Boise State University ScholarWorks

Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents

11-1-1973 Arbiter, November 1 Students of Boise State College

Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. sse resident students blocked on voting -by city hall With the registration dead~ne for the situation, city clerk loe Poster stated that Boise city elections drawing near a came to her home," while Mr. Poster said, (!uestion ha~ be,en raised concerning 'the to vote, one must be "a bonafide resident of "If they are sincere, and can in good fight of BOise State College residents to the city; not a kid who comes here to go to school." conscience say they plan-to stay in Boise, vole for city officials. we'll allow them to vote." Boise city clerk, loe Foster has He also explained that he didn't feel In discllssing the voting status of a ' college dormitory residence constituted a indicated that persons liVing in dor~ do college student, Idaho Attorney General pennanent residence and therefore, not meet the residency reqUirements for students who live in dorms "are not Parks stated that the only important voting on city elections. Idaho Attorney qualified to vote," consideration is physical residence Within General Anthony Park, however, has The precinct registrar, who is the city and the intent to maintain that stated a contrary opinion. He indicated responsible for going door to door to residence. That opinion WaJ also held by that whether a student lives in a dorm or sollclte voter registration in the precincts in John Croner, assistant to the director of not, the most important dClerrnination of which the college is located, said that for the elections division of the Idaho residency was the intcnt 10 be a resident. general elections, she visited the dorms and Secretary of State's office. The problem' first came 10 light last sought student regislration. For city week When city council candida te, Doug In response to the difficulties facing' elections, however, she slated that "it has Rich, contacted the city clerks to obtain students attempting to vote in city been suggested that I not go to the college iuformation ,about rcgislralion of college elect ions, ASBSC President Doug, housing to register people." She declined students pnor to spcakillg 10 a BSC Shanholtz said,"the student lives in the to say who had made the suggestion, dormitory group. Mr. Rich was informed Both the city clerk and the precinct city, and abides by the actions of city officials. that dorm students could not vole because registrar indicated that jf a student were Upon graduation he is likely to remain in they failed to meet the requirement of persislent, and insisted on voting, they having a Boise residence. Boise. He should not be excluded from his would allow them 10 register. The registrar Whcn contacted concerning the right to vote merely because he chases to stated that she would "register anyone who live in the college dormitories?'

'I ,,' The Intercollegiate Knights walked off with the President's Trophy for the second time in this years competition. • IK's win 'Presidents Trophy'

The BSC Alumni "President's Trophy" competition among the campus was again awarded this year in oorgunctiOll This marked the second time they had organizations". It certainly has done just received the trophy, having won in 1971. with Homecoming activities. The travelling j that. This year we have several groups They also were recipients of the Service ,I truphy is presented to the campus represented at a meeting to present a organization that contributes the most to Project Award, given by th~ Homecoming description of their activities, involvement Committee. ,-, the success of Homecoming. The award and accomplishments to a panel of judges. Other winners of this beautiful trophy was initiated by action of the Board of During half-time ceremonies of the game are: Alpha Kappa Psi 1969, Directions of the Alumni Association in with Northern Arizona, Mrs. Jeanne 1969 to "encouragc active participation by Esquires-I 970, and GOlden Z's-1972. Thursday, November 1,1973 Higgins, President of the Alumni noise State College the students in the celebration of . appreciates the interest r Issue X Association presented the trophy to Bill shown and especially thanks all those who Homecoming and engender a spirit of Michaels of the Intercollegiate Knights. Mid-term grades will be mailed to appeared at the meeting. students 11m semester, reports Lee Mercy of the Rcgistar's Office. Students should check mid-tcnn grades l(IT Illi~takcs and any discrepancy should be reported to the Senate completes appointments, registrar, Alice Huuon : A-IOil, 01 call budget cuts 115·IS32, ~N The ASBSC senate this week approved a discussion of the student newspapers at the foreign films committee, and $700 the appoiutment of Mark WeI,h and Dennis Idaho schools. It was suggested by persons decided to postpone action on the problem frum the Pop Films committee. several weeks ago. At that time, they Perry to serve a, scnators from the School attending the discussion thaI the editors of until next week. Exposure Inc., Olher noteworthy items discussed by of Arls and SCle·nc~s. The appointment of ~uch ncwspapers should be selected by a The proposed pre·registration system decided not to decide on the issue. Instead, the senate included the need for students lhc~e senator~ brings thc ASBs(' scnJle to hoard established speciflcJ1ly for thaI was discussed and the senators were asked they placed a questionnaire in the Arbiter, to serve on faculty evaluation committees. provides racks itl Jlormal Iewl of lWclvc S~llalol'o for thl' purpose. ASBSC President Shanholtz to prepare recommendations to be asking for student opinion. Since only The State Uoard of Education directed that Two ncw bicycle racks in front uf Ille tin! timc this year, Becausc of severJI indicalrd that hc is considering Illc presented to the committee currently seven students responded to the evalualion commillees be sel up, composcd llUSlfIC\S bUilding and two SCls of hand resignatil'm and di~4ualifi..:aliIHls, the putential ads'antages of such a syslem. studying pre.registration. questionnaire, it was decided by the senate of faculty and students, 10 receive the railings in the TOWCIS and Chaffce lIall scnatc hJS fluctuated belwcen !li!le tu TreJsurer, Tom Moure, reported tu the The senate briefly COnsidered the that they should ask the Arbiter to run the qualificatiuns of faculty members who are have been nude by sluLl':1l1·run, Exposurc, twel\'(' member" 111e lale\r rcslgnation senatr that he has received mfornution question of discon tinuing the policy of questionnaire a second time. eligible to receive promotions or tenure Inc. rame two w,'eks ago when Rich S..:rimcr concerning the cut in the Programs Board presenting graduating students with their EXp",UfC, Inc is ope rated by bu~ille~l rc\lgned. status. The evaluation must be completed diplomas at the commencement ceremony budgct called for at lasl week's meeting, At After discussing a multitude of other rrwjor. (JHulled III G ll-4'J7 (','rporatc by mid Novembcr and no students have yet and haYing them pick the diplomas up Doug Slwnh"ltz l'il"I.:lit,d to Il.e s.:n..'" tlIa' limc', ;<;'! S'JUk cut 58,Oll() from lhe topics, :ind deciding to postpone action M.1I1Jgc!llcnl ~nd V'>"lIlional.T",hrllcal been assigHcd 10 ~ commillee, The senate a summary of a meL'tlng !;dd b$l \\wk Programs BOJnJ's, Pop COrll'i~rl Conuniltee Iatcr. The question first came to the senate until a later meeting, the senate adjoumed. ,tudcnls, Bu,inc\.S .Wucrlh recelW credit belween members of rhe Idaho Stuilent budgcl and direCled the Board to reducc fllr rhe cour~ while Vo-Tedl ~tlldcn(s arc I.ohby, and ~ pthl'ring of studl'llt their ~l£jjng on the areas by an additional pJid S2,OO 10 S3.00 all Iwur for their gon'wlllent rClHl'scllt.ltives frum:L'1.:J hit!h 55,000, The BOJrd reporled that they has'e dfollS, Sdllh)ls, Faculty members submit plan redue'ed the Pop Con(erts committee lIerb ~lcnt:JI, Direclllr, reporh that One highhghl of Ihe we~k\ lIleCln!g WJ, hudget another $3,300, r3ken S 1.000 from UUlldlllgS ,md Ground, Ius ordered a total ,>1' rwclw bike r;li:b, "h<:\c racks WIll b,' for pre-r~gistration program dl\tllhuted "whelL' pe'lJpk 1I1'1~dIhl·m." Registration at USC C3mc under close reasons given were; pre-cegistralion system in the spring of says Mr. MenpJ. High school student scrutiny this last academic' vear. Two 1972, but made no specific endorsement of ml'mbeP.i of the faculty. Dr. P~t Donnan I. Classes taken would be given to all the proposal submitted by Dr. Dorman's and Dr. Wil Owrpard, worked up a design Who register regardless of space were too conunittee. TIlis committee has been leaders meet at BSC for a pre-registration program which they cosIly and proved nothing in relation fo' reactivated 10 come up with a more fonnal Bse ranks no. 1 Salurday, OClober 27. 10 high Sd100!s through individual hias," hoped could he implrmenled as a pilot the whole school registration program. recommendation to be submitted to the wcre represcnled .11 lhe Studellt L.'Jder "We hope to show the relationship of study for pre-registration at BSC. This The USC Bronco, lipped and IOle any ~Wllrk~hop held ill the USC BJllroom. M; 2, The computer costs, which were Executive Council of BSC. the individual 10 the group and lhc group's proposal was ~uhmilled to Dr. Hcrb rllread\ of oppmilioll tll3t wcrc ill lheir involvcd in the pilot study Were also too stOd"nls I'TIl III lhe 20 Slluthwes!l'rn Idaho relationship to the individual." Stated /{unner for consideration. w,ly 10 the Big Sky rh.lI11pitlmlllp, The high sehollls lislrllrd alld (1lllWrsed wilh costly and proved nuthing. Callio. "The slructured exprriences arc Mr. Runner called a meellllg willl Dr. Illllrh:os now arc currenlly Ihe tllll'e BSC f;lcuJry rrprescnatives, and scwn designed for organil~ltion and yel remain Donnan and Dr. Overgaard, the registrar, rO-dIJmpltln\ of lhe Big Sky. This i~a fir~t sludent gowllllllent l>ftIl'ials I1n Runner felt that it would not be Lectures changed relaxed enough to allow freedom of tl\l....~ll admissioJls ollicr and the data proccssing for lISC Jnd a first for thc footbJlllt'JIIl of communicatiw idca e'xchange and other beneficial to run the preregistralion to he expressed and explored," Richard lecture date has b 1'173. rrlated suhjecls. office were all represcnted. After careful program presenled by Dr. Domlan and Dr~ Harris Dr. Dodson stated, "That by laking the consideratioll, it was decided that this changed from December 6 to December S. One of lhe gre;1t sUppOrll'fs of lhe Falling under lhl' caleglHY of Public Overgaard. personal rCSOUl(eS from the prople in Ihe proposal, thoug.h well done, would not Ralph Nader lecture date has been changed Arhlctlc Dcpartmenl alld of lhe seh",,1 IS Servi.:e in relalion to th,' OUlll'ach Program A pre-registration committee headed by poup we arrive at a more accurate from NO\"ember 18 to November IS. Dr. John Barncs. Dr. Runcs praised Ihe work for lhe complete schoo!. Some Dr. Jerry Davis submitted a study on a of Boise Slate College', lhe Studenl Leadl'l decision." Dudson continurd hy saying footh,ill ICJm for their IremendlllJ) dfurl Workshop was wdl received by invol\"l'd that any achiewnwnl receivrd is up 10 the alld ~131ed "that is olle of the besl played anil interested high sellnol sludents. individual." "The re,llization llf the actual f"othall games ,cell here Jr Boi~e State." In Dr. J):lvid Taylor, Dr. (~l, ami Dr. Jim resources lhat otJH'r individuals possess prai\ing the foot hall teJlll, Dr. Barnes alsll Dod \On s,'rved ;IS adminislraliw and l1lake it possiblr to C!>nlllhute towards a slatcd lhat "Boise State IS gllUlg to be first facully leprescnlati\"l's, "Thl' purp(lsc for Clll1llll0n goaL" III a 101 of things in th.' future and YllU lIlen the c'onfcll'nce/wnrkshnp wa\ to PIllIlJOlt' According to scwral sludent parlicipanls have stJlled II this r"Jr.'· lIllise Slate IS 1e:llh'rship III ideas." slalrd Dr. Ta}·)nr. "As altl'nding thl' workshop the expcriencr was cUlll'ntly r"lt'd II III lh,· Nalional SIIl;11I the sludents b,'conll' lIlore sl'rlsltiw 10 their 1I'00thwiull' and inflmmtivc. "Leadership is Colkge poll hut in the Big Sky IIS(' is enVilllnl11ent lhey IC;II n !c';ldl'lship ""rKepls a lot n1l>re important lhan we thol~lt," 11I1I1Iherone, lhlllugh gllHlp participation latlH'1 than slaled Kalhy Chandln of I'arma, Yo-Tech sidewalk construction postponed

Studrnls of Boise State ('ol"'gl"s compkt<'d untillal,' 1'175 or early I'n(,. Vocational Technical Ilivl\ion apparl·ntly inSlallcd: possihly conslru(ted Ill' asphall or Thl' Sl'l'ond m;Jjor ohstacle is thl' (051 of 'p;IVCI. Wlwu ,Iskrd ;Ihout the proposal, will he spellllinll anolher Willtcr wilhout a the sugge'ste'd sidl'walk. Ikrause of lhe hoth Green .Ind l'ulnJlI1 stated lhat they sitlewlilk h"lwe"11 the Vo·Tl'ch area amI the queslionahle fulure of thl' norHesidl'nt fell lnl asphalt sidl'w;Jlk would he the hesl Sludent lInion Ihlliding, The .lae'k of a luilion !Cl', BSC t:ll'l'S Ih,' Pllssihihty of suitahle sidnvalk in thc urea has kad to allerllalive. They indic:lled Ihat the cost of losing a sil:nit1canl allloune of l1lon,'y in Ihe su(h a walkway would nol he plllhihilive. numerous student complallils. ncar rUIIII". To prep'Ue' for Ihis possihllity, Two wel'ks ugo ASBSC President DOUR BUI Pulliam slaled lhat it would hl' thr Vice Pll'sillt'nl 1'01 Fin:lJle:ial A ff:lirs I'xtremcly difl1cult 10 illst;J1I ;Jsphalt this Shanholtl. askru the Studl'nl Senat.' to Roger Greell placed a fll'l'ze on .111eapil;11 l~xpress their concelll over the prohlem 10 laIc in lhe year hecause' of unfavomble illlillovl'mellt funds in August of this Yl'ar. weather C!mditions. Buihlin!\ and Grounds J)ill~ch'r lIerhelt Irhuill,llll' sidewalk would haw to hI' p;Jid Whl'n asked uhout the possihility of a MEngal. filr Wilh mOlley fwm ehis fund. gr;Jwl sidewalk, Mr. Ml'ngd said that "it When contacled hy the Arhller To overcome these prohlems, il h;JSheen concerning the silUalion, MI. Mengel Slated wouldn't he allY IWlIl'r than whal is there suggcsted that II temporary sidewalk Ill' lhal he didn't led the prohlem w.n very I1u\v." s,'rious, und said thut he only receives (,olllplnlnis "when the went her IIlms hnd". School of Business sponsors If,~rxplained lhut thl'le arc l\Vo major ohstucles to the suggested sidewalk. The fac ulty eval uation 1Il0st hnpollunt ohsluclr is Ihe plnnned The School or !Juslness is sponsol ing u construction of a new Vo,Tecll huildlng in SlIllllllllrlzc the studerrr feelings in the 209 facully cvuluutloll St'ries which is heing the area wesl of Ihe prt'sl'llt huildlngs. If classes currently bl'ing utTered in the condu<:ted hy the Alpha Kuppa I'si. 1'1 thc SUIIRcsted sidewalk wete bUllt,lt would School of Business. SJSJlllI J;',>5;lIm, :11>1) FUlIJu.~ &i.'Ul/(uies, Til/! , '(,Ml il\fmmati~n is beln!! Withered hy I\'A~ {(\ bt tt",\wtd 'flht" the b\lildinll is pUrpOSl! fi'r this cvaluulioll Is to give thc Ilroups llIal will not he released Ito tho constructed. Mr. Mengel was not certuln liS inlitrrnalion til thl' Deun which wlll help in fncully until alie.- fInlll grades, It is hoped to tho actuul dllto of comtrucllon of the tho discussion of tenllle und pflllllotion thllt the inforllllltion will be pUblished and huildlng. However, Mr. I'lllmer Pulnnm, within the School of Business. Dean lien II synopsis of the evuluation of euch project coordinlltor for lise. Indlcllted Ihut has hcen WOI'klng with these groups in .MorriSOI/Hall \\'011 thl' best dcw>Trltt'dsmall c/O1mdrcriTrghomecoming \Wek. Other winners il/cllId~1 the' Towrn for bIIlt decorated Inst ructor's c1usses be relellsed also. construcllon of tho butllling would not be developing II (Iuestlonnulrc which will holp donn, Drisco/lU,t/l tlw most original drcomtrd cloml mid Draffe:t /lall {cJrthe besl d«oratt'd men's donn. a.mpt'Wlol/ 11'11" SpoN"of!'t1by 'he JJSC /lollSI"K Drl'artmrTrt. Editorials and' Opinions November 1,1973 Parking meters reason., Jack 'Anderson Nixon's big for downtown death sleeper play

