Registered by Post Publication Number NBQ5116


Please write direct to the Officer concerned as the P.O. Box is only a clearing address

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS President JOHN OUNKLEY 3 Stops Place Chifley ACT 2606 062810664 Past President KEN LANCE PO Box 2338 South Headland WA 6722 091 72 2153 Vice Presidents MIKE ARMSTRONG 90 Grahams Ave Woonoona NSW 2517 042846829 STUART NICHOLAS 7 Rupert Ave New Town Tas 7009 002 28 3054 OARREL WARDEN 40 Chester Ave BeuHrham Hill. NSW 2153 02 624 2250 RAULIEGH WEBB 127 Crawford Rd Maylands WA 6051 09271 71l}

Secretary TERRY O'LEARY PO Box 822 Bondi Junction NSW 2022 02 231 8111 Assistant Secretary GUY McKANNA 48 Vineyard St Mona Vale NSW 2103 02997 3758 Treasurer LLOYD MILL II Warner St Essendon Vic 3040 033798625 CONVENORS OF COMMISSIONS Administration MILES PIERCE 42 Victoria Cres Mont Albert Vic 3127 03 898319 Awards JOHN DUNKLEY 3 Stops Place Chifley ACT 2606 06281.0664 Bibliography GREGORY MIDDLETON PO Box 269 Sandy Bay Tas 7005 Diving TERRY REARDON 5 Loxton Court Hope Valley SA 5090 082634879 Cave Sefety JUDITH BATEMAN PO Box 230 Milsons Point NSW 2061 029290432 Cave Tourism & Management ELERY HAMIL TON-SMITH PO Box 36 Carlton South Vic 3053 ROY SKINNER 12 Beker St Lenah Valley Tas 7008 Conservation RAULIEGH WEBB 127 Crawford Rd Maylands WA 6051 09271 7113 International Relations JOHN DUNKLEY 3 Stops Place Chifley ACT 2606 06281 0664 Library ANDREW SPATE POBox 18 Talbingo NSW 2720 06949 5219 Newsletter - Editor JUOITH BATEMAN PO Box 230 Milsons Point NSW 2061 02 9290432 Newsletter - Manager IAN MANN I Somerville Ave Ashfield NSW 2Ul 02 799 8097 Speleo Handbook PETER G MA T THEWS 66 Frogmore Crescent Park Orchards Vic 3114 03876 1487 Survey Standards KEN GRIMES 13 Dewar Tce Sherwood QLD 4075 07397 3895 CONVENORS OF AD HOC COMMITTEES. Association DARREL WARDEN. 40 Chester Ave Beulleham Hills NSW 2153 02 624 2250 Beginners Manual MIKE ARMSTRONG 90 Grahams Ave Woonoona NSW 2517 042 846829 Cave Documentation PETER G MATTHEWS 66 Frogmore Crncent Parle Orchards Vic 3114 03876 1487 CSIRO Data Bese RANDALL KING 89 Marion St Enmore NSW 2042 02 519 5296 NuUabor World Heritage Nomination ADRIAN DAVEY GPO Box 290 Canberra ACT 2601 06247 3653 Nibicon ANDREW PAVEY 45 Arcadia Rd Glebe NSW 2037 026607536 Cave Convict PHILIP MACKEY 24 Drysdale Ave Frankston Vic 3199 03 7834538 SpeleoVision GRAHAM PILKINGTON 66 Eyre Cres Valley View SA 5093 08264 2598 Speleomania STUART NICHOLAS 7 Rupert Ave New Town Tas 7009 002283054 IUS Convention 1989 GUY COX 180 Short St Belmain NSW 2041 02 818 1896 CONVENORS OF STATE SPELEOLOGICAL COUNCILS NSW Speleological Council PHILIP TOOMER PO Box 230 MilsonB Point NSW 2061 02 929 0432



1985 : 106

TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial J Bateman 1 Notes on the ASF ASF Council Meeting - January 1985 C Dunne 2-3 Introducing TESS T Dennis 2-3 Area Nomenclature for from Lithgow to Mudgee, NSW P Dykes 4- 8 Equipment and Techniques Giant Staircase, Mount Owen - Tackle Notes J Blyde et al 11-13 A Review of the literature on the Toxicology of Fluoroscein Dye R Lichacz 9-10 Notices and N~ws 10 Photo spot 14 Down Under AllOver 15-16

The views expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and not those of the Australian Speleological Federation Incorporated nor the Editor unless specifically stated.


This will be my second last ASF Newsletter. The The new newsletter editor will be Kerry Bennett last will be the 100th (!) which although well and I would like to wish Kerry the best of conceived and reasonably well developed, .is luck. I would also like to thank all the still having a few problems with actually com1ng regular contributers, a quick glance at the into the world. contents tables of the last few newsletters will show you that it is always the same few people What I need are some decent action caving who keep this show on the road. I must admi t photos, yes I know I've asked before and I thank that without the support of these people I would those of you who have responded. Unfortunately, have chucked this job in years ago. the photos that I have received, that are of approprite quality, are either shots I feel that this is an appropriate time to draw or photos taken' in overseas. Doesn't everyone's attention to your good fortune in anyone have a decent action shot of a caver in having such a good newsletter manager. Ian Mann an Australian cave? What I am looking for is an does a lot of work behind the scenes, and it is exciting colour photo for the front cover as his constant, but friendly hassling. that has well as some ~ood colour shots for the centre caused this newsletter to appear in spite of pages. There 1S also room for some good black this editor's total disenchantment. and white shots and any humerous pnotos. I cannot offer you much more than the glory of I wish the new team well and I hope a few more your name in print but I hope that this, my of you "out there" will give them the support final plea, will generate some sort of a they need to make this magazine a success. response. I f I don't get a response, you will be stuck with the ineviable New Guinea or New Zealand photos. JUDITH BATEMAN ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985): 2


