44 Sunshine Bridge News July/August 2015 45 St. Petersburg Bridge Club Labor Day Sectional 9103 US Highway 19 N. Pinellas Park, FL 33782 727-544-5040 September 4 to September 7, 2015

Friday Sept 4 10:30 AM Stratified Open Pairs Intermediate Pairs (NLM)

3:00 PM Stratified Open Pairs Intermediate Pairs (NLM)

Saturday Sept 5 10:30 AM Bracketed KO (Round 1 of 3) Stratified Open Pairs Intermediate Pairs (NLM)

3:00 PM Bracketed KO (Round 2 of 3) Stratified Open Pairs Intermediate Pairs (NLM)

Sunday Sept 6 10:30 AM Bracketed KO (Round 3 of 3) Stratified Open Pairs Intermediate Pairs (NLM)

3:00 PM Stratified Open Pairs Intermediate Pairs (NLM)

Monday Sept 7 10:30 AM Stratified Swiss – play through NLM Swiss – play through

Strata: A=2000+; B=750-2000; C-0-750 The average of the players’ points will be used to determine strata NLM Strata: A=200-NLM; B=100-200; C=0-100 Free coffee, orange juice and snacks at all sessions Lunch during Monday’s Swiss Teams game. Hotel: La Quinta, 5000 Lake Blvd., Clearwater 727-299-9800

For more information or Partnership requests Joanne Wharton 727-596-2139 Charles Gill 727-363-1136 [email protected] [email protected]

St. Petersburg Bridge Club is located just off I-275 From I-275, take Exit 28 and drive west on Gandy/Park approx 1 miles to US Highway 19 N. Turn north (right) on US Highway 19. N. 9103 is 3/4 mile up US 19 in the Mainlands Plaza

46 Sunshine Bridge News July/August 2015 47 President’s Message

President Many players appear of the opinion that Life Master and above Jeri Edge, 850-455-0803 players constitute the major backbone and lifeline of the [email protected] . Interestingly, in Unit 219, only 37% of the players have made Life Master. The remaining 63% are “Rookies” (defined Vice President for my purpose as anyone having less than 300 ). Beth G. McArthur, 850-265-3181 All too often, at the Unit and Club levels, we give a “Shout [email protected] Out” to the Life Master and above players who advance to a higher level in , but we play down or even Secretary/Treasurer & neglect to acknowledge the Rookie players’ advancements. District 9 Representative In 2015, Unit 219 has seen numerous Rookies advance in Kay Huke, 850-916-4289 [email protected] rank. On behalf of the Unit, I wish to recognize the following individuals for their continuing interest in and mastery of the SBN Liaison game. I’m really proud of your efforts. Michelle Crane, 850-748-4714 New Junior Masters are Robert Bazell, Ruth Davis, Dean [email protected] Lin, Susan Reiss, Terri Collins, Elizabeth Ericksen, Frank Sabo, Maria Vafekova, Beverly Burleson, Jodey McMillan, Waynard Members Devers, and James, Stidham. New Club Masters are Loretta John Crane Davis, Debbie Crain, Susan Breen, Betty Hand, Cindy Lalas, [email protected] Hilda Cox, Bob Hannah, Helen Michel, Norman Crain, Nick Joanos, Lynda Kenll, and Nelda Mishoe. Recent Sectional Armand Grassi, 850-248-3371 Masters are Jeanette Gaboardi, Fran Viviano, Kelly Clouse, [email protected] Jo Sheraw, Michael Oleksyk, Laura White, Virginia Herm, and Daniel Maier-Katkin. Dolores Vest, Jean Askew, Maggie Pat Horton, 850-222-6286 Campbell, Sylvia Jackson, Marcia Phelps, and Vicki Schell are [email protected] our new Regional Masters. New NABC Masters are Connie Graunke, Bruce Goodman, and Alvin Kimbrough. Tom Mookas Deverle Little, 850-727-4240 and Michelle Crane are our new Advanced NABC Masters. [email protected] These folks constitute approximately 10% of our Rookie population. As our Aussie friends would say, “good on ya”. Gayle Marr, 850-243-5457 850-420-7009 Upcoming Sectionals: Audree Newman, 850-729-0924 [email protected] July 17 – 19 Pensacola October 9 – 11 Fort Walton Beach Garlan Sisco, 850-433-8437 November 13 – 15 Pensacola [email protected] Hope to see you all there. Have a wonderful summer. Ginger Thomas, 850-893-0790 [email protected]

Steve Whitaker, 850-222-5797 [email protected]

