(QaasIBed Advertlslag on Page 18)

STARTS ONE MAN FIGHT AGAINST "BL'M BUSINESS.”, FEAR 21 KILLED Kidnap Victim, Wife, Secretary Philadelphia, Jan. 18.—(AP)_ Louis Pappas, who began a one- AS FIRE TRAPS man battle 15 days ago against “bum business” by raising FEDERAL MEN HOLD wages, cutting prices and hiring additional help at his restaurant BOYS J SLEEP reported today that customera Increased 68 per cent over any previous 15 days in eight, years. Kunes Sweep GoDege In ■«- KIDNAPER OF ROSS

Canada; Six Bodies Re-


A NEW PARLEY To Account For Many. Snspect Arrested On Padtic Chronology of the Case S t Hyacinthe, Que., Jan. IS — ON S E S S IO N (Canadian Press)—Twenty-one per- Coast Confesses He Killed Sept. 28—Ross and his former,* Mrs. Ross by a friend of the family. sona were feared to have died early Ohio Senator Proposes Na- secretary. Miss Florence Frelhage Oct. 8.—'The Dopartinent of Jus- Rich Chicago Yictim After today In a fire that trapped more dined at a Sycamore, 111., hotel. An tice printed serial numbers of $80,- than 100 asleep In the College cf the unidentified man spoke to Roas 000 in bills. Indicating the ransom Sacred Heart here. tional Council Of Leaders was paid on or about this time. Receiving $50,000 Ran- briefly In the lobby. On the return Oct. 17—Mrs. Roas appealed to The only victim Identified was trip to <3iicago a blond gunman the kidnapers to release her hus- Brother Jean Baptiste, 04, who In Every Field To Study forced Rosa from his aedan. band. som And Then Murdered leaped from one of ^ e achool’a OcL 1—Mrs. Roas waa informed upper windows and cQed aa he by a man Identifying himself as OcL 19—Serial numbers of the reached a hospital. ransom bills were circulated in an The Economic Problem. “Bob of .4ew York” that tapped effort to trap the abductors and It Confederate In The Crime wires prevented atterapU to estob- Police C3iief A. Bourgeois said was announced the family had been aix bodies bad been reported taken The kidnap slaying of Charles llah contact. "double-croased.” from the still-blazing building and JusUco agents todaj t a l i . XSJetes “b y b y Department of OcL 4—Mrs. Ross Informed tbe Washington. Jan. 18—(AP)— the captui’e of Peter Anders, 30, a former logger.' Above (center) Oct. 21 to 30—Five ransom bills Los Angeles, Jan. 18.— (AP) "about 28, maybe 80“ persona still is Charles S. Ross, the victim, Mrs. Ross (left) kidnapers the “coast was clear” for turned up in Chicago and Indiana were misaing. ' Senator Bulkley (D-Oblo) proposed was with Rosa at the time of big abduction. and Miss Florence Frelhage, (right) his secreUry. who negotiations. —Relentless Department d the presi- tal today for a friend to escort him with a fervor more in keeping with tody here at Santa Anita park. dent qt all times. day to end a flve-day (Cabinet crisis. to his New York home. Japanese government today In- Apparently it had been burning Socialist Marx Dormoy, minister structed its ambassador to C3iina to Sunday cburch service than with To Discuss Control P act Agents recovered $14,402.^ least 30 minutes when a paaserbv Preaeat Conferenoe* Apparently dazed and wmndeiinz of the ransom on Anders and aaw the flamea. Bulkley said most of the coopera- of Interior In CSiautemps’ resigned streets, the eon return home and reiterated Its de- brilliantly-lighted death chamber, tive efforts . suggested so far had Cabinet, notified the premler-deslg- a Wiibnr dames Oonld, well-to-do tsrmlnation to have no further deal- Frank and Anthony D1 Stasio, at his hotel. Hoover said. The occupants were warned Im- nnte that the Socialist Council had A 27-pags statement was mods mediately and an alarm spread In bMn i^tricted to government, busi- nam faetiirer, was foond here ings with the Chinese goVerniflent father and son, died In the electric Hartford, Jan. 18.—(AP)—Pre- th„ town, about 35 miles east of ness and. labor. refused to participate tn a Cabinet by a tozleah M yw , pelloe reported. of Generalissimo <3ilang Kai-Shek. chair at state prison early today for pared to join with other New Eng- by tM prisoner, but not released M Montreal. Deep onow handicapped President Rooribvelt meanwhile unless Oommimists also were ad- This repudiation, explained Akira the "torch murder” of Daniel Crow- the prees, before he was otarted mitted, but offered its votes in the PASS APPBOPBlA’nON BILL ley, a Boston laborer. land governors In supporting the eastward last nlghL either by air- fire tracks and ambulances In reach- continued bis business conferences, Kazamt, chief secretary of the Connecticut and Merrimack valley ing the scene. arranging to talk over auto financ- Chamber of Deputies under a Peo Washington, Jan. IS—(AP)—The Cabinet, was stronger than a decla- It waa Massachusetts* first father- plane or train. pie’s Front accord. House passed and sent to the Senate flon execution on record. flood compacts as they now stand, Tbe bodies of Ross and Gray have Aa the thlniy-claa students and ing Friday with both manufactur- ration of war. Such a declaration Governor left Hartford this teachers streamed from the burning ers and auto finance men. Chautemps announced he would $«/ll5.S8tJ8S Treaanry- would mean recognition of Clilang -Anthony, 24, shuffled Into the Cnm a not been recovered. Hoover, said, continue Cabinet consultations and Pootomoe appropriation bUI for the chamber a few minutes after mld- noon for Washington, where be win adding; . building, firemen and townsfoUc This meeting will follow a confer- Kai-Shek's regime as the govern- gave what aid they could. Many lent received Cesar Camplnchi, minister next fiscal year. ment of China, he said. But Japan nlghL only an hour and a half aft- confer tomorrow with President 'We are certain the bodies ate of marine and a Radical Socialist, In The total of tbe measure as flnal- today considers it only a local re- er Governor Charles F. Hurley re- RoosevelL not tn the state of Illlnoio, where overcoats and blankets to the (4A>aUnued on Page Two) his Matignon Palace headquarters. The President is understood to be shivering victims. !rf "xlucUon gime. Hence there will be no dec- jected the final plea of bis counsel the actual murders took place. Thia The Socialist verdict opened the * ^ . ’***y below the figure recora- laration of war. that his life be spared. firmly opposed to the compacts be- fact gave the Federal government The flames sw^pt quickly through way for Chautemps to form a Cabi- ■maded by the House Appropria- Indications strengthened that Walking backward ahead of him cause of a clause which retains to jurisdiction tn the case. the wooden Interior of the Institu- net composed largely of his own tions oomnsittee. ' waa Rev. Ralph W. Farrell, prison the states control over power that 'Anders shot the two men tion and blazed high tbrough the Tokyo eventually would recognize JAPANESE TROOPS Radical-Socialists, though he faced • • • the Peiping regime, created under chaplain. The priest Intoned "the may be developed at the reservoirs through the bead, but lUI we can roof, which collapsed and weakened dangers in the C3iamber of Depu- Prayer for the Last Agony." Eyes that are to be buUL the dormitory floor. MILTON ACCEPTS POST protection of the Japanese army, aa say for certain Is that the killings ties, since a Communist vote against , Jeenton, N. J., Jan. 18.—(A PI- the government of nnectlcut Flood Control mutuel windows at Santa Anita, covery, the roof and four floors were Assured LeaiHsrsblp Shanghai waa tantamount to with- Commission, and Attorney (jeneral Hoover said, when he waa seized - Zones—Big Batdes Near. Edouard Daladler was assured mar ket s at a glance drawal of recognition from the Charles J. McLaughlin at the capi- Prcvlniuly, he had been trailed to (Umttnned aa Png* Eight) New York, Joa. 18.—(AP)— Chlang Kai-Shek regime but em- tal. They will accompany ain^ to (Uontiniied on Page Two) phasized that Japan's repudiation of LIVES OUT GALE Spokane and Seattle, Wash., Port- ®J^***~®**y» gold mines, air* the conference tomorrow morning land, Ore., C3ilcago, New York City. Shanghai. Jan. 18— (AP)— C3il. CTOfts reoistanL the former Nanking government al- at the White House. They are now Philadelphia, Washington, D. (X, neae eounter-thruatn put Japanese Bonds—Lower: rolls sag on Erie ready had been made clear In the government's statement of Sunday. attending the annual session of tbe Miami, Fla., and New Orleans, with WALLACE AHACKS armies on tha defensive today _in news. Rivers and Harbors congress. Federal operatives "close behhMl two important zones of tbeir wide- STRIKERS EVACUATE Curb—Irregular; ntUlUes Im- Japan’s embassy in China, how Sends Radio Message That him on every move,” Hoover relat- spread warfare—along the ’nentstai' prove. e'ver. will not be closed. Shlnro- The New England council bas Kuro Hidaka, Its counsellor, will re arranged for an Informal reception ed. Pukow railway north of Nanking Foreign Exchange—Mixed; franc A trap sImUar to that sat tn the RAIL RATE BOOST and In the Hangchow area, 128 dips. main in Shanghai os charge d’af- Water Has Been Pumped at the Mayflower hotel tomorrow NEW JERSEY PLANT faires. evening from 8 to 6 o'clock when the Undbergh case waa baited acroes miles southwest of Shanghai. Japan' \ (k>ttoa—Barely steady; lower eo- tbe country as the government sent ese sources admitted they had been blea; llqnidallon. Domel, the Japanese News governors - and their advisers, and Agency, said the (3iinese ambas- Out And Aid Is Not Needed the chairmen of state councils, will a complete list of serial numbers of forced Into defensive positions In Sngar—Lower; Wall street sell- ,250 bills given the abductors to\ Cabinet Member Asserts In- those areas. ing.. sador to Takyo, Hsu Shlh-Ylng, meet with the New England Sena- would sail for (3>lna Jan. 20, but tors and Representatives In con- police, newspapers, banks and busi- Strong Chinese units approxi- RemaiDed In Control For 16 Coffee' Heavy; poorer spot de- ness houses from coast to coasL mately so miles north of Nanking nuuid. London, Jan. 18 — (AP) _ The gress. crease Would Tend To In- were attempting to cut the 'nentsln- (Oontlooed on Page Two) British freighter Oagpool won her The reception will be for the pur- “ Banks Assisted Pukow line behind a Japanese Honrs Until Ordered Ont battle today with a mld-AUanUc Officials of Santa Anita and banks column which had advanced from gale that had ripped a gash In her (Contlooed on Psge Two) here were credited by Hoover with tensify Present Recesrion the oonqiiered Chinese capita) as hull. final help In springing the trap. part of a two-way threat against By The Harrison Police. The 8,lS3-ton ship, with a crew of Anders waa said to have at least Suchow, key junction on the Lung- World Still Pre-Historic, 85 abroad, bad radioed for help, re- three aliases: Albert March, Mar- Woohington. Jan. 18.—(AP)_ hal railway, China’s east-west life- portng water In her engine room. shall Eatoh and Ray Oantz. Hoover Secretary Wallace told the Inter- line. Harrison, N. J., Jan. 18—(AP)— Later, however, she reported the HGHT OVER BIRD said he also confessed to participat- atate (Commerce Oommlsslop today Previous Chinese counter-attacks Committee for Industrial Organiza- Booth Tarkington Thinks water had been cleared and she ing In the robbery of about 20 that freight rats increases now be- had slowed Japacese advancing tion strikers posted pickets today would proceed after temporary re- banka. ing sought by American railroads down the Tlentstn-Pukow railway around the large plant of the Cru- pairs to her pumps. LEADS TO MURDER About 30 years old. five feet eight inches In height, the slender, wiry would “tend to intensify the cur- from Tsinan, Shantung province cible Steel Qimpany of America Indianapolis, Jan 18.—(AP)—bed the author of ’’Penrod" and The Cragpool waa bound from rent recession." capital. which the workers had held for Booth Tarkington, Indiatm’s No. 1 Galveston, Tex., to Rotterdam, the prisoner once worked os a logger "Alice Adame” to a discussion of near Spokane, Hoover said. Tbe administration's agricultural Chinese told of additional sue- more than 16 hours until ordered author-plasrwrigbt, dlocussed the what be termed the "revolt against Netherlands, with a cargo of grain. spokesman suggested railroads ac- ceaaea In south Shantung today. out by police. world and its peoples today, and de- prettiness.” (The German liner Ehiropa, which Yootli Tells Police He Killed Hoover said Anders waived ex- tually should reduce their rates, They asserted that Tsinlng, 120 Obeying Police Oilef Peter 8. cided; "We’re still pietty close to "The revolt has gone to an ex- made a 270-mile dash to aid the tradition, but would not reveal by odilch he declared to be among tbe mUes south of 'Tsinan, was "entire- the pre-bistorlc savage.” what means the man was being re- Brady’s ultimatum that they re- treme.” he said. "Many persons Cragpool, reached her early today. fiactorf "hindering, rather than ly in our bands”, and added that "a sume work or leave the plant at the "Tbe great body of th«(,people in seem to believe that nice dirty Ending help was not needed, the Man With A ie, And Then turned to Oilcago. Hoover, who flew belplng, a recovery in industrial ao- decisive battle la imminenL” end of a conference with the man- tha world today la not much less snow Is prettier than nice clean Europa continued her voyage to here Saturday from Washington, Uvlty.’’ Report Heavy Fighting agement, 800 men evacuated the self-seeking than those in the world snow. It seeiiis unfashionable to Cherbourg, France, ahe reported to planned to leave for the capital to- Wallace testified on an applica- Heavy fighUng was in progiees in factory ohortly after midnight 6,000 years ago,” he said In an In- New York.) Chhhed The Man’s Wife. day, he said. the Hangchow area, where Japan- think nice clean snow Is the pret- Another Charles Boas tion of the nation’s rail carriers for Brady, who warned the strikers terview at his winter home, to tier. A subject has to be dirty to The master of the disabled Ad- a IS per cent raise in rates on vlr- ese apparenUy had been balked In that "every poUce officer in Harri- which he and Mra. Tarkington and be art, some believe. But we’ll get miralty oil tanker. War Badataur, The abduction of Ross SepL 25 Wally all commodities, including their attempt to drive inland from son is ready for duty," said he their black French , poodle have just Henderson, N. C., Jan. 18.—(AP) bad appeared fated, until ArKlers* the seaport. Chinese forces were sensible and find the truth again.” which reached Plymouth under es- ^ agricultural products. would permit orderly picketing. returned. Speaking quietly but with feel- cort to the destroyer Wolverine, A 20-year-oId youth waa held to- surprise arresL to go down tn his- Criticizing what he called "Inflez- massed on the south bonk of the "Co-intriea are’swallowing others day after, Police COlef John Lang- tory surrounded By th e ‘mystery of (Siientang river, across from Hang- 1JOO Stay In Plaat ing, Tarkington artd he never waa told how a 100-mlle-an-hour hurri- rate sebedulea, the Cabinet of- The strike, called yesterday morn- to get rich by their oonquesto. The Interested In using what he called cane and on 80-foot wave swept ston said, he confessed hat king an another Ross kidnaping—that of 4- suggested that tne commission chow. Japanese, who earlier to- savages did the same. Countries Itinerant showman to death and ycar-old Oiarles Brewster Roas in day had sent reinforcements to the ing by the steel workers organizing “plain words.” away the tanker's bridge, likeboats, bllah “a flexible policy which committee, a (3 0 afftUate, resulted have been built up that way. I "I have never cared to write charts and Instruments. bludgeoning bis wife in an argu- 1874. Tbe ’x>y was never seen again. result In freight rates lower city, said CaUnese held strong posi- doubt if the process is ended.” ment over an exotic bird. A retired manufacturer of greet- tions at Linan, 18 miles away. from differences over the union’s things that I could be arrested for Four Men Injured [depresaion periods and higher In contract with tbe company. Three Tarkington, as active at 68 as If Baying,” he explained. Four men were hurt when they Chief Langston said the prisoner, ing carda and valentinea, Roas was ^‘“Terity periods.” One Japanese announcement waa he were many years younger, aald forced from his, .autonwhUe on ia that a Japanese tank unit proceed- ohlfta of workers were Involved, and Asked if be ever Intended to re- were swept from the bridge and fell whom he booked as Clarence Fair- gher rates, just now, Wallace tbe union estimated 1,800 remained rapidly-changing conditions had giv- tire, Tarkington replied: Ifi feetTto the deck. banks, of Baltimore, Md., reported lonely lUinola prairie, while his for- I contended, would reduce the volume ing south from Pukow, across the mer secretary. Miss Florence Fid-, Yangtze river from Nanking, bad In the plant during all or part of en bUtorians more to write abouL "I can’t imagine retiring. Per- It looked like a huge black wall.” to police yesterday morning that be of agrlcuitural as well aa general the time tbe workers were In con- BuL he added, the novelist and the haps, tbe only thing to stop me had found the man, Steve Good, 40, hage, pleaded with his assallaata zoilroad traffic. This would hold occupied Hofasien. Captain D. A. Rees said. "It that the 72-year-old man's health Blnce Japanese troops were pres- trol. plajrwright rarely. If ever, find any- would be the loss of my voice.” brought hundreds of tons of water of Austin, Tex., dead In bis track- nil revenue about at their present <30 representatives and A. B. thing actually new. He has dictated his books, plays crashing over the brt^e. trailer home, and Mra.. Good lying waa poor and they would endanssr level, he said, if It did not actually ent a t Hohsien when the United "Novelists and plasrwrlgbts are wounded nes* by. his life. I reduce them. States gunboat Pansy was unit Von Cleve, general manager of the and magazine articles since his "1 felt the ship sinking and won- Ross and Mias Frethags were lo- near there Dec. 12. the announce- plant, failed to reach an agreement constantly In a sea:ch tor the truth, sight became impaired a few years dered If she’d ever rise again. From Police detained the youth, ,who Make SKnathm Worse whlcl^ never varies," he said. ’’Mani- ago. was ernployred to drive tbe track “Inasmuch os the railroads are ment was interpreted in Shanghai at the conference loot nlgbL Van then on wo never knew time or di- (OODUnoed oa Fogs Bight) as meaning that Chinese either had (Tleve sold after the conference____ _aat festations of truth change, but the "Thehody gets old," he said, "but rection. trailer in which tbe couple lived r now suffering from a lack o( volume essential things about people never that la not necessarily so of the while presenting a miniature circus, due not to lack of farm production recaptured the village tn the InUrim “the company bos. no otatement to "Water In the saloon was up to or that Japanese were strengthen- make other than that we wlU live change. Some writers find new mind. Tbe urge to build a literary our necks. We shut ourselves In a technical charge of Investiga- TREASURY' BALANOF but a lack of activity in construc- views, but those things nearly Ot- world Is like that which causes a tion. A few hours later Langston tion and general industrial activity, ing a weak garrison. up to tbe present contrset signed the engine room. It was just like Joponeae said they had no infor- with the workers last spring." ways turn out to be old. Young child to make mud plea without announced he bad confessed. Washington, Jan. tmlsing production costs for indu^ people express Ideas which they being tn a submarine. Police declined to disclose where 18— (A P)’ — I tty sad oonstraetioD would only mation on tbe reported capture of Tbe CIO said the occupation of knowing .why. Only those who con- ‘'That was Friday and It was not Tbe position of the Trsosuty m Chwanaho, ocrooe the Whangpoo the plonL which la o,uni- think are new. But many of'those sider writLig as a buolneas proposi- until mid-day Saturday that the Fairbanks was being held. He was January 111: Maas were axpreased years ago by tlon think of retiring. removed from the jail here last Itecmp tions for tbe garenunant. waa not a ouch men os Shaw and Fraud.” S. 8. San Quarino sighted us and olght, but Langston would not say pts $14,914,437.16; > H i P a g * Z H f i . , I S H P H P attedows aunu. if ... "Why Pm just beghuilng to Isarh OHit the wireless that brought the turss H6.710.04X4S: bolaz The msotloB c t "haw views? tom- shout wrlUng.” . •4Ta«Ui4M«. CiMtaas ncetota i fWotvoilns.' PBga X w \ PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18,1938 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, OONN„ TUESDAY, JANUARY 18,1988

