Determining priority areas for an Endangered cold-adapted on warming mountaintops


Abstract Spatial prioritization in systematic conservation areas for the conservation of single . Our study planning has traditionally been developed for several to demonstrates that spatial prioritization for single umbrella, many species and/or habitats, and single-species applica- flagship or keystone species is a promising approach for the tions are rare. We developed a novel spatial prioritization conservation of species for which few data are available. model based on accurate estimates of remotely-sensed data Keywords Climate change, habitat suitability, land use, and maps of threats potentially affecting long-term species protected area, range shift, , spatial conservation persistence. We used this approach to identify priority areas planning, graeca for the conservation of the Endangered Greek meadow viper Vipera graeca, a cold-adapted species inhabiting mountain- Supplementary material for this article is available at tops in the Pindos Mountains of Greece and Albania. We./S transformed the mapped threats into nine variables to esti- mate conservation value: habitat suitability (climate suitabil- ity, habitat size, occupancy, vegetation suitability), climate change (future persistence, potential for altitudinal range Introduction shift) and land-use impact (habitat alteration, degradation, iological diversity has experienced significant losses as disturbance). We applied the Zonation systematic conserva- a result of a number of factors that directly or indi- tion planning tool with these conservation value variables as B rectly affect species. Amphibians and are among biodiversity features to rank the areas currently occupied by the groups most affected (Böhm et al., ; Ceballos et al., the species and to identify priority areas where the chances ). Reptiles are specifically threatened by habitat loss, for population persistence are highest. We found that % degradation and fragmentation, introduction of invasive of current habitats will become unsuitable by the s and species, pollution, pathogens and climate change, resulting that conservation actions need to be implemented to avoid in global population declines (Cox & Temple, ). extinction as this is already a threatened species with a nar- Global climate change plays a key role in the biodiversity row ecological niche. If threats are appropriately quantified crisis (Butchart et al., ), as it causes a redistribution of and translated into variables of conservation value, spatial biodiversity patterns (Pecl et al., ). Many species are conservation planning tools can successfully identify priority predicted to shift their range, mostly towards the poles or higher altitudes (Hickling et al., ;Chenetal.,). Spe-

EDVÁRD MIZSEI (Corresponding author, cies adapted to high altitude habitats are thus particularly MÁRTON SZABOLCS ( and ZSOLT VÉGVÁRI threatened by climate change because they often have low ( Department of Tisza Research, Danube Research Institute, Centre for Ecological Research, Bem tér 18/C, 4026, dispersal ability, a high level of habitat specialization and Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail [email protected] fragmented distributions, all of which predict low probabil-  LORÁND SZABÓ ( Department of Physical ity of range shift (Davies et al., ). Ectothermic Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary such as reptiles are further threatened by climate change ZOLTÁN BOROS ( Bio Aqua Pro Ltd., because of their sensitivity to changes in the thermal Debrecen, Hungary landscape and low dispersal ability (Sinervo et al., ). KUJTIM MERSINI Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania, Mountain-dwelling species usually escape the changing Tirana, Albania thermal landscape by shifting their distributions to higher STEPHANOS A. ROUSSOS Department of Biological Sciences, University of North altitudes (Haines et al., ) but this is possible only if Texas, Denton, USA the local topography allows this (Şekercioğlu et al., ). MARIA DIMAKI Goulandris Natural History Museum, Kifissia, Greece Meadow vipers (Vipera ursinii complex) are among the YANNIS IOANNIDIS Biosphere, Ymittos, Greece most threatened reptiles of Europe. The Greek meadow SZABOLCS LENGYEL ( GINOP Sustainable viper Vipera graeca, a small venomous snake endemic to Ecosystems Group, Department of Tisza Research, Danube Research Institute, Centre for Ecological Research, Debrecen, Hungary the Pindos mountain range of Greece and Albania that Received  December . Revision requested  January . has recently been recognized as a separate species (Mizsei Accepted  April . First published online  March . et al., ), is the least known meadow viper in Europe

