Present were: The Chairman, Mr Simon Watkins, Mr Caradog Williams, Mr D E Jones, Mrs Debbie Jones, Mr Deryk Hughes, Mr Geraint Lloyd, Mr Glaves Roberts, Mr Howard Sutcliffe, Mr Ian Hewitt, Mr Paul Anyon, Mr Tony Sutherland, County Councillor Huw Jones and the Clerk. 1. Members of the public – None. 2. Apologies – Chris Jones/Geoff Williams 3. Chairman’s Opening Remarks The Chairman wished members a Happy New Year. He stated that a lot had happened since the last meeting in November and a few very sad events had taken place. It was noted that the people of the town had pulled together in those extremely sad times. Condolences were expressed to Howard Sutcliffe who had recently suffered a bereavement. Following a general discussion it was agreed that future meetings of the Town Council be held in the Sports Pavilion, mainly due to the noise which is evident from the main hall within Canolfan Ni. It was also noted that the room had not been prepared in advance of the meeting. The Clerk to notify the manager accordingly. 4. Declaration of interest(s) None. 5. Police Matters No one present. 6. Confirm previous minutes – approved as a true record. 7. Matters arising/review decision register Street lighting – noted that Glaves Roberts was not able to deal with this due to him not being a qualified electrician. Review of Care Homes A reminder that this concludes at the end of January. School transport County Councillor Huw Jones stated that he is progressing the matter. Tyn y Ceubren planning application Noted this has been refused – County Councillor Huw Jones looking into the reason. Pedestrian crossing at Bargain Booze County Councillor Huw Jones progressing the matter in that DCC is sending a letter to NWTRA. 8. Christmas lighting A discussion took place which stated that it was disappointing that there had been no lighting in the town last Christmas. It was agreed that better arrangements need to be put in place in future. The Chairman stated that new legislation is being provided, following which the issue will be discussed further. 9. Reports Glaves Roberts reported that he had attended a People to People meeting to take forward issues in the town and encouraged attendance at the public event being held 25th of January from 11 – 7 p.m. to provide ideas. A verbal request was made for a payment to be made by the Town Council for the flowers which were supplied by Glyndwr Plants last year. It was noted that the Corwen and District Business Association had paid the invoice in full and were looking to be re-imbursed. It was agreed that information be sought as to who commissioned Glyndwr Plants to provide the flowers in the first place, and therefore that organisation would be responsible for payment of the invoice.

- 1 - 10. Correspondence Letters of thanks from International Eisteddfod, Glyndyfrdwy Craft Group and CAB Letter from Edwina Hart Minister for Economy, Science and Tranport stating that, following a Trunk Road Safety Review it recommended that the existing speed limit is retained at the A5 in Llidiart y Parc. Request for donation from Neuadd towards Christmas lights amounting to £45.00 – it was agreed to make this payment. Request for precept amount 2016/17 – noted that the Clerk had already completed the required form based on the budget discussion held in November 2015. Letter from Welsh Government stating that following completion of the initial Road Safety Review in January the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport continued to receive correspondence regarding speed limits, and road safety more broadly. Therefore, they have updated the findings of the review, taking this into consideration over the summer which are available on the Traffic website. 11. Consider Planning Applications The following applications were received since the last meeting: 05/2014/0849 Land to side of Plas Gwyn/Sun Inn Development of 0.05 hectares Terrace, Glyndyfrdwy of land by the erection of a Dwelling Concerns to be sent stating the design is suburban and not in keeping with local vernacular, and it is elevated above existing buildings. 05/2014/0848 Land between Pen y Bont and Development of 0.06 hectares High Trees, Glyndyfrdwy of land by the erection of a Dwelling Concerns to be sent stating the design is suburban and not in keeping with local vernacular, it is elevated above existing buildings and the Pen y Bont access is very steep and straight onto the A5 Granted Rhug Corwen - alterations and extension Rhug Organic Farm and Restaurant – erection of covered area to takeaway Rhug Organic Farm – installation of solar panels Approve Carrog Newydd, Carrog – minor amendment for additional living space Pen y Graig, Glyndyfrdwy – minor amendment for staircase Refuse Tyn y Ceubren, Glyndyfrdwy 12. Settle Council accounts Cheque no. Payee Details Amount 101618 BT Telephone/Broadband 155.30 101619 Boyns net Laptop battery 60.00 101620 GHA Coaches Swimming lessons 600.00 transport 101621 HMRC PAYE/NI 186.80 101622 Carrog Village Hall Christmas decoration 45.00

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