ASF COUNCIL MEETING - January 1985 The Hobart meeting saw the winding up of the Participating Associates of ASF Incorporated and "old" ASF, final step in the transformation to invited to proceed to apply fro membership • ASF Inc. The two sessions were well attended, the only dissappointments being that three NSW A grant of $100 from the Special Conservation clubs were not represented and that WASG was Fund was voted to Northern Caverneers, to help unfinancial and thus unable to vote. The absent defray the cost of the cleaning and conservation clubs were BMSC, HSC and RANCA. RANCA t s proxy work in Kubla Khan Cave at Mole Creek. only reached the ASF mailbox after the Secretary had left for Hobart. A recommendation that the Comission be amalagamated with the Cave Tourism Reports by the executive and by convenors of and Management Commission was rejected. These Commissions and Ad Hoc Committees were are seen as separate roles for ASF as recieved. Some had been published in advance in exemplified at Jenolan recently, where ASF has ASF Newsletter 104, some were given in writing been used as a consultant on the reopening of and regrettably some were only verbal! Some the Nett17 an~ ArC?h Caves. At the same time, reports were not given, mostly where convenors our relatlonshlp w1th the Tourist Department on were not in attendance; apologies were lacking other matters are at a low ebb. here •••• Discussion of the Jenolan issue ended with the Most discussion was about two issues. The first ASF Council declaring its full support for both being the deteriorating relations between ASF ASF and the NSW Speleological Council and and the NSW Tourist Department in respect of authorising both Presidents to act on ASF's access to Jenolan. The other being Speleo behalf in this matter even to pursuing a Handbook II. But more of these later. solution at the highest possible level. ASF cannot leave the Jenolan matter unresolved Speleovision Proceedings were on sale at the especially if we are serious about hosting a~ Conference, whilst the Cave Convict proceedings International Congress in NSW. a~e.close to. the printing stage. Meanwhile, the Nlb1con Comm1ttee was disbanded, but the mattet" ASF. has. a committee looking at a World Heritage of Nibicon's Proceedings is still being Nomlnatlon for the Nullarbor; a new committe pursued.' This was despite the claim that few unde~ .J~hn Dunkley was formed to look at the people now seemed interested in seeing a Nibicon possIb1llty of nominating Jenolan. A committe Proceedings. There have also been requests for under Nick White was formed to make a review of refunds and many of the authors have withdrawn Kars~ items ~n the National Estate Register, their concent to publish. partlcularly 1n regard to other possible World Heritage Nominations. It ,is intended to divide the publication of proceedings from Speleomania between Helectite On the much delayed Speleo Handbook I I, there and the ASF Newsletter, with at least an was lenghty discussion inside and outside the abstract .of all the papers appearing in the ASF meeting, b~th on the long promised publication Newsletter. and, more lmportantly, the ongoing structure of the karst database and the associated Further on publications, there was talk about documentation and development functions. whether Speleo Abstracts would ever be Howe~er" with the supposedly imminent resurrected. The feeling was that they could publIcatIon of the Handbook, the meeting felt never take quite the detailed form they used that any restructure'would be premature. to. However, we were reminded that ASF has not only an obligation to members, but also to the As the "papers" are no longer to be included international caving community in this regard. only the Karst listing will be published at thi~ stage. A new comm,i.ttee, under Evalt Crabb, is Al~o. nearly ready fDr publication, is the new to look into the future of the "papers" and the ed1tlon of the ASF Administrative Handbook; this future publication needs of ASF. has been prepared by Miles Pierce and Philip Toomer. Meanwhile, Mike Armstrong is working on Themee~ing SI;lW the re-election of John Dunkley a, Beginner's Manual. A proposed contents was as PreSIdent, the election of Ian Mann and Kevin c1rculated at the meeting. Mike has undertaken Mot~ ,as' the Vice Presidents, replacing the to circulate a full draft before the next ret1r1ng Darrel Warden and Rauleigh Webb. Ian council meeting, due early in 1986. Mann is convenor for "Speleotec '87", ASF's next conference. Another change was for the On membership, Lloyd Mill prepared a short Newsletter. Kerry Bennett replaces Judith report on alternative membership structures from Bateman as e~itor. Finally on people, amongst a financial and voting perspective. Capitation the awards gIven at the conference dinner was for 1986 was set at $8.00. A suggestion of the award of Fellow of the ASF to Peter $10.00 was defeated. Matthews for his years of 'dedication particularly to Speleo Handbook. ' Darrel Warden was not present to repo rt further on his review of association, but there is The Conference following "Speleotec 87" is obviously more work to be done here. It is sched':Jled .For Queensland, with cce already hoped that Darrel might publish his report in offerIng ChIllagoe as a possible venue. the ASF Newsletter at some future date. Chris Dunne "NEWCAVES" Newcastle and Hunter Valley Speleological Society were voted in AS ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985): 3

INTRODUCING TESS asset to Australian speleology. It is fortunate - The Top End Speleological Society that we have something new to offer him. After 15 years the Territory finally has a Professor Henri Dumont's visit to Kl in October caving society!!! In 1982 there were only three 1983 resulted in a second cave dwelling species of us (crazy cavers from the south), now there of Mesocyclops being discovered. Professor are ,gpproximatel y 1 7 members. "~1ASSI VE". Dumont is of the Zoological Institute, The State University of Gent, Belgium. The new Copepod is It was never intended to form a society until named Mesocyclops cuttacuttae, after the cave in Senior Ranger at Cutta Cutta Caves Nature which it was discovered, Cutta Cutta. Reserve, Cliff Ellis, warned that the area that we were working on would one day be Park Bats have been collected for study on several reserve. r-.tJt being total fools we heeded his occasions to date. Specimens of Eptesicus warning and with his assistance, TESS was pumilus. Miniopterus schreibersii and conceived. It took another two years of Macroderma gigas have all been sent south for gestation and finally popped up in Jun 1984. study - alive. The bats travel TNT air express in eskies! ' Unfortunately, due to a bureacratic bungle of old, TESS will not be able to follow on from the The bats are sent in a torpid state, which is defunct NTSS or DSG. Their records are few, or induced by placing the bat in front of an non existent. The only notable and reliable ai rcondi tioner. No reports have been recieved work done between 1969 and 1982 was in 1974 by either the Conservation Commission or TESS. UNSWSS. Our research has taken up where UNSWSS left off. So as you see, on top of the "Land down under" things are really happening. We hope that Cutta Cutta Caves reserve was granted extensions continued interest will be shown by zoological in late 1984 by the Conservation Commission of institutions, as the surface of the the Northern Territory. The Reserve is now investigation 0 f tropical cave life has only approximately 15 square kilometers and been scratched in Australia. encompasses most of the significant limestone outcrops south 0 f Katherine. Most caves tagged As furthering speleology is our main aim, I am by UNSWSS in 1974 are now within its boundary. sure that interest in TESS will not die, so you may look forward to more new findings from the The reserve itself, like all caving areas in the grovellers up north. NT is a most inhospitable place. No surface water, very little shade and the temperatures Southern caves are cool, but ours are real hot! often in the high 30's. To sum the surface up in one phrase: "Hiroshima, after the bomb". Captain Kremmen (Tod P Dennis) The caves themselves are only slightly more entertaining. With the watertable a t a maximum depth of 35 metres, a new cave depth record is out of the question! The caves are only active in the short wet season (unless water table links are present). Temperatures reach up to 3SO C, and the humidity in the caves reaches up to 10(J'o. To sum up in one phrase: "Bloody uncomfortable" • HE LOVES ME --- Y, TESS' interests are mainly cr'l'l:ined to Katherine -. I-IE LOVES ME NOT. __ at the moment but other .ground have been {.' illuminated by its ever seeking lights. Scott's Creek Station, west 0 f Katherine, has proved a most important caving find. An expedition by Rod Silburn and Scott Crawford revealed a long low cave system, which contained an extremely large colony of Rhinonicterie aurantius (not positively identified). the tolony size was in excess of 1000. Jabiluka (as in Uranium province), consists of sandstone caves in elevated outcrops. The main interest in this area is the existence of Macroderma gigas colonies. I do not wish to dissapoint the naive, but, the caves do not glow in the dark! All Caves List work is at present carried out by TESS. It is coordinated by the writer. The K26 system has been extended beyond the findings of UNSWSS in 1974. Exploration led by Captain K has resulted in another entrance being dUIiJ and two water table locations being found. B11nd shrimp were discovered at both water table locations. Professor W D Williams of Adelaide University accompanied TESS to "location one" to collect several specimens of the shrimp. A report of his findings will be submitted to the ASF Newsletter in the near future. Professor Williams' work on cave crustacea is a great ASF NEWSLETTER 106(19B5): 4