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, Downloaded fromdistribution, and reproduction in any medium,. IP address: provided the original, work on 26 is Sep properly 2021 cited. at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at, 2021, 55(3),. 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Priority areas for a cold-adapted snake 335

and is categorized as Endangered on the IUCN Red List been found despite extensive searches. To account for po- (Mizsei et al., ). The species has only  known popula- tential spatial biases in sampling effort among sites, we re- tions, inhabiting alpine–subalpine meadows above , m sampled the presence dataset to obtain a spatially balanced on isolated mountaintops (Mizsei et al., ). The occupied subset of  presence records, which represented all known habitats are the highest and coldest in the region; as the spe- populations (Fig. ). We used BIOCLIM climate variables, cies is adapted to cold environments it is sensitive to climate which have been successfully used to model the distribution change. These alpine habitats are threatened by overgraz- of several European reptiles, including vipers (Scali et al., ; ing and habitat degradation, which simplify vegetation struc- Martínez-Freiria, ; Mizsei et al., ). To ensure com- ture and reduce cover against potential predators. The spe- patibility with our previous work (Mizsei et al., ), we cies is strictly insectivorous, specializing on bush crickets used the same set of predictors: annual mean temperature and grasshoppers (Mizsei et al., ), and thus it is vulner- (BIO), temperature seasonality (BIO), annual precipita- able to changes in its primary prey resource caused by land tion (BIO) and precipitation seasonality (BIO). These use. Shepherds are known to intentionally kill these , variables had high predictive performance and low in- which are held responsible for –% of lethal bites to sheep tercorrelations (r , .). We obtained these variables for annually in Albania (E. Mizsei, unpubl. data). current climatic conditions (mean of –) from Here we identify priority areas that could facilitate the the WorldClim . database at  arc seconds resolution long-term persistence of V. graeca. We performed single (Hijmans et al., ). We generated the habitat suitability species spatial prioritization to identify areas based on model using ensemble modelling (Thuiller et al., ) in the conservation value attributes of the currently suitable BIOMOD package in R .. (R Core Team, ). We used landscape. We aimed to identify any populations likely to two linear model algorithms (Generalized Linear Models, disappear by the s and any populations likely to be GLM; Generalized Additive Models, GAM) and three strongholds where the species could benefit from targeted machine learning algorithms (Artificial Neural Networks, management and conservation. To provide guidelines for ANN; Random Forest, RF; Maximum Entropy, MaxEnt). conservation, we studied the overlap between priority areas Default settings were used to build the models (Thuiller and protected areas and explored the interrelationships et al., ). To increase model accuracy we generated  da- of the conservation value variables to identify opportuni- tasets of pseudo-absences, which included real absence data ties for potential interventions. and random points at least  km from the presence local- ities (a total of , points per dataset). We ran  repli- cates with each of the five modelling algorithms for the  Methods pseudo-absence datasets, which resulted in  habitat suit- ability model replicates. In each model replicate we random-  Approach We used spatial prioritization, an approach ly divided the presence data into training ( %) and testing  rarely applied to single species (Adam-Hosking et al., subsets ( %). We used the four BIOCLIM variables as pre- ), which is based on quantifying known threats and dictors. We scored all individual model replicates by the  transforming them into variables describing conservation true skill statistic (TSS; Allouche et al., ), retaining only .    value based on current conditions. The process consisted models with TSS . . This filtering resulted in mod- of () delimiting the study area, () collecting and processing els, which always correctly classified the testing subset and data on threats to derive conservation value variables, ()spa- that were used to produce ensemble projections by consen-  tial prioritization of the study area based on the conservation sus (i.e. raster cells predicted suitable in each of the mod- value variables, and () evaluation of overlaps with current els). Finally, we generated a binary suitability map using the protected areas and analysis of any interrelationships between ensemble projection of the best models and defined the re-  conservation value variables (Fig. ). sulting patches as the study area for the analysis (Fig. ).

Habitat suitability modelling to define the study area We Variables for estimating conservation value We used nine defined our study area to include all V. graeca habitats environmental variables of three classes to estimate the con- identified by a habitat suitability model (Fig. ). The model servation value of planning units ( ha raster cells) over the was constructed using  records of V. graeca, %of entire study area: () habitat suitability: climate suitability, which were taken from our previous publications (Mizsei habitat size, habitat occupancy, vegetation suitability; () cli- et al., , ) and % of which were new, unpublished mate change: future persistence, potential for altitudinal records. Our dataset contained all known localities of V. range shift, () land-use impact: habitat alteration, habitat graeca, and also included absence data from  localities degradation, disturbance (Fig. ). Each variable was standard- ( records) predicted in an earlier habitat suitability ized to –, where  represented minimum and  repre- model (Mizsei et al., ), and where the species has not sented maximum conservation value.

Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 336 E. Mizsei et al.

FIG. 1 Flow chart of data processing and conservation value layer construction and analysis. For abbreviations, see Methods.