Two weeks ago in the Arbiter I wrote an editorial favoring the Daum -, 'J • development which is known now as Daum Town. In that editorial I stated I WASHINGTON - In the privacy of his Haig. Someone forgot to tell him at West was in favor of the development as opposed to the downtown development. owl office, President Nixon likes to usc Point that his loyalty was supposed to be The comments I have heard are "it will kill downtown Boise," I also heard football terms' t~ describe his political to the Constitution, to the democratic plays. He often talks about the "game. institutions, not to any man. many people declare that downtown was dying and that the mall development plan" and the "big play". The President Crisis-Prone President: While House would help it come back to life. I would like to ask the question, "why is plays a grim game and the name of that aides have concluded despairingly that downtown dying?" Many people have their reasons. I would like to state game is power. President Nixon is crisis-prone, He seems to mine. Downtown is dying because of one evil which is prevalent all over Sometimes it seems that the game, more be drawn irresistibly to crisis and downtown. It sits atop a steel pole and in bright red signifies to the would-be. Ulan the objective, occupies him. He seems confrontation. This has stirred talk both in parker, "You are in violation until you feed me money!" In short, parking to enjoy the power plays, particularly the and out of the White House about what meters are killing downtown Boise. • quarterback sneaks and the sleeper plays. makes Richard Nixon tick. Why should I as a consumer go downtown and pay a meter to park and )N{) NOW FOR THr eVENING NflI/5. "...•• His maneuver to get rid of Special Those who know the human Nixon say then if I stay beyond the time limit, when I return to my car I have nor-only Watergate Prosecutor Archibald Cox is he is a warm friend, a faithful husband and paid the meter but I now have a fine to pay as well. Contrast this with Vista With Ron Hendren typical. The Prcsiden t's real objective was a loving father. But he is a shy and sensitive Village, Hillcrest Shopping Center and Westgate Mall (and many other not really to protect the Watergate tapes, man, who is comfortable only among old although he would like to have kept them shopping centers). I can go and park for four hours and not worry about friends. The moment a stranger walks into A YOUNG VIEW OF WASHINGTON suppressed, He used th~taRe,s in a sleeper finding a ticket on my car and I don't have to worry about getting back the room, they say, he changes personality play to remove Cox. from the private Nixon to the public quickly, but go about shopping at my leisure. Why should Igo downtown and ,,~~, Klsslnaer and Tho: The President, who is suspicious by Nixon. pay double when I can go other places and only pay once. You say downt?wn nature, became convinced that Cox was This tendency to hide his true identity is dying and I say parking meters are driving people into the suburbs and into ;,.'" out to get him. His suspicions were fueled from the public has caused a certain the shopping centers. Think about this, members of the city government and _~"~~ . refuse the peace prize? by former aidesi.Bob Haldeman, John alienation. He doesn't trust the public and think strongly if you really do want downtown to become more alive. Send Ehrichrnan and 'Charles Colson, who were the public dooesn't trust him. Thc around the local plumbers and cut the pipes of those bandits stealing from the trying to protect their own necks. They WASHINGTON - When word came President is also a rock··em·sock.'cm Vietnam casualties today _are still as high as expected no leniency from Cox, so they consumers boldly. ' down last week that the 1973 Nobel Peace campaigner. He regards his political attacks in many of the "war years." whispered around the White House that Prize would go to Henry Kissinger and Le un others as part, of the game. But their And while the Peace Prize committee', Cox was really aiming for the President. Due Tho, one of my British friends turned attacks on him have left deep scars. avowed hope is that its award will Cox confirmed the President's fears by to me in mock disbelief and said, ~'That's As a result, he has become acutely contribute to a final, lasting peace in unleashing his bloodhounds against Debe Art work in SUB sort of like giving it to the IRA for showing sensitive to criticism and he looks upon Vietnam. the fact is that the opposite Rebozo. This was bound to lead to an restraint by not blowing up ALL the train dissent as disloyalty, White House aides tell . effect may ensue, for the Norwegians will investigation of the 'President's own stations in London." us thc President is terribly frustrated over have crowned with the prize of peace the finances which are ensnarled in Rebozu's His remark captured the tenor of the the harassment from his critics and the very policies which nourished the conflict affairs. ebbing of liis power. lie feels that his gets a little stale reactions of many, both in Washington and for more than a decade. So the President used the tapes issue to around the world, Who viewed the critics simply want tu obstruct him and Yes. the war seems nearly over, and yes, maneuver Cox into an act uf selection as a sham. Said former .Deputy that thc public doesn't understand his The SUB has graced the campus for the last six years and has become the all parties involved are to be commended insubordination. Our White House sources problems. Secretary of State George W. Ball, "The center of student activities more and more each year. In the Union we have for at last showing the common sense and admit that Cox was thc real object of the juxtaposition of Henry Kissinger and Le For a nun of Nixon's cumb;ltive nature, many fine examples of facuIty art displayed, but during the last three years good judgment to stop the barbarity. But President's hig play. Due Tho shows that the Norwegians must he reacts by holding his ground and this art work hnot changed. I am sure the faculty has produced in that three let us not forget in the euphoria of our' The President deliberately kcpt the issue have a sense. of humor." striking back at his critics. lie has become a years a great amount of good art work which could and should be given public gratitude that there were many Who out of the Supreme Court which wuuld And. indeed, the very best that can be cornered Pres idem who rs dctennined to go display. The Student Art Committee should consider getting some of this art believed, not without justification, that have increased his political risks. He also down tlglltlJlg. said about the decision in my judgment is work into the Union. Pictures that have been displayed for the last three years this bloody business could and should have chose to move while war was raging in the Spending Sprees: Thc Pentagon is that it was inappropriate. The selection of been put behind us long, long ago. And to just don't make it. Art work as well as education should be changed at least a Middle Eas!. He thought thl' public constantly complalllulg ahout milit;Jry Dr. Kissinger and Mr. Tho does no honor crown its late arrival with the Peace Prize little. sympathy would be un his side at a time budge! cuts. but the br;JSShats always seem to the award. which has come to be may. in the words of Dr. Henry Steele when he Was ,eeking to end a dangewlls 10 have cr1tlU~1 money !o enlertain Visiting recognized as one of the highest honors the Commanger. give "a sort of retroactive war. civilized world can bestow upon an dignitaries. authorization to wars of that kind." But thc big play, as sometimes happens individual. While there is no doubt that the Sometime ago. for cXJmple, the IOlst Perhaps Dr. Kissinger and ~Ir. Tho could in both football and politics, backfired. Airborne DlVI\Illll at Fort Campbdl. contributions of Kissinger and Tho to the make a noble and useful contribution bv Student, facu Ity l-laig Unmasked: The tiring of Archibald Kentucky. WJS told that Prcsident Nixon negotiations which helped bring an end to jointly refusing the prize. a small gesture ;f Cux tore the mask uff the new White woulJ drop by. Out came lhe pJint hrushes American involvement in Vietnam were personal sacrifice on their parts in House chief of staff. Gen. Alexander flaig. and whitewash buckets. Civiham and significant, the fact remains that the recognition of the tremendous losses willch There were misgil'mgs in Congress oYer the soldiers ahke labored long hours pUll ing negotiations took place in the shadow of this war brought .to all involved and in apuintment of a military nun [0 thi, rogether pronHltlOnal displays. evaluation lauded some of the most vicious and unnecessary hope that what happened in Vietnam - the puwerful civilian post. But llaig's defenders bloodletting in the history of that Two days beforc tlte big day. the bras, tragic wrongs of both sides - will not contended. quite truthfully, that he was a The other day in a salesmanship class and in all my business classes for the gruesome "war. And the fighting still goes hats \Vere rold Nixon couldn't nuke it. occur again. man of honor and integrity dedicated to day we had a student evaluation of faculty. I learned also that this was being on; if refJorts are to be beileved, South They would havc ro settle for s<:cond hest his country. done by the dean of the school of business for the purpose of discussing then Vice President Spiro Agnew. But it took the Cux cuntrol'ers)' to tenure and promotion Within the School of Business. This is a good idea on Ne\,'erthe!L·ss. 47 buses were hired to hring rl'veal how the military mind works. the part of Dean Lein and I hope that the other deans of the various in people from the hinterlands. A fleer of ThrougllOUt the episode, accordllig to our schools'\Yln consider a similer action w'ith respect to their faculty so as to Bse Alumn icommended for Pa\rentl Day cars was rented to haul around the White !louse sources. Ibig followed the dignitaries. All told. the Agnew \"Isit cost create a better academic standing with teachers and students here at BSC. Prcsident's orders without once Editor, the Arbiter; the taxpayers S.:?SO,OOO, award went to the EsqUires who have questiuning thcm, An offshoot of Homecoming Week ,that commissioned the carving of a sign to be He never asked whether it was right fur guest editorial should be publicized is the Service Project erected on Broadway Avenue - rcading A fcw days ago. Julie Nixon Eisenhower the President to violate a pledge uf the Awards that were presented dUring the "Home of the Broncos.'. It will be similar viSited the Marine hase al QuantiCO, - Senate that the speCial prosecutor could Virginia. The corps, it .....erm. had dcclared Parents Day Continental Breakfast held in in design to other wood-carved signs on conduct an independent Inycstigation of the SUB Saturday, October 20th, Some campus, The Intercollegiatc Knights surplus a thousand acres of its pfl.lperty. thc Watergate crimes WIthout White lIuuse Clerks office should 250 parents, alumni and students attended garnered a first place award for their Julic was selected to presenr it to the interference. llaig's loyalty was to his and ~Idanie Giwns is to be commended project which will certainly have a lasting neighboring V,rglllia counties. commander,m,duet', not 10 thl' higher for a fine program. Incidentally, the BSC impact on the community. With the The leathernecks hauled out the Marine principles at iSSl1c. Alumni Association hosted the event. cooperation of the Boise Parks Commissiun hand amI ordered refreshments, know state law Ibig. fur example. called former Gaining recognition for their service to they replanted several trees along Ambulancc, were orderc'd to stand by and Deputy Atturney' General William With election time drawing near, people are scurrying around trying to community in a variety of ways were the Broadway Avenue to replace those that' a medical evacuatIOn helicopter was Ruckelshaus and transmitted the order to Sigma Tau's (fourth place certificate), The were removed because of disease. readied in- case there were hear! failures. decide what candidate to vote for and what issues 3re most important lire Cox. When Ruckelshaus refused to du group spent a day with residents of Idaho The Alumni Association congratulatcs Many of thc hundreds of VII's were Practically anyone who lives in the city limits, who is 18 and registered can JU, llaig Was abashed. The gcneral tuld State Hospital and School in Nampa these organizations. They deserve a goud ferrricd to the evcnt in a special Jirplane. vote in these elections except for one important faction within the limits of Ruckelshaus in a crisp nulitary bringing to them a little diversion frorn the deal more, not only for their projects but The citians of Virginia received nearly Boise City, those students living on the campus of Boise State College. voice: "Your Cotlllllander·in-<:!uef has routine. The Alpha Kappa Psi's earned a also for an enviable record of loyalty and SJ million worth of propert}' -- but it cost According to the city clerks office students living on campus arc classed on given you an order." third for constructing a nocturnal animal support to Boise State and the entire thc nation thousands of dollars simply to Clearly, tl1<11 was all th,11 ITlJllep'd to par with residents of mental institutions and ex-convicts. Thev can't vote. It shelter at the Boise City Zoo. Secf)nd place cOIllmunity. Vivian Klein make rhe presenlation. seems illogical that this is so. Decisions made by the mayor a;1d city council affect the lives of students living at BSC in a very real way, yet they have no say in who will make these very important decisions. Does Boise really need Many students living on campus attend BSC for anywhere from three to a new mall? four years and are very concerned about the way city government is handled. Editor. the Arbiter; request regarding "Daumtown '. Some Plainly stated, do the citlzem of Boise pravrcd to be a pivotal issuc. Governor A large percentage also plan to settle in Boise after grad uation ami become Your editorial in the Arbiter of October printed matter describcd the subject of the and Ada County havc the right to Andrus and several of our civic and meeting as "Downtown vs. Suhurbs". determinc the shapc and future of the area. permanent members of the Boise community. Why then aren't these students 18. titled "Buise Necds' New Mall" is business leaders have flown to Ncw YOlk I attendcd thc meeting and there were tu prcserve and cnhance hasic living allowed to vote'? If Boise State College is ever going to becoJlle a real part of wrong, On what hasis is such a need to consult with the Board of J.e. Penny about 500 persons in attendance. On a qualitics" Buth private industry and Company. They hope to persuade the the city of Boise as many candidates running for city office expound. the manifest'! Apparently. the Editor IIcglected to research his subject. table in the school lobby were two lists govcrnment should work for the public business firm to reconsider and locate in students of the college must have a S~IY in how the city is Hln. I suggest that Ada County Plannillg and Zoning available for citizen to sign if they wished interest, n,ot against II. the downtown area where the citilcns want the Boise City Clerks Office take a closer look at the state law now on the Commission had called a meeting in Boise to comment pro or con on the requestcd J.C. Penny Company had expressed an to sec the new Penney store. books providing for voting priviledges for students living on campus. B.B. zonmg change needed for thc interest in the Daum developmcnt and Higll School, October 17 for a rczone implementation of the Daum scheme. r------...:;,;.;,;. Franccs Brown.., Citizens signed up to testify on a ratio of The ARBITER is published weckly hy thc Associated 4·1 against the Daulll plan. Individuals as Studcnts of Boise State College. The oflices of the ARBITER arc well as represcntatives for groups, expresscd their dcsirc for a good located on the sewnd tloor of the Student Union Building, BO,ise Stale ('ollcge. ('allege Blvd., Boise, Idaho, downtown core arc.1 combining shopping, 1<)10 83725. husiness. recreational. cultural, ami dining Articles and lctters to the editor will be acceptcd for puhlication if facilities. Successful completion of the suhmittcd prior to 3:30 Monday. All lettcrs to the editor and articles downtown core area would be an must be tYPcwritten and bear a legible signature. important factor in stcmming the tidc of urban sprawl. It would encourage incrcased usc of municipal transportation which Acting Editor & Financial Director , , I:ee Dowdle would result in bctter bus service. Associatc & Managing Editor " , , Geary Bctchan f).lUmtown is a parasitic appendagc Copy Editor " ; Katrina Brown planncd for an area wherc Westgate Mall Living Editor John Elliott

'·~II.N,UllJSHI\'lfh IHI ll",UO[V.,l;\O' 111I '11111111 (:\SJ IJlV110l'\U 'IS .. was dedicated two weeks ago. Boise necds Lty.ollt Manager , Barb Bridwcll "1'" 1111". (lJH"'II~.IICIIJING IN 11....N,HIf, OfCOU. W[ HAVE U;'t'rT, S¥RIA. (JUYA, wnll\'.!, ,\"..0 '>\tllIl ·\U·\IIIA r!l0re shopping centerslikc it needs a Sports Editor Tony McLean hiJlLrg ..d\..'. Production Assistants •...... •...... , , , .. , Kathy Urach f)aumtown docs not fit into the · , : ...... •..• " Jon Adamson r------comprehensive plan that was developed for · , , , , , •• Malia Hcrre I Ada County. The housing in the Daum · ...... ••.•...... Margo "allSclI plan would bc priced at $35,000 and up. · .. , , ...... •...... KarclI SchwHrtz Thercfore only a certain salaried group of · .•...... •••••••••••••••••••.• f ....• , •.....•.• , .•• I'nt Pcdcrscn people could afford to purch:t,e this · ...... •.•...... •...... Cindy Pnce housing. · , , , , Dehhie Choat Do you think it filling ,Ind right that the · , ...... •.....••...... , . , .. , ...... • ,Jim Wehl> wage earners of lIoise proVide the civic Reporters " ...... •...... , . , •...... , Frances Brown services and subsidize this utopia for the · , , , •... , • , , , , , Dave Frislllgcr fortunate fcw'! · , " , , , .,.••••••• , •.••••••.•. ' ,•. , , , . "Ktif,(i Ki(chtn Thc realization has hH pcople thnt land, · , ...... •.... , • , ...... •.... , ,Dale Wilman air. and watcr need to be treated I'hotogrnpher ', , , . , , ...••.•. I • , Dun Russcll respcctfully :md these clements are no Artist , .. , ...•...• , ..•...... , ....•...... •.•. , .• Mike Gulluher ... "NIlIN 11m nJUNI". AlSO I l(alllN,; IN 1111 N"'lI or COil. III IIWI IIIIIS""IIIS" "Ol'II' ONt I liN. til , 01111" . IS Ill" liN 11111 VINI 01" WI liMO NIJU,IAII \V"U \VIlli longer available in unlimited qU:lIltHies. Secretnry , ...... •....•...•...... , ...... • , ..•.. , ..•.•... Geuninc Cope HlJ...."',\ (lit ( Ill~"'. (;01. MH;lIr 11(- A tint I: III r -100 flUS\, '-nR US," Thesc thrce life.supports must be uselJ to Typesetter ...... •• , ..... , .•..•.•. , ... ", •..•. " •...•....•. Debblo I'ulmer the best advantage for all inhabitants. November 1, 1973 News Pa1l83