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APPENDIX C .N . -::.~-~.,.. "0", •. ,,, IN )' ; ~ ••~~r, ."I!:;~A"

l'~~!;jl "',., >l"'i} ;11\'UIl680 ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985): 5 A Revised Area Nomenclature for Karst Between Lithgow and Mudgee PETER DYKES INTRODUCTION For the last few years I have been involved in Blue Rocks, and Coko Creek, although no the documentation of caves and karst in the extensive work seems to have been carried out. Mudgee District. In doing so one of the greatest problems has been the lack of any clear area In 1970 the Mudgee Mini Conference was held. nomenclature/s for the limestone found in the This ushered in a new era of exploration in the region. Mudgee District. Two new clubs came on the scene; ie. Pensula Speleological Group (PSG) and Previous area nomenclatures have been the University of Speleological haphazardly applied and never accurately Society (UNSWSS). Most of the effort now geographically defined. A great deal of time has concentrated around the areas of Queens Pinch / therefore had to be spent in investigating and Apple Tree Flat or in the Capertee Valley. mapping the limestone outcrops. This has been followed, by clearly sorting the limestone PSG ran a couple of trips to the Cudgegong and outcrops into geographical areas for the Queens Pinch areas. It was as a result of these purposes of documentation. trips, or to be more precise, the published reports, that much of the area nomenclature This report, which represents years of work in confusion arose. PSG published a map of the the Mudgee District, was presented to the NSW caves at Queens Pinch along with a cave listing Speleological Council on 20 Feb 1982. It including the name of one cave called "Lemon clearly defines area nomenclatures for limestone Tree Pot". Lemon Tree Pot had originally been outcrops in f the district based on geographical found at Apple Tree Flat area in the early definitions and was accepted as defining the 1960's by HCG and how PSG found it at Queens approved nomenclature by the NSW Speleoplogical Pinch is beyond comprehension. Council on 16 Apr 1983. UNSWSS ran a trip to Apple Tree Flat in July HISTORY 1972 and also produced an area map and a cave listing with ATFI called "Lemon Tree Pot". Limestone has been known to exist in the district for over 100 years and during this time As both area maps appeared similar it was has been mined extensively for lime, cement and assumed that they were in fact the same area. road base. A number of large quarry operations The fact that the caves at Apple Tree Flat and have been in progress since the turn of the the caves PSG found at Queens Pinch were 8kms century and evidence of them can still be seem apart seems to have been overlooked until HCG in most of the outcrops throughout the region. reappeared on the scene in 1976. As a result of , very little of the original surface exposure of limestone is still Since 1976 HCG, mostly in the form of Evalt present. Only in the remoter areas of Capertee Crabb, Rik Tunney and myself have spent a great Valley and Apple Tree Flat is much of the deal of time revisiting the limestone outcrops. limestone still in its original state. Principally with the aid of Evalt, who remembers much of the early exploration of the district I The fist trip to the region by a caving club was have been able to sort out much of the confusion run by Highland Caving Group (HCG) in 1960. Much and begin a detailed documentation of the caves of HCG's early exploration was centred on the in the district. limestone immediately around Mudgee, especially the outorop at Buckaroo. Blayne Pearcey' s CURRENT AREAS report on Buckaroo in April 1963, concluded that there was little prospect of finding more cave In 1967 Speleo Handbook 1 recorded that there development there and as a consequence interest were four cave areas considered as being part of shifted south to the areas of Cudgegong and the Mudgee District with two areas in the Apple Tree Flat. Capertee Valley. These were;- Up to 1966 HCG had explored quite a number of Mudgee District Capertee Valley outcrops south of Mudgee: Apple Tree Flat and Cudgegong proving the most promising. However Apple Tree Flat Coko Creek after this date the club's 1nterest in the the Buckaroo Blue Rocks region fell off until the early 1970's. Cudgegong Queens Pinch During this time other caving clubs had become interested in the region, namely;- Blue None of the above areas were geographically Mountains Speleogical Club (BMSC) and Newcastle defined and most reports referred to only one Technical University and College Speleogical outcrop in the area in which caves could be Society (NTUCSS) found. The fact that some of the areas had limestone extending in a fairly continuious belt NTUCSS had run 3 dig in MU5 (known as Fence Line for up to 10 kms was completely overlooked. Hole) at Buckeroo in the early 1960's. However as the club became defunct after 1970 and its In the preparation for Speleo Handbook 2 the records were never deposited with ASF, I can number of cave areas has been reduced to two;- only speculate on the results of their work. It would seem that they spent some time looking Queens Pinch Cudgegong over the Buckeroo outcrop but did not visit any of the areas south of Mudgee. Again these areas are not geographically defined. Clearly the current area nomenclatures BMSC visited the areas in the Capertee Valley, in the Mudgee District are inadequate for the ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985): 6 following reasonSj- ILFORD Prefix IF (a) They do not cover all the limestone or caves All limestone drained by the Crudine River to be found in the region. upstream from its Junction with the Warrangunia (b) None of the areas are accurately Creek. geographically defined and as a consquence some confusion exist as to what area is what. KANDOS Prefix K (c) What area names do exist do not take into All limestone drained by Cardwell Creek. account all the limestone outcrops to be found in the immediate area, but rather refer to only LUE Prefix LU one outcrop. All limestone drained by Lawsons Creek upstream from its- junction with Bara Creek to its PROPOSED AREAS junction with Breakfast Creek. It is proposed to put forward ten areas to cover MUDGEE Prefix MU all the limestone between Lithgow and Mudgee and All limestone drained by the eastern tributaries that this be the basis of recording any karst of the Cudgegong River from its Junction wi th feature found therein. The new areas to be known the Eurundury Creek, including the Eurundury as;- Creek, upstream to its junction with the Mullamuddy Creek and as far up Lawsons Creek as Apple Tree Flat Lue the junction of Lawsons Creek and Bara Creek. Capertee Valley Mudgee Cudgegong Portland PORTLAND Prefix P Ilford Queens Pinch All limestone drained by the Williwa and Kandos Windeyer Dulhuntys Creeks. While the number of cave areas has certainly QUEENS PINCH Prefix QP increased, • it is now possible to accurately All limestone drained by the Mullamuddy and record all the limestone, and any features to be Limestone Creeks found in the region. It should be noted that in the case of three WINDEYER Prefix WD areas, no cave feature has been recorded to All limestone drained by the Goorangore Creek date;- upstream from Kandos Lue Portland its Junction with Four Mile Creek. However as all three have extensive deposits of CONCLUSION limestone, are of commerical interest and indirectly of interest to conservationists I This report represents a great deal of time, not have decided that they should be part of the only by myself but also the members of Highland N.S.W. Documentation of Karst Resources. Caving Group. Their assistance, especially that of Evalt Crabb, has made my job easier. Also I wish to present as complete and accurate a documentation of all karst to found in the Much of the limestone in the region has been region as possible. I hope to avoid the mined and consequently most of the caves to be situation that should a karst feature be found are only small holes. However, there are identified in the future that there is no some places of real interest: Capertee Valley defined area and area name to which the feature limestone with its peculiar flora offers a stark can be recorded under. In effect I wish this contrast to the surrounding forest, while both report to be as definitive as is possible. Swallow Cave and Ilford Cave are probably the best caves worthy of a visit. Queens Pinch and In deciding upon the new area names I have tried Apple Tree Flat offer some good caves for to retain as many old names as possible. beginners. However this was not feasible in the cases of Buckaroo, Coko Creek and Blue Rocks. Buckaroo PETER DYKES was the name for only one outcrop amongst a great many to be found east of Mudgee. I have CONVEROR, NSW SPELEOLOGICAL COUNCIL CAVE decided that the name Mudgeeis a more NUMBERING AND NOMENCLATURE COMMITTEE. appropriate name to cover all this limestone. In the case of Blue Rocks and Coko Creek, both REFERENCES names refer to either ends of the same continuous belt of limestone to be found in the ANON Summary of HCG Exploration in the Mudgee Capertee Valley. Therefore to simplify names I District. CAlCITE No 10, 1965 PP 4 - B have decided to use the name Capertee Valley. ANON Report of the Mudgee Mini Conference PROCEEDINGS 1970 The following is the geographical definitions CARNE JE & JONES LJ for the new The Limestone Deposits Of NSW MINERAL cave areas:- RESOURCES No 25 NSW Department Of Mines 1919 DENNY B Trip Report Mudgee 11/7/74 PSG BULLETIN APPLE TREE FLAT Prefix AF Vol 4 No 4 PP 30 - 32 All limestone drained by the western tributaries DUNNE C Trip Report Mudgee 2/9/78 CALCITE No 26 of the Cudgegong River upstream from its PP 9 - 11 junction with Mullamaddy Creek to its Junction DYKES P Trip Report Mudgee 22 23/4/78 with Limestone Creek. Unpublished DYKES P Trip Report Capertee Valley - Mudgee 28 CAPER TEE VALLEY Prefix CV - 29/10/78 Unpublished All limestone drained by the . DYKES P Trip Report Capertee Valley - Mudgee 14 - 15/7/79 Unpublished CUDGEGONG Prefix CU DYKES P Trip Report lIford, Cudgegong and Queens All limestone drained by both the eastern and Pinch March 1980 Unpublished western tributaries of the CUdgegong River from MATTHEWS P its Junction with Limestone Creek upstream to Caves Of NSW And Australian Capital Territory its junction with Cardwell Creek. Speleo Handbook ASF Sydney 1967 PP 132 - 146 ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985): 7 APPENDIX B APPENDIX 0

