
STORY NAME: Being 20: Polina’s dream of teaching children Belarusian

COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Krynica.info / OPEN Media Hub COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Ownership of content belongs to Krynica.info / OPEN Media Hub USAGE TERMS: Share & Adapt - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ EDITOR’S NOTES: None SOURCE: Krynica.info Open Media Hub – http://www.openmediahub.com “This production was supported by OPEN Media Hub with funds provided by the European Union” LANGUAGE: Russian DURATION: 00:01:43 JOURNALIST: Alena Shabunia/Viachaslau Lazarau EMAIL: [email protected]

SLUGLINE: Being 20, Future Teacher HEADLINE: Polina works as a barista. She has a teacher degree, and she dreams of returning to teaching in school. DATELINE: , - 22/09/2018

SCRIPT: 00:00:08 – 00:00:16 My very best coffee is cappuccino with nut syrup in it. Nut syrup is perfectly combined with coffee and makes it more delicate. 00:00:18 –00:00:26 My name is Polina Prudnikova, I am 22 years old. I was born and lived in Liozna District. Now I live in Vitebsk and work as a barista. 00:00:27 – 00:00:39 On my days off, I commonly visit my mum. I have got three sisters. When we all are gathered, we prefer cooking pies. It makes us united, brings us together. However, each of us is different and sometimes we have some arguments. 00:00:40 –00:00:57 I was 12 when our dad died in a car accident driving from work. Our mum raised the four of us alone. I was the eldest among the children. As soon as I had finished studying at school, I started working in order to help my mum. My first job was not official; I worked as a nurse, looking after an old woman. 00:00:58 –00:01: 06 I studied distantly at the pedagogical university at the Belarusian philology faculty. The one who influenced me to choose a career in teaching was my Belarusian language teacher. 00:01:07 –00:01:23 When I was in the fifth grade, a new teacher was employed, the teacher who would then become our class teacher. She taught the Belarusian

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language. I liked it so much; I wanted to do alike so much. And that is when the strong desire to go study for being the Belarusian language teacher appeared. All in all, I have made my dream come true. 00:01:24—00:01:43 I do like working as a barista, but I do not think this job is what I would like to be engaged in all my life. I think I will return to teaching and be working as the Belarusian language teacher. I would like to thrive as a teacher and be treated respectfully by the students, enjoying the process of teaching.

SHOTLIST: Shot at Polina's work; Shot in Polina's flat (in the kitchen, in the room); Shot outside the school, in which she used to work as a teacher.

SCRIPT: 00:00:08 – 00:00:16 Самый любимый мой кофе - капучино с ореховым сиропом. (Original language) Ореховый сироп идеально сочетается с кофе и делает более нежным кофе. 00:00:18 –00:00:26 Меня зовут Полина Прудникова, мне 22 года. Я родилась и жила в Лиозненском районе. Сейчас живу в Витебске и работаю баристой. 00:00:27 – 00:00:39 В свои выходные чаще всего я езжу к маме. У меня три сестры. Когда мы собираемся вместе, мы любим печь пироги. Это объединяет нас, сближает. Хотя мы все разные и иногда ругаемся. 00:00:40 –00:00:57 Мне было 12 лет, когда наш папа разбился на машине, возвращаясь с работы домой. Мама нас четверых воспитывала одна. Я была старшей в семье. Я начала работать сразу после окончания школы, чтобы помочь маме. Моя первая работа была неофициальной, я работала сиделкой: ухаживала за бабушкой. 00:00:58 –00:01: 06 Заочно я училась в педуниверситете на факультете белорусской филологии. На выбор моей профессии повлияла учительница белорусского языка. 00:01:07 –00:01:23 Когда я была в пятом классе, к нам пришла учительница молодая, наша классная. Она вела белорусский. Мне так понравилось, мне так захотелось. И я с пятого класса горела желанием, чтобы пойти учиться на учителя белорусского. В общем, я исполнила свою мечту. 00:01:24—00:01:43 Работа баристой мне, конечно, нравится. Но я не думаю, что это та работа, которой я хотела бы заниматься всю свою жизнь. Я думаю, что я вернусь к преподаванию и буду работать учителем белорусского. Я хочу состояться как учитель, чтобы дети меня уважали и чтобы я получала удовольствие от этой работы.

CAMERA OPERATOR: Viachaslau Lazarau VIDEO EDITOR: Alena Shabunia MUSIC RIGHTS: n/a

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