',' ..... , . -,. " " ', .. -.,- .... Gradoa.testudent BSC student services For Sandy Rowley, life at Boise State academic studyand two internships. student residential life. should be a real experience. ' While at BSe, Sandy is working under , At present, she, is particularly interested For the next three months, she will be a the- direction of David S. Taylor, vice inthe area of career and financial services. substitute head resident in a woman's president for student affairs. Her primary She likes to 'write and would like to write dormit ory , work in the area of high schools assignment will be an "assessment of applications for grants. relations, and explore the growing number student attitudes, perceptions and desires As far as considering herself "daring," of other student services found ,at the regarding student assistance and services." Sandy merely feelsshe is a young woman -collcge. c "Basically, I hope to find out if the further equipping herself with skills that Sandy, wh6- is interning in student services offered students are working," she are necessary for employment. personnel services at BSC, is one of a group says. "My primary emphasis will be-In A former teacher, Sandy feels her of twelve women labeled by one newspaper trying to detenn'ine whether the commuter participation in the project will 'make her as "the daring dozen." student is served as well as he could be," more employable. Actually, she is a graduate studen t at the she added. !} Perhaps the "daringness" of Sandy and University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, and a The results of Sandy's work will the eleven other women in the program participant in Project Upward Mobility, a hopefully be the basis for her master's rests in the hope that the internships federally funded project that is the only thesis as well as an aid to BSC personnel in should ready the business world and one of its kind in the United States. evaluating the services they provide. institutions of higher learning for women Project Mobility is designed to train Sandy's personal objective in taking such executives. The "daring and distaff dozen" women ..for top-level administrative-jobs,. . an internship is that at BSC she can obtain are attempting to show that women can do particularly in higher e-ducation but also an overview in. student personnel work )obs previously occupied primarily by men. for other fields. Including admissions and records, career' The regional program covers Alaska, and financial services, student activities and Oddly enough however, ten of the Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and is organizations, student advisory and special twelve, are viewing their "new world" divided into four parts: two sessions of services, student health services, and through a man's eye. Only two have women as their supervis_ors. Small· business workshop held through flovember Thr IIt'll't'I1 1'1\/:' pledges are. top roll': Skip Crandal, Mike Smith, !Jill Aarshman, Breck Dahlin, Par Freels, Rod Allen. Bottom roll': understanding of the causes of marginal ,I/ike Adams, Brent Sellers, Mike Allen, K('II Blacksmith, Tim Barden, Glen Kiser. Not pictured: Doug Gochnour, Dave Valberg, Brian Boise State will hold six sessions of a communications and the role of feedback performance and some points to consider lI'i/soll. Small Business Management Development to good communication. , Workshop dealing with management of in how best to deal with the marginal Session VI, November 29, "Management people during November. employee. of Conflict" explains the role of peace Session I, November 7, entitled Session IV, November 15, "Effective versus conflict in an organization. TK-E's Decision Making" is a discussion of basic announce 16 new pledges "People-Oriented Management" will cover Increasing sensititvity to conflict and what the functional areas of management as decision concepts, individual to do about conflict are dealt with. applied to people in an organiZation. decision-making as it relates the person to 1'u Lta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon Rodney Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Freels, Boise. All sessions will be held from 7 to 10 Session II, November 8, "Building organzatiors, and organizational decision lntcruational Fratcruity at Boise State Reeves, of Boise; Kenneth Blacksmith, son of LCDR and p.m. in room 302 of the School of Business . Administrative Leadership Tools" covers programs. ('olleg<'. is proid to ;1I11l0UnCeme pledging Brian Wilson, su11 of Mr. and Mrs. Don' Mrs. Jack E. Blacksnurh, Washington. Building . the sources of a leader's power and Session V, November 28, of -ixtccu men dunng its Fall '73 rush. I-. Wilson, Boise. Jack D. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. For information or reservations contact authority and the functions of a leader. "Administrative Communications" deals John ~l. Cr;lI11bll Jr., son of Mr. and William H. Harshman, SUII uf Mr. ~1l1 Robert Brown, Boise. the Center for BUsiness Economic Session 111, November 14, "Managing with some objectives of administrative Mr,. Jo'in M. Cralllbll,Boi'c. MIS. Herman Harshman, Boise, Hrcck Dahlin, son of Mrs. Gloria Dahlin, Research, Boise State College, Boise, Idaho the Marginal Employee" will aid employers communication, 'the barriers to effective ~lldl;lel R. Adarnv, ,on of 1>1r.and Mrs. Glen Kisslcr, son uf Mr. and Mr,. Buisc. 83725 or phone 385·1571. D.I . :\danh, of hOl'l·. Robclt W. Kiscr, Boisc, Dave Valbcrg, son of Mr, and Mrs. ~Iidl~d R. Allcn. ,on of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gochnour, son uf Mr. and Mrs Barry Valherg, Emmetl. L.l. ({I'CW" of 1l1l1\C, C.E. Goudlllour. Buisc. Mike Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin • Brcnl Sdler .., son of ~Ir. allll Mrs. Patrick Frcccl" son of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Smith, Boisc. BSC hosts musIc dept. ch should in no way bring public Through the discussions, it was found charged, and how these fees relate to the year's meeting, the need for a meeting of .llldlt t,f Lil'\'. Inc .. C'llillucted at the handlcappcd persons and is p~rlly tinanced condcmnalion to the sheltl'red workshop. that there were many areas of mutual payment ()f the part·time faculty ,memb~r. the ~usic;,!l~p'anm!ll)t ,~!l~jI11~n from thll):" dlll'Cll'Hl "I th~ AtlorrtCy Gr.ncral in by Sl;ltc fUlIlh. A compbint rl'cl'ivel! by It is all extlemely henef}cial plOgrum to ~he concern. Discussion was held in the area of Also discussed were scheduling problems Ilig Sky Conference, felt. - ,. .:oop,:r"tlllll with the J)cp;lI!rn~nt of t';" Idaho Depallmelll of Labor fll1m a pl'Ople employed thcre and, with the curriculum as related to the music stuilent, as they exist on the various campuses, I'm'llllnllJcntal ;lfId Comfllunity Scrviccs (llrmcr employee re,ulted 1Ii I Ill' m~lla~enll'llt problems now soh'cd, should as related to the generai cross-campus c'olltinUl' to be of gleat scrvice 10 the State student, and the problems of curriculum as President Shanholtz speaks out or'ldaho." related to the transfer student. Hopefully, by Doug Shanholtz Thl' philnsophy of some individuals thl' off c'!lnpus voters. EVERYTHING FOR THE WOMAN WITH THE FULLER FIGURE IIlII,idl' of thl' C.Il11pllS appall~ mc WIth If students attend this SChOlll Ihl'}' lhclI h.1(kWald Ihlnking. lh,'re is a should haw thc right to dl'tellninl' their que,tlon that I feci is (1m' of signilkant representatiws in 111l' comnlllnily ofwliidl IlIlp,"I;lncl' to thc student'> at BOlsc Stall', the\' rl'sidc in. and that IS 11Il~ 01 our vOling rights I)uring thl' la~t state ami 'federal Widths D to EEE (on(crning the Cily ,']cctions taking place clections I worked witli Ihe Secrl·tary of brn., blue, two-tone next TUCSlby. As ~ludenb residing in Boise Stall' and C1:lIencc 1'1;lnning in nrJer to we ~hould he ,·oncl·lI1l·d OIl whal type llf rcgister students to vole I'm sl:lle alld suede dty l-!0l'\'rluucnt SUflOUlH!S our campus Ilational l'lections. The r<'SpollSe was SOFT GLOVE LEATHER and Ihl' role thai wc play in good excellent alld wc registered a lot of Made for comfort con'll1nll'IlI In thc cil\' uf Boise. There is a studcnls that Ihrllugh the avallahility of ;jucslion thaI dorm' students arc Ilol lhe registration process were able tIl VlltC in resid~nls of the city and C;IIlnot vote in the that electioll. , Dahle's Queen Fashions city election~, which I feel is wrong. I feel that city of Boise should take 345-5695 • .820 Vista • Boise Whilc inqUiring with the city clerk on action such as this in future clections to thc eligibility of college students to register assure that the ~tudents have the easiest atlll vote for the city ,'!l'clions, it was citl'd possible access to vote in the city l'lection. that if a studcnt's main purpose of living in II' any dmm students intelld on residing Boise was to go to'school hc (an not vote in in Bois~ and desire to vote thcy should the cil\' l'!cctioIlS. But a sludenl liVing m register and vot" through the IHI)CeSSnllW the do'rm or off campus thaI intends to availahlc t,l us which is l'alling Ill-mie reside in lIoi ..e docs have Illl' legal right to I\lwels of Precinct 4h at 343·0-l·12 01 vote in the upcoming cily elections. calling city hall at ,H2-lh21 to gel Whcn I requesled thaI the city derk registration information. The lasl datl' to send !Iwil deputl~s to the campus to legisler is Saturday at 9:00 pm rcgistl'r student Still' resp"nse was, "It i:; lhc responsibility of the individual to I wonldurge all interested and regiSll'1 and vole, and if Ihey can walk over COnCell1l',) studl'nts 10 IcgistCI 1'01 tlte 10 a tIl'lIII a hall ganw thcy should hc ahle elections alld on doing so \'ole for the III contact city hall or the depuly in candidate of your choice. precinct ,Ill to ;l'gistn and vole in the city C!cctioIIS," It is my feelings that Ihl'y should he vigolous and COnCell1l'l! in THE PERFECT soliciting studenls 10 vote as tltey are with A lumni Association PAIR FOR sponsors mini-g rants 1I0ise Slall' faculty membels will again '. YOUR have an OpJH'llllllily to cngagc in rcscan:h thmugh the mini·glant program of the ROOM Boise Siale Alumni Association. Applications all' now hl'inll accepted from SUA'U'!.!" IV \1,.,ld:\I~ll\ ~ I:f:, " , faculty till miIli-graIlts for this aeademic "Sllllt. Stru,." Still"'" rm hl\I""1 ....~fti\ ," , , , .. ~ ",4 year. ~~::::;,'~11:~~~\~"I'r;:111\111~~'ll;::~If:,f\:~~I';l~~: . , Dr. Ilany K, Fritchman, chairman of the ~r;j~~~;i:,;,'I~l{:" ~"~~n~~~~I~~l '1~~::;:~IIII\~k • 1l\11~\k 1III)I('I\III",II"'rl1ln. -- ": :;::;'-:'':,' ~":-::-':.... Tcchnical Review Committee, arll10unced that the first l:olllplcted Jllll.lects have been evalua\(~d ,rllli in thc opinion of the committee the resulls warranted l:OntinuatiOlI of Ihe mini·grant program, Requirl~ments for the mini·grants arc thllt the Jlllljl'Cts be of a research nature, 'hey ""'~\ {)~\:ml\ple\ed wi\hi!) 12 ,m\)l~ths of upprovill dute, allli only full·tltlle leuching faculty al Boise Stale may apply. The maximum grant to anyone faculty member for euch 'uppllcatlon will he no more thun $200, Appllclltlon forms lind guldellnos IIro IIvuilnble from Vivilln Klin~, ulumnl secrotllr}', In the Student Union RixALL DRUG Bnildirtg. 1221 BrOOdWiy '01••, I he 83706 ~""'~ "-.' ''''; ~ , ""' "' .. If '

",' . " I

Living November 1,1973 Boise Little Theater cancels'Curtain BV John Elliott Up!' For the first time in the history of the of YOU'RE A GOOD MAN C1IARLEY production from the season's calendar. which I am certain would have received Boise lillie Theatre a show has been BROWN set a record as the all-tlmc Patterson answered in the negative when equal reception to that given YOU'RE A cancelled. Keith Patterson's account of the box-office success for the Boise lillie questioned whether or not any other GOOD MAN CHARLEY BROWN!. and ',. Bl.Ts history CURTAIN UP!, a review Theatre. director had been cut back on budget utilizing music, comedy, and drama. was the theatre has lost the revenue from the A meeting of the Board of Directors had requirements. Paterson also stated that no show as well as the community approval it dropped from the announced theatre been scheduled for Monday night to other ULT director had been required to so badly needs at this time, season Monday, October 29, 1973. The reconsider plans of censure, but a turn in a budget or itemized list of I have 110 plans fur producing this show show. already in production rehearsals, telephone poll was taken by BLT President monetary assessments. at another location or time, But I feci it is counted several Boise State College Music Don Mummert in lieu of the Board What follows is a statement, received more important that thc members of the and Theatre Arts majors among its cast and meeting. from Keith Patterson concerning the theatre take steps to convince the present production staff. Patterson stated that the reason for the Patterson, director of last year's smash cancellation of his production CURTAIN board that it has not acted in the best cancellation of CURTAIN UP! centered UP!: musical presentation YOU'RE A GOOD interest of the Boise Little Theatre or the around the S 2500 budget the show ."" "The action taken by this Bl T Board of community." MAN CHARLEY BROWN, has worked for required. Though the budget had been Directors is unpresidented in theatre Plans were made in advance to replace several years with the DLT members as previously approved, the board acted history, and has shocked the many this show, The show to he presented in the director, actor and writer. His production against its own vote, and cut the members of the cast and production crew; CURTAIN UP! slot has not yet been along with a significant portion uf the announced. The next scheduled production theatre's working members, The at Boise Little Theatre is THE WIZARD Tussock Moth runs community has been deprived of a show OF OZ slated to open November 30, A plan is in the offing to make the old penitentiary, to b:. vacated O~' D b lito a recreational- cultural- historical development, iJ the plan IS There is an insect epidemic running a restraint on the use of DDT, and its use ecem er , n k I' ., k On Cluistmus Eve this year, the brightest even Halley's comet in brightness and may approved by the Idaho legislature. People should mase t /t'/r, opuuons "1/011'11 rampant through the forests of N.l', in the current intestatiou has been cumct of the century, Comet Kohoutek, be visible during daylight hours, As it concerning this plan by contacting either the State Land Board or Govenor Alldms. Oregon, S.l', Washington and N.W. Idaho. prohibited. Other approved inscct icide, will swing hy uur sun aspa'rl of a 50,000 makes its pass by the sun, scientists will be It defoliates trees and lays-the forest bare have been tested on this epidemic. with year-long revolution through the universe. studying It from planes, satellites, space to further disease .• forest fire and total ruin. disappointing results. Astronomer Charles T. Kowal reports in probes and from Skylub to attempt to What follows is a brief report 011 the The current outbreak developed 111 the November SCIENCE DIGEST that solve the mystery of What a cornet is made 1973-74 Tussock Moth infestation. central Washington and the Okonog.ui ...... ClIllle! KlIhoutl'k is expectl'd to l'xceed of and where it originates. . . Thle' Dlluglas Fir Tussock Moth is :1 Valley in 1'171. spr,'adining into eastern penitent. ary fllrest insect whose preferreu diet is Whitl' Oregon and luaho in I(>7~. It ha.s inueaseu ANWltr to Puzzl. No. 111 Fir and Doug.1Js Fir, altlwugh in all from 175,OO() acr~s III 1'>7~ t" rl,u~:hl! By Kristi Kitchen designated tinds immediately adjacent to epiuemic stage it will attack pine, IJrches, (,OO,OO() tilllbc'll'd adl'S ill 1'173. Thl' Crossword Puzzle When the uld state penitentiary is the penitentiary site as lands specifically spruce anu other spccie;. Th" c'atl'lpillars <'LlIII'''h. f,,/ 1\17·' h a ~1l'Jlly l'.\I'.llllkd vacated on December I of this year, the for recreatillllJl usc. Enough natural hot hatch in the spring and feeu on thl' nCII [li.)puLlti,I/l, ~lt'(l·\.·[illgJ Illlh:!1 LIf~l'r t'drc)( old building and lands will be declared wateL_is_pre:>cnt to heat an Olympic size needles of trees. Infecteu trees begin tll .lreJ. IIll) h,'p"s eXht Il' cUrl.,iI th,' ACfW~S surplus by the State Board of Corrections. swimming pool. The areas is also suitable turn red from the tup dUlln in June. B) 'lutbtt.\Jk JJld '1,1\\: rIJi.:'::"C t~i{i..' .....h, rlt~(. h th.iI .I f!.JILlrJ) \trLlS 1'0111 Ifllc'ct the' motl, Unless legislation provides otherwise, tile for camping facilities, hiking and nature mid-July, entire trees are llften completely 1 Go It pro ").Hll building will be torn down and the site will trails. d<'foliated anu deau. There have been JflJ ~'\Il\tr\)1 !th' pi.lpulJrii.1I! .b III Sillll:..· P~ht b F "4U'"II, be sold to a developer for subdivision and Prlljects of this type are already proving rumerous epidemicS of the in>Ccl ill tlie inf,',lal ,. n", 'l'c"lId i, IIIJI tt:-· l'!',\ t I I""~tr very profitable in many cities in the West. past, allu DDT Ius becn u>cd ,u,'c,',-sfull) \ltli .1,',",'1,' Ihe Ih,' "I j)[)f I': Ihi, l' Gulf pro ~\;II., housing. This, says Arthur Hart, Director 1-1 Old lnlJ,ntnl (.1>.) Ghiradelli Square in San Francisco is to control them. Silll',' 1\)0'), hllllever, the of the Idaho State Historical Museum, I ~ CJu\(" uf llJrrn probably Ihe oldest "adap!a tion" and most Environmental Prutectl"rl Agency h;h hJU should not happen. 1 i lJ l)UUlt" In a program presented to the Boise famllus of the historic bUiluings that have 1:-; (}dfil.ult" Chapte: of the Idaho Writers' League last been revamped. Trolly Square in Salt Lake • !O Strip of It'J:htr Thursday night, Mr. Hart outlined his -City, Larimer Square in Denver, and Ba Idwin, Best team In concert 2 ~ Of tilt' of l ~(HllJrllli .. proposals for making the old penitentiary Pioneer Square in Seattle are other By l';1argaret Hansen Dt''loe-lopnlt''ilt fJb) 2'; Atrl ...Jt1 Jntrlopr 16 II, \ , l.r) into a recreational- cultural - historical examples. .. 3x ,\ dl.lltr-ngr Last Friuay's Fa,,:ull! Recil.J1 fealUrd 1\\ l;lI11L'r Br.wl1 B.r1J\\ 1f1, the' 1.,,: .' I Ih' 2fl ~rrnn.:.(bo,t., development. This development as 1<) hI ·lIJ I-'ro(('\\ uf John Best, cello anu Or. J"hn Baluwifl, fru,: U1L.'!l,..',:!I.lJ! h~JtIlh.·;"':~ h~l:l:~\.·J h!, ·J':!!h !:r\ ~OiJ[h AfnCfllJfl ,loth {two ",nrd ...l KfUUHtlng ont ..('1r envisioned by Mr. Hart would be as great a Jl\~l(' Dana and John Crawford who helped to percussion. This Was the tirst ..:onC~rl ,if tll !,} T t1:-..' l!i',)'-!i..' p[\)'ddt'J by 1..'1;..1\\1.,:,11 ~'_;,:jr:\t 11 5p("(iJI r",i :rdo 41 (;ull pru t .. tourist attraction as any historical to ~ I Guif pro t cc plan Larimer Square in Denver, ha\"le' the season c(}rnbrn~ two perforrn~rs (,n <';\.·\'r;::.' I fl"nu'J'.,rl. Ih~'111U\i;.: \"'.1'1 JIl ~l In dJtC' H llglll produung adaptations in the Wcst. one bill anu pruwd tl' be .In ~x,eI!e" r ) ~ CJt1.h ((oi: HJdjollJ,(;~t', a"Jreauy made several tnps to Buise to Jhfllt)t "':::.1!l::--'·_' (ru!Il til:,:.' h:~lf1::111~~i' :'r1Jg Hart proposes that ra ther than sell the examine possibilities of the Sute u( rL:.' r,:·_':r) tidt j[ )-\.';.'rTit.'J td rL'l '''T~' rL\.' 47 tHJ"d, I~} .•\ It'rtJl!l ..molll b('trit 27 ~1,nJ., Penitentiary Site. The most recent Irip was ~rr. Besl \las aideu b:, hIS II:"". jUJl'_·~:,'.' t;,<:l riti.' lllt"'!hlty rr,ldtL . j b\ ."d 4'1 CrJ(efi.d ,h"tt:rn property tCl private interests for destruction )'1 Crtmt' de IJ ..rl.rne i to confer wilh the HislorlcaI Society un Kathaine, at th~ prano Jr:J JI,,) by Wlil,.Iill KrHdu ~•.H. ) ~:I IO'fe It • I J of the bl.Jdings and redevelopment, the rh,:..~ fL'~'\::"; StlfLt!.J. D;,~,..·r,; tllC ~! Fur r'Jnq;!(' iJb ) possible uses. Hsu on the vinlin for Ihe tibr ,ek..:Ii,'II. 30 ~I.rl.' "'iHlh: "0 Y ..It Unl9(r\;/ .. feeling which alloweu g,llld :"kr;)!J~ 'iiI Nt'\! in ~"r~~lJrHh funds. The peniteniary has cost the statc folk dancing. Olher uses coulu in..:luJe l,,'tJrlL'JU;·i,,\,i,.-'.;...j tht.' .:uJ::.'[':('~' h:- L>;~:::J J7 '\1.ult.rt r!"H.t\ (.10 ) 'II ~",rl!l:l:'t:l pt"uJuct u\c ..1 money in the past, but this development clothing stores, craft shops, night club, and between the three performers. IT se.:::: ...d plurnh.'f'..; f:,_'I;~:r J'> J mUli." \\1::>: Dr would not, Hart says, and this is a major the like. to In.: thJt th\? v1ullrl JilJ rhe piJfli' B,dd\1.l:1 p~--,~.~'J \';' "i () I\;".!I Jr ,~f Time has become important. "By Ihe o\"~rrO\vt:r('J th~ l.:cll'.l"-; f11(']!lJ\\ tl.lf1i..:'. I, 1 bu pL, '~'~' part of the desirability of the plan. ') -) f· ,~n(h Jr{t'.·e time the n~xt Legislature Ius adjuurned a Tnward the ellu llf the r,,,,'v,'men!, the' ..:ell" ,\1 the "·'.c ,,( Ih,' ,,'::..:ert, Dr. II.'.!".,,,! SUb-division and housing is really nut )Ij (~I)it prlJ;\r "1(' \\"J~ ;l decision .willh;i\'~ been made," Hart says. tinJlly gi'v·t:n dU:L'::..' til )1:,S uut in Ih ,u:J t(l~,,"' .... ) hir rJ1II.i :- 'thc best thing to do with the land in this \1r, IL'.t .!\'::H.'J t'lll "'j (~o!f prd (,.If" beautiful rl.:ll Innes. In .Iii • .I gruup "I area. The Warm Springs Mesa Slide is an (\'j]\. Jllc! i\"h.-i.;-, ;;UIl h~.l>\IIL:Id \L\: lhl' f,l L .)(:.~ \' f The people of Ida!lO must make tJreir contrasts. example of the problems facing persons opiniuflS known. Du you wanl allul1ler !"""',l ....'{):l1h 'j~,'.j th:'ir Ltknr) fi.) r ~I o.:'.ft'Jl !I: \ ....,1 ~ ,.:ct The Sonata In A 01" 6'1 h) Ike'rhl',cr]. who might live in the area in the future. sub-division thaI could cost nwnev such as !Jr~.di.' til' J ~·~:·Jt fc ...Jt.d: .1 prp~'r.l;n id prefurmed hy J"hn JIiU Kalhen::L' Ik,t l)() \\ .', This problem in turn would cost the state the Warm Springs "lesa sliue has, ;,r would ...·IIi1tU)!) t" 1,1fm fIjp"t l·!;}".Jhk· ,howed what a leJIlI ,,'ulu eI" tngclhl'l. money. However, in the long run, Hart's you rather see irreplacable bUilulllgs KO'fl.Hl ~u,.j uf each conc~ntratnlg llll tlile'ir 'eperate p.lIls Jj{';,- HIt tJft' envisioned development will be adapled and proviuing incume fur the BREAKFAST SPECIAL tn create .I full "lund. TL:: .:lk gr" C,ft'(It. ;er!('f income·producing for the pcople of Idaho. state'} Send your upinioJlS tu the Sute pruj~,teu ;1 Jeep kelllig fl'r thL' rnu\I..:1 h,' Also, the Bureau of Land Management has Land Boaru ur Gl'\'ernor Anuru,. 1 I PM - 2 AM ScherlLl} or jncULIf Ji]ov'rner: [ c<':nhll:nJ Ifltt'! ;(i..! jll(', '\ \1 !~~'! /.q): 1)'''''''' the cello Jnu PUIiO In trIls Jlld the rUI!) :11 I{J:n,fH. i.J t'Ki(f, JI.lfh br(Ht.;rlI, " \\(,1",J! ""f':. IJlt'f an Infectillus llIek,uy. Ikl'rh"l~n'; g.'fllI ((lilff, /t";'!y, C/IJi"et' l~tll'''fJ:tJ It i Harri 5, Node r !Tlotl\'\.' rUrl') rhruug.h uur tll~ flli.h!:.." JnJ rh·,' iiI',,' SI.J5 Lutheran youth ~..ljfr ;1' ,>, ". r Ijstt.'fll~r bt:t:-1iJ'J ttl )U)j!\.'I".( ... h.d ~JlI \'\..'....Uf " l'rr!:, fflt'J",n~ 111(('(' sponsor congress dates chan gad nl'xl but is :dways ,urpm,'d hy .I Ulllt'rl"'lf I; Kl'wfr ill \pJ:11 v:rrullon. Juhn lle-st'> ,.:ILl 'us Ill",,) • , III .\ I (r t J In i The Richard IlJrris lecture date has be"n enjoyable and Wa, wdl rt'cl'iI,'" hy Ik UI n n S RESTAUFlANT 11 (,flU "rll JU!dl'o Q rl)f'"\!llJII, •• I I ,\ f "Jcsus Lives, You Can Too!" is the changed from December 6 to December 5. aUlh·llce. AND LOUNGE If,,T'''lllll',.I;il''l Pi.'f tllerll Raj ".I, Ifli ~- ufa Lut/I"rall- COllgrecs, to b~- 11"ld- I'll PII "a"d er 's Iec t ure Ilas bIdeen c lange Dr. Julrn 1l"luI'Jn )!:,~\,:, "lid Iul[ "I 1007 VIII. OOlse Id~ho ph.342·!)~69 Boise, November 2-4, The congress is from November 18 to No\ember 15. the UIHlhle hL'ader Will! S~flt' l'lb·l, IhlL'I' ._------~ sponsored by Lutheran Youth Alive, an .' i======~L.~c~'o~n~t~er~n~p:u~r,~rr~)_. ~p~le~,~e:s~I~\i~I~ii~'I~'i~l;J~I~I'~:.I~1~ll~.'~I~,,~r intcr·synodical organization which works in cooperation with Lutheran Churches. The gathering will be held at the Rodeway World Campus Afloat: Join Us! Inn in Boise, and a turnout of over a thousand youth and adults is expected Salls each September & February. from Iuaho and tire Northwest. This is the way you've alwle. W,;!e now for free Incluued ill the three·day congre,s which catalog Matter Long Run begim Friday evelling are seminars, Dible studiL's, lIIusic concerts, and r;lp sessions. WCA, Chapman Collego Cost is SIS for legistratiorl. Box 1000, Orange, CA 92666 What You



