Present: Councillor P Philp (Chairman) Councillor J Hancock (Vice Chairman) Councillor J Piper Councillor M Motton Councillor F Pearce Councillor M Irwin Councillor N Vincent M Tubb (Clerk) Councillor C Martin 2 Members of the public.

Minute No: Agenda Item. Chairman welcomed members and the public to the meeting, drawing their attention to the paragraph printed in blue at the top of the agenda. Chairman then invited any of the public to address the meeting. The matter of water running down Fore Street from a leaking stop cock at the entrance to the old allotments was raised and the clerk was asked to report this to South west Water.

Reports from Outside Authorities (a) Devon & Cornwall Police. The clerk read a report submitted by PCSO Steve Cocks, wishing everyone a Happy New Year and giving his apologies for non-attendance. He reported that there had been one crime (Theft) reported during December, he was looking to forming some kind of Community watch/Warden scheme for the area including . He has a member of the community who is willing to act as coordinator and would welcome the parish council’s thoughts. Numerous patrols had been carried out and all appeared in order. (b) . Cllr Martin reported that someone from Cornwall Council had looked at the bridge at Lerryn and could not see any problems, he had taken photos and forward to the appropriate person. The slipping bank opposite the village hall was ongoing with progress being made with the residents. Regarding housing and “Local Connection” the wording was rather vague, and he was seeking clarification on this. (c) Harbour Commissioners. Nothing to report. (d) Lerryn Memorial Hall. Nothing to report. (e) Lerryn Area Minibus. Cllr Piper reported that the next fund-raising event would be on the 16th February when they would be holding “Spuds & Puds”., advance booking for this event is required. She also reported that Mrs Ann Henderson would be standing down as chairman at the next AGM. (f) Lerryn School. Nothing to report. (g) The Red Store. Nothing to report. (h) , Fowey & Network Panel notes were circulated in the last members pack. 394/2019. Apologies for Absence were received from PCSO Steve Cocks. 395/2019. Members Declarations. (a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. None. (b) Non- Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. None (c) Declaration of Gifts. None (d) Requests for Dispensation. None.

396/2019. Minutes of Meetings. (a)To receive minutes of Parish Council meeting held on the 13th December 2018. On the proposal of Cllr Hancock, seconded by Cllr Irwin, it was unanimously agreed that the minutes be approved. 397/2019. Matters Arising not on the agenda. (a) Uneven stepping stone. Ongoing. (b) State of bridge. Cllr Martin requesting a meeting on site with highways. (c) Potholes between Blackdown and top of School Lane. Reported to Cornwall Council. 398/2019. Planning Matters. (a) Planning Application, No: PA19/00029. Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely fell the smaller of the 2 sycamore trees and reduce the larger one At “Mixton Barn” Lerryn. Noted by members. (b) Planning Application PA19/00105. Proposed rear storey single extension with associated external works at “Mixton House” Lerryn. On the proposal of Cllr Piper, seconded by Cllr Hancock, it was unanimously agreed to support this application. Planning Results for noting. (i) Application PA18/11028. Works to trees at “Grebe Cottage” Lerryn . Decision pending. (ii) Enforcement Case EN18/00038. Following negotiations with the owner the structure had been removed and the breach of planning control has been resolved. 399/2019. Financial Matters, cheques for payment. (a) Cheque No: 1033 to The Clerk £277.58 for clerk & cleaning duties for January. (b) Cheque No: 1034 to HMRC £69.40 for PAYE. On the proposal of Cllr Pearce, seconded by Cllr Motton, it was unanimously agreed that cheque No’s 1033 and 1034 be drawn. (g) Any other requests received for payment or grant applications will be dealt with. (i) Cheque No: 1035 to Palace Printers £72.00 for questionnaires. On the proposal of Cllr Piper, seconded by Cllr Hancock, it was unanimously agreed that cheque No: 1035 be drawn. Other Matters. The clerk reported that he had received notification from Cornwall Council that we had received 100% rate relief on the car park. He had also received notification from Cornwall Council that the footpath grant for 2019/2020 would be unchanged. 400/2019. Correspondence & Circulars not previously circulated was read and circulated to members via the pack. 401/2019. Village Green update. The lease had now been received from Ashford’s Solicitors and been circulated to members. Members wondered who owned the small section of land between the green and the road where cars park. The clerk to make enquiries from Cornwall Council. 402/2019. Limekiln update. The clerk had circulated members with the response from the Heritage lottery for grant funding which was unsuccessful in its present form. Members agreed to review its application in January when the new classifications are known. The clerk was asked to contact the preferred contractor to see if he was happy to carry out the work as per his tender. 403/2019. Neighbourhood Plan. The clerk said the questionnaires were now ready for circulation and members agreed to take them at the end of the meeting. 404/2019. Diary Dates. The next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council will be on Thursday 14th February 2019, at 7.30 pm In The Red Store. 405/2019. Any other business raised by members Concerns were expressed about how the asbestos sheeting was being disposed of at Higher Penpol. Cllr Martin said he would take this up with Cornwall Council. Lerryn .Nett was launching its new web site and they would be holding training sessions so that organisations can put their information on directly. 406/2019. Meeting Closed. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20 pm.

Signed by; ------Chairman Dated ------