Pero asked that the Board take ap- Umpa sought an Induatiinl true*, by propriate action to mark the curve which workers would agree not to HOSPITAL NOTES f PARK BOARD MAY near the bridge, which has proved BULKLEY CALLS picket or to occupy factoriee and to 118 HELD IN RAD BUILDING PERMITS - Dean Noe Discourages BROWN SI!|0W SEEN Itaban Club Officers to be “a starting point for a slide aubmit their dii^utes to arbitra- rN. Y. Stocks CHAMBER INVITES . into the Hockanum river." It wa'i tion. Employers would be prohibit- Admitted yesterday: Miss (Jer- Men Bosses Preferred BE FACTOR IN PLAN voted to »«k toth the State High- ed from discharging employes with- trude Teuton, 1633 ToUand Turn- IN EAST HARTFORD FOR MONTH, $5 0,1 20 way Department and the State A NEW PARLEY out union approval. pike; Oiarles O'Qmnor, 171 Union Adam. Ehep ...... Others To Follow Example DUST BOWL EFFECT FIFTY FOR ADVICE The Soclaltat stand nppeared os a street. Safety Commission to consider some Air Reduc ...... By Feminine Employes^ manner of so marking the danger- compromise between two divided Discharged smsterday: Mildred elements: One seeking straight Briggs, 8>,-)i Walnut street; Mrs. Alaska Jun ...... Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 18.— (AP)».year on oranges alone. In my cose, ous curve and bridge that traffic ON RECESSION Allegheny ...... Cmmissioiiers May Object participation as asked by 0 » u - Martha Oleaecke, Coventry; Mrs. State And Coonty Police Bat* Seven New DweDings Begun Hamilton. N. T , Jaa. lA—(A P )—^ Proof that thasa ora Um wtomp will be slowed to a safer speed. Hr. Allied Cfiiem ...... —The Very Rev. Israel Harding I received from the all-sufficient God Hebron, Gtiead, Hopedale Asks Leadbg Citizens To Pero noted that the road Is particu- (Oonttnned from Page One) terops and the btber demanding that David Myers and infant daughter. the spiritual and. creative strength Dr. Donald A. Laird, Oolgato Unl-^ reasons,'said Dr. Laird, la tbs om-i Socialists work for Inclusion of Am Can ...... Noe sought today to discourage oth- larly dangerous for strangers com- Bast Hartford; Carl Sueso, 25 New- ter Down Doors In Gam- Am Rad St S ...... heceasary to sustain me.” versity psychologlsL asked 521 stdednesB o< tha 530 to 1 vote, 'nut,'' ^ To Cot-Back Of Parklets Communists in a new govemmenL man street; (Tharles Rohan, Middle In December; One Remod- ers from emulating his foot to The dean s&yn he has gone with- Residents Report Distinct he explotoo, was ns that fsebags ing in this dlrecUmi from up-river ence tomorrow with the Oommeree Am Smelt ...... Dinner Conference And women whether th^ preferred men towns and Springlleld. Department's Business Advisory One of two earlier, minority mo- Turnpike East achieve earthly immortality. out food and water alnce Jan. 2, colored the rspUeo. tions declared the government mtut Tel and Tel ...... Informed that a few members of or women bosses, and he doesn't be- For Depot Square Parking It was voted to accept the recom- Ccuncil, which Includes some of the Death: Yesterday at 4:45 p.m., bfing Resort Am Tob B...... eling To Cost $ 6 ,9 0 0 . talcing his complete sustenance Layer In Last Storm. Paycboonolysla furnlsbea tha tnw reflect the People's Front, Including his congregation at SL Msrjr*s Epis- from God, exoept for the wafer and For Projects Suggestions. lieve the answers that 530 of them mendation of the Board’s public most prominent figures in businsss Mrs. Annie Brown, 709 Main street: Am Wat W k s ...... made. oagwar, he bolds. It gosa bock to and Industry. (tommunisto and representatives of Admitted today: Mrs. Bessie copal cathedr-U were reported to he wine of his communion services the auboonsetous satagoniaiB srUeb safety committee and install three the general confederation of labor. Anaconda ...... Tbe 520, all but one o f those ask- street lights near the dump on Au- Strickland. 418 Porter street High- Armour, Dl ...... contemplating absttoeace from meat three times each week. psychoonalysia soys gtrls have for AlUioufh, lacking word from the White House officials announced The confederation was reprsssntsd Hartford, Jaa. IS—(API — Po- Building operations costing on and some '•ther foods.aa an expres- Hebron, Jan. 18— (Special)—Mrs. ed, unanimously liked men bosses, tumn street, and to increase ths il- yesterday that ths following auto land Pork. lice today were holding 118 men foi- AtcUeoo ...... He says he survived all of lost A roiinrl table conference for the their mothers. A gtri osersUy is Mew Haven railroad aa to ita in- in tbs previous Chautomps gorvsm- estimated $50,120 were s ta rts here sion of faith to the dean, he de- year on oranges and 1936 on raw Paul Coates of tbe Hopevale sec- and with this Dr, Lot d agrees. But lumination power of lights at men ware to see Hr. Roosevelt: Discharged today: William Ann- lowing a raid Monday on a gamb- Aviation Oorp ...... during December, according to the purpo.se of obtaining suggestions for jealous of bar mother. tenUona in regard to the Depot meat, but Communists participated strong, 0 Duval street clared: cashew nuts and oranges. tion of the town was surprised Mon- possible Chamber of Commerce ac- he says they gave the wrong rea- Woman, Dr. Laird coacludsR art Chestnut and Garden streets. Edsel Ford, president of the Ford only oa Parilamento^ eupportars. ling ^ace in Bast Hartford that la Baldwin ...... monthly report ot Building Inspec- sons. Tbe anowera were made to Square parUeta, the Board of Se- Census: Sixty patients. widely reported to have been to Bolt and Ohio ...... •T don’t know that any of my Meanwhile, the 17to consecqLlve day forenoon when she looked out tivities during the coming year has capable booses. But due to tbs Motor Company; Walter P. Chrys- Asks Vlgoroos Oompolga tor Edward C. Elliott, Jr., submitted irishloners ore doing such a thing. letters by women workers In New lectmen laat night could take no ler, chairman of the cnirysler Cor operation off and on for more than Bendlx ...... last night to the Board of Select- day of his fast iound the dean pre- on the hillaides and noticed the been called by Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, femtotns complex to tbs girla tbagr further action on a proposal to cut Hie second minority motion callod I do not wont any one to fol- paring to depart tonight for Knox- Officers of the Italian Club assembled at the annual banquet of the club England, the south and the MUsls- supervlas, tbe lady bessas bars to poratlon; William S. Knudsen, presi- for a vigorous People’s Front cam- a dozen years. Beth Steel ...... n.en. Seven new dwellings burnished or almost goldrti color of president of the Ctoambcr, for Fri- back into the iveat parklet there for FATHER AND SON DIE roe. I am leading my own life ville by train to attend the" annual the snow. The sun waa not shining Sunday afternoon. Front row, (left to right) Louis Genoveal, secretary; day evening at 6 o'clock at the Ho- slppl valley, a good cross-section, be superior to men to Uka poaitlax. dent of the General Motors (Corpora- paign with the decision to bs plocsd Known as "Joe Bari's Plocs" on Beth Steel, pfd ...... which permits were issued dw Bonfiglio Carini. president; Arturo Gremmo, vice president; Vittorio Flrpo, said Dr. Laird of the 10.000,000 uae of parked cars, it was hinted Gilbert atreet^tate and county of- Borden ...... setting my ovn example. Bach state diocesan convention. or she would have thought it waa tel ahcrldon. Invitations to attend tion. and Alvin Hscauley, president In the people's hands. SIDEWALK SNOW the month bad a value of $38, Individual miut choose his own treasurer. In the rear are P. Aimiello, B. Fogllo. F. FacchetU, G. Saplenza, American women workers. that a new obstacle to the propoel- ficers swept Aw n upon tbs satab- Can Pao ...... and alterations and additions, made Dean Noe’s mother, 87-year-oId covered bills. Going outside she the dinner session are being sent to ttmed IN CHAIR FOR P R D E R of the Packard Motor Cothpany and Ths Socialist Council delibera- course.” Mrs. Susannah C. Noe of Beaufort. J. Albo, J. Naretto, P. Plela, J. Gaudlno. F. Plano, L. Monaco, B, Peretto, ) The reasons: It's easier to be dic- tlOB may be found In the attitude of the Automobile Manufacturers tions lost night, were stormy and liahment, battered down doors and Case (L. L) ...... OU 14 structures, had a value of scooped up some of the snow near about fifty persona who represent Washington, Ind.— An imidantiltoo of the town Board of Park Oommls- seized equipment valued at between Dean Noe made clear that be does N. C., expressed faith to her son, aa her home and waa again surprised various groups or Important phases tated to by a man—women let per- -Association. disordered. Cerro De P a a ...... $15,955. Garages and miscellaneous sonal things creep Into work—men gimman waa dtoeouragod by two sionera as regards the change. (Continued from Page One) TO TOWN MEETING 82,(»0 and $5,000. Ches and O h io ...... accounted for the remaining $800 not believe others could survive on did the dean's eldest brother, the to find'that the top layer was a of activity In .Manchester. Others To Be OsUed The first motion—finally super- his present course unless they have Rev. Thomas Noe of York, 8. C., with Dr. Francis Burke as In- don’t get angry telling you about rebuffs within five mtoutas. On petition of many of the North seded—approved parliamentary and Four men are held under $1,500 Chrysler ...... of the building totals here. light tan color. 'The lower layer In his letter of Invitation, Dr. iBwd mercbanta, and with approval Also on the calling list were John bonds each aa the alleged principals 2 bis complete faith in what be Is do- last week. of snow from the previous snow structor. About thirty men and errors—women boasee are jealous— Last night he made WUitora Bvoit 'Goodbye father.” Whether he J. Sbumann, Jr., president of Gen- Cabinet support of (Siautomps, and 0 )1 Carbon ...... In addition, om license each were Moore states: "The purpose of his of the Manchester Improvement As- and 114 aa frequenters under $100 ing and his knowledge of blo-chem- “ I believe Israel Is conscientious storm showed a pure white by con- women enrolled for this class. women bosses are efficiency slaves Beck hand over two pockatbooka. meant the priest or bis father, lUU eral Motors Acceptance Corpora- stipulated tMt the program of the Col Gas and E l ...... issued for master electrician and ROCKVILLE conference Is that the Ctosmbcr of sociation, the Board of Selectmen bonds each. ComI Inv T r ...... iatry and other sciences. In what he is doing and I have faith trast. People In other parts of the Plan Father, Son Banquet Commerce may receive suggesUona —men don't scream at you—women Both were empty. Then be threatsa- In a death-house cell only a few tion; Henry Ittleson, president of People's Front be continued — a Selectmen See Removal As journeyman plumber, 82 electrical Plans for the Father and Son ban- od to klU Louis H. KeRh. who toM followed a recommendation of its feet away, was not certain. Lieut. Paul Lavto headed the 14 (5omI Solv ...... permits were granted. 15 oil burner “This course," he has said repeat- to him." the mother said. "Elven as town,, Hebron Green, Gilead, etc. as to what these Important leaders find fault more—women booses do the Commercial Investment Trust; program which Includes the 40-hour edly, “can not be taken on the nat- a small boy, eight or nine years of noticed the same peculiarity of the quet have been started by the old-maid thinking, that Is, too much him, "you aren't man enough." highway committee, made last He was praying when he died, week for Industry, nationalization state police detail which waa aug- Cana Edison ...... permits issued, and heating permits of our town feel we should do, and month, and voted then to provide a A. D. Duncan, president of the Com- Mimicipal Function If Ap- mented by (bounty Detective Ed- Cons Oil ...... ural plane. I agree with the doctors age, be was a determined youth half Inch or so of snow, w'hlch fell Men’s club of Ellington. This ban- deUlI. The bandit fled. The father, head bowed but eyes merclal Credit (tompany, and Er- of defense industries, both well un- numbered 12. Total fees collected quet will be held on Tuesday eve- can do. to Improve the civic affairs, larger pa cin g area by making a fastened on the priest, seemed to ward J. Hickey, Harrison Hotchkiss Cent Can ...... during the period of December was that no man could survive for a who won out to his convictions.’’ from about 8 to 10 a. m. As there nest Kanzier,-president of the Uni- der way, old age pensions and FARM BUREAU PLANS ning. February 8th. The retiring Idustrlal life, commercial and agri- cut-back immediately on receipt of waver as he was led Into the cham- other social benefits. and (Seorge Greer of the State's at- Com Prod ...... $194.60. had beep no fires anywhere about cultural activities of our commun- versal (Credit (Company. propriation Is Provided torney's office. In this vicinity with smoke to cause officers will be In charge of this pannlaskm to do so from the rail- ber, but he rallied quickly. The motion of outright participa- Del Lack and W e st...... Of the dwellings, one waa for an event which was most successful ity. road' company, which owns the land. Farewell to Son Mr. Roosevelt has been keenly In- East Hartford police did npt par- Douglas A ircra ft...... estimated $6,200 cosL two for ap- meeting ol the association win be the brown deposit. It was finally de. SERIES OF MEETINGS terested In auto financing. At a tion, however, brought outspoken elded that the ttojged snow was tbe last year. Louis Edwards Is the Seek .Suggeatliina n ie parklets are now leased to the "Goodbye, son. It's tough. But I'll opposition from provincial delegates ticipate in the raid. Du Pont ...... proximately $5,000, and the remain- SKIBA SENT TO JAIL held during Boy Scout Week. “1 most earnestly ask you to give recent press conference,, in talking The alleged principals, held under Speaking of Scout Anniversary result of dust blown from the west- president of the Men's Club and tbe toam at a dollar a year, and come see you again”, he said aa he was and led the party secretary, Paul Expressing a general opinion that Eastman Kodak ...... ing four for $4,000 each. Most cost- other officers are vice president, thought to this subject. You will under the jurisdiction of the Park about to be placed in the chair. about how business and government the question of sidewalk snow re- $1,500 bonds each, gave their names E3ec Auto Lite ...... ly alteration permit Issued was for Week, it’s just around the comer. ern dust bowl, a violent disturbance Schedule Includes Number Of Faure, to offer his resignation. Al- having been reported from that sec- Mahlon Chapman; secretary, C3aude not necessarily be expected t o . ex- Commissioners. And then, in a voice that echoed might cooperate more, he gave re- though concurring In the resolution moval by town agencies should 08 Joseph Elarl, Terry Cbader, John Gen Elec ...... the remodeling of the F. B. Watkins FOR THEFT AT P A R H Several troops -have announced County Towns, > Interesting Oirr and Verrick Hauber, all nt tion a few days ago. Monday waa Dlmock; treasurer, Harold Davis. plain why or how such subjects as Park Board a Factor through the stillness of the little porters the impression he wanted to finally adopted, be would not at come before a town meeting for ac- Gen Foods ...... house at $6,900. Donahue and John- plans for participaUng In the week's Variety Of Subjects. you may recommend shall be car- eliminate “high pressure" selling Hartford. Elarl Uvea to Etoat Hart- a very dark day here the sun being Ellington Anxiliary It is known that one member of room, be repeated, after the priest, once withdraw his resignation. tion, the Board of Selectmen lost Gen Motors ...... ston, 881-3 Main street undertook celebration. Scoute are reminded of Hatbeway Miller Unit of the ried out. If you prefer not to. but "The Hair Mary.” His last words and to keep production more regu- night made no move to the matter ford. Gillette ...... alterations valued at $5,000. Joseph the twelfth Scout law, namely, “A entirely obscured and a peculiar the Park Commission has express- This spilt presaged difficulty In Gets 30 Days Sentence For haze was noted around the moon Miss Sarah Helen Robert, Home American Legion Auxiliary will we do want to receive suggestions were "Holy Mary, mother of God, lar, possibly by tightening credit holding the party to, strict party other'than to discus^ its feasibility. With five $1,000 bills furnished by Hecker P rod ...... Rollason, 2 North School street, Scout is Reverent." Several cburch- ed disapproval of the planned Earl, 50 men were released In $100 Hundred Dollar Looting, Al- Sunday evening. Economic Agent of the Tolland meet this evening at the Ellington of what our Chamber of Commerce change at Depot Square, and others pray for us sinners, now and at the terms. lines In tests of strength in the There are practically 75 miles of Hudson Motors ...... contracted for alterations worth ea are holding special aervlces for bonds each on charges of frequent- $1,400. Other additions and altera- About the middle of the forenoon Coiroty Farm Bureau, has an- Hall Memorial Ubraiy. The mem- might do to prove Itself more val- may turn to a similar stand if the hour of our death. Amen.” He was Figures from the Automobile Chamber of Deputies, should d>au- public walks now In the town. It Int Harv ...... so Fine; Other Court Cases. Scout Sunday, and aU boys whose bers will assist the librarian In uable and more practical to the peo- dead a moment later. Manufacturers Association showed ing. Bonds of a like amount were Int Nick ...... tions were for $500 or less. the fall of tinted snow ended and Selectmen try to push through a temps form a government. was brought out. and clearing of troopa are not attending church In was followed by a layer of several nounced a number of meetings for mending books. The president of ple of this community." The arrest of the former Revere that In 1934, only 37 per cent of new Chautemps Is the third since Fri- furnished by others arrested. Int Tel and Tel ...... a b ^ y have been tnvlt^ by Ois reduction of the parklet area. The this length of walks, the Board felt, J. Robert Gavin, clerk of the Bast Pleading guilty to a charge of Inches of dazzling white. On cut- the coming weeks In various parts the Auxiliary, Mrs. Mary DcOirll, It la hoped that a majority of Board of Selectmen is now await- candymaker and bis son came two auto Installment buying called for day to try to constitute a working would entail the purchase of consid- Johns Manvllle ...... trlct (jommlsaloner Hayden Grls- of the county. On Wednesday af- has recently been presented with days after a body, tentatively Identi- Hartford Town Court was called to Kennecott ...... theft of $15 at the home o f John ting down through, the layers were those invited will attend thla meet- ing the grant of permission from payments over a period of more majority. Socialist Leon Blum fail- erable new equipment, particularly MARKET F6R SORTED n-old on behalf of the Second Ck>n plainly visible, first the white of the ternoon there will be a session at Membership Wings ing and assist the Chamber In Its fled aa that of the father, was than a year. In 1935, the percent- ed in a plan to draw support from the house and arranged the details Lehigh Val Rd . . . . A ...... Hoffman, Woodalde streeL Sunday the railroad to widen the Square, small tractor plows. The added for fixing and collecting the bonds. night, WUUam Sklba, 38, of 60 El- gregatlonal Church to take part to Original enow fall, then the dark Somers on Jie subject of "Slip Card Party Wednesday effort to (ritabUsh a worth-while after which. It might be necessary found In the latter's burned automo- age Increased to 62. and In 1936 to Centrist factions for a lineup with work would, also mean an Increase Llgg and Myers B ...... the aervlcea there on that day. Covers” , and at Hebron on 3TiurB- The Rookvllle Emblem Club will bile In suburban Hudson on May 6, The men will appear to court Thurs- Loew’s ...... BROAD LEAF SLOW liott atreet, Hartford, waa fined $25 layer, and on top another layer ot program of activity for 1938. to secure tito consent of the Park 71.8. Socialists, Communists and Radical in the snow removal appropriation, day. It Is announced that Richard white. Where blown by the wind, day on the subject, "Cfoet of Family hold a public dessert bridge at the 1935. The man apparently was the Socialists. Hs previously had block- Mont W a rd ...... and costs and sent to jail for 30 Com mission as well. In automobile circles here, how- according to opinions offered. How- CUiader waa arrested on Pro.spect days by Deputy Judge Thomas J. Smith, a veteran member of Troop on house tops or other high points Living” . These meetings In each Elks Home on Wednesday after- victim of an automobile accident, ever, It was said the finance com- ed efforts by Georges Bonnet, re- ever, there was no objection ex- Nash Kelv ...... Growers of broad leaf toba«eo ars 13, Is all set to get down on one the brown and white snow could be community are open to all women noon, sUrtlng at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Selectman Joseph Pero last night but a medical examiner found he street. Hlast Hartford, at what po- Nat Else ...... Dsnnaher to Towo Court last nIghL brought to the attention of the Se- panies had "tightened up” .some- signing finance minister, to estab- pressed by Board members to In- beginning to worry over what Is to knee and be appointed a Scoutmas- seen in drifted strata. A pailful ot Interested. Other meetings sched- Mary Danaher Is chairman In had been clubbed and set on fire lish a Cabinet. lice allege waa a contact and In- Nat Cash R e g ...... Skiba, it was charged, took a purse lectmen the tralfle conditions near what laat year. No figures were clusion of the sidewalk work in formation office where a ticker and become of the crop long sines har- ter to tbe local district. Oongratu the dark snow scooped up and uled are, Bolton, Feb. 1, a county charge of the arrangements. She It’s Santa Claus “while still conscious." A police- Nat Dairy ...... from an assortment of clothing be- Raw Throat? gte Oakland street bridge, which lo- available. town duties, provided proper equip- telephone was confiscated. vested and DOW stored to various ln<*' lationa, Dick. melted left a muddy water with a pressing-pad meeting; February 8. will be assisted by the past presi- man who knew the elder D1 Staslo Nat DlstUl ...... longing to persons who were attend- Columbia, "Guiding the Adoles- tatlon hsM been the scene of many ' Installment Figurra *ment and enough money are made dependent warehouses. ing a party at the Hoffman home, This week we have another brown deposit after settling. Some-' dents of the club and the proceeds Informed superiors the body could In 1936, more than 61 per cent of N y Central...... The tobacco was good and so our Boy Scouts who is worthy tiling of the same nature was seen cent"; February 16. West Stafford. will be turned over to the Ways Here's Quick Action! automobile accidents, including a not be his because Dl Staslo had not WAIUCE ATTACKS available to do the plowing and North Am ...... and at which Skiba also was a fatal crash early this month, Mr. all new passenger car buying was rleaijng In an efficient way. heavy that a few cases of pole sweat guest The purse, property of Mrs. special mention. He Is Scout Edwin here some years ago after -one of "Hygiene of Middle Life” with Miss and Means committee of the Su- n o tlM cokt gmwa Um$ mttaek jn r Uum$ suffered a broken hip, aa had the Packard ...... developed. The buyers, taking no Elizabeth MacDonald of tbe State premo Emblem club. mmStmumm>mnbl0colda. Attheihwt^^ef Alright! victim. on the installment plan. Andrew dem son of 108 Oakland Ducy of Troop 91, age x2. Eklwin the western dust storms. The brown RAIL RATE BOOS: Spelsa Seeks Territory JAPAN ORDERS Param Plct ...... risk of buying in the bundle, held off better known aa "Ted.” has recently snow waa not caused by roadside College as the speaker; Hebron, ^rmw“ Ubqm. fK ils with Zoatts. Fatber and Son Held From the National Association of By way of providing more area street contained $10o at the time of ^ Zoolttt It Itett man aclit**. b f tand* Penn ...... bids and several warehouses were come here from Massachusetts and dlngness, since It was seen on hill Feb. 16. and ulansfield, Feb. 17, Manfacturers, whose membership 0 In which to experiment on this, or Pheipe D o d g e ...... Its diteppearance. It was stated, but •rd______Iftbantory____ tMM.___ toHi^MVOUM o Umt pofmltr -but this time he will not This started search for the father Includes all types of industrialists, opened for aorting. In ecrnie cases desplto the fact that be is but sides, roof tops, and other points far topics to be announced. vao-polmnom •otiMpttc. KlQt ml kiDdi of (Continued fmn’ Page Ore) other civic Improvements, Select- Phil Pete ...... most )f the cash contents waa later HARTFORD RULE MIGHT ookl gwiiM •< onwOrtF And 2onlt and son. They were seised quickly. came an offer to cooperate with the ITS ENVOY TO the crops have been sorted, but twelve years of age la In the eighth from roads. Funeral of Luther H. Fuller Meanwhile surgeons who bad man Mathias Spless brought into Pub Serv N J ...... buyera for this grade of tobacco returned. .The funeral of Luther H. F^iller, your tfaroMs come to you—you will WANT A administration In business recovery serve to make the rallmail situation Radio ...... According to Prosecutor George grade In school. Ted commenced o«t Zoohs eS Oenle kmwdleHI]^ mended Crowley's broken hip identi- efforts. the meeting an old map. depicting have not appeared. school In tbe Bay State when be of North Park street, was largely AFFEa LOCAI OmOAL potm Ztmh» to tolf glMi wsttr. K n fied the body as his. The two Dl worse," he declared. the extent of Manchester from ear- Rem Rand ...... Lessner, Skiba, after taking the President William B. Warner sent In the upper part of the Oonnee- was four years old. His brother, attended at the Union Congregation- cold gtroM be<^ ttotr ipitod CP Into ^ have to come to him Staslos were charged with murder- He expressed 'the belief that hlgh- liest times, and showing the divi- QUIT SHANGHAI Repub Steel ...... ticut Valley a tew offers have bsntinned froro Page One) Safeway Stores ...... been eo low that they were turned traces of his guUL He was unsuc- of the church officiated. The eu- co!iId lose a member of Its Board of the father's life. Anthony was the association's new committee'on of building materials, would still Schenley Die ...... cessful, as pieces of the charred la right on bis heels in an effort to ON THE T E R U E FRONT THEN SEE early days, were sectioned by north down. Through the Maseachuaetts go to the top In Scouting. Nice go logy was given by Rev. Percy E. Education because of an action WINTER DRIVING HINT freed aa a principal but was con- national policy coordination and co- further discourage housing con- and south highways, or east and that a counsellor would remain In Sears R oebuck...... part of the valley offers have been purse and papers It contained, bear- Thomas of North Adams, Mass., a originating In HarUord. developed A. W. BENSON victed of the murder. Both convic- operation was ready to help. stnictlon and would tend to reduce charge of the Chinese Embassy Shell Union ...... ing Mrs. (flemson's name, were In- tog, Ted. today. Recently, Mayor Spellacy of west highways, aa the case might made as low as 10 cents a pound, (jur ooropUmenta to Scout Kenny former pastor of the Union church, tions carried the mandatory death The committee Is headed by stftl more the present volume of be, each highway so many rods here. Socony Vac ...... which growers have refused to con- troduced 'n court Hendaye, France. (On the Span- rhe bearers were Emil Waltz, Hartford 'las urged a teaching force No. 2 In Baking for a stiff sentence, Lyon of the Manchester Green boys sentence. Charles R. Hook, president of~the traffic.” from the next one. Manchester was Premier Konoye, in an Interview South Pac ...... sider. ish Frontier), Jan. 18— (A P )—A George Atkinson, CSiaries R. Mc- to the Capitol city schoola, all of Crowley, unemployed, and a American Rolling Mills Ck)mpnny, Farmers* Standpoint with the Japanese press, said the South Rwy ...... Lessner noted that in bis opinion who seem to be holding tbe spot Lean, George Walnwright. Max which shall be residents of Hart- Skid chains divided by north and south tiers, as Ugbt to tonight’s column. Kenny Is successful advance on Teruel from We are offering the stranger to the two slayers, the Middletown, Ohio. Seventeen man From the farmers' standpoint. shown on Mr. Spless' map. Japanese government expected and St Brands ...... the theft was of a type that should the north, Qic Insurgent military Wetsteln and William Ulltsch. ford. If this move Is put Into ef- See state contended had been "picked ufacturers have accepted appolnt- Wallace said, the proposed rate ad- waa determined that the Peiping St Gas and El ...... not be allowed leniency In punish- turning to the best write-ups he has Burial was in Grove Hill cemetery. fect. many Hartford teachers, now will /asf Starting at the East Hartford JAPANESE TROOPS ever written os scribe recently command said today, has brought OUR WINDOWS NOW! faurgeat trade • in al- up" In Boston, plied with liquor, menL vance w^ uid be particularly unjusti- regime would grow and co-operate St Oil Cal ...... ment ' the provincial capital again under Truck Obstructs Traffic living In nearby towns, would be /onRer If adjusted just town line, established at a very ear- with Japan for "peace and culture Richard Foote ot Willlmantic. Scoutmaster Derby won't be long lowances on new 19.38 and driven to Hudson. Chairman Byrnes (D-S. C.) of the fied. Farm prices are on about a ly date, Mr. Spless ran down the St OU N J ...... the domination of Insurgent field Traffic on East Main street was faced with the necessity of remov- Both men received several Senate Unemployment committee pre-war level, he said, while freight In the Orient.” But he admitted It Tex Corp ...... NOW ON DEFENSE charged with violation of rules without assistants with these bright guns. tied up for about one half hour al to the pl^ce in which they work, loose enough (not too See This Paper Tomorrow PHILCO RADIOS we spites. •southerly town line, and found that must undergo some changes before Timken Roll Bear ...... the roaA pleaded nolo contendere, youngsters growing up in his troop. proposed, as another move to light rates are about 35 per cent above it tot the Bolton fine, to the east, Tbe communique cited newly shortly after noon on Monday when or would have to resign their Vosl- loose) to allow for good have ever been able As Anthony was led from bis en the consequences of business re- their pre-war level. becoming the government of all Trans America ...... was found guilty and fined $5 and The boys of troops 27 and 47 will a large trailer truck owned by the tions. ' For More News o f exactly as measured. But on the China. (Continued from Page One) costs. Foote waa involved In an ac- meet tonight at St. Mary’s Church seized positions op Mount Mulelpn cell, they shook hands, but their cessions, that the Social Security "If rates are advanced," Wallace Union Carbide ...... aa especially significant, since the Jenkins Transportation Company of If the exodus of Hartford-employ- traction. to give. parting was brief. Earlier in the northerly edge of town, where the (Elderly CUilnese of Japanese se- Union P a c ...... cident at Summit street and Middle and the South Methodist (jtaurcb, re- Act be amended to permit states to said. "It would require about 50 per river from Shanghai, by (Aineae territory never before waa under In- Boston, carrying a load of wool for ed teachers from nearby towns be- night they had conversed freely to- north-east corner of Manchester lection compose the "provisional Unit Aircraft ...... Turnpike on January 8. A truck, hit spectively. the local mills ^f the M. T. Stevens AND FOR QUICR WINTIR STARTS advance the time of beginning pay- cent more units of livestock and touches Bolton, Mr. Spless found troops, but conceded that 'It is pos- surgent controL came general, William Buckley, gether and with the chaplain. Both ment of unemployment compensa- grain to pay for a given freight haul government of China" established Unit Corp ...... by the Foote car, overturned. Tbe scouts of tbe Secqpd Congn A Sons Company, skidded and the member of the Manchester Board of that the measurements given on his recently at Peiping, renamed Pe- Unit Gas Imp ...... sible." Japanese were said to be Charged with assault on bis sdfe gatlonal Church bod as their guests The Madrid government admitted SWITCH TO RICHER appeared resigned to their fate, the tion. than In 1929 or In the pre-war Its lines were forced back a ahorl load turned directly acroae the Education, but a teacher in Hart- chaplain said. map do not jibe with the present king, claiming to have inherited all U S Rubber ...... "mopping up” Chinese Irregulars In and breach of the peace, CUfford B. lost night tbe members of Troop 40, $1 DELIVERS Byrnes said the Federal limitation years. that area. River traffic between distance, and said five Insurgent and street. No damage was done. Tbe ford schools, might face a choice Final Plea Rejected Manchoster-Bolton town line. In powers of the Peking government U S Smelt ...... Daniels of 24 Maple street received Salvation Army Boy Soouta. trucks from the Public Works De- between residence and employment. ^iiha on the beginning of payments "With the national Income reced- fact, according to Mr. Spless. In the Shanghai and the Pootung Indus- two government warplanes were RICHFIELD ANY PHILCO William R. 'Scharton, counsel for should be placed at one year aftei ing, farmers and processors of farm which ruled China before the Na- U 8 Steel ...... a eonUnuanee of bis case to January Scout John Mrqsek, scribe of partment were sanding the streets In other towns, it Is understo^ the son, fought to the last hour to north-east corner of Manchester, tiunallsts established their regime We.stem Union ...... triql area across the WbangpOo was 24 to order to give the court probo- Troop 25, wlU take part in the shot down In the battle around tbe the state has passed enabling legis- products can not pass Increased halted by Japanese os a "temporhry city—180 miles east of Madrid— and they assisted In righting the similar problemH might develop 1/ THE fAFE^/^A VE Terms To Suit Too. save his client but Governor Hurley costa on to the consumers. Conse- due to faulty early re-surveys ol at Nanking In 1928.1 West El and M f g ...... ’ tloo officer opportunity to m ^e an Swedish Act in tbe International truck. the Hartford residence rule Is lation, Instead of two as at present. the town line there, Bolton has en- necessity." which the government captured at a 10:30 p. m. conference, rejected Such a change, he added, would quently an Increase In freight rates The premier said the Peiping re- Woolworth ...... Investigation of the chorgeo. Program at tbe Y tonight. To Install Officers adopted. the final plea. The chief executive, croached on this town for over gime might undergo a development Meanwhile thousands of Yunnan Horry Condon of Broad Brook, Dec. 21 in a surprise maneuver. In- GASOLINE substitute unemployment benefits would of necessity lower prices of Elec Bond and Share (Chirb). Here's hoping you can atlll get District Deputy Arthur Bateman called on to decide a man's fate for three-fifths of a mile. It was Mr. similar to that of Manchoukuo, the troops from (Ulna’s souther* In- held for intoxication, pleaded guilty surgents hod held it nearly 18 and bis staff will go to Stafford ASK rOUR DIAUR FOR $(X>Kli7 for relief checks sooner and "would farm products." terior massed In Nancbang for a de- the paper out there in tha country. months. CONSTITUTION NEGLECTS ON WIMTIfi DRIVIMO HINTl ^ the first time since assuming office, Maintenance of "high" rates dur- Spless' Intention last night to seek “ Independent Empire" Japan cre- GUARD PKUMUTIUNS and waa fined $10 and costa. Hiya Jimmie! But here's the com Springs on Tuesday evening to In- 5IOVIE QUORUMS I displayed visible emotion when he cut the states' relief burden c( some way whereby Manchester ated nut of Manchurian provinces fense against any Japanese land at- The insurgent communique said: siderably." ing the 1929-33 depression period. tog Ust of events and make sure stall tbe officers of Waaseon Lodge Hygrrade Oil Company, Inc. Informed newsmen of bis decision. could get back what he called ‘‘lost taken from (^Ina. Hartford. Jan. 18.— (A P )— The tack against Hankow, Yangtze port “Teruel now la inalde a slowly In that place. Mr. Bateman and his BENSON The committee. In recess today, Wallace said, showed these effects 150 miles to the northwest and one that every one of them goes over. Washington — (AP) —For the 22 Charter Oak Avenos The official witnesses Included territory." adjutant general's office announced Oorotog Events closing pincers movement, and only staff will also Install the officers In education of his colleagues Senator FURNITURE and RADIO win hear New York and Michigan on railroads and farmers: of China's temporary capitals. the Segimto highway toward the Hartford, Oonn. MID-WINTER Warden Francis J. W. Lanagan of Farmers and ablppera-Tended to It was pointed out by other Board today three changes In the (Jon- BOY SCOUT NEWS Jan. 20—Troop meeting ot Troop East Hartford and Manchester this Tom Connolly of Texas has gone Tll-Tia Main Street the prison. Sheriff Joseph M. McEH relief officials tomorrow. The Yunnan mountalneere were east la free from the fire of our week. seek "more advanuigeous^^^^^eani members that since the time ol neetlcut National Guard. armed and equipped with supplies 15 at St. James's SebooL Troop to considerable trouble to define Johnson Block row of Middlesex county, where the drawing of Mr, Spless' map, town batteries." Dr. Brookea to Speak Telephone 8SS5 of transportation, or to utilise their Second Lieut. Robert N. Country- brought to through Prereh Indo- By DANNY SMEA meeting ot Troop 91 at Manchester the wrord "quorum." crime was committed; Col, Tnomss boundaries have been definitely set Green School The Insurgent commander praised Rev. Dr. George 8. Brookes, pas- "The Constitution requires the CLEARANCE SALE F. Tierney, surgeon-general of the CHAUTEMPS CONnDENT own labor In aendlng their products Local Stocks man of the Service company, KTJnd china. They manned Poyong lake especially the performance of his to market, thereby reducing the by agreement aa they now stand, Infantry, was tamed first lieutenant defenses above Nanchang, stretch- Hello, you backwoodsmen: Jan. 21—Troop meeting o f Troop tor of the Union congregational presence of a quorum,” Connally state: Dr. Joseph I. McLaughlin, and that any change would Involve airmen, declaring that only once church will be the speaker at tbe shouted irritably, as he addressed Knitting prison physician; Medical Examiner movement of farm products by rail. Furnished by Eddy Brothers & Co. and will remain of his present as- ing between the lake and a moun- Let’s open tonight’s column with 94 at P’rankUn Scly>ol. Farme.'s tended to become more much litigation. If Indeed, a change a paragraph concerning a new Jan, 32—Legion troop outdoor did government warplanes break meeting of Stanley Doboaz Post No. rows of empty seats. William J. Brickley and A. Leo HE CAN FORM CABINET 88 Lewis St. signment, vice first Lieut Russell tain range to the Yangtae river. through a aky blockade to bombard 14 of tbe American Legion. On of FURNITURE self-sufficing and to i-alft from pro- could be made at all. However, Mr. E. Leete, promoted. The extensive Nanchang airfofee Boout’s experiences on his first Inter-patrol contest "That does not mean a quorum Taffe, representing the Associated Spless was given authority. If he Hartford, Conn. advancing Insurgents. Wednesday noon be will speaik at down In the dining room, that does Wook 4 Press. duction of crops for direct sale, to WUlla.n R. Martin Second Lieut. Walter B. Dunham, which topluded at least 100 Russian- Snow Hike. There is great oppor- Jaa. 28 — Manchester District (Conttnnrd from Page One) production of feed crops to be sold chooses to take It, to argue the case I Meanwhile, the government tbe annual convention ot the state not mean a quorum down at ths Store Closed Today and Tomorrow /I lyocal itepreaentatlve Engineer reserve, was appointed built planes and as many Russian tujiity for tbeoe bikes at present Oourt of Honor. nurserymen at Farmington, and at 1 Mahieu’s Indirectly as livestock and live- with the Selectmen of Bolton. I airmen waa protected by the de- When a boy occidentoily stumblee Jan. 29 — Scoutera Banquet — believed preparing a nsw offensive picture show, that does not mean Pore wool from maoofiKtarer for the leadership In ths national de- IiUO p. m. Quotations second lieutenant. Coast Artillery on tbe Guadalajara fitmL 50 miles night at the Mothers' Club. On Fri- a quorum over in the office build- ofgtiaiis. oroehstod and hooked Completing Final Arrangements stock prodjcts, lowering tha volume Bid Asked fensive eyitem. upon the reoUzatlaa that be wants Hartford Y. W. C A. day afternoon he will address the fense, and Yvon Delboa In the for- of rail transportation. corps and assigned to Battery E. At Tsingtao, Shantung province to be a Boy Scout he doesn't lose Feb. 6 to 12—Boy Scout Ann! northeast of Madrid. ) lere an In- ing; it means a quorum here, on rags and ontonrear. Bend for eign ministry. Insurance Stocks 242d- (Oast Artillery, vice second aurgent army was reported prepar- D. A. R. of East Hartford and on the floor of the Senate." he roared. Office Open for Collections 1 Grocery Increase of farm production near Aetna C:asualty...... 92 96 seaport occupied by Japanese Jan. much time in putting his desires versary Week. Friday evening he will speak at the free aamplaa. Recreation The foreign exchange market consuming centers and resulting GOV. CROSS STARTS lieutenant Wtothrop A. Smith, pro- 10, Chao Chi, a retired government forth. After he is admitted into the April—Boy Scout Rally. ing for a new attempt to encircle But still DO one came in. 183 Spruce Street opened firm, with the franc at about Aetna Fire ...... 45 <4 47 li moted. the former capital. Methodist Annual Church School t "dislocation” of areas farther from Aetna Life ...... 25 27 official, waa installed as bead of the biggest orgonisatloa for boys in the See you later. TVachers’ meeting. Thomas Hodgson & Sons, Inc. SALE STARTS THURSDAY yesterday's closing level, around consuming canters. First Ueut. Harold F. Greene, new Tsingtao government under world, the Boy Soouto of America, American Legion Troop Center Items 29.90 to the dollar. FOR FLOOD PARLEY Automobile ...... 25'4 27 >4 Date Selected for Banquet SOMETHING THEY SAID Concord Worsted Mills Ivory Soap. 1 Q ^ Conn. General ...... 25 27 Field Artillery reserve, was appoint- Japanese ^nsorshlp. The British the first thing our twelve year old The meeting of Troop 7 (Ameri- The Rockville Fish and Game Coaoord, N. H. med. size,-4 bars L 9 C One of the gravest development.-! ed second lieutenant, (Oast Artil- customs commissioner turned over group of Scout looks forward to is can Legion) opened at 6:30 at the When friendly neighbors discuss was a split in the Socialist party, Hartford Fire ...... 64 664 MAN CONFESSES MURDER Club will hold Ita annual banquet at family matters, they often mention Tuesday FICHT OVER BIRD (Continued froro Page One) Hartford Steam Boiler 53 57 lery corps and assigned to head- hla office to s Japanese offlciaL the scoutmaster's onnounceinent of temporary meeting place, the South the Rockville House on Thursday B. The Maroons will practice bas- which put the leadership of Leon National Fire ...... quarters, First Battalion, 242d the first bike. Let us assume that Methodist Church. There was from experience the value of Father California Toma- e /"v Blum and Party Secretary Paul 58 60 evening, February 17. There will be John's Medicine for colds and body toes, Igst. can.. 1 U C ketball from 5 to 6 o'clock. pose of bringing about better ac- Phoenix ...... 70 «4 81 <4 (Oast Artillery as adjutant, vice our new Tenderfoot has joined the formation of tbe troop and opening OF LONG ISLAND WOMEN an entertainment program and sev- 1 The Heights will practice from 6 Faure In the minority tor the first LEADS TO MURDER quaintance of the state's represen- Travelers ...... second Ueut Thomas J. W att trans- tr o ^ within the post wsekj At hla building. Must be good to be In use* time since the ->chitm of 1920, when 440 460 exarciaea consisted of presentation eral noted speakers. The number of over 80 years. i' to 6:45. tatives with leaders of business' and PuhUc Utilities ferred. first meeting, his scoutmosjer an- of colors and collection of dues. tickets this year will be Umitsd to H.-O. Quick Oats, e the Commimlat group broke away Industry, as well aa for discussion TOMORROW and THURS. The women’s swimming cla.sses (Cnnttoned from Page One) (fonn. Lt. and Pow .. 52 66 nounces a Snow Hike. What a thrill! Then came the second class tostruc- Mineola, N. T., Jan. 18— (AP) — one hundred and tbe following com- Pkg...... lUC will meet as follow*; 7 to 7:45 Be- from the Socialists. of New England problems in gen- Conn. Pow...... 43 Due to new boys to the troop, the The Socialists, In angry, night- 45 THE NEW tloo, each patrol forming to patrol John Reo, 55, broke early today mittee Is In charge, -J. Stanley Mc- ginners: 7:45 to 8:30 Intermediate; eral. The meeting will not be a con- Htfd. Elec. Lt...... 56'4 58 hike la planned to be short and ends Cray. chairman: Leo Flaherty. ' bef ore’ this long council Instructed their mem- whether the prisoner was left In oorners. Following this came the after 36 hours of steady questioning Magic Bird Seed, e 8:30 to 9:15 Nurses. Raleigh or taken to some other city. ference, nor a purely social gather- Illuminating Shs...... 50 52 up at troop’s comp where a fire la courtroom scene. Buddy Hennlquln' and. District Attorney Iklward J James Taylor. Ken Little and Fred COLD IS ANy ATTENTION! The Senior Basketball league bers In Parliament to ' act In accord ing, but a means of clarifying opin- New Britain Gas . .. 26 28 H bnilt and preparotlooa ore begun for Ertel. F pkg...... lUC with other members oF the People’s Quarrel Over Bird S T A T ClACLE' was a supposed murder suspect. The Neary, Jr., announced, confessed WORSE I games will be as scheduled: Y. U. Clhlef Langston quoted Fairbanks ion on many important public ques- So. New Eng. Tel. 0>. 146 151 MANCHESTEt: a meal cooked over on open firs. Judge was Victor Block, district at- slaying Mrs. Lenida Waite, S9-year- First Aid Claos to Meet Service vs. Dillon's V8’s, 7:15: P. A. Front.” tions. Westerii Maas...... 27 80 Tbe second session of tbe First Spinach, 2 Igst. ty The Socialists did not make pro- as saying that he and Good got In- Following the eats, the boys may go torney Danny Shea, defending law- old wrldow, and Jsanne Scbuellain, MUST GET A. C. va. Olsons. 8:15: Henn’s Tavern to an argpiment Sunday night over To .Make Statement Industrials TODAY AND TOMORROW THRILL AOAIN to the VOICE out tracking or engage to some yer John QuagUa. Witnesses 19, her neighbor, to Long Island’s Aid class which Is being sponsored cans ...... vs. Morlartys, 9:15. vision tor participation -in a new Acme Wire...... 32 35 THRILL TO THE OF ROMANCE! by the Rockville Chapter of the Cabinet headed by Chautemps, who a gay-Dlummaged bird—a part of It is understood that the gover- other scout activity before' they against Buddy were Leo Rldolfi, 'motiveless murders.” FATHER JOHN'S DODGE - PLYMOUTH OWNERS! Wndoesday the circus— and that when the argu- nors will make public a statement Am. Hardware...... 22 34 OOLOEN LYRIC VOICE OF JEANETTE I start for home. Several tests may Leonard Konehl; defending Buddy Reo, a (Ustanct relative of Mrs. American Red Cross will be held ^ - Knox Gelatine Dessert, resigned last Friday when hs lost Arrow H and H. Com. 41H 48 H this evening at the Sykes school The volleyball team will practice the backing of Socialists and (tom- ment wes resumed the next morn- ln*'wtocb they will make clear their .MacDONALD also be passed on a hike of this were John Brazauskl and John Waite, waa locked up on charges ot MEDICINE" all flavors, i from 5 to 7 o’clock. ing Good hit him, breaking the azs position relative to the Norris and Billings and Spencer. 4 5 NINO MARTINI kind. This Boy Scout has been Krinjak. The case waa given to the first degree murder. Bring your car home for ser^'ice! Who could be more munlats on the issues of a conserva- Bristol Brass ...... 37 39 fiK Spkgs...... l U C The P. A. C. will practice basket- tive financial policy and an end to handle on hta head. Mansfield “Little TVA" proposals. to started cm his Scouting career to jury which consisted of tbe rest of The bodies of Mrs. Waite and interested in the economical performance of your car ball from 7 to 8 o'clock. "Then I hit him with the axe," According to report, the statement Ojlt’s Pat. Firearms. 56 59 “THE ths correot manner. Let's make the troop. The verdict was not Mias ScbuUato. each shot through labor unrest, marked by widespread Eagle Lock ...... ^Music fo r Madame’ than we—your Dodge-Plymouth Dealer? Land O’Lakes o Q The volleyball team will play a Langston quoted Fairbanks as say- will oppose Federal handling ot 16H 1814 I sure that all our seouts recelvs tbs guilty. tbe head and bound with silk stock- r- strikes. Fafnlr Bearings . . . . 95 106 ------PLUS . . . ------FIREFLY” game at 8 o'clock with Cromwell. A Socialist party official said the ing, "and Mrs. Good came up and water power and conservation mat- some opportunity before ths snow Later the troop formed to the ings, were found to the Waite J Butter, lb...... <3oC Gray Tel Pay Station 5 6 with home to EtmonL a Long Island vil- Dartag lanuarf S a h t... The men’s swimming classes will (touncll's vote to act with other hit ms with a aboe and I struck her ters on s country-wide scale, but JANE WITHERS ALLAN JONES melts away. gym where patrol basketball teams start at 7 o’clock. too." Hart and (toqley . . . . 180 300 I would like to remind the acouta lage bordering the Belmont park Jack Frost Sugar, members of the People's Front will approve Federal planning on a Hendey Mach. B ___ in “ 45 FATHERS” WARREN WILLIAM were chooaen. The Owls proved to The junior boy’s swimming period Mrs. Good, to a r.emi-conscloua regional basts. 11H who ore taking port to tha Inter- be the champs. We welooms Pauly race track, last Wednesday. BUY FOR CASH AND SAVE ‘would permit eventual Socialist Landers, Frary A Clk. 25 37 Reo had been queationed without . will be from 6 to 6:45, support of a Cabinet formed by state at a hospital, was unable to Francis 8. Murphy, chairman of TO THE LADIES PLUS! "HOLD ’EM NAVY" natinnal Pmgram at the Y. M. C A. Oorrenti Into our troop Pauly Oor aervtce men, headed by Fred Taylor, are specially ...... 49c talk. New Brit. Mcb., (fom. 22 34 tonight to report not later than 7 Intermission since he wma picked up U m "PwM iul" Loan... TTiurmdsy Chautemps, hut not participation in the Connecticut (touncU, will attend do., pfd...... 90 100 GOLDEN POPPY Wjto_t^w_^rea. Mary Corllsls proved to be a star. Alao Julian Langston said Fairbanks gave his I o’clock at the Y. The boys chosen Smoluk. who ia a new ScouL Guess Sunday at a West l6th street room- trained and our shop Is equipped with all the latest type Y'- The women's swimming classes it" the reception as representative of North and J u d d ...... 27H 39H BAK-IN-WARE tag bouse to New York. Tha eearch • Take odvoalaqs ef FIR- “rEnoRAi* Old Dutch o n will meet os follows: 7 to 7:45 Ad- The vote, 6,832 to 1,334, was on s version of the argument os followa; the Omnectlcut Council. Peck. Stow A Wilcox Lost 'nmee Today: "Live, Leive I for the rheorsol Sunday ore asked .syhp was tberel Otnr little mascot SOHM'S rasirtsts laoa ssr- special tools to render you the very best service ever ‘Mr. Good .cams to tha back of 6 8 and Leom'* - “The Barrier" Ito moke every effort to be preoenL for Reo began after George Waite, a Tea dtol with (parlnllila h Cleanser, 3 cans ^ U C vanced; 7:45 to 8:30 Life Saving. substitute motion. It replaced one Tho altuatlon is complicated by Russell Mfg. Co...... 24 28 THURS. • FRL AND SAT. ^ b b y Paquette. Bobby starred for vlee and benrow the oodi >Maeaai Laosa — «a 4t aa offered you before. the trailer and took out one of the _Oae week from Friday Is the the wridow’s son. told police the for- yea need on yoss (holes ol fj», - • The Junior Basketball League voted a few hours before, which bad the Introduction to the Senate and Scovill Mfg. 0>...... 