glen alice

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Mc SWEENEY J APPENDIX A Trip Report Spe1eotours Ink 22/7/72 SPAR No 'REPORT Of MUDGEE MINI CONfERENCE PROCEEDINGS' 21 December 1972 PP 12 - 15 OLIVER K APPENDIX B MAP:- BATHURST 1:100,000 Sheet Trip Report Mudgee 29 - 30/5/71 CALCITE No 20 8831 (EDITION 1) Series R651 PP 11 Compiled by ROYAL AUSTRALIAN PAVEY A Cave Descriptions for Apple Tree flat SURVEY CORPS Printed 1977 SPAR No 21 December 1972 PP 15 - 19 (Information on map correct to 1973) PEARCEY B . COVERING; PART OF CAPERTEE VALLEY Report On Exploration And Excavation Of .- AREA AND PORTLAND AREA Limestone On Parish Bumberra (Portions 110, 102,113) County Of Phillip April 1964 APPENDIXC MAP:- MUDGEE 1:100,000 Sheet Unpublished 8832 (EDITION 1) Series R65l ROBERTS C Compiled by ROYAL AUSTRALIAN Trip Report Mudgee 8/10/77 CALCITE No 25 PP 4 SURVEY CORPS Printed 1977 - 5 (Information on map correct to 1973) TOOMER P Trip Report Mudgee 12 - 13/8/72 PSG COVERING: APPLE TREE fLAT AREA BULLETIN Vol 2 No 4 PP 28 - 33 PART Of CAPER TEE VALLEY AREA TOOMER P Trip Report Mudgee 11/7/74 PSG CUDGEGONG AREA BULLETIN Vol 3 No 3 PP 31 ILfORD AREA TUNNEY R Trip Report Mudgee 22 23/4/78 KANDOS AREA CALCITE No 25 PP 7 LUE AREA WELlINGS G MUD GEE AREA Trip Report Blue Rock, Cudgegong, Ilford QUEENS PINCH AREA Limestone Areas JSSS Vol 15 No 7 PP 202 - 203 WINDEYER AREA APPENDICE~ APPENDIX D MAP:- WALLERAWANG 1:100,000 Sheet 8931 (EDITION 1) Series R651 Below is a list of the Appendices provided with Compiled by ROYAL AUSTRALIAN the original report. The maps have been SURVEY CORPS Printed 1977 reproduced in this isssue. Appendix A is rather (Information on map correct to 1973) lengthy and will be in many club libraries and COVERING; MOST Of THE CAPER TEE VALLEY so has not been reproduced here. Copies are AREA available from: Peter Dykes, PO Box 1338, ORANGE NSW 2800.

