GLENAEON TEACHER TRAINING SEMINAR 2021 Steiner Class Teacher Curriculum Intensives 11th-15th January Classes 1-7

Listening to the Call of the Spirit in our Times In Service of the Children and our Future

Artwork by Vanessa Snaith

Supporting teachers who are inwardly attuned and awake to the opportunities each day to lead the children towards the future that the world awaits.

Early Bird Price until December 4th is $400 for a 4 ½ day Intensive Lectures only $100

Enrolments can be made via trybooking

For enrolment enquiries contact [email protected] 02 9932 2313

For course content enquiries contact the Intensives Coordinator Peggy Day 02 9412 4457 [email protected]


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lecture Special High Opening Theme Bernadette Lisa Romero Lisa Devine School Session Peggy Day White Sophia Lecture Van James 7-10 with Lisa Lecture: Christof Montefiore Romero Wiechert Session 1 New Teachers Class Specific Class Specific Class Specific Class Specific Introduction Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions New Teachers Class Specific Class Specific Class Specific Class Specific Session 2 Introduction Sessions Sessions Sessions Sessions Evening Lisa Romero Lisa Romero Lisa Romero Lisa Romero

MONDAY SPECIALIST SESSIONS . New Teachers Intro – 2-6 pm Lisa Romero Class 6 up- 9am; Class 4/5 - 7 pm

Lectures and Presentations Lecture 1 Tuesday 9am

Christof Wiechert The Human Being and the World

Christof Wiechert is a former leader of the Pedagogical Section at the , Dornach, . He was also a Waldorf class teacher for thirty years in the , where he also had his own Steiner education as a child. His books include The Waldorf School: An Introduction; Solving the Riddle of the Child and Teaching the Joy of Profession. He has travelled the world in the last few years giving courses and supporting the development of Steiner education, particularly in Asia. He advocates for reflection on our methodology to deepen our understanding and always question whether our practices have become fixed traditions.

Peggy Day The Call of the Spirit in our Times

Peggy Day is currently Pedagogical Section Coordinator in Australia, has been a teacher and teacher trainer for over 40 years and was the Lead Writer of the Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework. She was the coordinator of the full-time teacher training in Sydney for 12 years and the founder of the Class Teacher Curriculum Intensives. Co-working with the spirit in all aspects of teaching and of life is recognized, as outlined in the work of , as a service to the world and also a responsibility to the cosmos and its future unfoldment.

Lecture 2 -Wednesday Morning 9am

Bernadette White Stories of Hope in the Wisdom of World Literature

Bernadette White is the Coordinator of the Pedagogical Section in New Zealand, an experienced curative education teacher, class teacher and teacher trainer. Currently Bernadette is Class 6 teacher at Titirangi School in Auckland. Bernadette has had a lifelong interest in the narrative curriculum, history, oral language and the evolution of consciousness as experienced through the literature of each age. The transformative power of story has been a mainstay of her work with her classes over many years.

Sophia Montefiore Biographies of our Times

Sophia Montefiore BA; BA(VA); Dip. Ed.; Dip. Steiner Ed.; Grad. Cert. in Professional Development (Steiner Perspectives). Sophia has been a Waldorf teacher for over 20 years. She has taught courses for Emerson College and Ira Institute in India. Sophia has been a the Senior High School Coordinator and Year 11 & 12 Class Guardian at the Newcastle Waldorf School, Australia. She has taught a range of High School subjects including English, History, Mathematics, Projective Geometry, Art and Philosophy.

Lecture 3 -Thursday Morning 9am

Lisa Romero Teacher’s Inner Development Tasks of our Time

Lisa Romero is a complementary health practitioner and adult educator who has delivered education enriched with since 1998. From 2006 the primary focus of her work has been teaching inner development and anthroposophical meditation. Steiner Books has published her books: “The Inner Work Path”, “Developing the Self”, “Living Inner Development”, “Sex Education and the Spirit” and “Spirit –led Community”. Lisa lectures and presents courses and retreats on inner work and anthroposophical meditation for professional and personal development in Australia, America and England. Essentially Lisa’s work springs from the inner work, meditation and exercises together with a dedication to the path of unfolding consciousness. She brings a depth of insight that is reflected in the experiences of the participants who share in this work.

