The Daily Egyptian, March 29, 2002
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 2002 Daily Egyptian 2002 3-29-2002 The Daily Egyptian, March 29, 2002 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 87, Issue 121 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2002 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 2002 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IAN EGYPTWWW. DA I LYEG Y PTIAN .COM VOL. 87, No. 121, 20 PAGES SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MARCH 29, 2002 legislators wowed by possible tuition hike sequent three years. The ch:mccllor increases to dog the money drain. Wendler's proposal did note tha~ ~ tuition plan is flexi _Rep. Kurt Granberg, D- Public Universities under;radua1e tuition ~.creases ble. Centralia, was less =ive and quick (Tumor, pl,, hesJ to raise tuition 20 Stite Sen. David Luechtcfdd, R to point out the flaws of such an Okawville, cv:zded any direct increase. · 1. Chicago Stale University $3,255 pen.. ent startles approval or disapproval of the plan, "[SIU] is not tightening their belt 2. Eamm lllinoiJ University $3,818 10.7 percent saying he wanted to review it more like cvciyone else is; they're trying to 3. Governors SIC!e University $2,454 3.8 per:enl, IBHE, BOT closely. President James Walker increase their owns fund, through 4. dlinois Slate University $4,340 10.l~t Molly Parker c:illed him Thursday afternoon to the students," Granberg said. · 5. Nor!heas!em Illinois University $2,946 ~-2 pera!nl 6. Northern Illinois University $4,583 Daily Egyptian inform him of the proposal. SIU is struggling to cut S95 mil 7. Western Illinois University $3,973 5.9 percent Lucchtefdd said a general con· lion from its budget in response to a Southern Illinois University Loc:il legislators shared a similar ccrn he has about increasing the decrease in state funding and a state 8.SIU-~le. $4,114 5 percent reaction to Chancellor Walter price of SIU is that too high of a cost mandate to fork aver S35 million in lpcposecl20poran1] Wendlcr's proposal to rilie SIU's could be a turn-off to students who its portion of state health insurance. 9. S I U • Edwardsv,1l1J $3,007 9 percent tuition by 20 percent - Wow. come to SIU with · the intent to Granberg, who said many people University of Illinois One local legislator spoke with receive a good degree at a good value. in his district attend SIU, thinks this 10. U of I• Chicago $4,800 11 percent loud opposition . while other deci "I think SIU has always had a tuition increase will hit the middle 11. Uof I ·Springfield $3,395 11 percent sion-maken tip-toed around any reputition of~-ou get a lot for )'Ollr income student the hwcst - those 12. U of I • Urbona/Champoign $4,994 1-4 percent officW stance, but either way, they money' :ind has rcally prided itself in who make too much money to get lloliuics Illinois of Hlgher Education were surpris:d about the double keeping tuition LO\VTl over the years; financial aid. but arc by no means from the Board • indicates irufilulions who havt, not a~ a tuition increase. digit figure. he said. •You worry about how wealthy. Wendlcr's plan, which he dct:illed [ tuition increases ]will affect that tra· "1 don't believe univcni:ics should at Wednesday night's Undergraduate dition." be ;able to pass on cost inaeuc to off Student Government meeting, c:ills Luechtefeld, however, recognizes set the amount of money av:illablc," Illinois Board Of H",ghet Education for a 20 percent increase in the fall that state money is tight and other and 15 pen:cnt increases in the su~ universities arc also turning to tuition See _LEGISLATORS, page 12 Tuition plan appalls USG Jane Huh Daily Egyptian The Undcrgr2duate Student Gavcmmcnt scna• tors arc up in arms about Chanccllor \Valter Wcndlcr's tuition hike proposal on Wednesday. USG President l\1ichael Peny was tiken ab:ick with Wendlcr's plan to inaeuc tuition by 20 per cent next fall and 15 percent in d1e following thn:c yc:us. "The numbers wac \'CI)' shocking; I don't kna.v why he feels it's going to take that much money to brir.g this unr.