Fields, Saint Mary-Le-Stram

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Fields, Saint Mary-Le-Stram [ 2000 ]. Saint James's -Palace, Saint John, Saint Leonard Staplegrove, Hajse, Fitzhead, Aslipriors, Bishops . .J?oster-lane, Saint Margaret, Saint Martin in the- Lydeard, Cothelstone, Bagborough, Combeflorey, Fields, Saint Mary-le-Stramlj Saint Pan! Co vent' - Lydeard Saint Lawrence, Ctowcombe, Stogiimber, ; Garden, PrivyiGardens^ Whitehall, :Close of "the ;Bicknoiler;; Sanipford Brett, M^nksilver, West ; Collegiate Church of Saint Peter,' Verge of the Qnaritoxshead, Willitoa, Saint Desmans, and Old Palaces of Saint James and .Whitehall within the Cleeve, in the county of Somerset"; and'alsia-foi-'" city and liberty of Westminster, Kingston, Rich- making and constructing.proper arid sufficient piers ' mond, Ham, Petersham, Kew, Mortlake, East Shcen> ports, or harbours j~ for the protection of ships and ' West Sheen. Chisvyick.-iJarne.s,-- Saint George the other vessels, at each end of the said intended Tuartyr, Saint John Horselydown, Saint Olave, navigable cut or canal in the English and Bristol •Saint Saviour's, the liberty of the Clink, Saint Channels; and for power to fix, collect, and take Thomas, Cbristchnrch within the borough of tolls, dues, or rates,'and to-vary, imrease, or alter,' Southwark, Bermondsey, Saint Giles Camberwell, any existing tolls, dues, or rates within the '§atdf.'" Christchurch Clapham, Saint Mary Lambeth, harbours respectively. ' , Saint Mary Newingtou, and Saint Mary Rotbcr- Thomas Edward Clarke, Chard f King and liithe, in the county of Surrey, and for making, ' Lukin, Gray's-inn-s'qUareV London, So- ' placing, erecting, laying, repairing, constructing, licitprs,-- :..: '.: s extending,, and continuing shafts, reservoirs, mains, pipes, drains, aqueducts, tunnels/slnices,' feeders, OTICE is hereby given, that application will channels ;and other works for that purpose, which N be made to Parliament in the ensuing session, ' shafts, reservoirs, mains, pipes, drains, aqueducts, for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills for making ' tunnels, sluices, feeders, channels and other works and maintaining a navigable cut or canal, and com- ' are intended to be and will be made, placed, tnunication for ships, boats, barges, and other ' erected, laid, repaired, constructed, extended, con- vessels, with collateral cot, reservoirs, feeders, and tinued and carried into, through; or in the several other works, and proper towing paths or roads '•' parishes,-hamlets, townships, and places aforesaid, from the S«a, in, at, or near the parish of Beer - or some part or parts thereof, and into, through, and Seaton otherwise Seaton and Beer, in'the-1 or in .the adjoining parishes, hamlets, or townships. county of Devon, to, at, or near Bridgwater Bay, • Freeman and Heathcote, Solicitors, Cole- in the county of Somerset, in the Bristol Channel, •' man-stieet. whrch said cuts or canals, reservoirs,feeders, towing- paths or roads, and other works, are intended to pass ' is hereby given, that application will through, along by, and into the several parishes, be made to Parliament in the ensuing session, .chapelries, townships, or places of Beer and Sea- for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills for making and ton, otherwise Seaton and Beer, Colyton Musbury, maintaining a navigable cut or canal and commu- Widworthy, Shute, Kilmington, Axniinster, Mem- • nication for ships, boats, barges,, and other vessels, bury, Yarcombe, and Thorhcombe, in the county ' with collateral cuts, reservoirs, feeders'^ and other of Devon ; the several parishes, chapelries, town- • works, and proper towing-paths or roads, from the ships, or places of Cbardstock, VVainbrook, Stock- ' sea, in, at, or near the parish of Beer and Seaton land, Dalvvood, Burstock, Mosterton, -and Ched- otherwise Seaton and Beer, in the county of Devon, dington, in the county of Dorset; and the several • to, at, or near the port of Watchettor Blue Anchor^ parishes, chapelries, townships, or places of Chard, : bay, in the county of Somerset, in the Bristol- Chard borough, VVinsham, Wayford,« Seaborough, channel 3 which said cuts, or canal, reservoirs, Misterton, Crewkerrie, Chaffcombe, Knowle Saint feeders, towing-paths or roads, and other works Giles, Combe Saint Nicholas, Ilniinster, Donyatt, are intended to pass through, along by, and into Buckland Saint Mary, Broadway, Ashill, Curland, the several parishes, chapelries, . townships, or Staplefitzpaine, Bickenhall, Hatch Beauchamp, ' places of Beer and Seaton otherwise' Seaton and West Hatch, Thurlbear, Stoke Saint Mary, Thorn Beer, Colyton Musbury, Wedworthy, Shute, Falcon, Huishtoii, North Curry, Stoke Saint Gre- ' Kilmington, Axminster, Membnry, Yarcombe, gory, Creech Saint Michael, West Monkton, Durs- Thorncombe, and Holcombe Rogns, in the county ton, Lyng otherwise East Lyng, North Newton, • of Devon ; (he several parishes, chapelries, town- North Petherton, Durleigh, Bridgewater, Wemb- sliips, or places of Chanlstock, Wambrook, Stock- don, Chilton, Trinity, Cannington, Otterhamp- land, Dalwood, Burstock, Mosterton, and Cbed- ton, Stockland, Bristol, Stogursey, and Little dington, in the county of Dorset ; and the several Stoke, all iri the said county of Somerset; also for parishes, chapelries, .townships, or places of Chard, making and constructing proper and sufficient * Chard borough, Winsham, Wayford, Seaborough piers, ports, or harbours, for the protection of ; Misterton, Crew.kerne, Chafl'combe, Knowle Sain ships and other vessels at each end of the said in- Giles, Combe Saint Nicholas, Ilminster, Donyatt tended navigable cut or canal in the English and Bucklahd Saint Mary, Broadway, Ashill, Curland, Bristol Channels ; and for power to fix, collect, 'Staplefitzpaine, Bickenhall, .Hatch Beaucbamp, and take tolls, dues, fr rates, and to vary, in- West Hatch, Thurlbear, Corfe, Trull, Stoke Saint crease, or alter, any existing.tolls, dues, or rates, Mary, Orchard Port man, Wilton, Taunton Saint within the said harbours respectively. : Mary Magdalen, Taunton Saint James, Bishops Thomas Edward Clarke, Chard; King arid Hull, Pitininster, Angersleigh, West Buckland, Lukin, Gray's-inn-square, London. Wellington, Sampford Arundell, Thorn Saint Mar- garet, Kittesford, Bathealton, Runningtori, Lang- OTICE is hereby given^ that application is ; ford, Budville> "Ninehena, Bradford; Hellfarrence, intended to be made to Parliament in the Hsathfield, .Oake., MilvertoD, Nortonfitzwarren, :nsulng session, for leave to bring in a Bill to'.
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