Climate suitability Annual mean temperature (BIO) and Greece during –. We spent multiple days at each precipitation seasonality (BIO) were the most important location, with a search effort adequate to infer V. graeca climate variables in the habitat suitability models, and thus presence or absence (Mizsei et al., ). To determine habi- we selected these variables as the primary predictors for tat occupancy we used data for  individuals found in our the distribution of V. graeca. The response curves of pre- surveys. We transformed the study area raster to polygons dictors showed that V. graeca preferred habitats where the (climatically suitable patches) and allocated  (absence) or annual mean temperature was ,  °C, temperature season-  (presence) to each patch. The polygons were then raster- ality was less than average, and precipitation was high and ized, with all cells within a patch receiving either a  (un- seasonal across the coldest quarter (Fig. ). We produced an occupied patches) or  (occupied patches). This ensured ensemble projection of habitat suitability model replicates higher scores in the prioritization for sites where V. graeca (TSS . .) for current weather conditions and used the populations are known to be present. suitability values to represent climate suitability of sites    downscaled from arc seconds (c. × m) to a cell Vegetation suitability We modelled the spatial distribution   size of × m using bilinear interpolation. of suitable vegetation using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which quantifies the amount of phytomass on the surface from satellite-based imagery data. Habitat size We calculated habitat size based on the area Because the availability of these data depends on satel- of suitable patches resulting from the species distribution lite activity, we employed data from three Landsat sensors: model built to define the study area. We transformed Landsat  (TM; Thematic Mapper) from , Landsat  this raster to polygons of climatically suitable habitats, (ETM+; Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus) from  and and then calculated the area of each polygon. We then Landsat  (OLI; Operational Land Imager) from .We rasterized the polygons so that each cell inside the former used a  ×  m spatial resolution and ArcGIS . (Esri, polygons had the value of patch area and rescaled the area Redlands, USA) to pre-process satellite data. We built a values to –. habitat suitability model similar to that built for climate suitability but using one response variable (NDVI) and Habitat occupancy To assess habitat occupancy we visited only the GLM algorithm ( pseudo-absence datasets with all locations identified as climatically suitable for V. graeca  model replicates) with the BIOMOD package, as de- (Mizsei et al., ), carrying out  surveys in Albania and scribed above. We then projected the consensus model

Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Priority areas for a cold-adapted snake 337

FIG. 2 (a) Area identified by the climate habitat suitability model for V. graeca in the western Balkans, (b) coefficient of variation (CV) of habitat suitability model replicates, and (c) average response curves of modelling algorithms for each predictor variable of the model, with range of values measured at V. graeca presence locations.

(based on  models, TSS . .) and used the estimated To account for the uncertainty in modelling future clima- suitability values to represent vegetation suitability of sites tic patterns, we modelled climate suitability for V. graeca upscaled to the spatial resolution used in this study ( ha). under two scenarios based on climate data from the Spe- cial Reports on Emissions Scenarios (SRES; Carter, ): Future persistence in the face of climate change We used under scenario AB (a pessimistic scenario), .–. °C scenario modelling to predict areas with high population global change in mean temperature is expected, and under persistence under future climate change. Data on future scenario B (an optimistic scenario), the expected change climate were obtained from the Global Circulation Model is .–. °C. We projected the most reliable (TSS . .) (GCM) database (CCAFS, ), which is projected based habitat suitability model replicates (N = ) for future on the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmen- climate in six combinations (three GCMs, two SRES) for tal Panel on Climate Change and on the CMIP protocol the decades beginning in , ,  and , ap- (IPCC, ). Future climate data have the same resolu- plying the BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting function of the tion as contemporary climate variables, and we used three BIOMOD package (Thuiller et al., ). For each decade frequently used GCMs available for use with BIOCLIM and SRES we calculated the mean suitability of the three variables: CSIRO Mk  (Gordon et al., ), MIROC . GCMs. Finally, we calculated a mean of each SRES from (Watanabe et al., ) and HadCM  (Collins et al., ). all the decades as a value of persistence of suitable sites.

Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 338 E. Mizsei et al.