\1 • ['CO!.OGle:A!. Sunday, November 4

• H'ONOMWAI. 8 p.m. SUB Big 4

AIIIIII: lJRll;lI[:N MAZDA 2J()') FailVL'iw .HI.H4t)(; FREE ! ADMISSION Election Supplement.


Qualifications to vote: city clerk. You may request an absentee .Boise, Ci+~ Preclnci's 1. U.S. Citizen registration form and absentee ballot in the 2 Eighteen years old on election day. same letter, but the registration form must You may register before your eighteenth be received by the city clerk before he can L \q73 birthday if you will be 18 on or before send you the ballot. ~ election day. Each person must sign his own ". '-=t, 3. A resident within the city limits. registration form. If you are unable for U 1 4. A registered voter. You must physical reasons to go to the registrar's or s register before 9:00 November 3, 1973 in the city clerk's office, you may request order to vote in this city election. that the registrar come to your horne to 5. A voter may be disqualified as registar you. provided in article 6, sections 2 and 3 of the Idaho Constitution. ABSENTEE VOTING:

The Boise City Clerk's office will be Any registered voter may make written open all day Saturday, and Thursday Nov. application to the city clerk for an official I 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm and Friday, Nov. 2, ballot in order to vote absentee. His 7 to 9 pm to register voters. application must include: name of elector, Each Boisean must be registered on one home address, county, and the address to of the carbon copy forms, the same as the which the ballot is to be sent. this county clerk used to register voters for the application must be signed by the applicant 1972 general election. This is because the and received by the city clerk before 5:00 city has adopted joint registration with pm November 5,1973. Ada County. If you were registered and voted in the 1972 presidential election, and A person who is out of town and will be have not changed your name or address out of town on election day will be mailed since then, you are registered for this city an absent elector's ballot with instructions election. If you have moved or changed for proper use and return by mail. Military your name, you must re-register in order to personnel should apply by Using the proper vote in the city election on Nov. 6. post card application as described in the Federal Voting Assistance act of 1955 and If you were registered with the city clerk will thence be treated as any other and voted in the 1971 municipal election, absentee voter. If you live in Boise, but but did not register and vote in the 1972 expect to be out of town on election day, presidential election, you must re-register you can arrange to vote in person at a on one of the new carbon copy cards, even special "absent elector's voting place" if you have not changed your name~or during a prescribed time. address since the 1971 election. If you are a new resident or have moved In the event that a registered voter is or changed your name since the last unable to vote in person at his designated election, and register for this elction, you polling place on the day of the election will also be registered for the general because of an emergency situation which election in 1974. rendered him physically unable, he may If for some reason it is more convenient nevertheless apply for an absent elector's I . I for you to go to the county clerk's office ballot on the day of the election by to register, you may do so, and your forms notifying the city clerk. No person may be will be sen t to the city clerk in time for the entitled to vote in an emergency situation election. You should do this a few days unless the situation claimed rendered him before the deadline, though, in order to unable to vote at his designed polling place allow time for this transfer. within 48 hours prior to closing of the polls. He may then arrange to have a ballot J~~ forwarded to his home. A person who is absent from his home precinct may register by mailing a request to the Boise City Clerk. This request must Questions on details of these provisions L---- arrive at the city clerk's office no later than should be directed to the city clerk's 7 days before the election (October 29). office. The clerk will then mail an official Absentee ballots received in the clerk's registration card which the voter then office after 8:00 pm on election day will completes before any notary public or the not be counted, but will be placed in a county clerk, and then mails back to the locked box along with spoiled ballots. PRECINCT POLLING PLACE REGISTRA'R

Nanonal G1LHd Arlllllry Shulcv Chambers 21 lmmanucl M~tlllldl)l Church Margaret Thompson 43 - City Fire Station Shirley 1. Hooper 'i25 Reserve 51510pII 1501 N.I'rhSI. 1607 N. 14th St. 4422 Overland Rd. 4402 Clark 34,J-D41 () 342-3237 r343-44C.3 2 We,IJr.lligh Berty Virden 44 - Monroe School Helen lIighy 711 N. Curtis 6·W2 ('olollial Dr. Marjorie Hamilton " Sf. M:IlY\ Rccrc.uiuu l iall 3615 Cassia St. 3701 Pershing Dr. 2td 2 Sl:ll,' 2635 Ellis Ave . .l75·S}t'h 3·J2-0014 .l Garlil'ld SdlOOI . 344·29111 Marprel Johnson 45 - South Jr. High I 'lJ.1llroadw,ly Ave. Audrey Forrestal Katherine M. Thompson IH15 Pries: 2.1 M~JI'I1fl School 805 Shoshone 3-l4·2St>'I 220ll M~J",'n 2510 Davis 1413 Wilcomb ·1 So. Sid,' SchUlch of Nazarene 342·9276 342-{)914 l.cla Broyles 46 - Boise College Gym 130X Hale 1405 Granl Bernice Powers 2·' Church of (;",1 of P,ophe,·y Anita Taylor Lobby of Gym .142·11.11 1609 Martha I/l2ll No . .'Slh I(,(){, No. 261h 5 Ada County Crl. II,,~ hlllJ. Plddl' J43-D442 344-3305 47 Roosevelt School Jean Thacker 5th and Jefferson S(U South 51h 25 IIIl'hl.ll1d Sdl\,,'1 Viola Christensen 'lOR E. Jefferson I (J()(, E Jefii.'IS A'''ICI~ll II Cuunly ExlenslOlI 1Illlltllllg Marga,\'. 1 "hlll:lll 342-1565 51 _. Wright ('ommunily (,hurch Barhara Alverson 5115 hlilview 17.' I lI~ach .10 Longfellow Sdlool Carol All~man 41'.'1 Franklrn Road II') No Vins'1I1 .175·12S7 1511 N". '11h SI. ·138 Shenlwn 343-{,027 II Lincoln School Mary Markowsk, 34.1·5509 53 Good Sh~phcld Luth"ran Church Jall~t ~!IIkr .HlOW. Fort h(~1 Flankhll 31 I'll" St:lll11l1 Janin' Jaml's 5009 Cassia 5707 Randolph J-H·1C.2H 171h and Rllknh:lllf,b IX21 N. 19th 375·7()27 10, Owyhee School ('alll1h' Wcyhliv.I\r 344-244h 54 .- Mounl:lin Vil'w Sdwo! Ikvrrly Koll 3434Pa,adena 24~O lIayden Wa}' .I.' WllItli~1 School Ella Elifrets Cabarton Lmc JHOil Cklll~lIl Rd. J·I.l·0·II,H 301 No . ."llh 204 Rosc .175·1 '1(,0 II· St. J()~eph School (;ymna,ium Elhel hll'll 344-1964 55 Valley VICWSt:!H)(,1 (l;lIh:lla M. Gwallney HOXNot) hIlt .U 1·IICSt.III'1I! 3555 Milwauke~ Sf. H·125 ('r",lw

Election Supplement


1 • I. How do you feel Boise State College proper working of the free enterprise Belt project and, the river itself, Increased should relate to the Boise community? 6. How may taxes be held down with alcoholic beverages have no business being system, In summation, planning is a must. trout planting in the river would be an Being a 1948 graduate of BJC I am the increased growth and development in served on a campus or any school. What 3. What is your position regarding the excellent regional draw, too, Many Boise nalurally strong on Boise State College. Ada Council of Governments? the Boise area? happens off campus is naturally a matter of State students use the park for studying, The city of Boise should assist in every way By continually striving to get the most one's own choice and should be respected So long as the program has already been meditation, etc., and it is a drag to walk all to make it an even more outstanding mileage out of the tax dollar through as such. instituted nationally, we should work the way down to Capitol and then back up. educational and sports facility. And, in proper administration and budgeting. And 8. Are you satisfied with the Boise together with ACOG toward the future Enthusiastically affirmative. tum, Boise Slate should always promote growth of Ada county, with the least by recommending that the city consider a Urban Stages' present operation? What do Boise as an outstanding community. In possible federal enroachment, but at the two-year budget forecast plan for city you see in the future for the Boise Urban . 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth Stages'! addition, music and dramatic functions same time seeing that Boiseans get their revenue and taxes, then spending within a between the city and college should pattern as it has developed over the past 15 budget, including an emergency fund, for Yes, I am satisfied with the present fair share. It can be "a" "cog" and a years? continue to be inter-related. valuable one, between state' and city the highest priority item in a given year, if operation, although I have not ridden in I am satisfied. Many beautification "2. How do you foresee a land Use and "growth and services" planning. it comes up. one of those attractive little mini-buses yet. projects have been planned and carried out. quality environment working together in 4. A footbridge across the Boise River is Apparently the early morning go to work Ann Morrison Park is an asset to the city, future developments of our city? being planned to link Boise State College 7 _ Beer on campus has been an issue at load is being handled and the beneficial the new library is very fine, During the last Land use and quality environment Boise State for several years, What is your accomodation to our Scnior Citizens is campus with Julia Davis Park. What is your three years Boise has grown by leaps and planning ~rei better any day of the week reaction to th is proposal? reaction to having alcoholic beverages being served, As the needs increase through bounds and it is hard for city services to than a hodge-podge, wily-nily approach. served on Boise State College campus'! population growth and possible fuel An artistically architectural foot bridge keep up with this growth, but an adequate Quality environment is sorely needed, An emphatic "no," Realizing that a shortage', the Boise Urban Stages could be across the river to Boise State would job has been done and with a little however, it should never interfere with the beautify and further enhance the Green number of athletes and students nuy be expanded and upgraded to serve those patience, more can be accomplished. powered on what is called "Coors" power, needs at that time, Darrell Babbitt

I. How do you feel Boise State College alike, campus with' Julia Davis Park. What is your should pay its ownway, Anexation should should relate to the Boise community? 3, Who is your posinon regarding the There may be enough oll-eampus reaction to this propsal? not be considered if the required scrvrce s The community of Boise and Boise State Ada Council of Governments? establishments, in close proximity, to meet The proposed foot bridge to Julia Davis cannot br provided at an economical CUlt. College should compliment each other. Knowing that planning is essential to the demand. Park is a special and not a general interest Inflation alone will cause costs of City Any major undertaking such as a orderly growth, I prefer private over project. Construction would require tax services to rise if no growth occurred. community auditorium, convention center, political planning, Generally speaking, H, Are you saristied wilh the Boise funds and should be evaluated carefully. Urban Renewal has resulted in a 10"'; of etc. should have both in mind. This would government planners are incapable of Urban Stages' present operauon? What do 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth over $100,000 in annual tax revenue, The insure maximum utilization. I would like determining efficient "land use because you sec ill the future for Ihe Ullise Urban pattern as it has developed vover the past only way we can mimmize taxes II [0 to see the college become as bastion of these planners are subject to political. Stages? 15 years? reduce governmental growth and Fednal creative philsophy of freedom pressures. ACOG is undesirable in that this The growth pattern of Boise is the result intervention, organizarion uses federal funds to sustain The B,)lse City Uus system is a of . government planning over the last 7. Beer on campus has been lin iWle at 2. How do you foresee a land use and its power base and maintain its control proposition. Our elderly betic/it fr om thLS fifteen years. The Planning and Zoning Boise State for several years, What is your quality environment working together in o:rer private property. This organization system and it should be pnnurily designed future developments of our city? Commission is a perfect example of reaction to having alcoholic bevcrage s costs approXimately $450,000 annually. In political pbnning, With these people in nund. Most people at'e Mosl recommendations on land use served on Boise State College campus) not onellkd toward rrding the bus, my estimation, we are receiving a poor 6, How may tJxes be held down with planning infringe on property rights and return on our tax dollar. Freedom is an issue and encorachrnen[ b;pallSlull would Innease Ihe subsidy freedom of choice. Such infringements the increased growth and development in must be considered both from a freed'lIll 4. A foot bridge across the Boise River the Boise area":> qUite conm!erably to applOxlIllatdy pose a threat to all citizens, young and old of choice and elTecl of the exercise. Olie )l)(J,OOO aIHlu.i1ly C.IUIJIlg illerealed laxes is being planned to link Boise State College Increased growth and deVelopment may desire to study without dlStractll'n, at Ihls tunc. Frank Batton

I. How do you feel Boise State College comphrensive plan, and that plan must campus with Julia Dam Park, What is your shOUld relate to the Boise community? little Los Angdes, outline controlled growth patterns - which reaction to this propo:>;ll? "bJ"([I,'n t" the prop\iS ..d. ('()lJq~" students, Boise State College should be and, [ feel, can be accomplished only with proper land b. How rruy taxes be hdd d"wn wllh 1ft le':,'111 ~,caf\, hJ\"C J"umed ;lll Ihe light, already is an integral part of the use - if we are to continue to enjoy the As A City Councilman, Ihave mppo;ted the lllcreascd growth alld devd,'plllenl III Jllcl re,p"llllhl1ltIC\ of otlier adult ,Itlum, community, not a seperate entity, It quality environment we now have. the proposed foot bndge across the Boise the Boi:ie area" If Ihe} ,.If) clrmk beer III a bJr aod m Ilr~lt should have its own identity, just as 3. Wh:lt is your position regarding the River. I will continue to glye that project By rnaklllg that 11'·.... gru Jlid h"Ill"', I ,,'~ little hl"netit In halllilog il indiVidual city neighborhoods do, but I'm Ada Council of Governments? my support. development pay its OWII ....J}, e,peela"} 1:1 fr"fTI the;r 1"101: c lJlUUB S[~gn I> lar heller lllJn .1 h;lJ major cities, We must make changes in our reaction 10 haVing a!co!>"!ic heveraF'" developers, elected officials and the people h,'en UI !hl" p."I, hut It" Itdl far hdo ..... the Proper land use is absolutely vital if we at large , growth pattern in the years ahead if we are served on BOl)e StJte Collegc campu,'1 to avoid those problems. To continue in tj p<: "f 'a..I(C we r:eeJ t'le II affects all e\panded hu, '} 'tem [0 lfl"re adequately creation of a sprawled-(lut mess similar to a schools in the ItJle. Howner, I find httk Dick Eardley ~r ..e the l'c"l'k ....h" neeJ lIthe 1ll<1\1.