Lecture 4 - Friday Morning 9am Lisa Devine The Seeds of the Future: The Poetry of the Soul in our Times

Lisa Devine is a youth counsellor, eurythmy teacher and has worked as a chaplain at several Steiner schools. She has long researched and trialed strategies for engaging students of all ages who are at times unable to receive what our imaginative education offers. She has discovered that our sense of presence in the moment is all we sometimes have, together with our willingness to meet each child where they are. They cannot form connection to us when they are in a state of trauma or disengagement. What we can do is explored through describing actual encounters.

Van James- Looking at Pictures of our Future Potential in Art

Van James was for many years the art teacher at the Honolulu Waldorf School. He is the Chair of the in Hawaii and an international teacher trainer. He has published key works on the painting and drawing curriculum of Steiner Schools as well as several books on sacred sites in Hawaii.

His book Spirit and Art makes the case for a hidden stream that has put forth art works and art movements throughout history, in an ongoing visible revelation of invisible spiritual currents. Art, originally a part of the secret Mystery cults of the ancient world, has become an expression of the individual creative intuition.

Class – Specific Lecturers/Tutors

Class 1 Main Tutor Andrew Hill B.A. (Hons), Dip. Arts, M. Ed. Andrew Hill lectured for many years in the full-time Advanced Diploma of Steiner Education- Teacher Training course in Steiner Pedagogy, English and Science. He has lectured internationally. Andrew has taken three class teacher cycles from Classes 1 to 8. With a background in Anthropology and English literature as well as experience in a curative school, Andrew has been involved in many aspects of Steiner school curriculum, teaching and management.

Class 2 Yvonne Suares Yvonne tutors in the Perth Teacher Training Course in Class 1 and 2 curriculum studies and has been a Class Teacher for 10 years, after several years as a language teacher. She has trained with Sydney Rudolf Steiner College. As she is just finishing this year in her next cycle she will be able to share her immediate reflections on working this age.

Class 3 Main Tutors Andrew Hill (as above) with Ken Penney who is teaching Class 3 on his third cycle at the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School and Roger Richards at Glenaeon, also teaching class 3 on his third cycle.

Class 4 Pauline David BA Dip Ed B.Ed. (Post Grad) Certificate in Steiner Education Pauline has taken through three Class Teacher cycles as well as having taught English, History and Media Studies in High School. She is a lecturer at the Melbourne Teacher Training Seminar in Curriculum and Class Teaching. She plays in a recorder group and has an abiding interest in eurythmy, Sophiology and the Divine Feminine.

Class 5 and 6 Bernadette White Dip. Cur Ed. B. Ed Bernadette White trained as a curative teacher in England before working at Inala Curative School in Sydney, taking a class through. She was a class teacher at the Perth Waldorf School and then took a cycle through at Glenaeon School. With a love of both the oral language tradition and history she has tutored in Speech for morning circle, Anthroposophy, Steiner Pedagogy and many aspects of curriculum. She moved to Titirangi School in Auckland and thankfully will contribute to the Class Teacher Intensives from there. She will have just finished teaching her own Class 6.

Science Class 6 and 7 Jeremy Board Jeremy has been a Class Teacher at Mt Barker School in the Adelaide Hills for over 27 years. Science is his specialty and his work for many years with Peter Glasby has been an enriching presence in his career. He has tutored in Teacher Training in India as well as in the Curriculum Intensives for the last 5 years.

Supporting Children with Additional Needs Barbara Baldwin is a highly experienced Curative Educator and therapist who has developed and delivered Curative Courses all over the world. She is the director and main lecturer of the course that was held at Warrah School, which included modules on the Twelve Senses, Curative Diagnostics, Spiritual Physiology, Speech and Language Difficulties, Learning Styles and Classroom Difficulties, including ADD, ADHD and the Autism Spectrum. She delivered a Curative Education training in China for the four years and is now based in Adelaide.