Potential for altitudinal range shift Upward altitudinal using the spatial linear model fit of grazing pressure values shifts of species’ ranges are a common response to climate over distance from the coordinates of the folds using the R change but are limited by mountain height. We considered packages gstat and spatstat (Baddeley et al., ). this by calculating a variable describing potential altitu- dinal shift based on elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (Jarvis et al., ) at a resolution of Spatial prioritization We used the Zonation systematic  ×  m. We calculated the ratio of the elevation of the conservation planning tool for spatial prioritization, with highest site in the species distribution model patch and the our raster data layers as inputs, because this tool primarily  elevation of individual raster cells using the calc function uses raster data (Lehtomäki & Moilanen, ). We per- from the R package raster (Hijmans, )andassignedthis formed the prioritization separately for both future cli-   value to characterize the opportunity for altitudinal shift for mate scenarios (A B, B ). We used the R package rzonation     each raster cell. (Morris, ), which runs Zonation . (Moilanen, ). Finally, we calculated the mean conservation value of each cell, to compare the results of the spatial priorities. Habitat alteration by humans We inferred habitat alter- ation from the presence and density of artificial objects in the landscape (Plieninger, ). We identified , ob- Evaluation of current protection and opportunities for future jects using satellite imagery from Google Earth (Google, conservation We used the high-priority raster cell net- Mountain View, USA) from . These were mainly roads works obtained by the spatial prioritization to evaluate the (,), livestock folds (), shepherds’ buildings (), degree of overlap with current protected areas. We aimed to drinking troughs for livestock (), other buildings (e.g. identify areas where current protection ensures the long- ski resort infrastructure, ) and open-pit mines (). We term persistence of V. graeca populations and areas where performed kernel smoothing to estimate spatial density of further conservation actions such as protection, habitat these objects using the bkdD function of the R package management and/or restoration are necessary to ensure Kernsmooth (Wand, ). Conservation values were speci- long-term persistence. We first converted the high-priority fied to be inversely related to the density of artificial objects networks identified in the spatial prioritization into poly- in the raster cells. gons and then intersected them with polygons of current protected areas. Spatial data on current protected areas were obtained from the World Database of Protected Habitat degradation by grazing Because grazing by live- Areas (UNEP-WCMC, ), which included areas pro- stock (sheep and cattle) is a major driver of habitat quality tected by both national and European Union laws (Natura in V. graeca habitats (Mizsei et al., ), we estimated  sites). Finally, we examined the interrelationships of the degree of habitat degradation by quantifying grazing the conservation value variables using a cluster analysis, to pressure from the mean annual change in phytomass. We identify closely related variables that can identify targets for used two seasonal intervals: () after snowmelt but before future conservation. the start of livestock grazing (summer, – July) and () at the end of grazing but before snowfall (autumn, – October), for ,  and . We estimated grazing Results pressure by changes in phytomass between summer and au- tumn, as quantified by NDVI values taken before and after Spatial priorities for long-term persistence The consensus the livestock grazing period. We estimated the phytomass of Zonation solutions for the two future climate scenarios decrease from summer to autumn by subtracting the summer identified eight separate mountain ranges as high priority .    NDVI values from the autumn values. We then upscaled the areas (priority rank . ; Fig. ). However, only three of    ×  m resolution to  ×  m using the resample these mountain ranges are known to hold at least km function of the R package raster (Hijmans, ). of contiguous suitable habitat that will also be suitable by the s (Nemercke in Albania, Tymfi and the Lakmos- Tzoumerka chain in Greece) and can thus be considered Disturbance by traditional grazing Grazing pressure is not as key areas for the persistence of V. graeca (Fig. ). Other homogeneously distributed in these high mountain land- known populations have high probability of extinction scapes and is concentrated near livestock folds. To account in the future, mainly as a result of climate change. Some for this spatial heterogeneity we calculated a proxy for mountain ranges that are not known to hold V. graeca po- disturbance by livestock grazing (Blanco et al., ). We pulations are high-priority areas (Fig. ). The Zonation so- selected  livestock folds from the artificial objects data- lutions for both climate scenarios protected a larger area set and weighted them by phytomass decrease values. We than the sum of the areas with high mean conservation then performed an inverse weighted distance interpolation value (Fig. ). This was because core sites with high spatial

Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Priority areas for a cold-adapted snake 339

FIG. 3 Spatial conservation priorities for pessimistic (AB) and optimistic (B) future climate scenarios (main panels) and linear regression of priority rank over mean conservation value per cell (insets).

compactness but with a number of low-ranking cells were Current protection Protected areas covered .% of the selected, and marginal and low-connectivity cells were dis- area known to hold V. graeca populations in Albania and carded in the prioritization (Fig. ). Priority rank increased .% in Greece (Fig. ). Under the AB scenario, the with conservation value of the cells in both scenarios (Fig. ; total area of high-priority cells covered by protected areas  linear regression, b = .,P, . for AB; b = ., was . km ,or.% of the high-priority areas that are P , . for B). protected, but none of the high priority areas were located

FIG. 4 Key areas for the persistence of V. graeca populations and their inclusion in protected areas in pessimistic (AB) and optimistic (B) future climate scenarios. SCI, Site of community importance (EU Natura  Habitats Directive site); SPA, Special protection area (EU Natura  Birds Directive site).

Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 340 E. Mizsei et al.

TABLE 1 Areas of high-priority landscapes predicted by spatial prioritization under two climate scenarios (AB, B) until  for the con- servation of Vipera graeca and that are covered by various categories of the current network of protected areas.

Protected area coverage (ha) Protected area type description A1B B2 National park (IUCN type II) 1,959.5 2,039.9 Habitat/Species management area (IUCN type IV) 4,133.2 3,154.7 Protected area with sustainable use of natural resources (IUCN type VI) 35,471.8 31,356.4 Site of community importance (EU Natura 2000 Habitats Directive site) 16,881.4 13,359.7 Special protection area (EU Natura 2000 Birds Directive site) 22,381.3 20,809.5

in protected areas in Albania and all high priority areas were succeed if they target habitat alteration, degradation and dis- in protected areas in Greece (Fig. ). Under the B scenario turbance as these have similar effects and the other threats  the total protected high priority area was . km or .% are not easy to address at local scales (Fig. ). Fourthly, our of all high priority areas, all of which were in Greece (Fig. , approach shows that threats can be mapped and used to Table ). estimate the conservation value of areas, which can then be used in spatial conservation prioritization for single species.

Interrelationships of conservation value variables Cluster analysis revealed four clusters of conservation value vari- Expected impact of climate change ables (Fig. ). Habitat alteration was mostly independent of other variables. Vegetation suitability was clustered with Our analyses support the previous results of Mizsei et al.  disturbance and habitat degradation, and climate suitability ( ) showing that the distribution of V. graeca is limited was related to habitat size. Population persistence was close- to the coldest and highest elevation habitats in the Southern ly related to the opportunity of altitudinal shift (r = ., Balkans. However, based on future climate scenarios, there r = . for AB and B, respectively). No site had maximum will not be any remaining suitable habitats (i.e. with mean ,  conservation value for all variables. annual temperature °C ) in the Southern Balkans by  within the current range of the species (Lelieveld et al., ). Thus, the probability of the extinction of Discussion V. graeca is high, as unassisted long-distance dispersal to other high elevation mountains that may be suitable in Our study provides four main results. Firstly, the modelling the future is not possible. Besides increases in temperature, of future climatic conditions showed a significant –% substantial aridification is expected throughout the Mediter- reduction in the area of habitats suitable for V. graeca by ranean basin (Foufopoulos & Ives, ). Precipitation quan- the end of the s. Secondly, current protection appears tity and frequency are predicted to decrease and the number adequate for the persistence of the species in Greece but not of dry days is predicted to increase considerably by  in Albania. Thirdly, conservation efforts are most likely to (Lelieveld et al., ; Mariotti et al., ). For ectotherms,

FIG. 5 Agglomerative hierarchical clustering of conservation value layers and illustrations of the habitat of V. graeca and the most important threats. Conservation management actions should be targeted at the points of interventions. Note that the binary habitat occupancy variable is not included.

Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Priority areas for a cold-adapted snake 341