-crsity up to par." Peny said. "I don't know if all students can afford it, and second, I question the implcmcnbtion of[proposcd hila:s]." After Wenclleri prcsentition, hands from the senators shot up to challenge him. Discussions ranged from how the inacascs \\-ould affect enrollment an:! \\'Ork-study progr:uns to the necessity of imposing an increase as high as 20 pcn:cnt. Senator M21')' Wallace said Wcndler's presentation gcncraliud where the increases woulc. go raw;ud and w:u not specific enough. "There was not one hanl statistic, and I think it was misleading to say the least," she said. "Acadcmicillj; we're better than ISU, EIU and NIU so I rca11y don't think money makes the unr.i:nity." "We don't Im,: to be on par cmt-wisc ifwe arc over par academically," said Senator J:ickie Wcstfall. Student reaction at the Student Center Thursd;iy afternoon was mixed. Some thought it 0AJLY EGYPTWI l'H0T0 • ALEX HAGLUND was nccdcd; others were more skeptical. · Not everyone present at the Ann Coulter lecture was there to support her. A lone protester sits gagged and blindfo!1ed in front Matthew Cooper, a sophomon: in philosophy, of the lesar Law Building during Coulte(s speech. Going by the name Keris Goya, the protester says she graduated SIU Law School was concerned that the proposal might be a ruse to under a differentname in 1999. · · · keep the administration from looking bad while increasing tuition. ·. "They're just !1$ing the 20 percent as a baq;ain Tempers, opinions flare at Ann Coulter lecture ing chip; they can bring it dcmn to 10 pcn:a:i.t or U pcn:cnt - an:i make it look like a deal," Cooper said. Hundreds gather to hear. The politic:il analyst, attorney and bcst to line the walls at the forum because scats Westfall and Walbcc said they were not satisfied sdling author spoke at the Lcsar Law filled upl0 minutes before Coulter arrived. with \Vcndlcr's noncommittal response on whether controversial conservative Auditorium Thursd;iy night in· an effort to Many of those who did r.ot attend the work w:igcs would inaeuc if tuition is r:uscd. raise support for conservatives. event as Coulter fans wac man: interested in Full-time students cannot \\'Ork more than 295 speak at Lesar Thursday Don Ahrendt, of Caibondalc, is a strong the Stcrn-likc•shock value she has houn awcck, so they will face a stressful transition proponent of Coulter and attended her lcctwc been la,own to present. · . goes through, iaid S~to~. Brian Peach as a fcllow conscn':ltive ,vith a bone to pick "I've seen her on 'Politically Incorrect', and ~c~t,~ Daily Egyptian with libcnls. she can rca11y piss people off;• said Carlos · "To rilic tuition, it would cause students to "She doesn't pull any punches," he said. Ferrero, who considcn himself a liberal but is work more (to . support their tuition); therefore Conscn":ltn,: Ann Coulter spent an ·hour "She comes out and s:iys what she thinks, and open to other opinions if they arc presented gr:idcs could drop." Dalzcll-Robcrts said. "1 think it md ·a half bashing anything rcmotdy rcscm· I admlic her fonhrightousncss." educationally. "1 usually don't 1ila: what she has hurts CVCI)'One - the worltlng class, students who bling a liberal \iew during her lecture Thunday Ahrendt was among more than 400 people to say, but at least 111 get to hear her A)' it in Im,: parents that can pay the costs and students night, and that's cx:u:t!y what the majority of who packed into the auditorium to hear her audience was expecting. Coulter speak. At least 60 ofthe attendees had , ~ee COULTE~ page 12 See USG, page 12 ~···-... PAGE 2 • FRIDAY MARCH 29 2002 DAILY EoYl"rtAN · · News /\ llcauUful Mind ll'OIJI 0,r,al Advance Tldcot Sales Available 12.00I S.00 8.QO 11 -C~l~oclcs~=to-p-pc=r--(~PG......... 1.... J"")""Oi--.g-ita=-l -u~~~~~s 11,20 [2:00) 4:30 6:40 9:00 Sonxlry Bop (RI Panic Room (R) 11:4514'30100• [1:30) 4:20 7:20 9:55 ;i:~f..:iiiS.Ntd,yJflCm The Rookie (G) Oigicil ~E.rikMET-SAruRDATONLY Scattered Showers Cloudy doudy (1:00) 4:00 7:00 9:50 VanWlld.. 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