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~lFl_~S ({lM~ ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985): 9

A Review of the Literature on The Toxicology of Fluoros,cein Dye ROMAN LICHACZ USES

Fluoroscein I S major use' in the field of types of game fish was found to be as follows:- Speleology is in confirming connections between FISH 24 hour 48 hour 96 hour water bodies in different regions of a cave, Rainbow Trout 4198 3420 1372 between the surface and underground waters and (Salmo gairdner) to show that different caves and different parts Channel Catfish 3828 2826 2267 of the same cave are interconnected by the same (Ictalurus punctatus) body of water. In so doing,the underground Bluegill 5000 4898 3433 hydrology can be determined. On occassions (Lepomis Macrochirus) these tests are done without due care to the effects of fluoroscein on the environment These results indicate that the dye is utilising these water bodies. Hence the reason relati vely non-toxic to these large game fish, for doin9 this review on the toxicology of if the dye is used in dilute quanti ties as the fluorosceln. • dye should be used. At the same time a study (1) on the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus Outside of the Speleological interests, the main purpuratus gametes showed that fluoroscein uses of fluoroscein are for sanitation processes rapidly inhibIted fertilisation. The ability to (6), such as tracing flow patterns, flow rate block fertilisation is thought to be related to measurements in sewers and streams, calculating the dye's lipophilicity, making it capable of retention times in sewerage settling tanks, being absorbed onto the lipophilic regions of tracing contaminated ground water, calculating the vitelline layer (egg yolk) and/or the plasma zones in wastewater discharges in receiving membrane of the gametes. waters and detecting waste flows of effluent from subsurface disposal fields. In chemistry The obtained experimental 150 (1) (the ability it is used as an adsorption indicator for of the dye to inhibit fertIlisation of 50% of titrations and in medicine (6) it is used as a the eggs) was found to be 4 millimoles or diagnostic agent in some ophthalmic (e.g. as an approximately 1500 ppm. indicator of corneal trauma) and circulatory For ordinary mice the LD50 (5) (the lethal conditions and as a dental plaque disclosing dose where 50% of the test population dies) was agent (5). to be 4738 mg/kg of the mouse's weight. Effects on the mouse included decreased spontaneous CHEMISTRY motor activity, righting reflex, respiratory rate, ataxia (loss of coordination) and central Fluoroscein sodium has also the following nervous system depression at higher synonyms (11):- concentrations. soluble fluoroscein, resorcinol phthalein sodium, uranine, uranine yellow and its IUPAC For rats the LD50 (5) was found to be 6721 name of Spiro(iso benzofuran-I(3H),9 1 -(9H] mg/kg of rat weight. Effects observed on the =xanthem] -3-one,3' ,6'-dihydroxy- (2321-07-5]. rats included irritability, decreased Its molecular weight is 376.27, with a molecular spontaneous motor activity, ataxia, piloerection formula of C20HIONa205. (hair erection) and decreased respiration rate. The LDSO) for newborn rats was found to be It is usually in the form of an orange-red only 100'0 mg/kg of rat weight, this low value powder, which is hydroscopic, freely soluole in could be attributed to a decrease in water forming an orange-red solution that biotransformation, renel erection and an fluoresces with a yellowie~-green colour. The increase in the permeability of the blood-brain colour (6) is first detectaJle at a pH of 4.6 barrier in newborn rats. and increases in intensity to a peak at a pH of 8.0. It is perceptible down to 0.02 ppm with (c) Plant Toxicology. the. naked eye, while spectroscopic techniques An extensive study (10) was conducted by will permit it to be detected down to 0.1 to 0.5 Shellini on the effects of low and high ppb. concentrations of fluoroscein on the plants Fluoroscein (6) is easily decomposed by sodium African Lemon Marigold (Targetes ereta), Stone's hypochorite or potassium dichromate. Clays and variety of tomato (Lycopericium exculentum), soils have a great ability to adsorb Black wax beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), and considerable quantities of the compound • Crosby's Egyptian variety of beet (Beta vulgaris . rubra). At low concentrations the plants grew TOXICOLOGY bigger, larger and would bear more fruit than the control plants, but at high concentrations (a) Mutagenicity stunting would occur. This was at first thought Fluoroscein proved to not be mutagenic using the to be due to the photodynamic destruction of Salmonella/mammalian-microsome test (8) and also auxin (which is formed in the leaves, and is by using Bacillus subtilis and Escherishia coli invol ved in stem elongation and bending) , but (4). The halogenated derivatives of fluoroscein this explanation didn't explain the plant proved to be mutagenic under the influence of propagation in low concentrations of fluoroscein. light. Further investigation revealed that the (b) Animal Toxicology fluoroscein was ten to fifty times more The experimental LT 50 (2) (the lethal time for concentrated in the ground than in the root 50% of the population to die) for the house fly, xylem, which implies that it doesn't reach the Musca domestica, is 33.8 hours. leaves or the top of the plant. 1f the root The experimental LC50 (7) (the lethal system was damaged the fluoroscein would travel concentration in ppm for 50% of the test fish to to the top of tne plant which would subsequently die in the specified time) for three die. So to test whether the effect was ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985):10 photodynamic, tomato plants were kept in the Fertilization in the Sea Urch~nt dark and light and with and without fluoroscein, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is blocked the plants in the dark were fed a 10% sucrose by Fluorescein Dyes Dev BioI 63, solution to make up for the lack of sugar 432-440, (1978) normally produced by photosynthesis. In both 2 Fondren JE, Norment BR and Heitz JR light and dark specimens treated wi th Dye-sesitized Photooxidation in the fluoroscein the growth was reduced by 60-90% of House Fly, Musca domestica the control plants This suggests that the Environmental Entomology, 7, (2), mechanism of inhibition isn't connected with a 205-20B, (1978) photodynamic effect. 3 Fairbrot~er TE, Essig HW, Combs RL, Heitz, JR Tox~c Effects of Rose Benegal and The growth rate of stems is regulated by auxin Erythrosin B on Three Life Stages Of the (from the leaves) and caulocaline (a hormone Face Fly, Musca autumnalis found in the root). As the same effect is Environmental Entomology,lO, (4), observed in the light and the dark it can be (1981), 506-510 assumed that fluoroscein is effecting something 4 Yoshikawa K, Kurata H, Iwahara·S, and Kada T which is in perpetual darkness in the roots, Photodynamic Action of Fluorescein Dyes such as the caulocaline. in DNA-Damage and in-vitro Inactivation The observed increase in growth can only be of DNA in Bacteria Mutation Research, obtained if all other factors, mineral 56, 359-362, (1978) nutrition, assimilation, auxin are optimal or at 5 Yankell SL and Loux JJ, least not limiting in growth. Acute Toxicity Testing Of Erythrosine and Sodium Fluorescein in Mice and Rats CONCLUSIONS J Periodontry, 48, (4), 228-231, (1977) 6 Hee RJ It is recommended that the halogenated Toxicity of Fluorescein Dye derivatives (which exhibit greater fluorescence, California's Health, 17, (12), 113-114, (1959) toxicity and m'Jtagenicity) not be used under any 7 Marking LL circumstances. In fact fluoroscein shouldn't be Toxicity of Rhodamine B and Fluorescein used if the water is suspected of draining into Sodium to fish and their compatibility a water su~ply downstream of the test site with Antimycin A Progressive Fish unless considerable dilution of the compound is first done so that it is visually undetectable Culturist 31,(3), 139-142, (1969) or the water is chlorinated before being 8 Muzzall JM and Cook W L consumed. Mutagenicity Test of Dyes Used in Cosmetics with the Lastly, let me conclude by saying that the Salmonella/Mammalian-Microsome Test indiscriminate use of chemicals which can Mutation Research, 6 7,(1), 1-8 (1979) potentially contaminate the waterways should be 9 Klaassen CD - , avoided, unless there is absolutely no other Comparison of the toxicity of chemicals method available and the results are absolutely in newborn rats to bile duct-ligated and necessary. The test should be conducted with sham-operated rats and mice Applied due care and attention to the environment and it Pharmacology, 24,(1), 37-44, (1973) should be remembered that fluoroscein is 10 Sellei J, Se11ei H, Mayer A and Went FW absorbed in clay and mud, so that an excess has Affects of Fluorescein on plant growth to be used and it will leach out for some American J of Botany, 29, 513-522 (1942) considerable amount of time. 11 Windholz M (ED) , The Merck Index, 9th Edition, Merck and REFERENCES Co USA, (1976) 1 Carroll. EJ and Levitan H 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTICES and NEWS Wayne Tyson of WASG has been contacted by Dr Robert Ko, president of FINSPAC, regarding a The NEW EDITOR is: "Symposium on Java Karst". The symposium will be held in Yoyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia from 27-30 Aug 1985. The purpose of the symposium, according to the leaflet received by Wayne is "To introduce the South Gombong Karst, with its Conical Hills, which is very different from the Gunung Sewu Kerrie Bennett Type Conical Karst, considered hitherto as 'Classical Tropical Karst '''. 