a change in the thermal landscape will probably reduce the to species protection. Our study shows that the approach time available for daily activity, which will affect foraging, can provide information of value for the conservation of feeding and breeding success (Walther et al., ). For a umbrella, flagship or keystone species. cold-adapted species such as V. graeca, these changes will have an impact on the persistence of the species as it already Recommendations for the conservation of V. graeca occupies a narrow niche in a harsh environment. Our study shows that V. graeca habitats may face significant losses or further fragmentation up to , although some Novelties and limitations in estimating land use impact populations in a few contiguous habitats are predicted to persist. These results suggest that conservation should Our approach involved two rarely used methods. Our layer focus on sites of high importance by improving habitat for habitat degradation characterized grazing pressure by quality, reducing disturbance and degradation, effectively the decrease in phytomass between spring and autumn, protecting the species, educating local stakeholders and which adequately represents grazing pressure in grasslands continuing to monitor the populations. (Todd et al., ; Senay & Elliott, ; Kawamura et al., Raising awareness and involvement of local communities ). We developed this further by spatial interpolation is central to any conservation action, to ensure its success, and of the distribution of livestock folds weighted by phytomass to establish sustainable land use (Adele et al., ). Research decrease, which is a novel approach to estimating the inten- by the Greek Meadow Viper Working Group on human– sity of land use or the degree of disturbance. Further studies wildlife conflict resulting from sheep mortality as a result of are needed to calibrate this type of derived variable accurate- snake bites is already underway and is trying to identify ways ly with on-site measurements or experiments. to involve local communities. This project has already recom- One potential limitation of our study is that land-use in- mended that shepherds follow two guidelines for grazing live- tensity is probably higher at the lower elevations of V. graeca stock in V. graeca habitats: avoid grazing on south-eastern habitats (,–, m) than at higher elevations. Lower slopes where vipers are more abundant, or, if the shepherd elevations are easier to access for people and grazing live- must utilize these slopes, do so between .–.,when stock, snow melts are earlier, and thus the grazing season vipers usually shelter from the midday heat. is longer than at higher elevations. Therefore it is possible Our findings warrant slightly different recommendations that V. graeca may already have disappeared from lower ele- for sustainable land use in the two countries. In Albania vations as a result of anthropogenic impacts, and that our grazing pressure needs to be reduced to achieve an im- suitability models based on current conditions are biased proved, more natural vegetation structure in meadows. In to colder climates and/or higher elevations. This is unlike- Greece a shift from cattle grazing to sheep grazing is re- ly, however, because lower elevations are often secondary quired. Cattle grazing has a stronger and more negative im- grasslands established in previously wooded areas below pact because cattle uproot vegetation, which is detrimental the former treeline, as evidenced by wooded areas remain- to both the top soil layer and vegetation. Eradication of ing on slopes too steep for grazing livestock (Fig. ). It is fescue tussocks (Fig. ) has already changed the vegetation, therefore unlikely that these lower elevation areas were for- resulting in the homogenization of microhabitats: there are merly suitable for V. graeca. Moreover, overgrazing also oc- fewer structures that provide shelter and shade for snakes, curs at higher elevations, where the species is present, albeit which in turn increases predation by birds of prey and in lower abundance. Nevertheless, because the species was reduces the abundance of the viper’s Orthopteran prey discovered only in the s there are no historical data to (Lemonnier-Darcemont et al., ). test temporal patterns in habitat occupancy. Along with habitat conservation, we recommend the launch of an ex situ breeding programme, similar to that Prioritization for single species for the threatened Hungarian meadow viper Vipera ursinii rakosiensis (Péchy et al., ), to help reinforce populations Systematic conservation planning techniques were devel- that are suffering from the symptoms of an extinction vor- oped for multiple species (Lehtomäki & Moilanen, )and tex. We suggest that a combination of ex situ and in situ have only recently been applied for single species (Adam- conservation plans and continued research on the ecology Hosking et al., ). Single species conservation planning and population genetics of V. graeca in high priority areas follows the same protocol but ranks sites according to the are necessary to ensure persistence. Further research, in spatial distribution of threat factors (or conservation value), conjunction with local and governmental support, is key and/or the cost of protection (Adams-Hosking et al., ; for the development of a species conservation programme Nori et al., ). The scarcity of systematic conservation that will ensure the long-term survival of this Endangered, planning for single species is probably a result of the cold-adapted species trapped on mountaintops in the warm- primary importance of biodiversity protection as opposed ing Mediterranean basin.

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Acknowledgements Financial support was provided by the human-induced species losses: entering the sixth mass extinction. Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (no. 150510498), Science Advances, ,e. Rufford Small Grant (no. 15478-1), Chicago Zoological Society’s CHEN, I-C., HILL, J.K., OHLEMÜLLER, R., ROY, D.B. & THOMAS, C.D. Chicago Board of Trade Endangered Species Fund, Campus () Rapid range shifts of species associated with high levels of Hungary (no. B2/1CS/19196/9), ERASMUS+, the Visegrad Scholar- climate warming. Science, , –. ship and two grants from the National Research, Development and COLLINS, M., TETT, S.F.B. & COOPER,C.() The internal climate Innovation Office of Hungary (NKFIH-OTKA K106133, GINOP variability of HadCM, a version of the Hadley Centre coupled 2.3.3-15-2016-00019). Permits for fieldwork were provided by the model without flux adjustments. Climate Dynamics, , –. 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Oryx, 2021, 55(3), 334–343 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605319000322 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 23:03:15, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at