48 Sunshine Bridge News Labat (of Tallahassee) and teammate Michael Bridge in the Panhandle Wahl (from St. Pete). by Michelle Crane Also in our Unit news are a pair of Nonagenarians. Since the last issue Lil Vucovich may have turned 95 years old of the SBN, there have in April 2015, but she is known at the local bridge been a pair of significant club for her skillful and aggressive bidding. She Rank changes: Charles Christmas (Tallahassee) and Daniel Jarboe (Fort Walton) have attained the status of Gold Life Master. Congratulations! We are all familiar with “Charity Games” hosted by our local clubs and sometimes by ACBL. What may not be familiar is the benefit to a local church as a result of the playing of this great game of . The church is Saint Andrew’s By-The-Sea Episcopal Church, Destin’s oldest house of worship. The game Birthday girl Lil Vucovich is the one run by Ted Gardner each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, said games being played likes all types of games, including marathon in the comfortable surroundings of the church’s dominoes, which she plays with her close-knit family. If you happen to be in her Niceville neighborhood, keep an eye out for Lil, who often rides her tricycle bike as part of her daily exercise routine. Ernest G. (“Ernie”) Wagner turned 90 in May 2015. Some years earlier – February 24, 1945 – he helped defeat the Japanese in the Battle for Manila, on Luzon. According to General Orders #53 (1945), issued by Headquarters, U.S. Forces-Pacific: “The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Reverend Barry Crow and Ted Gardner Earnest G. Wagner, Private First Class, U.S. Army, original sanctuary. Those surroundings are even for extraordinary heroism in connection with more comfortable now: the increased revenues military operations against an armed enemy stemming from Ted’s Club have provided the while serving with Company C, 145th Infantry church with a much-needed air-conditioning Regiment, 37th Infantry division, in action system. against enemy forces on 24 February 1945. Private DeVerle Little has reported on the progress First Class Wagner’s intrepid actions, personal of Tallahassee’s entries in the Grand National bravery and zealous Teams. After several qualifying games held at the devotion to duty local level, Connie Graunke, Byron Underwood, exemplify the Becky Overton and Tom Mookas (all from highest traditions of Tallahassee and each qualifying individually) the military forces formed a team to continue on to the District of the United States level of competition. The District 9 competition and reflect great was held in Pinellas Park (St. Petersburg). The credit upon himself, Tallahassee group were the winning team! They the 37th Infantry will advance, to represent District 9, at the next Division, and the level. Also scoring points in the GNT in Pinellas United States Army.” Park were Robert Henderson, Paul Boisvert, Joe What did July/August 2015 49 “Ernie” do? Valor. “When Company C, 145th Infantry attacked After the War, he graduated from Virginia a heavily defended concrete building during Tech as a Chemical Engineer, and over the years the last phase of the Battle for Manila, Sergeant he managed plants at several locations in the US, (***promoted by the time he received the and abroad. In fact, while managing a chemical award) Wagner, a rocket launcher operator, was plant in South Korea (as a civilian, after the war), one of the first to reach the top of the building in he taught many Koreans to play bridge! an attempt to neutralize the pillboxes thereon. Ernie Wagner has played bridge since 1944, Immediately receiving fire from two enemy with some gaps while recovering from battle emplacements at short range, he advanced, wounds, and when his wife, Nora (they were heedless of his safety, through the hail of married for 55 years) wasn’t too keen on having bullets and with accurate rocket fire, destroyed so many women call him up to be a bridge both positions and their crews. A third well- partner. fortified pillbox still remained and without Eventually, Nora relented, and Ernie got hesitation, Sergeant Wagner moved forward back into the game. After Nora’s passing, Ernie through heavy rifle, machine and grenade fire met Roxie AT to within fifteen yards of the emplacement. BRIDGE and they As it crumbled, eight Japanese fled to a small were married for ditch and continued their fire. Obtaining more 11 years. Ernie is a ammunition, Sergeant Wagner moved across Silver Life Master, the rubble-strewn area to within ten yards of the and he still plays 3-4 enemy and accurately launched a single rocket times a week. which killed all eight. Discarding the launcher, Ernie likes to he seized his rifle, and opening fire on the panic- fish, roots for the stricken Japanese below, assisted his comrades Dallas Cowboys, until the last defender was killed. Sergeant and has two sons, Wagner’s outstanding courage and inspiring Bradford and determination to destroy the enemy heedless of Marcus. his own safety exemplifies the highest traditions His Convention of the infantry.” Card states that he plays . Earnest G. Wagner won other medals: Two He is just being modest and humble. His card Purple , and the the Bronze Star with should say “Exemplary American.” 70% Club

77.08% James Jones/Jo Watford Fort Walton DBC 76.39% Patty Kattner/Jean Askew Pensacola DBC (0-199) 73.84% Paul Boisvert/Tom Mookas Tallahassee DBC 73.81% Jennie Legge/Winston Legge Pensacola DBC 73.21% Rod Fullerton/BIll Mikulus Pensacola DBC 73.21% LorraineJarboe/Daniel Jarboe Fort Walton DBC 71.80% Bob Soni/Fernando Teson Tallahassee DBC 71.76% Bob Soni/Theo Lichtenstein Tallahassee DBC 71.53% Dolores Vest/Maggie Campbell Pensacola DBC (0-199) 71.48% Steve Whitaker/Douglas Haseltine Tallahassee DBC 71.48% Ronald Fennell/Marvinette Dennis Panama City DBC 71.17% Philip Johnson/Charles Christmas Tallahassee DBC 70.83% Theo Lichtenstein/Bob Soni Tallahassee DBC 70.83% Brian Van Vliet/Cindy Van Vliet Pensacola DBC (0-99) 70.54% Toni Hudson/Bill Robb Pensacola DBC (0-299) 70.00% Gayle Marr/ Thomas Marr Fort Walton DBC 70.00% J Jody Craney/Richard Broughton Pensacola DBC (0-99)