90 Gahans Avenue The symposium is being organised jointly by the Federation of Indonesian Speleological Activities (FINSPAC) and The Foundation of Woonona NSW 2517 Indonesian Speleology ~n cooperation with the Director General of Tourism, the Indonesian Science Institute and the Indonesian environmental forum. Registration and accommodation will cost around US$200-$300, field trips will cost around US$200. Those interested in attending the symposium and/or presenting a paper should if"! the first instance contact Dr R Ko, PO Box 55, Bogar, Indonesia. ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985):12 order for which climbing ropes are designed. Hence, we need completely inert subject incapable of helping himself. The look no further; these ropes are relatively cheap, hardwearing, results were unexpected and dramatic, so dramatic in fact that flexible, subject to stringent manufacturing standards and of t~e experiments were abandoned as too dangerous after the course come in lots of pretty colours. This still leaves a couple first two volunteers became genuinely unconscious and had to of questions unanswered, which knot should we use? Is 9 or be lowered immediately for emergency treatment - one caver 11 mm diameter rope best? In general, the choice of knot hardly after 30 minutes, the other after only 6 minutes inert matters; Overhand, Figure S, Figure 9, Bowline - all are suspension. This effect is seen as a possible new factor in sufficiently strong and in repeated drop tests provide us with previously unexplained deaths on ropes, not associated with a the right level of safety (3 x FF2). Figure S, and particularly serious accident. Further experiments are planned to better Figure 9 knots are safe but bulky, my cowstails are tied with defi~e the problem although the doctors see this as a complex Overhand Knots, well tightened and bound with adhesive tape medical procedure and in the meantime issue the following to prevent them working loose. As for size, 9mm diameter advice to cavers: dynamic climbing rope (half rope) is quite safe, 11 mm diameter 1. An exhllusted ClIve, should not begin the· ascent of a rope is bulky and the additional bulk useless. /1.s for thinner deep without first nNlching a good phYs/CilI ropes, in an attempt to reduce the weight of their gear by a few condition (i.e. IYI" and food). grams, some cavers have opted for cowstails of S, 7 or even 2. It apptlllrs to ba a mls",ke to Imagine that one can fflSt 6mm diameter in extreme cases (nut casas); there's obviously effectively during the ascent. It is battel to descend little future in this. To quote a famous French caver on this topic again at the filSt signs of exhllustion. "It's very fortunate that wellies don't have laces"! 3. Should a cavel bacol1)llexhllusted on the rope, it is an One final point - cowstails are subject to fairly hard use, and emelgency - his companions must quickly ;ntelVene to in common with all ropes are also weakened simply by the help him down. effe-;t of age. It is important to replace them whenever they Thanks to my friend Chris Woods for her excellent translations become worn and in any case renew them at least once each of the two French reports. year. Compared with the rest of a caver's equipment, the cost of cowstails is negligible and a couple of pounds is a small price Caves and Caving No 27 1985 to pay for continued peace of mind. Climbing Ropes? SpeleoTechnics Fx2 - update Still on the subject of cowstails - some weeks ago a friend Looking back through past issues of Caves £t Caving, it bought a bit of rope to replace his cowstails and just out of appears to have been over two years since the Speleo Technics interest brought the old one along to test. Not that he was Fx2 lamp was first introduced. At the time this lamp seemed a particularly worried about it, the sheath showed some signs of fairly radical innovation and as might be expected with a brand wear but still looked quite serviceable and in fact was only new product experienced a bit of market resistance and a few about four months old. So we tested it using the normal set up teething troubles. In the meantime, the lads at Speleo Technics we use for SRT ropes (see below) and to his dismay it failed on (both active cavers) have not been idle in setting things to the first fall factor 1 drop. Later we tested the new, unused rights. Subsequent developments have greatly improved the lamp and merit a further brief description. length and this fared a little better, surviving one factor 1 drop The battery pack itself remains much the same and and failing on the second, an improvement but still well below comprises twin nicad cells sealed in a solid block of tough, the level of safety required for cowstails. In addition, it's likely thaf after four months use, the second length would fare no shock aborbent plastic, connected to the headset lead by an better than the first. So what's the problem? Well, simply that integral moulded plug bolted to the battery pack. Some early there are ropes and ropes. Without mentioning names this models suffered from faulty cables, although the adaption of particular bit of rope was bought from a caving suppliers in the mining specification cable and a new bending process has Dales who described it as "Smm climbing rope". It is in fact entirely eliminated the problem. Nowadays, the Fx2 is fitted nothing of the sort, but instead Smm "static accessory cord". with a new headpiece, similar in appearance to the familiar Now there's plenty of this stuff about, and its important to Oldham job but with some improved features. For instance, the appreciate the difference; this is the type of cord that climbers moulded shell is virtually unbreakable polycarbonate with a thread through chocks and ice axe handles and many caves use solid bezel, the reflector is metal with sturdy screw-in for footloops. However, as our rather crude test shows, it has bulb sockets and the headpiece is protected against the use of very poor shock absorption characteristics compared with real an incorrect charger. Modern halogen bulbs provide a great d€al "dynamic climbing rope" which is designed to hold leader falls. more light for about the same duration, that is around 10 hours. So, how to spot the difference:- Firstly, there are no Smm There are two single lamp chargers available each fitted with diameter climbing ropes. Secondly, climbing ropes are almost moulded plugs that connect directly to the battery pack, one for always supplied in standard cut lengths of 45m for a 10/11 mm use with a 1 2 volt supply and the other a neat mains job with an "Single" rope, or 90m for an S.7/9mm "Half" rope. So if it's integral 1 3 amp plug. on a reel in the shop, it's almost certainly static accessory cord. While I'm not a great champion of electric lamps for caving, this is a lighting system produced by cavers for use in caves, Thirdly, try to fin<~ a supplier who knows what he's talking about. Caves and Caving No 26 1984 and certainly has a great deal going for it compared to a conventional miner's lamp. Neither are these lamps wholly intended for beginners in simple caves (eminently suitable Experiments on harnesses though they are), last year some of the oldest cavers in existence used them to reach the bottom of the Gouffre Berger. IICHALAIN (39) May 84" is a French report (courtesy of Dr. The Fx2 is lightweight, rugged and durable and obove all John Frankland) concerning the physiological effect of completely leakproof. It affords great peace of mind to be able suspension in a caver's SRT harness. The tests were to chuck a lamp into a tackle sack along with the rope and not undertaken by a group of doctors employing sophisticated worry about it. Further details from Speleo Technics, Victoria monitoring techniques on fit, volunteer cavers feigning Mill, Mersey Street, Preston. Or why not hire one for a day from unconsciousness or exhaustion - that is slumped in the harness Inglesport and try it out for yourself? without moving. Everyday caving experience proves that someone in good physical condition and in continuous motion Caves and Caving No 28 1985 on the rope can remain suspended for several hours without difficulty apart from discomfort. This study takes the case of a ASF NEWSLETTER 106(1985):13