I, How do you feel Boise Sla te All Lind u,e must be aimed at the ,College should relate River is being planned to link UOise Sla[c to the BOlsc goal of proViding the necessary resources We rnult nol alLlw the "Urban SprJwl" t', community? College campus with Julia Davis Park, Contlnuc, )('ned "" l!"I>,'" ('"lIege UIl1P\Il' while perfecting the ellli rLlIlmen tal quality, What is your reaction 10 this proposal? I '~""Id llo>! he upl',,~d I" lrJ.'l/lg It This can only be accomplished through BSC is a very important part of h, How rnJy IJxes be held dowll With sCfwd Ii: ,I c"lltr,,/kd IIIJIlller al Boise. It's contribution to the community adequate planning, It is an excellent idea, It would help thl' increased growth and dn'd"pillent In appr"pf1.l1l' I""illum Oil campll', I JfTI in the areas of Revenue, Brainpower, eliminate some of the automobile Iraftic in the Boise areJ') 3, \\ hat is your position regarding "ppoo;ed I" II h"llig .l!hlw,'d Oil campll> HI Culture and Status are second to 1I0ne. the park and provide better acces.s to the the Ada Council of Governments? park, The besl tax bale ISa c

I , How do you fcel Uoisc State Colll'ge campaign is adopted hy the city, [ can structure for safety and cleanliness, should relate to thc Boisc eOlllmunity? fore>ce some diftlcultie, ,ulIIlar to thc cucumstallcel III those dJYS 10 upgrade 5, ;\Ie you in favor of Uoise's growlh "' IIldlhtrul'I'.tYloll dndopmenl, and Ihe reccut CurtIS R,"td cxtelhlOU prublem. The "quality" of gwwth al It IIl1ghl he pattl'rn as II has developed over the pasl 15 rl'hUlltllIl, 01 B"I>"\ downtown t'OIl' all'a Boise Statc Collegc sincc its earlicst days longer a firm plan IS delaycd, thc mor,' we years) measuled ltltlay, MallY tUlle COlI\ullling, /I'",e'; 1.1\ h.t·;e Will hl' hwatll'lIl'd thu; ill 1932 has becn the community's fIIay have devclopmcnt problems ari,e that worthwhile III-I" were takell III Iho ..... ofkrlng If nol tax rdld a flhlre collcge . , ,until 19(,7 when It hccallle an could lIot be antlcipatl'll al thc time thc earlier days alld which arl' 'till III l)foce» "'I'Jlr;th'" tll',IlIl,ullon 01 1.1\ ,0SII 10 project or Idea W;I, tlr,t IIIilJ;1led , [ beheve 'IIIIS is a nl'hulous IluestlOn lUlCe Ihl' providlllg us wllh too!5 WI' lIl'cd to help intcgral part of the Idaho Stat,' system of /lol'l''s pr"I~'rl 1 ownl'rs, highcr educarion and bcclme a St,lte that all rcasonable fIIen waut to build for ;\rllIter d()('s not definl' what is IIlC,lIIt by us . , , , , we flOW have a ('OUllly Colkge in fact as well as in n;Ulle, Through the future with propcr guidc hues to a"i,t "/lOI\l"S growth p;lttern" over the p;tst 15 ('omprehensiv,' Plan; a Coullly suh.(livisioll 7, 11""1 "n ',llIIpllS h;ls hl"'11 an ISsue O aetlvitics thltlllf-h ~rvirl' Oil advi""y agree th':"1"111""1 ii, / \)J,l will 1I0t he don't think olle foot hridy,e will he enough. suhsidlzed und nllul be I'rovhlled for our ""1111 led, Until a l'ertilkd masler plan for Boisc My main conCClJ1 will he proper I don't Ihlnk there WAS much thut people -- bUlh youllg Dlld old. III u .hllme which I havc heen calling lil[ in my JIlaintcnancc of Ihe ltructure of the I refer you In the answer in 110, 5. and lInyonc could do under 1111)50 thot .It hJl§ taken Ilolse 80 Inng 10 rlllllllC also believe thai with all aggreulvc program this lacl.

I.. .I Election Supplement

Ray Alford

I. How do you feel Boise State with an eye on the future. reaction to this proposal? growth patterns we have been fortunate to beer does not go against any state law it College" should relate to the Boise 3. What is your position regarding the The footbridge is still in study. Theie have steady economic growth over the past should handled through the staff at the community? Ada Council of Governmen ts? has been a future estimated cost of be 15 years. school. However,I can see no need for an S2oo,Ooo.00 for this project. I would on-campus beer hall. '\i _believe-it best to allow all the information BSC should and will continue to grow I am in favor of planned development to come in before we make any decisions. 6. How may taxes be held down with with the city. It has served Boise and justly administered to all.for the benefit of B. Are you satisfied with the Boise all. The ACOG concept is good but needs the increased growth and development in Urban Stages' present operation? What do Southern Idaho well.' am looking forward the Boise area? to a satisfying mutual growth between the some re-alignment. A plan of action for you see in the future for the Boise Urban two. any progressive area must be made and Taxes can be held down by eliminating Stages? 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth dup)Jcation in city and county services. followed, but be flexible and firm. This is a pattern as it has developed over the past 15 tall order and will take some close study. years? As it stands the Boise Urban Stage is a good thing and is needed on an expanded 2. How do you foresee a land use and I do not like the Boise area land use 7. Beer on campus has been an issue at scale. No one should believe that it will quality environment working together in growth as it has removed some good Boise State for several years. What is your ever become self-supporting. I would like future developments of our city? 4. A foot bridge across the Boise River farmland from agricultural use. We should reaction to having alcoholic beverages to investigate the possibility of having a Land use and quality environment can is being planned to link Boise State College be promoting the development of some of served on Boise State College campus? only be obtained through careful planning campus with Julia Davis Park. What is your our non-productive land. As far as other free bus service to those over 65 years of B.As long as the sale and consumption of age .

Dwight F. Dickel • I. How do you feel Boise State College r, eliminate septic tanks at an earlier date. of support. I do not know the specifics of 6. How may taxes be held down with '. 7. Beer on campus-has -been ani:ssue'at . should relate to the Boise community? ' Also, developers should be required to set the present proposal (location, design, etc.) the increased growth and development in Boise State for several years. What is your aside some land for neighborhood parks and would have to consider these before the Boise area? reaction to having alcoholic beverages BSC is an essential part of the and recreation areas. commenting and taking a position on a served on Boise State College campus? community, and all citizens and public particular project. .officials of Boise should endeavor in every 3. What is your position regarding the This problem is one the City Council Growth increases the tax base and with way to work for the betterment of BSC. As Ada Council of Governmen ts?' can't do much about. City law would not 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth proper planning to eliminate the a former part-time instructor at BSC, Iam Coordination among government units presently prohibit having alcoholic pattern as it has developed over the past 15 extraordinary costs of providing services to well aware of the valuable services it in the county is essential, and ACOG beverages Oll campus: according ,to .my years? newly annexed areas there is no reason renders for local citizens, especially provides one means for that cooperation. understanding - the prohibition results why growth cannot in fact result in a from BSC's own regulations. through the extended day program. However, ACOG's functions should be As stated above, 1 believe that city has lessening of taxes upon each individual B. Ale you satislfed with the Boise advisory and it must not have final control not properly planned its growth. I do favor taxpayer, even though total tax revenues Urban Stages' present operation? What do 2. How do you foresee a land use and over the city's future, especially under the maximum freedom to individuals in the use increase - much similar to unit cost you see. in the future for the Boise Urban quality environment working together in present setup where the city, with a of their property, and therefore disfavor future developments of our city? reductions realized by a manufacturer or Stages? majority of the affected population, has arbitrary controls. However, the economic I feel our city government has been retailer resulting from increased sales 'No. I am not satisfied. It appears only a minority vote in ACOG. requirements I would place on developers remiss in not sufficiently planning ahead volumes. At the point where these substantial public funding will be required would as a practical matter result in economies are no longer realized, we with regard to new developments. to obtain quality bus service, in terms of 4. A foot bridge across the Boise River orderly development

I. How do you feel Boise State College 3. What is your position regarding the is your reaction to this proposal? 6. How may taxes be held down with .Jwuld relate to the Boise community? of choice and ettect 01 the exercise. One Ada Council of Governments? The proposed foot bridge to Julia Davis the increased growth and development in The community of Boise and Boise State may desire to study without distraction. Park is a special and not a general interest the Boise area? College should compliment each other. Knowing that planning is essential to There may be enough off-campus project. Construction would require tax Increased growth and development Any major undertaking such as a orderly growth, I prefer private over establishments, in close proximity, to meet funds and should be evaluated carefully. should pay its own way. Annexation conununity auditorium. convention center, political planning. Generally the demand. Perhaps a toll bridge would be in order. should not be considered if the required etc. should have both in mind. This would speaking,government planners are This method of funding would allow those services cannot be provided at an rnvurc maximum utilization, I would like incapable of determining efficient land use 8. Are you satisfied with the Boise who use it 10 pay for it and exempt those economical cost. Inflation alone will cause to sec the collegc become a bastion of because these planners are subject to Urban Stages' present operation? What do on fixed incomes who cannot afford costs of City services to rise if no growth creative plulovophy of freedom, political pressures. ACOG is undesirable in you see in the future for the Boise Urban additional taxes. occurred. Urban Renewal has resulted in a 2. How do you foresee a land use and that this organization uses federal funds to Stages? 5, Are you in favor of Boise's growth loss of over $100,000 in annual tax qurluy cnvirunment working together in sustain its power base and maintain its pattern as it has developed over the past 15 revenue. The only way we can minimize future developments of our city" control over private property. This years? The Boise City Bus system is a losing organization costs approximately $450,000 taxes is to reduce governmental growth and proposition. Our elderly benefit from this Most recommendations on land usc The growth pattern if Boise is the result annually. In my estimation, we are Federal intervention. system and it should be primarily designed planning inlringe on property rights and of government planning over the last receiving a poor return on our tax dollar. 7. Beer on campus has been an issue at with these people in mind. Most people are freedom of choice, Such infringements fifteen years. The Planning and Zoning Boise State for several years. What is your not oriented toward riding the bus. pose j thre.rt 10 all cilium. young and old Commission is a perfect example of reaction to having alcoholic beverages served Expansion would increase the subsidy alrkc. Unfettered government planning 4. A foot bridge across the Boise River political planning. "Politicians and political on Boise State College campus? quite considerably to approximately poses a threat to those who desire III "do is being planned to link Boise Stale processes arc totally unsuited to regulate Freedom is an issue and encroachment $90,000 annually causing increased taxes our own thing." College campus with Julia Davis Park, What land use." c.' -. : l .,. ,·N must be considered both from a freedom at this time.

Marjorie [wing

I, /low do you feel Buisc Statc Cllllege of the natural environment. Well thought reaction to this proposal? county policies, did not inhibit growth reaction to having alcoholic beverages \IlOuld rclat ... 10 lhe Boisc' community? out standards of regulations may also I honestly have mixed feelings about the anywhere. !3"j,e Slatc C\llle~e and the Boise selycd on Boise State College campus? re\'.:rse ad\'ersc effects, preViously foot bridge at tlle local ion designated, If 6. How may taxes be held down with cOllllllunity arc'" mutu~lIy In nC'cd of cach For those of age. according to state expnienced and by poorly planned land those using it exhibit some measure of the increased growth and deYelopment in olhn and the Vitality of cadI IS statute, they should be allowed beer on lI"'~. maluritv and don't tum Julia Davis Park the Boise alea? Inll'rlwincd. The ,'cJnlll1unily prO\ldes a campus as in any part of the Cllmmunity. 3, WhJI is your position regarding the into tl;e most beautiful parking lot in Probably the first thing would be a grl'JI leamlllg lahoralory for much coll Sometime • would I'Jpe that right and Ada Counc'il of Governmcnts? Boise, then it will be fine. major revitalization of the downtown area work and thl' (oll('ge offc'rs extended responsible action wtll be synonymous. I fully support tile ACOG concept. We 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth to proYide a higher tax base in the business !carillng oppurtunitll's for Ihe clli/cns to 8. Are you satisfied with the Boise must think in wider terms of effects of pattern as il has developed oyer the last 15 area. Next would be legislation to require Urban Stages' present operation? What do hc'nclil further in Johs. !chua'. ,'"mmunily actions and their effects on years? open space or costs set aside for parks and l'nlCllalJllllellt, etc. you see in the future for the Boise Urban those Ill'ar us. Mutually arrived at policies I am not altogether in favor of the schools together with the complete gamut Stages? 2. /Inw dll you fllresee a land usc and haw a mUch beller chance of growth pallcrn of the past 15 years, hut of urban services in all new subdivisions. Boise UNan Stages has several steps to quailly Cll\II on llIelit w('I..kll1g I,Jgclhcr 111 illlplemenlati('ns and undcrstanding than giwn the sets of circumstances - what Then realistically ask ourselves, '~What are go to really be a Yital entity in tlie futlln' dewloplllenh of our city" ullllat('ral acticJI1S whICh may appear to were the altcrnatives? This area was our expectations of urban sef\ices and can community. Money is the limiting factl'r. I Well planned land usc wlllks h' proVIde a threaten. extremely reluctant to devl"!op an they be paid for with some mythical low sec continued support and need. and feel 'luJhty cnVIlOlllllClit by nlltlgating the 4. A lout bridge across the Boise River aggressive sewer plan with policies to tax rate?" that within a very few years we c'an aff'lId n...pllvt" drorl> hrought on hy is heing planned to link Boise State College strengthen it and cause its impl"'lI1entation, 7. Beer on campus has bocn an issue al uncllntrolled glllwth of Jny l..ind, (;,\,1lI campus with Julia DaViSPark. What is your to proVide an excellent ser which will This. together with other utility and Boise State for several yt>ars. What is your be well used. wllIl..Jbk standJrd, Ie"en tll(' dl'Structi,'n

Clint I"13k omtad

I. 1I0w dll ylJlI fed BOlsc Stilt' ('"liege 3. Wh,1I IS y()ur pllsition rcgarding the I believe we should havl' at It'ast olle the' Boise ;rrca" X. Are you satisfied with the B"ise ,htluh' rel.Il(' tll the n"ise cOllllnunlly'.' A,LI COlIII(II of (;overulllents'! bridge to Julia Davis ParI-. and alw lIne tll Taxes can be hl'ld down by sellling Urban Sla~es' prcsl'nl llpera!ion" What do Btll\(' Stalc Collq:e shlluld he.ll all e'lILII I'lof""II)[lal planning is II IIIUSt if wc ;Ht' Ann Morrison Park. c'nforced standaHls on the pbnning alld YclU see in Ihe future f'lI the B\llsl' liJklll' III solYlIlg the Ilceds allll wl'lLli(' of to have orderly growth and the plans ;lIld 5. Are yllll in favor of Boise's growth ,kvl'l,lpment of Boise City and the Stages'! Illl' clllllnl\lnity. ll'c'olllnwlHlalions of the Ada Conncil of p;r!t('rn as it has dC\'l'h\ped over the past 15 surrounding area. I am uot salisli('d wilh pll'sl'nt 2 litH\' d" yo fOles('l' J land lISe ami GOVc'rneulillS would hl' carefully evaluated yeals" 7. Iker (In rampus has h('('n an issue at operatioll. bUI it is as g(l(\d as Ihl' pll'Sc'lIt '1ILlllty ellvirllnll1l'nt wlllkllll\ !t'Rclhn ill hy the Planning and Znning Conllnissions. No I alii Illlt in favor of Ihc ~Iowlh B'lise Statl' for sewlal yl""S, What is your ;rvailablc fUllding will pc'!lIIil. Intule devl"!tlplllenis ;,f our \"ill'? F\'l'n the ,uccc'"ful farmer careflilly plans pallt'lII durin!: th,' past Iifleen Yl'aiS. The le;il'tion to haVing akolllllic beverages I heli,'vl' we will ha' c an ad",/u:llt' bus I bchl'\\' thc'y are' hlllll cqually 1"'1 the h",t use of his land. "lIrhan Spawl". rlClt wo: Im\', has CIlISl'd an "'rwd (\n !3ni,,' Sl'lll' Colkg('c;lInpus? system in th,' nC';11futull'. II0w<,\c·l. the' IlIIjl"IIJnt III thc planning for hltUll' .1. A foot hridg(' aOllSS Ihc B(lisl' Riwr additional Iinancial Illllden Oil the B(lise State Colkge is an educational vlltns will VIII,' on wh.:ther we h,lV(' a hus dewllll'fIICllls of 'Hit cily aud that thc is hl'lng pl.lllned to linl-. Boisc State C'.lll('g(' t'lxpay and Ih(' rOllSunH'rs, IIIs1ihllion and I hdll've lhat all a!colwlic selS'ic,' ;\IId the IIlc'thl ...1 hy which II will be public" Will (knund an IlIIplo\Td slandard call1pu~ With Julia Davis PiliI-.. Wh;rt is youl ('. lIow nLIY taxes hc' hl'ld down With hl'\'('r;lges should be plOhihited on th,' fuutll'd. Also, Il'tlerlll aid willulld,\uhll'llly 101 the flitulc' of 1I"I\e. 0 I('al'tiou III this pHlpmal" the increased glllWth and dl'vl'loplllent III campus, b(' availahk for the pUlchase of c',/uiprn'·II1.