50 Sunshine Bridge News President’s Message Susan Rowley [email protected]

President Dot Davis (Orlando) has served as Secretary of Unit 240 District 9 Representative for what must feel like ninety years! She never faltered in her Susan Rowley duties or her support for all things bridge. After more than 407-493-9091 a decade of writing minutes, welcoming new Unit members, [email protected] keeping records, reporting all details to ACBL and driving all over the Unit to attend meetings, Dot has chosen to cut back Vice President her responsibilities. District 9 Representative Candace Griffey “I just want to take care of the Membership now” 772-569-2143 [email protected] Really? That’s all? (LOL!) Dot is tireless in her efforts and we’re blessed to have her doing ‘just’ Membership! Thank you for all Secretary/SBN Liaison you have done! We’ll keep you for another ninety! Jan Greene (772) 299-4301 Never fear the Partnership Desk! Yesterday, in Orlando, a [email protected] friend played with one of his regular partners from Las Vegas! Yep, Las Vegas! They found each other five or six years ago at a Membership Partnership Desk at a National and have been playing together Dot Davis ever since! 407-671-9909 [email protected] They’ve done well together and are now good friends and ‘favorite’ partners…..Lesson learned? Don’t be shy about Treasurer/Recorder “picking up a partner” – that person could become your new John Moschella best friend! Go for it! 407-971-3118 JMoschellaUnit240@ Unit 240 Tournaments ahead: outlook.com Orlando: July 24 – 27th Board Members: Melbourne: September 5 – 7th John Caban Vero Beach: October 9 – 11th Fran Cowie Debbie Drury STaC Week: November 30 – December 6th Jane Formet Vero Beach: December 11 – 13th Martha Glassmeyer Unit 240 Orlando Regional: January 4 – 10th Linda James Millie Larkin Maureen Loeb Dick Robinson Election Chairman

July/August 2015 51 Keep It Simple by Paul W Dennis

I don’t play much bridge anymore, but at one time I traveled extensively, playing with a different partner each night, often at a different club or in a different town.

There may or may not be a best , but when picking up partners, that theoretically best bidding system, whatever it may be, just simply won’t work. You may think you know Precision, , Kaplan Sheinwold or but are you sure that the person across the table has the same understanding?

What will work is a fairly simple set of agreements that you can both remember. More match points are lost by bidding misunderstandings than are ever won through use of specialized agreements, especially in a casual partnership. With that in mind I suggest the following:

1) Play whatever it is that everyone else is playing. If the local standard is transfers with Stayman, then play that. If the local system is four-suit transfers, then go with the flow. Stick with the standard 15-17 notrump, and don’t play featherweight opening bids.

2) If you have a choice of conventions pick the one that more clearly pinpoints the suits held. Meckwell or DONT may have theoretical advantages over Brozel or Cappelletti but the latter two conventions are simpler and whatever theoretical advantages Meckwell or DONT have will usually not manifest themselves over the course of a single session.

3) If you are the more experienced player (trust me, you’ll be able to tell) play the system and conventions that partner wants to play. They may not be as good as what you would normally suggest playing, but partner will be far less likely to mess up when playing within his/her “comfort zone”

4) Exception to 3) above. If a convention or treatment is suggested that you either don’t know or don’t understand, plead ignorance and don’t let yourself get talked into playing it. The first time I ever played with the late Joe Godefrin, a very good player, he thrust at me a bristling with conventions and treatments I had never played. Eventually an auction arose where it occurred to me that his call was either a red raise, Redwood or a splinter. I guessed wrong although we landed on our feet. It turns out he had forgotten to tell me about ‘the priority of conventions’ in the event such a conflict in conventions should arise!

5) Stick with standard carding - lead fourth best as everyone knows the rule of eleven, but not everyone has mastered the rule of ten or the rule of twelve

If you work days and play your bridge at night, when you are not at your most alert, the above suggestions will pay big dividends as you’ll be able to play much of the session on autopilot and save your concentration for those situations where it is most needed. 52 Sunshine Bridge News 70% Club 78.08% Evelyn Gubitosi & Barbara Mercer Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-20 75.00% Michael Cote & Peter Prezzano Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-20 75.00% Barbara & Bob Mercer Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-20 73.39% John Hoppin & Keith Manzer Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-20 73.02% Debbie Drury & Bill Poole Vero Beach Bridge Club 72.65% John Hagood & Bunny Frey Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-499 72.45% Reanette Froboock & Debbie Drury Vero Beach Bridge Club 72.43% Bill Higgins & Yaueni Siutsau Vero Beach Bridge Club 71.88% Don and Leigh MadDougall The Moorings Club 71.69% Kathryn Martinez & Polly Tindall Beginner Bridge Orlando 0-20 71.53% Rob Colton & Jeanne Colton Vero Beach Bridge Club 71.18% David Seares & Richard Robinson Wickham Park Bridge Club 71.00% June Brotto & Ruth Einaig Orange Blossom Bridge Club 70.63% Thayer Baine & Lindsay Eakin Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-299 70.33% Ann & Robert Cooney Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-20 70.24% Bill Poole % Susan Mayo Vero Beach Bridge Club 70.08% Pat Forsdick & Gingr Winkler Vero Beach Bridge Club 70.00% Shirley Powers & Preston Straa Vero Beach Bridge Club 0-20

Thanks to the education department at Vero Beach Bridge Club there are seven pairs who had 70% games in the 0-20 point student game. Congratulations to our newest players. We are pleased to have a dedicated staff of teachers to help the new members to learn how to play bridge and to enjoy the game.

Unit 240 Managers and Directors 70% games are very special. If you have players with that percentage or higher, you can email a copy of the results to Jan Greene at jnjgreene@ bellsouth.net. The names of the players and their percentage will be in the Sunshine Bridge News. Include the date, your name and the name of your club. If you have a website please give that address as well.

Have you visited our web page lately? You might find something new there.