lightweight Ropes implies. With regard to an accidental rub-point in the pitch, the Throughout the past year I've become aware of increasingly situation is worsened by the increased stretchiness of the thinner widespread use of very lightweight 8/9mm SRT ropes. This is a ropes. There is little point in attempting to quantify these trend which I find extremely disquieting; there is no doubt in my comparisons precisely, sufficient to say that the degree of abrasion

CQSS REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF CENTRAL urgency of the cessation of mining on Mt QUEENSLAND SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OVER Etna. THE PAST FEW YEARS. There have been but a few new caves The Society's membership in 1985 is 35 discovered in recent years but the local adults with a number of children in the feeling is that as we work harder ie Society under the family membership dig, we will be turning up better and arrangement. CQSS has suffered the same better caves. Each discovery has malaise as many other societies around surpassed the earlier caves in the country with activity being at a beauty.With each new discovery comes an very low ebb even though the increased understanding of water flows conservation efforts have been and narrrows the search area for maintained at a commendable level potential caves. A number of our members have given talks Trips have been made to areas of and slide displays to school groups associated interest, like an old gold ranging in age from preschoolers to high mine, where aragonite deposits were school students.- With Bat Cleft at risk noted on the walls. A disused clay pit to a limestone quarry, much of our on Mt Morgan (the world famous gold effort has gone into raising public mine) was visited to see where dinosaur awareness of the importance of this footprints are visible in the roof of maternatiy cave to the Miniopteris the drives. species and to the local ecology. A search and rescue practice operation Slide displays were gi ven at local is mounted annually, often in shopping centres during Environment Week conjunction with the SES, police or fire and a captivating slide of a Little Bent brigade. Wing Bat held between thumb and A projected visit to the lava caves at forefinger attracted a great deal Biggenden is hoped to revitalise interest and helped alliviate ~ome of interest and the trip will investigate the fear about these little craetures. rumoured volcanic caves recently Members also addressed the Yeppon branch revealed by an earth slip in the of the Wilderness Society emphasizing mountains to the west of Miriam Vale. the spectacular emergence flight from Four members made the pilgrimage to Bat Cleft and the cave's" immenent danger Hobart in January to attend the from mining. "Speleomania" conference and their We even managed to get this phenomena return has fired many_ members to attend into the press by running pre-dawn the Chillagoe conference so close to champagne breakfasts at Bat Cleft with home in 1987. people standing t goblet in hand, framed There is a general feeling here that is by tower karst and surrounded by bats! shared by those that have met cavers in T-shirts printed with Bat Cleft slogans other states, that speleology is and "Save Our Caves" plea sell well at emerging from the doldrums it has been the end of excursions to Bat Cleft and experiencing in recent years. visitors are encouraged to sign Kerrod Hamilton petitions asking for the preservation of the area, with State and Federal HCG Over the last 12-18 months a number of Governments the intended recipients. trips have been run. These include CQSS have constructed showers, toilets trips to Timor, Cliefden, Bungonia and and provided a water tank at our Jaunter, where a considerable number of campsite at Mt Etna. Access is through hours were spent filling in cave data an adjoining farm whose owner has been a sheets (in conjunction with Peter Dykes) staunch friend of the society and is a for the fabled "Spelbo Handbook II). member of UQSS. These camping Another trip to Coolemon was washed out, facilities are available to all member while a refamiliarisation trip to the societies of ASF. There is a camp fee Mudgee Area looked at the biology of of $1 per night and this goes towards Queens Pinch, Apple Tree Flat and provision of further facilities. Cudgegong. A trip in conjunction with In 1982 a cave was entered in the NSWITTS went to Colong and also did limestone quarry on Mt Etna, a cave of Bindook Slot . such quality that it was considered Six members attended the conference in comparable to Jenolan. Although Hobart, two members managed to get in consisting basically of only one some caving at Waitomo in NZ and one chamber, the decoration covered all of manage to get on a one week trip to PNG. the roof, the walls and the floor. No great discoveries locally can be Formation of the size, quality and reported, however, a lot of old data grandeur were unsuspected in this area. finally saw publication in 1984. (Pay The cave was open for three weeks and no attention to the 1982 date on Journal then blasted away! 3). We do have as a treasured momento, an Graeme Smith excellent set of slides gathered in great haste and at ridiculous hours of UNSWSS By now word is probably being passsed the morning. The cave was posthumously around that something is happening at named "Crystal Palace". It lives in the Cliefden involving not just UNSWSS, but minds of those priviledged to see it, BMSC and OSS. The proper documentation and exemplifies the necessity and that this area desperately deserves is ASf NEWSLETTER 106(1985):16