26 38 the 3roungster of the teim who play- mer LsrndhursL N. J.. filling etation •O m triad al boaUas. Jean’s Devil Food j ^ games wUl start at 7 o’clock. approved Socialist support in Parlla. birds and started working with it “ WELLS FARGO” Coming Friday: i eater District Court of Honor, ed the older Scouts. A gome be- loos pinna 4<’ ' Houee yeeterday of bilta 'which Stanley Works ...... 42li 4414 •Country Store Night" operator bad threatened him and a Oaly ONE lUas aaadad to Mix, pkg...... 1 / C Friday ment and participation In a Chau- "Hs worked and the bird refused would amend the Flood Control Act do., pfd...... Pins ‘PUBLIC WEDDING’ ore reminded that their ap- tween the leaders and the privates • Taka atmOagaet fiM sat • leea fcata:—tha ebOity to do what he wanted and he got 27H 29 hla mother with death last Thanks- A public setback party will be temps government. to permit the Federal government Torrington ...... 24 38 ons must ha to before Mon- proved the leaders tope. giving Day. coaTanianea "PER80NAL" ta tapay aaoll raqaler mad and startsd to beat the bird loty 34. eradit oUan and rapoy year Just Look What We Can Do For You! Pastry Flour, o ^ held at the West Side Rec on Cedar Neither motion mentioned the to ^ y land and damage costs aa Veeder Root, new . . . 49H Reo, a former boarder at tbe «naoiHiia as any laoa p la yea across the wing with ths srsnd. 47 H Douncemento concerning the Iona la sanll oslhly L 4 lb. ^ g ...... 4b 1 C rfreeL Play will start at 8 o'clock Communists. But by inference the wall os construction costs. Enact- New York Banks SEEINO DOUBLE Waite home, had moved shortly be- /ttryymtR. and refreshmento wUl be served. final vote Indicated the Socialists "I asked him to stop and bs gave Bonk of New York training course for troop fore then. Watt, sold, after a quar- a Tm Coalrel Coal—Cheisaa General Repairing — Complete Body and Fender Re- ms a dirty look and tokl mo to shut ment of the bill would eliminate any • Hots only ONE ploos to aoly aa eanoal yea aitu eara would continue to work with (%m- need for interstate compacts and Bonkers Trust . . . ders are expected to be Chicago—Frank Proeoer aetoed a rel with members ot the houa^Id. pairing — Welding — Front W’heel Alignment —- Front Chatka Crab- n p f munlsts In Parliament Inasmuch as up. I asked him again as bs start- pay—laalaad ef anay—and ellta BokiBg aeeh peyaital. would take from the states any Central Hanover . The Educational Club by OlBtrlct Commissioner Hoy- man when be felt bis sraUet slipping gneaL 6 Vi oz. size m 3 C both were in the old People's Front ed to hit the bird and hs got mad- Qiase ...... 1 Griswold. from his hip pocket as be boarded aoTS Urns and lioubis. a M e l privacy eaaoiad. Axles Straightened Cool On Your Car ^— Radio Work —> 9 ••; der and we quarrelled and be hit authority over the dams and reser- POLXTRYMEN'S NEW PLAN which broke with (Suutemps' fall. Chemical ...... The Scoutera bonqiiat is on set to street cor. Aak lez FREE beehlaL Coom la or pbera NOWI Painting (Matching Colora la A Cinch For Us!) Jte? WINTER BEATER • . . me." voirs. Senator Browrn of New Hamp- ‘Dole Pineapple Juice, in a new government Chautemps aty ...... go at the Hartford Y. W. C. A. on While bolding him for the poUee Hartford. Jan. IS—(A P) — The ^o. 2 aize can, o £ sought a majority from Sodollsta, After that, the youth was quoted shire Introduced the bill to the THE COMMUNITY PLAYERS Ann street on Saturday night, Joa- PEBSONAL lOJUfS op to 1300 Rock Wool Insulation (tonttoental . . . . hi Proeaer saw another man who Connnecticut Poultry Producera Co- Radical-Socialists, Socialist Repub- as saying be "wM t craxy," and Senate, and Congrersmon iltCOT- (uary 29. 2cana...... a DC mock at Msseechiieetts preaentsd It 0>m Exchange .. looked just like hla prisoner. He let operation, loc., bod taken' steps to- We Solicit Yonr Patronage and Guarantee Omplfite Satisfactory Work. gives hope to thou- lican unionists and Indspendent seised the axe with which, be as- First NaUonal ...... 1760 1760 Troop leaders ore remtoded that in the House. A caucus of New Eng- 1830 go and grabbed the second man. day to simplify their market agree- NRSONAL FINANCE CO. Gndiam Crack- ay c sands and has given leftists which would free him of serted. tha showman bod struck Guaranty Trust . . 389 344 they ora expected to bring to at ment and inemberabip requiretoenta. hifTi- land Democratic members of Con- Neither tried, to flee. ^ Reto atvaat. Raam a. Btala Thoalar the need of Oommunist support to Irving Trust ... , . IIH 18 Three One Act Plays two projects which they will The more than 3S0 members voted 1: &e.2ib.Dkg. ... comfort to over the Chamber o f Deputies. PoUos held a white czsated bird, gress voted to press the blUa for At police headquarters Prosser Tai. sass Manhattan . 28 $6 Ijrerform to the coming Boy Scout discovered that neither waa the yesterday to "scratch out” legal 200,000 home owners from Baekad Strlka Msveaaot about the stoe o< a ben. at the city passage. ManufOcL Trust Hollister Street School, Tuesday, Jan. 25 Juicy Florida O C . 88V4 40H AdmleekM 44e. iRolly at the next meeting of Um plckpockeL and apologized. But the phraseology to their marketing *ata af lataraat par aaat Btoalhiv aa aa- coast to coast. Telephime The Commuaista bars oupportsd jail, pending dovetopmenta. Tbsy New York Trust . 96 94 pold prlavlsal M l aaeoadtaa oaS (S) p SCHALLER MO TO R SALES, Inc Scoutmaster’s Assortattow. B v oy two men ^dn’t mind. They ivere erseraent and toaert "oidinory Sias, JImngefi,doz.... the atrtka movemant dlincted sold it was tbs one tbs aoeussd A gasoUna outoaobile waa uasd Public National , - $0H Beoervod eeoto aow oa aUe at words" and to. reduce the member- *••• aaealhly ap oap vvaMlaSaa. S829 for detafls. against tncieoasd living costa which 8314 Itroop to the local district must tqke pleooed to meet their double for the , 634 Center SL At Olcott SL Phone 5101—AM fer Fnd youth dssignstsd os tbs catiss o< the to the United Btotsa pootol aarvtce TlUa Guorontoe . « 7)4 KeoMi’t. KeOerts ood Pettertoa S Kiok’e Ipost to the event. Ths rm t regular ship fees from $35 to $5. . among paralialled fall o f tha fij^ t. Cbou-. atgutoeaL to taOL » U. 8. Trust . . . . ( . . V . 1440 1480 first time. other things. t “Square Dea0ng8~For Over 15 Yeu^ . f AGE POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN„ TDB8DAT, JANUARY 18,1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. JANUARY 18.1938 PAGE n V B ers In this country who will go to and actions along new channels— JUwrlfpHtpr Lelpsig—and Berlin. But they will but does not know what to educate not be repreawitatlvs of American for. ’^ i c h e s i Tale O f Three Cities VICE CONDITIONS . €itetritt9 B rralb sentiment, and Herr Hitler and Herr Probably most of us would bs We *AII Need Your Aid— Sutherland, On Retiring, Goerlng will know It. It win do content Just to accept Dr. Gerard's rUBUSBED BT THE In Spanish Civil War ^^(SisiikAr’ - . . . WBBAI.n PRItiTINO COMPANT, TNC neither of those genUemen any earmarks of Intelligent behavior as SpjEa OF PROBE II BUnll atrMt Has Smile For Successor V' M ueb utar, Conn. • barm to know what Informed opin- a design for present U'ving, and let in tiie CyYorld ^ f ' TBOMAB PERQUBON ion In this country toward their social evolution take care of the fu- By ROBERT OKIN *past air raids. Is a warning . . OanarnI ManApar BY ADELAIDE HUMPHRIES Copjrfsfct, IS3S. NSA SewiM. Inc Vonadad Oetobar 1, Hit_____ scheme of things really la—and ture. but land warfare, even though clos- Granl Jury Is Called In Washington, Jan. 18— (API —,-.4others to hla right, and left by Madrid— (Oirrespondence of Tbe ed to Valencia than Barcelona, has Justice George Sutherland went off I seniority. ' PabUahtd Evary Baanlnc Exeapt they can get a mighty good clue to Associated Press)—This la a tele not reach^ here. the Supreme Court bench Into re- OAST OF CHARACTERS of this girl who stood hete, shaken, Black's admission meant that Vandara and Rolldara Bnlarad at tba it from this Incident PAY-AS-YOU-GO CONSTANCE CORBY—heroine; of three cities, tbe three most Im- The road to Madrid la now busy Miami, Fla., T o Inrestigate tirement with a smile for the man ' everyone had to move over except [Baat Omoa at Manehaatar, Conit, aa troubled, carefully refolding the pa- In the early hours of the day •. . . whom President Roosevelt picked Baannd Claaa Hall Mattar. richest girl In the world. portant populatlop centers of Re- i Hughes. When the Senate confirms While most cities struggle under BRET HARDESTY—hero: bridge per again: tbe end of this Katie occasional cars whiz along at top for his place—Solicitor General i another Justice, everybody except nrBBCRIPTION RATES FLOOD CONTROL a terrific burden of Interest costs, builder.___ Blyn. She knew aha would have to publican Spain—picturing them as speed, slowing only for the hairpin The Charges BronghI Up. Stanley Reed. . the chief Justice will have to move Dm Taar b* Hall ...... t*M go back, bscoms Cmistanoa Oorby civil warfare ebbs and flows along turns and the guards , . , trucks ModUi oy.MAll ^2 and the U. S. Conference of Mayors RODNEY BRANDON—Connie's It was a quiet and almost un- again. The proposal of Senator Brown Bancs. once more. Spain’s farflung fronts. and military cars are parked at Then there's the question ot Wl MMl m C*PT ...... makes repeated pleas for more fed- She wondered If Rodney was to Barcelona; Provisional capital of noticed greeting. l>*llT«r«d C H l « T a r t • a « a a # a a a * a a a | t . O G of New Hampshire and Representa- KATIE BLYN^^Oennle's “ doo- roadside, their occupants asleep lunches. the Republic, farthest from the Miami, Fla., Jan. 18.—(AP) — A The tall, bald aoUcitor general ar- tive McCormack of Massachusetts, eral relief aid. It Is Interesting to bto." blame for this—or bad the news- . . . guards shiver and yawn at rived In the crowded court room 10 On court days the Justices gsthsr loenK R o r thb a 980ciatbo papers mode the discovery? Rod- trenches and nearest the French their road posts. lid of silence was suddenly clamped PRBjBB Introduced as an amendment to the study the record of Kalamazoo, minutes bfore noon yesterday and around a big table In a '~Naw ever been at all clear that there made for herself, keeping her lovely The official, busy air of Barcelona The prosecutor said six or eight Tork. ChlooAo. Datrolt and Boatoa. built a new $800,000 city hall, a her eourags somehow falling her, romance secret and apart. enters buildings through the new and the nominee beamed as he re- was any Justice In the attempt to her dseislon wavering. . . . automobiles dash up and down sbellholes In the walla . . . wind witnesses were summoned to appear 300-acre airport and two municipal She would have to tell Bret now . . . trolley cars and tbe efficient turned the greeting. Justice Black MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF make states bear an important part Brat's bridge rose and exjianded flutters the family washings like today. A number of others had also began reading an opinion, and the CSBCUUmONS. golf courses—all paid for. —tonight. She realized that post- subway are crowded . . . the chat- myriad bedraggled banners from been subpoenaed, he added, to testi- COLDS of the cost of these undertakings aad spread; so that soon it would ponement had only made this tha session proceeded without formal Tba Ramld Prtntlnf Company Inc., This financing feat happens to bo a creation completed in steel and ter of typewriters, the waiting vlal- the former ahowplace homes on tbe fy regarding "vice conditions." recognition of Sutherland's j retire- aosomaa no financial rssponalbllUy when It Is always Impossible for the more difficult. tors, the many conferences in gov- broad avenues . . . rain and snow The Inquiry, opening as the city have been acoompllshed thixiugh the stone, as well as In a man's mind Would Bret forgive her? Would ment. FEVER for typotrapblcal arrora appsartnH In assessments to be measured by the So different was this life to Omnie, ernment offices. fill the unrepaired holes In the was crowded with thousands of va- During the afternoon the 75- Rrof dap ndvartlaamsnta to tbs Uancbsatar commission-manager form of gov- he understand? The marks of bullets on the build- streets with slush. cationing winter visitors, was a l.lsnIS Tahirta BranlDA BaraliL proportional benefits. And when, so complete her bapplneos and con- year-old Justice went to hts cham- Hmdorlios M ernment, but that Is neither here nor (To Be Oonttnoed) ing fronts from tbe Anarchist up- Msdrilenos huddle la their mili- standard topic of conversation at bers to exchange good wishes with Salva. Sna« Oreza mimmtmm moreover, no state could have more tentment, that afterwards she was rising of May, tbe paper-strippM there. The Important thing is that to wonder if it realty bad been. If tary overcoats or Spanish capes race tracks, hotels and beaches. Reed and other government lawyers. Try % TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 than a very little Indeed, If any- windows and the shell and bomb . . . women patter in slippers LlnlMont the record proves that It IS possi- perhaps, she bad not really been Many Charges Friends said Sutherland expects to holes from Infrequent air and sea through the gray, battered streets, reside here and may serve occasion- thing, to do with determining the someone else^ during those fleeting raids on the outskirts are the prin- Worley said the Grand Jury would GRAND JURIES ble to operate municipal finances on wrapping black shawls around their consider these matters: ally on the District of Columbia R- program or the engineering enter- months, that were over and done, cipal outward signs that this la a mouths, and clutching their bundles a pay-as-you-go basts If business all too soon. T h e Fam ily 1. General vice conditions, includ- (^urt of Appeals. Connecticut seems suddenly to prises to be undertaken. Spain groping for her destiny. . . . some even wear flannel bath- If the Senate confirms Reed's methods are substituted for the fud- Ths first faint breath of spring Valencia: Despite the govern- robes on the streets. ing Illegal gambling, operation ot k a n become grand-jury>conactous. There Is something essentially disorderly houses and similar actlvl- nomination—and there was every dled efforts of professional poli- descended into the low valley, ment’s exodus the city Is crowded With the city's defenses still hold- Berstofore our conception of grand cockeyed with any kind of an under- warming the little sleepy village Ui' ties. Indication It would—there will be I ticians. .D o c t o r . . ; the swarms of soldiers on ing against insurgent siege, fo o d - many changes in the court’s See Juries has been that their only to new activity, awakening the 2. (?ity contracts and purchases of taking that calls for a compact be- a leave . . . peasants 'from tbe near- even more than shells—Is the civil- routine. function was to determine whether somber dark hills, brushing the SULPHUR POWDER USUALLY by countryside . . . the orange sea- supplies and equipment. tween states. The states were nev- ian problem . . . . the non-combat- 3. Refunding of the city's $28,000,- A new member, whoever he la, SIGN HERE Ups of the gray trees. Wild things EFFECTIVE IN CHECKING son has reached Its height . . . ant Madrileno finds lemons, onions or not persons already * accused er Intended to be treaty making en- CHIOGERS’ ACriVTTlES 000 bonded debt. creates the same sort of family THE ventured out to sun themselves, to trucks and carta Jotting and rumb- and aome gpeens for sale without flurry as an extra guest at the din- •henld be indicted for certain fel- titles. Patently any subject that At an eastern university, fun- water at the springs; birds twit- ling through the streets . . . Jam- 4. .Calling of a special election at cards . but he has to get in which voters last fall turned down ner table—everybody except papa •Blaa. We bmve not often thought cannot bs handled Individually by sters recently obtained 116 signa- tered and trilled and began to took By OB. MOBBIB FISHBEIN med cafes and motion picture line for oranges, grapes, beans, baa to move over. Editor, Journal ot tht. Amertoah theaters. a proposed franchise for a bus com- •bout them as bodies possessing one state falls within the’ categdly tures on a petition which, at the be- about for a place for their home- horse meat, sausage, tomatoes and Until Justice Black took his seat, REXAIR making. And Bret insisted Connie Medical Association, and ot Bygela, Oranges, lemons, onions, nuts and potatoes. pany. jnry great power In the InvesUga* of federal Intereets. And this would ginning, proposed elimination of 6. The charge by Bryan C. Hanks, the Jurists had been sitting down THE NEWEST wear high-topped boots for fear she the Health NIagailae. melons on sale everywhere . . . Automobllea are not plentiful but in the same order for five years—the lloii of Involved and smelly sltua- be true If the subject In this caae final examinations, and. at the end, meat and bread are to be bad only president of the Worlds Power and VACUUM CI.EANER might come across a rattler or cop- the streets are Mlve with people Light Company, that an unnamed chief Justice In the middle and the B sns In wbieb there msy or msy wers solely flood control—which It pledged the signers to spend five per-head during their walks. BpeclallsU In dissasss ot the with ration cards . . . In tbe prin- civilian attiio U overshadowed ON THE MARKET cipal square tbe City Hall atUI bears city representative solicited a $250.- * o t be an elenmnt of crime. has never been. It Is all the more years In s chain gang. • a lUU-blUy of you. yet,” •kin call cblggsr bites by tbs asms by the uniform . . . throngs gather 000 bribe to settle a rate case pend- of Trombldlosls. dUggers are also the scars of a bombing lost spring around the peddlers" trays In the Don’t Lst Near, however, we no sooner wlt- true when behind the flood control The stunt had been pulled before, ha told her jokingly. He was very ing In Federal court. gay these days, was BreL Gay and colled chlgo, a sort of pst nams, and . . . the famous underground streets to buy clothing and such aesB the eaiUng of • Fairfleld Coun- there lurks the shadow of hydro- of course, possibly with more signa- masterful and tender. occasionally sand flies. flower market carries on. things as razor blades and cigarette Started the Probe * N O R A G in New York Food lines are longer and more It was the public statement by ty Grand Jury to dig out the whole electric power. tures on more ludicrous petitions. "When are you going to nmke up A chlggsr Is Uks the common papers . . . or ait in the cold, yOa^RgaB numerous here than In Barcelona dreary, cafes, drinking coffee sub- Hanks that led to the call for the Children such as these need the sid ot all citizens in the nation-wide fight against the “maiming death " * More Power truth about the Merritt Parkway Flood control Is assuredly a fed- Coming now as Congress gets Washington Daybook your mind to marry me, like a sen- flea except that Its nose Is longer. . . the women are more shabbily special Grand Jury. SpoH Your Fun sible girl?" This was another thing stitutes and sometimes beer, or they Join the NationsI Fonndstion for Infantile Paralysis as a Founder by contributing one dollar Join In THV TNIS I T T i n WAV ^Bd the activities of the State High- eral concern. Being so, the federal down to business on a new session, PrttioH Grovtr ...... — Furthermore, It gets results In a dressed and there are more men In The state attorney appointed Wil- the celebration of the President's Birthday on January 29 by attending, qpe of the many dances or en- V* PaOMOT aiklKF Washes and Humidiflea New York, Jan. 18.—It was not that Brat said, more than once. "1 different way. The female chtg- line up before the movie houses. Department than there comes government should run the whole however, the university Incident has uniform . , . there are dim blue At night Inky darkness and cold liam R. Reeder and Stuart W. Pat- tertainments. Your donation, no matter how small, will help protect those wha are well. It will aid ENJOY U FB Aod FEBL RE- The Air As It Cleans Washington-“The Maritime ConitA This is the plan they outlined; so long ago that famous Jswel col- can't see why we shouldn't get mar- ger burrows Into the skin to pro- FRESHED •TOO daring a teport from Waterbury of a move- lights In the streets until midnight take over the streets of the former ton os special assistants and Issued those who have been stricken. Enlist in the wsr against this disease. It must be fought on a national show—and put up all the money. the effect of easting doubt on the mission, the Navy department andj The navy needs oil tankers speedy lections went Into safety deposit ried right away. Ehccept perhaps, vide a resting ^ a c s for heraslt front Volunteer NOW. AOQUlll brings hnf>p9 Have a Besair DemaastraOsB . . . the port section, marked by capital. a public call for Information which tounf from poriodla palnA,tUM’ D t in that city for a grand Jury But, what Is still more to the worth and aUicerlty of the thou- the fltandard Oil Company of New | enough to keep up with the fleet. that It might be better—for me—to during tbe time smi lays her eggs. might Involve political corruption. Before Buying a Bag Tjrpa vaults, because of a "Top Hat” gang neho, mosealnr ncH ^ norvoot* Vacuum Cleauer. Jgatlon Into the conduct of point, federal flood control should sands of petitions and memorials Jersey have arranged a contract for i The ships also would need certain wait until the bridge Is done. You Thus the chlggsr produces a dis- The result was gratifying, Worley .sailed Hanks* charges as an attempt noM, ste. Will not apoot tbo that trallsd gcm-laden ladles from see," he adopted his bantering tone, In charges to power consumers. The trial. Federal Judge William H. Beset Jhe dty government. Bo, If the be what It pretends to be. And If building 12 new tankers good for military features necessary to night clubs and robbed them. turbance more like scabblea. said. to coerce the city commission Into otomneh. Rolpo rodoco fovor. la PHONE 6842 which pile up dally on congression- use in peace and war, but before navy busy at sea. don't want to let you take my lime have run red. with blood even electric company obtained a tem- Barrett of Augusta ordered the M Some of the thieves ars now In Cblggers usually attack tba toss In recent years. Mayor Robert R. Williams, whose settling the rate caae. Osivaas JtfmUTbviy cttlscns get their way the Flood Control Act Is to be al desks. they completed the deal they took In turn. Standard Oil 9°mpany mind completely off my work." and feet, but occasionally they porary Injunction. After lengthy master's report adopted, and the Jail and almost as though to cele- BATHE OF BOYNE ettnga to England. administration la under Are In the The rate case began In 1935 when litigation a special master recom- go sssis manage to wangle the probe amended thus far It would be very Bomething will have to be done definite steps to learn how Congress and perhaps some of the other oil Connie said she wished she could. are seen over other portions of ths power company carried the caae to ACQUIN •see brate their incarceration, priceless The Ulster-Elre border more or probe, last week announced his can- the city commission then In office mended that the restraining order C. E. COLE ey seek, we may soon have two well to further amend It In such a to disprove the theory that "moat would receive the Idea. companies, could use some new But she did not mean it. His bridge body. Incidentally, however, they didacy for Congress and later as- ordered a 33 X-3 per cent reduction the U. B. Circuit (kjurt of Appeals Ask for ACQUIN •Oe asS 45 Main Street Jewels again are beheld by the bad become as Important to her aa leas bristles with arms all the time be dismissed and the matter go to at New Orleans, where It Is pending. •t.oa ^rand Jury Investigations going on way that the federal government anybody will sign most anything" Of course the Maritime Commls- tankers. They do not need high- night club crowd. Mrs, George may also cause dtsturbanoss by BEING FOUGHT AGAIN and the Customs authorities of the At Arthur's Drug Store ston has full authority to contract speed tankers nor expensive mill to him. According to the contract biting and depositing a small two states make life miserable for •t once, either of which Is liable to cannot, any more than the state before Congress will take It very with substantial ahlppln„ Interests tary features, Washington Kavanau^ turned up It must be finished within another amount of poison. with a display the other night people who have to cross the line. produce shocks that will last the governments, slip in the always seriously when citizens Indulge In to build ships. But It will be month. With luck. It would bs. In this country, cblggers ars Every able bodied Orangeman be- membered that authority had been that dasaled a crowd which isn't Just as—with luck again—she ••durance of the seismographs. lurking powsr J^ke^ into every flood their constitutional right to petition Looked Like A Bargsla easily dazzled: and now the blue moat common in tha Osarks and longs to the Ulster militia, and this glvep to the Marltime*Bureau and might have that much longer aa In the southern states. Women De Valera Parley In London Nor Is it S t all certain biat the control project. force gets out for training (with for redress of grievances. the Post Office department in re- The plan Is for the government to bloods are waiting for Mrs. Vin- Katie Blyn. end children are disturbed mors cent Astor to don her sapphire arms) periodically. Merritt Parkway Jury will present cent Republican administrations to pay the difference between the cost That made postponement easier, frequently by them than ara man. of ordinary low-speed tankers and and diamond ensemble aa final Revives Story Of The 248 I u s^ to go fishing every year the more thrilling Bhow of the two. DESIGN FOR LIVING subsidize shipping by award ot fat more acceptable. When Bret's Often they wlU Invade the scalp on Lough Melvin which straddles moil contracts. When ths nature ot the cost of high-speed tankers with evidence that It Is safe to sclntll- bridge was done Connie must tell and ths skin under th* arm. Ths U even half of the chargee brought lat# once again—barring any un- the boundary In western Ireland \ The role of science In the evolu- these ocean mall contracts was features necesasry In event of war him who she was, as well as when worst period of activity for ths Year Old Religions Feud. The hamlet of garrison lies here •gainst the municipal administra- Health and Diet These extra features added about caught yeggraen, of course. tion of mankind Is s question on made public In an investigation by she would, marry him. chigger Is from April to Bsp- Just north of the line. The con- tion In Waterbury turn out to bs sep$tor-now-Justice Black, a dark $880,000 a ship to the cost, making tem^r. ditions probably are fairly typical Justified the disclosures there prom- which even scientists disagree. the proposed new tankers cost $8,- Gigantic Woe of the rest of tbe border. Advice brown smell arose which has clung Billy Rose seems to be happy In She was not to be allowed that By DEWITT MACKENZIE ise to parallel the revelations dug Home contend that sciences such By DR. FRANK MotXJk around the shipping business to this 129,000, Thus, for sn outlay of postponement, however. Perhaps The United States Department The barracks of the constabulary $10,660,000 the navy could establish hla romantic attachment to Eleanor New York, Jan. 18.—It looks as up by Chicago's Committee of One as psychiatry will some day be able hour. however. Perhaps Fate, If there la of Agriculture suggests that ths In Garrison are a veritable fortress a war reserve of 19 tankers whers- Holm Jarrstt. But there ars Inci- though the Anglo-Southem Irish and a large area on the border side to control our minds and shape our dents relevant to this heart flutter such a lady, hod decided that she present of cblggers bs ebseksd by Hundred In the far oS but unforget- TREATMENT OF GALL STONES Old Wounds Remembered as regulation navy-style tankers [>eace conference In London might has been leveled off and cleared ot ends. Others disagree. Certainly ha sincerely regrets. For example had been kind long enough. clearing away underbrush, vlnss table days of Bath House John and For long weeks botore this latest cost from $8,000,000 to $8,600,000 and weeds by keeping ths grass cut have to fight the 248 year old Bat- brush so that attackers from the The gsll bladder Is a small sac each. Twelve would cost at least he sincerely regrets having told re- That following Saturday Elotse tle of the Boyne all over again. Blnkey-Dlnk. there le no unanimity of opinion on contract was let, representatives ot and Connie, In Bret's ear, went close, and by pplying flours of sul- south could be seen. Machine guns attached to the liver which acts $72,000,000. porters when he announced his That was the event. In the days Mn sweep this whole open space. _ ’f With warrant hooka for tw-o whether It would bs wise for the as a receiver for bile which alowly the oil company, navy and .Maritime matrimonial severance from Fannie shopping together. They had driv- phur or s'llphur powder over the Commission discussed the project, The plan sounded gc^xl to Chair- area where the cblggers breed. Five when knights were soraetimea more The officers wear their side arms years missing from the records human race to submit wholly to the flows Into It from a tube connected Brice that ho was tired of being en over to a nearby town, a larger bold than wise, which started the even In church. with ths livsr. The gall bladder both as to Its terms and as to the man Copeland of the senate com- ons where the stores could more or 10 pounds of sulphur powder turned over to the new controller ministrations of science. mutes but tbrss Republican msm- wed "to an electric light on the the bloody feud (basically religious) In that neighborhood, and at concentrates ths blls and later effset upon the public of federal atef marquee.” Hs even sent satisfactorily meet their demands. should be enough to spread over an Few, on the other band, will dla- dealinga with the oil companies. Oil bars present refused to be commit' ordinary elty lot and take care of , that still continues between North- other places along the line, raids by ths eeotroller retiring, and wttb feeds It Into the small Intestines. penitent telegrams to the column Their purchases had been complet- ern and Southern Irelud. are made every once in a while by Sometimes the bile duet from the has bad Its public difficulties from ted. They were Senators McNary most of the cblggers. whole batches of city bills added to Bgres with the contention of scien- Ists, after the line had left hla lips, ed, tbey had even indulged In a To bring it a bit closer home. It civilians from one aide of the othet gall bladder to the small Intestine time to time and none of the parties of Oregon, Vandenberg of Michigan begging ah.solutlon for hla Indis- fancy sundae at the elegant marble Chlggcrs attack not only human the lists after approval—and then tists that objective reasoning and was especially willing to share any and Nye of North Dakota. They has )>cen the moving spirit for Sometimes guns and ammunition becomes stopped up because a stone creet remark. soda fountain, when Elotse stopped bcinga, buttiiave been found to be are sought: sometimes boats or paid—and with the mayor bitterly logical thinklqg must dominate has attempted to escape from the more. argued that It was not tbs commit- troublesome to young chickens and many a glorious fistic clash be- y O' ' ti"iHlyi But those who profess an In- suddenly In the street. tween Protestant Orangemen and other property are burned for re resisting any independent audit of such emotions ss hate, and fear, and gall bladder and has been unable Just who was responsible for ths tee's business to pass on such eon' sight Into Billy's character ssy "Oh,” she exclaimed, "I forgot— turkeys. In fact, tbey have been venga to make Us way through the narrow "direct appoach method" of learn- tracts. known to destroy very tiny ehlck- Catholic St. Patrick's Day paraders the city's accounts, the Waterbury rage, if cIvlUzation Is to continue that though he retracted hla faux ru have to go back. I promised Pd In the streets of New York' and The Customs authorities are for- tube. When this happens, the bile Is ing congressional sentiment Is not However, navy and maritime of- ens. stage seems to be set for pretty een- functioning. unable to escape normally. pas, ha meant It at the bottom of bring home a Charleston paper. other cities of Irish persuasion. ever confiscating the property of l."T H I TITIE or THE SONG i. sing. You Son-of-a. known to us but at any rate Ad- ficials were convinced that they had his heart. He always has been Bret will be disappointed, and Of course, men who ars tramp- unfortunate peasants, or assessing -a n d Dick fbwell did- 47times •stional drama. One of the chief co.itribiitions of The presence of a stone or atones ' It Is this ancient conflict between miral Land, sort ot headmaster of made a case to the extent that they self-conscious about preserving Mother will never forgive me, un- ing In an area where cblggafs niay brothers which President Eamon De *’**'fy duties and fines against Cun , SByaDickPowall,‘‘andthat’acartainlywhatldidin Maybe Waterbury'a eober cltlsene science to the evolution of human within the gall bladder Itself may the Maritime Commission when be numorus may protect thsm- catiee considerable trouble, (n the went ahead with letting tbs con- his own Identity in the most con- less I do. You go on to the car, Valera, of Eire (Southern Ireland), them. Life is made very hard for filming my naw Warner Bros, picture ‘Hollywood Hotd*. won't be able to get their grand thinking has been Us ability to re- Chairman Joseph P. Kennedy Is tract for the ships. Boms commit- spicuous fashion. Hs was fearful Katie, and I'll bs with you In s min- •elves by wearing high-top tbosa is trying to end so that he may some folk. w'sy of producing Inflammation of away, arranged to present the plan over their trousers, 'rosy can also ^ ••**1 it at homa, sang it in my dressing room, sang it Jury quiz. But from the outside It duce generalities and half-truths to the organ. When the gall bladder tee members, while deellnlnf to be at bslng known as “Mr. Brie#. ute." achieve his great ambttioh of unit- The feeling between the two sec- directly to the senate commerce committed publicly, said It would be dust ths skin with ths sulphur pow- tions la bitter. The vtsttor gath- on tha sat—47 times in all, I figured. I had many other,.. tooka like quits an Idea. concrete statsments of fact which la not functioning properly because That la why he Is happisat whan "Take your time," Connie laugh- ing the two flgbtlng-Jawed sections of gall atones or Inflammation, the committee. Along with Land, who hard to make a fuss about getting he sees hlS name aglitter on aky- ed. Elotse bad appeared aa dis- der. The best step after a ohiggsr of the country under one govern- ers the Impression that they had will stand up under the light of rea- heiuth of the patient may be seri- Is not now in the navy, went Cap- 12 tankers for use in war at a cost scrapem; and why he once caused tressed as though she had commit- bite is to wash with a strong soap. ment—bis Dublin government, of rather fight each other than not. CANDID soning. ously menaced. Under such circum- tain R. E. Ingersoll of the navy war of $10,560,000 when otherwise the to be erected an electric sign that ted a sizeable offense. Connie and If the female has penetrated ths course. There la plenty of support for that a»iisii! «. ' yfit taii>iui)arii Thus Dr. Ralph Gerard, professor stances a surgeon may recommend plans division. cost might be $72,000,000. towsrsd 100 feat In ths air with Bloisa were close friends now. Tbey skin, she nuiy be removed by tbs When it was made known that belief In the tragedies which occur There la something refreshingly an operation. Because the gall only hla blazing legend: BILLY use of a blunt needle. Wbensver De Valera probably would raise tbe when Orangemen are qelebratlng of phy^ology at the University of hod had many happy hours togeth- a blunt needle or any other sort the anniversary of the Battle of the candid about the refusal of 48 bladder has become a veritable pool ROSE. ar, chatting as only two young girls Issue of union at the present par- Chicago, comes forward with what of poison, its removal may result tions will usually provide relief. If of penetrating Instrument Is used ley, the Orangemen of Ulster, that Boyne, or when the Catholics are American book publishers. Includ- permissible to do most of your can of everything under the sun and he terms three "earmarks" for the In the patient returning to good Softer the most careful fasting and water drinking early In the day, Wrong Oie on the skin. It Is well to make is, of Northern Ireland, dug out doing honor to St. Patrick on ing most of the more important and above tt; they had. Indeed, become certain that tbe akin has been their black-thom shlllalahs and spat March 17. identiflration of "Intrlligenl be- health, and the operation Is there- dieting regimen, the stones still re- avoiding any extra fluid afUt 6 or 6 Those of us who sat near them Uke "sisters." batter known concerns, to attend fore a success. main In the gall bladder, there is o'clock. I do not particularly ad- —they are, perhaps. Hollyw’ood's made clean by the use of suitable on their hands. havior." Curiously enough, the gall bladder still time to conilder an operation They chatted now, driving home anti.aeptlcs and that secondary In- Call for Election. the International Congress of Book vise the use of much liquid with most celebrated couple—at a Broad- again, of the latest fashions, as pre- .MIDDLETOWN ROBBERY The first earmark, says Dr. la not absolutely essential to life irovlding the stones were small to the dinner meal as It encourages ths fection may be thus prevented. The Ulster government Immedi Publishers when It mov-ts, this year, way premier, noticed bow his bead dicted In the store windows, bow Gerard. Is "the absence of supersti- and the patient gets along n-ell after In with. tendency to wash the f o ^ down had been drooping In a soporific Btely Issued a call for a general by customary rotation, from Lon- its removal. Gall bladder opera- lOse wlihlng my article on with the beverage being taken. ridiculous the spring millinery wsa election In February to place the Middletown, Jan. 18.— ( a P)—a tion; the emancipation from fear stupor. Every five minutes, as If going to be with Its tower-llke sneak thief entered the home of Mr. don to Lelpsig. tions. calling for the removal of GALL STONES are welcome to send Also, the extra liquid will tend to nill of the Ulsterites on record. of nature and the here-and-now gall stones or for the removal of by the clock, his wife would poke crowns, profusion of feminine flow- and Mrs. Paul Gerber while they for It by writing to me in care of dilute the digestive Juices of the her elbow in his rib and his famous Premier Lord Oalgavon, whose Nothing could be mote ironic prejudices of the group." the organ Itself are most likely to this newspaper, enclosing a large, stomach. The necessity of arising ers and feathers and bows—yet how OPEN FORUM huge bulk is no greater than hla were entertaining friends at a card meet with the greatest success In self-address^, stamped envelope. profile would shoot upward with a altogether delightful—as to whether game and escaped with 8118 In than the assembling together of the Second-, the sclenUst contends, in- during the night msy bs dus to any tart But drowsiness overcame scrapping spirit, boomed out that publishers of democratic countries those coaea where atones have one of several ‘“sutes such as: A Mrs. Parsons would bs pleased witb he had no doubt how the election cash and a pair of diamond ear- telligent behavior must be marked actually formed. him after each punishing poke and TBAPPOrO QUESTIONS AND ANSW’ERS too abundant Intake of liquid during the luncheon set Onnle bad bought Editor of Tbe Herald: would go. rings valued at $150. la a part of the world where the by “tolemnce” in which "the new In my opinion, the larger stones the evening, kidney disorders, blad- hs went back to alesp, blts^D y Im- as a special surprise, whether or That was His Lordship’s diplo- They discovered the burglary at business of publishing is drained of require surgery, aa it is hopeless pervloua 'o the dull didoes onstage May 1 have a small apace In tha is neither fatuoiiely accepted nor (Fried Meet) der Inflammation, and. In men, pro- not Blolse should ever decide the Open Forum to express my views matic way of saying that the voters 12:42 a. m. today when they at- every drop of it# blood and con- to expect that they will succeed In static disorders. The calamity came toward tba and, momentous question os to bobbing would tell Southern Ireland where tempted to enter a rear bedroom In 2."HARD SCENIS. i 4 blindly damned" and In which deci- passing out of the gall bladder of Question: Rosalia V. asks: "What when he may have been dreaming regarding trapping within town lim- 3/'REHEARSlNGF0R ‘Your Holljrwood verted Into a mummy. There is is the best way to fry meat?" her hair. Not until they started to its. to go. I've heard him talk on tbe their Park Place home aa their M top of all the dramatic scenaa. Dur- 4."THAT AUCTIONEER on our program of tha tobacco auctioneer sions sre reached "after due Instruc- their own accord. The small stones that the curtain had fallen and he unload the car before the brick subject before, and know how he guests were preparing to depart. **iy naw program. Luckiea ara 5. THE CHANT only one publisher in Germany, and may often be caused to ptiss spon- Answer: I suggeat that instead could at least go home. When his Trapping Just like anything else thia hard work 1 smokad pack aftar rantinda ma that, among tobacco ax- tion In and evaluation of the facts, of frying meat, you broil, boll or house did Connie notice the besd- Is subjected to laws Why speak of ran blNter his surroundings. The door was bolted, and when It tha gantlast cigarette on my throat.” la tha wairdfut sound in buainesa. In that Is the government. Whether taneously. Many surgeons recom- OVER $150,000 DAMAGES wife roused him, bis palms auto- The fight between Northern and was forced they found the thief had Luckiea have a 2 to 1 lead over all pro and con." mend a period of "watchful waiting" roast It. If you wish to obtain the matleally collided to applaud. At Unss and the picture on the page outlawing trapping? Why not an- ut Luckiea, but not onca did they (Tha ‘ ‘Toaatlng” procasa takas out cer- ‘‘•low motion” it would sound like this: the medium be newspaper' or book effect of frying, use a heavy skillet one of the Charleston paper that force tbe laws regarding trapping? Southern Ireland is, as has been taken a handbag containing $8 and brands. I think Luckiea have a 2 to "Third." says Dr. Gerard, "Intel when the stones are still quite'small, the wrong moment, of couras. The said, nudniy religious—Protestants bother my throat. Thia is also true . , . “39 dollars bid .. .39...9..,9...and a or magazine', the ostensible publish- and without adding any grease, Elolse had bought. — There are too many "trappers" who some change, a purse with $110 In tain irritants found in ^ tobacco.) Mgent bebavrior does not confuse the Aa one surgeon expressed It, it was WHEN OIL WELL BLAZES actors were nowhere near the flniib who are In the majority In Ulster, 1 1***! b Iso among actors in Hollywood.” his policy In such a situation "to let place your steak in the hot skillet Two pictures to be exact A por- do not buy a trapping license. They bills and the ear-rings aa well as 40... 40 bid. .. etc.” . .. Concluding... er Is the merest tool of the Nazi for an Instant, and then turn Imme- and a little off-key after the aoll- versus Catholics. There are, how- two pairs of ladles’ gloves. symbol with the thing. Words sleeping dogs lie." Uiry hand clapping. trait study of herself that she had are the ones who are setting traps Raich. Publishing there has no diately, repeating this several times Kilgore, Tex., Jan. 18— ( A P I - had mads for Rodney Just before ever, other elements which enter themselves are classes and stand V^en the stone is large and pro- illegally. Tbe trapper pays for the Into tbe trouble. problems to dlsctiss. The problems ducing marked symptoms. It Is well during the flrat few minutes. When Three wild well fighters crawled In- ths announcement of their engage- right to trap and should not bs de- V's y-'- only as symbols which are Imper- the mast Is well seared on both sides, to the pit of a biasing oU wen here Bollywood Obest Other Elements. BED CROSS CONVENTION •r* all aettled by government to remember that surgery will One of the wisest books to smsrgs ment end another, looking somehow prived of bis rights. fect and shifting representations of probably be the only way out. I turn down ths flrs and allow the early today and cut off the flow of One is economic: Ulster Is rich If there were an Intransigent from tbe purilsus of Brosdsray tai Uks that asms girt yet somehow If people would keep their dogs at i id doesn't propose to contribute to WITH MEN that for which they stand. Even have presented both sides of the meat to#lmmer until cooked os de- oil after firemen had smothered the different—the gtel in Connie's polo borne where they belong they would Bridgeport, Jan. 18__ (A P )—The group of German publiahera, mak- problem so that those of you who sired. You will And that the addi- Are temporarily with chemicals. a long time Is Arthur Hopkins’ le upkeep of the south. The Red Cross Home Service workers facts are abstractiona and, like kindly, sage and Inspiring peraonal coat the girl who was the real Ka' not get Into any troubi )fc. Valuable I ither is racial: the Inhabitants of iag any effort however slight to ob- have been advised to have gall tion of the canned mushroom sauce, The flames died almost Immedi- from all over Ctonnecticut will meet words, may lead via the machinery which is added Isst thing before the memories, "To A Lonely Boy.” It tie Blyn. dogs should not be roamlnK the | them Ireland are largely of tain aome measure of freedom of stones removed through operation ately after the men turned the "ARE THEBE TWO GIRLB THE woods. here tomorrow to discuss problems WHO KNOW of the most impeccable logic to will understand why the surgeon meat Is served, will provide you with check valve. is an expreaslOD of that revered Cqtch and IkigUsb descenL relating to the orgnalzatlon's work a pleasing change In flavor. SAME?" the headline queried. “ It Every time some Incident Battle of tbe Boyne was re- the press. It might be that foreign bizarre concluzionz." arrived at this decision, when pefl- showman's attituds toerard ths ar- with war veterans, men still In ac- T. B. Wraither, of ths Overton tistic aids of Ilfs. In sn ssrly tiiap- Is rumored that (^nstanes Corby, to the minds of ths people, insible tor the religious Issue, puUishers could give encotirage- haps aome other patient whom you Refining Co., owners of the wsU, richest girl in tbe world, may be In Splcsa makes himself sound UkS'^ tive militery service and their fam- Dr. Gerard contends that "pure know has not been advised to sub- (Kidneys Work Too Freqoeatly) tsr, he stresses the Importanee of s im wbieb the other seeds of dls- ilies, tt was announced today by H. TOBACCO mwit to them by pretending that said the companjr's loss would ex- biding. It is possibls," ths story "Heap Big Chief." His* sunestlOB I bave come. This conflict adence" la the only hope for the mit to an operation. - Question: Herman K. states: ceed $60,000. erssUvs artist taking strength In Willard Fleck, vlcs-chalrman of the there still existed a publishing hla own eonvlctlona. continued, "that aome other girl has that trapping be outlawed wUhtn | fought on the banks of the i.l future of civilization.' He believes In the case of the small stones, “When I take very much liquid with town limits is absurd. If Bridgeport Chapter, who aa a vol- (UBctlon In Germany, and attending ths patient may be helped In many Firemen and oil workers from six And speaks thus of the picture besa taking her placs on board bet Irish river of that name on July 12. that It would be unwise to etlminate the dinner meal or drink an extra East Texss cltlss fought the blase town and city had a law like that I FlfiflO. unteer for the last twenty years has tba CoogrcM held In that country. Instances through going on a^fast glass of water before bedtime, 1 peopled “ The greatest slaves to ths miUloa dollar yacht? Rodney Bran- helped to guide Red Cross work the aelflzb elements of aelf-preser- and through uoing the grapefruit almost 12 hours after It blew In un- opinions of others that 1 bava sn- don, when Interviawsd. aassrted this there would be vary tittle trapping. William m (of Orange) beaded But there la no such group. So am bothered by my kidneys working expectedly and was ignited from a The town's reeslpte from trapping here In this field. Mrs. Paul Riker vatlon from man's makeup, but that and olive oU emulsion. The'^mul- too frequently and am forced to eeuntarad ars the people o f Holly- girt supposedly Mias Corby, la not an army which defeated his father- thars la nothing of the publishing nearby laundry boiler. licenses would fall down. Many in-law, James n , and sent tbe lat- the first chairman in the beginning It Is "surely desirable to control and slon wilt stimulate the flow of bile get up during the night. When I wood. Thera tbe servltuds Is so hlA Haiicm.*' World War days, also is assUting smd will bring about a situation fa- Firemen were unable to drench “ What's the matter T” Elolse trappers are not able to get o u ts it ter scurrying to France. This bat- boalneas. in Germany, but the print- guide them." omit the fluid, thle doea not occur. complete that it anMunta to hor- of the town limits. wrlth the meeting. vorable to the expulsion of the small Do you think I would Injure my the surrounding area with water be- ror. Ths fsar ot fallurs is tbs asked. tle placed Protestantism In the fore ing of govemment-saacUooed books If the law is put Into affect mneh \ In Ehigland. 6."S01D AMERICAN",» th. choke But ths sclenUst refutes. In part, atone or stofles. I suggest that ths health If I stay away from liquid fore the Are did an estimate $100,- specter that haunts tbsir sxtrava- •Tlia Matter?' Conitis looked up* Buyara,Auetlooaarsand ad patlodieato. Am»r1r«n puldish- fast bs continued for at least IKe after 6 o'clock in the afternoon 7 So 000 additional damage. Fumltuie from ths paper, Bbe tried to make ot Mr. Booth's good wUd-ltfs win Irish CAthotica began to form Ordinarily, one can see up to a 7. MDEPENDENT his own coatenUona when ha says gimt homes, risss before them out disappear. iSong birds, game birds, ®” tei>leaf tobacco is marked for Lucky ets would be atulUfylng themselves days and during this period It^ is many health authorities say It Is Im- valued at |S0,000 was destroyed at thslr swlmmlnB pools. iMss bar votes sound natuimt But it j semi-revolutionary orgaaisationo. dozen meteors on a clear night, but Warriiouaaman. Sworn racorda show that, that science, through geneUcs, eapselally important that at Isast etc.) Skunks will overrun and tbe Protestants retMlated with on the night of October 9, 1988, the Strike. Man udio earn thair living from NAVI VOW MAta THf CHANT o r IM TOBACCO AUCnONRRT If they Mcognlsed that as publlah- >rtaat to drink plenty of water that whan a warehouse was flrsd. with them In their llmousinss. •hook a Uttls, "N-nothlng , , . •mong thaaa msperts. Lucky Strike has nroot HOUTWOOO fAIAOI". WsSMtesy, lO-tT P. M.. MC could Improve tbs human brssd— ons enema be taken dally. am puzsladT" Tbs tosra's 16,000 nopulaUea was farms and tbs town's atrssfa. ths so-called Loyal Orange Instltu- earth passed through a swarm ot tobacco, know that Lucky Strike buys ea- srlth them at - breakfast ta tbs ana at that. t - •U U dgarattaa put togathar. lIASTttN mui niptloh o( Mesp, ttMB tt wmiU be oHlF ponoa isportsd tajorsd. She kasv that tWs was tbs sad BU40XT warn. ad Y* atiMLa Belfast maaj e»«a*(l kjr tba sartb'a atmosptiare. V . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. GUNN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18.1838 « ■ PAOBSa MANCHh^^l KK ISVKNINU HKItAU). M A N tm ^I KK. a > N N . TUESDAY, JANUARY 18,1938 * PAUB SBVl Marlow's, furnishings ...... A M Martcll Co., A. E. printing, binding, etc...... SOO.fiitNINO MARTINI SINGS ?-D CONVENTION CBIID LABOR FIGHT just the right type. With the ther- Masaler-Nash, Inc., auto parts 7.62 DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Bronco Riding Champion HEBRON 35 AT TRADE SCHOOL mometer at zero Sunday morning BUIS ORDERED PAID BY SELECTMEN 8.U Matter's Smoke Shop, subaciiptions the young people made the Iota, aide Manchester WESLEYAN HAD MlUs-Farr Co., equipment ...... MM SIX SONGS IN FILM TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 (Central and Caatem SUndard Tima) RENEWED BY BISHOP Carlton H. Jones motored to of PrenUce Hill rad Root Hill, a night totaled Miner, George B , rents ...... 30.00 FORPROVDENCE MAKE THE HONOR ROLL BUIb ordered p*ld by the Board of Soteetmen last Natal All proarama to fcajr aad baalo cbalna or troupa tharaof unlaaa aped- Rides Seconds a W eek South CaroUna last week, taking place of InterezL sssssssssses 18.00 60 Date Book CHAIR OF PEDAC went over the Mohr, Bertha A „ rent ...... Sad; eoaat to ooaat (p to a) daslfnatlona Ineloda all aTaitabla atatlona. Mrs, Charles Fish was a caller at 9U3M.90. The audit commutes, at a prerloua msetlnf, Montgome^f tVard, fumlahlngs ...... 67.03 b Third Appearance Of Fa- with him a party of aportainen from Pratrama aubjaot ta abanaa by atatiana withaut praviataa fiatlea. P. Head Of Albany Diocese Op- the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Myron sharfet listed below and found them to be correct. 34ontl. Victor, rent ...... 15.00 noiM Opm-Radio Star On Middletown and Bast Hampton, Fourteen Of These Are In Ma- Tonight • N B C -W C A P ( R E D ) N E T W O R K w k b b w t a q w k b h w e co w a b t k a e j w n a s Denver, Jan. 18.— (A P )—Twelve ^ ‘| ^ t you sure enough do a lot of poses Rhtllication Of Amend- bent on hunting wild turkeys and Post in East Hartford. Saturday. Researeh Rgreab That It' Abraltls, Ursula, board and c a r e ...... I 15.00 Montlt A Son. Joeeph. tmcklng ...... 60.00 Screen At State Today And woe chine Department, 7 Each In Jan. 18—International Night at 4.70 85.00 National Gathering Of 26th SASIC — East: waaf waae v tie wiar. M O U N T.— k v a r k U koh kal k m kfbb seconds a day . . . five days a week riding In 12 seconds... .If you stay other southern game. They plan to Adams, Frank W., prlntln* ...... Moore, M. D.,—Scltnet fr^m N«w» a a a t: O rrin Tu c k a r Oraha a.— weat ■at a public hearing last year snort- Feb. 17, 18. 19— 8L Bridget's pre- Wesleyan’s claim was mads ta a 25.00 O'Meara Motor Co., truck parts ...... 1.80 Headed by the State President, 6 :1 ^ t:1ft^flh)rthmalr«B DanM Band lliSO— 1 2 :3(^Ta d Fl erlt e'a Oraha atra— Rouge next November” , said Mul- settling down on a ranch o f bis It had not been thought necessary buhl. In only a few instancea were the Brazauskas, Leu, meats and groceries ...... * ...... The Italian virtuoso sings six ttSB—Rraat-Radlo Nawa Barlad ly before the amendment was re- temperatures official. Lenten Mardl Gras. bulletin issued by the unlverstty anil Brazauskts. Adam, meats and groceries ...... 28.00 Oswald, Wm., meats and groceries...... S5.U0 Lawrence H. Cook, textile man of 8 : 3 ^ t :)^ H a p p y Falton'a Orakaatra baale: B. Rogara Orch a a tra— wtRi key, declared 1937 cham^on by the ownT to notify him of the postponement. Drafting: Tohn Draghi, John songs ranging from bis favorite jected by the assembly for the sec- The weatherman at the New Ha- containing letters of aubetanuatMB. Bridgeport. City of, aid rendered ...... 10.24 Fagani, B., meats and groceries ...... 6.00 Woonsocket and Cranston, R. I., t:4 ^ H a p p y Faltan, Contlnuad N B C ^ W JE ( S L U E ) N E T W O R K Rodeo Association ot America. “That's what all the top boys say He sprat the evening visiting Bertrand, Ernest Kloter, Benjamin operatic renditions to 4lgbt and »'«a a t: Orphan Annla-i-inldw rtpaat ond time In three years. The Senate ven branch of the Federal Bureau CAREFUL, PLEASE It was booed da work oy P i eaideut Brown. Mrs. Harvey, board and care ...... 25.00 PaganI, Mrs. Lucy, rent ...... 14.00 powerful committees have already bal "S u re, a bucking horse ride Is only they're going to do some day", said friends. Phillips, Alex. Rydlewicx, Fred melodic ballads written especially 7:0(>»Amaa *n’ Andy aaat; Hal wh a m kdk a w e ar t.xy a wjtii w ayr wm al voted for ratification last year. said It was eight above In the cen- Kansas (i t y —Mrs. Frank KImea Ralph C Jenklna of the DanhatF Brownbilt Shoe Store, shoes ...... 21.95 Patterson, Wm., meats and groceries ...... 12.50 been appointed to handle and com- Tottan and Sport CammanWwaat 12 seconds— 10 seconds for Indoor Mulkey. "But there's not many A meeting of the 8L Peter's Fel- Stanger, Edward Wleribickl. almost broke jp the veterinanans' for him by such well known com- i l l s — 7:18-»Vaeal Varlallta by Choral wfll waby w abr w e l^ wapd waan wico The Bishop signed the letter ter of the d ty for the lowest this state teachers college "la the eouraa Biynnt A Chapman Co., milk ...... 33.92 Pickles, Wm., F „ tax refund ...... 8.57 plete the many, arrangements that w U u ; Midwa at: w a nf w lt A w k koll wre n shows like this and we only ride that do. These days 1 gueaa you lowship group was held Sunday Electrical; James Geer, Joan dinner. 20.00 poaera as Rudolf Frimt, Qua Kahn, S:8S— 7:NL-WilUam Rrlmraaa*a Vlala w m t k ao w o w o w e t a ; S a u th t w r t d w n b r chairman of the New York State winter. of my research for a PKOl thasM Bums. James, milk ...... 11.16 Pickles Elatate, W. F., r e n t ...... will make this H ay celebration the •:4^ 7:4S>^r. Dollar — waaf wmaq: about five times through a whole can make more money riding than afternoon at the rector's rooms. Hutt, Joaeph Mader, Anthony Ku- 90.01 k r irr U d m w ro l k r i f w lb o w d a u w a s a Catholic welfare committee. He forecast slowly rising temper- She pulled her pet skunk from of Henry Barnard, educator ot Bursack Bnis., mcatsf and groceries ...... 10.50 I'ineburst Grocery, Inc., groceries ...... AlUe Wnibel and Herb Magldson. biggest and beat In Yankee Division Ta Ba Annaunaad—oatwork wtff n lo a rs: M a u n t a ln : x lo k r o d k c h f ; show. running a ranch, anyhow.” kus, Andrew Sebula, Allan Tbomp< 9.00 7 ;0 (^ SiM^Ruaa Maraan A Orahaatra Plans for a square dance -were atures under her coat rad explained it teachera.” Campbell's Service Station gas. parts, etc...... 78.41 Plimpton A Hills Corp., supplies^...... Hailed aa one of the Important history,. Four thousand veterans of P a c I f l e T i m kfad k a a k n k a c a k j r talked over. son. 32.00 Podrove, A., rent ...... 25.00 7:30'- •:SS—Wayna lO n fa Orahaatra ( N O T E : Sa a W B A F - ^ C f o r a pU e n a l Other cities reporting were "needs an operation." Jenkins communicated hla fita- Calhoun. P. J.. trucking ...... - ...... dramatic discoveries of the year, the "Big Show” are expected to reg- t :0 (^ t:0S—Vox RapMra A Quaatlana Hat o f a t a tion a .) Merle Jones, daughter of Mr^’SR l Machine; Alfred Ambrose, Rus- Bridgeport, three above; Fairfield The doctors shied, hut she ex- Center Pharmacy, drugs ...... 18.02 Pohlman, Joseph F., labor and material ...... 6.25 ■:a0— t:3S—Rota A Bifttarwarth—to e oovertea to Prealdent Jamaa U Me* lovely blonde Joan Fontaine la said ister for the convention, and these, 9;3»—10:30 - Jlmmla FIdtar. Talk—to a CanL BaaL clety has assumed the reaponsibUlty Mrs. Claude W. Jones, been re- sell Binheimer, (Theater Barelsa, four; Easton, zero; New Britain, plained a previous operation had Chambers. Austin A., trucking services...... 58.82 Pola, Luigi, meats and groceries ...... 15.00 (fonaughy of toe Univeratty. to be an Ideal romantic partner tor with their families and friends, will •:45—10:40—Data CarnaQla'i Faafram 4:80— S:30—Tha Sinolng Lady—aaat; DECISION IS RESERVED of reimbursing the church so It can HIGHLAND PARK elected aa captain of the basketball Vlttl Blretta, WUllam Donnelly, zero; Waterbury, four above; An left the animal odorless. 80.00 Pond, M. A., repairs ...... 6.78 10:00—11:00—Ta Ba Annaunoad — aaat: Chambers Trucking, trucking ...... Martini. swell the total to well over ten J a h n n i a Ja h n t o n , B a rlto n a — w e i t be replaced, thereby saving on In- Millar Haugb, John Jakubowakt, aonia, four; New London, eight, Charter Oak Grocery A Ahto Supply Co.. Porterfield's Tire Works, range oil ...... 14.00 Amaa *n* Andy rapaat for waat 4:43— l : 4 ^ T a m M ix . S k a t e h — b a ale: team at Windham High school, Tbe dinner continued, but the Insects devour one-tenth of - tha A hand-picked cast includes some thousand visitors here to enjoy four 10:1S—11:10—Klng'a Jaatara Orchaatra F a u r C a lif orn i a n a A O r a h a a L— w a a t terest palX The annual Father and Son ban- Stamford, one above; Norwalk, two Inc., meats, groceries and o il...... 102.00 I'rentlce, Mrs. Samuel, board and c a r e ...... 25.00 Willlmantie, where she la a member SMward Kayan. Sebastiai. Leone, operation was delayed. world'a crops. of the most popular actors In Holly- colorful and hectic days. 10:30—11:30—Ruby Nowman'a OrahaoL 3:00— 4 :0 (^ N a w a ; R a k ov'a Ora h a a tra IN DEATH OF WILSON The turkey supper to be Served to quet for the residente of the High- of the sophomore class. WUllam PoggL Russell Prlskwaldo, above; Torrington. zero; Meriden Chartier. Joseph, blacksmith services ...... 34.15 I'rescott A Sons, H. R., water works suppllea ...... 6.47 11:00—12:00—Marak Wabar*a Orahaatra 3:30— 4:30— Irm a Ola n n a t th a O rg a n invited guests aad msmbers of 14.95 Probate Court, commitmenta ...... 60.00 wood: Alan Mowtrsy, Billy Gilbert, Maturity has brought graying 11:30—12:30—At Jahna and H it Orehaa. • : 3 ^ S:83— S a ra n a d e rb— i ^ e n l y ; E d s lands, and the emplovM o f Case It was pretty cold weather here Andrew Ursln, Frances Warren. from two to six above; Hartford, Che^erboard Feed Store, feed ...... hair and Increasing waist lines; men w a rd O a vla a' B a rlt a n a Sai a a — c h a in Coventry Grange on Thursday eve- Brothers, will be held%hls coming five above; Bristol, xero to five 142.00 Quinn's Pharmacy, drugs ...... 45.17 Lee Patrick, Erik Rhodes, Bradley C B 8 -W A B C N E T W O R K Coroner Defers Finding After early Sunday morning. A t Hllding Herman Wierabickl. Cheney Brothers, rents, supplies, gravel ...... of the Y. D. are home again and en- 8:43— 8 :4 ^-L o w a l l Th a m a a — a a a t; ning at the Church Community Saturday, January 22, at the club- below. Children's Village, board and care ...... 20.00 Rashlmaa, Joseph, rent ...... 15.00 Page, Frank Conroy, Alan Hale and Canaart—w; Tom Mix—mdw rapaat Brothers’ place 4 below tero was Textile: Marian Rydlewlcz. Grant Mitchell. grossed In the mulUfarous problems BASIC — Baatt arabo wade woko woao SiOO— 7:00—Baty Aoaa. Skit—alao eat Hearing In Which Pntnam. House will be ready promptly at house, at 6:30 p. m. The commit- Ehccept for New London, which d gn ettl‘8 Market, meats and groceries...... 115.00 Red A White Food Store, meats and groceries...... 73.50 waet war wkbw wkro whk w jr wdre St13— 7:13—Mr. Kaan A Loot Faraana 6:30 p. m. The chairman. Mra. Rosa reported, and at Robert F. Porter s To Jesae L. Lasky, who first of living, but they have never for- wcau wjaa wpro wfbl wiav wgar: Mid- Auto’s Driver, Was Quigzed. tee In charge Is planning aa Inter- reported six above Sunday, It was Clay, Mrs. Anna M., board and care ...... 1500 Reig, John, milk ...... 7.44 8:3(L- 7:30—Dorothy Thempaan* Talk Johnson and Mrs. (MmlUa HIghter, place on the Andover road 10 be- gotten their sacred obligations to waat: wbbm wfbm kmbo kmos whaa 8:40— 7:43^vivlan dalla Chlaaa* Sang esting menu and program for the generally the coldAst so far this LISTEN Clifford's, shoes and arctics, etc...... 30.98 Rensselaer Valve Co., bolts ...... 2.58 brought Martini to America and to kfab krnt assisted by Mra. Emma HIU, Mrs. low was reported. Around the Green READ THIS their comrades of 1917-18— those 7:00- 8:00—*Thaaa Wa Lava,*’ Sarlai Decision was reserved by Coroner occasion. It Is probable that Elmer winter. COLD CRTCHERS Clough. Grayland. rent ...... 15.00 Rogers, Mrs. Alex, rent ...... 11.20 the Bcreen, goes the credit for pro- EAST—wbna wpg wbp wha« wore efrb 7:3(^ 8:30—Bd QuaaL It Can Ba Dona Helena McKinney and Mrs. Buslah readings were all above the zero GILEAD Clough. John, rent ...... 1.5.00 Rohan, Charles, milk ...... 7.44 duction of the mualcal. John Biy- comrades who suffered and who still ckac wIbE wm arwaac wnbf wlba wkbn itO(^ t:0(^Heraaa Haldt’a Brlgadlara Frank T. Healy after a hearing held Thienes will be the toastmaster. point. Still, it was cold enough. suffer from wounds and disease sus- whio wpbl BtSO— 8:30—Night Club #f tha Radio Reed nave planned a menu baaed Monroe Morris, Sr., will pay trib- Tolland County Council of the Columbia Ribbon A CarlH)n Mfg. Co., ribbons...... 15.00 Rollason, Joseph, rents ...... 29.00 atnne directed this RKO Radio musi- In Hartford yesterday afternoon at on roast turkey. Mrs. Floyd Miss Victoria Hllding and Mrs. USE SIGNS FOR SETS tained "over there." To discuss and D IXIE — wffBt WBfa wbre wqam wdod t:0(L-10:00—Oan. Jahnaan'a Cammant ute to the sons 'rom the fathers, ParenU-Teachera Aas^latlon has Conn. Automotive Trades .Asso., valuation books ...... 3.00 Rolston, James H., investigations ...... 35.00 cal romance. klra wrac wlac wwl wtoc krld xtrh ktaa 8:18—10:1^ —Tha KIdaodtara Quartat which William C. Putnam, 22, of Standlsb will be In charge o f the Albert W. HUdlng and daughter waco koma wdbo wbt wdaa wblp wdbj and Monroe Morris, Jr., will in Invited the local P, T. ,A. to attend Conn., State of, moulding ...... 3 60 Rubacha, Waclaw, rent ...... 10.00 plan for the care ot these men 8:30—10:30—Calia Oamba VlaJIn Styiaa 717 East Highland avenue, O u lb dining room. The occasion will be Lois spent Sunday afternoon aa New York, Jan. 18—(AP) — Ryan Elstate, Theresa, rent ...... 30.00 forms one of the many serious sides wwva wmbff waja wmbr wala ktul keko 10:0(^ 11:00—Nawat J. Btalna Orahaa. turn speak for the sons, to the fa- a meeting to be held In Vernon Conn., State of, widows' aid share ...... 887.46 wroa wdne wnos kwkh know wmmm 10:3(^ 11:80—Hanry Buaaa’a Orahaatrd age. Mo., appeared for examination an outstanding event for tbs gusate of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. "Father Malachy'a Miracle," one of Savings Bank of Manchester, ren ts...... 95.00 thers. The guest speaker will be Orange Hall, tomorrow evening. Converse. Ijiwrence, rents ...... 80.00 ot the Convention's business. An- wjno wcha wmaa weoe wrva 11:0(^ 12:00—Faul whitaman'a Band In connection with the death ot WU younger generation, as a history ot Broadway's most successful hits of 8.55 Scarlato, Oraxlo, rent ...... 15.00 MIDWEST — wmbd wlaa wibw kfb 11:30 1t:3(L-Fraddla Nagal Orahaatrg (Mptaln Edward L Langriah. who Porter, Mrs. HUdIng's brother and Supper will be served at 6 rad a Cook's Service Station, range oil ...... other serious Item to be definitely Uam B. Wilson, 22, of Cape Cottage. the past fifty yea n wUI reveal sister-ln-law. the season, fell back on a theatrical 311.33 Schlebel Brothers, truck parts ...... 19.56 Overnight Nttws Is the head of Precinct 1 of the Crane Co., supplies ...... arranged at this convention will be Me., Yale student who died early on features not heard of today. This speaker from tha SUte Department derice of the Enizabethan drama— 15.00 Schleldge, William H.. printing ...... 62.25 Hartford Police Department. Cap- Sylvia Martin haa been named ay ot Health will be present. Curran. Mrs. Emily, rent ...... the dedication of a aultabie memo- 1:80— Arnold Grim’s Daughter — January 8 after being mortally hurt Is being written by Mrs. FXith P. signs Instead of scenery-last pight. ^pte^tU»ld m adicattab- Damatu A Son. Frank, trucking ...... 53.75 Seaman Coal Co., coal ...... 315.16 Love: 8:S0 Edgar A. Guest; 9 teln Langrish 1s responsible for the guard on the freshmen basketball Miss Edith Ellis of HarUord spent TO Of Connecticut rial to General Eklwards. It la hop- Dramatic SklL la aa automobile accident near the Haven. The address of tha evening The play opened Nov. 17 In the la Va-titenol—Is axpiaai* Davldaon's Filling Station, range oil ...... 70.60 Seaslons Foundry Co., frames and covers ...... 125.60 Heidi’s Brigadiers; 9:30 New series, Marksmanship School of the Hart- team at Wlndbam High school. She the week-end at the borne her (By Aasoctated Press) ed that one o( the new High Schools 1:46— HoUjrwood In Peraon—^Mevle Oakland bridge. wUI ba given by H igh Priest Arebon ot St. James theater and moved to the dalgaed fcr the a * a 5 ^ 5 * Dedantis, Frank, meats, groceries and r e n t ...... J.,.. 102.50 Shea, John P , rent ...... 15.00 may be named In honor o f this Bert Lytell in AJlss Jimmy VsJen- Putnam was driver of tha Ford ford poUce. He will give a "stralght- la a grand daughter of Mra. T. D. parents, Mr. rad Mrs. Asa W. Ellis tine; 10:80 Cels Gsmba, violin; 12 Stars on the Air. a Palmer Chapman o f Weoterty, R. Martin. Guild theater yesterday, but team- threat, «(mk aeoat holds btgn Dell. Mrs. Louis, rent ...... 14.00 Shea, Attorney, Wm. J., rent ...... 11.50 great American. sedan thaL about 6:80 p.m. on Fri- L Both Mr. and M n. Cbajman from-the-shoulder" talk which Mrs. Clarenes Fogtl, Mr. rad Mrs ^-aod grow. Used In rime—at n s By ASSOCIATED FBESB Paul Whiteman band. 2:00— Newa Tliru a Woman’s Byea Mr. and Mrs. sters refused to crons a picket line Dent. Fred, rent ...... 9.10 Sheehan, Mra. Martha, Agent, rents ...... 45.00 day, January 7, plunged from the will be entertained at the home of should hold plenty of Interest for all CbariM C. Sellers Floyd Fogll, Mrs. Karl Unks, Mrs' Sire, Jonn, rent ...... Stafford Springs— The high bidder That brilliant soldier. Brigadier What to expect Wednesday: — Kathryn Cravens. at the St. James to haul the scen- or MMBt or in ta ta i Dewey-RIchman Co., office supplies ...... 4.28 12.00 Wapplng road near the Oakland Mr. and Mra. W alU r 8. Haven good clUaens. and their two children.wce dinner Ubarlet Fish rad J. Banks Jones at- in ths nost—It hsips ta f trad 17.69 Sisson Drug Co., vaccine ...... for the purchase of 3100,000 m town General Harold R. Barker, who W E A F 'N B O -2 p. m. Tour Health i;15—The O'Neills. — DramaUc guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. ery to the new house. Rather than Diamond Shoe Stores. Inc., shoes, arctics, etc...... 15.00 bridge and struck a tree, from Thursday night. The Ladies' Sewing Circle is In- tended a bridge party given by Mrs Dick Co., A. B , mimeograph supplies ...... ,55 Skrabacx, Charles, meats and groceriea ...... 3.00 boniM here was the Palne-Webber commanded the 103rd Field Artll- program; 3:40 Guiding Light, serial; SklL close, the producer, Delos Chappel. many ooids, ar to throw o ff hssd which It rebounded aad plowed stituting a unique "coffee party." Sellers’ mother, Mrs. Anne C. Gil- Ruby Gibson at the home of Mrs oelds in thsir early Dictaphone Sales Corp., p a r ts ...... 9.20 Sloate Chevrolet Co., parts ...... S.15 Company of Hartford In association lery^ln France, Is an active and en- 6 America's Schools. W A B O C B 8— 2:30— American School o f the Air. bert, and the Mlaaes Pendleton used signs in lieu of sets. thusiastic committee worker, as is 8:00—Leith Stevens’ Harmdiilea. down a hUUtde Into the Hockaaum starting with an assembly at the Helen Oatchell In Andover, Friday Dillon Sales A Service, truck parts and repairs ...... 6.38 .Smachettl, P „ meats and groceries ...... 20 00 with the Burr Company ot Boston 3:30 Dr. Quincy Wright of U. of clubhouse next Tuesday, Jan. 25, In evening, 4.12 Smith, Emest D„ trucking ...... Lieutenant Governor Raymond Jor- Chicago on "Neutrality and Con* 8:80— Deep River Boys. river. In the car with Putnam at D olge Co., C. B., disinfectants ...... 63.75 Money from the Issue will be used the afternoon. Each member Is re- Jules Rebllllard of New Britain In 1718, the British government Dougan, 'liiomaa G., ambulance sen d ee...... 7.00 Smitb, George W., rent ...... •...... 15.00 to build a new hlgb school. dan, himself a distinguished soldier certed Action;" 0 New time for 8:40— CruUs Institute o f Musle, the time, be Ides Wilson, were Rob- offered 31UO.OOO to anyone who COLUMBIA quested to invite s paying guest, spent the week-end at the home ol East Hartford, Town of. aid rendered ...... 46.50 So. N. E. Tele. Co., telephone service ...... 207.15 Stafford Springs—Mra. F. Ethel and leadei ol the Y. D. movemenL Dear Teacher. WJZ-NBC— 12:80 ert Humphries ot 2322 Glenwood who for a modest sum may enjoy a TOLLAND his cousin, Douglas Porter. could make a clock that would not Ellsworth A Lassow, range oil ...... 14.00 Squatrito, Mrs. Marie, rent ...... ; ...... 1500 Plumb, 67, active in Women's Convention Headquarters are al- Farm and Home Hour' from U. of Drive, Kalamasoo, Mich., and John lose more than three seconds a day. SbevUn. 21, of 889 (3 a rk '> street, Two hundred and fifty school card party rnd refreshments, as Miss Ann Links and Kenneth Bhldicott Johnson Co., shoes, arctics, etc...... 32.24 .Standard Office Supply Co., office supplies ...... 3.78 Christian Temperance Union work, ready established at the Biltmore Maryland; 2:16 Let's Talk It Over; well aa an opportunity for social Richard Lange. 76. of the Grant’s The prise was collected some years 4:30 Parents Teachers program. Brookline, Mass. All of the sur- children of eighth grade and high (Hark of Hartford were Sunday JEngel, Hans, board and care ...... 28 00 Stoughton Co., D. G., serum ...... 104.75 died at her home here. She was Hotel, Room 40 and Ebiecutive Sec- contact. Elach meml-er of the club HIM section of Tolland, died Frida.v later by a clockmaker named Har- ' Some Wednesday short waves: vivors were quite badly burL and school ages received the Mantoux guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. England. George, meats, groceries and rent ...... 42.00 Sullivan, Mrs. Irma, rent ...... 15.00 president of the Stafford W.C.T.U. retary Howard W. Hunt, Is on band WTIC la also planning to Invite to her at hla home following a short lli rtson. Putnam and Humphries were dis- Test for positive signs of tuber- Karl Links. Ensworth A Son, Inc., U D., grease gun, etc...... 138.50 Taylor, Clarence, Agent, rents ...... 30.00 lur many years and was bead ot the to dispense all convention Informa- JZJ JZl Tokyo 4:45 p. m. Entertain- ness. He was born In Germany and Travelers Breadoostlng Bervfea, charged from the hospital «|nly yes- culosis at the Windham high aebool home In the near future four paying Mrs. Bertha Hubbard rad son Erwin, Margaret A., rent ...... 14.00 Taylor, Elizabeth M.. rent ...... 15.00 county organization. Her husband, tion to those who desire It. The ment; HAT4 Budapest 7 Excen>ts had lived in this country over 5P 117.50 Tedford, Joseph, milk ...... from Hungarian operettas; FOJ Hartford. Oooa. terday. , on Monday. Tbe teats were made fiiioxta, at the same rate, for a small Richard o f Jackson Heights, New Everybody's Market, meats and groceries ...... 18.60 Frank H. Plumb, a son and a brother complete list of (Convention Officers years. Before moving to Tolland Tedford, Mrs. Thomas, board and care ...... Eindhoven 7 Program for America; by Dr. L. R. Morse, tuberculosis ex- party. Or. as an alternative, the York, were Sunday callers at the Fairfield Grocery, meats and groceries...... 60.50 12.50 survive. and Committee Chairman follows; 50,000 W . 1040 K. a 38J 8L 16 years ago he wgs a weaver In Farmington. Town of, aid rendered ...... 1.67 Todd. C. J., rent ...... 15.00 GSC GSB GSL London 7:20 Scotch pert from Uncaa-on-the-Thames. member may bring the four guests home of Hart Buell. Willlmantlc—Lyman A. Nichols, President, Lawrence H. Cook; First Eastara Standard Ilina Or. Morse explained the test os an to the party on Tuesday, in»tead ol Rockville. He leaves a nephew Farr, Philip, rent ...... 29.40 Turklngton, S. J,, town services and statistics ...... 231 47 and Welsh songs; 2RO Rome 7:30 Mrs. A. H. Post and Louis Twin- vice-president and superintendent Vice-President, WlUlam T. Mulca- Introdsrmal InjeoUoo between the Felice, Luigi, rent ...... 15.00 Turklngton, S J„ rent ...... 15.00 America’s Hour; DJD Berlin 8:45 waiting to hold the smaller group at William A. Lange In Wethersfield, ing of Silver Lane, East Hartford, o ' the Windham Silk Company died hey; Second Vice-President, Harold two layers of skin oo the forearm, MONEY-SAVING NEWS FOR YOU! Ferris. E. T „ rent ...... 15.00 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., repairs ...... 4.40 nl a heart attack In the mill offices. Last year's songs and 9:45 Fife and Tuesday, January 18 MARLBOROUGH a later dau. This la the monthly rad a niece, Mrs. Emma Poppel, ol spent Sunday at the home of Mr. R. Barker; Third Vice-President, P.M. of three or four drops of the serum, project o f the club, to raise money Hartford. The funeral was held at Flllere, Jules, rent ...... 15.00 United on Co., oil ...... 62.50 He had been Identified with the con- Edwin M. Mara; Fourth Vice-Presi- Drum; VY5RC Caracas 9:15 Dance: and Mrs. Charles Flab. Urbanctt’l, Peter, shoe repairs ...... 4:00— Lorenzo Jones. The Connecticut Light and Power which can detect the allghtest pres- —and also to stimulate the spirit ot 2 p.m. Sunday from the Raymond ON BARGAINS LIK E THESE Flrato, John, meats and groceries ...... 18.00 2.35 cern since Its organization in 1901. dent, Henry McCarthy; Treasurer GSD OSC Q8B GSL London 10:45 The Tolland County Farm Bureau First Aid Bandage Cp., suppllea ...... Valantaviclus, Joseph, rent ...... 4.10— The Story o f Mary Marlin. Company la extending Its lines to ence of tuberculosis. I f the serum companionship among the women in B. Ladd Funeral Home. 19 Ellington 4.60 1.V0O His widow and a son survive. Raymond Cook; Executive Secre- Vest pocket vaudeville. the Nelson and Cerrina homes in resets, then the child haa announced the following meet- Listed hero ere only a /ew of the out* FIrpo Filling Station, V., range oil ...... 25.00 Valluzzl, Frank, rent ...... 4:80— Hank Keene. „ ----- la given an the community. Mrs. Iva Tomm Is avenue, Rockville, Rev. Valentine Conditkm and Priee. Come in today! Yon 15.00 Hartford — Thomas S. Smith, tary, Howard W. Hunt; Assistant the northwest part of the town. ings to bo held this month: Dairy• standing bar;;ains in used cars and used First National Stores, Inc., meats and groceriea...... 266.50 Valvoline Oil Co . gas, oil, etc...... 477.16 4:45—Tbe Road of Life. X-ray to determine the extent of chairman of tha committee. S. Alison, pastor of the Tolland Fed- can't afford to mlsa borgatoa Uka tbeoal state director of the President's Secretary, John Kelley; General Mrs. WIDIam H. Ueaer U lU with I the infection. Dr. Morae said that men's meeting at Hotel Garde. trucks we ore now offering. Every one of Fischer Co.. Gustave, office suppUea,...... 39.38 Van's Filling Station, range oil ...... 10.60 birthday celebration committee, ap- 6:00— Dick fracy. Residents of the Highlands who erated Church, officiated. Burial Hartford. January 18 and IB; Fruit I9S« DODGE SEDAN Oialrman, Jerry O'Leary. Commit- 5:16— Terry and the Pirates. eumonla at her home hare. Dr. L. | m some cases a reaction would be them bears the Dodge Dealer's Depend* Fitzgerald. Wm. L., trucking...... 111.00 VIgnone, Joseph, rent ...... 15.00 pointed Frank W. Draemer ol Meri- attended the Mother and Daughter was in the South O m etery, Tolland growers' meeting at Rockville Jan- Looks and runs like new. When tee (Chairmen—Publicity, Louis F. 5:80—Jack Armatrong. Whittles of Glastonbury 1 noticeable, but the chance o f the banquet will be Interested to know ability Seal—your guarantee of honest, Foley, Michael, rent ...... 15.00 Watkins Brothers, Inc., tuning piano ...... 3.00 den, John Golden of New Haven and The weekly reading club met uary 20; New England dairymen i new cost 3900. New ooly 387X Steen; Program, Henry McCarthy; 0:45— “ Little Orphan Annie." rtending her. I germ ever becoming active was re- that Miss Grace Yuan Is booked for dependable value. Every one carries our Fradln, Julius, rent ...... 15.00 Weldon Drug Company, drugs ...... 17.89 Mrs. Florence L. Lutton of Green- WDRC Monday afternoon at the home ol conference at Hotel Bond. Hartford, Drum (Corps, EMwln Story; Housing, 6:00— News. The Dorcas Society met at the mote. However, a tuberculooia In- a second engagement In Manches- Mra. A. A. Healy. Triple-Cheekedtaj, sbowin,'; that it has 1938 FORD R. a COUPE Frogge Co., A. S., sealer ...... 68.18 West Side Dairy, milk ...... 73.05 wich on various committees In con- January 24 and 25; Annual meeting White, M., cleaner ...... Jerry O'Leary; Decorations, W il- 325 Hartford, Coon. 1880 6:15—"Fred Hoey, Sports Oom- home of Mrs. Eugene Onderkirk fectlon In a child of this age la more ter.* Already scheduled for the South b:en"Triple*Cbeck^ for Appearance, Radio, heater, very low mileage. Gardner, Frank, printing ...... 4.70 5.90 nection with the event which will Mrs. Frank Williams has closed of Hartford Production (Jredit as A rare buy. Now ealy 8I7& Garfunkel A Co.r inc.. A., material ...... 162.25 WUlIani Brothers Mfg. Co., supplies ...... 4.55 liam Petit; DlsUngulahed Guests mentator.” Thursday afternoon. acUve than In an older peraon and church on January 30. she will al- her home and will spend the winter be celebrated Jan. 29. Eaeteni Htandard Ttme Mrs. Howard Hinckley and chll- should be given Immediate atten sociation. Garde Hotel, Hartford, 1933 UIIDGB TBUNH SIMIAN Gerich’a Filling Station, range oil ...... 14.40 Willis A Son. Ine., cement, pipe, etc...... 21.70 LL Gov. Ray Jordan; Registration, 6:30— WrigbtviUe CSartoo. so appear as guest speiaker for the Hartford—Anthony A. Pepe of dren of Willlmantlc are at the home I tlon Dr. Morse salX In Hartford, where Mr. WUllams is January 26, at ten o'clock a.m. New ear appearance throughout GIblln, Mra. Frank, board and care ...... 280.00 Wilson. H. L., salary ...... 37.60 Jerry O'Leary; Printing, Louis F. 6:40— Happy Felton's Orchestra. Klwanls Club at the next Monday employed. Hartford, who died of Injuries re- o f her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. On Wednesday, oil the children Tbe annual meeting ol the He- A bargain. See it! Now only fiSIX Glasson, Mrs. Margaret, board and care ...... 10.0b Wilson. J. B., rent . .. T ...... 5.00 cevlcd while boxing aboard the Steen; Flrat Aid. Dr. Robert Bres- Tuesday, January 18 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. meeting. Mrs. Joseph Du Fore, who has Glastonbury, Town of. aid rendered...... 24.00 Wilson, R. D., trucking ...... 90.00 lln; Receptions, Edwin Mara; Reun- P M 7:15— Vocal Varlstles. Zhigene B. Lord. that were tested Monday, will go bron Farmers' Exchange will be SO OTHERS— Deed Cora aaa Uaad USS Utah recently was buried fol- been sick tor several days with a Trncka A l Leoa Thaa llartMt Vahrol Glenney Co, W. G., lumber, cement, pipe ...... 401.50 Windham. Town of, aid rendered ...... 73.34 ions, William T. Mulcahey; (Conces- 4:00— Academy of Medicine pro- 7:30— "True or False.” The cairiatlan Endeavor. Society back for an examination and a i L held at the Gilead Hall on Saturday lowing military servtcea here. held Its annual meeting at tha home port on the test. Friday tbe final severe attack of grip la now able Gorman, Helen M., Treasurer ...... 1, 000.00 Wlwgac, Frank, rent ...... 10.00 gram. 8:00—Johnny with Russ Morgan. evening. The supper will be served Greenwich,—A testimonial dinner sions, John Kelley; Finance. WU- o f Mr. and Mra. William Zerver checkup srtU ba given and tboee chll- to be about. Baa Ca Today! Graham. Thomas, milk ...... 14 88 Wogman, George, range oil ...... 39.00 In honor of Samuel F. Pryor, Jr,, of llam A. Soban; Information. Joseph 4:15—Dance 'Dme. 8:30— Wayne King's Orchcatra. by Manager Joseph Banasso rad Sunday night and tbe following of- dron that show poslUve reaction to WAPPING The regular meeting of Tolland Mrs. Banasso. Grant, Walton, rent ...... 15.00 Woodhoiise, Rose, rent ...... 15.00 Greenwich, national committeeman Lafly; Transportation, Duncan Tur- 4:45—Current Queationa Before 9:00— Vox Pop. Grange will be held at the Commun- SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, Great A. A P. Tea Co., meats and grcceriea...... 294.25 Wright, Mrs. Rebecca, rent ...... 15.00 the House. 9:30— Hollywood Mardl Gras. fleers were elected for the year: the test sriU be given sneclal at- The young people enjoyed skiing from Connecticut was attended by ner; Entertainment, Jerry O'Leary PresldenL Henry J. Blakeslee; sec-1 tentlon. ity House this evening,, when the Gremmo, Arturo, meats and g ro ceries...... 41.00 6:00— Ad-Llner. 10:30-^lm m y Fiddler. The Wapplng Community church over the week-end. This snow INC. approximately 400 Republican lesd- Police and Parade, John Baird; Me retary, Mias Lois B. Lord; treasurer. Raymond Oarke. chairman for will bold a pariah supper this eve- new word for tbe year will be given. Grimason, R. H., police uniforms ...... 46.50 319.848.90 ei;); from all sections of the state. 6:30— Step Mother. 10:45— Dale Carnegie. which was a foot deep seemed to be 884 Oeeter S t Open CalO 8 P. 3L morial Service. L. F. Fenner. Miss Edna PettenglU. Tolland County of tha observahee of ning at the Wapplng (Tommunity Mr. rad Mrs. Ira Wilcox of Eagle- Qrube, Mrs. Martha, rent ...... 20.00 The Cos Cob Republican Club spon- 5:45— Hilltop House— itarrlng Bee* 11:00— Newa. "Over !8 Yaara af Sqnata Dealing" Hackett, John H., rents ...... Johnson. 11:15— King’s Jesters' Orchestra. The DemocraUc club wUl epon- the President's blrthdas on January (Thurch House at 6:80. The speaker vtUe were Sunday guests of Mr. W il- 16.00 ■sored the affair. Harmony was the cox’s sister, Mra. Rupert West, rad Hartford Automotive Service, parts ...... 42.50 ONLY WANTED SIN DOLI,ARS 6:00—News Service. 11:30— Ruby Newman’s Orchestra, sor a dance to be given at Richmond 28, announced today that tbe oe- of tha evening will be Rev. (Tharlee a roll of currency In the cash reg- keynote. Memorial Ubrary on Saturday, caslon sriU be observed in OitumbU family of the Snlpslc Lake section. Hale Co., J. W., meats, groceriea, supplies...... 79.01 ister. The negro grabbed them and 6:15— Hartford Public School Se- 12:00—Weather ReporL SUpek, the new pastor in Hampton. Bridgeport — The Connecticut January 29. The proceeds will be by a srhlst and aueUon to be held in Mr. rad Mrs. Harold Graham Hartford. City of. aid rendered ...... 244.73 ran. State Sealers' Association new ries— Lawrence schooL AM. Mias Maybelle Dickenson, who ta ~NERV0US?~ ^ Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 18.— (A P ) M t to Warm Spring! Foundation. Yeomans Hall on that date. Com- made.a recent trip to New York Harvey. Fred H., tires and tubes ...... 26.08 president Is G. Ernest Hubbard of 6:30— Richard Lelbert, organist 12:02— Marek Weber’s Orchestra. a member of Wapplng Grange rad Oe roe M —The negro who held up a drug Warm Springa- L® ■*<> victims I Plate plans for tbe event have not City by automobile rad were guests Hauck Mfg. Co., water works supplies ...... 82..50 store last night knew what he Middletown. He was chosen by RADIO y 6:86—Selections from Light Opera. 12:30— A l Johns' Orchestra. Is confined to the Ha-ichester .Me- I te seat of Infantile pai morial liospital ta improving after of relatives. Hartford Hospital, board and care ...... 46.86 wanted— and got It. OBUOINO COW m‘%mbers to succeed . Edward 6:45—Musical Momenta Revus. 1:00—SUent. Hayes, Archie H.-, range oil ...... » r v e r and her I Mr. Jacques de Boenaichleooe of an operation. It Is expected she Mrs. Harriet Pease Is spending 56.40 Maroney, New Haven's d ty sealer, Eaateiu Standard Tboa 7:00— Poetic Melodies — Jack Ful- Hennequin, Louis E., range oil ...... "This Is a holdup” he .said, point- ton, tenor; Franklyn Mac(3or- Mster Mrs. Alva West o f Glaston-1 Geneva, SwitaerlanX will be tbe win soon return to her home In some time as gueete of friends In bWps Nffturff cbln qulvarteg m y t m * 24.60 ing a pistol at Gordon Hunt, a Council Bluffs, la.— Mrs. W. E. who had headed the organisation Tomorrow's Program t k w gwMrmtioM o m woauui Ie m toM Herlihy, Daniel, meats and groceries ...... 8.00 for 13 years. Milo C Griffin of maclc. buiy w spending this week with guest of Columbia church on Janu- South Win 'sor. Maine. clerk. Brown, farm wife near here, cut in- A.M. their slatM, Mra. Ralph KorngiebeL ary 29 and 80. Mr. Scanaichlenoa Hewitt. James, trucking ...... 73.75 to her birthday cake and said. "1 Granby and Clifford Kyle of Bethel New York, Jan. 18— (A P ) — For 7:15— HoUsrwood Screenaeoope — George Bnes who has been 111 at Mra. Samuel Slmpaon Is confined itibbard, W. E.. supplies ...... •'Well, what do you want?" asked the second Oroe within a coropora- 6:00—Blur Grass Roy. In^Yoy, N. Y. wlU be one o f tbe six speakers at hla home on the EHIlngton road for to her room with lUnoM. 36.00 wish that the cow would have twin were chosen vice-presidents and George McCaU. 6:30—"ReveUle.” The board of toff tbff d ^ m f o r u from tbo (uactloMl dio. Higgins. M. D., Edwin C., drugs ...... HunL U ely abort period, loclal' diseases asseaaors has M- the Tri-County Union i £ ^ n g on several weeks, la recuperrtlng. OTOfffi vfaicb women muet tfidaro. ThousaneJs O f P e ople 2.00 calves.” William Dunlavey of Waterbury 7:30— Famous Actor’s Guild pre- 7:00— Morning Watch; Ben Haw- Mlse Shirley Clough, daughter of Holl, Edward J., insurance and re n ts ...... "Six dollars'', said the robber. and the campaign to eradicate them moat completed its work on the I Sunday evening, January 80. He . N O * •« Sri • bottle of world. 82.63 Her wish came true the next day. was named secretary. sents Helen Mencken— "Second Mrs. Mary Geer, widow of (Tharlea Mr. rad Mrs. Emery CUough, has House A Son. Inc., C. E. furnishings ...... Hunt peeled a 31 and 35 bill from Is to be made the subject for a thorne. sbstracL will be tbe guest of the Odumbla nrrS'w Jrfif'** Ce“ P«“ri *«—Watch the Fun Go By — A l The Fellowship supper and an- of pre-school age ch lld s«; ars in Big Umber, Robert Case; You Cra’i Jallc, L ouis, glasses and frames ...... Parran, surgeon general ot the U. 9:30— Food News. vited to meet at the home ot Mr. 20.00 Jane Froman and Don Rosa, Pearce and hla Gang. 9:45—Artistry of Homemaklhg. nual church meeting and roll call i w _ ------...---- Have Everything, Kathleen Norris Jarvl.-i, Co., Alex., sand, gravel, etc...... S., all members of the National 9:30—Jack Oakie’s College— Benny 1.472.34 for Sports or Dressy Wear radio's singing couple, have been 10:00—Mrs. W Iggs of the Cabbage o f the Second Congregational L41y o f the Field, Blanche Ferguson T h a t M a k i n g A W i l l Jenney, John L.. bond ...... 21.51 Antl-Syphllia Committee. Goodman Swing Band. The atadeL A . J. Cronin; Daddy Johnson Elstate, Aaron, rents ...... BY CAROL DAY huddling with the biggest booksr The 15-mlnute discussion period, Patch. church was held M o ^ ^ v e n l n x Sdo’r'^ ^ ^ ^ n ^ i'L ^ 83.25 o f radio talent In New York, which 10:30— Del Caslna 10:15— John’i Other Wife. at the Church Community H o ^ f and I, Eltaabath Jordan; Into the Johnson Brothers, labor and material ...... 28.60 for W A B O C B 8 and WJZ-NBC 10:45— Four Clubmen. Sunset, JackaoB Gregory; The Poi- ! COULD FIN D Johnson Marhme Co.. Carlyle, rents ...... only aa a dren for specta- means you can expect them back on combined on the night o f February 10;80-^uet Plain Bill. A t the after-supper meeting Rax- K e ^ 42.50 the air soon In a new a e r i^ 11:00— Sports — News. 10:45—The Woman In White. Leon H. Austin offered prayer. soned Pen, Arthur Reeve; When : Johnson A Little, laboi and material ...... N^:' lor sports, but aa a dress to win 2, cornea on national social hygiene 11:16—Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra. 9.04 11:00— David Harum. Franklin Orcutt was chosen chMnnan Was a Girt in Wales, Maude Thom o u r HOkVMOTHFF'S JphiiBon Paint Co., paint ...... 15.80 eempliments froiq most feminine Nelaon Edd.v, tiie bloiid song- da> and marks the start of a con- 11:30— Leighton Noble's orchestra. does not indicate old agre, retirement from busi- 11:15— Barficetage Wife. ator and the roU can brought a aa; Desert Nelghbora. Edith Lane Jone.s. F. H.. brushes, etc...... audiences—Patlarn 8145 Dlls the throb, leaves the Charley MoOar- certed drive on social diseases. 12:00— Emery Deutseb's orchestra. 6ETTIN 6 ALQNG 20.89 11:30—How To Be Charming. great many responses. Reports S ! Patch; When I Was a Girl In Aus- Kaiichl, William, rents ...... 30.00 thy program Jan. 80 for a concert The previous talk on this subject, bill. Its lovely lines adapt the A.M. 11:45— "H ello Peggy." wars made by the -ilerk, treasurer, I ^ February tralia, loroM R)rra; Homespun, ness or the expectancy of disaster but that it’s Karlscn, K.. blacksmith ser\-lces ...... 28.75 tour. He's due to return to tne show put on by WJZ-NBC a month or so 12:30— Buddy Rogers’ orchestra. I'M tV O FFlFD rrineesi silhouette and tim at 12:00—Noon—"Getting the Moat trustees, piutor, Sunday school sec.- Erick Berry; Corporal Oorey of the Keeney. Clifford, milk ...... 13.44 the first Sunday 'ta August, whlcn ago, was by Dr. Morris Flshbein and j books listed in the rnacling course Kci'ney. R. R., anti-Rables treatment ...... the hipe in a ' manner that Is Is s long way off. followed shortly after General John- Out of Life." Rev. WllUara L. retazy aad treasurer. Christian BO' Royal Canadira Mounted, Jack 28.00 Tomorrow's Program deavor treasurer, secretary ud bsve read since July \ O'Brien; Wagoiu WeatwarX Arm- a sensible thing to do in order that you may be Keith Furniture Co., G. E . oil bottle ...... young-looking and very fresh. Andre Baruch, Columbia mlke- son's propoeed broadcast on which Stidger. 1.00 treasurer of the Orventry Fragment“ 011936. Blanks will be provided Ire strong Sperry; Navajo Winter Kellura, ilrs. Ann>% rent ...... 14.00 Note the neckline with cut-out to roan, and Beatrice Wain, one of tbe diseases was cancelled by the net A.M. P.M. ' Mra. Rowland for this purpose. Keystone Enveloi>e Company, office supplies ...... a(M to the formality of this de- work at the last minute. 7:00—Eta Alpha. 12:15— "Y ou n g Wldder Jones." society. The following officers were Nights. Dorothy Hogner; Horseless certain that your estate will be handled correct- 16.50 "Four Stars." network quartet, have el cted for tbe ensuliig year: church A t the close of the church servlee Carriage Days, Hiram Percy Max- Kildlsh, Anna, rent ...... 11.00 sign. You w ill like this dress for admitted their engagemenL 7:80— Shoppers Special. 12:30—Organ Melodies with Walter on Sunday morning a bylnsae maet- 7:45— Newa Service. clerk, Mrs. ESsa Koehler; treasur- im; Of An Places, Patiehoa Rich- Kilpatrick. James, services ...... 35.00 aitemoon parties and made up in Ida (^ to r haa left her devoted Tom M. OIrdler, steel executive, Is Dawley. a taffeta or faille will wear it 8:00—Treasure House. 12:45—"Slngta' Sam." er. Walter 8. Havens; trostera for ^^ ard rad Johnny Abbe; Plymouth ly and certain persons receive the part you want Klttel’a Market, meats and groceries ...... 845.88 radio husband, Eddie— for a three- announced for a WOR-MBS broad' Kleinman. Louis, rents ...... through the dinner hour. Those 8:15— Shoppers SpeclaL 1:00— News and weather. three years. Lawrence Robertson »- MalX Mildred Flagg; Ufa ^ Cra- 30.00 week rounils of the new Broadway cast at 10 Thursday night; to come Knolla. Arthur. Agent, rents ...... plmnmg a southern vacation will from the annual dinner of the L«- 9:00— As You Life It. 1:15—Joyce Jordan. and Byron Hall; church committee R ^ o u a tato Nathan Hale, J. W. Stewart; 43.50 find it perfect for informal dining abows. for three years, Mrs. Lawrence ^ officers them to have. Remember, your will can be Koltke, ■ -Mrs. Augusta, rent ...... 13.00 hlgh a u b In New York. The an 9:15— Madison Ehisemble. 1:30— Marjorie Mills. John Deere, Nell (3ark; Feathered Lantieri. G.. meats ana groceries ...... and s p e ^ to r wear when made up Paul Whiteman la reported re- nouncement mid be was expected 9:26— Star Gazing In Hollywkood. 2:00—Musical Souvenirs. Robertson; deacon, three years. “ ‘T w ***® *^ Water, Ekllth Holton; The Bible 'WHY NOT TELFPNONS 12.00 tai a thin, pastel wool Lar.^on 1 Bowling Alley Co., repairs ...... ceiving glOJMIO a broadcast tor Us to reply to the recent speeches of 9:30—To Be Announced. 2:10— Beatrice Fairfax. Ernest Evans: deaconess, thrra Guide Book, Maty EntwlsUe; Storm changed from time to time to meet changing 650.00 ' The blouae can be worn as a new Friday half-hoar show, wUen years, M ra Jamea Edmondson; I A***^5. Q »“ coh SetooL A H E F A FTE F SEVEN ^ Lathrop A SUye, range oil ...... 3.60 suit-blouse and is very e a n to Robert H. Jacluon. assistant attor 9:45—Dan Harding's W ife - Dra- 2:30— Ckullle and Londou. Ovar Eden. Helen Miller; The Tide Lehigh Steele Company, steel ...... Is tops for a band eu a 80-mtnnte ney general. In which be assailed matic SklL 2*45—Men of the WesL auditors, Mrs. Floyd Standlsb and Alwaya Riaea, EUaabeth Payne 72.38 make for the pattern includes a program. Mrs. Byron HaU; dshera, Lawrence L0N6 DISTANCE FATES Lfwis. PhUip. renU ...... 54.00 complete and detailed sew charL big bustnees . . . Henry Burglb. 10:00-Pretty Kitty Kelly— Dra- 3:00— Pepper Young's Family. • curat. Agatha conditions and circumstances but that it’s al- Maxwell Anderson, eminent Broad- Robertson and Emest Evans; Sun Hr. and Mrs. Raymond Lyman, Liberty Investment Co., rent ...... 15.00 Pattern 8145 is designed for dialect -comedian and for a long matic SklL 3:15—M s Perkins. ! and daughters Jane a ^ Cared, ir i«» Christie; Paradlae, Esther Forbes; A FE LOW EST TNEN, Unwood Realty Co., rents ...... sizes IX 14. IX 18 and 20. Size 14 way playwright, .has written bla time a regular of (S S In Its earlier 10:15—U y rt and Marge— Dramatic 3:30—Vic and Sade. day school superintendent, , Mra. Tile Lragw orthy Family, Bnizabeth 45.00 Arthur Vinton. Action on a motion Myrtle (Tolltqs, and Miss Eva Col- ways good business to have a will made out Ume lin e Dairy Fair, milk ...... 5.58 requires 1 1-8 yards of 54 inch second short play for radio. It's days. Is to stage a comeback. He SklL 8:45—"The Guiding LighL* Una went to Wethersfield Sunday to (Torbett Also 24 volumes of Ency- YOU KNOW. •' Uimas A Nettleton, rents ...... material for the blouse and 1 8-4 called "Second Overture” and will starts on W EAF-NBC at 7:48 p. m. 10:30— Tony W ool and his Scrap- to cdiange an article In the constltu- clopedia Brttannlca, 30.00 tlcm to make the treasurer of tbe visit Cieve and Lora f>«ncnT groceriea...... 77.50 yards for tha a k in Collar tocon- be broadcast by NBC with a dis- Wednesday in a series listed as book. hutch a permanent meiuber of the For complete satisfaction in the matter let our Lundberg, G. A. F „ services ...... 9.50 trast requlraa 1-8 yard of 38 or 39 Ungulahed east Jon. M. "Caiesr Up, America.” 10:45—News Service. PATIENTS PLEE Madden, J H.. meaU and groceries...... inch material. _____ Lou Holts and his dialect digests 11:00— Ruth CarharL songs. o*rd o f trustees, and clumge the BIO EAST HAVEN FIBB 10.50 The new WINTER PATTERN (lumber ..om 6 to 7 members was ^ Magnell Drug Co., drugs ...... 3.35 will be part at A1 Pearce's radio Programs tonight: 11:15—Carol Kennedy's Romance— Crownavllle, Md., Jan. IX — (1 Trust Dept be the executor. BOOK is ready for you now. It rdefeired till Feb. 6, to make tbe aC' CURB QUOTATIONS East B stsd, Oona., Jan. 13— Mahieu s Grocery, meats snd groceries...... 17A0 show on Jan. 28. Tbe same p. m., Talks — W M CA-Interdty 9:48 Dramatic SklL — Ammonia fumes seeping from \ _ Mahng. Mrs. E. 8.. board and care ...... has 32 pages or attractive dcsijpis broken line routed 19i men patients Don legal. (A P )—Flremra worked la shifts In 65.00 for every siae and every occasion. Adolphe Menjou and Verree Tesa-^ Sen. Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota 11:80—Big Sister—Dramatic SklL I Mancheater Construction Co., r e n t ii...... before dawn today at the Crowns- Tbe church voted to accept the near-ssro westher today to subdus 16.00 Photographs shew dresses made data will appear In. front of a mike on "Peace Or War”: WAMC-CB8 11:45-Aunt Jenny’s Real - Ufc By ASSOCIATED PRESS vllle SUte Hospital for the Colored budget for this year based on an I Am Gen ...... g a blase which destroyed s Urge Manchester DMiy Ice Cream Oo„ supplies...... '..‘.‘.'.V. 8.98 from these patterns being, worn; with Jack Oakie. 10:48, Harry B. MitebeU on civU Stories. Manchester Electric Dlv., electric sendee ...... Insane. estimate of last year's expenses. hay-filled barn rad s garage on the 2,160.62 a feature you srOl enjoy. Let the AUee Fsye, Tyraae Power. AUee •BTViCB TTHBN* 12:00—Noon— Mary Margaret M ^ Manchester Gas Co., gas service ...... charming daslgiw in this new W EAF-N BC —7:18 Vocal Varie- Bride. Aroused from their s'eep by John I The church voted to cooperate In Am**SupT pSw ...... old Winchester Bennett ratsto in 49.88 Biiady aad Bilaa Deulevy are aiat- I ■ ^undry. laundry aendee ...... book help you tai your sewing. ties; 8 Johnny and Russ Morgan: 9 P M. Shea, night supervtsor, the pstleets, ] »he debt o f honor cam pali^ o f the Blue R l t o . . . " ...... * s 2 Foocon rood. 10.97 ed to air semea from the movie, "In . Manchester Lumber A Fuel Co. . 422.26 One pattern and tha new Winter Vox Pop: 9:30 Roes, Butterworth 12:16—Your News Parade — Edwin none of whom are violent cnee*, ‘-nomlnaUon aad a committee ot Can Marconi ...... A pawing nrotorist saw the fire OU etdoogo”, oe tbe Jaa. 28 Hol- M anch^ter Memorial Hoepital. b o a rd 'a n d c a ii'! ! ! ! ” !! 427.20 Pattern Book—38 cents. Winter and O'Keefe; 10:45 Dale Carnegie; G Hill were turned looee on tbe hnsn"»' ree, Walter 8. Haven. Mrs Cent States Ei i i : ! ...... *2 at 5 am. and awakened the family lywood Hotel bill. Manchester W um bl^ A Supply Oo„ hardware ...... 84.99 Book alone 18 cents. 11:30 Ruby Newman orchestra. 12:30—Romance of Helen Treat. — grounds wrnnped In blar'tr** | - Ine Hutchinson aad Mrs. Elsa (h u Serv ...... of Mrs. M. Endaelalt In u adjacrat For a PATTE RN e< this attrac- Public Market. meaU and groceries ...... 27.00 Deanna Durbin's contract with WABC-CB8—8 Edward G. Rob- Dramatic SklL they were given shelter tn>e was named to worfc with a ta Serv. rfei . i : ...... ! ...... je J house. Before arrival of tha fire ^ e b t ^ e r S u d A Gravel Co, sand and stone ...... tive model send 18c in COIN, EMdia Cantor runs until April 'JO— a tor. Rev. L H. Austin, to El Bond rad Sh^;; ! ...... Company 39.29 inson play: 8:80 John Barrymore 12:45- Our Gal Sunday — Dramatic free-lng tcmnetatiirr In othe- flghtera the Bndaelait house T h e M a nch e st e r Tru s t Manchester Trust Co., agents. renU ...... 29.40 your NAME, ADDRESS. STYLE and longer U Eddie haa his way. with A1 Jolaon; 8 A1 Pearce g an g ; SklL stltii'ien buildings. No one was In- the rals ng of this fund over a Ford Limited T A T ...... 22 endangered and furnltnra moved In- Manchester Trust Cb, Dlctaphons and boz r e n ta l...... 228.00 NUMBER and SIZE to TODAY'S Arturo Tosoonlai wtu take u s 9:80 Jack Oakla and Benny Good- 1:00- -B etty and Bob — Dramatic jured. )d ot two years. Hud Pow . , ...... to the enow. Member Federal Deposit Insaraacfi Corp. MancbeMer, Town of. Water Dept, sendee ...... The church voted to withdraw 32.- Sej% Lock ...... 126.48 PATTERN BUREAU. II STER- NBC Symphony Into Carnsgle HUI man; 12:80 Buddy Rogers orches- SklL Firemen were handicapped by Manchester Water Ca. water sendee ...... 6.83 for two qiecial oonontz, the first tra. 1:15—Betty Croclur, Cooking Ex- New York City bad no regular 000 from the savings fund to pay up Unit Gas ...... ^...... Register Checks and The Recordak Aotoomtle Teller At Toor Scrrlc*. , Mankin. Bis U. board and c a r e ...... 8145 @ LING PL„ BROOKLYN. N. V. lack o f water rad had to lay a hose THE SOUTHERN NEW F NGI AND TELEPHONE COMPANY 8640 scheduled for Feb. X WJZ-NBC-8 Draiha. Tboae Wa perL boatX of health prior to 1866, part of its debt The Fragment so- [unit Lt and Pow A Une 900 f e e t