Visual Arts Julie Lovett - M Ed

Julie has been a Steiner teacher and art specialist for several decades, she has held workshops around Australia and contributed to the Class teacher intensives previously. She has studied in the Emerald School in the Netherlands (Liane Collet d’Herbois), in Dornach in the Wagner School and at Rudolf Steiner College, Sacremento. Working with colour is her long term research interest.

Inner Development Lisa Romero (see above)

Once you have enrolled and paid on-line you will be sent a log in to access the teacher intensives portal on the Glenaeon website which contains further detailed information and resources.

COURSE CONTENT - Each week will involve 20+ hours covering pedagogical background, child development steps for that age, practical morning circle work, story content and practical activities for creating the Main Lessons, working with visual arts, and integration of general academic curriculum.

TEACHERS WILL BE ABLE TO - • Review the indications, background reading and Main Lessons. • Work with the arts to prepare lesson presentation. • Deepen the child development background as linked to curriculum. • Share with other teachers at the same Class level in a discussion forum on-line. • Prepare background aspects of their program and connect with mentor teachers.

WHAT TO BRING TO ZOOM Sessions - please bring notepaper, crayons (Class 1-4); recorder (Class 1-6); coloured pencils (all classes); compass, scissors and ruler (Class 5, 6, 7). For Visual Arts sessions bring drawing and painting paper, paints, water jars, sponges and brushes, pastels as age appropriate to the curriculum.


5 Hours of lectures NESA accredited $100 - plus for each year group - 9 sessions- 1 hour 40 minutes = 15 hours NESA accredited

6 Core Curriculum/Main Lesson Sessions per year group- English, History, Maths, Geography and Science interwoven- $200

3 Support Sessions- 1 Drawing/Painting per year group, 1 Inner Development per year group 1 learning Support Session per year--$100

Total Cost $400


Please note that the Australian Steiner Curriculum and the Annotated Bibliographies are on the SEA website Member’s Area and are available to teachers in Steiner schools. A log in can be requested on the website. The Annotated Bibliographies are highly recommended for preparation of the Steiner curriculum.

School as a Journey, Torin Finser The Kingdom of Childhood, Rudolf Steiner Steiner Education, Clouder and Rawson Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum, Rawson and Richter (large reference book) Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework, SEA public website

Class 1 Interpretation of the Fairy Tales, Rudolf Meyer or the books by Norbert Glas Teaching Children to Write, Audrey McAllen Nature Spirits, Rudolf Steiner Grimms Fairy Tales, Routledge

Class 2 The King of Irelands Son, P Colum Aesop’s Fables Saints Birds and Beasts, Margaret Mayo Stories of the Saints, Siegwart Knijpenga

Class 3 Encountering the Self, Koepke Old Testament Stories And there was Light, Jacob Streit Culture and Horticulture, Wolf Storl The Little Flowers of St Francis The Celtic Wonder Tales by Ella Young The Celtic Dragon Myth, J. Campbell

Class 4 Dáulaire’s Norse Mythology Myths of the Norsemen, R Lancelyn Green Norse Mythology and the Modern Human Being Man and Animal – a study for children aged 10, Roy Wilkinson Among Animals, Manfred Kyber

Class 5 Ancient Mythologies India, Persia, Egypt, Greece– classical editions The Iliad, Homer The Odyssey, Homer The Aeneid, Virgil The Ramayana, Various editions

Class 6 Waldorf School Approach to History, Werner Glas Ancient Rome, Charles Kovacs Waldorf Curriculum Studies – Science in Education ed., Brien Masters *A Phenomena Based Physics-Vol 1-Grade 6 - trans by AWSNA, Manfred von Mackensen Astronomy under the Southern Skies- Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets, Neil Carter

Class 7 King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, retold by Roger Lancelyn Green Middle Ages, Charles Kovacs Mathematics Around Us, John Blackwood *A Phenomena Based Physics (vol 2 grade 7) trans by AWSNA, Manfred von Mackensen

*Please read before the intensives- available [email protected]