July/August 2015 53 54 Sunshine Bridge News July/August 2015 55 President’s Message

Keith Gellman [email protected]

President With our next regional and sectional already scheduled Keith Gellman for 12/14-12/20/15 and 2/5-2/7/16, all’s quiet on the eastern front Vice President (Unit 243). I want to use this space to explain how we schedule Marsha German tournaments. Secretary & Treasurer First, your unit has to find dates that do not conflict with other Peggy Muschett nearby tournaments. For the sake of continuity, contracts are 954-772-6686 signed several years in advance to be sure the space is available when it is needed. Unit Liaison to SBN Dwayne Hoffman Sectionals (for silver points) are typically smaller and thus dwayne.hoffman@ usually held at community centers or lodges. Sites for outlook.com Regionals (for gold and/or red points) are based mostly on last Comptroller year’s table count. Joyce Klein 954-722-1340 Second, your unit has to find “worthy” venues. Venues vary considerably based on expected table count. As the largest Board Of Directors regional in the country, Gatlinburg rents out its convention Keith Gellman center. Most other Regionals rent out ballroom space from Marsha German hotels. Harvey Hoffenberg Dwayne Hoffman Lastly, the need to change sites (venue is too small, or is in bad Peter Jargowsky shape, or its necessary to move to accommodate other units) Carmela Knauer creates havoc for your unit’s planners and the ACBL. Peggy Muschett Margery Pecoraro For too small, the ACBL has to “certify” a new hotel that they Bill Rauld think can hold the increased turn-out. If the new venue clicks, Marty Robins Hallelujah! If it doesn’t, your unit’s planners are at work again Jean Spector negotiating for a new playing site, provided we’re not locked Barbara Tate in. James Walker Eugenia Weaver I hope this helps you appreciate a very small part of what your Tournament Coordinator unit does to find the “best possible” venue, let alone host a and Webmaster tournament. TJ Singer [email protected] All the best, Legal Counsel Ted Egner 954-782-1898 Conduct & Ethics Marty Robins 954-752-0146

56 Sunshine Bridge News Unit 243 Clubs

Another Bridge Club CVE Duplicate Bridge Club Quick Tricks Gay Friendly @ Posnack JCC in Davie (Invitational) Duplicate Bridge 5850 S Pine Island Road 2400 Century Blvd. Games held at Fort Lauderdale BC Davie, FL 33328 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 700 NE 6th Terrace Duplicate Games Tuesday & Frank Cusumano, Club Manager Ft Lauderdale, FL 33304 Thursday @ 7 pm. [email protected], 954-242-6435 Jack De Crescente TJ Singer • (954) 399-1222 954-636-2050 email: [email protected] Fort Lauderdale Bridge Club [email protected] www.anotherbridgeclub.com 700 NE 6th Terrace www.quicktricksbridge.com Ft Lauderdale, FL 33304 Bonaventure Town Center Jesse Laird • 954-761-1577 Skolnick Duplicate Bridge Club 16690 Saddle Club Road email: [email protected] 800 SW 36th Avenue Weston, FL 33326 website: www.ftlbc.com Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Jim Walker • 954-593-3741 Bill Howe 954-257-5260 email: [email protected] Hollywood Bridge Club TUESDAY games resumed in www.walkersdbc.com Fred Lippman Center NOVEMBER. 2030 Polk St., Hollywood, FL 33020 Bridge Ace Sedat Nassi 954 790-3010 or Westside 2020 Wilton Drive David Reiter 954 600-1899 The Lincoln Park Center Ft. Lauderdale, FL www.hollywoodbridgeclub.com 7766 NW 44th Street Owner/Operator Rich Waugh Sunrise, FL 33351 954-303-3191 Lauderdale Yacht Club 954-749-9570 website: BRIDGEACE.COM (Invitational) www.westsidedbc.com Club Manager: Ernie Moore Century Village Pembroke Pines Wynmoor Bridge Club Duplicate Bridge Club Pompano Beach Duplicate (Invitational) (CVPP Duplicate Bridge Club) Bridge Club Lynne List • 954-257-3452 Invitational, 13300 SW 10 St. 180 SW Sixth Street Pembroke Pines 33027 Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Gitta Kastner, [email protected] 954-943-1733 Carl Cronrath, Club Manager www.pompanobridge.com Club News


Monday evening games suspended until Open games Mon-Sat at 12:30pm. November Pre-duplicated hands and hand records every day. Participation in the Common FORT LAUDERDALE BRIDGE CLUB Game with clubs all over the country. Supervised play Tues at 12:30 with David.For Upcoming Events lesson schedules Check out our website or call Sedat/David. Bagels with cream cheese, Friday, July 3 at 11:30am – 4th of July BBQ cookies, and candy daily. and Game July 5-11 – Red Points (NAP +$1 additional POMPANO BEACH DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB card fee) Sunday July 12 – Pro-am Fundraising game Light lunch every day, $3.00 at 11:30am Wednesday, July 15 at 6:30pm – ACBL (Noon on Sunday) International Fund Game Games daily: 0-750 Tues, Thurs & Sat 9am Sunday, July 26 at 1pm – Swiss Teams Open games every aft., 12:30pm, Sun. 1pm August 17-23 – Silver Points (STaC +$1 Open evening games, Mon. and Fri., 7pm. additional card fee) Intermediate lesson Mondays 10am September 3-7 – Annual Labor Day Beginner lessons Wed. 10am and 7pm Tournament Advanced lessons Tuesdays 4pm. September 3-7 – 0 to 500 Limited Sectional (Silver Points) July 4 cookout 11:30am, game at 12:30pm. July/August 2015 57 Remembering Rhoda The Fort Lauderdale Bridge Club mourns the loss of its longtime manager, Rhoda Schreider. For over 20 years, Rhoda was the heart and soul of the Fort Lauderdale Bridge Club. She helped transform a small bridge club into one of the best in the nation. She daily brought her love of entertaining and cooking into the club, welcoming all and providing a second home replete with holiday meals. Rhoda with her daughter Suzie preparing Christmas Dinner (2003) Always mindful of those less fortunate, her own birthday celebration became an annual charitable food drive at the bridge club. Every year we donated hundreds of pounds of food in her name.

