humanity is like. What are civilised The Rev Dr Benjamin Sargent is the Spirit divine, attend our prayers The United States was not and cultured people capable of? Vicar of Bransgore and Hinton Speak O Lord immune to the lust for naval power. What can people who believe in Admiral in the Diocese of Winchester In 1907-9, two fingers were stuck up progress do when their pride and and a member of the Latimer Trust to the European powers as the Great status is challenged? The 19th Cen- Theology Work Group

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Friday March 28, 2014 Reviews 15 Winslet is winsome in new romance

Labor Day (cert. 12A) is a well-acted Adele or Henry being victims. drama of a romance between prison Frank’s kindness extends to care escapee Frank (Josh Brolin) and for wheelchair-bound boy Barry divorcee Adele (Kate Winslet). Rarely (Micah Fowler), dumped on them leaving the home – let’s call it agorapho- for the day by frazzled neighbour bia for simplicity – Adele takes her 13- Evelyn (Brooke Smith). His year-old son Henry (Gattlin Griffith) attempts to alert his mother to shopping for new clothes where he Frank’s identity (a shot on TV meets Frank. news) prompt merely a shocking Bleeding from a wound, Frank uses response from her. Henry as leverage, not quite a hostage, After a few days, and now con- to get Adele to take him home so he can templating a future together, Adele lay low. Maybe he tells her more than we and Frank send Henry to the local know from the screen, but it seems but a library to research Prince Edward short time before she trusts him – fear- Island, trusting him not to reveal ful of going out she may be but fear of a the uninvited guest at home. Pre- convicted murderer (whatever he tells sumably this also gives them more her) quickly evaporates. time to have sex – it happens, but so That’s the sort of plot development (at discreetly that we don’t see quite least in the film) that needs the “suspend the circumstances of that rather disbelief” button, without which the rest crucial change in the relationship. of the film could get very annoying. Personally, I’d have sent him Once you’ve pressed it, and as the char- looking for “countries with no acters’ backstories unfold in flashback, extradition treaty with the USA” (it it’s relatively easy to find some sympathy would have taken longer for a start) for Frank and Adele, and for Henry, but this is set in pre-internet days whose adult self (Toby Maguire – why?) so asking at the library desk might narrates. just have aroused suspicion. Not Adele’s miscarriages, Frank’s possible much else does in this small Massa- miscarriage of justice, and Henry’s dal- chusetts town, even with a killer on liance with new cynical girl in town the loose. Eleanor (Brighid Fleming), heading for When Adele goes out, a rarity in her own psychological problems, help itself, to withdraw all her cash from flesh out essentially a thin storyline. the local bank, the teller seems con- Adapted by director Jason Reitman from cerned, but an equally dumb quip Joyce Maynard’s 2009 novel, the film just from Henry puts it right. They even about gets past the clumsy plot devices. survive a policeman noticing the As Frank tutors Henry in baseball (a preparations for the flit. chance to wrap his arms round Adele to The last reel I cannot reveal, but show her how to bat) and teaches them we do get a shot of Frank bathed in the finer arts of baking, the move from a halo of light. Winslet got a Golden father-figure to lover over several days of Globe best actress nomination, and “captivity” looks at least plausible. It’s Brolin and young Griffith form a lit- not exactly Stockholm Syndrome (or is tle ensemble that makes up for the it? – discuss in your next psychology frequent “surely not” moments. exam) but there’s little sense of either Steve Parish

‘Does commitment to Christ make a the concept of ‘double belonging’ and describes how his new book In Search of Authority (Bloomsbury) he difference?’ asks Canon Michael more than one religion has given her spiritual begins a new three-volume project on Authority in Green in the foreword to One Goal nourishment. This is a fascinating and well-written Anglicanism, looking at the period from the Whatever the Cost by Gillian March book. Reformation to the Enlightenment. This is essential (New Wine). ‘If in doubt read this reading for anyone with a serious interest in Anglican book. Gillian left her privileged The Cape Town Commitment is a statement of biblical theology. Highly recommended. aristocratic background to minister to the neediest in convictions and a call to action growing out of the society. Her account of Christ’s transformation of a Lausanne Movement. A study edition of the James Bryan Smith was very struck by Colossians prostitute, or a prisoner on hunger strike or a crowd of Commitment has been edited by Rose Dowsett 3:1–17 and has written Hidden in Christ (Hodder) in drug addicts makes compulsive reading. Gillian’s (Hendrikson) so that it can be used in groups or by which he devotes 30 short chapters to looking at the book will inspire you’. Canon Green’s words should be those who want to think deeper about the text. Over meaning of a word or short passage from this text. His taken seriously. This is a moving book that deserves a 100 discussion questions are offered. book is recommended by Shane Claiborne and wide readership. Gillian is married to an Anglican Richard J Foster. Smith is a professor at Friends priest, one of 27 generations! Worship 4 Today is a course for worship leaders University in Kansas and a member of Richard produced by Church House Publishing. It is practical Foster’s renewal ministry. He is an ordained Shirley du Boulay worked as a producer for BBC and draws on a wide range of traditions. Part Three: Methodist minister. religious television in the golden age of the 1970s and Consolidating and Expanding Horizons edited by Helen she was married to the Catholic journalist, John Bent and Liz Tipple has now been published. This is a Lis Goddard, Clare Hendry, Sally Hitchiner, Liz Hoare, Harriott, who helped Robert Runcie with some of his course that began in the Diocese of Sheffield that has Suse McBay, Jane Morris, Jane Plackett and Kate addresses and wrote a noted column for The Tablet. been welcomed all around the Church of England. Wharton all combine to produce Awesome voices: God Shirley has now written her spiritual autobiography, A working through ordained women today (Gilead Silent Melody (DLT). Neither properly Anglican nor Paul Avis has written a great deal about Anglicanism. Books). This book can help Anglicans be ready to properly Catholic she found it impossible to give No theologian has done more to explore the nature welcome women bishops. It is commended by Bishop herself to any one spiritual tradition but she writes of and vocation of Anglicanism in the modern world. In Pete Broadbent and Bishop Steven Croft.

