CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E348 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E348 HON E348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 21, 2013 niece Katrina and nephew Bryce, as long as A proud native of the Great Lakes State and PERSONAL EXPLANATION you all continue to keep Patrick’s spirit alive, a graduate of Michigan State University, Deke the pain of his loss eases a little more. Amer- began working in my Washington, DC office HON. MICHAEL G. GRIMM ica is grateful for his selfless service and a as a staff assistant in 2006. Sitting in the front OF NEW YORK better place for it. office, he quickly distinguished himself as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f welcoming face to all who walked through the door. He was a great resource to those calling Thursday, March 21, 2013 PERSONAL EXPLANATION the office and made everyone he spoke with Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Speaker, on March 20, HON. AUSTIN SCOTT know that their voices were being heard. 2013, I was unavoidably absent from the Deke worked his way up to legislative as- House and missed rollcall votes 83, 84, 85, 86 OF GEORGIA sistant, working on projects in the district and and 87. Had I been present, I would have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES managing a broad legislative portfolio, includ- voted ‘‘no.’’ Thursday, March 21, 2013 ing: national security, foreign policy, law en- f Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speak- forcement, immigration, and labor issues, to CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON er, on rollcall No. 85 I was unavoidably de- name a few. But above all, Deke was a pas- THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR tained. sionate advocate for Michigan’s military serv- 2014 Had I been present, I would have voted ice members, veterans, and their families, as ‘‘no.’’ well as our local farmers and the Great Lakes. SPEECH OF f Deke has been an invaluable member of VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT our office—a team player who was always HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE willing to pitch in wherever help was needed OF TEXAS HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON and a friend to us all. His enthusiasm in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS office was contagious; his intense love for all Wednesday, March 20, 2013 things Michigan State unmatched. A hard- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The House in Committee of the Whole working, humble, and selfless person, Deke Thursday, March 21, 2013 House on the state of the Union had under made a lasting impact in the lives of many, consideration the concurrent resolution (H. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. which is what public service is all about. Our Con. Res. 25) establishing the budget for the Mr. Speaker, with the successful reauthoriza- team will not be the same without him. United States Government for fiscal year tion of the Violence Against Women Act, it is Mr. Speaker, I am proud to recognize Deke 2014 and setting forth appropriate budgetary important that we continue to bring awareness Tompkins and his outstanding service to the levels for fiscal years 2015 through 2023: to the serious issue of domestic violence. It is folks of Michigan’s Sixth Congressional Dis- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Chair, I rise in a problem that affects one in every four trict. I wish him all the best in his future en- strong support of the CBC Budget Substitute women, and it is one that cannot be resolved to H. Con. Res. 25 because it provides for se- by legislation alone. deavors and know that he will continue on to That is why I commend the efforts of Mayor do great things. Go Green! rious deficit reduction, job creation, and pro- Mike Rawlings, City of Dallas, for his own ef- motes pragmatic economic growth. In a word: forts at the local level to increase awareness f this budget puts America back in the black. and rally our fellow Texans against domestic I wish to thank Chairwoman FUDGE of the IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF violence. This weekend, Mayor Rawlings will CBC and Congressman SCOTT of Virginia, a U.S. ARMY CHIEF WARRANT OF- lead a ‘‘Men Against Abuse’’ rally in front of Member of the CBC who helps to drive our Dallas City Hall in a show of unified support FICER BRYAN HENDERSON budget, and Congresswoman GWEN MOORE for victims of domestic violence. During this who sits on the Budget Committee; Members rally, Mayor Rawlings hopes to publicly chal- HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER who have taken the lead in steering our job- lenge the moral character of any individual creating, morally righteous, and deficit-reduc- who believes it is acceptable to commit do- OF LOUISIANA ing budget to the House Floor. mestic abuse. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Members of this body have some very Raising awareness has been a vital compo- serious ideological differences that have mani- nent of a comprehensive strategy to address Thursday, March 21, 2013 fested themselves in the respective budgets this issue, and Mayor Rawlings’ efforts are an- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today that the American people will hear over the other step in the right direction. Domestic vio- to honor and remember U.S. Army Chief War- course of the next few days. But at the end of lence is one of the most underreported crimes, rant Officer Bryan Henderson for his selfless the day we have to produce for the American and speaking out will help victims to not only and valiant service to our nation. On March people—and budget means that we must do identify their circumstances, but also empower 11, 2013, our country lost a soldier and the just that—and do so by addressing both sides these individuals to stand up against their 5th Congressional District lost a native son of the ledger. abusers and seek outside help. when his helicopter went down in southern Af- That means tough, bedrock decisions about Mr. Speaker, domestic violence is a problem ghanistan. spending but also about revenue. My col- that transcends race, age, and socioeconomic leagues in the CBC have taken on this task in status, making the issue that much more im- As long as the Stars and Stripes continue to earnest and I believe produced a serious, portant as we tear down boundaries across soar, Henderson’s contributions to protecting pragmatic Fiscal Year 2014 budget alternative. communities to stand up against domestic vio- the freedoms we hold so dear will never be The FY 2014 CBC Budget entitled, ‘‘Pro- lence. While the Violence Against Women Act forgotten. In a generation where so many men Growth, Pro-People, Pro-America,’’ contains has historically provided effective tools to com- and women have answered the call to duty, $2.8 trillion in deficit reduction relative to cur- bat domestic violence for almost two decades, his example of heroism and devotion embody rent law, which would put debt on a downward increased awareness is absolutely critical if we what has truly made America the great nation path after the expiration of short-term stimulus are to bring these lifesaving measures into the it is today. spending. Debt is projected to fall from 78.8 homes of victims of violence who would other- Today, our words seem futile in comparison percent of GDP in 2014 to 66.2 percent of wise remain silent in the face of cruelty. to Henderson’s service, but as written in 2 Co- GDP in 2023. f rinthians 1:3, our prayer is ‘‘that the God of all We include a lowering of the threshold for comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations, HONORING DEKE TOMPKINS the tax cuts extended in the American Tax- may be able to comfort those in troubling payer Relief Act from $450K to $250K, a con- times.’’ cept which I strongly supported in 2010, 2011, HON. FRED UPTON I ask my colleagues to join me in paying and 2012; taxing capital gains and dividends OF MICHIGAN tribute to U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer as ordinary income, and enacting a financial IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bryan Henderson and extending thanks on be- transactions tax. Thursday, March 21, 2013 half of a grateful nation. Countless lives have The CBC Substitute also cancels the harm- Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to been changed for the better by his efforts, and ful sequestration, enacts a permanent ‘‘doc recognize the departure of a valued member he will remain in the hearts of Louisianians fix’’, and includes $862 billion in jobs meas- of my team, Mr. Deke Tompkins. forever. ures and long-term investments. Revenue VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:20 Mar 22, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21MR8.001 E21MRPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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