ST PAUL's. We Are Glad That You Have Come to Worship God with Us Today

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ST PAUL's. We Are Glad That You Have Come to Worship God with Us Today ELCOME TO ST PAUL’S. We are glad that you have come to W worship God with us today. If you are a visitor from another parish, or worshipping with us for the first time, please introduce yourself to our parish priest, Fr James Collins, or to anyone wearing a name badge, over a cup of tea or coffee in the parish hall after the service. You’ll find it behind the church. Blessing and Distribution of Simnel Cake Sung Eucharist – 8.00am Parish Eucharist –9.30am Vespers ((at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Cardinal Freeman Village, Ashfield) – 4pm Letter to the Parish Council 3 Mothering Sunday is observed today 5 Happy Birthday Paul! 6 A Quiet Lenten Prayer Book Day 9 Adrian Plass is coming to Sydney! 10 Church Bullies 12 People needing wheelchair access can enter St Paul’s most conveniently by the First aid kits are located on the wall of door at the base of the belltower. the kitchen in the Large Hall behind the church and in the choir vestry. Please turn your mobile phone off or on to silent before the service starts. It’ll Name badges help make St Paul’s an save you much embarrassment later on. inclusive community. If you need a new name badge, fill in the form on the inside back cover, send it to the parish office, and one will be made and left in church for you. Children are welcome in church at any service. There is a selection of children’s books and toys at the back of Toilets are available at the entrance to the church near the font and there are the parish hall, which is located behind also kids’ activity sheets and pencils the church. available at the back of the church where the pew sheets and prayer books are. Children’s Church runs during Term Ask a member of the clergy or anyone Time. Meet at the back of the church at who’s wearing a name badge. We’re the beginning of the 9.30am Eucharist. here to help. Please feel free to bring your children to the altar rail to receive a blessing, or to receive Communion if they have been admitted to the sacrament. As you take your place in your pew, please make yourself aware of the route to the nearest emergency exit. Should Please do not take photos there be a fire, leave quickly, turn right, inside the church or during the services and assemble by the roundabout on of worship without permission. Burwood Road. My Dear Friends, and yet another gift of nearly $400.00 from another kind I hope that you are all well. Parishioner. Further to these very After meeting with me today, kind gifts, we have also had the Robert McMillan has kindly offered generous offer of fundraising to give $100,000.00 to the heritage receipts being directed to the project. Thanks be to God! heritage project (which will probably be in excess of Robert can't release these funds $5,000.00). Again, thanks be to until late May so we will need to God! meet any extra payments before then from Parish funds. We haven't really beat the drum about giving to the heritage project I know that this will stretch us given that we are in Lent and it financially in the short term as seems somewhat inappropriate to invoices for the heritage project focus on money at this time. After can't come out of what we have Easter we can focus on raising already paid to the Diocese but we more money to support the know that we will get the grant heritage project but let's wait until monies, GST, and Robert's gift later then. in the year which will more than compensate for the short fall. Upon completion, the heritage project will mean that St. Paul's will Another generous Parishioner has be one of the most beautiful Parish very kindly offered to meet the cost Churches in Australia. How very of the cable tray required to hide wonderful! all the electrical cabling in the ceil- ing. This amounts to another gift of With every blessing as we journey $2,970.00. Again, thanks be to God! with Jesus in his Passion and Death and as we look forward in hope to We have another gift of $10,000.00 his Resurrection. from another very generous Parishioner, two gifts of $500.00 Peace, from another two kind Parishioners, James. Mothering Sunday falls on the Fourth Sunday in Lent, which is today, Sunday 22 March giving us the opportunity to thank God for all those who have nurtured us in our journey of life and faith, especially our mothers. We also give thanks to God for the Church which has nurtured us in our journey of life and faith as well. Thanks to the parishioner who made our beautiful Simnel Cake, and to the parishioners who prepared the posies of flowers and made the hearts to go with the posies. We are truly blessed. We also extend our sincere thanks to Kaye Green who is a professional artist living in Hobart, Tasmania, who has so kindly made the magnificent, hand painted, Paschal Candles for use at St. Paul's this year. The Paschal Candle stands in the sanctuary, North of the High Altar (that is, the Gospel side), and is lit for every service during the 50 days of Easter when it is then removed and stands by the Font (and lit for Bap- tisms) or stands by the casket at a funeral. The Paschal Candle is a con- stant reminder of the hope of the Resurrection. Our warmest best wishes and Collection given at St Paul’s last birthday blessings to Paul Phillips Sunday 28th of February: who celebrated a birthday this week. $1936 Much happiness and many happy returns! Other collection given: Heritage project: $396 You can join us on our Facebook Bishop of NT page: (incl. Katherine & Nungalinya) : $20 groups/7441384898/ HIV Children Nepal – $110 Forthcoming events and other interesting news will be posted there! Parish pantry – $25 Thank you Margaret Whittaker TOTAL: $2487 for your care in administrating our Thank you for responding to God’s Facebook page. generous love. Welcomers play a vital role at St Paul's. We are in need of additional people to assist in welcoming parishioners and newcomers when they arrive, to collect the offertory and to collect prayer books at the end of service. Please contact Elizabeth Griffiths on 0408 051 961or at [email protected] if you can help. Tickets are now available for $2 each or 3 for $5 You will have 2 chances to win. A wonderful hamper is the prize for the Easter raffle to be drawn on Easter Day. Details of Mother's Day prizes to follow. It will be drawn on Mother's Day. On Thursday evenings through Lent we will be gathering to share our Lenten Study. We will be using Graeme Brady's Anglican and copies are available from Fr James. The study is open to all in the Parish, especially as an introduction to Anglicanism for new Christians (particularly for those being prepared for Confirmation) and as a refresher for those who have been on the journey of faith, hope, and love for a while. The Thursday evening Lenten Study will be held in the Rectory and will begin at 7.00 p.m. so that those returning from work can come and join in and then head home for dinner. Likewise, being at this time means that it won't be a late evening for those who don't want to drive in the evening. We are trying to find a time that suits most people. Lenten Studies will be held in the Rectory on Thursday evenings at 7.00 p.m. Please come to journey with Christ through his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. After we complete our Lenten Study we will continue to meet every Thursday evening throughout the year to study the forthcoming Gospel reading based on the lectionary readings for each Sunday. When: Thursday 17th March. Meeting time: 8:45am at Burwood (at public bus stop near Duff Street opposite the church). Bus leaves promptly at 9.00am. Cost: $40 This trip will navigate the Northern Beaches. We will be traveling to: Baha’i Temple or House of Worship St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church St John’s Dee Why Stony Range Regional Botanical Gardens Forms are available in the large hall. Please return to Pam Brock or Caroline (office) by Sunday 12th of March to avoid disappointment. All enquiries to Pam on 9747 4327. The next AGM will be held on the 20th of March (Palm Sunday) beginning at 11.30/45 a.m. All reports except the financial statements were available last week. There will be a meeting today at 11.30/45 a.m. where people can ask questions about the reports (so as to avoid a lengthy AGM). At the General meeting on the 20th of March we will be replacing Roland Cartwright who has resigned as a Trustee of Blacket House. We express our profound thanks to Roland Cartwright who has given so generously of his time to serve as a Trustee of Blacket House. “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” – Henri Frederic Amiel (1821-1881) Swiss moral philosopher, poet, and critic Our Regional Bishop, Bishop Michael Stead, will be with us on Pentecost Sunday 15th of May, 2016, and we hope to have a Confirmation Ser- vice that day at the 9.30am Eucharist.
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