During her time as Club Manager (1988- 2008), the Club was among the top ten in table count and in 2002 won the Jane Johnson Club of the Year Award. She enforced Zero Tolerance and was quick to move beginner players out of the “small” room and into the open game, like it or not.

She was very pleasant to all the bridge players and hosted many holiday and charity events. Rhoda with Ernie Moore (2005) Every weekend you could find her at the club preparing her fabulous Saturday supper and brunch on Sundays.

On June 7th, the club hosted a tribute to her life with a free brunch for those who brought in canned goods for the local food bank. Over 100 people came to remember Rhoda and how she made the Fort Lauderdale Bridge Club a happier place to play bridge.

Rhoda with Al Levin, celebrating his 100th birthday (2009)

58 Sunshine Bridge News 70% Club 76.00% Blanche Weinberg & Hy Kurtz Cent. Vill. 75.64% Mina Akhnoukh - Richard Gross Ft Lauderdale 75.58% Dave & Evelyn Kirsh Cent. Vill. 74.58% Joan Kaplan & Walter Burssens Ft Lauderdale 73.42% Blanche Weinberg & Frank Cusimano Cent. Village 73.38% Ed Rauch & Gulshan Singh Pompano 73.20% Guido Delgado & Bob Purinton Pompano 73.15% Edith Dannenberg & Gloria Gottesfeld Pompano 72.92% Naseem Farooq & Bob Schwedel Pompano 72.90% Bill Vengeful & Ken Slump Ft Lauderdale 72.66% Susan Cohen & Nancy Starr Pompano 72.22% John Garger & Neill Hirst Quick Tricks 72.08% Gloria Gottesfeld & Dorothy Hobbs Pompano 72.02% Dave & Evelyn Kirsh Cent. Vill. 71.88% Shelly Salvi & Milton Jacobs Pompano 71.88% Harriet & Hack Berman Pompano 71.33% Dolores Gracie & Blanche Weinberg Cent. Vill. 71.30% Edith Denenberg & M.L. Steuer Pompano 71.22% Gloria Sitt & Evelyn Hedaya Hollywood 70.67% John Albright & Lee Atkinson Ft Lauderdale 70.56% Lucy Nepveu & Robert Thibault Cent. Vill. 70.55% Doris Lawrence & Millie Oster Bonaventure 70.37% Bill Cohen & Walter Burssens Ft Lauderdale 70.33% Melvin Ginsberg & Adrian Boisclair Pompano 70.28% Janet Weins & Tom Myers Ft Lauderdale 70.19% Fella Oppenheim & Marilyn Millstone Hollywood

July/August 2015 59 Rank Changes

Paula Hubbard, Sharada Shankar- Charlotte Hapak, Gulf May: Tallahassee Alducin, Palm Beach Stream Eileen Hunt, Manalapan Barbara Sill, Naples Sandra Hartman, Delray Junior Master Lana Jackemeyer, Lehigh Ted Simon, Palm Bch Beach Judi Adler, Longboat Key Acres Gdns Sharon Haydon, Merritt Rosemary Anderson, Maisie Jenkins, Fleming Gail Singer, Royal Plm Island Welaka Island Beach John Hessian, Vero Beach Elayne Arenberg, Boca Sharon Johnson, Naples Suzanne Stearn, Atlantic Doris Hotaling, Maitland Raton Suzi Johnson, Tallahassee Beach Joan Ireland, Naples Ruth Bell, Boca Raton Charles Jucht, Hallandale Yvonne Stock, Orange Michael Johnson, Naples Nancy Berkley, Palm Bch Bch Park Trudy Kalen, Lighthouse Gdns Rita Kaplo, Naples Nina Tache, Hollywood Pt Joan Boylan, Palm City Kevin Kenney, Ana Vandijk, Vero Beach Lynn Kalil, Vero Beach Mary Bradshaw, Fort Summerfield Barry Volkman, Lake Gloria Katz, Boca Raton Myers Tedda King, N Palm Worth Ruth Kent, Sarasota James Briley, Lecanto Beach Ellen Walsh, Sarasota Dee Kirkbride, Delray Jack Buffington, Naples Leonard Kizner, Tampa Susan Weis, Ormond Beach Peggy Campbell, Barbara Knight, The Beach Elaine Kovalsky, Palm Sarasota Villages Steve Wells, Cape Coral Bch Gdns Kristie Carter, The Edmond Knoeppel, Vero Phil Whitney, Palm Coast Beryl Langley, Bradenton Villages Beach Donalee Wilkinson, Robert Lavender, Roslyn Cohen, Boca Sidney Korn, Lake Worth Ormond Beach Middleburg Raton Mauricio Kreimerman, Marykay Williams, Shirley Lehman, Betsy Connell, Naples Aventura Bonita Springs Aventura Ernest Costantino, Fort Gordon Lamb, Palm City Club Master Judy Long, Boca Raton Lauderdale Donald Lavin, Lady Lake Michaline Lubeskie, Linda Abele, Tallahassee Jody Craney, Pensacola Russel Lilliston, Debary Hudson Susan Baynard, Nelson Cusher, Boynton Stanley Lutz, Wesley Lana McBride, Naples Brooksville Beach Chapel Alice McClelland, Hobe Claudia Bliss, Ponte June Duke, Naples Francis Lynch, Naples Sound Vedra Dorsey Dumas, Venice Mary Jo Mahaven, Jim McConnell, Vero Marilyn Blough, Osprey Jill Ericson, The Villages Jacksonville Beach Gary Bowron, The Charleen Evans-Thomas, Kathryn Martinez, Carol McCracken, Palm Villages Ormond Beach Winter Park Beach Yvonne Cobb, Winter Carol Fike, Port Orange Anne McAllister, Stuart Kaye McGlothin, Park Peggy Frailey, Winter Audrey Mockus, Bonita Williston Mary Collins, Vero Beach Park Springs Ahmed Meligi, Cocoa Robert Corl Jr, Boca Nicholas Galitzine, Judith Moreau, Debary Sheri Merriam, Orlando Grande Naples William Mortenson, Vero Paul Miller, University Terry Couttie, Estero Audrey Gorter, Hobe Beach Park Frank Dalessandro, Sound John G. Moschella, Barry Moore, Boynton Jacksonville William Gruenwald, Winter Springs Beach Bette Dalzell, Vero Beach Sarasota John Nelson, Palm Renee Nadel, Boca Raton Darlene Decklever, John Gurganious, Harbor Lee Ned, The Villages Naples Jacksonville Donald Niles, Fort Gail Newell, Hudson Carole Dempsey, Fort Barbara Harris, Palm Bch Lauderdale Marcia Rabb, Sarasota Myers Gdns Deborah O’Duggan, Melinda Renuart, Coral Daniel Dougherty, Judith Harrison, Alford Naples Gables Longwood Richard Herzog, Naples Sandra Orr, Naples Jo Robbins, Boynton Hilda Emerson, Naples Prentiss Higgins, Naples Ken Patwari, Melbourne Beach Michael Gale, Coconut Carol Hoover, Treasure Anita Plaia, Stuart Ralph Roberge, Lakeland Creek Island Len Platt, Hobe Sound Emily Robinson, Orlando Kristine Geddings, Cherie Hopson, Fort Barbara Roberts, Naples Carole Rosen, Palm Bch Jacksonville Myers Amelia Salmon, Miami Gdns Sara Gray, Tallahassee Mary Hoyer, Naples Jean Sampson, Naples Sarah Salizzoni, Winston Ruthanna Groseclose, Robert Hoyer, Naples Julie Sedgwick, Naples Salem NC Ponte Vedra Bch Sue Sherwin, Naples