finally to be undertaken. What maps studies. Despite this the armchair have been completed are being brought cavers were hard at work. together and those which are either to Ian Charlson and Rob Whyte acquired be started or finished have been Apple Computers through the year and identified. Duties have been have been hard at work proving that the distributed between the clubs with the computer has a place in Australian aim of producing a loose leaf binder caving. As a result Ian has been busy documenting the area. placing the "contents" of the SSS In common with the Nullarbor Atlas and Journal into a data base. Meanwhile, as Chillagoe Karst, the folder will only be all the clubs with whom we exchange available to the member societies of newsletters are sending their respective ASf. Hopefully this will restrict any newsletters, Rob has been entering their damage which may occur to the area from "contents" into another data base. illicit caving. It has been considerd Although not Speleo Abstracts, this advantageous to produce this information system enables you to see what has been in a loose. leaf folder, since it permits published and where to find it. The people who own a copy to efficiently data base contains the details from the update it as new information comes to "contents" page and keywords to indicate light. the type of each article. If anyone The history and geology have to some wants a printout of the files send $2 to extent already been documented. Ian UNSWSS at the address inside the front Char Ison has almost finished his map of cover of this Newsletter. Island Cave and we are now preparing to Meanwhile, our own journal, Spar is check the club's map of Main Cave for looking like it will appear six times inaccuracies. There is a possibility during 1985. With a bit of luck, enough that Main will be closed for a period of trips will be run to fill the pages with one year to give the cave a rest and to trip reports. Subscriptions are now $10 give experiments, which could be including postage. disturbed by movements in the cave, a As usual, if anyone wants to find out chance to be performed. This tough what an UNSWSS trip is like, you will be matter is ultimately for OSS to decide. more than welcome. Why not gi ve us a Apart from Cliefden, UNSWSS was pretty ring, Rob Whyte (02) 623 5967 or John quiet in the last part of 1984, due Wil11ams (02) 671 4365 and find out mainly to the student member's what's happening. increasinq involvement in their Rob Whyte

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Australia's largest range of ascenders and And a huge range of headlamps and I'm glad I bought my gear at static ropes. From CMI, , and torches. Including Petzl's Zoom headlamp. Caving Equipment Bluewater. Equipment you can rely on to get you out of the toughest spots. Gear you can rely on. caving equipment 230 Sussex Street, Sydney 2000. For cavers, climbers, walkers, skiers, canyoners - anyone who's out in Mail order to: PO Box 230, Milsons Point 2061 the wild. Caving Equipment's got the gear. Write for our free catalogue. Phone 24 hours (02) 264 2095.

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As we informed on 21st May, 1984, we now give further information concerning the 9th International Speleology Congress. At the present time the guidelines have been aproved, the financial study has been prepared -showing its viability- and a tentative activity programme has been drawn up. It should be pOinted out that the indications of the Secretary General of the UIS have been accepted and the date of holding the Congress has been brought forward to the months of July and August 1986, with the following structure.


'C GENERAL UIS MEETING -r. e: "'-e:.., >- :;:) .2--: g . e KARSTOLOGY-GEOSPELEOLOGY ~e::;:Q)0(l) ~o ~ '" NON LIMESTONE CAVITIES ... (I) _.t::. e: en .! Q) ~ CI) .2 cd BIOSPELALEOLOGY z CD £u.CI)~~·c 0 '" Eij o.a.Q ARCHEOLOGY-PALEONTOLOGY ~ e:=e:'" x'" en CENTRAL EVENTS .Q u. ° C,W iii en ....~ CD >-:;: ·0 APLLlED SPELEOLOGY W 00>",-(1)° en Ci.QE~5 DOCUMENTATION m ~ Q)n.~ .t::.Q)-·-c :E.Q COMMITTEES u;~ an GENERAL UIS MEETING CLOSING


Although the general organization of the Congress-has been set up ant the leading offices have been filled, the Coordinating Committee of the different Pre and Post activities has not yet defined the details and costs. Therefore it is not possible to give the final features in this letter. What we can ensure you is that, in spite of the time elapsed, the cost o.f the registration fees to the central events of the 9th Congress will not be higher than that of the 8th Congress in Kentucky. We are proposing to send out the final documentation next October. By way of a decimal classification, this will be periodically extended as desirable to each of the programme activities. This information will be sent out to every person or Qrganization which expresses its interest in receiving it by returning the enclosed card.

Secretariat General del 9ft. Congr6s


Mail this card to: ~ . 9" Cavaao ••, a:iot .. Name ...... ·.· .. ······ .~~ --- Apert.clo 181 343 01080 ~Ion. Address . • • • • • • . . • • • • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . ESPANA

I wish to receive the final Congress programme My speciality within Speleology ...... , ......

Activities in wich I am most interested ...... , ......

CampsD Excursions 0 Central Events 0

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