Ji.-. \ IfAHCHBSTBR EVENWO HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN« TUESDAY, JANUARY 18,1988 kOB EIGHT HANL’HKSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, J A ^ A R Y 18,1988 five to two vote, accepted the wood BEFOBT EiaHT BELiOW susplckMi that ho was engaged tn pole Installation, with the assurance AT SATAN'S KINGDOM SUMMIT ST. WALK espionage." PODEN POLES GET from Mr. Soren that the Job would PREPARING PAPERS The secret police then decided to DIFneULTTOFIND be "the very beat that the company Satan’s Kingflom. Conn., Jan. take "Mrs. Robinson" Into custody can do." 18— (AP), — This Ice-box region al8o7 in an effort to obtain more SPORTS ROUNDUP As a result of the Selectmen's IN PARKWAY PROBE with the white hot name report- HEARING JAN. 31 deflate information regarding the STATE MILK COST At SDDtB BRIETZ pARD’S APPROVAL vote, there are section of East Cen- ed today a low temperature acUvltlea of the couple. reading last night of eight de- BCrw. A n n a P . B r o w n Farr In Grand ter street, now containing six poles Accordingly ahe was arrested tn New York. Jan. 18.— (APJ^HaTeAry’s offer to coach last year's Davis greea below zero. For Braddoci for overhead wires, that will, under Moscow several days after the de- Mrs. Anna P. Brown, of 709 Main n , . n* . vs . s to hand it to the Frenchies....you Cup team. the new arrangement contain 13 It waa the coldest -here this tention of “Robinson.” street, widow of WUUam D. Brown, S ta te UlTeCtOr ReD O rtS I t I s State Dept Photographing Property Owners To Be can bast ’em, but you can't out^ |d0ctnen Accept Promise polea. due to the double line of ca- ; winter and Just about the coldeat "Although the wife also la sua- died late yesterday at the M anches-T nC|IUIl5 U 19 Four of tha bee awst effaettva bles that will be set up. These I In the state. The reading waa pected of being Implicated in espi- ter Memorial hospital shortly after mart 'am .. . .they'va baan iook i^ pitchers to tbe National League Trim Iceboats Roar Four ^ poles, while not In the limited area I unofficial. Heard On Assessment Of onage," the foreign office said, "her being admitted, Mrs. Browm was at American runnars from the rear New Penn Football Mentor Records And Checks For y ' ------Almost Impossible to Ob- last season were freshm en...,Sonja Local Sport WEUHHANPK Of Ihtdied Carriers And that the previous smaller number examination hiu not as yet pro- born tn Belfast, Northern Ireland, so long they’ve decided tc do some- Henle can pack 'em to. . . . her new of poles occupy, are, nevertheless, gresaed sufficiently to warrant toe 55 years ago and bad lived in Man- thing about i t .. .".so, noting ths Times Faster Than Wind 2-3 Of Town's Share. chester for 18 years. She leaves York appearance la a week away to be set in the same distance along The Coining Investigation placing of a formal charge of that tain Accurate Fignres. success of the Jessee Owenses and but there’s already more than $1UU,- Clicked From Ground Up Cables For East Cmiter SL the highway. two brothers, John Pierce of this Chatter TOBEATEX-CHAMPI 18 NAVY PLANES nature against her and the examina- town and James Pierce of Belfast, the Johnny Woodruffs, the French 000 to the box. , . .Tommy Henrlch, tion la continuing." AthlsUe Federattcn has bagun a the Yankee outfielder, takas to Ky JERKY BRONDFIBLO ^Lampert of Oshkos*), tbe new typs Hartford. Jan. 18.— (API—A t -; A hearing on the aasesaroenta of also several nieces and nephewrs. Hartford. Jan. 18—(A P )—It Is •* NEA Sarvlce Sports Writer After threa years or so of welt- By H.ARBY GRAYSON Native Of Florida The funeral will be held tomorrow hunt for talent to France’s African symphony concert every tima ne alls on four runners and aU tour •'* In 1937-8, Hunger captained ^ t h Selectmen David Chambers two-thirds of the cost of materials alrooet Impossible to determine the coIonlea....Naw York promoters ing, Rudy Hack of Tbe Herald a Sports Editor, NEA Service ^Episcopal Academy footbaU. teams ON FRIDAY NIGHT j tomey General Charles J. McLaugh- | INMASSFUGHT Mrs. Rilbens has been Identified afternoon at 2 o'clock at the gets a chance....Ktogfish Levtoaky are used to stssr. Previously ic#' composing room has finally tasted •ad L. T. Wood dlaaentlngr, the FEAR 21 KILLED are trying to induce Kid Chocolate, Lake Winnebago, WIs., Jan. 18.— that grabbed 19 straight. lin announced today that Richard made against property holdera for lu the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Dougan Funeral Home, costs of the production and distri- wreatjea Just about like he boxes boats always rode on three runners of the delights of winter sport as Philadelphia, Jan. 18—University Board ot Selectmen last night vpted Herbert Boerger, of Miami, Fla. the Oiban bon bon, to return to the Flashing white salle and grinding and were steered with one, tbe rud' Matriculating at Pennsylvania to F. Oorkey,. an assistant attorney the new Summit street sidewalk, 59 Holl street Rev. Dr. Watson bution of milk to this state. Milk which'may give you an Idea. one of the 350 persons that took the of Pennsylvania remained at home to accept the Manchester Electric San Diego, Calif., Jan. 18.— State Department records disclose Woodruff will officiate and burial United States... .owners of the der. the autumn of 1939, Hunger made will be held in the. Municipal Build- Administrator S. McLean Bucking-^ steel-blsded runners. New Haven's snow train to Wmd- for Its new head football coach. the freshman footbaU team aa a Division's recommendation for the HRE TRAPS general, would report tomorrow to (API — Webber permitting, United that the American passport Issued wlU be In the East cemetery. three New York ball clubs have The first baseball winter book to Lampert's creation Is regarded Workonts So Yidoiis A ing on January 31, It waa voted last Fifty of the world's fastest boats sor, Vt.. last Sunday___ "Skiing? George Almond Munger, the nalfbaok. State's Attorney Lorln WT^Ulls States N a ^ fliers today start an to hei waa obtained by the submis- ham of Watertowm today told th turned dowm $850,000 for the 1938 as being much safer, because the tnstallation of wooden poles on night by the Board of Selectmen. Connecticut Dairymens Asaoclatioi appear on Broadway offers 100 to 1 roaring four times faster than tbs It's wonderful," Rudy tolls us with choice. Is a scholar and a gentle- In 1980, his hard running and 18-plane flight from here to Hawaii, sion of bona fide evidence of cltl- Mrs. EUlzabeth Banter rights. against tbe dodgers winning the huU is more squaiwy supported by which will be carried the telephone to help him prepare material for the greatest massed trans-ocean The hearing is held for the purpose at the opening of the 57th annui wind. high enthusiasm. . . . man with a brilliant background. high knee action under Harvey Har- en Sparring P M ie r i: OYS IN SLEEP of examining complaints and objee- aenahlp. Mrs. Elizabeth M. G. Hunter, National League fla g ....tb e Ala- four runners. Thus the balance Is An injury to the captain of the and power lines along the new East the Merritt Parkway Giand Jury. maneuver ever attempted in avia- convention here this morning. man, the man he succeeds, made tlona to the laying of charges for The man representing himself as widow of Thomas H. Hunter, died John J. McCraw, who spent a lot bama boxing team was without a It’s the annual regatta of the improved. It is claimed that the new Episcopal Academy football tean\ Canter street traffic lanes. Only Corkey has handled- much of the tion history. President Eklwin G. Woodward of him one of the most difficult ball fCentlnoed from Page One) the walk on landholders whose prop- her husband, "Adolph Arnold Ku- this noon at the home of her daugh- of money looking high and low tor heavyweight for years... .now it Northwestern Ice Yachting Asso- design will not capslse to winds Heck has acquired a complete to 1926 launched Munger on an Have Left Camp; SajtJ after discussing the question with legal end of Parkway land trans- TTie twin-motored patrol bomb- Salisbury, the state dairy and food ciation on Lake Winnebago, open- outfit and looked like Esquire's ver- carriers to bring to earth. He suf- Parker T. Soren of the Electric erty fronts on Summit street along beni>," was disclosed to have e](ecu- ter, Mrs. Alfred J. Blanchette ot 38 a Jewish drawing card, couldn't see has six ....N ew York fans want to that blow over other types. athletic career. His original hobby fered a knee injury In training to actions, representing the state In ers. carrying crews of seven men comrolaaioner, presided. Hank Greenberg once. . . . Wallace ing Jan. 22, subject to Ice condi- sion of the perfect skier when be company did the board come out ot but a heap of burning wrreckage on and officers, are the first of 42 the the extent of the sidewalk from Mld- ted bis application for a^paasport on Maple street, after several weeks' see Pedro Montanez to there with In trials, Lampert's boat outsail- was show horses, but he went on to 1931, and as a result ^ d not play as many of the deals by which Con- Ulness. Mr. Buckingham's subject waa Wade, Duke coach, will be the main tions which forced a week's post- sallied forth to conquer the Ver- participate to four sports and to Fans WiD Sm Real Tommir < a virtual deadlock to approve the the basement floor. Navy has announced will be flown dl' Turnpike to Green road. the same day and at the same place “Dealers' Spread," on which Samuel Henry Armstrong... .during bU 13 ed the Flying Dutchman to Wgbt much football as a Junior aa he system of pole lines which will ex- At noon firemen atlU were pour-, necticut acquired rights of way over . The lajdng of the wralk, carried on where the "Robinsons" obtamed Mrs. Hunter had been a resident Orator at the Clemson football teed years as head coach at Pitt, Dr. ponement. A thaw Is awaited to wind. The new type will be a boon mont hllla, of which, as Informs us, win the last decathlon held in con- this year from the mainland to W. Tator or Boston, delayed as a there are a-plenty snd then som a... would have liked. .Its knee entirely tend down cither side of East Cen- Ing water from 15 hose lines Into I the 32-mlle trunk highway connect- Pearl Harbor, 2.570 miles from under a federal works project, waa their documints. Investigation dis- of this town for the past 40 years. Friday 'night ___ Ossie Stewart, Jock Sutherland has never nad an smooth dowm the rough spots. to the sport. If It continues to 6s- junction with the Penn Relays of mended to 1933, he came Into hla - - 1 jjjg with the Hutchinson River free of labor costa to the town. The court witness to Boston, was to John (Bucky) Buckstaff, Ameri- big .hills, Jittle hills and Just medi- 1932. New York, Jan. 18.— (A P) —Tba ter street, carrying all wires In the blazing wreckage, but made lit here. closed that "Rubens” submitted as She leaves two brothers and one have spoken. Matty Herbert's new negro middle- undefeated or untied team ,...B un- feat three-nmner craft. own, both os a leather lugger and heavy cables. Instead of on open tie progress in extinguishing It. Parkway at the New York state In July or August, 12 more big t')wm bears one-third of the cost o. evidence of his citizenship docu- sister. They are John Greenaway ot weight, is a crack piano player.. . . ny Austin, the British tennis star, ca’s finest iceboat pilot, will figure The Northwestern regatta Is di- um sized ones, a tempting Invita- Munger waa born to Elkins Park, on defense. new snd reputedly aweet-temperdd line. materials, with abutting property Mr. Tator and hla associate have to the first 1938 teat for the Inter- tion to the winter sports enthusiast where his family had a summer crossarms as now. They had not been able to get Into flying boats will head out over the ments covering a man by the same this town, James Greenstvay and completed a report on the survey of Pitt never was knowm as a passing la writing a novel these days and vided by sail ratings Into five olass- There waa no decathlon to the Tommy Farr has to tho past raontb’^S The double line of poles will end The assistant attorney general owners footing the* rest of the bill tssm. but to the last four jreara the naUonal Stuart Iceboat Challenge who doesn’t mtod wintry blasts and home. Sept. 24. 1909, so be wlU be the building to begin the search for Pacific, to be followed by another name who Uvea in Chicago and who Mrs. Margaret Sleming ot Porta- milk production to this state and trying to mal:e up his mtod whether as. The defending champion for Penn Relays o f 1988, so Monger be-- worked himself Into grand e h ^ a j at Porter street, where, still en- bodies and>ald it "might be hours " has been working long hourc dur- dozen around Thanksgiving. for materials. down, Ireland. She also leaves sev- Panthers have outgalned all their to play on this year's Davis Cup Chip to the 15th series for tbe his- Class A boats, spreading S5u an occasional tumble Into a snow- 29 when hu first varsity team erme a member of the shuttle hur- Storm Sewer Approved has told American Investigators Mr. Buckingham read their report. bank. .., opens Its campaign next foil and for his 10-round Ult with JImmla ^ closed In cables, the line will follow before toey could. ing the last tew days clearing his The takeoff today waa set for 8 that he never applied for a passport. eral nieces and nephewrs. opponents vis the air la n es.... team. . . . be knowt Britain hasn’t a toric trophy. Competition is to start square feet of aail, la Fred Jung- dle relay team which captured the one side of the street. Both elec- desk at the Capitol to make ready A Storm sewer project, costing In the report, the t- Investiga- the day after the regatta closes Its one of the youngest of major drill- American championship. Braddoek Friday night at ths Oar< ' f In pie hospital, near the school, a. m. (11 a. m., e. s. t.) The The Embassy’s report to the The funeral will be held Friday tors said the need of a survey be- British tennis fans are still sore be- chance and has recommended the bluth’s Fritz, sailed by Carl Ber- masters. den. tric and telephone lines will be for his new temporary duties. planes were due at Pearl Harbor In $10,569.40 was approved by the five-day racing schedule. huddled three and four In a State Department today did not afternoon at 2 o’clock from the T. came apparent as the result of re- cause the biars hats jvbo run ten- powers appoint a young green team nard of the Four Lake Ice Yacht Two of the bigger hills at Wind- A visit to ths Welshman’s carap';^ strung on the new poles. as doctors went about setting He will take many records and 18 to 20 hours. Board for the section near Sunset nis over there Ignored Fred Per- At the helm of the speedy de- Herbert N. Munger, father of the Enjoys Surcese With Proah txmg Dlseusslon. and Village streets. Under govern- make cleM whether "Robinson" was P. Holloran Funeral Home. I'u Cen- quests made by dealers In June, snd let It take its licking. club, Madison, WIs. The FrlU won sor have ski ti'we for those wuo new coach, waa a merchant to Cam- at Summit, N. J„ reveals an im- broken bones, treating burns and photostatic copies to Bridgeport to- It will mark the start of the still held at Sverdlovsk, or whether ter street, and 2:30 at St. Mary’s fender, Fijing Dutchman, the 45U the Stuart <^p from Buckstaff in don't want to clamber beck to the Monger graduated from the Before a vote was taken, there Navy's sixth long distance flight ment aid, "the town's share of the 1937. den. and when George reached School of Ekluca.tlon to June, 1983, presaive looking flighter, a far cry ^ bandaging other Injuries. Mahy vic- morrow. These are now being pre- he had been brought to Moscow tor Episcopal church ot which ahe was "The dealers,” said the report, square footer be built 10 years ago. 1934 and lost It to him last year. It top under their owm p ow er....it from the battered, bleeding wrack i been long discussion as to the pared. McLaughlin said that he from here within the past year. cost will be $2,814.20, and the re- the veteran Buckstaff will try to school age be entered Camden and returned to the university the relative coats and merits of Iron tims had broken arms or legs. Some maining $7,750.20 will be borne by examination. The aaaumptlon here a member. The rector, Rev. James "claimed Increased costs ol distri- still holds an International Cup, costs ten cents a rWe or 81.00 lor Friends School. Thera he remained that sat and repeated *T did m y: faces were so heavily bandaged only would be In Bridgeport hlraaelt In 1937, a 24-plane flight made prevent the cup’s going back to which she took to 1935. following September to coach the poles, wooden pmes, and under the 1.200 miles to Seattle: there the federiU authoritlea. About 1,- waa that Mr. and Mrs. Rubens Stuart Nelli will officiate. Inter- bution and the producers represen- the entire day but there are other for two years after which be be- freshmen and continue his studies, best” after Joe Louis finished wUh'^ ground conduits for wires. First the eyes showed. Jan. 25, the date set for convening 130 feet of storm sewer line will be adopted the "Roblnsona" Identities ment wlU be in the Blast cemetery. tatives challenged the dealers to Michigan. He won at Gull Lake Fastest Iceboat Doesn't Alwwrs good hills that may be used with- came a student to Cooper School. him at the Yankee Stadliua last < Robert Dionne, 18. of Dnimmond- the special Jury, and “off and on” were two 12-plane flights to Hawaii, RANGERS UPSET TIGERS from the famous Wolverine 16 years his goal being a master’s degree to plan of both the town and the elec- laid, it was stated. for reasons as yet unexplained and prove their claims. Win out expense... .the , roum’ tare There hla closest friends were five summer. vllle, Que., with a broken leg In thereafter while the Jury la In ses- one 12-plane hop 3,080 miles to ago to s daring race sailed to s 35- peychology. Fanny Murray, Lew tric company was to replace the Colo Solor C. Z., followed by another Submitting an opinion that the that the man under arrest Is ac- V No Recent Ihito H. V. Fitzebariss of (Chicago holds ticket costs $3.50 snd the full day s young athletes who later were to Elverson, BIU Kurlish, Gene GIs- He looks bigger and faster and la: present line of poles In the central splints, told how he bad Jumped sion. towm has no legal right to make or tually the man who also used the "There was no accurate recent mlle gale at the reputed apeed ot the aa ss B title for 250 square outing costs less than $5.00___ not become captains of football and glow ing with health. Only a eou- from the fourth story. He said he Two state departments, the Dec. 8 Involving 14 bombers, then 134 miles an hour. This record has burne, Alva Nye, and Ed )Varw1ck grass plot, banging street lights the greatest long distance mass enact any ordinance that would name of Rubens. ABOUT TOWN cost data In respect to dealers costs IN Y LEAGUE THRILLER footers, won by Bu Jsc III. Clssa C counting the dough for skis, ski basketball squads to college. were among the players Munger pie of thin white sears under each .: was wakened by someone calling, not been equalled. from crossarma. and providing light comptroller’s and the treasurer s transfer of aircraft. limit or ban steel trapping here, available." honors for 175 square footers are suit snd other little knick-knacks During his grammar school days coached to hla Initial year. eye remind tbe visitor of the fear- ^ ""Are!" William Simms, of Boston, who The principal challenger Is Joseph ful Jabbing be took LoolF and phone service to either side of office, rushed to complete data on The planes, under Lleuti. Com- Town Counsel William S. Hyde In- has leased the PaganI building on The Inveatlgators sent out 130 held by Don Campbell's Holy Smoke . . . . $25 to $50 Is the average but and three years at Hill School, He coached footbaU and—track "I thought the roof had fallen Lodge's Deuce II of the Lake 8t. left.' Farr seems to have forgot*^ the street from the central line ot the land deals. manders S. H. Warner, and W. G. formed the Board of Selectmen last North Main street and 1s to open a questionnaires to dealers and pro- III of Delevan, Wia. The Chicagoan, you can go higher, dep^ling on the which he entered to 1922, George and waa an instnictor In mathe- poles. The SUte Highway de- In,"' he aald. "Everybody seemed to The treasurer's office was engag- night that he would deem any local BUS, TRUCK, TWO CARS Archivy’s Basket In Final 15 ensire Ice Yacht Club ol Michigan, Harry Nye. haa the laurels for Class Munger was more Interested to the tan that engagement entirely, a ^ - Tomlinson, will follow the Great meat, fish and vegetable market ducers, but only a few dealers at- quality of your equiptoent. . . . matics at Episcopal Academy to he still thinks he'll be world Cham*- partment vetoed this method, as It be running around. I followed some ed in making photostatic copies ot Circle course from Point Loma to move to outlaw trapping here con- tempted to reply. DIMAGGIO THINKS from which Buckstaff won an Inter- E boats with 75 square feet, these showing of horses than anything 1934-6. was felt by the department that, at of them. Then I ran to the win- there under the name of the Depot plon before he’s 36. He's 8$ hoer.^^ all checks paid tor land parcels Diamond Head, near " Honolulu trary to permission to do so Implied SUDE INTO MIXUP Square Market, postponed the open- The statements showed that only national (Challenge Cup to 1929. being known as skeetera. Racing tor else. A case full of ribbons attests Hunger returned to Penn in 1938 some future time, the town might dow." along the 32-mlle route In Fairfield They face spotty but otherwise fa- In atate law. Selectman Spiesa, who Seconds Of Play Brings Buckstaff WlU bs aldSd by another ‘T took a few epUls,” Rudy ad- to his showmanship. So vidous has been TonuBF* ( wlMi to do away with the centra: ing of the store, scheduled for this a few dealers kept any detailed rec- the newly established Clast D tor as freshman footbaU and track preparation for hla Amsrloaa a Harry Bernard, the editor, said county. vorable weather. asked that action be taken to do week, imtll some day next week. ords of costa and even these compu- HE MERITS RAISE 'craft as co-defender, sno s eo-ebal- 135 snd ISO square footers will be mitted. "but then I’m no Birger coach. His football clubs lost one grass plots in order to Increase the he believed the fire had started half away with trapping. In accepting lenger will assist Lodge's Invader. Ruud” (world's ski ch a m p ).,., it One-Man Track Team naek that a doasn sparring j The comptroller’s office force was Midway between here and Pearl Vehicles Come Together Near Mr. Simms was called to New York tations of costa were on different 22-20 Victory And Tie Inaugurated to this regatta. gams tn two years. nera have quit tha camp, ibd traffic load capacity of the high- an hour before It was discovered. Harbor, the aircraft tender Langlev the opinion, said that he still will so happened that tba writer was in Munger entered Episcopal Acad- busy photostating vouchers which Center Street Underpass; last night by the death of his moth- bases and could not be used for The series Involves five races, The fastest boats don't always Hunger was married, Sept 3, Partland, the old lightweight, aSlnic way. “B / then," he said, "all exits to la stationed to provide emergency fight against the practice. three of which decided the winner. Union station when the snow train emy to the fall of 1925. and devoted It was then suggested by the show what was paid, to whom and er. George Cowles of this place has comparative purposes to any anal- win. More often tbe pilot with the 1935. to Louise Lsycock. They re- the Welshman la ths hardest e io n n the building were wrapped In service. The destroyers Reid and No One Injured In Crash. For Second Place; Eagles Each race la sailed over a 30 mile pulled to Sunday night, sn hour hU first year there to studies snd side at Norbertb. Ths new ooach alactric company that a line of poles containing a description ot the land been engaged as head meat cutter ysis. Bot Yankee Star Refuses To keenest wind sanse does. Knowledg# twrses. Ing fighter he's seen In over, flames. No firemen could enter and Itself Including exact location. i Litchfield are spotted 500 miles east at the market Raymond Merz, Of the 130 statements sent to windward and return course. The of local wind idlosyncraclss plays and a half iato becaust of a broken has a brother, Herbert and a sister, bs set, with open wires, on either It was Impoaatble to give aid to and west of the Langley respec- A bus, a truck and two cars slid Starting to his second year at years, and bs’s watched praettfiaUf' side of the street, near the curbs The speed with which these ob- who baa been eraployed by a chain those selling over 500 quarts of milk maximum elapsed time slIowM Is an Important part. signal Switch at Wlndscr, and we Margaret, who are twtoo, and an- aU of them. those Inside, They bad to save tlvclv. into a tanglei. collision yesterday, Remain Unbeaten. never saw such a variety of winter Episcopal, however, he was known other sister, Katherine, and brother. but the open wiring was also banned jectives are being accomplUhed is USSIA ANSWERS but without seriouB damage to any grocery and meat store In Hartford, dally, 47 were from merchant deal- Discoss Matter Until He 75 minutes snd If the wind Is too Iceboats angle across the path To See Real Teouny. themselves as best they could. Lle\it. Tom Hamilton, former Na- light to complete tbe course In this porta equipment in our Ufa out- sa the one-man toterecholastlc track Peter. by the state as Involving too much evident In the piles of vouchers and | val Acarlemv football coach, will of the vehicles, according to the re- Is also to be employed In the new ers and seven from producer-deal- of the wind, Into It and before it, troupe because hs competed In ^ six 'Tvs rsally got mjraelf myself Inla ehapShSpo cutting and trimming of trees. The "Many Jumped from the windows other documents on desks In botn , market. time, "no race" Is called. side of a department store, nor as Last jrear George Munger re- Into the snow. No doubt many j)iIot one of I be planes. port of Policeman Arthur Seymour, ers. The Rangers continued their ad- Gets Contract. to achieve the fastest point of salt events, both Jumps, the pole vault, ceived the Varsity Club Award of this time," said Tommy, "N (m wood pole and cable proposal was offices. , who Investigated. Milton Gardner, Of the 47, 25 showed profits and In the regatta proper, skippers Ing. This Is about IS points off the many tired but evidmtly happy peo- discus, shot, and Javelin. my American friends are going ta> Uvea were lost when the floors start- The Navy first started Its "rou- SEC H U irS QUERY vance to tba YMCA Intermediate ple.. . .Rudy Intends to go along on Merit for attalnmanta to the field of than Ant broached, and accepted Checks Photographed tine transfer of equipment” be- of 5 Florence street, Hartford, Major and Mrs. Ralph Miller, who 22 loaaes. From the 47 ten were se- from Michigan, nitooU and Wiscon- wind. Angling Is called fseking. A Berney Berllnger became bis see tbs real Tommy Farr, TOowet^ by the atate. ed to collapse, falling Into the base- have many friends to Manchester, > League last night bv turning back sin will defy the stinging blasts for another trip to the near future and Intercollegiate aporto and dlstln- 3o tar the treasurer’s office has ' tween the mainland and Hawaii In operator of a New England bus: lected for analysis. In the analysU ths Tigers to s tbrllUng encounter series of tacks la required to negO' hero, snd whan that star won his gulehed leadership as a ooach. time I hod too much ms First Vote Was tor Iron. ment.” photostated jOO checks am offi- Herbert H. Dongan of 35 Birch and who have been to charge of the It wras found the dealers sold eggs, New York. Jrn. 18— (AP)—Joe supremacy In five divisions and to recommends skiing as a good way hie. and I didn’t like Firemen aald the flames appeared 1933. when six planes under direc- that saw Archtvy's basket to tbe tiste each leg of the course. A lead- first decathlon, Munger decided that There Is no reason why he eannot When the matter came before the dais there said the task might be | tion of the then Lieut. Commandei Washington, Jan. 18.—(A P )—The street, truck driver; William T. Salvation Army, Southern New butter, cheese. Ice cream and other DiMagglo, 'Who, without proclaim- as many dally events. to keep from getting old .. . . the seashore. to have started In the new wing ot Soviet foreign office informed the final fifteen secoMs of play produce ing boat may lose ths race by a some day he. too. would bag the all- continue such leadership on big Board of Selectmen In December. concluded tomorrow. Kneffler McGinnis flew from San Vostlnats of 40 Henry atreet, Hart- England Division, with Hartford food products without segregating ing himself a holdo t . has started Wind Veinrity and Smooth lc« stogie mistake to tacking. round title. "Thla Is exactly like the ooiiatfy/ It was voted to follow the cable the rambling, T-ahapcd building. United States government today a 22-30 triumph. The outcome sent Urns. The comptroller’s staff Is work- | Francl.'ico Bay to Pearl Harbor, ford, and C. H. Latham of Lebanon, headquarters, have received their the CMt and selling prices. the Rangers into a deadlock for more discusalon over bis 1938 aal- Needed If the wind iB light, pilots sail A Middletown bowling team that around my home town, Tohjrpirady.'' is wiring system, but to Install Iron, They were unable to say exactly ing on a final batch of voucher’ and ' Although classified by the Navy that Mrs. Ruth Marie Rubens wiui were Involved in the crash. orders from the New York head- Mr. Buckingham said It waa Skippers hope the Ice la smooth ho said, admiring the sno ' * iaatesd of of wrooden poles. Im- where and could offer no reason. second place with tbe losers as tbe sry than any other major league alone, handling both tUler and haa Just returned from Washlngtoti, hopes to have them ready tomor- j ns a ferry detachment to Pearl Har- under arrest In Moscow and under' According to the report, Dongan, quarters, to make their farewell on necessary that a more accurate sys- aglea remained unbeaten by A rough surface damages the light New Jersey hills. aadlate objection wras made by the They said the furnace waa bellevcil going questioning in connection ball playtr’ U back to tha big town sails. In heavy wind, when addi- D. C., where It rolled a aeries ot row - bor, thei flight was expected to be driving a coal truck, slowed to make Sunday, January 30. Their new ap- tem of accounting by producers and trounetog the Cubs, 84-19. and fraU craft tional weight Is no handicap, a 8o positive Is the pride o f the.' taiepbone company, which claimed to have been In good condition. with suspected espionage. a turn Into a coal yard off of Center pointment will be Newark, N. J., to be stuffed at banquets sad to games with Washington's 1V3V Welsh musle balls that bell atop that Its service was Interrupted, All mu*t be In the handa of State s followed with Interent In Europe and dealers was essential to determine In the other clash, the Aces top- dicker with the New York Yankees Speed records such as the Kittle's sheet-tender accompanies the pilot duckpln champs, will meet Conran’s Attorney Lorln VViUls of FalrttelU AMa. The woman, an American citizen, street near the railroad overpass where they will be to command of the basis on which milk can be pro- pled the Pirates by 23-15 to bring 107 m. p. h. on the Shrewsbury Braddoek that he's Greedy talMligl and its linemen endangered by has been the subject of an Investi- The truck was hit by Vostlnats, who the Northern New Jersey division. DIMaggio, recently voted the to handle sail, a Job In Itselt to stilt five at Conran’s alleys on Depot YD’s Favored To Score about his projected bout eltb Max county before the special Grand duced and sold at a fair profit to about m tie for fourth place to tbe river to New Jer. j to 1886 snd stringing phone wires on metal poles gation by the State Department was driving west, behind the truck. Major and Mrs. Edgar Arkett will “plsyer of the year" by New York blown. Ballast to the form of lead Square tonight... .the visitors are Baer on March 11. Mike Jftd«A«-'J along with power wires. FEDERAL MEN HOLD Jury convenes Jan. 25 In Bridge- the producer and the dealer. sixth week of play to ths circuit. baaeball writers, said ha thought he Buckstaff’s 134 m. p. b. will be ap- plates or 110-pound bars Is bolted considered one of the tasteat teams DR. O’HANLON TO TALK sine ahe disappeared mysteriously The Vostlnats machine. In turn, was come to Hartford February 1 to In • talk on "Where from Here T“ Arehlvy fsstursd ths victory of ths proached only if wind velocity per- has promised ths Fsrr-BradiHbk t I A t Its laM meeting, on receiving port. wms “entitled to a substantial in- to both ends of the runner planks to this ssetton of tbs stats.. . ,Msn- winner a go at Beer, In Moscow last month. bumped by the bus, coming up take over the duties of Major and Dr. J. A. Gamble of Washington, D. Rsagtrs and 8. Orsyb starrsd for nUU. \ tba talepbooe company's objection KIDNAPER OF'ROSS Recently the comptroller's office from liehlnd, at about which time Mrs. Miller. Major Arkett Is at e r s w " to salary but vigorously de- to prevent capsizing. A nember ot ohsstor's lineup will consist of Town T h a t Max la tha one I vtiuit < ’ - to Iron poles, the Board reconsld- made public a partial list of land In an oral reply to an American O., said there was a direct and im- the ^gsre. Derrick, Psvelack snd Wind alone supplies from one- 8th Strai^iht Cage Win TO STAFF OF HOSPITAL note of January 7 requesting Intor Latham, driving east on the op- present divisional secretary for the Taggart paced the Eagles snd nied reports that hs already bad the crew riding outboard as ballast Champion Cbsrils Kebsrt, Iks Cols, n n t," hs said, bridling. "1 beat arad, and appointed the safety com- transactions .showing expenditures portant relatlonehlp between suc- come to terms with the Yankees fourth to one-third of the stresm- Is dangerous and prohibited. matlon as to Mrs. Rubt^t.s' where- posite side of the street, fearing he Northeastern Ohio division, with cessful business and a resulting fi- Holmes and Geer went best for tbe who has come osek to the game this him fair to London last wlntar and mittee to Investigate. Mr. Spless, AFTER LONG SEARCH of more than $5,000,000. would tangle with the other three offices to Cleveland. "While I nstiirslly have an idea Itoed Iceboat's momentum. Ihe rest A collision to the 1930 regatta year and has shown the boys hs can he said I butted him. Then hs : reporting for the safety committee, abouts, the Soviet foreign office m- nancial success to agriculture. Con- (Tubs. Kosak, Fuller and Murphy of the break-neck speed Is tbe re- John M. Dowe, deputy controller, Director Of Jersey City Medi- vehicles, applied bis brakes— and stood out for the Aces and Browm, wimt I’m worth,” said Joe when he sent two pilots to the hospital. still hit tbe maple, Thomas Conran, cams down to my camp at Long last night Informed the Board that, said he hoped tc have tomorrow tormed Loy Henderson, the Araen- necticut, he cortlnued, la a manu- ftiTlv6d from th® coftst y®stordsy, **J sult of s freak of nature... .the Service Quint Meets Dillon Branchq last August and tried to (donttnoed from Page One) cal Center Well Known Here confirmed hla fears. The Latham The regular monthly meeting of facturing state whose products sell Bland and Cassinsdi were the big Cspeistog called for ambulances to former town Utllet, Victor O’Brtght LOCAL R M ARRAY after consideration of the danger figures showing how much the state ran charge d’affaires In Moscow car slid across toe road and. qame don t think It's up to i)m to asv suction created by the wind behind other races. steal the ahuw. I should Have, laddant to the use of metal poles For Interest In Institution. that the woman wim arrested fol- Company No. 2 of the Moncheater for approximately $1,000,000,000 an- guns for tbe Pirates. the salle. and .VI Petke, two bowlers wbo are has paid to date for land already to a stop against the other cars. No fire department will be held to fire anything about that now. I’d raui- But mors often Fats is kind to crashing ths wood to great style... busted him then like I started to " for both services, the Inconvenience turning to Chicago from nearby lowing the arrest of thi man with nually. "From thla, dairy farmers The standing followrs: Ice boating's latest wrinkle win In Rec League Opener At Sycamore, where they had dined, acquired. Dr. George O’Hanlon, director of arrest waa made. beaquarters on Thursday evening. •r wrait until ths club ban mads its Iceboat pilots, steering them shy ot s special two man match wUl be It doesn't take long to discover and unsightliness of having wooden whom she entered the Soviet Union can pattern to production and mar- W. L. Pet. offer. make its debut to the Northwestern DEFEATS HAR1T0RD that Tommy, who ahooked the na- crossarms to carry the phone serv- when gunmen blocked their way and Photostated material prepaied by the Jersey Clt.v Medical Center, one keting efflcleney. Eagles ...... 6 0 1.000 crashes with only hsir-ralsto$ close rolled after the main event.. . . iMth offices goes back to 1931. under the name of “Mr. and Mrs Jack Walling la the name given I understand toey are sending show. Built by Commodore Ben ehavea. tives with his tongue and temper Ml ice, and the prohibitive cost of plac- seized the weelthy victim. of the (xiuntry’s most modern medi- Donald L. Robinson." The opportunity to thla state foa Tigers ...... 4 3 .667 East Side Rec Tonight; cal Institutions, will address the DR, STORY ON COUNCIL to the son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Rangars ...... the contracts out' this week and 1 A1 Getzewicb, who la winning hla maiden visit -Hut summer, qtlU ing wires underground, the safety "Do you think this guy Is worth •’Robinson,’’ the foreign office the profitable production of more . 6 3 A67 hope they don’t sand rains all the Is a fairly tough honibre. Tbsr* $250,000 7" Ml.ss Frelhagc said one NA5IE MOKE JURORS. members of the staff of the Memo- Edward J. Mount of Syracuse, N. Cubs ...... 3 4 .883 much popularity to his appearances committee bad decided In favor of said It was Inforned by tbu Soviet milk and cream for Ice cream and way to San Francisco. Because If Gains 6-5 Victory On Jackie has bean a oonsclentloua effort to wtx>den poles with attached cables. of the gunmen asked her os another Bridgeport, Jan. 18. —(A )—Judge rial hospital this evening at the Y., on Friday, their first child. Mrs. butter should be investigated, he Aces ...... 3 6 .338 on Hartford wrestling cards this PA’s Face Olson’s, Mori- Carl Foster in Superior Court todav regular monthly staff meeting. Dr. secret police, was arrested at OF CHURCHES GROUP Mount was formerly Miss Jessie Pirates ...... „ 0 they woull ask ms over to see them make him out a big, warm-hearndt Chiambrni for Conduits. took $85 *rom her pur.se and forced Sverdlovsk on suspicion of espi said. 6 .000 •eason, is booked for the seral-finsl misunderstood boy, but t^ t'S Mr. Chambers, commenting on the excused five of the 18 men origin- O’Hanlon arrived at the hospital Bellamy of this place. rd go St ones and maybe settle the event at Foot Guard ball tomo.Tow her to lie down on the car seat. onage. '‘Connecticut farmers should try, whole business without further de- May’s Neat Pass To Guth- artys Oppose Renn’s. strictly salsd-dresstog. He's still findings of the committee, said that While fears mounted for Ros.s’ ally drawn for service on the Mer- this noon. He stated that he had also, to meet the deficit to this state Boglee (84) n igh t.,..the local grappler takes ritt Parkway Grand Jury and It added that while the Investi- Upwards of 70 persons attended St. Mary’s Ladies Guild will meet lay. Glenn Cunningham Opens a trifle ornery around tho sdgss. be believes many residents of the welfare, a $.50,000 ransom demand not chosen Ahe .subject for his ad- the annual luncheon meeting of the In the production of beef, veal, lamb P. B. F. T. on Pat Riley of Texas, whom he has named five additional Jurors. dress this evening. Dr. O’Hanlon Is gation has not progressed suffi- Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock to "1 have signed no contract up to Favored to Win. saction to he served, favor under- was met Oct. 8 but failed to win Connecticut Council of lu rch e s and pork, for which Connecticut 1 SoutherglU, rf ... 2 1 5 met twice before and beaten twice rie Near The Close. On the strength of bis prodigious ground wiring. "We should con- Those excused were George E. known to many Manchester people ciently to warrant pjacing a formal the pariah house. Mrs. Max Kasulkl 1 Taggart. If ...... 4 0 8 now, haven't even seen one, and Tbs YD Bervice pits a seven- bis release. and Religious Education at the consumers pay out millions of dol- have no Ides what the Yankees In- when Riley engaged to tactics con workouts, ha’ll go Into the ring • sider what those residents want," The victim’s wife Issued a state- Crawford of Bridgeport. B. O. for his Interest In the Memorial hos- charge of that nature against Mrs. and Mrs. Margaret Sargeant will be lars each year to producers In 0 D a r ^ U ...... 0 0 0 game winning streak against Dil- Chisholm of Ridgefield. Joel Woos- Garde Hotel, Hartford, yesterday. the hostesses. tend to offer ms." sldsred unbecoming to a erreatier... favorite over Braddoek. P u r naS Mr. Chambers said "Are we as a ment Oct. 19 adml ting the abduc- pital. For a number of years he hiu Rubens, the examination of her by The following officers were elected: other states for those dairy and 1 Derrick, e ...... 5 1 11 Sixth Year As Mile Ace Th# Msncbestsr Hockey club de- lon’s seven-gams in g streak to ter of Bridgeport, E. Q. Payne of the authorities Is being continued. Joe’s principal business In the the opening oontsst of the Rec been running up to sight aritM town supposed to lay out the utili- tors had worked a "double cross" officiated as consulting director of President, Merrill F. Clarke of New livestock products. 0 Grant, rg ...... 0 0 0 Riley has promised that he’ll be Stamford and Thomas J. Bowen of the hospital and has regularly sup- Sec. Hull’s Request The Emblem Club will hold a pub- east la to attend the dinners given feated the Hartford Hockey club Senior League’s trtplehesder at the every morning and then worktaf • ties to accommo companies?" She said law enforcement agen- cians for the local Institution. He Is formation Secretary Hull dispatch- ford Semlnarv Foundation; Dean to Rockville tomorrow afternoon at tages of Necessity for Pasteuriza- 0 Armstrong, Ig ... 0 0 0 Stroog Kansan Shows No toaks—that built his phenomenal exciting game which ended with a and the odds are about a lUO-1 on Charles W. Bltzcr. Bridgeport bank- a past president of the American 2 o’clock. Mra. Thomas Dannaher — — — wUl receive a plaque srablsmaUe of endurance. . . . .he also promisee to give Uetse- other stand up and slug him on w e - Town Treasurer George H. Wad- clea bad oo-operated In allowing the ed Instructions to the Embaasy at Luther A. Welgle of Yale Divinity tion of Market Milk” , and Dr. W. E. 6-5 score. the circuit's puce setters to -oms button snd bssn't batted an sye. dell said he understood that the In- er: E. C. Shelton of Monroe, Andrew Hospital Association and well known of Bigelow street, who is chairman, 18 3 34 his sslecUon by ths New York writ Is Not s Stylist wish "a quick aad deeleiva deteat ” negotiations to go along unmolest- 8. Huntington of Fairfield. Edward Moscow to request the Soviet gov- school. New Haven; recording sec- Stona of Fort Worth, Texas, on but A1 may have plenty to say about Tha gem# was a hard and fast through with their eighth straight He's hard as pig Iron. stallation of service could be done for his contributions to various hos- ernment’s permission to Interview la a member of the Supreme Em- Cubs (19) era at tbe banquet hero. Sign Of Fading h Spite Of ed imtll that time, but a widespread C. Spargo of Fairfield and CTharles retary. Dr. J. Quinter Miller; treas- "Milk as Nature Makes It." The Kansan is not a stylist to run- that an gle....th e Garden A. C. noa battle all the way. Hartford waa victory. Any other outcome wiu Still no great snokss os a bOMr, most cheaply by placing poles, as pital Journals on the post graduate Mrs. Rubens. urer, A. Philip Keeler of the Fuller blem club’s Ways and Means com- The day’s addresses were sum- P. B. F. T. DIMaggio deriined to name any produce the moat otunnlng upset ot search would begin Immediately. Stewart Smith of Stamford. speclflq.aalary he wrould ask. As a ning form altnough his method la requested that Doc Fishman of New leading until the last few mtoutea Tommy figures, nevertheless, to now, in the center of the grass plot The first ransom hill—a $10 was training of Internes and hospital The case has presented a bizarre Brush company, Hartford; assist- mittee, for whose benefit the affair marized by Dr. Roger B. (torbett of 0 Chapman, rf ...... 0 0 0 sound. He has th# erect style and of play when Davidson put a long the campaign although Dillon’s have make things very tough for BrMk Cost would be alx>ut $9,000, but the Appointment of the new mem- management 0 Egglastoa, tf ... sscond-ysar roan with tha Yanks lon g Careen Rated One Haven be named os referee to place discovered Oct. 21 In Chh ago by a passport mystery since the disap- ant treasurer. Miss Ella Muir of la given. Past Presidents Mrs. the Connecticut State college. ... 1 0 2 high arm carry of the Finns and Bhot to from the aide of the rink. s club that has the etuff to engineer dock, who win be giving sway ntee state had objected to this setup bers of the grand Jury waa announc- The meeting will be held In the 0 Conlod, I f ...... 0 0 0 last isaaon, and a pbenomonal one of Smller Uvtogiton and the re- clerk In the Rock Island railroad ed at the opening of the Crlmlnat pearance of the "Roblnaons" m Hartford; auditor, Henry B. George H. Williams and Mrs. George This evening at 6 o’clock the an- hie stride Is deceptive, being longer With only a minute left and the Jiist such a feaL years. Braddock’s only ebsniM, Next cost setup was to $16,000 hospital clinic building. Haynes rancher. L. Grazladio of the Rockville Em- nual banquet will be held at Hotel 0 Holmas, I f ...... a « 8 0 6 ha is undsrttood to havs rseslvsd Of The Great Sport Fig- quMt baa been grantod___ with open wiring along both aides freight offices. Superior Court today when It be- Moscow In November precipitated $16,000. than It appears. soors tied, there was a terriflo pile The second gems st 8:15 o'clock the wise ones say. Is to nail Parr Periodically, new "hot money" street at 8 o'clock. Dr. N. A. Burr, Dr. Earl E. Story ef the South blem Club are also on the commit- Garde The chief speakers will be 0 Nswbsny, rg ...... 0 0 0 with a Iights-out right sariy In thS ' of the street, also objected to by the came knowm for the first time that president of the hospital staff will an Investigation which disclosed 1 Madowsll, rg . ... 0 Asked whether he expected to get Ons of ths ablest Judges of pace up to front of ths Hanobsstsr goal. •eems likely to be a bit closer when was found as Federal agents step- Mr. Crawrford, president of the Methodist church was appointed a tee. D. F. J. Stevers, director of the 0 0 fight Othervrise, thty say, Parr state. .N’ext cost, was that which preside. that they had obtained their Ameri- 0 Geer, Ig ...... •.. 8 1 7 as much sa Lou Gehrig is receiving ures Of The Decade. to modern track, CunntoKham once THESZE MAKES DEBUT All of a sudden out ot no where the second-place Polish-Americana ped up the pace of the manhunt. Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce, can passports In the names of per- member of the InternatloniU Rela- Massachusetts Agfrtcultural Ehtperl- came "Jeckle" May. Ha took the Will wear him down to a nubbin ba- the electric company proposed to tions committee, and Miss Hazel J. John W. Holden of Washington ment station, and the Rev. Hugh 1 Katkaveck, Ig . ... 1 0 3 ($36,000 or thereabout) Jos said; ran a mils to 6:11.1 to wblcb bla tangle with Olson’s. 'The latter quint undertake, namely, the w o^cn pole A report that Anders was aboard No. 1 Juror on the original panel sons dead for many years. puck away from the bu.ich and fore the 10 rounds are out Trotter of Elaat Center street, for- street la proud of hla English Set- Shields of Ridgefield. l Daneross, Ig ...... 1 0 3 "No. Lou’s figure doesn't enter fractional times were 63. For toe has been Improving to recent weeks . There's a lot of Interest to tbs and cable system, along either side a chartered "TWA plane which left a.id generallv regarded as the most Efforts to Identify the couple led — IN HARTFORD FEATURE started for the other goal. With but the Amerks are favored to win for the east at 10:30 o’clock last likely candidate for foreman, has READY TO RECLASSIFY merly chairman of toe finance com- ter, ’Trip," which won second to her Into this thing at sU and frankly I By DREW MIDDLETON first quarter, 62.C for the two mid- fight It might sell out the Oar- . of the street, cost of which was Investigators to establish that “Mrs. 3 9 1 19 don't even know what Gehrig Is men to bis way and bavtog no way handily and retain their chances night was denied at Union air ter- been excused. mittee, remains a member of that class at the Hartford Dog show, New York, Jan. 18.—(A P ,—Ole dle quarters and 68.1 for ths final den, even at $11,60 tope. estimated at $20,000. To place Robinson" actually la an American committee. getting beyond wrhat has been men- quarter. When hs ran Us record to shoot be passed the pud to "Wee of tying for ths first round tiUs the section of wiring from Main minal. I- It had been knowm for several ALL STATE EMPLOYES citizen whose real name la Mrs. Sunday, and now baa four firsts and Tigete Man Riyer and Glenn Cunningham Latest Mat Sensation To Meet days that the other four members four second prizes to her credit. WESLEYAN CUILD HEARS t*0) tioned to the papera That's really breaking outdoor mile at Princeton Wee" Guthrie who took a back hand when they meet the YD'e again two atreet to Porter street underground A spectator at the airport, how- Rubena. P. B. would ask to be excused. At the Boston show, which is a five F. T. none of my business." are two of a kind—they Just keep he did 61.8, 64.0, 61A, 69.1 for George Clark In Foot Guard hot and made It good. weeka hence. would co.st $.10,000 to $60,000. ac- ever, Insisted that six or seven men. How ebe came to be traveling on 4 R. Davis, rf . . . .. 0 0 0 one of them believed to be a prison- Judge Foster. In naming the new Hartford, Jan. 18.— (A P )—The GIRLS FRIENDLY point show. Trip defeated the dog rollin’ and they don’t say nothin’. quarterly timea. i Hall Tomorrow. The team will play Hartford The nightcap looma as the night’s cording to electric company esti- the passport Issued In the names ADDRESS ON ARABIA 1 M. Rubaeba, rf . ... 0 0 0 again next Monday to Hartford. WRESTLING mates. er. hurriedly entered the airliner Jurors said from the bench: office of Rep. John D. Thome, oecre- that won first to Hartford. Mr. The calm resourceful Kansan nss Glenn has UtUe of Jack Love-1 best game, bringing together Mon- “Of the 18 men summoned for of "Mrs. Robinson" Is a dete' not 1 A. Zamaltls, If . ... 0 0 0 3 Hartford, Jan. 18.— (S p ecia l)- Ooweders, Bigelow and Canow arty Brothers "uid Renn'i at 9:15 t'-onnectloD L’horgrw. before its departure. tarv of the Legislative Council, said Holden bought the setter to CThevy 1 P. WlsreUckl, U ..1 Pin IN -WAY TIE Just one answer to the frequent lock's Jsuntlnsss. Bill Bonthron’s By A8KOCIATED PBEM service for the grand Jury for Jan yet cleared up. Neither have Ameri- St. Mary’s Girls’ Friendly so 0 3 good looks or Billy (tarr's bssuUfui Ed Thesze, the latest sensation to went beat for Hartford while the o’clock. Morlsrtys didn’t have much In addition, with underground today the three men named last clety met last night for Its regular Chase, Md. She is a year and six All groups of the Wesleyan Guild 3 A. Vtoeek, e . . . .. 1 0 3 question "When are you .going to Mtoneapolls, Minn.—Paul Jonsa, 25, five have submitted reasons or week to reclassify all state employ- can authoritlea been able to ea- months old and was the youngest to met at the South Methodist church quItT” — ^ style to win the crowds. His fame tho wrestling game, will make me May brothers, Guthrls. Hsesett and trouble with this rival to their first wiring, the coat to each power con- tabllab the Identity and natlonaUty weekly meeting. An Impressive wor- 1 C. BycbolskI, If ...0 0 0 FORLEADONCODi tT 220. Houston. Texas, defeated Dick sumer for a hookup with the main BANK W a i CUT OUT excuses which the court considers es had accepted their appointments her class at the Hartford show. last night for their monthly meet- 3 8. Grsyb, rg . . . When I can’t keep up with the has bean built upon s solid founda- debut In Connecticut tomorrow night Ecsbert went best for the locals. meeting but Renn’t have come along Davlscourt, 235. Vista, Calif,, one sufficient and valid.” of "Robinson.” ship service In charge of Miss Ethel ... 6 3 15 Csrey. the goalie for Manchester, ' line would cost $100 to SlhO. this and already were at work. Madden waa followed by a short ing. Mrs. Albert Holman led In de- 1 Z. Olbert, Ig . . . .. 0 1 1 rest of the boys.” Thst’s what he tion of great 'ocoa not only from s St Foot Guard hall. Ed will have os well since then and should make fall. sum being directly chargeable for The court then named the live The apjiolntees were John L. The Soviet foreign office Inform- Reserved seats are not available votions. . Her talk on "New Open said a year ago and now, on tho standpoint of time but from his his opponent to the star bout of the played a terrific game for the locals the encounter highly Interesting ail new jurora and directed Henry P. business meeting. 0 J. Sumlolaskl, Ig ..0 0 0 Drabn Camegla Tech By 50-83 Wilmington, Del.—Ernie Duask, connection or "lead-in." THURSDAY CHECK HOUR Brooks of Windsor, Timothy J. ed the American Embassy, how- at the exchanges usually designated Doors" followed the singing of — — — threahold of another indoor season willingness as a competitor. weekly wreatltog show, which wui blocking more than twelve sure the way. 315, Omaha, pinned George Rover- Lyons, the clerk, "to laaue warrants ever, that ‘It la clear she (Mra. The members were reminded of Ib Eaatam Conference For goals. Parker T. Soren. manager of the Noonan, Jr., of Hamden and Walter the pot-luck supper for Thursday for Community Players pertorm- hymns, with Miss Gertrude Abbey 15 8 6 30 of ra clu , he says it again. He Just keeps roUto’. be held Wednesday this weak m- 1y, 215. HoUvwood, (34;18). eJectnc company division here, said and have them served by the sher- E. Cjonvery of Stamford. Rubens) entered the Soviet Union a', the piano. Second Win. Ths score: Due to the change In working iff of the county or his deputies of this week at 5:45, when Miss afices. This next show which will be Roagetz (St) ^ No Signs Ot Fhdtaig •taod at Thursday, the usual night, MERMAN WITH MEGAPHONE Hasleton, Pa —Joe Cox, 33fi, Kaiw that In his estimation, the placing Before starting work on their Illegally." Margaret Jefferson, national field for the benefit ot the Educational Mrs. George McKinney prc-slded P. H In hla sixth year os a top flight George (Dossier) CHork. the Scotch Mandiester sas City, pinned Reb Rumell, 31$. hours at Cheney Brothers, the Man- forthwith." at tbe business meeting and p'ans T. New York, Jan. is,— ( ap) __ of an underground system to sciwc chester Trust Company will not re- Job. a project sponsored by the Leg- The foreign office told the Em- secretary, wUi be the guest speaker. Club Milk Fund la to be given to 3 R. Brannlck, tf . . . . l mller, Glenn has shown no signs ot champion. Goals Am Ism Evanston.-Kay North, etar diver Texax a comparatively small number of As tn naming the original panel. bassy that early in November toe were made for a "hobby" night at Plttaburgb, a mighty power to east- 6—G. May ., main open Thursday afternoon from Judge Foster directed that the In- islative CTouncll, the three conferred Six of the associates from the local HoIUater street school next Tuesday. 1 T. Conran, r f ...... i deterioration, 'n 1933 be ran a 6:18 100 GOLFERS TO PLAY Thesze, who Is only 22, got the . Guthrie—2 on the Northwestern University Portland. Me.—Bob McCoy, 330, people, as on East Center street, 4 to 5 tn cash pay checks of Cheney with Harry W. Marsh, state person- couple registered at the National branch attended toe associates Three one act plays will be present- the Febniar>’ meeting All mem- 1 W. Arohtvy, If . . . . 4 ern footbaU last faU, is up :n front mile Indoors to start Us campaign. headlines when be defeated Everett 1—Davidson . J. May—8 swimming team, alsc. Is the Wild- Chtmbridge, Mass., defeated Pafa^ wraa a wa.ste of money "We will ability of any of the new grand Jur- bers will be asked to participate and of the parade again, this Ume to mill w'orkers, an official of the bimk ors be communicated to him at nel director, who will supply them hotel In Moscow bearing paasporta meeting in Hartford Sunday at ed and the swifter action which Is 0 C Harks, c ...... 0 This month be ran hla first big mile MarahoU recently at St. Louis. Soon 1—Guthrie . Davidson—1 cat’s varsity cheer leader. Angelo, 312. UOca. N. Y.. (two of put in our tlnest woolen pole and with aid. Identifying them sa “Mr. and Mrs. C3>riat church cathedral, and came Mrs. Edward O'Malley will be in 0 W. Backus, Ig l basketbaU. IN BILTMORE AMATEUR three falls). cable job." Mr. Soren said, "with stated today. once BO that action may be taken necessary for a one act play wrili be charge. of the year at the Sugar Bowl meet after that victory he waa brought It has been the custom of the State employes, number about Donald L. Robinson." Their acuvl- a'^ay with enthusiasm and toe be- 2 H. Wfhltney, rg . . . . 0 The Panthers drubbed Chrnegle to 4:18,3. Into tbe Bast and he baa won ou 6 ANOTHER CANDIDATE New York—Dea Oetton, 336, shaved, matched and handpicked to fin the panel. sure to make Interesting entertain- . The pastor, Dr. Earl Story, gave a Tech, lost night, 50 to 88 on their bank to open for one hour each The court declared that the grand 9.000, now are grouped tn approxi- tlea w en so unusual. It was said, lief that the local Girls’ Friendly ment. There la only a week to ex- 0 R. Fitzpatrick. Ig . 0 Between those two races lie five his matches to this part of the Hartford Salt Lake City, pinned Sammy pole.s. They are Just a.« sightly as mately 700 claaslflcatlons. Rep. that they attracted the attention of Society wUl benefit by her vlslL short talk on a new form of en- 1 C. Frye, I g ...... o home court to enter a three-way tie (toral Gables, FIs., Jan. 18.— (AP) Tokyo.—Japan’s puppet atate of can be wished for work of this payday to accommodate the work- Jury win be expected to start Its change tickets for reserved seats. years of great footracing; The country including one last week Goals .\ssMta Steto, 228. New York. (29:56). Thom.’ said he hoped the reclassifl- the Soviet Internal authorities (toe Refreshments were served by graving and exhibited an etching. for the leadership of tho Eastern —The first of a field of about 100 Manchuokuo has started s move- type." In discussing the question ers. but due to the fact that the study of the Merritt Parkway pur- Tbe regular places are Potterton A At the close of the business meeting, silent young fellow, who bad repre- with Danno O'Hahoney. He is one 3— C r o w e d e r s ...... , Bigelow—3. Montreal—Danno O'Milioney, 338, new schedule of hours Is now In chaaes "at once and without delay" catlon survey would reduce this seent police). Miss Margaret Stratton, who is in 23 IntsrcoUsgisU Conferancs wltn 1—Bigelow ...... Canow—2 ment for repreientatlon to the 1940 Ireland, lefeated Bob Wagner, 331^ of wiring, Mr. Soren stated that Iron Krah, Kemp’s, Keller’s. There it no Mra. Howard Keith introduced the sented the United States at Los players toed off today to the quaU- of ths finest physical - apeclmens Olympic games. operation, from 7 a. m. to 1 p. ra. when the grand Jury convenes a number to 350 or 300. In mid-November, the foreign charge during January. A group ot Penn State, which has won Its two ever to come Into the game. Thesze 1—Canow Portland, Ore., (two of three tails). polea are definitely out. unless It It The employes will be rated on the extra charge tor reserved seats. speaker of the evening. Dr. Eleanor p Anas (SS) Angeles at tba 1933 Olympics, haa fylng round of tbe Miami BUtroora desired to have cross arms for and from 1 p. m. to 7 p. ra. It U un- week henca. office said. "Roblnaon" disappeared toe girls went out to the kitchen to starts, and Georgetown, victorious become one of tbe great sport fig- is of ths new type to the mat game, basts of the work they are now do- make popcorn balls which were also Taylor Calverley of Hartford, a to its only start over Temple. Pitt's amateur golf tournamsat. stringing of telephone wires, or, per- necessary for the bank to observe from toe hotel and when hla wile the rangy roatmen wbo are dis- 5 r, 6 ing and the survey, Marsh said, will enjoyed. Mrs. Cheater L. Heritage of Ridge graduate of the Women’s Medical kJ Kosak, I f ...... ures of the decade. He has 18 miles haps. a separate set ot wooden poles the previous schedule for "Tburaday was asked for information concern- street, and Infant daughter, have triumph also gave the Panthers the under 6:15 snd six under 4:10 to bis A newcomer to the Florida cir- placing the burly grspplera ot Penalties, Manchester: J. May, 2 afternoon until the former schedule show whether any department was The skating party planned for College of Pennsylvania, and a Hayes, If ...... lead to the race for .ne city title. for them. Cost of street lights to L. of C. POSTPONE PL.W ing him she informed toe seent been discharged from tbe Hartford post graduate to eye surgery, yvho , DlMtalco. r t ...... credit and has been a leading figure cuit. Melvin "Chick” Harbsrt, ot familiar memory. Ed stands well mtoutea: Hartford, Canow, 4 min- the town, on the other hand, wrould of work at Cheney Brothers la re- under-manned or over-manned. last night waa postponed on account Although the Panthers may not WILL HA^’E BINGO P.ARTV police that he had gone to a hospi- hospital. spoke on medical misslonarv WUUs. rf ...... to a golden age of mile racing that Battle Oeek, Mich., wbo shot 368 over six feet snd Is superbly utes. bs much greater If underground sumed. Added interest was attached to tal, the name of which she did not of the deep snow to Monday eve- hold first plaos whan Temple's Workers . closing ^^elr week’s the reclaasiflcatlon survey because ning of next week. If skating Isn't to Arabia. Brown, e ...... has chopped slraoet three seconds muscled. He Is tremendously power- wiring waa inabaUed. the charge per Gibbons Asembly, Catholic Ladles know. Friends to town have received Attired to tbe costume ot strong team gsU further along In to win tha Mlchlssn opon last July work Thursday evening at 7 o’clock it was annoimced at a time when possible, toe girls will have a coast- Felford. e ...... off ths record Jules Lsdoumegue set planned to ^ y tomorrow. Mat ful yet fast, a combination Ideal for Greatest PHILCO mUe per year for street lights jump- of (tolumbus, win follow lU regular The suspicions of the Soviet police word of the Improvement to tbe country ahe greeted her audience Fuller, tf ...... its confsrenos schedule, they gave to 1981. thla zporL ing fn m $165 to $650. will be able to cash the company meeting Friday evening at 8 o’clock the highway department, which has ing party, returning to the parish ample avldenoa ot a weU-roundtd play begins Thursday. checks in many of the local stores, In Its personnel about one-quarter w en beigntened when a s e a i^ ot house for refreshments. condition of Mrs. Robert T. McIn- Arabic. When she removed her Perrottl, rg...... Cunningham has set world records In meeting Clark, he Is taking on Convinced by Mr. Soren'a exposi- tn the K. of C. clubrooms with a all boapitala In tot vicinity of Mos- tosh. a former resident of Manches- black-hooded cape and veil, which Murphy, Ig ...... unit last night Rags Radvansky, Charles Mayo, Jr„ of New York, tion of the constructional difficultiet and those finishing work "Thursday white elephant bingo party. The of the state’s employes, waa under ®ll*. outdoors snd indoors, winner of the mld-wtotsr amateur one of the top men to wrestling to- HOCKEY cow failed to reveal any trace ot ter, who has been aeriouaty U1 at no Arabian woman or girl would.do their husky guard, toaaed In 16 1JK)0 maters Indoors, i.ooo yarda day. Clark bos beaten prsctlCauy to be encountered in the use ot at 1 p m. will have three hours In one-act play which wras to have been severe fire from Public Works Di- tbe Henry Ford hospital to Detroit, potoU to tie BUly MUlar, airiiw' tournament here last week, and J. RADIO SALE toe missing man. to public after reaching the age of 38 outdoors aad tndoora and an Ameri- every beadlinar end Is tcdzy em onj TONIGHT’S HOCKEY SCHEDULE metal poles, and the expense of un- which to cash their checks before preaented wlU be postponed imtll rector Robert A. Hurley whose Mich. guard for high soortng honors, put B. Ryerson, of OooporstowB. N. V„ Bad BUny Paaaporta Skating Conditions 10 years, she revealed a , brilliant the leading half dozen besvywsignt NfetSoiMJ derground wiring, tbs Board, by Its the regular bank closing time. the meeting, February 18. charges Included, among other ______» lead most of tba gams and waa ot a winner of tho Lake Worth tounta- other things. "tneffictency and In early December, a man detain- orange scarf covering her-bead and a^e. Oddly enough ttks record bs wrssUsrs. Before coming to this Uoatroal Conadlens st Now York An enjoyable bingo party wtaa FIRE IN HAZARO>TLLE shoulders, worn over a Persian Brown. If ...... ahead 31-16 at tha half. mant at Palm Beach, are la favored Rangers. ot AU Time OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING wraatefulneaa" ed for examinatkm tn Sverdlovsk Center Springs Park win be open his outdoor mils of •buntry somsthtog less than two held last year and everjtbody had Hazardville, Jan. 18—(API—Fire print dress. Bland, rf ...... Temple wlU make Ita accond eon- spota Chicago at Boston. The Name That Bfakea The such a g o ^ time they have request- However, it waa pointed out that was found to be in poeseaslon of to skaters tonight after 7 o'clock 6:06.7, which ssemsd inviolate, waa years ago be bod wrestled to Eng- numerous passports of various early today destroyed the Ctonlin Dr. OJverley, her husband and Galltoat. rf ...... ferer.ee atart tonight against West Other well known entries Include Intormtioaal-AnMrlcen League Price Important Stafford Springs. 0>nn., Jan. 18— ed a repetition this aeason. Refreah- the Legislative Council took the according to Park Superintendent home here driving Its four oc- cracked last summer ^ Stanley John Cummings of Memphis; Harold land snd on tbe continent os weU as (A P )—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nl- Initial action toward the reclssslfl- countries Including an American Dr. Harrison were pioneers to estab- Caastoedi. e ...... at Morgantown. No games scheduled. ments will '.e aerved by the commit- Horace Murphey. During the day. cupants, the Misses Nora, Margaret lishing a hospital at Kuwlab, one Sunivan, I f ...... Woodersen. of England, wbo ran the Kaplow of East Orange, N. J,; Uus to bis native Scotland beating the derno held open house today at their tee which consists of Mrs. Themas cation survey wreeks before the passport Issued In the lAme ot plows have b e « busy clearing, the VUlanqva, oaa of the stronger distance la 6:06,6. Amsrloaa Aasoclatloa I Rock Wool SpedaHsta and Mary Conklin and their nephew, of the finest harbors to Arabia. She Frye, I g ...... Novotny of Chicago; Dr. L. J. Bar- European champions as a prelude 8t. Louis at UlnnespoUs. BRUNNER'S itarn qulntaia outaida tha eon- West Main street home to celebrate Quinn, chairman; Mias Gertrude Hurley charges wrers made public "RoMnaon," the foreifn office said. pond mtrface, and. while this work Glenn is one of tbs strongaat rua- to his invasion of America. For 77 Yean Bari O. CktoUn, into sero weather described the homes snd customs of Sloan, rg ...... faranca aad tba aaatarn tatarooi- nette of Coral Gables; Esri Chna- (No gamss last night) BaT. j their golden wedding anniversary. Campbell, Mias Mary O'Lsaty, Miss and before the matter of Merritt The subsequent Investlgatlaa re- wUl be continued during toe after- to their night clothes. both ths rich and poorer classes and Tuttle, i g ...... B«» ot tn ta histonr. aron tbougb RADIO DEPT. "The Nidemos wrera married Jeo* ^ t t y Moriarty. Hiss Agnes (^irran, Parkwray land purchaaea, now the vealed he waa tha max wlaaing Isgtato league, won Ita IStb straigbt tiensim of Allaml sad Araoid Mlkiey IM ! Can 3829 noon and early evening, it la plan- The fire is believed, by membert their interest to the teaching of the bla legs ware badly bumad i ^ AND R i 5n 7 THBOWN R, JACT uary 18, 1888, in Italy apd bavt liv- Mias Mary Moriarty, Mias Mary subject of a Grand Jury Investlga- from Moacow, and, according to toe ned to have the ice in usable condi- over Osnava 6$ to St. uid Laiiign and W. M. Ritter ot Buffblo, N. Y. 80 Oakisad Straat II! of the family, to have started from Bible and freetlom and prlvtlegea IS aehooihouae fire when be waa sight Daet year's winner, Leon Petti- ed here ovar 60 peon. Boglt «ad ^MlM Baattlcs JlwosMjr. Uon, cama under official acruUny. foreign offioa, "gave riaa to the Uoa b f T. _ *>»*dad Mublsnborg 6S to 63 la 1n- New York.-Ernest Quiglsy. chief a defective chlmiiey flue. enjojred ))y Christian womaa.'^ Tom. jraara old. It was a « b(>yhood grew of Peodletco. Inda bee turned i j miVm.—Jack Doyls, crooning RockTlUe Affant: Carl 0. Petanm -Mitk eowa to a«k, wood ta anep. Of umpires la ths National Ltagua. Krisb beavjrwslght u malting a U praCeeMonal aad wia not dsMtt. 78 GroTC Street, RockyUk . „WL1 sanasta aauqus giasswotk. •tag a w o f Eagush musta baus. By MARTIN THAT* VOHAT 1 VOAMT tO TALK TO VOO 'fO O OOtoT MECO bAy,Tt\Kf!b ORT.AT F»OOT • VV&TVh$. WUOOO — TK\S ANTlQOt HOvaJ NIOCH 0\0 OH V0#LL/Y'B U ~Z To v o o K t^y I V10Va J,\F VOt CAhi yoo fetT F or . BOSiVitSS LOTb OF FO»4 ,AV40 ALL TvAFT — 1 bOLO A. 0\OMT b tV L i«ObT K t T P TVAE TVit V\\RRO« P VT S 1 T Q A O t O \T T O R ©Ut HOVO ASOOT TVE. VROTvTt. * V »t VAAME CU«LV Y-NAPl E CAbH COV\lNb \KJ, TO t K Y i V O O VtViOYO — tri\«D0R ^obT thy COTTSt LTCTl X W t 'L L B t OVAKY ____ F oot* TH\b ^^ORV4MO<0 bTOOU