60 Sunshine Bridge News Lynn Sorensen, Deland Elizabeth Lewis, Ormond William Cohen, Fort R Debra Fream, Fort Janet Spatz, Longwood Beach Lauderdale Lauderdale Samuel Spear Jr, Delray Vicki Mace, Bonita Terrance Deag, Beverly Greear, Winter Beach Springs Bradenton Park Joan Stark, Boca Raton Clancy McKay, Naples Michael Friedlander, Deborah Leach, Sorrento J Sungenis, Ormond Jane Michelin, Sun City Palm Bch Gdns Doreen MacMillan, Beach Center Francis Grace, Orlando Naples Catherine Teti, Tampa Karen Miller, University Mary Jahn, Tavares Susan Pyner, Coral Bette Todd, Celebration Park Barbara Jenkins, Boca Springs Susan Totilas, Tallahassee Barbara Norman, Grande Donald Richards, Peter Vaas, Tampa Sarasota Brenda Kefauver, Naples Kissimmee Joel Von Spreckelsen, Jean Oglethorpe, Vero John Lally, Naples Lawrence Rogers, Winter Land O Lakes Beach Alan Lapides, Boynton Park Michael Waskew, Amelia Myrna Oreilly, Marco Beach Sharon Sutton, Island Island Gail Lauterstein, Boca Melbourne John Wilde, Tampa Martin Ostrow, Lake Raton Martha Van Allen, Gulf Lori Willner, Tallahassee Worth Andrea Leven, Boca Stream Carol Sam Yeazle, The Dick Parke, Jacksonville Raton Peggy Yeager, Naples Villages Bc Bruce Maier, Tampa Bronze Life Rochelle Youngelman, Frank Pietro II, Fort Barbara Mehnert, Sarasota Myers Sarasota Master Gladys Zitelli, Sebring Sharon Schmidt, Naples Gerri Murray, Palm City Norman Bluth, Sectional Claudie Speed, Charles Ohsiek, Laud Hollywood Fernandina Lakes Trella Bromley, Master Roberta Stone, Boynton Marilyn Parmet, Palm Jacksonville Jim Andreotti, Estero Beach Bch Gdns Michael Cokus, Toby Bartosh, Palm Bch Beverly Stormoen, Monica Phillips, Key Homosassa Gdns Amelia Island Largo Wendy Fogelman, Boca Bernard Boucher, Regional Master Andrea Sharp, Miami Raton Pompano Beach Marilyn Sopka, Coconut R Debra Fream, Fort Patricia Ciccarelli, The Alan Brents, Lake Mary Grove Lauderdale Villages Georgelle Burns, Naples Clarinda Stewart, Stuart John Harlowe, Tampa Susan Cohen, Lake Worth Teresa Cacioppo, Miami Evelyn Vertucci, Palm Fern Lindsay, Palm Beach Jack Degiacomo, Safety John Carlson III, The Bch Gdns Greg McKeown, Sun City Harbor Villages Deanne Wardeberg, Center Patty Garvy, Palm Beach Kim Casey, Weeki Naples Esther Rosenberg, Palm Dorothy Harris, Orlando Wachee Polly Webb, Lakewood Beach Theresa Hernandez, Melvin Cohen, Boynton Ranch Beth Stephens, Naples Hillsboro Beach Beach Denise White, Palm City Terry Strecansky, Bonita Louise Hirsch, Boca Stavros Darivas, Winter Springs Raton Adv NABC Park Peggy Yeager, Naples Linda Izenson, Tamarac Angela Dirkis, South Master Patty Kattner, Gulf Breeze Silver Life Pasadena Satish Konduri, Sanford Sarann Kraushaar, Judith Elkin, Brooksville Jean Leibert, Miami Naples Master Mel Esman, Jacksonville Stephen Saker, Richard Benedict, Terry McBride, Pompano Jean Gilbert, Naples Longwood Bradenton Beach Antoinette Harding, Morris Schachne, Irma Braman, Indian Geri Michelsen, Fort Bonita Springs Boynton Beach Creek Vl Lauderdale Jerry Harris, Tallahassee Lee Weiner, Fernandina Ruth Farrar, Naples Loretta Neff, Fort Bethann Kassman, Bch John Guerra, Naples Lauderdale Naples Joe Welch, Sarasota John Terris Hagan, New Robert Thompson, Vero Andrew Kelly, The Mary Welch, Sarasota Smyrna Bch Beach Villages Life Master Paul Horn, Lakewood Stan Kraushaar, Naples NABC Master Ranch Janis Bonvino, Margate Pamela Krueger, Saint Marlene Aron, Boca Merle Lundy, Cooper City Jane Carusone, Mount Augustine Raton Dora Mimsi Brenner, Boca Gold Life Master David Duffy, N Fort Myers Conner Boyd, Key West Raton July/August 2015 61 Rank Changes