MllrY Jorllensen

I. !low do YOIl fal 1I0isl' Slatt' ('olleg,. chil,hcn so a hahil (an hc lillllll'd lill a l'ampus with Julia Davis I'ark. Whal is your 6. lIow may tax,'s he held down wilh should It'late tll the Boise nJmnlJlllity? ahout thl' st;!(liulll area. I rouhl ,It-fe'nt! a It'"n 1Il"'lls for l·ars. hcller hus serVKe flit It'aclion to his IHtIPS<11'! the in\'Il';lsl'd gwwth and devc1opnll'nt in rhl' eolleg" trlafl's V(~ty wrll in holh a "yes n answer. deanl'r nil. Suhdivislons ShllUM dt'vl'lop The hridge is a ~tlod idca, I woulcllllJp(' thl' Il'lise arell'! • I\IW alld lake way. I likt~ Ille 01'1'0llllnilics 1II0uIHIl'xisting cities ;rml towns. We necd n on(' <:ould crllSSwith a hik,': hut Iwtluhln'( Combine the billillg, There is 110 reuson N. Are you s

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Election Supplement

COUNCIL CANO'IOATES SPEAK I. How do you feel Boise State College 3. What is your position regarding the not only serve for access to the part, but take place if commerce is given adeq~ate should relate to the Boise community? Ada Council of Governments? proximity to the college, so that it docs add a great deal to the aesthetic beauty of" ,. incentives to locate downtown. I propose : The Boise State College community The greatest single difficulty in not' 'overburden the alcoholic student to the surroudings. the development of a convention center, (Students, faculty, administration and providing facilities and services to the walk a block or so off campus for his brew. 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth with sports and cultural pavilion, civic staff) are an integral part of the Boise' citizens of our community is found in the Deer really does very little to improve the pattern as it has developed over the past 15 museum, and light commerce to be located community. \Vilh a student body of nearly lack of planning which has taken place in academic climate, and an academic years? downtown. Such a complex should gross 10,000, they form the largest single the past. An association like ACOG is atmosphere docs very little for beer NO! The first ten years of that fifteen 2\2 million to the city, if properly collective element in .the . community: essential to the positive growth and drinking. Guzzling beer in a local public . years growth and development was managed. It will ~Iso bring a great deal of Economically they-are t!lemoSt significant development of our city and our county, A' house is much more enjoyable than in the non-existent and discouraged. The next business to our city. This is the kind of Union. consumer of goods and services in Boise. professional planning staff actively creating three years, growth by annexation was incentive needed to develop commercial 8. Are you satisifed with the Boise Politically, thev hold a substantial voice in long-range planning must be maintained. -, ' , -, much too rapid and without sufficient interests in town rather than out in the the affairs of our city: if used effectively. 4. A foot 'bridge across the Boise River Urban Stages' present operation? What do planning. The last two years has shown a suburs where it is not accessible to the All of the problems of the city should be is being planned to link Boise State College you sec in the future for the Boise Urban decided change in the philosophy and residents of the city. Free parking and an Stages? their concern. campus with Julia Davis Park. What.)s your progress of planned growth and improved transit system are other 2. How do you foresee a land use and reaction to this proposal? The Boise Public Transportuuon System 'J ~'u. .development. I believe that the future will incentives to encourage the return of the quality environment working together in I was one of the first to contribute to is a needed service. It is a service which can exhibit continued comprehensive and open area of our city to the tax rolls. future developments of our city? the memorial of a dear friend, Bob Jones. not sustain itself. An expanded service will cooperative planning for improved growth 7. Beer on campus has been an issue at The comprehensive and cooperative This memorial was originally designated for require greater subsidy. Seattle offers free and development of our community Boise State for several years. What is your planning of land use in the city, the the construction of a foot bridge across the service. I do not feel thatthe burden would consistant with the environment. reaction to having alcoholic beverages county, and the state must preserve the river. I do not feel that the park should 6. How may taxes be held down with be excessive if the city of Boise did quality environment and aesthetic beauty served on Boise State College campus'! become a large parking lot for the student the increased growth and development in likewise, and that the service would be of our surroundings. This does not mean Beer on the campus is not an issue to be available to all. The cost would be less than Elmer Hunt, Jr. body, but I do feel that there should be the Boise area? we 'should not develop and utilize our decided by the city. The campus is a state direct access to the park from the campus. The positive development of our the cost on one round-trip ride each resources, but that the planned reservation and the jurisdiction is that of month, Very shortly the bus routes and I have even suggested that the Performing downtown area will bring with it a development should be compatible with the state, not the municipality. I see no Arts Building be constructed spanning the lessening of the tax burden on the schedules will be further developedto put our environrnen t. great problem one way or the other. There river without sidewalkways, which would homeowner. This development can only, half-hour service Within three blocks of arc sufficient beverage, shops in close' better than 90,:\> of the residents.

I. How do you feel Boise State College 3. What is your position regarding the the footbridge. I believe and assume that should relate to the Boise community? I believe that taxes can be held to a 8. Arc you satisifed with the Boise Ada Council of Governments? the student body will respect other uses Boise State is and should be a source of reasonable level only by better planning, Urban Stages' present operation'? What do The Ada Council of Governments is and users of the park. talent for the local community and the more timely response by government to you see in the future for the Boise Urban based on the principle of voluntary 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth state. Its activities enhance the community provide services and by support and Stages'! cooperative long range planning by local pattern as it has developed over the past 15 and the student body should be an active understanding on the part of everyone units of government. this is accomplished years? . part of citv affairs. involved. by a common stan'. I believe this concept is Past growth has been poorly' planned Significant improvements in bus service . 2. Ho; do you foresee a land use and 7. Beer on campus has been an issue at sound and will succeed in the long run. from the area wide point of view. Services and scheduling have been nude this year. quality environment working together in Boise State for several years. What is yuur 4. A foot bridge across the Boise River have not been complete or timely. With the The last few months efforts were intended future developments of our city; reaction to having alcoholic beverages is being planned 10 link Boise State College suppurt of the total community we can as a pilot and cxpcrimcnm] program. Growth and more intensive land uses are served on Boise State College campus'? campus with Julia Davis Park. What is your and must do better. 'Ridership has doubled and costs seem to be inevitable, They must be planned as Beer on campus is a decision best mad,' real' lion to this proposal? 6. How may taxes be held down with in predicted ranges. I would like to sec carefully and with as much foresight as by the student body and college Joint and non-conflicting use of public the increased growth and development in special schedules from the campus 10 possible to maintain a quality environment. administration together. City ordinances facilities makes good sense. Iam in favor of theBoise area') downtown points if the student body must be compatible with stat~ laws. wants and would usc them,

Fred Kopke

I. How do you feel Boise State College future developments of our city? being plannedio link Boise State College should relate to the Boise community? • 6'. How may taxes be held down with As the father of a 19,y(.'ar·old o:ollegc Future land use must be guided so that campus with Julia Davis Park. What is your As it presently docs, BSC activities and the increased growth and deVelopment in student. I believe student« are citilens )ll\1 the desirable bUI fragile qualities of our reaction to this proposal? resources involve and enrich the lives of the Boise area? as I am. They should have the ~me rights area we love so well can be preserved. I think it's great. virtually all of us in Boise, many of us Thru the use of revenue sharing funds and responsibilities as the rest of us. 3. What is your position regarding the 5. Are you in favor of Boise's growth attend classes and share the use of the on projects needing large amuunts of 8. Are you salisifed with the Boisr: Ada Council of Governments? pattern as it has developed over the past 15 many fine facilities, also facultv and capital. The Ada Council of Governments when years? Urban Stages' present operation'? What do students arc enligh'ted participants i; many you sec in the fUlUre for the BOise Urban properly staffed and pruvided direction' No, too little has been done to use fine vital community activities. 7. Beer on campus ha, been an issue at Stages! and leadership by its elected officials will close-in locations for developmen t and 2. How do you foresee a land use and Buise State for several years. What IS your A good start has he"n made. Iwill work be an invaluable asset to our community. urban sprawl has been allowed for quality environment working together in reaction tu haVing alcoholic beverages for needed expallSion :llId adequate fisc;11 4. A footbridge across the Boise River is proliferate. served on Boise State College campus? support.

Ralph J. McAdams


' ..\'

I. How do yuu feel Boise State College use MUST be developed to, insure the being planned to link Boise State College should relate to the Boise community? directs its growth. Government serves the not it is u question that must he answered quality of life we expect in Boise. This is a with Julia Davis Park. What is your Boise State College IS parl of the people, not the self interest groups, and il good example of the valuable input the reaction to this proposal? by the college community. The city community! But City Hall has been must be responsive to those people. council docs not have the authority to college neighborhood can give the city. I support it completely! It will help indifferent 'to,the'college too long. It's time 6. How may taxes be held down with affect any change. Through the Neighborhood Council bridge the college with the rest of the for City Hall to seek and develop a working the increased growth and deve!opmen t in approach thi! input WIl:'bbe recognized! community. Hopefully it will spoon 8. Arc you satisl1ed with Boise Urhan relationship with one of it's most the Boise area? 3. What is your position regarding the additional juint·projects. Stages' present operation'! What do you sec resourceful neighbors. This type of Ada Cuuncil of Governments? By encuuraging growth within the in the future for the Boise Urban Stages? 5. Arc you in favor of Boise's growth service area of the city. Also by the relationship can be developed through the It proVided an upportunity for elected No. It must be modified to meet Ihe pattern as it has developed over the past 15 merging of city-.:ounty services and Neighborhood Council Program that I will officials of the cuunty and the cities to years? needs of more people. I believc it must implement as a city councilman. structures as they become feasable. work and plan together on a volunteer No. Many of Boise's growth probelms service the commuter and lhe shopper. 2, How do you foresee a land usc and 7. Beer on campus has been an issue at basis. Professional planning, rather than can be attributed to poor city Earlier hours fl!r people going to work and quality environment working together in Boise State for several years. What is your piece meal efforts, is a step in the right administrations. I feel that with the school and later hours on nights when future developments of our city? reaction to haVing alcoholic beverages direction. development of neighborhoud councils the stores arc open. Shelters for those w;liting This is a must! Good planning and land served on the Boise State Colle~e campus? 4. A foot bridge across the Boise River is community can balance the power that for bus service would help. By prOViding Whether beverages are sold on campus or beller service its success will happcn.

Doug Hich

I. flow do you feel Boise Stale College Hall for the problems of people in the It would make Julia Davis' recreation more City policy for tomorrow. , should relate to the Boise community? I support lhe treating of stUdents and neighburhoods, the transition will be accessable to the Campus, and tic the Boise State College must be both a 6. How may taxes be held down with other young groWing humans as maturc smooth and the product exciting. College and the City more closely together, leader and a follower in our community. the increased growth and development in and responsible in all mailers, including the 3. What is your position regarding the especially for pedestrian and bicycle The intellectual and cultural interests at the'Boise area? exercise of lhe right to pf(}vide uud Ada ('(Juncil of Governments'! traffic. Properly placed and designed, it the school must afford the City with the By making our services effiCient, by supervise campus conditions. I support the ACOG Concept, but we could be allother nuwer in our green belt. hest in new ideas, while the City itself taking economics of scale and need sume significant changes. Our 5. Arc you in favor of Boise's growth should provide enthusiastic support and consolidations where they present planning must be less costly, less time H. Arc you salisfied With the Boise pattern lis it has developed over the past 15 themselves, by trying innovation where we essential services to students, f:lculty, consuming, and, more responsible to years? Urban Stages' present operation'! What do programs and activities. can, and by making do Where we must, "people" problems and "peuple" pressures. Boise is at a growth turnillg puillt. We you sec in the future for Ihe Boise Urban 2. flow do you !tHeSee a land usc and Boise can make itsfuture growth pay for Experts on the planning committees arc must do two things NOW: Redevelup Stages'l quali ty environment working together in itself. A lillie lIllitude adjustment in City fine, bu t peuple with active dowlltown on a reasonable scale and I am generally plellsed wilh the presenl future developments of our city'! government is a must'"'if the search for interest·conflicts must go. require all subdividers lind developers to concept and oJleratlon of Boise Urbnn Boise has a singular opportunity to saVings is to succeed. 4. A foot bridge ;u;ross the Boise River proVide full sewers and services in their Stages. We must continue to evaluate the retain CllyiWllIl}Clllal qU

iJ November 1973 1" Living , C of I presents . , . TH,E ASSOCIATION IN CONCERT

Seven and a half years ago, in Los On the strength of the phenomenal they moved to Columbia .Records, Angeles, six musician-singers from varied success of The Association, Valiant subsequently to. the Columbia owned musical backgrounds began what has 4 Records sold its company to Warner custom label 'Mums'. The release of their become a living legend in the world of Brothers for over a million dollars in 1967. 'initial Columbia product brought an end of contemporary entertainment. The group's first release on the new label, a chapter and also a new beginning to th~ . The idea and direction for The WINDY, again topped the national charts . enduring group. For at the conclusion of Association began with Jules Alexander, for weeks and was followed by. still another the album, WATERBEDS IN TRINIDAD, , Brian Cole, and Ted number one million seller, NEVER MY Brian .cole met an untimely death, and D1uechel, Jr. a short time later, Russ LOVE. shortly thereafter Terry Kirkman, another Giguere and then Jim Yester joined. The Further appearances on network mainstay, decided to leave the group to sextet not only worked together, but also televisiqn, including the Smothers pursue other creative endeavors on his lived together, rehearsing songs, writing Brothers, Ed'Suhivan and Johnny Carson's own. songs, conceiving a . musical aggregation Tonight Show, gave the group exposure Shook, but not d~amyed, The destined to be unique. with older audiences which resulted first in Association took a month to regroup and Alth ough all had per (inned an appearance at the famous-but-staid began rehearsing with its two new professionally, either as singles or with Greek Theater in L.A. and then they members. New drummer, MAurice Miller, other groups, it took six months of hard became the first rock group to star at the whose credits are many, played with greats work before they set footonstnge asaunit. prestigious Cocoanut Grove - theyturned such as George Shearing and Paul Hom, Their debut as The Association came in out ,to be one of the most popular acts the and also was a member of the Watts J 03rd November '65 at a nightclub theater in club ever presented. .·_~tr"eL_band .. !:lis baritone .. voice .only Pasadena called the Ice House. The initial .Their next new album, INSIGHT enhances the great Association sound. one-week engagement was extended and SOUGHT, which included REQUIEM FOR New bass' player D&vid Vaught has their local followin pegan to blossom. THE MASSES, passed the million mark, toured with Paul Williams, Helen Reddy Soon after their LA debut, Valiant bringing the coveted gold record collection and was himself a member of Rosebud. Records signed the gcoup to a recording to five. Their concert tours continued These two new associates bring back together the seven man band, and as contract, and a. elv months Inter,' the breaking attelldance' records; highlights 'Record World' editor Spence Berland national music scene heard ALONG being August 2, 1967 when 17,432 people wrote in a review of the Association. at COMES MARY. which immediately soared jammed into Ravinia Park in Chicago, their recent· Troubadour engagement, to t/;e top of the charts. selling almost a shattering by 3.000 aprcvious attendance "Considering the fact that they arc the million records. Their next release, record set by the Kingston Trio in '58; and greatest group of this type in the history of CllrRISH, sold well over a million and was in August, '68 when they did four the word, it is just the beginning." Number One Record of the Year, back-to-buck SRO concerts at the Chicago In a' '6!l hOlh the traditional Blossom Unlike many contemporary musicians playing organ and paino for such jazz Warner Brothers Records commitment,

The Albiter 0asSified is • 1en1ce to tbe Students of Boise State ColJege. Don't hesitate to take adftlltaBe of this free adveitisfng. AD material must be to the CLASSIFI ED FOR RESUL 15 Alblter office no bter than 12:00 noon Friday before date of publicatjpn.

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Livin Novembur 1. 1973 FRANKLIN G, WHlmBEl.Y by Glo\\ahu\. Suggestion box Good news proves inadequate comes to