[email protected] @churchnewspaper Dialogue is no longer just something that happens face-to-face. First, we had instant messaging services to keep in touch with friends and COLLEGE STREET colleagues, then social networking that allowed us to reach out further and make new contacts but now, dialogue is getting deeper. SW1 Blogs are nothing new, but multi-author sites, different posts being written with a shared identity, mean Christians are able to discuss CITY OF WESTMINSTER faith and the role it plays in their life. These sites are being used to share views, spread awareness on issues and breakdown with Amaris Cole barriers. Here are a few that are worth checking out.

THREADS Threads is a ‘collective of Christians from all walks of PORTICO life, who are living, working and trying to carve out our The Council of Christians and Jews identity in our worlds’. The blogs on the site examine (CCJ) has launched a portal for faith and life, and how the two relate and can work Christians and Jews to engage online together. Tough questions are asked and views argued, about issues regarding interfaith with readers being given the chance to respond at the issues and the roles that Judaism and end of each post. Authors range from artists to bankers, Christianity play in public life. The at home and abroad. Topics discussed fit under the website Portico is aimed at 18-30- categories of life, culture and society, with all year-olds, inviting Christian and guaranteed to make you think. Jewish writers from across the country to share their thoughts and opinions on contemporary issues and debates. As with all CCJ’s work, Portico works to create constructive THE BRIDGE dialogue between Jews and Winner of the Christian New Media Awards Winners & Christians on a wide variety of topics, Finalists 2013, The Bridge is packed with teaching for including the Israel-Palestine young people, offering Christian principles in ways that situation and the global economic are relevant today, both in terms of situations and crisis. language. The posts stem from differing backgrounds and denominations, but all have a passion for spreading God’s word. It was only launched last year, but has already amassed quite a following. Make sure you are in on the trend. FREE CEN ONLINE FOR ALL STUDENTS! Email your course details to [email protected]

PRIZE CROSSWORD No. 892 by Axe 11 Title applied to the Indian [Isa/NIV] (8) erable distance from the founder of a religion of 2OT state, now part of Jor- land, buffeted by the ----- spiritual purity (6) dan, capital Rabbah because the wind was 13 Everyday symbol of an [Deut; Josh; Sam, et al] against it' [Matt/NIV] (5) attempt to reach Heaven- (5) 19 Son of Abigail, command- wards (6,7) 3Expressive of befitting er of Absalom's army [1 16 'Instead...we will ------Hell (7) Chr] (5) become in every respect 4Canterbury, for example 20 'You strain out a ---- but the mature body of him...' (13) swallow a camel' [Eph/NIV] (4,2) 5Clerical gathering (5) [Matt/NIV] (4) 18 'For through the Spirit 6Adoration paid to a deity we eagerly ----- by faith (7) Solution to last week’s the righteousness for 7'I was given a ---- like a crossword which we hope' measuring rod [Gal/NIV] (5) [Rev/NIV] (4) Across: 1 Answer, 4 Baasha, 8 21 Desert area abutting 12 'Jews and ------alike are Pyrrhus, 10 Aleph, 11 Sinai [Gen; Num; Isa] (5) all under the power of Ishmael, 12 Achan, 13 22 One of the seven sin' [Rom/NIV] (8) Colossian, 17 Agree, 19 archangels of the 14 '...he is blameless and ------Unclean, 21 Altar, 22 Younger, Hebrew tradition [Apoc- -, a man who fears God 23 Mosaic, 24 Hebrew. rypha] (7) and shuns evil' 23 Short letter from Paul (5) [Job/NIV] (7) Down: 1 Apphia, 2 Sarah, 3 24 Familiar name for the 15 '...he condemned the Esh-Baal, 5 Amana, 6 rulers in Palestine at the cities of Sodom and Stephen, 7 Athens, 9 time of Christ (7) Gomorrah...and made Salisbury, 13 , 14 them an ------of what is Include, 15 Balaam, 16 Down going to happen to the Andrew, 18 Edrei, 20 Eager. 1'... I ------him against a ungodly' [2 Pet/NIV] (7) people that anger me' 17 '...the boat was a consid-

T h e f ir s t c o r r e c t e n tr y d r aw n w il l w in a b o o k o f t h e E d i to r ’s c h o i c e . S e n d y o u r e n tr y t o C r o s s wo r d N u m b e r PRICE £1.35 / 1,70€ / $2.20 8 92 , T h e C h u r c h o f E n g l an d Ne ws p ap e r , Across Cor/NIV] (5) from Ahaziah' [2 1 4 G re a t C o l le g e S tr e e t , W e s t m in s te r , L o n d o n , S W1 P 1Saline lake in the 8Both Hebrew and Kgs/NIV] (5) 3 R X b y n e x t Fr id a y Bible (4,3) Arabic, descend- 10 River flowing into 5'Now he who sup- ing from a son of 1 Ac, making the N am e plies seed to the --- Noah (7) border between -- and bread for 9'She put him and Moab and the A d d r e s s food...will enlarge his ----- in a bed- Amorites [Num; the harvest...' [2 room to hide him Isa] (5) P o s t C o de

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