Mr Jeremy Cooke Southern Division Rathkeltair House Market Street Downpatrick BT30 6AJ

Telephone: 028 44618141 Fax:

Email: Trafficnorthdownardards

Being dealt with by: Michael Scott Direct Line: (028) 4461 8144

Our Ref: EIR DRD/ 2016-0050

Date: 16 February 2016

Dear Mr Cooke


Thank you for your e-mail letter dated 4 February 2016 to the Department Information Management Unit, in which you request, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) Act 2000, information held by the Department in relation to the ongoing construction of a proposed cycle path along the East Circular road Bangor, between the and Gransha Roundabouts. As this issue falls within my offices area of responsibility, I have been asked to reply directly to you.

You have specifically asked for the following information:

 a copy of the document or survey which shows the need for the improvements along this route;

 the estimated or actual costs of the current works installing the new Cycle Route?

In considering your request on behalf of the Department I have determined that the information requested falls under the aegis of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, as opposed to the FOI Act 2000.

A guide explaining the Environmental Information Regulations can be found at: are-the-eir/.

The Bicycle Strategy for , published in August 2015, outlined the Department's plans to support the use of the bicycle as a mode of transport for everyday journeys. The strategy highlighted plans, not only to develop urban networks and interurban greenways, but to build on opportunities that arise from other transport interventions as they are taken forward across Northern Ireland.

See attached link for your information:

A draft Bicycle Network Plan is currently being developed for and plans other urban area will follow over the coming years. The basis of these plans is to develop a network of safe and direct routes, which make choosing the bicycle an attractive mode of travel. It is anticipated that the urban routes will comprise of primary routes such as the East Circular Road which largely mirror the arterial road networks combined with quiet streets which links communities to the primary routes, schools, shops and services. These are especially important to those who do not have access to a car or cannot drive such as children.

The recent works on the Gransha Road and on-going work on East Circular Road take forward the opportunities to build upon links to and from communities to encourage more active travel journeys. As well as cycling opportunities the Department also takes forward work to encourage more sustainable journeys to and from school. Other schemes along the Bangor Ring road may be promoted in future years as budgets allow. No survey data is available prior to commencement of our current scheme but the existing footpath network along the East Circular remains popular with pedestrians and cyclists alike. It may be worth noting that counts are not necessarily demonstrative of the potential usage of a scheme, similar schemes and initiatives promoted within the Department over recent years have proved popular and worthwhile and we will continue to improve the road network, particularly focusing on vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.

Estimated cost for the ongoing works is £160k. Scheme is due completion by mid March 2016 when final construction costs will be known.

I believe that the information supplied in response to your request is full and complete. If you have any queries on its content, we would be happy to deal with them. Please contact either myself or Heather Bradley (Senior Engineer) at the above telephone number in the first instance.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to:

Chris Galbraith Departmental Information Manager Room 5.10 Clarence Court 10-18, Adelaide Street Belfast BT2 8GB

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

The supply of information under the Environmental Information Regulations does not give the recipient or organisation that receives it the automatic right to reuse it in any way that would infringe copyright. This includes, for example, making multiple copies, publishing issuing copies to the public. Permission to re-use the information must be obtained in advance from the Controller of HMSO who has responsibility for the licensing of Crown Copyright material. For further details on how to apply for a licence please see:

Copyright in other documents may rest with a third party. For information about obtaining permission from a third party please see the Intellectual Property Office’s website:

Yours sincerely

Michael Scott Traffic and Network Development

Cc Claire Mulvenna – Cycling Unit