For some time the BSC Library has had "It, too bloody noisy in the reference . a suggestion box near the front exit. area!" Goofy's Although the library faculty has acted "This place is too quiet. Why not have l. upon some of the suggestions, up until this some real soft mood music, It is like a time there has not been a good avenue for tomb in here." A previous article in the ARBITER l explained some of the problems facing replying to the suggestions. From We" you can't please all the people all Goofy's tavern. Apparently, most of those tlme-to-tlme answers will be published in the time, Read on. the Arbiter via this column. Following are problems arc now on the road to being answers to cumulated samplings of "Miss Miller (Reference) is very solved, questions from the Suggestion Box. competent and friendly, but her normal speaking voice carries much further than Real estate world changes "It's too cold in here! and most other The major problem reported before was buildings, too." that of most people. The last three times I have tried to study there, her directions to that their conditional use permit was in There were numerous comments about jeopardy because of insufficient parking, the lack of heat. Don't see us - see other students and her conversations with rapidly in all phases However, all agreement will be signed soon BUildings and Grounds (we freeze tool). various people have in terrupted my vital "In real estate as in cverytlung else. There are many kinds of homes which will give Goofy's more than "Some libraries have gone to no-fines or study time. I have noticed that this annexed to Boise, the tcxes will increase 40 things are changing so rapidly that WL' available. including the detached single' adequate parking facilities. very minimal ones. They find that their situation has annoyed or disrupted other per cent. old-timers are having a hard lime keeping h o me , t ownh ou se. condominium. return rate is often better and at least no students besides myself." up," stated Victor Thompson of Paul II. cooperut ive ap.utrncn t, and mobilc home . tn a cundominium. an owner occupies worse. People act as you expect them to, Without making excuses for Ms. Miller Whcn Goofy's originally opcncu, the Larsen Realtors. Thompson addr~,s,'d all Each services :.l definite purpose and offers onl'-Lillit of a multi-unit structure and there and if you expect them to be trustworthy, and her big mouth, we would like to point City Council required them to provide 115 audience in the "Curious Consumer" series specific advantages. is joint ownership of the land below and they usually are." out that the reference department is a parking spaces, and they had made held every Thursday evening in thL' Boise the space above. An example of A number of academic libraries we know work area and a teaching area - and none arrangements for 116, A disagrcetucnt with Public Library auJiluriulI!" Is the buyer in the posrnon to build a condominiums in the new structure now of have tried the no-fine policy and of the staff has Y'Ctmastered sign language. IllJlIle !ll lIlt'Ct perslln:J1 needs and hobby Maxie's PIzza rcJuced thcir pJrking below bcing l'olllpkit'd which taces Ann I\1n[f1Sl1l1 abandoned it when it proved unsuccessful. We would suggest that you study in those Thornp>un saiJ that whethcr lH lik~ it ur Tl'ljuirclllwt;) Rcady buil! and ready..:ut the coullcils limits, Ilowever, with P:lTk cast of thc. Palkvicw Apartrnl'nts, Why bet on a loser'! We are considering areas designed for studying - the study not, "we probably hav~ ><:l'n llllly th~ hlllnes ar,' :t1krnatives tll the custornbuilt acquiSItion of additionJI p;llklllg hehind These example,' illlliL'ale lhe trl'nd changing the fine structure and suggestions rooms scattered throughout lhebuilding hC"lnning." New anne:utiolh to B"i,...will Ilt)ll1e, [)"Il't uwr!LJuk thc imparlance of (;oofy's, and thc'·signetl leasc would be appreciated. pl,'\al"Il[ ill Boisc tnwarJ high density and those areas on the upper noors that hri~g th~ populatilHl up to 'la,UOO Jlld the IOCJti')1l nf lhe horne. what sort of With Maxie's, they will haw parking for "I suggest you get some information living which ,ecrns lIldlcJliw l)f a laL'k of don't house . public senice departments, when subdivisilll1s uutside or the ,il\ all' n,'i:.:hbllrhl""l cllld Iww is it LOn~d, thc I JO. TIllS should renll'v.: the tit leal III the on Blackfeet." intcrest 1Il lIlJlIllallling yarJs, The Reference Department may be cunsidered. it cl)uld add anuth~r IO,OLlO plll'b~bk t.!XL'S, lll:.lilltcnanL'l', utility costs, conditlllllJI use pl'rnllt. We presume you are referring to convenient to the tront doO[. but when . 'l~ peL'pk tu the pupulati"n. and aSSl'''lIl,'n ts. .-\ tll\,'nhnuse dll"m't (kpreCrak a, Blackfoot Indians, In the subject section of you study there you lIlay be taklflg up upidl} a, J >Illgk fcJllllly nnit. .-\n :.l,,'r.lgl' Cunt'~[nillg th,' c\llllplJlllh abn's necJs, th~ mobile' hum". With thc townhouse, th~ -C>"lH~es, credit. and tlln~ inr1uen,c' thm prm'idillg SUU 'qu:lT" led I,lf livll1g space c'lIgIl1,'er frum SJn Frallc",,', which ,tales are rued there. ~Is. ~Iiller under control. pure'llascr '1\Hh IllS \lwn tra.:t of land, 111 plus I '7-lth uf the rCCrl'JIIl1Il Clll'J that tht' ,Imounl of nlliw .It ("",fy's IS well "Post a notice in other buildings as to J:?i.:isil)n. For eXJInpk. J SIngh' p-':[:-'l'll thl' llwllcr>hip llf J tl,wnhouse, thl'r,' is J "Will the library eve, get runds to 1Il5[J.1J WIIIIlII aCl'el'tabk 111[11 1\. '111" study and when boob are due (i.e. end of semester, employed t',)r In IBdcrinlte peril'd lit Illl;,' (SWil1ll1lllll! Ill"'1 ,. magnetic plates iIi books apl!1st llU!l1 tl'I1JfJ....' ..• ~h ....\l('i.nllll1 ~hJ.rgl· [hJt I.:llV('fS ,uhsl'ljuelll leport til thl' C"UIIL'J! cost with S~"ln~') f·l[ J ::lr.'J'lt other special dates)." Jl)WllpJ: With l'Ulll'lrt III:btll)JI, rl'al l'stJte IS 'misappropri:llions"J Systems v. ork .ery JII outd""r l'\l'l'm~, frurn 1Il0WIllg the (j,'"fy's tw,' Itulldrl'd d"ILlI'. JllJ nt) ~'irJblish~J ~r.:jit Dtlrig. \\\·u~j r.:- Good idea - we11 try to do this at the well that way and is better than your lal, Il tll P,!!!1tIIIS rlie Ii,'use. Hillcrcst Plac,' [apldly 1ll,'Il',ISlllg III \aluc'. :\ h1l11lc tltJ[ better Jd'h~d te' relit In apartlll"::r. .\ end of next semester. search and annoy system :n use now'" TU\\'n!ll)t!\c:; ('n Sl1u[h Rl)us~"'eIt 1S In s"ld III She[\"",d P.lTk tw" y~a[s agll JI young fllJrn.:J r.1JIl, (.·f1:rhJ}:.'J ill J ,):;'.'JJ~ T"IIY Ilcllo, IllJll,lgrr "I' (;""fy's. said Itt' "I think it would be really nice if there t·.\.:~lpk ,'r' t!li" ~jIlJ uf ~.[ru~[ur~. S3I,()()() 1\ II"W valued at 53'I,'lSU. III tell Maybe someday. ~Ieanwhile. we'll have pusitll--1!1 J::J t:X~Ltill~ ttl li\~ m Ih1l"'" 11\; has lfll'd lil pkJSC e\l'lyon,·. but Ihat il was a relaxed quiet comfortable reading "'Jb· [Illle. "lrlll' hU11l~s hJ\e duubkJ 111 to depend on plain old people (mste aj of room in the library. Not desks and desk surn..: Y~dh, \\'uuIJ tinJ it .lJ\.ltl{J~:."..l) (L ,\[wlher typc' (,f Iuwnh,)use i, the Vcilul'. r"JII} 1\II't p",,,bk. Ill' C,lIlr:"t ""JhY'lt" machines) to monilor our exit ..:ontro!;, At bu\.i hlHI1::, bu:1Jing up t'L{:Jitj til ,.1llJ llie ,'lIstom~rs as lltey kJve lhl' pI"p~rl} , chairs but, like if you steal a couple of .\lcolJ"ws l,'c:.lted ,,1'1' (""e Road whcre the' ooTht'le IS 11" III,c,tnl,'lIt e,pul tu leJI least people don't cause bells torin~ and ukir'1g JJ\.JnuS,;:.' IJ[ til, ::1-:1.':1;': LIX JII ill' l'Jn do is try alld ,'ull!rpl them wlilk couches from the Union lounge and put in :')lW,y !J\,', (,'11 ,mc unit are SolDO dollars e,tatc III \'3111,' rl'" "f tltl' ,lJtl' of th~ lights [Q Ilash if you aCCIdentally forget 10 there where its quiet and someone can get ~l)n'ilJ~rJtI"ln.-; 1,)[ J hllm~0\\[l;.·r. rll''''. but .,1'1,', Januar) whcn thIS arca I> Cl'''llVI1l} ," !i1,,,nlhvlI "'lIcluded. lhl'y Jrl' lln Ih,' pTllpetly, 111 all .llll'lllpl to some studying done. Thank you," charge out a book. (Ttll'se ele..:trunic eXIt d for acquiSltlUfiS, we'd be g,Jad [)c\,.l[tmcilt and WilllJn1 Taylor of the period arrive. Of course, the college does F1Jhcrly wllh the P"[(ll\'lllll. and 1{on th~ hold PUbltCII]." he ,.lId, not receive microfilmed editions of all to talk to you ahout them. We wel.:ome \luSIC Depolrtment directed the pruduction, T1Il'RS[) \ y, \OVE\IBf-R.! ;0;1" 7 Ikrtll "11 IhL' ba", ', Lel\1) WJ~Il"r a, th~ Iuvc~rruc~, J\ll SET '"Fay D,,:;',:r Id Ii ..\;C. tC"rLi~,'d tI c r,' .Ind J-.:~vrn O.:VcrJ :I.Sth,' pn'lIll\e I'll( tlte t'trtllrl' • DeliO saId thJI he would "haw to dlJJkllg~ you talk to the people in Periodicals? ''This is one ot the lot'st hbrar:e, I LJve hLr.J S,,,-ul C1uh," \'Ii:,', ,I.".,' tly,I"f1Urn, tuok J:tln~ honuh thJt ,Llt,'m':llt". fie 'aid the' ),l.lme I"r all\ They11 be happy to help, III been for a long time. Out-of·slgr:t~'" lll,,' l.'OIT1I,..J:, \\/~l'i ~.'(L·l'!!l'i1t, th:: lllthh: I'TIlhklm of thl\ lIalun' art' lI"t rh~ re,ult in tL': Vivid lntt..·rprt:[Jt!Pfh l)f [lit' \\,1" h,~hl:. (ll/llpll:nL.'t1!.JJ, .i!!d tLt' Cht JnJ 11 t, hUI 01 WfD\!S[J\ y. 'OVI\IBEk ~ ,:iLl;:.·l ..'f) I \\-1> pJrt:-:uJrly: Illlpr~'i)I.'\l uf po"r 111.1Il.lF"I l'II r"lhn tl!l' ,uti pr'· ...ld,·d till' ,t:ldll'nc,' \\Illt ,I SHO\\,("--\SL "13.-\1.11T J 1'1 \ '\(1' \\1:: I hi.' tJI,:lJ1 t:.xf,jr.' ....,[('11 Jlld hod~ per"'lIalll\ "olltllc!', "Illd "~I G,"'l}" 'Tiger At The Gates' rncllI(ll.lf'k t'I"!i1l1!~IJII'UI,' ell)ll) l1lent. IOCJIlll[1. f:.'..I!ur:!1~ P.1tfl-,:u PJII!~, ..1nJ \Llf~ \\ 1.1i1,'jJet' ": leI'" WJrller a, tlero. • h:l 1::",','\ piolycd rhl' r"k 01 the' uld S.\II'fW.\Y.\UVI:.\lliLR Iii I, ;" KON ICHIKAWA'S MASTERPIECE IS called breathtaking tri'.! ::::Jr'!;:lL.'J E~rlIIllU). ;.H1J [huut:h the \IU\ISLRR,\! Kt', (>';':J P~'" il ~.,~ .., '.... 1\ \![ulJ. l· rr'lllll.h' l'vr.:ry' JpP"'Jralh.'t.' The set for the BlT Production of J~an and furty minute>, wa, not tilkd "ttll ttl/.: r<.d\.' !flh \h;lttl'r .; \'.h;~'Clhl· ..~r_!:p.l "I' ,U~t' c'",kl'J 1,IlJ,h laughler Iflllll thl'

Girodoux's play Tiget At the Gates is actin!, hut with pCI'ple r~adlllg LIi"' . .I few I h·.' ,tl'[" t{\·,:~1"::,...'"\ ··i ~L'ih('rf.!·, .Pi J'1'.L_'r:I.,:I.'. breatht'lking walking into the theater one trYlllg to de) some furlll "f actl1:!, Jlid lh~ iJ;,'JJ:di" LHl:' ofll~;.~· til rill.' \;'~: :,1 I,':ric' L'llk, pl.l}ed rile rille "I' th~ IFDRIE$ would expect mirades to be performed rc,t furgt·tting. mJ!I''''::lg. and hUIl,l:ll1g \h,:\.,\;~lj! :\flll! III \. rh'/i.l":!J III ""J.~, '.l,'! ".1> '.",)!il, 1'1,,1i.J II"....c

upon that stage, but alas, the mirades their Imes. I Canlll)t CI'II!,t tlte liulIlh'r ,>I \\1:., h""",)Je, ,11.,11"\,,, .( S;:n,,"li tUll )" Hill', ht'lll r I (111·\-ti:...:t:d, Yl)lIfl~ H~ro

never came. tim", people l1\:\,cd cues .il1d ..IJee llil' 1,·">1,,,:, '11.11\ 1e,1'!" I I:" plio, Ldl f(lT ,>11.. i .tIl PI,lpHI ~{'Uilt' ~Irl'! Milo Needles is to be complimented. lie en (CJ f1 L~S. "\lll: tIlt.' ....'llfltlunLI!l ':i, r'~:f\\(,' 1\ ri'li 1.!.-,·,t'"1 ,j; the' pllllp, I.}CU, Jlld ({»~ l'H~ IPIlADINI til),f.l:-'''') !~;l,-';Ikp,-'d \1, itt; l"l\.:U!liij has outdone every set designed who hal Ih,)ut11 thc f.llllh h' he,1\1I\ \'" the Ih,' ',1\ t', i11( •.II" "I "hiS h"lIsc" playcd 1\ terrifying film on the inhumJnity of war, Irhikaw,h'<111'\1111 lil~ lll\llti·kvel entirc show, which lasted about an hOUI officl' . SLltt' ( Idk'~ '\L'tl11i~' \It tllrcl' rHlu ....;,·, )Ide by sidl.·. I WJ'i Calendar tHUHSD;\Y, N"VLMf!! HI

9 drfl J2'1;\OHl Bu',·' JlJlll(.H it'd')'!", f ~'.I ,j'''1 (i , I t" I,. U pm 10]ilpIll "C{)FtllHOl)~~j- "li~·. H;'dli \' l',~, ;,,1 f\ ,t. ',! j B:1Spm rl(;[Hl\rltH:(;/\1({;,1~l"'1r"~'f("hj ,.i~ 'II'! i" ~;t"tt, !iiurd (11 I (tU(-"ll,~rl M""!'fl'l (' .....i':l "', Id 1"

,1110/1\', NOVI '.lIlLII~· l) Pili 'Pili t "!lulr;"" MI">!llltl. ~;,tJ H. Bprn 10:lDplll 'Tf.)tllfIlU\I~,f"~;~ ~ H",lf! j',r;o'lH.~. j Hprn I~-i IlIDI'lI! l\d!,Hl')"(I~:! 1\J!",I\cll"I!'lf""I" ~J ~JI" '1Ilt~; {IN Tfll I'Ll\lrJ, f flll'lilfi. ,Ii'\ ';"1\" 1.1 I(If,

H'l~IPfil ll(;! fl1\1 Ttl! Ci'\IF(;. rlll',j!I;·!'f("j""II.!l ,'llll .. · T!,

nil 1\~;~;()Cli\ liON III (:011(1'11 C,;II!'l!' "I Id,Jh" ;,".'/1"[ '\'JlII!"

~;j\lrl up ()e,ldllrlf' lllr tilt' t llll(h,lll t"llllil'V. 1,111:1' H i I H.

lil ...t l),ly III fill' dppiIC .,llid] \.-vdh It\!' l.1"1.I'lrt',"111 ';\,1", "".t',t!, ,J"!l'" I"" \JI,WtiJ.J11l11l Illr ~l\',l\>r's I ),·'l(f'~I.

11.l10 CtllHt'l( IL,','., l'ldlll'~" I ;, ~.111.' \IJlllt·"

:;,\tUlIll ..\Y.NllVI Mill II :1

1 pm II~;(, pl.\y·.lJfllvl·"~lly ,,j r-~I''''',f,j I'" Ikl fl,·; OJ, r;· ..• t.I.

U d!l' ,1 :Ill pIll I ,1111.'", ~\\Jl(l1l.lI\ l,f.lil'j \\. " {.I, ""'1'" I\. 'I~ '1 '~.1 I'" II 'r'111J1~11I With W,'ld" UJllt,,,;l: H.III',P>!II. H pm Il\f l rI Upll f~ch,III'I" n'lb pm 1/(~1 H 1\1 Till (~A'I';, Ill'" Lilli· Th, ,1,,' 1'".!Li ~I"" fl,JI'," I I'!I,· I hf'~ltn'.

:;UNDI\Y. ~~()Vl ~llIt 11.\ Hpm ~;lIN()/\Y.lIl{H)()Y,~:IJN()/\') l'l\p I !I III ""'1"". HIlJt '''I' H' 1f) pill. HPI'd' ~;LIlI' {., lIlt,tI,· ( 1,( 111",11.\ ('( '110 "I I, ~1'l,.I' ..\qd, (ill l\11I~

MONIJI\ Y, NOVl Mill II " I pill Hilll"Il(,luh~'l'l,tIIHJ. Idllll H'II\ll1.

",: 11 HN(){)f'J ~\i'tll'1I1 I jl'lllllli rJH'I'llllll, r..1!) IUO,

'UI SUI\ Y. NlIVI Mill II 0 :J Pili ;111111 Mu "hi I " ..11011 M""!tlllJ. ~...111\11 At,dil,Hllllll, ]':JO pi". ~ii\ilillt; Mt"it 11111,:';1" LIlt' (:lh1ltd It'f ". FOREIGN FILMS: J pill Vj,I~YIlI'"' fIIt'l'!IIHI. H.l!lIHH k "(1(1111, NOVEMOER 2 0:00 P.M. LA 106

lJ.!,1!J ttl" A./tl ''Ill I (ht,'.Uf l~'·Hfl;t'H ( ,It I< i It','td'ft' , 1\.-/'1\'" ,lo,. (,{, If IIIIlI. IHI\~lf\IIIHI't"\t , t)11/li,dl IlilJlil'·V.(;,111i1i 11'"1111 FREE ADMISSION CitY II LCIH1N

WI.DNI.SllI\Y.N(lVIMlli Ii I PLUS: CHARLIE CHAPLIN SHORT fUms for Colh1qtl lllmotufO,' ••11 I!I/.I I'll! ,Llp,HI"'-i11 COfl'lPlI,1"V !II ~~Ylllil. I lilli, j' Wl1lluc.'. l::lOp,fft.,IIIIJIJ"Jllluo;!1 l\udifll,ltllJl It)11 "THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR" n fHlI n pm ~,;tiJftlllp.Hd pf AI't'Il\lrlt.11l1 ... 1.''')\ I ";1IT1, ::IIIlILtlltllt.'lt,


.' ~'." . ! • • • & *' • • ~ November 1,1973 / Sports , , ~ 2nd ANNUAL FUN. BQWL Two I'daho scho'o Is shelled Co~Sporysoredby'ARBITER~SUPB AIR FORCE ARMY over we eke nd - ARIZONA ST. UTAH CALIFORNIA USC 'COLORADO NEBRASKA on key Idaho State fumbles and . DARTMOUTH by Tony McLean YALE interceptions. DUKE GEORGIA TECH. Mike Holder, Montana State's QB, GEORGIA TENNESSEE While BSC was humbling the ran for two touchdowns and scored OHIOsT, ILLINOIS University of Montana for at least a another on a pass to humiliate the INDIANA. MICHIGAN tie in the Big Sky Conference behind Idaho Vandals 35-14 in Moscow. IOWA PURDUE the torrid running and passing of Idaho had only 17 yards rushing IOWA ST. OKLAHOMA quarterback Ron Autele, other in the first half and lost two fumbles. KANSAS ST. MISSOURI MISSISSIPPI action in the conference followed a The Vandals didn't start scoring until L.S.U. NORTH DAKOTA regular pattern. late in the game. Because of SOUTH DAKOTA OREGON STATE Both underdogs Idaho State untimely turnovers, the Vandal's 41 STANFORD TEXAS S.M.U, University and the University of pass attempts for the goal resulted in WYOMING Idaho lost games to Weber State UTAH STATE only 13 completions. For the most U.C.L.A. WASHINGTON -t:ollege and Montana -State parts, Rick Seefried's and Dave WEST. KENTUCKY MID. TENNESSEE University. Comstock's passes were either .. Weber State halfback lim Larson dropped, went into the stands or Tie Breaker ran the Bengals silly as he scored two were intercepted. BOISE STATE __ NEVADA~RENO _ touchdowns to power his team over A lot can be said for the stubborn the ISU-II 38-23, Idaho State has Northern Arizona Lumberjacks who Professionals yet to win a conference battle while are indeed becoming a p.l',';'''; illr ',Ull"'. flo!l1 ~l~J \~I)fIt.III,1 i/1lt'rcqllIOII to the BSC 48 ill SpaiJl, the prestige of Boise Stare ilrld t~iljlll y,H

III humbly admit that 1m the most popular guy on campus:

I'm Pat Largl', of course, And my phone (336-0163, in case you're interested) must ring at least twenty times a Jay, You Sl't',C\'Cry time someone has a party, 1\1\ t'h~ ~uy they call for a keg of Olympia draft. Because I'm the guy who can tell them whereto get that keg. If I'm lucky, maybe one of these days they'll call me with an invitation,