such hatred to w a n the Japanese aa A uto mo biles for sal e 4 auto mo biles for sal e 4 BUSINESS . HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Widener Challenge Cup March 5, Serrian. 14614. when latter disquali- 1 have found here in the United OPPOK’IlIN rilE S M ORIARH GIRLS BOW still Is in tbe early stages of bis fied in. sixth for alleged failure to Sta^. Qever propaganda baa | SM8 B U IC K 6 PAS S E N G E R coupe, FOR SALE— FOUR Hd kitSeii training grind. His schedule calls make best efforts. “A SAFE PLACE TO BUY heater, with 2 oil burners, 50 gal- good tires, good DMtor, beeter, re- FOR R E N T — IN BU SIN ESS sec- for Jogging over the course dally Toronto—Baby Yack. 117, Toron- USED CARS” lon oil drum Included. Three piece TO WINSTED UURELS ieU c kiw-cost transportation (4». tion, brick mercantile buutung with no effort at speed. He breezed to. technically knocked out Mog living room suite, 2 in 1 mahogany Me monev down. »1 weekly. Oole _ ••^V•1NTER1ZED■• with 3000 fL ot ground floor space. a mile In 1:47 yesterday. Mason. 117, Wales, (3). table. Phone 3440. 19 Lilac streeL Motors, 6463. ■RADIO BROADCAS1 SPECIALS" Suitable for light manufacturing. Suffer 34-13 Cage Beating; To New York— A I Reid. 127, New TheK winterized "Radio Broadcaat Apply Ekiward J. Holl. J. Simon Healy, New York train- York, drew with Vicenco Dell’orto, irlilng concern dloplaya a sign; WHITE ENAMEL uUlity Ulenwood Play Twice Daring This er, has severed connections with the ;N ALL NIGHT.” Near it Specials” used car bargalna are spe- combination oil and gas stove, 126, It a ly , ( 8 ) . treaty powers growing’ hi friendahip I Week At Home. Paragon stable, owned by Israel lere la aa equaUy promlaant ziga: and cordiality, cial aelectlons offered for this week Florence burner. Almost new. Miami, Fla.—Johnny Dean, 142, only at less than their market value. HELP WANTED— Sllbern(an and Samuel Lewin of Gets Offer To Defend Welter _*WE NEVER CLOSE." Third In — Emperor Hlrohlto, opening Japan- 132 Pearl street. Telephone 3668. Philadelphia, outpointed Bobby Brit- A Thought Look! FEMALE 35 Long Island Qty, N. Y. He will be ton. 143, Miami, (10). Order la a Chinese laundry, upon tbe ese Parliament tl t of which the owner has printed lsi£££_l» DODGE 1936—♦497. Winsted Saturday to receive 34-13 succeeded by B. B. Carpenter. Richmond, Va.— Stumpy Jacobs, WANTED—RELIABLE woman to Title Against Jack Car-| great ipraorUag letters; "ME Mew therefore hearken unto me, 4-door deluxe nedan; low mileage; beating at the hands of the Laurel 136, Hopewell, Va„ outpointed Lou Students have always been take full responsibility of home, MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 AKEE TOO." iToonerville Polks O j e eldldmo; for blessed are they beautiful black flniah. Girls, who earlier in the season had It isn’t often that a race so big Jalloe, 13614, Clevdand, (10). spearhead of radicalism. , By Fontaine Fox family of one adult, two small flMt keep my ways.— Proverbs 8:81. 1936 PLY M O U T H 4-tXDOR FOR_SALBJ— HOBBY workshop. handed them a similar defeaL that it has to be split into two sec- Holyoke. Mass.— Phil Furr. 148, roll In April —-Dr. Henry N. MacCracken, presi- SEDAN—$517. children. Steady position, good There are few situations so bad dent. Va.xsar College. Floor model drill press, scroll saw, Tbe locals played a hard fast tions produces smart performances Washington, D. C., outpointed Mic- T he Powerful. K atr inka ano her SwBETHgART, ths Pwahp Love, that has nothing but beauty Radio: built-in trunk; looks and home assured. In answering state game but were unable to get in both halves, but that’s what hap- at what they can be made worse circular saw. grinders, etc„ full ac- key Makar, 147, Bayonne, N. J., losing your temper. to keep It In good health. Is short- nuia like new car— driven little. full qualiflcaltons. Write Box O, through a strong cone defense put pened in the Naples claiming handi- OUR BOARDING HOUSE cessories. 8437 evenings. ( 10). Chicago, Jan. 18.— ( A P ) — The Bvod. and apt to have ague rtU. — 19.34 C H E V R O L E T Herald. up by their opponents. The Moriarty cap at Hialeah yesterday. 'The first Newark, N. J.—Stanley Hasrato, A man 6 feet, eight inches tall sp- Kiumus. TOWN SEDAN—$327. Girls gave the Winsted team plenty division produced one of tbe closest palma of the fists owned and operat- yOUR A O E M C V WAS Completely reconditioned: good 165, New York, technically knocked iled fot a Job as life guard: Y O U R m o n e y , U M t ? E R T H E WANTED — GIRL FOR general of opposition until the Anal quarter finishes of the meeting as a strong ed by Jack Carroll, Australia’s ifiit rubber; clean inside and outside. housework, steady work. Apply 29 ROOMS WITH()U'I BOARD 59 out Frank Zamarls, 178, Orange, Official—Can jrou ewlm? STORIES IN HkSl-ILV TO U TB C ? when they were unable to stop a finish by Jockey Nick W all enabled N. J.. (4). fistic pride, are itching anew for a W A TC H F U L e y e O F M Y _ 1933 C H E V R O L E T Stephen street. TeJ. 6419. scoring spurt as the Laurel Girls Applicant— No, but 1 can wade to ‘ i f A *TO US,A 4 P f. H O O P L E WB J. W . Parrish’s Proph to outlast the shot at Barney Ross, world's welter- at the band. > O P E R A -TO R S , W ILL B E P E R F E C T 1 H-T O N TR U CK — $245. FOR RENT— ROOM. Inquire at 83 scored 16 points. - IF YOU AIR S O K IE • M a n c h e s t e r Chaasla and cab; In A-1 condition. Medway stable’s filly, Alexandrine. weight champion. STAMPS W IL L . LY S A F E ----- Pearl street. Telephone ,’)895. The Moriarty Girls have two home New paint; new tires; ready to Then Mrs. Kirby Runsey*s seven- This time the title match may go WS ' S l S 9 iiSI P B R C E M T A’S O O O D C A L L A T W A N T E D — WO.MAN for house- games scheduled this week, playing EVEN EXPERIENCE CANT S O Y IB O F T H E L A R G E S T Evening Herald work. year-old Palamede put up a fine ex- through provided the blackbalred A S -T H IS P E F?S0N work, for small family. Call 8056. a return, game with Simsbury on EACH YOU ANYTH ING IF Y O U R t r a n s f e r s o f BULLlO fM B Y 30 OTHERS — Used Cars and Used hibition, tearing around the field on Chicagoan gets what be demands in ! SOMEONE ELSE PATS FOR Wednesday and their first encounter fisHlntfr A ttack SAIC* NOU W E R E o f f i c e CLASSIFIED Trucks At Lees Than Market Value! BOARDERS WANTED. 59-A tbe last turn and completing the cash. I TO U R E X PE R IE N C E . U N C L E S A M h a v e with the Aetna U fe All-Stars Powlin^ k n o w o u r Eaay Terms. on mile in 1:37 flat to beat T. F. Sam Plan, co-manager ot Ross, 1 I W T H ' adver tisements HELP WANTED— ROOM AND BOARD In private Saturday at the West Hide Rec. S^ps B E E N C A F R IB P Swords’ Bootmaker by a length and LUTHERANS AGAIN VICTORS received a cable today making a Lamb—I'ts been taking s a c k o f V A LU A B L E S MALE 36 family, homo cooking, room well lauirel Girls few A'OP^MIMcS O U T U N D E R Count alE Averaga words to a Ilna SCHALLER MOTOR SALES, one half in the second division. new offer of $40,000, plus $5,000 for I fliers in stock lately. heated, pleasant suirounorngs. r. B. F. T. W ILL B E A S laltlala nunbers and abbrsvtatlons INC. ' The Luther League bowlers of expenses, for Ross to meet the W olf— 1 suppoee you keep A M D TR A M S t h e e a s l e ‘m e m b e r aaah oount aa a word and compound STATE OF CONNECTICUT per- Garage 11 desired. Mrs. Geo. Blmp- 0 Bunel. rf ...... 4 0-2 8 Center and Olcolt Stieets The next time J. (TSirter Jr’s CJar- the Emanuel Lutheran church took Australian challenger in a 15-round I careful watch on the quotations to S A F E A S A P E R TH ' worda aa two worda Itlnimom cost Is sonnel department examination no- son, 163 Main street. Phone 3284. 0 Dickson, rf ...... 0 1-1 1 ■'H E Y E S O F S l X A R O l h f' A Open Until 9:00 P. M. avel starts at the Fair Grounds, the see which are going up and which d o l l a r IM TH ' •rloa of thro# Hass. tices. Positions: Dairy and Food 2 PreUl, If ...... 0 .3-8 3 three points from Hartford in a bout for the crown in Sydney April I BULLION T O M O O P u B SA«C K O N C E B W Zdlao ratos rtr day for trsoslsnt "Over 15 Years of Square Dealing" fans may give a little more thought I eoming down? Inspector (Dairy Farm ) $‘2040- 1 Chrzanowski. If . .4 1-2 9 Hartford District match at the Mor. 1. Charles Lucas, tbe promoter U .S . T H ' B A N K r ads. to her record. Out of the money Lamb— No, 1 don’t hare to. The D E T E C T I V E S ' IN D E . D A R K ’ BITocflvc Ifsrcb IT. Itar 2520, Dairy and Food Inspector APARi MEN I'S— FLA'l’S— 1 Nardl, c ...... 1 1-3 .3 gan alleys In Hartford Saturday representing a group of Sydney only five times in 14 starts and a ones I don’t have Invariably go up. Cash Chargs BUSINESS SERVICES ( Pastcdrizatlon) $2040-‘2520. A p- TENEMENT'S 6.3 0 Lagicr, r g ----- . 4 0-1 8 night, dropping one game when a sportsmen, offered to deposit $20,000 , a h H E L O O M E t CeasscaUvs Days • .1 7 «ts| 9 ets plication forms and detailed In- 0 Watkins, rg ... . .0 0-0 0 good second her last time ouL the roll off was necessary to break a in a (Chicago bank at once and pay IN D E W O O D S I OoDsseutlvs Days s.| 9 cts| 11 ets OFFERED I.t FOR itENT— SIX ROOMS D2 filly received little support yester- tie. Roy Johnson bit high single the entire purse 24 hours before tbe READ IT OR NOT— I Day ...... I 11 out U ets formation may be obtained in 1 Mack, Ig...... 1 0-0 2 hZ house, after February 1st. Tele- day. She fooled the talent, how- of 137 and high triple of 372. There are more than 18,000 eepa- WArriN'.PO'A All orders for Irrsrtilar lossrtlons EXPER T R A N G E burner aervlce, Room 59 1-2, Personne, Depart- oontesL phone 4650. ever, with a strong finish to beat The local girls lost all four points rate parts of aa_^o. piano. .. F L O C K O B wni be ebaraed at tb# oae time rate. cleaning, adjusting and instaiUng. ment; State Capitol or at local 5 14 6-17 34 Lucas also agreed to give Roes a •peelal rates for lo a f term every out Eastport and Rough Diamond in to the Hartford team as E. Kobn F. H. Babb A Sons. Tel. 6492. offices of Connecticut State Em- Moriarty Girls return engagement in the United q u a i l n f i(r day advertislDC fflvsa apoa request. TO RENT—TWO ROOM unfumlah- a photo finish. rolled high single of 119 and high Man—What’s the matter with p IT E R E S T IN O exhibit to the Ads ordered before tbe third or fifth ployment Service in .. Ansonla. p. B. F. T. States, provided (Jarroll defeated ey r«EUIn'fei) telephone yo ur cleaned, repaired. Bralthwalte. 62 A. Benson . .. 93 81 99 273 tion. Pearl street. Telephone 7616. day’s victory, his fifth straight. WORTH THINKING ABOUT: school of whales, the spearfish at- By ASSOCIATED PRESS M. Erickson ____85 86 92 263 The 147-pound title holder sees WANT ADS LEliAL NOlVcES Trainer A. C. Robertson ne^ed P. Johnson . ...9 2 93 76 261 Getting the meet enjoyment out of tack savagely. Likewise, they no prospect for action in this coun- Ufe Is not doing the things you like Ads ars aecepted over the talephooe REU PH O L8T ER IN Q . Furniture re- nearly three hours to cool the colt H. McComb , ... 94 93 89 276 have been known to attack ocean- vV tHVS.MMH palring, also springe reset. J. Hill- Marofi ouL Then he showed signs of lame- CTilcago— Pete Lello, 131*4, Gary, ty unless it is with Henry Arm- to do. but liking the things you have going ships, presumably thinking Master of Many Trades at tbe CHARGE RATE given above ELECTRICAL ni' Low ...... 81 83 79 243 By JOHN C TERRY aa a eoavenlence to advertteera, but man. Tel. 8446. ness and an X-ray examination re- Ind., outpointed Everett Slmington, strong, the Negro destroyer from to do them to be whales. A maze d by geeai F4VNnunc;i Ol I /\T*I AI/* ^L'.I I ik. ______^ * tbs CABH RATES w ill be aocepted ae APFLIANCES— RADIO 49 This Is to iflve notice* that I Harry erri lanw tms ship on a mar ke d Mints of 321 North Main atrei^t, Man* vealed he had suffered a serious 135, Poplar Bluffs, Mo.. (10). Totals ...... 445 436 435 1316 Los Angeles. Armstrong, steadtl.v When one of these fish strike a K In the warm mo nae t e r v . rembpiesarr S^ITXX PATSIENT If paid at tbe botl- growing heavier. Is reported to have Visitor— H ow’s your cold, this M as office OB or before the seventh lO -N E W 116 XX 1938 Phllro radios. cheetpr. f’onn.. have filed an aupU* spreading. Washington— Louhevinson, 131*4, Hartford Girls ship, the spear may be driven in fiVNWAV- ANP IN A FEW NINl/TES A «C0Rff PREPARED FOR UNOA l/NPER JACQimB' day following tbe first Inssrtloo of BUSINESS Special at $125. Keep your old ration tlated lUh of Jan.. wuh Washington, outpointed Armanda L. Peterson . ...9 7 8.5 98 280 the notion that be can take Ross. morning 7 with such force that the flish, to OF TieETAN M0NK9 ARE APOUt THE 9HIP- the Ulqitor Control Commlaalon for DIRECTION ------aaeb ad otherwise the CHARGE OPPOR'iUNITIES 32 radio for a second set. Call 3536 Hlraob Jacobs. America's leading SiclUa. 129, CThicago. (10). A. Borgeson. ...8 7 8.') 90 262 Before he gets anywhere with the Man—It's very stubborn. order to get free, must break off H ATE w ill be colJeotsd. No responaU a Uarkaxe Store Pmnlt for the eale , M»nr/e- jACweB for home trial, Benson's, 713 Main of alcoholic liquor on the premleea of racing trainer for the past five Syracuse, N. Y.— Bob Pastor, 185, H. Hollin ...... 8 2 83 79 244 champion, however, he must hrsl Visitor— How’s your wlfeT its snout Usually the fish is MUty for srrors In telephoned ads Man— She's about tbe same— , j A c q u n » w ill bs assumed and their Mcuracy G A R A G E B U S IN E S S — Being sold street. 319 North Main street, Manchester, years. Is out in front again. Dur- New York, stopped Hans Haverllck, E. Anderson ...:81 106 104 291 meet Davey Day, a Ross stablemate. caught by harpooning, and its red JVB MONVOUtif- » A annaot be guaranteed. ' to settle an estate. Large garage, Conn. The business Is owned by Min- ing the first five days of the Hia- (no weight given) Austria, (8). E. Krohn .. .. 119 89 109 317 Plan asserted. that’s why 'm eating my breakfast flesh is delectable. A marlin [ A po c t o r J j [V^EXCEPnONAL complete with modem equipment 3 N E W 116XX 1938 Phllcos. List nie H. Mints of 331 North Main street. Lancaster, Pa.— Lorenzo Pack, down town. Manchfhter, Conn . and will be ron* leah meeting, ending Saturday, swordfish is shown on a 1935 New V I040W* MANY INDEX OF and establlahed for over 20 years. price $230. $1U0 aJIowanct for old tinned h.v IJnrry .Mint* of 32! North Jacobs scored with two winners and 202*4. Chicago, knocked out Bob Totals . . 466 338 480 1894 The 1936 Canadian cheese pro- Zealand stamp CLASSIFICATIONS Excellent opportunity with com- set. $130 is nil you pay. Try one Main strett, M.iiiolitster, Conn., as two seconds for a total of 12 points Godwin. 185, Atlanta, (9). duction amounted to 117,079,000 8 51 THEY'RE fSOIMO ,S omeone C IR C U S . S O Y , EnildlBg^—Contracting ...... 14 brought him to the Sheridan zoo. YMS REALLY TH E R E'S ©OLDIE Ev/EBYTHIWQ "IHAT AM/WUl- 'kaJockiwQ TOC5AY N E V E R t h e y W A S rio rteu —Nurse flea ...... 1* FOR SALE—GAB STOVE. Almost "But It was a job holding him MO R E A S O N STUD V INT H S Fnaaral Directors ...... is 434S THEY CAW PHeS.ZIH3 AT THE W E N T T O SHOWS F O R C E D INTO new. Call 5290. Miller, 157 Pitkin down unttl we could get a rope on FOR NI9 H E A D O F F - A N ' Heating—Plumbing—Roofing ... 17 him," the men said. FOB him WKATVtCR back: A N' E N J O Y E D S u c c e s s e s .^ Xasuraace ...... 19 street. TAKlWa X S P E N T TH* FIRE D oor TH E M S E L V E S A N HUltnery—Dressmaking ...... 19 C»LD ' E V E N IN' IN A t h e r e w a s n t Moving—Trucking—Storage «... 90 South SAVE $10 ON A 1938 Whirlpool The origin of com is a riddle. M A D E G O O D a n y t h i n s p j ^ Public Paasenger Service ...... fO-A washer. Ail white with electnc There 1s some evidence that It came M O V IE .' T O O ? T O D O .. . k i d s PalBtlng—Papering ...... II pump, $59.95. Limited number. Act from the South American uplands, Prefeaelonal Servicee ...... 93 N O W h a v e t o o 4S21 quick. Benson's 713 &Ialn street. but the wild ancestors plant never HoBaliing MANY THINGS Tn^rt-jfiortng—Dyeing—Cleaning ... H Call 3535. has been found. Toilet Goode and Service . . . . . * • Ik North t h a t m a k e tVanUd— Business Service . . . . . 24 ' 'V W O R K L O O K Edaretloiial Courses and Claeses ...... 27 5432 P iivate Instructions ...... 2$ ...... IS.A Musical— Dramatic ...... zv AMBULANCE Wanted—Inetruetions ...... K, (Doagan) NOW You Can Buy Three Pf.urJ.I Bonds— Stock.— ^lort.ss:.. 11 B vs1d «.h Opportunltlca ...... 1] 5620 Tons of Coal For As Little DROP THEM GUNS. . />*. ,•/> „nk.s Mon.jr to Loan ...... 34 I ’M WUWQRV.SOW.AKJD A O R 'YOU’R E DEADUNJ Help and SItutlua. (Holloran) COME IWSIDE B*Ip Wanted—Female ...... u LfTTLE cold! I WAS WHERE IT'S Halp Wanted—Male ...... t« As $5.53 per Month WOWDERIUQ IF'iDU'D LET ■sl.am .o Wanted ...... i «-a WARM ; Halp Wanted-Mala or Female.. 17 3060 MC CUT SOME WOOD^TO Asanta Wanted ...... 17-A It is oni>' through a special budget plan that we are EARM A BOWL OF Bitiutloni Wanted-Fenial. .... 18 (Quish) ■Itnatlone Wanted—Mala ...... 11 able to make you this offer. Ask us for details. HOT SO U P? .Bmployinant Acenetes ...... 40 Idv. *tMk—Pets—PaaltiT— T.hlrir. 4340 Doc—Bird.—P.io ...... 41 I 4 v. Stock—Vehicles ...... 4| L. P O LA B o.ltrp and Soppllea ...... 41 HOSPITAL Wmitad— Pets— Poultry—Strok 44 Par Pale Wlarellaaea.s Aztlclaa For gala ...... 48 5131 COAL CO. BM ts uid Aeeaaacrias ...... 4« BoUdlnp Materlala ...... 47 62 Hawthorne Street . mPBonda—Watehea—Jewalry 41 net, I-IB WATER DEPT. Tel. 4918 or 46.12 cowt'ttonvi^tisvict.s^ daetrlcaJ Abpiluicaa—Radio 41 “Never mind, honeybun. You won’t have to do this when you’re my wife." Fw.1 and Food ...... 41. a Ojapdan— Farm— Dairy Producta 60 “I lost bis baby pictures.** Mcaaobold Goods ...... n 3077 K u h liiary and Tools ...... 63 C0e« ttM 9r MCA MRviec I jtj.vy-u.i8M 5 M u le a l Inetrnmants ...... a.... 11 (A fter 6 P. M.) ^ T M etc u. e. ear. eef T H E N IG H T S H I F T S . /-/V nwtaa and Btora lEpulpmaat . . . . 64 MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Adventure Ahead Bliaitala at tb. S tores...... 16 By THOMPSON AND CX)LL ALLEY OOP VFmt Iiic Apparal— Fora ...... 17 7868 A Cry for Help .WABtad— To Buy ...... it By H A M U N 5m THE MEAMTIM^ THE MVSTTERIOO* 1^'^® BELOW OM THE HORIZOM, (AYRA AND JACK Baama B .alll Walala 1 Weaarta MANCHESTER PASSENKSEC. mas seen OAZMCt N * viewer BN* O E O R d B f r r i y O K S A S F ' the sdup was MOIHIWQ BUT A ^OH.VCXJ'LL ENJOY A ■aalauBiita AffUOi.0'5 OLIMP5E formidable OLAhiO WITH fTS rM A BIT TOO l A f i ...THE TflOTLV OUT OF THE WNOCtU OF 1H6 > tABBE BUT CURIOUS ESTARE ^delicious! mo w ' L A R G E S IR L O IN Without Board ...... 14 WATER CO. ______PLAWE- ^TROUBLE STARTED - .dara Wantad ...... 18-a ALREADY.' WHAT HAYE VOU I’ S T E A K A N D S O M E UHIS 'So u TVUQ.BUt X®^ COORbE YOU Btry Board—^Baaort. M 0e.' EXV*T10*i -BMtauraBU ...... 8: /ilXKC.'WE’RE Toecx .4 i T Y j . POR ME *70 FRIED PCnATOCS/ MAM MAY I 5 7 i u ! ^ ] V D*VX AV® CUT? -Rooms—Board ...... 63 5974 / APPKOACH8J6 YACBT " CHANGE UTTLE clean/ Raal Batata Fa* Kaart' _J ARNOLD IS- ^ M MUO WON’T ^ B.nts, Flata, TasamsBU —, 11 "THE • lAtcationa tor Bast . . . 64 GAS CO. COURSE HUQTCHA! .^a For Raot ...... (6 * STOflMtU.^ orban For Rant ...... 66 owuNc (aKX'Sts OF tnar Romas For Rent ...— 13 5075 Btad to Rant ...... pt Ntrmr’s -1 r fcg. Bool Batata Far gala un! .iBient BtiUdiBg for gala . . . Pi ELECTRIC CO. aasa Proparty tor B a la ...... Td XBtEP J I and Land tor gala ...... Tl 'Y O U R — a t o r 6alo ...... ,a..am**. VP $181 tor gala .••.....•..m ..*.. TP E Y E : Proparty tor gala ...... T4 _kaa tor gala OM him! Batata EVENING HERALD 5121 TUBSDAT. JANUABT IS,IMS