Charles Christmas, Judy Halpin, Bonita Marguerite Savage, Roselois Jacobs, Boca Tallahassee Springs Jacksonville Raton Chris Kindt, Orlando Vici Hamm, Bonita Deanne Schaffner, Everett Kavanaugh, Robert Murphy, Naples Springs Longwood Upper Key Largo Gerty Nassi, Aventura William Harper, Lois Shope, Naples Martha Kavanaugh, Gerry Panos, Hudson Longboat Key Joel Siegel, Boca Raton Upper Key Largo John Shufelt, Naples Ronald Hyatt, University Jack Sieling, Pinellas Park Ron Kawesch, Boynton Pauline Sirota, Boynton Park Roy Steffen, Ocala Beach Beach Ruthy Hyatt, University Mary Bell Streetman, Gloria Kenney, John Stansbury, The Park Longwood Summerfield Villages Nancy Jaffe, The Villages Irene Walsh, Englewood Susan Krier, The Villages Emerald Life Rosemary Justice, Boca Vera Walton, Clearwater Mary Laplante, Raton Patricia Williams, Gainesville Master J Donna Karpa, Naples Boynton Beach Thomas Malone, Palm Susan Miller, Boca Raton Evelyn Katz, Boynton Club Master City Beach Rashida Mamujee, Miami Corinne Ansel, Boynton Peggy Keene, Mount Lakes June: Beach Dora Deborah May, Sun City Dee Banker, West Palm Pamela Knous, Bonita Center Beach Junior Master Springs Rochelle McKinney, Barry Aronson, Tampa Marilyn Blank, Palm Bch Bunny Korn, Boca Raton Bloomfield MI Gene Balis, Tampa Gdns Roz Ladov, West Palm Pauline Mendez, Boca C J Berwick, Key Largo Sandra Blank, Lake Beach Grande Carol Boagey, Ponte Worth Sally Larrow, Palm Coast William Pike, Naples Vedra Bch Henry Bright, Nokomis Sue Lass, Naples Marilyn Riedel, Sarasota Byllye Boardman, Lady Doris Britton, Boca Raton Albert Makem, Silver Pamela Rubinstein, Lake Susan Brown, Altamonte Springs Tampa Eddie Boron, Leesburg Spg Joe Marks, Boynton Betty Smith, Pensacola Roberta Breene, Stuart Neil Copeland, Palm Beach Dean Sparks, Vero Beach Cindy Brown, Fort Myers Coast Carol Martin, Longwood Marion Speer, Boca Ruth Brown, Gainesville Harold Copperman, Douglas Mathieson, Boca Raton Vance Chrystal, Naples Raton Marilyn Stafford, Palm Jacksonville John Crane Jr, Pace Kathy McQuarrie, Naples City Evelyn Cohen, Deerfield Ruth Davis, Marianna Gayle Michalak, Dana Stearn, Boca Raton Beach G Sanford De Beck, Gainesville John Sushko, Fort Myers Gloria Creviston, Delray Sarasota Barbara June Milligan, Sherina Tiberia, Bonita Beach Katie Debois, Palm City Tallahassee Springs Agnes Danciger, Galina Doubinina, Port Robert Milligan, Charlotte Tingen, Jacksonville Charlotte Tallahassee Atlantic Beach Athena Economou, Palm Kenneth Eisenberg, Palm Stanley Munafo, The James Tulenko, Bch Gdns Beach Villages Gainesville Janie Elliott, Ormond Joseph Ende, Boca Raton Hugh O’Neill, Fort Rita Waldorf, Boca Raton Beach Judith Fairweather, Lauderdale Frank Winders, Vero John Elliott, Ormond Winter Park Therese O’Rourke, Stuart Beach Beach Mary Gibson, Longwood Leslie Phillips, Vero Mary Wollaston, Naples Ellen Erenstein, Boynton Hank Goodman, Palm Beach Mary Jo Yates, Tampa Beach Bch Gdns Susan Porteous, Vero Emily Zeidan, Brooksville Jeffrey Feibelman, Sharon Goral, Cocoa Beach Hollywood Beach Sectional Paula Quinn, Lakewood Constance Feola, Tomasz Goral, Cocoa Ranch Master Ormond Beach Beach Ronald Ray, Tallahassee Gerald Allen, Delray Leonard Grand, Fort Junko Hemus, Anthony Reed, Poinciana Beach Lauderdale Windermere Thomas Rooney, Vero Gabriel Basil, The Willie Gray, Chicago IL Pat Hershock, Palm Coast Beach Villages Robert Greenberg, Janet Howard, Delray Kenneth Rosenberg, Fort Fran Brozman, Naples Naples Beach Myers Dot Camboni, Holmes Michael Grove, Palm Bch Sheila Iodice, Vero Beach Beach Gdns 62 Sunshine Bridge News Barbara Clougherty, Lorne Becker, Dade City Michael