Olympia Dl'Ilwll1llCompany, Thmwal~ W.. h1l18lon "OIy'. %)'C·(;("F(:""~':.~~-I···.=.~~~~~~~·~~~~~~$~~%M~@M%t·~€¥A%ij~(tQ*4'44qQQ~2ZQ~A;A§,4?._~J\';lt':1i"'t"'·'~"""·''''·'If., ,~',~,"l' ,,' '.",' "'~' ,,;,,, '." '''', ". _ .. ',,'. ' .' " ., . , '~J""


Pape 8 SpOrts November 1,1973 Intramural Sports BSC Head Coach Bus Conner Re'adies Bronco Hoopsfers by Jon Adamson

Intramural basketball starts Thursday. November 8, at 7:00 I'M in the BSe gym. For Heavy Slate, The teams will be regul teams. Seniors" J C Transfers W"elcome . Games will be played on Tuesdays lind Thursdays from 7·(0 PM, They will be set up lin a round rubin schedule with games running from November 8 to the end of So, without further ado, let's sneak a The junior college transfers are George February. If interested in being 011 a team . Pat Hoke, a 6-7 sophomore from look at what's in store for BSC this coming Wilson (6·7 forward from St. LOUis), Steve "We are still looking I'll a center and call Ross Vaughn, intramural sports by Tony McLean Richland, Washington, is tussling with JC season. Swanson (6-6 forward from Boise,Ida.), there \vill be a good hattie for that SPLIt," director, before the deadline datil of transfer Jim Keyes for the center-post coach Connor said. Boise State will welcome four returning Jim Keyes (6-7 center from Santa Anna, November 5, 'position. Keyes is also a 6·7 man and he He added that the Broncos will han' a seniors and four junior college transfers to Calif.), and Ray Frazie~(6-1 guard from . I The Bronco's first game with Doane the start of the 1973·74 year. The B,roncos San Francisco), came to BSC from Santa Anna College. better than average group llf sophomores. FLAG FOOTBALL FINALS Assistant coach Burt Golden said JC College isn't until Dec. 3, but head were voted by Big Sky coaches to finish "We are very pleased with our four With the four transfers Ihal all haw all transfer from the College of Southern basketball coach Bus Connor has been second place behind the ever-powerful transfers," said Connor, "who are all trying excellent chance L1f stalling and tltc STADIUM LEAGUE drilling his charges for two weeks now. Weber State, College Wildcats. ~ hard for starting positions." " Idaho, Steve Swanson (6-6, Boise High), "is seniors, the Broncos \vill Ill' a much very strong and his shooting has B·J 5-1 The BSC record last year was 11·\5 for The senior lettermen returning are Clyde "As for our seniors," he continued, improved basketball tcum. improved." Swanson was a starter for the Ma~'s 5·1 (he season and 5·9 .for the Big Sky Dickey (6-3, guard from Fort Wayne, lnd.), "Buckingham, finished strong last year and Golden Eagles in Twin Falls. SCI has A-I 4·2 Conference. Connor began his head duties Maurice Buckingham (6-6 forward from has lots of talent." He ended up with the , consistently been nationally-ranked and for Vo-Tedl 24 mid-way through the slate with the Gary, Ind.), Bill Cottrell (6-6 top Bronco scoring average with' 16.0 B-2 2·.1 resignation of then top mentor Murray center/forward from Omak, Wash.), and points per game. "Bill Cottrell is also a very the past few years has been to national (c(1 Stene TKE 1-5 Satterfield. Ron Maxwell (6·1 guard from Filer, Ida.). sound player and is' curren , ",JouwameJlls. " "_','" ily"baiiilrii ,\-2 14 Buckingham for a starting berth." SCOIl Mcilhenny has shown "excellent effort" according to Connor and Golden. The SSC COlts, unde: nevv 11,!'ld ANN MORRISSON LEAGUE The 6-4\6 sophomore was a standout on - coach Mike Montgomery r : will Iace d the junior varsity team last year. "Challenging schedule." MorrisslIli S·(J "SCOIl," Golden added, "is a very sound "Some will be tOLl~II1,some will be I.K.'s 4·) player. He listens .to directions and follows even and others we should be able to WillllS 2·2 them exceptionally well." (l WEEKLY; handle easily," said Montqomer v. '\·3 "'."l Ihis year the Broncoswill be . 'T"-E (J-I , ~'''the'reboundingdepartll1ent and in size:' " ,,' ThEUirstgan1c isscheduled Dec. 3 ·I')ers 0-1 ~'''':,1''';:;11(::"/ "The guard situation should be one of here with the always- tough Colleqe our strengths with Dicky, Frazier, Goggins of Southern Idaho Goldt)ll EiI~}ll:~;. ·SCOREBOARD. •...' ,,",' ",··,'fr:{ H3 ",,:1 ~.. :}!'... ,,';i11 pl,l;- 10) tJJl:;,k the lirsl ''I'''.) (hopefully) and Maxwell," Connor said. The Colts will see another gdme witll ph,',' tit' in nil.' SLldiUlrl Lt·dgUt~. Tht~ East r-;"';;'4I:,;;',:;;"::':"";';".;;J,1 He said the addition of the JC transfers that school Feb. 26 ttltJre ill TWIll ',''';1111,,1, ,,1 tll"l '1,IIl1" '0'/<11pby tilt: li,,;t Texas 55, Rice 13

should greatly improve the inside strength. j Holy Cross 17, Army 0 Boise State 55, Montana 7 Falls. pLVt.' l'h.1fflt)'~ to th,· ~\rlfl ,·,lorrl')tH) !, Boston CoUege II, Villanova 7 Weber SI. 38, Idaho SI. 23 Wilson, Swanson and Keyes will be joined For the most pan, the COlh will ~~'h)fri"~111 ! Lill tllf till' I.)\'t'rdll jtllrdrllurdl Colgate 41, Bucknell 23 Colorado SI. U. 76, UTEP 24 by Cottrell, Buckingham and Hoke. be restricted to regional SelIQO's Oil fLIJ t~'l'I'n"i!ll ,'LlfI;:'HHl',illp 'iLlndlrJ~J, Dartmouth 24, Harvard 18 Arizona SI. 44, Oregon SI. 14 the sJactble, Pitt 22, Navy 17 San Jose St. IS, New Mexico 0 Penn 24, Princeton 0 San Diego St 38, Florida SI. 17 "We will strive for d Pdt[.:111 Rutgets 28, Columbia 2 Eastern Washington 3, Portland SI. 0 ,""/ f'" !' ~J it'! ' i \l"~~' offense," said MOlltgolli.:rv, d Need for annual Miami, Fla_ 34, Syracuse 23 Pacific 27, College of Idaho 19 £,Li·J ....;lL",~ ~ Yale 20, CorneU 3 Willamette 43, Whitman 7 gradudte of Long Be,Jdl Stdtt:. C.W. Post 16, Drexel 15 BUS CONNOR . ':. San Francisco St. 47, Hayward SI. 7 "partlcularlV on the fdst !Jft:dk. 1111tIt (con't froril pJU'~71 Fordham 28, Manhattan 20 Oaremont 35, Pomona 7 "Clyde Dickey has always had great wlil be d contrOlled fast tJlt~dk," New Hampshire 17, Northeastern 13 Pacific 44, Santa Clara 6 lI'lrlll "'),'S Ih,' /lS(' S"II<1I,' Ull" JiumIT'" speed and we can expect a lot from him Connecticut 28, Bates 0 Puget Sound 50, Whittier College 0 In the pattt~rrl Oil(:rl"-:: 1;'111 ill'·ilr,· Ifd il /lllIr,' imp"tlu'l! 1111111 Ull Rhode Island 14, Boston Univ. 9 Northern Arizona 77, Northridge St. 17 this year." said Connor. "He is as good Montgornerv will also kfuk Inr "IUf:; IIlIllUlI/' IlItr,',H,'" lI'ugn I;" ,','T(aill l'"ol,/t' Penn St~te 62, West Virginia 14 FuUerton St. 17, Nevada-Renal 0 as-no, better than a lot of the finer players of cutters and screens In loo~:1l11J1"'1 '" '1l1,1"111 "'gll/alllr.- all" mil',' II/OlitT li,r Temple 31, Delaware 8 Linfield 22, E. Oregon College 21 I've seen." Connor, expects Dickey to go on II {""graml h, Ihill il (111l\1,mllyl"l'ilig lafaYette 23, Maine 13 Arkansas 20, Tulsa 6 the high percentagi; shot." hi,' ';"lld, 'U" up into the professional ranks. t!lunt'\' (J!l t!:elr ('nt!(',ll'l Irs, Vermont 10, Hofstra 7 RIp Walker-- C. (;,lI'I' Incl, Lehigh 43, Gettysburg 15 Maxwell, getting back into shape SlIr, , ,,'lIeall ,III" SlllIdlll' lIi.;hl lII'II'i,'s Kip Nev/ell.. F. Sp;lfk,; .. j',J",;. PREPscokES follOWing a shoulder separation last year, is art' ill//' 'rt,lIIl "III l/i,y "iI lI"i "J/i', Iht' MIDWEST Chris Binder-- C;, Ul1tdllO, Or,~, I,}\"tltlg t'Il/O\'I1l('llt of (J yt'LJrboIJ/.:. tInd hUH' Boise 55, Caldwell 0 "coming along well," according to Connor. Ed ChonlOs-- r-:, H'l!)drt, Ind, .'illl ,1111'011,' ,,'lIlll' rd'll<' 10 1I1l1ghl of ,lp" Colorado 17, Missouri 13 Capital 49,Meridian 7 The cO,Jch noted that it takes time to 11/"1'/1'1 ," 11'III/UII all" SII{'aII1.J/I' lllinois 50, Iowa 0 Vallivue, 34; Emmet 7 overcome such an' infury and that Randy Hayes-- F. O':nv"r, Colo. " Kansas 22, Iowa State 20 Weiser 14, Payette 3 coriditioning the body is vital. Kevin HLJlTlphff.~'1--G. LdllSlll~J, ,\11('[1, ~lcCall-Donnelly 36, Fruitland 0 Ih" \'.'/I;IlC 'lin Ihat' 1I'1IHI'1UIII' /ll1l11t'1' Miami (Ohio) 16, Toledo 0 Last year's freshman sensation, Alonzo Terry ivliller,· G, Tolf/dnd, Celli', Michigan 34, Minesota 7 Homedale 53, Parma 6 leJI Ji'r Ill,' ./1111"111,1,' ilf Ih,' In /lili,' Ihl\ Goggins, is a questionmark for the Pat Telleria-- G. Jordal1 Valki. Or.;, Notre Dame 23, USC 14 Middleton 54, New Plymouth 8 l'ca" IlIll il 11"1 IfII". 11r,' IfIIllr i, IIr" Adrian 21, Melba 14 Broncos. The 5-6 Denver forward tore the Ohio State 60. Northwestern 0 Dave TenCls(Jdhl--F·G, BOls·~.iCI:i1t.i1) I"glliall",' It'll Iht' 1II'"ltT e"lIld 1'<'11 bt' Ohio U. 16, Western Michigan 0 Nampa Christian 16, Wilder 0 outside cartilege in his knee. He will know MIKE MONTGOMERY Brett Clegg-- IILI F,III', d,,'\\'!:,"" ," IIr'T Sill/p/I" ga,'" Ih" Nebraska 17, Oklahoma SI. 17 Rimrock 22, Marsing 12 t:, II'"'' later this week whether or not he will need jilll"l all'al' I" "11r('f ",gl1lli:illillll'. Michigan State 10. Purdue 7 Glenns Ferry 30, Filer 22 corrective surgery. The operation "will Oklahoma 56. Kansas state 14 Nyssa 38, Kuna 6 Wisconsin 31. Indiana 7 Pendleton 33, Ontario 9 more than likely red·shirt Goggins for the South Dakota28, Augustana 21 Burley 26, Gooding 6 season," said Connor. Wichita 51. 30, W. Texas SI. 14 Wood River 20, WendeU 12 S. Illinois 14, Akron 13 Jerome 20, Blackfoot 8 Dayton 16, Drake 9 Hansen 20, Oakley 6 Carey 34, Dietrich 6 SOUTH Richfield 28, Rockland 6 Shoshone 34, Hagerman 0 Furman 40, Eastern Tenn. 21 Declo 12, Kimberly 8 Appalachian St. 3 I, Citadet 6 Raft River 14, Castleford 0 Auburn 7, Houston 0 Walla Walla 39, Moscow 21 North Carolina St. 29, Clemson 6 Orofino 52, Prairie 6 "'kentucky 12, Georgia 7 Gangeville 26, SI. Maries 0 Bowling Green 24, Manhall 21 LapWai 40, Genesee 6 Maryland 30. Duke 10 Timberline 46 Asotin 0 Mississippi 24, Vanderbilt 14 Teton 30, Challis 0 Southern Miss. 10, Miss. SI. 10 Firth 48, Ririe 20 Northern Carolina 28, E. Carolina 27 Marsh Valley 47, Aberdeen 6 Tennessee 39, TCU 7 Shelley 20, Madison 6 Virginia 21, Wake Forest 10 Cambridge 92, Cascade 14 William & Mary 45, VMI 14 Council 32, Salmon River 12 LSU 33, S. Carolina 29 Midvale 63, Garden Valley 6 Tampa 20, N. Michigan 0 Camas County 56, Bliss 20 Louisville 10, Cincinnati 8 Mackay 34, Sugar-Salem 0 Tulane 23, Georgia Tech 14 Huntington 34, Harper 9 Alabama 77, VPl 6 American Fall. 30, Snake River 24 Bonneville 47, Rigby 0 Goggins' specd was an asset for the Bishop Kelly 0, Mountain Home 0 Broncos last year in the latter part of the Borah 18, Nampa 14 WEST@SOUTHWEST season. He was largely responsible for Pocatello 13, Twin Falls 0 Highland 49, Skyline 15 boosting the tcam to a couple of wins with Cal Poly (SLO) 28, Fresno SI. 14 his long-range jump shots, often more than Texas A & M 28, Baylor 22 30 fect out. Air Force 41, Davidson 19 Arizona 42, Utah 21 Kent State 27, Utah Stale 16 Wyoming 41, Brigham Young 21 Montana SI. 35, Idaho 14 Starti "9 Texas Tech 31, SMU 14 Rick! College 52, TYCC 7 Lamar 10, Arkansas SI. Stanford 45, Washington St. 14 Nov. 4th. Mesa College 13, Snow College 0 Oregon 58, Washington 0 UCLA 61, California 21 Pac. Lutheran 42, Lewis & Clark 14 RUSH Where Main st. ends and Ford CO'!nlry,!!egans

1968 JEEP WAGONEER! V-a auto trans. Were you born to 'fly? P.S, radio TED LANE $1495 # A3195 7:30-8:30

NIGHTLY Not everyone is. It takes a blend of brains, drive and FOR INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN dedication. We're looking for men like this for the Navy Air Team, m~n who are Doers, START AT~EARLY 11,000 A YEAR PLUS If you measure up, we'll teach you all the skills demanded to handle our sophisticated aircraft. When BENEFITS CONTACT LCDR STEVE we're through, you'll have your Wings of Gold and a SPECIAL ANNOUNC.EM£;:NT MI~L1KIN AT THE STUDENT UNION commission as a Naval Officer. So it works both ways, Now lecture datesl You get an aeronautical education and a career. And NOVEMBER 6'8 OR CALL RICHARD HARRIS Dec. 5th we get another born flyer. RALPH NADER Nov, 18 '142·2711 EXT. 2493 If you're going to be something, Why not be something The special? Navy

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Field.. 9:J. Hockey

by Jon Adamson Last week the'B.S.C.'·Womens Varsity Field Hockey team put down the College of Idaho 2·0. Rain slowed down the first half of lhegame but the rain slopped and the gaJ11e went on as normal. Connie h.'/.rlF..·· Thorngren , field hockey coach, said both .!'~>lie Taylor, and or write, SANDWICHES Glllger Syll'L'slel. Mrs. Thlllngrcn sal'S she SPORTS EUROPEAN MEDICAL Students Placement Service, Inc. has a very good A and Ii tcJm thi'> year, 170 Old CauDlry Ilaad afILlshe expects lhem to do Ijnile well in ******************* "IDeala, ".Y. 11501 their conference. FABULOUS .SAVI NGS ON HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS

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Sports November 1, 1913 Page 10 it. BSC' NO 1 IN "BIG SKY

The Boise State Collegc-baildiiillJ _ tlagcorps,. directed by MeLShellon. add a lot of color and fanfare to home games. They are shown here doing some of their many intricate drills. .


.' ,?,~

. ,~

An outrageous fabrication of the War of· the Rose Garden. AI)' attorneys, along with those of • Mr. Shakespeare, will see yOll in court. -Victor Gold, Former PreJJ Secretary 10 Via President Agnew Something had 10 come out of Watergate that I could enjoy and "Tire Tragedy of Richard /I" is it ... -John a,borne. Noted Nixon Watch" Pcp up your outlook with Tire Tragedy of Richard /I. Paradox- ical? Maybe. This satire on the current political scene is plottcd along the line of Shakespeare's Richard /I, a kind of formula Barbara Garson successfully used in MacBird. But if thc Bard has supplied the riot, Myers has pro- vided up-to-date punch and in- sightful humor. It's fresh as to- morrow's headline, perennial as a classic, witty, clever; funny, good satire! Get the great Denum Look in this soft scrubbed blue or plum down-filled Tilt: t/lAGt:DV OF RICIIA/lJ) II: Tile Llte and TIm." of Richard II . ski jacket. Water repellent with (1367-1400), King of t:ngland (1377- insulated pockets and down-filled detachable 1399) Compared 10 those of Richard hood. A two-way zippered front with snap ~U of America In his Second Admlnb· . front closing and 1I draw string bottom .~ Ira lion, by Robert J. Myers; 128 pagcs; lIIuslralcd;____ MillcJ 0 _ make this jacket one if the wurmcst.Snap " cuffs keep out the winters chill. Arbiter, Boise State College One of the best looks on the slope. 1910 College Blvd. 849.95 Boise, Idaho 83725 , Please send me __ copies .of THE TRAGEDY OF RICHARD II af $4.95 (hardbound) per copy and __ copies of the paperback ed, at $2.75 each. MV check for S Is enclosed. .: .. ," rIOKIBB#COMrAKY ...... Name ..,..- • SIXTH AND "MAIN SINCE 1902 BOISE,IDAHO ., Sfreel __ _._------. IDAHO'S MOSTOOMPLBTIl SPORTSMAN and HORSEMAN CE~TER (ilV State Zip __

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