SUvsr Lone than was the ease a few POUCE WATCH SLOWS dajra ago. Residenta o f SOve Lana In Bast Hartford complained to the

poUce department of Bast Hartford SaVER LANE SPEEDS concernlag the rate of speed at which some oars were traveling and particularly o f the cutting in and Parking apace, that has been out by some drivers. Special Patrol Established By limited in the vicinity o f Depot A s a result a special police patrol East Hartford Police Awes haa been assigned to Silver Lane Square since the snow storm, was Lady Robert Lodge, Daughter* of Many Manch^ter Drivers. during the rush hours and already S t George, will meet tomorrow eve- greatly enlarged today. Snow re- there haa been a large number cd ning with Mias Rachel VIckerman moval on the north aide of North arrests made. The arrests have of 62 Pearl atreet. A good attend- Main atreet from Main street to Manchester automobile driver* already resulted In slower speeds Park So. 4 Oib Scouts of Center who travel dally to and from Bast and last evening, also because Dr. G«orge W. May, of 189 E ^t ance la hoped for aa Important bual- points west of Depot Square and ot church has postponed Its parents Hartford and Hartford are driving the exceptionally bad conditions of O a a ^ ctreet. who b u been seiiotis- neaa will be dlacuased. around Depot Square, helped out In night program to January 31. at a much lower rate of speed the roads,' the rate o f travel was ly ID at hla home for the paat ten the moat congested section. through East Hartford by way of down to a sane pace. The regular meeting of the Wom- Today men have removed snow eks with pneumonia, is now able A cottage prayer meeting will be an'* Home Mlaaionary society of from the north aide of the street to be about the house and attend to held tonight at the home of Mr. and the- North Methodtst church will be from Main atreet east and have pro- Us pt^ession. Mrs. Henry Bailey, 291 Spruce held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock vided extra parking space to the street, under auspices of the Salva- with Mrs. Fayette B. Clarke of 60 east of the square. Today's opera n a Chapter, Beta aifrma Phi tion Army. Envoy Ralph Jones Haynes atreet tloBS provide space for parking cm sorority, will meet at the home of will be the speaker. SOaB AUce Altken, 9 Cross street, both sides of North Main street and have remedied a bad condition that tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The Fireside Forum will meet to- The Women's Home League of the Salvation Array will meet to- arose each time the Hartford-Rock- A GREA T SA LE night at 7:30 at the North Metho- vllle buses arrived at the parking A son, Clinton Clifford, was bom dist church parsonage. The nrst morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at January 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton the citadel. The hostesaea will be space. '*■ rehear.sal of the play, "Simple Men In the employ o f the New Xeeney of Keeney street, at the ■Simon Simple" will take place. Mrs. James Munsie, Jr., and Mrs. Hartford *'Ospital. The baby welgb- Rachael Symington. York, New Haven A Hartford rail- ^ 8 pounds. Mrs. Keeney la the road are also working In the vicin- The-Women's League of the SeC' fl^rmee Virginia Whltehouse. Mary B. Cheney Auxiliary, U. 8. ity of the freight ^and passenger ond Congregational church will depots and s n o w c a t had blocked T I O G A B O U CLE Vt. V., will hold its January social in Center Church Professional meet tomorrow afternoon at 2, the roads to the fA lg b t yards and to o'clock with the president, Mrs. C. the State Armory, tomorrow eve- 'Women’s club will meet tonight with ning. Mrs. Sophie Grabowskl, chair- the west side of The passenger sta- ]Uas Gertrude and Miss Helen Car- J. Strickland of 168 Main street. The tion bos been removed. members are reminded to bring man of the committee of arrange- rier of 40 Cambridge street Mem- ments, has prepared an appropriate Newly elected officers of the British American Club and honored guests Y A R N S hen are requested to bring snap- sewing equipment and prints. The at the annual banquet held In Masonic Temple Saturday night. Above, hostesses will be Mrs. Julius Strong, program In memory of President front row (left to right) arc: Fred Dickaon, vice president; David Max- ahots and baby pictures. Mrs. William McKinley, whose birthday Pbdlp Emery and Miss Harriet Mrs. George Stiles, Mrs. Anna KIs- well. president; Fred Baker, recording secretary; William Brennan, finan- falls on January 29. Luncheon will Franzen will assist the hostesses. ley, and Mrs. F. H. Strong. cial secretary; second row, Mrs. William Boyle, Mlsa Jessie M. Reynolds, Starts Wednesday be served and Bingo will be played. Mrs. George Elliott, Francis McCollum, treasurer; third row, James Finne-