Lynch, Saint Lulie Eide, Naples Naples Richard Canton, Naples Augustine Carol Gunter, Sun City Rosemary Copeland, Venu Chintam, A Carol Payette, The Center Jacksonville Tallahassee Villages Arlene Hevia, Tampa Mary Figg, Lutz Bettyjane Chiota, The Margaret Sarno, The Judith Kortier, Hudson Patricia Finnen, Naples Villages Villages Tommy Matrangos, Pamela Folsom, Lakeland Janice Collins, Tavares Jo Anne Sielaff, Oviedo John Garger, Fort Betty Curry Johnson, Bradenton Morris Schachne, Lauderdale Sarasota Howard Smith, Tampa Boynton Beach Leonard Greenberg, Boca Martha Ginzl, Estero Adv NABC Ellie Schwartz, Palm Bch Raton Leslie Gutman, Boca Gdns Stephen Greene, Raton Master Colette Sears, Venice Lakewood Ranch Judy Hanson, Dade City Howard Braun, Silver Life Basil Hakki, Portland OR Alice Harper, Longboat Clearwater Maria Hakki, Portland OR Key Hilary Davis, Tampa Master Cynthia Lalas, Pensacola Bonnie Johnson, Naples Marlene Flament, Edward Carrington, David Lebar, Port St Lucie Wayne Johnson, Sarasota Oldsmar Bradenton Bob Martin, The Villages Robin Kwiat, Delray William Fleischman, David Goldstein, Naples Bob Matthews, The Beach Leesburg Steve Hayskar, Port St Villages Leyse Lowry, Jacksonville Alvin Kimbrough, Lucie Shelva McPhatter, Palm Bennie Jo Murray, Panama City Jackie Jones, Apopka Coast Lakeland Victor Lawrence, Osprey Nancy Little, Morriston Bernadette Cheryl Olson, Fort Myers Life Master Anita McCloskey, Naples Meisenheimer, Cathy Peters, Belleair Elisha Najjar, Sandra Ainsworth, The Lakewood Ranch Stephen Richman, Boca Raton Villages Kathleen Muniz, Naples Boynton Beach Ned Rosenthal, Boca Bette Batson, Fort Myers Nancy Neiman, Coral Mary Ruggles, Longboat Raton Patricia Black, Lakeland Springs Key Sidney Sapakie, Naples Bunny Brogdon, Port Mike O’Connor, Sanford Cressey Sayre, Miramar Toni Schultz, New Port Saint Joe Warren Randall, Debary Beach Richey Kathleen Catanzaro, Vero Patricia Schroeder, Jane Seeley, Naples Steven Schwarzwaelder, Beach Sarasota Kathleen Silverman, Sarasota Mary Lee Cremean, Sun Romelle Schwartz, Boca Naples Daniel Shoemaker, City Center Raton Marjorie Slott, Coral Sarasota Janis Foster, Spring Hill Linda Seay, Orlando Gables Henry White, East Carol Gunter, Sun City Nancy Skinner, Estero Norman Spitzer, Lake Hampton NY Center Donald Sklansky, Vero Worth Arlene Hevia, Tampa Beach Robert Tolpa, The Gold Life Master William McClure, Dale Eadie, Royal Plm Diane Spalding, Naples Villages Longboat Key Beach Martin Spiro, Boynton Libbie Vollmer, Boynton Silvia Rich, Coral Gables Pat Gregory, Deland Beach Beach Mickey Riemondy, Patrick Heading, Robert Stormoen, Amelia Donna Wilson, Venice Indialantic Ormond Beach Island NABC Master Morris Schachne, Charles Huston, Naples David Tauzel, Port William Airth Jr, Orlando Boynton Beach Garry Schuemann, Orange Vicki Balmer, Spring Hill Philip Smith, Venice Naples John Teti, Tampa Lee Bloch, Pittsford NY Robin Turba, James Somma, New Port Dudley Thomas, Palm Mark Bruce, Ocala Summerfield Richey Coast Clare Desjarlais, The Amy Lou Waters, Sanibel Wilhelm Ziemann, The Silke Van Ness, Delray Villages Margaret Zielinski, Villages Beach Midge Fryer, Penn Yan Spring Hill George Victor, Palm Bch NY Diamond Life Gdns Bronze Life Suzanne Garrard, Master Regional Master Jacksonville Master T Fitzsimmons, Davie Stephanie Athens, Edith Hill, Jacksonville Kathleen Catanzaro, Vero Emerald Life Orange Park Lewis Himelhoch, Beach Wayland Barber, Belleair Orlando Nancy Cohen, Fort Master Joy Becker, Dade City Marie Lachance, Viera Lauderdale Sharon Horton, Lakeland July/August 2015 63

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