gan, David Morrison, Gerald Donovan and Joseph Johnstone. Miss Rey- Insurance Morning and Will The annual meeting and supper nolds, Mrs. EHIIott and Mrs. Boyle were guests at the annual party. Complete Line* of Protectioni

wll, be held at the Centei Congre- Aotomohlle — Fire — Bnrglary gational church tomorrow at 6:30 Continue For Only Accident — Life — UaMlTty p. m. Reports will be submitted and gree on an anniversary class of can- Jewelry — Ulas* — Surety Honda a one-act play, "Something Big", DeMOUY TO OBSERVE didates on Monday, March 7, when a Few Days. will be presented by a cast of young past m uter councillors of the chap- people of the church under the di- Benjamin Cheney ter will occupy the chairs. About rection of Mias Helen Estes. Reser- TENTH ANNIVERSARY 175 E A S T C E N T E R S T R E E T thirty persons have served In that Reg. 55c Skeins vations may he made through Mrs. TEL. 3018 Sidney Wheaton or Mrs. Raymond capacity since the chapter came Mather Chapter Plans To Make into being and nearly 150 persona Personal and Commercial St. Laurent Survey* March Event Testimonial To have been members In that time.

The Stamp Collectors club ot A general committee will be “Dad” Walsh. selected in the near future, chosen Manchester, with 40 members pres- from both active and majority mem- et t last night at a meeting In the John Mather Chapter, Order of bers, the latter being those who Hotel Sheridan, held an auction ot have reached the age limit and are some 500 stamps on which |15 was DeMolay, will celebrate the tenth anniversary of ita founding In no longer active participants In the realized by the club. A pool of 2.- chapter. The local DeMolay now 000 stamps was won by Nat Rich- March, It was announced at a regu- Skein lar meeting of the Chapter at the has about 60 active members with ards, and a special drawing Robert Furay as master councillor. CAREY for a collection of 500 stamps Masonic Temple last night. Friday evening, March 4, has been tenta- donated by Mr. Richards, was 12 tively set as the date for a gala won by William E. Krah. Pro- banquet that will be a testimonial • R O O F IN G Just think of it— a dress of

ceeds of the second pool went to William "Dad" Walsh, who was the famous Tioga Boucle for W e have a few choice cars at lowest prices to the club. A t the next meeting ot Instrumental In the organization

stamp collectors, scheduled tor of the local group. • S ID IN G in town. They include one 1937 Ply- Agent For less than $2.00. A beautiful February 7, the auction will be aeld It Is also planned to have a spec- In the YMCA, and sales of all com- ial church service In connection range of colors suitable for mouth Demonstrator, one 1935 Pl3^outh, • T IL IN G memorative Issues from 1909 to with the celebration and present one 1934 Studebaker and a few low priced 1937 will be made. plans call for the working of a de- b PPERS both winter and summer

• IN S U L A T IO N dresses. cars all in good running order. The third slttlng»of the second

Everett Carlson is head of our service department— series of duplicate contract bridge, At This Low Price Estimates Freely Given. one of the best known all ’round mechanics in town. sponsored by the Masonic Social OKE Club, will be held at the Ma.sonlc Our Service department is up-to-date and equipped Temple at 8 o'clock tonight. Time Payments Arranged. • No Yam Held with the latest machines to do first cla.s.s work on YOUR Bridge, Whist Insured Workmen. car. We do work on all makes of cars. Miss *Mclcn Estes. well-known • All Sales Final dramatic coach, will be the speaker We can also do fender and body work. Paint jobs $19.75 on the "Fine Arts” program to be ^ rtroN • No Exchanges or Re- matched. Prices reasonable. • given at the Luther League meeting and Setback <’ASH funds. \ at the Emanuel Lutheran church to- Delivered. Industrial Insulation Wednesday Night night at 8 o'clock. Miss Doris KIbbee will present a reading and Company, Inc.

Drive A New Plymouth or Chrysler Miss Betty Woodruff will give sev- St. Bridget’s Hall Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. We will sell your present car now and deliver your eral cello solos. A short business 673 Main Street Manchester meeting will be held and refresh- Cash Prizes! Refreshments! L.T.Wood Co. new car in the SprinR. You can get more money for ments will be served. Playing Begins At 8:15. M BIsaell St. TeL 4496 Phone 6869 ■4 * your car NOW.

Admission 25 cents.


127 Spruce Street Tel. (Reputation for fair

jlealing is as well

W aller N . Leclerc I'inown as that of the V .Manchester Herald— Funeral Director

’Nuff said. Phone .1829. 259 .No. Main St. Fhone 5269 ■■ X


M a n c h e s t e r C o h n *

SJUoit ulUhJOIlF! Does Your Motor / 1 .i hMI|||

MAYTAG Self Serve and Health Market “Ping” On a Hill?


Sunoco Gas Will Eliminate

It. $79.50 up store Closes At Noon On Wednesdays.

Green Stamps Given With Cbsh Sales. Gorman Motor Sales KEMP'S Buick Sales and Service I f you start your dinners with a different soup every night . . The W . G. Glenney Co. 18-Main Street Maytag we can offer you many to choose from . . Heinz . . Hormel's , . Coal, Lumber, Masons' Supplies, Pafait Sales and Service Carapbell’s or Dnderwond's. Bean with Bacon, Scotch Broth, Next to G. E. Willis 836 No. Main St. - TeL 4149 - Manchester Chicked with Noodles and Cream of .Vliishroom are much In de- Phone 7220 Smoked Shoulders tb. 17c mand. t)nr Meat Department will have a combination spi-clal of one

Vegetable Bunch. Illb Meat with extra .Marrow Bone . . all for 2Bc. Doz. Large Selected Eggs 29e •'I“ t.v Shank Soup Bones, Veal Shanks, Lean Cuts of Stewing

Lamb and Corned Beef will he delivered early. If yon prefer to make your own soup, or want a boiled dinner. Art Benson Says:— Please remember the Wednesday afternoon closing schedule, and If It Is convenient, 'phone your order early tomorrow. CRISC O It's Tim e

BROCCOLI...... bunch 15c For That ‘Save $34.55 On A New All Wave

Broccoli Is now a very (topular \egetahle! Large Package RINSO

SUMMER SQ UASH ...... 9c to 18c each Permanent 1938 PHILCO

MnshrooniH...... pint 20c Green Beans... .2 qlfk. 29c Pillsbury's Flour 99c

(Equals about 'j lb.) Fresh Green Peas. Parsnips...... lb. CONSOLE RADIO Iceberg Lettuce...... 10c Yellow Turnips. Ripe, Red Tomatoes. With Automatic Tuning White Turnips. ft -' * Radishes...... 2 bun. 9c Juicy Grapefruit 6 f., 19c Cauliflower Carrots Celery Green Peppers

Fresh. Large Iceberg Tender D U C K S ...... Ih. 24c lRi» .Scrapple Lean Butts of H.A.M...... lb. I.ic Oysters $ » r r k . 9 5 HAM — Shank boiling...... LET T U CE .lb. 20c Veal Cutlets

Tedder, Oennlne Very TeiMler, Freoh, Sommer

C A LV E S’ LIVER ...... lb. 65c

Dance at the President’s 4 • ] < f t i M With Tour79 Old Set. Regularly $114.50 SQ U ASH a

Freshly Chopped GROUND BEEF ... .lb. 29c Bali in a whirl—witt a li -i-'i'i Bacon Squares or Large Link Sausage .lb. 3.1c fresh, vivacious Perma- Completely Installed With PIkilco All-Wave n i i nent. A coiffure that H!:'i Ij'! Aerial WEDNESDAY MORNI.NG BLUE L.ABEL SPECIALS H E A L T H A A A R K E T will make you look your Every Hem . Grade A New York State Pack. A special purchase at an unusually low « most charming self. CUT REFUGEE BEANS (Green)...... 2 cans 29c *t'l. •* price enables ns to pass this saving on to SHOESTRING CARROTS— or o Cans o Highlights for the Ball you. T h b model Hm aO the latest Philco Lb. SLICED BEETS...... Z Z O C LIN K SA1 - USA GE 29c Phone 3058 features — 8 Tubes — Inclined Tuning

4 Varieties of Farm Crest Cookies...... 3 doz. 15c Panel and Coneeentric Tuning.

C A LV ES' LIV ER Lb. 39c

Use Our Conyenient Budget Plan F R E N C H

Slight Carrying Charge B ACO N Lh. 32c Beauty Shoppe m-7U Mala Street

John sow Bioefc

43 Pearl St, Mrs. Petitjean BENSON FURNITURE & RADIO CaU 3535 Lb. PO T RO ASTS 25c